Tommy Chong's photo.
At one time we got most of our information from print, radio, and television. It was a curated environment with layers of approval (reporters, editors, publishers, etc) needed before anything made it to the consumer. With the advent of consumer internet the information travelled straight from the creator to the consumer with no bullshit filters in between. People had to use their own critical thinking skills, and many were found wanting.

The Anti-Information Age
governments are having as much success as the Internet in disrupting independent media and determining what information reaches society.
Only 10% of published science articles are reproducable
Climate Science : Is it Currently Designed to Answer Questions ?
When an issue becomes a vital part of a political agenda, as is the case with climate, then the politically desired position becomes a goal rather than a consequence of scientific research.
Political bodies act to control scientific institutions, scientists adjust both data and even theory to accommodate politically correct positions, and opposition to these positions is disposed of.
Science has traditionally been held to involve the creative opposition of theory and observation wherein each tests the other in such a manner as to converge on a better understanding of the natural world. As science undertook more ambitious problems, and the cost and scale of operations increased, the need for funds undoubtedly shifted emphasis to practical relevance. Many success stories established ‘science’ as a source of authority and integrity. Thus, almost all modern movements claimed scientific foundations for their aims. This fostered a profound misuse of science, since science is primarily a successful mode of inquiry rather than a source of authority.

"Today if you go for a drive out to the Brookdale area of Amherst, NS, be prepared for a lot of red and blue.
Stephen Harper in an attempt that could only be seen as insulting decided to hold an event just up the road from the Liberal Candidate they are so afraid of, Bill Casey. They are afraid of Bill because he is the one harper kicked out of the PC caucus for voting against him and siding with the people of Nova Scotia.
To go to Harper's event,you had to be pre-approved, consent to search, very strict media control, and mostly have to be a paying party member. They decorated for the event by posting Conservative signs along the road along the Casey property.
Cuba's Star-Spangled Slavery
The stars and stripes, not the Confederate flag, once represented the sordid system of human slavery in Cuba.
Aisha Noelle with David Lee and Mark Everson
America before colonization.... I've never seen this map in my entire 25 years of formal education. Not in one history book or one lesson. This is not a mistake... Representation matters!!!#NativeHistory #BeforeAmerica
Jerry Avissato shared Zinn Education Project's photo.
After a door-to-door, grassroots campaign, Julian Bond (1940-2015) was elected to the Georgia House of Representative in 1965 with 82% of the vote. But the Georgia state legislature refused to swear him in because of SNCC’s opposition to the Vietnam War and Bond’s refusal to disavow the organization’s position. So he campaigned (for his empty seat) and won another time, but was refused seating again. After winning a third election, the Supreme court ordered the state legislature to seat Bond. He took his seat the following month. Read more at One Person, One Vote Project:

Cut '8 days of military spending' for universal education: Malala

The Raw Story shared a link.
zy to come out and vote. We must all encourage others to vote, otherwise, the Republican ISIS Party of phony Christians and corrupt criminals are going to destroy our nation. He only got 18 months...a judge should get 80 years because he was a judge and leader in the community and we expect them to lead by example.
The U.S. just significantly boosted military aid to Israel by 50% to $4.5 billion/year only days after a report found 238,000 veterans have died waiting for VA healthcare. Share if you think this is disgusting!
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