10:33pm MST
*Sean Connery (acting)*
The newspaper* Scotland on Sunday* has produced its annual* Pink Scotland
List. *
The Scots have always been pretty gay, or bixsexual.
*King James I* (and VI) had a number of male lovers, including: Robert
Carr, 1st Earl of Somerset, and George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham.
*Rabbie Burns* had his reputed homosexual relationship.
Robert Burns.
*Sir Walter Scott* liked gay characters. In Redguantlet, Darsie writes, "my
love for Alan Fairford surpasses the love of woman."
Darsie Latimer
*Cardinal Keith O'Brien (above) was in long-term gay relationship.... more »
Weapons Wall Street Uses To Manipulate US and Tennessee Titanic Sinks
I had an essay that I'd worked on for over six hours today before it was
eaten whole by the Blogger dog. Sorry. I'll try to recover it as much as
possible tomorrow. In its stead, we can ponder again how the stock market
has been so manipulated by the owners of industry that no one in our
nation's non-super-rich citizenry should expect fair play from it. Or it
could just be voodoo. (H/t to
Has Steve Israel Been Foiled In His Attempt To Sneak Homophobic Blue Dog Chris Carney Back Into Congress?
When I lived in Stroudsburg, it was part of PA-11 and the congressman was a
crooked old Wall Street Democrat, Paul Kanjorski. Back then the PVI was D+5
and Bush only managed to win 43% against Gore in 2000 and 47% against Kerry
4 years later. When Pennsylvania's avatar of xenophobia and racism, Lou
Barletta first ran against Kanjorski in 2002, Kanjorski beat him 56-42%.
Barletta was back in 2008 and made it much closer-- 52-48%. And then the
Republican legislature did a major gerrymandering routine with giving
Barletta, then the KKK hero mayor of Hazelton, a safe perch from which t... more »
Is A Vegan Diet Healthy?
[image: Is A Vegan Diet Healthy?]
Before giving up animal products, I imagined vegans to be lean, fit, and
healthy people. I had visions of charging up the side of a mountain with
endless energy and never, ever, having to count calories or watch what I
ate. During my first month without meat, my vision was becoming a reality.
I felt great, lost weight and ate as much as I wanted. Veganism was the
panacea ... the ultimate diet for weight control and health.
And then, a strange thing began to happen. The weight I had lost began
creeping back on. The energy I was enjoying ebbed a bit an... more »
Think Your Local TV News Is Local? Think Again
ht to Alternet.
Updates On Syria [2.16]: Brahimi Apologizes To The Syrian People For Geneva II Failure, Israhell Treats Jihadist Terrorists Wounded In Syria
*1. An excerpt from, "Brahimi's apology" by Clovis Maksoud, Al-Monitor,
February 16:*
Prompting Brahimi’s apology to the Syrian people was the “process” of both
Geneva I and II, which constituted motion without movement — a precise
description of the futility that characterized these so-called negotiations.
The deadlock of the two Syrian parties should provide an impetus to act
jointly, not just as power brokers for a speedy solution, but to uphold the
doctrine of responsibility to protect civilians and coordinate with the
United Nations to effectively end the growing humanitarian t... more »
Weather is a daily occurrence, climate is a daily conditon
H/T Mound of Sound
60 Minutes, bought sold and paid for?
The initial reaction of the fighter pilot community to their new aircraft
was lukewarm. Between its massive dimensions and troubled early service
life, the F-105 had garnered a number of uncomplimentary nicknames. In
addition to the aforementioned "Thud", nicknames included the "Squat
Bomber", "Lead Sled", and the "Hyper Hog" and/or "Ultra Hog".[38] The
aircraft's offensive capabilities were sarcastically referred to as a
"Triple Threat" — it could bomb you, strafe you, or fall on you.
The question is if 60 Minutes was doing infomercials, who would be paying
the freight? The contro... more »
Academic Family Tree
Almost exactly three years ago, Patrick Thaddeus Jackson blogged “Who’s
Your Grand-Advisor? Crowdsourcing an IR lineage map” at the Duck. Patrick
was searching for an academic family tree website with a focus on
international relations: I did a little digging and thus far have been
completely unable to locate something that I would have thought
Continue reading
Food Watch: Hasn't the bacon thing by now gone a little too far? ("A little"? How about A LOT?)
*by Ken*
I had it in mind to do yet another bitch-slap session on Food Network, this
time focusing on *Food Network Magazine*, which somehow I didn't catch up
with until the last couple of years. (Regular publication began in 2009.)
I've had a strange experience with *FNM*. I found my first few issues
really exciting, but beyond the first half-dozen or so I found myself going
through the motions, and lately I've found I can breeze through issues in a
single 10- or 15-minute sitting, with very little I feel the need to go
back to.
And now comes the "Bacon Issue" (March).
During t... more »
Propaganda, Plagiarism, and Public Misleading on CREDO (Reprise)
The corporate charter industry is working every angle to put the best
makeup on the CREDO charter study of 2013. And "news coverage" in
Tennessee shows their efforts paying off.
Two examples of Tennessee media “coverage” of the 2013 CREDO charter
school study are provided below, and as you can see, they are both lifted
from the Tennessee Charter Schools Association blog post. Who said blogs
are not respected sources of information!?
The blog post, of course, is the typical self-serving propaganda we have
come to expect from the charter school promotion groups, especially the
bare... more »
Japan GDP Biggest Miss In 18 Months; Slowest Growth Since Before Second Coming Of Abe
Japan GDP Biggest Miss In 18 Months; Slowest Growth Since Before Second
Coming Of Abe
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2014 19:13 -0500
- Bank of Japan
- Bond
- Gross Domestic Product
- Hayman Capital
- Japan
- Kyle Bass
- Kyle Bass
- Monetization
- Reality
- Sovereign Debt
- Yen
Get long 'Depends' may be the most befitting headline for tonight's massive
macro miss in Japan. For th... more »
UAW loses organization drive at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga , Tennessee ..... Key takeaway -- The UAW is almost certain to challenge the vote with the National Labor Relations Board because of potentially influencing comments made by Republican lawmakers and anti-union groups in recent days. U.S. Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) suggested that Volkswagen would reward Tennessee by bringing production of a new car to the factory if voters rejected forming a union. The automaker denied the claim. About 165 workers, or 11%, didn't vote.......... Volkswagen said it stayed neutral through the process, even welcoming UAW representatives to speak to employees inside the factory. "Whatever the result, workers and Volkswagen should feel proud of how they conducted themselves," the UAW said on Twitter as votes were being counted Friday night. The union also said the "outside interference was an outrage."
Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago
Tennessee VW workers REJECT unionization bid by UAW
People around Chattanooga, Tennessee have been on pins and needles this
past week, awaiting the results of a vote by workers at the Volkswagen
manufacturing plant in their area deciding whether or not they would invite
United Auto Workers into their town to organize workers. The wait is over,
and the workers have told the giant auto workers ‘ union to pack sand.
Workers at a Volkswagen f... more »
這是一個公關噱頭擦亮奧巴馬的形象,和一些貧困笨蛋在巴基斯坦得到了交口稱讚: 如何方便,考慮到烏薩馬本拉登在2001年十二月死於自然原因!
*The great 1928 flood of London*
*Floods are nothing new for the Thames*
In 1928 the Thames flooded much of central London, with fatal consequences.
It was the last time the heart of the UK's capital has been under water.
How did the city cope and what has changed?
It was after midnight when the river burst its banks. Most Londoners slept
as the floodwaters gushed into some of the nation's grandest buildings and
submerged many of city's narrowest slum streets under 4ft of water.
The Houses of Parliament, the Tate Gallery and the Tower of London were all
swamped. So too, tragically... more »
How Special-Interest Groups Benefit from Minimum Wage Laws
*Guest post by Gary Galles*
Those campaigning for a “living wage,” or a substantial jump in the minimum
wage, all assert that the purpose is to help working families.
Unfortunately, careful students of the evidence come to a different
conclusion. As Mark Wilson summarises it, “evidence from a large number of
academic studies suggests that minimum wage increases don’t reduce poverty
Some workers lose jobs (high minimum-wage places have among the highest
unemployment rates); others have hours cut. The least-skilled get competed
out of the jobs that remain (e.g., the minimu... more »
Why UKIP Will Not Die
Ideas are very hard to kill, especially if they're adhered to by a swathe
of the population. Among other things, that's what political parties are
(officially) about. There are certain principles or collections of ideas
espoused by different organisations. Sometimes they're bundled up in
coalitions of like-minds, like the Conservatives and Labour. Sometimes
they're spotless and pure - step forward the sects on the far left and the
far right. And, on occasion, a party can act as a lightning rod of
discontent born of a variety of grumbles. That mantle, once the preserve of
the Libera... more »
Aluminum: Neurotoxin from Hell
I have been studying the effects of Aluminum on humans for a long time now,
and in my ever continuing endeavor to educate people on the dangers of
vaccines, aluminum has always been the key culprit in the danger zone.
A few months ago I wrote an article linking Aluminum in vaccines AND
chemtrails as a deliberate attempt by the Powers That Were to block effects
of solar rays on our planets consciousness.
One of the very blatant dots that has been reinforced over and over is that
the world "Governments" are completely aware of ALL of this and doing
everything in their power to Stop ... more »
Some thoughts on #edTPA: Guest Post by Celia Oyler
Celia made the these observations on Facebook in response to the article
listed below that appeared in the Times Union. Student teachers in New York
face daunting new exams The other fall out is that quite a few excellent
beginning teachers are choosing NOT to get certified in the state of New
York. Quite a […]
Why do we fight when all around us collaborate?
Why do we fight? Is it because by doing so we make ourselves popular with
those who control our nations, thus gaining an easier life? Hardly! We
fight because we have a deep and unshakable sense of duty towards our kin,
even in the face of their opposition to our efforts to save them from
forces which they refuse to acknowledge.
By treading the path we follow, we have embraced hardship. We find doors
slammed shut, which would be open if only we would commit treason against
our blood. For daring to utter forbidden truth, we find ourselves
blacklisted from comfortable employment. Not... more »
The CIA, the Military & Drugs- a dot connecting resource
The info contained at the site below relates to, or can help fill in, so
many blanks I couldn't even begin to address when I put up the post: Phillip
Seymour Hoffman & the Military /Terror/Drug & Banking Complex
[image: Philip Seymour-Hoffman won a Best Actor Oscar for his role as
Truman Copote, the brilliant but tortured American writer whose life
provided perfect fodder for American cinema.]As Capote
*You might wish to hang on to this site, book mark it, as a resource.*
I am going to link it in the sidebar permanently
There is hours and hours of listening. I have gotten through the... more »
My March Speaking Schedule
How cool is it to be able to write such a post title? I have two events in
March, both out-of-state (i.e., not in Louisiana). First, I will be a
panelist at the first Network for Public Education Conference in Austin,
Texas, on Saturday, March 1 and Sunday, March 2. I am scheduled to be on a
Northern Europe's Secret Economic Weapon
*Black is USA, Brown Norway, and Grey Mexico.*
Its no secret at home, but you will never hear a hug a thug proclaimer come
to the logical conclusion. Build a crime free society and its a positive
economic snowball. Yes the opposite is true. Imagine the economic cost of
defending Israel. Imagine the economic liberty of peace in the middle east.
I am not saying peace at any cost, I am not saying peace in possible, just
what a blessing peace would be.
Sunday Classics: Today we hear the whole of Beethoven's grand, stirring "Archduke" Trio
*The Atos Trio plays the beautiful third-movement Andante cantabile of
Beethoven's Archduke Trio in Berlin's Joseph-Joachim-Saal, December 2011.*
*by Ken*
As I mentioned in last night's preview, a piece dear to my heart popped
into my head yesterday, and it was extremely welcome, because I think of it
as, for want of a better way of putting it, a "good new" piece. I love it
end to end, but I especially love that magisterial opening given to the
piano. Once upon a time, way back when, I picked up a used copy of the
piano part of the complete Beethoven piano trios for $5, and was sho... more »
Radionuclides in Our Food NOT Safe, At Any Level
Enenews has a worrying headline based on data from the California
Department of Public Health:
Gov’t Test: Cattle feed at California dairy farm had 300 pCi/kg of
radioactive cesium after Fukushima; 9-month gap between when sample
harvested and when received by lab — New UC Berkeley study reveals over
3,500 pCi/kg of cesium deposited on nearby roadside
headline is sourced with two citations:
A... more »
*I'm tired of the militarization of our police force, the glorification of
the military and the humanization of war at the expense of peace, altruism
and social cooperation ~ which also happen to be the driving tenets of
evolution. It's time for a dramatic chance and millions, including myself,
are now rightfully saying give peace a chance: Allen L Roland*
*'A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in
their mission can alter the course of history.' **Mohandas K. Gandhi*
*We are beyond talk, it's time for action for there is no change wit... more »
Obamacare's Forced Homes Inspections . . "for the children"
[image: Ben Swann] Ben Swann
*Sep 6, 2013*
Ben Swann talks via Skype with Kent Masterson Brown, a constitutional
attorney about Obamacare's "forced home inspection provision" which
Politifact claims does not exist.
Welcome to our all-you-can-eat buffet of eco-predicaments, a remarkable
achievement brought to you by our old friend, technological innovation. Our
friend isn’t evil. He’s a hilarious charismatic trickster who excels at
making comical mistakes. Every brilliant idea blows up in his face,
flattens him with a boulder, or rockets him over a cliff. He never gives
up. He never learns from his mistakes. He never succeeds.
Like the trickster, Americans are famous for our manic techno-optimism. Economic
growth and material progress make us giddy with delight, and seventy-two
percent ... more »
Charters: Another point of view
Sent to the Wall Street Journal, Feb. 16, 2014
Mathew Kaminski's enthusiasm for Success Academy and for charters in
general, ("Teachers Union Enemy No. 1", February 15) presents only part of
the story.
The high test scores achieved by Success Charter Schools in New York has
been thoroughly discussed in a series of blogs by Diane Ravitch
(http://dianeravitch.net/category/harlem-success-academy/). The series
includes evidence that Success schools devote an astonishing amount of time
to test preparation and devote little or no time to subjects that are not
tested, evidence that teach... more »
On the Iron Men of Wall Street
Commenting on my recent column, Paul Krugman wonders if I somehow missed
the financial crisis of the past few years. He seems to think the crisis
proves that the titans of Wall Street earn much more than the value of
their contributions.
I will be the first to admit that measuring the social value of the
financial sector is hard. But let me offer a few observations:
1. In thinking about the social value of the workers in the financial
system, it is as important to keep in mind long-run growth as well as
short-run fluctuations. Financial intermediation plays a key role in
growt... more »
On 31 January 2014, Egyptian TV aired a play which explained that Mossad
organised the Arab Spring.
*Egyptian play suggests Mossad behind Arab Spring*
The play has a scene, in Mossad HQ, where a Mossad agent says, "Our
perspective is a simple and humble one.
"All we want is to control the whole world."
Another Mossad agent then says that there is plan for "a huge operation,
involving espionage and the sowing of disunity", which will take place in
Egypt and in the entire Arab world.
"Today begins the the Arab Spring revolution," says a third Mossad agent.
Of course, it wasn't jus... more »
Oranges and Lemons
I've never heard the bells of St Clement Danes, The Strand, London before,
even though I've been hearing about them since I was very young. This
morning's *Bells on Sunday *put that omission right. Hear them while you
The Radio 4 presenter told us that it's believed that the tenth bell was
added to allow the tune of *Oranges and Lemons *to be played. Which is
Sadly they didn't play *Oranges and Lemons *today, ringing out the changes
on London Surprise Royal instead. Which is still nice.
I do like bells.
Vladimir Putin very happy for Sochi Olympic 2014
Putin is jumping up and down with joy. ;)
Wide Asleep on Unauthorized Disclosure
had the pleasure of joining Rania Khalek and Kevin Gosztola, two truly
amazing reporters, this week for a chat about Iran, Israel and all that
fun stuff on the fifth episode of their new podcast, Unauthorized
Your browser does not support this audio
Rania Khalek is an independent journalist covering disadvantaged,
marginalized and vulnerable communities. Her incredible
About those CON-veeenient leaks...
Imagine it said in Preston Manning's voice. CON-veeenient!
It's the only way to observe the onslaught of leaks and planted items that
glutted the mainstream media this week. If one were cynical, one might
think that some were deliberately engineered to divert attention away from
the MASSIVE Harper CPC attack on democracy — disingenuously called *Fair
Reform Act* — by neutralizing and weakening the work Elections Canada does.
Some have called it the Conservative Amnesty Act since it will
retroactively exculpate any election fraud engineered by the CPC.
Observe the 'who', the 'what... more »
Radioactive Snowstorm?
Majia's Blog - 11 hours ago
Someone at Enenews asked for my interpretation of recent events at
after the webcam was obscured today by what looked like a radioactive
<img alt=""
src="... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 16th, 2014
It is Sunday again, and time for my usual rant..
First I must inform everyone flat out that I am indeed a Cass Sunstein
shill and that I am now going to spend my time spewing out Jewish
propaganda, lies, and false psychological garbage, just to fill people's
heads with disinformation.... And if you believe any of that, then I have a
pyramid in Egypt to sell you...
I am so sick of this absolutely ridiculous bunch of bull crap coming from
certain individuals whom I used to admire in this so called "truth
movement" that everyone who can think rationally is suddenly a victim of
this Je... more »
Is Anyone In Politics A Bigger Maroon Than The DCCC's Fumbling Steve Israel?
Pete Aguilar, another Steve Israel recruit
Last cycle, Israel managed to do the seemingly impossible., losing a
majority Latino D+5 district, CA-31 (the Inland Empire) in a spectacular
debacle. President Obama won the new district 118,043 (57%) to 83,822 (41%)
but on that same day-- thanks to Israel's bungling incompetence-- those
118,043 Obama voters had no Democrat to vote for on that same ballot-- just
two unsavory right-wing Republican corporate whores, Gary Miller and Bob
Dutton. Beltway Steve didn't have any understanding of the new California
jungle primary and he backed the w... more »
How The Conservative Party Tried To Prevent The Red Maple Leaf From Being Canada's Flag - Feb 1965
"From the Tory benches the prime minister (Pearson) was greeted by jeers
and hoots and shouts of derision. 'Vote with pride', "All right," exclaimed
Mr. Pearson, "they have turned it down with jeers and insults, but we will
vote with pride."
Shouts, screams, desk-banging - even obscene gestures - marked the final
phase of the Conservative fight against the red Maple Leaf Flag.
Introduced in senate today, and even with the last vote they declared that
they would not quit and that the fight would go on in the senate, where a
similar flag resolution was being introduced today.
The e... more »
Part 5: Classroom Video Camera Project . . . Who Benefits? Who Loses?
*Part 5: Classroom Video Camera Project . . . Who Benefits? Who Loses?*
Jim Horn and Denise Wilburn
Part 4 and links to previous posts
Does anyone think that children’s educational data stored in third party
corporate “cloud” computers are secure? No one in his right mind would
answer yes to that one, and yet the U. S. Department of Education forced
through changes to FERPA regulations in 2011 to allow student and teacher
data to be collected, stored, and shared this way.
Why? It has everything to do with how philanthrocapitalists like Bill
Gates and the supporting cast of Silicon ... more »
The History of Political Correctness
The following video, originally found at *DailyStormer.com*, is a *must
watch* if you want to gain a deeper insight and understanding of what is
wrong with our culture and society today. Take the time to watch this 22
minute video.
*Organized Jewry: destroyers of Western civilization*
Bombshell from Italy ! Has Italy started cash confiscation protocol - and retroactive to February 1 , 2014 ? "Money Launderer Until Proven Innocent:" - Italy Imposes 20% Tax Withholding On All Inbound Money Transfers ....... And how long before this 20 percent withholding applies throughout the Eurozone in order to prevent Italy bank runs and monetary forum shopping to avoid Italy's confiscation scheme ?
"Money Launderer Until Proven Innocent:" - Italy Imposes 20% Tax
Withholding On All Inbound Money Transfers
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2014 11:40 -0500
- Eurozone
- fixed
- Google
- Italy
- New Normal
- recovery
- Tax Withholding
While the propaganda surrounding Europe's "recovery" has reached deafening
levels, what is going on behind the scenes is quite the opposite, and in
... more »
Emerging market Updates - February 16 , 2014 ----- Two-Week Price Inflation in Argentina hits 30%, US Products Lead the Way; Currency Devaluations Hit P&G Earnings ....... Irony of the Day: Venezuela President Calls for "Protest March Against Fascism" ........ Turkish Parliament approves controversial bill tightening up government grip on judicial body
Sunday, February 16, 2014 10:27 AM
Two-Week Price Inflation in Argentina hits 30%, US Products Lead the Way;
Currency Devaluations Hit P&G Earnings
Price of many goods in Argentina soared in the past two weeks. US brands
are at the forefront of the action. Via translation from *Lanacion*, In two
weeks, Warehouse Prices Rose 30%, with mayonnaise, cookies, and coffee
leading the way. Officially, prices are up 3%.3. In realty, prices are up
*According to official data, the price of food and beverages was up 3.3%. A
tour of various supermarkets in the city of Buenos Aires, found ... more »
Why does the schlub always get the pretty girl?
At least this frog turns into a handsome princeI found an old Stephen
King book in a hotel book exchange a couple weeks ago. I usually enjoy his
books, but this one’s got a secondary plot line of a widower over 40
falling in love with an enchanting 19-year-old girl, and I just can’t bear
that May-September thing even one more time.
I mean, think about how many times you have read a book, seen a movie
or watched a TV series in which some aspect of the plot involved a man who
was either much older or much homelier (and often both) than the woman who
loved him. If books and m... more »
The Curse of Oak Island on History
History (formerly the History Channel where they once actually examined
some history) just finished its run of documentaries titled *The Curse of
Oak Island*. This is the Nova Scotia location where it is alleged that
pirates… or Knights Templar ... or Roger Bacon ... or some unknown person
or persons buried something of great value centuries ago.
For those who don’t know, sometime in the late 18th century, three teenage
boys exploring Oak Island found a place where it seemed something might be
buried. They dug down, found a layer of wooden planks, tore them out and
dug some more fi... more »
On Stanley Fischer
Wellesley College's Joe Joyce reviews Stan's qualifications to be the Fed's
Vice Chair.
Man Responsible for Olympic Ring Mishap Found Dead in Sochi
It was a pure rumour.
*Whistleblower asks state to investigate Sheriff Gusman's extra payments to
Orleans deputies ~Charles Maldonado, The Lens*
Come to Sunny Gaza
The other day I heard this FOOC. “why might our man visiting the Gaza Strip
be considering going back there, with his family, for a holiday?” trails
Kate Adie. The FOOC web page was entitled “Come to Sunny Gaza”
“BBC man has a revelatory experience” i.e. BBC man finds out that Gaza is
not actually an open-air prison.
I don’t know much about Simon Cox, so after a perfunctory Google I’d say
he’s standard BBC issue. I won’t go into pointless speculation about
whether his intentions were honourable or not.
Seeing the web article made me think about it more. What was wrong with it?
I... more »
TPP Update - February 16 , 2014 -- Obama Pushes TPP Negotiations Despite Mounting Opposition at Home and Abroad ( Obama's corporate handlers really want this bad.. )
Obama Pushes TPP Negotiations Despite Mounting Opposition at Home and Abroad
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Infowars.com Twitter][image: Alex Jones'
Facebook][image: Infowars store]
February 16, 2014
House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi firmly announced her rejection of the
“Fast Track” bill at an event on Wednesday, saying it was “out of the
question.” Its passage has become increasingly tenuous since Senate
Majority leader Harry Reid came out against it two weeks ago.
Fast Track is a mechanism that em... more »
Why Occupy Bangkok is Working and Occupy Wall Street Didn't
Power flows from institutions and those without them have no power.
*February 14, 2014* (New Eastern Outlook - Tony Cartalucci) - Occupy Wall
Street, ideologically speaking, could not have been any more universally
appealing. It was the 99% against the 1% (or more accurately - the 99.9%
vs. the 0.1%), with the realization that big money had taken over politics
and society to the detriment of all, regardless of political affiliation.
With such a broadly appealing message, how come the movement fizzled?
*Image: Occupy Bangkok has exposed and hobbled the Wall Street-backed
regime of Th... more »
*Will Smith not surprised, but sad to leave New Orleans Saints
*Hopes for cutting judgeships in New Orleans to save money fade ~Andrew
Vanacore, New Orleans Advocate*
*Hideous High-Rise Developer, Neighborhood Org Present Plans for Holy Cross
School Site ~Stacy Coco, NOLA DEFENDER*
*Researchers looking at sugarcane hybrid as possible biofuel ~WDSU*
Ukraine’s " opposition" keeps getting “ Zelyonka”
*The one very clear message that we can take away from this is the so
called 'opposition' is not supported by everyone. That is... not everyone
in the Ukraine is supportive of the western puppets or EU subversion.*
*I also like the disinfectant aspect- like house cleaning? *
*And we can have a chuckle! Or two?*
*Victoria Nuland's pet "Yats' get Zelyonk'd*
Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the chairman of Ukraine's opposition Batkivshchyna
(Fatherland) faction, donned a crisp white shirt before traveling to
Kharkiv on February 12 to visit jailed ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.
That might have b... more »
Florida "Justice" Redux
A couple of questions to consider in the Jordan Davis murder by Michael
How does a jury convict of attempted murder charges (which it did) and fail
to convict on murder charges (which it did not), when there is a dead body
of the atttemptee in the room bleeding on the floor?
If a black man in Florida, or anywhere else, shot with deadly force into a
car filled of unarmed white boys, how many minutes would it take to
deliberate his fate--if he were lucky enough to make it court?
Solicitor Client privilege applies during production orders
*R. v. A.B.*, 2014 NLCA 8:
[34] Consequently, I conclude that it is the nature of the
communications and the solicitor-client relationship that give rise to the
need to protect a possible claim of solicitor-client privilege and not
simply a particular physical location such as a lawyer's office. The Trial
Division judge did not err in finding that solicitor-client privilege was
engaged even though the orders were not directed at the respondent's law
office but rather at the use of cellular telephone and landline phone
equipment belonging to the respondent and her brother, a ... more »
Is Obama Going To Continue Making The Federal Judiciary Overly Friendly To Corporate Criminals?
When's the last time we asked you to sign a petition? Right… never. But our
friends at Daily Kos are offering the kind of strategic initiative that
appeals to us. They want progressives to express their frustration with
President Obama's tendency to fill the judiciary with corporate lawyers.
It's been making a lot of us sick? Not you? Did you know that just over 70%
of President Obama's judicial nominees have been corporate lawyers? And
less than 4% have been public interest lawyers… just 10 since he was
inaugurated in 2009!
Their petition to the President is short and to the poin... more »
Not Seeing The Other Half
For some time now, Robert Reich writes, the United States has been
devolving into a We and Them Society -- as in, *Why should we pay for them?*He sites several examples:
The middle-class and wealthy citizens of East Baton Rouge Parish,
Louisiana, for example, are trying to secede from the school district they
now share with poorer residents of town, and set up their own districtfunded by property taxes from their higher-valued homes.
Similar efforts are underway in Memphis, Atlanta, and Dallas. Over the past
two years, two wealthy suburbs of Birmingham, Alabama, have left the
count... more »
The Great Poli Sci Portfolio
In the dustup produced by Nick Kristof, one of the basic misperceptions
keeps being repeated–that the American Political Science Review is not
influential or readable enough. The job of the APSR is not to be read by
policy-makers but by political scientists. Really? Yes. Let me explain.
The academic journals have their place in the
Continue reading
#Edreform is Omni Consumer Products #robocop
I’m not too excited about the Robocop reboot. It seems like it lost the
original’s wit, humor, and surprisingly serious commentary about a largely
predicted dystopian future. All right, enough serious talk about a movie
with a car called the 6000 SUX. Although, very close to what soon became a
reality: the SUV. But in honor […]
Bitcoin Updates - February 16 , 2014 - Mt Gox bitcoin price has a massive intraday swing , yanked up to 540 and then crashing down to 224 around 8:02 AM EST ..... Mt Gox protest photos from Saturday February 15 , 2014- from Tokyo ..... NY Post calls bitcoin a ponzi scheme ......... Mt Gox raked in allegedly 1.9 million in trading fees from 2/4/14 through 2/15/14 ..... wonder how much still raked in for 2/16/14 ........ MIT tells NJ to back off its students threatened by legal action concerning Tidbit
Mt Gox customers........
We want withdrawals!
Two day chart of MT Gox - note where things stand this morning ! 248 as of
7:50 EST . 224 at 8:02 EST ..... price differential to Bitstamp
approaching 400 !
[image: Creative Commons License]
This chart is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
Unported License.
Saturday February 15 , 2014 protest at MT Gox office.....
Welcome to 21st-century Ponzi scheme: Bitcoin
By Jonathon M. Trugman
February 15, 2014 | 5:08pm
Modal Trigger
[image: Welcome to 21st-century Ponzi scheme: Bitcoin]
Photo: Reu... more »
Palestinians deprive their own people of clean water for propaganda...and the world accepts it !
' the PA has built just one sewage plant over the past 15 years, despite a
$500 million international donor fund available to them to build
more. There are plans for building purification plants in several major
Palestinian towns such as Hebron, Bethlehem and Nablus, paid for by donor
countries, but the Palestinians have decided that they don’t want to build
in the Oslo defined Areas A and B under their control, but only in Area C
(which is under full Israeli military, and administrative control). Israel
has stringent regulations for these and similar projects in other parts of
I... more »
*West Virginia chemical spill: We have enough information to manage the
In a prior post, I addressed the background related to the recent chemical
spill that contaminated drinking water in West Virginia, and I highlighted
why more regulation would not do much good. But we continue to hear that we
need more regulation because we don’t have enough information about this
chemical and thousands of others. Such claims divert our attention from the
real issue: failure to properly implement the many emergency planning laws
and programs on the books.
In any case, the claim is wrong. ... more »
Excitable BBC commentators, Savile, and Russell Brand getting his comeuppance
Talking on the Sunday papers, here's a selection of stories from today's
newspapers (well, one of them) concerning the BBC.
Call me biased and inconsistent, but if there's one bias I don't mind the
BBC displaying it's a spot of restrained jingoism during sports
competitions. The BBC has been getting complaints, however, that its
jingoism has been anything but restrained.
Martin Johnson at *The Sunday Times *(£) has an amusing article on the
subject today:
TELEVISION coverage of the Winter Olympics began with the BBC fielding
complaints that the commentary team became overpatrio... more »
Big Infrastructure Projects, Metro Manila, 2014-2016
Some big infrastructure projects in Metro Manila will start tomorrow,
especially the extension of the skyway that will connect the South Luzon
Expressway (SLEX) to North Luzon Expressway (NLEX). Our house is not far
from this project, so somehow we will be affected by the heavy traffic, but
am not complaining.
That map is from http://www.mymanila.net/. Copied from MMDA I think. Here
are the details of those projects. I re-arranged the list starting with
Makati, where I live :-)
*Impacted Cities*
*Impacted Streets*
Buendia Underpass
Makati City
Buendia, Makati Avenue an... more »
The Border Cafe
*The Border Cafe *
A work of fiction (or is it?)
*By American Kabuki*
Chapter 1
It had been a long winter for both. Weary from the battle the operatives
approached the rendezvous with trepidation. They hated each other had scars
to prove it. Campo Blanco's war with Team Noir was thousands of years old.
They suffered much loss of life in the skirmishes. Team Noir had one
objective acquisition and power and they did it well. They did it
ruthlessly. Campo Blanco had the advantage of the rising energetics.
Herve entered the cafe cautiously, Pierre was waiting at the far table with... more »
Sunday headlines
I listened to the 7 o'clock news bulletin before *Sunday* after having
looked at Sky News's invaluable gallery of the British newspaper front
I'll list what stories the BBC chose to report after outlining the stories
featured by the UK papers today.
The *Observer *led with 'Miliband's stark warning: climate change an issue
of national security', 'Labour to set record for female MPs' and 'Midlands
priest faces genocide probe'.
The *Independent on Sunday *led with 'NHS chief orders urgent child death
The *Sunday People *led on the same story as the *Independent on... more »
The Satanic Mega Ritual of 9/11 - Flight numbers - Coptic new year's day.
as I'm not really 'a believer' in either the 'good' or the 'evil' side of
eastern or western Organised Religion, this Satanic Mega Ritual aspect of
9/11 aka World Trade Center Demolition Day 2001 has passed me by.
Until now.
This fascinating youtube presentation of the summarised contents of S.K.
Bain's book 9/11 AS A MASS RITUAL is the weirdest and most
convincingly-convoluted version of the 9/11 Event this blogger has ever
You The People are stupid-ised enough, cellular-ised enough, to get
involved in Satanic Bullshit Societies like it's a positive act, and this
might a... more »
Floods, Latin, Christians on the Left, mental illness in Pakistan, the north-south divide, euthanasia for children and marriage for gay vicars
It's that time of the week again. Doesn't it come round quickly?
This morning's *Sunday *on Radio 4 began with the *flooding in Somerset*,
as the BBC's delightfully-named reporter Sarah Swadling (oh please let her
do a Nativity story in December!) went to speak to Rev Jane Twitty.
Jane Twitty is in charge of several parishes in the area, including cut-off
Muchelney, and described what the Church is doing there. The Church is
doing a lot, providing prayer, practical support and a place of sanctuary,
and - by the sounds of it - acting as Churches have always done, serving as
the foc... more »
Are the USA and France planning to attack Syria?
*Russia: US and France planning military intervention in Syria *-
"Russia may call an urgent UN Security Council meeting to 'stop the slide
towards escalation in Syria'", Russian sources told Al-Mayadeen channel.
"The source revealed that Russia had information that *Washington and Paris
are currently putting a plan for military intervention in Syria to stop the
advance of the Syrian army*...
*Al-Sisi has just been to Russia.*
"'Washington has been confused by Abdel-Fattah Al-Sisi's visit to Moscow,
and all... more »
Breaking News; Argentina Stops The Bulding Of A Monsanto Corn Seed Plant
PLANT. Monsanto hit another roadblock in its plans to build a $192 million
corn-seed production plant in Argentina's Cordoba province after local
authorities rejected Monsanto's environmental impact assessment. The
project has been on hold since September 2013 after clashes with protesters
led the St. Louis agrichemical company to halt construction after
completing about 30% of the work... READ MORE:
http://www.gmwatch.org/index.php/news/archive/2014/15300-argentina-stalls-monsanto-corn-project-on-environmental-con... more »
I Pledge Allegiance To The Earth
[image: Foto]Source:
*John McCain in Ukraine, December 2013 . Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok on his
Thierry Meyssan asks if Ukraine will be broken up, just like Yugoslavia.
*www.voltairenet.org/article182188.html - **14 February 2014*
*According to Thierry Meyssan:*
*1. The USA is prepared to start a civil war in Ukraine, using its Nazi
*2.* Back in 2004, the United States organized the 'Orange Revolution'
which brought to power a mafia clan.
This clan lost the 2010 presidential election.
The 'corrupt' Viktor Yanukovych then became president.
*3. *Currently there are protests agains... more »
*Scientists tricked into believing this lie*
*'People who were daring to question it didn't get funded'*
The climate-change movement is ultimately designed to thin the earth’s
population, and the science behind the movement is deeply and deliberately
flawed to further a political end, according to climatologist Dr. Tim Ball.
In his new book, “The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science,” Ball also
lays out how he believes those perpetrating in this massive scientific
fraud managed to keep the truth hidden from mainstream scientists and later
intimidated most of them to keep them ... more »
Saturday Night w/ the Wise Old Man
Welcome to *Saturday Night w/ the Wise Old Man*! Zan Overall, also known as
the *Wise Old Man*, is an activist, musician, comedian, and actor. Tonight,
we will again be hearing two of the Wise Old Man's excellent songs, along
with a comedic skit and an overview of Zan's recent activism on the UCLA
college campus.
You can download the mp3 for this program *here*, or visit *The Realist
Report* on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.
John White’s Latest Course Choice Push Equals Large-scale, Free High School Labor
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal and his hand-selected, anti-public-school
sidekick, State Education Superintendent John White, really want their
so-termed “online education” dollar siphon, Course Choice, to be the major
death drain that it was intended to be to Louisiana public education. In
May 2013, the Louisiana Supreme Court declared use of Minimum Foundation
Program (MFP) funding– […]
How Bad Is The Comcast Acquisition Of TimeWarner For Society?
In his 1995 article for *Business On A Small Planet*, Corporations and the
Public Interest, Jonathan Rowe helped put the intent behind the rise of
corporations into a perspective that has been lost over the decades. "When
I was a law student in Philadelphia," he writes, "I was hired by the owner
of a small local radio station to look into the original corporate charters
of the Penn Central Railroad (originally the Pennsylvania Railroad). The
Penn Central was in the process of ending its passenger service, and the
man who hired me wondered if the railroad didn’t have a legal duty of... more »
Imprisoned peace activist Margaretta D'Arcy has reiterated her assertion
that Shannon Airport's runway is being used improperly for the purposes of
war, and has called on the Minister for Defence Alan Shatter to stop
defending the indefensible military use of the airport. Speaking to John
Lannon and Edward Horgan of Shannonwatch this Monday, she said that the
State has a responsibility to ensure the proper use of the airport and to
protect it against security threats.
"The fact that Niall Farrell and I could walk out onto the runway at
Shannon demonstrates that it is not secure." ... more »
KIPPCare Includes Child Doping Benefit
Since corporate school leader, Mike Feinberg, left his KIPP
superintendent's duties in Houston for the full-time pursuit of national
brand saturation, KIPP teachers report chaos at a number of the KIPP
schools around Houston, with mass retentions, administrative meltdowns,
faltering test scores, and en masse teacher resignations.
What will it take to restore order? How about some meds?
The KIPP marketing team may have come up with an answer with the new
lucrative KIPP:Care, which promises to offer KIPPster treatment for
everything from anxiety to zits. That will include testing, e... more »
Sunday Classics preview: Here's the key -- or is it?
*Piano Trio: *
*i. Allegro moderato -- opening*
*Arthur Rubinstein, piano; Jascha Heifetz, violin; Emanuel Feuermann,
cello. RCA-BMG, recorded in Holllywood, Sept. 12-13, 1941*
*Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano; Itzhak Perlman, violin; Lynn Harrell, cello.
EMI, recorded in New York, c1979*
*UPDATE:* If you looked at this post before 10pm ET/7pm PT, you saw only
the Ashkenazy-Perlman-Harrell clip, and in fact originally the whole first
movement. When I went back to edit it to include just the opening, I was
disheartened by how namby-pamby the performance is. (I actually thought the
EMI C... more »
Some Personal Reflections on Social Media and Tenure
Editor’s note: this post first appeared on my personal blog. As some of you
may know, I’m up for tenure this year, and it’s not going to work out. I
don’t want to get into the details of anything that ought not be discussed
in public, but I thought I’d share some quick thoughts that
Continue reading
Global chess - Saudi Arabia: Preparing for Aggression ? US blind to barbs in Japan defense plan .......... The new US-Russia Cold War ....... Baghdad plays familiar al-Qaeda card
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Will the Saudis unleash a conventional and terror war together?
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[image: Saudi tanks]
Saudi Arabia: Preparing for Aggression ?*…by *<span class="author"
style="background-attachment: initial; background-clip: initial;
background-color: transparent; background-image: initial;
background-origin: initial; background-position: initial in
Despite Excuses the Economy Still Sucks
The state-corporate media continues to generate spin and excuses for the
ongoing dismal state of the U.S. economy which despite the big Wall Street
bailout has yet to generate a real economic recovery for those outside of
the elitist enclaves and the Lower Manhattan state-subsidized gambling
casinos. It has now been nearly six years since the pigs choked on their
own greed triggering the implosions of Bear Stearns, AIG and Lehman
Brothers and the subsequent drop in the stock markets that proved that
modern finance capitalism as practiced in our rotting land of at one time
plenty i... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
I was interviewed for EPIC’s Iraq Matters Podcast about the latest
development’s in Iraq, Pres. Obama’s State of the Union and Iraq’s
education system.
I also talked with Louise Redvers for her article “Old fault lines, new
flashpoints in Iraq’s Anbar” for IRIN about the current conflict in Anbar.
Finally, I was interviewed by J. Dana Stuster for her piece in Foreign
Policy “Iraq’s Abject Lessons for Mexico’s Self-Defense Forces” which
compared Mexico’s attempt to use paramilitaries in its drug war to Iraq’s
use of the Sons of Iraq.
Internet Trolls, "Dark Tetrad"
Abstract to a just published psychology paper on internet troll personalities:
In two online studies (total N = 1215), respondents completed
personality inventories and a survey of their Internet commenting
styles. Overall, strong positive associations emerged among online
commenting frequency, trolling enjoyment, and troll identity, pointing
to a common construct underlying the measures.
Who is the true liquidity juggernaut ? China , of course......Key takeaways --- Total Chinese loan creation in January was CNY 1.32 trillion, or $218 billion. While January traditionally sees a pick up in loan creation (and demand), the 174% increase in bank loans from December was an unprecedented number, was above the CNY 1.1 trillion, and CNY 250 billion more than a year ago. More notably, this was the largest monthly bank loan injection since January 2010. The last time China scrambled to inject massive amounts of bank loans was in late 2008 and early 2009 when the world was ending, and it was China's money that stabilized the global financial system far more so than the Fed's whose QE 1 did not begin in earnest until March 2009....... The far broader monetary aggregate, Total Social Financing, which is the most encompassing calculation of credit and liquidity created in China in any one month, rose to CNY 2.58 trillion. This was more than double the December's $1.23 trillion, and beat last January's CNY 2.545 trillion. In fact, this month's broad liquidity creation was the largest monthly amount in China's history !
Spot The Real Liquidity Bubble
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/15/2014 16:01 -0500
- China
- Japan
- Liquidity Bubble
- Monetary Policy
- Reuters
- Shadow Banking
Overnight the PBOC released the latest Chinese bank loan and liquidity data
for the month of January. Those who have been following our recent series
on Chinese liquidity measures will know that when it comes to the real
margina... more »
NYT and Poli Sci Public Engagement
The ISA mess is the gift that keeps on giving. Now Nicholas Kristof has
written a piece in his NYT column that “addresses” the controversy. The
problem is that the column is out of date. Not just in focusing on the ISA
proposal that has been beaten back by the forces of reason (that would
Continue reading
Gold medal ad
Haven't had time to watch the Olympics this year. Sorry to miss them but
happy to have caught this ad. I was kind of meh about it until the end. The
punch line is killer. [via]
Your moment of Zen
The Wonder Tree - Klamath, California. [photo via Reg Saddler]
The Restore Honor to Service Members Act Languishes Under Republican Party Obstruction
Mark Pocan (D-WI) will have to be a magician if he's going to get his
Restore Honor to Service Members Act (H.R. 2839) out of committee and
passed into law. Sure, Pocan rounded up 144 cosponsors for his bill, but
only one-- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen-- is a Republican. Her colleagues are
accustomed to writing off her pro-LGBT actions because she doesn't hassle
them over their homophobia and because she has a huge LGBT population in
her blue-leaning district. The bill would require "appropriate military
record correction boards or discharge review boards to review the discharge
character... more »
*It has come to my attention that you have now asked an additional
question: “Does the President have the authority to use a weaponized drone
to kill an American not engaged in combat on American soil?” *
*The answer to that question is no.*
*Eric H. Holder, Jr.*
Glittering incarnations of a great poetic tradition
It's a peculiar thing, but whenever I read the inestimable Clive James I
always hear his voice in my head as I'm reading. I don't consciously decide
to hear his written pieces in my head in this way. It just seems to happen.
See if the same happens to you too when you read his latest piece for the *Daily
Telegraph*, from which this is a taster - and a very tasty taster at that:
To my perhaps jaded eye, the Winter Olympics has been, since the opening
ceremony, all downhill, especially when the skiers are not going downhill
at all, but are slogging along the level snow for miles be... more »
Saudi Arabia to supply anti-aircraft missiles- US to pay 'rebel' salaries
Saudis Agree to Provide Syrian Rebels With Mobile Antiaircraft Missiles*U.S.
Also Giving Fighters Millions of Dollars for Salaries*Feb. 14, 2014 8:31
p.m. ET
AMMAN, Jordan—Washington's Arab allies, disappointed with Syria peace
talks, *have agreed* to provide rebels there with more sophisticated
weaponry, including shoulder-fired missiles that can take down jets,
according to Western and Arab diplomats and opposition figures.
*Who have Washington's Arab allies agreed to this with?*
*The answer is obvious in the statement- it is Washington. Therefore Saudi
Arabia along with their Wa... more »
Turkish Parliament approves controversial bill tightening up government grip on judicial body - Fighting erupted overnight with fists flying in the air between ruling party and opposition lawmakers as the bill was debated in a marathon 20-hour session. Looks like Turkey political instability is set to explode on markets next week !
Turkish Parliament approves controversial bill tightening up gov't grip on
judicial body
ANKARA - Agence France-Presse
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[image: Ali Ihsan Köktürk, lawmaker from the main opposition Republican
People's Party (CHP), got a bloodied nose in the brawl, while ruling
Justice and Development Party's (AKP) lawmaker Bayram Özçelik's finger was
broken, Feb. 15. AA photo]
Ali Ihsan Köktürk, lawmaker from the main opposition Republican People's
Party (CHP), got a bloodied nose in the brawl, while ruling Justice and
Development Party'... more »
Fear of Losing Control
February 15, 2014
http://www.ted.com/talks/paul_piff_does_money_make_you_mean.html Over the
last week or two, we’ve seen a rash of stupid, hubristic statements by some
in the one percent about how they’re being unfairly persecuted, etc., etc.,
etc. Here’s a pretty good summary of these … Continue reading →
Newsnight: 10-14 February
For those of you who just couldn't face watching it, here's this week's
run-through of the stories covered by BBC Two's not-very-widely-watched *Newsnight
-* part of our ongoing project to see just what subjects they choose to
cover over a long period of time.
This is basically what you missed: Flooding, a gentle ride for Lord Smith
of the EA, and a rough ride for Philip Hammond MP. Lots and lots of talk of
climate change. Another plug for a Labour proposal. A spot of BBC
naval-gazing over men-only panels on game shows. A report about rhinos I
just couldn't face watching. A tribut... more »
War watch February 14 , 2014 - Al-Qaeda Overruns Another Iraqi Town, This Time North of Baghdad , on another day of sectarian death dealing ........... Afghan Peace Council Spokesman: US Main Cause of War in the Region ........ Russia says Syria aid draft groundwork for military action ....... 14 Escaped in al-Qaeda Attack on Yemen Prison 11 Killed in Attack on Sanaa Central Prison ....... Turkey - developments in the ongoing corruption and graft scandals , judicial crackdown and economic impacts .............Iran sanction relief could reach 20 billion .....
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Al-Qaeda Overruns Another Iraqi Town, This Time North of BaghdadMayor:
Attackers Control Overnight
by Jason Ditz, February 13, 2014
Print This | Share This
For the second time in as many months, a significant Iraqi town has fallen
under the control of al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). After the loss of Fallujah in
the Anbar Province, this time the town of Sulaiman Pek, north of Baghdad,
has fallen.
Mayor Talib Mohammed discussed the fall of his town, whilst still trapped
in a building, saying that AQI took over overnight, and he and other
residents woke up to the mosque’s loudspe... more »
The Obama's celebrate income inequality...
*by showing us how the other half lives.*
So where is he?
He's at the exclusive Sunnylands Retreat in Rancho Mirage knocking a little
white ball around a lush golf course because, after all, he needs to relax
from all the fund raising, previous vacations, and speaking at elementary
schools, doncha know.
And Mooch?
Since wowing us all with her 12K dress (presented here with no comment) at
the recent state dinner for the French serial adulterer and vertically
challenged Hollande, she needed a rest.
So she and the first daughters are enjoying a few days of skiing in Aspen
while... more »
~ Fukushima ~
On March the 11 2011, the world watched as the tsunami, caused by a massive
underwater earthquake hit the coast of Japan, the huge immediate effect on
people’s lives was apparent, but as we watched the explosions at the
nuclear power plant at Fukushima it became clear that this was a
catastrophe that would have huge and ongoing consequences, a catastrophe
that is being ignored and swept under that carpet by world governments and
the main stream media alike. However the consequences of the meltdown of
the nuclear power plant at Fukushima are increasingly hard to ignore as
evidence ... more »
Left, left, left
After giving the anti-capitalist activists/ academics of Cardiff University
something of a coshing, it's now something of a relief to turn back to
today's *Dateline London *and reach familiar ground with - despite all of
Justin Lewis's 'evidence' - the usual kind of *Dateline *panel.
What? Four right-wingers, as per Cardiff Uni? No. Well, maybe three
right-wingers? No. Two right-wingers then? No. One surely? No, no, no.
So what would the Cardiff Uni researchers make of a BBC-chosen panel
featuring one left-winger, pro-Labour Steve Richards of *The Independent; *a
second left-wing... more »
Free Trade 33: ASEAN Economic Community 2016
The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) will materialize by December 31, 2015.
Of course there are no business transactions on a new year, so AEC will
start on January 1, 2016 or nearly two years from now. The original target
of AEC was January 01, 2015 but since some country-members of ASEAN are
"not yet ready" in some sectors, a one-year postponement was the compromise
Last Thursday, February 13, I attended a forum on "In Sync: An Evaluation
of the ASEAN 2015 Integration" at my alma mater, the UP School of Economics
(UPSE), organized by my student organization then, the Economics... more »
Primary In Oklahoma City
Al McAffrey and Tom Guild
When our old pal, Andrew Rice, resigned his Oklahoma City state Senate
seat, state Rep. Al McAffrey won it. It's one of the most progressive
pockets in a deep red state and McAffrey's accession was both good and bad.
Symbolically, it was awesome to have an openly gay man in the Oklahoma
Senate. Many Republicans saw, for the first time, that gays have neither
cloven hooves for horns. On a more substantive basis, it was less
wonderful. McAffrey is a lot less progressive than Rice and a lot less
progressive than his district. As we've pointed out before, being ... more »
@slekar supports this #commoncore close reading lesson: @sharemylesson
Over the past four years I have met some great people involved in fighting
education reform. It’s always awesome to get a surprise email from one of
these activists that typically starts off with “I hope you remember me, we
met….” Well I got one of those the other day from a brilliant teacher I […]
Defending the One Percent (Again)
Click here to read my column in Sunday's *NY Times*. I expect this one
will generate more than its share of irate letters.
Police State Update February 15 , 2014 -- US Army Trains for Martial Law In US , builds ‘Fake City’ in Virginia to Practice Military Occupation ......... Sandy Hook Lies Crash Down! Ex-State Trooper Exposes Cover-Up, Is Threatened ........ In an odd twist on free speech rights, a firm which makes automated license plate readers is suing Utah for a law intended to protect drivers’ privacy........ TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CONNECTICUT RESIDENTS REFUSE TO REGISTER GUNS UNDER NEW LAW
Breaking: US Army Trains for Martial Law In US
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Infowars.com Twitter][image: Alex Jones'
Facebook][image: Infowars store]
Shock investigation: Pentagon accelerates plan to confiscate guns,
prosecute US conservatives.
February 15, 2014
[image: church-military-article]
A mock small town Christian steeple sits among the martial law training
The federal government has been in a big hurry to build a 300 acre city in
just 2 years at an expense of $96 mi... more »
The Forgotten History of American Support for the Shah
graffiti in Tehran, Iran, 1979.
This week marks the 35th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, the
popular uprising that successfully deposed the Shah, Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi. The Shah had ruled the country since September 1941, after
Britain and the Soviet Union invaded and occupied Iran and forced the
abdication of his father, Reza Shah Pahlavi.
While myriad commentaries
@chalkbeatny dishes on Cuomo’s education contributors, but how about your own?
As Chalkbeat NY, a spry education journalism collective, gets cited in the
Wall Street Journal for those in the education world funding Cuomo’s
re-election campaign, maybe Chalkbeat should reconsider its own take.
Easily accessible from its website, Chalkbeat does indeed take funding from
a few, at minimum, key organizations that are currently undermining public
education […]
Hamid Dabashi is the Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and
Comparative Literature at Columbia University. He received a dual Ph.D. in
Sociology of Culture and Islamic Studies from the University of
Pennsylvania in 1984, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard
University. He wrote his dissertation on Max Weber's theory of charismatic
authority with Philip Rieff (1922-2006), the most distinguished Freudian
cultural critic of his time. Professor Dabashi has taught and delivered
lectures in many North American, European, Arab, and Iranian universities.
Professor D... more »
The Pivot to Asia: Some Tough Questions
The so-called Pivot to Asia, or “rebalance” in official parlance, has
been one of the Obama Administration’s signature strategic moves on the
global chessboard. But for all the serious engagement of the Pacific Rim
countries, the core of the pivot has always been about China and responding
to its rise as a regional
Continue reading
Your Daily Howler keeps getting results!
*Still coming, Matt Miller and Hawking:* Inexorably, your Daily Howler just
keeps pounding out those results. To wit:
Last night, Governor Christie wasn’t mentioned on the Maddow TV show.
People! Not even once!
Yesterday, there was no news about Governor Christie, or about Fort Lee.
And, for the first time in weeks, Rachel Maddow didn’t *pretend* that she
had important, exclusive breaking news to share which no one else has
Possibly concerning “Nicole,” whoever that turns out to be!
Maddow didn’t fake it! Around the nation, astonished view... more »
On 14 February 2114, Professor Martin L Weitzman, of Harvard University,
explains the weather.
*The world in 2114*
He explains that geo-engineering the weather, which means changing the
weather, is going to shape our future.
*Aircraft spread particles to block out some of the suns rays. These are
called chemtrails.*
*According to Weitzman:*
*1.* We geo-engineer the weather when we burn things like coal.
*2. *Nature engineers the weather when a volcano throws out lots of dust.
*After Tambora erupted in Indonesia 1815, we had The Year Without a
Summer and Eighteen Hundred and F... more »
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