12:57am MDST
Greece sues for 7 billion euros over German submarines that have never sailed

[image: S-120 Papanikolis]Greece has launched a multi-billion euro claim
against one of Germany’s biggest defence firms who sold the
financially-beleaguered country four submarines in a complicated deal which
has become symbolic of the country’s economic woes.
The controversial deal has threatened Greece’s position in Nato, according
to well-placed sources, led to the criminal prosecution of the country’s
defence minister and the resignation of a senior Naval figure.
The Telegraph today publishes photographs of the four submarines, which are
still unfinished in a Greek shipyard almo... more »
Musical Interlude: Giorgio Moroder, “Midnight Express, Love Theme”
Giorgio Moroder, “Midnight Express, Love Theme”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JArUeMCi0OA
George HW Bush Gets Thrown Out of a Helicopter

Viz Magazine Letter's page used to have a photo-feature called "Up the Arse
For a man who started his college career lying naked in a coffin
masturbating over the freshly grave-robbed remains of Geronimo (some
sources claim Emma Goldman) whilst being watched by all his friends, once
threw up into the Japanese Prime Minister's lap (on video) during a State
Dinner whilst passing out, and socialises with Henry Kissinger...
Nothing shocks about how far that sick bastard has to go now to get his
Jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft in flight while the guy behin... more »
The Battle Of The Clowns-- Texas vs California… A Week From Yesterday

To be honest, the only interest I have in the Republican leadership fight
is my hope that they pick someone really demonstrably terrible-- which is a
slam dunk, since only demonstrably terrible candidates have offered
themselves up for the June 19 election-- and that there be plenty of
opportunities for the kinds of humor that will entertain our little
community here at *DWT*. Supposedly, the candidate for Majority Leader most
like the defeated Eric Cantor, has it all wrapped up, the fine fella from
Bakersfield up top.
He's not really a fine fella; he's a third rate hack who has d... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Alpha”
Vangelis, “Alpha”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jG--3elufo
Friday Morning Ramble: Stormy Weather

*How have you enjoyed the storms? No damage, I hope?*
What happened to those mayoral election promises?
*Big rates rises tipped for Auckland* – WIRELESS
We get light rail, and downtown rail tunnels, because
Baptist-and-bootlegger coalitions are enabled by ignorant voters.
*Baptists, Bootleggers, and Public Squalor: Light Rail Isn't a Good Public
Investment* – Art Carden, ECON LOG
Next target for public transport campaigners: Park-and-ride stations, which
are “subverting the sustainability goal of transit.” And you thought public
transport was about helping folk travel around the ... more »
Adventures With Midas at Jaco Beach

We decided to take baby Midas to the beach so he could check out the ocean
for the first time. Super fun. We chose Jaco Beach since it is closest to
the house. Midas is a pro at car rides since he was in a car from Michigan
to Herradura just recently! :).
Took his collar and leash since we really had no idea how he would react to
everything going on at the beach. It was slightly overcast when we took
him, so there were not a ton of people out, which is good, since Midas
likes people and likes to bark at them too. Parked and went down near the
water. Midas had no idea what... more »
"Three Things..."
“To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do
this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every
day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. And number
three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness
or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a
full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're
going to have something special.”
- Jim Valvano
"A Look to the Heavens"
"NGC 6188 is an interstellar carnival of young blue stars, hot red gas, and
cool dark dust. Located 4,000 light years away in the disk of our Galaxy,
NGC 6188 is home to the Ara OB1 association, a group of bright young stars
whose nucleus forms the open cluster NGC 6193. These stars are so bright
that some of their blue light reflects off of interstellar dust forming the
diffuse blue glow surrounding the stars in the above photograph.
*Click image for larger size.*
Open cluster NGC 6193 formed about three million years ago from the
surrounding gas, and appears unusually rich in close... more »
An Ojibway Prayer
Look at our brokenness,
We know that in all creation
Only the human family
Has strayed from the sacred way.
We know that we are the ones
Who divided,
And we are the ones
Who must come back together
To walk in the sacred way.
Sacred One,
Teach us love, compassion, honor,
That we may heal the earth,
And heal each other."
An Ojibway Prayer
The Poet: Wendell Berry, "A Warning To My Readers"
*"A Warning To My Readers"*
by Wendell Berry
"Do not think me gentle
because I speak in praise
of gentleness, or elegant
because I honor the grace
that keeps this world. I am
a man crude as any,
gross of speech, intolerant,
stubborn, angry, full
of fits and furies. That I
may have spoken well
at times, is not natural.
A wonder is what it is."
"The human life is made up of choices. Yes or no. In or out. Up or down.
And then there are the choices that matter. Love or hate. To be a hero or
to be a coward. To fight or to give in. To live. Or die. Live or die.
That's the important choice. And it's not always in our hands."
- "Grey's Anatomy"
“’The Better Angels Of Our Nature’: How Charles Dickens Influenced Abraham Lincoln”
*“’The Better Angels Of Our Nature’: *
*How Charles Dickens Influenced Abraham Lincoln” *
by Gene Griessman, Ph.D.
"Here’s the story of an obscure but beautiful quotation from Charles
Dickens that found its way into the First Inaugural Address by Abraham
Lincoln. In 1861, before his inauguration, Lincoln showed a draft of what
he intended to say to William Seward, his Secretary of State. Seward
recommended that Lincoln conclude with conciliatory words, and sketched out
a few sentences for Lincoln to consider.
Seward’s rough draft, which has been preserved, contains the expression ... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Burden Of Thinking”
*“The Burden Of Thinking”*
by Chet Raymo
“Let me speak for gray. Not black or white. Good or evil. Truth or falsity.
Yes or no. Let me speak for maybe. Sort of. More or less. I think so.
I am reluctant to speak for gray for fear of being considered wishy-washy.
Indecisive. Unprincipled. But lately it seems as if we are surrounded on
every side by zealots, and it's not a pretty sight. We are surrounded by
people who are so certain of their Truth that they are willing to strap
bombs to their chests and walk into crowded pizza parlors. Or fly airplanes
into towers. Or bomb abortion c... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Post Falls, Idaho, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Side With the Living: A Note to Those Who Would Demonize Nature"
"Side With the Living: A Note to Those Who Would Demonize Nature"
by Derrick Jensen
"The other night I saw a commercial for a PBS program that breathlessly
described how orcas “dominate” the oceans. And the nature program I had the
misfortune to see before that talked of different species of bears
“conquering” each other’s territories. The program repeatedly emphasized
the powerful bite of one particular type of bear—making sure we got the
point by always playing scary music when these bears were depicted—and only
late in the program did viewers learn that these bears were exclusivel... more »
"All You Need..."
"The greatest wisdom is in simplicity: love, respect, tolerance, sharing,
gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge
is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great
teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will
find your way."
- Carlos Barrios
Quotes From Locals About The Fall of Mosul And The Collapse of Maliki's Army
*Source of quotes: The Guardian/Mona Mahmood*.
"Everyone in Samara is happy with the fighters’ management of the city.
They have proved to be professional and competent. We have water and power;
there is a shortage in fuel because Maliki’s forces have cut the bridges
between Samara and Baghdad. The fighters themselves did not harm or kill
anyone as they swept forward.
We as Sunni people have never been treated fairly by Maliki’s fanatic
government and army. If it were not a sectarian army, it would have fought
to the end but they fled as soon as things got serious. *A friend of mi... more »
"Fukushima Update, 6/12/14"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXdfKkr9_bs
*“Is Fukushima Leaking … Or Are the the Reactors Wholly Uncontained?”*
by Washington’s Blog, April 6, 2013
"You may have heard that TEPCO – the operator of the stricken Fukushima
nuclear power plants – announced a large leak of radioactive water. You may
have heard that the cooling system in the spent fuel pools at Fukushima has failed
for a second time in a month. This is newsworthy stuff… but completely
misses the big picture. Japanese experts say that Fukushima is currently
releasing up to 93 billion becquerels of radioactive cesiu... more »
Why shouldn't Leona Helmsley's greedy scumbag executors walk off with that cool $100M?

*Leona and Trouble (the doggy kind, that is):* *Those canny executors
succeeded in wangling the pooch's $12M bequest down to $2M, with the rest
going to no-doubt-admirable charities.*
*by Ken*
If your first response to the news is anything like mine, it will have
something to do with the four scumbag executors (two of whom are grandsons
of the legator) cashing in an unconscionable payday for their not quite
seven years of servicing the $5.4B estate of the departed Queen of Mean,
Leona Helmsley since her departure in August 2007. As James Fanelli writes
in his DNAinfo New York repo... more »
Iraq is 'sliding into the unknown' - Martin Chulov Reports From Baghdad
*Link to the Source.*
listen to ‘Iraq is 'sliding into the unknown' @MartinChulov reports from
Baghdad’ on Audioboo
How can the US help Maliki when Maliki is the problem- But ISIS isn't?!
*ISIS is not the problem so what can be done about Maliki- should be the
headline *
*The answer looks to be a planned further destabilization with a removal of
Maliki *
*Before you read the information below please read* #1- *The US Departure
from Iraq was all Illusion!*
*And- #2 Very Telling! US REBUFFED multiple prior Iraq requests to quash
*It's important for filling in the blank places*
*Now onto the WP *
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS) genuinely stunning capture of
Mosul, and advances across Iraq, look like a real turning point in regional
politics. Even i... more »
Ukraine updates June12 , 2014 --- Gazprom seems to be tiring of Kiev games ( Gazprom not to postpone gas payment deadline for Ukraine anymore ) , no more delays and the bill is due June 16 , 2014 or else advance payment will kick in............ Status of South East Ukraine and did the Kiev Authorities use white phosphorus on civilians ? Wonder if the UN will bother to say anything about this ?
Gas talks clogged ......
Gazprom not to postpone gas payment deadline for Ukraine anymore
June 12, 19:00 UTC+4
Gazprom's head said the current situation differed from that in 2009 when
“Ukraine paid, whereas now it is not paying and is not going to”
Russian government to draft proposals on long-term gas discounts for Ukraine
MOSCOW, June 12./ITAR-TASS/. Gazprom will not postpone the payment deadline
for Ukraine anymore, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said on Thursday, June 12.
The current deadline is 10:00 Moscow time June 16, when Gazprom should see
$1.951 bi... more »
AFT’s American Educator: Voice of the Rank and File or Tool of the Reformers?
Guest Post: By Bianca Tanis Teachers are dosed with Common Core propaganda
daily. A few times a year, this comes in the form of the American
Federation of Teachers’ quarterly journal, American Educator. It is not
surprising that the summer 2014 issue (which focuses primarily on early
childhood) is chock full of “career and college ready” […]
The US Departure from Iraq was all Illusion!
*A bit of history- 2011- Much needed background*
Barack Obama has made good on one of his election promises, announcing:
"After nearly nine years, America's war in Iraq will be over." The Iraqis'
assertion of their sovereignty – meaning no legal immunity for US troops –
was the deal-breaker, and 39,000 US soldiers will leave Iraq by the end of
the year.
Jonathan Steele wrote that the Iraq war was over and the US had learned
"that putting western boots on the ground in a foreign war, particularly in
a Muslim country, is madness".* Yet this madness may continue in a
different guise, ... more »
Bitcoin updates June 12 , 2014 -- US Marshals to auction 18 million USD in bitcoin from Silk Road bust ....... Bitfinex distancing itself from Bitstamp........Google joins Yahoo in offering bitcoin prices ....... Latest news in the MT Gox bankruptcy.
Virtual Currency Slides As FBI Prepares To Dump 144,341 "Silk-Road" Bitcoins
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/12/2014 16:54 -0400
- Bitcoin
The FBI announces it is preparing to sell the 144,341 Bitcoins that were
collected during raids in the online drug market Silk Road. While the WSJ
reports, the timing and sales method are unclear, it is already weighing on
the virtual currency as the Bitcoin traders front run the Fed... more »
Obama Doubles Down on Iraq War Catastrophe

When you find yourself in a hole the smart idea is to stop digging, that is
unless it is a grave. With the situation in Iraq deteriorating by the
minute, thanks to the neocon ideologues who goaded George W. Bush into
attacking and invading the country in 2003 the now fully blossomed leader
of the imperial war machine is prepared to once again sink more American
blood and treasure into the Mesopotamian meat-grinder rather than stand up
on his hind legs to the keening squealing of the war pigs. The grand "Shock
and Awe" adventure of using the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks as a... more »
Karen Lewis on the Vergara Decision and What It Means
Karen Lewis points to the corporate boot-licking study by Raj Chetty that
speculates on how much income would be added if the worst teachers (based
on VAM, hah!) were replaced by average teachers. The Chetty study was used
as the principal documentation to support the court decision in California
to roll back teacher tenure. Read here excerpts from Bruce Baker's takedown
of the Chetty study.
No excuse required, it's Kate Upton on a Sports Illustrated shoot - Rule 5 Post - NSFW
Does a Kate Upton post need a reason?
POST VERGARA FALL OUT: Nothing says it any better than this from Brian Jones:
POST VERGARA FALL OUT: Nothing says it any better than this from Brian
Jones:.Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
Sam Smith, "Why Bother?" (Excerpt)
"Why Bother?" (Excerpt)
by Sam Smith
"H. L. Mencken once said that the liberation of the human mind has best
been furthered by those who "heaved dead cats into sanctuaries and then
went roistering down the highways of the world, proving . . . that doubt,
after all, was safe - that the god in the sanctuary was a fraud."
Mencken made it sound easier than it is. It is a lifetime's work to clear
away enough debris of fraudulent divinities, false premises, and fatuous
fantasies to experience a glasnost of the soul, to strip away enough lies
that have been painted on our minds, layer aft... more »
The Poet: Carl Sandburg, "What Shall He Tell That Son?"
"What Shall He Tell That Son?"
"A father sees a son nearing manhood.
What shall he tell that son?
'Life is hard; be steel; be a rock.'
And this might stand him for the storms
and serve him for humdrum and monotony
and guide him amid sudden betrayals
and tighten him for slack moments.
'Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy.'
And this too might serve him.
Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed.
The growth of a frail flower in a path up
has sometimes shattered and split a rock.
A tough will counts. So does desire.
So does a rich soft wanting.
Without rich wanting nothing arrives.
Tell... more »
A Call to Establish the Anti-Wahabi Block of Nations

*Anyone find it interesting that all of them have brand-new designer
trainers, and nobody can see if they're white mercenaries...? *
*Ex-SAS most likely.*
The fork-tongued BBC liars are talking out of both sides of their mouths
again - stressing that al-Baghdadi's group seeks to establish "a single
Islamic[no, a single SUNNI] Caliphate", stretching across Iraq, Syria, "and
parts of other countries as well" [meaning they want to attack Iran (but
not Saudi Arabia, Oman or Qatar), ethnically cleanse the Shi'ia apostates
and wipe them from the face of the Earth], they also stress "the ... more »
Another Reason why the Lipid Hypothesis is Bunk
The lipid hypothesis, as evry fule kno, predicts that eating saturated fat
causes elevation of serum cholesterol or LDL which then plays a causal role
in cardiovascular heart disease. How or why no-one knows but the feeling
out there is that saturated fat causes bad cholesterol and heart disease.
The notion is, as they say, entrenched; it is a meme more widely believed
now than any religious dogma.
Unlike the unknowable nature of God, the lipid hypothesis can be disproved
by multiple lines of evidence. Here is one.
Animal fat is a blend of saturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and... more »
Hanabusa: Why The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Is Failing In Hawaii Again

*Hanabusa’s conservative record comes back to haunt her in progressive
Hawaii; electorate not supporting her efforts to cut earned benefits,
increase militarism and fight the EPA*
Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa is badly trailing progressive Brian Schatz
in her bid to oust him from the Senate in Hawaii’s August 9th primary. And
she woke up on June 11th to read a headline in the state’s biggest
newspaper (the Honolulu *Star-Advertiser*) that probably confirms her
political career’s demise:
*Group links Hanabusa to 'threat' against Medicare*
Beltway pundits and consultants of cours... more »
Fighting Vergara in California and Elsewhere
As a former legal historian and inner city teacher, I’m offended by Judge
Rolf Treu’s one sentence legal justification of the key issue in Vergara v
California. The judge ruled for Students Matter and struck down the
hard-won rights of teachers based on a citation of California legal
precedents that seems facile to me. Some […]
*The Colbert Report*
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,The Colbert Report on Facebook,Video
“The Powerful Anti-'Redskins' Ad the NFL Refuses to Air”
*“The Powerful Anti-'Redskins' Ad the NFL Refuses to Air”*
By Janet Allon
“During this weekend's highly anticipated NBA final, an ad that the NFL
does not want to air will hit the airwaves. It is a powerful and moving
plea to change the offensive Washington Redskins name and mascot produced
by a group called the National Congress of American Indians.
The ad runs through a list of words that Native Americans actually call
themselves: proud, forgotten, Navajo, mother, survivor, Inuit, patriot,
underserved . . . and many more.
It's quite a long and enlightening list, accompanied by bea... more »
Ordo Templis Orientis

*"Sex-magick"* is a loaded term with all sorts of connotations....
It is, quite simply, a method of sublimating sexual energy to the will of
the magician in a variety of rituals, for a variety of purposes, using the
sexual practice appropriate to the desired end.
Thus, everything from the missionary position to sodomy to masturbation has
a magical analogue and refers to a different quality of occult power.
The choice of partner is also a matter for some concern, and the practice
of sex-magic has become so refined by later initiates of the Order that
even the specific days of a wo... more »
What We Tolerate (and for Whom) v. What the Rich Demand: On Teacher Quality
What We Tolerate (and for Whom) v. What the Rich Demand: On Teacher
Quality. via What We Tolerate (and for Whom) v. What the Rich Demand: On
Teacher Quality.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Vibrational Frequencies

Yes, and Yes.
Stupid is as Stupid does.
Anyone who has ever done *DMT* or had a Near-Death Experience (same thing),
or reads DC Comics understands that all matter is merely energy compressed
into a slow vibration.
One of the ways vibrational frequencies (or "*consciousness*") can be
altered, increased of shifted downwards is by means of inducing *sympathetic
If you are habituated in a saturation environment of *AC/DC*, your
existence will be mediated in terms of Whiskey, screaming, dirty sex, fat
hookers, leather and bad-assery.
If you are habituated in a sa... more »
Why Iraq Will Lose and Why Syria Has Won.

*"It will give our young people a comprehensive education... to make up for
their Comprehensive Education."*
*- Hacker*
The universally maligned, slaughtered and abused Iraqi Armies of 1990-1 and
2003, (at the time of Desert Storm, *the fourth largest Army in the world*),
was comprised for it's enlisted ranks almost entirely of *teenaged
conscripts*, commanded by experienced, battle-hardened officers, schooled
in Soviet war doctrine, who were all veterans of a major and very
attritional war.
*Demolished Iraqi vehicles line the Highway of Death on 18 April 1991.*
*Demolished vehic... more »
Brian Jones: "If teacher tenure prevented achievement, Mississippi would have stellar schools. . ."
from NYTimes:
*Brian Jones, a former New York City public school teacher, is the Green
Party's candidate for lieutenant governor of New York. He blogs at "No
Struggle, No Progress." He is on Twitter.*
UPDATED JUNE 12, 2014, 12:55 PM
America is the land of misdirected anger. This time, teachers in California
are on the receiving end.
That is not to say that public school parents in the state shouldn't be
angry. In the last decade, billions have been cut from California’s K-12
budget. A public school system that used to be the envy of the nation has
been starved to death. Budget cuts ha... more »
Brian Jones: "If tenure prevented achievement, Mississippi would have stellar schools..."
From the NYTimes:
Brian Jones, a former New York City public school teacher, is the Green
Party's candidate for lieutenant governor of New York. He blogs at "No
Struggle, No Progress." He is on Twitter.
UPDATED JUNE 12, 2014, 12:55 PM
America is the land of misdirected anger. This time, teachers in California
are on the receiving end.
That is not to say that public school parents in the state shouldn't be
angry. In the last decade, billions have been cut from California’s K-12
budget. A public school system that used to be the envy of the nation has
been starved to death. Budget cuts ... more »
Ukrainian soldiers are in mutiny. They are jumping ship because they've
come to realize that the pirate captains are really working for the US-NATO
war machine and only want to create a civil war.
On top of that evil the corporate masters of the newly installed President
Poroshenko in Kiev don't even want to pay their conscripts to do their
killing for them....or feed them.....or house them. These pirate masters
are amazingly greedy. (I think it comes from deep deep personal
insecurity. These damaged humans rise in these authoritarian structures
and we suffer.)
Their greed is... more »
Supplemental: Do higher “standards” produce more learning?
*THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 2014*
*It’s funny you should ask, since it looks like no one else did:* In last
Sunday’s Washington Post, Lyndsey Layton offered a 3700-word report about
the way Bill Gates has spread his billions around to create and promote the
Common Core.
Has he really spent *billions *on Common Core? We’re not sure.
Amazingly, Layton reports that the Gates Foundation has spent $3.4 billion
since 1999 to advance Gates’ views on education. About $650 million of that
went to a project, long abandoned, to create smaller high schools.
That leaves $2.7 billion going somewhere e... more »
*America’s Fracking Boom Spreads ~Tom Ashbrook, On Point NPR*
*Fracking to be topic of North Shore forum Friday*
*Braithwaite levee sits unfinished with hurricane season underway ~Mike
Perlstein, WWLTV *
*Legislative resolution tells Corps to find mitigation land elsewhere
~Jacob Batte, Houma Courier**~**State legislators unanimously passed a
NIMPY (Not In My Parish Y'all) resolution last month that urges the Corps
of Engineers to find property outside of Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes
to compensate for hurricane protection in Orleans Parish. *
*Man making good time in histori... more »
June 12: Enough
A newspaper should reveal the extent of a society's sorrow. And it should
express its own - in opinion columns. But there is a point at which working
on emotions is no longer sorrow, but exploitation of sorrow.
In the old days, that was called "sob sister" reporting. It's an abuse of
readers. And it's disgusting. And it has characterized all the TandT
reporting on the murders of three police.
Check the page 1 headline. "Danny to work with another Mountie". And so we
have yet another picture and a long story about Danny the dog.
Does that help us in any way to understand what has happ... more »
This Putrid Election
Vote for the thieving assholes to stop the psychotic, stupid, monsters'
What a choice.
I voted for the milquestoast Liberal-lite party, thank you very much.
Horwath's problem is that she doesn't have enough analysis and enough faith
in socialism to push back against the hegemony of stupid bullshit. Instead,
she tries to accommodate it.
Don't ask me about any other party until we get proportional representation.
CIA director Brennan is surprised
CIA is getting such a bad rap
alongside it's historic
bad rep
They feel sad
no one likes them
no love for CIA
except on Wall Street
and inside the dark
The killers got no friends
folks figuring out
the nest
of the pirates
who are out to loot
us all
Iraq on fire
Syria war
Ukraine breaking up
always raging
someone has to
control the heroin
and the fossil
the CIA does
alongside their
friends in the mob
Call it all Mr. Big
That is your short
in US foreign
That Full-page Union-bashing Ad in USA Today
Remember that five-story billboard in Times Square in December 2013 and the
accompanying full-page ad in the New York Times blaming American Federation
of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten for 2012 US PISA scores? Both
were the work of a union-busting “nonprofit,” the deceptively-named Center
for Union Facts. Well, on June 12, 2014, the same union-busting group
posted this full-page ad celebrating […]
Obama: Al Qaeda is "on the run"...
*Um - no they're not.*
* ‘Taking a nap’: Obama team accused of underestimating Iraq unrest *
*In other new:*
Dave Brat won the primary over Eric Cantor because of "Jew hatred." Really?
Thousands upon thousands of children have become pawns in the immigration
battle. They are also receiving better medical care than our vets.
Obama will undoubtedly head to the golf course this weekend.
Feedly is down again. Arrrrrrrgh!
I'm going out to lunch with a friend.
Crazed Oklahoma Republican Candidate Says He Loves God So Much That He Wants To Kill Gay People

Monday, we looked at the tiny handful of homophobic Democrats-- like Blue
Dogs John Barrow (GA), Dan Lipinski (IL) and Collin Peterson (MN)-- left in
Congress. Most homophobes-- and haters and bigots of all persuasions-- know
which party to gravitate to these days: the GOP. Reactionaries like Barrow,
Lipinski and Peterson may be against equality for the LGBT community-- ior
lacking in the courage to stand up for it-- but at least they're not
advocating stoning gays to death. Meet Oklahoma teabagger Scott Esk. This
may not be your father's Republican Party, but it is *today's* Repub... more »
Mike's Story Part 48 SHTF
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
*February 17, 2007 From Mike to his psychiatrist:*
* 1. I have not gone for the blood levels yet. I will go Monday after
fasting from 9 PM Sunday. Thursday night I was so upset over the stolen
$10,000 I woke up at 3 AM and chugged about a pint of OJ and then realized
what I had done. I didn't start the fast again on Friday because we had a
late dinner engagegment. So I'll fast Sunday and have the levels drawn
Monday AM. Sorry.*
* 2. But more, I put myself and Jenna thru hell on Tursday night. I was
overwhelmed with the belief that anything I ever tried t... more »

*It's time to drop the bombshell ~ 97% of the universe is composed of Dark
Matter and Dark energy but I maintain that it is really invisible to the
human eye and is in actuality Light matter and Light energy for it
represents a **Unified Field** of love and soul consciousness, that exists
beyond time and space, whose principle property is the universal urge to
unite ~ within which light and even gravity is a condition of state. As
such, the basic glue of the universe is Love: Allen L Roland, PhD*
*We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual
beings... more »
Clashes Between the Islamic State and the Baathist Naqshibandi As Both Try To Expand
As the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) cuts a path across
northern and central Iraq other insurgent groups are attempting to take
advantage of the situation. There have been reports that the Baathist Jaysh
Rijal al-Tariqa al-Naqshibandi (JRTN) were active in the taking of Tikrit
and are operating in Mosul as well. With the general collapse of the
security forces in Mosul, northern and central Salahaddin and western
Tikrit it is only natural that other armed groups would make their move to
seize territory as well. This good time for the insurgency belies the
internal c... more »
The Pereyra Case: Humans or Humanoids?

*Source: Planeta UFO and F.A.O. (Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogia)Date:
*The Pereyra Case: Humans or Humanoids?*
*By Luis Burgos*
The following case occurred in a major year for Argentinean ufology, as was
the 1965 flap. The coherence of the eyewitness report and the details of
the event place it among the classic cases of close encounters of the third
kind (CE3K) to the extent that Pereyra insists to this day that he came
across "a Russian" on that occasion.
Years ago, Ing. José Marengo, deceased, told me that this case had been
among the most impressive of all his ... more »
Maths GCSE Unit 2 exam tomorrow? Here's what might be happening behind you in the exam hall...
Alexander Armstrong and Ben Miller there...
Lemonade Cheesecake and Watermelon Cookies
This summer has just been flying by! I can't even believe it's already been
another week. We are excited to start another party and share the features
from last week. Jonie from Just Between Friends will be the one picking her
favorites this week. [image: You're invited header 2]
Jesseca | Holly | Jonie | Debra
We have been having so much fun this summer. You can probably tell by the
lack of new posts over on my site that the fun just keep coming! I thought
it would be fun to share with you a couple of summer posts that I think you
will want to use at some point this summer. [image... more »
Bill Whittle: Why Benghazi Matters...(video)
Benghazi matters, because it goes directly to the two most important
qualities in our elected officials: *Competence*, and *Character*.
THE ROLE OF THE GAPS: At the age of 3!
*THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 2014*
*Part 4—The gaps come early and often:* How do some American kids get a
head start on their literacy?
On Monday, New York Times readers were given a delightful portrait of this
process. In an essay on the op-ed page, Pamela Druckerman introduced us to
her 5-year-old twins.
This mother’s boys are 5 years old. They share a World Cup obsession:
DRUCKERMAN (6/9/14): At dinner recently, one of my 5-year-old twins
announced that he intended to learn Croatian.
This didn’t surprise me. *Mealtimes at our house have become low-level
colloquia on international affa... more »
Duelling Grammarians

One might think that English grammar, even more than its lexicon, would be
something that would have long been intrinsically understood, and little in
need of explication or improvement. And yet, the services of a
dictionary having proven valuable, that of a printed *grammar* seemed a
logical step -- after all, Latin Grammars were vital school textbooks, and
the idea that English should be more like Latin, or at least described in
Latin terms, caught on widely. We owe most of our grammatical terminology
-- adjective (from *adiectus*, "to annex a territory"), to preposition
(from *p... more »
Obama Bombs
*By Alice Ross*
Cross-posted from The Bureau of Investigative Journalism
Two drone strikes have hit North Waziristan in Pakistan’s tribal northwest,
reportedly killing 16 people and ending the longest pause in drone strikes
of Obama’s presidency.
Prior to these attacks there had not been a drone strike in Pakistan since
Christmas Day. The Pakistani government had requested that the US stop
carrying out strikes to allow peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban (TTP)
to take place, sources close to the negotiations told the Bureau in
But terrorist attacks and retaliatory air... more »
Economist Richard Wolff discusses recent EU parliament elections.
Zeman's speech on Arabs, Islam, and Israel's independence
*Czech president wins the hearts of some Israel supporters*
Two weeks ago, I shouldn't have missed Czech president Miloš Zeman's speech
in Prague's Hilton – on the Israel's independence day. Here is a
translation from the Czech original.
*Speech of the president of the republic on the Israel's Independence Day
*May 27th, 2014*
Ladies and Gentlemen,
thank you for your invitation to this celebration of Israel's Independence
Day. In the Czech Republic, dozens of state holidays commemorating the
independence are being marked every year. I may arrive to some of them, I
am to... more »
"Stand with Israel" license plates officially sanctioned in South Carolina

As if America couldn't get any more subservient and slavish to
international Jewry and the fraudulent Jewish regime occupying Palestine,
the state of South Carolina is now offering drivers there specially
designed license plates which read: *"South Carolina Stands with Israel"*.
Expect other states to follow suit in the near future.
*The Jewish Press* reports:
By an Act signed into law by Governor Nikki Haley on June 2 and effective
immediately, the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles is permitted
to issue to car owners in South Carolina special license plates. Those
specia... more »
Very Telling! US REBUFFED multiple prior Iraq requests to quash ISIS
*This is interesting!*
*As the threat from Sunni militants in western Iraq escalated* last month*,
(May?) Prime Minister Nuri Kamal *al-Maliki secretly asked the Obama
administration to consider carrying out airstrikes against extremist
staging areas*, according to Iraqi and American officials.But I*raq’s
appeals for a military response have so far been rebuffed* by the White
As I mentioned in yesterday's post (in reference to US humvees being
conveniently left, or moved, for easy access) it has been obvious for some
time that ISIS has been on the move.
*Yesterday's post- T... more »
911 Blowback
I believe without reason that 911 was a manufactured event. The world was
at peace and some authors were saying it was the end of history. Most
people in the world lived in peace and where focused on improving the
neighbourhood not the airport.
Into this poketeam village wandered a zealot with a RPG and and AK47. Death
for him was merely the entry ticket to the models bar that George kansasta
blew. The powers that be thought that peace would emasulate
the Industrial Military Complex. The Sunni thought the Shia should die.
Thus a a marriage of similar thought promulgated throughout t... more »
SWA flight attendant - stand-up - just do what we say and nobody gets hurt
somebody REALLY wants to 'give up the day job' and go on the stand-up
circuit ... fifteen million views already.

I took one of those Facebook tests this morning to see "what country I am
best suited to live in". They ask a series of questions and then give you
the answer. When my perfect place popped up I had a great laugh. It came
up as Italy. My mom was Italian which might have had just a bit of impact
on my answers to the questions.
Here is what they wrote about my responses...sounds about right to me.
You are complex person, yet you enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Your
idea of a great day is to spend some time by the water, or have coffee
[tea] next to your favorite landmark, the... more »
Now The Light Comes Forward To......by M.N. Hopkins

*Now, the Light comes forward to enrich and enlighten and illuminate all
those who have forgotten their true natures and lost sight of their true
connection to the Source Of All Life here on planet Earth.*
M.N. Hopkins
Republican Party Kills Elizabeth Warren's Student Loan Refinancing Bill With Another Filibuster

Yesterday, the Republicans successfully filibustered Elizabeth Warren's
Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act. All 44 cosponsors are
Democrats and all 38 filibusterers were Republicans. It needed 60 votes but fell
4 short. Murkowski (R-AK) and Corker (R-TN) somewhat fearlessly crossing
the aisle and Susan Collins (R-ME)-- living in total dread of Democratic
challenger Shenna Bellows-- reluctantly tagging along. Yes, she voted to
end the filibuster but put that in the context of what her her pal, right
wing extremist Rick Santorum, candidly said. Mike Lux reporting from
... more »
a survey which the BBC and their BDS arsehole friends won't like, and so won't report
New research conducted by the Global Tourism Monitor Survey asked a total
of 23,000 holidaymakers, in 26 different countries around the world, to
name the destination that they would most recommend to others based on
their own travel experiences.
Those questioned as part of the survey were restricted to countries they
had visited in the previous 12 months, and asked whether they would or
wouldn’t tell others to follow suit.
The number of people who criticised a recent holiday destination was then
subtracted from the number praising a place as visit-worthy, to produce a
net score for... more »
Path Dependence, Iraq Edition
With the fall of Mosul to the jihadists of Syria and Iraq, there is much
blame-casting to be had. Some are blaming Obama for not keeping a residual
force in Iraq although it is not clear that a small US force would have
kept the Iraqi military from breaking. This always, always frustrates me
Continue reading
*In the Near Future, Only Very Wealthy Colleges Will Have English
*Which will be a good thing, considering that they have now become simply
an outlet for Leftist propaganda*
Within a few decades, contemporary literature departments (e.g., English)
will be largely extinct—they’ll be as large and vibrant as Classics
departments are today, which is to say, not very active at all. Only
wealthy institutions will be able to afford the luxury of faculty devoted
to studying written and printed text. Communications, rhetoric/composition,
and media studies will take English’s ... more »
Hudak And Zycher

One of the "bright lights" behind Tim Hudak's one million jobs plan is
Benjamin Zycher. Linda McQuaig writes:
His sensibilities are closer to the Old South than Ontario; he once
described Michelle Obama as a product of “lifelong affirmative-action
coddling,” suggesting she only got her Princeton degree “because of her
skin color.”
Zycher’s jobs prediction assumes that Hudak would introduce ‘right to work’
legislation in Ontario — even though Zycher’s analysis was released by the
Hudak team as a backgrounder months after Hudak announced he wouldn’t
implement such laws.
When Huda... more »
*NO WAY!!! Louisiana ranks # 2 among states with history of political
corruption; South dominates ~Forbes*~Hat Tweet *@TheLensNOLA*
*Cadet's waiting game may be coming to end with New Orleans Saints ~Glenn
Guilbeau, The Town Talk*
*Gulf state, not Louisiana, blocking approval of $627 million in BP oil
spill restoration work ~Mark Schleifstein*
*Inaction feeds crisis over Mississippi River, environmentalists say ~Greg
*Obama signs $12.3 billion water projects bill ~Gregory Roberts, The
*University of New Orleans gets grant to enhance turtle excluder devices
~AP, ... more »
Meditating on Teacher Unions and Tenure Post-Vergaras
Meditating on Teacher Unions and Tenure Post-Vergaras. via Meditating on
Teacher Unions and Tenure Post-Vergaras.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming
Midsummer Maddness Book Royalties

Does anybody know where to find Raymond Buxton?
It must be Summer and the heat must be sending some barmy with thoughts of
erecting new toll booths to collect money every time a book gets sold.
Yesterday the news that secondhand reseller Bookbarn had entered into some
sort of convoluted pact with the Authors’ Licencing and Collecting Society
(ALCS) to effectively pay a royalty to authors on the sale of the used
books. Someone at ALCS was obviously dreaming of a huge new revenue stream
and a potential new role in life, or some misguided people believed that
there was any quick wi... more »
Intelligence and Subtlety
An obvious but nonetheless telling observation that cannot be stated
enough. This from a novel about a young girl and her talking book:
"Nell," the Constable continued, indicating through his tone of voice that
the lesson was concluding, "the difference between ignorant and educated
people is that the latter know more facts. But that has nothing to do with
whether they are stupid or intelligent. The difference between stupid and
intelligent people - and this is true whether or not they're well-educated
- is that intelligent people can handle subtlety. They are not baffled by
ambiguo... more »
Neocons Dragging US Back to Iraq

Now that the region is erupting anew with the storming of Iraq by radical
jihadist elements such as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and ISIL
(Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and the franchise that is al Qaeda
the warmongers and neocons in *The Homeland* are shrieking like banshees
over Obama's "loss" of Iraq. The current chaos though would not be possible
were it not for the original sin of attacking Iraq in 2003, toppling Saddam
Hussein who was subsequently lynched and showing that America was no better
than it's former puppet in continuing the torture at the infamous... more »
The Art of Propaganda: Guardian's Pro-Slavery Hit Piece

*June 12, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Upon reading the London
Guardian's article "US may blacklist Thailand after prawn trade slavery
revelations," one may actually believe a revelation regarding slavery in
Thailand has been made and blacklisting Thailand is a warranted course of
action. However, they would be wrong.
What the Guardian piece is in actuality, is a plagiarized, politically
motivated, carefully timed attack not on the perpetrators of Thailand's
human trafficking, but on the new military-led government that has already
taken concrete steps to stop it - and the immen... more »
On today in history - 1987
Ronald Reagan back when the world looked like it might be getting better.
"Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall"
The Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds
[image: 19]
*Raw For Beauty*
Pilatus begins PC-21 aircraft deliveries to Royal Saudi Air Force

[image: Pilatus PC-21]The Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) will soon take
deliveries of the PC-21 expanded envelope trainer aircraft under contract
from Pilatus Aircraft.
Carrying the registration numbers 905, 906 and 907, the first three
aircraft departed the company's facility in Stans, Switzerland, on 02 June,
reported Flightglobal.
The second batch of 908, 909 and 910 numbered turboprop-powered type
aircraft also left the site for Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the following week.
Read more
"Come on you England, you noble English men" - Rik Mayall and the England World Cup team song
Rik Mayall's Noble England was recorded for the 2010 World Cup but made
little impact, rather like the England team. Maybe in 2014 it will become a
posthumous big hit...
"Once more unto the pitch, dear friends."
Four Russian Bombers Flew Within 50 Miles Of The California Coast

[image: Tu-95 Bear]Four Russian strategic bombers triggered U.S. air
defense systems while conducting practice bombing runs near Alaska this
week, with two of the Tu-95 Bear H aircraft coming within 50 miles of the
California coast, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad)
confirmed Wednesday.
“The last time we saw anything similar was two years ago on the Fourth of
July,” Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Norad spokesman, told the Free Beacon.
Davis said the latest Bear H incursions began Monday around 4:30 p.m.
Pacific time when radar detected the four turbo-prop powered bomber... more »
Raytheon awarded $115.5 million Phalanx upgrade contract

[image: Phalanx CIWS]The U.S. Navy awarded Raytheon Company a $115.5
million contract to remanufacture, overhaul and provide upgrades to Phalanx
Close-in Weapon Systems (CIWS).
The CIWS is an integral element of the Navy's Fleet Defense In-Depth
concept and the Ship Self-Defense Program.
Work under the contract, which was signed during the second quarter 2014,
is expected to be completed by September 2017.
Read more
The official unofficial USA World Cup Song
Worth a listen just for the World War 2 revenge reference!
Alexi Lalas is painting the cup red, white and blue...
It's the World Cup so "Just Kick That Soccer Ball"
'Danger Box Zone'?
'Felony Cards'?
Yes, it's a parody but a good one... by US Soccer Guy.
Thanks to TalkSport's Colin Murray for spotting this video.
Northrop Grumman, US Navy Conduct Successful Simultaneous Manned, Unmanned Helicopter Flight Tests Aboard the Littoral Combat Ship
Northrop Grumman Corporation and the U.S. Navy successfully flew the
unmanned MQ-8B Fire Scout simultaneously with the MH-60R Sea Hawk
helicopter for the first time. The capability demonstrates how a mix of
aircraft can increase a ship commander's intelligence-gathering
capabilities aboard the Littoral Combat Ship.
The flight tests took place May 12, aboard the USS Freedom (LCS 1) off the
coast of San Diego. Fire Scout complements the Sea Hawk because it can fly
longer to maintain constant surveillance on a target or area of interest.
"Utilizing the Fire Scout in operational mariti... more »
Russia’s surface-to-air-missiles not to guard Brazil’s sky during World Cup

[image: Pantsir-S1]Russia and Brazil did not manage to finalize a contract
on supplies of Pantsir-S1 (NATO’s reporting name: SA-22 Greyhound)
surface-to-air-missiles before beginning of World Cup-2014, though both
countries are interested in signing the agreement, head of the federal
service on the military-technical cooperation Aleksander Fomin said on
“Apparently, we are not managing in time by the beginning of the
championship, but we continue the dialogue with our counterparts, the
project is in its active phase,” he said. “We hope to finalize this project
this year.”... more »
Unmanned war resumes: Six killed in year's first drone strike

[image: MQ-9 Reaper]The US carried out the first drone strike in Pakistan
this year on Wednesday, killing at least six militants in North Waziristan,
where pressure was building on Islamabad to react after a brazen attack on
Karachi airport.
According to a local security forces official, the US drone launched two
missiles at a vehicle and compound in Dargah Mandi village in North
Waziristan Agency’s Ghulam Khan tehsil, around 10 kilometres west of agency
headquarters Miramshah. The incident took place around 9:00pm, he said.
Six suspected militants were killed, four of whom were sai... more »

*Volcanoes behind West Antarctic glacial melting *
*I can't resist saying: "I told you so". The climate scientists got it
wrong when they attributed the ice-loss to global warming. I am not a
climate scientist but got it right. How come? It is because they were
working from a false theory -- that global warming is happening --
whereas I was working from a true theory -- that global warming is NOT
happening. The Warmists below try to save their bacon by saying that global
warming is partly responsible but they have no proof of that -- whereas
the vulcanism is well proven *
... more »
The Universe
“Ever have a dream at night when you wondered in the middle of it whether
or not you were dreaming? Knowing that if you were just dreaming, you could
rewrite the scary parts and enhance the happy parts; run faster, jump
higher, laugh your head off; summon guides, travel through time, read
minds; levitate, manifest, do the impossible. But then, you thought to
yourself, "No, this just can't be a dream, it's way too real."
Yeah, you're having one right now. Yeah you really are, and yes, you really
“Gosh, you're good...”
The Universe
"Thoughts become things... choose the g... more »
Plymouth frigate fires seawolf missile using new radar

[image: Seawolf missile]A City frigate has become the second Royal Navy
warship in as many months to smash a target out of the sky with a Seawolf
missile using the navy’s new 3D radar.
Firing as part of their pre-deployment tests on the South Coast Exercise
Areas, there was a brief, bright flash of fire as the missile erupted from
its silo on the frigate’s forecastle, striking a flying target seconds
The successful firing not only confirmed the ability of the new 3D Artisan
radar system, but also HMS Argyll’s readiness to defend herself against air
Read more
Madness In Iraq: Idiots Are In Charge
*Washington's covertly trained proxy army has taken Mosul and Tikrit in a
span of a few days. Its officially trained Iraqi army disintegrated like
dust when their presence mattered most.*
"The White House signaled on Wednesday that it was looking to strengthen
Iraqi forces to help them deal with an insurgency rather than to meet what
one U.S. official said were past Iraqi requests for U.S. air strikes.
An Obama administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity said
Iraq had previously made clear its interest in drone strikes or bombing by
manned U.S. aircraft to help it b... more »
Russia sends 24 warships, fighter jets, bombers to Baltic drills as NATO stages war games

[image: Tu-22 Blinder]Russia has deployed 24 Baltic Fleet warships and
vessels, along with heavy fighter jets and bombers, as reinforcement for
military drills in the westernmost Kaliningrad region while NATO stages its
own war games across the border.
On Wednesday, Moscow deployed a grouping of 24 Baltic Fleet warships and
vessels for military drills in its exclave on the Baltic Sea coast. The
drills were launched on Tuesday in response to NATO’s international drills
– Saber Strike 2014 and BALTOPS 2014 –near Russia’s border.
*"The squadrons of warships are performing the tasks of... more »
Culdrose helicopters on HMS Illustrious off Falmouth
While the aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious was anchored off Falmouth on
Monday, West Briton reporter Graeme Wilkinson was flown onboard to meet the
sailors from RNAS Culdrose
AS we came sweeping in off the Lizard and into Falmouth Bay, there was no
mistaking the outline of the huge aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious.
I had hitched a ride aboard a Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose Merlin
helicopter, courtesy of 814 Naval Air Squadron – the Flying Tigers.
Read more

*We are told today: *
Mosul, and up to 1/4 of the area of Iraq and modern Mesopotamia, including
all of the province of Ninevah has come under the control of Isis in less
than a day, and almost without a fight;
The Americans took 3 weeks to get that far - *Life* trumps *Shock & Awe. *
*The 1700 fighters seemingly took the town, and much of the surrounding
countryside, almost without firing a shot - the deserting/defecting Iraqi
Army obliging left much, if not all of it's military equipment abandoned
for the brigands to comandeer, and so the fledging Caliphate is now
well-equipp... more »
Submarine Vladimir Monomakh goes on sea trials in White Sea
[image: Borei class SSBN]The Borei-class strategic nuclear submarine
Vladimir Monomakh has gone on sea trials in the White Sea, a source in the
military-industrial complex said.
“Severodvinsk-based military shipyard Sevmash put the submarine on the
two-week sea trials in the White Sea,” the source told ITAR-TASS on
“During the sea trials, the crew will check all warship systems, including
navigation, radio-electronic systems and sailing features,” it said.
Read more
First Scorpene submarine to be ready by Sept 2016: Admiral Dhowan

[image: Scorpene class SSK]Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Robin Dhowan
has said that the construction of French-origin Scorpene submarines at
Mazagon Dock is progressing well, with the first submarine now scheduled to
be delivered by September, 2016.
Speaking to The Hindu on the sidelines of a Naval Investiture Ceremony on
Thursday, Admiral Dhowan said while the Navy intended to take delivery of
the first Scorpene diesel-electric submarine, built under Project 75, in
September 2016, it would also ensure that the intervening period between
delivery of the remaining five was minimis... more »
Submarine repairs to cost $18 million

[image: HMCS Windsor]A broken generator aboard one of Canada’s submarines
has led to $18 million in various repairs to the boat, now out of the water
on the east coast.
HMCS Windsor spent five years in a $209-million refit from 2007 to December
2012, when it was returned to service for what was supposed to be a
six-year operational cycle. But during sea trials, a defect was identified
with one of the sub’s two electrical generators.
Windsor was docked in March in Halifax and crews were to replace the
generator at a cost of $2 million.
Read more
Sign The Food Babe's, "Tell Us What's In Your Beer Petition"
[image: Beer Petition]
Sign the petition at the link below:
*Tell Us What's In Your Beer Petiton*
*Food Babe Homepage*
Musical Interlude: Chris de Burgh, "Carry Me (Like a Fire in Your Heart)"
Chris de Burgh, "Carry Me (Like a Fire in Your Heart)"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-qBJ4btIDk
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5VzYAPBVJc
"All One Tribe"
"There's an old proverb that says you can't choose your family. You take
what the fates hand you. And like them or not, love them or not, understand
them or not, you cope. Then there's the school of thought that says the
family you're born into is simply a starting point. They feed you, and
clothe you, and take care of you until you're ready to go out into the
world and find your tribe." - "Grey’s Anatomy"
We all share the same Mother Earth, breathe the same air, drink the same
have the same hopes and dreams... Together, we are all One Tribe.
The Human Tribe. "We are the ones ... more »
Giveaway: Tickets to Utah Princess Festival

One of our favorite events each year is the Princess Festival. My daughter
loves getting all dolled up and spending the day with her favorite
princesses. She loves all of the fun and I love that the festival is
focused on teaching girls to be good, kind people, not on looks.
At last year's festival, my daughter and her friends went on a "bear hunt"
and one of the characters taught them a song about not being afraid, we
have sung the song many times since the festival whenever my daughter was
feeling particularly scared about something and it helped her not be
afraid. I love that th... more »
EU corruption - it's quite incredible and won't be discussed on the BBC
'The BBC Europe Editor Gavin Hewitt’s *The Lost Continent* is a superb
page-turner about the crisis of the European Single Currency. I found it so
jaw-dropping I added my own entry in the index for "WTF moments: best of."
I learnt that “Two journalists from *Corriere della Sera* discovered there
were 72,000 official cars [in Italy], costing 1.85 billion euros annually”.
In Spain, “the airport of Ciudad Real boasts one of Europe longest runways.
Its vast airy light terminal is designed to handle 5 million passengers a
year. It cost nearly a billion euros. Yet there are no planes.”
... more »
"Have You Also Learned..."
"Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no such
thing as time?" That the river is everywhere at the same time, at the
source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, in
the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere and that the present only exists
for it, not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future."
~ Herman Hesse, "Siddhartha"
Viktor Frank, "Man's Search For Meaning" (Excerpt)
* "Man's Search For Meaning" (Excerpt)*
by Viktor Frank
"When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer, he will have to accept
his suffering as his task; his single and unique task. He will have to
acknowledge the fact that even in suffering he is unique and alone in the
universe. No one can relieve him of his suffering or suffer in his place.
His unique opportunity lies in the way in which he bears his burden.
For us, as prisoners, these thoughts were not speculations far removed from
reality. They were the only thoughts that could be of help to us. They kept
us from despair, ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Beautiful emission nebula NGC 6164 was created by a rare, hot, luminous
O-type star, some 40 times as massive as the Sun. Seen at the center of the
cosmic cloud, the star is a mere 3 to 4 million years old. In another three
to four million years the massive star will end its life in a supernova
*Click image for larger size.*
Spanning around 4 light-years, the nebula itself has a bipolar symmetry.
That makes it similar in appearance to more familiar planetary nebulae -
the gaseous shrouds surrounding dying sun-like stars. Also like many
planetary nebulae, NGC 6164 has bee... more »
"Mundus Vult Decipi, Ergo Decipiatur,"
"Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur," a Latin phrase, means "The world
wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived." The saying is ascribed to
Petronius, a Roman satirist from the first century, CE. "The pontifex
maximus Scævola thought it expedient that the people should be deceived in
religion; and the learned Varro said plainly, that "there are many truths,
which it is useless for the vulgar to know; and many falsities which it is
fit the people should not suppose are falsities." Hence comes the adage
"Mundus vult decipi, decipiatur ergo."
The Poet: Clarice Lispector, "Change"
by Clarice Lispector
But start slowly, because direction is more important than speed.
Sit in another chair, on the other side of the table.
Later on, change tables.
When you go out, try to walk on the other side of the street. Then change
your route,
walk calmly down other streets, observing closely the places you pass by.
Take other buses. Change your wardrobe for a while; give away your old
shoes and try to walk barefoot for a few days– even if only at home.
Take off a whole afternoon to stroll about freely, listening to the birds
or the noise of the cars.
Open ... more »
Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet- On Laws"
*"The Prophet- On Laws"*
"You delight in laying down laws,
Yet you delight more in breaking them.
Like children playing by the ocean who build sand-towers with
constancy and then destroy them with laughter.
But while you build your sand-towers the ocean brings more sand to the
And when you destroy them the ocean laughs with you.
Verily the ocean laughs always with the innocent.
But what of those to whom life is not an ocean,
and man-made laws are not sandtowers,
But to whom life is a rock, and the law a chisel with which
they would carve it in their own likeness?
What of the crip... more »
Christy Clark`s LNG Fantasy, Death By Sock Puppet
Like the cat, contentment, and not a worry in the world, a peaceful easy
feeling is running through my veins, I could almost laugh at the futile
flailing from both Stephen Harper and Christy Clucking Clark...
Where to begin, snake eyes, deuces and sevens, stars have aligned against
both of those named above, Stephen Harper is about to announce approval for
Enbridge, I suspect he will make the call on Friday...It doesn`t matter,
First Nations, who have a long running winning record in our Supreme Courts
have vowed to tie up any construction for years, barring that there are
thousan... more »
Let’s get straight to the point; if George W. Bush, Tony Blair, John Howard
and their other Western supporters had not lied their way to a war against
Iraq, the Middle East would not be in the mess it finds itself in today in
Syria and Iraq. In short, the people of the Middle East can blame the West
for much of the turmoil that dominates their lives now so is it any wonder
that the youth of the region – and young Muslims all over the world – who
have resented what has happened to them and their comrades have become
radicalised to the point where they are now perpetuating the very tur... more »
Barack Obama passes the Turing test, too

The famous computer science pioneer Alan Turing decided to define
"artificial intelligence" as the machine's ability to speak in such a way
that it fools people around into thinking that he or she or it is an actual
human being. I don't think that this very definition of intelligence is
deep – this will be discussed later.
*Barack Obama and his Japanese friend*
But let's first cover the story. As the chatbot's namesake Eugene S told
us, the media have been full of hype about a chatbot pretending to be a
13-year-old Ukrainian boy Eugene Goostman (see his or her or its web where
yo... more »
“I do not know David Brat and had never heard of him before he won the
primary [against poster child for term limits, Eric Cantor]. I have looked
at his Vita. However, I am bothered by seeing him called a free market
economist and a Randian. Apparently one of the major issues distinguishing
him from Mr. Cantor is Mr. Brat’s opposition to immigrants and immigration
reform. I cannot understand how someone can be a free market economist and
opposed to immigration reform. Our immigration laws are a major limitation
on free exchange, and anyone who really favours free markets must b... more »
Who Does Wall Street Own In Washington?

Jim Himes (New Dem-CT), Wall Street's candidate for the next DCCC Chairman
In her new book, A Fighting Chance, Elizabeth Warren spent a little time
explaining how Wall Street tried sabotaging her campaign for Senate. Scott
Brown was their boy and they shoveled more money into his campaign than any
campaign in the country. He was the #1 recipient of their political
contributions. And they did all they could to demonize Elizabeth Warren and
her pro-working families message-- something they have continued without
The big banks kept a low profile at first, but before long they s... more »
Guest Post - A Quick Guide to Helping to Save the World – Eco for Newbies
Environmental issues are no longer a matter of personal politics – they are
an essential consideration if we are going to sustain life on earth for
generations to come. Thankfully, every year more people opt to cycle to
work instead of drive, more people start to compost their vegetable waste,
and more recycling centres are built by companies like JP Concrete. It's
pleasing to see. But what are you doing for the environment? What can you
do? Here are some essentials.
Ditch Your Wheels for the Week
Greenhouse gas emissions are the chief contributor to climate change
worldwide. There... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Dundee, Dundee City, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
(Captured Regulators? You'd Have Thought They Were Wild Before) Corporate-Owned Media and Corporate-Owned Political Appointments Producing Corporate-Owned Reality - You Get What You Pay For (Making Richie Rich Much Richer - I'm Looking At You, Citigroup) Cantor's $5M Tune Up In Smoke
Lohier was the man in charge when the trail and evidence was still hot
against the largest Wall Street banks for engaging in fraud and causing the
greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression. Lohier did not bring
one criminal case against any one of those banks’ executives. Now, he is
sitting as Judge over the fairness of wrist slaps as a suitable alternative
to the criminal
China news of note June 12 , 2014 -- Mind-blowing Fact Of The Day: China Has Over 52 Million Vacant Homes ........ Liquidity strain still ongoing in China ...... China braces for impact as ECB adopts negative interest rates
Mindblowing Fact Of The Day: China Has Over 52 Million Vacant Homes
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/11/2014 17:22 -0400
- Australia
- Bank of America
- Bank of America
- Brazil
- China
- Commercial Real Estate
- Mortgage Loans
- Real estate
- Shadow Banking
- Twitter
- Twitter
- Vacant Homes
- Yuan
*Over 1 in 5 homes (with $674 billion of mortgages) in China stand empty*...
and if y... more »
Analyst Hasni Abidi: Maliki Wanted Mosul To Fall So As To Consolidate Power During A National Crisis

An excerpt from, *"Fall of Mosul ‘not completely innocent — it serves
Maliki’"* Euronews, June 11:
euronews: “Maliki has demanded more power but what are his options for
solving the crisis? Can he survive?”
Abidi (political analyst and director of the Geneva-based Study and
Research Centre for the Arab and Mediterranean World): “What has happened
in Mosul actually helps Maliki. With this, he can get a full go-ahead from
the Iraqi parliament. He benefits from this. I don’t think that the fall of
Mosul happened completely innocently. It serves the political interests for
a Maliki g... more »
North Dakota is home to a growing cluster of drone research, business and
military interests. Aerospace companies, universities and state government
helped secure North Dakota's position as one of six drone test sites across
the US.
The eagerness of so many states to test and base drones indicates just how
desperate local communities are these days for investment by the federal
government. Sadly the only government agency with any money is the
Can be no doubt that the US is now a militarized culture.
The way we counter this reality is by demanding the conversion of t... more »
It apparently starts with Ayn Rand [updated]
To say Paul Krugman has jumped the shark would be to confuse this one shark
for several dozen earlier varieties.
Krugman’s latest is that a) we’re all gonna die (You now, crop failures;
ice caps falling on us; polar bears taking their revenge; all that sort of
thing), and b) anyone who denies we’re all gonna die has been deluded by
Ayn Rand.
He writes this for America’s paper of record. Not as satire, but as serious
James Delingpole is excited for this new turn in the former Nobel-Prize
winner’s career. See:
I'm personally very excited for Professor Krugman too becaus... more »
“Acknowledging Our Pain: Rescuing the Rescuer”
*“Acknowledging Our Pain: Rescuing the Rescuer”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Sometimes the motivation to help others may be an extension of a deep
desire to heal a wounded part of ourself. Some people seem called to help
others, often from very early on in their childhoods, responding to the
needs of family members, strangers, or animals with a selflessness that is
impressive. Often, these people appear to have very few needs of their own,
and the focus of their lives is on rescuing, helping, and healing others.
While there are a few people who are truly able to sustain this com... more »
Say good night, Eric

*If you want to watch the video, you'll find it here.*
*by Ken*
So Eric Cantor is already taking the step of stepping down as House
majority leader.
I want to look again at the message in the tweet Howie reproduced in his
post this morning, "Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor Loses Primary to
Fairly Random Teabagger Dave Brat," from Erick Erickson: "Dear Media: You
will make the Cantor loss all about immigration. You will be wrong. But it
will be useful to us. So thanks."
Because this is a tweet from Erick Erickson (if your taste runs to wacko
bullshit, you can also read his ... more »
INCOMING CME Alert ( June 11 , 2014 - could impact on June 13 , 2014 ) : Yesterday's double X-flare may have produced a geoeffective CME after all. At first it appeared that Earth was outside the line of fire, but a closer look at the CME reveals an Earth-directed component Solar Flares Disrupt Communications on Earth, Could Send Shockwave on Friday the 13th ........
Some blues you can use .....
Flares Disrupt Communications on Earth, Could Send Shockwave on
Friday the 13th
Email34Smaller FontTextLarger Text|Print
[image: Colleen Curry]
By Colleen Curry
Jun 11, 2014 4:34pm
[image: HT solar flare jtm 140611 16x9 608 Solar Flares Disrupt
Communications on Earth, Could Send Shockwave on Friday the 13th]
A solar flare erupts on the surface of the sun, June 10, 2014.
The sun has had t... more »
Gold , Silver and PM Report ( June 12 , 2014 ) --- News of the day discussing or touching upon the precious metals !
Chinese Gold Demand Stable (823 MT YTD), Shanghai Silver Scarce
Chinese wholesale demand for physical gold, measured by SGE withdrawals,
was more or less equal in week 22 (May 26 – 30, 2014) at 35.7 metric
tonnes, relative to 36.4 tonnes in week 21. The year to date weekly average
is 37.4 tonnes, which is 1908 tonnes annualized.
[image: Shanghai Gold Exchange withdrawals only 2014 week 22]
Silver remains scarce in Shanghai, premiums for spot silver past week have
been above 6 percent over the intern... more »
La. BESE Member Jane Smith to Governor Jindal: Drop CC and PARCC
Below is an open letter written to Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal by
Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) member and
Jindal-appointee, Jane Smith. Smith wants to encourage Jindal to follow
through on his plans to drop CCSS and PARCC in Louisiana. Let me add, it is
certainly time. Using the words of the song […]
Feedly is back up...
*and I have:*
753 unread articles Right! I'll get right on it... *Arrrrrrrgh!*
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