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Sri Lanka violence prompts security measures
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Khmer Rouge figure deemed fit to stand trial
War-crimes court rules Nuon Chea, most senior surviving member of ex-Cambodian regime, "capable" of defending himself.
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The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Yahoo!, Apple, Facebook, Google and SLM Corp.
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Yahoo!, Apple, Facebook, Google and SLM Corp.
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The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Yahoo!, Apple, Facebook, Google and SLM Corp.
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Yahoo!, Apple, Facebook, Google and SLM Corp.
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The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: IBM, Oracle, salesforce.com, SAP and Chevron
The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: IBM, Oracle, salesforce.com, SAP and Chevron
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Zacks Industry Outlook Highlights: General Motors, Ford Motor, Toyota Motors, Honda Motor and Nissan Motor
Zacks Industry Outlook Highlights: General Motors, Ford Motor, Toyota Motors, Honda Motor and Nissan Motor
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Teradata Beats Estimates
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The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nokia and Research In Motion
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Genomic Presents Oncotype Results
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EA Positive on Dead Space 3 Success
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Today The latest and greatest from your favorite sites.
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If You’re Always Busy, You May Just Be Procrastinating
There's a difference between being always busy and having a
lot to do and not enough time to do it in. You probably know at least
one person at work who seems to always be stressed out and busy, but you
know they don't have as much on their plate as other people do. If that
person is you, or you're stressed out because you're having trouble
managing your to-dos, the problem may be simple: pr
The Psychology Behind How Clothing Influences How People See You At Work
How you dress has a big impact on how people view you, and
how you view yourself. According to 99U, it's not about dressing one
specific way though, it's about considering your audience and using that
to your advantage. More »
Iraqi cities hit by wave of mosque bombings
Four Shia mosques in Baghdad and one in Kirkuk struck by car bombs, with reports of at least 18 dead and dozens hurt.
The miracle of Baby Mary: an abandoned newborn and a chance discovery
In late 1987, Calgary was a city of fewer than 650,000 that was
about to become big news as it prepared to host the 1988 Winter
Olympics. A newborn baby stole that spotlight when she was found
abandoned in a northeast parking lot.
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Did You Know that WMD is DMW Spelled Backwards?
Herbert Marcuse had some interesting things to say about certain
political acronyms.
The meaning is fixed, doctored, loaded. Once it has become an official
vocable, constantly repeated in general usage, “sanctioned” by the
intellectuals, it has lost all cognitive value and serves merely for
recognition of an unquestionable fact.
This style is of overwhelming concreteness. The “thing identified wi
Growing Support for Ending Afghanistan War
Last week, Senators Rand Paul (R-KY), Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Sherrod
Brown (D-OH) called for a swift end to the war in Afghanistan in a
letter to the president.“We urge you to heed the wishes of the majority
of Americans by bringing our sons and daughters home safely and
swiftly, and, in doing so, ending America’s longest war,” the letter
These senators are part of a growing consensus
Argentina: Watchman Reports Seeing UFO Over San Francisco
Source: Cadena 3 (TV) and PLANETA UFODate: 03.28.2013 Argentina:
Watchman Reports Seeing UFO Over San FranciscoThe case involves Paulo
Fuentes, who works at a factory in the locality of Frontera in Córdoba.
The watchman told Cadena 3 that the sighting occurred this morning at 6
a.m.The watchman provided details on the UFO sighting (report by Osvaldo
Soria)A resident of San Francisco who works as a
Lett the People Speak
A (convoluted?) thought experiment: Imagine yourself to be a
pro-EU, pro-euro commentator here in the UK. You are crafting a daily
series of articles about the eurozone which are being published over the
course of a week. Your intention is to accentuate the positive about
the EU and the euro and to persuade your largely skeptical readers that
things aren't as bad as they think they are in the
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The EnvironmentaList
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Proposed Law Could Deliver Major Boost to Urban Agriculture in California
Bill would give property tax breaks to landowners who lease their parcels to urban farmers
Proposed Law Could Deliver Major Boost to Urban Agriculture in California
Bill would give property tax breaks to landowners who lease their parcels to urban farmers
Obsidian Wings
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and we're back friday open thread
by liberal japonicus
I think we have things sorted out, at least for the commenting. I was in
Myanmar for a week, doing a teacher trainer seminar for a small NGO,
but I've been back for a week trying to adjust. I relate the following
factoid: if you change money in Myanmar, your bills have to be clean
with no creases. As with every other friday open thread, feel free to
contribute your own str
Pesticide Action Network
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9 unread articles
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Cesar Chavez: Parent & pesticide activist
As I cross Cesar Chavez Avenue on my way to work each morning,
I'm greeted by murals with the visionary labor organizer's portrait.
When I reach the PAN office, he smiles down at me from a poster hanging
prominently in the hall.
This week marks the 14th annual National Farmworker Awareness
celebrations, and I’ve been contemplating the Chavez legacy. We know
that as a parent as well as an a
Centauri Dreams
19 unread articles
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19 unread articles
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A Starship Report from Brussels
Tau Zero’s founding architect brings news of a recent European
Union meeting that included starships and their implications on the
agenda. Here’s hoping that while he was there he also had the chance to
sample some of those fabulous Belgian ales…
by Marc Millis
The European Union recently held a conference to collect information to
plan for the coming decades of science and technology priorities.
Politicol News
29 unread articles
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29 unread articles
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US and North Korea Showdown
North Korea spirals towards a showdown with the US and South
Korea by many threatening activities of nuclear bomb deployment, rockets
as US does a B-2 fly by yesterday.
They gave us a republic... - Front Page
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23 unread articles
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Who Are The Real "Makers" and "Takers?"
By @TedFrier
It takes one to know one. And so only marginally less militant than the
reformed smoker who inveighs against the dangers of lighting up, and
tirelessly campaigns to ban smoking in all public places, is a reformed
conservative like Michael Lind, currently Policy Director of the
Economic Growth Program at the left-leaning New America Foundation, who
flexes his impressive knowledge of co
23 unread articles
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23 unread articles
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You Could Even Say It Glows
“When I was a cadet, far back in the days of Khrushchev, we set
off a hydrogen device in the Arctic Sea. It was a hundred-megaton bomb,
the largest ever detonated then or since. Actually, it was a
fifty-megaton warhead wrapped in a uranium case to double the yield. A
very dirty bomb. We didn’t warn the Swedes or the Finns, and we
certainly didn’t tell our own people who were drinking milk under th
WWF - Latest News
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28 unread articles
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Yangtze finless porpoise population nosedives to 1,000
Wuhan, China -- The Yangtze finless porpoise population has
declined to a mere 1,000 individuals, making the endangered species even
more rare than the wild giant panda, the 2012 Yangtze Freshwater
Dolphin Survey Report reveals.
The population in the mainstream of the
Yangtze River was less than half of what a similar survey found six
years ago, with food shortages and human disturbance such as i
In These Times
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38 unread articles
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Supreme Court Sets Radical New Precedent
Out of all the newsworthy comments during this week's Supreme Court
debate over the legality of same-sex marriage bans, none was more
revealing—or troubling—than that which came from Justice Sonya
Before pointing out that, "We let issues perk, and so we let racial
segregation perk for 50 years from 1898 to 1954," she asked: “If the
issue is letting the states exp
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Sophistry Thursday.
22 unread articles
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At times, even a hardened, dead-eyed cynic like me is utterly
amazed at the sheer sophistry deployed by both ministers and senior
civil servants. Both Iain Duncan Smith and Mark Hoban have repeatedly
denied that Jobcentres have been set targets, while last week head of
the Jobcentre Neil Couling and the Department for Work and Pensions
permanent secretary Robert Devereaux both denied strenuously
by septicisle
20 hours ago
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