Bill Gates Continues ‘God’s Work’, Third World Vaccine Workers Shot Dead
Service Member Shares Vaccine Experience
WOT Reputation Scorecard**
** Credibility Destruction
- Myxt 03/25/2012
- Other
This anti-vaccination blog poses no technical threats. Unlike some
similar sites, it is intelligently written and cites its sources.
There is indeed an ongoing debate about the value and effects of vaccines. This site represents one side of that debate. "
There is indeed an ongoing debate about the value and effects of vaccines. This site represents one side of that debate. "
- MaryS326 03/25/2012
- Useful, informative
For science based information regarding vaccines, vactruth.com is
an excellent resource. Anyone who says it is hateful or contains
misinformation has obviously never actually read anything on this site -
all of their articles are fully cited. Heck if you want to know what's
in your vaccine, just go to the cdc's website and then google the
ingredients. If a vaccine drops on the floor and breaks, it's toxic
waste. Are you really sure you want that injected into your body? I
know I don't! "
- junkeeroo 02/23/2013
- Good site
Vaccines are important, but we must be objective to the reality
that when profits enter any picture...there can be unethical practices.
Do your research! This site is important for presenting the other side
of the coin.
Here are some reputable news sites and studies showing evidence of harm or inefficacy for some vaccines.
CBS News: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-31727_162-20016356-10391695.html
Here are some reputable news sites and studies showing evidence of harm or inefficacy for some vaccines.
CBS News: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-31727_162-20016356-10391695.html
US Enviro Protection Agency: http://www.all.org/pdf/McDonaldPaul2010.pdf
lead researcher 'debunking' vaccine autism-vaccine connection on US most wanted list: https://oig.hhs.gov/fraud/fugitives/index.asp
read more about Poul Thorsen: http://www.bolenreport.com/Mark%20Geier
By the way, you'll notice that most alternative medicine websites, i.e., nonpharma, have a poor wot rating due to organized "scientific" skeptic community campaigns.
You can’t get there from here - or data stirred not Shakun
How the paper passed peer (pal) review is beyond
comprehension. It is worse than the original hockey stick paper MBH
shown to be a total work of fiction.
The irony of the site's oxymoronic name "Skeptical Science" is that the
site is not skeptical of even the most extreme alarmist positions.
One would almost think they were 'Deniers'
Austrian Government Attempts to Frame Jane Burgermeister « Golden Age ...
Here is Jane Burgermister’s own account of the attempts to frame her and other acts of harassment against her. Jane’s cause is my cause. I shall be posting more ...
Len Horowitz, Jane Burgermeister and others attacked by drug industry ...
Len Horowitz, Jane Burgermeister and others attacked by drug industry operatives ... White has been involved in covert operations ranging from severe harassment, and ...
"The Mother Of All Black Ops": Journalist Jane Burgermeister Was ...
Investigative Journalist Jane Burgermeister Incarcerated For Telling The Truth ... Some of his stories (e.g., the bureau's harassment of Jean Seberg) are ...
WHO OFFICIALS CITED FOR PANDEMIC FRAUD LINKED TO DRUG INDUSTRY CONSPIRACY TO MURDER AND DEFAME WHISTLE-BLOWING JOURNALISTS London–Drug industry officials blamed for conspiring against people worldwide in the fraudulent World Health Organization (WHO) swine flu campaign of 2009, are now linked to two murdered journalists.
Latest Science Debunks Global Warming Hysteria
Austrian Government Attempts to Frame Jane Burgermeister « Golden Age ...
Here is Jane Burgermister’s own account of the attempts to frame her and other acts of harassment against her. Jane’s cause is my cause. I shall be posting more ...
Len Horowitz, Jane Burgermeister and others attacked by drug industry ...
Len Horowitz, Jane Burgermeister and others attacked by drug industry operatives ... White has been involved in covert operations ranging from severe harassment, and ...
"The Mother Of All Black Ops": Journalist Jane Burgermeister Was ...
Investigative Journalist Jane Burgermeister Incarcerated For Telling The Truth ... Some of his stories (e.g., the bureau's harassment of Jean Seberg) are ...
WHO OFFICIALS CITED FOR PANDEMIC FRAUD LINKED TO DRUG INDUSTRY CONSPIRACY TO MURDER AND DEFAME WHISTLE-BLOWING JOURNALISTS London–Drug industry officials blamed for conspiring against people worldwide in the fraudulent World Health Organization (WHO) swine flu campaign of 2009, are now linked to two murdered journalists.
Climate of Obfuscation
Latest Science Debunks Global Warming Hysteria
Why Most Published Research Findings are False
It’s the title of a 2005 article which uses probability theory to “prove” that “…most claimed research findings are false”. While the article comes from the medical research field, it is sufficiently general that some of what it discusses can be applied to global warming research as well.
You can’t get there from here - or data stirred not Shakun
How the paper passed peer (pal) review is beyond
comprehension. It is worse than the original hockey stick paper MBH
shown to be a total work of fiction.
UK’s coldest spring since 1963 claims 5,000 lives: Pensioners worst affected and experts say final toll could be ‘horrendous’
The Truth about Skeptical Science
The irony of the site's oxymoronic name "Skeptical Science" is that the
site is not skeptical of even the most extreme alarmist positions.
John Cook is now desperately trying to cover up his background that
he was employed as a cartoonist for over a decade with no prior
employment history in academia or climate science.
Thanks to the Wayback Machine we can reveal what his website originally said,
I'm not a climatologist or a scientist but a self employed cartoonist"
Refuting 104 Talking Points from Skeptical Science (PDF) (28pgs) (Lubos Motl, Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, March 29, 2010)
"CO2 for different people has different
attractions. After all, what is it? - it’s not a pollutant, it’s a
product of every living crea...
( Somebody better tell the EPA. I don't plan on not exhaling any time soon for their fears. )
Es-tee R. Miller and ESTEE'S SKY WATCH IN VICTORIA B.C. shared a link.