Dawn of a Robot Revolution
Via: Financial Times: At the Automatica robot and automation fair
in Munich this week the organisers devoted a whole section to so-called
“service robots” for the first time. Scientists at the Fraunhofer
Institute for manufacturing, engineering and automation demonstrated a
Care-O-Bot that sweeps office floors and empties waste paper bins. Pal
Robotics showed Stockbot, which […]
Why Was the FBI Investigating Michael Hastings’ Reporting on Bowe Bergdahl?
Via: Vice: Three years into the disappearance of Bowe Bergdahl in
Afghanistan, Michael Hastings — the journalist whose reporting cost
General Stanley McChrystal his job — wrote a Rolling Stone story on the
missing soldier, a piece which the magazine called “the definitive first
account of Bowe Bergdahl.” Hastings, who died in a car accident […]
1 Million Rose Petals Shower Statue of Liberty to Honor D-Day
Three helicopters dropped one million red rose petals over the Statue of
Liberty on Friday in New York City in honor of D-Day's 70th
The nonprofit group The French Will Never Forget spent about $100,000 in
preparation for the show and froze the 1,200 pounds of petals so they
would stay fresh. After the petals fluttered to the ground, 13 World War
II veterans were honored with a 21-gu
Diving exosuit aids hunt for ancient computer
An advanced new diving suit will be worn by divers looking for
more pieces of the Antikythera mechanism. Discovered at the beginning of
the 20th centu...
Report: Apple Buys Spotsetter, a Location Recommendation App
Apple has reportedly made another acquisition that could help
improve its mapping service.
TechCrunch reports that Apple has acquired Spotsetter, a small startup
that was founded in 2011 and developed an app for recommending places
and activities to users based in part on their friends' activity. Terms
of the deal were not included, but it reportedly closed last week.
See also: Apple Is Starting t
Civil Forfeiture Scam: Cops In Texas Seize Millions By ‘Policing for Profit’
Via: Forbes: Texas law enforcement are continuing to enrich
themselves using a little-known legal doctrine known as civil
forfeiture, according to a new series of investigative reports. Under
civil forfeiture, property can be forfeited even if its owner has never
been charged with a crime. In these proceedings, accused criminals have
more rights than innocent […]
Empire of Prisons: How the United States Is Spreading Mass Incarceration Around the World
Via: Counterpunch: The United States, which leads the world in
imprisonment rates, is exporting its model of mass incarceration to
developing countries around the world. This “prison imperialism” is one
of the foundational components to the infrastructure of Empire. Along
with the militarization of police forces and borders, mass incarceration
enables neoliberal economies to manage […]
18 Quirky, Niche Businesses
Business owners are problem-fixers and void-fillers. When you're
starting a new business venture, you must consider a few essentials:
What is missing in the marketplace, what will drive consumers to
purchase and what specific niche can you can carve out. From vinyl
pressing shops to "barcades," and roller derby supplies to pizza cones,
there's an infinite number of unique business concep
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The Corbett Report 27 unread articles // actions
The Answer to Common Core: Alternative Models of Education
by James Corbett
June 3, 2014
One does not have to scratch very deeply into the surface of pop culture
to see that “schools” are nearly universally portrayed in our culture
as boring, stultifying, prison-like environments where students have to
struggle to maintain consciousness.
As we examined last week, this state of affairs is not the result of
random happenstance or a fail
Interview 898 – Libya Update with James and JoAnne Moriarty and Furaj Muftah
As Libya continues to deteriorate, the US-backed General Khalifa
Belqasim Haftar is fighting the extremist Islamists in the country even
as the US continues to fund, equip and support them. Amidst the chaos
and destabilization, the Libyan tribes are speaking out and condemning
the actions and statements of the US and US Ambassador to Libya Deborah
Jones…but the west, for the most part, isn’t liste
Interview 897 – Matthew Slater Explores the Meaning of Money
Matthew Slater is a currency engineer who designs software for
community currency accounting. Working for free and living on
hospitality, Slater has spent years exploring the history and function
of complementary currencies, time banks, mutual credit and other
systems, and the meaning of “money” itself. Today we engage in a
wide-ranging conversation exploring mutual credit systems,
Interview 896 – Interviewing a Bilderberger with Julia Tourianski
It’s not every day you get the chance to have a frank, public
discussion with a Bilderberg attendee on camera, but that’s exactly what
happened to Julia Tourianski of at this year’s
Bilderberg conference in Copenhagen. Today she joins us on The Corbett
Report to discuss her surprise conversation with Diederik Samsom, Dutch
parliament leader, and dissect what we learned from the e
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The EnvironmentaList 23 unread articles // actions
70 Years On, Seabirds Continue to Warn about Plastic Pollution in the Oceans
Plight of the flesh-footed shearwater in Australia illustrates how widespread the problem is
Lacing Up for Historic Climate Justice March
People’s Climate March in New York City aims to mobilize mass action on the climate crisis
Fake Turf Wars
While other cities have turned away from artificial turf, SF is making a big play for fake grass
The Yosemite Rim Fire Revisited
The forest is coming back to life; Forest Service plan to log there is a bad idea
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A Closer Look: Jody Paterson 1 unread article // actions
Fresh from the experience of a lifetime - join us June 5 for photos and stories
Picking the photos for our event tomorrow night has been
like a kaleidoscope journey through our two-plus years in Honduras,
immersed in all the memories packed into however many hundreds of
gigabytes of pictures and videos we collected over that time. As
always, I’m reminded that it’s the people that make a photo. In the
moment I’m drawn to the scenics – and we’ll certainly be including
Mark above articles as read
A Different Perspective 3 unread articles // actions
Air Force Lies about the Close Encounters Chase
Although the reason for my post on the “Close Encounters Chase”
was simply to point out that there had been a negative impact on the
lives of some of the police officers involved, other points have been
raised. So, I have been looking at some of other material available. My
original intent here was to just show that the part of the Air Force
explanation was a blatant lie (which is obvious from the
People Still Believe in Mogul
Yes, I know we’ve talked about this before but I’m still surprised
when there are uncritical statements published about the nonsensical
Mogul balloon explanation for the debris found by Mack Brazel. And,
while I know it is beating the dead horse because we’ve gone over this
multiple times, I just wish to respond to some of those who, without
knowing all the details, spout the Mogul line.The docume
Reviewing Reviews - A Dangerous Game
Talking about book reviews is a tricky business. I very rarely
respond to reviews of my books (I’ve done it twice), realizing that
there is no way to please everyone when writing about a controversial
topic. Sometimes an off-the-wall comment offends someone and a nasty
review follows. Sometimes it is the conclusion with which they disagree,
which is, of course, one of the purposes of the review. I
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A Way to Live 1 unread article // actions
The segue into June
The roses on the Rose Gate are a little more than half done for
this year. When new branches spring out toward us or our guests, I tuck
them back among their companions, thus building a shape we find
pleasing. I don't know the variety; they were here when we got here 21
years ago. I moved the bush three times, but not to good places as it
has a climbing habit. So the obvious thing was to split the
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Allen L Roland's Weblog 1 unread article // actions
The Moral Cost Of American Exceptionalism
Space shuttle Challenger unnecessarily blows up shortly after
liftoff on January 26, 1986 American exceptionalism becomes unforgivable
when human beings become expendable in order to save costs, make
deadlines or protect image and nowhere is that more evident than in the
disaster of Space shuttle Challenger on January 26, 1987 along with its
seven crew members ~ and all because of a faulty booste
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Brave New World 2 unread articles // actions
Blame it All On Amazon
The papers are full of anti-Amazon rhetoric which some may suggest
is being whipped up into a feeding frenzy within the publishing
marketplace. Amazon is being portrayed as the biggest bully ever to have
stepped into the publishing arena. But is this the case or is it
another attempt by the publishing majors to wrestle back some of the
control they happily gave the Seattle company, or a genuine gr
Why is eBook Metadata So Hard?
Today many continue to pour the physical book content into the
digital container and believe that they have addressed the digital
opportunity. However many have also adopted the same approach to
contextural data, metadata, bibliographic, burbs etc. It’s as if we
think that what works in the physical world is equally applicable in the
digital one.Is this blind faith approach down to a conscious dec
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Buckdog 2 unread articles // actions
Thoughts On The Murder Of RCMP Officers In New Brunswick ...
I live within two blocks of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Academy in Regina, Saskatchewan. Every single member of the RCMP has
received their training here at the RCMP Depot. The history of this
facility and location dates back to the days of the old North West
Mounted Police and the Riel Rebellion.Living in such close proximity to
the training academy, it's a daily sight for me to see the ra
Leader Cam Broten Receives Massive Endorsement At Sask New Democrats Convention
Saskatchewan NDP gives leader 98.7 per cent approval at party
convention MOOSE JAW, Sask. – The leader of Saskatchewan’s Opposition
has received an overwhelming endorsement at his party’s convention in
Moose Jaw.NDP delegates voted 98.7 per cent to approve Cam Broten’s
leadership on Saturday.The leadership review by secret ballot was
required by the party’s constitution. Broten says the party will
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Creekside 9 unread articles // actions
RoboCon CREEPshow trial of Michael Sona
Three freaking years later and three days into the CREEPshow trial
charging Michael Sona with sending robocalls out to more than 6,000
Guelph voters in the May 2, 2011 federal election directing them to the
wrong poll locations, a couple of new things stand out.It was indeed
Andrew Prescott who logged out of his own account at RackNine on
election day only to log back in again a few minutes later
Geoff Norquay - temporary foreign workers lobbyist
Dear CBC Power and Politics : The next time you invite Harper's
former director of communications Geoff Norquay onto your Power Panel to
reflect on the issues of the day, I think it's time you mentioned that
from November 2012 until Sept 2013 he was a lobbyist for Tim Hortons to
: "increase the number of foreign temporary workers allowed into Canada
under the Foreign Temporary Worker's Progra
Rock the Hill 2014
Rock the Hill News ReleaseOttawa, May 28, 2014 –Veterans, families
and fellow Canadians will come together on Parliament Hill beginning
June 4, 2014. This peaceful gathering is set to be the largest
demonstration in support of veterans since the First World War, which
began 100 years ago.Unlike the politically scripted photo ops of
military members and veterans which have inundated Canada’s media
So if I understand the argument correctly, Restaurants
Canada members employ 1.1 million workers of which TFWs only comprise 2%
- a tiny fraction and certainly not enough to impact Canadian
unemployment - but if restaurants can't have them they'll be forced to
"scale back their business and even close their doors".Ergo, TFWs are
protecting Canadians' jobs! Got it.Protectingcanadianjobs.
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Dr Cintli 2 unread articles // actions
TRUTHOUT: ''Cesar Chavez,'' Conditions in the Fields and the Struggle over Memory
I did not write a critique of the movie Cesar Chavez when it first
premiered because I felt somewhat conflicted, and I didn't feel like
jumping on a bandwagon. There appears to be a cottage industry of those
who love to critique Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers (UFW)
Movement, by people who have little first-hand knowledge of the events
in question. From reading the many reviews, most of t
Arizona On Fire
ARIZONA ON FIRE: Found this little gem while I was going through
my academic publications. Don't think it's been read in this country:
This is an analysis of Arizona media during the battles re SB 1070 and
HB 2281. The book, published in the Canary Islands, is titled: Reshaping
Publishing in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Century. My piece is
Chapter 3:
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GEEZERPOWER 1 unread article // actions
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” ~Albert Einstein~ZZZZZzzzzzz.....
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History of the English Language 1 unread article // actions
Sweetest Shakespeare
To the generations immediately after his career, Shakespeare --
described by his contemporary Ben Jonson as possessing "small Latin and
less Greek" -- was regarded as a sort of rustic, untutored, native
genius. "Sweetest Shakespeare, Fancy's Child / Warbling his native
Wood-notes Wild," wrote John Milton, and most readers of Shakespeare
then would have agreed with the descripti
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Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology 4 unread articles // actions
Chile: Unidentified Light Videotaped Over La Serena
Source: El Observador (Chile)Date: 05.31.2014Chile: Unidentified
Light Videotaped Over La SerenaEveryone knows that the region has a
record of unidentified flying object manifestations in different
locations, particularly the local valleys. However, the UFO captured on
video by local youths was recorded from La Serena's Avenida del Mar.It
is possible to see a small yellow light maneuvering in the
Cattle Mutilations: Event Associated with a UFO Sighting in Argentina
Cattle Mutilations: Event Associated with a UFO Sighting in
ArgentinaBy Andrea Pérez SimondiniAn investigation by Martin Bertochi
and Vicky ZieglerThis case contains nearly-ideal conditions for
investigation, but for the inability to gain access to the expert report
performed on site.We would like to highlight, nonetheless, the valuable
fact that this is one of the few cases in which the appearanc
Argentina: CE-3 Policeman Given Mandatory Retirement in La Pampa
SOURCE: Planeta UFO and Realidad OVNIDATE: 15 May 2013Argentina:
CE-3 Policeman Given Mandatory Retirement in La PampaThe case involves
Luis Sergio Pucheta, a law enforcement officer who was allegedly pursued
by two extraterrestrials. He was found 20 kilometers away from the
place he disappeared from. The police officer who insisted back in 2006
that “red-eyed beings” had chased him and given him
Cattle Mutilations: Strange find in General Acha Gives Rise to Mystery (Argentina)
Source: Planeta UFO, TN Noticias and La Gente (photo credit: TN
Noticias)Date: 11 May 2014Cattle Mutilations: Strange find in General
Acha Gives Rise to Mystery (Argentina)*** Dead animal found on farm,
missing tongue and part of jaw ***The images are very strange and no
veterinary surgeon has voiced an opinion as of yet, but concern among
residents of General Acha manifested itself a posting to t
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Majia's Blog 4 unread articles // actions
Fukushuma Threatens Pacific: Interview
My recent interview with Voice of Russia: Fukushima is
human-engineered crisis that threatens health of Pacific Ocean -
expertRead more:
Strange Color on the TBS Webcam Today
I'm not sure why the TBS cam view looks so orange today: Daiichi
looked steamy on the TEPCO cam, taken at the same time as the TBS
screenshot above:TBS cam view worsened, while remaining orange: TEPCO
cam view eventually was clouded by steam/fog that seemed to be coming
from the vicinity of the common spent fuel pool, although its hard to
tell what was going on today:
The End of Liberal Democracy in Japan
The following is an excerpt from a chapter on Fukushima and
Dispossession that I am writing for an edited collection on the
Fukushima nuclear disaster: Externality: Transparency and DemocracyIn
the months after the disaster, Yukio Edano, Chief Cabinet Secretary of
Japan, acknowledged the importance of risk communication and pledged to
transform his nation into a “risk-resistant society”: “We will
Unit 4 Bleeds Red May 7 and Again Today May 9
Unfortunately I left the screen shots from today at the office. I'll post a pdf of shots from both days Monday.
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Middle Class Political Economist 1 unread article // actions
Another Day, Another Bad Incentive Deal
No sooner had I finished my mini-series on evaluating proposed
location subsidies then @varnergreg sends me this story about a new
copper tubing manufacturing facility opening in one of the nation's
poorest counties, Wilcox County, Alabama. This is clearly the sort of
place where I think we should consider using investment incentives, but
the sheer size of the subsidy relative to the investment (k
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Middle East Today 2 unread articles // actions
The Third Egyptian Republic
The Third Egyptian RepublicGeneral A. Al-Saisi won the Egyptian
presidential election on May 26, 2014. According to the Egyptian higher
election committee, 47 percent of Egyptian cast their votes.Mr. A.
Al-Saisi received 93 percent of the votes or 24,365,176 votes. Mr. A.
Sabahi received 2.9 percent of the votes or 895,149 votes. The rejected
votes totaled 4.10 percent or 1,577,840 votes. Nearly
The Third Egyptian Republic
The Third Egyptian RepublicGeneral A. Al-Saisi won the Egyptian
presidential election on May 26, 2014. According to the Egyptian higher
election committee, 47 percent of Egyptian cast their votes.Mr. A.
Al-Saisi received 93 percent of the votes or 24,365,176 votes. Mr. A.
Sabahi received 2.9 percent of the votes or 895,149 votes. The rejected
votes totaled 4.10 percent or 1,577,840 votes. Nearly
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News From Atlantis. 1 unread article // actions
EU Elections? A smokescreen for genocide
We are now a week into the new Parliament of the European Union.
All the pathetic politicians with their fake smiles, photo opportunities
and pretences of giving a damn for the electorate, have returned to
their lives of self-absorption and smugness, leaving the people to
continue trying to cope with the policies of those who serve finance
politics and their own self-interests, no matter what the
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Phronesisaical 3 unread articles // actions
Thoughts On The Seventieth Anniversary of D-Day
We are seeing the photos and the front pages of the newspapers,
the first dispatches from reporters, Eisenhower’s correspondence, and
today’s observance in Normandy. Seventy years ago today, the war in
Europe turned. The landing of the allies and their establishing a
beachhead was the first step that clearly went in the direction of
defeating Hitler.Seventy years is a long time. I like to try to g
Bits and Pieces - June 5, 2014
Important for summer: Yes, DEET is safe to use to repel mosquitos.
They carry West Nile virus and other nasty diseases.I said it a very,
very long time ago: it is not possible to contract government services
out to profit-making companies that pay taxes for less money than the
government does it, unless you cut the numbers of personnel and their
salaries. Looks like that came back to bite us.Count
Bits and Pieces - June 2, 2014
The norm that the United States brings back its military personnel
from capture as prisoners of war can't depend on the qualities of the
individuals. It is a pledge to those who fight for the country and
necessary to maintain their morale. No person who is captured during war
should have to worry whether s/he is worthy of being rescued. And there
is a corporate side too easily ignored in our indiv
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Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog 2 unread articles // actions
Clueless Krugman
Paul Krugman, the Princeton professor, NY Times columnist and
Nobel Prize winner, has put up a post today at the NYT in response to my
letter in today's Financial Times. For years, Krugman has called me
names and hid his critique behind vague allusions to my moral turpitude.
In typical Krugman fashion he does that today too -- now I'm accused of
pretending to hold views that I don't. Um, OK.But le
Some Perspective on the US EPA Carbon Regulations
The graph above shows the mix of US electricity sources for 2012
and for 2020 and 2030 under the EPA carbon regulations which were
proposed yesterday by the Obama Administration. (You can click on the
graph for a bigger version). Sources can be found at the bottom.Some
points:First, lest there be any confusion, I support the regulations and
hope that they are implemented. My general views on using
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Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home 1 unread article // actions
Fox Rothschild Responds To My Post About EEOC Mediators
In all fairness, I wanted to provide an update. I posted Friday
that Management-Side Firm Whines Because EEOC Mediators Are Doing Their
Jobs. The piece was about a claim made in a survey that EEOC mediators
are biased against employers. Fox Rothschild posted the survey in their
blog, then posted a guest piece by the author of the survey. I strongly
disagreed with this assertion of bias, and explai
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Syria Comment 1 unread article // actions
Religious Groups and Scholars of Islam in the Syrian Revolution – by Issam Eido
Issam Eido is a Neubauer Collegium Visiting Fellow and a Visiting
Instructor of Islamic Studies and Arabic in the University of Chicago
Divinity School. Dr. Eido’s research focuses on the Qur’an in late
antiquity, hadith studies, and Sufi and Arabic literary and poetic
studies. Graduating with his PhD in 2010 from Damascus University, he
also served that institution from 2010-2012 as Lecturer in t
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The Galloping Beaver 1 unread article // actions
It's time BC teachers realized that the woman in the pink shirt is a bloody bully
Christy Clark takes credit for creating Pink Shirt Day, an
initiative intended to combat the bullying that occurs in BC
schoolyards. It was a useful illusion to help her fulfill her political
ambitions. There's only one problem: Christy Clark is one of the most
notorious bullies in British Columbia.
Christy Clark is the one who tore up collective agreements, repeatedly
violated the
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The High-fat Hep C Diet 1 unread article // actions
Diabetes as an Iatrogenic Disease - the Second Hit
Why does dairy fat, and perhaps other similar fats like tallow and
coconut, seem to prevent diabetes?A broken omega 6:3 ratio becomes more
likely with higher PUFA intakes. There is something about having a low
PUFA intake that preserves the balance, even at relatively low omega 3
intakes.We can see this in the recent fatty liver study comparing olive
oil with canola oil and soy/safflower oil (cont
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The Web (Untangled) 1 unread article // actions
Reaping the Whirlwind
By The Ozarker [Reposted from The Conflicted Doomer] May 10,
2014This will be a short post this week as I have spent most of the day
looking at videos and pictures from the terrible Trade Union Building
fire that took so many lives in Odessa, Ukraine, over a week ago.I do
not know the people in those pictures and videos, but they are
horrifying. There was video of people in a crowd in front of the
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Vagabond Scholar 1 unread article // actions
Memorial Day 2014
Along with the barbeques and other gatherings this weekend – which
do have their value – it's good to take some moments to reflect on the
purpose of the day. As usual, PBS has been doing a nice job for Memorial
Day weekend, showing a large number of short documentaries on war,
veterans, PTSD, and the general difficulties of coming home. The
historical docs have been mostly on World War II,
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What Is Sustainable 3 unread articles // actions
The Human Web
Cultural cheerleaders constantly shout about how lucky we are to
live in an age of miracles, a utopia of technology and progress.
Everything is just great (if you cram most of reality under the bed).But
the folks who rip off their blinders know better. They can perceive
huge and growing crises that cannot be well addressed via the pursuit of
shopping and entertainment. They can see that it’s ti
Changes in the Land
Historian William Cronon was one of a group of scholars that
pioneered a new and improved way of understanding the past.
Environmental history put the spotlight on many essential issues that
were ignored by traditional history, and this made the sagas far more
potent and illuminating.His book, Changes in the Land, is an
environmental history of colonial New England. It documents the clash
of two
The Coming Famine
Consumers live like toddlers, in a comfortable crib surrounded by
colorful toys, with others providing our needs. We can turn on our
computer without blowing apart mountains to fetch coal. We don’t have
to murder indigenous people to put gas in our Prius. We don’t have to
destroy rainforests to plant soy for our veggie burgers. Someone else
does it for us. The grocery store always has food, s
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Wide Asleep in America 6 unread articles // actions
Tehran’s Surrealistic Muralist
"Life Cycle" by Mehdi Ghadyanloo
“Never underestimate the power of colors and how they can bring life to
old walls and buildings,” remarks a correspondent for Iran’s PressTV in
an April 2012 report on the increasing ubiquity of urban artwork on the
streets, walls, and façades of Tehran. While Iranian municipalities have
long devoted so-called resources to “urban beautification” projects
The Pope, Palestine, and 'Price Tag' Profanity
Hate message reading, "Price tag, King David is for the Jews,
Jesus is garbage" spray-painted on a Jerusalem church, May 9,
2014. (Photo credit: AFP)
Jodi Rudoren and Isabel Kershner had a longish piece about the Pope’s
upcoming visit to Palestine (via Jordan) and then day trip in Israel:
“Seeking Balance on Mideast Visit, Pope Pleases Few.”
The piece tries to establish that, with his
Iran’s Latest Drone Drops Life Preservers, Not Bombs
Earlier this month, during an exhibition at the Islamic Revolution
Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Forces’ Central Command in Tehran on May
11, Iranian military officials unveiled a domestically-produced
reverse-engineered version of a sophisticated unmanned aerial vehicle
(UVA), Lockheed Martin’s RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone. The Iranian
version comes about two-and-a-half years after one of
Iranian Students Continue to Face Discrimination from U.S. Sanctions
Iranian students, studying in the United States and reliant on
Bank of America debit cards and ATMs for access to their foreign bank
accounts, have recently had their assets frozen. According to Ryan
Costello and Jamal Abdi of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC),
“Due to a sudden, unnecessary and — most of all – discriminatory change
in bank policy, Iranians and Iranian Americans
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Wit's End 2 unread articles // actions
The Last Gasp
Hope in the Prison of Despair~ Evelyn de there any
hope? No! I'm afraid not...not if we are referring to a thriving,
vibrant web of life. The ecosystem is at it's last gasp, and fading
fast. Trees are barely leafing out this spring, struggling more than
ever before. The leaves of some - especially black walnut and sycamore -
appear to be in suspended animation, paralyzed and o
Sea of Slaughter
This documentary was made in 1989 by the recently deceased
Canadian environmentalist, Farley Mowat, based on his earlier book. It
is utterly excruciating to watch. Using amazing archival footage, he
traces the massacre of life in and around the Atlantic Ocean over the
last 500 years. Difficult and depressing as it is to watch (I could
only bear it in segments), it is an incredibly important, gr
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WPB/NYC and Anything Else; A Green Rights Col... 7 unread articles // actions
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YayaCanada 7 unread articles // actions
Toko Online Jual Fashion Pria Wanita Branded Murah Berkualitas di
Toko Online sekarang sudah banyak di indonesia ini, sudah banyak
juga orang tidak ragu lagi dengan berbelanja online, karena dengan
belanja online kita akan dipermudah untuk membeli barang, kita hanya
melihat lihat barang yang dijual di toko online tersebut dan jika kita
tertarik untuk membelinya barang akan segera dikirim melalui jasa
pengiriman barang dengan menunggu 2-7 hari barang yang kita
Harga dan Spesifikasi Blackberry Z3 Terbaru Mei 2014
Harga dan Spesifikasi Blackberry Z3 Terbaru Mei 2014 - Gadget
Smartphone Blackberry Z3 adalah Smartphone terbaru yang dirilis oleh
blackberry maupun merupakan generasi penerus dari pandahulunya yakni
Blackberry Z10. mempunyai Spesifikasi yang komplet dan fitur dan
kelebihan yang telah ditolong dengan teknologi terbaru tatkala ini.
Harga yang dibandrol pada Blackberry Z3 ini pun cukup terjangkau
motor yamaha SR400 Modifikasi Rombakan Terbaru 2014
motor yamaha SR400 Modifikasi Rombakan Terbaru 2014 - Yamaha
merupakan salah satu produsen otomotif yang terus memberikan sebuah
inovasi baru dalam bidang otomotif, paling penting dari barang ciptaan
sepeda motornya. Motor – motor yang diproduksi oleh yamaha juga terkenal
dengan tenaganya yang begitu luar biasa, dan juga desain dari body yang
begitu sporty. Sehingga motor yamaha itu sama dengan
Kumpulan Foto Mobil Honda Accord Jadul Jadi Keren
Kumpulan Foto Mobil Honda Accord Jadul Jadi Keren - Honda accord
merupakan salah eka mobil produksi honda yang sampai saat ini masih
banyak difungsikan orang, sampai masih melimpahnya umat yang mencari
mobil keluaran honda ini. Mobil yang dibuat berkisar tahun 90an ini
memang memiliki harga yang dikatakan cukup murah yaitu seharga 17 juta
hingga 25 juta, yang menjadikan mobil honda itu
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A Very Public Sociologist 28 unread articles // actions
Politics After Newark
The morning after the night before. Across the land, the hundreds
who made their by-election pilgrimage to Newark blinked at the results
with bleary eyes. Tory vote down, but proportion up. UKIP up but not a
contender. Labour down into third place and, for the second time in a
space of a week, the LibDems slip behind the Greens. Hangovers all
round, right? Wrong.Politics is an art, not a science.
Why the Tories Want Fracking
While the bulk of the commentariat have picked up on the recall
plans in yesterday's Queen's speech, the government's single-minded
pursuit of fracking has caused less excitement. Philip Pearson of the
TUC sums it up:* Removing the responsibility for companies to notify
individual landowners of their intention to frack.* Underground access:
proposing changes to trespass laws that would give fracki
TUSC's Exercises in Self-Deception
Under-appreciated they may be, but local elections are a vital
component of any party-building project. UKIP certainly accept this
wisdom. They know that a base in local government can give them a
foundation on which to build. And theirs is an ambitious project. It's
not about taking Britain out of the EU, but replacing the Tories. As
such, their 161 new councillors give them a start for 2015 and
Mark above articles as read
Abraham says 12 unread articles // actions
Esto es Cancer, retratos
Esto de veras es cancerEsta mujer de acuerdo al lo leido, Estuvo
una semana en el hospital y luego se marcho en caballo a su hogar Seed
Mark above articles as read
Adrienne's Corner 22 unread articles // actions
Another opinion on Ann Barnhardt's "Why I'm Cosidering Quitting" post...
which gives us more to ponder.Yesterday I posted a link to Ann
Barnhardt's post which reflects much of what I've been thinking lately.
For me the question is whether Ann is mired in despair, a sin against
the virtue of Hope, or is she just being realistic. There is a definite
difference between facing facts and unicorn farts and rainbows,
referred to as normalcy bias. Facing facts means you tak
I have to agree with Ann Barnhardt...
who has put into words what I've been thinking.I'm exhausted and
losing any ability to be "outraged" about the scandal du jour.From Ann
Barnhardt: [...]And each day there is a new crime, and the frequency of
the crimes themselves is the means by which they keep you distracted and
wallowing in what I can only describe as a masturbatory impotence
driven by a false fantasy of your own “outr
Naval Adm. William H. McRaven has a message for everyone...
"If you can't do the little things right, you'll never be able to
do the big things right." At first I was going to skip his commencement
address at the University of Texas at Austin 2014.I'm glad I changed my
mind.You won't be sorry that you watched.
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Adventures with Kurt and Lori 18 unread articles // actions
Scooters, Trees, and More!
Scooters delivered today! Of course, they forgot the temp plates,
so we cannot really drive them yet, but that did not stop us from test
driving them in the yard and the private streets of our little
neighborhood. They are not as easy as they look. I am great at driving
in a straight line, but turns kinda scare me. I am getting better
though. Wore helmets and did all the right safety things.
Sunday and Monday
Sunday, we were pretty lazy. I went for a run in the morning and
came back to Kurt sitting by the pool with the pugs. I went for a swim
to cool down, then decided to join Kurt on the pool chairs and we both
kinda dozed asleep on and off for a while until it was lunch time.
Decided, after making Kurt lunch, to head into town to see if we could
find any trees/plants at any nurseries. Found a nurse
Friday and Saturday
Today, after doing the normal morning routine, we headed to
Orotina. Our friend, Jen, told us that it was a pretty big downtown
area with some stores and stuff that might have home stuff we
wanted.Siestas are pretty common for us these days. The pugs join in,
happily.Got there and walked around, it was a bigger downtown then Jaco,
but not as nice. Less touristy though, I think we were the only
Lazy day today. Got up and went running, swimming, then decided
to take a nap by the pool in the shade. Woke up a little red. I guess
you still get sun even in the shade? Weird. Sunscreen next
time......Still a nice nap.Got up and did some chores around the house
and made Kurt breakfast. Learned living here that eggs are Gretel's
favorite food. Every time I even crack an egg, she is by me w
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AMERICAN KABUKI 45 unread articles // actions
Kauilapele's Blog: Bullion Bulls Canada 5-25-14… “U.S. Gasoline Consumption Plummets By Nearly 75%”
A reader pointed this out to me at KP's blog...and it matches what
I have long suspected observing the California economy where the only
economic activity is in the very largest cities that have large
concentrations of defense or high finance businesses. Fringe areas
California like of LA's like San Bernadino's "Inland Empire", Fresno and
the California high desert are near economic gho
Gaia Portal: Centering and grounding of Ascended Gaia Energetics occurs at this moment
Centering and grounding of Ascended Gaia Energetics occurs at this
momentby ÉirePortCentering and grounding of Ascended Gaia Energetics
occurs at this moment.Flash points are reached and released in rapid
succession astro-points are passed.Sufficient Hue-manity numbers allow
up-risings on planetary scales.Solar accompaniments produce necessary
planetary adjustments.Phase nears completion.ÉirePort
Benjamin Fulford - June 2, 2014: Pope Francis pushes for one world religion as Western elite hits the panic button
More data, the views below are solely Ben Fulford's but some
interesting data in this one...
June 2, 2014Benjamin Fulford - June 2, 2014: Pope Francis pushes for
one world religion as Western elite hits the panic buttonDuring his
recent trip to the Middle East, Pope Fr
The Helical Model of Solar System and Alexander Sitchen
Gnawing on universe in the Bhat the edge of the solar
system and beyond....Some interesting conclusions that naturally spring
from the Helical motion model versus the heliocentric model of the solar
system and beyond.For one thing the model clearly explains why none of
our NASA launched space ships have ever, nor will ever leave our solar
system. Since the sun is in effect dragging us all
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ArmsControlWonk 13 unread articles // actions
The Rebalance and the Shangri La Brouhaha
Tension boiled over at the Shangri La Dialogue last week. Are the
tensions a cause for concern in the arms control community? Is China
ready for primetime? And how should the US react, should one its allies
in the region decide to leave the NPT?
This week, Jeffrey and Aaron discuss the United States’ pivot to Asia
and how the Shangri La brouhaha could impact arms control and
The Trillion Dollar Triad?
It’s budget time in the United States! And what’s on the agenda –
nuclear weapons.
Today, Aaron and Jeffrey discuss the plans to replace the Triad. Can the
United States afford to replace all three legs of the Triad? Should it?
And what signal would a mismanaged modernization program send to US
allies who count on US nuclear weapons for deterrence?
Tune in and find out what we have to say about th
The Obama Doctrine
President Obama has delivered another thoughtful, balanced speech,
this time at West Point. His commencement address lent structure to his
foreign and national-security policy decisions. It was long overdue,
and essential after an exasperated, revealing response last month in
Manila to a press question about America’s retrenchment in the world. As
reported in the New York Times,
“The president’s f
The Sensor Gap and Open Skies
Is there a sensor gap?
Today, Jeffrey and Aaron discuss the Treaty on Open Skies, Russia’s new
spy plane, the sensor gap, compliance concerns, and the “taxi” option.
The conversation begins with a general discussion about the Russian spy
plane, before pivoting to a more general discussion about the continued
value of the Treaty for United States security.
Jeffrey and Aaron discussed a number of a
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Because I Can 17 unread articles // actions
What Best for ALEC is Worst for Working Moms
For the past couple of weeks the ALEC Rich State Poor States
Report (RSPS) have been finding its away around the web. If it isn't an
article on it, its an ALEC pundit or staff member pushing it down the
throats the people of America, WITHOUT sharing the philosophy and
funding behind the report.The problem with that report is it serves
ALECs interests - it doesn't serve the interests of the peopl
CT - Re-Elect ALEC - Shame on You
This headline reminds me of the "I am not a witch" commercial
Lavielle: I am not an ALEC member published today and it's got
issues.This topic happens to be a campaign issue for Lavielle - many in
CT are questioning whether this should be a campaign issue. ALEC is
ALWAYS a campaign issue.One comment at the end of the article suggests
it is Mccarthey-esque to askAre you now or have you
AZ - The Epitome of ALEC Stupidity VoteNo2ALEC
Everytime I think of Arizona I think of Jan Brewer selling the
capitol buildings.I love this statement:"There's just one problem, most
of our Capitol Complex, including the building we gather in today, is
not ours," Brewer said in the speech to the Arizona Legislature. "So to
fortify that symbol, to make all of our Capitol truly ours once again,
I'm asking that you send me a bill by
Really - Why Do ALEC Members Hide?
Doing research isn't rocket science - it is just time
consuming.You keep looking for promising articles, blog entries by
others, tweets by others, facebook posts by others - that you can build
on, with a little research. (Today's entry started with someone's
tweets.)You hit a lot of deadends before you find something that is
worth writing about.Lately the American Legislative Exchange Council has
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Blood & Treasure 20 unread articles // actions
twenty years on
If you thought today's extravaganza was a bit clogged up with
politicians and interpretive dance, Here's some British Pathe from 1964
of the twentieth anniversary of D-Day. Combat footage interspersed with
nuns ambling down Omaha beach, kids playing on gun emplacements and
various examples of the small change of everyday life on the Normandy
coast. Haunting.
once a target
According to this article, my hometown was on the Soviet target
list for nuking. It's difficult to see why. There also seems to be a bit
of overkill, with similar provincial towns and cities supposedly slated
for 3 megatons of hot atomic love each.
Anyway, with the aid of the invaluable nukemap here's the effect a 3
megaton airburst over Stoke. 'Final' is the word.
Beijing celebrates police-journalist harmony day
Special to China Daily
Everybody knows that the Chinese police and foreign journalists
sometimes have healthy disagreements as both seek to perform their
duties diligently.
But on June 4 they put their differences aside to celebrate
police-journalist harmony day in the heart of Beijing.
No-one knows why both sides choose this otherwise completely unmemorable
day to stage their informal get toget
acts of the apostles
So last week a woman minding her own business in a McDonalds in
Shandong was beaten to death by a hills-have-eyes type family of cult
members after she refused to give them her phone number.
They turned out to be members of The Church of Almighty God, a cult
formerly known as Eastern Lightning, which recruits among China's more
orthodox House Church sects by unorthodox means:
In 2002, Eastern Li
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CENSORED NEWS 23 unread articles // actions
Dine' Medicine Peoples: Right to consult to halt Navajo horse slaughter
Participation of Medicine People and Elders in Navajo Horse
NegotiationsBy Dine' Hataalii Association and Nohooka' Dine'
Censored News
Dear Governor, Bill Richardson, Navajo Nation Legal Counsel, Heather L.
Clah and Nation Navajo President Ben Shelly
The Dine' Hataalii Association and Nohooka' Dine' are comprised of Dine'
(Navajo) Elders and Medicine people working to maintain harmony and
Zapatistas Marcos 'Pain and Rage'
Zapatistas school in La Realidad
Pain and Rage
Zapatista Army for National Liberation
May 8, 2014
By Subcomandante Marcos
Translations in Spanish, Italian, French and German:
To the Compañeras and Compañeros of the Sixth:
To tell you the truth, the communiqué was all ready. It was succinct, clear,
Leadhorse Choctaw sharing stickball game in El Salvador
By Leadhorse Choctaw
Censored News
Leadhorse Choctaw continues his journey to the south, overland through
Central and South America, sharing the traditional stickball game with
Indigenous Peoples. Now in El Salvador, he encourages new friends and
relatives in the south to come to the world series of stickball in
mid-July hosted by the Choctaw in Mississippi.
Leadhorse Choctaw said of
DINE' CARE: Four Corners Power Plant meetings ignore impacts on Navajos
“Inadequate and Intimidating” Navajo community members speak up
against limiting Navajo public input on a Four Corners EIS that’s
severely deficient on health, renewables, climate, and environmental
By Dine' CARE
Censored News
Dutch translation NAIS
FARMINGTON, NM – Members of Diné C.A.R.E. and Navajo community members
who have been at public meetings held by the Department of
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Centauri Dreams
Kepler-56: Misaligned Planets Around a Swelling Star
Although I’m sure I’ll refer to various papers presented at the
American Astronomical Society this week in future entries, I’ll close
our current look at the Boston meeting with word of two planets that
will be falling into their star in short order (at least as astronomers
measure time). Kepler-56b and Kepler-56c have a predicted era of death,
some 130 million and 155 million years from now respe
Three Regimes of Planet Formation
On Tuesday I mentioned the work of Lars A. Buchhave, an astronomer
at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), in connection
with the Kepler-10c discovery. The latter is the so-called ‘mega-Earth’
now found to be seventeen times as massive as our own planet, with a
diameter of about 29,000 kilometers. A larger population of solid
planets with masses above 10 times that of Earth was s
Probing an Ancient Planetary System
The red dwarf known as Kapteyn’s Star — the name comes from the
19th Century Dutch astronomer Jacobus Kapteyn — is about thirteen light
years from Earth in the southern constellation of Pictor, close enough
that a small telescope can pick it out. Kapteyn’s efforts at cataloguing
the star in 1898 revealed that it had the highest proper motion of any
star then known, a position it lost with the disc
Introducing the ‘Mega-Earth’
Building public interest in deep space is a long-term goal for
most of us in the interstellar community, and the release of the film
Interstellar this fall may set off a new round of discussion among
reviewers and movie fans alike. Also helpful is the DVD release of the
Neil deGrasse Tyson Cosmos series, given Tyson’s performance and the
stunning visuals that communicate the majesty and power of t
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Cherchez la Verite
Nuclear scientist with expert knowledge, Steven Star: "It is frightening
that President Obama and his administration appear unaware that the
world’s leading scientists have for years predicted that a nuclear war
fought with the US and/or Russian strategic nuclear arsenal means the
end of human history. Do they not know of the existential threat these
arsenals pose to the human race . . . or do they choose to remain silent
because this fact doesn’t fit into their official narratives? We hear
only about terrorist threats that could destroy a city with an atomic
bomb, while the threat of human extinction from nuclear war is never
mentioned – even when the US and Russia are each running huge nuclear
war games in preparation for a US-Russian war."
The Lethality of Nuclear WeaponsMay 30, 2014 | Guest Contributor |
Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email
notice of this news letterAuthor’s note: Paul Craig Roberts held top
security clearances. He has repeatedly warned that a US-Russian nuclear
war would wipe out the human race, along with all other complex forms of
life. As a scientist with expert knowledge, I wis
Those who have grown apathetic about the National Security Agency
violating privacy rights, may soon find their interest renewed, as the
political is about to get very personal. "One of the big questions when
it comes to domestic spying is 'Who have been the NSA’s specific
targets?'" -- Glenn Greenwald
AlterNet / By Alyssa Figueroa Glenn Greenwald to Publish Names
of Americans NSA Spied On“This will be the finale, a big missing
piece.”Photo Credit AFPMay 29, 2014 | Those who have grown apathetic
about the National Security Agency violating privacy rights, may soon
find their interest renewed, as the political is about to get very
personal. According to The Sunday Times of London, Glenn Greenw
Americans are eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are
not being seriously tested by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
How much danger can GMOs be to our health? Here Paul Craig Roberts has
accepted biotechnologist Tom Mysiewicz as a Guest Contributor to his
blog explaining the bad things that GMO's have already, or might
eventually, wreak on us if we consume foods with high GMO contents. It's
an eye opener.
Weaponized Agriculture — Tom MysiewiczMay 26, 2014 | Guest
Contribution | Original Here Go here to sign up to
receive email notice of this news letterWeaponized AgricultureTom
Mysiewicz is a biotechnologist. In this article he shares with us his
conclusions about the dangers of GMO crops.GMO CROPS…BOON TO HUMANITY OR
RECKLESS SCIENCE?By Tom MysiewiczRecently, an NGO (non-governm
YouTube has noticed some of my specific interests and accordingly sends
me suggestions such as these ...both of which turn out to be of great
personal interest. Hope they grab you too!
Why Uruguay's President is the Most Bad-Ass Leader in the World |
Heroes and Villains breaking the setRussia/China Energy Deal, Russia
Builds Nuke Plants in Iran and Vets Die Waiting for Medical CareGreg
HunterCherchez la Verite
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Craig Murray
The Dog That Didn’t Bark
There is a mystery about the media coverage of the Newark
by-election result. The most interesting thing about it was the abysmal
failure of the official opposition, just one year ahead of a general
election. The New Labour percentage vote actually dropped, and even
just taking the New Labour v Tory vote, the New Labour swing from Tory
was only 2 per cent. That is an almost unprecedentedly poor
Deep Interest of the Deep State
Actually just read that Obama quote again:
“we obviously have a deep interest in making sure that one of the
closest allies we will ever have remains a strong, robust, united and
effective partner”
If the United States truly believes it has a deep interest in making
sure that Scotland does not become independent, we can be quite certain
that America will be pulling out all the stops to make sure t
Obama: Keep the Cannon Fodder Coming
“we obviously have a deep interest in making sure that one of the
closest allies we will ever have remains a strong, robust, united and
effective partner.”
Translation - ”Thanks for sending so many young Scots to die in Iraq and
Afghanistan for us. Look forward to seeing them die in Syria or Iran
soon. Keep the cannon fodder coming. Sorry have to nip off now to
approve some teenagers on a drone
Not a Liberal Democracy
New Labour were the chief culprits in moving Britain away from a
liberal democracy and into an authoritarian state. The series of
“anti-terror” laws they put through were the most draconian in British
history, far outweighing anything the government of Lord Liverpool did
with the Six Acts. Yet the entire liberal establishment went along with
Blair, and those of us who warned we were sliding fast
Mark above articles as read
DAMMIT JANET! 17 unread articles // actions
Schrödinger's Shooter
Dear firearm owner. Thank you for reading.First off, we will
assume that you have good intentions. You own a firearm or many firearms
because:1) you hunt animals to provide your family with animal
protein,2) you are skilled and proficient with the use of these weapons
and you go to firing ranges in the same way that golfers go to driving
ranges,3) you inherited these firearms from family members a
What would be the point of an abortion debate?
About that debate that nobody wants and yet seems to be raging all
the fucking time nonetheless...I will have more to say about this
(biiiig surprise, regular DJ! readers are thinking), but for now (I'm
really busy) I just want to put a couple of points out there.Here's a
question no one seems to be asking: What would be the purpose of an
abortion debate?Rabid political partisans are obviously bet
Fuck the Debate: Part Eleventy-One
Fetus fetishists wonder why we won't debate them.Here's example
number umpty-trillion.Sun News tries a moronic gotcha on Justin Trudeau.
Publishes story with this headline: "Justin Trudeau Would Not Stop
Sex-Selective Abortion."The anti-choice stenographers pick it up. Here's
LifeShite with the headline: "Justin Trudeau: sex-selective abortion a
'right'; Liberals won't consider ban.
March4Lies Part 1: Tits 'n Tots
As fern hill reported, this year's March For Lies had a theme:
RU4LIFE.When I arrived on Parliament Hill, where antiChoice and
proChoice converge momentarily before we separate into our camps - their
parade, our protest - a young woman was urging the crowd to call a
number on their cell phones to enter a contest. Technology assists
fundraising!I missed the ruckus that occurred when two Femen inter
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FREE PLANET 14 unread articles // actions
I think my Alsation would sniff out this robo-impostor
the latest creation from Darpa-Dyne, Petman became Atlas: fire up
the counter robo-drones and let's survive against this insane
Propagandist future.NOTICE how Atlas isn't burdened with the research
cost of Asimo's sexy-sensitive robotic gripping hands and fingers, when
HIS ENTIRE FOREARMS will be fore-armed. That's why you don't see it
here, it would be TOO HORRIFIC for the vast majority of the vi
Austrian artist Wilhelm Bernatzik - Gate to Paradise, 1906
many thanks to Francisco Philipe Cruz for bringing to my
attention this excellent oil on canvas - Gate To Paradise by Austrian
artist Wilhelm Bernatzik.
Water Planet - Water People - Water Universe
more and more, that's what I think we are. WATER nothing more
nothing less, and that's a good thing. I mean, obviously, there's a real
advantage being a living part of a Water Planet. Have you never thought
about why you're here? You're here because the Water Planet wants it.
You're here because the Water Planet needs it. You're here because
you have an integral role to play in the running of this
Veterans Today - Gordon Duff the only man pursuing - nuclear 9/11
Gordon Duff, the senior editor of VETERANS TODAY, is he the only
journalist on the face of this Earth brave enough to address the
question of a NUCLEAR 9/11. Gordon Duff is an accredited diplomat and is
generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists.
He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and
regularly consults with governments challenged by securi
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From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog 29 unread articles // actions
Mike's Story Part 42 - Boys' Night Out
By Jenna Orkin January 25 2007 He is in deep shit. Not
with the government but with me. Ever since Marian suggested that he
see Sandor Hicks, it’s been on the agenda. That’s been fine with me. A
"boys’ night out," as he described it. Mike flexing his independence
muscles in NYC. This morning Sandor called to arrange to meet
tonight. I heard Mike’s end of the conversation
Mike's Story Part 41 - Perfect Cup of Coffee
By Jenna Orkin January 21, 2007 Last night we had our first
argument. Mike wanted me to put the hosting fees for the archived
website on my credit card. I wanted to know what responsibilities I was
signing up for if it came to getting sued. I’ve always maintained that
FTW’s treatment of T 17’s could land them in copyright trouble.
T-17's, or Title 17's, were a critical wing of FTW in w
Mike's Story Part 40 - Dangerous Books
By Jenna Orkin January 15, 2007 "I'm going to need help
today," Mike said this morning at breakfast. I already knew that, from
his silence and the resoluteness with which he chewed his toast,
revealing no pleasure, just grim determination. A couple of hours
later he couldn't take it anymore and called his outpatient
psychiatrist. "She said what I already knew. I'm only o
Mike's Story Part 39 Dinner With Friends
By Jenna Orkin When I came home at four, Mike was edgy
with hunger. "I forgot to eat lunch," he explained. "I think
that's because you wanted to be served," I said. "I think it's
because I didn't want to eat alone." That rang true, as well as
endearing, but by way of admission that I also had a point, he's been
volunteering more to help cook and
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