AlterNet and Real Coastal Warriors shared a link.
erry Avissato and The Anti-Media shared a link.
Canada's image on the world stage has changed completely under Stephen Harper, from a rational peacekeeper with soft power to Bush-era USA-light with a completeunwillingness to work with or respect international institutions.
Canada’s once-admired internationalist brand has been spoiled, mutating into a cross between warrior nation wannabe and fossil of the year.
Canada under Stephen Harper stands well away from the majority of the world on issues ranging from stemming the flow of weapons to violent regions to caring about drought, endangered species, and climate change.
* * * * * * * * * * *
In the last Federal election, I was naive enough to think that this was as bad as the Harper impact on Canada could get:
Boy, was I wrong. Now all I want is opportunity to dedicate myself full time for a couple of months to trying to bring his regime to an end while there's still bits of Canada I find recognizable. Can you spare a buck towards unleashing me on them?
I also hope to organize a bunch of people to politely reach across the political divide to speak words of reason to supporters of my political opponents. Knowing he won't be at the debates makes this seem even more important. Join me/find out more here:
I'm also on Twitter: @SustainableSong
Now that Bill C-51 has passed the house and may be shortly made law by the senate, continuing the kind of online activism I engage in here may become a lot harder, or impossible. I entreat you all to pick up the torch and do what I do. It's not hard: pick a topic you care about, find a picture that in any way represents it, slap some words on it that encapsulate your concerns, and (here's the most important part) post it with links to back it up. Anyone can lie about politics online to further an agenda, but when you can point to, say, evidence that the Harper government is muzzling scientists even when it might harm public health to do so, like this:
it becomes a lot harder to dismiss what you have to say. The current government of Canada despises and suppresses evidence, because the facts do not support their position, so share as many facts as you can.
“The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen driven to despair.”
― H.L. Mencken
― H.L. Mencken
Promoting home invasion.
a link.
Stephen Harper came to power promising “accountability” and that he would clean up Liberal scandals in Ottawa. He’s done neither.
On Memorial Day, honour our veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice and never forget the traitors who sent them to die for profits.
This proves that the Republican Party's fanatical obsession with eliminating abortion is a modern phenomena that only arose after they embraced the Religious Right.
ColorOfChange.org and The Raw Story shared a link.
a link.
( Tough call. Sanctions are punishment for promoting disarmament - not for refusing to produce nuclear weapons )
( O is such a sweetheart ... drone strikes in Pakistan, etc. are so much better than merely blowing up Iraq )
( O is such a sweetheart ... drone strikes in Pakistan, etc. are so much better than merely blowing up Iraq )
( This is a choice between opposing views ? )
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