Boldly, the New York Times tackles the Klan!
*From Oberlin on to Ole Miss:* We aren’t thrilled by the New York Times’
general approach to issues of race.
In our view, the paper favors a grandstanding approach built around tired
and blinkered self-glorying notions of upper-class Northern exceptionalism.
On balance, last week’s reporting about Ole Miss seemed like a case in
On Sunday, February 16, two or three youthful lost souls committed a
pitiful act on the campus of the University of Mississippi. Three days
later, the Times’ Alan Blinder reported what had occurred:
BLINDER (2/16/14): *The... more »

Yesterday in the mail I received a letter from Susumu Inamine, the Mayor of
Nago City on Okinawa. I was one of the singers of a January letter of US
activists and intellectuals who declared our opposition to the relocation
of a US Marine base at Futenma to another part of the island at Henoko in
Nago City.
The letter was widely printed, along with our photos, in major Okinawan
newspapers. Mayor Inamine wrote that on January 19 he was reelected in
Nago City "holding fast to my previous campaign promise not to allow the
construction of a new military base either on sea or land....... more »
Terrance Nelson: Canadian Border Turns Away Native Americans
Chiefs Grand Chief Terrance Nelson
By Terrance Nelson
SCO Grand Chief Terrance Nelson
Vice Chair American Indian Movement
Censored News
February 28 2014
Good Morning Tom
It has been a long time since we talked and I am so glad to know that
you are the elected Tribal Chairman of Lac Du Flambeau again. I was
Chief of Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation for 5 terms and
Nancy Pelosi, Kathleen Sebelius, Lynda Carter Dance and Sing...(w/ two "must see" videos)
*and we actually allow these skanks to dictate how we are to live our
Jammie Wearing Fools reminded us of this awful disgusting display of our
elected officials acting like rhythm challenged dopes back in June.
According to JWF, Nancy Pelosi is so proud of her behavior, she tweeted the
video yesterday to congratulate Mooch on her "Let's Move" 4th anniversary.
The tweet:
#tbt: Dancing with Wonder Woman—the only way to move, right @FLOTUS? Happy
4th Anniversary, #LetsMove. #DancyPelosi
— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) February 27, 2014
Make no mistake abo... more »
Local Council By-Elections February 2014
Number of candidates
Total vote
+/- Seats
Plaid Cymru**
... more »
How UNC Beat Duke (2014) Marcus Paige WOWS!
I'm a little bit late with this story (so please pardon me), but it's well
worth the wait. From Adam Lucas via Linked-In: By Adam Lucas "What are you
writing?" the lady in front of me asked. We were sitting in the Smith
Center around 8:30, and I had a (very nerdy) black pocket notebook that I
carry with me everywhere at games. I write down big plays. I write down
turning points. I write
Wisconsin #commoncore Senate Bill 619: A conundrum?
Here it is as plain and simple as I can make it. Wisconsin Republicans in
the state Senate drafted a bill that essentially turns over the writing of
education standards to politicians and kills the common core. Someone has
to say it: “Any bill that would allow politicians the ability to directly
and/or indirectly write learning […]
Wide Asleep on Radio Dispatch, again!
had the sincere pleasure of joining the great John Knefel -
investigative reporter, Occupy gadabout, and broadcaster extraordinaire -
on today's episode of Radio Dispatch, the stellar progressive daily
John and I spoke about the ongoing multilateral negotiations over the
Iranian nuclear program, the constant barrage of disinformation and
sabre-rattling from Israel, and the AIPAC
The people Obama should speak to next!
*Perhaps with O’Reilly’s assistance:* Yesterday, President Obama announced
an initiative designed to help black youth.
In the New York Times, Michael Shear quotes the president:
OBAMA (2/27/14): *He called the challenge of ensuring success for young men
of color a “moral issue for our country” as he ticked off the statistics:
black boys who are more likely to be suspended from school, less likely to
be able to read,* and almost certain to encounter the criminal justice
system as either a perpetrator or a victim.
*“We just assume this is an inevitable pa... more »
The BBC not quite reporting the whole story re the sentencing of the murderers of Lee Rigby
Compare this BBC article with this Telegraph one, specifically the part
about the fracas that occurred during sentencing.
The BBC:
'The pair were absent during sentencing after a fracas in the dock.
As Mr Justice Sweeney began to sentence the men they started shouting and
scuffling with court security guards. They had to be forced to the ground
and were removed from court.
Fusilier Rigby's family wept as Adebolajo shouted "Allahu Akbar", and
Adebowale called out "that's a lie" as the judge told them their extremist
views were "a betrayal of Islam".
One relative needed medical tre... more »
Censored News Fundraiser 2014: Photo gift for donation!
Censored News is fundraising for our spring coverage, which includes
travel expenses for live coverage. Anyone who donates today will receive
by mail the gift of a unique historic photo taken by Censored News.
Thanks for supporting Censored News, now in its 8th year with no
Best, Brenda
Donate here at PayPal, or mail to: Brenda Norrell, PMB 132, 405 E
Hard hearted talk
The episode of HardTalk with Stephen Sackur and Naftali Bennett
I know interviewers aren’t supposed to answer questions put to them by the
subject of the interview. The understanding is that the interviewer asks
the questions and the interviewee answers them. But Stephen Sackur’s line
of questioning took no account of Israel’s circumstances. In other words he
spoke as though Israel did not have to contend with people to whom the very
idea of normal relations with Israel is considered a deadly sin, never mind
the inconceivable proposal that such people might actually contemplate
pe... more »
R. v. Tomlinson, 2014 ONCA 158:
[48] The principles that govern the defence of alibi are
uncontroversial. A brief reference to some of their features is sufficient
for our purposes.
[49] First, the Latin word "alibi" means "elsewhere". When used in the
context of criminal prosecution, an alibi is a claim that a person, usually
a person charged with a crime, was elsewhere when the allegedly criminal
conduct took place and thus it was *impossible* for him or her to have
committed it: *R. v. Hill*(1995), 102 C.C.C. (3d) 469 (Ont. C.A.), at p.
478; and *R. v. Wright*, 2009 O... more »
WHO IS RACHEL MADDOW: Under the Sharpie!
*Part 4—An excellent lesson ignored:* As late as last evening’s 10 o’clock
hour, Lawrence was taking it seriously. He was treating the email exchange
as if it was serious, straight.
We refer to the newly released email comments concerning that New Jersey
rabbi. Concerning those now-famous remarks, Lawrence played it amazingly
This is the way he opened last evening’s program. His monotone reading, and
some errors that followed, suggest that he may not have been fully prepared:
O’DONNELL (2/27/14): The New Jersey legislature’s special committee... more »
TRUTHOUT: Fruits of Iran's Revolution
The following article was co-authored with Tyler Cullis and originally published at
Fruits of Iran's Revolution
Thursday, 27 February 2014
By Nima Shirazi and Tyler Cullis, Truthout | News Analysis
Accurately assessing the fruits of the Iranian Revolution is crucial to understanding Iran today.
February 2014 marks the 35th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution - an epochal
Governor General plants an outsourcing tree
Yesterday on his state visit to India, Governor General David Johnston,
along with High Commissioner of Canada to India Stewart Beck, visited software
and outsourcing giant Infosys. He planted a tree and participated in a
panel discussion on simplifying rules of cross border trade.
Last fall, Infosys was investigated for circumventing immigration laws in
an alleged visa scam that brought thousands of workers into the US to be
paid at Indian wages - giving them an advantage in underbidding local
competitors - and "building a system to teach applicants how to deceive
immigration aut... more »
William Engdhal with James Corbett: The Western Agenda in the Ukraine
Very interesting interview. Worth listening to. A little over an hour in
Thanks to patrick crane for bringing it to my attention :)
Interview 830 – William Engdahl Exposes the Western Agenda in Ukraine Posted
by Corbett
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this wide-ranging interview, author and geopolitical analyst William
Engdahl of breaks down the history and context of the
geopolitical machinations in Ukraine. We talk about the US/NATO
encirclement of Russia and the evidence of western intervention in the
ongoing Ukrainian crisis. We also discuss... more »
Who's funding EUou, BBC?

Now, we already know that the BBC has received money from the EU in the
past, but this - from the *Spectator *(£) - looks like a questions-*really*-need-answering
kind of scoop to me, and quite damning against the BBC:
Over the last three years the BBC has secretly obtained millions of pounds
in grants from the European Union. Licence fee payers might assume that the
Corporation would have been compelled to disclose the source of this money
in its annual reports, but they bear no trace of it specifically. In the
latest set of accounts, for example, these funds are simply referred t... more »

*Why an independent Scotland could become the richest country in the World*
On 27 February 2014, the ratings agency *Standard and Poors* concluded that
an independent Scotland would have a rich and relatively diversified
economy that would qualify for* its 'highest economic assessment'.*
Standard and Poors cited Scotland's "high-quality human capital, flexible
product and labour markets and transparent institutions"
Standard and Poors writes that "with a GDP (including North Sea oil output)
only slightly below that of New Zealand, a developed economy and developed
financial system,... more »
Concern-Trolling the Bro People
The social justice charm offensive from an increasingly irrelevant White
House continues, full hot-air steam ahead.
The latest episode in the president's tanking telenovela series ("I've Got
a Pen and a Phone!") debuted yesterday with the Biblical title "I Am My
Brother's Keeper." Aimed at paying lip service to the plight of minority
youth, it managed to totally ignore the role that the American Ruling Class
continues to play in causing and perpetuating institutionalized racism. The
star-studded cast chosen by Barack Obama to headline his event told the
real story before he even utt... more »
Moving the Mountain

It is the end of an era – much was learned, much was lost. The choice for
change, for an end, for justice and for peace has already been made. This
choice was made by everyone; this “everyone” includes every person inside
the 7 billion of humanity. Movement is accomplished bit by bit – sudden
movements are not possible. Change is inevitable and guaranteed. It feels
slow. You are moving more than a mountain. You are altering an entire
This thing that is happening, this altering of life on earth, is occurring
within the only “time frame” that it can. Depending on your l... more »
Republicans And Their Own Peculiar Version Of A "Gay" Lifestyle

To be a conservative always means swimming against the tide of history.
Under intense pressure from business groups, Jan Brewer may have vetoed her
party's latest crazy anti-gay legislation in Arizona, but that isn't
stopping other conservatives in other states the GOP controls from trying
to pass identical loathsome legislation. GOP bigots are on this particular
warpath in Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri and Oklahoma.
Louise Melling, the deputy legal director for the American Civil Liberties
Union, said the efforts are part of a misguided attempt to preserve an
outdated social ord... more »
One-Sided Debate on Gun Control
I usually like Power and Politics and Evan Solomon is generally a good
host, but what was up here? Why did he only have pro-gun supporters in this
discussion? Why no one from the other side to raise the public safety
concerns? This was a very one sided discussion. You can read more on this
topic here.
We Are Seriously Fucked
We're basically being bent over a barrel and told we can't even have a
stick to bite.
Look, I know you guys are really, really sick and tired of my constant
financial woes. I'd directly appealed to nearly 80 people for help last
week and got a very anemic response. This is why I'm taking the
extraordinary measure of showing you a screengrab from my bank's website,
complete with today's date, to let you know that I'm not scamming you all
and hoarding donations I don't need.
The Massachusetts Dept of Revenue claims I owe them back taxes from FY
2009, a fact I've mention... more »
Jews milking "oldest Holocaust survivor" for all he's worth

Apparently, the world's "oldest Holocaust survivor," a lady named Alice
Herz-Sommer, *recently died*. Now there is a new "oldest Holocaust
survivor" the organized Jewish community is parading about, milking him for
all the propaganda value he is worth. *The Jewish Daily Forward* reports:
Alice Herz-Sommer, the Jewish pianist from London and survivor of
Theresienstadt, died Sunday at the age of 110. After the passing of Sommer,
whom the media described as the world’s oldest Holocaust survivor, the
unofficial title passes to Yisrael Kristal, an Israeli confectioner from
Haifa, who cel... more »
"Workers As Citizens" is not Confiscatory
There is no transfer of property rights under "Workers as Citizens."
Workers receive the rights that citizens in a democracy nominally receive.
They do enjoy far greater control over the organization's decision than
previously, which includes the distribution of the earnings. But this is
what we're all calling for anyway and would happen even under far more
modest reforms such as more pro-unionization legislation and enforcement.
Even fairer taxation would produce the effect of a "confiscation" of wealth.
And, again I ask: What else is there? There is a reason that we can't
simply r... more »
If Your Contract Says It Isn't A Contract Is It A Contract?
A reader asks this question in the comments to my post Non-Compete
Agreements - Top 5 Ways To Get Out of Yours
*In 2012 my husband started working for a contractor. As a subcontractor he
signed a subcontract agreement. In which case has schedule of payment as 45
days net and the non compete agreement. As he did sign it but in bold
ANYTIME FOR ANY REASON. In 2013 he got let go because they butted heads.
(not because he did bad work). Its now been over 125 days and yet still no
payment. Does that mean the non compe... more »
The Spectacle In Kiev: The Brown Revolution
*Israel Shamir*
*ht karin *
*I am a great fan of Kiev, an affable city of pleasing bourgeois character,
with its plentiful small restaurants, clean tree-lined streets, and
bonhomie of its beer gardens. A hundred years ago Kiev was predominantly a
Russian resort, and some central areas have retained this flavour. Now Kiev
is patrolled by armed thugs from the Western Ukraine, by fighters from the
neo-Nazi -Right Sector, descendants of Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian
Quisling’s troopers, and by their local comrades-in-arms of nationalist
After a month of confrontation, Pre... more »
Climate 'Feedback' loops

*There is no need for "balance" in pieces about climate change. Does the
BBC now feel compelled to have someone who thinks that smoking is good for
you every time smoking is discussed? Are we now to expect a member of
Occupy to be offered the right of reply every time Robert Peston discusses
the economy? The BBC has a duty to reflect reality, rather than allowing
dinosaurs like Lord Lawson to fill the airwaves with unscientific and
deeply-irresponsible views. [Rob Hopkins, Transition Network].*
That's a point of view, expressed in an open letter of complaint to the
BBC... more »
Update: We live in a very troubled world

I did this post yesterdsy. Mound of Sound left a great comment. I am
posting it here for others to read.
*"Don't count on it getting better anytime soon, LD. We're at the 'early
onset' stage of climate wars. *
*Drought in Syria and resulting food shortages are said to have been a
major factor in that horrible civil war. Sudan was a water war.*
*Israel will never give autonomy to the Palestinians for fear of losing
control of the aquifer that sits beneath the West Bank.*
*Iraq is threatened by Turkey and Syria damming the Tigris and Euphrates.
Likewise Egypt is endangered by u... more »
*Environmental groups pledge to fight changes in levee board appointments
~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans Advocate**~The groups announced their opposition
at the site of the London Avenue Canal floodwall breach in Gentilly. They
said that had a more active and professional board been in place prior to
Katrina, it could have argued against design decisions that led to that
breach and other failures in the area’s U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers-designed flood-protection system. The creation of an independent
board filled largely with engineers and other experts was a critical
element of the 2... more »
Human Development After the Iranian Revolution
graduates in Iran
(Hossein Salmanzadeh / Fars News Agency)
Over at Truthout, Tyler Cullis and I have published an analysis of
certain societal gains achieved in Iran over the past 35 years following
the 1979 revolution. It explores a number of factors, namely that of
the United Nations' "Human Development Index," which charts advancements
over time with regard to access to education,
The “Baptist-Burqa” Network and LGBT Advocacy
It’s been a big and extremely depressing week for the rights of sexual
minorities. Despite some minor victories in Texas and Arizona Governor Jan
Brewer’s veto, anti-gay bills remain on the agenda in many US states.
Things continue to get worse in Uganda and Russia. What can be done to
help stop the abuse? Unlike
Continue reading
GMO loses another battle
I have just added Stranger in a Strange Land to my blog list, if you want a
world with options I suggest you do the same. I do not know if GMO are safe
or dangerous. I know its a big change from the natural way. These kinds of
scientific advancements in the past have been at the very least double
"GMO agriculture is devastating Filipino farmers and they've made a video
to share their stories. Monsanto gets them hooked and after a few years,
they double their prices. Farmers are forced to take out loans to cover the
cost of the seeds ...and chemicals. If the farmers can't pa... more »
The future of the Internet a PSA from the ZSRDF

Zombie Apocalypse or not the Internet is going to go more local, more
secure and virtually free. If you want to start building now start here.
And complete plans and details are just a link click away here.
Hitler, Newton and Barnum

By Capt. Fogg
*I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state
of motion unless an external force is applied to it. *
That's true for things above the level where quantum physics makes hash of
such laws but for things which are not things, but lies, it has no
bearing. Promoters of things for which there is no evidence whatever and
promoters of lies, hoaxes and propaganda rely on the fact that no external
force will impede, delay or arrest the appointed rounds of lies while
truth often demands too much of us. Every day a new crop of gullible
witlings an... more »
The Munchkin Brigade

John Baird and his brigade are in the Ukraine this morning. Tim Harper
writes that it's interesting to examine the composition of the group:
The delegation on the ground in Kyiv Friday includes Foreign Affairs
Minister John Baird, representatives of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, an
unelected Conservative senator and a couple of Conservative MPs, including
Ted Opitz, who could use a few more votes from constituents of Ukrainian
heritage to build on his mighty 26-vote victory in Etobicoke Centre in 2011.
There are no Liberals or New Democrats in the delegation because, according... more »
You Remember Miami's Ex-Rep David Rivera, Right?

Florida GOP crooks Alliegro and Rivera
We've been on his case for a long time but this isn't about him beating up
a woman or even his crooked fundraising or even about the
free-flowing-drugs-and-shady-cash party house he and Marco Rubio maintained
in Tallahassee-- or even about how he managed to finance his extravagant
and expensive lifestyle. All the evidence of Rivera, who was defeated in a
reelection bid last cycle by Joe Garcia, immersing himself in gangsterismis leading to a trial and yesterday intrepid *Miami
Herald* reporter Marc Caputo had the latest scoop on Rivera.
A fake D... more »
China Currency Plunges Most In Over 5 Years, Biggest Weekly Loss Ever: Yuan Carry Traders Crushed ....... Is the Yuan Carry trade the true "House of Cards " ?
China Currency Plunges Most In Over 5 Years, Biggest Weekly Loss Ever: Yuan
Carry Traders Crushed
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/27/2014 23:18 -0500
- Carry Trade
- China
- Deutsche Bank
- fixed
- Morgan Stanley
- Price Action
- Real estate
- Reality
- Renminbi
- Shadow Banking
- Volatility
- Yuan
And just like that the Chinese yuan devaluation has shifted awa... more »
War Watch February 26 , 2014 - Iran ( Obama administration officials insist "possible military dimensions" of Iran’s nuclear program must be resolved to the satisfaction of the IAEA to complete a nuclear agreement. But the term refers to discredited intelligence from suspect sources. ) ........ Syria ( Nusra Gives Rival al-Qaeda in Syria Ultimatum: Mediation or Be Wiped Out Weeks of Fighting Between Factions Killing Hundreds ) ........ Iraq ( Iraq Officials Give Conflicting Reports on Iran Arms Deal Defense Ministry Denies Deal, But Parliament Confirms It , Daily death dealing continues )
Catharsis Ours - 6 hours ago
Iran - Curveball Redux ?
Obama Pins Fate of Nuclear Pact on Documents From an Iranian "Curveball"Tuesday,
25 February 2014 09:59By Gareth Porter, Truthout | News Analysis
- font size [image: decrease font size] [image: increase font size]
- Print
- Email
[image: President Barack Obama leaves his podium after addressing the
nation on an agreement reached with Iran that would temporarily freeze
Tehran’s nuclear program and lay the foundation for a mo... more »
Diversity, as sung from one hymn-sheet

It's been quite a month for pledges from senior BBC figures.
There was Director of BBC Television Danny Cohen decreeing the end of
all-male panels on BBC TV comedy shows.
Then came the BBC's Controller of Drama Commissioning Ben Stephenson saying
that a greater emphasis will be placed on gay characters and storylines in
BBC drama.
Then came Controller of BBC One Charlotte Moore promising a greater range
of roles for women in BBC drama, and more roles for black actors too.
'Diversity' is the word on all of their lips.
How about another commitment to diversity from them: To a ... more »
Bitcoin Updates February 26-27 , 2014 -Japan authorities “gathering information” on Mt Gox closure ..... Interestingly , When bitcoin’s biggest exchange ( Mt Gox ) failed, it asked for a bailout from its competitors - and even tried to declare that Mt Gox was " Too Big To Fail " ! Apparently the argument was not bought and no one is planning to bail out Mt Gox ! SecondMarket CEO to Launch Regulated US Bitcoin Exchange this Summer - and the door to bitcoin will be opened to Wall Street Banks !
Catharsis Ours - 7 hours ago
1/27/14 items of note......
Unilateral Statement Regarding Mt. Gox from an Insider
Jesse Powell (<a class="authortwitter" href=""
style="-webkit-transition-duration: 0.25s; -webkit-transition-property:
color; -webkit-transition-timing-function: linear; border-bottom-width:
0px; border-color
Nigel Farage - Love Britain - Vote UKIP
*I personally detest this poundstretcher-style U£IP logo*
"Supporting Nigel Farage's *ugly-nationalist* UKIP, Mike, how does that
resonate with your supposed *Free Planet* message?"
Though I don't necessarily agree with all UKIP's policies, I've always
admired Farage's no nonsense non-PC delivery in the European Parliament.
Sure, he has the aura of a Classic GCHQ Operative or Agitprop about him,
can anyone really be this non-PC and live to shout-smile another day?
Farage uses the term *Patriotic* and I don't see any free-planet conflict
of interest there.
I don't necessarily ca... more »
South Carolina and Common Core: A Next Step?
South Carolina and Common Core: A Next Step?. via South Carolina and Common
Core: A Next Step?.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Central banker appointed as Prime Minister of Ukraine

Newly appointed Prime Minister of Ukraine and former central banker Arseniy
*Central banker appointed as Prime Minister of Ukraine*
27 Feb 2014
by Clark Kent
A reshuffled Ukrainian Parliament installed following a coup last week has
voted to appoint Arseniy Yatsenyuk as the new prime minister of the
country. Yats, as Victoria Nuland, the Assistant Secretary of State for
European and Eurasian Affairs at the U.S. State Department, called him, is
a natural choice. He is a millionaire former banker who served as economy
minister, foreign minister and parliamentary speaker befor... more »
Out riding links
I'm riding in the rift valley, but I thought I'd drop off some links on
the way....
*Daily Links*:
- The stupid, it buuurrrnnnnssss: Back in the day, The Taipei Times
editorial page hosted great writers who really knew the score like Lawrence
Eyton and Brian Kennedy and Bo Tedards. Now things have gone downhill so
much that the page actually said Sean Lien, the son of the honorary
chairman of the KMT, who is one of the richest, most powerful men on the
island, is a political outsider. He's the ultimate insider, who is
getting handed... more »
Say Good Bye to John Mersheimer
John Mersheimer's piece Say Goodbye to Taiwan has been making the rounds in
Taiwan circles. I plan to submit a response to it along with another well
known blogger, but anyone who has been out here a while should be able to
see through its articulate air of sympathy (*Gosh those Taiwanese, poor
kids, gonna miss 'em when they're gone*) to its awful, impoverished core.
But I will say this -- Mersheimer's piece isn't about Taiwan, it's about
Mersheimer. The whole point of the piece isn't to say anything intelligent
about Taiwan, but to legitimate Mersheimer as a Realist, over the dead
... more »
*Humans are NOT to blame for global warming, says Greenpeace co-founder, as
he insists there is 'no scientific proof' climate change is manmade*
There is no scientific proof of man-made global warming and a hotter earth
would be ‘beneficial for humans and the majority of other species’,
according to a founding member of environmental campaign group Greenpeace.
The assertion was made by Canadian ecologist Patrick Moore, a member of
Greenpeace from 1971 to 1986, to U.S senators on Tuesday.
He told The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee: ‘There is no
scientific proof that h... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.28.14”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 2.28.14”*
By Greg Hunter’s
“All eyes are on Ukraine and its political upheaval. Pro-western protesters
have forced the Ukrainian President to flee, and now there is a new
president who is partial to the West. The U.S. and the EU have provided
billions of dollars to fuel the uprising, and they are looking to offer
more financial assistance. Ukraine is about to collapse financially. Isn’t
the timing funny here? The Ukraine protests happened during the Winter
Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia? Before the games closed, the government was
toppled, and ... more »
High Levels Of Roundup Herbicide In Air & Water

A newly published U.S. Geological study found that 75% of the Mississippi
air and rain samples tested from the year 2007 contained the herbicide
Roundup. The environment is becoming so saturated with the 'fall out' from
the ever-expanding G...M agrichemical farming grid, that even if you
somehow find a way to avoid eating contaminated food, you will be forced to
have to deal with its adverse health effects, as long as you need air to
breathe and water to drink.
This study brings to the surface the extent to which GM farming has altered
our daily exposure to chemicals, such t... more »
The truth slips out about the EU
Thanks to Guido Fawkes here
Well done Bjorn Kjellstrom, Head of the UK Office of the European
Parliament, for helping the Eurosceptic cause no end. While berating
British journalists in a letter for not correctly reporting EU matters, the
grumpy Swede has let the cat out the bag: “not all citizens are aware that
possibly a majority of the laws that have an impact on their daily lives
are decided on by MEPs in the European Parliament.” Something swivel-eyed
Europhiles always try to deny…
Boone, a gifted five-year-old boy with autism, predicted 9 11.
Boone's mother reported that six months prior to 9 11, Boone drew over one
hundred clocks, each showing the time 9:11.
When the family was traveling to Atlanta from Georgia, Boone began crying
and insisted that his mother stop the car.
They stopped for lunch.
Once back on the road, they very soon came upon a huge accident involving
many badly damaged cars.
*book review*
*Elijah and twin brothers.*
Four-year-old Elijah Howell, from Naples Florida, appears to be psychic.
Reportedly, when he... more »
We live in a very troubled world

It is heartbreaking. We humans never learn from history.
Here are some examples:
Hot Spots: Central African Republic (civil war), Democrati Republic of,
Egypt (popular uprising against Government), Mali, Nigeria, Somalia Sudan
,Sout Sudan (civil war)
Hot Spots: Afghanistan ,Burma-Myanmar (war against rebel groups), Pakistan,
Hot Spots: ,Dagestan , Ukraine (in Crimea russian people are forming
Popular Brigades against new Government created on February 23 2014. Until
now have not reported clashes.)
Hot Spots: Iraq ,Israel , Syri... more »
Talk About Entitlement, How About Those Multi-Millionaire Republicans?
I'd say the Republican Party is in big trouble. For many reasons. But being
the nephew of Dumbya has got to be a disqualifier, doesn't it? Just
kiddin'! In a world where the Pauls are seen as intellectuals, anything can
be sold. GOP’s Secret Idiot? If George P. Bush Is Its Future, The Party’s
In Trouble Dubya's nephew is running for office, and is Rand Paul's expert
on Hispanic
“Constructive and Useful” Talks Continue between World Powers and Iran
Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton (L) and Iranian Foreign
Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif share a laugh during a press statement
after a conference in Vienna February 20, 2014.
(REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader)
"We have had three very productive days during which we have identified
all of the issues we need to address in reaching a comprehensive and
final agreement," European
Belated Thursday Quick Links
This duck is a bit under water these days. We’ve reached the mid-semester
pre-spring break moment of high activity and low energy (warm weather and
SXSW beckon). In the meantime, I’ve flagged a few stories, a great
Economist round-up on the health of the oceans (not good), a post by Chris
Bertram on the changing
Continue reading
Susan Collins Proves Rick Santorum Was Right About Her-- GOP Ideology First, Maine's Veterans Last

This afternoon, the Republicans were able to kill a bill living up to the
country's debts to military veterans, by filibustering the attempt to move
it forward. Although every Democrat plus two Republicans-- Dean Heller (NV)
and Jerry Moran (KS)-- voted for it, they needed 60 to shut down the
filibuster. The final vote was 56-41. Even if Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), who
was away from the Senate today, was there and voting yes-- she's one of the
few Republicans who is reliably pro-veteran-- the bill would have still
All the fake GOP "moderates," who claim to want to help military... more »
Photos Carter Camp honored at Wounded Knee Liberation Day 2014
Carter Camp, Ponca Wounded Knee Warrior at Liberation Day Wounded Knee
Photos by Carter Camp's niece Julie Camp, Casey Camp-Horinek's daughter,
thank you for sharing with Censored News. Casey Camp-Horinek and family
members at today's Liberation Day at Wounded Knee 2014.
More photos of today:
Wisconsin #commoncore Senate Bill 619: A conundrum?
Here it is as plain and simple as I can make it. Wisconsin Republicans in
the state Senate drafted a bill that essentially turns over the writing of
education standards to politicians and kills the common core. Someone has
to say it: “Any bill that would allow politicians the ability to directly
and/or indirectly write learning […]
Krugman Finally Yawns Out a TPP Column
Due to popular demand and thanks to its waning popularity in the world of
rationalism, *New York* *Times* columnist Paul Krugman has made it
official: he considers the now-iffy TransPacific Partnership agreement to
be "No Big Deal."
Let's face it. If Krugman told the truth and announced that the TPP is a
fascist coup in the making, he would no longer be invited to pose as the
token liberal on the cable shows sponsored by the same entities who stand
to vastly increase their already bloated wealth once this deal goes
through. He might not even get his *Times* contract renewed, or be a... more »
This piece in *The Drum* the other day demonstrates clearly how democracy
has been eroded and usurped by a media dedicated to manipulating public
opinion with spin, half truths and outright lies.
It seems that most people who answered the question referred to in the
article about whether or not they believed 'most of the refugees were
genuine’ said they were not, whereas the reality is that the vast majority
of them in fact actually are genuine refugees.
One needs to ask then; where are those people getting their information
from that led them to making a factually incorrect decisi... more »
My dear artist friend in Florida W. B. Park wrote me today after reading my
rant about the US destabilizing Ukraine. I've been working with Will since
the early 1980's when I was organizing in Florida. He made countless
drawings and cartoons for leaflets, newsletters, posters, and even once
designed us a billboard that we put up. When I published my book, Come
Together Right Now: Organizing Stories from a Fading Empire, I used all of
Will's artwork that I could dig up.
Will's first draft today was a pencil sketch and I asked him to add the
"missile defense" interceptors that th... more »
Join Seedy Saturdays & Sundays In Canada - March 1 to April 19, 2014

[image: Foto: Starting this weekend March 1st, "Seeds Of Diversity", seedy
Saturday & Sunday events throughout Canada. Learn the proper methods of
seed saving to maintain the genetic integrity of crop varieties, exchange
seeds with others, gardening, meet farmers and so much more. For more
information, click on the link to find a seedy event near you. It's all
about learning and sharing. READ MORE HERE: #SeedySaturdayandSunday #SeedsOfDiversity
#Heirloomandendangeredseedvarieties #Genebanks #gmofreecanadaa]
Starting this weekend March 1st, "Seeds O... more »
Think of the wounded warriors
Republicans "support the troops" on the TV when it makes for a good press
but in the chambers of the so-called "greatest legislative body in the
world," the GOPers kick "America's brave warriors" to the curb.
This afternoon, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont brought forth a carefully
crafted bill to provide $21 billion in new veterans benefits over the next
decade. These included medical benefits, education benefits, and
job-training. It contained 26 provisions that came from the Republican
members of the Veterans Affairs Committee, which Sanders chairs.
It failed miserably. Repub... more »
Don't be a dick
Like this:
Diners at eight Gator’s Dockside casual eateries are finding a 1%
Affordable Care Act surcharge on their tabs, which comes to 15 cents on a
typical $15 lunch tab. Signs on the door and at tables alert diners to the
fee, which is also listed separately on the bill.
The Gator Group’s full-time hourly employees won’t actually receive health
insurance until December. But the company said it implemented the surcharge
now because of the compliance costs it’s facing ahead of the Affordable
Care Act’s employer mandate kicking in in 2015.
“The costs associated with ACA complia... more »
Reconsidering Canada's prostitution laws: An opportunity to do so much better
We have until March 17 to give the federal government our opinion on laws
around sex work, as the 3 major laws affecting adult, consenting sex
workers were struck down in December as unconstitutional.
Here are my answers, and I urge you to submit your own responses here,
Please don't make the mistake of thinking you don't know enough to respond.
Just imagine that it's your sister, your mom, your little brother who is
working in the industry, making a free choice as an adult (because nobody's
talking about changing any laws that prevent violence, coercion, human
trafficking or child ... more »
More on our "courageous" right-wing loons, including the nutjob who wanted to ban gay players from the NFL

*"Lucky Jack" Burkman sez:** "If the NFL has no morals and no values, then
Congress must find values for it."*
*"Ultimately, the bill proposed by lobbyist Jack Burkman isn’t aimed at
keeping gay players out of NFL locker rooms. Instead, it’s about keeping
gay players in the closet."*
*-- from an NBC Sports blogpost today by Mike Florio*
*by Ken*
You remember lobbyist Jack Burkman, don't you? He's the other "profile in
courage" I tried my darnedest to make fun of night before last ("From
Arizona to K Street: Profiles in courage, 2014 right-wing-loon-style ") --
the other being Ari... more »
What deficit?
Can't fail to notice the GOPers don't really mention the once dreaded
deficit anymore. Probably because:
*Nothing To Cheer*
But for the deficit fetishists, the 2013 deficit is $139 billion lower than
Simpson-Bowles promised to deliver.
That's actually bad news, and of course it won't even be seen as good news
by people who claimed it was the most important thing ever. Because nobody
cares about the deficit.
Stolen from Atrios. Supporting documents linked at Eschaton.
I'm still able to post
People are losing access to their blogs after posting about the radiation
event near Carlsbad New Mexico.
The latest news on the event:
Breaking: 13 WIPP employees exposed to radiation 02/26/2014 04:26:01 PM MST
CARLSBAD -- Thirteen employees of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant were
exposed to radiation, according to test results taken the day a radiation
leak was detected at the nuclear waste repository. [end]
SEE also Enenews here.
I advise careful monitoring of this situation.
Massive job cuts belie recovering economy jibber jabber...... Highlighting layoffs from 2/27/14 -2/21/14 !
*February 27 , 2014*
*The Crozer-Keystone Health System PA - 250*
*IBM Essex Junction VT - Layoffs Begin?*
*Ingram Micro Williamsville NY - < 24*
*Wells Fargo - 700*
*General Dynamics Lynn Haven FL - 730??*
*Best Buy - up to 2,000 Manager Layoffs*
*LeMaitre Vascular - 10% or 30*
*Acxiom Corp. - 3rd Round of Layoffs Begins*
Acxiom Corp
*Qantas ( International ) - 5,000*
*Cox Communications - 500 San Diego*
*Aetna Inc. Blue Bell Office - 7+ Layoffs Reported*
*February 26 , 2014*
*Sony Electronics San Diego - 400*
*Assumption College - 15*
*Graham Packaging Co. - Some La... more »
Your moment of Zen

The Majestic Diner on Ponce de Leon in Atlanta. World renowned for its
cheese grits.
“Relying on Others: The Wisdom of Surrender”
*“Relying on Others: The Wisdom of Surrender”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“A deep feeling of gratitude can emerge as we open to the experience of
being helped. Most of us pride ourselves on our self-sufficiency. We like
to be responsible for taking care of ourselves and pulling our own weight
in the world. This is why it can be so challenging when we find ourselves
in a situation in which we have to rely on someone else. This can happen as
the result of an illness or an injury, or even in the case of a positive
change, such as the arrival of a newborn. At times like these, it is... more »
“Hamlet Act 3, Scene 1, ‘To Be, Or Not To Be’ Soliloquy”
*“Hamlet Act 3, Scene 1, *
*‘To Be, Or Not To Be’ Soliloquy”*
by William Shakespeare
"To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off... more »
“The Stuff of (Disturbing) Dreams”
*“The Stuff of (Disturbing) Dreams”*
by Dr. Michael J. Breus
“Dreams are one of the most fascinating - and least understood - aspects
of sleep. Though science has offered possibilities, we don't yet understand
the purpose of dreaming. Dreams can encompass a dramatic range of emotion,
and subject matter. Some dreams seem plucked directly from our everyday
lives. Most of us have had the experience of waking up shaking our heads at
the odd and sometimes amusing circumstances that unfolded while dreaming.
Dreams can contend with deep emotions, dealing with loss and reunion,
anger, so... more »
Caspian Report: Tymoshenko's return to Ukrainian politics
Video Title: Tymoshenko's return to Ukrainian politics. Source: Caspian
Report. Date Published: February 27, 2014. Description:
When Yanukovich came to power in 2010, he led the charge against Timoshenko
for abuse of power. The accusation was that her energy negotiations with
Russia were based on her personal interests, and there is certainly some
truth to the story. I personnally think that both Yanukovich and Timoshenko
had huge corrupt dealings. But in essence this was a politicelly motivated
trial, because Yanukovich nullified his political opponent. And what
happened next is ... more »
Brit Spooks Get Knickers in a Wad by Spying on Yahoo Sex Videos

GCHQ, the American Stasi’s overseas counterparts across the pond have just
been busted for their theft and storage of webcam images and videos -
including sexually explicit images - from millions of law-abiding Yahoo
users. This latest transgression against privacy and basic human dignity
from the Norsefire arm of the U.S. Surveillance machine smacks of the type
of perverted voyeurism that in most decent societies would have the perps
arrested and in more regressive ones have the offenders penises chopped off
in a public exhibition of what dirty perverts can expect. Here in the lan... more »
Fukushima radiation contamination updates February 25 , 2014 - a look at impacts in Japan and abroad as well as the state of the Fukushima plant site..... US nuclear news including updates on the WIPP site in New Mexico and also a South Florida facility - St Lucie
Catharsis Ours - 21 hours ago
Energy News - Japan......
11:12 PM EST on February 24th, 2014 | 178 comments
Kyodo: Alarm sounds at Fukushima plant, Unit 4 cooling system stops (VIDEO)
01:30 PM EST on February 24th, 2014 | 102 comments
Gov’t: ‘Very serious problem’ at Fukushima; Safety system ‘failed’ —
Expert: 12 Trillion Bq of Strontium-90 leaked, could exceed 1/8 of total
release since 3/11 — CNN: It’s absorbing into ground — Tepco: “You may feel
we didn’t do enough” (VIDEO)
11:14 PM EST on February 23rd, 2014 | 54 comments
LA Times: Top NRC official in Japan compared Fukushima to ‘never-never
land’ — At same tim... more »
Kerry talks with Lavrov about 'respecting territorial integrity' of Ukraine
A concept that is very humourous coming from Kerry. As we can see from his
impartiality in the Israel/Palestine situation, Kerry is all about
territorial integrity.
And of course we see how much the US respects the territorial integrity of
Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Bosnia, Libya, Syria, etc, etc., ad finitum
Yup, the US and company are all about the integrity of territory-
The US who has an agenda of destabilization and balkanization is all about
integrity of territory
John Kerry says so, so you had better believe it! ;-)
* It's been a busy day in the Ukraine and the Crimea*
So, it's ... more »
'No ultranationalist or anti-Semitic actions occurring in Ukraine' - ex-US ambassador [Source: RT]
[image: The synagogue in Zaporozhye]
Source of photo: *Times News*. For background, check out: "*Ukrainian
synagogue reportedly firebombed in first violence against Jews*" (Haaretz,
February 25).
'No ultranationalist or anti-Semitic actions occurring in Ukraine' - ex-US
ambassador. Source: RT. Date Published: February 27, 2014. Description:
Featuring John Herbst, US ambassador to Ukraine 2003-06. The tragic loss of
life in Ukraine has shocked, saddened and angered the world. With
uncertainty still gripping the nation and tensions running high, the
situation remains fragile. Will U... more »
What Do We Do When Our Own Government Becomes The Enemy?
Earlier today we looked at the interview Bill Moyers did with Adolph Reed,
Jr. about how the American left has basically shriveled up and withered
away. Reed made the point that Clinton and Obama both sold out entirely to
Wall Street in the same way that the Republican Party has. The corporate
agenda is their agenda. Yesterday Curtis Ellis of the American Jobs
Alliance, wrote that the TransPacific Partnership, the latest manifestation
of their trade policies, is the next step in a 50+ year plan to replace
national governments with rule by multinational corporations.
The TransPac... more »
Paul Craig Roberts: "To toot my own horn, I might have been the first and only to predict that Washington's organization of pro-EU Ukrainian politicians into a coup against the elected government of Ukraine would destroy democracy and establish the precedent that force prevails over elections, thereby empowering the organized and armed extreme right-wing. This is precisely what has happened. Note that there was no one in the Obama regime who had enough sense to see the obvious result of their smug, self-satisfied interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine."

*Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Declare that Power Comes Out of the Barrels of their
February 26, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
*Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Declare that Power Comes Out of the Barrels of their
Paul Craig Roberts
Reality on the ground in Ukraine contradicts the incompetent and immoral
Obama regime's portrait of Ukrainian democracy on the march.
To the extent that government exists in post-coup Ukraine, it is laws
... more »
Engels on Stoke-on-Trent
North of the iron district of Staffordshire lies an industrial region to
which we shall now turn our attention, the Potteries, whose headquarters
are in the borough of Stoke, embracing Henley, Burslem, Lane End, Lane
Delph, Etruria, Coleridge, Langport, Tunstall, and Golden Hill, containing
together 70,000 inhabitants. The Children's Employment Commission reports
upon this subject that in some branches of this industry, in the production
of stoneware, the children have light employment in warm, airy rooms; in
others, on the contrary, hard, wearing labour is required, while they
rec... more »
Political Homophobia in Uganda and a (Very) Belated Apology
In what I suspect is the least auspicious debut ever made by a Duck guest
blogger, six months after being welcomed by the Duck team, I’m finally
posting. It turns out that starting a new job, prepping a new course,
learning how to shovel snow, and attempting to finish a book manuscript all
at once
Continue reading
"The Trick..."
"The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable,
or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same."
- Carlos Castaneda
Three Degrees out of Phase: BE the WAVE
I don't know if it is because I read so many articles these days that
perhaps I've become a bit numb, but there is a rarity to those moments when
I read something that really hits me and brings a verbal "WOW!" out of my
All things have their own measurable frequency, including ourselves. We
automatically gravitate to the frequencies that we are most comfortable
with, guided by our internal oscilloscope which tells us, consciously or
unconsciously,what resonates with our frequency.
If you've ever been around a drunken kazoo player or attended your nephews
grade on... more »
The Times [HEART] certain themes about race!
*At long last, we learn about Oberlin:* As we’ve often noted, the New York
Times adores certain themes about race.
We don’t mean that as a compliment. In our view, the Times enjoys the
fatuous stuff, especially if it lets them lord it over their lessers in the
benighted South.
The great newspaper tends to be AWOL concerning more serious themes.
We were struck by the Times’ two reports about race at Ole Miss last week.
In the process of musing about those reports, we even learned what happened
at Oberlin last year, in the Klan sighting the Times ballyh... more »
Bob Barker fails to convince Ontario to ban the Spring bear hunt

Bob Barker (TV host from The Price is Right) has tried and failed to
convince the Ontario government not to bring back the Spring bear hunt,
which the province cancelled in 1999 during declining bear numbers.
But now the bears are back and they're becoming a nuisance.
It costs the province time and money to hire game wardens to shoot and kill
nuisance bears that are threatening the human population and thus Fall and
Spring bear hunts allows Ontario hunters to kill bears and keep the bear
population at a manageable level.
It is normally rare for black bears to attack humans (80% of ... more »
The Toronto Escalator Rules

This is hilarious! It isn't really news, but it is worth sharing. It is
proof positive that Torontonians get really annoyed when people don't
follow their precious escalator rules.
Rule #1. If you don't know the rules, learn the rules.
Rule #2. These rules are not matters of etiquette. They are rules. Follow
them or suffer the consequences. See Rule #8.
Rule #3. Respect the elderly, pregnant women, and people who are disabled.
They can break the rules as they see fit.
Rule #4. If standing on the escalator then stand to the right. Other people
will be... more »
Friday Morning Ramble: The McCarten Edition
If Matt McCarten’s organisational genius is overrated, his easy
identification of a phony is not. And this is on the money in any language,
“"Everyone talks about the centre ground as if it actually exists. The
policies are actually what wins an election. There's a million New
Zealanders who didn't vote last [election] or didn't bother to enrol,
they're disengaged in the political process at the moment, and they've got
to do it."” Would that some other parties (ahem) understand that. [Pic from Whale
Oil, who reckons: “The Chief of Staff title fools no one…we all know that
Labour ... more »
Inside Radio 4's brand of science

Given that BBC Radio 4 doesn't offer its listeners much in the way of
dedicated science programmes, I should probably refrain from complaining
too much about *Inside Science*, but...
As *Inside Science *is a weekly magazine show dedicated to news about
science, you might reasonably expect it to be free from the kind of
left-wing point-scoring which - either subtly or with the application of an
king-sized sledgehammer - pervades so much of the rest of Radio 4's output.
Yet, bizarrely, *Inside Science *rarely seems to go an edition without
ensuring that some left-wing point or othe... more »
“Fukushima Dangerously Contaminated the USS Reagan”
*“Fukushima Dangerously Contaminated the USS Reagan”*
by Harvey Wasserman
“A stunning new report indicates the U.S. Navy knew that sailors from the
nuclear-powered USS Ronald Reagan took major radiation hits from the
Fukushima atomic power plant after its meltdowns and explosions nearly
three years ago. If true, the revelations cast new light on the $1 billion
lawsuit filed by the sailors against Tokyo Electric Power. Many of the
sailors are already suffering devastating health impacts, but are being
stonewalled by Tepco and the Navy.
The Reagan had joined several other U.S. ship... more »
Newark AFT Members Begin to Suffer Effects of Weingarten Deal
The following links and annotations are from Ken Derstine in Philadelphia.
We have to wonder how much longer Diane Ravitch will keep her buried while
Randi Weingarten makes off with more millions in hard-earned dues from
teachers who are losing their jobs because of Randi’s complicity with
CorpEd and misleadership of AFT. Ravitch posted Randi’s letter to
Christie, but she dares not post anything critical of her collaborator
(think Vichy) pal—such as the one posted from the Newark teacher below.
*Randi to Christie: Give the People of Newark Their Schoo... more »
Princess Buggie
Princess Buggie and Grandma--February 26, 2014
(Photo by John Carroll)
When did the Left ditch democracy?
Douglas Carswell nails it in this article -
Here's an extract:
'On issue after issue, where they know they cannot win openly, the Left has
passed responsibility over to quangocrats and Commissioners, Human Rights
lawyers and judicial activists.The Left obtains by top down decree what
they cannot win at the ballot box. And the Right loses, even when we win
Far too many on the right still seek either re-heated Thatcherism or a kind
of mid-70s, patrician Toryism. Neither will d... more »
Project Blue Book, the RB-47 and Moon Dust
Yes, I put Project Blue Book, RB-47, and Moon Dust in the title and story
because it is a good draw to the blog, but also because all these things
are related in a way. I’ve been looking into the RB-47 case and this
resulted in a review of the material that can be found in the Project Blue
Book files.
What I found strange was that Project Blue Book files about the RB-47 case
contained two long documents that were written in 1971, or some 18 months
to two years after Blue Book was officially closed. One was the long
analysis written by Dr. James McDonald and the other was a rebutta... more »
What people continue to hear about Rice!
*Where different Americas come from:* Back in 2004, John Edwards ran for
president talking about “the two Americas.”
Sociologically, his number seemed to be off, though that’s neither here nor
We saw Edwards give his “two Americas” speech at Manchester’s Palace
Theater, on the day when Brother Franken got into the fight with the
heckler. (We were there for that event too, a Howard Dean speech.) We were
amazed by how bad Edwards was—memorized to the last gesture.
Today, we are splintering into at least several Americas. Edwards was
talking abo... more »
Viktoria Pilsen 1-2 Shakhtar Donetsk
FC Viktoria Pilsen, previously a mediocre countryside team and now the
charismatic soccer team in my hometown whose international and national
successes since 2010 or so have been shrouded in mystery, has been playing
under a new coach, Dušan Uhrin Jr, for a month because the previous
legendary coach Pavel Vrba was stolen by the Czech national team.
So far it looks like Pilsen can continue its miraculous crusades through
the European soccer. The new strategy seems to be more defensive than
Vrba's, and the offensive character of the game was a part of the special
enigma, but today, t... more »
The US-NATO plan to upend the government in Ukraine has been aided on the
streets of the country by right-wing forces that were linked with Hitler
when they supported the German invasion of the Soviet Union during WW II.
These are the type of cats the US has been funding to do the street
protests in Kiev and across the Ukraine.
Mohawk Nation News 'Earth Changing News!'
Posted on February 27, 2014
Mohawk Nation News M.T. Keshe of Iran has released to the world a brand
new techonology using natural gravity and magnetism to decontaminate
everything on earth. With the same principles, energy can be created by
everyone for free.KESHE: FUKUSHIMA CLEAN-UP.
He instructs the common man on how to use this simple humankind changing
Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, long-time radical, prominent lawyer and human rights
activist died suddenly and unexpectedly Tuesday in Jackson, Mississippi. He
was 66.
Lumumba had only been in office as mayor since last summer.
Born in Detroit, Edwin Taliaferro changed his name in 1969, saying
the first name, Chokwe, came from an African tribe that resisted slavery
centuries ago, and the last name from the Congolese independence leader
Patrice Lumumba.
Lumumba was labeled a Black terrorist by many for his leadership of the
radical group, the Republic of New Afrika, in the 1970s and ’80s... more »
Photos Wounded Knee Liberation Day 2014
Photo Wakiyan Tatanka
Photo Wakiyan Tatanka
Photo Wakiyan Tatanka
Photo Wakiyan Tatanka "My Lakota people and warriors of AIM"
Photo Wakiyan Tatanka
Photo Wakiyan Tatanka
Photo Wakiyan Tatanka
Photo Wakiyan Tatanka
Photo Wakiyan Tatanka
Photo Bex Cedarface
Photo Bex Cedarface
Photo Bex Cedarface

*Kate Rothschild, Jay Electronica and his friend model Cara Delevingne.*
*Kate Rothschild*, mother-of-three, has a rapper boyfriend called *Jay
Electronica* (Timothy Elpadaro Thedford).
Kate was married to Ben Goldsmith, the son of the late billionaire Sir
James Goldsmith
*Lord Victor Rothschild*
Kate is descended from *Lord Victor Rothschild*, the spy alleged to have
controlled the British Prime Ministers - Churchill, Heath and Thatcher.
Lord Victor Rothschild's children include Lord Jacob Rothschild and*
Amschel Mayor James Rothschild *(1955 - 1996).
Amschel is t... more »
Beware of Education Reformers who Co-Opt the Language of the Civil Rights Movement
Originally published by emPower Magazine on 2/27/14 The legacy of the Civil
Rights Movement is so great, that it come as no surprise that many groups
would try and use the movement to bolster their own cause. Utilizing the
lessons learned from the Civil Rights Movement to continue to fight against
all forms of oppression […]
Musings On Iraq Security Report For Feb 1-7, 2014
MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 1 day ago

The first seven days of February 2014 saw a huge amount of violence. There
were just over 200 reported security incidents and almost 300 deaths.
Baghdad, Ninewa, Salahaddin, and Anbar were the main focus of insurgent
activity, while Tamim and Diyala saw a mid-level of attacks. There were
also scattered incidents in southern Iraq. The beginning of February showed
that the insurgency was maintaining the same pace of operations as seen in
Scene of a car bombing in Camp Sara, Baghdad Feb 6, 2014 (*AFP*)
The press reported 204 attacks, 296 deaths, and 700 wounded in the first... more »
It is all downhill after 40
Click on graphic to enlarge.
WHO IS RACHEL MADDOW: What is truth?
*Interlude—Recalling the chairman’s tale*: Last evening, Chris Christie
appeared for the “Ask the Governor” radio segment he performs on a regular
basis with Eric Scott of New Jersey 101.5.
Treating the event as “late developing news,” Rachel Maddow devoted her
program’s second segment to the things Christie said.
“New Jersey Republican governor Chris Christie has just wrapped up a live
radio interview in which he, somewhat against his will, nevertheless
answered questions about the bridge lanes scandal,” Maddow said as she
introduced the segment.
Th... more »
Ukraine: Crimea/Russia Tatars, Nazi's and Fascists oh my! History repeats
* The links for most of the info directly below are NYT"s and IBT's*
If it's quoted, it's from there.
But, first, the mainstream media is playing the divide card. In NYT's
article headline
*“Protesters’ Clash Shows Region’s Divide”*
When the corporate NATO war media uses the word “divide” they want you to
believe that the ''divide" is between parties of equals. It isn't. This
type of narrative enables the media to present the simplified black vs
white story line. My thinking when I read this is boy I need to be wary!
NYT's *“With cries of “Allahu akbar,” *( I don't like to read tha... more »
A3 Newsletter: One Year Later: Albert Woodfox is still not convicted or released

One year ago today, supporters of Albert Woodfox were elated when Judge
Brady's ruling on Albert's criminal case was announced. It was a THIRD
overturning of his conviction!
How can it be possible that an innocent man, who now stands unconvicted in
the eyes of the law, remains locked in a solitary cage while he waits for
the State's endless appeal efforts to play out? How many more appeals, how
many courts will it take for the State to finally recognize that they've
done enough to this man?
There are oceans of press - firsthand accounts, testimony, scientific
reports, documen... more »
Where Do Corporate Welfare Charter Kingpins Send Their Children to School?
One answer here from Tamarac Talk:
*By: Sharon Aron Baron*
Imagine your neighbor owns a Ford dealership, however not only will he not
drive a Ford, none his family will either, preferring to drive BMW’s. Now
imagine this: the state is giving his dealership money because they believe
in his business.
Charter Schools USA operates 58 schools in several states, including
Florida, for a combined 48,000 students, however, Charter Schools USA
Founder Jonathan Hage along with his wife Sherry, Chief Academic Officer,
send all four of their children to Pine Crest Schools – a private school
Tu... more »
What the Internet Will Look Like After the Zombie Apocalypse

*I can see a certain use for this in the hills of Morocco! -AK*
*What the Internet Will Look Like After the Zombie Apocalypse*
Mr. Homegrown
February 27, 2014
Enterprising amateur radio operators in Texas, over the past several years,
have created a wireless high speed data network, called HSMM-MESH or
Broadband-Hamnet, completely independent of the internet. The map above is
the network built by HAMs in Austin, Texas. Basically it’s a bunch of
hacked Linksys routers connecting wireles... more »
The Realist Report - David Martin: Communist subversion of America

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined once again by *David
Martin*. David and I will be discussing the systematic Communist
infiltration and subversion of the Roosevelt administration and other
prominent institutions in American prior to and during WWII.
You can download the mp3 for this program *here*, or visit *The Realist
Report* on BlogTalkRadio to subscribe via iTunes and view past programs.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- *Dave Martin -* * archives*
- *Stalin's Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt's Government - A
revi... more »
Movie Review: Robocop

This is a Teen Daughter weekend and it turned out to be fairly low key but
much to Southern Man's surprise when he offered her the choice of a movie
to see she selected RoboCop.
Southern Man had his doubts (the original was a favorite and he wasn't all
that excited about a PG-13 remake of a hard-R film) but went with an open
mind anyway. And indeed the new Robocop film has quite a bit going for it.
There was considerable exploration of the impact on his wife and son, for
example, so with her as the love interest "Lewis" was transformed into his
male partner. They throw out a few l... more »
Maureen Lipman cuts ties with Oldie magazine per The Jewish Chronicle
The last line of this Jewish Chronicle piece is just so revealing...
'Actress Maureen Lipman has severed her professional links with The Oldie
magazine, claiming she will no longer tolerate its monthly “drip-drip of
antisemitic, anti-Jewish, anti-Israel material”.
Ms Lipman is a long-time contributor to the magazine, which was set up 21
years ago by former Private Eye editor Richard Ingrams. She is also a
regular judge at its Oldie Of The Year Awards.
But following an article published in its March issue, in which travel
writer Dervla Murphy described Hebron as a ghost town left ra... more »
Dangerous Driving
The requirement that the vehicle be operated in a manner “dangerous” to the
public relates to the manner in which the vehicle is operated as opposed to
the consequences of the driving : Roy, 2012 SCC 26, at para. 34. The focus
is on the risk created of damage or injury; however, the materialization of
risks that are inherent in driving should not be found to be culpable:
Roy, at para. 34. The word “dangerous” is defined in Black’s Law
Dictionary, 6th ed. to mean (at 394): “Attended with risk; perilous;
hazardous; unsafe.” The Concise Oxford Dictionary, 6th ed. defines
“dangerous”... more »
semen is "good for women's health"