Meet & Greet Monday (#MtaGt)

Welcome to Meet & Greet Monday!
Banner by Art Ist
Grab our banner for your site:
Do you have an Eco-friendly blog? Do you occasionally write about the
environment or ways to live green? If you answered yes to any, you're
invited to link up. Here are the rules:
1. If you have a green-living blog or a blog where you sometimes write
about the environment, sustainability, etc., please use the "linky" below
to list your site.
2. If you only occasionally write about green living, please use tags such
as "green", "Eco", "Environment", etc. and then link to... more »
The Big Banks Are Still Getting A Pass
According to a widely distributed post last week by Ellen Brown at the Web
of Debt Blog, It Can Happen Here: The Confiscation Scheme Planned for US
and UK Depositors, the FDIC and Bank of England have plans on the books to
deal with a bank meltdown the same way Cyprus has-- seizing deposits in
return for worthless bank stock. [Note: I experienced something akin to
this personally. As Steve Case and Jerry Levin were looting TimeWarner,
they forced executives to take partial payment in stock options. I had
approximately $10 million worth. When stock options go underwater, the
value... more »
Fixing the Marcott Mess in Climate Science
In 1991 the National Research Council proposed what has come to be a widely
accepted definition of misconduct in science:
Misconduct in science is defined as fabrication, falsification, or
plagiarism, in proposing, performing, or reporting research. Misconduct in
science does not include errors of judgment; errors in the recording,
selection, or analysis of data; differences in opinions involving the
interpretation of data; or misconduct unrelated to the research process.
Arguments over data and methods are the lifeblood of science, and are not
instances of misconduct.
However, ... more »
Sirena asustada en el fondo del mar

[image: Sirena asustada en el fondo del mar]
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Playa con rocas junto a la torre de luz

[image: Playa con rocas junto a la torre de luz]
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Patitos de patas azules buscando comida

[image: Patitos de patas azules buscando comida]
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Pareja de leones enamorados

[image: Pareja de leones enamorados]
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Gatitos en el campo mirando las flores

[image: Gatitos en el campo mirando las flores]
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Casas junto a las montañas de rocas

[image: Casas junto a las montañas de rocas]
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Bella dama en un hermoso jardín

[image: Bella dama en un hermoso paisaje]
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March 28, 2013
Posted by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Justice Antonin Scalia dropped a bombshell
on the Supreme Court today, announcing his decision to resign from the
Court “effective immediately” and leave the United States forever.
Calling this week “by far the worst week of my life,” Justice Scalia lashed
out at his fellow-Justices and the nation, saying, “I don’t want to live in
a sick, sick country that thinks the way this country apparently t... more »
Remembering Splitting the Sky (video)
23 Mar 2013
Remembering Splitting The Sky (video)
Watch video:
Posted by Corbett
Podcast: Play in new window
| Download
Mohawk activist. 9/11 truth campaigner. War criminal protester.
Attica State riot leader. Gustafsen Lake Standoff organizer. Splitting
The Sky had a remarkable life. Tragically, that life was
March 31, 1973
Just a short segment today, with one big development.
Ehrlichman and Haldeman (in California) talk to Kleindienst about the Gray
nomination, which they all agree is dead, and about cooperation from
Justice on Watergate -- but on the latter, Kleindienst talks about some
sort of independent counsel (a three-judge panel) running the prosecutions.
Back in Washington, Dean is continuing to tell his story to his lawyer, at
Shaffer's Friendship Heights apartment. And that's not all: Jeb Magruder,
having failed to talk his former assistant out of telling the truth to the
Ervin Committee, de... more »
Tar Sands Spills - Happening Now not in the Future
Lots of people think that the tar sands issue is a thing of the future.
It's not.
The evidence is already piling up that the pipeline is not a good idea.
Tar sands going across the US - is not a good idea!!!
* 2013*
Minnesota Tar Sand Spill
*Wednesday March 26*
NEW YORK/CALGARY March 27 (Reuters) - A mile-long train hauling oil from
Canada derailed and leaked 30,000 gallons of crude in western Minnesota on
Wednesday, as debate rages over the environmental risks of transporting tar
sands across the border.
The leak - the first major spill of the modern North Ameri... more »
You Tube is ready
You Tube is finally ready to select a winner and will be closed until 2023
whilst a winner is chosen.
Ah, it's April 1st...
Thank you my friends

Thank you my friends
I want to say a HUGE Heartfelt "THANK YOU" to all the amazing and wonderful
people who heard the incredible call out from AK on American Kabuki and KP
on Kauilapele (my awesome brothers in spirit) on behalf of myself and my
family. Your incredible donations have made a ginormous difference to my
family, and by the end of this week, I will have a new computer.....
hopefully one that is kid and cat proof, lol!
But besides the donations in $, it was the energetic exchange that I
received from so many people that moved me to tears severa... more »
Nation’s international relations reference librarians despondent as Game of Thrones returns
The Canard “All the fake news that’s fit to print” The long awaited return
of HBO’s wildly popular fantasy series, the Game of Thrones, has not
generated enthusiasm on the part of at least one group. The nation’s
international relations reference librarians, those who help students and
members of the public research the complicated dynamics
Continue reading
An Eostre shrine

I've made an informal study of comparative religions over the course of my
rather long life. Pretty sure this was left in Atlanta's Grant Park as part
of a nature based religious practice. (That's a rabbit in a carrot car by
the way.) We don't know why it's there. Thinking it's a shrine to welcome
spring and mourn the lost tree.
[Stephen H Banks photo. Click the link. Buy his metaphysical mystery novel.
It's a great read.]
Psst, buddy, wanna buy a used war cheap? (OK, maybe not so cheap)

*If you don't like these numbers, I say make up your own. As long as you
understand what it means: that we have to cut back on Medicare and Social
Security benefits.*
*by Ken*
I don't know about you, but every now and then I wonder idly, Jes' how dang
much is them wars in Eye-raq and 'Gannystan a-goin' ta cost us?
I especially wonder when we hear reports about those hearty congressional
dinosaurs the buy-partisans sending out smoke signals that they're *jes'
this close* to reaching agreement on a "compromise" that will finally give
the Pete Peterson deficit-hawk partisans and thei... more »
New York's Race to Implement Common Core Before Revolt Breaks Out
Corporate ed reform schoolers across the country are in emergency mode to
try to implement the latest testing deliver system, the Common Core, before
parents and teachers and students can force a halt to the madness. In doing
so, deformers make their desperation apparent as their agendas take
precedent over learning or the opportunity to learn.
In New York, high stakes decisions will be made this year based on test
scores for which teachers and students had no materials or time to prepare.
This is the perfect opportunity to bring this violation into the courts.
From *North Countr... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, March 31st, 2013
It is Sunday, and yes, I am back from vacation, and as promised, I am doing
my usual Sunday rant...
I just spent the last 5 days in the United States on a short vacation. I
had decided about a month ago to go and take my son for Canadian Spring
Break and go and see a few NBA basketball games in Minneapolis. My son has
always wanted to see a live NBA game, and I figured this was the one trip
that I would be able to grant his wish... It also provided my better half
with a much needed break from her work to go and not only have some rest
and relaxation, but for her to go and do some s... more »
Introducing the American Nationalist Network
We are proud to introduce the official radio network of the American
Nationalist Association, the *American Nationalist Network*. Please visit
the Blog Talk Radio page for the *American Nationalist Network*, where you
can either listen to our broadcasts live or download the podcast archives.
*John Friend*, Co-Developer of the *American Nationalist Association*, will
host *The Realist Report* every Monday and Tuesday, which is an
interview-based program that focuses on a wide variety of historical and
philosophical topics. Rodney Martin, Director of *World View Foundations*and Co-D... more »
I am Dutch - what does that mean? (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 5 hours ago
Now you know....
'Revolution' film journey of saving the species and ourselves
capture from Revolution trailer by Censored News.
Wonderful to see familiar faces, and the beautiful cinematography in the
trailer of the upcoming film 'Revolution' being released on April 12,
About 'Revolution'
is a film about changing the
Tom Cheetham - "On the edge of chaos"
Related: *"The World And Society In 1913."*
"Tom Cheetham is a biologist and philosopher and the author of four books
on the imagination and the meaning of Henry Corbin's work for the
contemporary world. He is a Fellow of the Temenos Academy in London and
Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology at the College of the Atlantic in Bar
Harbor, Maine. He lectures regularly in Europe and the US."
Below is an excerpt from Tom Cheetham's book, *"All The World An Icon:
Henry Corbin And The Angelic Function of Beings."* 2012. North Atlantic
Books: Berkeley, California. Pg. 247-48. ... more »
This is your future with the KXL pipeline

The Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline hasn't been authorized yet, but the
filthy tar sands oil is already streaming through the heartland in existing
pipes that have been retrofitted by Big Oil, in this case our old friend
Exxon-Mobil. The unfortunate residents of this neighborhood in Arkansas got
a hard lesson on what that means this weekend, when the pipeline sprung a
[photo via]
Imagine walking out your door and discovering this.
The town evacuated the neighborhood and shut down sections of highways
because a single spark could blow up the whole damn place. Not to m... more »
1,000 words...

For anyone not aware, THIS is the problem with Sunderland FC employing
Paulo Di Canio as manager. There is even more context than most people
realise. He used to perform these salutes when he played for Lazio, a club
that, on the basis of its followers, is known informally as Nazio, known
widely as the the lowest of the low. Di Canio was inciting his fascist
*NOLA Pyrate Week Throws a Wench in the Works ~NOLA DEFENDER*
Exxon Mobil pipeline break spills Canadian crude in Arkansas
*MAYFLOWER, Ark. — Exxon Mobil Corp. says crews are working to contain and
clean up an oil spill near Mayflower, Arkansas after its Pegasus pipeline
ruptured Friday afternoon.*
*** The pipeline carries Canadian heavy crude oil from Patoka, Illinois to
refineries on the Texas Gulf coast.*
*** Exxon Mobil issued a release that said the company was responding to a
spill of more than 10,000 barrels, and that some 4,500 barrels of oil and
water had been recovered.*
*** The company said the 20 inch pipeline had been shut down as crews tried
to prevent the spilled oil from reaching a nea... more »
Seder Night in the White House

The incredibly pro-Barack Obama Huffington Post reports on Barack Obama's
attempt to appear pro-Jewish, holding a Seder Night. Of course as this is
Barack Obama there's a subtext (*my emphasis*):
'For a president of the United States, the personal is inevitably
political. But there is one annual event at the White House that truly is
personal for its current chief resident -- or at least as personal as
anything can be in the most watched building in the country.
President Obama’s upcoming Passover Seder, scheduled for March 25, will
host just 20 or so participants this year -- more ... more »
Is Anyone Asking You For Money This Weekend?

Nick Ruiz, a professor, not a politician-- he won't sell you out; not ever
Today's the last day of the FEC quarter, and politicians are using a
ridiculous fake deadline to wind everyone up for (often undeserved)
donations. I get a lot of e-mails from politicians. But I think I got more
this last week than the total since the November election. The DCCC and New
Dems were especially aggressive in urging candidates to badger and barrage
their lists with ominous and dire warnings. Elizabeth Warren sent out a
plea for some of her colleagues with a message that started this way: "If
your e... more »
Happy Easter

This is Mrs. JP's and my fourth Easter dinner together. We had a baked
ham semi-glazed in pineapple juice, mashed potatoes, Charlene's Cheesy
Potatoes, stuffing, Brussels sprouts, butternut squash, pork gravy and a
good white wine that was a steal at $12.99. So, how did you distend *your*waistline?
ALEC - Twenty Years of Pro-Gun Propaganda

Think about it – just think about it - - - - -
Firearms Owners’ Protection Act of 1986,
culminated with the one-two punch of the Brady Bill—mandating background
checks on gun buyers— in 1993,
and the “Assault Weapons Ban” of 1994.
Since then there has been a complete reversal of fortunes for gun control.
Congress allowed the “Assault Weapons Ban” to expire in 2004,
and passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act in 2005,
which protects firearms makers from lawsuits.
Think about it – just think about it - - - - -
*During that time, *
*ALEC has been "educating" you... more »
Cut to the (not so) quick

The BBC News website has been leading all day with:
Welfare cuts unjust, say churches
Four churches join forces to accuse the government of making cuts in
welfare payments they say are unjust and target society's most vulnerable
Their main report goes on to say:
The Easter criticism has come from the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the
Methodist and United Reformed Churches, and the Church of Scotland.
"Easter criticism" by the churches? Well, not according to the *Spectator*:
COFFEE HOUSE UPDATE It appears that the timing of this – Easter – may have
been chosen by the BB... more »
Sunday Question for Liberals
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the legislative progress on guns
and immigration?
Native Americans Rally to Save Hickory Ground at NIGA Conference
Native Americans Rally to Save Hickory Ground at NIGA Conference
Press statement
Posted at Censored News
PHOENIX -- On Tuesday, March 26, 2013, Native American sacred lands activists from throughout the country,
including O’odham, Navajo, Havasupai and Muscogee Creeks, demonstrated at the National
Indian Gaming Association (NIGA) conference to support
Moses, don't get lost
Working on clearing out the archives on quiet Sunday afternoon. This seems
like the perfect time to post this video. John Davis And The Georgia Sea
Island Singers:
Sunday Question for Conservatives
The conservative push in GOP Senate primaries over the last several cycles:
a net plus or net minus for conservative policy outcomes?
Easter and fecundity, Easter and chocolate
My favourite Easter joke — which I told countless times as an adolescent
because there was bound to be someone among family members and Francophone
community who would take offense — was this one.
Jesus has been nailed to the cross, he's weakened by his ordeal and his
disciples gather below him. Peter notices him staring, struggling to say
some words. Resources are marshaled by the small group to get Peter up
near Jesus so his last words can be heard.
(Elaborate details on the maneuvers and acrobatics required to do so.)
Finally Peter is propped up to a level where he can hear w... more »

Many of you will remember last year's high-profile child sexual abuse
scandal trial in Rochdale. As the abuse was perpetrated by eight men of
Pakistani origin and one Afghan asylum seeker and all the victims were
white under-aged girls, the case provoked a nationwide debate on whether
the crimes had a racial/religious/cultural motivation. Concerns were raised
that the police, CPS, local council and social services had failed to
investigate the abuse properly out of fear of being accused of being
The debate raged across blogs, newspapers, radio and television. ... more »
The prosecution of George W. Bush for murder
On the tenth anniversary of the American invasion of Iraq (March, 2003),
numerous articles appears in the American mass media reflecting on the
biggest blunders committed in the history of the U.S. by the Bush
administration. The few people who were concerned about American national
interest predicted this tragedy.
However, the major newspapers of the media began to dance to the tune of
music set by the Bush administration and the lobbyists representing those
who would benefit from the invasion of Iraq.
The American congress, which Harry Reid described as the most corrupt in
the ... more »
Michael Moore reads his poem for freedom for Leonard Peltier
Coyote introduces Michael Moore. Moore speaks on how the innocent are
imprisoned in the US, and the role that the media and public play in
convicting people, including Leonard Peltier. Moore speaks on the lies
of governments and corporations.
"We were a country founded on genocide," Moore said, "and built on the
backs of slaves."
"Americans kill people, that's what we do," said Moore
Why is Ralph Klein Greater Dead Than He Was Alive?
They're all lining up to heap praise upon old Ralph now that he's dead.
They sure didn't seem to be so reverential to him while he lived.
Yes, Ralph Klein did balance the provincial government's books. Yes,
Ralph Klein did pay off the provincial government's debts. Yes those were
both wonderful achievements.
So what happened? Why is Alberta in such a mess today? Are Ralph's
fingerprints also on what went wrong?
Was it not under Ralph Klein that the Alberta government allowed itself to
become dependent on fickle oil royalties to pad its operation budget? Was
it not Ralph ... more »
The Real News: Shutting Down Critique of Israel on Campus
Video Title: Shutting Down Critique of Israel on Campus. YouTube Video
Description - [Channel: TheRealNews. Uploaded on March 30, 2013]:
Michael Ratner: Regulations against hate speech used to close down
criticism of Israeli occupation.
"And the question I've asked myself over time is how do we change a policy
in the United States if the people who want to push for change in the
United States can't engage in free speech on that policy." - Michael Ratner.
Michael Ratner is "an attorney, President Emeritus of the Center for
Constitutional Rights (CCR), a non-profit human rights li... more »
Oil Pipeline Ruptures, Again and Again(Breaking News)
Breaking news, Exxon Mobile`s Alberta Bitumen Pipeline ruptures in
Arkansas, homes evacuated...
I am getting sick of these environmental crimes, and a little testy..
See the shocking video here.....
long weekend in Arkansas means pipeline oil spill special..
This spill in a populated city setting has made a huge mess, and guess
Homeowners reported the spill, homeowners reported the gushing oil, not
sensors, not technology,... more »
Why Doesn't Warawa Go Out and Start, Oh I Don't Know, a Reform Party?

That's the ticket. Disgruntled Conservative backbenchers should take a
page out of the past and split. They should form their own party, one
that speaks to their concerns and aspirations. They should create a new
party, a populist party, an alliance of sorts, a party for genuine
reform. They could call it - the Reform Party. Or maybe the Alliance
Party. Or the Canadian Reform Alliance Party or some sort of *CRAP *like
Chantal Hebert says the social conservatives in the Harper government are
fed up.
*Some Conservative MPs are apparently getting tired of barking on... more »
Syria and the Chemical Weapons Hoax
Video Title: Syria and the Chemical Weapons Hoax. YouTube Video Description
- [Channel: corbettreport. Uploaded on March 31, 2013]:
James Corbett of joins Gary Franchi of WHDT9 on the Next
News Network to discuss recent reports of chemical weapons attacks in
Syria. They also talk about the new so-called Syrian Prime
Minister-in-exile, the possibility of war in the region, and the
implications of the government-media nexus.
Obama's Too Modest Dream

Barack Obama has unveiled plans for a multi-billion dollar programme to
repair and upgrade America's decaying highways, bridges and other critical
*Among his proposals were renewed calls for a $10bn "infrastructure bank."
He also mentioned new plans for $4bn in loans and grants for infrastructure
projects and tax breaks for foreign pension funds to encourage investment.*
*The president addressed America's "ageing infrastructure badly in need of
repair" during his state of the union speech in February. The "fix it
first" policy called for investing $50bn in transpor... more »
Why "Happy Easter"?

Why Happy Easter? Because, before the crucifixion and resurrection of
Christ got tacked onto it, Easter - or Ishtar or Eostre - was a
celebration, a lovely pagan festival.
*...What is interesting to note here is that in the ancient world, wherever
you had popular resurrected god myths, Christianity found lots of converts.
So, eventually Christianity came to an accommodation with the pagan Spring
festival. Although we see no celebration of Easter in the New Testament,
early church fathers celebrated it, and today many churches are offering
"sunrise services" at Easter – an obviou... more »
South Africa copter crash kills 5 soldiers while patrolling for rhino poachers
[image: A rhino in Kruger national park, South Africa, where poaching is
escalating. Photo: Mario Moreno / Barcroft Media]
By Faith Karimi, CNN
31 March 2013
(CNN) – Five South African soldiers died in a helicopter crash while
patrolling for rhino poachers in the sprawling Kruger National Park.
All aboard the flight were killed in the crash Saturday night, according to
a government spokesman.
The soldiers were conducting Operation Rhino, which aims to combat rampant
poaching at the park.
"On behalf of government and the entire nation, we wish to express our
sincere condolences... more »
Sunday Classics: Our "J" and "K" conductors shine in Mozart's "Don Giovanni" and "Così fan tutte"

*Eugen Jochum (a few years older in the picture!) conducts the Berlin
Philharmonic in the Overture to Mozart's Così fan tutte, from his December
1962 DG recording of the complete opera.*
*by Ken*
We're showing off our "J" and "K" conductors in Mozart operas this week. In Friday
night's preview we heard both Eugen Jochum and Josef Krips conducting the
opening of *The Abduction from the Seraglio*. Today we're going to hear
each in excerpts from one of the great operas Mozart wrote with his supreme
librettist, Lorenzo da Ponte: Krips conducting *Don Giovanni* and Jochum
conducting *... more »
Image of the Day: Satellite view of extensive ice fractures in the Beaufort Sea
[So much for the “recovery” of Arctic sea ice that the antiscience blogs
keep predicting. –Des]
By Adam Voiland
29 March 2013
(NASA) – The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi
NPP satellite captured this view of extensive sea-ice fracturing off the
northern coast of Alaska. The event began in late-January and spread west
toward Banks Island throughout February and March 2013.
Visualizations of the Arctic often give the impression that the ice cap is
a continuous sheet of stationary, floating ice. In fact, it is a collection
of smaller pieces that const... more »
The Dark Face of European Anti-Semitism
I am a regular critic of Israel, particularly its policies and acts toward
the Palestinians and its destabilizing nuclear arsenal. One cannot speak
of these things without inviting accusations of anti-semitism plainly
intended to stifle critics.
Anti-semitism does, however, remain a real and ongoing challenge to us all
and to our hopes for a better society. Katrina Lantros Swett, writing in *The
Guardian*, has a disturbing account of the rise of anti-semitism in Europe.
*In Hungary, my parents' native country, the leader of its third largest
party recently urged the government to... more »
The Tiny Dot or The most dangerous Superstition (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 11 hours ago
If you are still in doubt about what you heard in a funny and
over-simplified way, see Larken Rose' website. More pragmatic issues
relating this subject you find at James Corbett's website "Corbett Report"
and YouTube about the 'government illusion'. Times, they are changing,
aren't they?
Canada defends pulling out of UN convention on droughts – ‘A departure from global citizenship’
[image: Aerial view of the boundary of the Athabasca oil sands with the
boreal forest in Alberta, Canada. Photo: Matthew Arnold / The Eighth Fire]
OTTAWA, Ontario, 29 March 2013 (AP) – Canada defended its decision to pull
out of a United Nations convention that fights the spread of droughts just
a month before a major gathering would have forced the country to confront
scientific analysis on the effects of climate change.
Canada is the only country in the world outside the agreement. Prime
Minister Stephen Harper's government has been vilified an as outlier on
climate change poli... more »
"We Will Not Let Them Fail" - At Least Not Yet

British general Bob Bruce, commander of Task Force Helmand, says now's the
perfect time to let Afghan army troops take over the job of battling the
Taliban. General Bob added, "*We will not let them fail. When they really
need us, we will intervene*."
What went unsaid was the caveat, "*this year anyway, next year we'll be out
of this hellhole and they're on their own."*
Brigadier Bob also said something that you weren't likely to hear from guys
like Sideshow Steve Harper or Rick "Big Cod" Hillier.
*"This is their problem. This is their insurgency. We know for a fact there
is no ... more »
'Don’t burn this house. It belongs to a Muslim’
Monopoly Game: Civil Disobedience at Wells Fargo, Occupy Sacramento
Photo 1: Protest at Wells Fargo on March 28, 2013. Photo 2: Quanah
Parker Brightman with his father Lehman Brightman, founder of United
Native Americans, and victim of Wells Fargo fraud and home seizure.
From Quanah Parker Brightman:
Thank U Again for Helping Spread Awareness on Our
Plight to Save My Father's Home from Being Stolen. It's Really Shameful
that Contra Costa County,
Marcott, et al., respond to criticisms of their groundbreaking paper that shows 11,000 years of climate change
[image: Reconstruction of global average surface temperature by Marcott, et
al., 2013, with RegEM reconstruction and HadCRUT4 data appended. Graphic:
31 March 2013 (RealClimate) – Readers will be aware of the paper by Shaun
Marcott and colleagues, that they published a couple weeks ago in the
journal *Science*. That paper sought to extend the global temperature
record back over the entire Holocene period, *i.e.* just over 11 kyr back
time, something that had not really been attempted before. The paper got a
fair amount of media coverage (see, *e.g.,* this article by Justin... more »
Four day weekend - part 2
The Coral - Grey Harpoon
Franz Ferdinand - Darts of Pleasure
Arctic Monkeys - Brianstorm
Queens of the Stone Age - No One Knows
*Sinkhole shines light on failings in state regulations ~The Advocate*
*'Simpsons' actor Harry Shearer will speak at Loyola*
*Cocodrie once again seeking ‘Ultimate Fishing Town' title ~Daily Comet* *Tennessee
Williams New Orleans Literary Festival Rocks ~Karen Dalton-Beninato*
Up From the Ground Came a Bubblin' Crude, Bitumen That Is

The latest grand winner in the Athabasca bitumen sweepstakes is the State
of Arkansas and what a state it's in thanks to an Exxon Mobil pipeline
failure that has released what the company is calling "over 10,000 barrels"
of heavy crude.
The pipeline has been shut down and Exxon crews are working to "contain"
the spill as in trying to keep it from reaching a nearby lake.
EPA to study flame retardant chemicals
[image: Polybrominated diphenyl ether. Wikipedia Commons]By Kate Sheppard
29 March 2013
(Mother Jones) – The EPA announced this week that it will study the health
and environmental risks of 23 chemicals, with an emphasis on chemical flame
retardants that are found in many common products. [*cf*. Blood levels of
flame-retardant chemicals doubling every few years in North Americans]
Even though they were phased out of baby clothes back in the 1970s due to
health concerns, flame retardants are still used in baby cribs and car seats,
couches, and electronics. Many have been linked to ... more »
The War on the Poor
April 1st is usually the time for a bit of a knockabout. Indeed, you can
expect bouts of the usual silliness tomorrow. David Cameron and Nick Clegg
to record *Especially For You* for charidee? Brilliant. Harry Cole taken on
as Number 10 press officer? What a hoot. Boris Johnson to go for Prime
Minister? Chortle. But while Tory ministers are chuckling over their cold
meats and croissants, few of them will be sparing a thought for the hammer
they're smashing down on our poorest and most vulnerable households. For
April Fools' Day this year will live in infamy as hundreds of thousands ... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Crawling Creature'
Posted on March 31, 2013
MNN. Mar. 25, 2013. The Great Law provides that, “As
a weapon against a crawling creature, I lay a stick with you so that
you may thrust it away from the Council Fire”. A crawling creature may
be a disrespectful person seeking to disrupt the people and must be
removed. [Wampum 4].
Serpent of Discord.
We Indigenous are
NESARA & the "RV": The Grandest Contrast of All!

Posted by D.
*NESARA & the "RV": The Grandest Contrast of All!*
I'm posting this article below about the "Batman Call" because this guy
gives probably one of the most succinct run downs of "How the New Financial
System and major political changes" are suppose to roll out. We're going
to use this as a basis to look at the Grand Contrast that is about to play
out in front of our eyes.
And oh what a grand contrast it is going to be!!!!
Take a moment and jump down and read the Batman article I've posted
.... Done? Good. Now let's talk about the... more »

*Professor Yang-Yoon Mo now in Jeju jail for the 4th time with an 18 month
*Grassroots media activist Park Sung-Soo in Jeju jail for 28 days after
refusing to pay large fines*
Yang Yoon-Mo and Park Sung-Soo (Dungree) hit their 60th and 7th day
respectively at the Jeju prison in South Korea as of March 31.
You can send a solidarity message to these two non-violent peace workers by
emailing them via
Professor Yang ended his long hunger strike last week and we hope his
recovery is going well.
Park (Dungree) has for the past couple of years been one... more »
3 Questions

On 3/31/13, at 5:55 AM, Jarrafusa wrote:
To all:
In Absolute Love, Gratitude and Peace:
*What IS value?*
*Where IS that value located?*
*Who has control of THAT value?*
If you spend the energy to answer those three questions you will have the
Absolute Truth of where you consciously BE at this moment of NOW. If you
know where you consciously BE at this moment of NOW, you can consciously
choose what you DO.
Eternal essence filing
Notice of I/UV Exchange
With Absolute Love, Gratitude and Peace
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
eternal essence embodied and DO'ing
♥ ... more »
Christianity destroyed from within by Judaic infiltrators
Across the globe, the Easter celebrations are in full flow. Easter is a
commemoration of the martyrdom of Jesus, at the hands of the Pharisees, or
as we would now call them, the Elders of Jewry. Easter is a solemn and
sombre occasion for reflection; it is a religious time, which is completely
divorced from any expressions of materialism. At least that is how it is
supposed to be in the Christian world.
Until the capture of the Church by Judaic infiltrators, the murder of Jesus
by the Jewish Elders was openly spoken of. The advent of Vatican II saw
the revision of theology to abs... more »
No Waiting

As the days stretch into months, one can’t help but consider the notion of
waiting. In order to wait, you have to embrace linear time, for without
it, waiting is impossible. Everything is now.
Let’s back up. About a year ago, many of our clocks broke. It was
mentioned here and reported by dozens of readers. Time was just not
operating “like clockwork” any longer. It seemed to be moving faster. We
are still catching up.
In my home, we now rely exclusively on our cell phones for the correct
“time”. Even they sometimes are all over the map. Unless we hav... more »
Hegemonic Warfare Watch: Does Sanity Suddenly Prevail in Taipei
The Asahi Shinbun reports that Taipei will not insist on sovereignty over
the Senkakus in fishery talks.......
In a marked policy shift, Taiwan plans to skip its claims to the Senkaku
Islands in negotiating a fisheries agreement with Japan, sources close to
the negotiations said.
* The change removes a major barrier for fisheries talks, but it remains
unclear whether an agreement can be reached*. This is because Japan and
Taiwan claim fishing rights in overlapping waters between Okinawa
Prefecture and Taiwan.
Fishermen are keen for the matter to be resolved quickly because past ta... more »
Pope Francis and Nuclear Power
Before his election, Pope Francis had an interesting vocation for a Jesuit.
In many respects his life style is closer to a Franciscan monk than a
Jesuit. Franciscans are noted for their simple lifestyles and for their
commitment to the poor while Jesuits are more committed to education and
often hobnobbed with members of the elite. The nature of the Franciscan
vocation is such that a Franciscan could loose sight of an important issue
with respect to the poor. That is, the ultimate service to the poor is to
provide the poor with the means by which they can exit poverty. In this
rega... more »
Something misunderstood

Happy Easter!
Radio 4's *Sunday *celebrated the Christian world's holiest day by talking
to a Christian pastor in the Bekaa Valley about the Syrian refugee crisis,
following this with a report on Rowan Williams's involvement with a
Cambridge Food Bank in these times of austerity and benefit cuts, an
interview with a Cypriot journalist about the Orthodox Church's role in the
present crisis (he wasn't enthusiastic), a piece on a female saint (Egeria)
and an interview with a Labour peer, Lord Touhig, who has added his name to
a letter to Pope Francis calling for reform to the Catholi... more »
Easter Tidings

Something like a billion people are commemorating and celebrating the
resurrection of Jesus Christ today, one of the central tenets of
Christianity. The new Argentine Pope kicked off the festivities on
Thursday, at the Last Supper Mass, by washing the feet of 12 inmates of a
juvenile detention center in Rome. There's a little bit of a scandal
because one of the detainees who got her feet washed by the Pope was not
just a female but a Muslim to boot.
No pope in history has washed the feet of a woman, much less a Muslim.
In his homily, the Pope made no reference to the religious b... more »
It's going to be a long day!
The clocks went forward an hour so I have to manually adjust:
Two alarm clocks
One bedside clock
Central Heating
Two underfloor heating controllers
Two ovens
Burglar alarm
One wall clock
One mantelpiece clock
Four timers for lights
Phone system
Numerous cameras
Old spare mobile phones
Clocks in two cars
Thank heavens for the devices that adjust themselves!
Mining 10: Urban Tailings vs. Mining Tailings
This is a continuation of my earlier article, Rio Tuba Mining in South
Palawan last March 17, 2013. Among the most commonly-cited reasons why many
people dislike mining in general and large-scale mining in particular, are
the mine tailings -- or mining dumps, slimes, tails, residues that look
ugly and discolor rivers and seas. Four photos below I got from the
facebook wall of JB Baylon, posted March 16, 2013.
Urban tailings, or upland farm tailings or mud, coming from Pasig River and
its upland tributaries like portions of Laguna Lake and Marikina River.
Manila Bay, mouth of Pasig ... more »
Top Ten Ways Pope Francis is Deviating From Convention

These past couple of weeks, Pope Francis, the successor to Benedict
XVI, had tried the patience of Catholic traditionalists by eschewing the
tradition and pomp resurrected by his immediate predecessor. Among them was
carrying his own luggage, making peace with Islam and washing the feet of
women, symbolic of Christ washing the feet of his 12 Apostles. But there
were other ways in which the Pontiff had deviated from Vatican tradition.
What were they?
10) Read his first Mass in Ebonics.
9) Will spend Easter washing and waxing the Popemobile in the m... more »
Tom Banks: holographic axioms against firewalls
Bill Zajc sent me a link to the following fresh CERN talk by my (former)
PhD adviser Tom Banks:
The Unruh Effect, the S-matrix and the Absence of Firewalls
It's the same kind, unimitable style I have known for years. Tom also uses
(or approves of) many assumptions I consider right or even dear and he
reaches various conclusions I agree with. In particular, there are no black
hole firewalls. See his and Willy Fischler's paper about firewalls.
But otherwise the results are presented as corollaries of some much deeper
wisdom that I've been exposed to since 1999. Although I added anothe... more »
dream: FREE PLANET t-shirt on backwards - weird news day
I have no idea what such a DREAM SYMBOL could mean but, this morning, I had
a 'turn coat' dream whereby my I realised I was wearing my Free Planet
t-shirt INSIDE OUT.
I looked down, and there it was, inside out. Did I get dressed in the dark?
LOL: but this latest video from David Icke about the way we're all being
SOFTENED UP by T.H.E.Y. isn't funny.
Remember, after all this commercial bullshit and corporate nastiness is
over with, "This is a FREE PLANET for which we are the Custodians."
This is our vibrant homeworld and it can be A WHOLE LOT BETTER, ffs.
*AND IN OTHER NEWS:* *E... more »
Grammar/spelling instruction fever in the UK
How to improve grammar and spelling
Sent to the Telegraph (UK)
According to the Telegraph, Kent County “Teachers (are) 'to be given
lessons in spelling and grammar'” (March 31) so they can better prepare
11-year-olds to take tests in grammar and spelling.
Neither the Kent County Council nor the UK Department of Education appears
to be aware that there has been extensive research on this topic, and the
results are very consistent: (1) Direct instruction in grammar and spelling
produces very limited results. (2) Nearly all of our knowledge of grammar
and spelling is acquired, absorbed,... more »

*Sir Jimmy Savile in Peterborough, 1995.*
Sir Jimmy Savile once lived in Peterborough.
"Jimmy used to work as a consultant for travel agent Thomas Cook...."
"Nigel Hards, now the chairman of Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, worked with Jimmy in the early 1990s at Thomas Cook."
How Sir Jimmy Savile fixed Peterborough
*EAST ANGLIA. Child abuse ring in Peterborough. Murder of Holly and Jessica
from Soham. Body found on Queen's estate near Kings Lynn...*
On 31 March 2013 it was reported that in *Peterborough, in the UK, Police
have smashed the 'biggest child-... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Stars of Radiance
* *Stars of Radiance*
by ÉirePort
Awakening Stars within individual Hue-Beings connect to new Gaia portals
within 5-7 D levels. Bodies of Radiance become visible to these Beings, and
become visible to others with Higher Sensitivities.
Such Stars of Radiance become commonplace among Gaia planetary teams as
Higher Level missions are acknowledged and accepted.
This occurs in the Now moment.
ÉirePort | March 31, 2013 at 05:37
Outrageous Jewish hypocrisy and double standards on immigration

Consider the following two headlines and brief excerpts objectively. How
furious are you?
From the *Jewish Telegraph Agency*:
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- An array of Jewish groups urged President Obama and
Congress to ease the path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
*Nineteen national groups and dozens of local groups and clergy* signed on
to a letter sent last Friday that was timed for Passover.
"American Jews know too well the impact of restrictive immigration
policies, and we have seen how the immigration issue can become a
flashpoint for xenophobia," said the letter, which wa... more »
Happy Easter

In case you were wondering what to do with all those hard boiled eggs...
[Photos are better if you click on them to embiggen.]
*Addendum*: Also too, WaPo's annual peeps diorama contest.
TV Watch: Is there anything "Shameless"'s Frank Gallagher won't do if he's paid? (Not that we know of)

*"Apparently, I've caused a ruckus because I said that gay folks deserve
certain . . . civil rights. Rights that the breeders don't want to bestow
upon me. [Chortles]" Watch this great clip from last week's episode of
Shameless -- Frank Gallagher as impassioned gay-rights crusader -- here. (I
had it successfully embedded but discovered that then I couldn't have any
line breaks in the post. Sigh. I thnk someone should be shot, but then,
nobody asked my opinion.)*
*by Ken*
What? Is Frank Gallagher gay? This drunken galoot with six children (that
we know about), who'll nail any wom... more »
Frithjof Schuon On Dogmatic Exoterism
Below is an excerpt from Frithjof Schuon's 1989 book, *"In the Face of the
Absolute."* World Wisdom Books: Bloomington, Indiana. Pg. 21-22.
Dogmatic exoterism, as we have mentioned more than once, exhibits
providential limitations determined by its mission and thus by its reason
for being. To begin with, it excludes the idea of universal relativity ---
of *Maya* --- and therefore is unaware of the diverse and at times
antinomic aspects of things, as well as of the points of view which take
them into account; this amounts to saying that it identifies itself with a
particular point... more »
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ALEC-er Inhofe - PROUD to Be Climate Denier

From HuffPo
Sen. James Inhofe is taking criticism of his climate change denial as a
The Oklahoma Republican is one of the central targets in the newly released
climate change documentary "Greedy Lying Bastards," which examines attempts
by the fossil fuel industry to thwart emissions standards and mispresent
the facts in the face of changing global climate conditions. The film airs
Friday at a special screening in Tulsa, Okla.
"I was not surprised to see myself front and center on the promotional
material for this climate change movie," he told the Tulsa World, "and
... more »
ALEC-er - "Good to oppose the black guy in the White House"
*The politics are going to overwhelm the policy.*
*It is good politics *
*to oppose the black guy in the White House right now, *
*especially for the Republican Party*.
South Carolina
Representative Kris Crawford
From the South Carolina Campaign Finance Webpage
Individual Reports
Candidate Campaign Disclosure
2012, October 10th, Pre-Election Report
Candidate: *Crawford, Kristopher R*
Position Sought: State House Representative
District/Locale: 63
Election Type: General
Election Date... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Spofford, New Hampshire, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Now You Know Why Cyprus Has No 2nd Amendment"
*"Now You Know Why Cyprus Has No 2nd Amendment"*
by Karl Denninger
"Because if they did... With banks confiscating up to *80* *percent* of
uninsured deposits over 100,000 euros ($130,000) and the country facing a
deep economic crisis, Cyprus has forgiven loans to politicians and
companies while others are generally being required to pay in full, media
reports said, setting off fury on the island country. The Greek newspaper
Ethnos and the website said that loans to Members of Parliament
from the three major political parties and other officials in the public
adminis... more »
The Terrorists In Our Government, Banks, & Mainstream Media Are At It Again, On Several Fronts: CYPRUS & MONSANTO Head The List

*By the very definition of "TERRORISM", our government, banksters, &
mainstream media are "TERRORISTS" based on their consistent non-stop
terrorist actions against the American people and undermining of the
It's human nature: satanic psychopaths always rise to the tops of all
organizations such as government, religion, banks, corporations, and the
military. The phrase "MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL" applies to what's
going on. The psychopaths make sure good people do NOT get to the tops of
organizations. If they DO, they do FALSE FLAGS and kill them and to boot
blam... more »
March 30, 1973
It's a travel day: Nixon, Haldeman, and Ehrlichman are off to the Pacific
White House. Which means, alas, no more tapes during the following week.
Before they leave, however, we do get Nixon and Haldeman talking. And
elsewhere, it's a very busy day.
Jeb Magruder spends the day chasing after his former assistant, Robert
Reisner, who he now learns from the Washington Post has been subpoenaed by
the Ervin Committee. Alas for him and them all, to no effect. Reisner, by
the way, checks in during the day with Fred Fielding, who works under Dean
at the White House -- and Fielding, accordin... more »
google, what have you got against choice?
Google is losing a lot of friends lately. Their recent decisions to discontinue
iGoogle and Reader are making many people unhappy. Today, to the great
dismay of many Gmail users, Gmail's new compose interface - a small box in
the corner of your screen - became the default. Google says the previous
compose style - the more typical large box in the centre of your screen -
will be discontinued.
Why not give us options? If some people like to compose an email in a small
box in the corner of their screen, that's grand. They can. And if other
people prefer to compose an email in as ... more »
Everything I know, I learned from Mayberry

Don't often pass on facebook memes and I'm reasonably sure that is not Opie
in the photoshop but this is, as the cool kidz say, well played.
Sulfur Is For Republicans Rotting In Hell, Not For Normal People Breathing Here On Earth

Friday morning we were wondering who would be picking up the tab for damage
from earthquakes caused by fracking if Big Oil & Gas won't. Well, the same
people who pick up the tab for all pollution caused in the pursuit of
private profits-- the tax payers. So that same morning when I heard some
GOP shill on the radio whining how forcing Big Oil to reduce sulfur
emissions from their gasoline would increase the companies' costs, I
couldn't help but think about the billions of dollars in healthcare costs
from gasoline pollution and who pays those costs. The reason he was on the
radio m... more »
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