Friday, August 14, 2015

14 August - Blogs I'm Following

Example of firewall function: Blocking spyware...Example of firewall function: Blocking spyware/adware communiction from inside to outside. Allowing sending DNS requests and receiving answers. Allowing HTTP communication with WWW server. Blocking attacks from outside to ports used by Microsoft Windows. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Cows for Eid ul-Adha, Indonesia Bahas...English: Cows for Eid ul-Adha, Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia: Persiapan menjelang penyembelihan hewan kurban pada Idul Adha (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10:22pm MDST

Keutamaan Kurban Menurut Ajaran Agama Islam

D'lumberz Jakz at Yaya Blog's - 38 minutes ago
Keutamaan Kurban Menurut Ajaran Agama Islam | sebenarnya memang tidak ada hadist yang menerangkan Keutamaan Kurban di dalam islam, selain kesungguhan dan juga keikhlasan dalam melakukan ibadah kurban itu sendiri pada saat idul adha nanti, namun ada sabda nabi yang mengatakan :  Tidak ada amalan anak Adam pada Hari Kurban yang lebih dicintai Allah ketimbang berkurban. Hewan kurban itu akan datang

Important News For Everyone: Windows 10 Is SPYWARE!

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 48 minutes ago
I have yet to be sold on this new "Windows 10" program, and have not "upgraded" most of my laptops and desktops to this newest Microsoft version.... I have said in my last two rants for everyone to be careful of this "latest and greatest" creation by Microsoft, and to be weary of all the hype about the upgrade being "free"... Nothing is free, and I look at the producers of this latest operating system as the usual crooks and liars, and that they have created this "Windows 10" program for some very nefarious reasons... I have long suspected that Windows 10 is in fact spyware... There... more »

Cara Penyembelihan Hewan Qurban Dalam Islam

Chazy Chazz at Yaya Blog's - 1 hour ago
Cara Penyembelihan Hewan Qurban Dalam Islam - Bagi anda yang ingin berqurban, maka ada baiknya jika anda melakukan sendiri proses penyembelihannya. agar lebih menyempurnakan ibadah yang anda lakukan, karena memang dalam syariat islam juga telah dianjurkan bagi orang yang ingin berqurban itu dianjurkan untuk menyembelih sendiri hewan yang akan diqrubankan. namun hal tersebut juga tergantung dari

North American Animal Decline Since Fukushima

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 hour ago
The biological effects of Fukushima contamination are likely to extend far beyond Japan. The use of seawater to cool the reactors produced spherical, uranium peroxide clusters called buckyballs, which are noted for their durability and transportability. Radioactive Sulfur-35 (35S) was detected in Southern California from 20-28 March 2011. The researchers concluded that neutron leakage transformed salt water chlorine (35Cl) into radioactive 35S through a process of multistage decay. During roughly that same time period, separate researchers from California State Long Beach sampli... more »

Use edges and value the marginal

risa bear at A Way to Live - 1 hour ago
Here is one of twelve collages on The Permaculture Principles and how they might be applied, especially in the maritime Pacific Northwest. Concepts from David Holmgren's Essence of Permaculture. *Eleven*. "Use edges and value the marginal." 1. Go out to where either your greens have made a whole lot of big side foliage you don't use at table, or have gone to seed producing volunteers (volunteer chard shown), and gather about forty leaves. 2. Stuff your Excelsior or Excalibur or solar dehydrator with them. 3. When they're brittle, fish them out and strip dry matter from midribs.... more »

ANALYSIS: The Consistent — and Not So Seamless — Ethic of Life

RJ Moeller at The Stream - 1 hour ago
Archbishop Blaise Cupich’s appeal to Cardinal Bernardin’s “seamless garment” approach to the “ethic of life” is flawed on several counts. In an August 3rd Chicago Tribune article, Archbishop Blaise Cupich of Chicagosuggested that the widespread outrage ignited by the revelations... The post ANALYSIS: The Consistent — and Not So Seamless — Ethic of Life appeared first on The Stream.

Embassies reopen in Havana and Washington, and Jeb! and Young Marco go nuts

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 2 hours ago
*In Havana:* *In Washington, D.C.:* *by Ken* A flag-raising there, a flag-raising here, and the U.S. and Cuba have restored diplomatic relations. In Havana we hear Secretary of State Kerry, the highest-ranking U.S. official to visit Cuba since the Roosevelt administration, saying sensibly: The establishment of normal diplomatic relations is not something that one government does as a favor for another. It's something that two countries do together when the citizens of both will benefit. This didn't stop Jeb! Bush and Marco Rubio from going nuts, but then, that's not a terribly ... more »

Number One

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 2 hours ago

Cry The Tears

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 3 hours ago
I listen for Truth For truth speaks softly It is not boastful nor proud Truth whispers low Solemn quiet It wraps around Like Smoke Subtle and free Truth Knows no Boundaries No limits Truth Speaks From within Not without It floats In the spaces Of dreams It is not angry or vengeful Truth simply is It cannot Be hidden Nor disguised Truth Shines Like iridescent Dew It rests Within Your heart Of hearts Truth Unchanged Living The promise As it was so It shall Be Cry The Tears Dreamwalker Lakota


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 3 hours ago
*Chicago Tribune columnist: "What I was thinking" ~Kevin Allman, Gambit * *Final hospitalized victim from Lafayette theater shooting released Friday ~Danielle Maddox, The Acadiana Advocate *

The Age of Transition and Scientism Fraud

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 3 hours ago
*Jay Dyer* - The case against modern science is growing with every revelation of fraud. The post The Age of Transition and Scientism Fraud appeared first on Waking Times.

Proof that the USA is Controlled by Foreign Corporations

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 4 hours ago
*Pao L. Chang* - Do you know who the 4 largest criminal corporations are? The post Proof that the USA is Controlled by Foreign Corporations appeared first on Waking Times.

Can UK hug socialism again?

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 4 hours ago
One thing I appreciate about many European socialists is that they are more honest. Like Jeremy Corbyn, he's not hiding his socialism philosophy just to be popular. Not that I'm a fan of socialism. I'm for capitalism. *"Corbyn has hinted at a return to Clause IV, a Labour manifesto pledge committing the party to public ownership of industry that was scrapped by Blair in 1995...* *suggesting the “Big Six” energy companies should also be taken back under state control....* *significantly increasing spending on the National Health Service — rely on the potential to recoup revenue lost... more »

Two Great Voices

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 4 hours ago
In this episode of Days of Revolt host Chris Hedges continues his conversation with Dr. Cornel West to discuss the way in which the black prophetic tradition has been supplanted by black elitism and individualism.

Kiev Increases Shelling of Civilians

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 4 hours ago
The US puppet regime in Kiev steps up the shelling of innocent civilian neighborhoods in Donetsk in eastern Ukraine. The US-NATO goal remains the same - force Russia to directly intervene to protect the people in the Donbass which would give the green light for further US-NATO military ops in the area. Will the American people wake up and smell the coffee?

Lord of the Rings Actor Blasts How Society Treats Christians and Warns What Price We’ll Pay for It

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 4 hours ago
During a guest spot on ‘The Adam Carolla Show’ on Monday, actor John Rhys-Davies delivered some compelling statements regarding Christianity, political correctness and his belief that the world seems to have “lost its moral compass completely.” While discussing World War II —... The post *Lord of the Rings* Actor Blasts How Society Treats Christians and Warns What Price We’ll Pay for It appeared first on The Stream.

Police Using Biometrics on Americans… Without Consent in Unaccountable Database

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 4 hours ago
*Aaron Dykes* - The future already holds a bleak outlook for privacy. The post Police Using Biometrics on Americans… Without Consent in Unaccountable Database appeared first on Waking Times.

Moon Rising

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 4 hours ago

Ellen Brown: "Argentina was the richest country in Latin America before decades of neoliberal and IMF-imposed economic policies drowned it in debt. A severe crisis in 2001 plunged it into the largest sovereign debt default in history." Although it renegotiated it's debt the opportunist "vulture funds" held out for 100 cents on the dollar. "In June 2014, the US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal of a New York court’s order blocking payment to the other creditors until the vulture funds had been paid."

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 4 hours ago
------------------------------ Cry for Argentina: Fiscal Mismanagement, Odious Debt or Pillage? Posted on August 12, 2014 by Ellen Brown *Argentina has now taken the US to The Hague for blocking the country’s 2005 settlement with the bulk of its creditors. The issue underscores the need for an international mechanism for nations to go bankrupt. Better yet would be a sustainable global monetary scheme that avoids the need for sovereign bankruptcy.* Argentina was the richest country in Latin America before decades of neoliberal and IMF-imposed economic policies drowned it in debt. A ... more »

Ann Kirkpatrick In Arizona? Don't Waste Your Time

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 5 hours ago
Arizona needs a REAL choice, not 2 conservatives Ann Kirkpatrick is a New Dem congresswoman from a swing district in Arizona, and the DSCC recruited her to run against John McCain for Senate. AZ-01 is immense, covering nearly half the state and the gigantic Navajo Reservation. The district is bigger than the state of Pennsylvania. There is a 10-point Democratic registration advantage, but Democratic candidates have been unable to rally voters and the PVI is R+4. McCain won the district against Obama with 51% and Romney won with 50%. Kirkpatrick won the seat in 2008 after Republican R... more »

Putting the Control Back in Birth Control

Kathryn Jean Lopez at The Stream - 5 hours ago
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Zeba Haydar convinced herself she didn’t like children. The 32-year-old graduate of Ohio State University had been told at age 19 that she would never be able to have a baby. I’m talking to her at the first... The post Putting the Control Back in Birth Control appeared first on The Stream.

Does Hillary Think Online Education is the Same as For-Profit Education?

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 5 hours ago
The wording of Hillary Clinton’s recently-announced plan for reforming American higher education is raising questions about whether Clinton really knows that much about the issue. In her campaign’s write-up of her proposed “New College Compact,” released Monday, Clinton declares firmly that “We must... The post Does Hillary Think Online Education is the Same as For-Profit Education? appeared first on The Stream.

Editor's Note

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
Just a reminder note. I am travelling overseas for the next 12 days (I will be back on August 22). Blogging will be light .... but when I have time I will post what I can.

A Look At How U.S. Special Forces Took Out A Syrian Based Operation To Bring Fighters Into Iraq

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
Syrian President Bashar Assad speaks during an interview with French magazine Paris Match, in Damascus *Jack Murphy, Business Insider/SOFREP*: *Here's how US special-ops spies caught Assad letting jihadis pass through Syria to kill Americans* After the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the US military, the regime of Bashir Assad gave de facto permission to foreign-fighter networks operating in Syria to cross into Iraq via a clandestine ratline. There, they would kill and maim American soldiers. Such a move was hardly unprecedented; during the same timeframe, he allowed the Kurdish PKK safe ... more »

NY Fracking Ban Impoverishing Rural Towns

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 5 hours ago
New York’s ban on hydraulic fracturing is great news for environmentalists, but horrible news for those living upstate who are seeing their economic opportunities fade as the state government closes the door on drilling. A recent report by the state comptroller found... The post NY Fracking Ban Impoverishing Rural Towns appeared first on The Stream.

Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Lady Labyrinth” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
Ludovico Einaudi, “Lady Labyrinth” - Ludovico Einaudi, “The Royal Albert Hall Concert” - *Magnificent!*

Chuck Todd Asks: Why Not Just Turn Over a Blank Server Six Months Ago?

Al Perrotta at The Stream - 5 hours ago
Well, there are at least a few potential answers to Chuck Todd’s question on Morning Joe today: Hillary Clinton is a terrible strategist. They’re not sure the server will stay blank. The Clintons think they’re above the law. They assumed the... The post Chuck Todd Asks: Why Not Just Turn Over a Blank Server Six Months Ago? appeared first on The Stream.

As John Kerry Celebrates Embassy Opening, Cuban Dissidents Are Barred From Attending

Al Perrotta at The Stream - 5 hours ago
The American flag was raised next to the U.S. embassy in Havana for the first time in 54 years Friday, but Cuban dissidents who have influenced U.S.-Cuban relations for decades were barred from the event. Secretary of State John Kerry... The post As John Kerry Celebrates Embassy Opening, Cuban Dissidents Are Barred From Attending appeared first on The Stream.

Islamic State Leader Baghdadi 'Raped' American Aid Worker Kayla Mueller Before Her Death

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *Islamic State ruler 'kept 26-year-old American air worker as his personal sex slave' before she was killed in February* * The parents of Kayla Mueller revealed Friday that their daughter was repeatedly raped by ISIS caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi before her death * ISIS announced the 26-year-old's death on February 10, saying she had been killed in a coalition air strike * However, ISIS knew that the U.S. was trying to rescue the aid worker and just how she died has never been confirmed * Two Yezedi girls, 16 and 18, who escaped the compound where Kayla was being held... more »

Vox Writer’s Admission: ‘I Watched All 12 Hours of the Unedited Planned Parenthood Videos. Here’s What I Learned’

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 6 hours ago
A main sticking point in the debate surrounding the series of undercover Planned Parenthood videos released over the last several weeks — at least from advocates for the agency — has been that the videos purportedly showing discussions concerning the... The post Vox Writer’s Admission: ‘I Watched All 12 Hours of the Unedited Planned Parenthood Videos. Here’s What I Learned’ appeared first on The Stream.

Should Hillary Clinton's Security Clearance Be Revoked?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*Washington Times:* *Intelligence community wants Clinton’s security clearance suspended* Security experts say that if Hillary Rodham Clinton retained her government security clearance when she left the State Department, as is normal practice, it should be suspended now that it is known her unprotected private email server contained top secret material. “Standard procedure is that when there is evidence of a security breach, the clearance of the individual is suspended in many, but not all, cases,” said retired Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin, who was deputy undersecretary of defens... more »

Religious Freedom Alert: Republican Party Supports First Amendment Defense Act

John Zmirak at The Stream - 6 hours ago
Religious freedom alert: This is big news that the mainstream media isn’t covering: The Republican National Committee just unanimously passed resolutions endorsing the First Amendment Defense Act and expressing outrage over the Supreme Court’s judicial overreach. The FADA, if passed,... The post Religious Freedom Alert: Republican Party Supports First Amendment Defense Act appeared first on The Stream.

Rand Paul: Don’t Trade Liberty for Security, ‘You’ll Wind Up With Neither’

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 6 hours ago
NASHUA, N.H.—Sen. Rand Paul said “we can catch terrorists, we can protect ourselves, and still have our freedom” during a town hall Wednesday in New Hampshire. Some want Americans to trade “their liberty for security” by continuing to permit surveillance... The post Rand Paul: Don’t Trade Liberty for Security, ‘You’ll Wind Up With Neither’ appeared first on The Stream.

Cartoon: ‘Fancy Meeting You Here’

Michael Ramirez at The Stream - 6 hours ago
The post Cartoon: ‘Fancy Meeting You Here’ appeared first on The Stream.

Musical Interlude: André Rieu, “You'll Never Walk Alone” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
André Rieu, “You'll Never Walk Alone” -

August 14: Even as corporate profits reach their highest points in history.....

Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 6 hours ago
...some 27% (at least) of Americans live in poverty. And they have few social services to make it easier to survive. If you find those figures hard to believe, take a stroll some day through the streets of Camden, New Jersey, or Detroit. Wander through the eternal blocks of tenements in New York. For a real treat, do it after dark. The poor get little social help, do badly in underfunded schools, and can't afford the privatized schools that are now essential to get ahead in the U.S. And, of course, higher education is impossible. This is the United States which goes to war to "spre... more »

Simulation Shows Empty Space of an Atom is Actually Not Empty

Waking Times at Waking Times - 6 hours ago
*Video -* An atom is mostly empty space, but empty space is mostly not empty. Here's a simulation of what is happening in the part of the atom that we typically call empty space. The post Simulation Shows Empty Space of an Atom is Actually Not Empty appeared first on Waking Times.

ANALYSIS: The Pope Should Deny Communion to Castro

John Zmirak at The Stream - 7 hours ago
Secretary of State John Kerry’s historic flag-raising at the U.S. Embassy in Havana on Friday culminates a diplomatic accomplishment for the Obama administration and Pope Francis. But the ceremony has some irony, not all that unlike President George W. Bush’s 2003 “Mission... The post ANALYSIS: The Pope Should Deny Communion to Castro appeared first on The Stream.

Why There’ll be 3 Men in GOP ‘Quarterfinals’

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 7 hours ago
Candidates That Could Join Trump At The Top In the aftermath of the first presidential debate among the numerous Republican candidates, the various contests that will determine who are the main contenders for the nomination are beginning to take shape.... The post Why There’ll be 3 Men in GOP ‘Quarterfinals’ appeared first on The Stream.

Rand Paul Calls out Donald Trump over Past Pro-Democrat Statements

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 7 hours ago
Rand Paul has implied his Republican rival Donald Trump is a closet Democrat — leading the businessman and party frontrunner to point out that he recently beat the Kentucky senator at golf. Paul is running an ad in the key... The post Rand Paul Calls out Donald Trump over Past Pro-Democrat Statements appeared first on The Stream.

Gay Teens Have Higher Rates of Pregnancy Than Straight Teens

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 7 hours ago
The Story: A new report on adolescent sexual activity in Minnesota has produced some seemingly counterintuitive findings: Lesbian and bisexual females were three to five times more likely to have been pregnant than straight females while gay males and males who are... The post Gay Teens Have Higher Rates of Pregnancy Than Straight Teens appeared first on The Stream.

Trapped Firemen, Idle Super Computers, and a Yuan "currency war".... nothing to see here.

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 7 hours ago
Edited 20 minutes later to add: Stop the fuckin' presses!!!!! What the Hell is THIS?!? I was just sent two links by a friend. The First one is the US TREASURY REPORTING RATES OF EXCHANGEAS OF JUNE 30, 2015 AMENDMENT NO. 3 TREASURY REPORTING RATES OF EXCHANGE AS OF JUNE 30, 2015 AMENDMENT NO. 3 For reporting purposes, substitute the following rates of exchange for August and September 2015 transactions. COUNTRY--CURRENCY F.C. TO $1.00 Brazil-Real 3.5210 China-Renminbi 2982.4000 Russia-Ruble 64.818 This US Treasury Amendment is giving the China Renminbi an exchange rate o... more »


What Is Sustainable at What Is Sustainable - 7 hours ago
Henry David Thoreau had a mind that was intelligent, complex, and rigidly righteous. He was born in Concord, Massachusetts in 1817, into a family of uppity Unitarian abolitionists. After attending Harvard, he worked as a schoolteacher for a few years. Later, he lived with Ralph Waldo Emerson, serving as a tutor, handyman, and editorial assistant. Emerson took him under his wing, and encouraged his literary efforts. Emerson owned land on Walden Pond, and he allowed the young man to build a cabin there. Living by the pond led to experiences that inspired Thoreau’s classic, *Wald... more »

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
“Well over a thousand galaxies are known members of the Virgo Cluster, the closest large cluster of galaxies to our own local group. In fact, the galaxy cluster is difficult to appreciate all at once because it covers such a large area on the sky. This careful wide-field mosaic of telescopic images clearly records the central region of the Virgo Cluster through faint foreground dust clouds lingering above the plane of our own Milky Way galaxy. *Click image for larger size.* The cluster's dominant giant elliptical galaxy M87, is just below and to the left of the frame center. To the ... more »

"Leaning Into The Light..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
“How is one to live a moral and compassionate existence when one is fully aware of the blood, the horror inherent in life, when one finds darkness not only in one's culture but within oneself? If there is a stage at which an individual life becomes truly adult, it must be when one grasps the irony in its unfolding and accepts responsibility for a life lived in the midst of such paradox. One must live in the middle of contradiction, because if all contradiction were eliminated at once life would collapse. There are simply no answers to some of the great pressing questions. You conti... more »

Baby Parts Customer StemExpress Cuts Ties to Planned Parenthood

John Zmirak at The Stream - 7 hours ago
StemExpress, one of the tissue companies that works with Planned Parenthood, is cutting its ties with the women’s health organization after a series of sting videos that have prompted congressional inquiries, sources tell POLITICO. The small biomedical tissue procurement company... The post Baby Parts Customer StemExpress Cuts Ties to Planned Parenthood appeared first on The Stream.

Ben Carson Responds to Report He Used Aborted Fetal Tissue in 1992 Research

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 7 hours ago
Famed neurosurgeon and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, who was among the many critics who recently called attention to the graphic Planned Parenthood videos, was forced to respond to reports that he himself used fetal tissue for medical research... The post Ben Carson Responds to Report He Used Aborted Fetal Tissue in 1992 Research appeared first on The Stream.

Islamic State Leader Raped American Hostage, US Finds

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 7 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — American hostage Kayla Mueller was repeatedly forced to have sex with Abu Bakr Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State group, according to accounts provided to U.S. intelligence officials. Mueller, whose death was reported in February, was... The post Islamic State Leader Raped American Hostage, US Finds appeared first on The Stream.

SERVERGATE: Hillary’s Emails are the Gift that Keeps on Giving

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 7 hours ago
The question of Hillary Clinton’s insecure emails looks more and more like a growing scandal. At first, there was concern her private emails might include incriminating communications about her handling of the Benghazi terrorist attack. Now, it appears she may have... The post SERVERGATE: Hillary’s Emails are the Gift that Keeps on Giving appeared first on The Stream.

Oprah, Osteen, Jakes and Homophobia

Michael Brown at The Stream - 7 hours ago
I discovered a surprising silver lining to the recent controversy over Bishop T. D. Jakes “evolved and evolving” comments about homosexuality, beginning with his unequivocal reiteration of his view “that marriage is ordained by God as a union between... The post Oprah, Osteen, Jakes and Homophobia appeared first on The Stream.

What it Means to Control the Mind

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 8 hours ago
*Frank M. Wanderer* - The Mind is not an object–it is a process. The post What it Means to Control the Mind appeared first on Waking Times.

"Acceptance..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
"Acceptance of one's life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary, it means accepting it as it comes, with all the handicaps of heredity, of suffering, of psychological complexes and injustices." - Paul Tournier

The Poet: Oliver Wendell Holmes, "A Parody on 'A Psalm of Life'” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"A Parody on 'A Psalm of Life'”* by Oliver Wendell Holmes "Life is real, life is earnest, And the shell is not its pen – “Egg thou art, and egg remainest” Was not spoken of the hen. Art is long and Time is fleeting, Be our bills then sharpened well, And not like muffled drums be beating On the inside of the shell. In the world’s broad field of battle, In the great barnyard of life, Be not like those lazy cattle! Be a rooster in the strife! Lives of roosters all remind us, We can make our lives sublime, And when roasted, leave behind us, Hen tracks on the sands of time. Hen tracks tha... more »

Fiorina Makes the Case against Federally Mandated Maternity Leave

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 8 hours ago
Carly Fiorina made a case for her stance against federally mandated maternity leave Thursday, doubling down on a position her critics say is a losing issue with voters. Mandating paid maternity leave will cost women jobs, she wrote in a Huffington Post op-ed:... The post Fiorina Makes the Case against Federally Mandated Maternity Leave appeared first on The Stream.

Convincing Waverers to Support the Iran Deal

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 8 hours ago
When the Iran Deal was announced and supported by the P5 of the UN Security Council, I would have thought that the tide of elite opinion among US lawmakers would break in support of the Deal, possibly including some Republicans (maybe Jeff Flake?), possibly enough to filibuster a no vote in the Senate. Now, it […]

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
Gainesville, Florida, USA, thanks for stopping by!

"Only Two Things..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
"Only two things are certain: the universe and human stupidity- and I’m not certain about the universe." - Albert Einstein The Moody Blues, “Don't You Feel Small?”

Poll Finds Majority of Americans Really Don’t Like How Obama is Handling Iran

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 9 hours ago
Just a third of Americans approve of how President Barack Obama is handling the tense — and potentially volatile — nuclear situation in Iran, according to a new poll conducted by Gallup. Released Thursday, the poll asks Americans to rate Obama... The post Poll Finds Majority of Americans Really Don’t Like How Obama is Handling Iran appeared first on The Stream.

Beyond Belief

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 9 hours ago
No, this *isn't *a plot line from the BBC Two satire W1A.... If you're a producer in the BBC's Religion and Ethics Department and you're feeling the urgent need to re-charge your spiritual batteries, you can apparently take advantage of a "Wonder week" away from the BBC: *Beyond Belief *producer Rosie Dawson did just that earlier this year, describing the "Wonder week" concept as: ....a scheme dreamed up by my BBC department whereby weary producers can seek refreshment and inspiration away from the demands of programme production and deadlines. For her "Wonder week", Rosie accept... more »

The Economy: "We've Reached The End Of The Line; Now, The Game Changes" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
Gustave Doré, "The Ninth Circle of Hell (Treachery)", 1857 *"We've Reached The End Of The Line;* * Now, The Game Changes"* by Raul Ilargi Meijer “Eventful days in the middle of summer. Just as the Greek Pandora’s box appears to be closing for the holidays (but we know what happens once it’s open), and Europe’s ultra-slim remnants of democracy erode into the sunset, China moves in with a one-off but then super-cubed renminbi devaluation. And 100,000 divergent opinions get published, by experts, pundits and just about everyone else under the illusion they still know what is going on... more »

Researchers, need $100? Just mention Cyagen in your paper!

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 9 hours ago
A bioscience company is offering researchers a voucher — $100 and up — to mention them in published papers. “PCR just got a new meaning,” Cyagen Biosciences, Inc. declares on their website: “Publish”, “Cite,” “Reward.” The company, which makes bioscience tools, is offering scientists vouchers in exchange for a nod: Did you use Cyagen’s animal models in your […] The post Researchers, need $100? Just mention Cyagen in your paper! appeared first on Retraction Watch.

servin the man to me is down tine==

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 10 hours ago
I do it but chafe under that bit my life my rules I live for that day Fuck the man fuck overtime or paid holidays its slavery all the ' same just a differant name

Musical Interlude: Leonard Cohen, "Anthem" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
After the horrendous economic posts below, a much needed respite... Leonard Cohen, "Anthem" -

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago

Didn't Congress Refuse To Allow Obama To Bomb Syria?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 10 hours ago
Grayson and Lieu, relentless warriors for peace and justice So Obama has authorized bombing strikes in Syria-- and they started, from Turkish airbases, this week. He's bombing a sovereign country, and not just without congressional approval. He's doing it after Congress slapped him over that in 2013. This is from a letter Alan Grayson wrote to his constituents in Florida in September 2013: After three frenetic weeks, during which time Team Grayson was burning the midnight oil every night, it's time to take stock of what we've accomplished. Here were the headlines in late August, ju... more »

The Economy: "Caution! Corporate Cronies at Work…" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*"Caution! Corporate Cronies at Work…"* by Bill Bonner TIVOLI, New York – "U.S. stocks flat. A bump in Tokyo. A bump up in Shanghai. Gold registered a $7 loss in New York trading. Noise, in other words. Nothing to worry about. So let us remind readers, and ourselves, of what is really going on. This is a Great Zombie War. The fight is between zombies and their crony allies and the rest of the world. That is the real struggle in Greece, for example. The insiders – taking advantage of the Greek government’s ability to borrow at low interest rates – enjoy benefits that would otherwise... more »

keep us online where protest i meagnles

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 10 hours ago
If I wa s not peshion worth I would raise some go bag go baf not my choice to bad Harper stole all that realeste

Same-Sex Marriage is Tearing America’s Christian Colleges Apart

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 10 hours ago
One of America’s biggest groups of Christian colleges is fragmenting over the issue of gay marriage. Union University, a Southern Baptist school in Tennessee, announced Wednesday that it is leaving the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). The reason?... The post Same-Sex Marriage is Tearing America’s Christian Colleges Apart appeared first on The Stream.

The Economy: "The Trap Revealed: Bone-Smoking Nonsense" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
*"The Trap Revealed:* *Bone-Smoking Nonsense"* by Karl Denninger "The amusement is strong from this one... "The economy has made great gains and is approaching an acceptable normal. Policy should shortly acknowledge this reality. The Fed took extraordinary policy measures in response to extraordinary economic conditions. Conditions are no longer extraordinary. Compared to earlier in the year, we know a lot more and can shelve some concerns. We appear to be past the most acute concerns of a spillover from Europe. I have more confidence in the resilience of the economy today compare... more »

The Fraud Of The Canadian Election Process: NO Room For Anti-Israel Commentary In Canadian Politics

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 11 hours ago
Yes, Canadians are supposed to go the polls this coming October 19th to "select" their local constituents and of course who is supposed to be Canada's next Prime Minister... However, from what I have seen so far, the entire "election" process is a sham and a total waste of time, for whomever is "selected" to sit in the House of Commons in Ottawa will be nothing more than Jew shills and suck-ups... Canada is sadly again nothing more than Jewish occupied territory, and this once free nation does nothing more than bow down to the criminal Jews that run this nation and absolutely does ... more »

Dirty little secrest about liek

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 11 hours ago
U do not matter ask Ceasar if he is happy with our trasist plans for sure he can not answer d9edly because he has been more than a thousad centiries in dog years or the ones that de\sted so false idendty because what we know now is a stupid a stupid holy fuck I ahbe e fra NSA NSA NID n somethin now I am dead, no no t realy just metaphhcilyp\ doing time like to laught ane have some fund\\w are you guys not out of controol working overtime you may kill my father in real time but as a son I will fuck you up Bruce Lee, Stephn Segal big time expect mother fucker to be bitch sl-a\big time

Will Computer Equipment Take the Fall for Hillary

Jonah Goldberg at The Stream - 11 hours ago
It happened sooner than even the doomsayers predicted. The era of artificial intelligence is here. A computer has become self-aware, a moral agent responsible for its own actions. This breakthrough didn’t happen in Silicon Valley or at MIT. It happened,... The post Will Computer Equipment Take the Fall for Hillary appeared first on The Stream.

Why the EPA Should be Held Responsible for the Gold King Mine Spill

Katie Tubb at The Stream - 11 hours ago
Companies should be held responsible for damage they cause to the environment. But what if it’s the government that has caused the damage? Recently the Environmental Protection Agency was responsible for a massive chemical spill into the Animas River in... The post Why the EPA Should be Held Responsible for the Gold King Mine Spill appeared first on The Stream.

Stephen Harper: "Damn those old memories"

LeDaro at LeDaro - 11 hours ago
Stephen Harper is too busy to remember what happened in the past. He rather have Mike Duffy and Nigel Wright disappear somewhere for away from Canada.

Sanctuary Cities are a Haven for Criminals

Debra Saunders at The Stream - 11 hours ago
“I am not remiss to say that from Washington, D.C., to Sacramento, there is a blood trail to Marilyn Pharis’ bedroom,” Santa Maria, California, police Chief Ralph Martin charged last week. On July 24, two burglars allegedly broke in to... The post Sanctuary Cities are a Haven for Criminals appeared first on The Stream.

BWorld 15, The PH electricity market

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 12 hours ago
* This is my article yesterday in BusinessWorld Weekender. -------- *The Philippine electricity market: MONOPOLY AND COMPETITION* ENERGY is development, and that includes electricity. It is not possible for an economy to grow fast and have sustainable development if its power supply and distribution are unstable and costly. Thus, having sufficient, stable, and affordable electricity is a necessary though not sufficient condition for economic development. The Philippines remains to have among the most expensive electricity prices in Asia. Here are data with some breakdown also show... more »

Archbishop Cupich’s Seamless Bulletproof Vest for Pro-Choice Politicians

Jason Scott Jones at The Stream - 12 hours ago
Your Excellency: Like millions of Americans who watched the Planned Parenthood videos, I saw there the ultimate evil: Well-educated, prosperous adults calmly sorting through the butchered children of the poor to cherry pick them for profit. But because of my... The post Archbishop Cupich’s Seamless Bulletproof Vest for Pro-Choice Politicians appeared first on The Stream.

TBS Cam Looks Strange Today

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 12 hours ago
The TBS cam looks strange today with the lights really enlarged and glowing. Yet, the glowing doesn't appear visible from the Futaba cam below, so perhaps humid atmospheric conditions are alone responsible. I don't know. TBS Cam Lights Glowing: Here is the Futaba cam: TEPCO cam 4 (I think the folded crane is broken because it hasn't moved in days)

We don’t need the union jack on Team GB’s kit – it’s ugly and divisive | Jonathan Jones | Comment is free | The Guardian

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 12 hours ago
If you want a fine example of Guardian crap, here you go...

“Disagreement about the relative contributions” of authors burns capacitor paper

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 12 hours ago
A 2014 paper on a component for thin electric circuits has been retracted from Composites Science and Technology due to a “disagreement” over author contributions, according to the retraction note. The retraction note for “Preparation and dielectric properties of BaTiO3:epoxy nanocomposites for embedded capacitor application” is short and sweet. Here it is, in full: This article has been retracted […] The post “Disagreement about the relative contributions” of authors burns capacitor paper appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Erdogan "ensconced in his Palace"- Yup, it's the dreaded Dictator/Palace Meme!

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 12 hours ago
*Erdogan and his Palace- Yup, he’s a NATO target!* *Is this a familiar perception management meme or what!? Every flippin' time!** Just insert name/target alongside the word "palace" in multiple headlines include words like delusional *The propaganda works the same every time. * While Erdogan is ensconced in his opulent new palace......... etc.* *Complete with mad dog image and talk of delusion or dictator* Grrrrr..... *"Egged on by a delusion of neo-Ottoman grandeur"* *Leadership to be targeted by NATO/US/Israel for attack, assassination or what ever always have “Palaces” and ... more »

ANALYSIS: Will DC ‘Decriminalize’ Prostitution?

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 12 hours ago
Some may wonder at the headline, having seen plenty of prostitution take place on Capitol Hill, the White House, and K Street, a tradition that goes back at least decades. In this case, though, we’re talking about literal prostitution, especially streetwalkers... The post ANALYSIS: Will DC ‘Decriminalize’ Prostitution? appeared first on The Stream.

ANALYSIS: Social Security Turns 80 Today. What Are Its Prospects?

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 12 hours ago
As Social Security turns 80 today, you can expect the media to gush about the recent projections about the improving finances of the program. On July 22, the Trustees of the Social Security Trust Fund released a report that concluded... The post ANALYSIS: Social Security Turns 80 Today. What Are Its Prospects? appeared first on The Stream.

How the Islamic State’s Footprint Grew, Month by Month

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 12 hours ago
The Islamic State has grown beyond its original home in Syria and Iraq, extending its operations into other parts of the Middle East and North Africa by establishing alliances and absorbing other terrorist groups. Data from IHS Jane’s Terrorism and... The post How the Islamic State’s Footprint Grew, Month by Month appeared first on The Stream.

Awfully wet isn't it?

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 13 hours ago
Fed up with the incessant rain in the UK the past 10 days or so? It's very odd because I distinctly remember The Guardian reporting in 2006 as fact that (*my emphasis*): "Scientists know a lot about how events will unfold...which means that whatever we do, our climate destiny is fixed for the next few decades... *Rainfall will decline in the summer and the increased deluges in winter will struggle to replenish thirsty reservoirs because much of the water will run off the baked ground*." Scientists know... climate destiny is fixed... Rainfall will decline in the summer..." It's all... more »

Don’t Look Away: Abortion, Slavery and Racism Demand Our Attention

Anika Smith at The Stream - 13 hours ago
The gathering of evangelical thought-leaders featured a roundtable discussion on abortion. A young man stood up and shared his conviction that abortion is The Defining Moral Issue of Our Time. He compared it to slavery in how history will judge... The post Don’t Look Away: Abortion, Slavery and Racism Demand Our Attention appeared first on The Stream.

Soap Caution, Lust Caution, Zero Hour Trusting, Union busting, Tyler Durdeen getting down!

Steve at GlobaLove Think Tank - 13 hours ago
Greek inocgaphity is timeless Soap Caution, Soap Caution the cleanest caution around being clean is a great advantage scrubbing the Demetris that is genetically unbound the body politics with a natural sound and super zonic clarity created dedicated farmed essentially artificially simulated synthetic organics GMO brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood Monsanto Bose Bose Bose Bose Bose boss surround it sure pops the first time but will your ears stick around I love my pioneering 501 but today its old technology and market hype about reflections has not escaped the aural markets det... more »

Friday sans the beavers and pussies

Demeur at Demeur - 13 hours ago
Thought I'd pass on the beaver and pussy stick. It was getting old and only used it to get traffic here. Must say it did work for a while. So what now? Oops how'd he get in there? Ever notice how Mike Duffy looks much like a Vogn from "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Gallexy"? Try getting that image out of your mind. On with the post - Ever notice that a lot of the bloggers are gone? Check your side bar and note how many dead links there are. Some moved on to jobs that might not take kindly to net postings that are less than politically correct. Others died and can't leave a forwarding... more »

10 Facts Most Americans Are Too Fearful To Face

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 13 hours ago
*Bernie Suarez* - The list could go on, but these are important facts that can trigger a paradigm shift. The post 10 Facts Most Americans Are Too Fearful To Face appeared first on Waking Times.

Supplemental: The Iowa polls and the gender wage gap!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 14 hours ago
*FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 2015We’ll call it a tale of two problems*: As we fight a mild case of the labyrinthitis, we’ll call it a tale of two problems. Let’s start with those latest Iowa polls and the press corps’ attempt to report them. But first, a quick bit of background: The cable “news” channels are devoting themselves to all-candidates-all-the-time. Shark attacks can be forgotten in a delicious summer like this. If it isn’t Trump/Biden, it just isn’t news! Meanwhile, they’re obsessing about the latest polls. They can’t get enough of new polling! Can we talk? Obsessing on the po... more »

Celebrate Social Security’s 80th Anniversary By Backing Eric Kingson For Congress

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 14 hours ago
Eric Kingson and his grandson, Sammy NY-24, the congressional district centered on Syracuse, is the bluest district (D+5) in the entire country represented by a Republican-- thanks in no small part to the deranged insistence from the DCCC that only conservative DINOs should run there. Obama won the district twice, in 2008 with 56% and in 2012 with 57%, and this cycle a sterling progressive, Eric Kingson, is the announced Democratic candidate, although the DCCC has been consistently threatening to dig up an unspecified conservaDem to run. There is no stronger and no more knowledgeable... more »

Gold nanoparticle paper crushed by “deliberate and fraudulent use of data”

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 14 hours ago
Biotechnology Letters has retracted a paper on a new gene delivery technique due to “the deliberate and fraudulent use of data in the paper that had previously appeared in other papers of these two authors.” The journal’s Editor in Chief Colin Ratledge told us that someone tipped him off that one of the authors, University of Kalyani microbiologist Keka Sarkar, […] The post Gold nanoparticle paper crushed by “deliberate and fraudulent use of data” appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Our Struggle Makes Us a Better Person

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago
I write this in the car as we make the two-hour drive from Osan Air Force Base back to Seoul. We were joined for this trip by a delegation of 17 Japanese peace activists from Tokyo and Osaka. Today was the highlight of my time in Korea so far. We joined a marvelous peace protest outside a gate at Osan AFB that was made up of more than 500 multi-colored T-shirt wearing groups of students from around the nation. There had to be more than 1,000 local police and national riot troops there as well making sure we didn’t try to enter the base. We first had a rally at the gate and... more »

1950s 1 min film from missionary group on aborigines

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 14 hours ago
1950s Missionary film on bring Christianity to the aborigines _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!

Argentina: Shadows and a Winged Man in Quilino

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 14 hours ago
*SOURCE: Cadena and 08.13.2015* *Argentina: Strange Shadow Terrorizes Residents of Quilino* 08.11.15 | 16:26 | Residents of this community in the province of Cordoba have been reporting manifestations of a shadowy human figure for the past 15 days. It was seen by volunteer firefighters last night in the downtown area. Residents of the community of Quilino, in northeastern Cordoba province, are terrified by the strange manifestation of a shadow. There is even a call for evidence before the courts. The Head of the Ischilín Department, Chief Constable J... more »

Soap Caution, Lust Caution, Zero Hour Trusting, Union busting, Tyler Durdeen getting down!

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 15 hours ago
Soap Caution, Soap Caution the cleanest caution around being clean is a great advantage scrubbing the Demetris from the body politics with a natural sound and super zonic clarity created dedicated farmed essentially artificially simulated synthetic organics GMO brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood Monsanto Bose Bose Bose Bose Bose boss surround it sure pops the first time but will your ears stick around I love my pioneering 501 but today its old technology and market hype about reflections has not escaped the aural markets detection (what was I thinkingaboot this verse?) Bubbl... more »

What Those Emails Tell Us

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 15 hours ago When the Duffy trial re-opened this week, a 426 page binder of emails was introduced into evidence. Doanld Savoie writes that what they tell us is that: Staffers from the Prime Minister’s Office roamed the corridors of the Senate as if it were an extension of their office. Audit reports were regarded as little more than briefing notes to be carefully managed by the centre. What truly matters in government now is the ability to manage the “blame game,” and it seems that only those operating at the centre hav... more »

Positive Words and a Retraction

Way Way Up at Fort McMurray Adventures - 15 hours ago
After a recent "letter to the editor" hurled some misplaced criticisms toward our community, it was refreshing to sit after a long day's work and see some well-thought-out responses and that the original letter writer had retracted his original statements. I won't go into all the responses in any great detail here as you can read them for yourself in the aforementioned link. Ironically, while this gentleman was here bashing my community, his car, along with several others, was being bashed up in the airport parking lot back in his community. Karma works in interesting ways. I wou... more »

Huma Abedin STILL hasn't sworn under oath that she's turned over all her emails per Daily Mail Online

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 15 hours ago
'Hillary Clinton declared Monday under penalty of perjury that she has given the State Department all of her work-related emails from her four years as secretary of state, but her trusted aide Huma Abedin has not yet taken that step – despite a request from a federal judge. Abedin's lawyer Karen Dunn told Politico on Thursday that the longtime Clinton insider, who served as deputy chief of staff at State, plans to turn over her work-related emails and other messages from her tenure there by August 28. But Dunn declined to say whether or not Abedin will ink the same statment Clin... more »

Another BBC incompetent?

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 16 hours ago
Clare McDonnell is not a someone that I have come across before and on the basis of around five minutes listening this lunchtime I don't think I'll bother again. She seems yet another one in the long line of ill-prepared women presenters on BBC 5Live. The piece I caught, whilst driving between two appointments, was about VJ Day and of course 5Live were proud to have found not one but two women who'd helped win the war with their work at Bletchley Park. This should be fascinating I thought; and in the hands of another presenter it might have been. Unfortunately Ms McDonnell didn't k... more »

Rubio Slams Obama’s Outreach to Iran and Cuba

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
NEW YORK (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio is slamming President Barak Obama’s outreach to Iran and Cuba, calling his diplomacy with the two nations evidence of “every flawed strategic, moral and economic notion” that has driven his foreign... The post Rubio Slams Obama’s Outreach to Iran and Cuba appeared first on The Stream.

Oil Price Hits Lowest Level in 6½ Years

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
LONDON (AP) — The price of crude oil hit its lowest level in 6½ years Friday amid concerns over a slowing economy in China, a huge energy consumer, and strong global production. The U.S. crude contract fell as low as... The post Oil Price Hits Lowest Level in 6½ Years appeared first on The Stream.

Woman Recalls Planned Parenthood Visit: ‘They Said They Don’t Have Doctors for Pregnant Women’

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 16 hours ago
(LiveActionNews) — When the fifth Planned Parenthood video was released, America got a startling peek inside the Houston Planned Parenthood “mega-center.” But for a young woman named Addison, it was a second look. The building, which resembles a cash register, has... The post Woman Recalls Planned Parenthood Visit: ‘They Said They Don’t Have Doctors for Pregnant Women’ appeared first on The Stream.

DNA Proves President Harding Fathered Child Out of Wedlock

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — DNA testing all but confirmed Thomas Jefferson slept with his slave Sally Hemings. Now it’s rewriting another lurid chapter in presidential history, this one from the Roaring ’20s. Genetic analysis has proved that President Warren G. Harding... The post DNA Proves President Harding Fathered Child Out of Wedlock appeared first on The Stream.

AP EXCLUSIVE: Top Secret Clinton Emails Include Drone Talk

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) — The two emails on Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private server that an auditor deemed “top secret” include a discussion of a news article detailing a U.S. drone operation and a separate conversation that could point back to highly... The post AP EXCLUSIVE: Top Secret Clinton Emails Include Drone Talk appeared first on The Stream.

Scott Walker Lays Out Plan to Secure Border, Stop Immigration Insanity in New Interview

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
In a new exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker — a 2016 GOP presidential candidate — walked through his plan to secure the U.S. border with Mexico and detailed how he believes in protecting the wages of... The post Scott Walker Lays Out Plan to Secure Border, Stop Immigration Insanity in New Interview appeared first on The Stream.

Greek Lawmakers Back 3rd Bailout after All-Night Debate

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 16 hours ago
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greek lawmakers approved their country’s draft third bailout on Friday after a nearly 24-hour marathon parliamentary procedure culminated in a vote that saw the government coalition suffer significant dissent. The government needed the bill to pass... The post Greek Lawmakers Back 3rd Bailout after All-Night Debate appeared first on The Stream.

Why no one is asking

sue at Is the BBC biased? - 16 hours ago
This piece in the Guardian (H/T Peter) by James Bloodworth asks the question I addressed in my earlier post *‘Annihilation for the nation’*. “Why is no one asking about Jeremy Corbyn’s worrying connections?” Bloodworth details the disturbing connections and affiliations Corbyn has fostered and which have been cited many times by almost everyone but the BBC, and he simply asks why the BBC and the BBC’s political fellow travellers are so unconcerned. "What is most disturbing of all is that the BBC has always shied away from challenging Corbyn over his antisemitic affiliations. Wh... more »

Did The EPA Intentionally Poison The Animas River ??

urupiper at Yesterday 's Lies - 17 hours ago
*I am thinking there were multiple reasons for something like this - - funding, but also Agenda21 - - re-wilding of the west - - they want most all of the US to be "NO HUMANS ALLOWED" . . plus if people get sick/die from the heavy metals in the process, it's the sacrifice that must be made (from their perspective . . * [image: ZeroHedge] by Tyler Durden on 08/12/2015 A week before The EPA disastrously leaked millions of gallons of toxic waste into The Animas River in Colorado, this letter to the editor was published in The Silverton Standard & The Miner local newspaper, authore... more »

Once The Individual Releases The Hurts And Troubles Of Yesteryear.....A Short Discourse by M.N. Hopkins

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 17 hours ago
Source of photo: *Once the individual releases the hurts and troubles of yesteryear, he or she will find that they become more aware of their everyday living environment and will be able to see those around them with loving eyes of kindness. Wisdom will return and what was so difficult to attain, will already be a part of your being. Others will not have changed, for they will still be filled with darkness. It is you who has changed. * *For change is one's personal responsibility and cannot be imposed upon another.* M.N.Hopkins

50 Years Ago, White Seminarian Jonathan Daniels was Martyred for Black Rights

Nancy Flory at The Stream - 17 hours ago
In January 2000, Barack Obama made history when he became the first black man to take the office of President of the United States of America. It was a momentous and remarkable occasion — and all the more so because when... The post 50 Years Ago, White Seminarian Jonathan Daniels was Martyred for Black Rights appeared first on The Stream.

Economic News , Data & Views ( August 14 , 2015 ) - Greece In Focus ( Greece's Parliament approves Third Bailout - after a long night of political bickering , Tsipras wins the vote - but the political cost is high - one third of Syriza MPs abstain or vote against Bailout and Snap Election could loom , Eurogroup today - remains to be seen whether Troika + ESM approve the Bailout before August 20th ECB payment comes due or if another bridge loan is required ) ..... For Broader Europe - Spectre of Deflation and lower than expected GDP Data will be a focus today , Oil and Commodities crush continues to be harbinger of slowing economic growth !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
Morning Tweets.... Greece.... *Nick Malkoutzis* ‏@NickMalkoutzis 54s 55 seconds ago No comment from SYRIZA's Left Platform chief Lafazanis as he leaves Parl't. Y'day he declared intention to launch anti-bailout party #*Greece* *Dan Popescu* ‏@PopescuCo 10m 10 minutes ago Greek PM Alexis Tsipras wins bailout vote, faces widening rebellion http:// via @Reuters [image: Embedded image permalink] *Stavros Kallinos* ‏@StKallinos 14m 14 minutes ago *IMF IS SIGNALING IT WILL TAKE PART IN GREEK BAILOUT, WIRTZ SAYS *The Migrants' Files* ‏@MigrantsFil... more »

Republicans:  Who Could Have Guessed that Irrationality Was a Winning Platform?  A Weekend at Bernie’s, Funeral at Trump’s  (Obama's Restoration of Wall St. Rebuilt Economic Extraction/Harvesting Machine for Self-Interested Oligarchy)   Poverty and Unemployment Are Policy Choices  (SEC Admits Market Manipulation Unchecked)

Could a Plant Win a Presidential Debate?(See the punchline in my header. - Ed.) Jeb Bush, Hosted By Defense Contractor-Backed Group, Calls Iraq War “A Pretty Good Deal” 46 Million Americans Go to Food Banks, and Long Lines for Dwindling Food Supplies Begin at 6:30 AM Ben Carson Did Experiments on Tissue from Aborted Fetuses China 2015 Is Not China 2010 Somebody smart recently defined

Top 100 Indie/Alternative Songs of the 90s

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 18 hours ago
14th August, 1995. After a war of words and much press hype, the largest, noisiest battle for the number one slot in decades got underway. In one corner were Oasis, the swaggering Manc upstarts who were hardly a household name at the start of the year. Squaring off against them were Blur, the cheeky *Carry on Indie* band who made a splash in 1994 with *Parklife*. At stake was the Britpop crown - who would prove to be the biggest name in the new wave of British guitar rock? In remembrance of those times, I've regressed to my teenage self to give *the* definitive take on the Indie/Al... more »

The War Room, New Must-See Film That Tells the Truth

James Robison at The Stream - 18 hours ago
JAMES ROBISON — It’s not often you go to a movie you enjoy so much and are so excited about that you wish everyone would see it. It is not because the movie is merely entertaining, but because it delivers... The post *The War Room*, New Must-See Film That Tells the Truth appeared first on The Stream.

Blog Report: 7 Years of "Running"; "Bravery" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*"Bravery"* by CP During winters in Washington state it’s common for rain to fall daily for months on end. Frequently animals like raccoons, mice or squirrels will burrow into the walls and roofs of homes, trying to find a warm and dry place to nest. And so it was, one afternoon, that our house cat suddenly and frantically charged across the living room into the corner, howling ferociously at something we couldn’t yet see. After clawing the object several times, the force of her strike threw it into the middle of the room- a small, gray mouse, now bleeding from its head, and trembl... more »

Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 8/14/2015” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 8/14/2015”* By Greg Hunter’s "Hillary Clinton is in big trouble with her private server and how classified and “Top Secret” documents were handled. It is reported she turned over her private server to the FBI, and it is also reported it was professionally wiped clean. She was legally required to keep it intact. ABC News is reporting she got tips on “How to delete something so it stays deleted.” Wiping the server clean is not going to save her from a huge and growing legal mess. It is already known that Top Secret documents were not handled corre... more »

Five times a day an observant Muslim prays for the Kafir...

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 19 hours ago
But as Dr Bill Warner explains, not in a good way...

Taiwan's CSIST Unveiled the Sea Oryx Naval Air Defense System Similar to RAM at TADTE 2015

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: Sea Oryx Naval Air Defense System]At the TADTE (Taipei Aerospace & Defense Technology Exhibition) 2015 defense exhibition held this week in Taipei, the Chungshan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) unveiled for the first time the Sea Oryx naval air defense missile system. The system appears close in concept to the American/German RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) system developed by Raytheon/Diehl/RAM-SYS or to the Chinese Type 710.SJ01-24 launcher for HQ-10 missile. The Sea Oryx missile is derived from the locally developed Infra-Red short range air-to-air missile "TC... more »

Production Testing of Russia's Armata Tank to End in 2016

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 19 hours ago
[image: Armata MBT]"Armata will go through production testing, after that a decision will be made regarding military testing, then a decision will be made regarding adopting it in arming. The production testing will end in 2016," Salyukov told the press. According to Salyukov, land forces will meet their 70 percent equipment modernization target by 2020. Armata tanks were unveiled during the May 9 Victory Day parade in Moscow commemorating the 70-year anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany and the end of World War II. Read more

Penalizing pedestrians in Makati, Part 2

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 20 hours ago
I already posted last March about Makati City hall officers and bureaucrats penalizing pedestrians crossing this part of Buendia or Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. The issues here for me are the following: (1) NO sign of pedestrian crossing not allowed, (2) NO info of any local ordinance, barangay or city hall that prohibits people from crossing this side of Buendia, (3) NO warning of 1st time "offenders" who actually crossed the street, outright collection of penalty (about P250) or confiscation of an ID is immediately imposed, (4) NO warning of potential "offenders" who did not actually cros... more »

A huge overreaction to Chinese currency adjustments

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 20 hours ago
For three days of this week, the Chinese authorities did some work to weaken their currency, one yuan renminbi (the last word means people's currency). The world markets reacted hysterically again. I think that those things show that way too many emotionally unstable, immature, and irrational people have too much money – and use them to invest into tools they are not ready for. *Every good communist currency boasts pictures of mass killers. This one, Mr Mao, has arguably killed 78 million people. One murdered human could actually become a pretty good currency – worth some 2 millio... more »

LTG Davis Talks To Boeing On Upgrading Half Of Marine V-22 Fleet

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: V-22 Osprey]The head of Marine aviation is talking with Boeing about costs and ways to upgrade more than half of the service’s 239 V-22 Ospreys to improve readiness. The basic plan would be to improve all 131 of the A and B models of the V-22 to the C level, Lt. Gen. Jon Davis, told me in an interview at his Pentagon office. Davis, who has made improving readiness his top priority, told me Monday he was heading to Boeing “to see how much it would cost to upgrade all our aircraft.” This would not take place right away, Davis made clear. It would take years to accomplish. R... more »

Russia’s Air Defenders Give Insight on S-400 Missile System

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: S-400 Triumf]Russia’s state-of-the-art S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system can effectively differentiate between airborne targets and those moving on the ground, Russian media reported, citing members of an Airspace Command regiment deployed outside Moscow. What makes the S-400 so special is its intelligent radar, which can “see” just about everything both in the air and on the ground, and can easily discern even a tiny aircraft from, say, a truck moving on the ground. “Even if a plane is flying low and with the same speed as a vehicle moving on the ground, the radar ... more »

Musical Interlude: Elton John, “Tonight” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
Elton John, “Tonight” -

The $1 Trillion Question for the F-35: Is the U.S. Buying an Inferior Plane?

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: F-35B Lightning II]A new report by a progressive think-tank says the astronomically expensive F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is inferior compared to other “near-peer” competitors and will be mismatched against emerging threats. The study by the National Security Network states the jet, the most expensive weapons system in U.S. history, will not only be outmaneuvered and outgunned by Russian and Chinese aircraft but will also be limited in range and its stealth capabilities will be easily overcome. “The F-35 will find itself outmaneuvered, outgunned, out of range, and visible to ... more »

INS Viraat sails in to Cochin Shipyard for its last refit before retirement in early August

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: INS Viraat enters Cochin Shipyard for its final refit. Her replacement, the new Vikrant seen on right]Just when a nationwide debate is brewing on the fate of the aircraft carrier INS Viraat after its proposed retirement from the Indian Navy next year, the carrier is set to undergo one last maintenance routine, a short refit, at the Cochin Shipyard in early August. Arriving in Kochi by the end of this month, Viraat would be dry-docked most likely in the first week of August for a brief cycle of underwater maintenance spanning 60 days at the yard, said informed sources. The c... more »

Cool Video Of A US Aircraft Carrier Crossing The New Suez Canal For The First Time

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
Watch the USS Theodore Roosevelt navigate through the new Suez Canal with all of its fighter jets on deck. It’s super cool because the aircraft carrier is so big and the water of the canal is so calm that it feels like the Earth is moving around the land formation that is the USS Theodore Roosevelt. Plus, it’s super cool to see the fighter jets and helicopters just chilling on a parking lot that’s just moving in the water. Source

Austal Delivers Littoral Combat Ship 6 to U.S. Navy

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: USS Jackson (LCS 6)]Austal Limited (Austal) is pleased to announce it has successfully delivered Littoral Combat Ship 6 (LCS 6), the future USS Jackson, to the U.S. Navy. USS Jackson is the first ship in its class built by Austal as prime contractor at its shipyard in Mobile, Alabama, under a 10 vessel, US$3.5 billion contract the U.S. Navy awarded to Austal in 2010. Austal Chief Executive Officer Andrew Bellamy said the delivery is testament to the dedication and skill of our workforce. Read more

Military Photo of the Day: August 14, 2015

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 20 hours ago
U.S. Army soldiers stand in the sunset near Rockhampton, Australia, on July 7, 2015. Thanks to Spc. Michael Sharp for taking this magnificent photo! The post Military Photo of the Day: August 14, 2015 appeared first on The Stream.

Third Astute submarine Artful sets sail for sea trials

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: HMS Artful (S 121)]The third Astute Class submarine built at a Cumbria shipyard for the Royal Navy has set sail for its sea trials. HMS Artful, a 97m-long (318ft), 7,400-tonne, nuclear-powered vessel is one of seven being built by BAE Systems. The sea trials with the Royal Navy put the submarine through its paces, proving all of its systems before it officially becomes part of the fleet. Read more

Vietnam's newly acquired submarines not practical for S China Sea

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: Hai Pong (S 184)]Earlier this month, the Vietnamese Navy commissioned two new Russian-made Kilo-class diesel-electric submarines, the 184-Hai Phong and the 185-Khanh Hoa, at a ceremony at Cam Ranh Naval in Khanh Hoa province, south of Hanoi. Under a contract signed by the two countries, two more submarines of the same class will be delivered in 2016. The two new vessels will be part of the Submarine Brigade 189, which already includes the 182-Hanoi and the 183-Ho Chi Minh–the first two Kilo-class SSKs in the Vietnam People's Navy. Vietnam is working to build a fleet of six K... more »

Top U.S. General Raymond Odierno On Donald Trump

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
*Washington Post:* *Gen. Ray Odierno: I disagree with Donald Trump on Iraq* Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno said Wednesday that he disagrees with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s idea that the United States should go into Iraq and seize oil being used to fund the Islamic State militant group, saying that there are limits on what military power can do. Odierno’s comments came in a wide-ranging briefing with reporters at the Pentagon as he prepares to retire as the Army’s top officer after 39 years of service. Trump, the Republican front-runner in the 201... more »

Top U.S. General: Russia Is Most Dangerous Threat Facing The U.S.

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
*CNN:* *Top Army leader: Russia is "most dangerous" threat facing U.S.* Washington (CNN)The outgoing Army chief of staff said Wednesday that Russia posed the "most dangerous" threat facing the United States today, thanks to its "sophisticated" operations in Ukraine. Gen. Raymond Odierno, who is leaving his post, estimated that only a third of U.S. brigades are capable of operating at the level of the hybrid warfare Russia is undertaking there. And he worries that Russia could next intervene in NATO allies like Latvia or Estonia. "They are more mature than some other of our potenti... more »

Jiří Wolker: The Mailbox

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 22 hours ago
A mailbox on the corner of the street isn't just another damn generic object. It blossoms in blue, the people highly respect it and they entrust all their secrets to it. Little letters are being dropped into it from both sides: happy ones from one side and the sad ones from the other. The letters are white as pollen and they are waiting for the trains, ships, and the man who shall blow them far away as the wind or a bumblebee – up to those places with hearts, the red stigmas that are hiding in the pink perianth. When the letter reaches its destination, fruits grow up there, eith... more »

Quote of the Day: On money

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 22 hours ago
"Money is a tool of exchange, which can’t exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your products by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce." (Ayn Rand,* Atlas Shrugged*) Discuss. [image: Posted with Blogsy]Posted with Blogsy Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republ... more »

In His Last Press Briefing Top U.S. Army General Odierno Calls For U.S. Soldiers To Be Embedded With Iraqi Forces. Believes Iraq May Have To Be Partitioned

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*CNN:* *Top general: U.S. should consider boots on ground in Iraq* Washington (CNN)The top Army general said Wednesday that the U.S should consider embedding soldiers in Iraq if the battle against ISIS doesn't improve. "If we find in the next several months that we aren't making progress, we should absolutely consider embedding some soldiers (in Iraq)," Gen. Raymond Odierno, outgoing Army chief of staff, said in response to a CNN question about putting troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria at his final press conference. He called it an "option we should present to the President."... more »

Use and value diversity

risa bear at A Way to Live - 23 hours ago
Here is one of twelve collages on The Permaculture Principles and how they might be applied, especially in the maritime Pacific Northwest. Concepts from David Holmgren's Essence of Permaculture. *Ten*. "Use and value diversity." 1. On the land, try everything. Some trees, perennials and annuals will do better, some will not like your climate or soils. For those who work with animals, it's much the same -- one five acre place might do well with a Devon cow and calf, whereas another, with smaller available pasture, might require a Dexter. Do early spring gardens do better here tha... more »

Feminists, the Phone App Hookup Culture, and Decades of Bad Advice

Heather Wilhelm at The Stream - 23 hours ago
In case you missed it, this month’s Vanity Fair features a impressively bleak and depressing article, with a title worth a thousand Internet clicks: “Tinder and the Dawn of the Dating Apocalypse.” Written by Nancy Jo Sales, it’s a salty,... The post Feminists, the Phone App Hookup Culture, and Decades of Bad Advice appeared first on The Stream.

U.S. Officials Suspect That Islamic State Militants Are Now Starting To Use Chemical Weapons

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*Wall Street Journal*: *Islamic State Suspected of Using Chemical Weapon, U.S. Says* Militants likely used mustard agent on Kurdish forces in Iraq, officials say WASHINGTON—Islamic State militants likely used mustard agent against Kurdish forces in Iraq this week, senior U.S. officials said Thursday, in the first indication the militant group has obtained banned chemicals. The officials said Islamic State could have obtained the mustard agent in Syria, whose government admitted to having large quantities in 2013 when it agreed to give up its chemical-weapons arsenal. The use of m... more »

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