8:45am MDST
Hey ALEC - Where are Your Publicized Member Lists???

It has been a week since I posted this blog entry:
There has been no response.
*Are your ALEC members embarrassed & ashamed to admit they belong to the
right-wing, extremist, ultraconservative American Legislative Exchange
*In an October 2010 Press Release ALEC stated:*
ALEC is a private organization similar to membership organizations such as
the YMCA. Federal law allows non-profits to protect the privacy of
non-profit donors, but requires all non-profits to publicly disclose annual
financial reports.
No - ALEC is not like the YMCA
I question why it was important i... more »
ten years since the invasion of iraq: a fundraiser for court martial defence for kimberly rivera

If you're in the Toronto area, please join us for an evening of community,
information, and fundraising in support of war resister Kimberly Rivera.
Kim is confined to the Fort Carson, Colorado army base, while her husband
and four children (two of whom were born in Canada) are in Texas. We expect
Kim's court martial to begin on April 29.
WHAT: Ten Years Since the Invasion of Iraq: The case for U.S. war
resisters: Fundraising dinner in support of Kimberly Rivera’s legal defense
WHEN: Monday, March 25, 6:00 dinner, 7:00 programme
WHERE: United Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street, Toron... more »
Bill Whittle has some questions for the Presedent...
*don't expect any answers anytime soon.*
Human-induced climate change played big role in Somalia’s 2011 famine, new study finds
[image: A barefoot child stands among ragged tents at a refugee camp in
Dolo, Somalia on Wednesday, 18 July 2012. Photo: Jason Straziuso / AP Photo]
NAIROBI, Kenya, 15 March 2013 (Associated Press) – Human-induced climate
change contributed to low rain levels in East Africa in 2011, making global
warming one of the causes of Somalia’s famine and the tens of thousands of
deaths that followed, a new study has found.
It is the first time climate change was proven to be partially to blame for
such a large humanitarian disaster, an aid group said Friday.
Three climate scientists with B... more »
Mandatory Work in the UK: A Slave Economy, ruled by self-Chosen masters.
The UK may be a relatively modern country, founded only in 1707, but it has
a long history of despotism. The UK Establishment has been tyrannising the
people of the British Isles way back into history, to a time when the
ancient nations of England, Scotland and Wales were still independent.
Although referred to as the British Establishment - being as in every
incarnation it has officially used British territory as its power base -
for a very long time, the Establishment has been alien to the shores it
The British Empire - and the English one which preceded it - was buil... more »
Hoping to save bees, Europe to vote on neonicotinoid pesticide ban
[image: Protesters on the streets of Warsaw in March 2012, trying to raise
awareness of the effects of pesticides on honeybees. Photo: Radek
Pietruszka / European Pressphoto Agency]
14 March 2013
PARIS (The New York Times) – Will Brussels try to give bees a break?
In a case closely watched on both sides of the Atlantic, European officials
plan to vote Friday on a proposal to sharply restrict the use of pesticides
that had been implicated in the decline of global bee populations.
The vote in Brussels, by officials from all 27 European Union member
states, follows... more »
The *Economic Report of the President* was released today.
Are you IN the illusion or OF it?

* http://just4ublogdotcom.wordpress.com/
*Are you IN the illsuion or OF it?*
Posted on March 14, 2013 by sojournerbe
This evolution is not perfect but the message gets across in a fun way.
Compared to my first primitive pen, pencil, and marker rendition of “Are We
Ready?” [to jump out of the Illusion] last week, digital is the way to go
and I thank Word Press and some bloggers for the evolutionary leap. This is
my second attempt to use Sketchbook since Wednesday. I’m having tech
problems with Corel.
Now for the great question: ” Are you in the Illusion or of it?” Your
answer to ... more »
Social Sin
"We live in the most unequal part of the world, which has grown the most
yet reduced misery the least. The unjust distribution of goods persists,
creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the
possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers."
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Ry Cooder, 66.
What about the good stuff?
1. Fine, I admit it: I really struggle to care about Ecuadorian elections.
But I'm linking mainly as a reminder of how terrific the Monkey Cage's
series of election reports from around the globe are. This one by two Ph.D.
candidates. Just a terrific public service.
2. Again, because it's really important: Scott Lemieux on magic and
3. And the Boston Phoenix, R.I.P. A sad day, and not just because the
terrific reporter David S. Bernstein was there. The Phoenix has been one of
the leading alternative papers for ... more »
Our Very Dangerous Political Leadership
You might as well write off the grandkids right now because every day our
political leadership is telling you that they already have.
That could change. The day might come, probably sooner rather than later
if at all, that our political leadership accepts that we can consume just a
small fraction of our known fossil fuel reserves and implements policies to
leave the great majority of it safely underground, untouched. It's a
longshot but it could happen. Don't count on it.
Until that day arrives, consider the grandkids toast.
*The Guardian's* enviro-scribe, George Monbiot, reacts... more »
My Asthma Story and How To Be Better Prepared

I have asthma. Horrible, disabling asthma. The kind that has left me in
hospital beds more than once in my life. It is not something I talk a lot
about. The memories of being the kid in gym class who has to pull an
inhaler out of their waistband during a class run will always be burned
into my mind. As a child, asthma was humiliating. As an adult, it is
frustrating. Exercise can range anywhere from just uncomfortable to a
near-death experience if I am not careful.
It's funny, you'd think as often as asthma intrudes on my life I would
understand it better. I grew up in a house where ... more »
Battle Lines Are Drawn-- And Now We Know Which "Democrats" Boehner And Cantor Can Count On For Their Crackpot Agenda

Wednesday evening the House passed H.R. 890, one of the silliest bills
voted on by one of the silliest Congresses ever. Introduced by one of
Boehner's clownish puppets, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave
Camp (R-MI)-- and with 23 all Republican co-sponsors-- the bill is meant to
preserve the work requirements in Clinton's welfare reform legislation.
Although even 3 very right-wing Republicans-- Justin Amash (R-MI), Jim
Bridenstine (R-OK) and Tom Massie (R-KY)-- couldn't bring themselves to
vote for this foolish premise, 18 of the worst Democrats in the House lined
up be... more »
2011 Rugby Highlight of 2013
I really like rugby, but living in America forces me to be a very casual
fan. I don't know much about the teams and players, and sometimes the best
plays take years for me to see, like this amazing pickup and try by a
player named David Mead. Attention must be paid. Eventually.
ALECers Are Taught - Your Consitutents are Liars

When ALEC legislators aren't focusing on the legislation ALEC corporate
profit members are telling them to pass in the state legislatures - it
appears that they sit around in little groups looking for boogeyman
issues. Issues that really aren't issues. Issues that aren't really
problems until ALEC makes them a problem.
Well - that is what happened with this issue - asbestos litigation.
And the sad part about it is - that state legislators aren't the only
people who attend ALEC meetings. You have congressional members and
employees of state and federal agencies that are ALEC membe... more »
Employees: You Have The Right To Say No
I'm constantly surprised by the number of employees who come to me after
having signed things their employer shoved in front of them, released
claims, accepted transfers or demotions, or even admitted to stealing when
they didn't. I ask them, "Why didn't you say no?" They look at me like I've
turned into a Martian.
Too many employees don't realize that they do have some rights in the
workplace. One major right you have is the ability to just say, "no."
That's right. You can say no to your employer.
Does that mean you should say no when you get an assignment you don't like?
No. Does... more »
Life In The Land Of The Muzzled

When Hugo Chavez died last week, Stephen Harper said, “At this key
juncture, I hope the people of Venezuela can now build for themselves a
better, brighter future based on the principles of freedom, democracy, the
rule of law and respect for human rights.” Mr. Harper likes to lecture the
world on the meaning of democracy.
But the *Toronto Star* reports that, among the world's scientists, Canada's
lectures ring hollow. They know that when it comes to freedom of speech --
one of the cornerstones of democracy -- Canada is full of hot air:
But one researcher with well over a decade o... more »

*St. Patrick's Day brings 4 parades to New Orleans over 3 days, starting
Friday at Molly's on the Market*
At right: St Patrick in Black and Gold, casting out Roger Godhell and his
NFL minions who would place a bounty on Our New Orleans Saints. Hell, even
the new Pope Francis is a Saints fan!
*Friday, March 15, 2013*
Molly's at the Market Irish Parade -6:00 p.m.
*Saturday, March 16, 2013*
Irish Channel Parade - 1 p.m.
*Sunday, March 17, 2013*
St. Patrick's Day Parade on Metairie Rd. - 12 Noon
*Sunday, March 17, 2013*
Parasol's Block Party 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.
*Sunday, March 17, 2013*
Tracy'... more »

The sex trade in Israel is similar to that in Argentina.
Rich Jews exploit poor Jews.
The Jewish *Zwi Migdal* group controlled the sex trade in Argentina.
*Zwi Migdal *brought young Jewish girls from Europe to Argentina; and
placed them in brothels.
Argentine Jewry's dark secret - Israel Jewish Scene, Ynetnews
*Buenos aires*
"Here is how it worked: A well-mannered and elegant man would appear one
day in a small Jewish town in Poland or Russia.
"He notified the local community and posted an ad in the synagogue saying
he was looking for nice young women t... more »
Girl Scout, Alicas Serratos - Making A Difference

Source of Picture: https://www.facebook.com/OccupyFood
*Girl Scout Starts Change.org Petition for GMO-Free Girl Scout Cookies*
by Mike Barrett
Natural Society, 14 Marrch 2013
Do you have any idea how far your activism is going? You are not only
helping to ignite necessary changes in the food supply today, you are
paving way for change for generations to come. Just one signification of
your ongoing activism can be seen through an astounding girl scout based in
Orange County, California, who has started a *Change.org petition* to stop
girl scout cookies from containing GMO ingredie... more »
spiritualism exists - believe it - reconnecting to ourselves

*the lie vs the truth?*you can communicate with the dead, you can glean
intimate details from them about your life, you can be assured that 'when
you die' you'll be welcomed into their arms, so say individuals like Colin
Fry, Derek Acorah and Sally Morgan to name three prominent spiritualist
"So, what's the point of being alive?" without this extra-dimensional
knowledge? Well, both issues i) why are we 'condenced down into flesh' at
all (like what's the point of 'putting oneself through the process?) and
ii) why do we do it WITHOUT (in most cases) understanding of '... more »
Arclein Diet a Complete Success

For the past two and one half years, I have been running a one person
experiment on myself that I have called the Arclein Diet. It has been
completely successful and trouble free and sustainable. Even better, it
turned out to be totally easy and natural.
There is one underlying assumption that should be first addressed. It is
that you are conscious of what you eat and generally eat a balanced diet
across a wide spectrum of sources. With our present knowledge, that means
elimination of processed foods generally outside rare exceptions of
expressing bad judgment and the... more »
Rat Brain Sharing

We are getting to the point that we can share primitive information. It
will be a little like the telegraph. Useful but terribly limited in a world
dominated by the internet. Before it gets useful we also need to establish
useful memory protocols. Like even accessing out own memory and pre
organizing it all. Besides, why bother when we already can go it better
with a smart phone.
And he is right, formed thoughts are roughly assembled and fussed with
before they are expressed. Thus sharing that process is extremely counter
What is useful is a direct link int... more »
Why Immigration Is a Top Priority for US Labor

The take home is that organized labor may even be coming to its senses and
perhaps the same may be true for management. Discovering that enforcing a
monopoly wage deal or a monopoly wage cut merely opens the door to
competition everywhere else was a painful lesson. Forcing an underground
economy to exist means that you lose control in terms of regulation and
many other things that are valuable.
Thus immigration reform is mandatory for everyone to prosper.
This is a development that I do welcome having seen much of the long
historical grind that labor has passed through ... more »
Sweet Potato DNA Indicates Early Polynesians Traveled to South America

Somehow the sweet potato traveled during prehistoric times, and
realistically that means in the preceding thousand years at least and
possibly much earlier. Actual direct contact as per Thor Heyerdahl is
possible but seems unlikely. I am more inclined to take advantage of the
Bronze Age sea based global polity formed between 3,000 BC and 1000 BC.
I have no doubt that plenty of plants were tested in new locales but I
also know that few succeeded from the resulting anomalies. Global
agriculture was still a rarity. Local prospects generally remained local.
Thus it was limited ... more »
Caplan on Card
In a blog post about the minimum wage, Bryan Caplan makes note of a tension
in some of David Card's research. For those who don't know him, Card is
one of the great empirical labor economists of his generation. In some of
his research, joint with Alan Krueger, Card finds that increases in the
minimum wage have negligible effects on employment. In other research, on
the Mariel boatlift, Card finds that increases in the supply of
unskilled workers have negligible effects on wages and employment of
existing workers.
Caplan notes that these results are hard to reconcile: *The former ... more »
Can you spot the factor missing from this BBC report
The BBC manage to report on a shortage of school places without mentioning
the main factor causing this shortage:
'*School places under real strain, spending watchdog warns *
A quarter of a million extra school places will be needed in England by
autumn 2014 to meet rising demand, the National Audit Office is warning.
The spending watchdog said one in five primary schools in England was full
or near capacity and there were signs of "real strain" on places.
The demand for places has been driven by England's birth rate rising
quicker than at any time since the 1950s.'
A long report ... more »

Italian bishops were so convinced that an Italian would become pope that
they sent a congratulatory message to the media thanking God for the
election of Angelo Scola.
Italian bishops mistakenly hail Cardinal Angelo Scola as new pope
Why did Scola not become Pope?
Someone arranged a police raid.
Papal conclave: anti-mafia police raid offices in diocese of frontrunner
*Cardinal Bertone (right) reportedly wants to cover up Mafia links to the
Vatican Bank*
An unholy alliance between two other Italians, Tarcisio Bertone and Angelo
Sodano, set the ball rolling for Car... more »
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.15.13"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.15.13"*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
"New highs day after day on the Dow!! The economy is fixed, right? Wrong!!
I have been watching a lot of the business and mainstream media channels,
and there is hardly a mention of the $85 billion a month the Fed is
printing out of thin air to buy sour mortgage debt from the big banks and
Treasury bonds from the U.S. government. This is $1 trillion a year!!! The
Dow is going up, in part, because the big banks are buying their own stock
back. Where are they getting the money? $40 billion a month is being used
... more »
Alberta Health Services trimmers toss out a couple of market-fundy myths to save cash
Alberta Health Services Board Chair Stephen Lockwood demonstrates how to
trim a provincial health care budget. Actual AHS board members may not be
exactly as illustrated. Below: The real Mr. Lockwood in his official AHS
portrait. Two pernicious and slightly dissonant myths that cloud discussion
of public health care are the idea that to get ... more »
Blogger's Note: Americans with insufficient retirement savings to get by in the U.S. should seriously consider retiring in Mexico. You can live much cheaper here ...and see 4th video on right hand side.

Headlined to H4 3/13/13
*America's Retirement Crisis*
*By Stephen Lendman (about the author) *
OpEdNews Op Eds 3/13/2013 at 02:16:41
*America's Retirement Crisis*
by Stephen Lendman
Crisis conditions exist.
Decades of class war leaves most Americans nearing retirement woefully
Since the mid-1970s, real wages haven't kept pace with inflation. Benefits
steadily eroded. High-paying jobs disappeared. Improved technology forces
wage earners to work harder for less.
So-called "free" mar... more »
March 14, 1973
Nixon and Dean, again.
I should note here, as I've noted before, that one has to be careful about
this material. Many of the transcripts here are from Kutler (essentially,
if I don't include a link or a specific citation, it's from Kutler). He
presents excerpts, not full transcripts; I'm usually taking excerpts from
those excerpts. Of course I'm doing my best to give the full meaning as I
read it, but there's clearly some room for slippage in the process. So for
example, here's what Kutler has from this one, which he describes as "a
long rambling conversation" but only gives us a ... more »
Official account of the 9/11 attacks based on false information

Official Account of the 9/11 Attacks Unraveling Forgetting Torture:
Lee Hamilton, John Brennan, and Abu Zubaydah
By Kevin Ryan March 14, 2013
"Information Clearing House" - The pervasive news surrounding the
confirmation hearing of John Brennan, Obama’s nominee for CIA director, is
paralleled by another, related story that has been largely ignored by the
U.S. media. That is the story of the man called Abu Zubaydah, whose alleged
torture testimony, obtained by the CIA while Brennan was the head of the
agency’s Terrorist Threat Center, built the foundatio... more »
Your moment of Zen

Those daring men in their flying machines.
Musical Interlude: Enya, “Watermark”
Enya, “Watermark”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiFTXckh0zU
Shouldn't We All Want To See The Whole Country Getting A Livable Wage?

Andy Hounshell welcomes Obama to Cincinnati
This week I spoke with Andy Hounshell, the Ohio steelworker who was shocked
enough by seeing there was no candidate running against Boehner in 2012 to
jump into the race himself for 2014. We talked about a wide range of
subjects and we'll be highlighting them here at *DWT* in the coming weeks.
When I asked him about what political leaders he most admires, he talked
about how inspiring the Grayson-Takano No-Cuts letter was to him and then
immediately pivoted back to his home state. He admires the work Tim Ryan
has been doing for working fami... more »
Give Me Just One Good Reason

Do you ever feel that your green-living efforts don't matter? Sometimes
it's hard! Reports come out regularly saying that global warming is
escalating and that the only hope is if the world makes drastic changes.
But the world includes government leaders who don't take the warnings
seriously and entire countries who don't give the environment a passing
thought. There are many of us who do take the warnings seriously and take
action. Unfortunately, it sometimes feels like we're up against a wall.
Thinking about it is depressing ... and overwhelming ... and leaves us
asking ...
... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“On the right, surrounded by blue spiral arms, is spiral galaxy M81. On
the left, marked by red gas and dust clouds, is irregular galaxy M82. This
stunning vista shows these two mammoth galaxies locked in gravitational
combat, as they have been for the past billion years.
*Click image for larger size.*
The gravity from each galaxy dramatically affects the other during each
hundred million-year pass. Last go-round, M82's gravity likely raised
density waves rippling around M81, resulting in the richness of M81's
spiral arms. But M81 left M82 with violent star forming regions and
c... more »
Chet Raymo, “That Savage of Fire, That Seed...”
*“That Savage of Fire, That Seed...”*
by Chet Raymo
"Let me say this as simply as I can. The Sun, like the universe, is mostly
hydrogen. An atom of hydrogen is a single proton and a single electron,
bound together. The center of the Sun is so hot - half-a-million miles of
overbearing matter - that the electrons and protons can't hold together
(try holding hands in a surging, tumultuous crowd), so what you have is a
hot soup - a plasma - of protons and electrons, flailing about
independently. The electrical force between like charges is repulsive, so
every time two protons app... more »
Life Skills: “The Valley of Despair: Seeds of Light”
*“The Valley of Despair: Seeds of Light”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Even in our darkest times, there are seeds of light within ourselves, we
need only call them forward. Anyone who has walked through the valley of
despair and come out the other side knows that even in that darkness, seeds
of light can be found. Often their tendrils reach out of the gloom and into
the daylight alongside the journeyer who emerges from that deep sorrow.
When we find ourselves in a place of despair, it can help us to know this,
so that we don’t give up. We can stop, take a deep breath, and rem... more »
Moshe Ya’alon, an ex-Israeli Chief of Staff and now Member of the Knesset,
has been appointed Israel’s Minister of Defence in Netanyahu’s latest
government coalition. Ya’alon replaces Ehud Barak.
Ya’alon was Chief of Staff of the IDF in July 2002 when Palestinian
activist Salah Shehade was murdered in the Gaza Strip by a one tonne bomb
dropped by an Israeli Air Force F-15 jet. Fourteen Palestinian civilians
were also killed in the attack.
In 2005 a group of relatives of victims of the 1996 Israeli shelling of the
Lebanese town of Qana, where some 106 civilians died, filed a suit
d... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Thanks for stopping by.
"The Paradox of Our Time"
Dr. Bob Moorehead, "The Paradox of Our Time"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=181B7yainqY
Coming Clathrates

This post is contributed by a reader, a wonderful photographer who goes by
the name EyepilotXIII. I'll be posting more of his photographs soon but if
you can't wait, you can visit his DeviantArt site here. Meanwhile,
following is his introduction to a poem that he wrote, and kindly agreed to
contribute to Wit's End. Thanks, Eyepilot!
This is a satirical but scathing look at contemporary society, terms are
not meant to offend but make one think about the nature of so-called
Demokracy in 2013 Amerika... Poetry is the choice of the people, frustrated
beyond belief of corporate GREED... more »
History: “1863: The War Comes Home to Indiana”
*“1863: The War Comes Home to Indiana”*
By Stephen E. Towne
“In early March 1863, an officer in Terre Haute, Ind., ordered two veteran
Army sergeants to cross into Clark County in nearby eastern Illinois to
carry out a peculiar, though increasingly common, order: arrest a group of
Union Army deserters. It wasn’t an easy assignment: the men found swarms of
deserters, but also met armed resistance from local residents who were
fostering the runaway soldiers, and were even shot at a few times.
By then, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio were lousy with deserters. Union Maj.
Gen. Willia... more »
Beer O’Clock: Kauri Invalid Stout
[image: Kauri001]
As a thank you to all the beer historians who passed on information about
Woodville’s Kauri Brewery and its Kauri Pale Ale, my painter friend Mark
Wooller—who was particularly interested in the Gauguin connection—has
painted a bottle for us, which now hangs proudly on my wall.
[image: KauriPaleAle]
Sadly, however, it’s empty.
Still, since my photos of the small paintings are a bit lacklustre, by the
magic of technology I can immediately double the number of bottles. Take
your pick.
[image: Kauri002]
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author... more »
Bristol-Myers Squibb's 2013 ALEC Dues are Past Due
An Announcement made today (my emphasis):
“The Unitarian Universalist Association filed a shareholder resolution with
Bristol-Myers Squibb seeking expanded disclosure of the company’s lobbying
activities, both direct and indirect. After a constructive dialogue the
company agreed to changes in its disclosure of lobbying oversight and
expenditures, and the resolution was withdrawn. We commend the company for
its openness and commitment to put significant information on its website.
In addition, in the course of our conversation, *the company reported that
Bristol-Myers Squibb had b... more »
As Google pulls the plug on Google Reader, there's apparently a lesson for all of us who cast our lot with software we come to depend on

*People who loved Google Reader are in despair.*
"We launched *Google Reader* in 2005 in an effort to make it easy for
people to discover and keep tabs on their favorite websites. While the
product has a loyal following, over the years usage has declined. So, on
July 1, 2013, we will retire Google Reader. Users and developers interested
in RSS alternatives can export their data, including their subscriptions,
with Google Takeout over the course of the next four months."
*-- from SVP Technical Infrastructure Urs Hölzle's Google website post "A
second spring of cleaning," announcing o... more »
ALEC - Screwing with Your Paycheck
Fourteen months ago – I posted this blog entry:
Because payroll is part of my job and because I like getting my pay direct
deposited into my checking account every couple of weeks I found this piece
of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) legislation befuddling.
This is what your legislator WASTES their time on at ALEC meeting - to make
sure that the ALEC corporate members can look forward to MORE BUSINESS at
some time in the future.
The next issue is - why in the hell are state legislators even screwing
around with an issue like this - except for the fact that they sit as... more »
Alan Grayson...Knock Knock Kockin on Boehners Door

Congressman Alan Grayson personally delivered the "Cancel the Sequester"
petition to Senator John Boehner's office to day.
Here is a repost of a post I made in February, 2009
Power Hitter: Rookie Congressman Alan Grayson
Rep. Alan Grayson asked Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit about the terms of the
government assistance his firm received, and read comments from several
angry constituents. He is one of the more Progressive Democrats on the
Obama team and should prove to be a real asset, especially on issues of
Grayson also has a record of combatting war protiteering a... more »
Sage Francis - UBUNTU (Water Into Wine)
Pope Francis should hear this.
Money-Where-Our-Mouths-Are Time
LeadNow needs $10,000.
*Donate to crowd-fund the opinion poll that could prove Canadians support
political cooperation.*
We know Canadians are ready for political cooperation to defeat Harper and
pass crucial reforms. Now, we have to prove it.
We’ve put together a major opinion poll that could show widespread support
for cooperation and rock national media and party leaders. Now, we urgently
need your help to fund the poll. If enough of us chip in right now, we’ll
be able to release the results before voting begins in the Liberal
leadership race.
Every dollar gets us closer to c... more »
The word "savage" has been used to refer to people from so-called primitive
cultures, but in his 2011 documentary, filmmaker Adam Horowitz turns the
concept on its head and questions who exactly has been the "savage" in the
US nuclear bomb human experiment "Project 4.1".
In the 1950s, the U.S. nuclear test bombed the Marshall Islands 67 times,
vaporizing islands and exposing entire populations to radioactive fallout
measured at 750 times the level of emitted by the atomic bombing of
Hiroshima. After the people of Rongelap received near fatal doses of
radiation from one of thes... more »
John Dyble`s Ethnicgate Review, Two Legs Short
I have to congratulate John Dyble`s for his ethnicgate review, it was very
thorough, hard hitting , to the point, names names, however, an
investigation into a three legged stool scandal where you have only an
ability to interview and question but one of those legs is an exercise in
futility, we are left thirsty for more, a mere appetizer offered when the
public required a full meal, Dyble`s report points two other directions ,
it points to caucus, it points to party, Dyble had no ability to interview
caucus or cabinet, he had no ability to interview the party, and most
troubling i... more »
USrael's Sweatshop Terrorists
LOL @ this video. These trigger happy idiots are slaving away to make a
bunch of crappy explosives. Come on Washington, you cheap bastards, give
your sweatshop terrorists real bombs to work with.
Title: Syria - Al Qaeda Terrorists and FSA Terrorists making Explosives to
kill Syrians.
The Society for Cutting Up Jobs

I hear professional economists are in a quandary. Apparently, there is some
involving a puzzling feature of Britain's current baleful economic
performance. Heads are being scratched and brows are getting furrowed
because no one can explain how the economy is stagnant but yet more and
more jobs are getting created. Usually, recession sees firms shedding jobs,
lower spending, and the consequent loss of further jobs. If the numbers of
people employed are going up, people are buying things and the economy
expands in a self-sustaining boom. You should have a vicious or a virtuous
circle... more »
SCOTUS is not amused by sequester cuts
Didn't expect this to happen. SCOTUS Justices beg Congress for more money:
The cuts to the court system from sequestration are “simply unsustainable,”
Justice Anthony Kennedy warned Thursday.
The judicial branch is subject to a 5 percent cut under sequestration. The
Supreme Court and lower courts throughout the country wouldn't be able to
carry out their duties if those cuts stay in place for more than a few
months, Kennedy said.
"If it's for any long term, it will be inconsistent with the constitutional
obligation of the Congress to fund the courts," Kennedy said.
Maybe our Hon... more »
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United Nation's Human Development Index Now Ranks Canada As 11th

[image: Progressive Bloggers] * *
*"Canada has slipped out of the top 10 countries listed in the annual
United Nation’s human development index — a far cry from the 1990s when it
held the first place for most of the decade.*
***The 2013 report, which reviews a country’s performance in health,
education and income, places Canada in 11th place versus 10th last year."*
“Room for Diplomacy?”—What Real Negotiation with Iran Would Look Like
Will America and Iran become allies? Unfortunately, it's not in the cards.
Besides, America and Iran technically don't exist anymore. They are a
distant memory. Both nations are shadows walking the world stage.
After the false flag attacks on September 11, 2001, America ceased to be
America and became USrael, aka the destroyer of peace. USrael wants to
destroy the Palestinian people and create a Greater Israel on their graves.
And after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran became the leader of the
Islamic world, aiding the Palestinians in their struggle against the evil
occupiers of th... more »
Hannity-esque days of rage at Salon!
*THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013*
*We get tooken in by a fiery headline:* For the record, we’re opposed to
the teaching of lies to American children. We’re especially opposed to the
teaching of *heinous* lies.
Perhaps for that reason, we went for the feint when we saw this fiery
headline at Salon:
“11 heinous lies conservatives are teaching America’s schoolchildren”
The number of lies—exactly 11—give this headline an air of verisimilitude.
Everyone knows that a list of this type should have exactly ten items. Or
perhaps twelve in a case of this type. This permits us to speak with real
a... more »
John Boehner just wants Dems to do his job for him
Is that too much to ask? Our hapless sad sack Speaker of the House, John
Boehner has a new lament published today, disguised as a WaPo op-ed. Don't
bother reading it, he doesn't say anything new.
The shorter is always the same: If only President Obama and the Democrats
would destroy the social safety net so the GOPers could pretend it's not
their heart's desire and run against them on it in future elections, then
for sure Mr. Boehner get his crackpot cons to follow him in bringing up the
rear to pass a grand bargain, as long it doesn't include requiring the
ultra-wealthy to pay one... more »
Crime Does Pay: Scores of FDIC Settlements Go Unannounced (Whom Don't They Want To Know?) and Court Docs Reveal Blackwater's Secret CIA Past
Funny but somehow I'm not feeling that sorry for Eric Prince and the
Blackwater thugs right now. Let alone those poor Wall Street Wizards who
were so brazenly outed (and then gently slapped on the hands.) Thursday,
March 14, 2013 "Crime DOES Pay: Scores of FDIC Settlements Go
Unannounced" "Crime DOES Pay: Scores of FDIC Settlements Go Unannounced"By
E. Scott Reckard "Three years ago, the
What is the Deal With Jerry's Pop Tart Chunk?
Jerry Seinfeld reluctantly breaks down his writing process for *The New
York Times* (h/t Tod Perry of *The Far Out Podcast*).
And All The Earth A Grave By C. C. MacApp
C. C. MacApp, pseudonym of Carroll Mather Capps (1917–1971) was an American
science fiction author. He was also a long-time benefactor of San Francisco
chess. He was a former president of the San Francisco Bay Area Chess
League, and won the Northern California and San Francisco chess
championship several times.
YouTube Video Description - [Channel: NewThinkable]:
And All The Earth A Grave by C. C. MacApp
"There's nothing wrong with dying, it just hasn't had the proper sales
Balancing The Budget Is Like Three-Card Monte

your congressmember signed on yet? Or is he playing for the other team?
There are a lot of premises in Ryan's new/old budget-- like keeping
revenues from Obamacare while eliminating every single benefit
*of*Obamacare. But one premise Ryan didn't deal with is the newest
polling that
shows-- and pretty clearly-- that the public doesn't accept any of the
premises about the economy any longer.
*•* 72 percent of Americans, including 74 percent of independents and 81
percent of moderates, disapprove of the Congressional GOP.
*•* Americans disapprove of the sequester cuts by 53-39; ... more »
Ten Billion, A Drop in the Bucket

We are experiencing an upgrade – right now. Our earth is shifting and
she’s taking us with her. We have a choice as to whether or not we’ll stay
connected to these new frequencies. It is up to us.
Creative energy is magnified now. What we expect and believe – we have. We
have it just about instantly.
The other day evidence for this showed up here. While at a meeting I
wrote a check. After the meeting we stopped at a restaurant. Upon
returning, I looked for the checkbook and it was gone. I called the office
and emptied the purse. Nothing.
I drove back to the... more »
Rally Saturday, Meeting Sunday!
*RALLY at the Tennessee Gas Pipeline office in Milford!*
Saturday, March 16 at 10am
544 Rte 6 & 209, Milford PA (Parking available at Milford Township
Municipal Building)
Contact 570-269-9589 with questions
*MEETING at Angels Backstreet Coffee*
Sunday March 17 at 5PM
611 Broad St. Milford PA (Located in back of the old 7th Street Coffee On
For all interested in joining and planning our efforts. For questions,
contact 570-269-9589.
Regs stall, natural gas booms: Infrastructure grows during legal waiting period
From The Advertiser News, here.
By Joshua Rosenau
Published Mar 13, 2013 at 5:13 pm (Updated Mar 13, 2013)
Image courtesy of the NorthJersey Pipeline Walkers A stretch of the 300
Line Upgrade Project built by Tennessee Gas.
Mapped here are the 12 proposed pipeline projects to traverse the
Delaware. Four more may be expected.
Delaware River Pipelin
SUSSEX COUNTY — Despite years of heated debate from concerned residents
over the risks of hydraulic fracturing, the slow pace of state and national
regulations has halted locals’ m... more »
Did you know Google Reader is going away?...

*I found out yesterday and went into a complete panic.*
I have over 300 RSS feeds in my Reader. It would be impossible to monitor
all those sites without some sort of Reader.
This does not include Bad Blue, Drudge, Pew Sitter, CNS, and about another
50 sites that are bookmarked (and I wonder why little ADD brain is so
After doing a bit of research it didn't take me long to settle on Feedly.com.
They even have some sort of import thingy all set up for us folks who will
be wandering in the information desert soon.
Since this is a work day, I'm not ready to tackle this. ... more »
*Orleans Parish Population Growth Highest Among Major US Urban Cores*
"It Is Thus..."
“Capital must protect itself in every possible way, both by combination
and legislation. Debts must be collected, mortgages foreclosed as rapidly
as possible. When, through process of law, the common people lose their
homes, they will become more docile and more easily governed through the
strong arm of the government applied by a central power of wealth under
leading financiers.
These truths are well known among our principal men, who are now engaged
in forming an imperialism to govern the world. By dividing the voter
through the political party system, we can get them to expe... more »
The L.A. Times Fears Angry White Americans
In an absurd article called, *"Peril from 'patriots',"* the clueless
editors of the L.A. Times take shots at hard-working and honest Americans
who are rightfully angry at the direction of their country and the poor
performance of their government.
The Sovietesque paper compares freedom-minded second amendment activists to
Neanderthals in a lame attempt to convince their brainwashed readers that
anybody who questions the wisdom of officialdom is behind the times. Last I
checked, it is totalitarianism that is going against the current of
history, not the way other around.
The delusi... more »
Liberal MLAs should be ashamed of role in scandal
The sordid, bumbling ethnic outreach scandal has sealed the Liberals' fate
in the coming election.
It has also finished Christy Clark’s leadership. She is responsible for the
actions of the government, for choosing the senior managers, for not
demanding to be kept informed, for remaining willfully blind.
She failed as a leader. She failed the citizens, and the people who put
their trust in the Liberal party.
But what about the Liberal MLAs? This is supposed to be a system in which
citizens elect representatives who speak for them and share in
responsibility for governing. MLAs are re... more »
Honest Reporting When in Doubt, Blame the Jews...or the Settlements - aka Question for The Guardian's Michael White
Honest Reporting have a fine article about the Michael White affair. That
would be true even if it didn't include one of my tweeted questions!
Finally, White unleashed his best defense for the BBC’s failure to report
the brazen anti-Semitism from a Peer. The delay was caused by the BBC’s
need to check its sources since Lord Ahmed’s interview was conducted in
Urdu for a Pakistani network. It’s an ironic argument, especially in light
of last week’s UN report clearing Israel in the killing of a child in Gaza
which the BBC had previously – and incorrectly – blamed on Israel.
Standards... more »
VIDEO Debra White Plume 'Moccasins on the Ground' Pine Ridge fighting Keystone tarsands
Video Lakota Media Project: Moccasins on the Ground to Protect Sacred Water
Sunday, March 9 – Day of Ceremony and Commitment to Protecting the Sacred Water from KXL
March 2013
Tarsands Blockade
Photo credit: Andrew Ironshell
Update: Saturday, March 8 – Trainings on Direct Action, Action Medics, and Strategic Media
Lakota drummers opened the
Michael White, Guardian Assistant Editor, cries “Israel” in response to concern over Lord Ahmed’s antisemitism | Engage - the anti-racist campaign against antisemitism
Engage has a take on the Michael White, Lord Ahmed, Israel story...
'White’s point is that when a newspaper exposes a clear example of
anti-Jewish racism, then it is right to look for a sub-text, a hidden
reason underlying the exposé. Finkelstein is described as “saintly” – IE
“not saintly” – not innocent, but really its opposite.
Why? What is suspicious about a newspaper exposing clear and serious
racist sentiment articulated by a Labour Peer?
Well, White seems to think that the story should be contextualized, or
balanced by, or mitigated by, or explained by, the bad behaviour o... more »
Bennett: Rocks Kill - Israel National News
'Bayit Yehudi chairman MK Naftali Bennett reacted Thursday evening to the
rock terror attack that has left a baby struggling for her life in
hospital, alongside her wounded mother and two sisters.
"Rocks kill," he wrote on his Facebook page.
"A three-year-old toddler is currently in critical condition because of a
rock terror attack.
"A mother and her three daughters (3, 4 and 5) were driving on the
Trans-Samaria Highway a short time ago. A terrorist threw a rock at a
truck, causing the truck to veer and hit the vehicle of the mother and her
"The baby girl, as we said... more »
"Crime DOES Pay: Scores of FDIC Settlements Go Unannounced"
*"Crime DOES Pay: *
*Scores of FDIC Settlements Go Unannounced"*
By E. Scott Reckard
"Three years ago, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. collected $54
million from Deutsche Bank in a settlement over unsound loans that
contributed to a spectacular California bank failure. The deal might have
made big headlines, given that the bad loans contributed to the largest
payout in FDIC history, $13 billion. But the government cut a deal with the
bank's lawyers to keep it quiet: a "no press release" clause that required
the FDIC never to mention the deal "except in response to a spec... more »
how can we condemn bigotry on the soccer field yet support racist israeli policies?
This week in *The Nation*, Dave Zirin reports on some disturbing - and
disgusting - behaviour from Israeli soccer fans.
Not even in the earliest days of Jackie Robinson’s 1947 historic debut with
the Brooklyn Dodgers did Brooklyn’s white fans walk out after number 42
stole a base or hit a home run. The Brooklyn faithful’s love of “Dem Bums”
trumped any racism that simmered in the stands. What does it say that
sixty-six years later, Israeli fans of the soccer club Beitar Jerusalem
have not evolved to postwar-Brooklyn standards of human decency?
Earlier this season, Beitar Jersulam b... more »
hear bradley manning's complete statement, and help spread his words across the internet
The Freedom of the Press Foundation has posted the leaked audio recording
of Bradley Manning's statement to the military court in Ft. Meade. In it,
Manning explains why he leaked more than 700,000 government documents to
WikiLeaks. FPF also has posted transcript highlights, in case you can't
make it through the full 35-page statement.
The US military "court" - that is, Manning's accusers - are trying to
prevent public access to the proceedings, especially Manning's own
statements. We can all help thwart their plans.
Listen to the statement here.
You can download Manning's statemen... more »
يشاهدون لكم من خلال كاميرا الكمبيوتر
من على بعد مئات الأميال، والرجل يجلس في رصد وهو يشاهد امرأة المطمئنين
استخدام الكمبيوتر لها، خلع ملابسه ويذهب الى النوم. لديها أي فكرة يجري
شاهدت. وتثبيت البرامج مهاجم بعيد للسيطرة على كاميرا ويب لها. ما هو أسوأ من
ذلك، انه من تسجيل جميع تصرفاتها ونشر تلك أشرطة الفيديو على يوتيوب أو تداول
الفيديو مع مختلسوا النظر الأخرى عبر الإنترنت.
R.A.T. أدوات الوصول البعيد
هذا السيناريو يحدث أكثر وأكثر، وهناك عدد لا يحصى الصور ومقاطع الفيديو على
شبكة الإنترنت تشير إلى ممارسة هو الحصول على أسهل وأكثر شعبية مع مجتمع دولي
على الانترنت دعا Ratters. أنها تستخدم أدوات الوصول عن بعد (RATs) لتنشيط
كامير... more »
Robert Anton Wilson - You're All Popes
Robert Anton Wilson - You're All Popes.
Catch of the Day
You may have heard that the draft Affordable Care Act application for
coverage under the exchanges is a whopping 21 pages long. Complicated,
Well, not really. Kevin Drum looks at it and realizes:
[T]here's a single 2-page section you have to fill out, and then there are
five more 2-page sections for other members of your family. So sure, it
might be long if you have a big family, but a lot of it is repetition. And
if you're just a single earner? Then aside from instructions, there's
really only about four pages (five if you're an American Indian or Alaska
Native): one page o... more »
It's Pope Francis...

*not Pope Francis the First*
Okay, I guess this means I'll have to quit referring to my St. Francis
statue as "Frank."
RadioCesium from Fukushima Everywhere
View the video of cesium dispersion from Fukushima produced by the US
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:
Fukushima Radioactive Aerosol Dispersion Science on a Sphere
Majia here: If you think that the dispersion is too diluted to affect you
and your environment, I strongly recommend watching this video about how
Chernobyl fallout in California, half way across the world, decimated bird
populations who consumed new growth that had been watered by cesium-laden
DeSante, Dave of the Institute for Bird Population in... more »

*The High North and International Security Conference*
*June 27- 29, 2013*
*Kiruna, Sweden*
Welcome to the land of the Midnight Sun in Northern Sweden! Welcome to
take part in a two-day conference and listen to a gathering of experts who
will educate you about how space is used in global warfare. 2013 marks the
21st year of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.
International authors and activists will give lecturers about how the North
has developed to be one of the most important places for space warfare, how
satellites and drones are used, and inform ... more »
Thursday George Jones Blogging

God knows I'd rather be writing about (eyeroll) National Pi Day or the
new old white homophobe in Rome who got awarded the little white beanie but
events this morning compel me to write about (if you'll pardon the pun)
something hitting a lot closer to home.
About 11 o'clock this morning, a motorist had a heart attack just as
he was driving down our cross street, veered off the street and drove
straight into our house. We live on the second floor and all I felt was a
slight vibration and at first I thought it was Popeye jumping down from
somewhere, although the tremor see... more »
Ted Cruz hits Dianne Feinstein with some logic...
*and she responds with emotionalism and never answers the question.*
It's worth watching just to observe Ted Cruz's blank stare throughout her
What is the Deal with the EPA? Is it Completely Powerless or is it Completely Corrupt?
*EPA Fails to Tighten Lead-Poisoning Hazard Standards (2013, March 11) USA
Today by Alison Young, p. 3B.*
[Excerpted] The Environmental Protection Agency has no current plans to
protect children from lead poisoning, despite calls for action from the
agency's own scientific advisers. [end quote]
*ProPublica (2013, March 13) After a Powerful Lobbyist Intervenes, EPA
Reverses Stance on Polluting Texas County’s Water’ by Abraham Lustgarten*
[Excerpted] When Uranium Energy Corp. sought permission to launch a
large-scale mining project in Goliad County, Texas, it seemed as if the
E... more »
BC Liberals 20% Percentage Points Behind BC NDP
There`s a new Global Ipsos Reid poll being released today...
I have watched polls for a long time, over the years certain patterns
arise, such as..
Ipsos Reid has always over estimated BC Liberal support by on average..7%
percentage points.
Mustel polls even worse, on average Mustel over estimates BC Liberals by
10% percentage points..
And to be fair, those two polling outfits get closer to the actual real
polling numbers in the last weeks before election day..
Angus Reid time and time again are the most accurate, more accurate on the
lead-up to the election, and actual polling n... more »
*Plaintiffs’ lawyer resigns amid BP oil spill trial*
*Watts going down? ~American Zombie *
God particle's humility on display
*...as it turns on two light bulbs less often than expected...*
OK, I was inspired by this title of an article about Pope Francis. But you
should have no doubts about it: the Higgs boson is even more humble and
obedient than the Indian-born Argentinian chemist and the son of a railway
worker who was just chosen as the new Bishop of Rome by puppets of Hugo
Chavez who controlled the job contest from Hell.
What I want to say is that the anomalously high chance that the \(126\GeV\)
Higgs boson splits into two photons, \(h\to\gamma\gamma\), is no longer
anomalously high. ATLAS and CMS ... more »
208 Republicans Joined The Democrats In Supporting Community-Based Flood Insurance Options-- But What About The 17 Republicans Who Favor Floods?
*Flooding along the Reedy River through the west end section of downtown
Greenville, SC, 29 July 2004 (Trey Gowdy's district but he probably figures
it'll never flood again)*
Remember the other day when we talked about the Pro-Pandemic Caucus? There
are 28 Republicans in that one. Would you believe that there's also a
Pro-Flood Caucus? It's considerably smaller-- only 17 tight-wing crackpotsMembers of Congress in that one.
Tuesday 208 Republicans and every single Democrat passed H.R. 1035, (397-17)
which requires a study of voluntary community-based flood insurance options
and how s... more »
Why Don't We Start With the Easy Things First, the Things That Matter.

Sure, we all want rid of the Prince of Darkness, Beelzebub himself,
Sideshow Steve Harper. Fair enough, we're all agreed on that.
But why don't we start with the easy things first? Why don't we change
ourselves, our political parties? That's easy because our politics are
ours, meaning they're ours to shape and build and change.
Why not begin by restoring progressivism to its rightful place in the ranks
of both the Liberals and the New Dems? Now that everyone has pulled up
stakes and gone into the deserts of the centre and centre-right chasing
after Harper, the Canadian publi... more »
Ongoing peculiar accounts of Paul Ryan’s marginal tax rate!
*THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013*
*We live in fictitious times:* Yesterday, with incomparable skill, we
diagnosed a small minor problem:
Here it was: Everywhere we looked, journalists seemed to be offering
different accounts of Paul Ryan’s position on taxes.
Some accounts were extremely vague. Some of the *coherent* accounts seemed
to contradict the others. That brings us to today’s key question:
In his new budget plan, what has Ryan proposed for the marginal tax rate?
If you read one account, you might think you know. If you read two
accounts, you aren't sure!
Years ago, Michael Moore ... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Boogie Men'
Posted on March 14, 2013
MNN. Mar. 14, 2013. Bankers and their accomplices
have “Windigo Psychosis”. It’s an insatiable craving for everything in
their sight. The Indigenous say Windigo becomes a wild-eyed, violent,
flesh-eating maniac with super-human strength. They haunt Northern
Alberta where they go on cannibalistic rampages.
The Windigo is sick
Spice Jar Button Storage

I love buttons. They are one of my favorite crafting supplies and I can
never seem to walk past them at the fabric store without adding a few to my
collection. When I was a kid, my mom kept all of her buttons in a large jar
that we had to dump out and search through when you needed something
specific. I decided to make things a little bit easier on myself and sort
my buttons by color, so they aren't quite so hard to find.
I decided on small jars meant for spices to help everything organized. I
had these colorful spice jars on hand already, but you can find similar
colorful ones h... more »
Native activists withdraw support from KXL Truthforce Concert Oklahoma
Casey Camp, Ponca
long, we began to see a pattern that has played out repeatedly:
Non-Indians armed with a savior complex, condescending tones and a
penchant to show us a better way to do things, begin to plan strategy
and events for us."
By Casey Camp-Horinek, Ponca, Marland, Okla.
The Single Best Economic Reform for the Next Time
Glad to see that Matt Yglesias is talking about this one again:
3. We should beef up automatic stabilizers in the budget by creating some
kind of national rainy day fund that automatically releases unrestricted
funds to state governments in times of recession. Some elected officials
will use the money to avoid pro-cyclical service cuts and furloughs, while
others will use it to finance tax cuts and we'll just live with
disagreement about the best way to proceed.
He also wants to make monetary policy work better, but I think he
undervalues the ideological resistance to those suggesti... more »
Counsel ought not to speak to matters where personally involved even if no objection taken
*Ricciuto v. Somers*, 2013 ONCA 153 is a good reminder that counsel cannot
be personally involved in a case:
[12] This is not a case for costs. Although we appreciate that the
respondent did not object to Mr. C appearing as counsel either here or
below, the reality is that he was a named respondent and that his conduct
was central to the factual circumstances giving rise to both the
application and this appeal. He should not have appeared as counsel in
either forum.
Iraqis Feel Country Largely Unchanged After U.S. Military Withdrawal

In March 2013, the Gallup organization released its latest poll from Iraq.
It covered security, foreign influence, political stability, corruption,
and jobs, and found that in four of those five categories things had either
improved or stayed the same since the United States withdrew its military
forces in December 2011. Although Gallup tied the survey to the exit of the
Americans, it actually showed that many issues were outside of their
influence, and the results were roughly in line with previous polls.
Iraqis feel much is the same after the U.S. withdrew at the end of 2011 (*
W... more »
Assisi Dove vs Austerian Hawk

I'll admit it. I indulged myself in a spate of silly cynicism as I
watched CNN's coverage of the Pope-a-Palooza yesterday afternoon. I even
started humming "The March of the Flying Monkeys" from *The Wizard of Oz* as
the Swiss Guard strutted around St. Peter's Square. I mused over the
possible genetic origins of Chris Cuomo's speech patterns (he sounds just
like his dad, Mario and a more refined version of his guv bro, Andy) while
I paid no attention to what he was actually blathering on about.
Then my ears perked up when they announced the name that the new
Argentinian pope, Jo... more »
California has driest January and February on record, Sierra snowpack below normal – ‘It’s going to have some dire effects for those folks in the Central Valley that were thinking they will be able to plant’
[image: The Los Angeles Aqueduct carries water from the snowcapped Sierra
Nevada Mountains, which carry less snow than normal, to major urban areas
of southern California on 9 May 2008 near Lone Pine, California. Photo:
David McNew / Getty Images]
By Amy Quinton
28 February 2013
(California Capital Network) – California has officially shattered an
all-time record for the driest January and February in the northern Sierra
since record-keeping began in 1921. This year, the area has received only
2.3 inches of precipitation.
The northern Sierra is crucial in providing statewide wat... more »
I wondered why the BBC were so ecstatic at the choice of Pope
I thought the BBC were over the top in their elation at an Argentinian
becoming Pope, but why?
In April last year, at a memorial mass in Buenos Aires 30 years on from the
Falklands conflict, he said: 'We come to pray for all who have fallen, sons
of the homeland who went out to defend their mother, the homeland, and to
reclaim what is theirs, that is of the homeland, and it was usurped.'
Well that clears up that mystery. The BBC really are objectionable aren't
they? And so transparent!
THE ORIGINAL SIN: Little had changed!
*THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013*
*Part 4—When crosses burned just outside Philly:* We’ll state an
impression. For obvious reasons, our impression could be wrong.
It seems to us that Ta-Nehisi Coates reacted emotionally, in a personal
way, when Forest Whitaker was falsely accused in that New York deli.
There’s certainly no earthly reason why Coates *shouldn’t* have reacted
that way. The false accusation occurred in a deli which Coates and his
family had frequented. At the end of his column, in a rather odd moment, he
is asked to imagine the possibility of his own son being falsely accuse... more »
Liberal Party Leadership Alchemy - Seven Leaders in Ten Years

*Over a ten year period (2003 - 2013), the once great Liberal Party of
Canada has been overseen by 6 different Leaders:*
* -Jean Chrétien
-Paul Martin
-Bill Graham*
-Stephane Dion
-Michael Ignatieff
-Bob Rae*
*.... with a 7th Leader to be chosen in the coming weeks. *
*Seven different Leaders within 10 years! *
**I am reminded of a time, long ago, known as the Dark Ages when
quasi-scientists called 'alchemists' worked tirelessly to find a way to
turn base metals into gold. Century after century they experimented and
searched for the magic formula that would give them unimaginable we... more »
An Iowan's Screed About the ALEC Info Session

Everyday I let the internet take me to where I am supposed to be.
You folks know that I love it when bloggers or others give me fodder on the
topic of ALEC and this morning was one of those gold mines – given to me
like manna from the Universe.
I hope you enjoy.
About the Author
Jeff Patch
Jeff Patch is chief muckraker at TheIowaRepublican.com. He's a
communications, political and policy consultant for causes, companies and
candidates. Patch started his media career as a production assistant at the
now-defunct FOX News affiliate in Dubuque, his hometown. He has written for
the T... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Gaia Currently Experiences Energetic Separation from all Previous Time Agendas
* *
* *Gaia Currently Experiences Energetic Separation from all Previous Time
by ÉirePort
Gaia and all of her inhabitants currently experiences energetic separation
from all previous time agendas. Light influx from Higher Source brings
eventual illumination to underlying reasons for such. Yet not always
visible until post-separation.
Gaia herself reminds all that these separations are accompanied by grand
(and clean, energetically speaking) new beginnings. Gaia herself undergoes
such separation and is poised to receive maximum resonant Illumination.
Such resonant Illum... more »
PAKISTAN Lahore, more than 100 Christian homes burned over blasphemy charge - Asia News
More religious intolerance in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
'This morning, an angry mob set fire to over 100 homes in the Joseph Colony
Christian settlement, near Badami Bah (Lahore). Residents were forced to
flee and at least 35 people were injured. The attack resulted from an
accusation of blasphemy registered against one of the settlement residents,
Sawan Masih, who yesterday afternoon had an altercation with a Muslim.'
More on Asia News but I doubt that the pro Pakistan BBC will be reporting
Immigration consequences a proper consideration on sentencing
A number of cases have dealt with whether a reduction in sentence is
appropriate to avoid immigration consequences: *R. v. Duhra*, 2011 ABCA 165
and *R. v. B.R.C.,* 2010 ONCA 561 are two examples. Reduced sentences are
often given avoid deportation. In so doing the Courts have emphasized the
"human face" of sentencing. Some might ask about the failure to take out
citizenship and the human face of the victim but that is another issue.
Today’s Supreme Court decision in *R. v. Pham*, 2013 SCC 15 follows these
decisions. The Court holds that a sentencing judge may exercise his ... more »
Official: Sudan will continue amputations - UPI.com
Unbelievably savage story from Sudan of Sharia court amputations
'KHARTOUM, Sudan, March 12 (UPI) -- Judges can receive special training to
perform court-ordered amputations if doctors refuse to carry out the
sentences, a Sudanese justice said Tuesday.
Deputy Chief Justice Abdul Rahman Sharfi added that any doctors who refuse
"the rule of Allah" will themselves face prosecution, the Sudan Tribune
He made the comments at a news conference in response to strong criticism
from human rights groups concerning last month's amputation of the right
hand and left foot of a man fo... more »
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