Sunday, June 15, 2014

15 June - Blogs I'm Following

Papiermolen De Meurs, DworpPapiermolen De Meurs, Dworp (Photo credit:
Sen. John McCain attends the Multi-National Fo...Sen. John McCain attends the Multi-National Force - Iraq reenlistment, naturalization and Independence Day ceremony at the Al-Faw Palace in Baghdad, Iraq, July 4, 2007, along with Senator Lindsey Graham. Both Senators were guest speakers for the ceremony that reenlisted 571 servicemembers gave citizenship to 161. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jennifer A. Villalovos) (Released) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Eric Cantor headshotEric Cantor headshot (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
1:28pm MDST

WHOA!! Happy Father's Day!

liberalandlovingit at liberalandlovingit! - 50 minutes ago
P.S.... Thwap? It's a jungle out here. Miss me? I miss you. All. lali.

Beaver weekend

Demeur at Demeur - 59 minutes ago
This beaver hasn't died yet but he sure is busy. Life seems to be getting in the way of fun things like posting snarky articles and comments around the innerwebs. Now where was I.... Don't you just love it when the government causes a problem then tries to blame somebody else? Such is the case with Iraq. Roll back through history a bit and we find that the U.S. helped Saddam gain power. We even supplied him with weapons to fight Iran in the 80s. Ah yes Iran another of our success stories where we forced out a democratically elected leader and installed the Shah a brutal dictator n... more »

Senator Lindsey Graham Plays the 9/11 Card on Sunday Morning TV

Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 1 hour ago
The neocons wasted no time in exploiting the escalating violence in Iraq (no mention that they are responsible for the whole fiasco in the first place) in rolling out the big guns on the Sunday morning propaganda shows. Senator Lindsey Graham, fresh off of his primary win in the Palmetto State slithered out on CBS's Face the Nation to engage in the very fearmongering and lies that keep the war machine permanently set on kill and the machinery of the national surveillance state humming along. Graham is a disgrace to America and a loose cannon with the type of ideas that get people k... more »

Republican Civil War Turning To Cannibalism?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago
*DWT* is for Raul Labrador Angry right-wing populists struck out blindly against Eric Cantor last week-- and scored a knockout. But the the victors do not go the spoils, not Inside-the-Beltway. David Brat will become a largely ignored, probably short-term, backbencher; he will *not* become Majority Leader. Nor will any teabagger who celebrated Cantor's political demise. They won't even have a say in who replaces Cantor. Next in line in Boehnerland is the #3-ranking Republican, Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). A couple of ambitious standrad-issue GOP politicians-- Jeff Sessions, Jim Jordan, Jeb... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 hour ago
Critical comments inside the German Bundestag by Dr. Sahra Wagenknecht from Die Linke (Left Party). She speaks passionately about the growing economic disparity across Europe and the unraveling situation in Ukraine. Wagenknecht denounces the German-US policy that supports fascists and oligarchs there. She calls on German Chancellor Merkel to "free herself" from the US program of endless war.

Michael James : Gifts from the Great Spirit, tripping in NOLA, leaping forward & following a rainbow, 1975-’77

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 hour ago
As the rain poured down and we cradled ourselves in the palm of a giant southern oak, Katy and I shook hands and committed to giving this restaurant thing a try. By Michael James | The Rag Blog | June … finish reading Michael James : Gifts from the Great Spirit, tripping in NOLA, leaping forward & following a rainbow, 1975-’77

How America Was Lost: A Chronicle of Our Decline

Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 1 hour ago
*“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”* *-George Orwell* I just picked up a copy of the new book by Paul Craig Roberts “How America Was Lost” and must say that it is an impressive chronicle of the decline of what was once at least theoretically a free country into a sucking black hole of fascism, corruption and the moral abrogation that has made it all possible. Dr. Roberts, a former assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan administration, associate Editor at the pre-Murdoch Wall Street Journal and a prolific columnist calls it as he... more »

walk - Bath skyline - six miles

Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 1 hour ago
yesterday, we went for a walk. Got on a train. Got off at Didcot. Got on a second train. Got off at Bath. Walked the Bath skyline route. Picnic'd. Meandered. Chatted. Lovely warm day. Nice locals. Couple hours out in the countryside. Came home. Here are some other images from our route (non animated).

Hal Yang Dilarang Pada ketika Persiapan Kehamilan

irfan ganteng at Yaya Blog's - 1 hour ago
ada beberapa hal yang enggak boleh dilakukan selama struktur persiapan kehamilan , karena hal ini bisa berakibat fatal jika dilakukan imbas orang yang sedang hamil ini jauh lebih rawan dari pada orang biasa ,dan dampak itu kami disini ingin memberikan informasi mengenai beberapa hal yang sebaiknya engkau memerlukan hindari dan juga bahkan tidak boleh sederajat sekali dilakukan semala

We chose to Be here surrounded by Darkness to Find the Light.

Sherrie at Sherrie Questioning All - 1 hour ago
We chose to come to the most Dark Place of the Universe to find the Light. We chose to be here. As hard as it is to be here right now, we all have to realize we chose this right now. It is ruled by darkness, we have to climb up and see the LIGHT! I found the following video in IN5D and the article about Free Will. When you are ready to Rise Up, You will. Wayseer Manifesto (I love

The BBC and fundamentalist Christians

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 2 hours ago
As found on Biased-bbc comments: 'loony fundamentalist Christians want to quote verses of the Bible at you while loony fundamentalist Muslims want to murder you. Only socialists and the bBBC think they are equivalent.' Pretty unarguable.

Galeri Foto Terbaru Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Mio Soul

irfan ganteng at Yaya Blog's - 2 hours ago
Galeri Foto Terbaru Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Mio Soul -  sekarang itu kite-kite akan membahas tulisan seputar modifikasi motor yang pada kans yang sebelumnya kami juga membahas artikel mobil, yang akan kami kupas kali ini diantaranya Model Modifikasi Yamaha Mio Soul Terupdate 2014. bagi sobat jenis yang ingin menonton informasinya silahkan ikuti artikel di bawah ini. Yamaha Mio Soul merupakan

Foto dan Gambar Mobil Toyota Corona Modifikasi Terbaru 2014

irfan ganteng at Yaya Blog's - 2 hours ago
Foto dan Gambar Mobil Toyota Corona Modifikasi Terbaru 2014 - Toyota corona merupakan mobil kelas menengah yang dibuat oleh layanan otomotif toyota, dengan tahun produksi antara tahun 1957 hingga 2001. Mobil toyota corona yang sangat populer adalah dengan bentuk mobdy sedan, yang memiliki empat buah pintu. Untuk sebagian kalangan mobil ini mencakup mobil yang cukup sering dicari, karena mobil

Resep Minuman Es Campur Buka Puasa Ramadhan Menyegarkan

irfan ganteng at Yaya Blog's - 2 hours ago
Resep Minuman Es Campur Buka Puasa Ramadhan Menyegarkan - Satu lagi minuman asal republik indonesia yang pastinya amat top di nikmati ketika cuaca hangat yaitu minuman dingin es campur, dimana minuman ini terdiri dari campuran berbagai karakteristik bahan, kemudian disiram menggunakan sirup yang indah. Adapun bahan yang biasa dipergunakan untuk membuat minuman ini diantaranya ialah roti, dawet,

Charles Darwin, Science and Society

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 3 hours ago
Four and a half years ago, I attended this forum in UP Diliman. I was invited by a good friend, mathematician Fidel Nemenzo, who was then the Director I think, of the Science, Technology and Society (STS) program in UP, aside from being a Math Professor. Fidel rediscovered the Closing Remarks he gave that afternoon from his old files and sent it to me. Posting it below. It was a big audience. And... Ahaa! I also found this from my old files of photos. That day, I was seated next to my former boss, Prof. Randy David. In front of us were Dr. Raul Fabella (left) and Dr. Perry Ong (rig... more »

Iraq Updates June 13 , 2014 -- As ISIS continues its relentless push to Baghdad and the Iraq Army continues its pitiful cutting and running from battles ( Saadiyah and Jalawia fall to ISIS in the province of Diyala as security forces lay down weapons and leave their posts again ) , has Iraq turned into " Saving Prime Minister Maliki ( and Iran with its Qods forces and the US with a few drone strikes try to salvage what's left of the Maliki Government ( one without a functional Parliament ) ......... Kurds now have Kirkuk ( a long desired goal ) while Turkey has a mess on its hands with 80 hostages still held by ISIS ....

Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago ( Obama pours cold water on Iraqi hopes of quick US military actions..... ) President Barack Obama issued a stark ultimatum to Iraq’s leaders on Friday, making it clear that any US military action against advancing Islamic extremists was contingent upon Baghdad's commitment to resolving sectarian differences. The US president said he would decided "in the days ahead" whether to launch military strikes in Iraq to help halt the progress of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis), which has swe... more »

Professor Stephen Cohen, prominent US scholar of Russian studies and author who advised George H.W. Bush in the late 1980s, speaks to RT about the mistakes of consecutive American administrations in their Russia policies, leading to the worst crisis in decades and the deterioration of political discourse in America, which prevents things from changing in Washington.

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 3 hours ago
------------------------------ Cohen on Ukraine civil war: ‘Lincoln didn’t call Confederates terrorists’ Published time: June 14, 2014 13:08 Historical analogies may be inaccurate, but Americans may need to look at their own civil war and compare it to what is happening in Ukraine now. Today the US supports a murderous criminal adventure that has little to do with unifying the country. This assessment came from Professor Stephen Cohen, prominent US scholar of Russian studies and author, who advised George H.W. Bush in the late 1980s. He spoke to RT about the mistakes of the consec... more »

Mike's Story Part 51 - The Enemy In My Bed

Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 4 hours ago
*By **Jenna** Orkin* * Mike to his psychiatrist, 2-27-07* * For several days now I have had less and less energy. Each day I have spent as much as an hour vibrating and shaking with rage on the bed as Jenna comforts me. I have been afraid to shower or shave. I did both after 2 PM today. I don't want to go out. We went out to shop a while ago and Jenna had a number of options (DVD, new sweater, health food, see a movie). I nixed the local movies and felt so weak I just came home after we bought some liqueur for Jenna and Scotch for me. [No, that wasn't what I'd meant by he... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 4 hours ago
*Analysis: In minicamp, Saints were clicking on offense and defense ~Ramon Antonio Vargas, New Orleans Advocate* *I began to broach the issue with my father of my last wishes etc.* It took a second, since Pop was still under the impression that "this can't be happening in America".. that people wearing a uniform meant something and I just needed to go find them and get out of there.. that our country, his country.. well whateva... About that moment a NOPD car drove by full of BlackWater Mercenaries, all the windows gone with their little rifles sticking out, ball caps on jar heads...... more »

Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 15th, 2014

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 4 hours ago
[image: rant-jpeg-b] Sunday, and of course it is time for my weekly rant... As I have said before, there has been so much happening around our planet over the last week, and I will try to touch on several key issues here.... First, today is of course Fathers Day, and I do want to say Happy Fathers Day to all those hard working dads out there. I for one miss my own father who passed away years ago from the ravages of Alzheimer's Disease. It was tough watching him disintegrate and all I could do at the time was to watch helplessly as his mind was slipping away.... I can never say... more »

Well, that's a little awkward

Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 4 hours ago
Harpergov does a poll (snicker) on Canadian political icons in the lead-up the 150th birthday (geez, didn't we just have Canada 125?), and well, the results really don't do the Cons any favours. Folks like Layton, Suzuki, topped by Trudeau the Elder. It must be so hard to be a Con in Canada.

A Father's Day Post ! June 15 , 2014 ..... Wishes for a happy and safe celebration !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago
- - - - FATHER’S DAY [image: Father's Day Tie] On July 19, 1910, the governor of the U.S. state of Washington proclaimed the nation’s first “Father’s Day.” However, it was not until 1972, 58 years after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day official, that the day became a nationwide holiday in the United States. Advertisement - Facebook - Twitter - Google MOTHER’S DAY: INSPIRATION FOR FATHER’S DAY The “Mother’s Day” we celebrate today has its origins in the peace-and-reconciliation cam... more »

Prayers for a special blogger needed...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 4 hours ago
From Maggie's Notebook: To Readers, Friends and Bloggers

The Politics Of Resentment

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 5 hours ago
Doug Saunders writes, in the *Globe and Mail*, that the politics of resentment is tearing modern conservatism asunder. The argument is about immigration; and it was apparent last week in Washington with the fall of Eric Cantor. There are now two distinct camps: One group: argues that immigrants tend to be natural conservatives: They’re more likely than other voters to be small businesspeople (so are fiscal conservatives), and to be religious (so are social conservatives). Canada’s Stephen Harper, Britain’s David Cameron and Germany’s Angela Merkel have all recently tried to make... more »

Happy Fathers' Day

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 5 hours ago
After females lay a single precious egg, Emperor penguin fathers take over the responsibility of incubating it by balancing it precariously on their feet and keeping it warm under their feathers in the frigid Antarctic weather while mothers go off to feed. Dads can go for about two months without eating until the egg hatches, at which point he will feed it before mother's return to give them a break from baby-duty.

To those focusing on tenure, you’re doing it wrong

Shaun Johnson at @ THE CHALK FACE - 5 hours ago
If my social media accounts are any indication, I’m probably one of the last 1% of teachers with a week’s worth of school days remaining. It will take me a little more time, once graduations and all of these other special events are over this week, to fully digest and comment on the CA tenure […]

Change the Culture

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 5 hours ago
Progressives got to get out and put it out there. People have to take a side: Democracy or Inverted Totalitarianism? Food and shelter for all or super-mansions for the super-rich and starvation for the majority? Dignity or consumerism? Artists, musicians, business owners, ... we have to make a culture and an economy that is ours and put it before the majority and reject the corporate system and sustain ourselves. Ah, who am I kidding?


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 6 hours ago
More on Gladio, the secret US-NATO program to control the world on behalf of corporate capital. The links between Nazi's and the US-NATO are well documented and sadly a virtual secret inside the US.

Grimmer and Grimmer In Staten Island As A Desperate Mikey Suits Unfurls The GOP Racism Banner

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 6 hours ago
Last week, the biggest, baddest news in the NY-11 election campaign was about how the indicted Mafioso incumbent, Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm, had seen his campaign funding dry up-- a big problem since he's been using his campaign donations to finance his legal case and his fight for a plea bargain that will include only minimal prison time. The *Daily News* Grimm lead: "From April 1 to June 4 he raised $44,000 and spent $214,397, including a $40,000 payment to attorneys. He also has $420,000 in legal debts related to the investigation that preceded the indictment." What;'s worse,... more »

No Man Theodore Roosevelt

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 6 hours ago


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 6 hours ago
*Australia: Public school exodus starts as early as year 2* *Australian parents are keen to escape the disrupted classes that are a frequent feature of State schools. So 40% of Australian teenagers go to private High Schools* The stampede from public primary schools to private high schools when a child finishes year 6 is a tradition in parts of Sydney, but principals say the exodus now starts as early as year 2 as parents panic they will miss out on their school of choice. Census data shows that in some of Sydney's most affluent suburbs, especially the eastern suburbs, as few as... more »

'Sunday' - Forced Marriage

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 6 hours ago
Longstanding readers of *Is the BBC biased? *may recall an old regular feature - the citing of an unchanging 'set menu' for the Radio 4 *Sunday * programme, suggesting that the programme usually consisted of the following standard fare: "the usual diet of breaking news from the Arab world, Christian-related abuse stories, bad news about the Catholic Church, something about human rights, the usual airing of Muslim grievances, a call for something or other by a left-wing campaign group, an Anglican row over something, that sort of thing" Well, here's today's running order, It quotes... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 7 hours ago

More Sleeps?

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 7 hours ago

Raytheon conducts first live fire test of Excalibur S

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 9 hours ago
[image: Excalibur ammo]In a company-funded R&D initiative, Raytheon Company successfully fired the dual-mode GPS- and laser-guided Excalibur S for the first time. Although the Excalibur S was initialized with a GPS target location, it scored a direct hit on a different, or offset, target after being terminally guided with a laser designator. The new variant incorporates a laser spot tracker (LST) into the combat-proven Excalibur Ib projectile, the world's most precise GPS guided 155mm artillery projectile now in production for the U.S. Army and several international customers. "The... more »

Latest Lonely Planet Guide for Taiwan out

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 10 hours ago
Robert Kelly and Chong Wah Chow have turned in another gem with the latest edition of the Lonely Planet Guide to Taiwan (Amazon). Kelly, a net-acquaintance who sent a copy to me for review, is one of the three or four most knowledgeable people about things Taiwan. I often consult him when I am going somewhere on the island. So it was with great anticipation that I cracked open this latest version of the Guide. This Guide is a thick description of Taiwan, containing not only detailed reviews of places to go and things to do, but also several meaty chapters on history, religion, and o... more »

Bloodiest day in Ukraine conflict as rebel missiles bring down military jet

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 10 hours ago
Pro-Russian rebels have shot down a military transport plane in Luhansk in the bloodiest single day of fighting in eastern Ukraine since the conflict began in April, setting back Kiev's efforts to end the crisis and establish control of the region. The Ukrainian government had appeared to finally be making progress this week after new president Petro Poroshenko spoke with Russian president Vladimir Putin on Thursday and Kiev's forces retook the port city of Mariupol on Friday. Rebels shot down an Il-76 transport plane in Luhansk, killing all 40 paratroopers and nine crew members w... more »

AFM welcomes its first brand new helicopter

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 10 hours ago
[image: AW139]The Armed Forces of Malta this afternoon welcomed an Augusta Bell twin-engined helicopter, the first helicopter to be bought new in the history of the Maltese service. It is also the first helicopter to be delivered to the AFM since the 1980s. The grey-painted helicopter flew in from Milan and landed at the AFM Air Wing base shortly after 6 p.m. Prior to landing it performed a low-level flypast escorted by a King Air patrol aircraft. Read more

New Navy destroyer made for gamer generation

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 10 hours ago
[image: USS Zumwalt]The Navy's new super stealthy destroyer, the USS Zumwalt, has a lot in common with Hollywood's starship Enterprise, according to folks who've seen it in person. Much has been written about the Zumwalt's appropriately named commander, Capt. James Kirk. But aside from that coincidence, the ship's operations center utilizes advanced technology that takes multitasking to a deadly new level on the high seas. First launched last year, this is a massive $3 billion warship -- the largest type of destroyer in the modern Navy by about 65 percent. One thing that sets it ap... more »

US Navy Moves from Defensive to Offensive

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 10 hours ago
[image: E-2D Advanced Hawkeye]Captain Jim Kilby started laying out our vision for the future direction of surface warfare with “Surface Warfare: Lynchpin of Naval Integrated Air/Missile Defense”, and Captain Charlie Williams followed up with “Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) – The Heart of Surface Warfare” and “Increasing Lethality in Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW)”. Both of these officers were recently selected for flag rank, and the Surface Force could not be more fortunate. Their years of fleet experience in these mission areas uniquely qualify them to lead our force in the future. T... more »

Greek navy to fast-track long-delayed submarine order

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 11 hours ago
[image: U214 class SSK]Greece's navy on Friday said it would complete a long-delayed submarine order that has sparked multi-billion-euro litigation between Athens and leading German and Arab shipyards in the next two years. The dispute, spanning over a decade, concerns the building of three 214-class submarines at Hellenic Shipyards, Greece's main shipbuilding facility where hundreds of jobs are at stake. A navy source said the three submarines named Pipinos, Matrozos and Katsonis are "absolutely vital to the navy and a huge effort will be made to complete them". Read more

The Developmentalist State is Cannibalizing Taiwan

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 11 hours ago
*Goodies at a small shop near Jiufen.* *It's a wondrous transmutation, where the blood of one man is turned into the money of another. Lead into gold is nothing to it. * Several good pieces in Taipei Times this week on the developmentist state that runs the domestic political economy and its negative effects on local lives and the island's environment. Commentator Lai Min-huang observes that Chiayi floods are man-made: On June 3, Changhua, Yunlin and Chiayi counties and Greater Tainan were hit by a series of thunderstorms. Most streets in Chiayi City are supplied by the high-lyin... more »

Grand Sunni Mufti in Iraq: ISIS Must be Stopped (English Subs)

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 11 hours ago
This statement by the Grand Sunni Mufti of Iraq puts to bed the notion that what is happening in Iraq and throughout the region is a Sunni-Shiite war. Nothing could be further from the truth. Iraq's Grand Sunni Mufti is following in the footsteps of *Syria's Grand Sunni Mufti, Sheikh Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun*, who also made public statements when the war in Syria started that discouraged popular Sunni support for extremist groups such as ISIL, Al-Qaeda, and other, less famous ones. In retaliation for his anti-sectarian stance his son was targeted and murdered by the leaders of these ... more »

Gardasil: Cervical Cancer or Politicians Cancer? by Dr. Philippe de Chazournes

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 11 hours ago
[image: Dirty Politics] Gardasil: Cervical Cancer or Politicians Cancer? by Dr. Philippe de Chazournes Sane Vax, Inc. 11 June 2014 Your opinion, please, Madam Health Minister! We certainly live in ‘remarkable’ times! These are times when one has to fight on a daily basis for common sense to prevail and for the stretching or bending of reality to be stopped. Unfortunately, the world of medicine is not protected from this current weighty trend. Today, certain treatments really beg the question as to what purpose they serve. The release of a new curative or preventative medi... more »

Future KMT Candidates Positioning for the Presidency

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 12 hours ago
*East coast above Tawu* One reason that Ma Ying-jeou was able to get elected is that almost alone among the politicians of his generation he was able to clench his teeth for a short period before each election and spit out the words "I am Taiwanese." This was purely an election tactic, dispensed with as soon as he was safely in office. So it was with great interest that I watched three leading contenders for the KMT's presidential candidacy this week aver that the citizens of Taiwan (ROC) could decide their own fate (Taipei Times), along with Ma Ying-jeou hisownself. The Affair o... more »

Malaysia Airline Flight 370 news June 12 , 2014 -- Sifting through the paucity of media reports ( it's as if the missing plan has disappeared from the radar of the major media as well ! ) MH370 SEARCH: Malaysia told the most lies, spent the least money ? M'sian govt vows MH370 transparency all over the world EXCEPT in its own Parliament ........ MH370: Australia appoints Fugro for bathymetric survey of search area ......

Catharsis Ours - 12 hours ago
Malaysia Chronicle ..... Thursday, 12 June 2014 09:19MH370 SEARCH: Malaysia told the most lies, spent the least money? - font size [image: decrease font size] [image: increase font size] - Cetak - <a class="itemEmailLink" href="

Official Story Exposed Thanks to the Proliferation of Trolls on Youtube

Geezer Power at GEEZERPOWER - 12 hours ago
Dispatch from Geezerville In spite of the MSN "main stream media" the official story has been exposed in so many places that it's getting a lot of unwanted attention. The proliferation of trolls on the growing amount of truth channels are now recognized for what they are, why they are here, and who they represent. Youtube has become the forefront of controversy over the so called "war on terror", with all of the globalists now showing up with Youtube channels...Very telling indeed...Among these are DARPA, AIPAC, IDF, Chamber of Commerce, AmCham, Boeing, General Electr... more »

Expose The TPP In Vancouver on July 3, 2014

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 12 hours ago
[image: Foto: As the TPP flounders, chief negotiators are set to meet in Vancouver starting July 3. “A meeting at the ministerial level, which usually convenes after a chief negotiators' gathering, will only take place if major progress is seen during the 10-day working-level talks, the sources said.” “Japan and the United States have continued bilateral negotiations to follow up on the Singapore meeting, including ones on auto trade issues held in Washington earlier this week. Officials from both sides are expected to resume talks in late June or at the beginning of July.” “During... more »

Ghost of Sunday Classics: How would you describe the atmosphere? Austere? Melancholy? Solitary? Foreboding?

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 13 hours ago
*Rome Opera Orchestra, Tullio Serafin, cond. RCA-BMG, recorded July-Aug. 1960* *Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Sir Georg Solti, cond. Decca, recorded live, April 1991* *by Ken* This week again I found myself in the grip of music, specifically the music we hear above, and even though we've in fact actually heard this music, it was in the context of remembering a fondly remembered singer, and so we didn't really deal properly with the music or the scene, which suggested a post, if I were up to it and there seemed any point. *OF COURSE THE MUSIC IS . . .* . . . the brief orchestral ... more »


Former British Prime Minister and war criminal Tony Blair has written an essay attempting to deflect blame for the current crisis in both Iraq and Syria on the actions he and his fellow war criminals, former US president George W. Bush and former Australian Prime Minister John Howard, committed themselves to when they lied their way to war against Iraq in March 2003. In his essay Blair says: “We have to liberate ourselves from the notion that ‘we’ caused this crisis. We didn't.” The fact is; ‘we’ did – or, at least, Blair, Bush and Howard and their neoconservative supporters around ... more »

Who Will Save Iraq Now-- Obama? Rouhani? The Anunnaki? A Negotiated Rational Partition?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
The Fertile Crescent-- the Tigris and Euphrates River valley-- has a history that predates the Nile Valley's. Even if you don't give much credence to the History Channel's whacky *Ancient Aliens* series that insists that the Mesopotanians' Anunnaki were extraterrestrials, this Cradle of Civilization was, over time, dominated by the Sumerians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Medians, Achaemenids, Seleucids, Parthians, Sassanians, Arabs, Mongols, Turkmen and, between 1533 and 1918, the Ottoman Turks. The Ottomans had three provinces-- Mosul (kurdish), Baghdad (Sunni) and Basra (... more »

Weekend Fun 55: Sic O'Clock News, Again

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 15 hours ago
It's "Father's Day" today, our day, cool. And two friends, Jimmy Fabregas and Ces Quesada, the wacky anchor news guys of the old *Sic O'Clock News*, have a photo of the gang in their facebook walls, so I thought of producing Part 2 of the Sic gang Part 1 which I wrote three years ago. There is one youtube clip of Sic O'Clock. It should have been shown sometime in 1990, when the Senate was debating whether to renew the stay of American military forces in Subic Naval Base. The Americans voluntarily left and abandoned Clark Air Base after a very strong Mt. Pinatubo volcanic eruption. T... more »

Musical Interlude: Nickelback, “If Everyone Cared” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
Nickelback, “If Everyone Cared” -

"I'd Pick More Daisies" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
*"I'd Pick More Daisies"* by Don Herold (1953) "Of course, you can't unfry an egg, but there is no law against thinking about it. If I had my life to live over, I would try to make more mistakes. I would relax. I would be sillier than I have been this trip. I know of very few things that I would take seriously. I would be less hygienic. I would go more places. I would climb more mountains and swim more rivers. I would eat more ice cream and less bran. I would have more actual troubles and fewer imaginary troubles. You see, I have been one of those fellows who live prudently and sa... more »

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
"Big beautiful spiral galaxy M66 lies a mere 35 million light-years away. About 100 thousand light-years across, the gorgeous island universe is well known to astronomers as a member of the Leo Triplet of galaxies. In M66, pronounced dust lanes and young, blue star clusters sweep along spiral arms dotted with the tell-tale glow of pink star forming regions. *Click image for larger size.* This colorful and deep view also reveals faint extensions beyond the brighter galactic disk. Of course, the bright, spiky stars lie in the foreground, within our own Milky Way Galaxy, but many, smal... more »

Crowfoot, "What Is Life?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." - Crowfoot, Blackfoot Warrior and Orator

The Poet: Mary Oliver, “The Spirit Likes To Dress Up” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
*“The Spirit Likes To Dress Up”* by Mary Oliver "The spirit likes to dress up like this: ten fingers, ten toes, shoulders, and all the rest, at night in the black branches, in the morning in the blue branches of the world. ․ It could float, of course, but would rather plumb rough matter. Airy and shapeless thing, it needs the metaphor of the body, lime and appetite, the oceanic fluids; it needs the body's world, instinct and imagination, and the dark hug of time, sweetness and tangibility, to be understood, to be more than pure light that burns where no ... more »

Chet Raymo, “Try To Remember…” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 16 hours ago
*“Try To Remember…”* by Chet Raymo “In a sleepless hour of the night, I was trying to remember the last name of a person I have known well for more than forty years. When my spouse stirred in her sleep, I asked her. She couldn't remember either. One again I started mentally through the alphabet. "I think it starts with B," I said. Ten minutes later she rolled over and said, "The next letter is R." Bingo! The name popped into my head. Or I should say, "popped out of my head." Because it was in there somewhere, recorded in a tangle of neurons as materially as if it were written on a ... more »

The Iraq Crisis Might Be Used For Air Assaults In Syria: Excellent Report From "X22 Report"

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 16 hours ago
Yes, I laid it out in my last article about what I saw happening right now in Iraq, and everything that I have seen over the last few days has absolutely backed up all of my claims.... I see this present crisis in Iraq as a no-win situation for the United States.... It is also a fact that right now the peaceful nation of Iran has been sending in their special forces into Iraq to help stabilize that nation and put a halt to ISIS (or ISIL or what ever phoney name they like to call themselves) advances on the capital city of Baghdad. Someone recently sent me a link to a Youtube user, ... more »

Questions From Tiger Cubs on Iraq , National Security and does anyone allegedly in charge have the slightest idea as to what they're doing ?

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago
One question ....Now we are considering sending drones to bomb jihadist in Iraq , due to " National Security Concerns " , while financing jihadists in Syria because we don't like President Assad . But that's not really what bugs me..... why are M- 13 gang bangers being caught and released in the US NOT " National Security Concerns " ? - [image: **FILE** A Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, gang member. (Associated Press)] Enlarge Photo **FILE** A Mara Salvatru... more »

Blogging from Brazil: Problems of Connectivity

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 16 hours ago
So, at this point, I’ve been all over Brazil, though that’s like saying I’ve toured the United States in five weeks. That said, I’ve been in five or six cities all over the country (I’ll load a better map soon), and the internet speed has invariably been crap, even in pretty expensive hotels. I’m not Continue reading

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Thanks for stopping by.

Free Download: Aldous Huxley, "Brave New World" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
"How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't." - William Shakespeare, "The Tempest" “Brave New World” is a novel written in 1931 by Aldous Huxley and published in 1932. Set in London of AD 2540 (632 A.F.—"After Ford"—in the book), the novel anticipates developments in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation, and classical conditioning that combine to profoundly change society. Huxley answered this book with a reassessment in an essay, “Brave New World Revisited” (1958), and with “Island... more »

Is this or is this not a gorgeous photo? Take a gander at Mitch Waxman's beloved Astoria at twilight

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 18 hours ago
*You can click on the photo to enlarge it, but better still is to look at it a photographer Mitch Waxman's intended size and resolution on his Newtown Pentacle blog.* *by Ken* I've written before about my happy tramping around NYC with Mitch Waxman (like this June 2012 piece about a visit to the Dutch Kills tributary of Newtown Creek, at just the time when Mitch was the subject of a big feature piece in the *New York Times*, "Your Guide to a Tour of Decay," including video). I've done walks with Mitch from Staten Island to the urban wilds of the basic surrounding Newtown Creek (Mi... more »

"The Loneliest Thing..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago

"A Matter of Priorities: Letting Go of the Little Stuff" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*"A Matter of Priorities: Letting Go of the Little Stuff"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "When we stop worrying about unimportant matters, we can devote so much more of ourselves to what is truly important. We experience numerous disappointments each and every day. Our expectations go unmet, our plans are blocked by circumstance, our wishes go unfulfilled, and we discover that our lives are subject to a myriad of forces beyond our conscious control. In some cases, our response is powerful because we must invest ourselves and our resources to overcome genuine hardship. In others, ou... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 18 hours ago
*Mayor Landrieu passes buck: Up to Jindal to hold energy companies accountable for wetlands damage ~Jeff Adelson, The Advocate* *How Bobby Jindal’s Con-Profit and David Vitter’s Super PAC Undermine Democracy ~CenLamar* *Jindal budget relies on nearly $1B in piecemeal funding* *WWNO Announces New Coastal Reporting Team* *Feds renew tariff on frozen Chinese crawfish ~WDSU * *New Orleans Convention Center proposes ambitious 47-acre development ~WWLTV * *New Orleans Bounce Battle Heats Up On Social Media ~Darian Trotter, WGNO*


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 18 hours ago
Hundreds of fascists in Kiev attacked the Russian embassy yesterday in Ukraine's capital city. Molotov cocktails were thrown at the embassy building. Then today Russia took a resolution to the UN Security Council but saw western states block their attempt to condemn the attack. UN, June 15 ITAR-TASS Western countries at the United Nations Organisation’s Security Council have blocked Russia’s draft resolution condemning the attack on the Russian embassy in Kiev, a source at the organisation’s headquarters told Itar-Tass. “Western delegations have blocked the draft statement for... more »

"This Ex-Officer's Haunting, Powerful Words About Suicide Could Save Someone's Life" by TED Talks (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago
*"This Ex-Officer's Haunting, Powerful Words * *About Suicide Could Save Someone's Life"* by TED Talks "If you saw someone on the verge of suicide, would you know what to say? As a patrolman on San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, Kevin Briggs helped bring many people back from the brink. In this moving talk, he gives a powerful piece of advice to those with loved ones who might be thinking of taking their own lives." - ◆ Need help? In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago

"The Greatest Plague..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago
“War is the greatest plague that can afflict humanity, it destroys religion, it destroys states, it destroys families. Any scourge is preferable to it.” - Martin Luther ◆ "U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman HM1 Richard Barnett, assigned to the 1st Marine Division, holds an Iraqi child killed in central Iraq in this March 29, 2003 file photo. Confused front line crossfire ripped apart an Iraqi family after local soldiers appeared to force civilians towards positions held by U.S. Marines." - REUTERS/Damir Sagolj “My heart broke on its shame and sorrow. I suddenly knew how much crying there ... more »

Obama delivered an ULTIMATUM to Maliki via ISIS- Comply or.....

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 19 hours ago
*I have read and reread this article from Washington Post* Main stream media is produced in such a way that it is difficult to discern what is actually being said. Usually I can cut through the bullshit pretty quick, but, this one took several attempts to decipher. -President Obama said that though the U.S. has "enormous interest" in Iraq, it is "ultimately up to the Iraqis" to resolve their conflicts Ultimately up to the Iraqis to resolve their conflict? Reads good, but there is something else contained in this article* that lead me to conclude- It's clear that an ULTIMATUM has be... more »

US and Japan nuclear debacle weekend report -- June 14-15 , 2014 ---- Focus on the Fukushima Disaster and WIPP debacle in New Mexico , US .....

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 20 hours ago
Energy News..... 11:30 PM EST on June 13th, 2014 | 146 comments Officials: Leakage seen on “many” nuclear waste drums in WIPP underground — We think the seals have degraded — Public “should be concerned” about another explosion — 1,000s of radioactive drums now seen as too risky to move (VIDEO) 11:14 AM EST on June 13th, 2014 | 394 comments Official’s 3/11 Notebook: Concern half of Japan to be “covered in nuclear waste!… Those 60 and older should be prepared to die” at Fukushima plant — “Fire out of control” at Reactor No. 4 02:40 AM EST on June 13th, 2014 | 88 comments Japan Officia... more »


Spike EP at News Spike - 20 hours ago
*". . . the character produced credentials from his pocket which showed him to be Secret Service. * *So I accepted that and let him go and continued our search. * *But I regretted it, 'cause this guy looked like an auto mechanic. * *He had on a sports shirt and pants - but he had dirty fingernails."* Dallas Police Patrolman, Joe Smith First Law-Man behind the picket fence, Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Tx. 22/11/63 (1) (1) Smith did not testify at the Clay Shaw trial (although he was deposed for the Warren Commission); the statements attributed to him in JFK are paraphrased from remarks ... more »

Gold & Silver ( and other PM items of note ) Report -- June 14 - 15 , 2014 ...... Ed Steer's Saturday Report - News , Data for the Week , important contributions to consider from a variety of sources .........

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 20 hours ago ¤ YESTERDAY IN GOLD & SILVER The Friday trading session in gold was very similar to Wednesday, as nothing much happened in price or volume terms. It traded more or less flat throughout Far East and early London trading---and only developed a positive bias worthy of the name starting at the Comex open. Even that six dollar 'rally' got sold down a couple of bucks in the last hour of electronic trading in New York. The low and high ticks aren't worth my effort to look up. Gold finished the day at $1,275.90 spot, up $2.80 from Thursday's close. Volume,... more »


James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 20 hours ago
I would first like to begin by thanking the voters of Thornhill for their commitment to democracy in Ontario. You voted for a provincial representative that you trusted and that would ensure your loved ones have a secure future. Yesterday, we learned of inaccuracies in the results reported by Elections Ontario in various polls, including 13 polls where the Liberal and PC tallies were affected. The overall riding results now show Ms. Martow with a lead of 85 votes. It was obviously a disappointment to learn that Elections Ontario has reversed the result reported on election night. ... more »

China's missing metal collateral mystery june 14 , 2014 -- Now systemic -- It's official - everyone's involved!According to the 21st Century Business Herald, at least 17 financial institutions involved in copper, aluminum and other nonferrous metals financing business face losses of almost 15 billion Yuan (not including the contagious rehypothecated collateral chains involved) due to the over-invoicing of the Qingdao port. Crucially, it appears that the evaporation of collateral (i.e. multiple loans secured by the same collateral) has been confirmed officially and banks such as Standard Chartered have already ceased any new business via this supposedly secured channel.

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 21 hours ago China's Collateral Rehypothecation Fraud Is Systemic [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/14/2014 14:57 -0400 - Caijing - China - Copper - Google - Prudential - Real estate - Standard Chartered - Yuan inShare2 *It's official* - everyone's involved!According to the 21st Century Business Herald, *at least 17 financial institutions involved in copper, aluminum and other nonferrous metals financing business face losses* of almost ... more »

[Exclusive] Footage of Maliki's Army Defending Baghdad

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 21 hours ago
"During the reconstruction of Iraq, the United States spent about $20.2 billion to train and equip Iraqi security forces, about a third of the total funds spent on reconstruction." (*Source: Slate*). Did Washington use some of that money to bribe Iraqi commanders not to fight and instead let Jihadists capture Mosul, *as Prof Michel Chossudovsky suggests? *

“Behind the Madness in Iraq” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 21 hours ago
“After sweeping across the porous border from Syria to overrun Mosul, insurgents aligned with the jihadist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria continued to press south down the main north-south highway toward Baghdad.” - *“Behind the Madness in Iraq”* by Tom Hayden “The U.S. had no business invading Iraq. We toppled a dictatorship on a false 9/11 rationale, which plunged Iraq into a sectarian civil war inside a war with the United States. We left behind a vengeance-driven Shiite regime aligned with Iran. Now the sectarian war in Syria is enlarging into a region... more »

Will Every Democratic Candidate Come Out Against Another Iraq War?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 22 hours ago
It may be inconceivable to you that there are any Democrats who favor getting involved in another war in Iraq, especially a civil war based on bitter religious insanity going back over a thousand years. But it isn't inconceivable to me. Blue America will have to start asking our candidates how they feel about it, although since they are all progressives, I', guessing they will all be opposed. One candidate I won't have to guess about, though, is Rick Weiland, who's running for the open Senate seat in South Dakota. Today Rick let South Dakota voters know exactly where he stands-- n... more »

Crazy Terrorist Rabbits

theozarker at The Conflicted Doomer - 22 hours ago
June 14, 2014 It’s a lovely day here in southwest Missouri, sunny and seventy-one degrees as I write the blog post although the wind gusts are rather strong, as the creaks and groans of my old house will attest. Up … Continue reading →

Savage and Ball and a very old script!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 day ago
*SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 2014* *Today, we have naming of parts:* Today, we’ll have naming of parts! For the original war poem, click here. More precisely, we’re going to name two parts of a long, low-grade, low-IQ war which the “press corps” has been conducting for several decades now. In order to name our first part, we’ll post something Hillary Clinton said to Terry Gross. Below, you see the first exchange in the weird discussion which helped reignite this long war: GROSS (6/12/14): This is Fresh Air. I'm Terry Gross, back with Hillary Clinton. Her new memoir, Hard Choices, is about ... more »

Saudi scholar: Jewry destroys morality through children's TV shows

John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 1 day ago
Nabil Hammad, a Saudi scholar, recently appeared on Saudi TV claiming *"children’s TV shows and cartoons such as Tom and Jerry, Sesame Street and Mickey Mouse are all part of a Jewish-Zionist conspiracy to destroy the moral values of humanity,"* *The Times of Israel* reported. The article continues: “A normal child, who has been watching TV from the age of two, has been assaulted by all kinds of films,” Nabil Hammad said in excerpts of the May 15 interview on Iqraa TV, provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI). “How did the ‘sagging’ pants fashion ever emerge? The ... more »

"Rocky Horror Show - Once in a While"

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
Rocky Horror Show - Once in a While: The one song from the stage musical that was cut from the film. This is the scene cut from the film, never seen that scene until today... I love YouTube!

New Order - World In Motion

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 1 day ago
Party people, it's Saturday night. The Solid disco pick for the evening is topical but has somewhat melted into the half-forgotten soup of memory. I am of course talking about one of the finest footy records ever written. So crank it up and let your street/block/country estate know who you're singing for.

US " Catch and Release " policy biting US in the arse , apart from foreign policy incompetence in Syria popping up all over the Middle East .... BIGTIME ( June 14 , 2014 ) ........... Taliban commander exchanged for Bergdahl coordinated with al Qaeda to attack Northern Alliance the day before 9/11......... ISIS Leader: ‘See You in New York’ When Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi walked away from a U.S. detention camp in 2009, the future leader of ISIS issued some chilling final words to reservists from Long Island.“He said, ‘I’ll see you guys in New York,’” recalls Army Col. Kenneth King, then the commanding officer of Camp Bucca.........

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago Taliban commander exchanged for Bergdahl coordinated with al Qaeda to attack Northern Alliance the day before 9/11 By THOMAS JOSCELYNJune 13, 2014 One of the five senior Taliban leaders transferred to Qatar in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl played a key role in al Qaeda's plans leading up to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Mohammad Fazl, who served as the Taliban's army chief of staff and deputy defense minister prior to his detention at Guantánamo, did not have a hand in planning the actual 9/11 hi... more »

June 14: Please, Mr. Mayor....

Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 1 day ago
On page A1, Mayor George Leblanc says "...police killings will not define Moncton." Mr. Mayor, talk a walk to Victoria Part.There is a monument there with the many, many names of people from this city who were killed in two world wars. So many names - but their deaths did not define or crush Moncton. The very idea that the recent police killings might do what two world wars did not is absurd. But you and the TandT have consistently repeated that story. The result of that sort of repetition does NOT reassure people. What it does is to make them feel more vulnerable, more anxious. ... more »

Paul Krugman And Bruce Dixon Address The Scourge Of Beltway Politics: Careerism

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
Steny Hoyer and Al Wynn, a couple of good ole boy Maryland crooks Actually, Krugman was only addressing right-wing careerism-- and it's role in the real-time unraveling of movement conservatism-- but much of what he says can be applied to the political hacks on both sides of the aisle. Patently dishonest Republican Party strategy has led to the recruitment, increasingly, of "apparatchiks, motivated more by careerism than by conviction," he wrote. And that m.o. certainly fits the corporate Democrats-- led by Steny Hoyer, Joe Crowley, Steve Israel, Ron Kind, Debbie Wasserman Schultz (p... more »

A Week of American Pathology

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 1 day ago
Nothing expresses the shallow narcissism and brutal arrogance of the American political/media complex so much as its reaction to the cataclysm that is Iraq. To wit: *"Over the past decade, American troops have made extraordinary sacrifices to give Iraqis an opportunity to claim their own future.... Obviously our troops and the American people and the American taxpayers made huge investments and sacrifices in order to give Iraqis the opportunity to chart a better course, a better destiny.”* -- Barack Obama. He delivered his Friday remarks with obvious impatience and haste, Marine O... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
Bath forum eyes state’s reliance on military spending 6-13-14 The Times Record BATH, MAINE A newly-formed citizens’ coalition based in Bath, Midcoast Citizens for Sustainable Economies, will host a forum from 6:30 to 8 p.m. June 27 for the exchange of information and ideas about the diversification of Maine’s military manufacturing sector. At the forum, which will take place at the Winter Street Church, experts will review what other states are currently doing to move beyond their dependence on military spending and seed a discussion about the possibilities for Maine. “In 2... more »

Screw you, Gove - BBC's 'Dateline'

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 1 day ago
Honestly [as the politician said to the voter], I really wasn't intending to write about *Dateline London *this week, but my chest has been well and truly sat on by this week's edition...broadcast, as ever, to the world at large by a proud BBC...and now I really need to get it off. I managed to get through the Iraq bit, noting that the Iraqi journalist who writes for an Arabic paper which supports the Saudi Royal Family [Mina al Oraibi] was most critical of the present (largely Shia) Iraqi government and that the U.S. liberal - who always seems such a slavish pro-Democrat comment... more »

Hopelessly Stupid People Talking About Iraq

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 1 day ago
Back in the day, when perhaps only 500,000 human beings had been killed in Iraq, I had an exchange with "conservative" blogger "Papa Junker" from the blog "Celestial Junk." While we were talking about some other subject, he asked if I'd care to admit that my side had gotten Iraq completely wrong. Given that there had been no "Weapons of Mass Destruction" found there and that the occupation had turned into a bloody civil war, I could only sit stunned as I read his version that, ignoring the naysayers, bush II had gone in and removed a tyrant from power, freeing the Iraqi people who, ... more »


David Greene at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago

We need to remember that the impediments to self-directed learning are by design

Robert D. Skeels * rdsathene at Schools Matter - 1 day ago
[image: Alfie Kohn] *"When teachers are told exactly what and how to teach, when they feel pressured to produce results, they in turn tend to pressure their students. That is exactly what another study found: teachers who felt controlled became more controlling, removing virtually any opportunities for students to direct their own learning." — Alfie Kohn* As always the wonderful Alfie Kohn is right on target. What's left out of his important analysis is that these conditions are exactly what our ruling class—namely, but not limited to the Gates, Broad, and Walton Family Foundation... more »

Silly Saturday

Capt. Fogg at The Impolitic - 1 day ago
By Capt. Fogg OK, call it silly Saturday, but they're all the same, all silly and it's a shame. Went to the grocery store and grabbed a package of the yogurt covered cranberries my wife likes and what do you know? They're now *Greek* yogurt covered cranberries although they taste exactly the same. The revolution is over. There's no more non-Hellenic yogurt to be had anywhere in any form. Active, inactive, fruit on the bottom or no fruit at all, it's all Greek, all the time and forever. Another win for commercial groupspeak. Opa! The way we talk! I've never heard it before but... more »

"Mosul, the second largest city in Iraq, has just been overrun by al Qaeda forces. These are the forces that Washington has claimed a number of times to have completely defeated. These "defeated" forces now control Iraq's second largest city and a number of provinces. The person Washington left in charge of Iraq is on his knees begging Washington for military help and air support against the Jihadist forces that the incompetent Bush regime unleashed in the Muslim world." -- Paul Craig Roberts

David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago
------------------------------ *Washington’s Iraq “Victory” — Paul Craig Roberts* ------------------------------ June 14, 2014 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter Washington’s Iraq “Victory” Paul Craig Roberts The citizens of the United States still do not know why their government destroyed Iraq. “National Security” will prevent them from ever knowing. “National Security” is the cloak behind which hides the crimes of the US government. George Herbert Walker Bush, a former Director of the Centra... more »

A Samurai’s Creed

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago
A Samurai’s Creed Anonymous, Circa 1300 I have no parents; I make the heaven and earth my mother and father. I have no home; I make awareness my dwelling. I have no life and death; I make the tides of breathing my life and death. I have no divine power; I make honesty my divine power. I have no means; I make understanding my means. I have no magic secrets; I make character my magic secret. I have no body; I make endurance my body. I have no eyes; I make the flash of lightning my eyes. I have no ears; I make sensibility my ears. I have no limbs; I make promptness my l... more »

The Establishment New Republic Smears Chris Hedges as a Plagiarist

Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 1 day ago
The New Republic is a corporate Democrat pimping mouthpiece from which some of the most cowardly and dishonest smear campaigns are launched into the national media cesspool on behalf of the corrupt establishment. It was earlier this year that the magazine/website did abrutal hatchet job on former government contractor turned heroic NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and journalist Glenn Greenwald. The epic sliming - which also threw in Wikileaks leader Julian Assange for good measure - was penned by Sean Wilentz, a pal of Bill and Hillary Clinton and logged in at over 6,000 words, t... more »

Musings On Iraq In The News

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 1 day ago
I was interviewed by Rudaw for the article “Kurdish Oil Puts Region at Political Crossroads” and by Egypt's Ahram Online for "ISIL jihadists push towards Baghdad." I was quoted in "The Ever-Imploding Iraq" in Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish. I talked with the Loopcast about the current security crisis in Iraq and American Contractor about a number of events going on as well.

Has the extinction rate increased 1,000 times?

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 1 day ago
Lots of journalists happily spread the "gospel" about a recent paper in the Science Magazine, The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection by S.L. Pimm and 8 co-authors (U.S., U.K., Brazil). The abstract suggests it is a rather careful, conservative paper with some interesting statistics. The summaries in the media are not so careful, I think. The eye-catching figure is that it's being estimated – and as far as I see, the paper *assumes* it is essentially right – that the "number of species that go extinct per year" has increased by thre... more »

Pregnant Chelsea Clinton actually appeared in public in this "outfit"...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*I know there are all sorts of really important things going on, buuuuuuuuuuut you really need to see this (and it's all I can handle today.)* Really. What was she thinking?

A fantastic Stanley Cup Final June 14 , 2014 ( was this the best five game Series you've seen or what ? ) Kings deserving Champs but hats off to the huge hearted Rangers

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Deadspin..... Alec Martinez Was Mic'd Up For His Double-OT Stanley Cup Winner 10,262g 11 [image: Sean-Newell] Sean NewellProfile Sean Newell Filed to: LOS ANGELES KINGS - STANLEY CUP FINAL - NEW YORK RANGERS - ALEC MARTINEZ - NHL Today 9:37am - EShare to Kinja - jShare to Facebook - iShare to Twitter - rGo to permalink Los Angeles Kings defenseman Alec Martinez deposited a meaty rebound in the back of the net at 14:43 in double-overtime, giving the Kings a 3-2 win and the Stanley Cup. The NHL had Martinez mic'd up for the moment and even though it's exactly... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago

Your moment of Zen

Capt. Fogg at The Impolitic - 1 day ago
*Cloud to cloud lightning, Florida*

What about the Children??!11!?? (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 1 day ago
For so-cons, it's aaallll about the children. The new prostitution bill, C36, among other things, would criminalize the selling of sex anywhere children might reasonably be expected to be present, which given the little buggers' omnipresence is literally *anywhere*. Because as pearl-clutching Focus on the Family lady, Andrea Mrozek, says: "Parents don’t want to see massage parlours next to ballet schools." Though, twitterer Voice of tReason points out there is some overlap. @canadiancynic @fernhilldammit yeah but ya kinda need a sense of rhythm for both professions — Voice of tReas... more »

"Unprecedented" 13 Aircraft Simply Vanish from Radar

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
Disquieting and curious? *The "undprecedented" disappearances happened on 5 June and 10 June, hitting control rooms in Austria and neighbouring countries.* *The relevant EU agencies have been asked to investigate, Austria's flight safety organisation said yesterday.* * Marcus Pohanka of Austro Control said the height, location, identities and other information for a total of 13 aircraft suddenly vanished.* He said several neighbouring countries had similar incidents and the EU's Eurocontrol and European Aviation Safety Agency has been asked for a probe. He did not identify the oth... more »

Let's Hope They Draw The Right Lessons

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 1 day ago
Ontario -- and Ontarians -- are lucky. So writes Gerry Caplan: The Liberals’ luck is also Ontario’s luck. The Conservatives, and a good number of observers, believed Tim Hudak would emerge with the most seats, though not a majority. By parliamentary tradition, the Lieutenant-Governor would have been obliged to ask the last premier to form a government if she could; had Andrea Horwath agreed to support the Liberals – and now we’ll never know – the latter could have formed another minority. Yet as another way of scaring voters away from Mr. Hudak, Ms. Wynne took the dubious gamble o... more »

Ontario Election 2014, Post Thoughts - Part 2

Catelli at Not Quite Unhinged - 1 day ago
(Part 1 here) The Ontario election was a referendum on fiscal conservatism. Or so quite a few opinion pieces amongst various media outlets tell us. (I know these two are from the Natioal Post, they're the only ones I could find that were minimally hyperbolic.) I think that is too simplistic a view of what happened. As I argued in Part 1, many voters wanted a minority government. When people

Bad Idea For USA: Intervening In Other Countries' Religious Wars

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
I was in my car a few nights ago and I heard a pompous asshole, Max Boot, on NPR, introduced as an Iraq expert-- he was an advisor on Iraq to McCain and Romney's failed presidential campaigns. I wanted to write down the load of crap he was spewing about how Obama is "losing" Iraq and I was especially eager to try to remember the nonsense he was babbling about how the Sunnis and the Shia get along so well. But I couldn't remember and I just let it pass-- until Thursday night, when Chris Hayes played the above compendium of McCain's colossal wrongness on Iraq. And there was the sill... more »

Great Works Quotation by Samuel Johnson

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 1 day ago


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 1 day ago
*Did This Student Receive a Bad Grade on a College Paper Because She Cited Heritage Foundation?* Hayley Waring, a student at Southern Methodist University, has an opinion piece in The College Conservative about former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s commencement address last month at Harvard. Mayor Bloomberg criticized left-wing censorship of conservative ideas on campus. Waring said Bloomberg is correct and discussed her own experience at SMU: “Last semester, I took a public policy class with a professor who often let her left-leaning views leak into her lectures while assur... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 1 day ago
*The Stockpile Solution for curbing fossil fuel use*: *Bryan Caplan is being a bit silly below. Stockpiling a commodity would raise its price and draw out more supply. And eventually the government would run out of money to build their ever-bigger stockpiles* If I were convinced that the fate of mankind hinged on massive reductions in carbon emissions, I would still be pessimistic about unilateral taxes or cap-and-trade. As I told Yoram: National emissions regulations can have perverse global effects. If relatively clean countries switch to clean energy (via command-and-control... more »

Ukraine Updates June 14 , 2014 -- Dozens dead as rebels down Ukraine army plane Kiev launches air strikes against rebels in Luhansk after 49 people die in downing of plane landing at city's airport - in light of the US State Department commentary Friday that Separatists had accumulated heavy weapons from Russian including tanks and rocket launches , expect to hear drumbeats for more sanctions against Russia . ......... Gazprom-Naftogaz meeting to be held in Kiev on June 14

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago June 14, 2014 Ukraine: These Tanks ... And The State Department Lies Again The Ukrainian coup government claims that Russian tanks crossed the border and are in use by federalists in east Ukraine. First claims talked about three Russian T-72 tanks but later claims changed the type of the tank to T64s. The tanks can be seen driving here (vid) and here (vid). The U.S. State Department is now endorsing that claim: The State Department said Friday that Russia had sent tanks and other heavy weapons to separatists in Ukraine, supporting accusations Thursday b... more »

Open Thread: If You're Going to Fuck the World, Might as Well Use Plenty of Lube edition

jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 1 day ago
Still working like a fiend on *Tatterdemalion*. What's going on in *your* neck of the woods?

Mike's Story Part 50 - Shaking

Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 1 day ago
*By **Jenna** Orkin* *February 25, 2007* * For whatever reason, Mike overcame his misgivings about meeting a stranger so we got together with L, a lean Vermonter, who treated us to lunch at a Midtown hotel with a panoramic view.* * He'd heard a lecture by one of Mike's former colleagues who is now peddling investment services to poor dairy farmers. Then he pulled out his phone (unless it was another electronic gadget in 2007) and showed us pictures of his beautifully appointed house, set up to have a fighting chance of surviving collapse. We were invited to come whenever we w... more »

Ontario Election 2014, Post Thoughts - Part 1

Catelli at Not Quite Unhinged - 1 day ago
With the latest round of voter malaise given voice by the recent Ontario election, Alheli Picazo took aim at the 'Decline your Vote' meme that started to gain popularity. While I agree with the spirit of the argument, I find that I cannot accept the logic of it. She had two main points, "declining your ballot succeeds in 'sending a message' about as well as abstaining achieves a 'total

Turkey Updates ( June 12 , 2014 ) .......Turkey's hubris and arrogance that led to involvement in the Syria War ( and the training funding , providing safe harbor and weapons to Islamists has blown up in Turkish faces !

Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Turkey..... - - - - - Hurriyet... Turkey not working on new mandate for military action in Iraq: Minister ANKARA - Reuters Print PageSend to friend » - - - - - Share on Facebook [image: Bekir Bozdağ during a speech at Parliament. AA Photo] Bekir Bozdağ during a speech at Parliament. AA Photo The Turkish government is not working on any new mandate to authorize a cross-border military operat... more »

Why did 'Newsnight' apologise?

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 1 day ago
So what was that *Newsnight* apology about then?: *"On 7 March the Ten O'Clock News and Newsnight broadcast a report alleging a possible police cover-up over an allegedly corrupt officer, DC John Davidson. The claims should have been put to the Met, an omission for which we apologise. The Met, in fact, says that it did not claim in its evidence to the Ellison Review that there were no records of the officer's links to a separate investigation into the murder of Daniel Morgan and it does not accept that the BBC produced evidence of a possible cover-up. We were wrong to suggest the ... more »

I don't think you're supposed to say that out loud

Alison at Creekside - 1 day ago
On April 29, 2014, General Petraeus, former director of the CIA and commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan and Iraq, gave a talk on "leadership skills" in the "global war on terror" to members of the National Guard, some of whom had served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was introduced by the Treasurer of North Dakota [bold : mine] "Good evening. My name is Kelly Schmidt and I'm the Treasurer for the state of North Dakota. It is my pleasure to have spent the day today with retired General David Petraeus. David and I have been out in the western portion of North Dakota where we have sh... more »

IAI, Rheinmetall integrating anti-missile systems

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: Rheinmetall MASS Decoy System]Naval self-defense systems to counter sensor-guided missiles are being combined by Israel Aerospace Industries and Rheinmetall of Germany. IAI said its plan will see the ELM-2222S Navguard advanced radar system integrated with the German company's Multi Ammunition Softkill System, or MASS. In testing of the integration, the resultant system performed successfully against incoming sea-launched and land-launched missiles. Read more

Multi-million pound revamp for RAF Marham

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
The Ministry of Defence is planning millions of pounds of upgrades to RAF Marham in Norfolk, to support the operating of the next generation of fighter aircraft. The proposals, which are still in the early planning stages, will see an estimated £7.5m injected into the creation of new concrete vertical landing pads to support the operation of the RAFs brand new Joint Strike Fighter aircraft, due to enter service in the coming years. Able to land and take-off vertically, the new F-35 aircraft are currently under testing with manufacturer Lockheed Martin in the United States. Source

Modi aboard India's largest aircraft carrier

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Saturday reached Goa and went aboard INS Vikramaditya, the largest and most powerful aircraft carrier inducted into the Indian Navy, marking his first visit to a military facility after assuming office last month. He also hopped into the cockpit of a MiG-29 K fighter jet. The prime minister took the salute and also met and interacted with the crew on board INS Vikramaditya. Modi was accompanied by navy chief Admiral R.K. Dhowan, and was accorded a ceremonial guard of honour. Read more

Coast Guard upgrades from 32-year-old aircraft

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: HC-144 Ocean Sentry]Coast Guard Sector Corpus Christi’s first HC-144 Ocean Sentry aircraft will replace a 32-year-old Falcon jet used to aide the maritime patrol and search and rescue missions in South Texas, according to a news release. The medium-ranged, twin-engine aircraft is the first of three aircrafts that can be used to help mariners located more than 400 miles from shore. The aircraft, also used to locate and identify illicit maritime activities, can carry 40 passengers, as much as 9,400 pounds of cargo and can be configured to carry litters for medical patients. R... more »

Navy Prepares F-35C for Carrier Landing

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: F-35C Lightning II]Navy test pilots are conducting numerous shore-based test landings of the F-35C of the next-generation Joint Strike Fighter in anticipation of its first at-sea landing on an aircraft carrier later this year, service officials said. The shore landings, taking place at Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md., are designed to replicate the range of conditions which the F-35C is likely to encounter at sea – to the extent that is possible. Test pilots are working on what they call a structural survey, an effort to assess the F-35C’s ability to land in a wide rang... more »

Iraq Crisis: US Moves Aircraft Carrier To Persian Gulf As Obama Weighs Military Options

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: USS George H.W. Bush]The U.S. aircraft carrier George H.W. Bush is being moved to the Persian Gulf in case President Barack Obama authorizes airstrikes in Iraq, CNN reported Friday. Iraq is in turmoil after an al Qaeda offshoot, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, made advances this week in the north and north-central portions of the country, including the seizure of Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city. On Thursday, Obama said he was mulling all options on Iraq, saying, "I don't rule anything out." His spokesman, Jay Carney, later clarified, saying the president is not consid... more »

DARPA, Navy want long-range ISR drones for smaller ships

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: Tactically Exploited Reconnaissance Node (TERN)]Long-range intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions are important to military operations, but they require either an aircraft carrier or a ground base from which to launch aircraft. Pentagon and Navy researchers want to change that, by developing unmanned aircraft that can launch from smaller ships without having to modify their decks. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement on a joint program called Tern, which seeks to build a proto... more »

German Navy Flight Operator Achieves 3,000 Flight Hours During Flight With EU Naval Force

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: German P-3C Orion]On Wednesday 4 June, a flight operator in the Djiboutian based German Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) P-3C Orion crew reached an impressive 3,000 flight hours’ milestone. The German Navy flight operator reached his 3,000 hours during an operational flight with the EU Naval Force counter-piracy mission, Operation Atalanta. The flight operator started his career in the German Navy Aeronautical Service in 1998. Speaking about his role, the senior Chief Petty Officer stated “As an Above Water Warfare (AWW) operator, I am responsible for the h... more »

'Newsnight' - 9-13 June

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 1 day ago
*Newsnight* had to apologise again this week. The apology came at the end of last night's edition of the programme: *"On 7 March the Ten O'Clock News and Newsnight broadcast a report alleging a possible police cover-up over an allegedly corrupt officer, DC John Davidson. The claims should have been put to the Met, an omission for which we apologise. The Met, in fact, says that it did not claim in its evidence to the Ellison Review that there were no records of the officer's links to a separate investigation into the murder of Daniel Morgan and it does not accept that the BBC produ... more »

How To Make Natural Ginger Ale

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 1 day ago
[image: Foto: How To Make Natural Ginger Ale This naturally fizzy soda is packed full of beneficial enzymes and probiotics, it tastes delicious, is incredibly refreshing and packs a real health punch due to the almost magical properties of ginger. Click the link to find out how to make it.] Wellness Mama, 20 June 2014 It turns out that soda hasn’t always been the high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavor concoction in an aluminum can that we know today. For hundreds of years (and probably much longer) cultures... more »

The End of The Iraqi State?

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*An excerpt from, "Iraq’s Grand Ayatollah Sistani Issues Call to Arms to Fight al-Qaeda" by Jason Ditz, Antiwar, June 13, 2014: * Notoriously reluctant to involve himself in security affairs, Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, the top Shi’ite religious leader in Iraq, has issued a call to arms today, urging everyone who is able to do so to take up arms and fight the advancing al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). *Sistani’s unprecedented call has seen considerable response already, as volunteers are loaded into trucks and sent northward, toward the AQI front. The Iraqi Army, by contrast, continues to d... more »

Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Vision Quest” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Medwyn Goodall, “Vision Quest” -

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“How massive can a normal star be? Estimates made from distance, brightness and standard solar models had given one star in the open cluster Pismis 24 over 200 times the mass of our Sun, nearly making it the record holder. This star is the brightest object located just above the gas front in the above below. *Click image for larger size.* Close inspection of images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope, however, have shown that Pismis 24-1 derives its brilliant luminosity not from a single star but from three at least. Component stars would still remain near 100 solar masses, making ... more »

Doonesbury Watch: Ms. Caucus goes to law school (with Saturday UPDATE)

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*The Caucus family tree* *by Ken* I've made no secret of the fact that of all the *Doonesbury* characters, it seems to be Joanie Caucus who exerts the strongest pull on me, and one thing that the apparently unending world of *Doonesbury* weekday reruns archival flashbacks has made possible for us is to revisit the long path Joanie has traveled, from her flight from an abusive husband to the position of day-care provider for the Walden Commune on up to her coming out of retirement to join the Senate staff of Elizabeth Warren -- and also embracing, or at any rate falling into, the r... more »

Lies And Crime

Grant G at The Straight Goods - 1 day ago
Lies And Crime *Written By Mark Taliano* Hanna Arendt describes a peculiar dynamic of mob mentality in her classic The Origins Of Totalitarianism that resonates with the world today. She explains that “one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the... more »

Chet Raymo, “This View of Life, With Its Several Powers” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* “This View of Life, With Its Several Powers”* by Chet Raymo “Somewhere in his "lost" notebooks Loren Eiseley writes of the pleasure of exploding a puffball in a woodland clearing, or shaking seeds out of their pods. As I recall, he takes a gleeful satisfaction in messing with evolution, in hurrying the process along. I remember identifying with that sentiment when I read it. I like exploding puffballs too. Dropping insects into spider webs. Picking up turtles that are half-way across a road and placing them in a ditch on the other side. Most of all I like breaking off the stalks ... more »

From Snowy Ski Slopes to Sun-Kissed Shushtar:Two 4-Minute Videos of an Iran Rarely Seen

Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 1 day ago
Earlier this month, a freak sandstorm swept through Tehran, effectively shutting down the metropolis and tragically taking the lives of at least five people. Such an event might not seem like such an anomaly to those whose conception of Iran’s landscape resembles Lawrence of Arabia rather than reality. This past February, Tehran also experienced the largest snowfall the city had seen in half a

Apple, Starbucks, Others Under EU Tax Investigation

Kenneth Thomas at Middle Class Political Economist - 1 day ago
No sooner do I comment on the difference between tax planning and tax avoidance than Richard Murphy points out that several multinational corporations are having their tax deals looked at for potential violations of the European Union's state aid rules. As The Guardian and The Wall Street Journal report, there are three cases currently under investigation by the European Commission, but more investigations may be opened in the near future.First is Apple in Ireland. What a surprise! It has a subsidiary it claims is taxable nowhere, incorporated in Ireland but managed from California... more »

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