Tuesday, February 25, 2014

25 Feb - The View

Enron Bosses gave MILLIONS of dollars to the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden....Bet you won't hear this story on the mainstream media again....

Where do you think the future of our food supply is headed? ‪#‎Food‬ ‪#‎FoodSupply‬ ‪#‎Local‬ ‪#‎OrganicFood‬ ‪#‎Quote‬

What if you & your family were left behind by industry, with no job and no money? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bhwbIs3Y4w

If allowed, a new system of government ruled by corporate will, with laws to protect corporations from citizens falls into place. If you think they dictate now, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Robert Reich
What’s the difference between non-profit organizations and for-profit corporations? When it comes to what they pay their top executives, not much. But because non-profits don’t have to pay income taxes, you and I and other taxpayers in effect subsidize those high salaries. It was just revealed, for example, that Roger Goodell, commissioner of the National Football League, took home $44.2 million in 2012. The rest of us subsidized that exorbitant salary because the NFL is non-profit and tax-exempt. Seems to me that any so-called “non-profit” that pays its top executives more than 10 times the American median wage should lose its tax-exempt status. What do you think?

Something truly remarkable happened in the ACT today.

The ACT parliament this afternoon passed a piece of landmark legislation which banned some of farming’s cruellest practices – the use of battery cages, sow stalls, farrowing crates and debeaking.

This legislation sets an important national precedent but more than that, it recognises that the quality of these animals’ lives matters. That they are not machines and that the law should protect them from suffering.

SHARE this post and help us spread the good news.

Get the full story on the factory farming ban here: http://www.voiceless.org.au/content/animal-law-spotlight-act-factory-farming-ban

Foreign Company Tries To Seize U.S. Land For Keystone Pipeline - TransCanada TRP -0.02%, a foreign company based in Alberta, Canada decided to use an amendment to the United States Constitution to seize private American citizens’ property to avoid regulators and build the controversial Keystone Pipeline.
Albertans Are Abandoning Their Homes Due to Toxic Air - Residents blame bitumen emissions for their seizures and shakes, eye twitches, muscle pain and spasms, numbness, crippling headaches, dizziness, nausea, loss of balance, short and long-term memory loss, slurred speech, slowed thought, loss of hearing, shallow breathing, blackouts, swelling, sinus irritation, metallic taste, no sense of smell, nosebleeds, blood in urine, rectal bleeding, chronic heart burn, insomnia, inability to stay awake, intoxication, sedation, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, weeping, weight loss, sweating profusely, hot and cold flashes, and bruising. The exact long-term impacts of exposure are unknown, though detected compounds like benzene and toluene may lead to MS, dementia, Parkinson’s, or cancer. Worse still, those who sought help have only found corruption. Industry and government mislead them, labs skewed air test results, and doctors refused to diagnose them. The Alberta Energy Regulator oversees Alberta’s oil patch and is “100 percent funded by industry”. It essentially allows Peace River companies to regulate themselves. And living in a town where almost everybody works for the oil industry, those speaking out have become outsiders; they are the bearers of an unpopular truth.

TNRA podcast 19 February 2014 - Schapelle Corby is a political prisoner

In today's show we look at the latest developments in the unfolding drama over Schapelle Corby's release and her plans to give an interview on Channel 7.

We examine the real reasons behind the Australian Federal Police raid on the offices of Channel 7 which was ostensibly in relation to enforcing the laws against proceeds of crime. In reality this is an act of intimidation which is highly indicative of criminal motives within the AFP itself, and we go into some of the reasons why this might be the case.

We also take a look at the latest developments int he spying scandal between Australia and Indonesia and how this may be connected with the Corby case.


Chemtrails are a huge logistical operation. Larger than the hoover dam, trans-alaska pipeline or moon landing. Its large. And expensive. The biggest mistake one can make is assuming there is only one reason for chemtrails. There are about five or six reasons and possibly more. The top six are listed below with a brief summary. This web site is concerned with the last.
Blocking the Sun: This is the standard reason given to idiots in the government. We need to secretly stop global warming, so keep it a secret that we’re spraying. Global warming is the catch all con for everyone in the government. If you’re smarter than this they’ll give you a better reason.
Blocking the Sun (Again): A reduction in sun light across the planet works well to decrease crop yields slightly. This is part of the requirement to engineer a food crisis and bring in a famine. This is tied in with the disappearing bees too but this site does not get into that.
Superheating the Atmosphere: In order to create earthquakes and steer hurricanes (for example hurricane Katrina in New Orleans) the atmosphere needs to be more conductive for electricity so installations such as HAARP can work their magic. So the chemtrails spray barium and aluminum among other things to create a more conductive upper atmosphere.
Health Erosion: As a side effect everyone’s health and immune systems become more compromised. This is usually not an issue for most healthy people. Older people on average will now die sooner and any health complication is slightly more likely to be fatal. This is both a side effect of spraying and intentional. Anything to increase the kill rate without raising many alarm bells.
Climate Modification: To help or hurt crops, keep skys clear for a major event (like the Olympics), cause a typhoon, etc.
Nano-fiber Propagation: To universally install a BioAPI in everyone they need to spray nano-fibers. These fibers cannot be put into the food supply or given in some other way, the uptake across the population would take forever and not propagate very efficiently. It’s much easier just to spray everyone like an insect; and because it’s happening to everyone and universal the herd mentality of the unwashed masses then justifies it.
Did you know that the U.S. military is engaged in spying on antiwar activists? Watch our report.

Vaccination Information Network (VINE)'s photo.
Poster for Veterans.
 A clause muzzling investigators in the Conservatives’ new election act could prevent Elections Canada from ever reporting on the outcome of its investigation into fraudulent and deceptive calls in the 2011 campaign.


Isn't "not enough electoral fraud to challenge election results" a little bit like "not enough malpractice to kill the patient?" Do we take fraud seriously or not as a matter of principle, and if not, why not?


Here's what you need to know about the bill.


So here we've got the perfect definition of conflict of interest, the equivalent of expecting criminals to objectively improve the legal system they have a vested interest in depowering.


And of course it's tremendously reassuring that the representative bringing the bill forward opened by lying to the commons and all the citizens of the nation about consulting with Elections Canada about it.

Our Time's photo.
the judicial industry..
It’s time to legalize it


Have you ever wondered where old, used-up ‪#‎wind‬ turbines go to die? Turns out many don't. Instead, they get refurbished and resold for a discount, often to developing nations. A niche market is born.

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