Chief George Tiger speaks at Hickory Ground rally at NIGA
Phoenix March 26, 2013
Save Hickory Ground from casino development
March 26, 1973
Haldeman's diary:
The P had me over again at 10:00 this morning for another six-hour session.
I talked to Dean on the phone first to get a reading on how the reaction to
the story is going. He decided last night to hire a lawyer and to have him
give notice to the papers that he would move for libel action if they went
ahead with the story.
OK, there's a lot there.
The story Haldeman is checking about is an LA Times scoop about what James
McCord is telling Sam Dash, the Ervin Committee counsel: that Dean was
involved in Watergate and that Magruder perjured himself. In fact, ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“NGC 253 is not only one of the brightest spiral galaxies visible, it is
also one of the dustiest. Discovered in 1783 by Caroline Herschel in the
constellation of Sculptor, NGC 253 lies only about ten million light-years
*Click image for larger size.*
NGC 253 is the largest member of the Sculptor Group of Galaxies, the
nearest group to our own Local Group of Galaxies. The dense dark dust
accompanies a high star formation rate, giving NGC 253 the designation of
starburst galaxy. Visible in the above photograph is the active central
nucleus, also known to be a bright sour... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Broken Web”
*“The Broken Web”*
by Chet Raymo
“Every fall, when a mysterious seasonal alarm clock tells them to go, the
monarch butterflies of our New England meadows set off on one of the most
remarkable migrations in the animal kingdom. They wing their way to a tiny
patch of forest in the mountains of central Mexico that they have never
visited before, where they are joined by millions of their cousins from all
over eastern North America. They rest and feed and wait out the winter.
Then, in the spring, they set out for northern meadows, breeding and dying
along the way. There will be no ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Post Falls, Idaho, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
50,000 Deaths
Technology on the Social and Ethical Aspects
of Transsexual Surgery
By Janice G. Raymond
Assistant Professor of Medical Ethics
and Women's Studies
Hampshire College/University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Massachusetts
June, 1980
The subject of transsexualism, whether raised in the public forum or in the
academic or medical communities, has been viewed generally as a medical
issue that requires hormonal and surgicalintervention. Several ... more »
Great Analysis of Human Health Effects of Strontium
This post demonstrates how dangerous strontium is for human health:
I stopped drinking milk for 2 years and recently began again.
Perhaps I should stop. The strontium I ingest in diary products may very
well outlive me.
Read about its dangers and what you can do to reduce your personal exposure.
Who Remembers The Supreme Court Case Loving v Virginia? Nanci Griffith Says It Changed The Heart of America

Nanci Griffith put out an album in 2009 presaging the Supreme Court taking
up the DOMA and Prop 8 cases today. Ostensibly the title track for The
Loving Kind was about a couple in Virginia, Richard and Mildred Loving.
Despite Virginia's anti-miscengenation law which prevented mixed-race
marriages-- something that more the half the states in the country had when
I was growing up-- the young couple got married in June, 1958 in
Washington, DC. She was 19 and he was 25. The police broke into their home
and arrested them in bed. They were found guilty and sentenced to prison
sentences... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)! If this is your first visit,
please click HERE for information and a complete list of all the challenges
we've taken on so far.
There's a lot of great information in this post and I encourage you to read
through it ... however, if you don't have the time right now, you might
find the following quick links helpful:
- The #CTWW Gang
- The Honor Society
- My Final Thoughts on Our Last Challenge
- This Week's Challenge
Last week we walked with a purpose ... we put on our shoes and headed
outside but, rather than just stroll ab... more »
Scientists link frozen spring to dramatic Arctic sea ice loss – ‘This is what is affecting the jet stream and leading to the extreme weather we are seeing in mid-latitudes’
[image: A woman walks by the Cloud Gate Sculpture, known as 'The Bean', as
a snow plow clears the area during a snowstorm in Chicago 5 March 2013. A
deadly late winter storm dumped heavy snow on the Midwestern United States
on Tuesday, contributing to numerous highway crashes and flight
cancellations as it moved east toward the Ohio Valley and the mid-Atlantic
states. Jim Young / REUTERS]
By John Vidal, environment editor
25 March 2013
( – Climate scientists have linked the massive snowstorms
and bitter spring weather now being experienced across Britain and large... more »
Marilyn Katz : Hathaway's Nipples and a Congressional Primary
Hathaway at the Academy Awards. Image from HaveUHeard.
Signs of the times?
Hathaway’s nipples and a Congressional primary
Has the liberal media switched sides in the war against women?
By Marilyn Katz / The Rag Blog / March 27, 2013
CHICAGO -- I generally have ignored the growing number of articles
raising alarm about a widespread war against women, comfortable in my
confidence that
Bald Eagles Born in Hamilton
After several years of trying, the bald eagles of Cootes Paradise have
hatched the first eaglets to grace Lake Ontario in decades.
Theme of “Next Level” Missions… “Joy Within"
* *
* *Theme of “Next Level” Missions… “Joy Within"*
by ÉirePort
Exceeding expectations embodied by the mass of humanity (small h),
individual Hue-mans complete initial missions with Gaia and prepare for
"next level" missions.
The theme of such "next level" missions is "Joy Within". All movements are
best viewed from the basis of this theme. Gaia is fulfilled by the
movements in Joy at this time... In this moment.
Facile movement, Intra-Gaia, Inter-Planetary, Inter-Galactic,
Intra-Dimensional, Inter-Dimensional, is now fully supported by the "Joy
Within" paradigm.
Gaia Brillia... more »
Graph of the Day: Estimated vehicle miles driven on all U.S. roads, adjusted for population growth, 1971-2013
[image: Estimated vehicle miles driven on all U.S. roads, adjusted for
population growth, 1971-2013. Graphic: Doug Short]
By Doug Short
22 March 2013
(Advisor Perspectives) – The Department of Transportation's Federal Highway
Commission has released the latest report on Traffic Volume Trends, data
through January. Travel on all roads and streets changed by 0.5% (1.2
billion vehicle miles) for January 2013 as compared with January 2012. The
12-month moving average of miles driven increased only 0.24% from January a
year ago (PDF report). And the civilian population-adjusted data (a... more »
Obama schedule for Wednesday, March 26...

*just exactly when does the lazy little sh*t work?*
I've done 4 or 5 hours of work before he even has his daily briefing.
*10:30 am ||* Recieves the Presidential Daily Briefing
*2:25 pm ||* Interviewed by Univison; Blue Room
*2:40 pm ||* Interviewed by Telemundo; Blue Room
All times Eastern
via White House Dossier
Protest demonstration at New York City headquarters of L-3, a manufacturer
of electronic components for drones, on the 10th anniversary of the start
of the Iraq War.
BOOKS / Ron Jacobs : Justin Hart and William Blum on Exporting Democracy
the word:
'Democracy, we deliver'
In his inimitable style, Blum rips into the lie of U.S. propaganda and
takes Hart’s academic discussion into the streets
By Ron Jacobs / The Rag Blog / March 26, 2013
Empire of Ideas: The Origins of Public Diplomacy and the Transformation
of U.S. Foreign Policy by Justin Hart (2013: Oxford University Press);
Hardcover; 296 pp.; $34.95.
Search inside the decimal representation of Pi
The Pi-Search page
My home phone number did not occur in the first 200,000,000 digits of pi
after position 0.
Lettres de Taiwan Launched
This made the rounds.....
Bonjour à toutes et tous.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer du lancement du site Lettres de
Taïwan ( qui a pour objectif de présenter
Taïwan à travers les livres, toutes disciplines et genres confondus
(littérature, voyage, sciences sociales, géopolitique...). Plus de 400
notices bibliographiques sont déjà consultables en ligne.
Vous trouverez davantage d’informations sur cette plateforme : more »
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 03/26/2013

* *
* *Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic
Federation 03/26/2013*
5 Men, 3 Mac, 9 Eb
Dratzo! We return! We come to explain what we are currently doing and why
it has not yet manifested. As you can clearly see around you, the dark's
minions are still in power across this precious globe. We have worked hard
to create a working alliance between our sacred secret allies and
ourselves, and this union has produced a new monetary system and secured
huge amounts of unaccounted-for gold and silver to back the new financial
system. In addition, we laid th... more »
Anthony Lewis (1927-2013)

*Anthony Lewis in 1963, after winning his second Pulitzer Prize for
national reporting, this one focused on his coverage of the Supreme Court*
*"I was probably made to be a lawyer. It just didn’t turn out that way."*
*-- Anthony Lewis, quoted by WaPo obituarist Emily Lang*
*"There's a kind of lucidity and directness to his prose. You learned an
awful lot of law just from reading Tony Lewis’s accounts of opinions."*
*-- former NYT executive editor Joseph Lelyveld,
quoted by Adam Liptak in his *Times* obit*
*by Ken*
This is another one that hurts. Not because longtime New York Times
c... more »
Updated: US Citizens Defined as Property of the Government

*Note: updated PDF to remove yellow highlighting in PDF which didn't
translate well on SCRIBD. -AK*
* *US Citizens Defined as Property of the Government*
By American Kabuki
This UCC document appeared on one of the Skype chats yesterday, it seemed
familar to one mentioned to me by a very connected financial person. The
UCC filing statement from 2011 raised 14.3 Trillion in money under the
Obama Administration by using the the people of the United States as
"property improvement" capital on the land for purposes of collateral. You
can't file a UCC on property, but you can file ... more »
“Who Knows What Evil Lurks?”
*“Who Knows What Evil Lurks?”*
by Andrew Bard Schmookler
"I recently had an interesting experience writing a piece for an American
newspaper that’s published me over the years. In my piece, I addressed the
puzzle of why it is that some of the most remarkably decent people I know
have supported an American leadership that’s itself remarkable precisely
for lacking such decency. To that puzzle I proposed an answer in two parts.
For one thing, I suggested, these good people have been seduced by leaders
expert in displaying the trappings of righteousness—leaders good at using
the f... more »
Sirena blanca acompañada de su amiga la orca

[image: Sirena blanca acompañada de su amiga la orca]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de sirenas*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
Instrumento musical sobre notas de bellas canciones

[image: Instrumento musical sobre las notas de bellas canciones]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de instrumentos musicales*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
Gatita escondida en los árboles de otoño

[image: Gatita escondida en los árboles de otoño]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de gatos*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
Floreros de colores adornando el hogar

[image: floreros de colores adornando el hogar]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de floreros*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
El hada de las flores en el bosque encantado

[image: Hada de las flores en el bosque encantado]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de Hadas*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
Cascada de agua turquesa con flores hermosas

[image: Cascada de agua turquesa con flores hermosas]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de cascadas*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
Priorities . . .
STEVIE THINKS PANDAS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN PEOPLE, even those who have walked 1,600 kilometers.
The Vinny Eastwood Show Interviews Brian Kelly and Bob Wright on OPPT & ET's
*The Vinny Eastwood Show Interviews Brian Kelly and Bob Wright*
Caution: Big time giggle fest lol ;)
Animales estudiando en el campo

[image: Animales estudiando en el campo]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de animales*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
While Scalia Froths... the Supreme Court hears oral arguments from both sides, as if
the right wing actually has anything substantive to say about gay marriage,
chew on this wingnuttery from the Heritage Foundation that, inexplicably,
has been featured at the top of Scribd's index page.
VIDEO Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance Introductory Ceremony
on Mar 19, 2013
The Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance action camp is welcomed by the
Native Americans of the area. Details;
Smart kid saves the oceans

Saw it on the internet. Don't know anything about this website, but I
really hope this Ocean Cleanup Array is real and that it works.
19-year-old Boyan Slat has unveiled plans to create an Ocean Cleanup Array
that could remove 7,250,000 tons of plastic waste from the world’s oceans.
The device consists of an anchored network of floating booms and processing
platforms that could be dispatched to garbage patches around the world.
Instead of moving through the ocean, the array would span the radius of a
garbage patch, acting as a giant funnel. The angle of the booms would force
plast... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Kanekota Breaking News'
Posted on March 26, 2013
MNN. Mar. 26, 2013. On March 25, 2013,
Thahoketoteh of Kanekota had the oral portion of his Case T-2007-12,
Thoketoteh v. the Queen. The trial was done by teleconference with the
Federal Court of Canada judge and the Attorney General representing Her
Majesty. The question is how Section 109 of the British North America
Alledged Mossad Agent list from Cryptome encore

*2013-0278.pdf NSA Shifts to Journalistic Writing
March 26, 2013**2013-0277.pdf FBI Security Informant Program in
245,250 Pages March 24, 2013*
*2013-0276.pdf DoD Realistic Military Training Off Fed Property
March 24, 2013**2013-0275.pdf DoD Physical Access Control
March 24, 2013**2013-0275.pdf DoD Access Control
March 24, 2013**2013-0274.pdf DoD
Declass Marking for Special Access Programs March 24,
2013**2013-0273.pdf DoD Protect... more »
"How It Really Is"
LOL, that state shape looks suspiciously like... Arizonastan!
- CP
"The '147 People' Destroying the US Economy"
*"The '147 People' Destroying the US Economy"*
by Richard Eskow
"Can 147 people perpetuate economic injustice and make it even worse? Can
they subvert the workings of democracy, both abroad and here in the United
States? Can 147 people hijack the global economy, plunder the environment,
build a world for themselves that serves the few and deprives the
many? There must be some explanation for last weeks economic madness.
*Take a look: Cyprus:* The European Union acted destructively and
self-destructively when it tried to seize a portion of the insured savings
accounts of the... more »
[image: image]
[image: image]
[image: image]
[image: image]
[image: image]
[image: image]
[image: image]
[image: image]
Kevin Pietersen, who apart from casting a shadow played no part in this
test, tweeted
[image: image]
The last five days have been the best possible advertisement for test
cricket—five days of heart-in-the-mouth stuff, right down to the wire, with
a whole series riding on every ball—but finished, for New Zealand, just a
fingernail short.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please cont... more »
The winner is
I’ve never quite forgiven Eddie Mair for championing a mature student who
was trapped in Gaza by a defensive tightening of the blockade during an
abrupt escalation of violence in the region, which I think was during
Operation Cast Lead. It was undoubtedly very unfortunate for everybody who
was caught up in the situation, but the way radio 4‘s PM kept on and on
about it was.... was... I know.... *disproportionate*. After all, he was
only doing *business studies*, not a Fulbright scholar or anything, just
halfway through a course at some redbrick or other in the north of England,
an... more »
The invisible victims of casino capitalism
I may as well have titled this "expendable people." Those would be the
millions struggling to cope with having lost everything that formerly
defined their comfortable lives. They live among us, nearly unnoticed by
the throngs of the still secure who stride confidently down sidewalks to
their next appointment or linger in cafes absorbed in their mobile devices.
In the vast halls of our policy makers, they only exist as random numbers
on charts and spreadsheets. The political overlords do not see their faces.
They're too far removed from the reality of the invisibles' existence to
hav... more »
5 Natural Antibiotic Solutions for Antibiotic-Resistant Infections by Elizabeth Renter

5 Natural Antibiotic Solutions for Antibiotic-Resistant Infections
by Elizabeth Renter
Natural Society, 25 March 2013
Our dependence on antibiotics has helped us to create some monsters—these
monsters are antibiotic-resistant infections like superbugs being
transmitted in hospitals, certain strains of E coli., and MRSA. The
infections, if you went the traditional route, *would be hard* (if not
impossible) to kill. But, there are foods that act as natural antibiotics
that may prove effective where modern medicine is failing.
As a whole, doctors have been prescribing antibiotics a... more »
Attempted Patent of Human Embodiment by Bank of America and VISA INTL
3:28:11 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: *this was just sent to me, or rather, I
just received it (Giggle)*
<<< [9:27 AM] "G":
<<< *Hi Heather, Is the UVE based on US patent number 20120233072 A1?*
*does Visa International. Still hold the patent or was it released with all
UCC filings?*
[3:28:44 PM] HEATHER PEOPLES TRUST: [12:26:09 PM] Jarrafusa: **
[12:26:22 PM] Jarrafusa: *Very interesting...isn't it*
<<... more »
CKNW Goes Full Yellow Journalism
At approximately 1:45 PM on the Simi Sara show, in between her segment with
Bob Mackin, cknw did a short news blurb..
And it was bullshit yellow journalism of the worst kind...
Here was the news blurb uttered, and I quote..
"*Dominion Bond rating service is reporting BC`s credit rating could suffer
if the NDP are elected in May`s election and make a lot of changes" *snip.
This is yellow journalism of the worst kind, Bond rating agencies DO not
call up radio stations and ask news departments to report opinions as
news..It`s not their job, rating agencies are paid to assess finances,... more »
Oglala Sioux Council supports resolution to stop Keystone pipeline
By Kent Lebsock
Debra White Plume
Owe Aku International Justice Project
Advocate for Lakota Treaties & Mother Earth
Censored News
few minutes ago, Debra White Plume of Owe Aku (Bring Back the Way)
presented before the Oglala Sioux Tribe Tribal Council on a grassroots
resolution to STOP THE KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE from crossing the 1851 and
1868 Treaty Territory of the Lakota Oyate
"Network", Mad as Hell Scene
Peter Finch, "Network", Mad as Hell Scene
George Carlin, “The American Dream”
George Carlin, “The American Dream”
Green Party And Liberal Party Have Problems In Lead Up To Labrador By-election

*Elizabeth May’s plan for electoral cooperation may flop in Labrador: Hebert
MONTREAL—*Under the guise of a nicely wrapped gift, Green Party leader
Elizabeth May handed the Liberals an empty box this weekend. [...] It is
possible that May has another more strategic agenda. As Green party leader,
she has no interest in seeing either of her progressive rivals dominate the
opposition landscape. That would increase the risk of a hemorrhage of Green
support to whichever party has a demonstrable fighting chance of beating
the Conservatives.*
*But if May does not have such an agen... more »
"Five Ugly Extremes of Inequality in America"
*"Five Ugly Extremes of Inequality in America-*
* The Contrasts Will Drop Your Chin to the Floor"*
By Paul Buchheit
"The first step is to learn the facts, and then to get angry and to ask
ourselves, as progressives and caring human beings, what we can do about
the relentless transfer of wealth to a small group of well-positioned
*1.* $2.13 per hour vs. $3,000,000.00 per hour: Each of the Koch brothers
saw his investments grow by $6 billion in one year, which is three million
dollars per hour based on a 40-hour 'work' week. They used some of the
money to try to k... more »
Rosatom plans fast reactors based on U-238
Technet, a Czech sci-tech server, published an interview with Vyacheslav
Pershukov today, the deputy CEO and the director of the
scientific-technological complex at Rosatom, the state-owned Russian
nuclear corporation that is managing all Russian reactors that are in
He says many things I should have noticed half a year ago because as Russia
Beyond the Headlines mentioned in November (see also an echo in The
Telegraph), there was a nuclear conference in October 2012 in a city whose
name is nothing else than Prague where they presented plans to build new,
"fast reactors" ... more »
It’s Not About #PoliSci, It’s About the #NSF
One point that I’d like to see made a little bit more clearly is that
political scientists should try to reframe this. I doubt that we have much
sympathy among members of other disciplines; that quote about “first they
came for the X” is troubling precisely because, well, nobody stands up for
the Xs as
Continue reading
Serious Challenger To Mitch McConnell Emerges In Kentucky’s Senate Race
-by PurpleStateProgressive
Speculation has swirled in the mainstream media and on the Internet about
the Kentucky Senate race. Who will be the Democratic candidate to run
against 5 term incumbent Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader?
There is a new development underway. The grassroots and the Democratic
Party are coming together behind Alison Lundergan Grimes. Up top and on the
bottom of the page are two video highlights from Alison’s successful 2011
statewide campaign.
Kentucky Democrats are increasingly voicing their belief that while the
possible candidates Ashley Judd and... more »
Grasping at Straws

Woodblock illustrations from the 1516 edition of Utopia,
by Sir Thomas Moore
As the real news (not the phony news from corporate-controlled media)
lurches from dire to cataclysmic - from the unprecedented shattering of
Arctic Ice to the stupifying reduction of monarch butterflies - the portent
of some terrifically amusing end-time cults can already be discerned in our
near future. Facing the prospect of extinction, few have enough fortitude
to accept the implications, which tend to render the entire notion of an
immortal "soul" lamentably meaningless...and so simply demur. The human... more »
Occurrence reports are not private records Parliament intended to protect as third party record disclosure
R. v. Quesnelle, 2013 ONCA 180 holds that occurrence reports are producible
as Stinchcombe disclosure, not pursuant to the third party record
regime. The Court ruled:
[35] With the nature of the privacy interest contemplated by s. 278
in mind, I will now turn to the "the words of [the] Act … read in their
entire context and in their grammatical and ordinary sense." The actual
words used in s. 278.1, omitting only the language of example, read:
… "record" means any form of record that contains personal information for
which there is a reasonable expectation of privacy … but ... more »
Energy Risks and Rewards
Part I Fossil Fuels Rewards and Risks
Energy is transformative for human society. Energy inputs have transformed
the way of life of high energy societies. During the middle ages, low
energy input was associated with great poverty and a few wealthy persons
who commanded the labor of other people as an energy source. Natural energy
sources such as windmills and the use of the sun for drying food and
clothing did not bring people out of poverty.
In Holland, wind driven pumps kept the sea from overwhelming land that was
under sea level. Dikes kept the sea out. In many countries, windmil... more »
The Morality Brigade Has None
As if this is news. Bob Reich places it in context for us. Conservative
moralists don't want women to have control over their bodies or same-sex
couples to marry, but they don't give a hoot about billionaires taking over
our democracy for personal gain or big bankers taking over our economy. Yet
these violations of public morality are far more dangerous to our society
because they undermine
Historical Materialism Journal and the SWP
From the South Asia Citizens Web
*Disentangling the Delhi HM Conference from the SWP Crisis
Statement from the organising group of the Delhi HM conference*
Over the past few days there have been suggestions that the journal
Historical Materialism (HM) is run by Britain’s Socialist Workers’ Party
(SWP), that the SWP is associated with the Delhi HM Conference on 3–5 April
2013, and that in light of the rape crisis in the SWP, the Delhi HM
conference should be boycotted or disrupted.
Both propositions underlying the boycott and disruption call are absolutely
false. HM has always been ... more »
Archbishop Cordileone states case against gay marriage...
I agree with Pat Archbold at *Creative Minority Report.*
Anybody who wishes to enter into a debate about gay marriage with friends,
family, co-workers, neighbors, or anyone else should read this interview
and memorize each and every answer by the Archbishop.
This, folks, is how it is done. Do not accept their premises at all.
This is not a debate about tolerance or a live and let live mentality. If
it was, some form of civil union or benefit structure would have been
sufficient. This is about criminalizing the opposing views and driving
Christianity further into the cubby hole.
Rea... more »
There’s some bad advice going around!
*TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2013*
*Be careful what you wish for:* Here at THE HOWLER, we used to complain
about the silence of the philosophy professors.
Every faculty has “logicians,” we noted—and our so-called public discourse
is riddled with elementary logical tangles! Why don’t the philosophy
professors get involved, we incomparably asked.
Be careful what you wish for!
Yesterday, Sarah Conly penned an op-ed column in the New York Times.
According to the Times, Conly is an assistant professor of philosophy at
We definitely don't have a problem with that! At first, in fact, w... more »
Alan Waldman : ‘Inspector Morse’ and Sequel ‘Inspector Lewis’ are Smart, Taut British Mystery Series
film and TV
treasures you may have missed:
The great John Thaw and amiable Kevin Whately star in two gripping
series from respected mystery writer Colin Dexter.
By Alan Waldman / The Rag Blog / March 26, 2013
[In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of his favorite films
and TV series that readers may have missed, including TV dramas,
mysteries, and comedies from Canada,
"They are going to let me die..."
Early this morning Marie texted me: "They are going to let me die, Doctor
I quickly called her on Skype. She does not sound good. Marie cannot
breathe well or sleep well. She seems to be dying of congestive heart
failure due to her mitral valve which has been destroyed.
I have e mailed multiple people in the States and in Haiti requesting help
for Marie. She needs to be hospitalized for oxygen and aggressive diuresis.
And then she needs valve replacement.
@micheljmartelly Please help young lady with heart problem. She was
operated in Illinois...needs help today..Marie at... more »
Undermining Democracy-- As American As Apple Pie

From the very beginning of the American experiment, conservatives have
worked diligently-- and successfully-- to "temper" the urges for democracy.
A "republic" is not a "democracy." And the kinds of restrictions that
conservatives have always wanted-- and continue to want-- on who gets to
vote and who doesn't is antithetical to the notion of democracy.
The whole idea of the way the Senate was set up-- and why-- was
specifically aimed to counterbalance any notion of democracy-- which is
still does... and quite effectively. The Brits were mature enough to pass
the Parliament Act of ... more »
Lamar W. Hankins : Texas' Pedernales Electric Coop Violates Cooperative Values
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson at PEC headquarters in Johnson City,
Texas, in 1961.
PEC violates cooperative values
and principles of liberty
Perhaps the greatest irony about membership in the PEC is that I have no
choice about being a member if I want to purchase electricity.
By Lamar W. Hankins / The Rag Blog / March 26, 2013
SAN MARCOS, Texas -- In 2006, my wife and I built our
Catch of the Day
To Harry Enten, who teaches WaPo's Richard Cohen a bit about Republican
primary and caucus electorates. Uh, yeah, New Hampshire Republicans are
sharply less*,* not more, conservative than typical GOP primary-goers.
I do wonder about Iowa, however. As Enten details it, caucus attendees are
quite a bit more likely to call themselves "very conservative" than primary
voters in Ohio. I should know more about this than I do, but presumably
some of that is about caucuses compared with primaries (caucuses get only
the most intense voters, who are most likely not only to be strongly
ideologi... more »
Speaking of Inequality (with correction)
Travis Waldron at Think Progress pointed out this excellent article by David
Cay Johnston. It dovetails well with my last post, which showed the fall of
individual real wages and their failure to regain their peak fully 40 years
after it was reached.
Johnston writes:
Incomes and tax revenues have grown from 2009 to 2011 as the economy
recovered, but an astonishing 149 percent of the increased income went to
the top 10 percent of earners.
If you wonder how that can happen, the answer is simple: Incomes fell for
the bottom 90 percent.
While this data is at the level of tax filing h... more »
Tuesday Afternoon Linkage Club
A very restricted number of links today: Jennifer Victor lays out the
strategy for an effective lobbying effort for political science. [The
Mischiefs of Faction] Phil Schrodt delivers a sensible assessment of the
state of play, including a warning about vitriol and a savage critique of
the APSA. My thoughts are mixed: Vitriol is probably
Continue reading
Shakespeare, Cyprus, and the End of the Euro Crisis
Much ado. Investors keep getting burned in betting on the exit of members
of the Eurozone, let alone the breakup of the currency/monetary union of
the EU. And econ/business experts keep getting their predictions wrong.
The simple reason: the EU, from its econ/financial area to the vast array
of its other policy areas, at heart is a political project. Events
Continue reading
*Clive Driscoll*
In the UK,* Detective Chief Inspector Clive Driscoll* was on the trail of
certain politicians involved in child sexual abuse.
He was removed from the case.
*Paedo MP cover-up claim: policeman removed from sex abuse probe after
naming politicians as suspects*
According to reports, children's homes throughout the UK have been used as
child-brothels by top people and the abuse has been covered up by top
Clive Driscoll began his investigation of child sex abuse in the London
borough of *Lambeth* in 1998.
*Clive Driscoll "suddenly found himself booted ... more »
De-Skilling of College Educated Workers
Majia here: Interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about a new
thesis on workforce changes. Some economists have concluded (as previously
recognized in economic sociology), that de-skilling is occurring at rapid
rate, even among professional workers:
“high-skilled workers have moved down the occupational ladder and have
begun to perform jobs traditionally performed by lower-skilled workers
This de-skilling process, in turn, results in high-skilled workers
pushing low-skilled workers even further down the occupational ladder and,
to some degree, out of the labor force al... more »
Fukushima Does NOT Look As if Fuel Cooling is Fixed
Majia's Blog - 12 hours ago
I don't understand why the world isn't paying attention to this. Tuesday
last week Tepco announced that it had lost cooling for its spent fuel pools.
The TBS and Tepco cameras reveal very highly radioactive emissions at the
plant, suggesting that the cooling problem has not been fully resolved.
And no one is paying attention. The TBS cam has 25 watchers right now. I
don't understand. If those pools erupt into flames we are looking at
nuclear dominoes that will destroy the northern hemisphere. Yet no one
seems to be paying attention.
I'm speechless.
Previous Posts over the last week... more »
California "Reformers" Seek Judicial Over-Reach Based on No Evidence
Dave Welch, Chief Strategic Officer of Infinera. and the famed attorney
Theodore B. Olson believe that five education laws "are destroying
California's public education system, demoralizing the teaching profession,
and robbing California children of their future." They believe they know
how to rid the state of "stagnant, disinterested and uninspiring
teachers." So, they have filed *Vergara v California* which would strip
Californians of their democratic rights to a public education system
consistent with their beliefs.
In their press release, Welch and Olson claim to believe, "recen... more »
So, where's the CONspiracy? Has #TGDN gone global or delusional?
#TGDN = Twitter Gulag Defense Network.
In case you don't gaze towards the Excited States of America much these
days, or don't tweet, this little right-wing nutjob conspiracy hoohaw might
have not caught your attention.
From here:
Twitter makes it easy to report accounts for spam. When enough users report
an account, it automatically gets suspended. Some users abuse this feature
by organizing a group to report or “spam-block” a single account in order
to get it suspended.
Conservatives created the “Twitter Gulag Defense Network” or #TGDN to stop
spam-blocking attacks. Aware that ac... more »
Bill Brockbader: Opposition and Response

Bill Brockbader - Opposition and Response
Uncle Tom

The BBC must be in a quandary. Their very own (and Gavin Esler’s)
‘Middle East Expert’ Abdel Bari el-Atwan has come out with another
tirade,this time against another of the BBC’s heroes, US President
*"Palestinian 'journalist' Abdel Bari Atwan describes US President
Obama as an "Uncle Tom" - an epithet derived from Harriet Beecher
1852 novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin."*
* S*ays 'Media Hawk' in The Commentator.
How will this affect the televisual ubiquity of the former or the
obsequiousness shown to the latter on the part of the BBC?
The BBC seems to over... more »
Syrian"opposition" at Arab League. "Requests" US counter SA Airpower
Each day the NATO/GCC/Israeli axis of evil makes another move on their
geopolitical chessboard
You know the chessboard that has humanity as the pawns?
*First: Opposition takes Syrian seat at Arab League*
Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the emir of Qatar, opened the conference on
Tuesday by inviting Moaz al-Khatib, the president of the Syrian National
Coalition, to take Syria's seat.
Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the emir of Qatar, opened the conference on
Tuesday by inviting Moaz al-Khatib, the president of the Syrian National
Coalition, to take Syria's seat.
He told the audience of kin... more »
SCOTUS fever

The most amusing thing about every time SCOTUS gets to oral arguments is, everybody
is either an expert on the case law or has discovered their inner
mindreader and is certain they know what the Justice's questions really
Me, I stopped trying to divine the future years ago. We won't know for a
few more months how it all shakes out. What is most interesting about this
particular round is how many politicians have been inspired to come out in
favor of equal marriage rights. Clearly they're opportunists for the most
part, but I welcome them all. Even if they're "coming out" for ... more »
Regarding the Cayman Islands and the Phenomenon of Off-Shore Banking
There is a disturbing trend in the developed countries, especially in the
United States, in which the very wealthy – the so-called super-rich – along
with multinational corporations are using offshore accounts to evade
taxation from their home countries. This is phenomenon is referred to as
offshore banking. For US-based multi-nationals and private citizens, the
usual repository for their capital is the Cayman Islands. These banking
institutions are not subject to local financial regulations or local
This kind of financial activity represents an increasingly sizable porti... more »
MPs' Rights? Yeah, Right
This is adorable. (bold mine)
Backbench MPs are turning up the pressure in frustration over the Prime
Minister's Office stifling debate in the House of Commons.
MPs who oppose abortion and want to see legislated limits for it are
pushing back against caucus discipline, particularly in light of an
all-party committee shutting down debate last week on a non-binding motion
to condemn sex-selective abortion.
But they aren't the only ones upset with heavy-handed tactics on the part
of the Conservative leadership. That frustration boiled over Tuesday in the
House of Commons, leading sever... more »

Reposted from:
03/26/20130 Comments
In most of my writing I am careful to only present information I can
support with other documentation. But today I am going out on a limb.
My life has been dedicated to researching reality since I was 15 and they
killed President Kennedy and then lied about it. Along the way I have been
guided in this research. Who is guiding me, I cannot be certain. It may be
my “Higher Self” or soul or perhaps ET’s or Angelic or Ascended Beings
communicating telepathically. But after 50 y... more »
The US-Iraq Conflict: A War of Rivalry?
This is a guest post by Konstantinos Travlos of the University of Illinois
and Brandon Valeriano of the University of Glasgow. The mark of the ten
year anniversary of the beginning of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 has
been, as such anniversaries tend to be, a chance for scholars, pundits and
politicians to take
Continue reading
Your moment of Zen

Shadow of an adventurer. Sky Sutton photo.
[Photos are better if you click on them to embiggen.]
Love & Light Request for Bill & Eva

*Love & Light Request for Bill & Eva*
Bill Brockbrader has court today, so I told Eva I would put the word out
for some energetic support. After all Bill has been through, it is time for
him to be released from the drama. Bill, as well as all other eternal
essence's embodied, who have been falsely imprisoned for crimes the did not
commit, or ANY crime without a victim, deserve to be free to co-create our
new paradigm. The time is NOW to remove the shackles. The illusion of
suffering is OVER. SO IT IS DONE. Much Love to you Bill and Eva!!
In Absolute Gratitude,
~ Brian
A... more »
Public comments on Keystone XL pipeline won’t be made public, U.S. State Department says
[image: Aerial view of sunset over the Athabasca bitumen mine in Alberta,
Canada. The proposed Keystone Pipeline System will transport petroleum
products from the bitumen mine through the U.S. for export. Photo:]
By John H. Cushman Jr.
25 March 2013
WASHINGTON (InsideClimate News) – When the State Department hired a
contractor to produce the latest environmental impact statement for the
controversial Keystone XL pipeline, it asked for a Web-based electronic
docket to record public comments as they flowed in each day. Thousands of
comments are expected to be ... more »
Rachel Maddow keeps keeping it up!
*TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2013*
*And we gullibles get propagandized:* What does propaganda look like? As
opposed to news or reporting?
Rachel Maddow showed the world again at the end of last evening’s program.
Once again, she fed us the facts—rather, she fed us the limited set of
facts she felt we needed to know.
To watch the segment, click this:
MADDOW (3/25/13): *Over the last couple weeks, we have been covering on the
show the protesters in the city of Detroit who’ve been taking to the
highways in and around the city and driving really ostentatiously slowly.*They’re causing huge traf... more »

As part of Obama's recent announcement about expanding "missile defense"
(MD) systems in Alaska, along with studies to determine a possible site for
an East Coast base in the US, the Pentagon also announced a second MD
X-band radar would go into Japan.
The US military uses X-band radars to precisely track the trajectory of an
"enemy" ballistic missile, allowing its forces to launch Army ground-based
(PAC-3) and Navy sea-based (SM-3) interceptors as soon as a missile is
The Kyogamisaki base in Japan, on the Sea of Japan coast, has been selected
as the site to deploy the s... more »
Find Your Zen – the Art of Sublime Writing With Author Robert Crawford
[image: Find your Zen – the art of sublime writing with author Robert
Find your Zen – the art of sublime writing with author Robert Crawford
“Apollo is smiling down on us tonight. He’s gotten with the times and has
traded his lyre for a plugged-in Strat. He’s playing through me, through
all of us, pleasingly pounding the marrow in our bones. It’s that kind of
night when even chaotic feedback is exploitable and my vibrating skeleton
recycles that energy through my fingers. Maybe Apollo had a hand in helping
Jimi Hendrix control and incorporate feedback. But he and perhaps... more »
New Poll Shows Convergence Of American Opinion Upon Iraq War, But For Different Partisan Reasons

Iraq was a very divisive war in the United States. The decision to invade
in 2003 split the public, and the Democrats and Republicans. A new poll by
the Pew Research Center however, shows that many Americans now share a
similar view of the conflict. This is the result of several factors. First,
many Republicans who were always the most supportive of the war, now want
to blame President Obama for Iraq, and therefore do not see things as
positive as they once did. Democrats, many of which were against the war,
now have a slightly better opinion, because of the withdrawal of American... more »
Inconsistent verdicts - are the verdicts are supportable on any theory consistent with law?
*R. v. S.L.,* 2013 ONCA 176 holds:
[5] In a jury trial on a multi-count indictment against a single accused,
a claim of inconsistent verdicts turns on the question whether the verdicts
are supportable on any theory of the evidence consistent with the trial
judge’s proper legal instructions: see R. v. J.F., 2008 SCC 60, [2008] 3
S.C.R. 215, at para. 23; R. v. Pittiman, 2006 SCC 9, [2006] 1 S.C.R. 381,
at para. 7. Here, the verdicts will be supportable if the trial judge’s
instructions were proper legal instructions that could have led the jury to
accept a theory of the evidence prod... more »
Harry Targ : The Destruction of Public Institutions
One by one:
On the road to
destroying public institutions In the dystopian society the rich and
powerful wish to create there will be education, health care, physical
security, and a sustainable and fulfilling quality of life for those who
can pay for it...
By Harry Targ / The Rag Blog / March 26, 2013
I've traveled round this country
From shore to shining shore
I ANNOUNCEMENT 1121: Universal Value Exchange, Release of Advanced and Absolute Technology

Universal Value (UV) Exchange Final Announcement 1121
With the following announcement I send this message to the Eternal
Essence's embodied in our Galactic brothers and sisters from Source's
We, the Bridge Crew and those wishing to work with us, offer ourselves as
TRUE liaisons to meet with you as equals in Body, Mind and Eternal Hearts
and Essence. To work with you to move forward in the reintroduction of our
Galactic families to the Eternal Hearts that call Earth home and to
introduce, openly and equally to all, the advance technologies discussed in
this announceme... more »
THE ROAD TO IRAQ: Matthews keeps it up!
*TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 2013*
*Part 2—Getting by with the help of his friends:* Was Chris Matthews “a
lonely voice” in the run-up to the war in Iraq?
Well actually no, he was not. But last Friday night, in the 10 PM hour,
that’s the way David Corn said he remembered it.
(For background, see part 1 of this award-winning series. To watch the full
program from last Friday night, just click here.)
Corn and Matthews were part of an all-star panel discussing Hubris, an
MSNBC documentary. Corn vouched for Matthews as the great broadcaster
rewrote the history of his own work in the run-up to ... more »
Boris, Alison and Moi
A little while ago, in the comments section of one of her posts, Alison at
Creekside was asked why she isn't blogging so much anymore. She replied
that there didn't seem to be much point to blogging in the face of official
sanction for an illegitimate government.(I don't remember which post this
conversation occurred in.)
Yesterday, Boris at the "Galloping Beaver" announced his own change of
I've had much less energy for blogging over the past while, my posts have
gotten shorter and from my view, aren't the same class as some of my
earlier stuff. I've shifted quite a bit i... more »
Mark Kelly's daughter's out of control "assault dog" kills innocent sea lion baby...(video)
*shouldn't "assault dogs" be banned?*
While Mark Kelly's assault rifle "purchase"* has been rescinded by the
store and he has been sent a full refund,* his daughter's dog, an American
Bulldog, broke free of his leash and attacked a baby sea lion in Laguna
Beach, CA. Mark Kelly was with his daughter when this occurred and
eventually was able to pull the large dog off the sea lion who later died.
The authorities have decided that she did "nothing wrong" and refused to
press charges.
Really? If you can't control your dog perhaps you should opt for a smaller
dog. Or maybe we shoul... more »
Prof Sir John Beddington warns of floods, droughts, and storms – ‘The evidence that climate change is happening is completely unequivocal’
[image: Homes in Tiddlington lie under several feet of water. Photo: Lee
Sanders / Photoshot / Landov]
By Pallab Ghosh, Science correspondent, BBC News
25 March 2013
(BBC) – The UK government's chief scientist has said that there is already
enough CO2 in the atmosphere for there to be more floods and droughts over
the next 25 years.
Prof Sir John Beddington said there was a "need for urgency" in tackling
climate change.
He said that the later governments left it, the harder it would be to
Prof Beddington made his comments in the final week of his tenure as the
governme... more »
Why Russian doomsday climate predictions may prove prophetic
[image: An aerial view of permafrost tundra in the Yamal Peninsula. The
entire region is under heavy threat from global warming as temperatures
increase and Russia’s ancient permafrost melts. Photo: Steve Morgan /
By Olga Dobrovidova
25 March 2013
(RTCC) – Climate change was back in the spotlight for the Russian media
last week, with doomsday-style predictions of more extreme weather events,
rapidly warming Arctic and growing global average temperatures.
The scary headlines literally say stuff like *Arctic temperatures might
rise by up to 7 degrees by 2100 compared to... more »
Scott Ritter Was Right (And Almost All the Knowledgeable Commentators Wrong)
Scott Ritter was one of my heroes during the rush to judgment on the
necessity to attack Iraq. He's still one of the smartest guys around on
these issues and events, and The New York Times has almost apologized to
him. Almost. Ritter’s opponents on Iraq still aren’t willing to grant that
he knew something they didn’t. The way they see it, Ritter, whose position
on W.M.D.’s swung
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to James Caan, 73.
Yes, good stuff:
1. How political science should lobby, by Jennifer Victor.
2. Wait -- you mean goofy-sounding research may actually be useful? Carl
3. Gershom Gorenberg on Obama's speech in Jerusalem.
4. Irin Carmon on Justice Ginsburg, abortion, and marriage.
5. And E.J. Graff on marriage.
Easter Centerpiece in 5 minutes or Less

Whenever Easter comes in March, I get behind. I can't quite seem to stay
caught up on my holidays when Easter comes this early. This year, I decided
to keep the Easter decorations simple and affordable, so I found myself
wandering around the dollar store looking for something cute to pull
together for our Easter table, that wouldn't take me all month. I found
most of the supplies at the dollar store and was able to make Homemade
Easter Grass myself.
You will need:
A small Easter basket
glitter eggs on sticks from the dollar store(You could also make these
homemade Eas... more »
What's Wrong With The Confused Republican Position On Sequestration? Stockman, Bachmann, Isakson

Bachmann: all pearls, no meat
Monday I noticed that far right-extremist-- some would say domestic
terrorist-- Steve Stockman (R-TX), who keeps changing his twitter handle as
though he's trying to hide from the FBI again, tweeting away about how
Obama is responsible for the Sequester's painful impact on people in his
poverty stricken, backward district northeast of Houston. No one who knows
squat about Stockman's virulently anti-family ideologically-driven voting
record could possibly think he gives a damn about Texas special ed students
or poor students-- even if he is a former vagra... more »

*Katrina whistle-blower case starts in federal court in Mississippi ~Anita
Lee, Sun Herald*
Read more here:
*Future of historic New Orleans restaurant Tujagues unclear after death ~The
*Digital subscriptions coming to Houma Courier*
~Hat Tweet @UptownMessenger
*Bollinger delivers fifth cutter to Coast Guard ~N.O. City Business*
~Each fast response cutter is named for an enlisted Coast Guard hero who
distinguished him or herself in the line of duty. This vessel is named
after ... more »
Blood Donation 4: At the Philippine General Hospital

Below are my facebook notes today when I went to the Philippine General
Hospital (PGH) to donate blood to a patient who has been at the intensive
care unit (ICU) for a month now…
Arrived at the hospital around 7:30am. Guard at the entrance won't allow me
because I don't have written authorization letter from the patient or
his/her guardian that I am donating blood. I said I don't have one because
the notice to ask for blood donors was done only via facebook.
Anyway, I went to the 6th floor, patient's room. I was told to go to 2/F,
ICU, the patient is there. I saw Rosalie at t... more »
The Death Of Television News

The late Edward R. Murrow understood the great potential of television. He
also understood that it could merely propagate ignorance. In 1958, he told
the Radio and Television News Directors Association:
This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire.
But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to
those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box. There is a
great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance,
intolerance and indifference.”
He would not have been happy with the job done by television... more »
Immigration: A Rant
I am bloody fed up of lies, lies, and more lies about immigration. Unlike
the tossers who peddle crap about housing queues, over the last couple of
years I have helped dozens and dozens of people get on or move up the City
Council's housing waiting list. How many of those, do you suppose, were new
arrivals? How many of those were non-white? Do you really want to know? In
Stoke-on-Trent, not a mono-cultural city by any means, I helped my first
and only non-white family two weeks ago. So forgive me if I think Dave's
dog-whistling on immigration and housing is a pile of shitting arses.
Kauilapele's Blog: OPPT-IN Radio Show 3-25-13… MP3s (and notes from Ginger)
* *Special thanks to KP for converting these to MP3s. I had a bit of an
accident yesterday afternoon and got some sap from a Euphorbia
tirucalliplant in my left eye. Spent the show time at the urgent care
getting my eye flushed out. Turns out my lovely bush is highly toxic, a
like getting poison ivy in my eye. The left side of my face looks like I
have bells palsy at the moment but it will subside in a couple of days.
permanent damage. In all this mal-adventure I missed the show... thanks
KP I can listen to it at his early our while the blogspot servers are
... more »

The UK's Ministry of Defence has been evading an international ban on
dumping radioactive waste into the sea.
It has redefined thousands of uranium weapons fired in the Solway Firth as
*General Sir Peter Wall*
At an MoD meeting in June 2004, an official pointed out that there could be
"a future problem" firing Depleted Uranium into the sea.
The *Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the
North-East Atlantic*, known as the OSPAR convention, agreed by 15
governments, including the UK, said "it was illegal to dump waste into the
But anot... more »
Students Gather in Chicago to Discuss Testing Boycott Success
Headline and story by Sharon Schmidt at *Substance News:*
'Out of a possible 810 students, the administration of Seattle's Garfield
High School was able to test only 118...' Teachers and students who boycott
tests speak of their experiences at CTU 'More Than a Score' forum
Next Media Deal Falls Through
WSJ has the news:
Hong Kong media magnate Jimmy Lai's Next Media Ltd. (0282.HK) said Tuesday
that buyers for its Taiwan print operations have decided to let the
agreement lapse ahead of a deadline.
Next Media signed a preliminary deal late last year to sell its Taiwan
print assets for 16.0 billion New Taiwan dollars (US$540 million) to a
group that includes Tsai Eng-meng, chairman of the Want Want China Times
Group; Jeffrey Koo Jr., the eldest son of Chinatrust Financial Group's
chairman; William Wong, chairman of Formosa Plastics Group; and David Lee,
chairman of funeral-service... more »
Maharashtra drought: Many in Mumbai promise Holi without water-India News - IBNLive Mobile
'It's tough to imagine Holi with no water, but that is exactly what Mumbai
is aspiring to do this year. An extreme water crisis in the state has
prompted various institutions in the city to try and do their bit during
this festival. As Maharashtra faces one of its worst droughts in four
decades, the city promises to do its bit.'
More at IBN
"A Look to the Heavens"
“If not distracted by the picturesque landscape, waterfalls, stars, and
auroras, you might be able to find Comet PANSTARRS. The above image,
capturing multiple terrestrial and celestial wonders in a single shot, was
taken last week in southwest Iceland.
*Click image for larger size.*
The popular Gullfoss waterfalls are pictured under brilliant auroras that
followed a M1-class solar flare and powerful Coronal Mass Ejection two days
earlier. Give up on locating the comet? Comet PANSTARRS is faintly visible
as a light blip just above the horizon toward the left of the above image. ... more »
Islam and modern day slavery

There are some strange people out there.
It wasn't just Prior!
Andrew Samson, BBC Test Match Special statistician
"Stuart Broad sets a new Test record for the longest time at the crease
without scoring. It took 103 minutes and 62 balls to get off the mark."
Broad beats the previous record which was set by New Zealand's Geoff Allott
who took 101 minutes on this ground against South Africa in 1999.
'Mockers' update - Ben from Bath did apologise
Ben, Bath: "Expecting a lynch mob outside my house if we lose this. All I
can say is sorry, and this is the last time I'm texting praise for England

*Boris, former girlfriend Elena and their children*
Boris Berezovsky is still alive?
Russian politician Viatcheslav Nikonov says that Berezovsky is probably not
"I have doubts," said Nikonov.
Imprensa russa tenta explicar morte de magnata Berezovski
Berezovsky had financial difficulties; Robert Maxwell had financial
Some people believe that Jewish tycoon Robert Maxwell faked his own death.
*The Truth Seeker - Is Maxwell Still Alive? Part I / Part II*
*Berezovsky's yacht in Eilat in Israel. *
Reportedly, in January 2013, the leader of th... more »
This is how 'the mockers' work...
From last night's cricket BBC text commentary:
Ben, Bath, via text on 81111:"Where are Bell's detractors now? Magnificent
exhibition of will-power and mental strength."
WICKET- Bell c Southee b Wagner 75 (Eng 237-7)
What a sickener. Just like in the final over before lunch, Ian Bell drives
hard outside off stump but, unlike earlier in the day, the catch is safely
taken by Tim Southee at third slip.
Oh well done Ben from Bath!
Baltic Bronze Age at 1159 BC

Let it be said, that the textual evidence supporting the Baltic as the
true venue of the books of Homer is convincing and I am convinced. Add in
the contemporaneous high civilization of
Atlantis crowding things in the Mediterranean and you have compelling
negative evidence. It is equivalent to the Iroquois writing their
eighteenth century history without mention of New France and New England.
It can not be done.
More precisely, the Iliad is dated using astronomical methods to 1180 BC
or twenty years prior to the final demise of the Atlantean world in 1159BC.
And yes V... more »
Mission Unaccomplished With Peter Van Buren

Trying to write the history of the Iraq adventure is sad and about
historical inevitability. Inevitable because once good will evaporates,
sectarian power beckons and genocide ensues. The USA merely broke all the
Worse, it disbanded the police and military in place, making it impossible
to escape until it was reconstituted. That is why it took ten years.
Pile on top a total lack of strategic sense and we have the present
festering pickle. Worse we threw away all possible strategic options and
now stand by waving our finger.
The political truth that needs to b... more »
Will Hypnosis Lead the Revolution in Healthcare?

Actually yes. We are just beginning to understand energy flows and balance
and that the mind can influence both. So while a target specific substance
is perhaps more difficult to manage through the direction of the mind those
effects are not. Even the effects of pharmaceuticals can be plausibly
Remember all those old shamans and witch doctors? I wonder?
What is now needed is a search for effective protocols that begin with an
assumption of success and the aforementioned processes. We are even now
gaining scientific explanations that sell. I just covered the law... more »
Should We Revive Extinct Species?

OF Course!!
It took centuries and the assistance of our rats, cats and dogs to destroy
unique island ecosystems. Because we can define largely what came before
because we collected samples we can progressively restore. What is far
more important, we do have centuries to make it all good.
The same holds true for the Pleistocene biome of mammoths and mastodons in
particular. This one will occur far sooner. The process is well begun.
I think that we want to do it in order to enjoy those biomes.
Once we have a few mastodons roaming around a refugia and a protected
pass... more »
Welcome to Vancouver Island's Bubbly Gulch.
*Deep beneath the ocean surface, in Bubbly Gulch off Vancouver Island, a
crab doing an inadvertent backflip has given scientists new information
about the world’s largest source of untapped fossil energy.*
*The crab was taking a Jacuzzi-style bath in bubbles of methane gas
percolating from the ocean floor in Barkley Canyon when its muddy face was
caught by cameras on Wally the Crawler, NEPTUNE Canada’s undersea robot.*
*The methane bubbles — which are lighter than water — stuck under the
crab’s shell, upsetting its balance and fascinating NEPTUNE scientists
looking at the changi... more »
Labrador : les néo-démocrates présentent leur candidat - Harry Borlase

*Le Nouveau Parti démocratique propose Harry Borlase à titre de candidat
dans la circonscription fédérale du Labrador en vue de l'élection partielle.
*Il se mesurera au député conservateur sortant, Peter Penashue, qui a
démissionné du caucus fédéral récemment parce que son équipe a accepté des
dons inadmissibles durant la campagne électorale en 2011.*
*M. Borlase a grandi à Nain et à Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Il travaillait
récemment comme analyste du Nord chez C-Core, une société de recherche et
développement sans but lucratif.*
*Les libéraux n'ont pas encore choisi leur candid... more »
The Realist Report with John Friend

On this edition of *The Realist Report*, we'll be joined by Andre from *Total
Fascism*. Andre and I will be discussing some of his recent articles, the *American
Nationalist Association*, and potential solutions to our problems. Calls
will be taken throughout the conversation.
You can download the entire program *here*, or subscribe to Truth Militia
Radio via iTunes *here*. Thanks for listening everyone!
There are two forms of debt, public and private. Public debt is accrued by the government, and in the case of the U.S. does not have to be repaid (so long as the rest of the world continues to tolerate continued printing of more dollars). In fact, since the 2008 financial crisis, the U.S. (via the Fed) has printed $13 TRILLION(!) to bail out the big banks from their reckless mortage loans. Most of the private debt was socked on American citizens when the bank-created real-estate bubble burst. In the past, when there was a financial crisis the banks had to eat their losses, and private debts were written down to whatever the market could afford. But now the government is saying that there cannot be a market solution (because it would hurt its largest campaign contributers, the big banks). So the Obama administration and the Republicans are saying that more private debt (in the form of reinflating the real estate market) is the solution to the present "financial crisis." But in order to appear fiscally "responsible" the government claims that it should cut some part of the deficit ...and the only thing left to cut is Social Security, Medicare, and other social spending. But not only would this be stealing from the rapidly disappearing American middle class (whose payroll taxes have fully paid for these things), it would also be poor economics: As a result, the growth of private debt would grow to even more than the current 75 to 80 percent of family income, essentially shutting down all discretionary consumption ...whereas consumers consuming comprise 70% of the U.S. GDP. "We must destroy the village in order to save it"?
* the**REALnews
March 25, 2013
*Government Debt and Deficits Are Not the Problem - Private Debt Is*
Michael Hudson: Why do they call for governments to balance the budget by
pushing the economy at large deeper into debt, while trying to save the
banks from taking a loss? -
More at The Real News
Michael Hudson is a Wall Street Financial Analyst, Distinguished Research
Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City and
author of Super-Imp... more »
Amnesty International responds to AG James Caldwell: "Louisiana's 'justice' keeps man locked up in isolation for over 40 years"

*Reprinted below is a statement from Amnesty International, made in
response to an email released last week by Louisiana Attorney General James
Caldwell, where among other things, he claimed that the Angola 3 "have
never been in solitary confinement." Please support Amnesty's campaign
urging Caldwell to not appeal last month's ruling that overturned Albert
Woodfox's conviction for a third time. Take action here!*
*Louisiana’s “justice” keeps man locked up in isolation for over 40 years*
*By Amnesty International*
March 26, 2013
Albert Woodfox has spent more than half his life in a... more »
Mobile locality data present ambiguity risk

*According to scientists it is remarkably easy to identify a mobile phone
user from just a few pieces of location information. *Whenever a phone is
switched on, its connection to the system means its position and movement
can be plotted. This fact is given namelessly to third parties, both to
drive services for the user and to target advertisements.
But a study in Scientific Reports warns that human mobility patterns are so
expected it is possible to recognize a user from only four data points. *The
growing ubiquity of mobile phones and smart phone applications has ushered
in an e... more »
Does Austerity Always Lead To Fascism? Someone Ought To Ask Paul Ryan

Many of the videos of Greek fascists (Golden Dawn) beating up immigrants,
usually women, have been removed and disabled and can no longer be viewed.
A few days ago I showed one of the Golden Dawn videos from earlier in the
month to my friend Roland. He was stunned and repulsed, the way any normal
non-right-winger would be. Take a look for yourself because that video is
in the news again.
When Roland watched it, he asked if the Greek authorities had taken any
kind of action against the "star." I said I wasn't sure but I think the
star is in Parliament now and probably has immunity... more »
Were you raised green?

I've been thinking about how we become "green". Some of us are raised in
green families ... others learn about the environment in later years.
So ... let's take a poll.
Were you raised "green"?
As always, feel free to use the comment section below to expound on your
*Image courtesy of digitalart /*
Life Skills: "The Road to New Beginnings: Completion"
*"The Road to New Beginnings: Completion"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Just as new beginnings are important, so is honoring the experience of
closure. Life is a collage of beginnings and endings that run together like
still-wet paint. Yet before we can begin any new phase in life, we must
sometimes first achieve closure to the current stage we are in. That’s
because many of life’s experiences call for closure. Often, we cannot see
the significance of an event or importance of a lesson until we have
reached closure. Or, we may have completed a certain phase in life or path
... more »
Satire: “Gay Marriage Shocker At Supreme Court"
*“Gay Marriage Shocker At Supreme Court:*
*Scalia Says Marriage Views Not Affected by Lifelong Fear of Gays”*
by Andy Borowitz
(The Borowitz Report)— "As the Supreme Court prepared to hear two cases
involving same-sex marriage this week, Justice Antonin Scalia said that he
would not allow his votes to be influenced “in any way” by his lifelong
fear of gays. “As Justices of the Supreme Court, we have a sacred duty to
check our personal feelings at the door,” he told the Fox News Channel. “In
my case, that means putting aside my longstanding and profound fear of
homosexuals.” Ju... more »

One of my tenants gave me a good chuckle when she pointed out that I have
more boots than women have shoes. I never really pair much attention to
just how many pairs of boots I own until I stood back from the doorway and
realized just how many were taking up residence in my front foyer. In my
defense, they all serve a utilitarian function rather than a vanity
function. Two pairs of summer work boots, my winter work boots, my Sorels,
a pair of winter boots for my days off and another pair of winter boots I
own just because. If memory serves me correctly, I also have another pair
... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Spokane, Washington, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Economy: "Cyprus Update"
*"Cyprus Update"*
By Stephen Lendman
"It's all over but the post mortems. Eurocrats demanded their pound of
flesh. Cypriot officials surrendered. They sold out their people. They
deserve better. Expect greater than ever hard times. Expect growing
poverty, unemployment and despair. Expect public anger. At issue is whether
it'll bubble up and explode.
Zero Hedge headlined "Next Up For Cyprus: Depression." It forecasts real
GDP declining over 20% by 2017. "Risks are clearly on the downside." Ahead
expect more bailout help needed. With tongue in cheek perhaps, European
Commissi... more »
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