Cracking the Brain’s Codes
How does the brain speak to itself? In What Is Life? (1944), one of the fundamental questions the physicistJune 16, 2014 -
Shining Light on Madness
Drugs for psychiatric illnesses aren’t very effective. But new research is offering renewed hope for betterJune 16, 2014 -
Neuroscience’s New Toolbox
With the invention of optogenetics and other technologies, researchers can investigate the source ofJune 16, 2014
The Nader Page
Hillary’s Haughty Hyperbole!
Last Sunday’s New York Times Book Review section featured a one page interview with Hillary Clinton, authorJune 18, 2014 -
Can Progressives Learn from Eric Cantor’s Defeat?
The stunning upset defeat of House Majority Leader, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) by Professor David Brat, anJune 13, 2014 -
Corporate Contractors’ Heavy Burdens on Taxpayers
Next time you hear federal officials say that there is no money to repair or build necessary publicJune 5, 2014
Omnologos» English
Veteran’s Day: Story of Charles (and Anthony and Frank)
Since it’s Veteran’s Day in the USA, I am posting a recap of the story of Charles J MorabitoMay 26, 2014 -
Luttwak on Italy and the Euro
From the LRB‘s “Opportunity Costs” by Edward Luttwak, Vol. 35 No. 22 · 21 November 2013 [February 4, 2014 -
Savant Idiots
There was a commenter at a blog I shall not mention who simply could not get anything I mentioned. AnythingJanuary 30, 2014
Project Censored
Reclaiming Father’s Day show
On the Reclaiming Father’s Day show Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips interview author and professor Tomas3 hrs ago -
Flashpoint Ukraine
On the June 6, the Project Censored Show on Pacifica Radio Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips discuss theJune 8, 2014 -
Revolution of genome scanning
For more than a decade scientists have discovered that a genomic revolution is transforming medicine, theJune 5, 2014
When it comes to crowdfunding, journalism is absolutely crushed by comic
Earlier this month, crowdfunding platform Kickstarter launched a dedicated section to house all of its4 mins ago -
Edward Snowden’s old employer is developing tech for the government to
Consider a world in which, thanks to your Fuel band, the US Center for Disease Control knows you’re3 hrs ago -
On Reddit, Assange answers questions on Snowden, leaks but dodges others on
In the now time-honored tradition of the democratic Internet, Julian Assange took to Reddit today to do an5 hrs ago
climate disaster averted …
This scary scaremonger scared everyone just days after Climategate erupted. Looks like a disaster was21 hrs ago -
the tin ear …
Caligula’s spawn keeps golfing, or is it Nero: Glenn Reynolds posts an UPDATE: Barack Obama GolfsJune 18, 2014 -
winning for the environment …
My life’s work, traveling the Kimberley, while implementing environmental horticulture projectsJune 16, 2014
National Review Online - Planet Gore
Canada's Pipeline Fight
Canada has approved a nearly multi-billion-dollar pipeline to transport oil from Alberta through BritishJune 18, 2014 -
Tesla's Elon Musk Warns of 'Terminators'
Here’s Musk in an interview with Business Insider on the dangers of artificial intelligence: JBJune 18, 2014 -
'Saudi Dakota' Hits Oil Production Milestone of 1 Million Barrels
Good news on oil production in North Dakota, via Mark Perry at AEI: Oil drillers in North Dakota oilJune 18, 2014
Thought-Provoking Quantum Experiments Which Show That Reality Is Only An
No one in the world can fathom what quantum mechanics is, this is perhaps the most important thing you need18 hrs ago -
Raw Chocolate Cashew Tarts
This is a very easy, cheap and decadent recipe that will have you craving these goodies without the worry19 hrs ago -
To Increase Semen Quality, Avoid Dairy
Looks like "schools investing in milk" may not be such a good idea after all. That is, not unlessJune 18, 2014
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed
Rebooting China
Though China's government has expressed a willingness to accept slower growth for the sake of a more19 hrs ago -
Mexico’s Breakout Moment?
Mexico has a good chance to realize its impressive structural-reform agenda. Doing so would give the restJune 18, 2014 -
China’s Arab March
At the recent China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, President Xi Jinping called upon his Arab counterpartsJune 18, 2014
The Raw Story
Elizabeth Warren on creating jobs: ‘This isn’t magic, we actually know how
An impassioned Sen. Elizabeth Warren appeared on MSNBC’s Hardball and made a strong case for fighting1 hr ago -
Tea Party ex-Congressman Joe Walsh says he was booted from his radio show
Former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh, who lost his seat to Tammy Duckworth following revelations that he3 hrs ago -
Texas woman charged after children injured while riding outside of her car
By Jana J. Pruet DALLAS (Reuters) – A Texas woman suspected of being drunk put six children on the4 hrs ago
RSS Feed
The State Terrorism Factory
Governments can and have hidden themselves behind patsies and provocateurs to carry out terror attacks that11 hrs ago -
When Religious and Political Leaders don’t listen You have to Speak Louder
LETTER TO CANADA’S MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT Honourable representatives, I am writing to you from RomeJune 18, 2014 -
Iraq’s Descent into Chaos “Predicted” by Cheney in 1994
Iraq is not falling into sectarian hell because the United States and the British did not invade Syria, orJune 18, 2014
The Science of Doom
On Uses of A 4 x 2: Arrhenius, The Last 15 years of Temperature History and
As a friend of mine in Florida says: You can’t kill stupid, but you can dull it with a 4×2June 15, 2014 -
Ghosts of Climates Past – Nineteen – Ice Sheet Models I
In Part Seven – GCM I through Part Ten – GCM IV we looked at GCM simulations of ice ages. These wereApril 13, 2014 -
Ghosts of Climates Past – Eighteen – “Probably Nonlinearity” of Unknown
A while ago, in Part Three – Hays, Imbrie & Shackleton we looked at a seminal paper from 1976. InMarch 3, 2014
by Patrick J. Buchanan | World Net Daily For 10 days, Americans have argued over the wisdom of tradingJune 10, 2014 -
What does it mean when the capitalist vanguard starts talking about inequality? - - By CHRYSTIAJune 10, 2014 -
Written by Warren Mass | The New American A total of 5,941 delegates and alternates at the 2014 TexasJune 10, 2014
Monuments to Riches: The Flamboyant Towers of Post-Soviet Architecture
Since the conclusion of the Cold War, architecture in the former Soviet Union has transformed itselfMay 14, 2014 -
13 Funniest Celebrity Movie Set Pranks
There’s nothing like playing a well-executed prank on a co-worker, and as this list proves, if you happenApril 8, 2014 -
Better Than Barbie? Meet the World's First Interactive Smart Doll
While anime-inspired dolls have been around for a while in Japan, TV presenter Danny Choo’s interactiveMarch 12, 2014
Gender Equality in Azerbaijan: Interview with an Activist
Before departing from Baku, I met with Sabina, a Project Management Assistant at the Women’s7 hrs ago -
New Interview on IMU Operations in Pakistan
I’ve had every intention of writing an IMU article this week after they claimed the Karachi airportJune 17, 2014 -
Uzbekistan signed a new document to end child labor: Time for real change?
© Uzbek-German Human Rights Forum Uzbekistan and the International Labor Organization (ILO) signed aJune 8, 2014
U.S. government’s civil war over civil liberties
The State Department is now touting itself as a proponent of Internet privacy. It's not as ridiculous4 hrs ago -
“Jersey Boys”: A surprisingly great summer movie for grown-ups
Loaded with pop hits and a hint of darkness, Clint Eastwood's Frankie Valli musical is a total treat4 hrs ago -
“Its color was its size”: The twisted myth of the small Asian penis
I grew up wanting to be average. Now I know the reason for the myth Asians are small: Making white men feel4 hrs ago
Science Blog
Haters spend more time … hating?
We already know haters are predisposed to be that way. […]11 hrs ago -
An off-switch for drugs’ toxic side effects
When medications linger in the human body, they sometimes produce […]11 hrs ago -
Humans have been changing Chinese environment for 3,000 years
For thousands of years, Mother Nature has taken the blame […]11 hrs ago
Scoop NZ - Sci-tech
SMC Heads-Up: mining, new SAVVY pricing, AUT's giant squid
PCE Updates; Antarctic biodiversity; Breast cancer; SAVVY courses; Ocean sampling day; Quoted; Friday video1 hr ago -
Genetic Control Mechanism for Major Livestock Pest
Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a technique to control populations of the5 hrs ago -
Research may help Motor Neurone Disease sufferers
New research into how different drugs can alter the development of Motor Neurone Disease is underway in6 hrs ago
Seeing the Forest
A Different View On Cantor’s Surprising Loss
Last week Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated in a primary. He not only won’tJune 17, 2014 -
No Prosecution For Obvious Bribery?
A Virginia state senator took a bribe to resign , thereby throwing control of the state Senate to the otherJune 15, 2014 -
8 Reasons Some CEOs Make 331 Times As Much As Their Employees
I have this up over at AlterNet: 8 Reasons Some CEOs Make 331 Times As Much As Their Employees We all knowJune 13, 2014
The Slog.
At the End of the Day
The Slog piece on how appalling Microsoft is continues to build….record hits, and 107 comments the9 hrs ago -
OIL PRICE HIKES: Why they are manufactured rather than natural.
There’s an unusually large amount of baseless assertion and illogical drivel in the press today. TheJune 18, 2014 -
If you want this to be your future as a customer, just keep on saying
Why the right time to dismantle Microsoft is right now Microsoft is a globalist company selling itsJune 17, 2014
Question of the Day
Are you left-handed, right-handed, or ambidextrous? Did you come by your handedness naturally, or were you5 hrs ago -
An Observation
One of my favorite things about watching the World Cup is the classic camera cut to the spectators during a6 hrs ago
Socio-Economics History Blog
New World Order Runs All Fake Terror Organizations!
See chart below. Terrorists/Terrorism organizations and Agent Provocateurs are under Intelligence Agencies.12 hrs ago -
Sunwarrior News
10 Ways to Exercise with Your Kids
Seems many of us lean on a long list of excuses to avoid exercising. Kids shouldn’t be one of these excuses13 hrs ago -
Lunges for a Simple, Fast, Anywhere Exercise
The lunge is a fantastic exercise for anyone who wants to work all the major muscles of the legs in one14 hrs ago -
10 Ways to Improve Your Relationships
I’ve learned that no matter what you put in your body, if you neglect other areas of your life and stressJune 18, 2014
Technology - Google News
Electric motorcycle could jolt Harley Davidson shares - USA TODAY
NPR Electric motorcycle could jolt Harley Davidson shares USA TODAY After rumbling up from about $41 a1 hr ago -
Amazon Fire Phone's Free Unlimited Photo Storage: Open to Abuse
TIME Amazon Fire Phone's Free Unlimited Photo Storage: Open to Abuse? Mashable In smartphones, there2 hrs ago -
Google buys MDialog, Alpental Technologies - SFGate
TechCrunch Google buys MDialog, Alpental Technologies SFGate Google Inc. is buying two small companies to2 hrs ago
Things I grab, motley collection
Starbucks to Provide Free College Education to Thousands of Workers
S tarbucks will provide a free online college education to thousands of its workers, without requiringJune 16, 2014 -
40 Years On, Woodward And Bernstein Recall Reporting On Watergate [npr.org]
M any people know All the Presidents Men as a film: a hit movie about the two young reporters who crackedJune 15, 2014 -
95% of all the additional national income in the U.S. goes to the top 1
Discussing the economy, Gore lamented that “we have rising levels of inequality and chronicJune 13, 2014
This Can't Be Happening!
DA says Speaking Spanish in Public and Wearing Sportswear Signify
Labeling Latino Kids as Gangsters:June 16, 2014 -
Dave Lindorff and Vietnam Vet and Long-Time Peace Activist John Grant
On ThisCantBeHappening! radio:June 14, 2014

6,200-year-old parasite egg found in skeleton
Archaeologists say the egg dates back to a time when societies first used irrigation systems to grow crops.
Triggered outbreaks »
Top Documentary Films
The Evolution of Ecological Consciousness
Part of what Andrew Faust does is teaching how to apply permaculture in the urban landscape and part of8 hrs ago -
The Fake Trade
This is a documentary about an illegal activity that's engulfing the world. It's a narrative aboutJune 18, 2014 -
Why We Breathe: Yoga
Shot over a half year period across the US, in a diverse circumstances and interesting interviews, thisJune 17, 2014
The Total Collapse
RAF Typhoons Intercept Russian Bomber And Fighter
RAF Typhoon fighter jets were scrambled into action to head off four separate groups of Russian aircraftJune 18, 2014 -
Putin Responds In Force After Obama Orders Atomic Bombs To Europe
A truly apocalyptic report issued hours ago by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) today says that PresidentJune 16, 2014 -
4 Russian Bombers Flew Within 50 Miles Of The California Coast
Four Russian strategic bombers triggered U.S. air defense systems while conducting practice bombing runsJune 12, 2014
Edward Snowden: Former intelligence contractor interviewed in Brazil
6 Jun 2014 - Former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, wanted by US authorities and currently livingJune 16, 2014 -
Mass Murderers Brazenly Hold Conference, Discuss Tools of Trade
7 Jun 2014 - A unique conference is planned in Charlottesville, Va., featuring the latest technologies forJune 16, 2014 -
An Appeal for More Whistleblowers
As more and more secrecy envelopes the U.S. government – with millions of hidden records concealing bothJune 16, 2014
The Truth is Where?
Steve Bell’s – IF on Putin with Prince Charles.
Steve Bell The Guardian , Monday 26th May 2014.June 4, 2014 -
Doel, Belgium, the ghost town that’s a paradise for graffiti artists.
By Giovanna Dunmall 4th June 2014. Find Full Article and Photo Gallery Here:- HowJune 4, 2014 -
World’s biggest cyber crime gang thwarted by police.
By Geoff White 2nd June 2014. Find Full Article and Video Here:- It was one of the mostJune 4, 2014
Reset: The Savage Destruction Of Our Constitution
In February 2010, just three months before the last general election, David Miliband was widely reported as17 hrs ago -
Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi, Lockerbie – And The Lies We Have Been Told
On the 20th May 2012 the only person ever convicted of the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, Abdelbaset Al MegrahiMarch 11, 2014 -
Call To Action - Budget Day, 19th March
The 19th March is Budget Day, and we will be gathering in London to promote the Bradbury Pound. Our purposeMarch 5, 2014
Universe Today
Mountains Soar Above the Appalachians in this Dramatic NASA Photo
Giant storm clouds swirl over North Carolina (Credit: NASA / Stu Broce) Except these are mountains made5 hrs ago -
Powerful Starbursts in Dwarf Galaxies Helped Shape the Early Universe, a
GOODS field containing distant dwarf galaxies forming stars at an incredible rate. Image Credit: NASA/ESA6 hrs ago -
See This Orange Smudge? This Could Be NASA’s Target For The Asteroid
An image of asteroid 2011 MD — a candidate for a potential future mission to an asteroid —8 hrs ago
Udacity Blog
New Mini Course: Website Performance Optimization
Ilya Grigorik explaining the Critical Rendering Path Modern consumers expect fast online experiencesJune 18, 2014 -
Announcing nanodegrees: a new type of credential for a modern workforce
Introducing Nanodegrees In my role working with partners and external companies, people often ask me whatJune 16, 2014 -
Sebastian Thrun: Lifelong Learning and Trustworthy Credentials
Growing need for lifelong learning and credentials Sebastian Thrun’s essay “ Credentials that workJune 10, 2014
Veterans Today
A good 5¢ cigar and other urgent needs for America
Regardless of your political position...liberal, conservative, independent, or what-have-you, we have lost6 hrs ago -
Is ISIL really Sunni?
Should Sunni Muslims file a class action lawsuit against media outlets that are spreading this calumny.7 hrs ago -
My Dinner in Homs on Election Day
- "I was struck by their humbleness. They saw nothing heroic in defending their country from foreign9 hrs ago
Washington's Blog
The Democratic Push to Bomb Iraq Again
People forget the extent to which Democrats, who controlled the U.S. Senate at the time, pushed for and9 hrs ago -
Independence Movement in Southeastern Ukraine Accuses Obama’s Agents of
In the United States, there appears to be a virtual news-blackout of what is happening in Ukraine and of10 hrs ago -
After 6 Years of Unprecedented Central Planning, the Economy Is More
We will all discover that the economy is much more fragile than advertised by the Central Planners and11 hrs ago
Viral History
A new Crimean War? Really?
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsMarch 3, 2014 -
Yiddish Theater: Don't Forget Molly Picon
Yiddish is not beautiful. Harsh and gutteral, it makes you twist your face to get the sounds outFebruary 1, 2014 -
Guest Post: David Taylor on Anzia Yezierska, Part II
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsJanuary 23, 2014
Andy Worthington
Please Read Tom Wilner’s Op-Ed About the Bowe Bergdahl/Taliban Prisoner
I wrote the following article for the “ Close Guantánamo ” website, which I established in January 20127 hrs ago -
“It Is All Theater, It Is All A Game,” Yemeni “Forever Prisoner” Says from
It is, I believe, impossible to argues with the logic of Muaz al-Alawi, a Yemeni prisoner in GuantánamoJune 17, 2014 -
Please Read My Latest Article About Guantánamo for Al-Jazeera, “Is Bowe
Dear friends and supporters, I hope you have time to read my latest article for Al-Jazeera, “ IsJune 16, 2014
WASH Research News
A sustainability assessment tool for rural water services
Ryan Schweitzer and James Mihelcic from the University of South Florida have developed a SustainabilityMarch 6, 2013 -
Renewed research call for faecal sludge secondary treatment options in
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre announces a renewed research call for: Faecal sludgeNovember 25, 2012 -
UNESCO-IHE and partners offering twenty PhD positions on pro-poor
Twenty PhD Positions are available in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funded Project on Pro-poorDecember 2, 2011
A Flamingo in Utrecht
A Street in the Sun
I walk along Vloetiusstraat fairly often, as it’s the street that leads on from the side of the19 hrs ago -
Vino Veritas Is Finally Opening!
In less than 24 hours, we will officially be opening the doors (well, one door, but you get the point) ofJune 16, 2014 -
18 Things to See, Do, Taste, and Experience in Utrecht
I’m always singing the praises of Utrecht and encouraging people to visit this beautiful, historicJune 13, 2014
World Science
NASA sizing up "weird" asteroid candidates for capture
Asteroids being looked at for a proposed NASA mission may have rubble-pile like compositions.4 hrs ago -
New dino species has "winged crest"
Scientists have named a new species of horned dinosaur based on fossils collected from Montana and Alberta.June 18, 2014 -
New method could detect alien life, scientists claim
Scientists say they have developed a new model to detect methane on planets outside of our solar system.June 17, 2014
Fuel Fix
Prosecutors get time to decide on retrial for BP figure
The judge ruled last week that Kurt Mix was entitled to a new trial on an obstruction-of-justice charge2 hrs ago -
Oil gains as Iraq violence weighs on supply fears
The price of U.S. benchmark crude for July delivery rose 46 cents to $106.43 per barrel.6 hrs ago -
US oil spending could hit $165B on global conflicts, report says
Oil and gas producers could boost their annual spending to $165 billion in the United States as conflicts6 hrs ago
Zelo Street
Ian Hislop, You’re Wrong
The uber-smug Daily Mail “ diarist ” Sebastian Shakespeare is beside himself with glee today as he reports11 hrs ago -
Del Boy’s Desperate Sales Pitch
In the aftermath of yesterday’s events at the Telegraph , which included the departure of deputy political16 hrs ago -
Big Tobacco Plain Pack Attack Falters
Following its being called out by ABC Media Watch the other day over its crude attempt to pretend18 hrs ago
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
World stocks at record high, gold holds gains as dollar dips
By Wayne Cole SYDNEY (Reuters) - An index of global stocks was near record highs on Friday while gold1 hr ago -
Exclusive: TPG, Carlyle seek about $2.4 billion in Australia Healthscope
By Stephen Aldred HONG KONG (Reuters) - Private equity firms TPG Capital and Carlyle Group CG.O are1 hr ago -
GE reshapes Alstom offer to appease France
By Natalie Huet and Benjamin Mallet PARIS (Reuters) - General Electric GE.N revised its bid for the power3 hrs ago
IEA.org.uk - Blog feed
House Republicans' Top Leadership Gets A Red-State Member
While California Rep. Kevin McCarthy was picked as the new House majority leader, more conservative members6 hrs ago -
GOP Completes Leadership Shuffle, As McCarthy And Scalise Step Up
House Republicans voted on leadership positions. While Rep. Kevin McCarthy stepped up to the role of7 hrs ago -
House GOP Picks McCarthy For Majority Leader; Scalise Gets Whip
California's Kevin McCarthy replaces Rep. Eric Cantor in the No. 2 leadership post. Steve Scalise of8 hrs ago
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Obama extends family leave rights of gay couples
By Mark Felsenthal WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Friday will announce a rule that makes14 mins ago -
Republicans elevate Boehner ally to No. 2 House job
By Susan Cornwell and Emily Stephenson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Republicans on5 hrs ago -
Fiscal battles loom for new House Republican leaders
By David Lawder WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Congress faces more big fights over funding for highway3 hrs ago
China, UK vow to enhance cooperation in finance, RMB business
Chinese premier Li Keqiang said Wednesday that China and the UK will work together to lift their financial -
DPP should freeze 'stumbling block' independence clause: academic
The Democratic Progressive Party's manifesto on Taiwan independence is an obstacle to the party's -
Huang Ching-tai scandal spells end to KMT's election hopes
Taiwan's ruling Kuomintang has destroyed its own image as the ruling party as well as that of President
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