Rik Mayall R.I.P.
So sad, so very sad, at the news of Rik Mayall's death. He was part of my
growing up, he made me laugh so much in The Young Ones and The New
Statesman and prior to that as one half of The Dangerous Brothers and 20th
Century Coyote.
But most of all, he was Flashheart in Blackadder, here's his best two
appearances in that series...
Lord Flashheart's appearance at Blackadder's wedding - 2minutes and 48
seconds of a force of nature scene stealing and all with a half falling off
"Thanks bridesmaid, like the beard. Gives me something to hang onto!"
"She's got a tongue like... more »
Indonesia Tv Live Aplikasi TV Indonesia Online Streaming di HP Android
Tv Live Aplikasi TV Indonesia Online Streaming di HP Android -
Assalammulaiakum kawan, dari tadi pernah berjuta-juta sekali yang
kita-kita bahas, termasuk Game Angry Bird Go tadi, dan sekarang
kite-kite akan membahas salah esa aplikasi android yang mungkin sudah
engkau miliki di ponsel android sampean. ialah tanah air beta Tv live,
dan sekarang kite-kite akan membahasnya untuk anda.
Tutorial dan Cara Menghitamkan rambut secara alami
Menghitamkan Rambut Secara Alami - Selamat siang sahabat setia
kamuscara.com, senang sekali bisa berjumpa kembali dengan kalian segala.
Apakah diantara kalian ada yang menghadapi perubahan warna rambut
menjadi coklat kemeahan dan ingin merubah kembali membikin hitam?
Tenang, pada kesempatan siang hari ini kami akan membahas mengenai cara
menghitamkan rambut secara alami.
memo to ruth graham: readers who try to shame other readers should be embarrassed by their narrow-mindedness
Ruth Graham, writing in Slate, says, "You should feel embarrassed when what
you're reading was written for children." How sad. If anyone should feel
embarrassed, it's Graham. She apparently writes this commentary without
realizing how narrow-minded, outdated, and ignorant it makes her appear.
Then again, what can we expect from a person who describes a love scene by
saying a young man "deflowers" his girlfriend? Perhaps Graham hasn't
noticed, but in the 21st Century, women are not passive objects; their
first sexual experience is not imagined as a loss of innocence and
delicacy. Haz... more »
And, FFS, Mark Easton...

And if all that isn't enough, please give the latest blog-post from Lucy
Manning's opposite number at the BBC, Mark Easton.
In it, Mark demonstrates the complete lack of impartiality for which many a
top BBC reporter is known (in certain circles).
Mark echoes his colleagues on the BBC's *News at Six* by openly downplaying
the concerns about hardline Muslim infiltration and intimidation in
Birmingham's schools.
He then equates the kind of Muslim 'conservatism' that ITV described
tonight - i.e. the sort of thing that has prompted the government to sent
in an 'anti-terror chief' - w... more »
Musical Interlude: Loreena McKennitt, “Mystic’s Dream”
Loreena McKennitt, “Mystic’s Dream”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL9KWB0M4UU
Fyodor Dostoevsky, “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”
*“The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”*
by Fyodor Dostoevsky
"For I have seen the truth; I have seen and I know that people can be
beautiful and happy without losing the power of living on earth. I will not
and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of mankind. And it is
just this faith of mine that they laugh at. But how can I help believing
it? I have seen the truth- it is not as though I had invented it with my
mind, I have seen it, seen it, and the living image of it has filled my
soul for ever. I have seen it in such full perfection that I cannot believe
that it is impo... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Every book has a first page and every catalog a first entry. And so this
lovely blue cosmic cloud begins the van den Bergh Catalog (vdB) of stars
surrounded by reflection nebulae. Interstellar dust clouds reflecting the
light of the nearby stars, the nebulae usually appear blue because
scattering by the dust grains is more effective at shorter (bluer)
wavelengths. The same type of scattering gives planet Earth its blue
daytime skies.
* Click image for larger size.*
Van den Bergh's 1966 list contains a total of 158 entries more easily
visible from the northern hemisphere, including ... more »
"The Only Way..."
"The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have
enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not."
- George Bernard Shaw
Just Another "nonmanic" Monday,

Not one day in Costa Rica is manic! But I do like that song.........
Today, I slept in a little and then went on our run. I lucked out and did
not have the sun beating on me even though I ran later than usual. Whoot.
It is a lot easier running in the heat with no sun. The sun kicks my ass
in the runs.
Made Kurt French toast today with homemade vanilla honey syrup and
bananas. Him and the pugs enjoyed it. I think him and the pugs are
enjoying all the homemade food! Trying to buy nothing packaged, which is
why I made my own syrup today.
Went into town to get paint today. ... more »
Wes Neuman's First Try To Replace John Mica-- A Guest Post

2012 saw a big drop off in votes for President Obama in central Florida's
7th district. In 2008 the R+4 district gave Obama 49% of its vote
(164,563). In 2012 that dropped to 155,489 (47%). The Tea Party "Democrat"
in the 2012 race against GOP incumbent John Mica, Jason Kendall, only
managed 41% (130,509). Mica out-performed Romney by around 13,000 votes,
while 25,000 Obama voters refused to vote for Kendall. This year FL-07,
Seminole and Orange county suburbs north of Orlando-- Winter Park, Altamont
Springs, Forest City, Maitland, Longwood-- and small town Volusia County up
throu... more »
Is The Seattle "Shooting" A Hoax? Great Videos From Pt1gard Exposes It As A Fraud!
We have just seen the Jew spew mainstream media go hog wild over the latest
"shooting" in Las Vegas Nevada. It does seem that now on a weekly basis
we are seeing these shootings take place across America, and of course we
find all the liars in the media and many government officials shortly after
each shooting calling for gun control legislation across America as a
I have yet to sift through all of the evidence to determine if the latest
shooting in Las Vegas is authentic, but for this article I want to present
some very strong evidence courtesy of my friend, Greg, who i... more »
Oath of Office – New South Wales Police Force

*Oath of Office – New South Wales Police Force*
"I, *...[ASIO Case Officer assigned to Bob Geldof KBE]… *do swear,
that, I will well and truly serve, our Sovereign Lady the Queen,
As a Police Officer without favour or affection, malice or ill-will, until
I am legally discharged, that I will see and cause, Her Majesty’s peace to
be kept and preserved;
And that, I will prevent to the best of my power, all offences against that
And that, while I continue to be a Police Officer,
I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge all the duties
faithfully, a... more »
The Poet: Anne Sexton, "Courage"
"It is in the small things we see it.
The child's first step,
as awesome as an earthquake.
The first time you rode a bike,
wallowing up the sidewalk.
The first spanking when your heart
went on a journey all alone.
When they called you crybaby
or poor or fatty or crazy
and made you into an alien,
you drank their acid
and concealed it.
if you faced the death of bombs and bullets
you did not do it with a banner,
you did it with only a hat to
cover your heart.
You did not fondle the weakness inside you
though it was there.
Your courage was a small coal
that you kept swall... more »
“Dark Night of the Soul: Surrendering the Ego”
*“Dark Night of the Soul: Surrendering the Ego”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"While we are in a dark night of the soul experience, hold steady knowing
the light will appear once again. Whenever a word is overused, it is most
likely being misused, and over time, it begins to lose its meaningfulness.
For example, we often refer to a fleeting feeling of depression or a period
of confusion, as a dark night of the soul, but neither of these things
qualifies as such. A dark night of the soul is a very specific experience
that some people encounter on their spiritual journeys. There are... more »
Chet Raymo, “Sky High”
*“Sky High”*
by Chet Raymo
“As upright primates, the sky is half of our visual field, but we give it
only a tiny fraction of our attention. Food, drink, sex and shelter are all
to be found close to the ground. What goes on above our heads is mostly
Here in Ireland the sky is much more than half our visual field; we
couldn't ignore it if we wanted to. Our cottage is perched on a hill above
Dingle Bay, and beyond the garden wall the land slopes to the sea, as if
trying to get out of the way, surrendering the view to- air. Insistent,
in-your-face, not-to-be-ignored nitrog... more »
Vegan Recipe - Amazing Legume: LentilsBy Marcy Gaston

*First, I’d like to thank Small Footprints for letting me guest blog today.
I’m very happy to contribute a recipe to her blog and share some yummy
vegan goodness with all of her readers. So, today’s recipe and post are
about lentils: the little legume that could. Lentils are a subject that
I’ve been researching, writing about, and presenting on for the past few
months. Instead of boring you about my work, you can read about it HERE or
HERE. As a result of my work, I feel like I really know lentils now and I
want everyone to get to know them, too. My colleagues (fellow gra... more »
China missing metal sage continues ( June 9 - 10 , 2014 ) -- Goldman examines the situation in the Port of Qingdao , the copper market outlook , CCFD unwinding - foreign banks could be bagholders with undercollateralized loans and / or losses ! Strangely while a major unwind could push copper prices lower , the unwind could result in higher gold price ( suppression of gold prices due o gold CFD removed )
Bronze Swan Lands: Goldman Explains How The China Commodity Unwind Will
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/09/2014 21:26 -0400
- Black Swan
- China
- Copper
- Dennis Gartman
- Fail
- goldman sachs
- Goldman Sachs
- Lehman
- Precious Metals
- Reality
- Shadow Banking
Over a year ago we were the first to bring the topic of China's shadow
banking system's problematic rehypothec... more »
Immigration Kibuki ( June 9 , 2014 ) Immigration is a perfect example to watch how the Uniparty ( Dem and GOP Elites ) work together to achieve a common goal...... Obama creates crisis , rather than calling him out for the crisis , the GOP leadership starts on their agenda of Immigration reform !
Child Alien Crisis Obama's Fault, But GOP Won't Pounce48 Comments
Posted 06:52 PM ET
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- inShare
*Immigration:* Republicans should take the president to task for unlawfully
enticing thousands of "unaccompanied illegal children" from Latin America
to cross the border. Instead, a GOP leader asks for an amnesty deal.
What is at the top of the Republican wish list? A vibrant e... more »
Women & children refugees from eastern Ukraine now in Russia appeal to the
Families who fled the turmoil started a Twitter campaign #DontKillUs urging
the Kiev government to stop the deadly military operation in the area.
What Henry Hazlitt Can Teach Us About Inflation in 2014
*Guest post by Jim Grant. **This article is adapted from a portion of the
Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture, delivered at the 2014 Austrian Economics
Research Conference by Jim Grant.*
[image: Front Cover]Believe me, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand at the
pinnacle of financial journalism, you’re standing at sea level. There are
exceptions to the rule, of course. The Victorian polymath Walter Bagehot,
second editor of *The Economist*, was one. Twentieth century American
journalists Garet Garrett, John Chamberlain and — my old mentor at
*Barron’s* — Robert M. Bleiberg were others.... more »
Another LOUSY Non-Believable False Flag: The Las Vegas Shooting False Flag

It looks like they've stepped up the FALSE FLAG's to the tune of about one
per week in the past few weeks. The latest is the LAS VEGAS FALSE FLAG. As
with all the false flags, they have a formula to instantly raise suspicion.
The NSA should be disbanded, because if this "official story" were true,
we're spending MILLIONS & MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars supporting an agency
that appears to be spying on everyone except who they're SUPPOSED to be
spying on!!! They are USELESS and their purpose is something other than
what we think.
*Some of the "formula" points are:*
- mention "white... more »
The US Hurricane Drought in USA Today
I have an op-ed in USA Today tomorrow on the ongoing US "hurricane
drought." Here is how it starts:
In 1933, Richard Gray, a U.S. government weather forecaster, noted that
Florida had been hit by at least 37 hurricanes over the 45 years ending in
1930. During this period, the longest stretch with no tropical storms was
only two years.
When the 2014 hurricane season officially began on June 1, the Sunshine
State had gone more than eight years without being struck by a hurricane.
It was back on Oct. 24, 2005, when Hurricane Wilma emerged from the Gulf of
Mexico and caused billions o... more »
Senator Edward Zorinsky

*“The Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1972 amended the Smith-Mundt
Act to include a ban on disseminating within the United States any
‘information about the United States, its people, and its policies’
prepared for dissemination abroad.'*
*The Zorinsky Amendment added a new prohibition: *
*"no funds authorized to be appropriated to the United States Information
Agency shall be used to influence public opinion in the United States, and
no program material prepared by the United States Information Agency shall
be distributed within the United States.”*
http://publicdiplomacy... more »
The increased frequency of killings by Israeli occupation forces of
Palestinians in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank coupled with the
testimony of Israeli soldiers who are beginning to speak out about Israeli
operations in the occupied territories seems to confirm that Israel is
attempting to deliberately provoke the Palestinians into launch a third
Intifada in order to provide Israel with a *casus belli* to fully occupy
the West Bank with the long term aim of annexation.
For ten years a group called Breaking the Silence, founded by ex-Israeli
Defence Force personnel who have b... more »
My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout!
It’s official. Anthony Cody just posted on the Education Bloggers Network
that NCTQ will host a “media conference call” to release its 2014 Teacher
Prep Review. Please understand that I am not in any way upset with Anthony.
He simply shared a press release from the propaganda machine that calls
itself the National Council for Teacher […]
Throwing Stones At ALEC
Corporate people who live insulated from the masses should be careful when
they throw stones at ALEC--the stones can bounce back and bite them in the
There is a certain level of hypocrisy that the public will not accept -
even from non-profit corporations. Non-profit corporations can't spend
their time throwing stones at ALEC to increase their funding, but them turn
around and partner with ALEC when it suits their fancy. Non-profit
corporations can't spend their time throwing stones at ALEC to increase
their funding, at the same time that they are supporting various ALEC
po... more »
Let the games begin! John Oliver introduces us to FIFA, the World Cup™ governing body, and Michael Palin introduces us to Brazil

*Following a collage of clips from various countries where it's claimed
that soccer is a "religion," John jumps in: "And they're not exaggerating.
When David Beckham got a tattoo of Jesus, the response of most soccer fans
was, 'Well, that's, that's huge for Jesus. That's, that's a big deal for
him.' "*
*"I know that in America soccer is something you pick your ten-year-old
daughter up from. But for me, and everyone else on earth, it's a little
more important."*
*-- John Oliver, in last night's report on "FIFA and the World Cup"*
*by Ken*
Last week I encouraged you to watch the who... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Cody, Wyoming, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
America's ongoing nuclear debacles ( June 9 , 2014 ) - Hanford ( Washington State - this debacle has gone on for many decades ) Updates from Energy News and Hanford Challenge ...... WIPP updates from Energy News and SimplyInfo - the potential for explosion of course is being suppressed , along with the extent of the ongoing contamination ......
Energy News......
NBC Right Now, Apr. 30, 2014: *Former Hanford Worker Sick from Nuclear
- *Jane Sander, reporter*: A nuclear waste spill happened hours before
at the tank farm.
- *Lonnie Poteet, Hanford worker*: I was already burning from my glove
line to my t-shirt line and… starting to lose a little bit of vision in my
right eye… Why didn’t they say something?
- *Sander*: Poteet describes living his life now as recluse… sharp pains
in his head, they cause him to often twitch. He says medication prevents
him from collapsing in pain... more »
The difference between tax planning and tax avoidance: one simple test
Over at Tax Research UK, Richard Murphy offers a simple test to distinguish
between tax planning and tax avoidance. As he told a journalist, "That is
easy. It's getting legal opinion."
With tax planning, Murphy says, you decrease your tax risk. "There are
obvious examples: paying money into a pension, for example, does not create
tax risk, and nor does putting money into an ISA [a UK individual savings
account, which is similar to an IRA but more flexible] within allowed
By contrast, "Tax avoidance, on the other hand always, and without
exception, increases your tax risk."... more »
War Watch June 9 , 2014 -- Iraq battlefield between Islamists and the Iraqi Government spreading toward Turkey , Israel ( keep an eye on what Israel decides to do to confront Islamists on their doorstep ) and has already merged with Islamists held territory in Syria ! Will the Kurd's Peshmerga be drawn into the fighting - early reports indicate the answer may be yes as Islamists are attacking in Kurd Regions in Iraq ( and have already taken control in Kurdish areas in Syria ...... Syria Updates from Syria Direct ( looking at the state of the war raging on in Syria ) ........ Iran nuclear talks updates --- With the next set of talks set for June 16 - 20 , 2014 , is there momentum to strike an improved Interim Deal ? Bilateral talks betwen Iran and the US set for June 9-10 in Geneva to attempt to pave the way for the looming P5 + 1 talks .....
Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz’s cryptic remark Monday, June 6,
that “The Israeli Air Force will next month dramatically change its mode
operation,” meant that a decision has been taken to start directing the
IAF’s fire power against military and terrorist targets in the Syrian
Iraqi arenas – in particular the al Qaeda forces foregathering ever
to Israel’s borders with Syria, Iraq and Jordan. By aerial fire power,
... more »
RoboCon Robocalls Bingo!

As lawyers in the RoboCon CREEP showtrial of Michael Sona wrapped up their
final summations today - -with *both* sides agreeing more than one person
was behind the Guelph robocall scam and that the testimony of the Crown's
*star witness* Conservative Christian Andrew Prescott against his old
friend Michael Sona should, *according to the prosecution*, likely be
approached with caution” - - Prescott posted a "Bingo Card" of the type
used as a campaign prop.
So here's mine in response ...
Your Bingo mileage may vary.
*Sona didn’t work alone in Guelph robocalls scheme, Crown alleg... more »
The Economy: “The Battle to Stop the Credit Cycle”
*“The Battle to Stop the Credit Cycle”*
by Bill Bonner
“We spent last week in France. Normandy, to be precise. We observed a flow
of Americans heading toward the north coast. It was the 70th anniversary of
the D-Day landings. Nobody wanted to be left out – especially the veterans,
for whom this would be the last remembrance.
Among them was 89-year-old Bernard Jordan. He had risked German artillery
fire seven decades ago, as a 19-year-old junior officer in the Royal Navy.
He wasn't about to let the biddies at the nursing home in East Sussex stop
him from going over last week. So he ... more »
Iran-Contra Figure Behind Fox News Exclusive Bergdahl as "Jihadist" Tale

The latest attack in the week long rampage by right-wing fanatics to
politicize the Obama trade with the Taliban for prisoner of war Bowe
Bergdahl predictably has been launched by Fox News which is portraying the
soldier as a secret jihadist and a terrorist. One has to love the way that
Fox and friends *truly* support the troops and were Sgt. Bergdahl's release
to have been secured by Senators McCain and Graham the patriotic hogwash
would have been as overwhelming as the smearing of Obama for his failure to
do so. This latest slime job comes with an interesting twist though in th... more »
*The Single Question That Could Destroy Bobby Jindal’s Political Future
*~With the stroke of the pen, Governor Bobby Jindal likely saved the oil
and gas industry billions of dollars in damages for which they otherwise
would have been legally responsible, damages that are legitimately owed to
hundreds, if not thousands, of hardworking families, businesses, and
coastal communities who were devastated by and continue to suffer from the
lingering effects of the worst environmental disaster in American history.
Governor Jindal may claim this was about ending “frivolous lawsuits... more »
James Baldwin, "Nothing Personal"
*"Nothing Personal"*
by James Baldwin
"If a society permits one portion of its citizenry to be menaced or
destroyed, then, very soon, no one in that society is safe. The forces thus
released in the people can never be held in check, but run their devouring
course, destroying the very foundations which it was imagined they would
save. But we are unbelievably ignorant concerning what goes on in our
country-to say nothing of what goes on in the rest of the world-and appear
to have become too timid to question what we are told. Our failure to trust
one another deeply enough to be able... more »
"The Trouble Is..."
“The trouble is that once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And once you’ve
seen it, keeping quiet, saying nothing, becomes as political an act as
speaking out. There’s no innocence. Either way, you’re accountable.” -
Arundhati Roy
Ok, tell me, any of you, exactly what possible threat from the citizenry
could justify this overkill? I know the real reasons why they've
militarized the police, those answers can be found right here on this
little blog if you're so inclined. One fact you had better be aware of,
too: they intend to use all this on *YOU. *- CP
*“Military Equipment Rolls I... more »
Police Violence: “It Has Happened Again, And You Still Sit On Your Arse”
*“It Has Happened Again, And You Still Sit On Your Arse”*
by Karl Denninger
“In 2010, four years ago, I wrote a scathing article on Detroit and their
cops who, with knowledge aforethought (that is, in my opinion, actual
malice) threw a bomb into a house and then charged in, shooting not their
suspect (who presumably would have been resisting) but an innocent little
Now it has happened in Georgia, while the cops were searching for a man who
their warrant claimed was selling illegal drugs. But not only was the
suspect not there the cops threw the bomb into a baby's playpen in ... more »
Exclusive: Ukraine Oligarch Poroshenko seeks 'Understanding' with Russia
*The quotations around 'understanding' are from the Times headline*
Petro Poroshenko tells TIME in his first interview as President of Ukraine
that he has no choice but to keep Russia at the negotiating table, as no
country is prepared to guarantee his country's security from further attack*
(What Russian attack? And this claim despite all the obvious NATO
involvement? )*
[image: Merkel Meets With New Ukrainian President Poroshenko]Stately
looking pic
Ukraine’s new President Petro Poroshenko wants to see Russia punished for
what he calls the “tragedy” that befell his country this y... more »
*Guest post by Dr Richard McGrath*
The recent European Parliament elections and the Newark by-election over
the weekend has further focused British media attention on Nigel Farage's
United Kingdom Independence Party, or UKIP (or even Ukip) for short.
In the European elections, UKIP were the top-polling party, outperforming
the Tories, Labour and moribund Liberal Democrats. In Newark, they came
second to the Tories but thrashed Labour, with the Lib Dems losing their
deposit (just as Libertarianz Party candidates used to, but then again Libz
were never the other half of a ruling gov... more »
"NATO leaders are currently acting out a deliberate charade in Europe, designed to reconstruct an Iron Curtain between Russia and the West. With astonishing unanimity, NATO leaders feign surprise at events they planned months in advance. Events that they deliberately triggered are being misrepresented as sudden, astonishing, unjustified “Russian aggression”. The United States and the European Union undertook an aggressive provocation in Ukraine that they knew would force Russia to react defensively, one way or another." -- Diana Johnstone

*Washington’s Iron Curtain — Diana Johnstone*
June 8, 2014 | Guest Contributor | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
Guest Article by Diana Johnstone from CounterPunch, June 6-8, 2014
*Diana Johnstone lays out the facts about Ukraine. A must read.*
Tightening the U.S. Grip on Western Europe
Washington’s Iron Curtain in Ukraine
NATO leaders are currently acting out... more »
BBC bias proved, once and for all

The other thing that shocked me tonight was the astonishing contrast
between the way the BBC and ITV reported the 'Trojan Horse' story - in the
wake of Ofsted's report - on their respective main evening news bulletins
[i.e. the news programmes that most people watch].
Now, if you want clinching proof of BBC bias - and blogs like this are
always after that particular Holy Grail - then this, it seems to me, is
finally it....
....yes, clinching proof that the BBC deliberately downplays the dangers
posed by Muslim extremism.
Please take a quarter of an hour to read in full the trans... more »
“Why Should Anyone Trust a Government That Kills, Maims, Tortures, Lies, Spies, Cheats, and Treats Its Citizens Like Criminals?”
*“Why Should Anyone Trust a Government That Kills, Maims, Tortures,*
* Lies, Spies, Cheats, and Treats Its Citizens Like Criminals?”*
By John W. Whitehead
"I love America more than any other country in this world; and, exactly for
this reason,
I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually." ~ James Baldwin.
“Why should anyone trust a government that has condoned torture, spied on
at least 35 world leaders, supports indefinite detention, places bugs in
thousands of computers all over the world, kills innocent people with drone
attacks, promotes the post office to log mail for l... more »
Republicans Aren't The Only Anti-Gay Members Of Congress

According to ProgressivePunch, 39 congressmembers have perfect lifetime
scores on all votes regarding LGBT rights. All 39 are Democrats and almost
all of them are across-the-board progressive Democrats like Keith Ellison
(MN), Jim McGovern (MA), Mike Honda (CA), John Lewis (GA), Judy Chu (CA),
Donna Edwards (MD), Jan Schakowsky (IL), Jerry Nadler (NY), Maxine Waters
(CA), Jim McDermott (WA), Barbara Lee (CA), and Chellie Pingree (ME). On
the other end of the spectrum, there are 92 Republicans with perfect zero
scores. Not one has ever voted for anything to further equality for gay ... more »
Members of Congress black mailed (?) Snowden update

Eduard Snowden VS Russsell Tice
Whistle blower says Members of Congress and their staff on blackmail list...
allegation by Russell Tice that Snowden only had access to limited access
or need to know files. How ever he was a system administrator and convinced
OTHERS (how many?) with higher access to share their Log-in passwords. Many
of those who he convinced that he needed their access code were higher up.
They indeed had access to those programs Tice says Snowden did not/ was not
able to access.
As far as I know he might have left a sleeping bug, That will wakeup, seek
the other pa... more »
War with china 3 scenarios
War with china, 500 pages document prepared for DOD....
Seed Newsvine
Thanks Rik
Two things have shocked me tonight. This post commemorates the first - the
shock death of Rik Mayall at the age of just 56.
I used to love *'Bottom' - *an hilarious blend of *Waiting for Godot *and *Tom
and Jerry. *
Free Derry: The IRA Drug War
Drugs + Ethnic Leftists = Genocide.
RAAD (Republican Action Against Drugs) Fight the Power and the scions of
Ollie North and Ollie Cromwell on the streets of Free Derry
Egypt's Lost power: Hussein Salem (Source: Al Jazeera)
"In government, the scum rises to the top." - Friedrich Hayek.
*Wikipedia: *
*In 1993, following the 1993 Oslo Agreements between the Israelis and
Palestinians which Mubarak helped broker, Israel and Egypt began work on a
gas pipeline to supply the former with natural gas and to build a petroleum
refinery in Sinai, the first privately owned refinery in the Arab Middle
East. Mubarak awarded Salem licenses to work on both projects. *Salem's
relations with Israeli business circles dates back to the 1970s during his
tenure at the Washington D.C. embassy, including when the Israelis and... more »
The one hundred and ninety second weekly "No Shit, Sherlock" award - PA President Abbas Has Two Faces for Vatican and Hamas
Anyone with any intelligence has known for years that what PA leaders say
to the West, usually, in English is somewhat different from what they tell
their own people in Arabic.
'Hamas government spokesman in Gaza, Ihab al-Ghussein stated that Mahmoud
Abbas was deceiving the Americans in public statements calling for peace
with Israel.
In a Facebook post on June 8, al-Ghussein wrote that the Palestinian
leader, Mahmoud Abbas, is "tricking" the Americans.
"When I go out and say that the [PA] government is my [Abbas] government
and it recognizes 'Israel' and so on, fine – these word... more »
Partial summary judgment not appropriate where complex interrelated matters exist
Baywood Homes Partnership v. Haditaghi, 2014 ONCA 450:
[34] Karakatsanis J. noted, at para. 60:
The "interest of justice" inquiry goes further, and also considers the
consequences of the motion in the context of the litigation as a whole. For
example, if some of the claims against some of the parties will proceed to
trial in any event, it may not be in the interest of justice to use the new
fact-finding powers to grant summary judgment against a single defendant.
Such partial summary judgment may run the risk of duplicative proceedings
or inconsistent findings of fact and th... more »
Continuing: Our month of the gaps!
*MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014*
*The role of the gaps in our schools:* Today, we start the third week of
our ongoing series, “Our month of the gaps.”
Our public schools display very large “achievement gaps.” In a recent New
York Times column, Eduardo Porter described this remarkable state of
PORTER (5/21/14): Addressing the vast disparities between students’
abilities will not be easy. *In some public schools, children who are
entering the sixth grade with the measured proficiency of first graders are
mixed in with children who perform well above the sixth-grade standard.*
*School... more »
Remembering Rik Mayall
What a terrible shame about Rik Mayall. Here's how I, and a lot of people
of a certain age, will remember him.
*Who will lead the New Orleans Saints in receptions this season?**~H/T
Black and Gold *
*New airport terminal discussion continues after protest ~Casey Ferrand,
*Design, Construction of $615M PCCP Canal Closures Project Moves Forward
~Brenda Roggiero, Construction Engineering Guide*
*Rush Masonry Delivers High-Performance Exterior for Loyola University New
Orleans Renovation of Monroe Hall ~Digital Journal*
*New Orleans librarian wins $3,000 prize ~AP via WVUE*
*New Orleans restaurant boom creates lack of skilled staffers ~Don Ames,
*Tab Benoit, "Medicine" ~WWOZ*
By the end of this century, around half of the world's population will
suffer from water scarcity. All according to UN estimates. The vital
resource will become a main driver of regional and global conflicts, as
demand for fresh water tripled over the past five decades. RT's Gayane
Chichakyan has more.
The US Air Force has sent more of its bombers to Europe, deploying two B-2
stealth aircraft as part of a military exercise. On Sunday they joined
three B-52 StratoFortress bombers already deployed in Britain.
All the visiting American aircraft are stationed at RAF Fairford, a British
air base west of London.
“This deployment of strategic bombers provides an invaluable opportunity to
strengthen and improve interoperability with our allies and partners,” said
Adm. Cecil Haney, commander, US Strategic Command in a USAF statement.
The B-2 bombers are normally stationed at Whiteman Ai... more »
Natural Born Cop Killers
According to NBC Los Angeles correspondent Gadi Schwartz's Twitter
account, this is the couple that had killed two Las Vegas police officers
and an armed Wal-Mart shopper and their names are Jerad Miller and his wife
Perhaps we shouldn't be looking too deeply into their cosplaying since
they were erstwhile street performers who often went out dressed as the
Joker and Harley Quinn.
What we should be looking more deeply into is their association with
neonazism and white supremacy groups. According to the *Washington Post*,
after ambushing two officers having lun... more »
Virginia Democrats Shouldn't Be Surprised By Puckett's Perfidy
Democrats are rending their garments over Virginia state Senator Phillip
Puckett's decision to throw the Senate over to the Republicans by trading
his seat for a job as deputy director of the state tobacco commission and
for his daughter, Martha Ketron, to get a judicial appointment. But they
shouldn't be surprised. Puckett is the kind of conservative, corporate
shill who has always played footsie with the GOP and who Virginia Democrats
should never have backed in the first place. His record shows that he often
sided with the Republicans on the closest and most crucial issues, voti... more »
Lumia, Windows Phone: experience of the first hours
For a few hours, I've considered myself familiar with all the major mobile
operating systems. I received an iPod Touch with iOS almost four years ago
as a gift/compensation from Paul O. and I have played with an Android (ASUS
Memo Pad Smart 10) tablet since October, while helping others with their
Android phones (and another Android tablet I bought as a gift).
It was sort of inevitable that I wanted to try Windows Phone. Its users
have been immensely satisfied. So today, I decided to replace my classic,
reliable dumbphone Nokia 1600 with a Lumia. Even though I am Lumo,
Microsoft fai... more »
Admiral Boorda

*"In whatever situation I observed Mike, he was always the same person:
well prepared, down to earth, competent, charming, witty, clever,
understanding, warm, yet tough.*
*I've also seen the President take his advice. I remember one particular
occasion. We were in Hawaii for the commemoration of the 50th anniversary
of the end of WWII, and the President, CNO, and I were on the CINCPAC barge
going across Pearl Harbor to the Arizona Memorial when the President turned
to him and said,*
*"Mike, what do you think we should do in Bosnia now?" *
*Mike told the President, and within ... more »
Elsa and Anna Frozen Hair Bows

I am a contributor for The Ribbon Retreat, this tutorial originally
appeared on their blog.
If the little girls in your life are anything like mine, then Frozen is not
just a movie, it's an obsession. My 5-year-old tells everyone that she is
Elsa and has "ice powers." The entire family has the soundtrack memorized
and my daughter has even gone so far as to assign singing parts to each
person when we are listening to it together.
With a Frozen love like that, I knew she would absolutely love to have bows
she could wear to show off her obsession. These bows are actually pretty
simp... more »

Changes have been made to the global “normal” template.
Do you want to save those changes?
Yes. Yes, I do want to save the changes to the global “normal” template.
I probably like the new “normal” better than the old one. If not --- hey,
it’s just a template: I can change it anytime I want.
Your changes cannot be saved.
What?! I want to learn more about this. Why can’t I save changes to the
global “normal” template?
Your file is “read-only.”
THE ROLE OF THE GAPS: Large gaps confronted by Common Core!
*MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014*
*Part 1—Gates disregards the gaps:* With substantial regularity, our
journalists and “educational experts” disregard the gaps.
They act as if the gaps don’t exist. They disregard the *size* of the
gaps—and our nation’s achievement gaps are very large indeed.
When they disregard the gaps, they disregard the low-income kids who tend
to be the victims of this challenging state of affairs. In effect, they
display an essential disinterest in these low-income students.
In our view, The Atlantic’s lengthy piece, “Segregation Now...,” largely
represents a cuffing-asi... more »
Reporter Visits NOLA Charter Cult Where Parents Filed Civil Rights Complaint
A clip from the story, followed by part of my email to the reporter, Andrew
. . . . Its campuses have never been outwardly impressive. Its first, Sci
Academy, opened in 2008 in a set of trailers near what used to be Abramson
High School. The group began a phased takeover of Carver High School, in
the Desire neighborhood, in 2012, splitting it into two separate programs
with a combined football team and other extracurricular programs. Those
schools are housed in trailers too, all of them now temporarily clumped
near Sci Academy on Read Boulevard while permanent buildings ar... more »
Living in Dialogue: The Problem Isn’t Just Common Core, but the Entire Reform Agenda
Living in Dialogue: The Problem Isn’t Just Common Core, but the Entire
Reform Agenda. via Living in Dialogue: The Problem Isn’t Just Common Core,
but the Entire Reform Agenda.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Watch "Shocking! Woman stripped in the street by gang of Egypt..."
Shocking! Woman stripped in the street by gang in Egypt
And what are they chanting? Of course it's Allahu Akbar...
The Solution is out there
I just want to be entertained that's all I ask
if I make a big fortune
I will take everyone around me to task
cause I need to be entertained
I can not take a second off this task
when I wake up and need to do
some personal stuff
I wonder
why is the toilet not
the eight greatest personal wonder
Cause poop and pee
move empires
and I saw that from
a bottom down perspective
Napoleon lost Russia
because the fashion was not fit
we know far more
but every time we think
we have victory
some protester turns it to shit
We got all kinds of good news
on what used to be the real national news
the ... more »
Fighting the Common Core is Everyone's Fight
Mark Naison nails it here:
The greatest threat to democracy in the United States is the excessive
concentration of wealth in a small number of hands. It is because of this
that one single extremely wealthy individual- Bill Gates- was able to leap
on a relatively obscure proposal for a national curriculum and get 45
states to adopt it at breakneck speed, with little scrutiny and no field
testing. The protest against that curriculum- the Common Core Standards- is
therefore a profoundly democratic movement with all the messy features that
democracy entails, including huge divisions am... more »
Mike's Story Part 45 - Lucy Does Some 'Splainin'
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
Recently, some readers have become riled by my account of living with
Mike. (Others have been riled all along but have given up arguing.)
"Don't speak ill of the dead," is the gist of their viewpoint. The irony
is that the posts these people are responding to are not, to my
mind, particularly negative. The last one that raised hackles was about
a deal for $10,000 which got lost in transit. Mike was disturbed enough to
return to active suicidal agitation, not that he'd ever left, but it had
briefly been set to snooze mode. Although in the case o... more »
Listening to a Teacher from a “No Excuses” Charter School
Listening to a Teacher from a “No Excuses” Charter School. via Listening to
a Teacher from a “No Excuses” Charter School.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS:
Becoming Radical
Cutting a deal
Thats whats going on every day. Cyinsim is winning today.
Yeah I tried and the Ipad gave more love
thats why I am taking the me first way.
Thats politics today
If you do not believe me
start reading the newspaper
every day
and look with the lens
that the comics section
are the only thing
that will keep you
in your seat
with depends.
Malaysian Flight 370 Mystery June 8 , 2014 -- Recent alleged sighting raise questions as to whether they may be legit or sad hoaxes for motivations unknown ? The NZ man who spotted what may have been the burning missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 off the coast of Vietnam was sacked from his position on an oil rig after reporting the incident. ......Katherine Tee, 41, was on night watch on the deck of her yacht in early March when she claims she saw a plane surrounded by bright orange lights and with a tail of black smoke pass above her.She only recently reported her sighting to the Joint Agency Co-ordination Centre in Australia because she said she and her husband were not talking and she did not think anyone else would believe her. McKay said his sighting was over the South China Sea, which would place it around 2000 kilometres away from Tee's sighting. He was unsure if MH370 could have flown that far: "How far can a burning aeroplane fly?"
Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
<span class="itemDateCreated" style="background-attachment:
The oligarchy that runs Kiev has more problems than they can handle. They
are out of money, half of the country is in rebellion against their
authority, the US-NATO are pushing them to war with Russia, and their
troops don't want to fight.
They have two primary forces in Ukraine. The regular Army, most made up of
conscripts, and the National Guard, which is increasingly being filled with
Right Sector Nazi's.
There have been several stories in the past two weeks about regular Army
troops not wanting to kill their fellow citizens. What the government has
done is put the Nazi fill... more »

That's Versace with *Naomi Campbell *(friend to *ex-Liberian President
Charles Taylor*, and witness for the Prosecution at his War Crimes trial at
the International Criminal Court in The Hague), along with *Carla Bruni*,
future wife and paramour of *CIA-Union Corse asset and Hungarian nobleman
French President Nicholas Sarkozy,* son-in-law to the infamous CIA Officer, *Frank
Wisner Jr.*
*As Tarpley says, if you want to know who a politician or major public
figure really is, look at the guy's wife.*
"The financial ties to the Calabrian Mafia raise the specter of *Michael
Hutchence... more »
More Primaries Coming

Last primary of the cycle pits progressive Angel Taveras against Gina
Raimondo from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party in Rhode Island--
September 9
Tuesday will see primaries in Maine, Nevada, North Dakota, South Carolina
and Virginia but only two states have races that pit progressives against
conservatives, Virginia and South Carolina. (In Maine, the primary to
replace Mike Michaud has two flawed candidates-- New Dem Emily Cain and
anti-Choicer Troy Jackson-- each of whom is better than a Republican but
neither worth getting too excited over.) And the two races where ther... more »
Fifa sponsors back 2022 inquiry, apart from one...
The BBC report that:
'Football's world governing body Fifa is under growing pressure from a
number of sponsors after its decision to award the 2022 World Cup to Qatar.
Sony, Adidas, Coca-Cola, Visa and Hyundai/Kia have expressed concern over
claims of wrongdoing in the bidding process.
In total, five of Fifa's six main sponsors have issued statements relating
to the Qatar bid.
Only airline Emirates has so far declined to comment.
Oil company BP and the maker of Budweiser beer, who also sponsor the World
Cup, have also registered their concerns.'
Not Emirates? I wonder why...
*Common Core Is Corporate Welfare for Textbook Giants*
Opponents of Common Core have plenty of ammunition by now: The standards
erode local autonomy, are costly to implement, and some experts dispute
their rigor.
But an underexplored aspect of this problematic national education reform
is the massive financial incentive that certain textbook and standardized
test companies have to keep the U.S. on board with it. The Washington
Post's Valerie Strauss provided a good example of Common Core's crony
corporatist side in a recent article.
There are two large, multi-state partnerships ta... more »
Ukraine Updates June 9 , 2014 -- Petro Poroshenko, the newly elected Ukrainian president, says fighting in the separatist east of the ex-Soviet country must stop by the end of the week.........Ukraine's new President Poroshenko leads old team The newly elected president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has been sworn into office. During his campaign he promised "a new life" for the country. His team, however, consists largely of Yushchenko-era officials........ Natural gas talks between Ukraine , EU and Russia set to continue even as Ukraine pumps out vast volumes of russian natural gas
Ukraine leader: Fighting must end this week
Poroshenko, who was sworn into office on Sunday, says Ukrainian border must
be restored to guarantee safety of citizens.
Last updated: 09 Jun 2014 05:22
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Fighters and weapons have been crossing into Ukraine's east from Russia
Petro Poroshenko, the newly elected Ukrainian president, says figh... more »
Chicken Hawk

Last week, Stephen Harper bloviated about the evils of Communism and
Vladimir Putin, in particular. Michael Harris writes that it was all
Our 1950s prime minister has even taken us back to the political rhetoric
of suburbia’s golden age. It’s like General Eisenhower and the Dulles
brothers are back warning us of Ruskie tank divisions poised to strike
It’s Steve Versus Communism; Steve standing tall against the Russian
Menace. Steve sending war planes. Steve … the only member of the G-7 making
a complete fool of himself over the whole sad mess.
What you are see... more »
Endorsing Hudak
No surprise that the shit-for-brains Toronto Sun is endorsing the
shit-for-brains Tim Hudak for premier in Ontario. And, at first it's a
little shocking, but in retrospect, not surprising, that the
shit-for-brains at the Globe & Mail endorse the idiot too.
What is it about Hudak and the Ontario PC's do they like? Is it the fact
that his tax-cuts and jobs plan is the same failed crapola that brought us
to the economic crisis of 2008? Is it the fact that his stupid plan has
been exposed as having been based on laughably bad math and is being sold
with lies? Do they like the idea of th... more »
Criminalizing Strip Clubs? Probably
The Conservative government has brought in new legislation, the "Protection
of Communities and Exploited Persons Act", that criminalizes the buying of
sex. This legislation is in response to the Supreme Court of Canada
decision in *Bedford* that declared several sections of the Criminal Code
related to prostitution unconstitutional as putting the safety of sex
workers at risk.
Obviously the issue of prostitution is contentious. Whether legalizing,
regulating or banning prostitution is the best approach is something
reasonable people can differ on. What’s more the issue does not d... more »
Truku aboriginals shut down Mugumuyu over excessive tourism, police vow to prosecute

*Vans pouring out of Mugumuyu.*
Mugumuyu is a stunning and rich river gorge southwest of Hualien city, just
west of Liyu Lake. Last month I biked into Mugumuyu to enjoy its beauty,
but got rained out. Nevertheless, I noted the number of small buses and
vans flowing in and out, an appalling number of visitors, when supposedly
the number was controlled. So I was dismayed, but unsurprised, to hear that
the local aboriginal community had finally taken matters into its own hands
and shut the road into their community down, to block the endless flow of
vans in and out. TT observes:
Prio... more »
Will Las Vegas Cop Shooting Trigger the Crackdown?

Sunday two Las Vegas police officers were shot and killed by a couple in a
CiCi's Pizza restaurant by a two people who then reportedly shouted
something about "the revolution" - according to various reports "tell the
police the revolution has begun" or "this is a revolution" - before taking
the cops' weapons and proceeding to enter a Wal-Mart store where they
killed one more person then themselves. There are reports that a Gadsden
flag, the yellow Revolutionary war symbol used to drape the body of the
slain officers although details are still sketchy regarding this act of
violenc... more »
SOTT radio Interview- Dissecting Globalistan- Pepe Escobar
* From SOTT*
This week on SOTT Talk Radio we're speaking with the legendary Brazilian
journalist, Pepe Escobar, roving correspondent for the Asia Times, analyst
for RT and frequent contributor to websites and radio shows from the U.S.
to East Asia.
Escobar's extensive travels and reporting bring witty insights to Western
audiences starved of real information to what is going on in the world.
Since before 9/11, Escobar has specialized in covering Brzezinski's "arc"
from the Middle East to Central and East Asia, with an emphasis on Big
Power geopolitics and energy wars.
Listen... more »
Maxine Greene and the “Frozen Sea Inside of Us”
Maxine Greene and the “Frozen Sea Inside of Us”. via Maxine Greene and the
“Frozen Sea Inside of Us”.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
The International Community Should Urge The Obama Administration To Stop Supporting Al-Qaeda In Syria
*The world stands against terrorism in Syria.*
World public opinion is firmly opposed to terrorism in Syria and the
further spread of the war to neighbouring countries.
The international and regional backers of Jihadist terrorist groups such as
Al-Qaeda include the United States, France, England, Saudi Arabia, Israel,
Turkey, and puny, little Qatar that has been punching above its weight
class for a couple of years now.
Informed observers have known about Washington's clandestine support for
Al-Qaeda in Syria for well over three years, ever since the war began. US
officials have q... more »
C36 = CONtempt for women and CONtempt for the law.
Last week Justice Minister Peter MacKay, channeling all the prurient lunacy
of General Jack D. Ripper and the worst pearl-clutching clichés of a
Victorian schoolmarm, presented Bill C36 in the House of Commons.
The language Petey used and repeated for emphasis was quite revealing.
Harper and MacKay's new bill - C36 The Protection of Communities and
Exploited Persons Act, the latest CPC government crap legislation and named
the opposite of what it actually does - offers in one venal and
meretricious piece of legal flimflam the worst of Con bias, prejudice and
It is a loathso... more »
How the Taliban got their hands on modern US missiles

[image: Taliban Stinger missile]In his new book, “Dark Forces: The Truth
About What Happened in Benghazi” (Broadside Books), writer Kenneth R.
Timmerman explains how the US government’s efforts to arm the Libyan rebels
backfired, flooding weapons into Syria, and as he reveals here,
The Obama administration isn’t only giving the Taliban back its commanders
— it’s giving them weapons.
Miliary records and sources reveal that on July 25, 2012, Taliban fighters
in Kunar province successfully targeted a US Army CH-47 helicopter with a
new generation Stinger missile.
Read ... more »
American busted for Mary Jane

*A small night market in Taipei.*
TT reports:
The Changhua District Prosecutors’ Office on Friday indicted a 37-year-old
US man for violating the Narcotics Hazard Prevention Act (毒品危害防制條例) by
growing nearly 300 marijuana plants in a house in Changhua County’s Yuanlin
Township (員林).
Please don't be stupid: the judicial system is decades behind here and
marijuana is still classified with dangerous hard drugs as a dangerous drug
and dealers, even low level dealers, are punished accordingly. Foreigners
who come here and sell drugs usually do not operate with police or gang
protection... more »
Queenie Pope Is Missing - Last Seen In Queens, NYC on June 6, 2014
[image: image not displayed]
Zay Pierre
*Please Help!!*
*My baby sis is missing*
This is my little sister... A a new father I can only imagine the pain my
mother is suffering... As a big brother I am literally distraught!! Please
share circulate, all my NY'ers, Please... I need your help
I put this together in effort to pass on the word... any help
appreciated... even your prayers.
Thank you
Reactivation of additional S-211s to train F/A-50 pilots

[image: SIAI Marchetti S.211]The decision to reactivate three more
SIAI-Marchetti S-211 jet trainers is aimed at increasing the number of
aerial assets needed to screen and train prospective F/A-50 pilots.
This was revealed by Air Defense Wing official Col. Miguel Ernesto Okol in
a message to the PNA.
The additional S-211s will provide incoming pilots of the South
Korean-built jet plane with the flight time and training needed for fast
aircraft operations.
Read more
Army completes investigation report into the Apache crash

[image: Crashed AH-64E Apache]The Army has completed its report on the
April crash of an AH-64E Apache attack helicopter in northern Taiwan, the
contents of which will be made public pending approval by the Ministry of
National Defense, military officials said Sunday.
The report will be sent to the ministry for further review, an Army
official told CNA when asked about the progress of the investigation. But
the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, was tight-lipped about
the findings of the investigation into the crash.
Defense ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Luo Shou-he did n... more »
China's naval jet crashes during training mission

[image: JH-7 Flying Leopard]A Chinese navy fighter jet crashed during an
exercise over a mountain area in the eastern Zhejiang province.
The jet crashed on June 5 near the city of Yiwu, state-run Xinhua news
agency reported.
The aircraft was a fighter-bomber JH-7 "Flying Leopard".
Read more
Busy Agenda for Government on Defence Matters

[image: Tejas LCA]After eight years of a “holding operation” by the
risk-averse A K Antony, India’s longest-serving defence minister ever, the
establishment needs to be jolted out of its status-quoist stupor.
There is an urgent need to expedite the stalled procurement of equipment
that is essential for the military’s combat effectiveness. The army
desperately needs artillery guns, light helicopters and ammunition
The navy must immediately have torpedoes, anti-missile systems and
submarines. The air force urgently requires mid-air refuelling aircraft,
airborne early warni... more »
New N.Korean Anti-Ship Missiles Threaten Older Patrol Boats

[image: Kh-35 launcher]North Korea has a new anti-ship missile with a range
of 130 km that poses a big threat to South Korea's elderly patrol
A recent propaganda film shown on North Korean state TV shows the missile
is similar to the U.S.' Harpoon missile, a military source here said
Sunday. "It's probably either the Russian-developed Kh-35 Uran or a copy."
The missile was shown among the country's closely guarded submarines, which
were also featured for the first time.
Read more
Saab receives orders from FMV and has signed a Letter of Intent regarding underwater systems

[image: Gotland class SSK]Defence and security company Saab has received
orders from the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) regarding
construction and production plans for the next generation submarines and to
conduct a mid-life update of two Gotland-class submarines.
The orders refer to the period 2014-2015 and the order value amounts to
MSEK 467. In addition, the parties have signed a Letter of Intent regarding
the Swedish armed forces’ underwater capability.
The Letter of Intent refers to the period 2015-2024 and includes potential
orders of approximately SEK 11.2 bi... more »
*Alarmism Rife At The BMA*
*Given the low quality of the many medical journal articles that I covered
for 8 years in my FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC blog, the low quality of the
thinking below is no surprise to me at all, at all*
It appears that climate change hysteria has even infiltrated the British
Medical Association, the BMA. A recent article in the Student BMJ by Julian
Sheather, the BMA’s Deputy Head of Ethics, shows such a stunning lack of
knowledge and groupthink, that it is frightening to think these people are
supposed to be in charge of our health.
The article is titled “M... more »
Are You Willing To Take That Chance With Your BABY'S/CHILD'S Life? - A Mother's Story Of Death by Vaccination

[image: Foto: "I'm posting this so people will copy, paste, share and do
whatever they need to do to get the word out. VACCINE INJURIES ARE REAL.
Your child is NOT immune to them. It DOES NOT choose it's victims. Instead
we let them choose US and our CHILDREN. ALL the ignorant people that want
to say, "My child will be fine". Well you better hope so because after you
let them give your BABY/CHILD the vaccinations, you CANNOT take it back.
Your BABY/CHILD WILL BE DIFFERENT. They will have side effects probably
almost immediately, but how strong those side effects are, are up to the
L... more »
Exploring the Afterlife

*Preliminary Considerations*
1 My readers are aware that we have been doing an investigation of the
received ideas of the Soul and God and the Afterlife, while at the same
time we have rigorously discovered the meta-mathematics of our physical
universe as well. They have proven to be intimately joined.
2 The Physical Universe we observe is created by a first action on a three
dimensional manifold that additionally includes the first conscious will to
exist a priori. This first action induces the natural five operator logic
we recognize as Boolean Algebra. The will to exist is... more »
El Nino Rising?

From the signals that I have seen, I am prepared to make one conjecture.
It is possible that climate is shifting from North Centric back to South
Centric. This may actually meant that we will enter an interim period in
which the center will dominate.
The fact remains that the Arctic has cooled off and that Antarctic ice is
suddenly breaking up and retreating. I still have to see measurements and
all that but we should see confirmation over the next two months.
An el Nino event now would be just about right.
*El Niño: Is 2014 the new 1997?*
*http://science.nasa.gov/science-... more »
My Journey Into The Sanskrit Texts

This is a rather useful item as it clearly informs us of just why Hinduism
has remained impenetrable to western sensibilities. We search for a system
and discover a fractal quilt of revered scripture that is all pointing
toward godhead. It fails to submit to alphabetic order or any
uncontroversial order.
The Bhagavad is what everyone in India actually relies on as the opening
scriptures and all else must be interpretation and insertions from there.
At least we receive that much guidance.
In truth, everyone needs to read this vignette in order to properly start
the inquiry.
... more »
Chinese Triads, Japanese Black Dragons & Hidden Paths of Power

What happens is that pseudo ideologies arise to draw in fresh meat to
schemes of power. Nationalism works as does tribalism as well as a simple
hatred of elites. Steady redistribution of money and power has weakened
all this during the past few decades as well as the rise of distributed
corporate organizations that provide a superior outlet.
In the end what is for sale is the dream of power.
Stable central governments simply take no heed of these organizations
except to occasionally placate them with a nod and a hug. They serve to
draw the venom away from power rather than tow... more »
Why Would WashPost Wait Three Months to Release a Gates Interview?
On Saturday, June 7, 2014, Lyndsey Layton of the Washington Post published
this article based on a 28-minute interview she had with billionaire Common
Core State Standards (CCSS) funder, Bill Gates. In the interview, Gates
spills quite a bit of “insider information,” not the least of which is that
in the summer of 2008, then-Council of Chief State […]
Lemon Rx: 12 Evidence-Based Reasons Why It is A Powerful Medicine by Sayer Ji
[image: Lemon Rx: 12 Evidence-Based Reasons Why It is A Powerful Medicine]
Lemon Rx: 12 Evidence-Based Reasons Why It is A Powerful Medicine
by Sayer Ji
Green Med Info, 8 June 2014
*You know lemon, right? It is a tart, exciting, delicious and indispensable
ingredient in recipes and beverages. But did you know that scientists have
identified it is as a powerful medicine as well? *
The most powerful healing substances on this planet are masquerading as
foods, and this is all the more true for fruits. We've already written
about *The Amazing Healing Properties of 13 Common Fruits *... more »
Defenders of the Status Quo
It never fails, at least in my state of New Mexico. Whenever one of us
“little people” dares to speak up against the inept, dizzying, and out of
control nonsense that continues to come from the “reformers” in our state
government and education department, we are accused of “defending the
status quo.” In other words, […]
Stop Buying Jello - It's Toxic
[image: Orange Jello]*Source: http://foodbabe.com/*
Meet & Greet (#MtaGt) - June - USAgain

to Meet & Greet, a regular series designed to grow our green
[image: A monthly link-up party for green blogs on Reduce Footprints]
Banner by Art Ist
Grab our banner for your site:
1. Use the link-up tool below to share your green-living blog or
of ... more »

No, G.K. Chesterton Was Not Gay-- But Ralph Reed Was

Bill Maher had some fun with right wing hustler and hypocrite Ralph Reed on
his show Friday night. Reed, the head of the so-called Faith and Freedom
Coalition, a GOP front group dedicated to electing right-wing Republicans
to office by suckering paranoid and superstitious rubes, will host
well-known libertine and glutton, Chris Christie at their annual conference
on June 20. Others playing patty-cake with Reed are GOP presidential and
vice presidential aspirants, Paul Ryan, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal,
Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann and Rick Santoru... more »
To Jindal: Dump Common Core, PARCC, and White
Governor Bobby Jindal is apparently trying to muster up the courage to
remove Louisiana from the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and associated
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC)
assessments that he signed Louisiana on for in the first place. Of course,
Jindal has changed his position due to his national political ambitions. […]
Weekend in Paradise

Had a nice, relaxing weekend.
My fav costa rica shirt and my fav 9 month old boy**
Saturday, our plates were delivered for the bikes (temporary plates), so we
can legally drive them now. Yay! Weirdly, we had to pick them up from the
bus station window in Jaco, but that was easy. Had date night on Saturday
and went to Caliche's Wishbone. I had the mahi burrito again, which is
amazing. Walked around Jaco for a bit and then home for the night.
Today was nice as well. Slept in (for us anyway) then went on our morning
run (which was hot today). Hung out in the pool for a while and ... more »
Chellis Glendinning : Celebrating the ‘Grito de Libertad’ in Bolivia
Joining in the patriotic frenzy with Evo Morales, goose-stepping soldiers,
lots of white paint… and, oh yes, the marching bands… By Chellis
Glendinning | The Rag Blog | June 8, 2014 SUCRE, Bolivia — Independence Day
in Sucre was the … finish reading Chellis Glendinning :
Celebrating the ‘Grito de Libertad’ in Bolivia
Jack A. Smith : A left solution to climate change
Climate deniers in Congress, exasperating as they are, constitute the
farcical sideshow of a much bigger economic and political three-ring circus
known as U.S.A. Inc. By Jack A. Smith | The Rag Blog | June 8, 2014 Climate
change is … finish reading Jack A. Smith :
A left solution to climate change
A Grave And Historic Mistake: Turkey's PM Erdogan Seeks To Turn Hagia Sophia Back Into A Mosque Simply To Win An Election
*Wikipedia: *
Hagia Sophia is a former Greek Orthodox patriarchal basilica (church),
later an imperial mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. From the
date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as an Eastern
Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarchate of Constantinople,[1]
except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic
cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May
1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1
February 1935.
*An excerpt from, "Hagia Sophia caught between politics, histo... more »
MI6 Hit-Piece on Paula Yates - September 19th 2000

*ROCK chick, earth mother, Jezebel, journalist, manipulator, victim,
survivor, prey: Paula Yates was all of those things, and sometimes none of
them, so you would never be certain who she was going to be on any
particular day.*
*I say this as though I knew her - and of course, I didn't*, I met her only
on a handful of occasions, when she appeared, variously, as bitch, vixen,
sweetheart, Lolita and long-suffering wife. But like the rest of the
nation, I felt as if I did know her, because I had seen her on a more or
less daily basis for the past 18 years, decorously posed for women'... more »
for those who believe meat-eating can be ethical: in praise of beretta farms
I've mentioned Beretta Farms in many different posts over the years, but
I've never specifically blogged about them. With grilling season underway,
it's time to give Beretta a shout-out.
When I learned about the horrors of factory farming, first from reading Michael
Pollan, and later through other sources, I knew I needed to change my
eating habits. I needed to translate my knowledge into action, but I was at
a loss for what to do.
In the 1990s, I had eaten a vegetarian (almost vegan) diet for more than
two years, but it didn't work for me, and I gave it up. I certainly don't
eat m... more »
Lynn Miles Benefit

A benefit for longtime activist Lynn Miles. An amazing line-up of
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
Are You Ready For Nuclear War? — Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig RobertsInstitute for Political EconomyJune 3, 2014 Pay close
attention to Steven Starr’s guest column, “The Lethality of Nuclear
Washington thinks nuclear war can be won and is planning for a first strike
on Russia, and perhaps China, in order to prevent any challenge to
Washington’s world hegemony.
The plan is far advanced, and the implementation of the plan is underway.
As I have reported previously, US strategic doctrine was changed and the
role of nuclear missiles was elevated from a re... more »
Cyber Hacking and malware Updates June 6 , 2014 -- There Is A New OpenSSL Bug That May Be More Dangerous Than Heartbleed ....... ‘Operation Tovar’ Targets ‘Gameover’ ZeuS Botnet, CryptoLocker Scourge ........ Hacking ATMS
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Business Insider.....
There Is A New OpenSSL Bug That May Be More Dangerous Than Heartbleed
[image: The Guardian]
- JUN. 6, 2014, 7:20 AM
- 0
[image: HeartbleedPassword]
Lisa Eadicicco
More critical weaknesses have been uncovered in the OpenSSL web encryption
standard, just two months after the disclosure of the notorious Heartbleed
vulnerability affecting the same technology.
Tatsuya Hayashi, the researcher who found one of the critical bugs, told
the Guardian that t... more »
"6 Right-Wing Lunacies This Week: I’m Not A Scientist But I’m Going to Wage War On Science Anyway"
*"6 Right-Wing Lunacies This Week: *
*I’m Not A Scientist But I’m Going to Wage War On Science Anyway"*
*Carbon dioxide is good for plants, why do we have to limit it?*
By Janet Allon
*"1. Gavin McInnes: White liberals love Neil deGrasse Tyson so much he
could defecate on them. *Gavin McInnes, ousted founder of Vice, now noted
for racist, homophobic and misogynistic comments, obviously has all the
right credentials to be invited onto Fox for some sober commentary about
important things.
Just kidding. He was invited on the show to spew hateful and vile things
and that’s just what he ... more »
Bye-bye, Bert! Or: RIP, Bert Cooper [CAUTION: like-mad "Mad Men" spoiler alert]
The stars in the sky,
the moon on high,
they're great for you and me,
because they're free.
The moon belongs to everyone.
The best things in life are free.
The stars belong to everyone.
They gleam there for you and me.
The flowers in spring,
the robins that sing,
the sunbeams that shine,
they're yours, they're mine.
And love can come to everyone.
The best things in life are free.
The moon belongs to everyone.
The best things in life are free.
*-- lyrics by Lew Brown and Buddy DeSylva,music by Ray Henderson (1927)*
*"The moon mission connects to the story in various ways. People are
r... more »
Fukushima nuclear debacle Update - June 8 , 2014 -- Focus on decrepit state of the Fukushima facility , examination of vastly understated levels of radiation contamination , " just sad " decontamination efforts , anecdotal evidence of individuals suffering from radiation sickness ...
Fukushima Diary.....
2 tanks leaked 4.0m3 of contaminated water for 2 months without noticed /
250,000,000 Bq of “radioactive material”
Posted by *Mochizuki* on June 7th, 2014 · 4 Comments
Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing
↑ The ground where the contaminated water has been absorbed for 2 months.
Following up this article.. *2 Contaminated water tanks overflowed /
9,800,000 Bq/m3 of All β / “Rainwater leaking into the tanks since last
year”* [URL]
On 6/4/2014, Tepco announced the 2 tanks have been leaking 4.0m3 of
contaminated water ... more »
Harry Targ : Obama’s ‘glass is half-empty’ foreign policy
It is the non-military parts of the Obama speech that peace activists
should mobilize around, weak as they are. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog |
June 8, 2014 President Obama has retrenched U.S. global engagement in a
way … finish reading Harry Targ :
Obama’s ‘glass is half-empty’ foreign policy
June 8: Too much.....
I curse myself for writing this on a Sunday evening when I could be doing
something more useful like dozing in the sun on the balcony. It's just that
I have too much on my mind.
Saturday's edition of the Times and Transcript was appalling. It was
written with the style and empty-headed sensationalism of one of the
magazines at the supermarket that has headlines like "Advisers shocked as
Obama and Putin embrace, kiss on meeting".
We were given a picture of a city in terror - and were reassured by the
mayor and business leaders that it would survive. Come off it! That sort of
gush w... more »
Sisi takes office in Egypt | Journal + Dancing in the streets of Cairo for Sisi
*Morsi was called "the most important man in the Middle East" by Time
Magazine just months before he was kicked out of office by the Egyptian
people in concert with the Egyptian army. This is just another example that
shows the media in the United States has lost touch with the world, and
especially with events in the Middle East. Journalists should be treated
like doctors. If they get it wrong once, let alone over and over again,
then people should stop going back to them for their so-called expertise.
Time Magazine, The New York Crimes, CNN, Al Jazeera, and other major media
orga... more »
Mike's Story Part 44 - The Importance of Being Ernest
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
*February 13, 2007*
*Missing Ten Grand, Continued:*
* “Dumb question: How do we know it wasn’t just some employee who
scribbled a signature, said, ‘Sorry, my dad’s taken ill,’ and quit the next
* Mike nodded. “You have enough bills, the Mylar can be scanned. You
don’t know what Mylar is? It’s a code like RF fucking ID.” He took out a
fifty dollar bill and held it up to the light. Towards one of the short
edges a lead line was visible. I knew about that line but didn't know its
* “A postal worker would have scanned it and tak... more »
“Shy Boy And His Friend Shock the Audience With 'The Prayer'“
“Shy Boy And His Friend Shock the Audience With 'The Prayer'“
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7knUFWY2P44
*Saints' Vaccaro doesn't plan to tone down his style of play ~Bret Martel,
*James Gill: Time has come for settlement on coast damage ~New Orleans
*Quin Hillyer: On new terminal, questions must be aired*
Pakistan Update -- June 8 , 2014 -- Heavy fighting reported at Karachi airport Group attacks cargo terminal with guns and grenades, with at least five people killed, medical sources say...........
Heavy fighting reported at Karachi airport
Group attacks cargo terminal with guns and grenades, with at least five
people killed, medical sources say.
Last updated: 08 Jun 2014 21:53
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Smoke and fire illuminate the sky above Jinnah airport in Karachi [AP]
Heavily armed gunmen have attacked a terminal at the busiest airport in
Karachi, with at least five people killed as flights were suspended and the
army was called in, officials have said.
An unk... more »
Free Download: “The Poems of William Wordsworth”
*“The World Is Too Much With Us”*
by William Wordsworth
“The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon;
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers;
For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not. Great God! I’d rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight o... more »
England, my England

So much to drone on about, so little time.
Tom Shakespeare's *A Point of View, Bring back the Heptarchy! *(written up
here), is very much a Radio 4 'point of view', pro-EU and unsympathetic to
the concept of England as a unified, sovereign country.
We're still at the stage where Roger Scruton is the *only *right-winger to
host this programme in the past four years. What does *that* say about BBC
Tom, who has a degree in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic [though that doesn't
stop him repeatedly banging on about science and 'scientism'], trots out
the old 'hippy' view o... more »
The Nature Of Conservatism-- A Sick And Deranged War Against Women
The stories coming out of India and Pakistan about the murders of women
last week have been gut-wrenching. Both were primitive and barbaric acts
within the context of conservative and patriarchal culture that deem women
less than human. Mulayam Singh Yadav, from Uttar Pradesh's governing party,
was widely quoted in the media as saying "Boys will be boys" in response to
the brutal gang rapes and murders of two girls from a poor family. The
police tried covering the whole incident up. When I heard about it on the
radio, I nearly threw up.
And, make no mistake, this kind of brutalit... more »
Managing Ed Miliband
I've said this before, and I'll repeat it until I'm blue in the face. There
is a current leader of a political party. His time in office has been
marked by division, of colleagues going to war over who would be his
successor, of backbench rebellions and open disloyalty, of habitually
prevaricating in the face of crisis. There's him, and then there's Ed
Miliband. Next to the Prime Minister, Ed's leadership has made the
political weather on energy bills, zero hour contracts, low pay, Syria, and
phone hacking. For the first time since 1992, Ed has been the first leader
of a major part... more »
Buraq's wings for sale!

Vis-à-vis this morning's *Broadcasting House *on Radio 4, guest-presented
by Nick Robinson (he of the famous toenails), I'm inclined to agree with ChrisH
at *Biased-BBC *that the decision to put Michael Gove "In the
Psychiatrist's Chair" [the responsibility for which I'd lay on the
programme's production team] is suggestive of the way the contemptuous
left-liberal *bien pensant *world, including the BBC, regards Mr Gove.
After all, when, say, Harriet Harman was going through her 'denial' phase
over the 'NCCL-paedophile scandal', *BH *didn't haul her in [in absentia]
for psychologi... more »
Sunday Morning Crap Fest: McCain Plays the 9/11 Card

Normally the Sunday morning 'news' shows are a spectacle of spin, bullshit
and official talking points largely centering around more wars, legalizing
torture and protecting the US government surveillance machine and the
ability to spy and collect data on everyone. Today, in the Bowe Bergdhal
smear campaign edition the deranged old bastard from Arizona John McCain
has outdid everyone in blaming the five Taliban prisoners from Gitmo who
were swapped for Bergdahl as being responsible for 9/11. It is as
outlandish as any of Dick Cheney's lies about Saddam Hussein working to
bring abou... more »
American Dreamin'
On this hot and steamy, Summer dreamy, hammock-sleepy Sunday.
By Capt. Fogg
I happened to have CNN on the other day and they were airing another one of
their puff pieces on "The American Dream," one of those annoying
reflections on how the land of opportunity is failing to be a land of
opportunity. I find it annoying because of the assumption that the USA is
somehow a unique place when it comes to providing upward mobility, a more
honest name for a dream that, let's face it, is* everyone's* dream. I've
seen figures that argue for other countries -- quite a number of other
coun... more »
Motor City Bankruptcy Updates ( June 8 , 2014 ) -- Detroit roll dice considerably by projecting constant casino revenues through 2013 ! Considering the financial fortunes of Detroit residents , let alone the recent history of Atlantic City ( and Illinois , Indian , Iowa , Nevada , Pennsylvania , Missouri and Connecticut ) , makes wonder how such projection can withstand scrutiny ? The Death And Decay Of Detroit, As Seen From The Streets ......
( What could go wrong by banking on gambling revenues like this ? )
Detroit Is Rolling The Dice By Relying On Casino Cash
[image: Reuters]
- JUN. 8, 2014, 8:51 AM
- 5,021
- 13
[image: The Motor City Casino and Hotel is seen near downtown Detroit,
Michigan October 23, 2013. REUTERS/Rebecca Cook]
Thomson Reuters
The Motor City Casino and Hotel is seen near downtown Detroit... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 8th, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Sunday, and again it does seem that I have so much to catch up on.... I
will cover some subjects that I missed out on this last week during some
much needed rest in my usual rant...
Yes, I have been taking a lot more time off recently from writing here... I
have long decided to take time to get myself into better shape and to
actually enjoy this too short summer here in central Canada. Readers
remember back in December of last year when I had that "heart condition"
scare that basically did scare the crap out of me... I decided there and
then that I would not ... more »
Obama hints at possible military action in Syria
*Here *
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama signaled Tuesday he would consider U.S.
military action against Syria if "hard, effective evidence" is found to
bolster intelligence that chemical weapons have been used in the 2-year-old
civil war. Among the potential options being readied for him: weapons and
ammunition for the Syrian rebels.
Despite such planning, Obama appealed for patience during a White House
news conference*, saying he needed more conclusive evidence about how and
when chemical weapons detected by U.S. intelligence agencies were used and
who deployed them. *If thos... more »
Thomas Cohen of S*C*U*M and the Book of Judith

*"We, as a people need to be asking ourselves - for Revolution, would you
be prepared to go to bed with somebody, to have sex with somebody whom you
did not love, and did not like...?"*
*- Bro. Steve Cokely*
*"Hey, G.I. - you wan' girlfriend, Vietnam? *
*You wan' sucky-sucky?*
*Me love you **long-time..."*
*- The South Vietnamese Revolutionary Vanguard*
*"I have a girl who's pussy is so good, if you threw it up into the air, it
would turn into sunshine..."*
*"Sunshine" from Harlem Nights - single-handedly took-down The Man with the
Power of Womanhood.*
*Former US Secretary of De... more »
Swedish and Finnish leaders have reinvigorated a push for their
traditionally non-aligned countries to join NATO, in the face of what they
say is a Russian threat. But does Russia really pose a threat to European
security, or has it become a convenient scapegoat for growing militarism in
Europe? How can Russia and the western world end the conflict in Ukraine,
and rebuild peace by peace? Oksana is joined by the founder of the
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, Dr Jan Oberg, to
examine these issues.
The US Ambassador to Sweden is currently right-winger Mark Brz... more »
Giles Fraser jumps the shark

Giles Fraser (front), with Alan Rusbridger (back)
*CiF Watch* has picked up on a quite extraordinary lapse of judgement from
former dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, Giles Fraser.
Giles, as you know, is now a *Guardian* editorial writer. He's also a
longstanding BBC *Thought for the Day *speaker and is a regular panelist on
Radio 4's *The Moral Maze.*
Given that his latest article gives an insight into the way people like
Giles think [including, perhaps, people at the *Guardian *and the BBC], I
thought I'd better share it with you here.
Giles isn't exactly known for his logic but th... more »
The Global Mind War of the Day of 9/11

*"There is also evidence in some cases that people’s brainwaves can
synchronize with the rhythm of the electromagnetic waves generated in the
earth’s ionosphere. When people say they "feel" an impending earthquake or
other planetary events, such as weather changes, it is possible that they
may be reacting to the actual physical signals that occur in the earth’s
field prior to the event. *
*While it is not difficult to conceive that life-forms embedded in the
earth’s magnetic fields could be affected by modulations in these
fields, it is a more far-reaching proposition to sugg... more »
Spesifikasi dan Harga Nokia Lumia 520 Terbaru 2014
dan Harga Nokia Lumia 520 Terbaru 2014 | Nokia Lumia 520 adalah
smartphone yang berjalan pada os windows yang berukuran cukup besar
yaitu 4 inchi, layar pada handphone ini juga pernah menggunakan
tekhnologi IPS kapasitif yang bisa mempromosikan afdol untuk agan jika
anda senang dalam memakai handphone ini, dan prosesor dengan spesifikasi
dual core sudah nimbul pada handphone ini
US Puppet Chocolate King to Push Ukraine Closer to War With Russia

Meeting with President Barack Obama during the narcissist in chief's
whirlwind European tour last week, newly minted US puppet Petro Porshenko
aka "the Chocolate King" finalized his deal with the devil and will
continue the frantic push towards war with Russia on behalf of his western
puppeteers. The election of Poroshenko is as legitimate as the coup to oust
democratically elected president Viktor Yanokoyvch was but after months of
incompetent, politically tone deaf rule by Arseniy Yatsenyuk - or as he is
known in the terms of endearment of US State Department neocon in charge of
... more »
[image: Secret European Cash Limits in Place]
*by* MARK KEMPTON | JUNE 8, 2014
[image: Share on Facebook]0[image: Tweet about this on Twitter]0[image:
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Some of you might remember the recent scandal where #HSBC tried to impose
cash withdraw limits on their accounts:
*Well it turns out that was just a trial balloon, to see how the public
might react to withdraw limits ... more »
Doug Noland's Friday Missive " Credit Allocation " June 6, 2014 ..... Examining 2007 with current period - Doug sees the following : Federal Reserve Credit has been this cycles’ prevailing source of liquidity, “money” distorting pricing, risk perceptions and the flow of finance through both the markets and real economy. Importantly, this key source of financial Credit is supposedly ending in a few short months. And like 2007, highly speculative financial Bubble markets choose to disregard fundamental prospects and instead go into destabilizing blow-off mode. Indeed, deteriorating prospects – along with accompanying shorting and hedging – provide market melt-up fuel ; Doug also examines current period with period between WW1 and 1929 : I have repeatedly drawn parallels between the current extraordinarily protracted Credit Cycle and that from the WWI to 1929 period. Both share similar characteristics of profound technological advancement, “globalization,” financial innovation, experimental activism in monetary management and resulting prolonged Credit, speculative and economic cycles.; final observation : The next “risk off” period will find participants contemplating a marketplace without constant Federal Reserve liquidity injections. The markets will fret about life without an open-ended Fed QE backstop. Will the Fed be there with its typical timely reinsurance – or might a divided Fed struggle to live up to Dr. Bernanke’s promises? For now, it’s exuberance – emboldened by the notion that persistent “deflation” risks will keep global central bankers in an accommodating and experimental mood........
[image: Print Friendly and PDF]Credit AllocationJune 6, 2014 posted by Doug
Signs of an upside dislocation
Total (financial and non-financial) Credit jumped $484bn during Q1 to a
record $59.399 TN, or 347% of GDP. Although economic growth faltered during
the period, Q1 2014 Total Non-Financial Debt (NFD) expanded at a 5.0% rate.
Corporate borrowings grew at a robust 9.3% pace, up from Q4’s 7.7% and Q1
2013’s 7.2%. Federal government debt mounted at a 7.1% rate, down from Q4’s
11.6% and Q1 201... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics: Nocturne!

*MENDELSSOHN: Notturno from A Midsummer Night's Dream (incidental music),
Op. 61*
*Concertgebouw Orchestra (Amsterdam), George Szell, cond. Decca, recorded
Dec. 2-4, 1957*
*Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Otto Klemperer, cond. Broadcast
performance, May 23, 1969*
*by Ken*
A much-loved little piece latched onto my brain this weeko. It was the
"Nocturne" from Mendelssohn's *Midsummer Night's Dream* incidental music,
and it really still hasn't let go. That's the sort of thing that might once
have triggered a post, especially since we don't seem to have spent as much
time as I ... more »
Iran nuclear talks updates ( June 8 , 2014 ) ........U.S. planning a meeting on the side with Iran as July nuclear deal deadline approaches ...... Senior U.S., Iranian officials to meet Monday-Tuesday in Geneva: U.S.
Hot Air ....
U.S. planning a meeting on the side with Iran as July nuclear deal deadline
- Share on Facebook*28*
The United States and the other P5+1 powers have been working with Iranian
officials to bring the interim deal reached last November to its full-scale
comprehensive resolution, with representatives all meeting up most recently
in Vienna last month — but those talks evidently didn’t go all that well.
This week, *Reuters* reported that analysts and diplomats aren’t feeling
remo... more »
Bill Gates Steps from Behind the Curtain in Hopes of Saving Common Core
The Gates Foundation has provided Lindsay Layton of the Washington Post a
story that is intended put a band-aid on the bleeding out of the Common
Core Standards. It's worth reading for an appreciation of how desperate
Gates is to save his billion dollar baby from going down the drain, like
his other self-serving educational thought disorders.
With access to Gates and a bit of polished skullduggery on how David
Coleman and Gene Wilhoit took the corporate case for Achieve, Inc.
standards to Bill and Melinda for funding, Gates and the oligarchs hope to
relieve the Obama Administration... more »
New Blogs May/June 2014
It's not the first Sunday of the month. But I *did* forget to post this
last week. So here you go, new(ish) blogs!
1. Birmingham Labour (Labour)
2. Ellis Cashmore (Unaligned/Sociology) (Twitter)
3. Feminist Killjoys (Unaligned/Feminist)
4. Gabriel Vents (Unaligned)
5. Great Moments in Leftism (Unaligned/Satire) (Twitter)
6. Jane Clare Jones (Unaligned/Feminist) (Twitter)
7. John D Turner (Unaligned (Twitter)
8. Latent Freud (Unaligned) (Twitter)
9. Libertarians to Gulags (Labour) (Twitter)
10. Manchester Left Writers (Unaligned) (Twitter)
11. Nurse Boothroyd (Unaligned)
12. Strategic Miso... more »

- I am trying not to get a dark heart. That's why I put the George
Harrison song on the blog today....beware of darkness..... Watch out now,
take care....Beware of greedy leaders....They take you where you should not
- It's hard though to watch the global war machine punishing so many
innocent people around the world and not feel it.... my heart weeps and
wails. I am furious with my own corporate-dominated 'government' and I
know there is little I can do to directly impact Washington and damn near
everyone else knows it as well. That's why... more »
The quest to clear out Gitmo ( June 8 , 2014 ) - White House agenda faces GOP opposition .....
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
New York Post .....
Obama to free Gitmo terrorist ‘because he took up yoga’
By Paul Sperry
June 7, 2014 | 9:56pm
Modal Trigger
[image: Obama to free Gitmo terrorist ‘because he took up yoga’]
Detainees in orange jumpsuits sit in a holding area under the eyes of
military police during in-processing to the temporary detention facility at
Camp X-Ray of Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay.Photo: Reuters
Obama is driving the country to ruin
Obama: Released terrorists could 'absolutely' return to battle
Obama's killer deal
Jihadi release may come back to haunt US
If you though... more »
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