the diagram shows a healthy heart and one suffering from Pulmonary valve stenosis. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The title page, of the book "The Silmarillion" by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited and published by his son Christopher Tolkien. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
11:04am MSTMaxida Märak - A Voice For The Sampi People
*Published on October 31, 2013*
Från "Sápmi möter Stockholm", en demonstration för fast mark, rent vatten &
levande kulturlandskap på Mynttorget i Stockholm 2013-10-26.
Det är vi som är "The local people"!
*Mer info:*
All over the world, the mining industry threatens to destroy nature and
culture with shortsighted industrial projects aimed only at maximizing
company profits.
In an attempt to gain local and international backing for their projects,
and to appease investors, minin... more »
What is Cyber Hygiene?
I was struck this morning to read a post on a Cyber Security forum with a
link stating the “Super Bowl was Hacked!” Clicking on the link lead to
this write up and picture. I can’t think of better visualization of the
need for basic cyber hygiene. The cyber security industry kills many trees
Continue reading
Middle Earth, the Middle Class and Growth
I like the play of words here: hobbit and habit, Middle Earth and middle
class, JRR Tolkien and equilibrium theorists. Article written by my former
prof. at UPSE, a math econ, institutional econ, econ history specialist,
Dr. Noel de Dios. Bottomline: the need for rule of law.
Adventure and fantasy -- not to mention Peter Jackson’s fabulous visual
effects -- explain much of the recent popularity of J.R.R. Tolkien’s novels
and characters, especially their movie incarnations. If one only looks very
closely, however, one may also find a small parable relevant to Philippine
so... more »
MSNBC stages its worst night ever!
*Zernike, millionaire hosts can’t nail down the simplest facts:* When did
Governor Christie learn that access lanes had been closed in Fort Lee?
We can’t answer that question. Let’s try a different question:
In the past, when did Christie *say* he first learned? What has he *said*about this?
This question has come center stage because of David Wildstein. According
to Wildstein, “evidence exists” that Christie knew the lanes were closed in
real time, during the week of September 9.
Also according to Wildstein, Christie said something different at his
Janu... more »
Rotchina and OSF
[image: Rotchina--January, 2014 (Photo by John Carroll)]
Rotchina, January 2014 (Photo by John Carroll)
In August 2000 I brought a nine month old baby girl named Rotchina to
OSF-Children's Hosptial of Illinois (CHOI) in Peoria. Rotchina suffered
from severe pulmonary valve stenosis. This means that she was born with a
very small pulmonary valve which was restricting blood flow to her lungs.
An echocardiogram performed at OSF-CHOI in 2000 revealed a huge pressure
gradient (174 mm hg) across a tiny pulmonic valve. (A normal pulmonary
valve would have no gradient.) This meant that ... more »
Media Alert: On ASCD Media Alert
This is not satire, and if I had made this up, no one would have thought it
was funny because, well, you just can’t make this stuff up. I got a MEDIA
ALERT email from ASCD announcing “Common Core Experts Available for
Interviews.” This seems pretty important because ASCD uses all caps, bold,
and even […]
Putting Philip Seymour Hoffman's Dealer In Jail Forever Won't Solve the Drug Problem: America As A Horror Show
Susie Madrak schools CNN's (can you believe it?) Ashley Banfield on the
horrors of the drug culture and why sending the dealer who sold Philip
Seymour Hoffman heroin won't solve a thing. No, Ashleigh, this isn't about
hunting down heroin dealers and putting them to death. And it's not about
people killing themselves with drugs. It's much bigger than that. It's
about hopelessness, and
Out With the Old Crap, In With the New
Many of us recognized that when President Obama declared Income Inequality
to be "the defining challenge" of our time in a December speech, it was
just one more dollop of whipped rhetorical crap designed to co-opt the
populist message of the wildly popular new Pope. After all, he'd attempted
the same trick within weeks of his orchestrated crackdown of the Occupy
His most recent Inequality shtick didn't even last a month before the
Ruling Class began howling "Class War!" and he obliged them by hastily
burying the Inequality pile and shifting to the more neoliberally palatab... more »
- I just brought in a bunch of wood as we expect to have a snowstorm
tomorrow with 4-6 inches worth. I love doing the wood - it's sunny now and
cold outside. A beautiful day really. I try to make bringing in the wood
my daily mantra. Staying focused on that moment, each piece of wood, let
the worldly worries pass through my mind and out. Thanking the great
spirit for each breath, each day, and each gift.
- I love this art work above that I found on a Korean friend's Facebook
page. Really tells the story of the two worlds. The natural world that
... more »
Censored News Fundraising Appeal!
News will not be able to continue providing authentic news without
support. Anyone who donates now will receive a unique postcard from the
road from Censored News coverage! Censored News is in its 8th year, with
2.9 million views, and no advertising.
Censored News originals by Brenda Norrell: Vicam Yaqui Mexico; Boliiva;
Long Walk 2; Comcaac (Seri) coast Mexico
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: We Should Fear The Worst From Fukushima
I and others have been watching the Fukushima disaster continue now almost
3 full years since the initial meltdowns and subsequent release of deadly
radiation into both the atmosphere and the adjoining Pacific Ocean, and we
are still troubled that much of the world's criminal media attention has
been avoiding this catastrophe! It has fallen to the alternative media to
keep everyone up to date on what has been happening, including myself...
Now my friend Whitewraithe over at Pragmatic Witness
( has begun to also put up articles about
this ongoing disa... more »
Harvey Wasserman: "[F]or seven decades, government Bomb factories and privately-owned reactors have spewed massive quantities of unmonitored radiation into the biosphere. The impacts of these emissions on human and ecological health are unknown primarily because the nuclear industry has resolutely refused to study them. Indeed, the official presumption has always been that showing proof of damage from nuclear Bomb tests and commercial reactors falls to the victims, not the perpetrators." "Defined by seven decades of deceit, denial and a see-no-evil dearth of meaningful scientific study, the glib corporate assurances that this latest reactor disaster won’t hurt us fade to absurdity. Fukushima pours massive, unmeasured quantities of lethal radiation into our fragile ecosphere every day, and will do so for decades to come."
*50 Reasons We Should Fear the Worst from Fukushima*
Harvey Wasserman | February 2, 2014 12:45 pm |
Fukushima’s missing melted cores and radioactive gushers continue to fester
in secret.
Japan’s harsh dictatorial censorship has been matched by a global corporate
media blackout aimed—successfully—at keeping Fukushima out of the public
But that doesn’t keep the actual radiation out of our ecosystem, our
markets … or our bodies.
Speculation on the ultimate impact ranges from the utterly harmless to the
intensely apoc... more »
Once on a web discussion, I was criticized for risking being mislead by visiting Alex Jones' sites. My reply was that I trust myself to see past his overwrought outbursts and "separate the wheat from the chaff." In fact I find INFOWARs an excellent source of reliable information. So could it be possible that the flagrant manipulation of gold documented by Roberts and Kranzler (my yesterday's re-post) is on the verge of collapsing the western world's financial system? Just in case, you should make sure that your savings accounts are not in any of the "too big to fail" banks (see why in the link below)!
Banker Commits Suicide Within a Week*
Why are banking executives killing themselves?
*Paul Joseph Watson*
Original Here
January 31, 2014
A third banker has committed suicide within the space of a week, once
prompting speculation that some kind of financial collapse could be just
around the corner.
“Mike Dueker, the... more »
Corporate Rule Of The EU by David Cronin
Morgan Tsvangirai: 'luxury cruises' and 'sex addiction'.
In Zimbabwe, "Pastors from more than 10 churches stand accused of rape and
sexual abuse. In some cases, the pastors are accused of drug abuse."
10 church leaders in sex scandals - The Zimbabwe Mail - 22 Dec 2013
Long-time opposition figure Margaret Dongo says that Zimbabwe's prime
minister, Morgan Tsvangirai, should stop 'dropping his pants everywhere'.
Margaret Dongo blast Tsvangirai for impregnating women.
Three former lovers have revealed how they were dumped by Tsvangirai, 61.
Tsvangirai's wife Susan died in a car crash i... more »
The Boston Marathon Fraud And Hoax: This Is A Must See Video By Everyone!
It is good to be back... I spent the last while clearing up some personal
business, and only went into this blog to do my weekly rant.....Many of
the Hasbara agents would surely hope that I would quit, but that is wishful
thinking.. I have always said that I am in this for the long haul, and
would surely love to see the day when we see these damn satanic maniacs
with their agenda of world domination put out of our lives for good!
Just the other day, a close friend of mine who has been a close associate
in the exposure of NASA's Apollo Moon Mission FRAUD, Greg, who is known in
the Y... more »
Wild Bill: Liberal Zombie Apocalypse...
*are among us.*
Protect yourself from infection.
Econ Summer Camp
Grad students with an interest in the history of economic thought should click
Free Milkweed Seed (Asclepias syriaca) for Monarch Butterfly Habitat
image courtesy Shady Oak Butterfly Farm
Very few of these iconic butterflies made it to Canada this summer.
Biologists estimate the North American monarch population declined by about
80 per cent this year, the lowest numbers in 20 years.
Each fall, monarchs make a remarkable journey over thousands of kilometres
from Canada to Mexico and California. This year far fewer monarchs make the
Why are the numbers so low? Scientists aren't entirely sure. But in Mexico,
the forests where they spend their winters are still being cut, despite
efforts to halt logging. And in the United St... more »
ALL ROADS LEAD TO BIAS: Worst night ever, plus Joan Walsh!
*Part 2—It’s piddle all the way down:* Last night may have been the worst
night we’ve ever seen on cable.
On cable “news,” that it.
That’s really going some. Before we describe what made it so bad, let’s
recall what Professor Chwe wrote in this week’s Sunday Review.
Chwe was describing an alleged crisis in science. He isn’t the first to
describe the core problem. This was the start of his portrait:
CHWE (2/2/14): *Science is in crisis,* just when we need it most. Two years
ago, C. Glenn Begley and Lee M. Ellis reported in Nature that they were
able to r... more »
*Stephanie Grace: Trial makes Nagin seem worse than we thought ~New Orleans
*Jeanie Riess on the city's resistance to alternatives to traditional cabs
— and what New Orleans taxi services have to say ~Gambit*
*Huff Post: Shreveport-Bossier Economy “Fastest Shrinking!”*
*Killer set for Wednesday execution wins 90-day delay, trial regarding
drugs ~Della Hasselle, The Lens*
*Whole Foods Opens New Store, Geared To Lower Income Shoppers, In Mid-City
~Kate Richardson, WWNO*
*The Dixie Cups, "Iko Iko" ~David Stafford, WWOZ*
Gates Scholar, Tom Kane, Wants Schools to Replicate His MET Experiment
I would have nothing but praise for the Gates Foundation Measures of
Effective Teaching (MET) project if it only claimed to be doing theoretical
research. Neither would I have a real complaint with the work of the MET’s
director, Tom Kane, if he saw it as basic research, not policy research.
Kane seems to be […]
Toni Morrison, the White Gaze, Race, and Writing
Toni Morrison, the White Gaze, Race, and Writing. via Toni Morrison, the
White Gaze, Race, and Writing.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Meet Michael Wager-- And A Swing District In Ohio The DCCC Has Ignored
While Steve Israel is wasting money by diverting it into trying to elect anti-Choice/anti-LGBT/anti-environment
fanatic Jennifer Garrison, the DCCC has ignored the most sensible red to
blue district in Ohio, the 14th, currently held by freshman backbencher
David Joyce. The DCCC is trying to push the arch-conservative Garrison
through in a red, red district with a PVI of R+8 (and where Romney won with
55%), OH-14 has a more vulnerable PVI of R+4. McCain took in in 2008 with
only 50% and in 2012 Romney managed with 51%. Sherrod Brown won the
district both times he ran for Senate. Com... more »
Financial crisis for many, bonanza for the few
When the wolves are left in charge of the sheep costumes, is it any wonder
that we have this mess? When you read articles like this, take a moment to
investigate some of the characters that are currently guarding the hen
house- look into their backgrounds and SEE the deepening conflict of
Transparency rolls out faster and faster, and journalists are beginning to
really speak out- not only speak out about the corruption and depravity of
what's going on in this world but speak out against those that have held
them silent.
Much of the truth of what is going on is in front... more »
The Stigma Within Themselves
Yesterday, the Harper Party defeated an NDP motion to reverse the closure
of Veterans Affairs Offices across the country. Julian Fantino has been the
face of the government on this issue. But now it's clear that there are 145
other MPs -- including the prime minister -- who stand behind him. What
Michael Harris writes of Fantino applies to all 146 of them:
The very important man seemed to have forgotten that at least one of the
veterans he stood up at that meeting was fighting fascists before Julian
got his first pair of shiny boots. The minister was not talking to a bunch
of off... more »
IEJ Vol 12, No 2 (2013): The local vernaculars of high-stakes testing
IEJ Vol 12, No 2 (2013): The local vernaculars of high-stakes testing. via
IEJ Vol 12, No 2 (2013): The local vernaculars of high-stakes testing.Filed
under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
*Three fizzy drinks per day could triple chance of heart disease*
*The usual correlational crap. Poor people probably drink more fizzy
drinks and are unhealthier anyway*
Drinking just three cans of fizzy pop each day could triple your chance of
developing heart disease, a study has suggested.
Scientists in America found a strong association between the proportion of
daily calories from foods laden with added sugars - rather than those that
occur naturally - and death rates from cardiovascular disease.
For people who take on a quarter of their calories each day from the sugars
com... more »
~ Mother Damnable Speaks ! ~
My First Radio Show:
AS Sharon Gifford, with Tony Z and Miles Johnston
Lil' stevie harper's Corrupt Petro-State
It's beyond ridiculous.
A CBC News investigation has unearthed a critical report that the federal
regulator effectively buried for several years about a rupture on a
trouble-prone TransCanada natural gas pipeline.
On July 20, 2009, the Peace River Mainline in northern Alberta exploded,
sending 50-metre-tall flames into the air and razing a two-hectare wooded
Final reports are typically published by the investigative bodies, either
the NEB or the Transportation Safety Board, but this report wasn’t released
until this January when the CBC obtained it through an
access-to... more »
ABC Australia Exposes Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drug Scam and Pharmaceutical Criminal Activity
*Health Impact News *
Editor Comments:
ABC News in Australia has done an incredible investigative report on
cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, daring to expose organized crime in the
pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. This is an area where no mainstream
media outlet in the USA dares to go, due to the influence of the
pharmaceutical industry.
In this excellent investigative documentary, cardiologists are interviewed
to reveal the fraud of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, and the criminal
activity that has allowed this class of drug to become the best-selling
class of drugs all-t... more »
International Education Journal
Please visit and read the outstanding new issue of *International Education
Journal: Comparative Perspectives*
Vol 12, No 2 (2013): The local vernaculars of high-stakes testing
Readers of this blog will find the efforts to unmask high-stakes testing of
Super Bowl 2014 Indicates A Dramatic Change in Human Awakening
Monday, February 3, 2014
Jeff Berwick
*Activist Post*
The Super Bowl is and has been an audacious stage for the promotion of
nationalism and war. But, this year, the tide turned against this
controlled spectacle.
It caught even me off guard. I had tuned in, and was live tweeting the
event, expecting to see more over the top, in your face, symbolism and
outright propaganda about the state and worship of war... and there was
plenty of that but this year things changed.
It started as I expected, with the ridiculous idea of an interview, for a
sporting event, with the president, Bar... more »
It Got Them Killed: President James A. Garfield
*"N**obody gives a hoot about who runs the post offices now, but boy they
did then..." - Professor David Blight*
*"**Grave doubts have been entertained whether Congress is authorized by
the Constitution to make any form of paper money legal tender." - President
James A. Garfield, Innaugural Address*
*"I am a Stalwart of the Stalwarts! I did it and I want to be arrested!
Arthur is President now!" - Charles Giteau*
An engraving of James A. Garfield's assassination, published in Frank
Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. The caption reads:
*"Washington, D.C.—The attack on the President's... more »
Tiny 10-inch 16th century prayer book confiscated by the Nazis from Rothschild banking dynasty fetches $13.6 MILLION at auction after sparking bidding frenzy
Renaissance prayer book was not returned to the
Rothschild family until 1999 when they sold it for
a then world record $13.4 million It has now been
sold at a Christie's auction to a European buyer for
*Kind of makes you wonder what else was in this book right? -AK*
*Tiny 10-inch 16th century prayer book confiscated by the Nazis from
Rothschild banking dynasty fetches $13.6 MILLION at auction after sparking
bidding frenzy*
*Unique colour prayerbook was made in the Netherlands in about 1505. It was
once part of the vast art collection owned by the Rothschild family. But it
was... more »
They always know what's best for us and want to control us...
The BBC report approvingly that '
The globe is facing a "tidal wave" of cancer, and restrictions on alcohol
and sugar need to be considered, say World Health Organization scientists.'
"So Long as They're Attacking Us, We Must be Doing Something Right..." : 9/11 - In Plane Sight
*I Quote The Enemy:*
*"The first edition [of] Loose Change, suggested that there was an unusual
device (which the filmmakers refer to as a "pod") under the fuselage of the
plane that struck the South Tower of the World Trade Center. *
*The "pod" was presented as evidence that the planes involved in the attack
were replaced with remote-controlled drones. *
*Another film 911: In Plane Site delves into the topic of the commercial
airlines being military airlines with "pods".*
*Official flight records were also presented as evidence that the aircraft
involved are still in active serv... more »
Ladybird: A True Publishing Brand is 100
Today Penguin celebrates the centenary of the registration of the Ladybird
logo in 1915. It was very interesting to watch the recent televised
documentary on the remarkable story of this format and its history.
The real Ladybird success, came with the introduction in 1940, of a
pocket-sized mini-hardback book measuring four-and-a-half by seven inches
and based on a standard 56 page folded format, which was cut to size with
no waste. On one side of the spread were high quality full-colour
illustrations by the likes A. J. Macgregor, Charles Tunnicliffe, Allen
Seaby, Harry Wingfiel... more »
What I Have Been Reading- Dead Beautiful
Normally a paranormal teen book set in a high school is enough to turn me
off to the entire book forever. I feel like it has been done and done again
and I am sick of reading about it, I think Dead Beautiful was an exception.
It is Renee Winters sixteenth birthday and she is coming back from the
beach with her best friend, she convinces her to take a different road home
and everything changes when she finds her dad's car abandoned by the side
of the road, her parents murdered.
After her parents death, Renee is sent across the country to a boarding
school, Gottfried Academy, in re... more »
In Taichung it's.... Jason!
[image: FTV_Jan_2014_2_79]
*Dashan Farm in Changhua.*
Jason of Taichung announces that he will run again (FocusTaiwan):
If elected, Hu, of the ruling Kuomintang, will have been the
longest-serving mayor of Taichung for 17 years over four terms, including a
period before Taichung City was merged with neighboring Taichung County
into a municipality in late 2010.
Well. I'm taking this as good news. Most of the stuff I wrote about for the
last election, which Hu barely won, still applies. Taichung is consistently
considered the worst administrated of the island's major cities in public ... more »
Your moment of Zen
Purple crowned fairy wrens. [image via]
It (Almost) Got Them Killed: President Bill Clinton
The US leader was saved shortly before his car was due to drive over a
bridge in Manila where a bomb had been planted.
The foiled attack came during Mr Clinton's visit to the Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation forum in the city in 1996.
At one point during his stay, he was scheduled to visit a local politician,
his route taking him across a bridge in central Manila.
But as the presidential motorcade was about to set off, secret service
officers received a "crackly message in one earpiece" saying intelligence
agents had picked up a message suggesting an attack was imminent.
The tr... more »
Koch brothers dominate oil & gas list with $106 billion fortune
[image: David and Charles (right) Koch of Koch Industries have been listed
by research company Wealth-X as the richest individuals in America's oil
and gas industry.]
David and Charles (right) Koch of Koch Industries have been listed by
research company Wealth-X as the richest individuals in America's oil and
gas industry.
Charles and David Koch of Koch Industries have been listed by research
company Wealth-X as the richest individuals in America's oil and gas
The brothers, who are from the state of Kansas have a reported net worth of
US$83 billion (S$106 billion), said ... more »
9/11 Truther Crashes Super Bowl MVP Malcolm Smith's Interview
This was not only surprising to see, but very welcomed:
I posted a comment on this video this evening, which read:
Jewish criminals controlling the United States federal government and
media, working in collusion with the Jewish state of Israel, planned,
organized, executed, and have benefitted from 9/11. Wake up America. NO
Exactly ten minutes after I posted the above comment, a troll utilizing the
handle *Sonny Terry* replied to me:
You Nazi piece a shit, you're living in the wrong country, how about we
exterminate your bloodline or enslave y... more »
*Elton John*, born in London in 1947, is the son of Stanley Dwight and
Sheila Harris.
Stanley Dwight was a 'martinet' Flight Lieutenant in the Royal Air Force.
Elton was raised mainly by his mother.
In 1975, Elton suffered a drug overdose.
He had the eating disorder bulimia.
In 1976, Elton declared that he was bisexual.
In 1984, Elton married Renate Blauel, a German recording engineer.
In 1984, Elton divorced Renate and declared that he was gay.
In 1989, the Sun newspaper published a story alleging that Elton liked
young rent boys.
The Sun wrote that* Elton 'demanded that ... more »
War Watch February 2 , 2014 - Nato Chief acknowledges Karzai won't sign BSA , Nato and US pray his successor is a non Karzai family member and friendly to US Interests.....Syria Geneva 2 talks between Syria Government and Syria rebels + West failure spurring US to seek direct talks with Syria government ..... Iraq Government plan diect assault on Al Qaeda controlled Fallaju , while bombs explode in Baghdad and missiles fly in Anbar Province ........Turkey seeks to abolish judicial independence and curtail structure of Judicial Academy , New Internet Bill sparks controversy , Interest rat hike threaten Turkish economy and construction....
Catharsis Ours - 11 hours ago
Hamid Karzai: 'I saw no good' with America's presence in AfghanistanHamid
Karzai, the president of Afghanistan, admits that he has not spoken to
Barack Obama in seven months as he reveals the complete breakdown of trust
between his country and the United States
[image: Hamid Karzai: 'I saw no good' with America's presence in
Hamid Karzai on his last visit to the USA in January 2013 Photo: MARK
[image: Harriet Alexander]
By Harriet Alexander
11:34AM GMT 02 Feb 2014
[image: Comments]61 Comments
The president of* Afghanistan *has not sp... more »
Lay Seige To Corporate Rule - Arundhati Roy
*About Arundhati Roy *
New German Government To Arm Al-Qaeda's Gulf Financiers, Deal Projected To Be Worth $2 Billion
*Photo: The bankrollers of Al-Qaeda, the destroyers of Syria. *
An excerpt from, *"Arms Exports: Berlin Backs Large Defense Deal with Saudi
Arabia"* Der Spiegel, February 3, 2014:
Berlin has often been criticized in recent years for selling weapons to
questionable regimes. Now, the German government is backing a billion-euro
deal for 100 patrol boats.
The German government has often drawn serious criticism for supporting
defense deals with countries known to have democratic deficiencies. In the
latest controversial move, SPIEGEL has learned that the new government in
Berlin wants ... more »
It Got Them Killed: Philip Seymour Hoffman
*Mi6 (aka, The Daily Telegraph) appear to be going off-message again...*
School Choice: Do “The Rules Matter”?
The proposal from Senators Lamar Alexander and Tim Scott — offered during
“National School Choice Week” — for turning nearly half of the federal K-12
spending into school vouchers was notable for its explicit embrace of
assumptions that the GOP had often been hesitant to discuss. When offering
their plans at the American Enterprise Institute, […]
Bridge Gate Updates - Saturday February 1 , 2014..... the day after the Wildstein bombshell , here's where things stand !
Catharsis Ours - 11 hours ago
[image: TOKE A BOWL 2014]
[image: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie looks down and out in Times Square
on Saturday. Bottom, Mayor de Blasio and Gov. Cuomo are more upbeat.]
The once-immensely popular New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was booed twice
Saturday at a Super Bowl event in Times Square.
[image: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie leaves after a visit with Fort Lee,
N.J., Mayor Mark Sokolich at the Borough of Fort Lee Memorial Municipal
Building on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014 in Fort Lee, N.J. A contrite Gov. Chris
Christie emerged Tuesday to offer an a... more »
7 Threats To Your Survival and Fertility - 10 strategies of beating the odds to survive
[image: georgia guidestones]
*Georgia Guidestones*
*T*7 Threats To Your Survival and Fertility 7threatstoyoursurvivalheand
*1) GMOs* - Engineered to grow poisonous chemicals right in the crops
themselves, GMOs are also designed to cause reproductive failure in any
mammal consuming them.
*2) Vaccines* - Loaded with stealth cancer viruses and chemical adjuvants,
vaccines are the primary cause behind today’s rising rates of infertility,
birth defects and spontaneous abortions. Vaccines are aggressively pushed
in minority neighborhoods and low-income areas.
*3) Chemtrails* - For... more »
The Great Culling has quietly begun.
10 Aug 2012
biological, chemical, chemtrails, death, fertility, genocide, georgia
guidestones, gmo, great culling, health,holocaust, medication, murder,
radiation, starvation, survival, vaccine
by Clark Kent
[image: the great culling]The “Great Culling” of the human population has
quietly begun. Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation
agenda has been launched. As this plays out, the vast majority of the human
race will be removed from the gene pool. Genetically annihilated. Will you
and your genetic lineage survive?
That’s what this article... more »
The Massacre of Science
*MOSSAD (Israels Secret Service) Liquidates 310 Iraqi Scientists**Israeli
Secret Agents Liquidate 310 Iraqi Scientists*Mathaba.net10-31-4 More than
*310* Iraqi scientists are thought to have perished at the hands of Israeli
secret agents in Iraq since fall of Baghdad to US troops in *April 2003,* a
seminar has found. The Iraqi ambassador in Cairo, Ahmad al-Iraqi, accused
Israel of sending to Iraq immediately after the US invasion *'a commando
unit'* charged with the killing of Iraqi scientists. *"Israel has played a
prominent role in liquidating Iraqi scientists. The campaign is ... more »
Film 'Gwich'in Women Speak'
Women Speak" an inspiring and moving short documentary film by Miho
Aida is now doing the film festival circuit and is available on DVD
online at film has been screening
worldwide and will be at the Alaska Forum for the Environment Film
Festival this week in Anchorage at the Dena'ina Convention Center
at 9:45am on Thursday, Feb.6th and 9:40am on Friday,
Rubber Hits The Road-- Will Obama Give In To The Keystone XL Polluters?
A few days ago I was having dinner with some friends at my favorite
vegetarian restaurant in L.A., Crossroads on Melrose, when one of
California's most effective and persistent environmental activists, Steve
Bing, came over and sat down. "You've got to do more to stop this Keystone
XL pipeline." I don't want to repeat what he said about John Kerry but he
kept urging me to work harder in the netroots to keep Obama from OK-ing the
agreement. *Me*? He's Steve Bing. I just have a blog that points out that
kind of transpartisan corruption that wrecks accountability in politics.
He's o... more »
Vegan Enchilada Recipe
*I recently discovered a terrific site,, Recipes To Make
Delicious Food. But wait, let me back up ...I love trying foods from
different countries. There are unique flavor combinations to intrigue my
taste buds and ingredients which I might not otherwise try out. I also
believe that experiencing foods from around the world helps give us an
appreciation for other cultures.So back to my recent discovery,, Recipes To Make Delicious Food.This site is very simple
in design. The main page lists thumbnails of delicious dishes from around
t... more »
Carl Davidson and Harry Targ : In State of the Union, Obama pulled his best punches
The speech reflected the fact that Obama is ‘back in the game,’ but things
still aren’t looking good for most of us. By Carl Davidson and Harry Targ |
The Rag Blog | February 3, 2014 In the lead-up to … finish reading Carl
Davidson and Harry Targ :
In State of the Union, Obama pulled his best punches
Musical Interlude: Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up”
Jason Mraz, “I Won't Give Up”
Bob Feldman : A People’s History of Egypt, Part 15, 1952-1953
After Nasser’s Free Officers coup, the Revolutionary Command Council
consolidates power. By Bob Feldman | The Rag Blog | February 3, 2014 [With
all the dramatic activity in Egypt, Bob Feldman's Rag Blog "people's
history" series, "The Movement to Democratize … finish reading Bob Feldman:
A People’s History of Egypt, Part 15, 1952-1953
Haslam Takes from Some to Pay for Promise to Others
Governor Bill Haslam is desperate to appear as if he is doing something to
improve educational opportunity in a state that has a long history of
underfunding education and masking inequality with programs intended for
political gain rather than substantive results. The Governor's most recent
plan to for free tuition for students going to community college sounds
great until you notice that the program cuts current HOPE Scholarship
recipients enrolled in four year schools.
Before Haslam's new shell game was announced, HOPE recipients going to 4
year colleges could collect 6K per yea... more »
Japan jawbone duo ( PM Abe and BOJ Head Kuroda ) fail to break Japan red fever - Nikkei 225 off 498 ( 3.4 percent and falling faster than a kamikaze fighter ! )
Japanese Stocks In Freefall - TOPIX Plunges Almost 5% To 4-Month Lows
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/03/2014 23:46 -0500
- Bear Market
- Nikkei
- Real estate
Despite the hope-driven exuberance exhibited immediately post the
Abe/Kuroda show, the USDJPY-pumping stock-momentum fest has ended -
abruptly. Japan's Nikkei 225 has lost all its gains and is now trading
below US day-session lows (3-month lows) but it is the broader TOPIX index
(more akin to the S&P 500) that is collapsing. Down almost 5% on the day
(its biggest drop... more »
With none of the fanfare that accompanies their prediction of the global
temperature for the forthcoming year the Met Office has quietly released
the global temperature for 2013. It will come as no surprise after the 2013
temperatures released by NASA and NOAA that it shows the global temperature
standstill – now at 17 years – continues.
The temperature anomaly (above 14.0 deg C) for 2013 is 0.486 making 2013
the 8th warmest year. Statistically with errors of +/- 0.1 deg C ranking
the warmest years is meaningless, but it see... more »
Musical Interlude: Jean Michel Jarre, “Oxygen II”
Jean Michel Jarre, “Oxygen II”
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Why is the sky near Antares and Rho Ophiuchi so colorful? The colors
result from a mixture of objects and processes. Fine dust illuminated from
the front by starlight produces blue reflection nebulae. Gaseous clouds
whose atoms are excited by ultraviolet starlight produce reddish emission
nebulae. Backlit dust clouds block starlight and so appear dark.
*Click image for larger size.*
Antares, a red supergiant and one of the brighter stars in the night sky,
lights up the yellow-red clouds on the lower center. Rho Ophiuchi lies at
the center of the blue nebula near the top. The distan... more »
Chet Raymo, “Why Cranes Fly”
*“Why Cranes Fly”*
by Chet Raymo
"There were a few Comments here recently about herons, from right around
the world. What is the power of this bird to touch our minds and hearts?
The naturalist Aldo Leopold was intimately familiar with the cranes of
Wisconsin, cousins of our New England great blue heron, the Irish gray
heron, and Adam2's aosagi from Japan, and wondered about their ability to
move us so deeply. In A Sand County Almanac he watches as a crane "springs
his ungainly hulk into the air and flails the morning sun with mighty
wings." Our ability to perceive beauty in nature... more »
Philip Seymour Hoffman (1967-2014)
In many of his performances, Hoffman's characters bordered on either the
manic or depressive, but he brought a depth and intellectual honesty to
each of them beyond the lines of the script.
In his starring roles, his characters often took a darker course, in many
cases being the antihero.
"Hoffman isn't someone we want to be," Claire Dederer wrote of Mr.
Hoffman’s roles in Salon. "He's someone we want to be better than. Here is
an actor whose entire oeuvre can be described in one sentence: 'At least
I’m not that guy.' "
*-- from "Philip Seymour Hoffman, Oscar-winning actor, found ... more »
Obamacare network vulnerable to a Belarusian cyber attack ? Were any parts of the software written by programmers from Belarusia - if not , why did Valery Tsepkalo of Technology Park (HTP) in Minsk , indicate HHS was a client and identify where Belarusian programs were in place within the HHS systems ? Was there or was there not an Internet data “hijacking” last year involving Belarusian state-controlled networks ( the month-long diversion covertly rerouted massive amounts of U.S. Internet traffic to Belarus ) ?
The Belarusian Connection
Obamacare network vulnerable to cyber attack
[image: Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko with Russian President
Vladimir Putin / AP]
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko with Russian President Vladimir
Putin / AP
BY: Bill Gertz
February 3, 2014 8:11 pm
U.S. intelligence agencies last week urged the Obama administration to
check its new healthcare network for malicious software after learning that
developers linked to the Belarus government helped produce the website,
raising fresh concern... more »
The Poet: Lynn Ungar, “Boundaries”
“The universe does not revolve around you.
The stars and planets spinning
through the ballroom of space
dance with one another
quite outside of your small life.
You cannot hold gravity or seasons;
even air and water
inevitably evade your grasp.
Why not, then, let go?
You could move through time
like a shark through water,
neither restless or ceasing,
absorbed in and absorbing the native element.
Why pretend you can do otherwise?
The world comes in at every pore,
mixes in your blood before
breath releases you into the world again.
Did you think the fragile boundary of yo... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Santee, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
FREE Download: Edward Bernays, “Propaganda,”
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and
opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those
who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible
government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed,
our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by
men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which
our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must
cooperate in this manner if they are t... more »
"Face It..."
"Facing it, always facing it, that's the way to get through. Face it."
- Joseph Conrad
Gold news and views - February 3 , 2014 - Key articles from GATA , Koos Jansen and Jesse's Crossroads Cafe touching on the precious metal - with a view toward China , COMEX and Central Bank manipulation attempts .....
Don't pretend that the gold market is anything but central banking's most
desperate project
Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2014-02-03 23:11. Section: Daily Dispatches
8:09p SRT Monday, February 3, 2014
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
The Perth Mint's Bron Suchecki today evaluates the prospects for gold bank
runs in a fractional-reserve gold banking system. His commentary is
headlined "Fractional Reserve Bullion Banking and Gold Bank Runs -- the
Setup" and it's posted at his Internet site, Gold Chat, here: more »
Satire: “Coke’s Wild Assertion That Other Languages Exist Stirs Controversy”
*“Coke’s Wild Assertion That Other Languages Exist Stirs Controversy”*
by Andy Borowitz
ATLANTA (The Borowitz Report)— “The Coca-Cola Company ignited a firestorm
of controversy on Sunday with a Super Bowl ad that appeared to make the
inflammatory claim that other languages besides English exist. From coast
to coast, viewers reacted with outrage and horror to what many were calling
the most incendiary Super Bowl ad in history.
“I was enjoying the Super Bowl with my family, and suddenly, out of
nowhere, comes this ad suggesting that there are other languages that
aren’t English,” sai... more »
NYS PTA: We want your two dollars (but not your input.) #PTA
Let me start this post out by saying that as an educator and parent the
local PTA groups in the districts I am involved with are amazing. The
volunteers of the PTA do so much to enhance the experiences of our
children. We cannot thank active local PTA members enough for all they do
for […]
healthy slow-cooker recipe of the week: i finally make delicious lentil soup, thanks to you
Last summer, I asked for help in turning my drab lentil soup into something
more yummy and enticing. Thanks to wmtc readers, I've done it. Yesterday
for the first time, I made lentil soup that I will actually look forward to
eating (as opposed to tolerating because I made it and don't want to throw
it out).
Here's what I did.
I switched from chicken stock to beef stock.
I took out the celery and added mushrooms.
I added something acidic, in the form of the tiniest drop of Tabasco sauce.
This made an appreciable difference, and now I understand why soup recipes
often call for a spl... more »
Despite at least 17.7 million spent on security including snipers hidden in the Football Stadium , bomb sniffing dogs , 700 hundred extra troopers , a 24 hour FBI Command Center , TSA Agents , Chopper patrols , a No Fly Zone and patrons running a gauntlet that involved 5 separate check on credentials - how did this joker ( Mills ) embarrass all of those PROs by crashing a post game press conference with ease ? And what if Mills carried a bomb and detonated it on live TV ?
Super Bowl Hijack Proves Government Cannot Protect You
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Twitter][image: Alex Jones'
Facebook][image: Infowars store]
Man penetrates multi-million dollar security ring with excuses and fake pass
*Paul Joseph Watson*
February 3, 2014
The much vaunted multi-million dollar security ring put in place at
taxpayer expense for this year’s Super Bowl was easily penetrated by a man
with a fake pass and an excuse that he was “late for work,” yet another
example o... more »
Alan Waldman : ‘The Sandbaggers’ was a gripping, very realistic Brit spy thriller series
Roy Marsden starred as a spymaster facing both dangerous foreign threats
and agonizing political backstabbing. By Alan Waldman | The Rag Blog |
February 3, 2014 [In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of his
favorite films and TV … finish reading Alan Waldman :
‘The Sandbaggers’ was a gripping, very realistic Brit spy thriller series
ABC Australia Exposes Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drug Scam and Pharmaceutical Criminal Activity
While the corruption of Big Pharma and the medical machine is no new news
for most of us, this is a vitally important piece of information coming
from a main stream media outlet.
If you have friends or family that have been battling "high cholesterol"
who won't listen to you as you try to warn them about the danger of Statin
drugs, this might be the first piece of media driven information that might
help get them to ask questions and to research and to listen.
ABC Australia Exposes Cholesterol-low... more »
“Guillotine Time”
*“Guillotine Time”*
by Will Durst
“F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote that the rich are different from us. To
which Hemingway indirectly snorted, “Yes, they have more money. And now
seems like a good time to offer up a few words of sympathy for the rich.
Because our wealthy brothers and sisters are going through some tough
times. Not financially. No, no, no. They’re doing pretty good on that end.
Last year the stock market shot higher than the 4:20 break at a Denver pot
dispensary on Jerry Garcia’s birthday.
The fortunate among us are comfortable alright, but becoming increasingly ... more »
The Fight For Equality Is On-Going-- Just Ask Mike Honda And Carol Shea Porter
If you come to *DWT* on any kind of a regular basis, you probably know I'm
not a big Obama fan. In fact, voted for Jill Stein in 2012. But one area
where President Obama *has* managed to move the ball forward, in the face
of unrelenting and concerted Republican opposition, has been in regard to
LGBT equality. Who would have thought back in 2008 we would come so far!
The LGBT community were unprepared to take anything like than a YES for
Democrats and their voices-- and campaign contributions-- spoke very
loudly. Other communities that have gotten the short end of the stick from
so... more »
The Kingfisher and Johann Hari
As a rather heavy post is up next (actually I wrote it first), here's a
great poem to lift the spirits (hopefully) by Victorian Jesuit poet Gerard
Manley Hopkins. I felt the need to post it tonight.
*The Kingfisher*
As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies draw flame;
As tumbled over rim in roundy wells
Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell's
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
Selves — goes itself; myself it speaks and spells,
Crying Whát I dó is me: for th... more »
Veterans are outraged. Now they need to do what they once did best. Lead. Part 2.
is a commonly held misconception that all members of Canada's armed
services and, by extension, discharged veterans are Conservative
supporters. That, of course, is simply not true on more than one plane.
What is true, is that many voted for Harper and his uber-right-wing
thugs based on a load of false propaganda, seriously limited
information, and for purely selfish reasons, (which is why
“50 Reasons We Should Fear the Worst from Fukushima”
*“50 Reasons We Should Fear the Worst from Fukushima”*
by Harvey Wasserman
“Fukushima’s missing melted cores and radioactive gushers continue to
fester in secret. Japan’s harsh dictatorial censorship has been matched by a
global corporate media blackout aimed—successfully—at keeping Fukushima out
of the public eye. But that doesn’t keep the actual radiation out of our
ecosystem, our markets… or our bodies.
Speculation on the ultimate impact ranges from the utterly harmless to the
intensely apocalyptic. But the basic reality is simple: for seven decades,
government Bomb factories a... more »
In Defence of White Dee
If I was a different person, on occasion I might have moralised about
Richard Desmond. Words could have fallen onto my keyboard denouncing his
objectification of women, of plastering his publications with a feminine
body ideal that causes anxiety and misery to many women of all ages, of
inculcating a very narrow view of womanhood among his mainly male
customers, and for taking an unacceptable creepy tone as the stipulated
house standard. *And that's before you get to Desmond's porn titles*. Well,
Desmond flogged the porn a while back but his trajectory since has been far
more repre... more »
Ukraine affair displays ‘absolute disconnect in US foreign policy’ - sadly , just one example of various disconnects in US foreign policy.......Without even examining our policy mistakes in Syria ( well documented ) , let's check just a few glaring and inconsistent developments that have happened lately with Iran , Afghanistan and Iraq....
Catharsis Ours - 19 hours ago
Ukraine affair displays ‘absolute disconnect in US foreign policy’
Get short URL
Published time: February 01, 2014 03:45
[image: US Secretary of State John Kerry (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialovsky)]
US Secretary of State John Kerry (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialovsky)
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Mass media, Meeting, Opposition,Politics, Protest, USA, Ukraine, Violence
Ukraine unrest has a serious geopolitical dimension rooted in the EU
Association Agreement, which stipulates Kiev’s collaboration with NATO,
exec director of the Ron Paul Institut... more »
VIDEO New Zealand's Tribute to Zapatistas 20 Years in Photos
in New Zealand honours the Zapatista uprising and achievements
By Enlace Zapatista
Censored News
In New Zealand, The Wellington Zapatista Support Group has organised a
photograph exhibition to commemorate to 20th anniversary of the EZLN
uprising in Chiapas, to celebrate their achievements and honour their
struggle, their
“4 Shocking Examples of American Inequality”
*“4 Shocking Examples of American Inequality”*
by Paul Buchheit
“Inequality is a cancer on society, here in the U.S. and across the globe.
It keeps growing. But humanity seems helpless against it, as if it's an
alien force that no one understands, even as the life is being gradually
drained from its victims. The recent Oxfam report on global wealth
inequality reveals some of the ugly extremes that have divided our world.
It also directs our attention to the Global Wealth Report compiled by
Credit Suisse, and the companion Databook, which offer a shocking testament
to the severity o... more »
Quote of the Day: On Changing the World
“If you are seriously interested in fighting for a better world, begin by
identifying the nature
of the problem. The battle is primarily intellectual (*philosophical*), not
political. Politics is the
last consequence, the practical implementation, of the fundamental
epistemological-ethical) ideas that dominate a given nation's culture. You
cannot fight or
change the consequences without fighting and changing the cause; nor can
you attempt
any practical implementation without knowing what you want to implement.
“In an intellectual battle, you do not need to co... more »
The Super Bowl: Bread and Circuses for a Rotting America
In what will be remembered as without a doubt the worst Super Bowl in
history in which the Seattle Seahawks stomped the hell out of the putrid
Denver Broncos and their record setting offense it is too often lost on how
the game has come to exemplify the grossest of excesses of The Homeland.
The hype is always enormous, more so this year given the matchup of the
best offense versus best defense in the NFL and the likely coronation of
Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning as the best ever. The 43-8 final score
is deceptive of the thorough ass-whipping administered by the angry birds
... more »
Deep tweets
I don't find this surprising at all. The super-wealthy have always hedged
their bets on politics and this is pocket change for Ms. Walton.
By far most surprising thing in year-end filings is Alice Walton giving
$25K to @ReadyForHillary. She has been a major GOP super pac donor.
— Nick Confessore (@nickconfessore) February 3, 2014
Guessing Alice is still contributing heavily to GOP super pacs, probably in
far greater amounts via the various dark money vehicles spawned by Citizens
Zernike changes her basic account again!
*On Morning Joe, total confusion:* Normally, we don’t watch Morning Joe.
We’re elsewhere, drinking coffee.
This morning, we happened to watch during the program’s first half hour.
Nicolle Wallace was trying to nail down some basic facts about the Christie
As she did, she made some basic presumptions which seem to be widespread
among the pundit class. In the exchange shown below, she explains what Team
Christie should have said in response to David Wildstein this weekend.
In the highlighted statement, Wallace makes a common pair of presumptions. ... more »
(Syngenta Orchestrated) The Herbicide Atrazine Causes Frogs To Grow Both Male and Female Genitalia (Or Multiple Testes) Feel Strange Yet?
Liu and several other former students said that they had remained skeptical
of Hayes’s accusations until last summer, when an article appeared in
Environmental Health News that drew on Syngenta’s internal records.
Hundreds of Syngenta’s memos, notes, and e-mails have been unsealed
following the settlement, in 2012, of two class-action suits brought by
twenty-three Midwestern cities and
Morocco Diary #4
Andalusian Lamp - Ceuta, Spain
Photo by Caleb Skinner
*Morocco Diary #4*
February 3, 2013
*by American Kabuki*
Time for another Moroccan Diary update!
We've come through the worst of the winter and seem to be heading into
warmer and sunnier days. We still get brief periods of high winds and rain
but nothing quite a severe as December. There has been some chemtrails
here, which doesn't often happen in Morocco. Rumor has it the government
has paid for weather modification chemtrails to get water to agriculture in
the Rif mountains. Heather showed me how to erase them by using my ha... more »
*Alex Salmond, leader of the Scottish National Party. (Photo Peter
Scotland's GDP per head is bigger than that of France and bigger than that
of the rest of the UK.
*Even pro-unionists accept that the country has all the ingredients to be a
viable state* - Financial Times, February 2, 2014
Scotland has 8.3 per cent of the UK population and produces 9.2 per cent of
its gross domestic product.
Oil, whisky and a huge range of manufactured goods mean an independent
Scotland would be one of *the world’s top exporters*.
An independent Scotland could expect to start with hea... more »
Beyond Belief. Is beyond belief.
Thanks to all the time I've (wasted) spent listening to the BBC, I think
I'm becoming quite well-versed in Islamic disputes, Islamic history, the
politics of Muslim nations, the tenets of Islam, the aims of Islamism, etc.
I suspect I'm far from alone in that.
Today's *Beyond Belief *(BBC Radio 4, 4.30pm) introduced me to something
new though: The Ahmedi Community - a 12 million-strong religious movement
which regards itself as Muslim, but which mainstream Muslims regard as
being completely outside the fold of Islam.
The Ahmedis' main offence in the eyes of mainstream Muslims is ... more »
Thoughts for the Brain
Here’s a nice little blog post about intellectual property, open
government, resource management and democracy. California is the largest
state in the American union, both demographically and economically. It has
a number of large, world-cities and could quite easily exist as a country
in its own right.
The majority of the state has either a Mediterranean or desert climate. The
upshot of this is the climate/landscape is dominated by low frequency high
intensity events. It is difficult to project a reliable average for, say,
sunlight, wind or rainfall, when most years fall way outsid... more »
Are you on the 8 million troublemakers list?
John Wayne
[image: John Wayne]
Intel will be posted when allowed. John MacHaffie
http... more »
Veterans are outraged. Now they need to do what they once did best. Lead. Part 1.
is no doubt Canadian veterans have been treated in the most vile way
possible by one of the most ignorant people in the Harper government.
Julian Fantino has demonstrated, quite clearly, that he feels a greater
duty to his benefactor, Harper, than he does to the armed services
veterans his department is mandated to assist. In fact, his recent
behaviour demonstrates a total disdain for
Criticizing KIPP Critics
Criticizing KIPP Critics. via Criticizing KIPP Critics.Filed under: PAUL
THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Some food for thought...
and we thank him.
Let's "Stick" Together Valentine with Free Printable
[image: Housewife Eclectic: Let's "Stick" Together Valentine with free
If your young children are anything like mine, they are obsessed with
stickers. This Valentine is perfect for getting their creativity going and
letting them decorate the Valentine or other paper.
You will need:
- The Printable Valentine at the end of this post
- Scissors
- Sheets of stickers
- Tape or stapler
[image: Housewife Eclectic: Let's "Stick" Together Valentine with free
I found these huge sheets of stickers at the dollar store, if you cut them
in the natural white s... more »
SUSY as a balanced budget amendment
*Off-topic* (via W. Zajc): Dennis Overbye of NYT wrote an article about
\(1+2+3+\dots = -1/12\) which looks sort of decent to me. He's generally a
very good science writer, I think. The cartoon is also amusing and, when
interpreted correctly, insightful.
Just a link. Kyle Cranmer of NYU (and ATLAS) at Quantum Diaries develops a
fun analogy between the government and the Higgs naturalness:
The Higgs Boson: A Natural Disaster!
The tax revenues are the positive contributions to the Higgs squared mass,
the government expenses are the negative contributions. The budget surplus
or def... more »
Thailand: Sham Elections Unravel in Humiliation
Less than half the nation bothers to vote at polling stations uninterrupted
by protests indicating a vote of no confidence in both the current regime,
or the so-called "democratic process" it presides over.
*Image: Nepotist-appointed proxy PM Yingluck Shinawatra, sister of deposed
dictator Thaksin Shinawatra would complete the humiliation of the regime's
sham elections February 2, 2014, by placing her ballot witlessly into the
wrong box. She would then blame election officials for misdirecting her in
yet another display of serial deferral of personal responsibility. *
*Febr... more »
*McCain in pain in Ukraine.*
"The violence on the streets of Ukraine ... is merely the latest example of
the rise of the most insidious form of fascism that Europe has seen since
the fall of the Third Reich."
In December 2013, John McCain and Victoria Nuland were seen in Ukraine
lending their support to the 'fascist' protesters.
*Ukraine and the Rebirth of Fascism in Europe* - Eric Draitser, January 31,
shirlz007 suggests that some of these Ukranian fascists have been trained
by the French Foreign Legion.
There is a struggle between Russia and the USA-NATO for 'control' of... more »
Why Political Types In DC Don't Seem To Ever Know Anything About America
The Inland Empire is represented in Congress by wanna-be Confederate
General Gary Miller, a multimillionaire real estate swindler
There are 4 serious candidates in the Inland Empire house race (CA-31),
reactionary Arkansas Republican incumbent Gary Miller, progressive activist
Eloise Reyes, former Congressman Joe Baca (Blue Dog), and the Steve
Israel/DCCC recruit and last cycle's big loser, Pete Aguilar. As we
mentioned recently, the DCCC put out some crazy story that Aguilar lost--
in a deep blue district-- not because he's an abysmal candidate but because
he was too grief-stricken ... more »
Snow Days
Snow days are good for lesson plans.
Lesson in Democracy 101.
How can we save our schools if grassroots education activists can't endorse
or support candidates running for public office?
This in my in box from Save Our Schools March and National Call to Action.
The love fest is over. The high stakes have gotten too high.
If SOS can not support Network for Public Education which has political
clout and candidates, it is worthless. Stop wasting your time people and
start endorsing candidates who support public education like di Blasio in
NY and other in your state, city, county, and ... more »
*Drilling and Able: Nola Defender Talks to John Barry About Coastal
Restoration as "Issue of Our Lifetime" ~Christopher Staudinger*
JPMorganChase Frauds: American Corruption Success Story? (Epic in Scale, Unprecedented in World History)
I think William K. Black is one of the finest American patriots who has
ever lived. I'd rank him right behind Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. He
does us a further service by clarifying what we've lost as a
democratically-inspired country illustrated by the
JPMorganChase/Obama/Jamie Dimon lovefest debacle. I may be overspeaking,
but Black is the real deal. In a world of shadows. Ellen
Breitbart "offended" by America the Beautiful Coke commercial...
Executives at Coca Cola thought it was a good idea to run a 60-second Super
Bowl ad featuring children singing "America the Beautiful" – a deeply
Christian patriotic anthem whose theme is unity – in several foreign
languages. The ad also prominently features a gay couple. read the rest at Breitbart
Number one - it is not a "deeply Christian patriotic anthem."
There is some question whether the author, Katharine Lee Bates, was even a
Christian. She wrote the song while teaching for a summer in Colorado.
One day, some of the other teachers and I decided to go on a trip to... more »
Birds of a Feather~John Miller & Ali Soufan
Is it just me or does this bring media spin to a whole new levelWordgeezer
Feb 2, 2014
Ali Soufan, CEO of the Soufan Group has obvious ties to the main stream
media as well as to the corporations who seem to be in control of the US
government, He also has affiliations with the FBI, defense industries, etc.
.John Miller has affiliations with the FBI and at the same time, during his
interview with Bin Laden in 1998, he was a reporter for ABC News. Miller is
now working as Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence of the NYPD, after a
stint with CBS News where he was a senior corre... more »
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