10:27pm MDST
It Depends on What the Meaning of ‘Crazies’ Is
[image: US-POLITICS-EASTER-OBAMA] Yeah, I get President Obama’s point. He wants to disarm law-abiding Americans but entrust the Iranian Islamist theocracy to police itself on nuclear arms and subsidize its funding of global terrorism. But we’re the “crazies.” Recently, Obama dissed opponents of... more »
Does Planned Parenthood’s Letter to Congress about Its Fetal Organ Business Contain a Smoking Gun?
[image: 150727_planned_parenthood_2_gty_1160_956x519__1440724271_70.119.142.63] Planned Parenthood told Congress on Thursday that the organization's physicians on rare occasions make adjustments to an abortion procedure if a patient wants to donate fetal material. Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, wrote in a letter... more »
Will Fate of Iraqi Jews Soon Befall Other Minorities?
[image: iraq-jew-1423643566__1440727011_70.119.142.63] In 2003, I served as the U.S. Coalition official responsible for "administering" the province of Kirkuk in northern Iraq. At the time, I was struck by how the different communities intermarried, spoke each other's languages, and loved each other's cultures.... more »
Center for Medical Progress Calls Planned Parenthood-Commissioned Analysis of Videos ‘Complete Failure’
[image: Planned Parenthood5 - 900] The Center for Medical Progress has condemned a Planned Parenthood-commissioned analysis that claims the undercover videos released by the organization did not "present a complete or accurate record of the events," according to the New York Times. "Planned Parenthood's desperate, 11th-hour... more »
Hubble Telescope Captures Shimmering ‘Cosmic Butterfly’
[image: HT_nebula_jef_150827_16x9_992__1440726068_70.119.142.63] The cosmic butterfly, or as its known more formally, the twin jet nebula, was captured in a vibrant new image taken from the Hubble Telescope. The glowing colors and expanding gas seen in the image are the final gasps of... more »
Are There Congressman As Insane And Racist As Trump? How About In Los Angeles?
The GOP sure attracts the nut cases-- Steve Knight, Donald TrumpLindsey Graham was one of the Republican presidential hopefuls yesterday who lashed out at Trump over his pandering to the racists who are celebrating his anti-immigrant mania. "If he becomes the nominee, we’ll get killed," he told CNN yesterday. [T]he policies that Mr. Trump is proposing are demagoguery. His approach to describing legal immigrants are hurting us with Hispanics. The way he attacks women is going to be a death blow to the future of our party. Come to South Carolina and I’ll beat his brains out... Donald ... more »
Japan Names Its Newest Helicopter Carrier After The Carrier That Attacked Pearl Harbor
Helicopter carrier Kaga (DDH-184) on Aug. 27, 2015. Japan Marine United Photo *USNI News*: *Japan Launches Latest Helicopter Carrier* Japan has launched the second in its new class of helicopter carrier — the largest Japanese ships since World War II — in a Thursday ceremony in Yokohama. The 24,000-ton Kaga (DDH-184) — built by ship builder Japan Marine United — bears the same name as the World War II Imperial Japanese Navy carrier Kaga that was part of Pearl Harbor attack and was sunk in the Battle Midway. The ship follows JS Izumo (DDH-183) which entered service in the Japanese ... more »
More Photos from Jeju Island
*With some of the folks after my talk on last night in Gangjeong village. Fighting! (Click on the photos for a better view)* *Tea party* *My adopted Korean sister Mi Kyoung (in green) leads us in meditation by the sea.* *With Sung-Hee, Brother Song and Yang Yoon-Mo after my talk at village peace center. Song and Yang spent considerable time in jail for non-violent civil resistance to base construction.* *At the Navy base destruction gate in Gangjeong - police pushing us away so trucks can pass.* *With the MBC radio crew after the interview on their station. **Great Jeju artist Gilch... more »
China Denies Rushing Military Forces To The Border During Last Weeks' Tensions On The Korean Peninsula
This photo, showing the transport of a 155 mm self-propelled gun, was variously identified as having been taken near the North Korean border and outside of Beijing. (Credit: Weibo/ 北京人不知道的北京事儿) *Reuters*: *China denies rushing forces to border during Korean tensions* China did not rush reinforcements to its border with North Korea following a rise in tensions between the two Koreas last week, China's Defence Ministry said on Thursday, adding that its forces were in normal deployment. Pictures circulated on Chinese websites over the weekend, which were picked up by some overseas Chi... more »
Aug 27, 2015 6:02 PM MNN. 15 MINUTES OF FAME http://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2015/08/27/15-minutes-of-fame/
New Evidence on Gender Bias in IR Syllabi
The following is a guess post by Jeff Colgan, Richard Holbrooke Assistant Professor at Brown University, and is @JeffDColgan on Twitter. It’s that time of year again, when professors are designing syllabi as fast as they can with deliberation and care. Recently I analyzed IR syllabi for PhD students. The data suggest a gender bias that […]
Tropical Storm Erika Triggers Deadly Flooding in Dominica; Warnings in Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands; Uncertain Threat to the Bahamas, Florida, Carolinas
[image: map_tropinfo05_ltst_5nhato_enus_650x366__1440725760_70.119.142.63] Erika Lashes Inches Toward Puerto Rico Meteorologist Danielle Banks talks about the track of Tropical Storm Erika, and the potential flooding it could bring. Highlights Tropical Storm Erika is in the eastern Caribbean Sea just southeast of Puerto Rico, but... more »
August 27: And not too late to send me an expensive birthday gift.
Forgive me for I have sinned. Friends told me (how wise they were) to write my column in Word or something similar so I could finish it, then copy it to the blog site - rather than losing it by writing it on the blog site. Which I just did. And lost it after three hours of writing. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The day began badly. I was changing for a swim when a stranger in the locker room glared at me, and burst into a tirade about a fired reporter who had murdered another reporter and a camerman - on camera. He seem so upset and so angry at me that I wondered if the story had... more »
Pakistan Will Have The World's 3rd Largest Nuclear Arsenal Within A Decade
This still image from a Pakistan military handout video shows a Hatf IX (NASR) missile being fired during a test at an undisclosed location in Pakistan April 19, 2011. Pakistan on Tuesday test fired a newly developed short range surface to surface ballistic missile capable of delivering nuclear warheads, the military said. REUTERS/Pakistan Military Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) *Washington Post: Report*:* Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal could become the world’s third-biggest* ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A new report by two American think tanks asserts that Pakistan may be building ... more »
The War In Afghanistan's Helmand Province Is Escalating
*Reuters*: *Afghan forces, with NATO help, attack resurgent Taliban* Soldiers from the U.S.-led NATO coalition have joined an Afghan army campaign to try to stop a Taliban advance in Helmand province that has undermined hopes of a negotiated peace. Nearly 14 years on from the U.S. invasion that toppled the Islamist regime after the Sept. 2001 attacks, the Taliban are making gains. On Wednesday the Helmand district of Musa Qala fell to the Taliban for the first time since 2007. "The deputy defense minister is in Helmand right now and an operation is ongoing in full force to retake... more »
Agency, election and merger
1196303 Inc v Glen Grove Suites Inc., 2015 ONCA 580: [80] Election and merger are separate, albeit related, concepts. Election refers to a decision to pursue either the agent or the principal for a single cause of action. Once a plaintiff has definitively elected to sue either principal or agent, he or she may not later choose to pursue the other party. Whether a party has elected is a question of fact, and is often difficult to prove. Merger, by contrast, occurs once judgment has been granted against either agent or principal. Once judgment is given against one, the cause of... more »
Friday Morning Ramble, 28.08.15
Bureaucracies aren’t good parents. Lesson learned? *Playgrounds may go due to safety bill* – RADIO NZ Bureaucracies aren’t good parents. Lesson learned? *Kids probably no better off in state care* – RADIO NZ “Socialism is compassionate, caring, and helps children everywhere.” *Children with cancer go without chemo for weeks in Venezuela due to medicine shortage* – LATINO.FOXNEWS.COM “This latest from the Commissioner, and then Paula Rebstock's panel to "transform" CYF are just part and parcel of the ongoing drama that is chasing the tail of inter-generational social malaise dri... more »
Yeah, it's almost September, but still, let's hear it for the Good Humor Man!
*It's the Good Humor Man, c1950 -- practically a religious figure, or maybe a better-than-religious figure, depending on your perspective.* *by Ken* Like the good folks at *Inside the Apple*, with their "Postcard Thursday," the folks at the Brooklyn Historical Society send out a weekly photo, in their case drawing on the august BHS photo archives. And while it seems as if there were some mighty hot times over the last couple of months when we could more specifically have thrilled to the magic of ice cream, in these precincts ice cream is something like a free pass -- it's good for ... more »
How Is Martin Luther King, Jr’s Dream Doing Today?
[image: I Have a Dream] 52 years ago today, Martin Luther King Jr uttered those famous words: "I have a dream." King shared a dream that we would be judged each other by the content of our character rather than the color of their skin.... more »
Kurd/ISIS Symbiosis: ISIS takes Syrian border towns
*So typical. So unsurprising. Not going out on a limb here at all to predict that which has happened many times, in many different locals along the Syrian/Turkish border.* *ISIS has now taken Syrian territory which the Kurds will ‘fight’ them for in a manner that is ‘so fierce’, that of course, ISIS resistance will melt away. It will simply evaporate.* *Why does ISIS always take territory that is so beneficial for the creation of Kurdistan? Particularly this last little bit along the Syrian Turkey border. With it's inevitable fall to the Kurdish militias. So much for NATO coope... more »
Martin Hill on summer travels, Rolf Lindgren on 2016 presidential race
*Broadcast here August 28th**,** 10-11:00 a.m. Central (1500 GMT).* *For only $3.95 a month you can listen to shows on-demand before they are broadcast - and also get free downloads and other perks from Kevin! If you are a subscriber, just log in to the members area of TruthJihad.com to get early access to the shows. Non-subscribers only get access to the No Lies Radio show archives the day after the broadcast here. Help Kevin keep these shows on the air - become a subscriber today!* First half hour: Martin Hill of LibertyFight.com talks to Kevin about summer travels (Martin went t... more »
What Six Years of ‘Reset’ Have Wrought with Russia
[image: RUSSIA-ITALY-POLITICS-DIPLOMACY] WASHINGTON -- On September 5, 2014, Russian agents crossed into Estonia and kidnapped an Estonian security official. Last week, after a closed trial, Russia sentenced him to 15 years. The reaction? The State Department issued a statement. The NATO secretary-general... more »
The Long, Slow Death of the Rule of Law in America
[image: Hillary Clinton 8 - 400] The most disturbing aspect of the scandal around Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server during her tenure as secretary of state is not the former first lady's penchant for secrecy. In fact, we all ought to be a... more »
Testers Find Twice as Many ‘Superbugs’ in Conventional Hamburger as Organic Ones
[image: hamburger - 400] Most people know that you can get sick from eating tainted ground beef. Now a new report has a lot more detail about the safety of ground beef tested across the United States. Some of it has bacteria that produces... more »
Cartoon: ‘Obamaconomy’
[image: Payne - 082715 - Obamaconomy]
"Urgent! The Stock Market Crash Of '15 Has Already Begun, And It's About To Get Much Worse"
*"Urgent! The Stock Market Crash Of '15 Has Already Begun, * *And It's About To Get Much Worse" * by Gregory Mannerino "A series of technical events have already taken place which has caused massive losses in the US stock market, and it appears that this is about to get much worse. Have a look at this chart segment below: This chart demonstrates the price action of the Dow Jones Industrial Average since the market top in May. Two critical events have already occurred, and a third appears to be just weeks away. Take notice to the first white circle 1. This technical event occurred w... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 27, 2015
ISIS has captured large swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq, including all of oil-rich Deir Ezzor. (File photo: Reuters) *Noah Feldman, Bloomberg*: *Oil Is Islamic State's Lifeblood* The battle for Baiji, site of one of Iraq’s major oil refineries, is heating up again. Since May, Islamic State fighters have been chipping away at the Iraqi government’s control. Now it seems possible that the empty city and the shuttered refinery could fall. Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi visited the battlefield this week and emphasized the site’s strategic importance to retaking Mosul. Wha... more »
Just 3 Days Left To Enter The Ice-T Gold Record Contest
Blue America is at the tail end of a fundraising effort on behalf of Alex Law, the progressive Democrat running against South Jersey Machine incumbent Donald Norcross, brother of notoriously corrupt party boss George Norcross. Since being installed in Congress by his brother in 2014-- after the corrupt old Machine hack was driven out by scandal-- Donald Norcross has been a dependable vote for many of John Boehner's worst policies. His first vote in Congress was for the Keystone XL Pipeline. And after an AIPAC-funded trip to Israel, he returned to Cherry Hill in his district with G... more »
7 Ways to Combat Your Own Cognitive Dissonance
*Gary ‘Z’ McGee* - One of the most difficult things a human being can do is question the self. The post 7 Ways to Combat Your Own Cognitive Dissonance appeared first on Waking Times.
World’s Largest Ocean Harvesting Clean Energy Power Plant Goes Live
*Cole Mellino* - This incredible clean energy power plant and test facility is running. The post World’s Largest Ocean Harvesting Clean Energy Power Plant Goes Live appeared first on Waking Times.
Do You Truly Own Yourself?
*Video - *If you truly own yourself, stop being a slave of someone else. The post Do You Truly Own Yourself? appeared first on Waking Times.
*Rising sea level threatens coastal restoration, New Orleans levees, scientists say ~Mark Schleifstein*
A Grand Rapids Church Chooses People Over Historic Space
[image: Bethlehem Lutheran Church - 400] Dennis Johnson readily admits it: one of the reasons he and his wife, Donna, joined Bethlehem Lutheran Church (link is external) 30 years ago was the building. He loved its neo-Gothic architecture, its handsome woodwork and its majestic organ. "It... more »
Trump, Cruz to Hold Joint Anti-Iran Rally on Capitol Hill
[image: Trump - Cruz - 400] Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) will jointly host a rally at the Capitol in the coming weeks to protest the nuclear deal with Iran, Cruz's campaign said on Thursday. A date for the presidential candidates’ event has yet... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Beautiful Planet Earth”
Vangelis, “Beautiful Planet Earth” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=15&v=8Akb1t37T4E
"A Look to the Heavens"
"The 16th century Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan and his crew had plenty of time to study the southern sky during the first circumnavigation of planet Earth. As a result, two fuzzy cloud-like objects easily visible to southern hemisphere skygazers are known as the Clouds of Magellan, now understood to be satellite galaxies of our much larger, spiral Milky Way galaxy. About 160,000 light-years distant in the constellation Dorado, the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is seen here in a remarkably deep, colorful, image. *Click image for larger size.* Spanning about 15,000 light-yea... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Burden Of Thinking”
*“The Burden Of Thinking”* by Chet Raymo “Let me speak for gray. Not black or white. Good or evil. Truth or falsity. Yes or no. Let me speak for maybe. Sort of. More or less. I think so. I am reluctant to speak for gray for fear of being considered wishy-washy. Indecisive. Unprincipled. But lately it seems as if we are surrounded on every side by zealots, and it's not a pretty sight. We are surrounded by people who are so certain of their Truth that they are willing to strap bombs to their chests and walk into crowded pizza parlors. Or fly airplanes into towers. Or bomb abortion c... more »
World News Briefs -- August 27, 2015 (Evening Edition)
U.S. President Barack Obama meets with Saudi Arabia's King Salman at Erga Palace in Riyadh, Jan. 27, 2015. *VOA:* *Saudi King Salman to Visit Obama Next Week* Saudi King Salman is visiting Washington next week to meet with U.S. President Barack Obama about several Middle East issues. "His visit underscores the importance of the strategic partnership between the United States and Saudi Arabia," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Thursday in announcing the visit, set for September 4. *MIDDLE EAST* U.S., allies hit Islamic State in Iraq *with 21 air strikes: military.* IS car b... more »
10 Years After Katrina Obama Sees Message of Resilience on Streets of New Orleans
[image: President Barack Obama, accompanied by New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, right, teases a shy girl as he greets residents in the the Tremé neighborhood in New Orleans, Thursday, Aug. 27, 2015, for the 10th anniversary since the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Tremé is one of the oldest black neighborhoods in America, which borders the French Quarter just north of Downtown. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)] NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Visiting on tidy porch stoops and dining at a thriving corner eatery, President Barack Obama paid tribute to New Orleans on Thursday as an extraordinary exampl... more »
Planned Parenthood Doctors Failed To Report Rape, Don’t Wash Their Hands
[image: Planned Parenthood7 - 900] Planned Parenthood staff did not report multiple rapes of a 14-year-old girl who got two abortions at the clinic that were four months apart, the Alabama health department found during a recently published review of the clinic. In addition to sanitation... more »
More On Jets Over Gangjeong
I am writing from an airport hotel in Narita, Japan after my flight to US got cancelled. We sat on the plane for 6 1/2 hours yesterday with mechanical problems. United Airlines pushed us back from the gate three different times but after sitting on the runway the plane went back to gate for more repairs. Finally, hungry, tired, and extremely frustrated, we were unloaded and had to wait in long lines to get hotel passes and then more long lines at the hotel to check-in. We still have no idea when the plane will finally leave. Once I got to the hotel I was able to check ema... more »
Kahlil Gibran, "The Seven Selves"
"The Seven Selves" by Kahlil Gibran "In the stillest hour of the night, as I lay half asleep, my seven selves sat together and thus conversed in whisper: First Self: Here, in this madman, I have dwelt all these years, with naught to do but renew his pain by day and recreate his sorrow by night. I can bear my fate no longer, and now I rebel. Second Self: Yours is a better lot than mine, brother, for it is given to me to be this madman's joyous self. I laugh his laughter and sing his happy hours, and with thrice winged feet I dance his brighter thoughts. It is I that would rebel aga... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Learned Helplessness”
*“Learned Helplessness”* by Paulo Coelho “The American psychologist Martin Seligman’s foundational experiments and theory of learned helplessness began at University of Pennsylvania in 1967, as an extension of his interest in depression. A person should be able to walk away from an abusive relationship, for example, or voluntarily quit a stressful job. A psychological condition known as learned helplessness, however, can cause a person to feel completely powerless to change his or her circumstances for the better. The result of learned helplessness is often severe depression and ex... more »
The Poet: Jeanne Lohmann, "Questions Before Dark"
*"Questions Before Dark"* "Day ends, and before sleep when the sky dies down, consider your altered state: has this day changed you? Are the corners sharper or rounded off? Did you live with death? Make decisions that quieted? Find one clear word that fit? At the sun's midpoint did you notice a pitch of absence, bewilderment that invites the possible? What did you learn from things you dropped and picked up and dropped again? Did you set a straw parallel to the river, let the flow carry you downstream?" - Jeanne Lohmann from "The Light of Invisible Bodies"
"We All Stumble..."
“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.” - Emily Kimbrough
"Coincidence, or an Inevitable Result of Intention?"
"Coincidence, or an Inevitable Result of Intention?" By Perry Gruber "They’re happening too often to call them all coincidence. In the summer I shared the miraculous cat tree story where out of nowhere I manifested a cat tree for my little critters. Since then, similar supporting events have been happening regularly enough that I’m beginning to trust that my intention and interpretation actually does shape reality. I haven’t taken time to write about all of them as they’ve occurred (sorry); I just don’t think about doing so often enough. But this one happened with such amazement, t... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Pune, Maharashtra, India. Thanks for stopping by.
"It's Everybody..."
"If you're going to care about the fall of the sparrow you can't pick and choose who's going to be the sparrow. It's everybody." - Madeleine L'Engle
Is The U.S. Navy Too Small?
IN PHOTO: U.S. Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ships steam in formation during their military manoeuvre exercise known as Keen Sword 15 in the sea south of Japan, in this November 19, 2014 handout provided by the U.S. Navy. Japan stepped up its role in large-scale war games with the U.S. this week, with one of its admirals commanding air and sea manoeuvres that the U.S. military described as the most complex ever overseen by the Japanese navy. The Keen Sword exercises involving more than 30,000 Japanese troops and 11,000 U.S. personnel come as Japanese Prime Minister Shin... more »
The GOP Field That Failed
[image: Republican presidential candidates from left, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Scott Walker, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and John Kasich take the stage for the first Republican presidential debate at the Quicken Loans Arena Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)] The rise of Donald Trump is, in part, a function of a vacuum. He is thriving in a Republican field that is large, talented and, so far, underwhelming. To paraphrase Bruce Springsteen, there’s 17 candidates and nothing on. Except Donald... more »
Black Leaders Demand Removal of Margaret Sanger from National Portrait Gallery
[image: Remove_the_Bust_Sanger_NPG_2] Washington, D.C. -- A group of black leaders outside the National Portrait Gallery in the nation’s capital called for the removal of a bust of Margaret Sanger this week, noting that she was openly racist against blacks and a proponent of eugenics.... more »
"Knowing can be a curse on a person's life. I'd traded in a pack of lies for a pack of truth, and I didn't know which one was heavier. Which one took the most strength to carry around? It was a ridiculous question, though, because once you know the truth, you can't ever go back and pick up your suitcase of lies. Heavier or not, the truth is yours now." - Sue Monk Kidd
Poll: 82 Percent Of Americans Oppose Moving Forward On The Iran Nuclear Deal Without The Approval Of Congress'
*The Hill*: *Survey: Most disapprove of moving forward on Iran without Congress* A vast majority of the public would oppose the White House moving forward with the nuclear deal with Iran without the support of Congress, according to a new survey released by an organization critical of the deal. The poll, released by Secure America Now, found that 82 percent of Americans — including large majorities in both parties — oppose the White House granting billions of dollars in sanctions relief “without the approval of Congress.” The survey also showed that, when informed about “secret si... more »
Unrest Grows In Guatemala As Calls For The President To Resign Grow
Guatemala's prosecutor's office said there was a "high probability" President Ott Perez Molina participated in the customs fraud operation that has embroiled the country in a political crisis. Pictured: Perez Molina speaks during the Fifth Esquipulas Forum in Guatemala City Aug. 19, 2014. Reuters/Jorge Dan Lopez *The Guardian:* *Guatemalan president faces growing threat of impeachment amid scandal* Protesters kick off major day of action across major cities as support for President Otto Pérez Molina slips by the day following official bribery reports. Pressure to impeach Presiden... more »
The CIA Has Taken To Twitter In A Big Way
*Adam Epstein, Quartz:* *That time the CIA trolled everyone with a twistedly genius Twitter strategy* *OH MY GOSH WE'RE BEING HACKED* In January, the CIA sent out this tweet to its hundreds of thousands of followers: Yes, that’s the US Central Intelligence Agency—one of the most powerful government organizations in the world—sending a tweet, with no other context, in Russian. The tweet was made just days after the US CENTCOM Twitter account was hacked by alleged ISIL sympathizers. Naturally, a lot of people thought the CIA had just been hacked by the Russians. That was the respo... more »
Did The Pentagon, Intelligence Chiefs, And The White House Politicized Islamic State Intelligence Reports And Analysis?
*Shane Harris & Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast:** Spies: Obama’s Brass Pressured Us to Downplay ISIS Threat* U.S. intelligence analysts keep saying that the American-led campaign against ISIS isn’t going so well. Their bosses keep telling them to think again about those conclusions. Senior military and intelligence officials have inappropriately pressured U.S. terrorism analysts to alter their assessments about the strength of the self-proclaimed Islamic State, three sources familiar with the matter told The Daily Beast. Analysts have been pushed to portray the group as weaker than... more »
5 Wild Women Who Are Transforming the World
*Jocelyn Mercado* - These women are incredible and we honor them here. The post 5 Wild Women Who Are Transforming the World appeared first on Waking Times.
Enlightened Technology in the Ancient Sanskrit Texts
*V. Susan Ferguson* - Clues in the ancient texts reveal the alien roots of modern technology. The post Enlightened Technology in the Ancient Sanskrit Texts appeared first on Waking Times.
On-Air Gunman Became Increasingly Volatile Before Killings
[image: WDBJ-TV7 news morning anchor Kimberly McBroom, left, hugs meteorologist Leo Hirsbrunner after their early morning newscast at the station, Thursday, Aug. 27, 2015, in Roanoke, Va. Reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward were killed during a live broadcast Wednesday, while on assignment in Moneta. (AP Photo/Steve Helber)] MONETA, Va. (AP) -- Vester Flanagan appeared to become increasingly volatile in recent years, picking fights with co-workers and others he encountered over seemingly mundane events or perceived slights and culminating with the on-air slaying of two for... more »
Supplemental: The nature of State Department email!
*THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2015 As Baldwin pretends with some polls:* Briefly watching mid-afternoon CNN, we just saw Brooke Baldwin hyping a “bombshell report.” In a brand-new Quinnipiac poll, Biden performs a few points better than Clinton against the leading Republicans! In August of the year before, with Biden not even in the race, that’s a bombshell in much the same way that Baldwin is Pliny the Elder reborn. Also, with people like Baldwin, press corps-wide, working hard to fluff Uncle Joe while knocking Vile Clinton around. Our “journalists” routinely say it—they say they have a ... more »
What if Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Care?
[image: Hillary's war - 400] What if former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been pulling the wool over our eyes for years? What if, while she was secretary of state, she ran two secret wars, one in Libya and one in Syria? What if... more »
Democratic Party Lags Behind in Cash, Fundraising
[image: Hillary Clinton Barack Obama - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Democratic National Committee barely has more cash than it does IOUs, and it is being outraised month after month by its Republican competitor. Its $24 million debt from the 2012 presidential election, only recently paid down,... more »
Earl (cat) for PM advertisement 1892
Interesting. Cruelty to animals must stop.
Almost None of the ‘Women’ in the Ashley Madison Database Ever Used the Site
[image: Ashley Madison2 - 400] When hacker group Impact Team released the Ashley Madison data, they asserted that "thousands" of the women's profiles were fake. Later, this number got blown up in news stories that asserted "90-95%" of them were fake, though nobody put forth... more »
How Many National Anthems are Plagiarized?
[image: Microphone-400] Several of the world’s national anthems are shockingly similar to other compositions. Is this because composers pilfer other people’s tunes – or does it tell us more about the difficulties of writing an original melody, asks Alex Marshall, author of... more »
Rumored Discovery of Nazi Train Sets Off Polish Gold Rush
[image: nazi train] The alleged discovery of a gold-filled Nazi train in western Poland has perked up the ears of treasure-hunters to such a degree that the government felt the need Thursday to warn them it could be booby-trapped. Local media have for... more »
APSA Tweet Up: Ducks Like Beer
Once again, those poli sci types on twitter (Marc Lynch, Dan Drezner, me, and the other usual suspects) will be meeting up at the APSA on Friday, August 4th from 5:30-7pm at the Parc 55 hotel bar (which I believe is on the second floor) which is across the street from the Hilton. Note that […]
"A Little Parenthesis In Eternity... We Danced..."
*We danced, as the stars flickered to light...* *Do you remember?* "Do you remember still the falling stars that like swift horses through the heavens raced and suddenly leaped across the hurdles of our wishes- do you recall? And we did make so many! For there were countless numbers of stars: each time we looked above we were astounded by the swiftness of their daring play, while in our hearts we felt safe and secure watching these brilliant bodies disintegrate, knowing somehow we had survived their fall." - Rainer Maria Rilke “We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and da... more »
'When Things Go Wrong: Don’t Quit!"
*'When Things Go Wrong"* by Zen Gardner "Things going “wrong” aren’t easy tasks to handle, for sure. No matter how much we prepare for or try to avoid seeming wrong eventualities, they happen. It can be anything, from a wrong turn to lost or stolen items or nagging financial matters. It can be a health issue or a serious accident. Shift happens. It’s part of life. Handling these matters is nothing new as life progresses, but they can set you back and even throw you off, some times a lot more than others. Clearly conscious awareness must prevail to see beyond the circumstances and t... more »
"How It Really Is"
“The Blasé Acceptance that You Might Get Shot Is a Fact of American Life” - http://www.alternet.org/
“The Best Line Ever From ‘The Magnificent Seven’”
*“The Best Line Ever From ‘The Magnificent Seven’”* by David Smith “Perhaps you've seen a 1960 western– now available in stunning Blu-ray format– titled ‘The Magnificent Seven.’ Starring Yul Brunner, Eli Wallach, Charles Bronson, and Steve McQueen, it chronicles a group of hired gringo gunslingers employed in a Mexican village. They work for little pay in order to rid the town of a band of outlaws who periodically swoop down from the hills, robbing the unfortunates of most of their food and meager finances. In an immortal line that so poignantly speaks to the coming events for many ... more »
The Economy: “The Most Astounding Credit Binge in History”
*“The Most Astounding Credit Binge in History”* by Bill Bonner DELRAY BEACH, Florida – “The Donald” breathed a sigh of relief yesterday. He and other rich people got a break from the beating they’ve been taking: Stocks bounced, with the Dow ending yesterday’s session up more than 600 points. But is the bounce to be trusted? And are there better, more tangible, alternatives to investing in stocks? We’ll try to answer both questions in today’s update… *Stripped Gears: *Yesterday's bump confirms the mainstream view: There is nothing to worry about. The recent sell-off is just a case o... more »
Allegation: World Meeting of Families Leader Gave to Pro-Abortion Politicos
[image: Bob+Ciaruffoli] According to The Lepanto Institute, Robert Ciaruffoli – who presides over the upcoming World Meeting of Families (WMoF) which is sponsored by the Catholic Church – has contributed thousands of dollars in funding political candidates who are strongly opposed to... more »
ISIS Suicide Attack Kills 2 Iraqi Generals
[image: Stop Sign in Ramadi, Iraq-900] BAGHDAD (AP) -- An Islamic State suicide bomber killed two Iraqi army generals on Thursday as they led forces against IS positions in the turbulent Anbar province west of Baghdad, military officials said. They said the bomber drove his explosives-laden... more »
HBO’s John Oliver Targets Conservative Churches
[image: john oliver] In 2004, Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show, famously appeared on CNN's Crossfire and accused the hosts of "hurting America." He excoriated the show's hosts for being "partisan hacks" who suck up to politicians and spin the news for... more »
Europe’s Immigration Drama has Nothing to Do with Donald Trump
[image: immigration2 - 400] From following the news, you'd think that immigration was strictly a U.S. problem, one brought to the fore by Donald Trump. But although Trump has certainly moved the debate to a new level here at home, other parts of the... more »
Biden Meets with Top Labor Leader as Talk of Presidential Run Grows
[image: Biden - 400] WASHINGTON - A new national poll shows Vice President Biden faring better than Hillary Clinton in match-ups against top Republican presidential candidates, as the VP weighs jumping into the race -- and meets Thursday with a top labor leader. Fox News...more »
The U.S. Was Not Ready On How To Respond After 9/11
*The Independent*: *Declassified CIA documents reveal how disastrous America’s post-9/11 plans really were* Scholars working on the contemporary Middle East are living through something of a golden age where evidence is uniquely plentiful for three reasons. First, the disastrous failures of US policy in Afghanistan and Iraq have led to an unprecedented programme of declassification of documents (some with significant redactions) as part of the cathartic process of trying to understand how so many mistakes were made before and after 9/11. Second, the cache of cables dumped by Wiki... more »
CIA To Declassify Top Secret Reports From The 1960s
The CIA seal is displayed in the lobby of CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. (File Photo) *Newsweek*: *CIA Plans Huge Release of Top-Secret Reports From the 1960s* The Central Intelligence Agency is set to release 2,500 previously top-secret briefings it gave to presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson in the 1960s, a private pro-CIA group announced on Wednesday. “The vast majority of the documents have never been previously released,” an informed official says, although a number of CIA presidential briefings have surfaced in heavily redacted form over the years. Intelligence... more »
UN Nuclear Agency: Iran Expanded Parchin Nuclear Facility
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Yukiya Amano addresses a news conference after a board of governors meeting at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna, Austria, June 8, 2015. REUTERS/LEONHARD FOEGER/FILES *Reuters*: *Iran may have built extension at disputed military site: U.N. nuclear watchdog* Iran appears to have built an extension to part of its Parchin military site since May, the U.N. nuclear watchdog said in a report on Thursday delving into a major part of its inquiry into possible military dimensions to Tehran's past atomic activity. A resolution of the... more »
World News Briefs -- August 27, 2015
Forensic police officers inspect a parked truck (centre L) in which up to 50 migrants were found dead, on a motorway near Parndorf, Austria August 27, 2015. REUTERS/HEINZ-PETER BADER *Reuters:* *Truck of migrant corpses, new boat sinking intensify Europe's crisis* As many as 50 refugees were found dead in a parked truck in Austria on Thursday, and another migrant ship sank off Libya, deepening a crisis that is overwhelming Europe and throwing up new tragedies by the day. The abandoned refrigerated truck was found by an Austrian motorway patrol near the Hungarian border, with fluid... more »
Yes, many psychology findings may be “too good to be true” – now what?
Today, Science published the first results from a massive reproducibility project, in which more than 250 psychology researchers tried to replicate the results of 100 papers published in three psychology journals. Despite working with the original authors and using original materials, only 36% of the studies produced statistically significant results, and more than 80% of […] The post Yes, many psychology findings may be “too good to be true” – now what? appeared first on Retraction Watch.
*Click on Photo to enlarge* *The ripple effect of China's out of control black hole of debt with its overbuilt and uninhabited ghost cities throughout China as well as its poorly regulated and hyper valuated stock market is becoming a world crisis which, like a black hole in space, is drawing most of the world into its rapidly collapsing debt vortex where the mother of all real estate bubbles is in the process of bursting: Allen L Roland, PhD* *"I have been warning for years that the greatest - and final - bubble to burst, in this century of bubbles, would b... more »
The Virginia Shooting Is Fake! Another False Flag To Promote Gun Control In America...
I watched the "news" the other day just like everyone else about this latest "shooting" in Roanoke, Virginia, that occurred at a mall at around 645am EDT.... In this latest ridiculous "false flag" operation, a supposed former employee of a television station, Vester Lee Flanagan (Yes, that is his name, supposedly...) aka "Bryce Williams", was seeking revenge against the station, and several employees, and decided to show up at that mall with a hand gun ready to kill several people.... The Jew spew media had reported that he fired "multiple shots" at two of the station's employees, A... more »
Amidst Drought, L.A. County Supervisors Wash Their Cars Multiple Times Per Week
[image: drought] Despite living in one of the most car-centric and image-conscious cities in the world, many Los Angeles drivers have cut their carwashes during the crippling drought. Not so for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors. The majority of the... more »
*Click on photo to enlarge* *The ripple effect of China's out of control black hole of debt with its overbuilt and uninhabited ghost cities throughout China as well as its poorly regulated and hyper valuated stock market is becoming a world crisis which, like a black hole in space, is drawing most of the world into its rapidly collapsing debt vortex where the mother of all real estate bubbles is in the process of bursting: Allen L Roland, PhD* *"I have been warning for years that the greatest - and final - bubble to burst, in this century of bubbles, would be China. Now... more »
The tides are coming in ... dangerously so
Due to global warming, the oceans are rising and the pace of that increase seems to be accelerating. This comes from a report by Quartz: New satellite research from NASA shows that not only are global sea levels rising quickly, but they could rise even more drastically than previous reports estimated. ... “It’s pretty certain we are locked into at least 3 feet of sea level rise, and probably more,” said Steve Nerem, head of NASA’s Sea Level Change Team. “But we don’t know whether it will happen within a century or somewhat longer.” Sea levels are rising for three main reasons: Th... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 27, 2015
Wikipedia *Daily Mail: **Report: Pentagon investigation launched into U.S. military officials accused of inflating progress in the fight against ISIS* * Officials at United States Central Command, Centcom, are believed to have altered intelligence reports to provide a rosier picture of progress * It is not yet known which or how many Centcom officials are under review * Accusations had enough merit that House and Senate Intelligence Committees were notified The Pentagon's inspector general has reportedly launched an investigation into U.S. military officials overseeing the fight aga... more »
Ukraine's Military Conscription Drive Falls Short
*IBTimes*: *Ukraine Military Conscription Goal Of 25,000 Soldiers Not Met, More Waves Of Army Draft Expected* Ukraine’s sixth wave of military conscription was meant to be its last for 2015, but after only recruiting half of the needed 25,000 men, the country is facing several additional waves of conscription, or a mandatory military draft. Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister Peter Mehed told local media last week that it was possible that a seventh, eighth, or even ninth wave of mobilization would take place to meet the goal, according to a report published Thursday. The sixth wav... more »
U.S. Law Of War Manual Allows Journalists To Be Held as 'Belligerents'
*New York Times:* *Will the Pentagon Change Its Manual on the Law of War?* A senior lawyer at the Defense Department said last week that criticism about a section on the role and treatment of journalists in the Pentagon’s new Law of War manual, is “something of major concern.” And well it should be. Charles Allen, a Pentagon lawyer, told Bob Garfield, the co-host of the National Public Radio show On the Media, that department officials are taking public comments into account to “make updates” to guidelines in the document that spells out the Pentagon’s view of the law of armed conf... more »
Hillary Clinton: Republicans Like ‘Terrorist Groups’ on Women’s Issues
[image: Clinton - 400] Hillary Rodham Clinton likened Republican presidential candidates to fundamentalist terrorists with brutal or repressive views about women on Thursday, a significant escalation of her rhetoric about GOP positions on abortion that her campaign sees as a major vulnerability in the... more »
Confronting antisemitism
The Corbyn phenomenon again. I wish I didn’t have to keep talking about this, but needs must. No-one ever seems to agree about whether the BBC’s bias against Israel is because of ignorance or malevolence, or a bit of both. We might apply a similar question to Corbymaniacs. Why doesn’t Corbyn’s Islamophilia and his links with antisemites bother them? They must have heard of it, but do they understand the full implications of it? Is it that they *do* know and they *do* understand, but they just don’t care? Or is it a bit of both? A well respected journalist based in the south west... more »
Windows 10: Spyware Disguised as an Operating System
*by Gaius Publius* If you're like me and work on a Windows-based system, you get these popups from time to time offering to "upgrade" you to Windows 10, Microsoft's latest and greatest, for free. Normally these upgrades cost $100 or so. Me, I'm still on Windows 7, since like many I consider Windows 8 both half-baked for professional use and a data-suck for entertainment use. About the first, it was clear when Windows 8 first came out that you couldn't do serious work using that "tiles" screen, and the "Desktop" screen was so like Windows 7, why not just stick with Windows 7, whic... more »
Of the Law Societies of Upper Canada and Nunavut
LHCb: 2-sigma violation of lepton universality
Since the end of June, I mentioned the ("smaller") LHCb collaboration at the LHC twice. They organize their own Kaggle contest and they claim to have discovered a pentaquark. In their new article Evidence suggests subatomic particles could defy the standard model, Phys.ORG just made it clear that I largely missed a hep-ex paper at the end of June, Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions \(\mathcal{B}(\overline{B}^0 \to D^{*+}τ^{-}\overlineν_τ))/\mathcal{B}(\overline{B}^0 \to D^{*+}μ^{-}\overlineν_μ)\) by Brian Hamilton and about 700 co-authors. The paper will appear in *Ph... more »
New Test to Solve Tennessee's "true ethical and moral dilemma"?
Candice McQueen has replaced Tennessee's toxic former Commissioner of Education, Kevin (Rhee) Huffman. In doing so, McQueen has inherited one of the most aggressive corporate education agendas in the nation. At the same time, she has taken the reins of a state system that has been underfunded for at least the past 35 years, as governors and legislators have jumped from reform one bandwagon to another to collect any free federal cash being handed out, even as the percentage of the state's budget committed to education has continued to dry up (see Part II of *The Mismeasure of Educa... more »
How to Connect with your Tween/Teen
A couple of weeks ago my mom and youngest sister moved in with us. I went from dealing with a 6-year-old and 1-year-old on a regular basis to throwing a tween in the mix. It has been a reality smooth transition as I remember being and emotional tween myself, but there have been many times I have been absolutely baffled as to why she is upset and said silent apologies to my parents for the crazy I was in the teen years. Not bad crazy, just emotional crazy. Here are my tips for staying connected to your tween based on when I was one. 1. Take an interest. When I was a teenager, I sud... more »
Christmas Already? Wal-Mart Launches Annual Layaway Plan Early
[image: Walmart - 900] NEW YORK (AP) -- Wal-Mart is giving customers a head start on holiday shopping, launching its annual layaway program two weeks earlier than last year. It’s the latest sign of retailers getting more aggressive about grabbing holiday shoppers early. Stores... more »
The Fainting Couch at Columbia
[image: Columbia University - 400] In February 2015, Columbia University -- currently ranked the fourth most distinguished academic institution in the United States by U.S. News and World Report -- announced that all its students, undergraduate and graduate alike, would be obliged to take part... more »
Rubio Surges Among Evangelical Insiders
[image: marco rubio - 400] Strong debate performances catapulted Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina forward by double-digit margins in the second WORLD evangelical insiders survey, while Jeb Bush slumped from second to fourth place. The findings are from a monthly survey of 103 evangelical leaders... more »
Despite Being Late 111 Times, N.J. Teacher Keeps Job
[image: New Jersey Vacation Stamp - 900] NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) -- A New Jersey elementary school teacher has been allowed to keep his job even though he was late for work 111 times over a two-year period. In a decision filed Aug. 19, an arbitrator criticized... more »
Tom Mulcair is my GOD!!!!
Nah. That ain't it. He's moved the NDP to the centre. (And, on foreign policy, into alignment with war criminals and nazis.) I've heard from the former EnMasser/Rabble Babbler "Cueball" that this election's NDP platform actually has some pretty good social policies in it. Maybe. But Mulcair was never my man. I was going to be happy with a Liberal minority to be honest. A NDP minority would be better. A NDP majority would be great because it would eliminate all doubt about whether harper has lost power or not. But this "dipper" doesn't feel like he has sold out his principles for p... more »
The Baffling Islamic State
[image: Islamic State - 404] Maybe some points are, in fact, explicable. Anonymous discusses a number of new books about the movement, and one of those books, ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror, by Michael Weiss and Hassan Hassan, does a first-rate job of describing the...more »
Poll: Biden More Competitive than Clinton against GOP
[image: Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton-300] Here’s one more reason to continue speculating about whether Vice President Joe Biden will enter the presidential race: he polls better nationally against the leading three Republican candidates than Hillary Clinton, and has a higher favorability rating, too. According to... more »
The Long Rise of the Secular Faith
[image: John Dewey - 400] Bruce Abramson illuminates the dangerous tendency in contemporary American politics and law to supplant respect for the diversity of religious belief with a homogenizing doctrine that punishes the expression of traditional faith and compels the practice of a secular faith. If anything,... more »
GoFundMe Rejects Preemie Picture Posted by Desperate Parents as ‘Too Graphic’
[image: babyjacob2] The fundraising site GoFundMe has refused to post a picture of a premature baby because apparently they find it "offensive." In Illinois, Jacob Hinks was born at 27 weeks (13 week early) and weighed only one pound five ounces. His... more »
Cartoon: ‘Who Poses the Biggest Threat?’
[image: Ramirez - 082715 - biggest threat]
HAPPILY ANCHORED: In the one play we know!
*THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2015Part 3—That bag of hammers is us:* In her 2003 memoir, Living History, Hillary Clinton aimed an ugly slur at lawyer David Kendall. Nothing was subtle in Clinton’s attack. Peter Baker recalled the episode in a front-page profile of Kendall in Monday’s New York Times: BAKER (8/24/15): [T]he Clintons leaned on Mr. Kendall heavily. *“He became an anchor in our lives,”* Mrs. Clinton later wrote in a memoir. It’s just like the Clintons to do this! Before this past weekend, we might have missed the import of Clinton’s remark, in which she suggested that Kendall... more »
Big volumes don't mean the truth
*On the mentality behind the mindless group think in physics and stocks* Florin Moldoveanu is a great example of the average member of the "interpretation of quantum mechanics" community. He says and writes lots of ludicrous things – about the (non-existent) problems with quantum mechanics and "clever" (demonstrably wrong and usually extremely stupid) ways to cure them – because he sees many people in his environment who do the same thing. Like almost all others in that community, he doesn't exhibit any truly independent scientific or creative thinking. Now, he wrote an article abou... more »
Three retractions for Oregon neuroscience student investigated by ORI
Journals have retracted three out of the four papers flagged by the Office of Research Integrity during its investigation of a University of Oregon neuroscience student, David Anderson. Last month, when we first reported on the case, Anderson told us that he “made an error in judgment,” and took “full responsibility.” Two of the retraction notes say that Anderson […] The post Three retractions for Oregon neuroscience student investigated by ORI appeared first on Retraction Watch.
The Dehumanizing Arc of Planned Parenthood
[image: pro-life anti-abortion__1440680614_70.119.142.63] Dehumanization -- the diminishment of human dignity through objectification and commodification -- has become much too routine in American daily life. Pornography is a moral epidemic. Sex trafficking is widespread, and among younger Americans, Web apps enable "casual intimacy" (an oxymoron,... more »
Kentucky Clerk’s Office Defies Court, Again Refuses to Issue Same-Sex Marriage License
[image: same-sex couple - 900] MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) -- A Kentucky clerk’s office on Thursday again refused to issue a marriage license to a gay couple, in defiance of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage across the country two months ago. Rowan... more »
John Zmirak Joins Eric Metaxas to Talk Planned Parenthood and the Gulag
[image: Metaxas] The Stream’s Senior Editor John Zmirak joined his old friend Eric Metaxas on the latter’s national radio show this week to discuss the parallels between the crimes of Communism and the legacy of Margaret Sanger. Zmirak explained his Stream column... more »
America's Got Talent 2015, The Professional Regurgitator Stevie Starr
It is amazing what he does.
We Tried It: 4 Ways to Cook A Burger That’s Safe to Eat But Doesn’t Taste Like Leather
[image: burger eating food__1440682315_70.119.142.63] For many beef buffs, the idea of a hamburger cooked anything beyond medium rare is blasphemous. Unfortunately, not cooking your ground beef to at least 160 degrees Fahrenheit puts you at risk of ingesting bacteria like E. coli or enterococcus,... more »
Russia Accidentally Reveals Its Massive Ukraine Body Count
[image: RUSSIA-ITALY-POLITICS-DIPLOMACY] Though Russia denies official involvement in Ukraine's civil war, a Russian news site briefly reported Russia's huge military casualties in Ukraine Tuesday. Buried in a mundane report on army salaries, Delovaya Zhizn (Business Life) noted that family compensation went to... more »
Pentagon Identifies 2 Airmen Killed in Afghanistan
[image: Afghanistan - 300] The Pentagon on Thursday announced the names of the two U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan earlier this week supporting Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. Air Force Capt. Matthew D. Roland, 27, of Lexington, Ky. and Staff Sgt. Forrest B. Sibley, 31,... more »
Michael ‘Brownie’ Brown: Stop Blaming Me for Hurricane Katrina
[image: Michael Brown - 400] Had I left the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the spring of 2005, my life would be very different today. And I really wish, in retrospect, that I had. But after the 2004 hurricane season, when FEMA's excellent responses to... more »
A Closer Look At The U.S. Army's Replacement For The Humvee
*Popular Mechanics*: *Meet the Fast, Tough War Machine That's Replacing the Humvee* *Oshkosh's L-ATV will be the Pentagon's next rugged truck* For three decades, Army and Marine HMMWVs or "Humvees" have been the symbol of American military power everywhere U.S. forces have put boots and tires on the ground. First produced in 1985 by AM General, the Humvee has not only carried hundreds of thousands of Americans to and from combat, it has become a cultural icon. Like the legendary Willys Jeep, the Humvee is part of the language and even spawned a consumer product the Hummer. Replac... more »
China's Economic Slow-Down Is Impacting The World
*New York Times:* *China Falters, and the Global Economy Is Forced to Adapt* With deepening economic fears about China, multinational corporations and countries are having to respond to a new reality as a once sure bet becomes uncertain. HONG KONG — The commodities giant BHP Billiton spent heavily for years, mining iron ore across Australia, digging for copper in Chile, and pumping oil off the coast of Trinidad. The company could be confident in its direction as commodities orders surged from its biggest and best customer, China. Now, BHP is pulling back, faced with a slowing Chi...more »
White House: President Obama Will Confront Chinese President Xi On Cyber-Security Concerns
U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands at the end of their news conference in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing November 12, 2014. Xi will visit Washington next month for the U.S.-China summit, and it is essential that Obama use the visit to confront growing territorial insecurity between the two countries, the author writes. KEVIN LAMARQUE/REUTERS *The Hill*: *White House: Obama to confront Chinese leader over cyber concerns* The White House says President Obama will confront Chinese President Xi Jinping about cyberattacks on the U.S. durin... more »
Islamic State's Top Hacker/On-line Recruiter Killed In U.S. Drone Strike
*The Guardian*: *Junaid Hussain: British hacker for Isis believed killed in US airstrike* Birmingham-born hacker, who adopted the nom de guerre Abu Hussain al-Britani, said to have been killed in Syria. A US airstrike is believed to have killed a British citizen who rose to prominence within the Islamic State, officials have told the Guardian. The Birmingham-born Junaid Hussain, who adopted the nom de guerre Abu Hussain al-Britani, had been a key figure within Isis’ so-called “Cyber Caliphate” before being killed in the strike in Syria, where he had travelled in 2013. After the ... more »
The U.S. War Against The Islamic State Has Now Cost $4 Billion
U.S. coalition warplanes in Syrian airspace after conducting air strikes against ISIS militants. (File photo: Reuters) *The Hill*: *US fight against ISIS edges toward $4 billion* The cost of the U.S. military campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is approaching $4 billion, just over a year after the Pentagon began launching airstrikes against the terror group. "As of Aug. 15, 2015, the total cost of operations related to ISIL since kinetic operations started on Aug. 8, 2014, is $3.7 billion and the average daily cost is $9.9 million for 373 days of operations,... more »
Two Senior Iraqi Army Generals Killed In Islamic State Suicide Attack
Military vehicles transport the coffins of Maj.-Gen. Abdul Rahman Abu Ragheef and Brig. Gen. Safeen Abdel Majeed during their funeral, at the Iraqi defence ministry in Baghdad, Thursday. PHOTO: REUTERS *Wall Street Journal*: *Islamic Militants Kill Two Senior Iraqi Army Commanders* *The attack occurred in Anbar, the largest Iraqi province and focal point of intense fighting.* BAGHDAD—Islamic State killed two senior Iraqi army commanders, officials and state media said Thursday, continuing the extremist group’s tactic of targeting military leaders to deplete morale among fighters. ... more »
The Economy: “No Kidding?”
*“No Kidding?”* by Karl Denninger “No, really?* As I've discussed at length, there are many catalysts in play in the market’s turn, from fears about China to corporate earnings and commodity prices. But at the core, much of this plunge is about a loss of faith in cheap money stimulus. It's as simple as that. Loss of faith? The problem isn't simply that "central banks will rescue us." It's that the world economic system has become addicted to a 30 year trend of fiscal irresponsibility that long ago crossed the line into abject fraud, and utterly nobody has gone to prison for it. ... more »
Limits To Iraq Premier’s Reform Program, Cuts Cabinet While Maintaining Quota System
In response to a new wave of demonstrations Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider Abadi promised to cut government waste while ending the ethnosectarian quota system that determines how positions are dolled out to the ruling parties. In August, the premier reduced the number of ministers, but at the same time maintained the ethnosectarian breakdown that existed beforehand. This points to the limits Abadi is facing as he tries to appease the protest movement. On August 17, 2015 Premier Abadi announcedthat he was cutting the number of ministers in the government to reduce costs. Four ministr...more »
Inside the Trump-Bush Melodrama: Decades of Tension and Discomfort
[image: Donald Trump Jeb Bush__1440681838_70.119.142.63] Donald Trump spent a day in January 2014 hobnobbing with politicians at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla. The billionaire mogul touted legalizing gambling with state House Speaker Steve Crisafulli and two other wired Florida Republicans,... more »
An Open Letter to Donald Trump
[image: Donald Trump protest__1440681391_70.119.142.63] Dear Mr. Trump: Like millions of Americans, I am intrigued with your meteoric rise to the top of the polls. You have truly captured the imagination of this nation. Because I would love to see you succeed, I've got some... more »
China Detains 11 over Deadly Warehouse Explosion
[image: China Warehouse Explosion __1440675988_70.119.142.63] BEIJING (AP) -- Chinese prosecutors have detained 11 government officials and company executives over a massive warehouse explosion that killed at least 139 people in the country’s worst industrial disaster in recent years. A notice on the national prosecutor’s website... more »
Researchers suspended in Japan for funding violations
Hokkaido University has suspended two of its professors after an investigation found “improper receipt of research funding.” One member of the team was awarded more than 15 million yen (roughly $120,000 USD) in research grants from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), according to the official statement (translated by One Hour Translation). The researchers […] The post Researchers suspended in Japan for funding violations appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Report: Two Years Ago Trump Met Pro-Immigration DREAMers and Said, “You Convinced Me”
[image: enhanced-8612-1440621135-9] On an August day two years ago, Donald Trump was in a much different place: He was just a billionaire with the simple goal of connecting his beauty pageant business with the upcoming Hispanic Heritage Awards. So at his New... more »
Is It True That Defunding Planned Parenthood Could ‘Curtail’ Medical Services? Fact-Checking Bob Casey’s Claim
[image: Sen. Bob Casey__1440679384_70.119.142.63] Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., made some questionable claims in an op-ed defending his vote to continue granting federal funds to Planned Parenthood. "Planned Parenthood facilities also provide many other basic health services, like cervical and breast cancer screening, as well... more »
Vatican Supports Naming a Square for Martin Luther
[image: Faith] ROME (RNS) The Vatican has given its backing to a central Rome square being named after Martin Luther, a church reformer excommunicated by the pope nearly 500 years ago. A German Catholic priest and theologian, Luther was a key figure in... more »
Man May Lose Hand After Attempting Selfie With Rattlesnake
[image: rattlesnake] A Lake Elsinore man was bitten by a rattlesnake Monday as he picked it up and attempted to take a selfie. Alex Gomez, 36, spotted the four-foot rattler in a field by his family's ranch on Cielito Drive, shortly before... more »
Report into Cause of MH17 Crash to Be Published Oct. 13
[image: Amsterdam airport memorial of MH17 crash__1440677570_70.119.142.63] AMSTERDAM (AP) -- The long-awaited conclusions of an international investigation into the cause of the crash of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 will be published Oct. 13, the panel conducting the probe announced Thursday. The Dutch Safety Board, which is leading... more »
Yes, the 8th Planned Parenthood Video is Horrendous, but That’s Not Why StemExpress Tried to Block It
[image: It's Legally Obvious why StemExpress Tried to Stop the 8th Planned Parenthood Video From Being Released] The eighth undercover video by The Center for Medical Progress is horrendous to watch, featuring StemExpress CEO Cate Dyer chowing down on lunch nonchalantly while chatting about the buying and selling of fetal body parts, as a stone-faced associate sits like a... more »
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 27th August)
WH Smith and M&S: Cards and flowers almost twice as expensive in hospital shops than on high street Both companies admit they make mark-ups to account for higher rents and covering staff wages during longer opening hours. But Paula Sherriff, the Labour MP and former NHS manager on the health select committee, accused the retailers of taking advantage of a "captive" clientele. "It's absolutely
The Republican Party's Newest War-- Against Megyn Kelly?
Did they make a deal? I have to admit that I don't know where Fox News is on my television set. I found it-- for the first time-- when they hosted the first Republican debate, but I've forgotten where it is. The debate was the first time I ever saw Megan Kelly too-- although I recall that when Rove was on Fox, still claiming Romney beat Obama on Election Night, she asked him if there was a special Republican math he was using to make himself and like-minded delusionals feel better. She used to be an attorney, and I thought she asked some pretty tough questions relative to the softb... more »
*Academic Fascism again* By Walter E. Williams Last week's column highlighted college oncampus absurdities and the ongoing attack on free speech and plain comm sense. As parents gear up to fork over $20,000 to $60,000 for college tuition, they might benefit from knowing what greets their youngsters. Deceitful college officials, who visit high schools to recruit students and talk to parents, conceal the worst of their campus practices. Let's expose some of it. Christina Hoff Sommers is an avowed feminist and a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. She's spent a lifetime ... more »
3 Things Sheeple Do That You Don’t Have To
*Sigmund Fraud* - We are not sheep, we are human beings, so let's act like it. The post 3 Things Sheeple Do That You Don’t Have To appeared first on Waking Times.
*THIS article/research seems to connect SO MANY of the dots, to make more sense of, MANY of the things that I have been observing happening the last few years . . .There is much more to post about this, including hours of panel discussions (which I haven't yet watched), some of which include the author of this article . . as well as other research, including the info in this post: Jade Helm 2 Decoded - Allowing Artificial Intelligence / Quantum Computers To Decide Who Is Allowed To Exist in the "New" World* *stay tuned! * August 8, 2015 By: Bradley Loves The very word “artif... more »
*Amusing: Warmists try to strike back at skeptical scientists -- but bomb out* *If you read the guff below by climate robot Nuccitelli and his merry men, it seems like they have got something. But they haven't.I very rarely refer here to anything on Anthony Watts' site on the grounds that anybody reading this site has probably already read Watts. This time, however, what Watts points out is too funny to ignore.The best bit is that Nuccitelli & Co submitted their paper to five different climate journals before they got it accepted for publication. One of the rejecting j... more »
Owe-lympics Myths: Reuse Pan Am Venues*
One of the biggest porky pies hyped by Toronto's millionaire hucksters is that we're good to go for the Olympics because of all the dandy new Pan Am venues. Or, Myth 5 at NoTO2024. *Myth 5: We can re-use most of the Pan Am venues* Some sites can be re-used, but even under the relaxed Agenda 2020 guidelines there will be major holes. The ACC and Rexall Centre should be ok, but the velodrome and aquatic centre are too small and too inconveniently located. The Rogers Centre is exactly the wrong size for everything. The athlete's village will have been converted to housing and we nee... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( August 27 , 2015 ) ..... Greece in focus ( Economic data , political updates - domestic as well as international ) ...... Broader Europe in focus ( Ukraine reached deal with private investors for both 20% debt write-off and 4 year extension - Russia says that deal doesn't apply to debt Russia holds which is considered by Russia sovereign rathe than commercial debt , market moving news and markets moving upward today , political news - Italy and Netherlands in focus , Nazi gold train found in Poland , Refugee situation in focus ) ......Asia and in particular China in focus ( Market moving news and markets truly having a bounce for Thursday - China's Regulators continue to pull levers and push buttons to keep Rube Goldberg stock markets moving in the right direction ! )
Evening Tweets....... *George Chen* @george_chen 12m 12 minutes ago BREAKING: China's state agency for margin finance is raising 1.4 tln RMB interbank loans to prepare for a new round of stock market rescue *George Chen* @george_chen 11m 11 minutes ago Basically the state agency for margin finance is to borrow more money from banking system, then pour into stock market? Banking crisis next? *George Chen* @george_chen 13m 13 minutes ago Chinese media report the state agency has been in active talks with big banks to arrange at least 1-yr loans for it to su... more »
Cancer Sniffing Dogs Aid British Doctors
[image: cancer sniffing dogs] They’re known as man’s best friend; but dogs could soon also be their greatest ally in the fight against prostate cancer. Britain’s National Health Service recently approved a trial for cancer sniffing dogs in the hope that it could show up... more »
Meet the Army’s $6.75B Humvee Replacement
[image: JLTV] The U.S. Army and Marine Corps have made their final selection for the replacement to the aging Humvee. Meet the new Joint Light Tactical Vehicle, or JTLV, built by Oshkosh Defense. The decision caps off a three-year investigational phase, during... more »
ANALYSIS: 700 U. of Wisconsin Professors Defend Buying Body Parts From Aborted Babies for Research
[image: universityofwisconsin3-min] In July, Reps. Andre Jacque (R-De Pere) and Joel Kleefisch (R-Oconomowoc) introduced legislation that would ban the sale of fetal body parts in the state of Wisconsin and not allow federal funding to go toward Planned Parenthood. The LaCrosse Tribune... more »
Vatican Will Not Partake in Palestinian Flag Initiative at UN
[image: united nations flags] The Vatican does not want to be involved in the battle of the flags at the UN. In a note circulated to the New York headquarters in New York, the Vatican asked the Palestinian mission to the UN to remove... more »
Japan Named and Launched its 2nd Izumo Class Helicopter Destroyer DDH-184 "Kaga"
[image: JS Kaga (DDH-184)]Today, around 14:30 of August 27, 2015 (Thursday), Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) launched its second Izumo-class Helicopter Destroyer. The vessel was officially name "Kaga" (hull number DDH-184) during the ceremony at the JMU Japan Marine United Corporation shipyard in Yokohama Isogo. Kaga was an aircraft carrier of the Imperial Japanese Navy, the third to enter service, named after the former Kaga Province in present-day Ishikawa Prefecture. Read more
*No, Katrina evacuees didn't cause a Houston crime wave. The data doesn't support the myth ~Ryan Holeywell, Houston Chronicle*
AP EXCLUSIVE: California Tax Donations Lost in Bureaucracy
[image: charitable giving tax donations__1440674286_70.119.142.63] SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- Every year when they do their taxes, Californians donate millions for charitable causes, but nearly $10 million of that money sat unspent in government accounts at the end of last year and some of the funding... more »
Trump’s Lean Campaign Structure Breaks the Mold
[image: Donald Trump smiling - 900] NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- Not only is Donald Trump an unconventional candidate, he’s got a campaign operation that turns the conventional wisdom of electoral politics on its head. While Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton boasts an army of more than... more »
Carbon Offsets May Have Dramatically Increased Emissions
[image: carbon emissions__1440672772_70.119.142.63] That's the finding of a new report from the Stockholm Environment Institute, which investigated carbon credits used to offset greenhouse gas emissions under a UN scheme. As one of the co-authors of the report put it, issuing these credits "was... more »
Obama Says New Orleans Is ‘Moving Forward’ after Hurricane
[image: New Orleans levee Mississippi River__1440673668_70.119.142.63] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama says New Orleans is “moving forward” a decade after Hurricane Katrina dealt it a devastating blow, and has become an example of what can happen when people rally around each other to build a... more »
‘I’ve Lost Everything’: Celebrity Pastor Reveals Powerful Lessons He’s Learned in the Wake of Adultery Scandal
[image: Tullian-Tchividjian] A prominent pastor who resigned from his church after revealing that he was guilty of a "moral failure" is speaking out as he copes with the very public fallout, revealing the two key conclusions that he has come to in... more »
Market quotes: widget
I can imagine that some of you may find a market widget with certain quotes helpful. You are expected to bookmark the fast mobile version of this page because the design isn't optimized for the green template of this blog. Market Quotes are powered by Investing.com These are some economic events. Times are in the Central European Time. Real Time Economic Calendar provided by Investing.com. Earnings: Earnings Calendar provided by Investing.com.
Walker Talks Tough on China While Campaigning in Iowa
[image: Scott Walker_governor_Wisconsin_GOP__1436785321_70.119.142.63] DENISON, Iowa (AP) -- GOP presidential candidate Scott Walker renewed his call Wednesday for President Barack Obama to cancel an official state visit with the president of China, saying the move would not hurt trade with states like Iowa, where... more »
Total War in Yemen Totally Ignored by Western Media
*August 27, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - With almost a whimper, the Western media reported that the US-backed regimes of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and their auxiliary fighters drawn from Al Qaeda have begun carrying out what is the ground invasion of Yemen. Along with an ongoing naval blockade and months of bombing raids, the ground invasion adds a lethal new dimension to the conflict - for both sides. Landing at the port city of Aden on Yemen's southern tip, it is reported that an "armor brigade" consisting of between 1,000 - 3,000 troops primarily from the... more »
Raytheon air-to-air missile scores direct hit from U.S. Army ground launcher
[image: Multiple-mission launcher system]The U.S. Army and Raytheon Company successfully test fired an AIM-9X Block II missile from the Army's ground-based Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2-I (IFPC 2-I) Block 1 Multi-Mission Launcher (MML). AIM-9X is traditionally fired from aircraft toward aerial targets and this test demonstrated that the latest AIM-9X can be used in both air-to-air combat and now, without modification, in ground-based air defense. The AIM-9X missile first locked onto an unmanned aerial system (UAS) before launch, and then intercepted and destroyed t... more »
Iran Says It's Launched Nasr Cruise Missile Production Line
Iran heralded the launch of a cruise missile production line — but experts said the fanfare might be overblown. Defense Minister Brig. Gen. Hussein Dehqan said at a ceremony Tuesday that the high-precision Nasr air-launched missile system will significantly upgrade the tactical power of Iranian forces. He said Iran also plans to fit the missile on drones in the future. Military moves by the Islamic Republic can spark unease amongst Iran's neighbors — especially in wake of last month's nuclear deal. Read more
Azerbaijan interested in Russia's Mi-28
[image: Mi-28 Havoc]Azerbaijani servicemen taking part in MAX-2015 avia show in Russia have demonstrated interest in Mi-28. According to Oxu.Az, the information was disseminated by Vedomosti. The newspaper cites an unknown source saying that Azerbaijani servicemen closely familiarized with Mi-28 combat helicopter. Read more
MAKS: Is Russia developing an F-35-hunting UAV?
[image: FataMorgana UAS]Russia could be working on a low-observable, F-35-hunting unmanned air vehicle that uses deeply-integrated electronic warfare systems to stay hidden from radars. The tip-off comes from electronic systems producer KRET, which has a curious UAV model on display at the MAKS air show in Moscow. According to the company’s first deputy chief executive officer Vladimir Mikheev, this aircraft model is more than just a sleek promotional display – it is an advanced military UAV being developed by the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). Concern Radio-Electronic Technolo... more »
India seeks time extension on $3.1bn US copter deal
[image: AH-64E Apache]India has asked the United States for another month’s extension of the agreed price window in a $3.1-billion deal to buy 22 attack and 15 heavy-lift helicopters. India’s move comes after a US warning on revision of costs after the 12th extension expires on August 31. The much-needed acquisition has been hanging since September 2013, with files shuttling between the defence and finance ministries. India seeks to purchase 22 Apache helicopters with option of purchasing 11 more for about $2 billion; the Chinook deal is for 15 helicopters with the option of buying... more »
Russia Demands Tehran’s Drone Technology, Starts Talks on Sukhoi-30 Fighter Jets
[image: Iran's Fotros Drone]Managing-Director of the Iranian Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO) Manouchehr Manteqi said Wednesday that Russia has asked for import of Iranian drone technology. "The Islamic Republic of Iran is known as an advanced country in the field of (building) drones," Manteqi said on the sidelines of the MAKS 2015 air show in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow. He underlined that the Russians plan to transfer the technology of building one of Iran's drones to their country, but he declined to reveal any further details. Read more
(Irony Aside - Cheaper Bad Candidates Needed) Hillary Peeved Because Other Than Wall St. Lives Matter? (Cornel West Feels the Bern!) Crash Rigged? Anyone Care?
Don't get all Carson McCullers on me. Just eat some catfish! Eat the fish, bitch! . . . You never know when somebody might need a kidney. I'm not sure exactly why the movie "August: Osage County" occurs so strongly in my memory after seeing the cartoon below, but it really seems to address our current national malady (in my mind anyway). The reviews were terrible. It's a stunning Tracy
PLA set to acquire 24 Su-35s from Russia
[image: Su-35 Flanker-E]A deal for the People's Liberation Army to acquire 24 Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets from Russia could be completed this week, China's Global Times reports. Discussions on the acquisition have been ongoing for some time and it remains unclear whether there are still points on which the two sides disagree on. It appears likely, however, that an outcome will be revealed at the MAKS-2015 international aerospace show to be held Aug. 25-30 at Zhukovsky, 40 kilometers southeast of Moscow. Read more
Why Would Any . . .?
http://www.quickmeme.com/ In his latest column, Tim Harper recounts his frustrated and frustrating attempts to talk to Conservative candidates across the country: I never met Mike Little, the Conservative candidate in the key riding of Burnaby North-Seymour. I met every other candidate but Little had personal considerations so he couldn’t meet me. His campaign ignored my entreaties anyway until I was about to leave Vancouver, when I got a noncommittal statement on an environmental issue. In Edmonton-Mill Woods, the campaign of Tim U... more »
Second Australian Company to Provide Parts for Initial Production of the Triton Unmanned Aircraft System
[image: MQ-4C Triton]Northrop Grumman Corporation has awarded a second Australian supplier contract to Mincham Aviation for the U.S. Navy's MQ-4C Triton unmanned aircraft system (UAS) initial production lot. South Australia-based Mincham Aviation will manufacture aircraft structure components for the first low-rate production lot of four Triton air vehicles. This second supplier contract follows one awarded in July to Ferra Engineering for mechanical sub-assemblies. "We are pleased to be able to further demonstrate our ongoing commitment to developing and fostering capabilities in l... more »
Transfer of USS Ronald Reagan to Japan to begin Monday
[image: USS Ronald_Reagan (CVN-76)]The transfer of the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan from San Diego to Japan will begin Monday, the Navy announced Wednesday. The Reagan, based in San Diego for around 11 years, is one of three aircraft carriers taking part in a swap of home ports. The USS George Washington left Japan, and following a stop here, is destined for Virginia, where it will undergo a nuclear power refueling. The USS Theodore Roosevelt, which had been located in Virginia, is currently deployed in the Middle East and will end its voyage at its new San Diego home base. ... more »
France Russia Mistral Ships Update: Malaysia To Buy Aircraft Carrier?
[image: Sevastopol and Vladivostok]The French defense minister is in talks with Malaysia to sell the Southeast Asian nation one of the Mistral warship aircraft carriers that was initially intended for Russia, a source close to the talks told Reuters Tuesday. Several countries, especially in emerging nations in Southeast Asia and South America, have been interested in the purchase of the ships, with reports confirming that one of the ships would be sold to Malaysia. Defense minister Jean-Yves Le Drian was set to travel Sunday to Malaysia, reportedly to discuss the sale of one of the... more »
Japan may name second helicopter destroyer after WWII carrier
[image: JS Izumo (DDH-183)]The possibility that Japan may name its second Izumo-class helicopter destroyer Kaga may start another diplomatic row with China as it was formerly the name of an aircraft carrier that sent planes to bomb Shanghai in the Second Sino-Japanese War, reports China's Global Times. Global Times said countless civilians lost their lives to the bombers taking off from Kaga and other carriers. For this reason, the original Kaga was known more commonly as the "vessel of demons" from the perspective of the Chinese people, the report said, implying it would appear int... more »
Philippines seeks U.S. help to protect troops in disputed sea
[image: BRP Sierra Madre (LT-57)]The Philippine defense chief said he asked the visiting U.S. Pacific commander on Wednesday to help protect the transport of fresh Filipino troops and supplies to Philippine-occupied reefs in the disputed South China Sea by deploying American patrol planes to discourage Chinese moves to block the resupply missions. The Philippines has protested past attempts by Chinese coast guard ships to block smaller boats transporting fresh military personnel, food and other supplies to a Filipino military ship outpost at the disputed Second Thomas Shoal, which i... more »
Seawolf Completes Six-Month Arctic Deployment
[image: USS Seawolf (SSN-21)]The fast-attack submarine USS Seawolf (SSN 21) returned to its homeport of Naval Base Kitsap-Bremerton Aug. 21, following a six-month deployment. During the deployment, Seawolf conducted routine submarine operations, which included scheduled under-ice transits and under-ice operations. "The crew performed superbly on multiple operations in the 6th Fleet area of responsibility," said Cmdr. Jeff Bierley, Seawolf's commanding officer, from Birmingham, Alabama. "We conducted two polar transits, including a routine surfacing at the North Pole. Operations unde... more »
U.S. Navy seeks public input on sub power plan for Indian Island
Indian Island, Washington Public comment is allowed until Sept. 11 on a U.S. Navy proposal to modify the electrical distribution system at the Naval Magazine (NAVMAG) Indian Island ammunition pier to better serve submarines during ordnance handling operations. The Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) evaluates the potential environmental effects associated with proposed construction of a looped power distribution system the Navy wants to supply permanent shore-based power to submarines while they are berthed at NAVMAG Indian Island. The Draft EA is available online for public review... more »
Why India's Submarine Fleet is Deployed for Just 6 Out of 10 Days
[image: INS Sindhurakshak (S63)]Indian submarines, on an average, are available for just six out of 10 days for operational deployment. And of every 10 tasks allotted to the fleet, it has to drop at least one, a senior Naval officer told NDTV. India needs at least 24 conventional submarines but only has 10 - which includes a nuclear submarine leased from Russia in 2002. The last conventional submarine was acquired in the late '90s. Each conventional boat in the fleet is around 20 years old. In contrast, China has 60 -- 48 conventional and 12 nuclear submarines. Pakistan has five su... more »
Toby 25
Yoi can fuck up a lot of things in your life a lot of things did I say that twice' but three time and your in bad hole why I said this not'e==== cause I want some much't to be 25
What Are Words?- A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
What Are Words?- A Poem by M.N. Hopkins *Words Are* *Nothing more than* *Symbols and sounds* *That are used* *To define* *The undefinable* *And* *Used as a tool* *And* *Sometimes the avoidance* *Of* *Our direct experience* *Of * *Our everyday living* *Copyright © 2015 M.N. Hopkins* Note: This poem was written during the month of August, 2015 and first published on my blog today.
Military Photo of the Day: August 27, 2015
[image: Afghanistan Memorial-900] U.S. Army soldiers and teammates of 1st Sgt. Peter “Drew” McKenna Jr., 35, pay tribute to the fallen hero during an Aug. 13, 2015, memorial at Camp Integrity in Afghanistan. The U.S. Army Green Beret died on Aug. 8 of... more »
Financial Crises, Ecological Crises, Human Crises and the Predatory State
The promise of liberal democracy and the sustainability of our eco-system are imperiled by the crises wrought by public apathy, negligent corporations and captured regulators. In particular, as charged by critics across the political spectrum, corporations and governments have failed to meet constitutional, legal, market, and ethical standards of good governance in their repeated failures to prevent significant crises caused by greed, regulatory capture, and criminal malfeasance. For example, within the US, Richard Posner, legal scholar and former free-market advocate, declared i... more »
Golden Photos
She was a geologist photographer always looking for gold but comming up over and over one focal point short In the world of images today there is no short unless you deal in cat and kitte pictures for which there seems to be an insatable demand If there every was a beauty that needed a spark it was she Fortunatly all the resouces that where needed surrouded her like undiscovered gold and she was Pick a cause pick a timeframe pick a dollar amount a calander of Call Center Agents would make Maxim proud exept in our case it would be photos of real beauties
“Good Riddance, Bryce Williams”
No, I haven’t and won’t watch the murder video from Virginia that is disgustingly being passed around, and undoubtedly shown on high rotation on news channels. There’s only one things to say about it really: Good riddance to the murderer. Mercy to the guilty is injustice to the innocent. Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
200 Retired U.S. Generals And Admirals Have Sent A Letter Urging The U.S. Congress To Reject The Iranian Nuclear Deal
Delegations of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Britain's Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi sit around the negotiations table during their meeting in Vienna November 24, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Joe Klamar/Pool *Washington Post*:* Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal* A group of nearly 200 retired generals and... more »
US and UK Politics are Mirror Images
[image: SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND - AUGUST 25: Labour Leadership Candidate Jeremy Corbyn speaks at a rally for supporters at the Hilton at the Ageas Bowl on August 25, 2015 in Southampton, England. Jeremy Corbyn remains the bookies favourite to win the Labour leadership contest which will be announced on September 12 after the ballots close on September 10 (Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images)] LONDON -- It’s remarkable how often British and American politics resemble each other; often only the accents differ. Following a disastrous defeat at the hands of Prime Minister David Cameron’s Torie... more »
The World's 5 'Best' Defense Firms
*Robert Farley, National Interest: **The Real Top Guns: The World's 5 Best Defense Firms* After the end of the Cold War, the defense industry witnessed a wave of consolidations, sparked by a speech given by Deputy Secretary of Defense William Perry in 1993. In a talk later dubbed “The Last Supper,” Perry suggested to a group of defense industrialists that the number of major firms should shrink by about half, from fifteen to seven or eight. Perry, Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and others within DoD reasoned that the defense industry of the 1980s was far too large to sustain on a ... more »
The Economy: Must Watch! "Plunge Protection Team Losing Control of Markets- Jim Sinclair'
*MUST WATCH!* *"Plunge Protection Team Losing Control of Markets- Jim Sinclair"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "Legendary gold expert Jim Sinclair says what is going on right now in the stock market is just the warm-up act. Sinclair contends, *“This is a pre-crash, and we are not making it through September without the real thing.* Everybody is on credit. Main Street is on credit. This seems to be a bubble of historical proportion when it comes to the amount of money supporting the accepted lifestyles as being the new normal. Raising interest rates is impossible today. The market... more »
Vampire of the Vanities
(graphic by Kat Garcia) The conventional wisdom that the writing of New York Times columnist David Brooks sucks has taken on a whole new meaning with his most recent mishmash of a piece, titled *The Big Decisions*. The fact that he deliberately hides the conservative source of the funding for the author whose book on "transformational research" he peddles is just one of the problems with the column (more on that later.) It's what poses as the subject matter. Let Count Brookula speak for himself: *Let’s say you had the chance to become a vampire. With one magical bite you would ga... more »
Can The U.S. Fight A Two Front War?
U.S. Navy and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ships steam in formation during their military manoeuvre exercise known as Keen Sword 15 in the sea south of Japan, in this November 19, 2014 handout provided by the U.S. Navy. REUTERS/Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Chris Cavagnaro/U.S. Navy/Handout *One News Now: **Forget two-front war, U.S. can't fight one* A national defense analyst says the U.S. military has lost its ability to fight a prolonged conventional war because of President Obama. "Thirty years ago, we had 350,000," Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis (USA-Ret.) says of t... more »
Four Americans in France Show the World What it Means to be a Man
[image: Spencer Stone Train Attack France US Airman__1440330847_70.119.142.63] The jaw of the world dropped this past week when news broke of a thwarted shooting on a French train. Childhood friends Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlatos and Anthony Sadler were vacationing in France and taking the train into Paris. Not... more »
Alice Embree : METRO | Race and police in Austin
Hundreds of concerned citizens gathered and directed questions about police violence to Mayor Adler and the Austin Police Department. Video filmed and posted to YouTube by Travis County Democratic Party volunteer Robert Sheldon. This is the first of five parts. … finish reading Alice Embree : *METRO* | Race and police in Austin
Let's not deprive the NRA of credit for the near-certainly that we won't have any serious debate about gun control
[*Click to enlarge.*] *by Ken* I don't suppose there are champagne corks popping today at NRA HQ. They're too modest. But even though today's incident notched only two more casualties, the fact that *it happened on live TV* was a big win for gun nuttery. Just like the upcoming presidential election seems finally have to have been hijacked by the reality-substitute unreality of "reality TV," so now have the gun nuts invaded the tube. I have no interest in looking at, and certainly no intention of reproducing, any images from this morning events. So instead I've given you the "titl... more »
Why Did China Amass Its Tanks At The North Korean Border This Weekend?
This photo, showing the transport of a 155 mm self-propelled gun, was variously identified as having been taken near the North Korean border and outside of Beijing. (Credit: Weibo/ 北京人不知道的北京事儿) *Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat:* *Why Did China Amass Tanks at the North Korean Border?* Was it simply good preparation — or was Beijing trying to send a message to Pyongyang? Even as North and South Korea engaged in hours of talks over the weekend, in the hopes of defusing tensions, China was apparently making its own preparations for a worst-case scenario on the Korean peninsula. On Satur... more »
Donald Trump anounces his candidacy for the president of U.S
I don't understand what is he saying. :)
On-Air Shooter’s Manifesto Suggests Racial Motivation
[image: Bryce Williams manifesto - 400] A man claiming to be Bryce Williams called ABC News over the last few weeks, saying he wanted to pitch a story and wanted to fax information. He never told ABC News what the story was. This morning, a fax... more »
Philippines Seeks U.S. Military Assistance To Protect Their Resupply Missions In The South China Sea
*VOA*: *Philippines Seeks US Help to Protect Troops in Disputed Sea* Senior U.S. and Philippines military officials have met in Manila, in an effort to expand defense ties as tensions worsen around China's disputed territorial claims in the South China Sea. The commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, Admiral Harry Harris, was received with full military honors Wednesday at the Philippines armed forces headquarters. Harris and his Philippine counterpart, General Hernando Iriberri, discussed security issues, including the South China Sea, according to Philippines military spokesman ... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 26, 2015
*Inside Story/Al Jazeera*:* Is peace really possible in South Sudan?* South Sudan President Salva Kiir has signed peace deal but after 20 months of conflict many doubt agreement will hold. South Sudan's President Salva Kiir has signed a peace deal that it is hoped will end 20 months of war. The conflict has killed tens of thousands of people and brought the world's newest country to the brink of famine and economic collapse. Rebel leader Riek Machar signed the deal last week, but President Kiir had, until Wednesday, expressed reservations. *Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials... more »
Scott Adams: Why Trump is Winning
[image: Art of the Deal Cover text] There is an eerie consistency to Trump’s success so far. Is there a method to it? Is there some sort of system at work under the hood? Probably yes. Allow me to describe some of the hypnosis and persuasion methods... more »
"I Wish You Enough"
"I Wish You Enough" by Bob Perks "I never really thought that I'd spend as much time in airports as I do. I don't know why. I always wanted to be famous and that would mean lots of travel. But I'm not famous, yet I do see more than my share of airports. I love them and I hate them. I love them because of the people I get to watch. But they are also the same reason why I hate airports. It all comes down to "hello" and "goodbye." I must have mentioned this a few times while writing my stories for you. I have great difficulties with saying goodbye. Even as I write this I am experienc... more »
The acoustics inside the tunnel are great!
So why wouldn’t you? Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Lady Labyrinth”
Ludovico Einaudi, “Lady Labyrinth” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqLKYhhfA_Q&list=RDMMRqLKYhhfA_Q Ludovico Einaudi, “The Royal Albert Hall Concert” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BI8N2569jSg
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What are those strange blue objects? Many of the brightest blue images are of a single, unusual, beaded, blue, ring-like galaxy which just happens to line-up behind a giant cluster of galaxies. Cluster galaxies here typically appear yellow and- together with the cluster's dark matter- act as a gravitational lens. A gravitational lens can create several images of background galaxies, analogous to the many points of light one would see while looking through a wine glass at a distant street light. *Click image for larger size.* The distinctive shape of this background galaxy- which is ... more »
Chet Raymo, "Know Thyself"
*"Know Thyself"* by Chet Raymo "The ancient Greek aphorism, attributed to Socrates and others. Good advice, I'm sure. If only we knew what it means. Is it the same as the "examination of conscience" we were asked to perform as young Catholics? "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." Well, yes, it is good to ask ourselves if we have lived up to our highest moral aspirations. But surely "Know thyself" means more than that. Does it mean to be aware of our self-awareness? That is to say, not to act impulsively, but reflectively. Thoreau's "I went to the woods because I wished to live... more »
Free Download: Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet"
"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain. And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy." - Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet" • "The Prophet" Presented by Paul Coughlin "When I first came across this text I was deeply touched by it's wisdom and spiritual depth - it seemed to offer that timeless advice just at the right moment... I've used it when I couldn't find the words t... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Suwanee, Georgia, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"The Lives They Lead..."
“People pay for what they do, and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become, and they pay for it, very simply, by the lives they lead.” - James Baldwin, “No Name in the Street” (1972)
"We Deny..."
"We deny that we're tired, we deny that we're scared, we deny how badly we want to succeed. And most importantly, we deny that we're in denial. We only see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe, and it works. We lie to ourselves so much that after a while the lies start to seem like the truth. We deny so much that we can't recognize the truth right in front of our faces." - "Dr. Meredith Grey," "Grey's Anatomy"
"Not Made For Defeat..."
“But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” - Ernest Hemingway, "The Old Man and the Sea"
"The Denial of Death"
*"The Denial of Death"* by Ernest Becker “The idea of death, the fear of it, haunts the human animal like nothing else; it is a mainspring of human activity - designed largely to avoid the fatality of death, to overcome it by denying in some way that it is the final destiny of man... the irony of man's condition is that the deepest need is to be free of the anxiety of death and annihilation; but it is life itself which awakens it, and so we shrink from being fully alive." "Yet, at the same time, as the Eastern sages also knew, man is a worm and food for worms. This is the paradox: ... more »
The ISIS Threat to Turkey? It's serious. Destabilizing Turkey continues apace!
*The ISIS Threat to Turkey* Islamic State last week released a new video calling for a jihadist front in Turkey and encouraged Turks to “*conquer Istanbul” and return the country to “true Islam” * -*Turkey was accused* of offering direct or indirect help to Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria. -*Turkey was also accused* of not preventing the transport of supplies for IS leader -*Turkey was also accused* of allowing wounded jihadist fighters to be treated in Turkish hospitals in the south. *Flashback:* * ISIL’s/ISIS magazine slams Erdoğan, Turkey for first time.* *Flashb... more »
Paul Craig Roberts searches for the possible ways that the stock market might settle down again. On one hand, "The belief that a hike in interest rates is in the cards keeps the US dollar from losing exchange value in relation to other currencies, thus preventing a flight from the dollar that would reduce the Uni-power to Third World status." But "On the other hand, the stock market decline last Thursday and Friday could indicate that the players in the market have comprehended that the stock market is an artificially inflated bubble that has no real basis. Once the psychology is destroyed, flight sets in." And "If flight turns out to be the case, it will be interesting to see if central bank liquidity and purchases of stocks can stop the rout."
------------------------------ *Central Banks Have Become A Corrupting Force — Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler * ------------------------------ August 23, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter Central Banks Have Become A Corrupting Force Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler Are we witnessing the corruption of central banks? Are we observing the money-creating powers of central banks being used to drive up prices in the stock market for the benefit of the mega-rich? These questions came to ... more »
Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Ordering Kentucky Clerk to Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses
[image: Appeals Court Upholds Ruling Ordering Kentucky Clerk to Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses] MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) -- A federal appeals court has upheld a ruling ordering a Kentucky county clerk to issue marriage licenses to gay couples. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis objects to same-sex marriage for religious reasons. She stopped issuing marriage...more »
Some frightening alcohol statistics
In the debate that ended in passing David Seymour’s bill allowing you to watch rugby in a bar (yes, people, that’s the kind of place we live in; where a law must be passed so you can watch sport with a drink in your hand), National’s Chris Bishop presented some frightening statistics about New Zealand drinking. New Zealand ranks only 96th in the world for our rate of alcohol consumption. Our binge drinking rate is only *half* that of Australia’s, and only *one-sixth* that of Britain’s. That is appalling. What is even worse is is that young people are drinking much less. There a... more »
Pew Study Finds Orthodox Similar to Evangelical Christians — Not Other Jews
[image: Orthodox Jews - 400] Wearing black hats or donning small yarmulkes, Orthodox Jews represent a distinct subgroup within the Jewish community -- more observant, more conservative and more insular. But the revelation in a report released today by the Pew Research Center is that... more »
The Epistemology of Climate Forecasting for 8 Year Olds and the Coming Cooling.
* 1. Introduction* Leif Isvalgaard said in a comment on a WUWT post: August 17, 2015 at 2:27 pm "If you cannot explain your finding to an [attentive] eight-year old, you don’t understand it yourself." I agree entirely. Miriam - Webster defines Epistemology as " the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity " *2. Granddaughter - You asked - Is the world going to burn up and how do we know?* Ava - Lets think about when the temperature is warmer and colder outside. It is hotter when the sun shines during ... more »
World News Briefs -- August 26, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters*: *Virginia TV journalists killed by suspect with 'powder keg' of anger* Two television journalists were killed during a live broadcast in Virginia on Wednesday, shot by a suspect who was a former employee of the TV station and who called himself a "powder keg" of anger over what he saw as racial discrimination at work and elsewhere in the United States. The suspect, 41-year-old Vester Flanagan, shot himself as police pursued him on a Virginia highway hours after the shooting. Flanagan, who was African-American, died later at a hospital, police said. *MIDDLE EAST* U.S. ... more »
The Company You Keep-- American Nazis Endorse Trump
The mob of angry white Republicans who have propelled Trump to the top of the Republican heap may not care that his businesses are intimately tied to the Mafia, and they actually *lionize* him for his misogyny, his racism and his compulsive lying. But how do they feel about old-style fascism? About 10 days ago we looked at the many similarities between Trump's ascension and Mussolini's, due primarily to a willingness-- or eagerness-- to exploit the frailties and hopes of frightened, angry, confused supporters. More recently the comparisons between Trump and Hitler have started spr... more »
Today’s random medical scare-story …
[Hat tip Shaun Holt] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
A Catholic Tug of War in the US Awaits Pope Francis
[image: pope francis] When Pope Francis starts his US road show next month, Catholics to his left and right will all be hoping to pull him a bit closer to their own causes. From the environment to the economy and everything in between,... more »
51 Bodies Found in Hull of Migrant Ship Off Libya
[image: In this photo provided by the Swedish Coast Guard, migrants are boarding the ship Poseidon after being spotted in a fishing boat off the Libyan coast Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2015. The Swedish ship Poseidon rescued 439 survivors aboard a wooden ship, discovering in the hull the corpses of 51 migrants who died, probably of asphyxiation, making the dangerous Mediterranean crossing in hopes of reaching Europe. (Swedish Coast Guard via AP Photo) MANDATORY CREDIT] ROME (AP) -- A Swedish rescue crew cut up the deck of a migrant boat north of Libya Wednesday to make a grisly discovery in... more »
A Look At The European Fighters Who Have Volunteered To Fight In Ukraine
Euromaiden Press *VICE News:* *Meet the European Fighters Who Have Gone to War in Ukraine* There are European soldiers fighting amid the rubble of Shyrokyne in Eastern Ukraine. They shoot from half-destroyed hotels and sleep in the basements of war-ravaged homes. Artillery fire colors the hill behind the town black, and darkens the sky with gray smoke. Machine guns sputter day and night, and there is occasionally the crack of a sniper rifle as soldiers dart between abandoned houses, hotels, apartment buildings, and trenches. The pro-Ukrainian Azov Regiment and the group of Europea... more »
Have Thousands Of Russian Soldiers Been Killed In The Ukraine War?
*Forbes:* *Russia Inadvertently Posts Its Casualties In Ukraine: 2,000 Deaths, 3,200 Disabled* Russian president Vladimir Putin has decreed that all Russian casualties “in peacetime” be a state secret. In addition to criminal charges arising from divulging state secrets, families risk losing pensions and lump-sum payments if they reveal that their sons were killed in Ukraine. Mothers of soldiers’ associations have been branded “foreign agents” for collecting data on Russian casualties. Dissident Boris Nemtsov was murdered shortly before completing his study of Russian casualties i... more »
Another Hero: Moogalian Recounts Train Attack in French Magazine Interview
[image: Fourth Hero from the Paris Train Attacks Identified: Mark Moogalian Did 'What Was Right in His Heart,' Says His Sister] PARIS (AP) -- The first inkling Mark Moogalian had that something was amiss on a high-speed train traveling from Amsterdam to Paris was when he saw a man dragging his suitcase into the bathroom. “I saw a young guy who... more »
US Stocks Close Up 619 Points After Afternoon Surge
[image: Stock market - 900] U.S. stocks are closing sharply higher, giving the stock market its best day in close to four years. Stocks are rebounding from a six-day slump that was prompted by concerns about the health of the Chinese economy. The Dow Jones... more »
Slaying the Hydra: Can Virtue Heal the American Right?
[image: Herakles and the Hydra Water Jar (Etruscan, c. 525 BC) - Herakles clubs the Hydra, while a crab assists it by attacking Herakles] We've come to that agonizing point in our political process when each political party must choose its champion. Republicans are trying to decide in whose hands to place their party's fate. Perhaps the uninspired but reassuringly American Scott Walker? The... more »
#BustRacism Hashtag Asks Gallery to Remove Bust of Margaret Sanger
[image: Margaret Sanger] A group of black pastors have asked the Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery to remove a bust of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood Founder and known Eugenicist, from their "Struggle for Justice" exhibit. Today, the Media Research Center organized a Tweetfest, asking... more »
Columnist Answers Questions on the Pro-Life Movement
[image: North Carolina OKs Bill for 72-Hour Abortion Waiting Period] The recent Planned Parenthood videos have turned many conversations to abortion the past few weeks, many are rushing to judgement, making assumptions on what others believe. It is refreshing to see people asking and answering questions in a respectful way... more »
NFL Player, Wife Will Keep Unborn Baby Despite Defect: ‘Who Are We to Determine a Baby’s Life?’
[image: NFL player - 400] NFL fullback Evan Rodriguez and his wife Olivia are expecting a little girl in December, who has a rare birth defect, anencephaly. The couple has been speaking out about the diagnosis and their decision to keep their baby girl despite... more »
Quote of the Day: On NZ’s modern-day entrepreneurship
*“It appears we are creating a generation of New Zealanders whose sole experience of entrepreneurship is writing a great application for government funding.” *~ Max Christofferson, ‘Jumping on the taxpayer bandwagon’ Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Rad Racer for the Nintendo Entertainment System
I cannot tell a lie, I do like my racing games. However, while nearly every platform since the days of the humble Spectrum have been spoilt for automobile-related gaming treats, there is one notable omission: the mighty NES. Considering it was the best selling home system ever for a time, this is as baffling as it is disappointing. Off the top of my head and as far as UK/European releases go, there's *RC Pro-Am*, *Turbo Racing*, *Galaxy 5000*, *Micro Machines*, and that's - apart from the subject of this post - about it. A mystery to be sure, but technical limitations can't be the c... more »
Christian Candace Cameron Bure Joins The View
[image: The View] The Cast of ABC's The View has had another shakeup. Joy Behar will be rejoining the cast, and Paula Faris and Candace Cameron Bure are new additions. Bure, an outspoken Christian, has appeared on the show as a guest host,... more »
‘God Allowed Us to Make it Through’
[image: Church of Christ - 400] NEW ORLEANS -- Ten years after Hurricane Katrina waged war on the Gulf Coast, Christians in hard-hit New Orleans are looking back -- and ahead. Frank J. Ha
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