10:19pm MDST
Sunday Classics preview: Risë Stevens (1913-2013)

*Risë Stevens as Prince Orlofsky, who may be blasé about
most worldly matters but not about his beloved champagne.*
*J. STRAUSS II: Die Fledermaus: Act II, Champagne Trio*
*Risë Stevens (ms), Prince Orlofsky; James Melton (t), Eisenstein; Patrice
Munsel (s), Adele; Robert Shaw Chorale, RCA Victor Orchestra, Fritz Reiner,
cond. RCA, recorded c1950*
*by Ken*
No, Risë Stevens didn't make it to the 100 mark, but most of us would
settle happily to make it into our 99th year.
She was a Met mainstay for more than 20 years, from 1938 through 1961, and
sang a number of signature mezzo role... more »
When US President Obama in his speech to the people of Israel said:
“Negotiations will be necessary, but there's little secret about where they
must lead -- two states for two peoples”, he was referring to the West Bank
becoming a Palestinian state. However, when Benjamin Netanyahu thinks about
‘two states for two peoples’, he’s thinking more in terms of West Jordan
becoming the Palestinian homeland and the West Bank – which Zionists refer
to as Samaria and Judea – becoming a part of Israel along with the Gaza
While Netanyahu has said that he is willing to ‘negotiate’ with th... more »
Hermosa cascada de color azul en el bosque

[image: Hermosa cascada de color azul en el bosque]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de cascadas*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
Niña jugando con palomas blancas

[image: Niña jugando con palomas blancas]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de palomas*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
Paisaje flotante con rocas y árboles

[image: Paisaje flotante con rocas y árboles]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de paisajes*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
The story behind Ezra Levant's 11th hour 'apology' for Roma rant

By Karl Nerenberg
| March 21, 2013* *
*Apologies are coming fast and furious from Ezra Levant and Sun News
Network. Just this week, there have been apologies for comments made about
the publication Vancouver Observer and for a rant directed against the Roma
people. Our parliamentary reporter Karl Nerenberg, who has been closely
following the story of Roma refugees in Canada, has uncovered information
about just how close Levant actually came to facing prosecution for hate
crimes over his comments about the Roma. The office of the Attorney General
of Ontario was contacted for commen... more »
BP Gulf Oilspill Disaster was never an accident but a murderous plot

Okay guys. We promised you more documented evidence that BPGOD was a
premeditated murder plot disguised as an accident.
Here's another one; more incriminating since the doc first came from a BP
infiltrator as a planted disinfo.
They had intended this to be the "proof of another rig accident / sunken in
or around 23 March". Either they did not read the doc carefully or they
thought we couldn't read. Took us some time to check the authenticity of
the doc as all searches on the BOEMRE database did not list this particular
one. How did a lay person with no previous industry working k... more »
Why we are here - Veterans For Peace members Tarak Kauff, Mike Tork, and
Ellen Davidson.
About 20 folks were at TransCanada today in Westborough Massachusetts,
protesting the war on Mother Earth being waged by the Keystone XL
pipeline. Two were arrested, in totally bogus arrests, when they were not
given time to leave.
Video by Nat Goldshlag (VFP)
Practica computadora entre las hojas verdes

[image: Practica computadora entre hojas verdes]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de computadoras*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
Rosas fragiles y perfumadas

[image: Rosas fragiles y perfumadas]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de rosas*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
Piano con teclas de colores

[image: Piano con teclas de colores]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de pianos*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
D.C. Circuit appeals-court nominee Caitlin Halligan drops the other shoe gently

*Sure, there are plenty of dumb and/or corrupt Democrats. But today's
Republicans really seem to represent a biological breach -- some sort of
mysterious reversal in the course of evolution.*
*"I am confident that with Caitlin's impressive qualifications and
reputation, she would have served with distinction."*
*-- President Obama, about Ms. Halligan's withdrawal from
consideration for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals*
*by Ken*
Both Howie and I wrote about the infuriating roadblock thrown up by the
worthless scum of the Senate Republican conference against the nomination
to the D.... more »
Tigre ambriento esperando su cena

[image: Tigre ambriento esperando su cena]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de tigres*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
Promoting fake Jewish "Holocaust" narrative is intellectual and psychological terrorism

President Obama, currently wrapping up a trip to Israel, where American
politicians and media executives receive their marching orders, visited the
Yad Vashem "Holocaust" memorial center earlier today, which provoked this
headline and article from the *Jewish Telegraph Agency*:
JERUSALEM (JTA) – *Israel does not owe its existence to the Holocaust, but
its existence prevents another one from happening*, President Obama said on
the third and final day of his visit to Israel.
"Here we hope," Obama said Friday at Yad Vashem's Hall of the Children
after touring the Holocaust memorial mus... more »
Swagel on Scheiber
Phill Swagel reviews *Escape Artists* by Noam Scheiber on President Obama's
first term.
Kierkegaard On "Man"
Related: *Kierkegaard On Socratic Ignorance*.
Below is an excerpt from, *"The Soul of Kierkegaard: Selections from His
Journals."* Edited by Alexander Dru. Dover Publications, Inc: Mineola, New
York. 2003. Pg. 249-50.
All those who have been exceptional, who have lived sparsely scattered
through time, have each of them delivered their judgment on "man."
According to the report of one: man is an animal; according to another: he
is a hypocrite; according to another: he is a liar etc.
Perhaps I shall not hit it off least happily when I say: man is a
twaddler---and that with t... more »
Svensmark: “global warming stopped and a cooling is beginning” – “enjoy global warming while it lasts” | Watts Up With That?
Death Talks - A short story
*A man was on a journey when he saw a shortcut down a dark alley. Dark
alleys were nothing new to this man, as he has travelled through many of
them over the course of his journey.
Neither were shadows, as he has even faced his own, but there was something
odd about this one because it seemed to move as he looked at it and it
wasn't his.
He paused, sensing something.
"Who's there?", he asked the darkness.
The darkness chose not to respond.
"You might as well show yourself, i can feel you here.", he said to the
"You have become much more aware my friend..." came a whisper from ... more »
US Regulator Delays Nuclear-Plant Rules
Tracy, R. (2013, March 20). Regulator Delays Nuclear-Plant Rules. The Wall
Street Journal, p. A6.
[Excerpted] The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission delayed action on a
proposed regulation that might have imposed hundreds of millions of dollars
of costs on some of the country’s older nuclear reactors.
In a victory for the nuclear industry, a majority of the commission’s
five-member governing board voted for more analysis of the costs and
benefits of installing filters on reactor venting systems…
...In a written statement Tuesday, NRC Chairman Allison Macfarlane appeared
to disa... more »
On a positive note . . .
reports that clever young people exist, with an article you should
read, by Morgana Matus, "17-Year-Old Builds Algae Biofuel Lab in Her
Bedroom to Win $100K Intel Science Talent Search Prize".
Sara Volz
Watch Karen Lewis Call It What It Is
On PBS, nonetheless. If you want to see the fire that will burn down the
corporate whore house that is now in charge of our children's education in
urban America, watch Karen Lewis on PBS tonight.
I am assuming it will be posted later on the PBS site unless Bill Gates
intercedes on behalf of the oligarchs that he leads.
Protect Karen Lewis: she is only one I have seen who has the courage, the
intelligence, caring, and the fire to galvanize an education for democracy
Watch Chicago Board of Education Plans to Shut Down 54 Schools on PBS.
See more from PBS NewsHour.
Obama Dares To Step Foot In Palestine, Gets The Boot
I'm shocked that any American president even dares to step foot in
Palestine after all these years, after all the killing that has gone on
there by the Israeli government under U.S. cover. Have they no shame?
The amount of suffering, destruction, pain, and misery that the U.S.
government has been responsible for in the Middle East is unreal. From
Afghanistan to Iraq, from Palestine to Syria, the list of countries is
This piece of shit Obama should stay in his bunker in Washington. He should
be shunned by all civilized nations. Throwing shoes at the image of his
face is a g... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Intensities of individual upgrade pathway energies are increased
* *Intensities of individual upgrade pathway energies are increased*
by ÉirePort
Intensities of individual upgrade pathway energies are increased. This is
to enable full planetary alignment with Cosmic Higher D influx frequencies.
Subsequent Cosmic waves ensure sealing of Higher Energies (frequencies)
into Gaia.
Final planetary movements are in process.
ÉirePort | March 22, 2013 at 17:35
URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-eq
Catch of the Day
Ezra Klein asks one of my favorite questions today: what ever happened to
the public option?
Regular readers will know that I've been dead wrong on this one, at least
so far. I thought it would be an extremely popular position for Democratic
politicians, especially those running in competitive primaries. In fact, I
thought it would be virtually required for such candidates. But it wasn't,
really, in 2010, and it was only rarely mentioned in 2012. That was even
true in Senate primaries, for example, in New Mexico and Hawaii, in which
one would have expected the candidates to try to s... more »
Globalization Hits American Workers' Pocketbooks
In 2011, globalization depressed wages for non-college educated American
workers 5.5%, or roughly $1,800 per annum. That's bad but it pales in
comparison with this claim:
*As a point of comparison, growing trade with poorer countries has cost the
typical worker more than would result from recent proposals to make the
Bush-era tax cuts permanent and to finance them with across-the-board cuts
to transfer such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment
insurance and food stamps.*
Did you get that? Tax cuts for the rich? They're to be financed by
"across the board cuts" ... more »
Is The DCCC Gearing Up To Take On Buck McKeon, Corrupt Drone Advocate And Chairman Of The House Armed Services Committee?

It must have been such a relief when every single Democrat voted against
the Ryan budget Thursday morning. Normally, you'd get at least 3 or 4
corrupt, reactionary Blue Dogs or New Dems like Jim Matheson (Blue Dog-UT),
Bill Owens (New Dem-NY), John Barrow (Blue Dog/New Dem-GA) and Mike
McIntyre (Blue Dog/New Dem-NC) voting with Boehner and Cantor and against
the Democrats, These four are particularly problematic not just because
they do it all the time but because all four are on the DCCC Frontline
List. This is what the DCCC and their allied House Majority PAC wasted in
the reele... more »
“Divergent Directions: Coping with People You Dislike”
*“Divergent Directions: Coping with People You Dislike”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“When we are forced to deal with people we dislike, a great learning
opportunity is being put forth to us. As much as most of us wish we could
exist in harmony with the people we encounter throughout our lives, there
will always be individuals we dislike. Some simply rub us the wrong way
while others strike us as deliberately unaware. We may judge others as too
mean or abrasive for us to interact with them comfortably. Yet no person
should be deemed a villain because their beliefs, opinions,... more »
Friday Nerd Blogging: Game of Thrones and Popular Understandings of IR
Check out my new post at e-IR for a consideration of how Game of Thrones
tends to reflect how non-IR scholars might be thinking about IR.That’s all,
The great global warming swindle - Full version - YouTube
10 Hollywood Celebrities Who Should Be Blacklisted By Conservatives | Right Wing News
"Now It's Getting Real In Cyprus"
*"Now It's Getting Real In Cyprus"*
by Karl Denninger
"The latest tidbit is that capital controls are tightening and withdrawl
limits on ATMs are being cranked down materially. One of their banks is
reported to have just "hours" of liquidity left (how many hours, may I
ask?) There were demonstrations that looked a lot like a riot to me, with
attempts to come after members of the Parliament (you're getting warmer
folks.) There are also rumors that they're going to try to "haircut"
Russian (mobster) deposits by 40%. How thick is the kevlar vest you're
wearing, and do you have ... more »
The Rich (1%) Aren't Like You and Me (99%): They Are Terrified That Rescuing the US Economy Will Cost Them Money (So, Please No Taxes Please for the Wealthy Please. Thank you!)
The wealthy opposed - while most Americans favor - instituting a system of
national health insurance, raising the minimum wage to above poverty
levels, increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit and providing a "decent
standard of living" for the unemployed. They were also against the federal
government helping with or providing jobs for those who cannot find private
employment. Unlike most
World Health Organization ranking of health systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Analysis to follow...
Podcasts Have Mutated
Not sure if this is just a trend, but more and more podcasts are showing up
in video form for those who enjoy that kind of thing. One of the reasons
why I love podcasts so much is the ability to do other things while
absorbing them. On the other hand, actually seeing Paul F. Tompkins dressed
up as The Cake Boss (Cake Boss) is enough to make me take a look. *Comedy
Bang Bang* (the podcast, not the eggsellent TV show) is part of the Earwolf
Network and their YouTube channel can be found here.
"Mass Panic In Cyprus: The Banks Are Collapsing And ATMs Are Running Out Of Money"
*"Mass Panic In Cyprus: The Banks Are Collapsing*
* And ATMs Are Running Out Of Money"*
By Michael
"European officials are openly admitting that the two largest banks in
Cyprus are "insolvent", and it is now being reported that Cyprus Popular
Bank only has "enough liquidity to cover the next few hours". Of course
all banks in Cyprus are officially closed until Tuesday at the earliest,
but there have been long lines at ATMs all over Cyprus as people scramble
to get whatever money they can out of the banks. Unfortunately, some ATMs
appear to be "malfunctioning" and others appe... more »
Ignatius, Jonathan Chait and Gene Lyons!
*FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2013*
*One of these three got it right:* All week, we’ve watched as major press
corps figures tried to explain (or obscure) their past stance regarding
To our ear, Lawrence O’Donnell seemed to be trying to give the impression
that he spoke out *against* the invasion. Ditto for his guest, David Corn.
Ditto for John Judis.
As best we can tell, these three superstars never did speak out, except
perhaps in quiet rooms, when nobody else was around.
With high pomposity, Ezra Klein penned a ludicrous column about the
“analytical failure” he committed regarding I... more »
Hypocrisy, Daily Mail-Style
Following the tragic death of Lucy Meadows, a transgendered teacher who was
monstered by the *Daily Mail's* Richard Littlejohn in a characteristically
vile piece, the paper has released the following statement:
"It is regrettable that this tragic death should now be the subject of an
orchestrated twitterstorm, fanned by individuals – including former Labour
spin doctor Alastair Campbell – with agendas to pursue.
"They might do well to consider today's words of media commentator Roy
Greenslade: 'Let me begin this posting by urging that people do not rush to
judgment... It is importan... more »
A Republican Split? Don't Hold Your Breath
By Manifesto Joe
There's been much ado in the MSM lately about change in the Republican
Party. Last month, Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, became the first major
Republican politician to come out in favor of gay marriage, and said his
son is gay. On immigration overhauls, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has
endorsed a path to citizenship for legal immigrants, and his son, the very
Latino-looking George P. Bush, is launching a statewide political career in
Texas and appears to be making some inroads with Hispanic voters in this
state. U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida, touted as another GOP ri... more »
RIP Chinua Achebe
The great novelist Chinua Achebe died yesterday in Boston at the age of 82.
As an English major, I owe Achebe a debt of gratitude for not only being a
great novelist, but also an entertaining one. The man's life is
fascinating. This BBC documentary from 2009, when Achebe returned to
Nigeria, scratches the surface. It's impossible for me to think of Achebe
without thinking of "You Got Me," from the Roots great 1999 album *Things
Fall Apart*. The album's title is a reference to Achebe's signature novel
of the same name. "You Got Me" was a huge hit in college towns at the end
of the 90... more »
The Economy: “Deja Vu…All Over Again!”
*“Deja Vu…All Over Again!”*
by Joel Bowman
“News hit the wires over the weekend that the Republic of Cyprus would
begin stealing money from depositors in order to resurrect confidence in
its flailing banking system. They want to avoid a crisis, in other words,
by creating exactly the kind of uncertainty in which crises thrive.
“More likely,” observes Laissez Faire Books’ Jeffrey Tucker, “the plan to
tax all Cyprian bank deposits 6.75-10% will trigger one. Or maybe just the
talk of it already has. We can’t know for sure, because the government of
Cyprus has declared a banking ‘... more »
Democracy at Risk!!!!!
The decision to deem Warawa's Wank non-voteable is becoming even more fun.
The parliamentary expert had no problem with either the jurisdiction or
possible repetitiveness of M408, aka the Gotcha Motion That Proves
Pro-Choicers to Be Enthusiastic Murderers of Pre-Born Women. Those were the
flimsy excuses the committee cited: that abortion/health is a provincial
matter and the subject had been voted on recently (Woodworth's Wank).
Natch, Warawa shrieked about democracy, independence of MPs, yadayada.
(When any fool with more than one functioning neuron could see the Iron
Fist of PMSHi... more »
Me and my hero

My Dad was kind of gruff man on the outside but he had a heart of gold.
I've never met a kinder man than him in my life. He was my hero from day
one. Of the few photos I have of him, this is the one I treasure the most.
[Photos are better if you click on them to embiggen.]
Another green world...
Using the non-pejorative sense, a utopian idea is an end without a means.
One of the benefits of utopian, or perhaps thinking beyond immediate goals,
is it can inform and refresh political activity. One of the sites I
occasionally browse is the Long Now Foundation. As you can see it is quite
corporate, and it’s very obvious the location within current social
structure makes it utopian. Yet it's projects, from wildlife recording to
language preservation to the general emphasis on planning and legacy are
exactly the kind of things a communal society would be doing in earnest.
Here i... more »
Call me old fashioned but I thought judges ruled on disclosure - not reporters,,,
GATINEAU, Que. — Criminal charges against Sen. Patrick Brazeau will next be
dealt with on June 10, with the prosecution suggesting his legal team is
using delay tactics in the case.
Brazeau, 38, was not present at a Friday morning hearing where lawyers
Michel Swanston and Gerard Larocque asked for additional disclosure in the
case. He is pleading not guilty to assault and sexual assault charges
stemming from a Feb. 7 incident at his Gatineau, Que., home.
His legal team's request for additional disclosure in the case is not out
of the ordinary, but Crown prosecutor Sylvain Petitcle... more »
Letter From Humanity to D.C. Snakes
Washington is playing deaf, dumb, and blind in regards to the news that
their beloved "FSA rebels" (read: Jihadist terrorists) have used chemical
weapons against innocent Syrians, including women and children. This is not
surprising. Washington supplied Saddam Hussein with chemical weapons, who
then used them against Iraq's Kurdish population in the late 1980's to
suppress rebellion. Washington has no problem with dictators and/or
terrorists using chemicals weapons, as long as it is their dictators and
*II. Letter From Humanity to D.C. Snakes: *
Washington: Go to hell,... more »
The Last Straw:Britain’s Former Foreign Secretary Regrets One War, Tries to Avoid Another
Straw, MP for Blackburn and former British Foreign Secretary, 2001-2006
Nearly a decade ago, on April 2, 2003, British parliamentarian Jack
Straw was steadfast in his support for the recent invasion of Iraq.
“Saddam's removal is necessary to eradicate the threat from his weapons
of mass destruction,” insisted Straw, who was then serving as Tony
Blair’s Foreign Secretary.Years
Corneliu Zelea Codreanu - An example for us all
*Corneliu Codreanu - by Sven.*
*Corneliu Codreanu* was a resistance leader from Romania.He foresaw the
takeover of his country by corrupting foreign interests and insisted upon
lawful means to resist them. His writings are collected in the book *For My
Legionaries* that describe how a foreign power gradually took over all
Romanian industry as well as the press, agitated for equal citizenship with
the Romanians and bought off the Police and the politicians.
He decided that the only way to defeat this materialist power with
unlimited financial resources,was to keep to the moral h... more »
Ex-Chief Rabbi: Jewish People Their Own God
**I often listen to the BBC Radio 4 breakfast show 'Today' on the way to
work. It was always amazing to hear the UK's ex-Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
on Friday morning contributing his two-minute 'Thought for the Day'.*
**What a wonderful speaker. One struggled to imagine Christ Himself doing
any better. Human compassion and idealism wonderfully expressed.*
**It was, however, an impossible struggle to square this with the
hate-filled racist drivel that fills the Talmud, the 'Holy Book' used by
Orthodox Jews. *
**You know, the one that has Christ in hell, drowning in boilin... more »
petition google to save google reader: please sign and share widely
A while back, I expressed my frustration with the current massive emphasis
on mobile apps, and with organizations that use Facebook pages instead of
web pages: the walled-off internet, or why facebook and mobile apps are
good for them and bad for us.
For a more complete view of this sad fact, you might want to read this 2010
article from *Wired*: The Web Is Dead. Long Live the Internet by Chris
Anderson and Michael Wolff. It's old in internet terms, but more relevant
than ever:
If we’re moving away from the open Web, it’s at least in part because of
the rising dominance of business... more »
world water day
photo by andreyohanes3One in eight people on this planet do not have access
to safe drinking water.
Each day, 3,000 children under the age of five die from diseases caused by
drinking unsafe water.
Half of the world's hospital beds are occupied by people suffering from
diseases associated with lack of access to safe drinking water.
In a world of such great plenty, how can this be?
It's not inevitable, and it's not beyond our power to change.
Go to WaterDay.org to see an impressive photo gallery highlighting the
global water crisis.
In Canada, the Harper Government has removed pro... more »
A remarkable film about the history and consequences of planned
obsolescence. It's a great follow-up to my recent report about the anti-technology
seminar I attended in San Francisco.
I highly recommend you watch this film - it's a blind blower for sure.
Israel/Turkey "kiss and makeup" Ominous for Syrian Situation
This "apology" leaves me with a very bad feeling. Of the impending doom
I want to be wrong...
An apology from Israel to Turkey, whenever it took place, was always
something I had considered to be a warning sign regarding the imminence of
an attack on Syria.
I have mentioned it on at least two previous occasions here at the blog.
Possibly even more then twice. I can't recall for certain.
The breaking news of an Israeli apology to Turkey obviously compelled me to
unearth my earliest mentions of this scenario.
*The first mention* *July 5/2012* of a possible apology and it's
ramifi... more »
Drones And Privacy-- Do Libertarians Still Back Buck McKeon? What About Ed Markey?

Buck McKeon is riding the weapons manufacturers' drone expansion agenda to
immense personal wealth
We started sounding the alarm about drone privacy issues as soon as we
realized that the founder and chairman of the House Drone Caucus, Buck
McKeon, was taking massive legalistic bribes-- hundreds of thousands of
dollars-- from the drone manufacturers, more than any other Member of
Congress. They don't give him that kind of money because they like the cut
of his jib. He's expected to always be there for their special interests
and to push their agenda relentlessly. He hasn't disappoin... more »
"The Liberal Party Of Canada is about to go the way of the Eaton’s stores."

*Thursday night at the Canadian War Museum, in a debate presented by the
Macdonald Laurier Institute (macdonaldlaurier.ca), sponsored by the Ottawa
Citizen and moderated by historian Jack Granatstein, Michael Bliss and John
Duffy debated the resolution: The Liberal Party has no future in Canadian
politics. To read John Duffy’s opening argument, click here.*
*The Liberal party in Canada, like liberalism itself, has a great past, and
very little future.*
*The great past almost goes without saying. The party of Wilfrid Laurier,
Mackenzie King, Louis St. Laurent, Lester Pearson, Pierr... more »
Rebranding Canada as Harper Canada
Harper Canada ...
On a gc.ca website, no less. This is presumably what the HarperCons call
our country amongst themselves - Stephen Joseph Canada being just a tad too
informal I guess.
h/t David Akin
Update* *: Glen McGregor counts 449 press releases using "Harper
Government" from crown or government departments from Sept 21 to Dec 11
2012. That's 8 per day, as Glen says - twice that number if you include the
French version.
Upperdate : Toronto Star, March 3, *2012 : **Tories rebrand ‘Government of
Canada’ as ‘Harper Government’*
*"*A directive that went out to public servants s... more »
When America Became Amerika

The media is swamped with articles about the 10th anniversary of the
Anglo-American conquest of Iraq. To those of us in the "I Told You So"
camp, most of these missives are utter crap. That's probably because
they're being written or published by those who showed their true colours
in the run-up to the war, the Bush-Cheney-Blair cheerleaders who would
rather everyone forgot about their own behaviour in 2003.
Fortunately *The Atlantic* has an article that rips the scab off the *"Hatred,
Resentment and Mockery"* that mainstream Amerika lavished on those who
dared stand against ... more »
The New York Times prints that hoary old tale!
*FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2013*
*The Times simply can’t cover schools:* On Monday, we noted that the
Washington Post had published a very familiar letter repeating a bogus old
False belief comes from repetition, we incomparably said. And sure enough!
This morning, the New York Times has printed a different letter.
It repeats that same hoary old tale:
LETTER IN THE NEW YORK TIMES (3/22/13): Kudos to Richard V. Reeves for his
eloquent defense of shame “as a form of moral regulation or social ‘nudge,’
encouraging good behavior while guarding individual freedom.” It’s long
past time t... more »
It's school deworming time in San Pedro Sula

After more than a year in Honduras, I remain in a state of near-constant
San Pedro Sula is the country’s largest city, with glitzy malls - way nicer
than any in Victoria, our old hometown - and all the North American fast
food chains.
Take this, you'll feel better
But El Tiempo reported this week that students at César López Pérez kicked
off the first day of deworming, 2013.
Some 700 kids lined up for the chewable tablets, thanks to the
municipality’s Healthy Schools Program. By the end of the campaign, 96,000
students in 344 schools will have been dewormed.
It’s the fourth... more »
It’s school deworming time in San Pedro Sula

After more than a year in Honduras, I remain in a state of frequent
San Pedro Sula is the country’s largest city, with glitzy malls - way nicer
than any in Victoria, our old hometown - and all the North American fast
food chains.
But El Tiempo reported this week that students at César López Pérez kicked
off the first day of deworming, 2013.
Some 700 kids lined up for the chewable tablets, thanks to the
municipality’s Health Schools Program. By the end of the campaign, 96,000
students in 344 schools will have been dewormed.
It’s the fourth year for the effort, supported by ... more »
Map of 460 million global IP addresses revealed
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 12 hours ago
Are you on this map as well? Look here for far more. More images here. I
didn't know so many devices appear to be unprotected and 'open' to the
world from the 3.6 billion known IP addresses! By the way, authorities are
hunting the source if this, so don't be confused when the links no longer
show the details. If you know where I live (more or less on this map), you
can see the *black* spot.
Have a quiet weekend! And if you find time, take this interesting test !
NYT: States Vie to Conduct Commercial Drone Tests
Majia here: Earlier today I posted about militarized US drones in
the Middle East, and parts of Asia here*. *Now we can read about
commercial drone surveillance in the US:
*By TIMOTHY PRATT Published: March 21, 2013
state of Nevada recently joined the crowded bidding to be
named a federal test site for the commercial use of pilotless aircraft
under a program that will allow as many as six states to test the
controversial but... more »
"Resisitng the State: Urban Colonization and Resistance"
Chapter Three of Scott Neigh's *Talking Radical: Resisting the State* is
based on interviews with Roger Obonsawin and Kathy Mallet, two First
Nations people who worked to build friendly spaces and services for their
fellow FN people in Canada's urban centres.
Roger Obonsawin
Kathy Mallet
Neigh begins by discussing the urban environment and how First Nations
responded to it. He points out the dual dilemma wherein First Nations
peoples were confined to isolated, impoverished reserves (which remained
impoverished as a result of deliberate federal government policy) but if
they moved... more »
Totalitarianism Through Drones
Friday March 22 Drone base in Niger gives U.S. a strategic foothold in
Africa by Craig Whitlock March 21, 2013
The U.S. Air Force began flying a handful of unarmed Predator
drones from here last month [in Niger]....
The harsh terrain of North and West Africa is rapidly emerging as yet
another front in the United States’ long-running war against terrorist
networks, a c... more »
Today in Comic Relief
Sure, there's war, and unemployment, and all sorts of other terrible
things...but at least we get the unreported story of the 2012 nomination
battle: that Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich almost formed a unity ticket
to take on Mitt Romney.
Okay, granted, there's apparently less to this than meets the eye, or at
least the headline ("nearly toppled Romney"). The story (nicely reported by
Joshua Green) is apparently that in the run-up to the Michigan primary, the
Santorum campaign pushed the disgraced former Speaker to drop out and
endorse the struggling defeated Pennsylvania Senator. ... more »
Victim Surcharge
R. v. K.E., 2013 ONCA 175 is a useful source for the quantum of victim
surcharge: [34] The obligation to impose a victim surcharge on a convicted
offender, except where the offender establishes undue hardship to him or
her or his or her dependants, is created by s. 737(1) of the Criminal Code.
The general rule about quantum, in circumstances such as these, is that the
amount of the victim surcharge is to be $100. This amount may be increased
where an increase is appropriate in the circumstances and the offender is
able to pay a higher amount. ... [36] On appeal, Crown counsel takes t... more »

- The graphic above was produced by the Pentagon's Africa Command
(AfriCom). It gives a clear indication how the military views the
continent. The Washington Post carries an article today called Drone
base in Niger gives US a strategic foothold in West Africa. The article
reports that Obama has sent Predator drones and more than 100 troops to
Niger. The article only talks about the US being in West Africa at the
request of host governments and the French to help fight terrorism. (The
Pentagon has already signed an agreement with Niger in January that ... more »
Tepco Continues to Look Terrible
Majia's Blog - 12 hours ago
src="... more »
Your moment of Zen

[Celebrating Life]
Today would have been my Dad's 85th birthday. Second one since he died.
Still really missing him. He would have liked these flowers. Guessing
they're some variety of forget-me-nots since it looks like such a damp
spot. Seems like the perfect flower to mark the occasion.
[Photos are better if you click on them to embiggen.]
Six Degrees of Securitization (F*@k you, Senator Coburn!)
Yesterday the Senate passed the Coburn amendment cutting off funds for
political science research through the National Science Foundation. It was
by a voice vote, which is another way of saying that it was so unanimous
that no one bothered to even count hands. So that doesn’t bode well. I
heard on NPR that the
Continue reading
Spring Break
Spring break! I'll be back in April . . .
*Seawall project begins on New Orleans’ Lakeshore Drive*
*Vitter/Boxer bill to reign in Corps of Engineers drawing differing views
~Andy Sullivan*
*~Editilla Cotellas~ *I gotta admit to some deal of Trepidation and
Foreboding at the idea of giving the Exquisite Corps even more money to
misappropriate to "studies".
*Jindal plan $650 million short of 'revenue neutral,' watchdog group says*
*Nation’s Restaurant News: Origin Labeling Key to Restaurant Seafood Sales*
*Heart of Louisiana: Battle of Port Hudson*
*BOOK REVIEW: Unfinished Blues and Ernie K-Doe ~Oxford American*
*Hog Wild W... more »
Science: The Tipping Point?
Warawa's Wank, aka M408, or the Motion to Pretend Conservatives Give a Shit
about Women, is a classic political gotcha.
Frame an anodyne sentiment in such a way as to make it difficult to oppose.
When critics try to expose it for the sham it is, the trap is sprung!
'Gotcha! You support discrimination against females! You are in favour of
sex-selective abortion! SHRIEEEK!'
Cue up the video editing machine and commence production of attack ads.
So as this pig-ignorant government muzzles scientists, shuts down world-renowned
research facilities, and just generally behaves like illiter... more »
KLEIN ON THE LAW: Monster-in-print!
*FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2013*
*Epilogue—It’s time for this big fake to go:* It is a truth universally
acknowledged. In the modern media environment, every news org must be in
want of younger viewers and readers.
In part, advertisers want to sell their useless products to those less
savvy souls. This may explain the lengths to which our failing orgs go to
pander to younger consumers.
How ridiculous can this get? Consider some truly pitiful conduct by the
“liberal” web site, Salon.
Salon’s sad conduct involves Jonathan Krohn, an 18-year-old slave for
attention who ought to be kept miles... more »
Author and activist David Swanson speaks in Washington on the subject of war in general and in particular the U.S. government lies used to justify the Iraq war. Saddam Hussein was claimed by the Bush White House to have weapons of mass destruction (UN inspectors repeatedly found none, even when told by the State Department where to look) and he was depicted as repressing the Iraqi people (yes, he was a despot, but the country's infrastructure was modern, the citizens had civil rights, and sectarian violence was held in check). The result of the war was about 1.5 million Iraqis killed, similar numbers of Iraqis injured or displaced, thousands of deformed babies due to extensive use of spent-uranium munitions, and deliberate triggering of now-irreversible Sunni-Shite internecine violence. Swanson's research caused him to conclude that not only was the supposed justification for attacking Iraq based on lies, but so too have been all other wars.

* the**REALnews
*Iraq 10 Years Later: Still Shocked, Not Awed*
*Published on Mar 19, 2013*
David Swanson's remarks were filmed March 18, 2013 at Busboys and Poets in
Washington DC.
From Wikipedia:
In May 2005, Swanson was instrumental in making the Downing Street memo
known in the United States and discussed in Congress. He co-founded After
Downing Street (now War Is A Crime .org) and led an ongoing campaign to
impea... more »
ALEC - Shadow Society, Shadow Government
You really need some historical points – to understand how I got to where I
Here they are.
The following people were honored at ALECs 10th Anniversary Annual Meeting
for their role in the genesis and development of ALEC:
FOUNDERS (partial listing)
Hon. Robert Bales
Ell Lilly and Company Indianapolis, IN
Hon. Ray Barnhardt
Director Federal Highway Administration
Gov. Terry Branstad (IA)
Hon. Robert Carleson
Assistant to the President for Policy Development
Rep. David Copeland (TN )
Hon. Donald Devine
Director Office of Personnel Managemen t
Attorney Genera... more »
America’s dirtiest coal company: Patriot Coal dumps 10,000 retirees and their health-care benefits – ‘We’re reducing our legacy liabilities by roughly $1 billion’
[image: A billboard in Morgantown, West Virginia, reads, 'Patriot Coal: Be
Proud of Where You Work'. Patriot Coal intends to dump 10,000 retirees and
their health-care benefits during its bankruptcy reorganization. Photo:
By Bill McKibben
17 March 2013
(Bloomberg) – If you go to the website of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of the
Eastern District of Missouri, you can read more than 1,000 letters from
retired coal miners and their widows.
Their words are like the lyrics to an endless Johnny Cash ballad, and even
more heartbreaking. They tell the eternal tale of the greedy few... more »
Urban Schools: Failure by Design
GUEST POST: John Harris Loflin, Education-Community Action Team
**Urban schools are not broken: Moving to a 21st century vision of urban
*The crisis is not about education at all. It’s about power.*
James Baldwin
The idea that the Indianapolis Public School System (IPS) is broken and
needs fixing is the basis for the current local school reform debate. (See
Indy *Star* 03.16.12, “A broken system” by Kelly Bentley.) This assertion
leaves unchallenged facts showing wealthier communities have bette... more »

*Putin and Erdogan, firm friends.*
Russia wants to remain friends with Turkey, so, Russia would not save
Turkey's 'enemy', Greek Cyprus.
Russia rebuffs Cyprus, EU awaits bailout Plan B | Reuters
In December 2012, Putin signed 11 different agreements with Turkey.
*Russia and Turkey: Cool pragmatism | The Economist*
"The level of economic and political relations is such that neither Turkey
can forgo Russia, nor Russia Turkey," wrote Mehmet Ali Birand, a veteran
Russia is Turkey's top trading partner, and this is mainly in Russia's
*1.* Russia sells natural-gas... more »
Margaret Thatcher as the first climate alarmist
*... well, the first influential one ...*
I have always found her personal attitude to the global warming orthodoxy
puzzling if not fascinating. In December 2009, in Berlin, her ex-aide Lord
Monckton told me a mixed and confusing story about her real beliefs and
about the role of the striking miners – an influence that Martin Durkin's
documentary claimed to be important for her decision to create the octopus
institutions that would become the IPCC etc.
In June 2010, in Nice, Christopher Booker painted a detailed picture of Margaret
Thatcher as the first climate skeptic. She recanted... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to William Shatner, 82.
And some good stuff:
1. David S. Bernstein on Elizabeth Warren, Senator (bonus: David on Mo
Cowan, Senator).
2. More on defunding political science, from Seth Masket.
3. Useful Suzy Khimm update on where sequestration stands.
4. Good David Roberts item on why climate change is not just another
environmental problem.
5. Is it possible that Democrats now have a real, albeit small, electoral
plurality favoring them? Molly Ball reports, with quotes from the great
Laura Stoker.
6. And thank the writing gods we still have the great Ta-Nehisi Coates.
Iraq: It takes a President
Some further thoughts on why the United States invaded Iraq in 2003. We’ve
had a few posts already now that the tenth anniversary has come. But given
the magnitude of the decision and since even its most vocal defenders were
caught off guard by how costly, lethal and protracted it was, it is worth
Continue reading
Why Did 35 Democrats Join The GOP To Defeat The Senate Budget?

Schrader also claims he voted against the Senate budget because it didn't
cut "entitlements" enough
Wednesday evening, we took a quick look at the House vote on the
Progressive Caucus Back To Work Budget. Wednesday the House also voted on
the Senate budget. Oddly, it was introduced by South Carolina teabagger
Mick Mulvaney (who voted against it). Every Republican voted against it...
and it failed 154-261. The Democratic caucus operation is a near-shambles
and no one was leading. Nancy is preparing herself to sail away into
retirement. Hoyer is conflicted with everything and Clyburn ... more »
It's About Selfishness

"The modern conservative," John Kenneth Galbraith wrote, "is engaged in one
of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a
superior moral justification for selfishness." He might have added that
modern conservatives take extreme measures to hide that exercise.
That is why, in yesterday's budget speech, Jim Flaherty didn't mention that
CIDA was being folded into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Nor did he
mention the change in the agency's mission. CIDA will now tie foreign aid
to Canadian business development abroad. Aid will not be given on the basis
... more »
Lies Your Employer Tells You
Employees, for the most part, believe everything their employer tells them.
Most of the time, your employer's interests and yours coincide. You have a
job to do, and they want you to do it. But sometimes, those interests
collide. Sometimes, you have to take what your employer says with a grain
of salt. Other times, they're flat-out lying.
Here are some lies your employer may tell you, and why you shouldn't
believe them:
*You have to resign*: Flat-out lie. Nobody can make you quit your job. They
may want you to sign a letter of resignation. That means they probably get
out of paying... more »
RNC / ALEC Connection Could Destroy RNC
Been thinking about this all week.
RNC going to ALEC for help. That is definitely going to reunite and build
the party - hah!
Earlier this week, we had this report on the RNC (my emphasis):
Today, the Republican National Committee (RNC) released its wide-ranging
“autopsy” report in response to the party’s disastrous 2012 elections. The
report, entitled “Growth and Opportunity Project,” outlines a variety of
policy recommendations including, among other base ideas, abolishing
campaign spending regulations and contribution limits. *In the report, the
RNC specifically calls on ALEC to ... more »

Milk Thistle Protects Against Chemotherapy Toxicity, Prevents Cancer
by Mike Barrett
Natural Society, 22 March 2013
*Used for nearly 2,000 years as a natural herbal remedy for various
ailments, including those related to the liver and kidneys, milk thistle is
a highly underrated natural remedy that everyone should know about. The
plant is well-known for it’s abilities to promote liver health by
strengthening liver cell membranes and helping the organ to flush out
toxins, but it seems that it seems that one of it’s amazing beneficial
properties is going a bit unrecognized – mil... more »
Bad Day for ALEC in the Editorials
What a wonderful day in the neighborhood.
Lots of people opining about ALEC this morning – blessings to these people
who took the time to voice their opinion in their local papers.
All across the country – what a good day!!!
Snips - the editorials were longer than the sentence examples below:
… in his defense of ALEC, paints a misleading picture of the group’s
activities, asserting that it simply “invites members of state legislatures
to go to conferences, eat hotel food, sit through PowerPoints, and share
legislative ideas.” Sounds benign, right?
What he conveniently skips ... more »

*Diana Fluck, 1931 -1984, a friend of the Kray Twins, with John
Diana Dors, born Diana Fluck, was a British film star.
Diana's mother Winifred Maud Mary (Payne) was married to Albert Edward
Sidney Fluck,[4] but had a sexual relationship with their lodger, Gerald
When Mary announced she was pregnant with Diana, she admitted she had no
clear idea which of them was the father.[1]
*Peter and Mary Fluck. *
In 1944, when Diana was aged 12, the Flucks rented their spare bedroom to
an American soldier.
*The Diana Dors Story - The Early Years*
The twelve-year-ol... more »
Interview- Walter Bowart: Operation Mind Control
This is an old interview.
Though I have not listened entirely, this surely has to be worth taking the
time to take in.
*Walter Bowart: Operation Mind Control, interviewed by Ned Potter.*
This audio is from the SWR archives available on the store page here at
Gnostic Media.
*Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:29:50 — 25.7MB) *
*Many of the topics covered through this interview are the same issues we
read of and discuss*
* today*
**People as zombies- managed perceptions*
**Mass shooting and the push for gun control*
**Cults and the military*
**Abuse of children*
... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.22.13”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 3.22.13”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“I am covering just three stories in the Weekly News Wrap-Up, but they are
big ones. They are the Cyprus bailout, Obama and his Middle East trip, and
the Fed’s decision to keep on printing. The EU is getting very tough with
Cyprus and its banking crisis. It is demanding it pay in some way for part
of the bailout of its troubled banks. There are several plans afoot, and
they all include someone losing deposit money. One plan says it will now
protect all “insured” accounts, but that means billions in uninsured mone... more »
Stan Romanek - EXTRAORDINARY trailer - alien abduction/induction
Stan Romanek's story is as vivid and controversial as that of Dr Jonathan
Reed, and it's been a while since we all saw the fat little flat faced alien
in the window but there've been some developments. The claim that Stan is
being *EDUCATED* or *INDOCTRINATED* in the way the universe really works,
who (the real) T.H.E.Y. are and why we're *NOT ALONE* is explored in his
forthcoming Hollywood documentary EXTRAORDINARY (the Stan Romanek story)
due April 2013:
*With this project, our goal is simple: Show audiences how one man has been
transformed physically, emotionally, intellectually,... more »
Welcome to Pallywood
Can you believe CNN, the BBC etc. when they show you footage of fighting
involving Israel and Palestinians? Of course not.
Watch and learn, watch and learn.
The section for 4:10 to 5:43 is especially interesting.
The Universe
“It's no accident that when you look closely into the eyes of another, the
very first thing you see, is yourself. That when you hold their hand, you
can feel your own warmth. And that when you give of yourself, you give to
yourself. Because, quite simply, both you and they are me. Freaky? Maybe.
An accident? No.”
“Let's get it started, uh-huh -”
The Universe
“Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!”
Cyprus bailout savings tax is better than alternatives
First, let me start with some background. Cyprus is an island in the
Mediterranean Sea, South of Turkey. De iure, there is the ethnic Greek
"Republic of Cyprus" covering the whole island. De facto, the Northern 40%
is controlled by an independent Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. The
problematic co-existence of Greek and Turkish Cypriots is a major cause of
the continuing military tensions between Greece and Turkey.
The total population of the island – a member of the EU and the eurozone –
is 1 million people. At most, the Greek problem is 10% larger than we
thought: I don't th... more »
Ireland: Order To Cease And Desist Bank Repossessions of Proprerty
Science and Spirituality

Before you read this, understand that it is apparent that all great
masters, including Jesus achieved self realization by way of meditation
techniques. What lacks clarity, is just what was achieved. Expressed
practically, the difficult question to address is to discover what it is
good for. This item pretty well spells out the nature of the tangible
conclusions that may be drawn from the texts.
For the record, the process of self realization occurs when you quiet the
mind and hold it still. This generally takes at least twenty minutes. It is
What is reported... more »
Arboreal Behavior of Giant Sloth Observed

This is an excellent BFRO report just brought to my attention. Let it be
said, that my Giant Sloth conjecture is bouncing around the internet and
eyeballs are now awakening. There are not many reports that can be
specifically identified but that is now changing.
We actually know a lot about the Giant Sloth and its lifeway already. They
are quite territorial which helps us a lot. Bigfoot on the other hand seems
to have a huge working range and will also cooperate with other members at
times. Thus once encountered, they are hesitant to vacate.
The item below is likely our... more »
25 Disturbing Facts About Psych Drugs, Soldiers and Suicides

What we now have is a mass of empirical evidence over a number of years
regarding the side effects of psychiatric drug prescriptions. The outcomes
are clearly worse than no action at all even in extreme cases. We also have
clear evidence here that the drugs are been wrongly applied.
The military appear to be tolerating licensed drug abuse. This is nonsense
and must end.
It also tells us that these drugs need to now be fully reevaluated. It
should be obvious that the long term side effects can be nasty and we need
to understand that. We already have a clear link to teen... more »
Black Eyed Children Tales

I have generally ignored these reports because they all smack of writing
exercises and way too easy to imagine and never producing new information.
In short it is not a productive hypothesis.
Here we get a reasonable starting point in which it is associated with
drug abuse. That is at least a testable idea. Better victims can be
photographed and compared to so called reports. Then it is up to others to
show any difference with other reports.
At least we can now understand what generates legitimate reports and can
also appreciate that a victim will not be running around ... more »
March 21, 1973
As Patrick Gray heads up to the Hill for yet another day of testimony,
today is a big day at the White House...now, and as it would turn out, a
day that would be terribly important in the months to come.
Haldeman's diary:
The P had his usual Wednesday clear except for a few ceremonial items at
midday. And spend most of the day on Watergate, which he's becoming more
and more involved in, and I guess concerned about, as time goes on.
And so, after a morning meeting with Ehrlichman about Watergate, John Dean
walks into the Oval Office at 10:12 AM (note that I'm here using the H... more »
Minitrue at work
evidence of the Orwellian nature of a cover-up:
Web page, December 21, 2012 :
He's not only in the wrong body... he's in the wrong jobBy Richard
*PUBLISHED:* 17:29 EST, 20 December 2012 | *UPDATED:* 03:08 EST, 21
December 2012
Same web page, March 22, 2013 : (
Headline :
So who did let Savile loose in the wards?By Rich... more »
Christy Clark, She`s Come Undone(updated)
The entire BC Liberal Government and party are in disarray, words and
phrases are being tossed around like *final death throes*, *end of a dynasty
*, *thunderstruck*, *dying days*, *point of no return *and they are all
fitting though I prefer to use phrases and words like *crime family gunned
down*, *corruption rooted out*, *zombies exposed to sunlight melt *and my
favorite, *ding dong the wicked witch is dead..*
Scandal and organized crime, it`s as simple as that, I still remember the
headlines after our BC Legislature was raided by police *"Organized crime
has infiltrated the high... more »
Grandparents may transmit autism risk to grandchildren

*According to researchers the risk of rising autism may be passed on
through and not just too future generations.* The global study suggests
older fathers are more likely to have grandchildren with autism than their
younger counterparts. The mechanism is undecided but it is thought they may
transmit silent mutations to their grandchildren. But experts have urged
carefulness; stressing autism is the result of many different factors.
The study, looking at almost 6,000 people with the condition, is published
in the journal Jama psychoanalysis. Using national databases from Sweden
t... more »
Solitary Watch on today's statement by AG Caldwell that the Angola 3 "have never been in solitary confinement"

*A sketch by Herman Wallace of his solitary confinement cell*
*(March 21, 2013 article by James Ridgeway and Jean Casella, reprinted from Solitary
* *
James “Buddy” Caldwell, attorney general of the state of Louisiana, has
released a statement saying unequivocally that Herman Wallace and Albert
Woodfox, the two still-imprisoned members of the Angola 3, “have never been
held in solitary confinement while in the Louisiana penal system.”
In fact, Wallace, now 71, and Woodfox, 66, have been in solitary for nearly
41 years, quite possibly longer than any other human beings on the ... more »
Guest Post - 6 Tips for Community Gardening

Over the past few years, there has been an enormous increase in green
living and organic, self-sustainable gardening in the United States, and
the idea of feeding yourself and your family while at the same time helping
the environment is one that even people who live in cities want to be a
part of. The problem there though, is obvious: Where are they going to find
the space to garden when their front yard is a busy intersection and their
backyard is a parking lot?
Many communities have taken to solving this problem with community gardens:
Public land where individuals and families ... more »
Paul Ryan's Anti-Jesus Christ Budget
Yesterday, Jerry Nadler (D-NY) was one of several Democrats on the House
floor raging against Ryan's extremely ideological Law of the Jungle
budget-- what he referred to as "merely a repackaging of the same extreme
agenda that the American people rejected last fall."
“The House Republicans’ budget would again try to end Medicare as we know
it by replacing the guarantee of health coverage with a private voucher
program that would reduce benefits. This throws seniors back onto the mercy
of the private insurance market, while every year giving them less and less
of the health benef... more »
Henry Corbin On "The Heavenly Twin"

Related: *Henry Corbin On "The Trilogy of the Soul."*
Below is an excerpt from Henry Corbin's book, *"The Man of Light in Iranian
Sufism."* Translated by Nancy Pearson. Shambhala Publications, Inc:
Boulder, Colorado. 1978. Pg. 33-37.
"In Mandean gnosis, every being in the physical universe has its
counterpart in the heavenly Earth of Mshunia Kushta, inhabited by the
descendants of a mystical Adam and Eve (*Adam kasia, Eva kasia*). Every
being has his archetypal Figure (*mabda' = dmutha*) there, and the latter
sometimes communicates with its earthly counterpart (as for example in... more »
Viva Las Vegas!

So, I had a blast in Vegas. It was a much needed relaxing getaway. We
went with our friends, Ron and Erika.
We left on Friday morning via direct flight through Delta. Flight left on
time and we arrived in Vegas on time. Got luggage right away, and headed
to the hotel, Monte Carlo. We tried to check in, but our rooms were not
ready yet, so we all headed to lunch at Serendipity 3. I had been craving
a crab Caesar salad from there since Thanksgiving. Ate there then headed
back to the hotel. Our room was ready, but Erika and Ron's was not yet.
So, we all headed to our room, a... more »
While We Wait -- Geocaching

*While We Wait -- Geocaching*
Some of you may already be aware of this global phenomenon called
Geocaching. I've known about it for a while but only recently decided to
give it a shot. This inspiration was seeded by the need to get outside and
away from my computer screen! There's a description of what Geocaching is
at the wikipedia link above, but I warn you, it is incredibly addictive! In
a nut shell, it's like modern day treasure hunting.
Here is a quick description:
Geocaching involves two separate parties, which are composed ei... more »
Let the End Times Begin

Rushing out of the house today, a message shows up, gifted by two angels –
Gabrielle and Michael. It is here for you also, you will find it below. It
is at once demanding, mesmerizing and clear; We are in the End Times. I can
not fully describe how grateful I am for their work.
On the road a red tailed hawk circled back and forth over the road three
At the appointment I was helped by a beautiful angel with wings tattooed
on her shoulders. She works parts of days and spends the rest of her days
giving freely.
While waiting, I listen to a voice mail from a lawyer... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Moving left to right near the center of this beautifully detailed color
composite, the thin, bright, braided filaments are actually long ripples in
a sheet of glowing gas seen almost edge on. The interstellar shock wave
plows through space at over 500,000 kilometers per hour. Cataloged as NGC
2736, its elongated appearance suggests its popular name, the Pencil Nebula.
*Click image for larger size.*
The Pencil Nebula is about 5 light-years long and 800 light-years away,
but represents only a small part of the Vela supernova remnant. The Vela
remnant itself is around 100 light-yea... more »
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