» articles with additional comments
Black Agenda Report
Top 10 Reasons Why Corporate Social Media is Not Your Friend, and Dark
morpheus-on-social-media.jpg by BAR managingJune 17, 2014 -
ISIS Iraq Offensive: Can the Empire Reassert Control of the Jihadists?
JihadistsIraq.jpg by BAR executive editor GlenJune 17, 2014 -
Freedom Rider: America’s War Crime in Iraq
ObamaMaskOnBush.png by BAR editor and seniorJune 17, 2014
Azzaman English
Iraq claims hikes in oil output as foreign majors evacuate staff
Azzaman, June 19, 2014 Iraq says its annual oil output capacity is now in the range of 42 million tons per12 hrs ago -
The unlearned lesson from Iraq: If America could not do it how Iran can?
By Fatih Abdulsalam Azzaman, June 17, 2014 The current situation in Iraq is a natural outcome ofJune 17, 2014 -
Kurds accused of helping ISIS capture Mosul
By Adel Kadhem Azzaman, June 16, 2014 A senior member of parliament from Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’sJune 16, 2014
Community Press Group
Reality Bytes Radio ~ 19th June - with guest Kevin Galalae & Karen Quinn
Kevin Galalae joins us tonight to discuss the depopulation agendaJune 18, 2014 -
UK Column: Incompetence, Unprofessionalism or Worse?
As a long time follower and supporter of the UK Column, it would be an understatement to say I amJune 17, 2014
Police Brutality So Bad Some Precincts May Be Put Under Federal Supervision
Youtube Problem, reaction, solution? -
Inflation? Only If You Look At Food, Water, Gas, Electricity And Everything
Michael Snyder Activist Post Have you noticed that prices are going up rapidly? If so, you are certainly -
ISIS In Iraq and The Path To Iran
Brandon Turbeville Activist Post Recently, I wrote an article entitled, “ The Clandestine Reasons For ISIS
The Voice of Russia, News
ISIL captures former chemical weapons factory
Sunni radicals in Iraq, who have overrun a swathe of territory north of Baghdad in a lightning offensive48 mins ago -
Ukrainian president excludes talks with representatives of people's
Ukrainian President Petr Poroshenko has refused from any talks with representatives of the Donetsk and1 hr ago -
Rostov region prepares to send Ukrainian refugees to other regions
Rostov region, which welcomed about 9 thousand people from the south-east of Ukraine, almost exhausted its1 hr ago
Climate Resistance
Monbiotism. Again.
It’s been nearly a year since this blog last took a look at Monbiot’s thinking. He used to be aJune 18, 2014 -
Why Do Environmentalists Hate Liberty?
Warning… This is a VERY long post! You may want to skip straight to the conclusion, labelled in boldJune 6, 2014 -
BBC Science Broadcasters — Bubble, BS, or Cabal?
The previous post here generated a bit of Twitter twitchiness from one of the contributors to Horizon’May 31, 2014
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
Another Fed Forecast Reminds Us of the Logic of Central Bank Conspiracies
The Federal Reserve has cut its growth forecast but we know that such conclusions are bound to be faulty22 hrs ago -
Reforming the Corporation How Far Does One Go Not Far Enough
Milton Friedman is for the most part considered a great man by free-marketers. But when one looks at his22 hrs ago -
Thoreau as a Lone Crazy
Murray Rothbard used the "lone crazy" theory to describe the individual who comes out of nowhere22 hrs ago Top Topics
This Will Blow Your Mind! Anunnaki in the Antarctic? (66 flags)
This video was posted on You Tube March 17, 2014. It discusses the Ahnenerbe Society: the mostJune 17, 2014 -
My Bigfoot encounter.. (66 flags)
Hello all. I would like to share my experience regarding my personal sighting. I will try to be asJune 18, 2014 -
Firefighter chases dog and both are missing 411? (35 flags)
This forum seems appropriate. There is just no reason this guy should not be able to survive19 hrs ago
Accuracy In Academia
Standardized Test Time Suck
Why are classrooms silent right before summer break arrives instead of buzzing with uplifting and educated6 hrs ago -
Hawaii Stalls Sex Ed
One person can make a difference, President John F. Kennedy said, and thanks to Hawaii State Rep. BobJune 16, 2014 -
Common Core Not OK
After months of intense, grassroots push-back, opponents of the White House’s Common Core program wonJune 15, 2014
Obama rules out US combat troops in Iraq
US president says he will only send advisers to aid Baghdad against ISIL, but keeps option of "8 hrs ago -
Iraqi forces hold off rebels at oil refinery
Iraqi forces say they have control of the country's biggest oil refinery, but rebels still hold1 hr ago -
Fierce West Bank battle over missing teens
Three Palestinians wounded in Jenin clashes following Israeli arrest raid over three missing Israeli54 mins ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
Force-feeding Bill Approved for 2nd & 3rd Reading
The Knesset’s Internal Affairs Committee has ended its 2-day discussion of a controversial bill7 hrs ago -
Israeli forces make multiple arrests across West Bank
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces raided Palestinian towns and cities across the7 hrs ago -
Palestinians to resist Israeli occupation: Academic
A university professor says Palestinians will not remain silent in the face of Israel’s ruthless7 hrs ago
Animal Emotions
Fish Are Sentient and Emotional Beings and Clearly Feel Pain
Fish deserve better treatment based on a review of scientific data on their cognitive and emotional lives.10 hrs ago -
Dog Play: Cracking the Secret Code of Man's Best Friend
A short video of dogs playing on ABC World News reveals their hidden language. Four basic aspects of fairJune 18, 2014 -
Calves With Friends Learn Better Than Calves Living Alone
Cows need social interactions to grow and learn especially when they are young. Living alone has negativeJune 16, 2014
Arms Control Now: The Blog of the Arms Control Association
The Next 2 Weeks Ahead, June 9-22: Iran Nuclear Talks; Missile Interceptor
The following are some of the key arms control dates and developments to watch over the next fortnightJune 9, 2014 -
IAEA Reports Progress on Questions About Iran’s Nuclear Program, Compliance
By Kelsey Davenport IAEA Deputy Director-General Tero Varjoranta (right) and Iran’s ambassador toMay 23, 2014 -
The (Next 2) Week(s) Ahead, May 26-June 6: Syrian CW; Possible Missile
The following are some of the key arms control dates and developments to watch in the coming week. ForMay 22, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
Catalyst’s catastrophism
Catalyst is supposed to be a science programme, but ends up looking more like a low-budget disaster movie.June 3, 2014 -
‘Angry Summer’ gives way to ‘Abnormal Autumn’
I wonder if the propagandists, sorry, er ‘scientists’, at the Climate Council sit around allJune 2, 2014 -
The flip side of ‘consensus’ is groupthink
Christopher Booker, writing in the UK Telegraph, examines the flip side of ‘consensus’: SomeMay 31, 2014
BBC News - Home
US to send military advisers to Iraq
President Obama says the US is sending up to 300 "military advisers" to Iraq and may take "19 mins ago -
Deadly floods hit eastern Bulgaria
At least 10 people are killed and several are missing after torrential rain and heavy floods hit the4 hrs ago -
Confidence drop for Big Bang signal
Scientists who in March announced they had discovered traces of the first moments after the Big Bang now4 hrs ago
BBC News - England
Speedboat death wife in safety plea
Victoria Milligan, whose husband and daughter were killed in a speedboat accident, urges other boat users3 hrs ago -
World Cup: Uruguay 2-1 England
England need Italian help to progress after Uruguay striker Luis Suarez's brace condemns them to a 2-16 hrs ago -
Train derailment causes delays
A derailed freight train at Crewe causes overhead wire problems and delays to trains.6 hrs ago
Reading its customers
AMAZON'S new phone turns the whole world into a shop, and its users into a rich source of data for the12 hrs ago -
A web of collaboration
THE division of labour is one of the founding ideas of economic science. People are good at it. Other14 hrs ago -
The “full stack” startup
ARE we in a tech bubble? Ben Horowitz, a Silicon Valley venture capitalist and author, tells us where theJune 18, 2014
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014 -
An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013 -
Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion
WND: ISIS Offensive May Be a Sign of the Rise of the Anti-Christ
As Iraq slides into chaos, one man claims to have special insight into how things may develop; not because19 hrs ago -
Some Notes On the Fellowship In Europe
The Republic of Macedonia’s ePublika reports on the latest news about its Ambassador in the USAJune 15, 2014 -
The Fellowship Comes to Ukraine
From the Religious Information Service of Ukraine : Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast under the auspices ofJune 13, 2014
Beyond Meds
The solitude of suffering
There is the solitude of suffering, when you go through darkness that is lonely, intense, and terrible8 mins ago -
Finding the sound of the genuine in yourself
There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It17 hrs ago -
It’s not about mental illness not existing…
It's not about mental illness not existing...for me it's more about not supporting a beliefJune 18, 2014
Biased BBC - Biased BBC
‘I wouldn’t call it England anymore!’
The BBC run this bit of anti-Israeli propaganda: The Christian family refusing to give up itsJune 18, 2014 -
What is happening in Iraq causes problem for the BBC ‘s idol, Obama. ISIS attacks in Iraq haveJune 18, 2014
Edward Snowden’s old employer is developing tech for the government to
Consider a world in which, thanks to your Fuel band, the US Center for Disease Control knows you’re sick23 hrs ago -
NSA uses 33 countries to intercept web traffic – Snowden Files
Spy agency “sweeps up a vast amount of communications at lightning speed," accord to journalist23 hrs ago
Blog: Posts
After Iraq, Questions About Training Foreign Armies
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin The collapse of the Iraqi army is likely to raise new questions about U.S11 hrs ago -
Satellites Seen As Critical to Maritime Security (UPDATED)
Body: By Christina Munnell Illegal activities at sea often go unnoticed because international authoritiesJune 17, 2014 -
Army's Search for Better Soldier Gear Continues Amid Budget Cuts
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin The Army hopes to equip soldiers in the coming years with lighter body armorJune 18, 2014
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
World stocks at record high, gold holds gains as dollar dips
By Wayne Cole SYDNEY (Reuters) - An index of global stocks was near record highs on Friday while gold52 mins ago -
Exclusive: TPG, Carlyle seek about $2.4 billion in Australia Healthscope
By Stephen Aldred HONG KONG (Reuters) - Private equity firms TPG Capital and Carlyle Group CG.O are1 hr ago -
GE reshapes Alstom offer to appease France
By Natalie Huet and Benjamin Mallet PARIS (Reuters) - General Electric GE.N revised its bid for the power3 hrs ago
COTO Report
Fasten your seat belts – Iran saving democracy in Iraq
Iran may rescue Iraq from a major threat posed by a Sunni Muslim extremist group formerly aligned with AlJune 16, 2014 -
Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department
Ask yourself, how would you regard a high level U.S. politician who met regularly at a foreign embassy andJune 16, 2014 -
WTC Building 7′s Controlled Demolition: New release by 9/11 Consensus Panel
World Trade Center Building 7’s Controlled Demolition: 9/11 Consensus Panel Releases New Evidence fromJune 10, 2014
CP Feed
Guardian: Moazzam Begg among four arrested in Birmingham terror raids
Former Guantánamo detainee is held along with two men and a woman on suspicion of Syria-relatedFebruary 25, 2014 -
Andy Worthington: A love letter from Guantánamo
Younus Chekhouri (also identified as Younous Chekkouri), who will be 46 in May, is one of the last twoFebruary 25, 2014 -
Dissenter: More charges of forced drugging at Guantanamo
On February 21, attorneys for six former Guantanamo prisoners took their civil case against DonaldFebruary 25, 2014
Caring for Survivors of Torture
Updates on Recent Posts
Architects/planners call for professionals to resist This week’s horrifying reports on a botchedMay 7, 2014 -
The Rights of Torture Survivors
Video Focuses on Torture Survivors’ Right to Redress and Rehabilitation Some of theApril 30, 2014 -
Insanity is lurking on the other side…
Rock Band Bills Pentagon for Use of Music as Torture Just a couple of hours after uploading my recentFebruary 27, 2014
Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
The Community Eligibility Provision: Alternatives to School Meal
“Community eligibility” is a powerful new tool to ensure that low-income children in high10 hrs ago
The Clandestine Reasons for ISIS Taking Over Iraq
By Brandon Turbeville, ActivistPost Recent news of the rapid advance of the Islamic19 hrs ago -
The Fall of Iraq – What You Aren’t Being Told
17 juin 2014 – Iraq is descending into chaos, but not for the reasons you’re being fed by the21 hrs ago -
Busted! U.S. Trained ISIS At Secret Jordan Base!
17 juin 2014 – Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 byJune 17, 2014
Coyote Blog
Bizarre Payback Analysis Being Used for Alternate Energy
Check out this payback analysis that is being trumpeted for wind power: US researchers have carried outJune 16, 2014 -
Beware of Scam Calls From (816) 420-4632 or (866) 680-8628
I post this not because the odds are high any of you readers have had this issue but I want these numbersJune 12, 2014 -
Hiring Conundrum -- The Obama Employees
For some reason I do not fully understand, the people who pester me the hardest for jobs tend to work outJune 11, 2014
Crikey » COLUMNS
Glenn Dyer’s TV ratings: ABC snags viewers with a solid Thursday night
Quality programming triumphs again, as Nine rests on its State of Origin laurels.1 hr ago -
Morning Market Report
Worldwide markets finish slightly up, thanks to a round of positive economic data released by major1 hr ago
Astrobiology Magazine: Daily News Story
Earth’s Breathable Atmosphere Tied to Plate Tectonics?
A new study links continents and plate tectonics to the rise of oxygen on Earth.9 mins ago
Dandelion Salad
Chris Hedges Asks Noam Chomsky: What’s The New Paradigm For Resistance
Dandelion Salad with Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky TheRealNews Jun 17, 2014 Chris Hedges speaks withJune 17, 2014 -
Chris Hedges, Cornel West, Richard D. Wolff Respond to Thomas Paine’s
by Jill Dalton Writer, Dandelion Salad recoveringarmybrat June 5, 2014 A Report from the Left Forum (6-1-14June 5, 2014 -
Noam Chomsky: Will We Survive the 21st Century?
Dandelion Salad with Noam Chomsky DurhamUniversity on May 28, 2014 Professor Noam Chomsky InstituteJune 5, 2014
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 18, 2014 -
Ruby Dee with Ossie Davis and their children. Statement from the Committees of Correspondence for DemocracyJune 17, 2014 -
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEMay 29, 2014
Men Charged With Distributing”Breaking Bad”-Branded Heroin
Heroin? Really? Is it at least blue? Heisenberg would be very disappointed until the second he melted them1 hr ago -
CIA Planned To Scare Pakistani Bin Laden Supporters With ‘Devil Dolls’
Preying on the superstitions isn’t anything new for intelligence agencies. Major General Ed Lansdale3 hrs ago -
Establishment is Afraid of End The Fed Movement in Germany
In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to Ken Jebsen, a former mainstream media journalist in Germany and Lars5 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013 -
How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013 -
Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
US Drone Strikes return to Pakistan – and imminently to Iraq?
US drone strikes resumed this week in Pakistan with the first strike taking place on Wednesday evening nearJune 13, 2014 -
Book Review. Unmanned: Drone Warfare and Global Security by Ann Rogers and
A version of this review originally appeared in Peace News As writers and analysts for one of theMay 30, 2014 -
Drone Wars: Surveying the home front
Click to download report Today Statewatch and Drone Wars UK are co-publishing a new report into the useMay 25, 2014
e! Science News - Biology & Nature
Fish-eating spiders discovered in all parts of the world
Spiders are traditionally viewed as predators of insects. Zoologists from Switzerland and Australia have10 hrs ago -
Stanford bioengineers invent a way to speed up drug discovery
Think of the human body as an intricate machine whose working parts are proteins: molecules that change2 hrs ago -
Maybe birds can have it all: Dazzling colors and pretty songs
A study of one of the world's largest and most colorful bird families has dispelled a long-held notion,June 18, 2014
Latest News
National Aquarium Considering Ending Its Captive Dolphin Exhibit
Move could be an industry game-changer16 hrs ago -
Feeding Hawai‘i
Could small, biodiverse farms help the Aloha State transition to growing enough food to feed itself?June 18, 2014 -
Green Group Warns Keystone XL May be Vulnerable to Terrorist Attack. But
NextGen report could lead to a blowback against peaceful protestersJune 17, 2014
Fabius Maximus
After 13 years of failed wars, do we know our warmongers?
Summary: After 13 years of wars that failed at great cost in money and blood, our hawks urge that we start2 hrs ago -
“Climate Change: The Need to Act Now”
Summary: Congressional hearings often bring America’s best to testify, long-form analysis about ourJune 18, 2014 -
Examples of blind allegiance to tribal truths, keeping us weak & ignorant
Summary: Truth has become a tribal thing in America. Scores of posts have documented this on the Right andJune 18, 2014
Whistleblower Protection Blog
Senators Demand Answers on Surveillance of Whistleblower Communications
Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Wyden issued the following press statement today in regard to the National9 hrs ago -
Supreme Court Issues Decision On Key Whistleblower Rights Case
Ruling Protecting Testimony Before Federal Grand Juries Will Have Widespread Impact On Fraud13 hrs ago -
SEC Settles First Case Under New Authority to Bring Anti-Retaliation
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced its first settlement of a Whistleblower Retaliation caseJune 17, 2014
Friends of Syria
Syria News 19/6/2014, Army intercepts ISIL terrorists tried to steal wheat
Filed under: war Tagged: Syrian News5 hrs ago -
Syrian Forum by International Action Center
Filed under: Lies Tagged: Dr. Bashar Al Jaafari , syria5 hrs ago -
‘Deadly danger’: UK and Germany warn of Islamist fighters’ plans to attack
UK Prime Minister and German interior minister have warned on Wednesday that Islamist fighting in the17 hrs ago
Cookies Loaded with $52,000 Worth of Cocaine Seized at Newark Airport
Mauricio Isidro Rivera Hernandez, from Guatemala, was taken aside by U.S. Customs and Border Protection at22 mins ago -
The U.S.
The U.S. House of Representatives has passed , 293-123-1, an amendment to cut funding for the NSA's1 hr ago -
A Former Tea Party Congressman Tried to Say the N-Word on the Radio
Former Illinois Congressman and deadbeat dad Joe Walsh claims he was kicked off his own AM radio show, The1 hr ago
The Green Life
Hiking Guru Shares Perfect Paths
Robert Manning is a hiking guru. At the University of Vermont, he researches and teaches park managment ,&#May 30, 2014 -
Defending The F-Word
The oil and gas industry dislikes the noun fracking , shorthand for hydraulic fracturing . ItMay 28, 2014 -
Not Your Grandparents’ Road Trip: 5 Green Reasons to Visit National Parks
Wailing children, crotchety parents, sand and sunscreen in uncomfortable places… you get the idea. IfMay 28, 2014
Green Prophet » Green Prophet
Greening your real estate purchase in the Middle East
If you are shopping around for a home in Saudi Arabia or the Middle East there areMay 20, 2014 -
Tips to curb the energy consumption of your aquariums
Like any other appliance, the various components of a home aquarium can consumeMay 19, 2014 -
Why the octopus does not get tied in knots
This is one for the kids to answer at dinnertime: An octopus’s arms are coveredMay 15, 2014 - Daily News & Analysis
Heart Treatment Centers Form Afib Alliance
The founding member hospitals of the National Alliance of Integrated Afib Centers say the top goals of the16 hrs ago -
Physicians Rail at Recertification Requirements
Medical doctors are facing revamped board recertification requirements that are "expensive, burdensome16 hrs ago -
Anthem, HealthCare Partners ACO Saves $4.7 Million
During a six-month period, Anthem Blue Cross and HealthCare Partners reported an 18% decrease in the lengthJune 18, 2014
Carl Herman's feed
‘Maleficent’ movie review: Are ‘elite’ War Criminals pleading for mercy?
Maleficent in 2014 is recast as a powerful being with every intention for a decent life, overcome withJune 7, 2014 -
7-minute video: ‘The Choice is Ours’ experts explain how US 1% hoodwink 99%
7-minute video“If you don’t want war, if you don’t want unemployment, you have to changeJune 3, 2014 -
Earth: 248 armed conflicts after WW2; US started 201 (81%), killing 30
hat tip: Washington’s Blog and David SwansonPeople around the world view the US as the greatestMay 16, 2014
The Intercept
How Secret Partners Expand NSA’s Surveillance Dragnet
Top-secret documents reveal how the NSA has established secret partnerships to spy on huge flows of privateJune 18, 2014 -
NSA Turned Germany Into Its Largest Listening Post in Europe
The National Security Agency has turned Germany into its most important base of operations in EuropeJune 17, 2014 -
Encouraging Words of Regret From Dean Baquet and Weasel Words From James
New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet (AP Photo/Bill Haber) NPR’s David Folkenflik has aJune 6, 2014
In These Times
Protests Mean Profit for Brazilian Weapons Manufacturer
On June 12, Brazilian police fired tear gas on a group of 50 unarmed marchers blocking a highway leading7 hrs ago -
Tesla’s Green Jobs Should Go to States with Green Laws
Tesla Motors is looking for someplace to put its shiny new $4-5 billion electric car battery factory12 hrs ago -
BREAKING: House To Push Back Against Military Action in Iraq
After a recent string of insurgent attacks from the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in theJune 18, 2014
Indigenous Action Media
NATIONAL SACRED PLACES PRAYER DAYS JUNE 20-22, 2014 From the Morning Star Institute. Washington, DC (6/191 hr ago -
Dine’ Elders and Medicine People Issue Resolution to Stop Navajo Nation
For Immediate Release – June 17, 2014 Media Contact: Leland Grass (928) 429-1504 – sacred4s@1 hr ago -
Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex
An Indigenous perspective & provocation. Printable version available here. (PDF | 3.3MB) PrintMay 4, 2014
Inter Press Service
Iran’s Atomic Chief Decries IAEA Failure to Close Detonator Probe
By Gareth Porter TEHRAN, Jun 19 2014 (IPS) The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation, Ali Akbar Salehi,4 hrs ago -
Nicaragua’s Mayagna People and Their Rainforest Could Vanish
Troops from the special military battalion set up to protect Nicaragua’s forests confiscate an ilegal6 hrs ago -
Anti-Muslim Violence Reaches New Heights in Sri Lanka
Muslim women were the first to venture back to their homes following deadly riots in southwest Sri Lanka on11 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
Coca-Cola forced to close India bottling factory over excessive water use,
Years of protests have forced Indian officials to finally close a Coca-Cola bottling factory in the5 hrs ago -
PressTV – Iraq may ask Iran help against ISIL, says Iraqi foreign minister
Iraq’s Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari says the Iraqi government may request Iran’s assistance to counter5 hrs ago -
Ben & Jerry’s switches to non-GMO, Fair Trade ice cream ingredients
By L.J. Devon | Natural News The restoration of America’s food supply powers on. Companies are beginning5 hrs ago
Latest headlines
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately it -
Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in -
Men and Women: Their Contributions to the World
"Even in the area of warfare, for which men had been paying price in terms of loss of life and limbs
Libya 360°
Ukraine: National Nihilism
By Mark Hackard Strategies for full-spectrum dominance encompass far more than just military means – theirJune 18, 2014 -
Iraq and the Advance of the Imperialist Greater Middle East Initiative
THE GREATER MIDDLE EAST PROJECT The sudden collapse of the Iraqi state is presented by theJune 18, 2014 -
ISIS: An Expression of Imperialist Policies in Iraq
By Phil Greaves While recent developments in Iraq are being portrayed as spontaneous “spillover” from theJune 18, 2014
Lifeboat News
If This Then That for Lawyers
Christopher Hopkins, author of "If This Then That (IFTTT) for Lawyers", joins our Legal Board.June 18, 2014 -
Adendorff Architects
Gillian Adendorff, Principal Architect at Adendorff Architects & Interiors, joins our Futurists Board.June 16, 2014
‘Hanna’s Journey’
Hanna’s Journey, by German filmmaker Julia von Heinz (right), is a serious romantic comedy about aJune 18, 2014 -
Bloomsday in Times Square
Liberty Leading the People (perhaps to hell) Photograph: Stephen WiseJune 16, 2014
The Mad Jewess
Obama Blocks “His” US Military From Reading InfoWars…Why?
Obama Blocks “His” US Military From Reading InfoWars…Why? Well? Why has Obama12 hrs ago -
Hey Libs: Why Were The Hard Drives Destroyed If Obama & IRS Innocent?
Hey Libs: Why Were The Hard Drives Destroyed If Obama’s IRS Innocent? Let me tell ya…13 hrs ago -
#UKRAINE @SenJohnMcCain, B.O.’s Favorite Republican Is a Damned, F’cking
#UKRAINE @SenJohnMcCain, B.O.’s Favorite Republican Is a Damned, F’cking Murderer Take a goodJune 18, 2014
Ohio’s Win, AWEA’s Loss (Rep-Elect Vitale new national hero)
“Gov. Kasich has walked away from his commitment to renewable energy. He and the Legislature are creating22 hrs ago -
Ex-Im Bank Cronyism: Remember Enron’s Bad Investments
“Enron was a political colossus with a unique range of rent-seeking and subsidy-receiving operations. KenJune 18, 2014 -
Fighting Executive Fiat on Climate
“EPA’s actions routinely violate the Information Quality Act…. The closed circle of well-paid &June 17, 2014
Media Matters for America - Research Items
REPORT: California's Record Fire Season Drives Climate Change Into The
A Media Matters analysis found that California's largest-circulating newspapers areJune 18, 2014 -
Fox Twists Loss Of IRS Emails Into Nefarious Conspiracy
Fox News personalities baselessly accused the Obama administration of engaging in a cover-upJune 18, 2014 -
Right-Wing Media Ignore Fact That Civilian Courts Are Better Than Military
Right-wing media are criticizing the Obama administration for bringing Ahmed Abu Khattala, the allegedJune 18, 2014
New Content on CO2 Science
Progressive Nitrogen Limitation Hypothesis (Loblolly Pine) -- Summary
The progressive nitrogen limitation (PNL) hypothesis posits that low concentrations of soil nitrogen willJune 17, 2014 -
The Recent History and Imminent Future of Global Flooding
What has it been? ... what will it be? ... and why do we need to know?June 17, 2014
Argentina says June 30 bond service in New York was made 'impossible
Payment of bond service due on June 30 in New York has been made "impossible9 hrs ago -
Massive demonstration in support of prosecutor suspended for investigating
An Argentine prosecutor who was suspended for 'ill performance' in his21 hrs ago -
Fed cuts US growth forecast, but will also further trim stimulus program
The US Federal Reserve has cut its growth forecast for 2014 because of the harsh22 hrs ago
NME News
Reports that joint Jay Z and Beyonce tour is struggling are 'inaccurate
The 'On The Run' tour is set to gross $100 million, writes Billboard9 hrs ago -
Alt-J say Miley Cyrus sample adds 'unexpected element' to comeback
'Hunger Of The Pine' is the first track to be released from their forthcoming second album '9 hrs ago -
Soundtrack details for Zach Braff's 'Garden State' follow-up &#
The film is released in the US this week10 hrs ago
Nature News Blog - Posts
NASA finds asteroids to visit but may lose an important tool for studying
NASA’s controversial plan to capture an asteroid and study it is facing a challenge beyond the obvious6 hrs ago -
Hubble telescope to search for spacecraft target beyond Pluto
The Hubble Space Telescope has begun searching for an icy world in the outer Solar System that NASA’s NewJune 16, 2014 -
Germany pulls back from international mega-telescope project
Credit: SKA Organisation Germany’s science funding may look healthy to outsiders, but its researchJune 9, 2014
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
Regeringen og Venstre: Nu sætter vi den forhadte PSO-afgift ned
[Government (Social Democrats) and Venstre (Liberal Party): Now we bring the hated PSO tax down – by 13.213 hrs ago -
Vindkraften är ineffektiv
[The ineffectiveness of wind energy has become a political symbol for renewable energy, write Kent Karlsson14 hrs ago -
Havvindmøllepark udskydes i to år
[Construction of Denmark's largest offshore windpower facility, the 600-MW Kriegers Flak, was scheduled14 hrs ago
Turkey's message to the EU: We don't care
The municipal elections in Turkey on 30 March manifested the political power relations of the past yearsJune 18, 2014 -
What have we learned from the first proper European elections in Croatia?
These European Parliament elections were the first proper EP elections in Croatia, after Croatia'sJune 15, 2014 -
Citizens are not stupid: looking at the European Elections from the outside
Seen by an outsider, the European Elections actually looked more like a success for Europe andJune 12, 2014
News For You
Packers saddened by Franklin's career ending injury
The SportsXchange -
2nd officer suspended in slitting of dog's throat
Associated Press
Countdown to Disaster – Exhibit #11 in the Drama Queen Files
A chief scientist, a statesman, and an heir to a throne all say climate disaster is imminent. But theirJune 16, 2014 -
Screw the Poor, Our Eyes are Fixed on Tomorrow
Condemning people to grinding poverty is evil.June 8, 2014 -
Do Climate Scientists Approve? Who Cares?
Asking a random group of climate scientists to comment on policy measures (as opposed to scientificJune 4, 2014
No Strings Attached : Laila Yuile on politics and life in B.C.
‘What teachers make’ ~ Taylor Mali
Word. -the slam really starts at about the 56 second mark for those at work :) Filed under: LailaJune 18, 2014 -
“It is always more easy to discover and proclaim general principles than to
In following the discussion and commentary on social media in the hours leading up to an announcement fromJune 17, 2014 -
This weeks column for 24Hrs Vancouver: Corrigan defending Burnaby’s
This week, the question Brent and I debate is: ” Should Kinder-Morgan be allowed to test theJune 9, 2014
Online Cancer Blog
Tips for Lifestyle Changes after Kidney Cancer
Once you have undergone the turbulence of kidney cancer, you must have already realized how much importantJune 16, 2014 -
Some Facts and Information about Alcohol Use and Liver Cancer
Alcohol and liver damage is closely associated. Alcohol intake in excessive amounts can trigger the deadlyJune 8, 2014 -
How to Gain Weight If You are a Cancer Patient
Cancer is a disease that invariably makes you lose weight; but on the other hand, the treatment of thisJune 1, 2014
SEFT-1, the Abandoned Railways Exploration Probe arrives in London - we
SEFT-1, the Abandoned Railways Exploration Probe arrives in London - we make money not art9 hrs ago -
"Sharewashing does more than just misrepresent things like renting
“Sharewashing does more than just misrepresent things like renting, working, and surveilling as “sharing.”June 15, 2014 -
"Imagine Google putting its image-recognition capabilities to work to
“Imagine Google putting its image-recognition capabilities to work to identify and track all of the world’sJune 15, 2014
The PPJ Gazette
Ranchers are Scapegoating Wild Horses, says BLM Scientist
Originally posted on Straight from the Horse's Heart : Press Release from the Equine Welfare Alliance9 hrs ago -
Deadly Diseases Crossing Border With Illegal Immigrants
Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. ___________________________________________________________ “A public10 hrs ago -
Polio-Causing Oral Polio Vaccines vs. the Cheap Vitamin C Cure
Cassandra Anderson ____________________________________________________ Attacks against vaccineJune 17, 2014
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Republicans elevate Boehner ally to No. 2 House job
By Susan Cornwell and Emily Stephenson WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Republicans on5 hrs ago -
Fiscal battles loom for new House Republican leaders
By David Lawder WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Congress faces more big fights over funding for highway3 hrs ago -
Obama, Pena Nieto discuss U.S. influx of Central American minors
By Mark Felsenthal WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama spoke on Thursday with Mexican President2 hrs ago
The Pump Handle
“Decide to be safe” is not an answer to workplace hazards
Motivational speaker Kina Repp shares a dramatic story when she addresses audiences at occupational health15 hrs ago -
What would Ciro do now? Learning from a public health hero
by Phyllis Freeman and Anthony Robbins, MD, MPA One of our public health heroes, Ciro de Quadros , aJune 18, 2014 -
Occupational Health News Roundup
Just yesterday, the Obama administration announced it would take executive action to protect certainJune 17, 2014
Jon Rappoport's Blog
Chaos theory, sacred geometry, mind control
Chaos theory, sacred geometry, mind control ~a short story and commentary~ by Jon Rappoport June 19,13 hrs ago -
Hillary on the 2nd Amendment: the “viewpoint” crime
Hillary on 2nd Amendment: the “viewpoint” crime by Jon Rappoport June 18, 2014 www.nomorefakenews.comJune 18, 2014 -
The astronaut, the portal, and the alien
The astronaut, the portal, and the alien ~a short story and commentary~ by Jon Rappoport June 17June 17, 2014
Signs of the Times
'Putin f**ker' Ukraine Foreign Minister Deshchitsa fired, may
Ukraine's foreign minister, Andrey Deshchitsa, who called President Putin a "f**ker" in a1 hr ago -
Putin: Ukraine can say goodbye to duty-free exports if it signs EU deal
Ukrainian exports to Russia will no longer be zero-rated should Kiev sign the economic part of a free-trade1 hr ago -
A quarter of India's land is turning into desert: Indian minister
About a quarter of India's land is turning to desert and degradation of agricultural areas is becoming1 hr ago - Dominion Post
Division amid capital's Gigatown smiles
Wellington’s mayors showed their support for Porirua’s Gigatown bid today, but division rose amid the4 hrs ago -
SYRIA 360°
Washington Relaunches its Iraq Partition Project
THE GREATER MIDDLE EAST PROJECT The sudden collapse of the Iraqi state is presented by the internationalJune 18, 2014 -
Al Jaafari: West’s “Creative Chaos” in Mideast to Save Israel
Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Bashar Ja’afari has said the current crises in theJune 18, 2014 -
Coleen Rowley: The US Support for Terrorists in Syria Is an Act of War
Interview by Kourosh Ziabari TEHRAN (FNA)- Prominent American peace activist and FBI whistleblower ColeenJune 18, 2014
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Freethought Blogs
Victory: #TwitterTheocracy Is No More
Via British Humanist Association : Twitter has unblocked a number of tweets and users of its service5 hrs ago -
Ann Widdecombe: in the good old days, you could still be a Nazi
Occasionally I wonder if Ann Widdecombe is a Monty Python character jailbroken from the realm of fiction7 hrs ago -
Youtube Misogyny: Glenn and Rad on “Rodger Madman or Misogynist”?
Christina Rad has an excellent rebuttal to Jaclyn Glenn’s musings and follow up on Elliot Rodger, and8 hrs ago
my yahoo - Yahoo News Search Results
Who owns your email account?
Pittsburgh (Reuters) - One morning in April, my Yahoo email account was disabled for no apparent reason. AsJune 3, 2014 -
What My Father's Early Departure Taught Me About Business
Yahoo's chairman recalls the lessons of fairness, coaching and helping others gleaned from the otherJune 13, 2014 -
Waiver Wired: Take Jake
In this week's Waiver Wired, D.J. Short discusses Jake Arrieta's recent success and believes Tommy10 hrs ago
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