Coal Fly Ash Used In Chemtrail Aerosols: Geophysicist Produces Conclusive Evidence
‘Scientific evidence now exists which indicates the presence of “toxic coal combustion fly ash” in the Earth’s atmosphere. The following excerpt from the relevant article abstract, which appears under the above quoted title, was just published in the August 11th issue of the peer-reviewed International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.’
#cdnpoli #IdleNoMore .. Who is DREW .. Why did Wright balk at BAYNE's question on that email .. Why did CROWN risk annoying JUDGE with that objection again .. AUG 14th 2015
Wright's 2ND day of X-examination by BAYNE ..certainly puts into question RCMP & CROWN's decision to charge Duffy & not Wright or any other CPC involved in these schemes.
BAYNE used internal PMO e-mails to paint a picture of a PM’s Office that ruled the C{C majority in the Senate with an iron fist when it needed to do so .. not independent spun in media.
Frankly .. Wright's immunity in exchange for star witness aide for the CROWN .. is turning into Duffy's star witness to acquit.
BAYNE back to his contention that Harper's PMOs “Issues Management” of the Duffy file dormant DEC 2 FEB,
BAYNE's assertion .. Wright has resisted confirming thus far.
Wright wouldn’t agree described by BAYNE 'a strategy or concern'
Wright acknowledges .. was aware of Duffy’s continuing worries over the constitutionality of his appointment before FEB 7th.
BAYNE moves on to the Guardian coverage of Professor publicly agitating over Duffy’s ineligibility .. which the senator *also* brought to Wright’s attention via email.
Duffy makes it clear in his comments on that story that he intended to “challenge” the claims of “impropriety”
Wright agrees.
BAYNE closer to ‘Capitulation Day' — keen on that term — a letter Duffy sent to Senator Tkachuk on the issue & one from Duffy’s lawyer to Internal Senate Audit staffer.
RC .. Report on that Internal Audit CROWN & CPC trying to have withheld from evidence .. shows that rules were vague .. the only audit report that does not support Crown case .. Deloitte was 2ND.
Wright adamantly denies that he tried to stop Duffy from talking to the Deloitte auditors.
RC so why did he contact Senator Gerstein to do just that ?
Wright recalls he “discouraged” Duffy from speaking to Deloitte .. “convinced” Duffy was going to “make a case” to “defend his entitlements,”
Which Wright very much didn’t want him to do.
BAYNE contends that had Duffy spoken to Deloitte
Duffy *actually* would have BLOWN UP the whole false narrative
“Duffy was going to expose all this .. ”by making it clear that he *didn’t* think he’d made a mistake .. *wasn’t* going to repay.
BAYNE suggests .. “You & your… co-planners in this strategy ..Tkachuk & Leberton ..tried to prevent Duffy from speaking to Deloitte'
Wright again, disputes that take.
BAYNE moves to a subsequent email .. Patrick Rogers .. Ray Novak .. et al .. the people, he reminds Wright, that he described as a “small group”
Wright suggested that Duffy felt “hooped” .. by the letter issued earlier that day by LeBreton & Cowan on the plan to commission an independent audit
Looking at '4 indicators” on primary residency.
Wright recalls .. Duffy “didn’t think he could pass”
Senators would have to submit documentation to back up residency claims .. those collecting secondary residency expenses would also be interviewed.
Any money improperly claimed would be required to be paid back.
BAYNE asks .. “You & LeBreton” both thought those proposed criteria were a bad idea
BAYNE they could “get Conservative Senators .. in trouble.”
Wright readily agrees that he was opposed.
Wright says .. “not interested in having things happen that would impede this agreement for having Duffy repay.”
BAYNE shifts to go back to Ray Novak’s role .. who *he* suggests is the main “conduit” for PM .. “he stands in” .
Wright doesn’t see it that way at all — Novak “the #2.”
BAYNE refers to email from Ray that .. Wright *didn’t* include in the archive he provided to police.
That included comments from Harper directly.
Wright is unruffled .. says it was likely sent while the PM was on tour .. unable to communicate in person.
RC .. Novak has been Harper's #2 officially or unofficially .. for over a decade .. lived over the Harper garage .. replaced Wright.
Wright “is seeing for the first time” batch of emails correspondence between ..
PMO & Senate leadership over the need for .. “all unilateral action” from the latter .. to be “stopped” unless it went through him first.
Wright does not dispute that he was “not pleased”
Wright sent note at the time .. acerbically asked ..“convey my thanks” to LeBreton for making my job more difficult.
Wright says it was Duffy’s reaction to the unexpected Senate letter that he feared would .. make the job of getting Duffy to sign on to a repayment plan .. “more difficult”
Wright says he doesn’t see any CONtradiction in a simultaneous email to Duffy .. where he says .. it wouldn’t make it more difficult.
Wright refers to the LeBreton email as .. “facetious" .. which doesn’t go over well with BAYNE at all.
BAYNE .. “It’s clearly *not* a thanks .. you think Senators LeBreton & Cowan have made it more difficult.”
EMAIL from Novak wondered .. why the letter had to be *public*.. suggesting that it seemed like they wanted to feed .. media cycle.
RC .. which adds weight to the argument that Duffy set up as fall guy .. to protect other Harper appointees with similar problems of eligibility & fraudulent claims.
BAYBE says .. nothing was to happen without PMO authorization. “That’s not the way life works,”
Wright says .. yes, that was the hope.
RC .. funny how the scheme relies on Senate Independence of CPC members for spin .. and when convenient for narrative ..
RC .. Yet so often Wright's own words seem to always indicate very tight PMO control of CPC caucus & leadership of their majority in that house.
RC .. it wasn't until Harper went on his 'spree of ineligible' appointees .. and a CPC majority in Senate .. did the Senate morph into a fully corrupted institution.
BAYNE & Wright ARGUE over a reference to “he” refers to *Duffy* being upset over the letter.
BAYNE .. “You were manipulating him,” .. "being 2-faced” .. telling Duffy it *wouldn’t* make it more difficult.
BAYNE .. “You weren’t just command & controlling Duffy .. But the Senate leadership as well .. were ultimately forced to apologize for stepping out of line"
Wright has no trouble confirming .. he wanted “coordination” with the Senate .. but he sticks to his basic explanation.
Wright says .. “ I don’t disagree that there was ambiguity in those forms ”
RC .. CROWN must love how Wright assisting in destroying there case .. like it was planned ?
KATY .. BAYNE has an uncanny ability to camouflage repetition .. by asking his questions in tones so ominous that it always seems like he’s on the verge of unleashing a shocking revelation
That will shake the witness — and the CROWN case — to their respective cores.
RC .. I really question why the immunity and no charge for Wright .. when his testimony not essential to CROWN case .. as is the withheld Internal 1st Audit report .. very suspicious !
BAYNE then takes Wright through a FEB 11th email which Duffy seemed to be “maintaining” that his expenses were “proper,”
Wright confesses he found “disheartening”.. given conversations that had preceded it.
BAYNE seems to be going out of his way to highlight Novak’s participation in various email threads and references — from his contributions to his name on the cc list.
KATY .. Novak knows of the details of the Duffy repayment plan
Currently a LIVE issue for Harper’s campaign team for OCT.
BAYNE going through each email .. line by line .. attempting to get Wright to agree with his interpretation .. the correspondence makes it clear Duffy believed his expense claims were legitimate.
CROWN objects that Wright explain emails he’s never before seen.
BAYNE decides to move on .. with the promise that he’ll return to the issue in future.
BAYNE focuses on how Wright “ and a number of people,” including Chris Montgomery and Ben Perrin ..
Attempted to come up with a residency test .. as Wright stressed at the time that NO CPC Senators would fail.
RC .. again concern was for all the other Harper appointees .. not just Duffy.
Wright now says .. wouldn’t have wanted a test that *any* senators would fail.
KATY .. So post-partisan! .. RC .. LOL
Wright acknowledges that the *immediate* motivation for the residency rule brainstorm .. was the need to reassure Duffy that he would still qualify as a senator even if he *did* stop collecting secondary residence expenses for Ottawa.
Wright points out that it wasn’t good for the system to have such uncertainty.
BAYNE pivots ..
Why did Wright redact Novak’s email with Harper’s direct contributions to the discussion .. from the archive he provided to the CROWN ?
Wright said he initially collected correspondence in preparation for the Ethics Commissioner’s investigation into his actions ..
Wright response .. didn’t think it would be relevant.
RC .. Other than admitting a cover story to protect Harper .. what else can Wright say ?
KATY .. there’s nothing in the PM’s comments .. as passed on by Novak on Senate residency .. that *explicitly* contradicts his insistence that he was unaware of the specifics of the Duffy repayment plan discussions.
KATY ODDITY .. Why would Wright redact it .. given the questionable relevancy to the Ethics commissioner’s investigation.
Wright left in a lot of other material that would seem just as tangential to that precise purpose.
RC .. I suggest that Wright's answer does not really explain this discrepancy.
BAYNE right back to the email trail .. FEB 15th Senate-PMO discussions on defining “residency”.
BAYNE .. I must confess that I find the actual substance of the Senate residency email chains to be fascinating in an entirely non-salacious way.
BAYNE .. Why *was* the PM so oddly insistent on making it simply an issue of property ownership, with no thought for actual provincial representation?
BAYNE .. Duffy was “willing and open” to the review ..
Wright continued to refuse to say he prevented Duffy from providing the “documents and information” his lawyer had offered to Deloitte.
Wright reiterates his “presupposition” was that Duffy did indeed live in Kanata,
BAYNE says .. that the details .. Duffy’s argument to the contrary were .. irrelevant to Wright .. you had already decided to treat it as a political problem.
Wright acknowledges that he had come to that conclusion .. But notes that public opinion *could* be swayed by mitigating the evidence provided by Duffy.
WOW .. RC Wright essentially admits media spin over truth & legality
BAYNE reminds Wright .. Duffy was “trying to show you in detail” .. Why the expenses were proper .. including tallies of # of days spent on PEI.
BAYNE FEB14th, 2013 .. Ben Perrin was brought in to be helpful.
Wright & LeBreton wanted to ensure the proposed residency definitions would look after CPC senators.
Specifically .. Canada Revenue Agency requirements.
BAYNE .. Duffy had uncovered a court decision on provincial residency .. PEI residency .. that he thought might be helpful.
BAYNE Wright told him he’d pass on to “in-house counsel.”
BAYNE Did he?
Wright admits NO.
KATY .. BAYNE is unsurprised.
RC .. Why would Wright not advise Perrin that a legal means existed to get Duffy out of his trouble over eligibility & Claims
BAYNE refers An extract from an email chain and a reference to a mysterious “DREW”.
CROWN objects over the stripped-down defence email collection.
JUDGE is entirely unpersuaded.
KATY .. seems just this side of annoyed that such a concern was raised at all.
Wright recalls .. “There were a number of Senators whose qualifications were being questioned” .. they weren’t drafting a definition solely to help Duffy .. that was the trigger.
KATY .. PMO seemed to be balking over the income tax test in favour of one that would be less likely to cause trouble for CPC.
BAYNE wants an explanation for Wright’s emailed instruction that CPC .. both in PMO & Senate .. would ensure the “RIGHT” Senators were on the Senate rules committee.
WOW .. RC .. taking the word 'independence' to a real level of transparency
Wright's email reminded .. to avoid “the Chinese water torture of new facts in the public domain" .. that the PM & his colleagues .. did not want.
BAYNE points out that ‘Chinese water torture’ .. is “not the language of doing the right thing” .. or “of Matthew” .. but political damage control.
Wright concedes it was “issues management.”
Wright reminds BAYNE .. “It was bad politics because the expenses were inappropriate" .. for someone claiming to be on travel status while living in Ottawa.
RC .. seems Wright can not stop CONtradicting himself on whether he thinks Duffy had a defence for claims or that they were fraud ?
BAYNE back to Internal Audit on Senate residency.. the existence of which Wright was entirely unaware.
KATY .. Is Bayne accusing PMO& Wright of trying to rewrite the *Joseph* report ? .. I thought it was the interim Senate committee report.
RC .. Internal Auditor was contacted and refused to change report KATY .. no confusion had they .. we wouldn't be here .. at least some people in the Senate follow the law .. just not the Harper appointees !
KATY .. Why isn’t anyone asking about the ruling on the Joseph report ?
RC .. It an essential report for the defence as that report concurs with Duffy's position on rules at the time.
BAYNE outraged on behalf of his client over Wright’s email-belief that Duffy should not only be discouraged from cooperating with the Deloitte audit.
Duffy's former lawyer advised him to provide “no documentation or information” .. the Deloitte auditors have requested.
Wright stressed .. he told everyone .. not to do so directly so neither Duffy .. nor his lawyer could eventually go public .. with the claim that PMO told them not to cooperate.
Wright points out that Duffy “agreed with him” & PM .. on the need to repay the expenses on various occasions over the month of FEB .. but kept “falling away”.
Wright says that is why he had to be “persistent.”
BAYNE asks Wright about statement to RCMP .. Wright admitted being “pissed” at Duffy.
Wright unsure whether he used such a term.
Wright confirms he was “pissed” over a conversation between Perrin & Payne over Duffy’s “resistance” to the deal.
Wright recalls .. 1ST time anyone but Payne suggested that Duffy be withdrawn from the Deloitte audit .. was when Tkachuk put forward that proposal.
BAYNE suggests .. Wright’s attempt to set up payment by CPC was an “inducement” to get Duffy to “capitulate” to the scenario.
KATY ..'thems fighting words'
Wright doesn’t deny having a conversation on money .. that Duffy did not have the means to repay or calling Senator Irving Gerstein.
BAYNE comes as close to flat-out accusing Wright of LYING .. going at length that he “does not accept” several key assertions by Wright .. particularly that Duffy told him he didn’t have the money.
BAYNE asserts Duffy *actually* told him that .. he didn’t want to pay it back because .. he didn’t believe he should have to do so.
KATY .. JUDGE seems absolutely riveted by BAYNE.
BAYNE seems keen to remind Wright that he described himself as “pissed”.
KATY .. Wright starting to look a bit worn down ..
RC LOL who wouldn't .. not going the way Wright PMO et al planned.
KATY .. Wright hasn’t assumed the signature Bayne X-Examinee Slump ..yet.
RC .. But BAYNE isn't finished with Wright yet .. and he is a lawyer and top political operative in 2 CON governments with criminal scandals.
BAYNE asks Wright to explain his Plan to use the CPC Fund .. full of what Bayne not inaccurately describes as “taxpayer funds”
BAYNE challenges Wright .. to give examples of the CPC Fund picking up the tab for expenses deemed inappropriate ..not simply legal fees.
Wright cannot.
Wright's admission is interrupted by .. brief flare-up between Wright and Bayne over the latter telling the former to “park it”
WOW .. RC .. Wright knows his x-exam not going well
BAYNE refers to Wright as an unresponsive witness .. Accuses of him of using his answers to give his “SPIN”.
BAYNE counters .. CDNs can understand that the Chief of Staff to PM believed it was “principled” .. to use that money to secretly pay back these expenses deemed inappropriate.
Wright uncomfortable.
KATY .. Wright has never for a second thought of the CPC Fund as “publicly sourced… taxpayer money.”
RC .. that is the essential problem with the Harper regime .. elite entitled .. wether with the rules ..the law ..or tax dollars.
BAYNE .. doesn’t think CDNs would think it was “okay” or “principled” at all .. particularly not to “end our public agony” and make the “water torture” stop.
BAYNE suggests .. it is “political language” — and not what Matthew — of the Bible — would day.
Wright sullenly agrees with.
KATY .. The most remarkable aspect of this line of questioning BAYNE suggesting that it was “a FRAUD upon the CDN people” .. to use CPC Fund to “secretly” repay for Duffy.
RC .. But in the end they did .. CPC Fund cut a cheque for 13K we know about .. another bill in evidence from Payne's firm that from what i know is O/S .. or payed somehow.
Wright is holding firm .. that the plan to have the CPC Fund secretly pay back the expenses would not have been an abuse of the public trust.
WOW .. RC.. Wright ran the PMO & large Corporation .. and this is what he believes ... no wonder we have corrupt government with Corps breaking the law right left and centre .. a culture for the elites.
BAYNE didn’t appreciate Wright noting that Duffy had given several reasons for his reluctance to pay the money personally .. including ensuring that if he passed away .. his wife wouldn’t be left with nothing.
ODDITY .. Current PMO communications advisor Stephen Lecce working the CPC campaign .. currently on Harper’s Northern tour with Ray Novak .. latest addition to a FEB 2013 PMO email chain on Duffy-related matters — and
Specifically .. one that made it clear the “entire agreement” was meant to be kept secret.
BAYNE gets very curt when Wright refers to Duffy’s former lawyer Payne .. specifically, his recollection of her advice to Duffy and discussions with others.
Wright never spoke with her personally.
Wright confirms that he had asked for the “entire agreement” to be kept secret.
Wright suggests he was mostly concerned about “the source of the funds.”
Wright had agreed with the confidentiality clause .. in fact, it was the CPC Fund .. Gerstein & Hamilton .. that came up with the request in the 1ST place.
BAYNE next asks Wright about decision to keep the source of the funds secret .. after the CPC Fund pulled out & Wright had to take out his personal chequebook.
Wright says .. CDNs would be happy to think the person who claimed the “inappropriate” expenses .. would be the one paying it back .. that in turn would make *the government* happy.
BAYNE wonders... “That makes the government ‘happy’?” .. “So, the government is ‘happy’ to DECEIVE CDNs ? ”
KATY.. PMO whose supporters spend so much time going on & on about the utter irrelevancy of the media .. Wright and the rest of the officials on these cc lists .. sure spent a lot of time worrying about the news cycle.
RC .. when you have corruption to hide & bad economic policy .. you do
BAYNE's evidence .. memorandum to PM on this Senate residency gambit .. authors concede that *some* senators might see it as the “vandalism” of the traditions, conventions and protocol of the Senate.
That number could include some of their own senators.
BAYNE's pointing out how Wright redacted PM’s response to the memorandum on the Senate residency — which was sent to the email chain by Ray Novak.
Harper’s decision on the issue was that PM would “deem” residency as sufficient based on property.
Wright explains .. “That’s his view of what the tradition has been”
BAYNE quotes memorandum .. “This issue,” Harper added, “is about $” not this.
BAYNE states it sounds like a reference to the Duffy expense controversy.
Wright doesn’t say NO .. But suggests Wallin was mentioned as well.
BAYNE tries to make Wright admit that Ben Perrin seemed to think the PM’s interpretation — and his proposed “deeming” — did not appear to be consistent with the LAW.
Wright eventually did not deny it
BAYNE resumes the Senate residency debate .. specifically .. PM's view that property ownership was sufficient to meet the constitutional requirements.
BAYNE states .. “Once PM deems something, that’s the end of the debate”
BAYNE accuses that Wright decided not to tell Duffy that the PM had already ‘deemed’ him safe on constitutional grounds .. to ensure he could still use it as a threat.
Wright says it was the opposite .. He *wanted* to assuage Duffy’s fears on those grounds.
Wright says .. it was Senator LeBreton’s office to which Wright was reluctant to detail the PM’s views .. as she and her staff had expressed different ones.
BAYNE suddenly seizes on Wright’s offhand reference to “notes .. specifically .. notes he took after his FEB 19th conversation with Duffy.
Senator LeBreton certainly was keen to let PMO to know how very
helpful she & her office was .. endeavouring to be throughout the
myriad Senate expense controversies.
helpful she & her office was .. endeavouring to be throughout the
myriad Senate expense controversies.
Court adjourned to Monday
Thomas Mulcair is Cracking Down on Pro-Palestinian Sentiment in the NDP
by James Wilt
Jerry Avissato shared Occupy Wall St.'s photo.
All of our grievances are connected.
Jerry Avissato shared Mike Blackstock's photo.
51 years ago today, at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis, second-in-command Vasilli Arkhipov of the Soviet submarine B-59 refused to agree with his Captain's order to launch nuclear torpedos against US warships and setting off what might well have been a terminal superpower nuclear war.
The US had been dropping depth charges near the submarine in an attempt to force it to surface, unaware it was carrying nuclear arms. The Soviet officers, who had lost radio contact with Moscow, concluded that World War 3 had begun, and 2 of the officers agreed to 'blast the warships out of the water'. Arkhipov refused to agree - unanimous consent of 3 officers was required - and thanks to him, we are here to talk about it.
His story is finally being told - the BBC is airing a documentary on it.
Raise a glass to Vasilli Arkhipov - the Man Who Saved the World.
PS - The PBS documentary, 'The Man who Saved the World', is online here:

The documentary claims the facts of the matter were only 'recently' revealed. This is not quite true; the Boston Globe reported on it 10 years ago in 2002:

The Wikipedia article was created in 2005, citing a 2004 book by Noam Chomsky:

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