One Ton Gold Shipment Into Hong Kong Revealed To Contain Just Worthless Metal via Zero Hedge
This article on Zero Hedge
is worrisome if you aren't 100% that your gold is actually gold. I think
mine is...
Supplemental: A 7-year-old reader in Gotham!
*FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2014*
*She goes unloved at Salon:* This morning, in the New York Times, we read
about a 7-year-old in New York City who already has two literary heroes.
Delightfully, her name is Mikayla Capers; she lives in East New York,
Brooklyn. Vivien Lee profiled her budding literary engagement, which we
hope will turn out to be lasting, helpful and real:
YEE (6/6/14): *Mikayla’s heroes are Harry Potter and the characters in the
“Diary of a Wimpy Kid” series.* After reading that she was a fan of the
series, Abrams Books, the series’ publisher, arranged to send her a trove
of ... more »
Reflections on Oklahoma’s Repeal of Common Core
The first key reaction to Oklahoma’s defeat of Common Core is best
described by a football metaphor. We’re celebrating like we’ve been in the
End Zone before – no gloating or trash talk about the touchdown. This is
true even though many of us, especially liberal Common Core opponents,
haven’t had many political victories in […]
11(b) analysis
R. v. Florence, 2014 ONCA 443:
[29] In *Morin*, the Supreme Court of Canada set out the factors a
court must consider when assessing the reasonableness of delay for purposes
of s. 11(b). Writing for the majority, Sopinka J. stated, at pp. 787-88:
While the Court has at times indicated otherwise, it is now accepted that
the factors to be considered in analyzing how long is too long may be
listed as follows:
1. the length of the delay;
2. waiver of time periods;
3. the reasons for the delay, including
(a) inherent time requirements of the case,
(b) actions of the accused,
... more »
Who Will Be The Next President?
Conventional wisdom is so weird. Right now, it's telling us that November
will see the Republicans will increase their margin in the House and
probably take over the Senate as well. Tools of conventional wisdom, Steve
Israel and Guy Cecil-- respectively-- are fulfilling destiny for the House
and Senate. At the same time, conventional wisdom can see down the road and
around some twists and turns to tell us that by 2016, voters will be more
than ready to reward the Democrats with big wins in both Houses--
especially the Senate-- on the coattails of President Hillary's gigantic
lands... more »
Jennifer Aniston strips - NSFW - A Rule 5 Friday post
-hot-striptease/'>jennifer aniston hot striptease powered by href='http://'>YouPorn.
Jennifer Aniston strips in a scene from the reasonably funny We Are The
Millers, she's still got it!
Blame it All On Amazon

The papers are full of anti-Amazon rhetoric which some may suggest is being
whipped up into a feeding frenzy within the publishing marketplace. Amazon
is being portrayed as the biggest bully ever to have stepped into the
publishing arena. But is this the case or is it another attempt by the
publishing majors to wrestle back some of the control they happily gave the
Seattle company, or a genuine grievance? How do consumers feel about the
latest public spat, do they really care and how do they actually perceive
Amazon? Do authors side with the retailer who has more than any single
e... more »
The village of Krasny Liman near Slavyansk in the Donetsk region was
heavily shelled by the Ukrainian army during Kiev's military operation
Then the day after the shelling the Vineyard of the Saker reported:
National guard/right sector [fascists] entered Railroad Hospital Krasni
Liman and shot dead 37 wounded Donbas Army soldiers and civilians and at
least 1 hospital worker. Confirmed.
Both of these actions by the Ukrainian military have to be breaking
international law. Bombing and then entering hospitals and killing the
wounded? This is sick shit.
Who is directing... more »
Mike's Story Part 42 - Boys' Night Out
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
*January 25 2007*
* He is in deep shit. Not with the government but with me.*
* Ever since Marian suggested that he see Sandor Hicks, it’s been on the
agenda. That’s been fine with me. A "boys’ night out," as he described
it. Mike flexing his independence muscles in NYC.*
* This morning Sandor called to arrange to meet tonight. I heard Mike’s
end of the conversation which concluded: “Great. So you and your wife’ll
be by here with the car at seven.”*
* “That’s an odd configuration,” I said when he got off.*
* No more, "boys’ night out." Now... more »
*Lawyers: BP claims at risk if Jindal signs levee lawsuit bill ~Richard
*St. Tammany leaders approve court fight against fracking ~Ashley Rodrigue,
*Sheriff Gusman eyes plan to move mentally ill inmates to St. Gabriel,
nearly 50 miles away ~Jim Mustian, New Orleans Advocate*
*2014 hurricane season message: Despite upgraded levees, don't let your
guard down ~Mark Schleifstein*
*DEQ sends hurricane resource manual to parishes ~AP*
Another opinion on Ann Barnhardt's "Why I'm Considering Quitting" post...
*which gives us more to ponder.*
Yesterday *I posted a link* to Ann Barnhardt's post which reflects much of
what I've been thinking lately.
For me the question is whether Ann is mired in despair, a sin against the
virtue of Hope, or is she just being realistic. There is a definite
difference between facing facts and unicorn farts and rainbows, referred to
as *normalcy bias**.* Facing facts means you take appropriate action.
The Grunt of Monte Cristo, over at *For God, Family, and Country*, leans
more toward the despair angle.
I've never been a giggling aficionado of Ann. I t... more »
Politics After Newark
The morning after the night before. Across the land, the hundreds who made
their by-election pilgrimage to Newark blinked at the results with bleary
eyes. Tory vote down, but proportion up. UKIP up but not a contender.
Labour down into third place and, for the second time in a space of a week,
the LibDems slip behind the Greens. Hangovers all round, right? Wrong.
Politics is an art, not a science. Yet it has rhythms sufficient enough to
venture predictions. And one forecast you could have made yesterday about
the result coverage was that a) the Tory win shows they're on course for
... more »
Torches of Freedom- Women manipulated massively.
*ht to John for bringing this to mind*
Following up on the thought-line of psychological operations that
manipulate you into *believing *or participating in activities that are not
really beneficial to you as an individual. These very same activities are
not only harmful and/or damaging to your well being & health, but also
damaging to the health, well being and stability of your family/community
and the global community at large.
As mentioned in the earlier post from today- *FEMEN- War whore psyop-
"stabs" wax Putin*
A psychological operation undertaken to demonize a targeted worl... more »
Pope to Muslim Audiences: People Have 'Fundamental Right' to Choose Their Faith via CNS News
This article does report the Pope's words
but not that Islam mandates the death penalty for apostasy and I can't see
any chance of that changing.
*FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2014*
*Part 5—A tale of at least two cities:* On balance, we weren’t enthralled
by The Atlantic’s performance.
Last month, the famous American publication featured a 10,000-word report
called “Segregation Now...”
Pseudo-liberal hearts were moved. For several major reasons, we were less
than enthralled.
Don’t get us wrong! In her lengthy report, Nikole Hannah-Jones told a
fascinating story about the historical treatment of race within the
Tuscaloosa City Schools.
She focused on the city’s high schools. She took us all the way back to
pre-Brown days, when Tuscaloo... more »
Sex Kittens

*Sex kitten programming*, aka referred to as "*BETA*" programming utilizes
incest and sexual abuse to program a woman or man as a willing sexual
Often the handler is referred to in this context as "*Daddy*" or "*Auntie*".
Monarch programming is applied when a drone is needed to carry out commands
which are of a morally questionable nature. Monarch victims are used for
assassinations and murders which must be carried out for political
purposes. It is used heavily within the entertainment industry to create
easily manipulated music stars.
One variation of the process, kno... more »
Rolling Stones in Israel

"Hag Shavuot Sameah Israel! (Happy holiday Israel!"
I quite like the Rolling Stones. Well, if I didn’t before, I do now. It’s
not that I don’t like the thumping beat and gratifyingly raucous guitar
backing. I am pretty rock’n’roll. It’s just that Mick’s voice sounds small
and reedy compared to ... who shall I say... Freddy Mercury - or perhaps a
more apt comparison would be any of the original black American guitar
players he emulates, for instance Huddie Ledbetter whose voice seems to
lift the heart. Well, it does mine.
Anyway, here I go again, banging on about Israel, whose tribu... more »

*"Davies explained in length his writing process to Cook in The Writer's
Tale. When he creates characters, he initially assigns a character a name
and fits attributes around it. In the case of Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) in
his inaugural series of Doctor Who, he chose the name because he considered
it a "good luck charm" after he used it for Lesley Sharp's character in Bob
& Rose. "*
*Vince Tyler*
*Johnny Tyler (aka Satan)*
*Pete Tyler*
*The Other Pete TylerJackie TylerThe Other Jackie TylerJackie Tyler's
A Tyler’s Toast
*by Iain Macdonald*
--------... more »
I Now Have a Facebook Page
I now have a Facebook page:
The page features my book, A Chronicle of Echoes, and my blog, . As of this
writing, my page has 91 likes. I even have my first hashtag:
#chronicleofechoes I still have no Twitter account. Twitter moves so fast
with its little messages, and I haven’t time to keep up […]
The Sarcasm Dragnet

The folks of the Surveillance State are shocked, shocked that snark or
symbolism or smoldering emotions might be going on in the chat-o-sphere.
They just can't keep up with the jokes, the irony, the pissed-offiness, the
double-entendres, the parodies, the satire that are running rampant in
cyberspace. It's jamming up their poor brains as they constantly troll, in
real time, the communications of every man, woman, child, boojum,
bandersnatch and jubjub with an internet connection.
Is that a terrorist sicko they're monitoring, or just a sicko with a
terrific sense of humor? It... more »
From the Harvard Class of 2009
A video for their 5th year reunion, featuring a couple of econ profs.
Islamic State of Iraq And The Levant Storm Samarra In Salahaddin

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) is ramping up its
operations. It has established itself in Anbar, northern Babil around Jurf
al-Sakhr, Mosul in Ninewa, and parts of Diyala. In Salahaddin the
organization has been able to operate in all eight of its districts
consistently making that province one of the most violent in the country.
On June 5 the insurgents took it a step further when it stormed the city of
Samarra. This is part of the Islamic State’s larger plan to move from rural
areas to urban centers.
(*US Business Council in Iraq*)
Destroyed Humvee in Samarra ... more »
Shelby County to Launch Classroom Camera Project to Collect and Share Video of Kindergarten Students
The Gates Foundation reporter of record, Jane Roberts, has a celebratory
piece on how video capture will be used to evaluate kindergarten teachers
in 26 Shelby County Schools. Will they call this ill-advised excuse for
more surveillance, "Cameras for Kindergartners?"
The State Department of Education should have learned by now that parents
and teachers will not allow this kind of third party collection of data on
children. There is nothing in the story that describes who will collect or
store the data, only that it will be uploaded. Who will have access?
See this link for the a f... more »

In 2008, Paul Knapman was made the *Queen’s Deputy-Lieutenant for Greater
*" The television presenter Paula Yates died of a heroin overdose in a **"foolish
and incautious" **binge after having apparently overcome her drug problem,
an inquest found yesterday.*
*The coroner, **Paul Knapman**, said **the amount she snorted would not
have killed an addict,** but as "**an unsophisticated taker of heroin" Miss
Yates had no tolerance to the drug.*
*Recording a verdict of death by non-dependent abuse of drugs, he told the
court: "The evidence does not point to this being a delibe... more »
RMP in DNA testing
RMP is the probability that an individual randomly selected from a larger
population would have the same DNA profile.
This means a DNA match is relevant ONLY where the appropriate larger
population is used as a base and the individual is randomly selected.
Hence, if a Caucasian population base is used for an aboriginal suspect and
the aboriginal suspect is not randomly selected (say coming from a hamlet
with many people related by blood) a DNA analysis may give a false result.
Montreal Simon, Dr Dawg, .... Now What?
Montreal Simon, riffing off a post of Dr. Dawg's. The Doctor provides the
And now we learn—surely this takes the mouldy cake—that all federal
departments have been ordered to track and monitor *every single
demonstration taking place anywhere in Canada*. This will be coordinated by
a mysterious outfit called the Government Operations Centre, which will
feed the information to its “partners,” whoever they happen to be. One
shudders to guess.
Obviously this further develops the politicization of the public service,
which has been proceeding for some time. It violates, as on... more »
Princess Diana Murder Cover-Up Turns Deadly - by Jeff Steinberg

*This article appears in the July 7, 2000 issue of Executive Intelligence
*Princess Diana Murder Cover-Up Turns Deadly*
by Jeffrey SteinbergNearly three years after the Paris car crash that
claimed the lives of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, the cover-up of that
tragedy has taken a deadly turn, prompting some experts to recall the
pileup of corpses that followed the assassination of President John F.
Kennedy. Over the course of four years, after President Kennedy was shot on
Nov. 22, 1963, at least 37 eyewitnesses and other sources of evidence about
the... more »
Opt Out Guidance for NY Parents and Pearson Field Tests
from We Love Montessori at GW:
[image: Unknown]
The GW Elementary School was selected to participate in the NYS Field Test
program in Math on *WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11th. *GW Elementary School 3rd graders
will be given this test that is to be administered over the course of 40
A field test is an exam that the company PEARSON (READ this article from
WNYC’s blog) and other test developers give to “try out” new questions for
future exams. These guys make a bundle selling their tests back to the
State. What do our children receive in return? Time away from important
“Reputa... more »
10 Fourth of July Crafts for Kids

I can't believe that it is June already! We are gearing up for the 4th of
July in our house with lots of barbecues and of course red, white and blue
crafting. Every morning, my 5-year-old asks me what craft we are going to
do that day, so I went through and complied so fantastic crafts for us to
make this month before the 4th. Here are my favorites.
Easiest Ever 4th of July Wreath by No Time for Flashcards.
Patriotic Bean Toss by Better Homes and Gardens.
Crepe Paper Windsock for the 4th of July by The Mother Huddle.
Firework Paintings by Juggling with Kids.
DIY 4th of July Parad... more »
Inequality Of Opportunity Will Lead Inexorably To The Demise Of Democracy… Just As Its Meant To

*"When People Cheat, You Cannot As A Regulator Continue Business As Usual"*
You probably know by now that a great deal of Elizabeth Warren's new book, A
Fighting Chance, deals with creating the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau. "I had no doubt-- zero-- that the banks should be held accountable
for breaking the law," she wrote. "Would the banks ever be held
accountable, and would they ever be forced to repair the damage they had
done to so many families." At one point she was recounting how, in the
process of setting up the bureau, she asked her team to keep in mind who
they w... more »
Schrödinger's Shooter
Dear firearm owner. Thank you for reading.
First off, we will assume that you have good intentions. You own a firearm
or many firearms because:
1) you hunt animals to provide your family with animal protein,
2) you are skilled and proficient with the use of these weapons and you go
to firing ranges in the same way that golfers go to driving ranges,
3) you inherited these firearms from family members and you treasure the
memories associated with these objects,
4) you are steeped in an ethnic and historical tradition of owning firearms
to protect yourself and your family,
5) you are a U... more »
Abdullah Abdullah survives assassination attempt in Afghanistan on June 6 , 2014 , as Runoff vote looms on June 14 , 2014 --- A suicide car bomber and an attacker with a suicide vest detonated their explosives near a convoy carrying both Abdullah and Zalmai Rassoul — a former presidential candidate who trailed in the first round of voting but threw his support to Abdullah for the runoff — as they were leaving the event just after noon, campaign and security officials said. Six people were killed and more than 20 wounded, including several bodyguards and civilians, Afghan Ministry of Interior spokesman Najib Danish said.
Al Jazeera....
Afghan presidential candidate survives blast
Abdullah Abdullah unhurt by attack in Kabul but at least four civilians are
killed, interior ministry says.
Last updated: 06 Jun 2014 12:38
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Abdullah said he had not been harmed but that his security guards had been
wounded [AP]
A suicide bomber and a roadside bomb have struck the convoy of
Afghanistan's presidential candidate
Abdullah Abdullah as it left a campaign event in the capital K... more »
FEMEN- War whore psyop- "stabs" wax Putin
*FEMEN is not a group that benefits women*.
The NATO media calls them a 'protest' group. They are not.
Sometimes the media calls them a* feminist* group. I can go along with that
if we agree the 'feminist' movement which had it's origin with Gloria
Steinam & the CIA, was created to weaken/destabilize our society. I can
agree with the term 'feminist' in that context. Any other distortion of
reality- empowering women or freeing women is pure delusion
You can read about Ms Steinam's involvement with the CIA in any number of
books. The Mighty Wurlitzer for one
Of course Ms Steinam, s... more »
Kincora and The Wilson Coup

Kincora and the Wilson Coup - Merlyn Rees Doesn't Know Anything (and
Doesn't Want to Know...) from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*He's wrong - the Privy Council is in fact 799 years old...*
Kincora - Merlyn Rees, Mountbatten and the Cause of the Long War in the
North of Ireland from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"What was the state of the IRA at the beginning of 1974?"*
*"They were on their knees." - Former MI5 Officer*
*"Could the War have been won then?""Yes." - Former MI5 Officer"The Good
Friday Agreement is Sunningdale for Slow Learners"*
*The Sunningdale Agreement*
*(December 1973)*
*Trip... more »
A Living, Breathing Dinosaur

Stephen Harper has always suffered from delusions of grandeur. Linda
McQuaig writes:
Relatively little has been said about his grandiosity. Only months after
becoming prime minister in 2006, he showed it off in an overseas speech
that attracted surprisingly little attention in Canada.
Outlining his plan to turn Canada into an “energy superpower,” he told the
Canada-UK Chamber of Commerce in London that developing the “ocean of
oil-soaked sand” in northern Alberta would be “an enterprise of epic
proportions, akin to the building of the Pyramids or China’s Great Wall.
Only bigger.... more »
Gold , Silver and Precious Mets News , Data and Views on Non Farm Payroll Report Friday ( June 6 , 2014 ) ...... As this post is submitted , the Payroll Data has not yet been released ( this generally impacts the price and movements of PMs , so stay tuned for 8:30 EST )
All was calm---and volume was microscope---up until 8:45 a.m. EDT on
Thursday. Then the gold price blasted higher, most likely on the ECB
interest rate news. But within minutes, the sellers of last resort were
there with a tsunami of Comex paper to kill the rally stone cold dead---and
actually sold it down about eight bucks off its high tick. It's unknown
whether it was new long buying, or short covering by the technical funds,
but it doesn't matter. All that mattered wa... more »
Broken markets update June , 2014 -- Algos Waiting For Today's Flashing Red NFP Headline To Launch The BTFATH Programs
217K Jobs Added In May, In Line With 215K Expected; Unemployment Rate 6.3%
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/06/2014 08:34 -0400
- Unemployment
In a report that was a complete snoozer, largely as many had expected, in
May the US Economy is said to have added 217K seasonally adjusted jobs,
virtually in line with the 215K expected, while the unemployment rate
remained at 6.3%. According to the household survey the number of jobs
added was 145K, not a huge deviation from the Establishment survey.
The number of people not in the labor force d... more »
Obama demands the world follow his directives ! ( June 6 , 2014 hubris edition ) ...... Obama Tells Scotland Not to Secede From Britain Also Warns Britain Not to Exit the European Union ........ White House Demands China "Account For" Tiananmen Square Victims .........Obama, Cameron Issue Demands, Give Russia One Month Ultimatum US Insists on End to Eastern Ukraine Protests
Obama Tells Scotland Not to Secede From BritainAlso Warns Britain Not to
Exit the European Union
by Jason Ditz, June 05, 2014
Print This | Share This
Speaking at a press conference at the end of the G7 summit, President Obama
has urged Scottish voters to reject independence, saying that it is not in
America’s interestto see Scotland independent from Britain.
The comments mark the first direct US intervention in the upcoming
referendum, and were quickly criticized by Scottish First Minister Alex
Salmond, saying Scotland only wanted the same independence the US got
hundreds of years ago... more »
Ukraine Updates - Obama, Cameron Issue Demands, Give Russia One Month Ultimatum US Insists on End to Eastern Ukraine Protests ....... Ukraine Govt Ready to Declare Martial Law in East Outgoing Interim President Endorses Declaration .... Gas Talks resume this weekend .......... Updates on military action in South East Ukraine ...... Ukraine stiffs Russia regarding Russian Defense orders - neither delivering products or returning deposits paid in advance
Ukraine Govt Ready to Declare Martial Law in EastOutgoing Interim President
Endorses Declaration
by Jason Ditz, June 05, 2014
Print This | Share This
The loss of several key military/national guard bases in the northeastern
Luhansk Oblast has Ukraine’s interim government on edge about their ongoing
military invasion of the east of the country, and has several leaders
pushing for an immediate declaration of martial law throughout the region.
Outgoing Interim President Oleksandr Turchinov, who will be replaced on
Saturday with the inauguration of President Petro Porchenko, urged the
lea... more »
Euthanasia Law Approved in Quebec
"It is also unclear how Ottawa will react to Quebec's initiative.
Euthanasia is considered homicide under the Criminal Code, which is federal
law, but Quebec has said its attorney general will instruct prosecutors not
to press charges against physicians who respect Bill 52. Quebec is claiming
jurisdiction over euthanasia on the grounds that it is a medical act, and
health is a provincial jurisdiction."
From Today's National Post
The difficulty with Quebec's position, legally, is that there is no
limitation on murder charges in Canada. So today's government may well
instruct no ch... more »
Robert Peston in unbiased reporting shock...
Thus BBC report contains some
shockingly unbiased reporting, how out of character...
'It was just over a year ago that the IMF's chief economist, Olivier
Blanchard, warned George Osborne that he was "playing with fire" if he did
not ease off on his austerity policy, because economic recovery in the UK
seemed so elusive.
Just a few days later, Mr Blanchard's criticism of the cuts implemented by
the chancellor was more gently repeated by Christine Lagarde, the IMF's
head: "We have said that should growth abate, should growth be particular... more »
London Live add another great show to their roster
London Live TV (Sky 117) has been getting a lot of stick since its launch
and apparently has very low viewing figures. For a lot of the time I can
understand why, just look at the schedules. However it does also show *four*
really great shows:
1. Coupling - Steven Moffat's master-work of three series from 2000 to 2004
and a dodgy series four. A genius comedy series with some great acting,
some poor acting but always very very funny, and sometimes toe-curlingly
embarrassing. You must watch this series, if not on London Live then buy
the DVD. I have previously blogged about Series 1, ... more »
D-Day Plus Seventy Years

Canadian soldiers landing at Juno on the outskirts of Bernières
No Victims and the Soul's Choice

This insight is a very powerful one. I stumbled into it recently by way of
a horse whisperer who also had stumbled into this utterly clear idea. All
souls have choices. They make their core choice before going in. Free will
and specifics will play out but even the deer made its choice.
We cannot have an afterlife and the soul without accepting the rest
either. Of course, if you simply reject all such teaching as a matter of
course, then none of this matters. However acceptance of the premise of
the soul in particular does cast our logic in front of us and we are way
beyond ... more »
Hessdalen Lights
This appears to be a natural event and I suspect that we are dealing with a
stable rotating air mass that developed a charge from the surrounding
electrified environment. This effect succeeds in increasing the stability
in the same way that ball lightening is produced. A vortex could induce an
electron flow that forces the mass of air to reshape as a globe. The
surface of the globe develops an electron deficit that induces a glow.
So far this is all guess work but it is at least a start toward a
theoretical model.
This phenomena may well occur worldwide and needs to be consid... more »
JapanFocus, forwarding Chinese propaganda again...

*Wetlands in Changhua.*
The other day JapanFocus posted another in the seemingly endless examples
of Lefties forwarding the claims, language, and ideology of imperialism and
expansionism -- apparently, so long as it is non-western imperialism, it is
ok. This is Lin Man-houng's awful Taiwan and the Ryukyus (Okinawa) in
Asia-Pacific Multilateral Relations – a Long-term Historical Perspective on
Territorial Claims and Conflicts (
アジア太平洋地域の多国間関係における台湾と琉球諸島(沖縄)領土権主張や紛争を長期的視野でとらえる), a turd so vast that,
properly composted, it could fertilize California for a year. Ordinarily
I'd just giv... more »
Posted as a comment on "Ed. Groups Urge More Federal Spending for
Common-Core Tests," at:
More money to support the biggest boondoggle in the history of education?
There is zero research supporting the value of on-line testing, and no
plans to do even small scale studies. The amount of money on-line testing
will cost will be staggering and will increase dramatically. Every student
has to have access to an modern computer with up-to-date capacity, and just
to keep up with cha... more »
Germany backs France on Russia warship contract

[image: Vladivostok LHD]Germany has defended France’s plan to deliver a
warship to Russia in October despite US criticism of the move.
Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday (4 June) in Brussels that
interruption of delivery might only come if the EU adopts “stage three”
sanctions - economic sanctions - against Russia.
But she said the EU is not launching stage three because Russia did not
stop Ukraine’s 25 May presidential elections from going ahead.
Read more
D-Day landings

This is an interesting map tweeted by the *Today *programme:
F-35 purchase decision expected next week in report

[image: F-35 Lightning II]Senior sources inside the Canadian defence and
aerospace industry are girding themselves for a government decision next
week that they believe is almost sure to favour the controversial F-35.
CBC News has learned the Conservative government is expected to make a
final decision as soon as next Tuesday, followed soon after by an
announcement that will put an end to the debate about whether to hold a
competition to buy new fighter planes or to renew the $45-billion plan to
sole-source the purchase of F-35s.
After a storm of controversy before the 2011 election... more »
Switzerland selects Hermes 900 as Ranger replacement

[image: Hermes 900 UAS]Switzerland’s Armasuisse procurement agency has
selected Elbit Systems’ Hermes 900 to meet the nation’s future unmanned air
system requirement.
The design had been in competition with Israel Aerospace Industries’ Super
Heron TP to replace Ruag Ranger unmanned air vehicles currently in service
with the Swiss armed forces.
“The Hermes 900 HFE has been favoured because it delivered the better
overall result in all assessed criteria,” Armasuisse said in a 5 June
notification, valuing the procurement at an estimated Swfr250 million ($279
Read more
Akash Test Held up, PTA under Scanner

[image: Banshee target drones]Defence experts have raised doubt over the
efficiency of UK-made unmanned aircraft Banshee which was to be used as a
target against surface-to-air medium range missile Akash, but failed to
perform twice in the last couple of days.
While on Tuesday the aerial target fell down in the sea nearly three
minutes after taking off from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur
off the Odisha coast, on Wednesday the pilot-less target aircraft (PTA)
failed to take off due to technical glitches in its lifting support system.
The mission team of Akash had to pos... more »
Factbox - The 11 countries expected to buy F-35 fighter jet

[image: Dutch F-35A Lightning II]Canada is poised to buy 65 F-35 fighter
jets built by Lockheed Martin Corp, sources familiar with the process told
Reuters, which would make it the 11th country to join the program.
The United States and its allies plan to buy more than 3,100 F-35s in
coming years to replace ageing F-16s, F/A-18s and other warplanes.
Following is a list of the expected purchases, according to data provided
by Lockheed, the prime contractor for the $398.6 billion weapons program,
and defence officials in the United States and other purchasing countries.
Read more
I think my Alsation would sniff out this robo-impostor
the latest creation from Darpa-Dyne, *Petman* became *Atlas*: fire up the
counter robo-drones and let's survive against this insane Propagandist
NOTICE how Atlas isn't burdened with the research cost of Asimo's
sexy-sensitive robotic gripping hands and fingers, when HIS ENTIRE FOREARMS
will be fore-armed. That's why you don't see it here, it would be TOO
HORRIFIC for the vast majority of the viewing public. Guns, flame throwers,
robo-to-personnel missiles. All to keep You The People trembling in your
over-expensive homes watching useless telly and fearfully indulging in all ... more »
'No impact' on construction after fire onboard HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier at Rosyth

[image: HMS Queen Elizabeth]Twenty-seven firefighters were called to a fire
onboard the Royal Navy’s largest ever warship in Fife this morning.
Initially there were fears that 21 workers who are assembling the HMS Queen
Elizabeth at Rosyth were unaccounted for.
However, that situation quickly changed and all personnel were located
Read more
Navy jet crashes into Pacific on approach to carrier
A U.S. Navy fighter jet crashed into the water off Southern California
while approaching an aircraft carrier Wednesday night, the Navy said.
The pilot of the F/A-18E Super Hornet ejected, was recovered and is in
stable condition aboard the USS Carl Vinson, the Navy said Thursday. The
aviator is expected to make a full recovery.
The crash happened hours after a separate military plane went down in
California: the nonfatal crash of one of the Marines' AV-8B Harriers into a
neighborhood in Imperial.
Read more
Local shipbuilding firms locked out of navy project

[image: Australian Defence Minister David Johnston]A political row has
erupted over manufacturing after the Coalition said two new navy supply
ships will be built overseas.
Defence Minister David Johnston today announced the tender process for the
urgently needed replacements of replenishment vessels HMAS Success and HMAS
But Australian shipbuilders won’t be able to bid. Instead, the battle will
be between Spain’s Navantia and South Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding and
Marine Engineering.
Read more
S. Korea to donate warship to Philippines

[image: Pohang-class FS]South Korea will be donating a lightly armed
warship to the Philippines after its decommission by the end of this year,
the Philippine Foreign Affairs Department said Thursday.
In a statement, the department said that South Korean Defense Minister Kim
Kwang Jin announced the donation of one of its Pohang-class corvettes to
the Philippine Navy when he met with Philippine Defense Secretary Voltaire
Gazmin in Seoul last Friday.
"Minister Kim said South Korea's gesture is a small token compared with the
great contribution of Filipino troops during the Korean War,... more »
Strawberry Desserts and Free Printables- You're Invited Link Up
It's finally summer! Can you believe it? The weeks are just flying by! It's
time to show you some of our favorite links from last weeks party. This
weeks features are from Holly at Bits of Everything. [image: You're-Invited]
The Party girls: Jesseca from One Sweet Appetite, Holly from Bits of
Everything, Jonie from Just Between Friends, and Debra from Housewife
Eclectic. They all have such great ideas, be sure to go see what they’ve
been up to. Here are a few things that have been happening on Bits of
[image: Features2]
Father's Day Candy Bar Letter
Freezer Organization ... more »
Earthquake Prediction Insight

This is actually quite useful. He has identified a very small time zone in
which the combined tidal deformation maximizes and allows large quakes to
be triggered.. This becomes important in serious Earthquake country simply
be cause it can be almanaced and even properly prepared for even if we
merely establish these as days for training drills.
Everyone wants at least this much warning. For the citizen it becomes a
good time to spend in the park. That is a small price to pay for the many
false alarms for every actual event.
What this is telling us though is that surv... more »
Templars and Assassins
The historical association and mutual influence on each other of these two
essentially secret associations was never particularly clear and this
article pulls it together as a plausible thesis. What killed them both of
course was their need for secrecy. Sheer ignorance is a poor defense
against fear and natural paranoia.
Yet it is clear also that the inherent organizational strands reassembled
and continued on while losing its obvious symbolism. The Masons are a
powerful echo of all that. Secret societies were a clearing house for
information and protecting reputations when o... more »
China Report: Carriers, Drones and Stealth Fighters Advancing

[image: J-20 Powerful Dragon]China’s military will likely have multiple
aircraft carriers, thousands of guided cruise and ballistic missiles,
next-generation cyber-attack capabilities and fifth-generation stealth
fighters by the end of this decade – according to a newly released Pentagon
report on China.
The report characterizes the U.S.-China relationship as one containing both
cooperation and competition or points of friction between the two countries.
Successful instances of progress with military to military cooperation
between the U.S. and China are specified in the annual repo... more »
China May Begin Naval Nuclear-Deterrence Patrols in 2014: Pentagon

[image: Type 094 (Jin) class SSBN]China will probably begin conducting
naval nuclear-deterrence patrols this year, the U.S. Defense Department
said on Thursday.
Beijing has never before had a credible submarine force that would give it
the capability to launch submerged long-range nuclear missiles. The Asian
power last year was officially assessed to be fielding three Type 094
Jin-class strategic submarines.
However, a fleet comprising at least four nuclear-armed submarines is
generally understood to be the minimum quantity necessary for a country to
be able to maintain around-the... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.6.14”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 6.6.14”*
By Greg Hunter’s
“The top story is the global economy. It’s not fixed and there is no real
recovery. Yes, I know the stock market hit all-time highs again, but that’s
because the market believes the Fed; and now the European Central Bank will
continue the easy money policies. The ECB just announced it will go to
negative interest rates of -.1% on deposits. That’s right. In, Europe you
have to pay a bank to hold your money! If Europe was really in a so-called
“recovery” as we have been told constantly for several years, would it need
t... more »
Moving Forward is Lemmingspeak for Neocorporate Leadership
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” ~Albert
Tom Steyer's donations are crippling and corrupting America
*His events have nothing to do with "climate change"*
Tom Steyer is worth $1.6 billion or so. He made his fortune through hedge
funds 25+ years ago when it was still possible to extract lots of money
from the inefficiencies of the markets. These days, the hedge fund industry
belongs to the sector of lotteries – and the investors pay hefty service
fees to be sure that in average, they will underperform the stock market.
At any rate, he is not only a billionaire but also a moron. The word
"moron" understates what he is. He is not just a moron; he is – and I was
afraid to say the E-wor... more »

*As Peanuts might say...*
*New paper shows anthropogenic emissions have had a net cooling effect
since beginning of industrial revolution*
*Note that the authors show that clouds have a COOLING effect. Global
warming theory assumes that they have a WARMING effect. So in more ways
than one this article strikes at the heart of global warming theory*
A paper published today in Science claims the transition from "pristine" to
"slightly polluted" atmosphere at the beginning of the industrial
revolution in the 18th century had a "dramatic aerosol effect [of
increasing] clouds" ov... more »
Scooters, Trees, and More!

Scooters delivered today! Of course, they forgot the temp plates, so we
cannot really drive them yet, but that did not stop us from test driving
them in the yard and the private streets of our little neighborhood. They
are not as easy as they look. I am great at driving in a straight line,
but turns kinda scare me. I am getting better though. Wore helmets and
did all the right safety things. :). I think we are really going to like
them. Temp plates getting delivered tomorrow.
More trees have been going into the yard. We went to a nursery yesterday
and got some fan palms... more »
Is There A Reasonable Democratic Strategy For Mississippi?

Democrats regularly win statewide races in Maine and South Dakota, though
DSCC executive director Guy Cecil, some kind of a self-loathing Beltway
creature, has written off both states to the Republicans in November. He's
much more excited about spending DSCC millions down in Mississippi on
behalf of homophobic, anti-Choice Blue Dog Travis Childers. Don't forget,
the last two times Democrats won Senate seats in Mississippi were when John
Stennis was reelected in 1982, having first become a senator in 1947, and
when James Eastland was reelected in 1972, having first become a senator... more »
Very Important Article That Answers The Important Question: WHY Is There No Russian Intervention In Ukraine?
Everyone has been watching all the lies coming from the Jewish run media
these days about the Ukrainian puppet regime in Kiev turning their army on
their own people in eastern Ukraine.... We have seen the lies coming from
our jew spew news claiming that the people of eastern Ukraine, who
rightfully have voted in referendums to decide their future, are suddenly
"Russian rebels" and "terrorists".... The truth is of course that these are
innocent people who have indeed decided that their future is not with the
criminals in Kiev and enslavement to the IMF... And now we are watching as
... more »
Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 Mystery - June 5 , 2014 ..... With the pings being discounted but the Authorities determined to continue fruitlessly searching in the Indian Ocean anyway , funny we now see a new " witness account " surface ! SYDNEY: Australia is investigating an account from a sailor who said she may have seen Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 on fire, as officials said the hunt for the plane could dive much deeper............ SYDNEY: Emirates chief Tim Clark has reportedly questioned why fighter jets did not intercept Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 when it veered widely off course, but said he believed the missing plane will be found.........
SYDNEY: Australia is investigating an account from a sailor who said she
may have seen Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 on fire, as officials said the
hunt for the plane could dive much deeper.
The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), which is leading the search
at the request of the Malaysian government, is looking at the claim from a
British yachtswoman made this week.
"The ATSB received... a message from a member of the public, reporting that
they had seen what they believed to be a burning aircraft in the sky above
the Indian Ocean on the night of the di... more »
Tax Cut 19: Letter to Sen. Sonny Angara Re. SB 2149

This is my letter to Sen. Sonny Angara today, sent to his His other email ad, as
indicated in the Senate website, is bouncing.
Photo is from his facebook profile. I will post this letter in his fb and
twitter accounts as well.
06 June 2014
*Sen. Sonny M. Angara*
Senate of the Philippines
Pasay City
Dear Sen. Angara,
We support your intention to simplify and reduce the number of tax brackets
for personal income from seven to five, and reduce the top marginal tax
rate from 32 percent to 25 percent by January 2017, as c... more »
Brock McIntosh interviewed from Washington, DC. He fought with Army
National Guard in Afghanistan from November 2008 to August 2009. McIntosh
was based near where Bowe Bergdahl was captured. McIntosh had later applied
for conscientious objector status and joined Iraq Veterans Against the War.
Repeating the inconsequential
From my email:
Waste and mysterious spending in Afghanistan after our alleged wind down of military forces - June 5 , 2014 ......... Why doesn't anyone question this ?? What Would Afghan Spending Buy At Home ? Trashed: U.S. Gear in Afghanistan to be Sold, Scrapped Billions worth of equipment will be left in a country with a legacy of foreign invasion. ........
More taxpayer looting and to achieve what exactly ?
What Would Afghan Spending Buy At Home?
[image: Print This Post] Print This Post
By Russ Baker< on Jun 3, 2014
[image: 1]Most of the stories headlining how President Obama plans to cut
troops in Afghanistan as part of his planned exit from that country have
not bothered to provide numbers on U.S. military spending there.
A few have, but almost in passing. For example, CNN doesn’t indicate the
current levels of spending, but notes that
Tony Blinken, Obama’s de... more »
Chicago’s George Schmidt on Martin Koldyke, “Golden Apples,” and School “Turnaround”
On June 4, 2014, I posted this piece by a guest writer, a Chicago area
teacher, who has concerns about Martin Koldyke’s “Golden Apples” teacher
recognition program. Her concern is that the “Golden Apples” program is a
benevolently-disguised, self-serving effort for Koldyke to use teachers to
staff his Academy for Urban Leadership “turnaround” schools (AULS). The […]
Greece getting set to explode back into the news - in a negative fashion ? June 5 , 2014 --- Haris Theocharis, the Troika-supported general secretary of Greece’s public revenues was forced to resign following press leaks about "government discontent" at his handling of tax issues - most notably the retroactive taxation of gains on Greek government bonds. AsKeepTalkingGreece notes, Theocharis was a hardliner, a devoted supporter of the loan agreements and their implementation and kept loading the Greek taxpayers with new burdens and exorbitant fines. However, the resignation of the country's top tax-collector is "a cause of serious concern," according to EU spokespersons ......... .... Greek Government unexpectedly closed the Parliament for summer break
EU Warns Greece Is "A Cause Of Serious Concern" As Top Tax-Collector Resigns
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/05/2014 12:11 -0400
- Greece
Haris Theocharis, the Troika-supported general secretary of Greece’s public
revenues was forced to resign following press leaks about "government
discontent" at his handling of tax issues - most notably the retroactive
taxation of gains on Greek government bonds. AsKeepTalkingGreece notes,
Theocharis was a hardliner, a devoted supporter of the loan agreements and
their implementation and kept loading... more »
If the rabid right-wing beast Dan Backer really wants a "thank you," it's not entirely outside the realm of possibility

*The rabid right-wing beast behind "Stop Hillary PAC" and assorted other
right-wing degradations wants his copycat nemesis to acknowledge his "legal
*by Ken*
It appears that the doody-sucking beast Dan Backer wants a thank you,
specifically from Hillary Clinton. As reported by the Washington Post's "In
the Loop" team ("Dan Backer has an anti-Hillary PAC -- and says Clinton
owes him a heartfelt 'thank you'"), the Rabid Beast Backer, architect of
the Stop Hillary PAC is tickled to note that his sworn enemy has had formed
on her behalf a PAC called Ready for Hillary whi... more »
Musical Interlude: Leonard Cohen, "Anthem"
Leonard Cohen, "Anthem"
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 7331 is often touted as an analog to our
own Milky Way. About 50 million light-years distant in the northern
constellation Pegasus, NGC 7331 was recognized early on as a spiral nebula
and is actually one of the brighter galaxies not included in Charles
Messier's famous 18th century catalog. Since the galaxy's disk is inclined
to our line-of-sight, long telescopic exposures often result in an image
that evokes a strong sense of depth. The effect is further enhanced in this
sharp image by galaxies that lie beyond the gorgeous island universe.
*Click i... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Closing Cycles”
*“Closing Cycles”*
by Paulo Coelho
[Several times I've received via Internet some texts attributed to me,
which I did not write, as the text below. I made several changes and
decided to post it here. - Paulo Coelho]
"One always has to know when a stage comes to an end. If we insist on
staying longer than the necessary time, we lose the happiness and the
meaning of the other stages we have to go through. Closing cycles, shutting
doors, ending chapters – whatever name we give it, what matters is to leave
in the past the moments of life that have finished.
Did you lose your job? Has... more »
"There are some oddities in the perspective with which we see the world.
The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface
of a gas covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles
away and think this to be normal is obviously some indication of how skewed
our perspective tends to be."
- Douglas Adams
Friday Morning Ramble: Bank That, and Walk Away
Well, they always said ACT was a party with convictions. Boom, boom!
So what about about a political party with three convicted criminals? Three
strikes and they’re out? Boom boom.
I freely confess to never having any respect for the Minister for Rhyming
Slang, so I’m not really going to start talking about him now. So what else
of more importance has been happening around the place? Here’s some things
I spotted around the traps of more importance. Like remembering Tiananmen,
25 years on…
[image: image]
“Twenty-five years ago in Tiananmen Square, China’s Communist regime
massacr... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Still Small Voice”
*“The Still Small Voice”*
by Chet Raymo
"There is a power in nature, restless and terrible- storm, wildfire,
earthquake, tidal wave. There is a delicacy too, to which we attend with a
more perceptive eye and ear- the woolly bear caterpillar in the grass, the
red-tailed hawk circling high and silent above the meadow, the six-dotted
shadow of the water strider on the bottom of the pond. I think of lines
from a poem of Grace Schulman, a poem called “In Place of Belief”:
“...I would eavesdrop, spy,
and keep watch on the chance, however slight,
that the unseen might dazzle into sight.”
... more »
"Life... is not about how fast you run or even with what degree of grace.
It's about perseverance, about staying on your feet and slogging forward no
matter what."
- Dean Koontz
The Poet: John Keats, "The Human Seasons"
*"The Human Seasons"*
"Four Seasons fill the measure of the year;
There are four seasons in the mind of man:
He has his lusty Spring, when fancy clear
Takes in all beauty with an easy span:
He has his Summer, when luxuriously
Spring's honied cud of youthful thought he loves
To ruminate, and by such dreaming high
Is nearest unto heaven: quiet coves
His soul has in its Autumn, when his wings
He furleth close; contented so to look
On mists in idleness—to let fair things
Pass by unheeded as a threshold brook.
He has his Winter too of pale misfeature,
Or else he would forego his mortal natur... more »
Limit the Amount of Times People Have the Power of Life or Death Over You (Plus Prostitution)
Seems reasonable no? The power of employers over their workers in an
increasingly neoliberal economic order is one such intolerable situation.
"Workers as Citizens" is the most efficient way I know of for bringing that
state of affairs to an end.
Say! I know what else I can write about!
The harper regime says that its new prostitution law mirrors the new
"Nordic Model" of prostitution legislation. In the Nordic Model,
prostitution is seen as institutionalized sexual violence, with the
prostitutes as the victims. To combat it, the laws only target the users of
the prostitutes' servi... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Basseterre, Saint George Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis
Thanks for stopping by.
“End of Economic Man Revisited”
*“End of Economic Man Revisited”*
by Christopher Quigley
“In 1939 Peter F. Drucker wrote "The End of Economic Man: The Origins of
Totalitarianism". Its publication caused a sensation. When Winston
Churchill became prime minister of Great Britain he gave the order to
include the book in the kit issued to every graduate of a British Officer's
Candidate School. A year previously Churchill had reviewed the publication.
It impressed him because he realized that something fundamental had
happened in the world with the rise of Fascisms and he wished his officers
to understand what they we... more »
Lynch Mob Rule: Hailey Idaho Surrenders to the Terrorists

This is a pretty dismal day to live in America or more accurately to live
in *The Homeland*. The America that we knew has been gone for quite some
time now although enough remains, at least in cosmetic terms to pretend
that one day it may come back – it is never coming back. The vicious,
sleazy and most of all cowardly attacks on Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, the man
just released from five years as a prisoner of the Taliban in Afghanistan
are evidence that any vestiges of a free and fair country are now gone. The
haters have always been there but this disgusting display of venom is a
p... more »
Ron Jacobs : BOOKS | A ‘Bohemian’ comic rhapsody
Paul Buhle and David Berger’s graphic history is a fascinating collection
of personalities, their lives drawn in a manner equal to the stories they
tell. By Ron Jacobs | The Rag Blog | June 5, 2014 [Bohemians: A Graphic
History … finish reading Ron Jacobs :
*BOOKS* | A ‘Bohemian’ comic rhapsody
“The Battle of Midway”
*“The Battle of Midway”*
By Frederick Sheehan
“The Battle of Midway was fought 72 years ago, from June 4, 1942 to June 7,
1942. Air strikes from U.S. aircraft carriers maimed beyond repair the four
Japanese aircraft carriers. The Japanese fleet, and Japan, never recovered.
Less than six months earlier, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese attack
swept across the Pacific. Franklin Roosevelt, in his "Day of Infamy"
speech, told the damage: "Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live
in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately
attacked by naval and air fo... more »
An armed robber may rely on self defence against a home owner?
*R. v. Mohamed*, 2014 ONCA 442 seems to hold an intruder may rely on self
defence against a homeowner. Some might find such ruling odd. The Court
[49] I understand the concern raised by the Crown but do not agree
that it provides a basis to restrict the interpretation of s. 35 in the
manner suggested. At the outset, I note that s. 35 is not limited to cases
where the accused kills or even seriously injures the victim. It also
governs the use of lesser defensive force by a person to repel a victim who
has been unjustifiably “assaulted” or “provoked” and responds viole... more »
Loser-Pays Costs Regime in Estate Litigation
* Feinstein v. Freedman*, 2014 ONCA 446:
[13] The loser-pays regime generally applies to estate litigation,
such that successful parties are entitled to have their reasonable costs
paid by the unsuccessful parties and
that costs are usually only payable from an estate where the litigation
arose out of the actions of the testator or was reasonably necessary to
ensure the proper administration of the estate: *McDougald Estate v.
Gooderham*, [2005] O.J. No. 2432 (C.A.), at paras. 78, 80, 85, 91; and *Vance
Estate v. Vance Estate*, 2010 ONSC 4944, at para. 4.
Jon Stewart's Versus Oliver North's Expertise? (You Be the Judge)
It doesn't get much better for those end-of-your-rope times than this, does
it? (Okay, they could reinstitute the progressive tax rates before Reagan
(or even Clinton), but I'm not holding my breath on that one.) Daily Show
host Jon Stewart sarcastically commended Fox News on Wednesday for inviting
convicted felon and former Army Lt. Col. Oliver North to comment on the
U.S. deal to free POW
Global Temperature Update: No global warming at all for 17 years 9 months
[image: Climate Depot]
*'212 months without global warming represents more than half the 423-month
satellite data record, which began in January 1979'*
*'Recent extreme weather cannot be blamed on global warming, because there
has not been any global warming'*
By: Marc Morano - Climate Depot
May 4, 2014
*Special to Climate Depot *
*By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley,*
According to the RSS satellite data, whose value for April 2014 is just in,
the global warming trend in the 17 years 9 months since August 1996 is
zero. The 212 months without global warming represents more than ha... more »
Austrian artist Wilhelm Bernatzik - Gate to Paradise, 1906
many thanks to Francisco Philipe Cruz for bringing to my attention this
oil on canvas - Gate To Paradise by Austrian artist Wilhelm Bernatzik.
Free Download: Charles Dickens, "A Tale of Two Cities"
“Whereof what's past is prologue; what to come,
In yours and my discharge.”
- William Shakepeare, “The Tempest”, Act 2, scene 1, 245–254
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of
wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was
the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of
Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had
everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to
Heaven, we were all going direct the other way."
- Charles Dickens, "A Tale of Two... more »
The Economy: "The Wealth Divide Never Wider"
*"The Wealth Divide Never Wider"*
by James Hall
"How many times do you have to be hit over the head before you realize who
is hitting you?"
- Harry S. Truman
"The Robber Barons of the 19th and 20th century had nothing over the elites
of today’s globalist transnational financial conglomerates. The Richest
Americans, listed in Forbes conceals the real power that controls the
economy. Net worth is deficient in gauging dominance in financial
commercialism and monetary preeminence. The Top 50 Highest-Paid CEOs as
reported by ABC News ties into Michael Hiltzik’s account that CEO-to-worke... more »
“This Will Set Off a Trigger Warning...”
*“This Will Set Off a Trigger Warning...” *
by Bill Bonner
"According to the Wall Street Journal, the latest buffoonery college
students pay for are “trigger warnings.” The idea is that some books may
contain passages or words that are offensive to some readers. Who
determines what is offensive to whom has not been clarified. But
apparently, even a popular and well-known novel, such as Huckleberry Finn,
may have words that trigger a sense of outrage, indignation or humiliation.
Delicate students need to be warned so they can avoid these things.
Meanwhile, Washington is under press... more »
*AG recommends veto for levee board lawsuits bill ~New Orleans Advocate*
*~ Caldwell wrote Jindal that the bill’s wording carries “the potential for
an unintended effect on the state’s, or a local governmental entity’s,
claims against BP related to the Deepwater Horizon incident.”** But
Jindal’s top legal adviser disagreed, saying the views expressed during a
Wednesday morning meeting were “the same as those offered by the opponents
of the bill.” Thomas L. Enright Jr., the governor’s executive counsel,
wrote Caldwell on Wednesday, “I must respectfully disagree that the proper
course ... more »
China's Naked Officials

-by Qiao Li
As a young, aspired citizen, I try to fulfill my share of "American dream"
by working to become a homeowner in Pasadena, California. It didn’t take
long for us to realize that our meager savings limited what we can buy, but
what surprised me more was the number of "cash-offer" deals that out-bided
us everywhere! How did we get accustomed to cash-only offers? And how could
our housing market possibly be affected by corruption in China? The
outsourcing of China’s "naked officials" might help to explain why.
"Naked officials" (裸体官员) are Chinese bureaucrats who send their ... more »
Heavy artillery strikes on Eastern Ukraine have left the area on the brink
of a humanitarian crisis: activists say the water supply in several cities
in the region has been cut off. Tens of thousands of people have fled their
homes and crossed the border with Russia - where temporary refugee camps
have been set up. And even more are expected to come, as Paula Slier has
been finding out.
Tom Hayden : The negotiated release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
Public opinion supports Bergdahl but Republicans and neocons are grumbling
about his anti-war statements and rumors that he went AWOL. By Tom Hayden |
The Rag Blog | June 5, 2014 After the negotiated release of Sgt. Bowe
Bergdahl, I … finish reading Tom Hayden :
The negotiated release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
Jonah Raskin : INTERVIEW | Howard Machtinger on the old-yet-never-forgotten American War in Vietnam
Anti-war activist Howie Machtinger, veteran of SDS and the Weather
Underground, believes we should get the facts straight about Vietnam. By
Jonah Raskin | The Rag Blog | June 5, 2014 Vietnam was near the heart of
Howard Machtinger’s life … finish reading Jonah Raskin :
*INTERVIEW* | Howard Machtinger on the old-yet-never-forgotten American War
in Vietnam
RoboCon CREEPshow trial of Michael Sona
At left is the draft statement robocall trial star witness and Guelph Con
campaign worker Andrew Prescott sent to the accused, Michael Sona, in July
Read it first. Really.
Three freaking years later and three days into the CREEPshow trial charging
Michael Sona with sending robocalls out to more than 6,000 Guelph voters in
the May 2, 2011 federal election directing them to the wrong poll locations, a
couple of new things stand out.
It was indeed Andrew Prescott who logged out of his own account at RackNine
on election day only to log back in again a few minutes later on the ... more »
Explore- Classical Trivium,Magic Mushrooms,CIA, Zionism and more
*ht freethinker- who brought this video to my attention*
I usually catch all of Jan Irvin's stuff, but, missed this one completely.
Sigh...... Can't be everywhere at all times. Quite a thought provoking
interview. Or not. Maybe, offensive? Or not. Guess that all depends on you,
the individual. If information/knowledge, charges up brain cells and
inspires rational discussion then we should at least consider that
different or challenging information gained from exposure to a broad range
of topics?
Believe it or not this is the first I have ever heard of Joshua Blakeny!
Though he is i... more »
KIPP Links, Including Research and Commentary
A reader in California asked for some links, and here is the result I will
share with you, too. This is certainly not an exhaustive list, not even
for SM. A start, nonetheless.
One thing you should note from this first link below is that non-profit
charters schools are a myth, thanks to some handiwork by Clinton before he
left office.
Here is an essay review on Jay Mathews' book, Work Hard, Be Nice:
Here are some links with interview data. I will share the rest ... more »
Thoughts On The Murder Of RCMP Officers In New Brunswick ...

I live within two blocks of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Academy in
Regina, Saskatchewan. Every single member of the RCMP has received their
training here at the RCMP Depot. The history of this facility and location
dates back to the days of the old North West Mounted Police and the Riel
Living in such close proximity to the training academy, it's a routine
sight for me to see the raw, short haired recruits jogging their daily
quota of kilometers as part of basic training. I own two dogs and we walk
twice every day along the banks of Wascana Creek beside the RCMP... more »
Matthew Tisdale, who spat in train conductor's face, walks free from court | Mail Online
It's only at the end of this Daily Mail article that the punchline
article concerns a young man who spat in a railway ticket inspector's
face when asked for the valid train ticket that he did not have. Being
modern post Labour Britain, there was no custodial sentence passed. You
read the whole story at the link above.
But the punchline is here:
'He was formerly a successful young man who had achieved much in s... more »
Supplemental: The size of our gaps versus Korea’s!
*THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014*
*A very large challenge for schools:* We just keep reprinting that striking
passage from Eduardo Porter’s Economic Scene column.
Our achievement gaps are large. The challenge this creates for schools is
almost never discussed in our impoverished education discourse, which
mainly involves reciting sound-bites from elite “education reformers.”
In the passage shown below, Porter describes a deeply challenging state of
affairs. Based on our dozen years in the classroom, this strikes us as the
most significant portrait we’ve ever read of American schools:
PORTE... more »
Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight On Fire Heading for Arabian Sea

This report has the ring of authenticity to it and it also conforms to the
most plausible scenario. Thus we have two points created by actual
eyeballs. This plane took a westerly heading after a major battery fire
broke out in the cargo hold and overwhelmed the crew and the passengers. In
the four minutes or so left to the crew to live, one of them took the plane
up to extreme height to plausibly blow out a window to possibly clear the
cockpit of smoke, then put the plane into a dive to take it down to 10,000
feet where it might be possible for passengers to survive. At the same ... more »
How Crop Rotation Can Replace GMO Poisons to Grow Better Food
[image: WIKI - Crops] This article reminds us that the use of Roundup is
solely about stacking on the repetitions which is obviously a bad practice
anyway. That is why it has become necessary for what are essentially
factory farms that Stalin would have loved. There never was a cfompleeling
bilogical reason and this ityem powerfully reinforces that argument. It is
a sad state of affairs and really demands a full regulatory intervention. I
suspect if a country like Canada decided to end all roundup based protocols
and effectively forced the industry to which to rotation organic a... more »
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