Entanglement and networks of wormholes
The newly realized relationship between the geometric connections in the
spacetime and the standard quantum entanglement has been the topic of
exciting papers in recent years. One aspect of the papers that have been
written down so far made them simple and too special: the entangled systems
were always pretty much pairs of degrees of freedom and the wormhole
correspondingly looked bipartite, like a cylindrical tunnel connecting two
pretty much identical throats at the ends.
A newly published 65-page-long hep-th preprint
Multiboundary Wormholes and Holographic Entanglement
by Balas... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Reuse
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
Guest Post: Marianne Williamson

I was heartbroken that so many of my friends-- almost entirely male--
refused to even *consider* Marianne Williamson in her congressional bid. It
wasn't even entirely sexist, since some of them were willing to consider
the entirely conventional political hack Wendy Greuel. Instead it has to do
with Marianne's spiritual perspective, which I found not entirely unlike
Martin Luther King's or Mahatma Gandhi's spiritual perspectives. I've
talked with Marianne about it, as have other people who noticed the same
reaction. She wrote about it today:
*Are You Serious-by Marianne Williamso... more »
What Do Different Egg Labels Really Mean?

What do egg labels really mean? Learn the different meanings to help you
choose eggs from well treated & happy chickens. Which ones are you buying?
#Eggs #FreeRange #CageFree #GMOfree #Organic #FreeRun #gmofreecanada
*GMO Free Canada*
Natural Bug Spray--Tested and Approved by Me!
So, bug spray costs a ton here for some reason, and I have never liked the
idea of spraying chemicals all over my body anyway. After dark, if you are
sitting on our awesome front porch, you cannot escape the mosquitos. So,
we needed to do *something.*
So, I researched online and found that a lot of people think the same way I
do. I decided to go with this website: Click here.
It was supppppppppper easy. Basically, I took an empty 8 oz Victoria's
Secret body spray bottle, a bottle of lavender essential oil I bought in
Jaco, and rubbing alcohol at the grocery store. Fill the bott... more »
Musical Interlude: Clannad, “A Bridge (That Carries Us Over)”
Clannad, “A Bridge (That Carries Us Over)”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gObl40QPZvk
The Fall of Mosul: A Catalyst For Constructive Solutions or Civil War?
The fall of Mosul to the terrorist group known as ISIS came as a surprise
to people within Iraq and outside the country. It is all very confusing.
How could an organization that has had trouble battling for small cities
and villages in the Kurdish areas of northeastern Syria take control of
Iraq's second largest city so easily and swiftly? I've read reports from
local people on Twitter that these terrorists were actually retreating to
Mosul from northern Syria, so were they attacking the city from a position
of strength or desperation?
And why did the Iraqi military not even put u... more »
Pol. Ideology 56: Democracy and the Devils

A friend, Ms. M, posted this in her facebook wall. The images I just added,
all taken from the web.
*Demokrasya... government by the people, for the people. Ang nakararami ang
*de·moc·ra·cy [dih-mok-ruh-see]*
*noun, plural de·moc·ra·cies.*
*1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme
power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their
elected agents under a free electoral system.*
*2. a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada
are democracies.*
*3. a state of society characterized by formal equal... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Fantastic shapes lurk in clouds of glowing hydrogen gas in NGC 6188. The
emission nebula is found near the edge of a large molecular cloud, unseen
at visible wavelengths, in the southern constellation Ara, about 4,000
light-years away. Massive, young stars of the embedded Ara OB1 association
were formed in that region only a few million years ago, sculpting the dark
shapes and powering the nebular glow with stellar winds and intense
ultraviolet radiation. The recent star formation itself was likely
triggered by winds and supernova explosions, from previous generations of
massive st... more »
Swimming in Cedar......A Quick Preview
Hello friends, readers and contributors.....
Here is a little taste of what I have been doing...
Near the end of the video, ....There are some *before shots.....*
At the 3:18 mark there is a picture of the old leaking carport, it WAS a
flat tar n gravel roof with open sides, not any more!.....The roof over the
side door was tar n gravel too...That`s what they did decades ago....They
have been transformed......
For My Mom
Some of the improvements made...A cedar planter deck...new cedar siding,
triple stained with Behr 501 natural cedar stain..cedar gutters hand made,... more »
And the country’s most indebted council is …
[image: image]
Some councils save for a rainy day. And others are already heavily indebted
when rain arrives.
So it’s no wonder that the third-most indebted council in the country, with
a debt *three times* the NZ average, is *Christchurch*, already
irresponsibly over-spending when natural disaster arrived, and now
struggling to pay for the infrastructure repairs a more responsible might
have afforded better.
The great new survey released by the Taxpayers’ Union does a great job
showing the under-performance and over-spending of councils across the
country, revealing however tha... more »
The Poet: Maya Angelou, “A Brave And Startling Truth”
*“A Brave And Startling Truth” *
“We, this people, on a small and lonely planet
Traveling through casual space
Past aloof stars, across the way of indifferent suns
To a destination where all signs tell us
It is possible and imperative that we learn
A brave and startling truth
And when we come to it
To the day of peacemaking
When we release our fingers
From fists of hostility
And allow the pure air to cool our palms
We, this people, on this small and drifting planet
Whose hands can strike with such abandon
That in a twinkling, life is sapped from the living
Yet those same hands can touch ... more »
Chet Raymo, "Free As A Bird"
*"Free As A Bird"*
by Chet Raymo
"All afternoon I have been watching a pair of hummingbirds play about our
porch. They live somewhere nearby, though I haven't found their nest. They
are attracted to our hummingbird feeder, which we keep full of sugar water.
What perfect little machines they are! No other bird can perform their
tricks of flight - flying backwards, hovering in place. Zip. Zip. From
perch to perch in a blur of iridescence. If you want a symbol of freedom,
the hummingbird is it. Exuberant. Unpredictable. A streak of pure fun. It
is the speed, of course, that gives the ... more »
“A Psychologist's Take on Willful Ignorance”
*“A Psychologist's Take on Willful Ignorance”*
by Thom Hartmann
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and
conscientious stupidity."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
“According to a Psychology Today article, there are 3 types of ignorance,
only one of which has a negative connotation. The 3 types of ignorance are,
according to Susan L. Smalley, the author of the article, "ordinary
ignorance, willful ignorance, and higher ignorance." Ordinary ignorance
means that somebody doesn't know something. There is nothing wrong with
that, and in fact, being "ignorant" of som... more »
Primary shocker June 10 , 2014 --- Eric Cantor ( House Majority Leader ) gets handily whipped in Virginia !
Jun 10, 8:26 PM EDT
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated
Tuesday by a little-known economics professor in Virginia's Republican
primary, a stunning upset and major victory for the tea party.
Cantor is the second-most powerful member o... more »
“Leaving the Crew Behind: The Attack on USS Liberty, June 8, 1967”
*“Leaving the Crew Behind: The Attack on USS Liberty, June 8, 1967”*
by Ray McGovern
“On June 8, 1967, Israeli leaders learned they could deliberately attack a
U.S. Navy ship and try to send it, together with its entire crew, to the
bottom of the Mediterranean – with impunity. Israeli aircraft and torpedo
boats attacked the USS Liberty, a state-of-the-art intelligence collection
platform sailing in international waters off the Sinai, killing 34 of the
294 crew members and wounding more than 170.
Referring last week to the controversy of the swap of five Taliban
prisoners for Sgt. B... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Alan Waldman : ‘Rake’ is an outrageous, bawdy, Australian legal thriller-comedy
Richard Roxborough is a seriously flawed barrister who represents criminals
accused of ridiculous crimes, ranging from cannibalism to cutting off a
neighbor’s weenie with garden shears. By Alan Waldman | The Rag Blog | June
10, 2014 [In his weekly … finish reading Alan Waldman :
‘Rake’ is an outrageous, bawdy, Australian legal thriller-comedy
Re. the case of Mark Shurtleff: When they're on the butt end, militant right-wingers may retreat into a "civil liberties crouch"

*Former Utah AG Mark Shurtleff*
*"Aggressive police raids for thee, but not for me"*
"It’s swell that [former Utah AG Mark] Shurtleff now sees the danger of
excessively aggressive police raids, at least when they’re waged on people
like him. It’s swell that he could see the potential medicinal benefits of
marijuana for sick people, at least once he got sick. What would be nice is
if politicians like Shurtleff had the capacity to empathize with the
victims of these policies without needing to first become victims
*-- Radley Balko, in a washingtonpost.com post,*
"Aggressi... more »
NZIA Architecture Awards
[image: In order to minimise the visual impact of the house, a building
site was developed below the natural ridgeline.]*Torea House*, Tennent +
NZ’s official architects’ organisation has announced its residential awards
for 2104.
[image: Dune house, designed by Fearon Hay Architects.]
*Dune House*, by Fearon Hay
See anything you like?
*Arruba Bach*, Bossley
[Pics by Simon Devitt, Patrick Reynolds, Paul McCredie]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
At least Joe might get to laugh, instead of cry.
The upper stratospheres of the commentariat are aghast that a satirical
political party, Ben Uffindel’s Civilian Party – already infamous for its
platform of free ice cream and llamas -- is sucking up taxpayers’ money to
pay for their electronic election advertising. Whale Oil especially has got
all pissy, “angry” at the “rort”:
by funding Ben to the tune of $33,000 they have made *a joke* of our
democratic system. [Emphasis his.]
Piss off, Whale. Your democratic system is already a joke, as
Bradbury/Harre/Hone/DotCon have so graciously and colourfully pointed out.
As is the sy... more »
There is no dealing with Beijing

*Martial dance.*
J Michael spent some time on China's first ever White Paper on Hong Kong.
China on June 10 issued its first-ever white paper on “one country, two
systems” and the current state of things in Hong Kong, the former British
colony that was re-unified with the Mainland in 1997. While the document
contains little that is unexpected in terms of rhetoric that expounds the
virtues of the system or calls for patriotism, the timing of its release —
this summer promises to be eventful as activists prepare for a series of
sit-ins, “unofficial” referenda and other escalatory me... more »
A Moment With Nature: "Sahara Wonderland"
"Sahara Wonderland"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHceNV0pwUE#t=17
- http://www.zoomion.ch/
Videos of the day to ponder ( June 10 , 2014 ) The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER...... Was the Vegas shooter Jerad Miller a useful idiot for a renewed gun control push ?
Good stuff !
From Info Wars....
A bizarre new video has emerged reportedly showing Jerad Miller, one of the
Las Vegas shooters, pretending to be the Joker.
The video raises questions as to how and why did it just appear ?
From Info Wars.......
So , how did this happen ( Vegas shooter just happened to be interviewed at
Bundy Ranch ? Really ?
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Tuesday that President BarackObama is
“always” looking for opportunities to act “unilaterally” again on guns,
though he would prefer to work with Congress.
“The president’s goal is to... more »
Well, that’s awkward.

If you read anything emanating from council planners, or from the popular
and well-written Auckland Transport Blog, you’d think great cities could
only be built around pubic transport.
Not so.
One reason people move to great cities like Auckland in such numbers is in
search of a better life, a leg up. And it turns out from two recent studies
that “that improving access to cars may be the best way to help the poor.”
[T]wo recent studies show that cars offer more than just convenience: they
can give lower income Americans an economic leg up…
[C]ar owners were twice as likely as... more »
Does Negative Interest rates make Europe riskier than the US ? Alasdair Macleod discusses the implications of negative interest rates for Europe. In contrast , Bank of America sees the US as riskier than Europe ( from an investment grade credit point of view ) ...... Stay tuned to see which views carries the day !
Alasdair Macleod: All You Need To Know About Negative Interest Rates
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/10/2014 18:32 -0400
- Central Banks
- Deutsche Bank
- European Central Bank
- Eurozone
- Fail
- France
- Italy
- Lehman
- Sovereign Debt
*Submitted by Adam Taggart via Peak Prosperity,*
Last Thursday, the European Central Bank (ECB) took the historically
unprecedented step of lowering certain of it... more »
Newsclick discusses with Aijaz Ahmad, senior political analyst, about the
recent developments in Ukraine, where there is a civil war like situation
in the Eastern and Southern parts of the country. Ahmad feels that in the
days to com, as the IMF conditionality's begin to bite, there is going to
be a conflict in Western Ukraine also. Attacks from the Kiev regime on the
east, many of which are war crimes -- has increased significantly specially
after the election of Petro Poroshenko as the President of Ukraine.
Americans Favor Immigration Reform, So Who Doesn't? Fox Viewers, The Tea Party And Texas Republicans

CA-25 is the northeast corner of L.A. county-- Santa Clarita and the
Antelope Valley-- plus a sliver of Ventura County (Simi Valley). It's a
suburban area that has long been held by Republicans but in 2012 Lee Rogers
won in the Antelope Valley and came closer to dislodging forever-incumbent
Buck McKeon than anyone else ever had. So close, in fact, that McKeon
decided to trade his job in Congress for a job on K Street this year. That
was lucky for the GOP-- and bad news for the Democrats. Two Republicans,
Tony Strickland and Steve Knight jumped into the jungle primary along with
Le... more »
Post # 25,000, Thank You!
This blog started on August 8, 2008 as a sort of personal journal,
somewhere to place my thoughts and memories, nothing more. As I read about
the economy, wars, and life in general I thought why not share these things
if anyone were interested? We've never had ads, banners or popups, never
made a penny, but it was worth every minute to share these things with you.
I'd have never imagined that in nearly 6 years we'd have had 25,000 posts
(that marker passed by unnoticed last night), 1,637,334 unique visitors
from all over the world with 2,782,140 pageviews, but we have, and I want
t... more »
The Iraqi Government Is A Pathetic Joke; Maliki Does Not Deserve To Rule
The Iraqi government is still using fake bomb detectors, even after they
have been proven to be fake. The *con artist who sold them the devices* now
sits in prison after being convicted of fraud in a British court. The Iraqi
government officials involved in this scandal have not lost their jobs.
Such a brain-dead government is asking for collapse.
An excerpt from, *"Everything you need to know about ISIS attack on Mosul"*
Digital Resistance, June 10, 2014:
The Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki has called for Parliament to declare a
state of emergency, but to what end? To give his gover... more »

“Where hunters and woodcutters once slept in their boots by the dying light
of their thousand fires and went on, old teutonic forebears with eyes
incandesced by the visionary light of a massive rapacity, wave on wave of
the violent and the insane, their brains stoked with spoorless analogues of
all that was, lean aryans with their abrogate Semitic chapbook reenacting
the dramas and parable therein...”
~ Cormac McCarthy, *Suttree*
These are real trees, dying trees...typical trees.
As a little antidote, may I suggest, the marvelous, inspiring, beautiful
but futile dreams of the past an... more »
Watch "England's Going Out (To Do It Again)"
England's Going Out (To Do It Again) - Omid Djali…:
All I hear is England's Going Out!
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "What Is There Beyond Knowing?"
*"What Is There Beyond Knowing?"*
"What is there beyond knowing that keeps calling to me?
I can't turn in any direction but it's there.
I don't mean the leaves' grip and shine
or even the thrush's silk song,
but the far-off fires, for example, of the stars,
heaven's slowly turning theater of light,
or the wind playful with its breath;
or time that's always rushing forward,
or standing still in the same- what shall I say- moment.
What I know I could put into a pack
as if it were bread and cheese,
and carry it on one shoulder,
important and honorable, but so small!
While everything ... more »
"A Ute Prayer"
*“Earth, Teach Me”*
"Earth teach me quiet ~ as the grasses are still with new light.
Earth teach me suffering ~ as old stones suffer with memory.
Earth teach me humility ~ as blossoms are humble with beginning.
Earth teach me caring ~ as mothers nurture their young.
Earth teach me courage ~ as the tree that stands alone.
Earth teach me limitation ~ as the ant that crawls on the ground.
Earth teach me freedom ~ as the eagle that soars in the sky.
Earth teach me acceptance ~ as the leaves that die each fall.
Earth teach me renewal ~ as the seed that rises in the spring.
Earth teach me to fo... more »
“Only barbarians are not curious about where they come from, how they came
to be where they are, where they appear to be going, whether they wish to
go there, and if so, why, and if not, why not.”
- Isaiah Berlin
"How It Really Is"
And if you believe those lies...
The Economy: “The Corrosive Effect of Free Money...”
*“The Corrosive Effect of Free Money...” *
by Bill Bonner
“I got one foot on the platform
The other is on the train
I'm going back to New Orleans
To wear that ball and chain...”
– "House of the Rising Sun"*
"It's true. Wealth is a burden," said a man from Australia. "And when you
give it to your children, it's like putting a ball and chain on their
legs." Everything was fine. All week, we had been discussing how to build a
big ball of wealth and how to shackle it onto our children. Then, on
Saturday night, after dinner, we were outside, laughing, singing, enjoying
ourselves. And th... more »
Satire: “Hillary Considers Dropping 2016 Bid After Reading One-Star Reviews on Amazon”
*“Hillary Considers Dropping 2016 Bid After Reading One-Star Reviews on
by Andy Borowitz
NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)— “Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
said today that she is “seriously considering” not running for President in
2016 after reading an avalanche of scathing one-star reviews on Amazon for
her new book, “Hard Choices.” Secretary Clinton said that she was
“shattered” to discover that dozens of people had apparently purchased her
book on its first day of publication, read all six hundred and fifty-six
pages in one sitting, and judged the finished prod... more »
Why Defeat of the Common Core Would Represent a Major Victory for Education
A post by Diane Ravitch yesterday leaves the soured impression that beating
back the Common Core would be no major victory for those opposed to
corporate education reform. Her reasoning? By ending Common Core, we
would still have a terribly flawed system based on test and punish and
ignoring poverty, so Common Core or local core--who cares.
How wrong can Diane be: let me count the ways.
1) Without Common Core, states may establish their own curriculums and
standards and assessments based on the possibility of local needs,
democratic process, and professional expertise. They don... more »
Canada's duplicitous deceitful treachery on display. Democracy? In what reality?
Canada's PM made a point of being in attendance at the annointing of the
Ukrainian Oligarch/Warlord/Puppet Poroshenko. Canada's government has been
falling all over itself to support 'freedom' and the right of some people
to choose their own destiny in the Ukraine. But only some people.
PM Harper does not extend this right to NATO's targeted ones. Whether in
Syria or Ukraine.
* "We're fully behind you on that. I also do want to express the solidarity
of the Canadian people with the Ukrainian people in your aspiration for a
democratic European future and not a return to the country'... more »
Paint Your Own TARDIS Umbrella

Hello again, friends! It's me again! I love being here at Housewife
Eclectic, since my blog (just Lu) has taken a backseat to my new job (which
I adore) as a virtual assistant. A big thanks to Debra for letting me
moonlight here while she is hopefully getting some sleep and snuggles with
her cute girls.
The project I have for you today is one of my favorite Doctor Who projects
ever: a TARDIS umbrella! And it is not as daunting as it looks -- just dive
in! If you do it, *please *use fabric paint or a fabric medium -- a white
fabric paint pen would be perfect! I was anxious to just do... more »
Mike's Story Part 46 - Paradigms
*By **Jenna** Orkin*
* February 14, 2007*
I wished Mike a Happy Valentine’s Day and he returned the wish
sincerely, without bitterness at his situation. But we didn’t go out to
dinner as planned because Ray was supposed to call in the evening with news
of "Ernest," the guy at his house who had signed for the package.
While Ray was busy tracking down the missing $10,000, his landlady asked
him, “Where’s last month’s rent?”
“That was it!” he exclaimed, which galvanized her into becoming a
diligent aide de camp.
Fortunately X, the guy who sent the package, has given a green li... more »
Lord Tebbit on the Trojan Horse Affair

No time to post any 'deep thoughts' of my own tonight, so here are some
from Lord Tebbit instead:
No one should have been surprised at what was going on in schools in
Birmingham. It is precisely what I was talking about over 20 years ago and
Enoch Powell was warning against long before that. We have imported far too
many immigrants who have come here not to live in our society, but to
replicate here the society of their homelands.
This is not a tirade against migration from the EU, which we are largely
unable to control, but from the rest of the world, which we could have
contro... more »
"Escape from the 14-Year Recession"
*"Escape from the 14-Year Recession"*
by James Quinn
"When you ponder the implications of allowing a small group of powerful
wealthy unaccountable men to control the currency of a nation over the last
one hundred years, you understand why our public education system sucks.
You understand why the government created Common Core curriculum teaches
children that 3 x 4 = 13, as long as you feel good about your answer.
George Carlin was right. The owners of this country (bankers, billionaires,
corporate titans, politicians) want more for themselves and less for
everyone else.
They want ... more »
June 10: The paper took only a few minutes to read today.
Again, TandT reporting on the killings is almost pure sensationalism and
emotionalism. We know nothing about how the killer got rifle designed
specifically for killing people - and for no other purpose. Where did he
make the connection? Are there other such guns in Moncton?
Why don't the police have access to weapons adequate to deal with such a
The stories of mourning and sympathy are there - as they should be. But a
newspaper is not intended simply to stir emotions. It is there to explain
events to us, to raise questions, to see what has to be done in future.
_______________... more »
Dispatches from Haiti
Drouillard (Photo by John Carroll)
Dear Reader(s),
Over the last several years I have been posting on the Peoria Journal Star
blog site at Dispatches from Haiti.
I usually don't post these articles to this site.
Thanks for reading.
Hillary Clinton on Tuesday moved to contain the fallout from her comment
that she and Bill Clinton were “dead broke” when they left the White House.
Is Tom Corbett the Most Hated Governor in PA's History?
ht to Ken Derstine:
As many as 1,000 protesters, many angry about school funding, blocked
traffic and waved signs in Center City on Monday afternoon, hoping to
disrupt or at least deflect attention from a fund-raising stop by Govs.
Corbett and Christie.
"Our members are here because they're being mistreated," said Jerry Jordan,
president of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers.
Six people were arrested for obstructing the highway - a summary offense -
after sitting down on 17th Street. Police did not use handcuffs as they led
them away.
The names of those arrested were not availab... more »
Iraqi Army Cannot Hold Iraq's Second Largest City; PM Nouri al-Maliki Declares National State of Emergency
To sum up, the Iraqi army abandoned their posts. Mosul falls. Hundreds of
thousands of people escaped the city. And now Maliki has the perfect excuse
he needs to declare a national state of emergency and grab power. A week
ago he couldn't muster enough support from the country's political parties
to form a coalition. Now he can call the shots. This situation can only go
This crisis was predictable and preventable. Jihadist terrorist groups
based in Syria, filled with foreigners and mercenaries, have been covertly
armed and assisted by the US, Britain, Turkey, France, Israe... more »
Tax Revenues Up - Crime Down in Washington and Colorado With Pot Reform ..

*Too bad that Stephen Harper doesn't take note ...*
*Colorado *
Supplemental: What the heck is the Common Core?
*TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2014*
*A rumination on “standards:”* What the heck are the Common Core
“standards?” And why are they called by that name?
The “standards movement” has been in vogue for many years now. In our view,
the use of that term has always seemed a bit odd.
For starters, Wikipedia tells us this about the Common Core:
“The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an educational initiative in
the United States that details what K-12 students should know in English
language arts and mathematics at the end of each grade.”
In fact, the Common Core “standards” are the skills st... more »
تلبية مساعد الطغاة Meet the helper of tyrants, Ayudante de tiranos

فكيف كثير من الناس في الشرق الأوسط وأمريكا اللاتينية هو هذا القتل مسؤولة
الرجل؟كان اختراعه الطغاة تستخدمه.اندوفر هي
مدينة السوق الخلابة أقل ما يقال في هامبشاير. (http://andover.nh.us/) انها
وضع غير محتمل لمكاتب غاما، وهي شركة للجدل الإنترنت الأمن التي تبيع
FinFisher، التي وصفها بلومبرغ بأنها "واحدة من أكثر cyberweapons بعيد المنال
في العالم، والتي يمكن أن تأخذ سرا التحكم عن بعد من جهاز كمبيوتر، نسخ
الملفات، اعتراض المكالمات سكايب وتسجيل كل ضغطة ".في أعقاب الربيع العربي،
وذكرت هيئة الاذاعة البريطانية اطلعت عليها وثائق في مقر نهبت من مبنى أمن
الدولة المصرية التي اقترح البرمجيات غاما قد... more »
Duncan Dumps on Oklahoma in a June 9 Press Conference
US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was asked in a June 9, 2014, press
conference about Oklahoma’s decision to drop the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS). Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin– who also happens to be the
chair of CCSS license co-owner National Governors Association (NGA)– signed
Oklahoma HB 3399 into law on Thursday, June 5, 2014. Here are the two
questions asked of […]
The Realist Report - Don Advo

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by attorney Don
Advo. Don and I will be discussing issues pertaining to freedom of
association, White rights, and his proposed amendment to the United States
Constitution explicitly recognizing the right to freedom of association for
all peoples. Calls are welcome!
The Advo Amendment reads:
*The right of freedom of association, however and by whomever exercised by
persons over the age of 18 on the basis of religion, race, color, natural
origin, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, or physical or mental
disability, wh... more »
Michael Douglas Gets It Right

Michael Douglas has been a generous political contributor over the years.
He's given to real progressives like Dennis Kucinich, Howard Dean and Russ
Feingold, to conservatives like Bob Kerrey, Joe Baca, Adam Schiff and Max
Baucus, and to corporate career Dems like Hillary Clinton, Tom Daschle and
Dick Gephardt. Mostly, though, he just likes Democrats and has given tens
of thousands of dollars to Beltway Democratic committees like the DCC, DNC
and the DSCC. In a letter he sent out yesterday-- on behalf of the Council
for a Livable World-- he pointed to 3 crucial Senate races. I was... more »
*Mississippi reporter fired for remarks about Lafayette ~Megan Wyatt via
*Defensive line colleagues praise Brodrick Bunkley for unselfishly taking
pay cut this offseason ~Ramon Antonio Vargas*
*Board hits reset button on N.O. airport contract ~Jeff Adelson, New
Orleans Advocate*
*Supreme Court: BP must pay claims during appeal~Janet McConnauhey, AP via
Fresno Bee*
*Chevron goes big in deepwater Gulf of Mexico ~Brian O'Keefe, Forbes*
*This week in New Orleans music: Free beer and a zydeco weekend ~Leah D.
Nelson, AXS*
Obstruct Justice
*R. v. Lohidici*, 2005 ABPC 171:
[18] On the meaning of “obstruct”, the Criminal Code does not
assist us. As is the case for many of the Code’s other terms, no definition
is contained in the legislation. The invariable starting point of all
judicial discussion is *Hinchliffe v. Sheldon *[1955] 3 All E.R. 406,
wherein Lord Goddard posits, at p.408:
“Obstructing means, for this purpose, making it more difficult for the
police to carry out their duties.”
[19] The* Hinchliffe *test has been variously considered,
applied, softened, melded and massaged to the point w... more »
*The Daily Show*
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Crazy Right-Wing Extremists
So, two crazy people shot and killed some cops in Las Vegas. They see the
police as an oppressive force, bullying people on behalf of corrupt elites. Some
other guy in Georgia was convicted under some bullshit drug laws for a
small amount of marijuna and because of that, the state *was *coming to
take his guns away. So he went to the local courthouse with some guns to
take some hostages, but it didn't work out like he planned. There's lots of
this stuff in the USA. And, just recently, we had a Canadian version of
this anti-authority gun-nut.
Are the police oppressive? Obviously ... more »
Ukraine’s Other, Almost Completely Ignored, Ethnic Quandary?
BEREHOVE, Ukraine -- *A foreign leader whose country pines for its lost
empire advocates self-rule for a Ukrainian province* and *gives passports
to its residents*. The call resonates among many in the region, *where tens
of thousands of people don't even speak the Ukrainian language. *
A foreign leader whose *country pines for it’s lost empire* while *advocating
for self rule* for a Ukrainian province!?
Putin? Russia? No and no.
Which leader and what nation? Viktor Orban and Hungary
Briefly: Think Kingdom of Hungary and Carpathian Ruthenia (now part of
*Why is it we... more »
While US officials and their "mainstream media" mouth piece conjure stories of Russian troops invading eastern and southern Ukraine, ordinary people who live there have been under attack by military forces of the US-installed government in Kiev. Fortunately, many of the troops ordered to attack their unarmed brethren have refused fire on them.

South-East Ukraine: Crisis Diary (Unique Documentary Shot by Ordinary
*Published on May 3, 2014*
While Crimea has already had a referendum, the situation in other Ukrainian
regions is still unstable. People want their voices to be heard and are
demanding a vote. RT managed to get footage from people living in various
cities in southeastern Ukraine. Many of the videos and interviews you will
see in this film have never been shown on television.
Cherchez la Verite
THE ROLE OF THE GAPS: In low-income high schools!
*TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2014*
*Part 2—Depression, disorder, despair:* Bill Gates, a college dropout, has
no background in public education.
After spending his early years at Seattle’s View Ridge Elementary School,
Gates never *attended* a public school, let alone taught in one. There has
never been the slightest sign that he has the slightest idea how such
entities work.
On the brighter side, Gates has mountains of cash, and an apparent belief
that he understands public schooling. Given the modern cultural context,
he’s surrounded by unimpressive “elites” who go through life with both
... more »
Retire the Penny
My long-time readers know that I have long favored getting rid of the
penny. If you agree, you can now let the White House know via this petition
Expose ALEC? We'll Send the Attack Dogs
Shaking my head in disbelief this morning
Right-wing rag bitching about the costs of an open records request – but
that’s not the focus of this entry.
The focus here is about ALEC transparency – or lack thereof.
ALEC has been screaming how transparent they have become - which is an
outright lie when you compare current meeting documents to older meeting
documents or review their webpage for specific ALEC bills
YET – when a left leaning legislator makes ALEC meetings transparent by
reporting on the meetings to left-leaning publications
the right goes nuts
ALEC goes nuts
* a... more »
Islamic State Of Iraq Launches Battle of Ninewa In Mosul

(*Washington Post*)
The day after the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) launched a
raid upon Salahaddin’s Samarra on June 5, 2014 it began a similar attack
upon Mosul in Ninewa that started on June 6 and continues to the present.
ISIS has dubbed it the "Battle of Ninewa". This time it wasn’t clear
whether fighters entered the city from the outside as happened in Samarra
or whether they were already in Mosul. That’s because there were initially
clashes with the Iraqi security forces in so many different districts.
Those included Tamouz, Masharaf, Al-Islah Al-Zirai in the ... more »

I was up early this morning and at the voting station in Bath for the 8:00
am start of our Maine primary election. I set up a table on behalf of We
the People Maine which is gathering petition signatures for a statewide
referendum to safeguard access to the political process for everyone. We
have to get about 53,000 signatures of registered voters across Maine to
get the referendum on the ballot.
In response to the horrid Supreme Court ruling in the Citizens United case
corporations have been given the rights of people and *$$$* was determined
to be "free speech". This ruling h... more »
US deploys 2 B-2 bombers to Europe for exercises
The US Air Force has deployed two nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bombers to a
British air base for exercises with NATO allies, the Pentagon said Monday.
The deployment, which the Pentagon said was pre-planned and short-term,
comes against a backdrop of tension with Russia over unrest in Ukraine.
"It certainly is yet another demonstration of America's ironclad commitment
to the NATO alliance," said Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman.
Read more
Brazil's World Cup Updates and Scary items to consider ( June 8 , 2014 ) - Isn't it fitting that this World Cup takes place amidst the turmoil of protests , tear gassings , construction failures and delays , the spectre of fixed matches as a discussion point ? One might say this is a World Cup for the WORLD today ? A beauty of a missive for the " Beautiful Game " ---- “The World Turns Around a Spinning Ball” Choreographed War and Other Aspects of the World’s Greatest Game ( Eduardo Galeano )
Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago
Images for Subway Strike in Brazil
- 1 day ago
- 3 days ago
- 3 days ago
- 3 days ago
- <img align="middle"
alt="" border="0"
class="th" height="121"
Tighty Whitie Righties

Since you're all probably suffering from a severe case of Hillary Clinton
fatigue by now, I thought I'd give everybody a break and and discuss that
equally dapper white centrist -- David Brooks of the *New York Times.*
With lesser-evil Democrats throwing out such tasty morsels as aspirational
cap-and-trade (just in time for Doomsday), and bestowing student debt
forgiveness upon a chosen few lucky duckies, the Republicans are
desperately playing catch-up, in hopes of winning a seat (or fifty) on the
pseudo-populist bandwagon. So they're doing what they always do -- they're
plasteri... more »
why i'm voting liberal on june 12 and why i feel so crappy about it
Need it even be said? The rightward shift of the NDP is a colossal
disappointment for me.
I'm part of the NDP's natural constituency. The NDP has historically been a
social democrat party, a party of the working class, a party not tied to
corporate interests. The existence of the NDP, a credible, viable party on
the left, is part of what made Canada such an appealing choice for me.
Despite the right-leaning leadership of the NDP at both the provincial and
federal levels, I still have hope for Canada. Every NDP voter I speak to,
and everything I read, tells me that my disappointment ... more »
Can Rahm Emanuel And The Corporate Dems Be Stopped From Wrecking The Democratic Party?

Many years ago, I was new to the big left blogger listserv and had the
temerity to harshly criticize then-DCCC chairman Rahm Emanuel. The
push-back was overwhelming, one progressive blogger going so far as to
suggest I might be a Republican operative. The left blogosphere has matured
since then and Rahm and corporate Dems like him regularly come under more
thoughtful scrutiny than they did back them. But there are still many in
the Democratic Party-- including some confused souls who imagine they
themselves are "progressives"-- who count themselves among fans of Rahm and
other ven... more »
A Preview Of Coming Attractions

As the Ontario election campaign runs down, Kathleen Wynne says that a vote
for the NDP is a vote for Tim Hudak. And Andrea Horwath says that Ontarians
don't have to choose between "corrupt" and "crazy."
The dilemma facing Ontario's progressives, Chantal Hebert writes, will
raise its head again in next year's federal election:
More so perhaps than any recent federal election, it will feature a fight
to the finish for progressive voters between Thomas Mulcair and Justin
Based on the pattern of the provincial campaign, the NDP/Liberal federal
battle for Ontario will be Tr... more »
China's missing metal collateral mystery continues ( June 10 , 2014 ) ...... Takeaway -- The troubles at Qingdao, which as noted is merely the 3rd largest Chinese port, have now spread to a second Chinese port: Penglai, which is also located in the Shandong province. Putting some size numbers for context: Qingdao's copper inventory is about 50,000 tons, compared to 800,000 tons in Shanghai, analysts say. There's "little evidence" for now that traders in Shanghai fraudulently have pledged collateral to banks, said Sijin Cheng, an analyst with Barclays Research in Singapore. Little evidence will become "lots" in the coming days when we expect more "discoveries" at all other bonded warehouses as the relentless inflow of commodities finally reverses and the beneficiaries finally demand possession. As everyone who has followed even the simplest Ponzi schemes knows, this is the part of the lifecycle when many tears are shed by most.
China's "Evaporated" Collateral Scandal Spreads To Second Port
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/10/2014 08:18 -0400
- B+
- Barclays
- China
- Citigroup
- Contango
- Copper
- Counterparties
- default
- Duration Mismatch
- Hong Kong
- Lehman
- None
- notional value
- Renminbi
- Standard Chartered
Starting back in May of 2013, we first predicted that China's "Lehman
event", even... more »
Gold , Silver and PM Report June 10 , 2014 -- Ed Steer's report for June 10 , 2014 -- News , Data and views touching on the precious metals ....... additional items after Ed's Daily " Wrap " !
The gold price didn't do much of anything in Far East trading on their
Monday morning. A bit of a rally started around 1 p.m. Hong Kong
time---and that lasted until the 8:20 a.m. EDT New York open. But by the
time "da boyz" were done at the 5:15 p.m. electronic close, they had closed
it down on the day. Volumes were exceedingly light.
The high and low are barely worth looking up, but here they are anyway.
The high was $1,57.30---and the l... more »
*Florida to School Districts: No More Biometric Scanning of Our Kids*
Florida became the first state in the U.S. to ban the scanning of students
for biometric information when Gov. Rick Scott signed the Education Data
Privacy Act into law May 12th
The sweeping new privacy law prohibits any K-12 institutions from
“collecting or retaining information regarding the political affiliation,
voting history, religious affiliation, or biometric information of a
student, parent, or sibling of a student.”
Examples of biometric information include fingerprint scans, palm scans,
retina or iris... more »
White House follies ( June 10 , 2014 ) -- While the White House told 80 - 90 members of the Administration about the looming Bergdahl swap for 5 Taliban Leaders , Congress apparently not trustworthy enough to be notified ( but somehow the Gitmo 5 prisoners were trustworthy enough to be notified in advance ?? ) BTW , did Chuck Hagel make the final call on the Bergdahl swap ? Thought that was the President's call and he would do it again ??? Executive Orders looming for Climate change next ( Obama: Climate change is a national security issue ) ?
House Dem: That the White House didn’t notify Congress of Bergdahl deal
“did not sit well”
- Share on Facebook*6*
Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat and a member of the House
Intelligence Committee, didn’t have much to say in defense of the White
House’s highly selective Bergdahl-deal maneuvering this evening. As CNN’s
Ashleigh Banfield notes, “80 to 90″ administration o... more »
Rik Mayall "Being dead is absolutely brilliant...!"
Don't Fear Death: http://youtu.be/wZHR5RqKw-0
Rik Mayall did the voiceover for this Channel 4 cartoon not too long ago.
Fiscal Irresponsibility 27: PH's P2.6 Trillion 2015 Budget

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has announced that the
projected budget of the Philippine government next year will be around P2.6
trillion ($59.63 billion at P43.60/US$) or more than P300 billion than this
year's P2.26 trillion budget. That means P2.6 trillion of taxes, fees and
A P3 trillion budget for 2016, and P3 trillion taxes, fees and borrowings,
is just around the corner. Government, national and local, keeps expanding.
On years of no crisis or emergencies, a responsible government should have
fiscal surplus, pay many loans and reduce the public de... more »
Vegas Shooters Provide Justification for Police Militarization

More details are coming out about the two would be revolutionaries who
murdered two Las Vegas police officers in cold blood as they were eating
lunch on Sunday at a pizza chain. The two perps, a charming couple named
Jerad and Amanda Miller are being tabbed by authorities and the media as
“extremists” and their history is chock full of right-wing ideology of the
worst sort. These are not just libertarians concerned with the militarizing
of the American police and gross transgressions of a rogue government but
two obvious nut jobs who bought into too much of the same sort of agitpro... more »
Ukraine Updates ( June 10 , 2014 ) ..... Ukraine and Russia talks to resolve Restive South East Ukraine situation continue as does the fighting ........... South Stream project on hold as Russia decries politicization of energy issues ........... Russia Central Bank has now shutdown 34 Banks in Crimea ........ Ukraine Gas talks continue , Ukraine and Russia talk prices , current contract , neighboring nations and the current situation - no further payments made by Ukraine yet , even as Russia demand Ukraine pay approximately 1.9 billion for arrears !
Anti - War ...
Ukraine Reports ‘Understanding’ With Russia on Peace PlanTalks Centered on
'Key Stages' of Plan to End Donetsk Revolt
by Jason Ditz, June 09, 2014
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Two days of meetings between Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s new
government and Russian officials have ended with what Ukraine is describing
as an “understanding” on a peace plan for their common border.
Exactly what was understood remains unclear, as details were scant, but
Ukrainian officials say that the two sides agreed on “key stages” of a plan
to deescalate violence in the Donetsk and Luha... more »
War Watch ( June 10 , 2014 ) - Despite or perhaps due to Iraq's Election where it would appear Prime Minister Maliki will get a third divisive term , Iraq has become deadlier than ever - Al Qaeda forces attacking Mosul now and Government forces seem powerless to withstand the pressure ! Syria rebel infighting continues even as the Free Syrian Army blasts the US for creating War Lords ( by supplying weapons to rivals of FSA ) ....... Libya chaotic political situation becomes even more chaotic ( coup d'etat in process while Libya Supreme court just nullified the election of PM Maiteeq ) .... Pakistan reeling from the Taliban attack at its main Airport fears worst thing are coming , Security forces shown to be ineffective !
Iraq ......
Al-Qaeda in Iraq Seizes Provincial Govt Headquarters in MosulGovernor Urges
Locals to Fight Off AQI Invasion
by Jason Ditz, June 09, 2014
Print This | Share This
A weekend of bloody fighting in Mosul is going worse than anyone thought
for government forces, and the district that is the provincial capital of
the Nineveh Province has now fallen to al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI).
AQI fighters by the hundreds poured into the capital district,briefly
trapping Governor Atheel Nujaifi before he was rescued by police and
ferried out of the area.
Gov. Nujaifi seems short on ideas at this ... more »
Hong Kong's Corporate and Forest Jungle

Among the things that fascinate me about Hong Kong capitalism is that they
have both corporate jungle and forest jungle, and both jungles deliver
money and utility or satisfaction for its people and foreign visitors. The
three photos below I got from the web, none from my camera.
Well almost all developed economies have clean and green environment. Their
economies create big surplus, economic and social surplus. So they can
afford to retain some areas for non-commercial development and
environmental conservation because they have a huge surplus.
This disproves the impression that c... more »
Early polls taipei race

The Kuomintang News organ reports....
According to the latest opinion poll conducted by Apple Daily on the
support ratings of candidates in the Taipei City mayoral election, Ko
Wen-je (柯文哲), a pro-Green camp independent, leads the KMT's Sean Lien
(連勝文), son of former Vice President Lien Chan (連戰), by approximately 11
percentage points (47.35% vs. 36.73%), while Sean Lien leads DPP legislator
Pasuya Yao (姚文智) by 41.96% to 39.27%. Yao won the DPP's first-stage primary
for the Taipei mayoral election in a public opinion poll on May 14.
According to an opinion poll conducted by TVBS, S... more »
F-35 Stealthier Than F-22?

[image: F-22 Raptor]I figured that there would be some kind of PR offensive
out of the Joint Strike Fighter program in preparation for the floating of
the UK carrier and the international debut of the F-35, and here it is, in
the form of a two-part piece in Breaking Defense, here and here.
The first observation to be made is that the Air Force might be able to use
an Eng Lit 101 course.
Air Combat Command chief Gen. Mike Hostage, according to reporter Colin
Clark, "labels as 'old think' those critics who point to the F-117
shoot-down and the presumed supremacy of high-powered electr... more »
Global Hawk Again Recognized for Exemplary Sustainment Excellence

[image: RQ-4 Global Hawk]For the second year in a row, the U.S. Air Force
awarded the prestigious Dr. James G. Roche Sustainment Excellence Award for
superior performance in aircraft maintenance and logistics readiness to the
U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk high altitude, long endurance unmanned
aircraft program produced by Northrop Grumman Corporation.
The Sustainment Excellence Award is named for Dr. James G. Roche, the 20th
Secretary of the Air Force. He served in the Air Force's top position from
2001 to 2005.
In a March 12, 2014 letter, Headquarters U.S. Air Force Logistics,
I... more »
Air defense program continues to stumble into chaos

[image: HQ-9 (FD-2000) missile defense system]Turkey’s controversial and
multibillion-dollar program for the construction of the country’s first
long-range air and anti-missile defense system, dubbed T-LORAMIDS, has
looked sluggish in its public posture over the past few months, but it has
been exposed to even further complications behind the scenes.
A senior official from the defense procurement agency, the Undersecretariat
for Defense Industries (SSM), said that although the decision to award the
contract to a Chinese contender was the right thing to do “under the
specified param... more »
Lockheed eyes foreign, non-defense work as Pentagon budget drops

[image: F-35B Lightning II]Lockheed Martin Corp on Monday said it was
banking on international and non-defense orders to offset a drop in U.S.
military spending, with Pentagon orders accounting for a low 61 percent of
overall sales in 2013 and trending lower.
Lockheed Chief Financial Officer Bruce Tanner said U.S. defense orders
would likely dip further as a percentage of overall revenues in 2014 and
2015, and orders could drop as low as 50 percent, depending on what
happened in other business areas.
"It's not in our long-term vision to get to 50-50 ... but it's not out of
the poss... more »
Spanish fighter jet explodes killing pilot

[image: Eurofighter Typhoon]The pilot of a Spanish fighter-bomber has died
after the jet exploded on Tuesday afternoon shortly after taking off from
the joint Spain–US airforce base of Morón de la Frontera in southern Spain.
The Eurofighter jet exploded shortly after 2pm shortly after take-off for a
routine practice mission, Spanish daily ABC reported.
A ministry of defence spokesperson told Spain's Europa Press news agency
the pilot had died in the accident.
Read more
Single-engine F-35 jet risky choice for Canada’s air force, report warns

[image: F-35 Lightning II & F-18 Hornet]A new report is raising fresh
concerns about the Lockheed Martin F-35 — the front-runner in the race to
become Canada’s next fighter jet — warning that its single engine poses
unacceptable risks for the pilots should it fail over the ocean or the
Academic Michael Byers says the risk of losing an engine during a flight
over Canada’s remote regions — dooming the jet and potentially its pilot
too — is too great a risk for Canada’s air force when twin-engine options
are on the table.
“The Harper government has sidestepped the key question... more »
Bath Iron Works could land contract for additional Arleigh Burke-class destroyer

[image: USS Michael Murphy]The fact that the Marine Corps usually gets what
it wants bodes well for Bath Iron Works’ chances of winning a contract to
build another DDG-51 destroyer, a leading defense industry analyst said
Naval industry analyst Jay Korman of The Avascent Group said Monday that a
new amphibious transport is a priority for the Marine Corps.
“The Marine Corps is known for getting a lot of what they want,” he said.
“I’d say there’s a better-than-even shot at [the Marine Corps] getting the
Read more
Refurbished US frigate to join ROC Navy next year
[image: Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate]The United States military is
scheduled to refurbish an Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate that was
reportedly damaged during a mission in Europe earlier this year before
sending it to serve in Taiwan's navy next year, sources told local media
The Taiwan military announced last November that it is scheduled to receive
two Perry-class frigates in 2015 to replace its existing fleet of aging
U.S. media, however, reported this February that USS Taylor, one of the
frigates that the U.S. is scheduled to sell Taiwan, ran agroun... more »
BrahMos missile test-fired successfully from INS Kolkata

[image: INS Kolkata]The Test- Firing Of The 290 Km-Range BrahMos Supersonic
Anti-Ship Cruise Missile Was Done Today Successfully From The Country's
Largest Indigenous Warship INS Kolkata.
The missile was test-fired off the coast of Karwar in Karnataka.
The Mazagon Dockyards Limited-built INS Kolkata is still not inducted into
the Navy. This frigate is capable of launch 16 BrahMos missiles in one go
after entering operational service.
Read more
Basics of the ATLAS contest
*...and some relativistic kinematics and statistics...*
In the ATLAS machine learning contest, somebody jumped above me yesterday
so I am at the fourth place (out of nearly 600 athletes) right now. Mathieu
Cliche made Dorigo's kind article about me (yes, some lying anti-Lumo human
trash has instantly and inevitably joined the comments) a little bit less
justifiable. The leader's advantage is 0.02 relatively to my score. I
actually believe that up to 0.1 or so may easily change by flukes so the
first top ten if not top hundred could be in a statistical tie – which
means that the fina... more »
Russia launches Baltic war games alongside NATO’s

[image: Zubr air-cushioned landing craft]The Baltic Sea and skies are
getting crowded as Russia launches military training of its assault forces
in the exclave of Kaliningrad in answer to the double war-games being
conducted by joint NATO forces on the territory of the three Baltic States.
NATO’s decision to conduct dual war games next to Russian borders in the
Baltic has not been left unaddressed by Russia’s Defense Ministry, which
prepared a surprise training of first strike forces – marines, paratroopers
and long-range bombers - right in the backyard of the NATO military
maneuver... more »
Sadness and pride over Barrow built sub's last voyage

[image: HMS Tireless]Shipyard workers have spoken fondly of a Barrow built
submarine as the boat made its final journey home to the UK ahead of
HMS Tireless was built by VSEL in Barrow and launched almost 30 years ago
in 1984.
The nuclear-powered sub, the third Trafalgar-class boat, returned to her
base port in Plymouth last Sunday for the last time.
Read more
PLA's new test submarine revealed at Zhongshan expo

[image: Type 032 Qing-class submarine]A model of China's new Type 032
Qing-class test submarine went on display at the Sixth Shipping Expo held
in Zhongshan in southern China's Guangdong province between June 6-8,
reports the Chinese-language Guangming Daily operated by the Communist
Party of China.
The Type 032 is designed as the world's largest conventional submarine to
replace the older Type 031 test submarine.
With a displacement of 3,797 tonnes, defense analysts claim that China
could test launch its JL-2 intercontinental-range submarine-launched
ballistic missiles from the n... more »
Huge nuclear sub rescues crew of tiny boat off Russia's NW coast

[image: Oscar-class nuclear-propelled cruise-missile submarine K-119
Voronezh]When people on board a small motorboat trapped by a storm in the
northern White Sea radioed SOS, they didn't expect that help would come in
the form of a 154m-long nuclear submarine.
On Sunday, the 11-meter boat Barents-1100 was trying to avoid a storm in
the White Sea at the north-west coast of Russia, when crew members realized
that they were running too low on fuel. So they sent a distress signal to
their home port of Arkhangelsk.
Rescue services dispatched two ships and a Mi-8 transport helicopter to t... more »
*Giant Of Geology/Glaciology Rejects Warmism*
*Christian Schlüchter is Professor emeritus for Quaternary Geology and
Paleoclimatology at the University of Bern in Switzerland. He has
authored/co-authored over 250 papers*
This post is about an interview by the online Swiss Der Bund with Swiss
geology giant Christian Schlüchter titled: “Our society is fundamentally
dishonest“. In it he criticizes climate science for its extreme tunnel
vision and political contamination.
Geologist Sebastain Lüning sent me an e-mail where he writes: “This is
probably the best interview from a geologis... more »
Kauai, Hawaii Is Saying, "No To Monsanto"

[image: Foto: STOP POISONING PARADISE: Gary Hooser, Kauai County Council
Member, wanted answers on why so many residents of Kauai, Hawaii, were
getting sick. The common denominator was that they all lived, worked or
attended school in the vicinity of GMO & pesticides experimentation fields
run by some of the largest agrichemical companies in the world, including
Syngenta, BASF, Bayer and DuPont-Pioneer. He unearthed some disturbing
facts and found the chemical companies misleading him or outright lying to
him when he tried to work with them. Hooser then sponsored Bill 2491 to
regula... more »
Rik Mayall R.I.P.
So sad, so very sad, at the news of Rik Mayall's death. He was part of my
growing up, he made me laugh so much in The Young Ones and The New
Statesman and prior to that as one half of The Dangerous Brothers and 20th
Century Coyote.
But most of all, he was Flashheart in Blackadder, here's his best two
appearances in that series...
Lord Flashheart's appearance at Blackadder's wedding - 2minutes and 48
seconds of a force of nature scene stealing and all with a half falling off
"Thanks bridesmaid, like the beard. Gives me something to hang onto!"
"She's got a tongue like... more »
Indonesia Tv Live Aplikasi TV Indonesia Online Streaming di HP Android
Tv Live Aplikasi TV Indonesia Online Streaming di HP Android -
Assalammulaiakum kawan, dari tadi pernah berjuta-juta sekali yang
kita-kita bahas, termasuk Game Angry Bird Go tadi, dan sekarang
kite-kite akan membahas salah esa aplikasi android yang mungkin sudah
engkau miliki di ponsel android sampean. ialah tanah air beta Tv live,
dan sekarang kite-kite akan membahasnya untuk anda.
Tutorial dan Cara Menghitamkan rambut secara alami
Menghitamkan Rambut Secara Alami - Selamat siang sahabat setia
kamuscara.com, senang sekali bisa berjumpa kembali dengan kalian segala.
Apakah diantara kalian ada yang menghadapi perubahan warna rambut
menjadi coklat kemeahan dan ingin merubah kembali membikin hitam?
Tenang, pada kesempatan siang hari ini kami akan membahas mengenai cara
menghitamkan rambut secara alami.
memo to ruth graham: readers who try to shame other readers should be embarrassed by their narrow-mindedness
Ruth Graham, writing in Slate, says, "You should feel embarrassed when what
you're reading was written for children." How sad. If anyone should feel
embarrassed, it's Graham. She apparently writes this commentary without
realizing how narrow-minded, outdated, and ignorant it makes her appear.
Then again, what can we expect from a person who describes a love scene by
saying a young man "deflowers" his girlfriend? Perhaps Graham hasn't
noticed, but in the 21st Century, women are not passive objects; their
first sexual experience is not imagined as a loss of innocence and
delicacy. Haz... more »
And, FFS, Mark Easton...

And if all that isn't enough, please give the latest blog-post from Lucy
Manning's opposite number at the BBC, Mark Easton.
In it, Mark demonstrates the complete lack of impartiality for which many a
top BBC reporter is known (in certain circles).
Mark echoes his colleagues on the BBC's *News at Six* by openly downplaying
the concerns about hardline Muslim infiltration and intimidation in
Birmingham's schools.
He then equates the kind of Muslim 'conservatism' that ITV described
tonight - i.e. the sort of thing that has prompted the government to sent
in an 'anti-terror chief' - w... more »
Musical Interlude: Loreena McKennitt, “Mystic’s Dream”
Loreena McKennitt, “Mystic’s Dream”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL9KWB0M4UU
Post # 25,000: Fyodor Dostoevsky, “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”
*“The Dream of a Ridiculous Man”*
by Fyodor Dostoevsky
"For I have seen the truth; I have seen and I know that people can be
beautiful and happy without losing the power of living on earth. I will not
and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of mankind. And it is
just this faith of mine that they laugh at. But how can I help believing
it? I have seen the truth- it is not as though I had invented it with my
mind, I have seen it, seen it, and the living image of it has filled my
soul for ever. I have seen it in such full perfection that I cannot believe
that it is imposs... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Every book has a first page and every catalog a first entry. And so this
lovely blue cosmic cloud begins the van den Bergh Catalog (vdB) of stars
surrounded by reflection nebulae. Interstellar dust clouds reflecting the
light of the nearby stars, the nebulae usually appear blue because
scattering by the dust grains is more effective at shorter (bluer)
wavelengths. The same type of scattering gives planet Earth its blue
daytime skies.
* Click image for larger size.*
Van den Bergh's 1966 list contains a total of 158 entries more easily
visible from the northern hemisphere, including ... more »
"The Only Way..."
"The only way to avoid being miserable is not to have
enough leisure to wonder whether you are happy or not."
- George Bernard Shaw
Just Another "nonmanic" Monday,

Not one day in Costa Rica is manic! But I do like that song.........
Today, I slept in a little and then went on our run. I lucked out and did
not have the sun beating on me even though I ran later than usual. Whoot.
It is a lot easier running in the heat with no sun. The sun kicks my ass
in the runs.
Made Kurt French toast today with homemade vanilla honey syrup and
bananas. Him and the pugs enjoyed it. I think him and the pugs are
enjoying all the homemade food! Trying to buy nothing packaged, which is
why I made my own syrup today.
Went into town to get paint today. ... more »
Wes Neuman's First Try To Replace John Mica-- A Guest Post

2012 saw a big drop off in votes for President Obama in central Florida's
7th district. In 2008 the R+4 district gave Obama 49% of its vote
(164,563). In 2012 that dropped to 155,489 (47%). The Tea Party "Democrat"
in the 2012 race against GOP incumbent John Mica, Jason Kendall, only
managed 41% (130,509). Mica out-performed Romney by around 13,000 votes,
while 25,000 Obama voters refused to vote for Kendall. This year FL-07,
Seminole and Orange county suburbs north of Orlando-- Winter Park, Altamont
Springs, Forest City, Maitland, Longwood-- and small town Volusia County up
throu... more »
Is The Seattle "Shooting" A Hoax? Great Videos From Pt1gard Exposes It As A Fraud!
We have just seen the Jew spew mainstream media go hog wild over the latest
"shooting" in Las Vegas Nevada. It does seem that now on a weekly basis
we are seeing these shootings take place across America, and of course we
find all the liars in the media and many government officials shortly after
each shooting calling for gun control legislation across America as a
I have yet to sift through all of the evidence to determine if the latest
shooting in Las Vegas is authentic, but for this article I want to present
some very strong evidence courtesy of my friend, Greg, who i... more »
Oath of Office – New South Wales Police Force

*Oath of Office – New South Wales Police Force*
"I, *...[ASIO Case Officer assigned to Bob Geldof KBE]… *do swear,
that, I will well and truly serve, our Sovereign Lady the Queen,
As a Police Officer without favour or affection, malice or ill-will, until
I am legally discharged, that I will see and cause, Her Majesty’s peace to
be kept and preserved;
And that, I will prevent to the best of my power, all offences against that
And that, while I continue to be a Police Officer,
I will, to the best of my skill and knowledge, discharge all the duties
faithfully, a... more »
The Poet: Anne Sexton, "Courage"
"It is in the small things we see it.
The child's first step,
as awesome as an earthquake.
The first time you rode a bike,
wallowing up the sidewalk.
The first spanking when your heart
went on a journey all alone.
When they called you crybaby
or poor or fatty or crazy
and made you into an alien,
you drank their acid
and concealed it.
if you faced the death of bombs and bullets
you did not do it with a banner,
you did it with only a hat to
cover your heart.
You did not fondle the weakness inside you
though it was there.
Your courage was a small coal
that you kept swall... more »
“Dark Night of the Soul: Surrendering the Ego”
*“Dark Night of the Soul: Surrendering the Ego”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"While we are in a dark night of the soul experience, hold steady knowing
the light will appear once again. Whenever a word is overused, it is most
likely being misused, and over time, it begins to lose its meaningfulness.
For example, we often refer to a fleeting feeling of depression or a period
of confusion, as a dark night of the soul, but neither of these things
qualifies as such. A dark night of the soul is a very specific experience
that some people encounter on their spiritual journeys. There are... more »
Chet Raymo, “Sky High”
*“Sky High”*
by Chet Raymo
“As upright primates, the sky is half of our visual field, but we give it
only a tiny fraction of our attention. Food, drink, sex and shelter are all
to be found close to the ground. What goes on above our heads is mostly
Here in Ireland the sky is much more than half our visual field; we
couldn't ignore it if we wanted to. Our cottage is perched on a hill above
Dingle Bay, and beyond the garden wall the land slopes to the sea, as if
trying to get out of the way, surrendering the view to- air. Insistent,
in-your-face, not-to-be-ignored nitrog... more »
Vegan Recipe - Amazing Legume: LentilsBy Marcy Gaston

*First, I’d like to thank Small Footprints for letting me guest blog today.
I’m very happy to contribute a recipe to her blog and share some yummy
vegan goodness with all of her readers. So, today’s recipe and post are
about lentils: the little legume that could. Lentils are a subject that
I’ve been researching, writing about, and presenting on for the past few
months. Instead of boring you about my work, you can read about it HERE or
HERE. As a result of my work, I feel like I really know lentils now and I
want everyone to get to know them, too. My colleagues (fellow gra... more »
China missing metal sage continues ( June 9 - 10 , 2014 ) -- Goldman examines the situation in the Port of Qingdao , the copper market outlook , CCFD unwinding - foreign banks could be bagholders with undercollateralized loans and / or losses ! Strangely while a major unwind could push copper prices lower , the unwind could result in higher gold price ( suppression of gold prices due o gold CFD removed )
Bronze Swan Lands: Goldman Explains How The China Commodity Unwind Will
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/09/2014 21:26 -0400
- Black Swan
- China
- Copper
- Dennis Gartman
- Fail
- goldman sachs
- Goldman Sachs
- Lehman
- Precious Metals
- Reality
- Shadow Banking
Over a year ago we were the first to bring the topic of China's shadow
banking system's problematic rehypothec... more »
Immigration Kibuki ( June 9 , 2014 ) Immigration is a perfect example to watch how the Uniparty ( Dem and GOP Elites ) work together to achieve a common goal...... Obama creates crisis , rather than calling him out for the crisis , the GOP leadership starts on their agenda of Immigration reform !
Child Alien Crisis Obama's Fault, But GOP Won't Pounce48 Comments
Posted 06:52 PM ET
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- inShare
*Immigration:* Republicans should take the president to task for unlawfully
enticing thousands of "unaccompanied illegal children" from Latin America
to cross the border. Instead, a GOP leader asks for an amnesty deal.
What is at the top of the Republican wish list? A vibrant e... more »
Women & children refugees from eastern Ukraine now in Russia appeal to the
Families who fled the turmoil started a Twitter campaign #DontKillUs urging
the Kiev government to stop the deadly military operation in the area.
What Henry Hazlitt Can Teach Us About Inflation in 2014
*Guest post by Jim Grant. **This article is adapted from a portion of the
Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture, delivered at the 2014 Austrian Economics
Research Conference by Jim Grant.*
[image: Front Cover]Believe me, ladies and gentlemen, when you stand at the
pinnacle of financial journalism, you’re standing at sea level. There are
exceptions to the rule, of course. The Victorian polymath Walter Bagehot,
second editor of *The Economist*, was one. Twentieth century American
journalists Garet Garrett, John Chamberlain and — my old mentor at
*Barron’s* — Robert M. Bleiberg were others.... more »
Another LOUSY Non-Believable False Flag: The Las Vegas Shooting False Flag

It looks like they've stepped up the FALSE FLAG's to the tune of about one
per week in the past few weeks. The latest is the LAS VEGAS FALSE FLAG. As
with all the false flags, they have a formula to instantly raise suspicion.
The NSA should be disbanded, because if this "official story" were true,
we're spending MILLIONS & MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars supporting an agency
that appears to be spying on everyone except who they're SUPPOSED to be
spying on!!! They are USELESS and their purpose is something other than
what we think.
*Some of the "formula" points are:*
- mention "white... more »
The US Hurricane Drought in USA Today
I have an op-ed in USA Today tomorrow on the ongoing US "hurricane
drought." Here is how it starts:
In 1933, Richard Gray, a U.S. government weather forecaster, noted that
Florida had been hit by at least 37 hurricanes over the 45 years ending in
1930. During this period, the longest stretch with no tropical storms was
only two years.
When the 2014 hurricane season officially began on June 1, the Sunshine
State had gone more than eight years without being struck by a hurricane.
It was back on Oct. 24, 2005, when Hurricane Wilma emerged from the Gulf of
Mexico and caused billions o... more »
Senator Edward Zorinsky

*“The Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1972 amended the Smith-Mundt
Act to include a ban on disseminating within the United States any
‘information about the United States, its people, and its policies’
prepared for dissemination abroad.'*
*The Zorinsky Amendment added a new prohibition: *
*"no funds authorized to be appropriated to the United States Information
Agency shall be used to influence public opinion in the United States, and
no program material prepared by the United States Information Agency shall
be distributed within the United States.”*
http://publicdiplomacy... more »
The increased frequency of killings by Israeli occupation forces of
Palestinians in both the Gaza Strip and the West Bank coupled with the
testimony of Israeli soldiers who are beginning to speak out about Israeli
operations in the occupied territories seems to confirm that Israel is
attempting to deliberately provoke the Palestinians into launch a third
Intifada in order to provide Israel with a *casus belli* to fully occupy
the West Bank with the long term aim of annexation.
For ten years a group called Breaking the Silence, founded by ex-Israeli
Defence Force personnel who have b... more »
My response to @NCTQ’s attempt to legitimize bullsh!t—#optout!
It’s official. Anthony Cody just posted on the Education Bloggers Network
that NCTQ will host a “media conference call” to release its 2014 Teacher
Prep Review. Please understand that I am not in any way upset with Anthony.
He simply shared a press release from the propaganda machine that calls
itself the National Council for Teacher […]
Throwing Stones At ALEC
Corporate people who live insulated from the masses should be careful when
they throw stones at ALEC--the stones can bounce back and bite them in the
There is a certain level of hypocrisy that the public will not accept -
even from non-profit corporations. Non-profit corporations can't spend
their time throwing stones at ALEC to increase their funding, but then turn
around and partner with ALEC when it suits their fancy. Non-profit
corporations can't spend their time throwing stones at ALEC to increase
their funding, at the same time that they are supporting various ALEC
po... more »
Let the games begin! John Oliver introduces us to FIFA, the World Cup™ governing body, and Michael Palin introduces us to Brazil

*Following a collage of clips from various countries where it's claimed
that soccer is a "religion," John jumps in: "And they're not exaggerating.
When David Beckham got a tattoo of Jesus, the response of most soccer fans
was, 'Well, that's, that's huge for Jesus. That's, that's a big deal for
him.' "*
*"I know that in America soccer is something you pick your ten-year-old
daughter up from. But for me, and everyone else on earth, it's a little
more important."*
*-- John Oliver, in last night's report on "FIFA and the World Cup"*
*by Ken*
Last week I encouraged you to watch the who... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Cody, Wyoming, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
America's ongoing nuclear debacles ( June 9 , 2014 ) - Hanford ( Washington State - this debacle has gone on for many decades ) Updates from Energy News and Hanford Challenge ...... WIPP updates from Energy News and SimplyInfo - the potential for explosion of course is being suppressed , along with the extent of the ongoing contamination ......
Energy News......
NBC Right Now, Apr. 30, 2014: *Former Hanford Worker Sick from Nuclear
- *Jane Sander, reporter*: A nuclear waste spill happened hours before
at the tank farm.
- *Lonnie Poteet, Hanford worker*: I was already burning from my glove
line to my t-shirt line and… starting to lose a little bit of vision in my
right eye… Why didn’t they say something?
- *Sander*: Poteet describes living his life now as recluse… sharp pains
in his head, they cause him to often twitch. He says medication prevents
him from collapsing in pain... more »
The difference between tax planning and tax avoidance: one simple test
Over at Tax Research UK, Richard Murphy offers a simple test to distinguish
between tax planning and tax avoidance. As he told a journalist, "That is
easy. It's getting legal opinion."
With tax planning, Murphy says, you decrease your tax risk. "There are
obvious examples: paying money into a pension, for example, does not create
tax risk, and nor does putting money into an ISA [a UK individual savings
account, which is similar to an IRA but more flexible] within allowed
By contrast, "Tax avoidance, on the other hand always, and without
exception, increases your tax risk."... more »
War Watch June 9 , 2014 -- Iraq battlefield between Islamists and the Iraqi Government spreading toward Turkey , Israel ( keep an eye on what Israel decides to do to confront Islamists on their doorstep ) and has already merged with Islamists held territory in Syria ! Will the Kurd's Peshmerga be drawn into the fighting - early reports indicate the answer may be yes as Islamists are attacking in Kurd Regions in Iraq ( and have already taken control in Kurdish areas in Syria ...... Syria Updates from Syria Direct ( looking at the state of the war raging on in Syria ) ........ Iran nuclear talks updates --- With the next set of talks set for June 16 - 20 , 2014 , is there momentum to strike an improved Interim Deal ? Bilateral talks betwen Iran and the US set for June 9-10 in Geneva to attempt to pave the way for the looming P5 + 1 talks .....
Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz’s cryptic remark Monday, June 6,
that “The Israeli Air Force will next month dramatically change its mode
operation,” meant that a decision has been taken to start directing the
IAF’s fire power against military and terrorist targets in the Syrian
Iraqi arenas – in particular the al Qaeda forces foregathering ever
to Israel’s borders with Syria, Iraq and Jordan. By aerial fire power,
... more »
RoboCon Robocalls Bingo!

As lawyers in the RoboCon CREEP showtrial of Michael Sona wrapped up their
final summations today - -with *both* sides agreeing more than one person
was behind the Guelph robocall scam and that the testimony of the Crown's
*star witness* Conservative Christian Andrew Prescott against his old
friend Michael Sona should, *according to the prosecution*, likely be
approached with caution” - - Prescott posted a "Bingo Card" of the type
used as a campaign prop.
So here's mine in response ...
Your Bingo mileage may vary.
*Sona didn’t work alone in Guelph robocalls scheme, Crown alleg... more »
The Economy: “The Battle to Stop the Credit Cycle”
*“The Battle to Stop the Credit Cycle”*
by Bill Bonner
“We spent last week in France. Normandy, to be precise. We observed a flow
of Americans heading toward the north coast. It was the 70th anniversary of
the D-Day landings. Nobody wanted to be left out – especially the veterans,
for whom this would be the last remembrance.
Among them was 89-year-old Bernard Jordan. He had risked German artillery
fire seven decades ago, as a 19-year-old junior officer in the Royal Navy.
He wasn't about to let the biddies at the nursing home in East Sussex stop
him from going over last week. So he ... more »
Iran-Contra Figure Behind Fox News Exclusive Bergdahl as "Jihadist" Tale

The latest attack in the week long rampage by right-wing fanatics to
politicize the Obama trade with the Taliban for prisoner of war Bowe
Bergdahl predictably has been launched by Fox News which is portraying the
soldier as a secret jihadist and a terrorist. One has to love the way that
Fox and friends *truly* support the troops and were Sgt. Bergdahl's release
to have been secured by Senators McCain and Graham the patriotic hogwash
would have been as overwhelming as the smearing of Obama for his failure to
do so. This latest slime job comes with an interesting twist though in th... more »
*The Single Question That Could Destroy Bobby Jindal’s Political Future
*~With the stroke of the pen, Governor Bobby Jindal likely saved the oil
and gas industry billions of dollars in damages for which they otherwise
would have been legally responsible, damages that are legitimately owed to
hundreds, if not thousands, of hardworking families, businesses, and
coastal communities who were devastated by and continue to suffer from the
lingering effects of the worst environmental disaster in American history.
Governor Jindal may claim this was about ending “frivolous lawsuits... more »
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