Costco Proves Republicans Wrong By Paying a Living Wage and Watching Profits Soar
Costco is proving Republicans and the
11 simple but timeless tips to help you live healthier and longer---whatever your age.
Truth Beckons's photo.
Occupy Monsanto shared GMO Inside's photo.
Whole Foods Market announces 5 year plan to label GMOs inside of their stores. While GMO Inside appreciates and commends their commitment to labeling GMOs we think
consumers deserve to know what is in their food now. We hope more
stores stand up for consumers right to know and GMO laden brands will
follow suit and source non-GMO.
If corporations won't label
GMOs then we the people will! To get ideas on how to use GMO Inside
labels and download your own labels for free go here:
As consumers we have to remain diligent in demanding GMOs be removed
from products entirely so that supply meets demand much faster than 5
years. Please share this post!
Special event for northern Idaho on 3/30. This event is free and is a good opportunity to learn about this important issue.
Northern Idaho Screening of "The Future of Food"
March 30 at 1:00pm in PDT
has threatened the admin who made this post, claiming it to be
"inaccurate". Please help support them in spreading the message to
Brazil, one of the biggest GMO growing countries in the world.
orgao ambiental nos EUA (EPA) registrou o milho transgenico Bt como um
inseticida-- isso porque o inseticida e' embutido dentro do milho.
Consequentemente, cada pedacinho, grao na esfira desse milho Bt que vc
ingere e' um inseticida.
Action Tuesday: Take a stand for the little guy! The first ever
genetically engineered (GE) animal is just one stamp away from entering
the market as ‘food’ and we need your help to stop it:
This Is What Democracy Looks Like shared Just Label It's photo.
Good to see the label-it campaigns growing. We should be able to know what is in our food!
Today, Pennsylvania joins 20+ other states introducing GE labeling legislation in 2013:
To find out if legislation has been introduced in your state, visit Just Label It's new state initiative map:
LIKE and SHARE if you believe we all have a right to know what we're eating and feeding our families!

It takes tearing away from the matrix on many levels to take responsibility for your health.
Bridge the Gulf
Take a look at the amazing kids of Kids Rethink New Orleans Schools
Students can be leaders, too.
Some of the things that could be done with the money the wealthiest sock away where it isn't doing anyone any good.
12, 2013 — When Gulf of Mexico algae don't get enough nutrients, they
focus their remaining energy on becoming more and more poisonous to
ensure their survival, according to a new study by scientists from North
Carolina State University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Real Coastal Warriors and Institute for Southern Studies shared a link.
Bird's Eye View: Nasty New Leaks , GRN Joins Forces | General | Blog| Gulf Restoration Network
GRN has been engaged in systematic monitoring and reporting of oil pollution in the Gulf of Mexico
2007, BP was regarded as the British equivalent of Exxon Mobil (XOM).
BP was in every pension plan, retirement fund, and broad-based mutual
fund. In much the same way that you'd have to do some digging to find a
popular 401(k) in the United States that contained no Exxon Mobil stock,
you'd have to go to great lengths to find a British fund that lacked a
position in BP. By year-end 2007, BP was responsible for generating
almost 10% of the income across the nation's retirement plans. Read that
again: one single oil company was responsible for almost 10% of an
entire nation's retirement income.
This Is What Democracy Looks Like and Truthout shared a link.
Tar Sands Resistance Escalates in Massachusetts
tools from the occupied plazas and parks of 2011, activists are
organizing horizontally and building a truly inclusive environmental
John Biguenet, a famous New Orleans playwright, won’t forget what happened when federal levees failed in August 2005.
New play completes a trilogy that
This Is What Democracy Looks Like and Truthout shared a link.
Radioactive Sludge Leaking at Hanford
US rush to build a giant arsenal of nuclear weapons during the Cold War
created an environmental disaster at Hanford in Washington State along
the Columbia River.
Living Oceans is proud to be part of this "change on the water" story! Have a read!
The impacts of bottom trawling on seafloor habitats and marine ecosystems have been widely debated over the last
18 California sea lion pups that were “pretty much skin and bones” were
rescued in just 48 hours, coming in a year that has already seen more
than 10 times the number of rescues last year, a California marine
mammal center has declared a state of a emergency. “They’re coming in
pretty much skin and bones and we’re starting to see their systems shut
down,” Pacific Marine Mammal Center Executive Director Keith Matassa
said. “It’s unusual. Last year at this time we only had 10 rescues.
We’re up to 112 this year.”
18 California Sea Lion Pups Rescued in 48 Hours; Marine Mammal Center Declares State of Emergency
( Sounds like starvation - interruption of the food chain )
are forage fish so important to marine mammals and the ocean's
ecosystems as a whole? Check out this neat animated video created by the
PEW foundation to find why:
Forage Fish Key to a Healthy Ocean Food Web | Pew
fish play a major role in the ocean's food web. Commonly known as
forage fish, small schooling fish like herring and anchovies
writes in his piece that if Obama does approve the pipeline — as many
expect (and fear) — he will need to make it up to his “green” base in
other ways. Why wait? He can pay back his eco-friendly supporters right
now by killing this bad Keystone XL idea.
Actually, it wouldn’t be crazy at all for Obama to kill the Keystone XL | Stuart H. Smith
The race against time to stop the Keystone XL pipeline's march across the United States -- and the
Scott Dro
If you haven't already, stop by and give this page a like, it's a pretty good page.

focus of this page is to wake people up and get more people to question
everything. This was how things used to be before 9-11. Help us to
wake even more people up! Conspiracy Theorist - A derogatory term used
to label critical thinkers. Also used to make the ones not awake think
their craz...
Billion AGAINST Indefinite Detention without trial law
Costco Proves Republicans Wrong By Paying a Living Wage and Watching Profits Soar
Costco is proving Republicans and the
11 simple but timeless tips to help you live healthier and longer---whatever your age.
Truth Beckons's photo.
Occupy Monsanto shared GMO Inside's photo.
Whole Foods Market announces 5 year plan to label GMOs inside of their stores. While GMO Inside appreciates and commends their commitment to labeling GMOs we think
consumers deserve to know what is in their food now. We hope more
stores stand up for consumers right to know and GMO laden brands will
follow suit and source non-GMO.
If corporations won't label
GMOs then we the people will! To get ideas on how to use GMO Inside
labels and download your own labels for free go here:
As consumers we have to remain diligent in demanding GMOs be removed
from products entirely so that supply meets demand much faster than 5
years. Please share this post!
Special event for northern Idaho on 3/30. This event is free and is a good opportunity to learn about this important issue.
Northern Idaho Screening of "The Future of Food"
March 30 at 1:00pm in PDT
has threatened the admin who made this post, claiming it to be
"inaccurate". Please help support them in spreading the message to
Brazil, one of the biggest GMO growing countries in the world.
orgao ambiental nos EUA (EPA) registrou o milho transgenico Bt como um
inseticida-- isso porque o inseticida e' embutido dentro do milho.
Consequentemente, cada pedacinho, grao na esfira desse milho Bt que vc
ingere e' um inseticida.
Action Tuesday: Take a stand for the little guy! The first ever
genetically engineered (GE) animal is just one stamp away from entering
the market as ‘food’ and we need your help to stop it:
This Is What Democracy Looks Like shared Just Label It's photo.
Good to see the label-it campaigns growing. We should be able to know what is in our food!
Today, Pennsylvania joins 20+ other states introducing GE labeling legislation in 2013:
To find out if legislation has been introduced in your state, visit Just Label It's new state initiative map:
LIKE and SHARE if you believe we all have a right to know what we're eating and feeding our families!

It takes tearing away from the matrix on many levels to take responsibility for your health.
Bridge the Gulf
Truth Beckons's photo.
Occupy Monsanto shared GMO Inside's photo.
Whole Foods Market announces 5 year plan to label GMOs inside of their stores. While GMO Inside appreciates and commends their commitment to labeling GMOs we think
consumers deserve to know what is in their food now. We hope more
stores stand up for consumers right to know and GMO laden brands will
follow suit and source non-GMO.
If corporations won't label GMOs then we the people will! To get ideas on how to use GMO Inside labels and download your own labels for free go here:
As consumers we have to remain diligent in demanding GMOs be removed from products entirely so that supply meets demand much faster than 5 years. Please share this post!
If corporations won't label GMOs then we the people will! To get ideas on how to use GMO Inside labels and download your own labels for free go here:
As consumers we have to remain diligent in demanding GMOs be removed from products entirely so that supply meets demand much faster than 5 years. Please share this post!
Special event for northern Idaho on 3/30. This event is free and is a good opportunity to learn about this important issue.
Northern Idaho Screening of "The Future of Food"
March 30 at 1:00pm in PDT
has threatened the admin who made this post, claiming it to be
"inaccurate". Please help support them in spreading the message to
Brazil, one of the biggest GMO growing countries in the world.
orgao ambiental nos EUA (EPA) registrou o milho transgenico Bt como um
inseticida-- isso porque o inseticida e' embutido dentro do milho.
Consequentemente, cada pedacinho, grao na esfira desse milho Bt que vc
ingere e' um inseticida.
Action Tuesday: Take a stand for the little guy! The first ever
genetically engineered (GE) animal is just one stamp away from entering
the market as ‘food’ and we need your help to stop it:
This Is What Democracy Looks Like shared Just Label It's photo.
Special event for northern Idaho on 3/30. This event is free and is a good opportunity to learn about this important issue.
March 30 at 1:00pm in PDT
Facebook has threatened the admin who made this post, claiming it to be "inaccurate". Please help support them in spreading the message to Brazil, one of the biggest GMO growing countries in the world.
orgao ambiental nos EUA (EPA) registrou o milho transgenico Bt como um
inseticida-- isso porque o inseticida e' embutido dentro do milho.
Consequentemente, cada pedacinho, grao na esfira desse milho Bt que vc
ingere e' um inseticida.
Action Tuesday: Take a stand for the little guy! The first ever
genetically engineered (GE) animal is just one stamp away from entering
the market as ‘food’ and we need your help to stop it:
This Is What Democracy Looks Like shared Just Label It's photo.
Good to see the label-it campaigns growing. We should be able to know what is in our food!
Today, Pennsylvania joins 20+ other states introducing GE labeling legislation in 2013: find out if legislation has been introduced in your state, visit Just Label It's new state initiative map:
LIKE and SHARE if you believe we all have a right to know what we're eating and feeding our families!
It takes tearing away from the matrix on many levels to take responsibility for your health.
Bridge the Gulf
Take a look at the amazing kids of Kids Rethink New Orleans Schools
Students can be leaders, too.
Some of the things that could be done with the money the wealthiest sock away where it isn't doing anyone any good.
12, 2013 — When Gulf of Mexico algae don't get enough nutrients, they
focus their remaining energy on becoming more and more poisonous to
ensure their survival, according to a new study by scientists from North
Carolina State University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Real Coastal Warriors and Institute for Southern Studies shared a link.
Bird's Eye View: Nasty New Leaks , GRN Joins Forces | General | Blog| Gulf Restoration Network
GRN has been engaged in systematic monitoring and reporting of oil pollution in the Gulf of Mexico
2007, BP was regarded as the British equivalent of Exxon Mobil (XOM).
BP was in every pension plan, retirement fund, and broad-based mutual
fund. In much the same way that you'd have to do some digging to find a
popular 401(k) in the United States that contained no Exxon Mobil stock,
you'd have to go to great lengths to find a British fund that lacked a
position in BP. By year-end 2007, BP was responsible for generating
almost 10% of the income across the nation's retirement plans. Read that
again: one single oil company was responsible for almost 10% of an
entire nation's retirement income.
This Is What Democracy Looks Like and Truthout shared a link.
Tar Sands Resistance Escalates in Massachusetts
tools from the occupied plazas and parks of 2011, activists are
organizing horizontally and building a truly inclusive environmental
John Biguenet, a famous New Orleans playwright, won’t forget what happened when federal levees failed in August 2005.
New play completes a trilogy that
This Is What Democracy Looks Like and Truthout shared a link.
Radioactive Sludge Leaking at Hanford
US rush to build a giant arsenal of nuclear weapons during the Cold War
created an environmental disaster at Hanford in Washington State along
the Columbia River.
Living Oceans is proud to be part of this "change on the water" story! Have a read!
The impacts of bottom trawling on seafloor habitats and marine ecosystems have been widely debated over the last
( Sounds like starvation - interruption of the food chain )
18 California sea lion pups that were “pretty much skin and bones” were
rescued in just 48 hours, coming in a year that has already seen more
than 10 times the number of rescues last year, a California marine
mammal center has declared a state of a emergency. “They’re coming in
pretty much skin and bones and we’re starting to see their systems shut
down,” Pacific Marine Mammal Center Executive Director Keith Matassa
said. “It’s unusual. Last year at this time we only had 10 rescues.
We’re up to 112 this year.”
18 California Sea Lion Pups Rescued in 48 Hours; Marine Mammal Center Declares State of Emergency
abcnews.go.comWhy are forage fish so important to marine mammals and the ocean's ecosystems as a whole? Check out this neat animated video created by the PEW foundation to find why:
Forage Fish Key to a Healthy Ocean Food Web | Pew
fish play a major role in the ocean's food web. Commonly known as
forage fish, small schooling fish like herring and anchovies
writes in his piece that if Obama does approve the pipeline — as many
expect (and fear) — he will need to make it up to his “green” base in
other ways. Why wait? He can pay back his eco-friendly supporters right
now by killing this bad Keystone XL idea.
Actually, it wouldn’t be crazy at all for Obama to kill the Keystone XL | Stuart H. Smith
The race against time to stop the Keystone XL pipeline's march across the United States -- and the
Scott Dro
If you haven't already, stop by and give this page a like, it's a pretty good page.
If you haven't already, stop by and give this page a like, it's a pretty good page.
Main focus of this page is to wake people up and get more people to question everything. This was how things used to be before 9-11. Help us to wake even more people up! Conspiracy Theorist - A derogatory term used to label critical thinkers. Also used to make the ones not awake think their craz...
Billion AGAINST Indefinite Detention without trial law
at least we got those weapons of mass .. what? None? Are you kidding
me? Okay (ahem) But at least we ended Iraq's support for Al Qaeda ...
what? They were enemies? Okay, okay. (sigh) But at least we revenged the
attack on the World Trade ... What NOW?!? They didn't? Why did we
invade Iraq? I can;t tell the American people that! Ummm. okay. Press
conference over." -- Official White Horse Souse
George Bush sold the war as quick and
nderground News Network shared a link.
Obama has deployed 100 US Soldiers to Niger in West Africa to help set
up a Drone base in the region to “conduct surveillance.” Is this really
about “terrorism” and Al Qaeda, or might it have to do with the rich
resources in Africa that the Western multinationals would like to
- Foster Gamble
- Foster Gamble
In Niger, U.S. Troops Set Up Drone Base
The new base, announced by President Obama on Friday, is an indication of the
Syria today. You can actually see the cluster bombs dropped by fighter jets coming down on small parachutes in this video....
قصف رهيب جداً ب6 براميل من الطيران الحربي على قرية حيش 12 3 2013
◐ شبكة أخبار إدلب ◑
a vote of 37-0 (1 absent), the Michigan Senate joined the growing list
of of states and municipalities throughout America in passing their
version of the Liberty Preservation Act, released by the Tenth Amendment
Center. Senate Bill 94 (SB94) now proceeds to the Michigan State House.
State Senator Rick Jones, the bill's sponsor, and grassroots activists
forged the bipartisan alliance against the federal law which applies the
law of war and indefinite detention to anyone on U.S. soil.
After the bill's passage in the Senate, PANDA Michigan's Dennis
Marburger vowed relentless opposition to all federal legislation which
subverts the U.S. Constitution, saying:
The very active and
knowledgeable group of Michiganians fighting this egregious Federal
overreach will not rest until there is real, tangible and viable state
resistance to D.C.'s attempts to deny our rights and threaten our safety
– whatever unconstitutional legislation, edict or judicial fiat our government employees use as an excuse.
The unlawful mandates of the NDAA are sections 1021 and 1022 which
allow the arrest, detention and/or transport to foreign prisons of
anyone the federal government “suspects” is a terrorist.
Those so imprisoned can be denied trial, access to an attorney, and the ability to even advise someone they have been detained.
a vote of 37-0 (1 absent), the Michigan Senate joined the growing list
of of states and municipalities throughout America in passing their
version of the Liberty Preservation Act, released by the Tenth Amendment
Center. Senate Bill 94 (SB94) now proceeds to the Michigan State House.
State Senator Rick Jones, the bill's sponsor, and grassroots activists
forged the bipartisan alliance against the federal law which applies the
law of war and indefinite detention to anyone on U.S. soil.
After the bill's passage in the Senate, PANDA Michigan's Dennis Marburger vowed relentless opposition to all federal legislation which subverts the U.S. Constitution, saying:
The very active and knowledgeable group of Michiganians fighting this egregious Federal overreach will not rest until there is real, tangible and viable state resistance to D.C.'s attempts to deny our rights and threaten our safety – whatever unconstitutional legislation, edict or judicial fiat our government employees use as an excuse.
The unlawful mandates of the NDAA are sections 1021 and 1022 which allow the arrest, detention and/or transport to foreign prisons of anyone the federal government “suspects” is a terrorist.
Those so imprisoned can be denied trial, access to an attorney, and the ability to even advise someone they have been detained.
After the bill's passage in the Senate, PANDA Michigan's Dennis Marburger vowed relentless opposition to all federal legislation which subverts the U.S. Constitution, saying:
The very active and knowledgeable group of Michiganians fighting this egregious Federal overreach will not rest until there is real, tangible and viable state resistance to D.C.'s attempts to deny our rights and threaten our safety – whatever unconstitutional legislation, edict or judicial fiat our government employees use as an excuse.
The unlawful mandates of the NDAA are sections 1021 and 1022 which allow the arrest, detention and/or transport to foreign prisons of anyone the federal government “suspects” is a terrorist.
Those so imprisoned can be denied trial, access to an attorney, and the ability to even advise someone they have been detained.
REPORT: Today CMD and a group of open government advocates released a
new report called "ALEC Exposed in Iowa: How Corporate Influence
Subverts Our Democratic Process."
One of the key findings is a
detailed listing of the more than $500,000 in campaign donations from
ALEC corporate funders to ALEC members in Iowa, including more than
$200,000 to Governor Terry Branstad, a founding member of ALEC.
One of the key findings is a detailed listing of the more than $500,000 in campaign donations from ALEC corporate funders to ALEC members in Iowa, including more than $200,000 to Governor Terry Branstad, a founding member of ALEC.
Works for me, especially since it includes the following:
"The money will go towards lowering energy bills for consumers, reducing the deficit, and investing in clean energy."
Got that? This does not just mean higher gas/energy prices if they
continue with it as planned, though the industry will use their
tellya-vision industry and the gullible people who still believe in TV
to promote that very lie. We will get that money back, and cleaner
lives to go with it.
WANTS TO HEAR FROM YOU! Do you think taxing polluters for spewing out
carbon pollution is a good idea? Congress is asking ordinary Americans
for their opinion and this is YOUR chance to speak up! your comments to:
The idea is simple: the nation's largest polluters will have to pay a fee for each ton of carbon they emit. The money will go towards lowering energy bills for consumers, reducing the deficit, and investing in clean energy.
We know large polluters like oil and gas companies will be sending legions of lobbyists to DC to try to stop this plan. This is where YOU come in. All comments are welcome and can be emailed to:
The deadline is April 12, 2013. SO SPEAK UP NOW!
Click SHARE or LIKE to get as many people as you know to submit their comment!
( After decades of preparation deluding people mankind controls the climate, the con is on . And, as in vaccination warnings, dubious WoT redlisting occurs)
what Big Telecom says, it is not myth that Canadians pay some of the
highest wireless prices in the industrialized world. With our cell phone
report, created from your stories, we’re working to fix our broken
telecom market.
Share this infographic and let your MP know Canadians will no longer put up with being price-gouged:
Share this infographic and let your MP know Canadians will no longer put up with being price-gouged:
Our kids are being prepared for passive obedience, not creative, independent lives

economics — of which Ryan’s upcoming budget is the most extreme version
— is a cruel hoax," writes Robert Reich. "Cruel because it hurts most
those who are already hurting; a hoax because it doesn’t work."
Paul Ryan’s Regressiveness Redux
Ryan's austerity budget is more of the same from the Ayn Rand enthusiast, but
Fed Injects Record $100 Billion Cash Into Foreign Banks Operating In The US In Past Week | Zero Hedg
Forced eviction of fragile Albertans a disgrace, says AUPE
Posted March 11, 2013
RED DEER – Alberta Union of Provincial Employees’ President Guy Smith said the
unexpected closure of the Michener Centre in Red Deer today is a
betrayal to vulnerable Albertans and another broken promise by the
“Michener Centre is a well-respected facility that
houses Albertans with developmental disabilities. The professional
services vulnerable Albertans have received at the site for decades by
caring and dedicated staff have now been ripped away in a cruel and
merciless way,” said Smith.
Keep Reading Here:
Our kids are being prepared for passive obedience, not creative, independent lives
economics — of which Ryan’s upcoming budget is the most extreme version
— is a cruel hoax," writes Robert Reich. "Cruel because it hurts most
those who are already hurting; a hoax because it doesn’t work."
Paul Ryan’s Regressiveness Redux
Ryan's austerity budget is more of the same from the Ayn Rand enthusiast, but
Fed Injects Record $100 Billion Cash Into Foreign Banks Operating In The US In Past Week | Zero Hedg
Forced eviction of fragile Albertans a disgrace, says AUPE
Posted March 11, 2013
RED DEER – Alberta Union of Provincial Employees’ President Guy Smith said the unexpected closure of the Michener Centre in Red Deer today is a betrayal to vulnerable Albertans and another broken promise by the government.
“Michener Centre is a well-respected facility that houses Albertans with developmental disabilities. The professional services vulnerable Albertans have received at the site for decades by caring and dedicated staff have now been ripped away in a cruel and merciless way,” said Smith.
Keep Reading Here:
Posted March 11, 2013
RED DEER – Alberta Union of Provincial Employees’ President Guy Smith said the unexpected closure of the Michener Centre in Red Deer today is a betrayal to vulnerable Albertans and another broken promise by the government.
“Michener Centre is a well-respected facility that houses Albertans with developmental disabilities. The professional services vulnerable Albertans have received at the site for decades by caring and dedicated staff have now been ripped away in a cruel and merciless way,” said Smith.
Keep Reading Here:
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