11:29pm MDST
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 9 minutes ago
*Barack Obama plans 30 per cent cuts in power carbon emissions*
The United States has unveiled a new regulation requiring the power sector
to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 30 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030, one
of the strongest actions ever taken by the US to combat global warming.
With hopes for major climate legislation long since vanished, it forms the
centrepiece of the Obama administration's climate change strategy.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Gina McCarthy unveiled
the plan, saying it was not just about "disappearing polar bears and
melting ice cap... more »
Anthony Cody Reviews A Chronicle of Echoes
deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 hour ago
Anthony Cody spent 24 years working in Oakland schools, 18 of them as a
science teacher at a high-needs middle school. A National Board- certified
teacher, he now leads workshops with teachers on Project Based Learning. He
is the co-founder of the Network for Public Education. With education at a
crossroads, he invites you to […]
Sunday and Monday
Lori Anne Haskell at Adventures with Kurt and Lori - 1 hour ago

Sunday, we were pretty lazy. I went for a run in the morning and came back
to Kurt sitting by the pool with the pugs. I went for a swim to cool down,
then decided to join Kurt on the pool chairs and we both kinda dozed asleep
on and off for a while until it was lunch time.
Decided, after making Kurt lunch, to head into town to see if we could find
any trees/plants at any nurseries. Found a nursery, but could not find any
employees to ask questions to, such is Costa Rica, LOL. Anyway, found some
stuff we really liked, so we will go back when somebody is working.
Decided to ... more »
Tomorrow: A Battle Between The Two Wings Of The Democratic Party-- the Republican Wing And The Democratic Wing
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago
Millions of Democrats are eligible to go to the polls tomorrow and put
their collective foot down and stop the rise of the Republican wing of the
Democratic Party. There are primaries in New Jersey, Iowa, Montana, and
California where the two wings are in deadly conflict. In most cases, most
Democrats aren't even bothering to learn the issues or understand that the
primary tomorrow is as important-- or in many cases-- *more* important than
the November election. Far more Democrats will *not* vote tomorrow than
will vote. Even though the most basic, core issues of values are at sta... more »
Guest Post - Why buy an electric bicycle? Go green and electrify your own bike!
Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 1 hour ago

*Have you ever consider a DIY ebike? I'd like to introduce you to Micah
Toll, author and ebike builder. He's going to talk to us, today, about this
exciting, Eco-friendly mode of transportation. Take it away, Micah ...*
[image: Why buy an electric bicycle? Go green and electrify your own bike!]
Electric bicycles have become a popular alternative to cars and public
transportation in cities and suburbs across the country. Ebikes can travel
at city speeds for dozens of miles on just pennies of electricity, give you
the freedom of choosing between the road, bike lane or sidewalk to beat... more »
Great New Video By Anthony Lawson: Israel's Apologists: Jon Faine Is At It Again
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 2 hours ago
As I said in previous articles, Canada is definitely Jewish occupied
territory. This nation has a horrific leadership that does nothing but
grovel to their Jewish masters and will do anything to please their masters
in Israel. It is so disgusting to behold..
But there are definitely other nations on this planet that also grovel and
bow down to their Jewish masters. One nation that definitely makes this
list, sadly, is Australia. Australia has long had terrible governments
that bow down to their Jewish masters and will do anything to please the
criminal state of Israel.... Just ... more »
Thorne Dreyer : METRO PODCAST | Aralyn Hughes, performance artist & ‘Queen of Austin Weird,’ on Rag Radio
Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 2 hours ago
Noted Austin storyteller Hughes is the editor of ‘Kid Me Not: an anthology
by child-free women of the ’60s now in their 60s.’ Interview by Thorne
Dreyer | The Rag Blog | June 2, 2014 Our Rag Radio podcast features …
finish reading Thorne Dreyer :
*METRO PODCAST* | Aralyn Hughes, performance artist & ‘Queen of Austin
Weird,’ on Rag Radio
From the Front Lines of the Class War
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 2 hours ago
* Guest Post by William Neil*
Dear Citizens and Elected Officials:
This essay was never going to be the usual post legislative session
follow-up “report” to Part I, which appeared at the end of February, and
which was entitled *Making Millard Tydings Proud, Economic ‘Justice’ in
Annapolis.* Even when I was an advocate for NJ Audubon’s legislative goals
in New Jersey in the 1990’s, I had an inclination to avoid euphoria over
what we had managed to achieve. That avoidance wasn’t difficult: it was
usually grounded in fact, because most of the time what we really wanted,
and what... more »
China Sends 4 More Fighter Jets To Oil Rig Area As Vietnam Threatens Legal Action ..... Two takeaways.... 1) China has refused to answer the case the Philippines filed with an international tribunal at The Hague. It is likely to pursue a similar strategy if Vietnam appeals to international law in its own disputes with China. 2) In his remarks at the Shangri-La Dialogue, General Wang rejected U.S. criticisms that China isn’t following international law by noting that the U.S. has not signed onto the UN Convention on the Law of the Seas.
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago
China Sends 4 More Fighter Jets To Oil Rig Area As Vietnam Threatens Legal
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/02/2014 21:14 -0400
- Australia
- Bloomberg News
- China
- Japan
- Newspaper
A number of *Vietnamese officials have now threatened to bring legal action
against China* over their territorial dispute in the South China Sea; but
it does not seem to be having any impact on China's efforts to defend and
sustain their presence. As Bloomberg reports, a total of*five Chinese
fighter jets have now been deployed to... more »
"Lewy Body Dementia" sounds like more fun than it is -- that word "dementia" is probably a good tip-off
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago

*Lewy Bodies may sound like things you'd enjoy playing with, but apparently
not so much.*
*by Ken*
Didn't I say way back, well, awhile ago, that one thing I really, really
didn't want was to find myself on the dementia beat? Well, here am I
bearing cheery news about yet another form we can add to the smorgasbord of
dementia delights we can hold ourselves ready for -- unless, as Michael
Kinsley might put it, a big, big truck comes along to carry us off first.
"Lewy Body Dementia"?
We all know all about Alzheimer's, right? And maybe a little about
Parkinson's -- especially if we've... more »
Paula : 1997
Spike EP at News Spike - 5 hours ago

Saturday, December 13, 1997 Published at 07:38 GMT
*'I thought I was at the darkest point in my life - now this'*
DNA tests have confirmed that Paula Yates is not, as she has always
assumed, the daughter of the Stars on Sunday presenter Jess Yates.
Paula, recently hit by the death of her lover Michael Hutchence, is coming
to terms with the shock that her father is the late Hughie Green, who
created and presented the television talent show Opportunity Knocks.
The tests were taken after Noel Botham, a friend of Green's, named her as
the star's daughter following his death from ... more »
Sir John Tavener on Sacred Music + Sir John Tavener - Tears Of The Angels (Depart In Peace Excerpt III-The Ending)
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 5 hours ago
Video Title: Sir John Tavener on Sacred Music. Source: YouTube channel
ImperiumUltimum. Date Published: January 10, 2014.
Video Title: - Sir John Tavener-Depart In Peace (Excerpt III-The Ending).
Source: YouTube channel George Agrofylakas. Date Published: May 3, 2013.
Linn Records
Produced by Andrew Keener
Clio Gould - artistic director & solo violin
Patricia Rozario - soprano
Scottish Ensemble
Matthew Rooke - tampura
Here is *part 1*, and *part 2*.
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 5 hours ago
*Impact of signing retroactive anti-levee authority lawsuit bill questioned
*Louisiana's regulation and inspection of oil and gas wells, including
'orphaned' wells, is inadequate, Legislative Auditor finds ~Mark
*Anti-fracking fight in Texas draws St. Tammany interest ~Faimon A. Roberts
*St. Bernard gets oyster reef to help protect shoreline ~Amy Wold, The
*What To Do With Bayou Bienvenue?: Amanda Moore ~WWNO*
*LSU researchers study storm surge data with hopes of minimizing hurricane
damage ~David Lippman*
*The View from Inside the Eye ~Nat... more »
Bob Feldman : People’s History of Egypt, Conclusion, Section 2, February 12, 2011-2013
Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 5 hours ago
The Egyptian people continue their fight against domination by foreign
governments, foreign-based transnational corporations, and foreign
government-selected or promoted puppet rulers. By Bob Feldman | The Rag
Blog | June 2, 2014 [With all the dramatic activity in Egypt, Bob …
finish reading Bob Feldman :
People’s History of Egypt, Conclusion, Section 2, February 12, 2011-2013
Gold Report June 2 , 2014 --- Goldman enters into the collection of ancient relics ? Like 14 tons worth of golf from cash needy Ecuador ! Ecuador Transfers Half Its Gold Reserves To Goldman Sachs In Exchange For "Liquidity" .... Note that even as the price of gold is manipulated , the demand ( whether China , India or Wall Street Banks ) remains strong ! Silver Doctor items of note from Marshall Swing ( turbulence ahead for the PMs ) . Discussion of the Global Derivative Bubble , Alasdair Mcleod discusses last week's Options Expiration Manipulation , Koos Jansen note China demand rebounds week of May 19-23 .....
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 6 hours ago
Ecuador Transfers Half Its Gold Reserves To Goldman Sachs In Exchange For
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/02/2014 13:04 -0400
- China
- Federal Reserve
- Germany
- Goldman Sachs
- goldman sachs
- Reserve Currency
*Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,*
This is a great example of how the game works. *In a world in which every
government on earth needs “liquidity” to survive*, and the primary goal of
every government is and always has been survival (the retention of
arbitrary power at a... more »
AZ - The Epitome of ALEC Stupidity VoteNo2ALEC
2old2care at Because I Can - 6 hours ago

Everytime I think of Arizona I think of Jan Brewer selling the capitol
I love this statement:
"There's just one problem, most of our Capitol Complex, including the
building we gather in today, is not ours," Brewer said in the speech to the
Arizona Legislature. "So to fortify that symbol, to make all of our Capitol
truly ours once again, I'm asking that you send me a bill by Statehood Day
that allows me to buy back the Capitol complex. Together, we can celebrate
the burning of that mortgage.
It epitomizes the absolute stupidity of malleable ALEC members
The house the ta... more »
Discourse Analysis of Internet Trolls?: the whys and hows of analyzing online content*
Megan MacKenzie at Duck of Minerva - 6 hours ago
Online mediums can be perceived as attracting wacky ranters
unrepresentative contributors and exchanges and, therefore, forums or chats
are often treated as if they do not provide an effective picture/sample of
political discourse. But since over 80% of Americans are online, 66% of
American adults have engaged in civil or political activities with social
Continue reading
ECONOMICS FOR REAL PEOPLE: New Zealand’s Housing Crisis
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 6 hours ago
Here’s what’s happening at this week’s session of the Auckland Uni Economic
Group. Why not come along?
New Zealand has a housing obsession. The topic dominates our dinner
conversations and it fills our newspapers.
A recent OECD report confirms what most of us know: New Zealand's house
prices are high by international standards and rising fast. So fast, in
fact, that it makes us university students wonder whether we will ever be
able to afford a house.
What has led us to this point and what are the solutions?
Are such causes market or regulation based, and which form ... more »
BBC Website 'fesses up to bias at last. Against Trotskyists.
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 6 hours ago

The Butcher of Kronstadt, having a bad hair day
I'm staggered. Truly staggered. The BBC News website has posted a piece
about BBC bias.
Yes, really.
Is it a complaint from a UKIP supporter? No. An English Democrat supporter?
Hardly. A Conservative supporter? Dream on. A Lib Dem supporter? Nope.
Rosemary the telephone operator? No. Surely not a Labour supporter then?
Er, no.
So who? Who could it possibly be?
Well, a Trotskyist, that's who:
*Socialist Equality Party's Chris Marsden on BBC bias*
9 hours ago
A European election candidate claimed his only BBC TV interview ahead of... more »
the original sin was air conditionig
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 6 hours ago
How hauty was the Man, to think he could take
climate control into his hands
when you make an eviorment
that was never meant to be
it carries an incredible bad
choice history.
Smearing Sergeant Bergdahl
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 6 hours ago

Having had ample opportunity for practice on how to conduct dastardly and
dishonest smear jobs on Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald the US
State-Corporate media has put their crosshairs on the head of the just
freed from five years of Taliban captivity Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. The
twin travesties that are the unnecessary and costly wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan have produced plenty of lamentable moments that show just how
depraved and bereft of morality that the United States of America has
become since the transformation into *The Homeland.*
There has been the evisceration of ... more »
I am in Gitmo isolation
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 6 hours ago
Every one I used to know says I am crazy and disturbed.
I say I did not know them that well and their opion
will be observed.
People like me who seek the truth have a limited
time line.
Its so expensive to arrange a small plane
donut time.
Kill me quickly but I warn you ahead of time
I will take one or two of you motherfuckers
to hell
just to ring a good chime.
Yeah now they are scaed those battle marines
maybe a little wimp like me has something
they have never seen.
The Third Egyptian Republic
Hani Fakhouri at Middle East Today - 6 hours ago
*The Third Egyptian Republic*
General A. Al-Saisi won the Egyptian presidential election on May 26, 2014.
According to the Egyptian higher election committee, 47 percent of Egyptian
cast their votes.
Mr. A. Al-Saisi received 93 percent of the votes or 24,365,176 votes. Mr.
A. Sabahi received 2.9 percent of the votes or 895,149 votes. The rejected
votes totaled 4.10 percent or 1,577,840 votes. Nearly 25 million (out of 54
million) eligible Egyptian voters cast their votes.
The election fell short of what the Egyptian mass media continued to
project during the seven months prior t... more »
The Third Egyptian Republic
Aleya Rouchdy at Middle East Today - 7 hours ago
*The Third Egyptian Republic*
General A. Al-Saisi won the Egyptian presidential election on May 26, 2014.
According to the Egyptian higher election committee, 47 percent of Egyptian
cast their votes.
Mr. A. Al-Saisi received 93 percent of the votes or 24,365,176 votes. Mr.
A. Sabahi received 2.9 percent of the votes or 895,149 votes. The rejected
votes totaled 4.10 percent or 1,577,840 votes. Nearly 25 million (out of 54
million) eligible Egyptian voters cast their votes.
The election fell short of what the Egyptian mass media continued to
project during the seven months prior to... more »
Another Blue Dog Made The Natural Transition To The GOP-- Will Gene Taylor Beat Steven Palazzo In Tomorrow's Republican Primary?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
Sunday morning we asked what it's like to be a Blue Dog in America today.
And the picture that emerged was far from pretty. When looking at the
natural progression from Blue Dog-- the Republican wing of the Democratic
Party-- to plain old Republican, we focused on the freak from Kansas who
led the anti-gay and anti-Choice forces of hatred and bigotry in her badly
afflicted state, Janice Pauls, finally finding her natural home in the GOP.
But tomorrow-- primary day in Mississippi-- another failed Blue Dog,
defeated congressman Gene Taylor is looking for a comeback… as-- what
else?... more »
The Greens Cutting Taxes?
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 7 hours ago
Let’s start with the good news.
The good news about the Greens’s Carbon Tax Plan is what it takes away. We
would see the end of Nick Smith’s Appalling Emissions Trading Scam, income
taxes removed on the first $200 of income, and (maybe) 1% removed from
company tax.
Fair play to the Greens for that.
But the bad news is that these small, one-off tax cuts (around $319 per
annum per household, claims Norman, about 90 cents a day) are to make up
for their new, permanent and much larger Carbon Tax, which would raise the
price of *everything –* fuel, food, power, housing, transport, ... more »
TUSC's Exercises in Self-Deception
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 7 hours ago
Under-appreciated they may be, but local elections are a vital component of
*any* party-building project. UKIP certainly accept this wisdom. They know
that a base in local government can give them a foundation on which to
build. And theirs is an ambitious project. It's not about taking Britain
out of the EU, but replacing the Tories. As such, their 161 new councillors
give them a start for 2015 and beyond. The far left have cottoned on to
this too. In addition to haphazardly standing in the European elections as
No2EU, the Socialist Party-led Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition s... more »
People will be free
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 8 hours ago
Thats what keeps happening despite the right.
Slavery used to be part of commerce and that took
centuries to free.
There are so many other behaviors that should be
revealed as abhorrent.
We are on tribe, one village, one world.
Those who say that the weak will take us down
do not know the will that keeps them walking
Walking down your street should bring joy
and if that is not your neighbourhood
come talking
We humans are simple animals
we may think we are better
but when we score high in humanity
it leves the population feeling
And We're Back...
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
OK, back online, thanks for your patience and understanding. Posting will
be sporadic as
I catch up and get my bearings again. I hope it was a happy and productive
time for everyone.
- CP
Oneness:The Force of Creation
Sophia Love at AMERICAN KABUKI - 8 hours ago
[image: Picture] In Dan Millman’s “The Laws of Spirit” is found this
wonderful explanation of Oneness:
*“The ‘you’ who refers to it as ‘my’ house is of course separate from the
house…The ‘you’ who refers to it as ‘my’ body – is that ‘you’ also separate
from the body? …Language reflects our fundamental view of reality…The ‘you’
who speaks through the body, who refers to ‘my’ house, ‘my’ body, ‘my’
soul, ‘my’ higher self, is, in the truest sense, pure Awareness itself.”*
This life force coursing through everything is, in every sense, creation
itself. It never stops. Never. It is con... more »
The Police are Looking for Scapegoats
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 8 hours ago
When a holiday road toll is low, the police always praise themselves, most
recently their “no tolerance” speed rule.
When the toll is not low, they blame everyone else.
And of statistical anomalies, which always happen with a small sample size,
they are always completely unaware.
Put that together, and after a holiday weekend of higher road tolls *despite
*Chief Officer NumbBum sitting immobile in his car all weekend recording
drivers’ speeds, you get the police blaming … tourists.
Over the Queen's Birthday weekend, four of the five people killed on the
roads apparently died as ... more »
Can You Say Blowback In 24 Languages? The EU's Terrorists In Syria Are Coming Back
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 9 hours ago
Arming, funding, training and sending Jihadist terrorists to Syria was not
such a bright idea after all. The deaths of EU citizens in any terror
attacks in the future should be blamed on the MI6, the intelligence
agencies of France and Germany, the CIA, Mossad, NATO, and the Islamic
preachers who are being paid by these entities to spread their anti-Assad
propaganda. The MI6's corrupt preachers in Britain are recruiting gullible
young people to go to Syria to fight in an unjust and losing cause. And
that's only one example of Western governments' encouragement of Jihadist
terrorism.... more »
Montreal Loses game Six
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 9 hours ago
There is no doubt in my mind that the Rangers were a better team. We had
our games but in the series they beat us fair and square. I do not blame
the loss on Kreider accidentally on purpose nailing Carey Price. However
Kreider is getting a reputation for putting himself in a position to have
such an accident. There has to be a new rule about hitting a goalie at 36
We could have won this series. The biggest failure was the power play.
Games that should have been put away we lost due to the PP. That is the
number one job to improve this team. Our old slow and small defence was a ... more »

*This channeling almost risks being an understatement. I don't know about
the rest of you but it seems like the time it takes a thought, negative or
positive, to manifest is down to mere hours rather than days or weeks in
the old energies. It really is a time to watch what you think and more
importantly your emotional state until we all get a hang of these energies.
By Marlene Swetlishoff
June 1-8, 2014
Beloved Ones,
You have been passing through many portals through the last few months and
now comes the process of assimilation of the ene... more »
Gaia Portal: Centering and grounding of Ascended Gaia Energetics occurs at this moment
*Centering and grounding of Ascended Gaia Energetics occurs at this moment*
by ÉirePort
Centering and grounding of Ascended Gaia Energetics occurs at this moment.
Flash points are reached and released in rapid succession astro-points are
Sufficient Hue-manity numbers allow up-risings on planetary scales.
Solar accompaniments produce necessary planetary adjustments.
Phase nears completion.
ÉirePort | May 27, 2014 at 21:06 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Benjamin Fulford - June 2, 2014: Pope Francis pushes for one world religion as Western elite hits the panic button
Americani Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 10 hours ago

*More data, the views below are solely Ben Fulford's but some interesting
data in this one... -AK*
Monday, June 2, 2014
*Benjamin Fulford - June 2, 2014: Pope Francis pushes for one world
religion as Western elite hits the panic button*
During his recent trip to the Middle East, Pope Francis was able to get
agreement from Muslim and Jewish authorities for a unified monotheism but
was unable to convince the Orthodox Christians, according to P2 Freemason
sour... more »
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 10 hours ago
*Liberals Recognize Conservative Suppression On College Campuses*
All along Young America’s Foundation has said that college campuses
nationwide seem to be less and less objective—well now even Michael
Bloomberg agrees. At a commencement ceremony at Harvard yesterday,
Bloomberg stated that colleges are supposed to be a place where students
learn how to think, not where they are told what to think.
Just last week, Young America’s Foundation released its 22nd annual
“Commencement Speakers Survey” which reveals that 43 liberal speakers and
only 9 conservatives are scheduled to speak ... more »
Admission of consumption of alcohol alone is usually sufficient to objectively ground a reasonable suspicion
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 10 hours ago
*R v Flight*, 2014 ABCA 185:
[46] The Manitoba Court of Appeal recently considered these
divergent approaches in *R v Mitchell*, 2013 MBCA 44 (CanLII), 2013 MBCA
44, 291 Man R (2d) 231.
[47] In *Mitchell,* the peace officer observed the following
before he developed his suspicions: the driver was driving at night without
headlights; the odour of alcohol was emanating from the vehicle; and the
driver admitted that he had consumed alcohol. The Court upheld the trial
judge’s finding that these factors were sufficient for the officer to form
a reasonable suspicion th... more »
Theocratic Prisons for the Crime of Being Imprisonable: Part 1000
noreply@blogger.com (Niles) at DAMMIT JANET! - 11 hours ago
Never, ever expect me to believe someone when they blather on about
morality needing divine sourcing. And don't bother with the "No True
Scotsman" fallacy that people, especially those noted below, weren't
authentically 'Christian'. When we talk about the horrors of the
Residential schools across Canada for Indigenous children and the
"Christian Brothers" for their wards in Newfoundland, we should always keep
in mind that the systemic, State-approved, religiously run prisons (because
that's what they are when people are locked into them with no chance to
leave of their own free will... more »
Fox Rothschild Responds To My Post About EEOC Mediators
Donna Ballman at Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home - 11 hours ago
In all fairness, I wanted to provide an update. I posted Friday that Management-Side
Firm Whines Because EEOC Mediators Are Doing Their Jobs. The piece was
about a claim made in a survey that EEOC mediators are biased against
employers. Fox Rothschild posted the survey in their blog, then posted a
guest piece by the author of the survey. I strongly disagreed with this
assertion of bias, and explained why.
I then let Richard Cohen, the blog's author, know that I had posted the
piece so he could respond. Here's what he said:
*Good post. But neither my blog or firm have taken or ... more »
Geoff Norquay - temporary foreign workers lobbyist
Alison at Creekside - 12 hours ago

Dear CBC *Power and Politics* : The next time you invite Harper's former director
of communications Geoff Norquay onto your *Power Panel* to reflect on the
issues of the day, I think it's time you mentioned that from November 2012
until Sept 2013 he was a lobbyist for Tim Hortons to :
"increase the number of foreign temporary workers allowed into Canada under
the Foreign Temporary Worker's Program".
Norquay lobbied both *Citizenship and Immigration* and *Human Resources and
Skills Development Canada*.
Tim Hortons isn't Norquay's only TFW lobbying gig [bold italics - min... more »
Abdel Fattah al- Sisi's Triumph echoes Mubarek Era- including the Apathy
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 12 hours ago
Meant to get around to Egypt's recent election- *Apathy over Abdel Fattah
al-Sisi’s triumph echoes Mubarak era*
Couldn't help but notice how quiet the US is on this election? No big
Despite the low turnout? Despite the fact that even with the addition of
another day of voting and threats being made, not too many Egyptians
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi declared his candidacy for president while wearing his
military uniform
This is an interesting item-* US risks losing Suez access with continued
suspension of aid*
Interesting because the US didn't really suspend aid... more »
Tomorrow Is Election Day Here In California
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago

Right-wing carpetbagger Tony Strickland
Well, it's primary day in several states. And several of them have contests
that progressives are watching closely. The states with races where there's
nothing important going on, on the federal level at least, for
progressives: Alabama, Mississippi, New Mexico and South Dakota. In the
latter, Mike Rounds is expected to win the Republican nomination for the
open Senate seat, where he'll face progressive Democrat Rick Weiland plus
two Republicans, Larry Pressler and Gordon Howie, running as independents.
Tomorrow Rounds has 4 opponents and one, ... more »
Invoking “Oliver Rule (Expanded)” for Education Reform Debate
plthomasedd at @ THE CHALK FACE - 12 hours ago
Invoking “Oliver Rule (Expanded)” for Education Reform Debate. via Invoking
“Oliver Rule (Expanded)” for Education Reform Debate.Filed under: PAUL
THOMAS: Becoming Radical
It's time to fertilize the lawn...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 13 hours ago

*and so begins the search for fertilizer which still has phosphorus.*
Why, you ask?
Because our stupid government has decided that phosphorus is dangerous.
It's why your dishes are dirty and cloudy after a run through the
dishwasher using detergent without phosphorus.
Let me say this as clearly as I can (Oh, good Lord - I'm starting to sound
like Teh One.)
Just about everything can be dangerous* if not used properly*. That also
applies to fertilizer and herbicides.
What's the unintended consequence of using fertilizer without phosphorus?
Nothing; that is, if your soil has ple... more »
Mike's Story Part 38: Blowing That Joint
Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 13 hours ago
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
January 2, 2007
9:30 a.m.
Mike calls.
"Have you got [his outpatient psychiatrist's] number? Please tell me you
have her number. I don't have it and they won't let me have a pen; this is
a psych ward. But if I have a psychiatrist, they'll let me out today.
Otherwise I have to stay here. I just want to get out of here."
I have the number. "Is there someone I can call with it so I don't have
to sit here all day waiting for *them*to call?" (The reception on my cell
phone is elusive.)
"Hold on a second." He goes off. In the distance ... more »
David Greene at @ THE CHALK FACE - 13 hours ago
REFORMERS.Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 13 hours ago

The words
fit together
hand in glove
means capitalism
and capitalism
means democracy
Freedom means
free to pillage
and plunder
and kill
and grab resources
on behalf
of Mr. Big
you can buy
35 varities
of sausages,
or get the color
of the car
you most like,
or the big screen
Freedom also means
Mr. Big can buy
any time
are for $ale
there are serious limits
on what issues
election campaigns
can cover,
it's clearly understood
by the candidates
inside the box
Freedom does not
freedom of the press
or freedom to
occu... more »
Our month of the gaps continues!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 14 hours ago
*MONDAY, JUNE 2, 2014*
*Below, we start Week 2:* Below, our month-long report, “Our month of the
gaps,” continues.
This week, we’ll examine the size of the achievement gaps which help define
the challenges facing our public schools.
In recent weeks, some journalists and professors have tried to avoid
discussing these gaps, which are often large. This strikes us as an
unhelpful approach—but then, what else is new?
Next week, we’ll discuss the challenges these gaps create within our public
schools. This week, we’ll try to define the size of these gaps, which our
loftiest elites ha... more »
THE SIZE OF THE GAPS: But first, the good news!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 14 hours ago
*MONDAY, JUNE 2, 2014*
*Part 1—As found in graf 15:* From one perspective, the news about our
American schools has been extremely good.
You’re almost never allowed to *hear* that news, of course. In deference to
elite propaganda, the successors to our American press corps relentlessly
keep this good news under their hats.
Occasionally, the good news slips out. In April 2013, Stanford professor
Sean Reardon was allowed to share the good news in the New York Times, deep
inside a lengthy Sunday Review piece with a gloomy overall slant.
Reardon’s piece bore this headline: “No Rich Chil... more »
Rod Liddle v Tom Sutcliffe
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 15 hours ago

My goodness, wasn't *Start the Week *fun today!
Rod Liddle really got under the skin of presenter Tom Sutcliffe.
In fairness, Tom Sutcliffe asked for it. He'd gone after Rod for "racism"
almost from the word go for daring to say, in print and on air - and on the
BBC no less - precisely the kind of things people like us tend to believe,
alongside huge swatches of the British populus - things that *aren't*racist.
Rod was completely unfazed by all this, and gave Tom Sutcliffe a cheerful
Tom didn't sound to be enjoying it one bit though. His voice kept getting
higher in... more »
Advising The Iraqi Police In Anbar 2010-11 Interview With Morgan Smiley
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 15 hours ago
Rebuilding the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) was considered one of the few
success stories of the U.S. reconstruction effort in Iraq. When the
Americans withdrew in 2011 there were questions about whether the ISF would
be able to keep up the fight against the insurgency. Issues of training,
equipment, logistics and leadership were all brought up. To help shed some
light on this issue is Morgan Smiley who served as a police adviser in
Ramadi from 2010-2011 with the U.S. Army’s 3rd Infantry Division. He
retired from the army in 2013 and served as an adviser to Afghan, Iraqi,
and Saud... more »
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 15 hours ago
Tens of thousands of pieces of space debris are circling our planet at high
speed, threatening to strike satellites and bring down the International
Space Station. And some American experts even warn that in just 50 years
time we might not be able to fly into space at all.
"just because it's broken, doesn't mean it's not beautiful": ashlea brockway and brokenart mosaics
laura k at wmtc - 16 hours ago

The Brockway family, 2013I want to tell you about an exciting venture: an
opportunity to help make art more accessible for all, to help a low-income
woman start her own business, and to help the family of an Iraq War
resister, all at the same time. I hope you'll read about BrokenArt Mosaicsand share Ashlea
Brockway's crowd-funding page.
Wmtc readers may remember my posts about the Brockway family. Jeremy
Brockway is an Iraq War veteran with severe depression, anxiety, and PTSD.
Denied medical leave and unable to return to combat, Jeremy and his family
came to Canada. Wmtc and Joy of... more »
Neither Racism nor Sexism Exist
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 16 hours ago
It must be REALLY strange to inhabit the mind of a right-winger. Despite
all the evidence, racism doesn't exist. (Unless it's "reverse racism" for
some reason.) And, in the wake of the Isla Vista shooting, it turns out
that sexism doesn't exist either. (Unless it's the misandryst hatred of
radical lesbian feminists.) This is the world of the "Awesome Canadian."(Or the "Awesome American.")
In this topsy-turvy funhouse of a society, men and women encounter each
other as equals. They are different, with their own prescribed roles, but
equal. It's only when twisted, man-hating feminists ... more »
Thomas Piketty On Progressive Taxation And Democracy
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago

Tonight at 8:30 (5:30 PT), MoveOn and HuffPo are broadcasting a dialogue
between Senator Elizabeth Warren and author Thomas Piketty from Boston's
historic Old South Meeting House. I wonder how many other Members of
Congress, or how many candidates for Congress, have read Piketty's high
acclaimed new book, Capital In The Twenty-First Century. I did an
unscientific survey and found that no one had. No one. His critique of the
debilitating economic inequality endemic to our current system of
irresponsible, unfettered greed-based capitalism, has been under
relentless-- and typically d... more »
BBQ Taquitos - Egg Roll Style
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 16 hours ago

[image: Housewife Eclectic: BBQ Taquitos - Egg Roll Style]
Food should be fun. And few things are as fun as food fusion – mixing two
different food styles to create something new and different.
I've highlighted my BBQ Taquitos recipe before – a family favorite – but my
husband can't ever leave recipes alone and had this idea to make these
taquitos in an egg roll wrapper rather than a tortilla. And let's face it,
everything tastes great in an egg roll wrapper. This recipe is Mexico meets
Asia. And it's amazing!
INGREDIENTS2 chicken breasts
1/4 cup barbecue sauce
1 tsp chili powder
1 ha... more »
US and France engaged in new rift over BNP Paribas 10 billion sanction ? June 2 , 2014 France Furious At US $10 Billion BNP "Masterful Slap", "Racketeering" Fine - The potential $10 billion penalty for BNP Paribas - France's largest bank - for alleged dealings with a sanctioned Iran has been called a "masterful slap," by Le Monde and Le Figaro said the U.S. was making an example of BNP to deflect criticism it had been "lenient with the American banks responsible for the financial crisis." This could make for an awkward week for Obama, not only facing Putin as he visits Europe to celebrate D-Day but as the allies themselves turn on him with France's Hollande likely to raise the matter and, as Bloomberg reports, newly elected National Front party called on the French government to "defend the national interest" in the case.
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
Was waiting for this one.....
France Furious At US $10 Billion BNP "Masterful Slap", "Racketeering" Fine
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/02/2014 08:45 -0400
- Credit Suisse
- Department of Justice
- European Union
- France
- Goldman Sachs
- goldman sachs
- Iran
- Newspaper
- Racketeering
- Reuters
- Wall Street Journal
With Eric Holder suddenly playing hardball with the banks (most notably not
US banks), it has not gone unnoticed among the largest European newspapers.
The potential $10 bill... more »
Israel Shamir - The Ukraine in Turmoil
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 17 hours ago
Thanks Henrik @ Red Ice Creations
*Adding this interesting but superficial op-ed-* Ukraine's Festering
-Eastern Ukraine has become a breeding ground for an armed insurgency. And
if a comprehensive political settlement isn’t reached soon, Ukraine could
descend into outright civil conflict.
-The West has prioritized holding a free and fair presidential election and
is now celebrating a mission accomplished. As a senior American official
put it, “It was a spectacular day for the people of Ukraine who went out in
force to choose a new president and to say to their governme... more »
Ukraine Updates June 2 , 2014 -- Ukrainian Warplanes Miss Targets, Hit Civilians ........Russia ready for price concessions to Ukraine, but demands gas debt repaid before June 9 ( to get the concessions , Ukraine should pay the remaining part of $2.2 billion arrears before June 9 , May gas bill and should agree on gas debt payment schedule made after April 1, 2014, the Energy Ministry said. ) ....... Ukraine's Freedom party insists on introducing martial law in south-east ........... Militia storm east Ukraine’s Luhansk border unit — Ukraine Border Service
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago

Monday, June 02, 2014 6:45 PM
Ukrainian Warplanes Miss Targets, Hit Civilians
In response to Mish Reader Who Speaks Russian and Reads Ukrainian Updates
the Situation in Ukraine, Reader Larry writes "*Thank you for this vital
news. Please encourage your friend Jacob to keep it coming.*"
Unfortunately, the news is not good. Jacob emailed today ...
*At least one, possibly two Ukrainian warplanes attacked central Lugansk
city this morning. The main target seemed to be the rebel-held regional
government building (keep in mind, there are plenty of civilians working
there, doin... more »
The Quality Of Mercy
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 17 hours ago

Last week the Harper Spin Machine trumpeted the message that the present
government has saved Canadians and their corporations $43 billion in taxes.
That accomplishment was presented as if it was one of the Corporal Works of
Mercy. And the opposition parties seemed to agree that, indeed, Canadians
have been blessed. Murray Dobbin writes:
There was no critical comment from any of the national political parties.
For so many years now, the conversation has been like one-hand clapping.
Anti-government voices like the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, the *National
Post*, the Fraser Insti... more »
War watch June 2 , 2014 - Iraq death continues ( rising generally since the Sunni crackdown ordered by PM Maliki in April of 2013 ) , no end in sight for the killings .... Libya in focus - Hafter's war against Islamists including the Elected Government continues , along with the political squabbling.......
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
2,249 Killed in Iraq in May as Violence Continues to RiseFifth Straight
Month of Rising Violence in 2014
by Jason Ditz, June 01, 2014
Print This | Share This
Every month continues to be deadlier than the last for Iraq, as May saw
2,249 people killed and 1,953 wounded, up from 2,034 killed in April and
1,886 killed in March.
Death tolls have been generally rising since April of 2013, when Prime
Minister Nouri al-Maliki ordered a crackdown on Sunni protesters. 2014 has
been even worse so far, and every years, since the worst of the US
occupation era.
The UN figures confirmed ... more »
A question of bias: Is the BBC's Question Time balanced?
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 17 hours ago

Is there any BBC programme more studied for bias than BBC One's
I ask this because yet another statistical attempt has been made to
its record for impartiality.
I had a half-hearted go back in 2010, finding evidence of a left-wing
bias. Then came Phil Burton-Cartledge at A Very Public Sociologist's
attemptback in 2012, finding evidence of a right-wing bias. [My
partial debunking of his efforts can be found here].
Was it a coincidence that I'm right-wing and found what I found and that
he's left-wing and found what he found? In other words, was confirmat... more »
Kilez More
Barbara Ann Levy at WPB/NYC and Anything Else; A Curated Green Rights Collection - 17 hours ago
EPA's carbon planning emulates communism
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 17 hours ago
The EPA, America's major gang of official bureaucratic green brains,
decided to write down a plan that every American source of energy should
U.S. to unveil sweeping rules to cut power plant pollution (Reuters)
Obama to announce controversial emissions limit on power plants (Fox News)
The word "pollution" in that sentence is a piece of a dirty toxic
propaganda, of course. In reality, they talk about CO2 which is no
pollution in any sense – it is a natural gas that unavoidably accompanies a
big part of the essential economic activities in the modern world and that
is the primar... more »
A Beautiful & Wise Native American Discourse Revisited
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 17 hours ago

*A Beautiful and Wise Native American Narration*
This is from a narration from the book entitled, *Seven Arrows* by
Hymeyohsts Storm that was written in 1972 and that I have read back in the
late 70's. There was one narration that stuck in my mind that I have
reflected on from time to time over the years. This book is full of Native
American Wisdom and one that I highly recommend. This is a converstation
between men of different tribes who lived on the Great Prarie at the time
that American settlers were beginning to arrive. Now, I will share this
timeless wisdom with you the... more »
Geopolitical chess June 2 , 2014 -- Are China And Russia Moving Toward A Formal Alliance? Rather , will the foreign policy actor who have made considerable blunders over the past few years make an even larger blunder by taking steps that push Russia and China into a formal Alliance ? If such an alliance forms , do we see Brazil , India and South Africa align with this New World Order spearheaded by Russia and China ?
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
Are China And Russia Moving Toward A Formal Alliance?
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/01/2014 21:55 -0400
- China
- Japan
- national security
- Natural Gas
- Ukraine
- Vladimir Putin
*Submitted by Dingding Chen via The Diplomat,*
During Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to China last week, China
and Russia signed a huge natural gas deal that is worth about $400 billion.
The natural gas deal is a win-win for China and Russia, as China secures a
long-term (30 years) provision of natural gas from Russia and Russi... more »
Moms To EPA: Recall Monsanto's Roundup by Alexis Baden-Mayer
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 18 hours ago

[image: Foto: Two activist groups, Moms Across America and The Thinking
Moms' Revolution, want the EPA to recall Monsanto’s Roundup. And the EPA is
listening! Learn more: http://orgcns.org/1gKYNYS]Source of poster:
Moms to EPA: Recall Monsanto’s Roundup
* By Alexis Baden-Mayer Organic Consumers Association, May 29, 2014 *
For related articles and information, please visit OCA's All About Organics
page, our Genetic Engineering page, and our Millions Against Monsanto page.
Hell hath no fury . . . like a mother whose child has be... more »
NSA Collecting Millions of Online User Pictures
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 18 hours ago

With the latest of the NSA stories based on documents provided by former US
government contractor turned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden it has been
revealed that millions of facial images are being scooped up and stored
away for future use. *The New York Times* story, “N.S.A. Collecting
Millions of Faces From Web Images” by James Risen and Laura Poitras
continues to lay out the steps that will inevitably lead to the final
monstrous revelation that all of this information is being gathered for
future use against political dissidents and all others who cross Leviathan.
I excerpt the... more »
Off to the dentist?
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 19 hours ago
Not the most comfortable of drillings coming up? Armstrong & Miller...
The Helical Model of Solar System and Alexander Sitchen
Americani Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 19 hours ago

*Gnawing on universe in the Bhat cave..*
to the edge of the solar system and beyond....
Some interesting conclusions that naturally spring from the Helical motion
model versus the heliocentric model of the solar system and beyond.
For one thing the model clearly explains why none of our NASA launched
space ships have ever, nor will ever leave our solar system. Since the sun
is in effect dragging us all along behind it at super fantastic speeds
greater than we can effectively measure, it therefore makes perfect sense
why Nasa's Voyager space machines have not yet left the solar sy... more »
Lord Saatchi's Little Helper?
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 20 hours ago

One of the final items on this morning's *Today *was a discussion of Lord
Saatchi's Medical Innovations Bill, which will be presented in the House of
Lords this Thursday.
If passed the bill would allow doctors to experiment with innovative new
techniques or drugs on dying patients without the fear of prosecution. It
would only happen when all else has failed and when the patients are
nearing the end of their life.
If you want to read the case for the bill then there's a piece by Dominic
Nutt, the director of communications for the Medical Innovation Bill, in
the *Telegraph*.
T... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 20 hours ago
*Pause in global warming upsets religious believers*
Ross McKitrick is best known as the Canadian professor who took the
so-called hockey stick graph — which is worshipped unquestioningly by
anthropogenic global warming religionists — and snapped it over his
scientific data like a piece of kindling.
Now the environmental economics professor at the University of Guelph is
putting his data crunching prowess to work on global warming climate models
and is similarly destroying the credibility of these forecasts — which are
looking less reliable than tarot card reading.
Earlier this we... more »
Turkey scrambles fighter jets to intercept Iranian aircraft
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: Turkey F-16's]Turkey scrambled two F-16 fighter jets to intercept
an Iranian military plane that briefly crossed into Turkish airspace over
the eastern province of Iğdır, bordering Iran, the military said on Sunday.
The Iranian reconnaissance plane violated Turkey's airspace on Saturday for
20 seconds and left the area after the military dispatched F-16s to
intercept it, according to a written statement from the General Staff.
The statement also said four F-16s conducted patrols on the Turkey-Syria
border on Saturday.
Read more
Russian Air Force Unveils Arms Procurement Plan
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: Su-34 Fullback]Russia’s Air Force is set to receive new aircraft
and anti-missile defense systems, as well as to stage large-scale drills by
the end of 2014, a Russian Defense Ministry’s Air Force spokesman said.
“By the end of the year, the Air Force is to procure planes, helicopters,
modern radar stations… It is also being reequipped with high-end S-400
surface-to-air missiles and Pantsir-S short-range air defense systems,”
said Colonel Igor Klimov.
According to Col. Klimov, the Russian Air Force will upgrade its fleet with
brand-new Sukhoi Su-34 bombers, multipurpose Su-3... more »
Iskander missiles to be launched in training in western military district - Defense Ministry
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: Iskander-M mobile theater ballistic missile system]Tactical
trainings of the missile junction of the Western Military District and the
Long-Range Aviation Command will take place during an inspection of the
combat potential of the junctions of the Russian Armed Forces equipped with
long-range high-precision weapons in the period between May 27 and June 5,
the Russian Defense Ministry has reported.
"The purpose of the training is to practice the organization of the combine
injury of critical facilities of a hypothetical aggressor using
ground-based and air-based high-precisio... more »
IAF's fighter fleet needs immediate replenishment
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: Tejas LCA]As soon as the euphoria subsides and the new government
at the Centre settles down to business, it will have to take some
expeditious decisions so far as acquisitions for the defence forces are
concerned. One decision that has to be taken immediately is on how to
replenish fighter aircraft squadrons.
According to highly placed sources in the Indian Air Force (IAF), the
country is fast running out of fighter aircraft and this is a matter of
great concern. "The threat is greater along the country's northern border
with China developing its military capabilities rapid... more »
Is The F-35 Fighter Jet That Australia Is Buying Actually Worth It?
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
The US military’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft is proving to be a
pain in the neck in more ways than one. An expose from CBS News looks at
the extent of the program’s many delays and cost over-runs.
Not only did the Pentagon spend almost $US400 billion to buy 2,400 aircraft
— about twice as much as it cost to put a man on the moon — the F-35
program is 7 years behind schedule and $US163 billion over budget.
This at a time when cuts in the defence budget are forcing the Pentagon to
shrink the size of the military. Australia is buying a total of 72 of the
next-generation aircr... more »
NATO to discuss reinforcing troops in Poland-German defense ministry
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: MATO E-3A Sentry AWACS]NATO defense ministers will discuss
temporarily reinforcing forces in Poland when they meet in Brussels this
week, a spokesman for the German defense ministry said on Sunday, a move
that would be aimed at reassuring countries nervous about Russia's
intervention in Ukraine.
The spokesman said the 28-member alliance would consider reinforcing its
Multinational Corps Northeast in Szczecin.
In Brussels, NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said NATO defense ministers
would on Tuesday review measures the alliance had taken given Russia's
actions towards Ukraine.... more »
Modi govt must act fast to save India’s depleting submarine fleet
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: INS Chakra]The Narendra Modi government will have to get cracking
on a four-pronged strategy if it wants to rescue the country's underwater
combat arm from sinking any further.
Defence ministry sources say the new political dispensation should ensure
there are no further slippages in the ongoing project to build six Scorpene
submarines at Mazagon Docks, the long-delayed global tender for six
new-generation submarines is issued, life extension for at least five
ageing submarines is fast-tracked, and the long-term plan for nuclear
submarines gets the requisite support.
The ... more »
Americani Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 21 hours ago

“The garden of the world has no limits,
except in your mind.”
― Rumi
“The angel is free because of his knowledge,
the beast because of his ignorance.
Between the two remains the son of man to struggle.”
― Rumi
“The world's flattery and hypocrisy is a sweet morsel:
eat less of it, for it is full of fire.
Its fire is hidden while its taste is manifest,
but its smoke becomes visible in the end. ”
― Rumi
“let's get away from
all the clever humans
who put words in our mouth
let's only say what our hearts desire.”
― Rumi
“The truth was a mirror in the hands of God.
It fell, and... more »
Details of China's type 039B submarine revealed: Kanwa
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: Type 039B submarine]The details of China's Type 039B submarine,
which is reportedly to be sold to Pakistan this year, have been revealed by
the Canada-based Kanwa Information Center, reports Huanqiu, the website of
China's nationalistic tabloid Global Times.
The Pakistani Navy has reportedly required that China install
air-independent propulsion systems on the submarines it has chosen for the
transfer of these related technologies in order to assemble the submarines
in Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan.
China has called for tenders for its type S20P submarine, which is a... more »
Paddy Spart
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 22 hours ago

Ah, a trip down memory lane!
Here we pause for a moment to look over a fence at a comment on a *Biased
BBC *Open Thread from August 2011:
Craig says:
August 7, 2011 at 2:52 pm
Being a former BBC business presenter, Paddy O’Connell isn’t very keen on
what he (as today) likes to call “capitalism”. In his guide to the latest
economic crisis, he played a clip of Paul Mason, and then added his own
thoughts: “Now you can hear what he’s talking about by heading to Italy.
Since investors change their mind in a constant fight between *fear* and
*greed*, it works like this: To them Italian... more »
The Four Key Elements Of Good Food
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 22 hours ago

[image: Foto: University study calls for more "good food" as the local food
movement continues to pressure industrial agriculture. Study here:
#SOLFood = Sustainable/Seasonal + Organic + Local]
A University study calls for more "good food" as the local food movement
continues to pressure industrial agriculture.
Study here:
#SOLFood = Sustainable/Seasonal + Organic + Local
*Occupy Food Face... more »
The ZAP Report - June 1, 2014
Americani Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 23 hours ago

*I haven't posted one of these in a good while as there was really nothing
new in them for weeks. This one has some interesting data. As always the
views below (minus any of mine in red italics) are those of ZAP and/or
Susan solely and of those who involved with the Revaluation of Global
Currencies aka the RV or GCR. -AK*
*Greeting and Salutations:*
*For many of those who remember Mike Kodosky's description of the end
times, he would always describe it as absolute chaos, disinformation,
political and social unrest. Little did we ... more »
Your Moment of Zen
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 23 hours ago

Rainy season is back in Bangkok by Beboy Photographies. [Via Reg Saddler]
Leader Cam Broten Receives Massive Endorsement At Sask NDP Convention
leftdog at Buckdog - 1 day ago

Saskatchewan NDP gives leader 98.7 per cent approval at party convention MOOSE
JAW, Sask. –* The leader of Saskatchewan’s Opposition has received an
overwhelming endorsement at his party’s convention in Moose Jaw.**NDP
delegates voted 98.7 per cent to approve Cam Broten’s leadership on
*The leadership review by secret ballot was required by the party’s
constitution. *
*Broten says the party will continue to focus on what is important to
Saskatchewan families, including health care and education.*
*A detailed platform will be released closer to the next provincial
electi... more »
Why I Love Blogging and How to Start Your Own
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 1 day ago

When I first started my blog, more than six years ago, I had no idea it
would become such a big part of my daily life. The friends I have made
blogging and the things I have learned are invaluable. Blogging has become
a part of who I am.
I often get asked all of the reasons I blog and how to go about starting a
blog. This post is a brief overview of both items. Honestly, each one of
the bullet points in the how to start a blog section could be its own post
and hopefully soon they will be, until then, if you have any questions let
me know. Let me start off with telling you why I blo... more »
Are You Surprised That None Of The Republicans Who Sabotaged The V.A. Have Resigned In Disgrace Yet?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Bernie Sanders (I-VT), chairman of the Senate Veteran's Affairs
and one of the most persistent and effective advocates for veterans
anywhere in government, was on *Face The Nation* this morning. He was
constrained in his response to the V.A. scandal that Ken was in his
reportFriday evening after Shinseki had been forced to fall on his
sword. Ken
speculated that we'll probably never know how responsible Shinseki
was for the mess because, in his words, "the psychotic lying scumbags
have been leading the assault on him not only are incapable of speaking a
w... more »
Review - Blue Avocado (Re)Zip Reusable Snack Bags
Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 1 day ago
When I first began this blog, in 2008, I believed that it was okay to use
plastic "zip" bags in moderation. I remember saying that nothing else
worked quite as efficiently in my small freezer. While their convenience is
unquestionable, they are typically single use storage containers and, more
importantly, they usually contain toxic chemicals which can leach into our
[image: Review - Blue Avocado (Re)Zip Reusable Snack Bags]*Holds 1 Cup*
Reuseit.com, a company which specializes in reusable products designed to
replace single-use items, invited me to try Blue Avocado (Re)Zip Reu... more »
Kris Nielsen at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
Guest post by Meg Norris and Teri Sasseville As we watch the political
maneuvering in New York from afar, we are terribly disheartened. New York
has been the leader in our battle against Common Core from day one. With
warriors in 49 other states watching closely, the NY groups seem to have
gotten so caught up […]
EFN 38: Report on Globalization and Inequality, Jeju Forum 2014
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 1 day ago

This is the Rapporteur's Report for the panel discussion sponsored by
Economic Freedom Network (EFN) Asia last May 29, 2014, at the Jeju Forum
for Peace and Prosperity, Haevichi Hotel & Resort, Jeju island, S. Korea.
Thanks to Pett Jurapaiboon, EFN Asia Regional Program Officer, for sharing
this with me.
I am adding photos from the FNF East and Southeast Asia fb page. In this
photo, from left: Peter, Sethaput, Dep. Minister Dang, Choi.
*Name of Session*
Globalization and Inequality
*Session Number*
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Stella *Quimbo*, Professor,... more »
Monday Links
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 1 day ago

*My friend Flora Chen and I went out riding yesterday, and ran into this
woman in purple just as we entered the 145 off the 19 near Pitou. "Is this
the 1?" she queried in a piteous voice. She was riding round the island,
but had never checked a map and had no idea where she was. Some bike group
she contacted told her to take the 1, a road unfit for human use, but by
great good luck she had hit probably the best road in the area, the 145.
Here we are just before the big bridge into Xiluo. She had left her three
children in Hsinchu before deciding to venture the *Huandao *(round the
... more »
How They Got You To Work Longer and Harder As They Reaped the Productivity Benefits (Simple Scams - Economic Arguments Making the World Worse and Getting Paid Billions For It)
Cirze at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 1 day ago
Did someone say they're just bullshit jobs? Suddenly it became possible to
see that if there’s a rule, it’s that the more obviously your work benefits
others, the less you’re paid for it. CEOs and financial consultants that
are actually making other people’s lives worse were paid millions, useless
paper-pushers got handsomely compensated, people fulfilling obviously
useful functions like
Founding member of the Goo Goo Dolls Robby Takac is At the Chalk Face
Shaun Johnson at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
Founding member of the Goo Goo Dolls Robby Takac is At the Chalk Face We
hear a lot about the importance of the arts in schools, yet they are
typically the first to be cut. Robby Takac has had a great Buffalo-based
foundation called Music is Art, working to get music into schools and
communities […]
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