10:12am MDST
Debating the Benefits of Nuclear Superiority, Part III
Editor’s Note: Back in February I riffed on a post by Erik Voeten in which
Erik discussed two articles in International Organization (IO). One, by our
colleague Matt Kroenig, argued that nuclear superiority gives states
advantages in crisis bargaining (PDF). Another, by Todd Sechser and Matthew
Fuhrmann, rejects this claim (PDF). After the two posts sparked some
interesting discussion–both on- and offline–I approached
Continue reading
Amooc Time
About a month ago I wrote that: The recent obsession with MOOCs has its
roots in three interlocking trends: the application of business-school
speak to higher education, technology fetishism, and the quest to push down
labor costs. It wouldn’t be too much of an exaggeration to say that these
are three faces of late-modern capitalism: the
Continue reading
Part 2:Cyprus, Israel,Turkey, Syria: NATO and global resource diversion/control
*Must Read :Part 1:Cyprus, Israel,Turkey, Syria: NATO and global resource
diversion/control before you read any further into the post below, unless
you have been reading along here for the past month, minimally.*
*Here is where Turkey & Israel come into play.*
Recall the big news of Israel 'apologizing' to Turkey? That very strategic,
very timely move happened in relation to Syria's destabilization. As I had
mentioned it would on numerous occasions. If your new to my previous
claims, refresh yourself here: Israel/Turkey "kiss and makeup" Ominous for
Syrian Situation
Yet another rea... more »
We can fly

We are swimming in a sea of possibility. Whatever we desire is right here.
All that’s missing is focus.
This is all created by us. Thoughts attract more and more of whatever
they look or feel like. We know this. We’ve heard it before. Yet we
persist in accepting what life “deals” to us. Why?
Creation requires active thought. The word “energize” works here. It is
an action; it is a doing. You cannot sit still while energizing, and you
are never still. Always a thought is emerging on the tail of the one
before it. This being that you are is a creation machine! Yo... more »
Salon attempts to discuss the Chicago schools!
*THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 2013*
*We liberals don’t care about black kids:* Yesterday, Salon attempted to
discuss Chicago’s public schools. In a rational world, the bungling would
be a scandal.
The piece was written by Natasha Lennard, "an assistant news editor at
Salon, covering non-electoral politics, general news and rabble-rousing."
We were struck by one key word in the headline:
*Mass protests hit Chicago over school closures*
The Chicago Teachers Union is rallying support against closures that will
disproportionately affect black, Latino kids
We were struck by that one key word: ... more »
How The Civilian Surge In Iraq Didn’t Quite Meet Its Mark

In January 2007, President George Bush announced the Surge. He called for
two marine battalions and five army brigades to head towards Iraq along
with an increased number of reconstruction workers to conduct a unified
counterinsurgency campaign. The argument was that the increased troops
would help bring down violence, and allow for reconciliation. On the
civilian side, more Americans were to be sent out into the provinces to
work with Iraqis to find out their needs, and help empower them to run
their own country. While the extra forces helped bring down violence in
Iraq the civi... more »
Re-Visiting US Funded Death Squads in Latin America?
Honduras: A Culture of Impunity. Is the US State Department Misleading
Congress about Possible US Funding for Honduran Death Squads. (2013, March
28). Al Jazeera,
[Excerpted] A new investigation has further highlighted the culture of
impunity that exists within the Honduran police force.The Associated Press
heard testimony that strongly suggests that people are being disappeared by
roving groups of armed officers. There are claims that the US Congress may
be funding these units…. [end]
Majia... more »
Waiting for peak oil: a paradox

As an enthusiastic proponent of fracking, Gene sent me a link to this NBC
Power shift: Energy boom dawning in America
that argues, among other things, that due to fracking, the U.S. will
leapfrog Saudi Arabia and Russia to become the #1 fossil fuel producer by
2020. Already today, we see amazingly dropping prices of natural gas and
many other things will follow. The technologies are getting better all the
time. You get the point but you may find more information about these
Just minutes later, I opened the blog of Alexander Ač, a crazy professional
Czech and Slo... more »
Part 1:Cyprus, Israel,Turkey, Syria: NATO and global resource diversion/control
*Yes, we are going long.* With many links. To understand complicated
situations, we must delve into a more broad spectrum of information.
We are also going to look back to move forward. I am encouraging readers to
read the entire two part post once it is up.
A great deal of my time is invested in this post. Time to think and time to
write up.
*Cyprus: Island in the Sun*
*So let's begin with today's news:*
As we are all aware Cyprus is reopening it's banks for the first time in
nearly two weeks. With very strict controls in place. Controls that will
most assuredly remain permanent... more »
The Cyprus banking system explained
Clarke and Dawe explain in their own manner...
*Thanks to Theo Spark for the spot.*
What is the purpose of insurance?
A friend points me to this passage:
At a White House briefing Tuesday, Health and Human Services Secretary
Kathleen Sebelius said some of what passes for health insurance today is so
skimpy it can't be compared to the comprehensive coverage available under
the law. "Some of these folks have very high catastrophic plans that don't
pay for anything unless you get hit by a bus," she said. "They're really
mortgage protection, not health insurance."
I have the same problem with my other insurance policies. My homeowner
insurance doesn't cover the cost when my gutters need cleaning, and... more »

- As the wealthy have gotten wealthier, a new study reported by the Washington
Post found, an economic arms race has been created in which the middle
class has been spending beyond their means in order to keep up with the
Joneses. The study calls this “trickle-down consumption.” The result?
Americans are saving less, bankruptcies are becoming more common, and
politicians are pushing for policies to make it easier to take on debt. As
the rich spend more on things like expensive preschools or fitness clubs or
even fashion, their middle-income neighbors start ... more »
Don't Drink the Yellow Snow
(Tip o' the tinfoil hat to reader CC)
This is what passes for propaganda nowadays. After watching this four
and a half minute-long clip on North Korean TV, you'll be begging for
Goebbels and PRAVDA to make a comeback. Either that or you'll be laughing
your ass off at the North Koreans' obsession with Americans drinking snow.
But hey, at least America's poor, hungry and homosexual who are lucky
enough to have floors to sleep on can huddle together. Although I wish the
poors hadn't eaten all the birds.
Watch out for a cameo of a Republican candidate from Oregon, whoeve... more »
THE ROAD TO IRAQ: The liberal world just keeps getting conned!
THU*RSDAY, MARCH 28, 2013*
*Part 4—Richard Perle and our own liberal swine:* It’s amazing how often we
liberals get conned while watching The One True Channel.
Consider one of the many things Chris Matthews said on last Friday’s
Matthews was lustily praising himself as a brave anti-war freedom fighter
in the run-up to the war in Iraq. He pimped himself on last Friday’s
Hardball, then again on the 10 PM discussion program concerning the
documentary, Hubris.
This Monday, he was at it again, praising himself for his antiwar stand. In
all these instances, he got over with a ... more »
The Conservative Coalition

This week's revolt in the Conservative caucus has exposed the government's
fault lines. Tom Walkom writes that the Harper Party is split three ways:
Over the past eight days, three of those factional fault lines have emerged
into full public view. The first is economic. Some Conservatives are true
market zealots who view any interference with the workings of demand and
supply as anathema.
It was these Conservatives that Small Business Minister Maxime Bernier was
speaking to last week when he publicly chastised Finance Minister Jim
Flaherty for asking mortgage lender Manulife Finan... more »
Food Stamp Use Up Dramatically in US
The article attributes the rise in food stamp use primarily to the economy,
but also notes that there has been some loosening of eligibility
restrictions. I can tell you that the eligibility restrictions are very
I recently had a student come to me in distress because she found out she
was ineligible for food stamps, despite having no assets, because of her
student status.
I've had former students (since graduated) with children who really needed
the stamps, but were deemed ineligible because they had some limited
retirement assets.
I think growing dependence on food st... more »
Turning Canada's Back on the World

We're out. The Harper government has pulled Canada out of the U.N.
convention to fight drought in the world.
We're officially the only country to exit the drought agreement. Every
other nation remains a party to the convention.
We stand alone, supposedly because John Baird wasn't pleased with "the
results" the group had achieved. With a government as duplicitous and
secretive as Harper's we can only guess at this government's true motives.
It certainly wasn't the trifling amount Canada was contributing to the
effort. For the period 2010 to 2013 Canada kicked in a whopping $2... more »
*A morning market mess in Dongshih.....*
Just overwhelmed with work at the moment. Gonna listen to the symphonies of
Joly Braga Santos (Two and Four are especially lovely) and finish up my
work. Might have a post up in a couple of days.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums! Delenda est, baby.
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Ken Howard, 69. Do people even know about the White
A little good stuff:
1. Doug Ahler, Jack Citrin, and Gabriel Lenz on polarization and the
new(ish) primary law in California.
2. Conor Friedersdorf on drones.
3. Dan Larison makes an obvious but overlooked point.
4. And welcome to the news media, 2013 edition.
A CO2 apocalypse and what caused it - an answer
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 2 hours ago
*Our ancestors thought* their Gods caused disaster and havoc. Since the
Gods were dismissed only some 400 years ago we tend to believe that WE
ourselves are the cause of global catastrophes. What may be true for
moneyor a traffic accident certainly doesn't hold true for Nature. Its
Scheme only sees the holistic rhythm of things, the natural cycles that
take many years, hundreds of years or even far longer to return to some
starting point again. But also the connections between all natural
phenomena, whether that is a lightning strike, or a... more »
NASA: Mars in collision with asteroid 2013A1?!
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 2 hours ago
Link: http://youtu.be/8r9U29gnhbo - Bear in mind: this is NOT Comet
C2012/S1 (ISON): http://youtu.be/-1GMB52BI2M
*Rush hour in the skies*? Do we live in a shooting gallery?
Short video from the New York Times. Could be a satire of all of us who are
trying to "help" Haiti.
Blue America Hires A Forensic Specialist To Look Over Bachmann's Crooked Dealings

You've probably seen that right-wing extremist Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has
been in trouble with federal regulators regarding monkey business with the
huge flows of cash into and out of her political campaigns. The
semi-independent Office of Congressional Ethics is investigating how she's
been using her campaign funds, similar charges that forced Jesse Jackson,
Jr. to resign and get sentenced to prison. She's now using her campaign
funds to hire the biggest, most well-connected, most expensive-- and most
people Inside-the-Beltway admit the absolute shadiest-- law firm in DC,
Patton... more »
ALECers Get "Education" at Canadain Tar Sands
Saw this on Daily Kos
This is a very short note to provide notice to all that the U.S. Department
of State has scheduled a public meeting on the KEYSTONE XL PIPELINE for
April 18, 2013 in Grand Island, Nebraska. They will be taking comment on
the Supplemental EIS recently published March 8 and up for a 45 day comment
Procedures for the Public Meeting
Speakers: All members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting
and state their comments for the administrative record. Persons who want to
speak at the meeting will need to sign up in person at the entrance o... more »

*Katrina's winds too weak to destroy Biloxi houses, State Farm claims
manager says ~Anita Lee, SunHerald.com*
Read more here:
*Corps of Engineers Excels at Wasting Money ~Ryan Alexander*
~Editilla Co'tellas~Setting aside the Exquisite Corps' current extortion of
New Orleans with their never-finished *Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk
Reduction System in Name Only * (HSDRRSNO), take for example: The M/V *
Mississippi* is (according to Corps PR) a "working" towboat for the USACE
Memphis Di... more »
In case you missed it "Cold Dead Hands"
'Cold Dead Hand' is abt u heartless motherf%ckers unwilling 2 bend 4 the
safety of our kids.Sorry if you're offended… say.ly/jtu5rar
— Jim Carrey (@JimCarrey) March 24, 2013
From Crooks and Liars.
Irrational dissatisfactions with physics
When people aren't understanding certain issues in physics and when they're
asking questions, e.g. at the Physics Stack Exchange, they understandably
seem unhappy about something. When something seems strange or something
doesn't make sense, it's sensible for people to feel somewhat disturbed or
unhappy. All of us know the feeling.
In some cases, the dissatisfaction depends on a technical result and there
are many of them to be learned. However, I would say that way too often,
people are dissatisfied because of reasons that are utterly non-technical
and that are universal.
One s... more »

"The global organized crime syndicate ... has ... thoroughly permeated the
American political and business system...
"Across the United States, FBI agents have been hamstrung by the Justice
and Homeland Security Departments... whose close links to the
Russian-Israeli Mafia ... have seen case after case involving
Russian-Israeli mobsters going un-investigated and virtually ignored...
*The Russian-Israeli Mafia: Off-limits to FBI, US intelligence ...*
*Forest Hills - home of the Mafia. aangirfan.blogspot.com*
"As seen in the poisoning of Russian ex-FSB and KGB agent Alexander
Litv... more »
For the idiots and those full of hate who scream "we are all Hamas now"

This is what Hamas do, still proud?
TV Dragon Breathes New Life Into Jessops
'The collapsed high street camera chain Jessops is being relaunched today
by Peter Jones, of Dragon's Den fame.'
More here on Sky News.
I felt sorry for Jessops when they went under and am pleased that they may
return to the high street; we need proper camera shops not just Internet
suppliers. Jessops had mostly knowledgeable and enthusiastic staff and you
could at least handle the cameras you were thinking of buying, something
you can't do on the Internet.
However many years ago, I was very keen on photography and saw something
play out many times... On New Oxford Street in Lon... more »
Deposit Confiscation

Fundamentally, the state owes an obligation to the first standard
deviation of all depositors by size to preserve their deposits and matching
assets in full. This is done through prudent banking. Outside that magic
pool that preserves every household, the banks can accept large deposits
and take large risks and they can all go bust or make great profits. That
is called investment banking.
Deposit insurance was never meant to backstop any form of speculation.
That the losers have worked assiduously to lay off their mistakes is
certainly no surprise and will not end until... more »
Leadership Failure

This item makes the much more telling argument that we are dealing with
structural failure most of the time or realistically all the time. Solving
that type of failure is naturally difficult since we have long remained
unsatisfied. I have been saying as much on specific cases for years. In
fact much of our civilization is gamed disadvantageously and tradition has
kept it all in place.
I see our core problem as our dependence on a command and control model
and no obvious replacement put in place. I have thought through an
alternate that I call the rule of twelve, but it may ... more »
Cannabis and Graham Hancock
This is an informed comment of cannabis well worth reading. Momentum is
presently in the direction of legalizing and regulating the proper use of
this drug. It will not stop outright abuse as that is usually part of a
different problem altogether.
I anticipate that the winding down of the 'war on drugs' will take years
and ignorance will continue to be the preferred stance.
In the meantime individuals deal with it as they can and this looks to be
a case of masking as far a arthritis is concerned.
*Was I wrong to quit cannabis completely?*
*Greg Hancock*
I recently an... more »
Mystery Booms

This is both amusing and makes total sense. No good old boy is going to
ask either the mines department or the EPA for permission if they can help
it and they most certainly have title anyway so surface rights are no
The boom will have overwhelmed the original suppliers a long time ago and
anything close to spec would be satisfactory. I am sure that the engineers
can determine quality on site when they take delivery. (The sand has to be
rounded and within a screening standard).
Thus a convenient bench on the back forty can soon become a quarry with a
screener,... more »
For Your Reading Torture: The Army Corps of Engineers Permit

Our protest 2/26/2013, Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia HQ
by Alex Lotorto
On Monday, March 25, in a filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. stated that they had received all
required federal permits, including those needed from the Obama
administration's Army Corps of Engineers for wetland, streams, and river
crossings in Pennsylvania.
After clear cutting was complete, TGP was forced to leave the trees laying
in Pennsylvania because they had not received this permit. Now, heavy
equipment can move in to construct Loops 317, 319, 321, and... more »
Robert H. King responds to Louisiana Attorney General James Caldwell

*This statement from Robert King was released as part of the new issue of
the A3 Coalition newsletter, which you can read in full here. *
*Albert Woodfox*
Many thanks to all of you who have aided our cause and added your voices to
our quest to free Albert from an obviously unjust imprisonment of more than
40 years. Please continue to make your voices heard and your dissent known,
especially in light of the recent email response by Louisiana's Attorney
General, James Caldwell. One wonders: Why in the face of so many mitigating
facts and circumstances would the Attorney General persis... more »
March 27, 1973
Nixon and Haldeman are back in Washington, dealing with the McCord
accusations that have leaked, Jeb Magruder's new threats, Dean's impossible
situation, the continuing possibility that Hunt or Liddy will start
talking, the continuing effort to find some way to get on top of things,
the Gray nomination (which is still out there)...it's going to be a busy
(Note: At this point, and for the next few weeks, there's far more
information than I can include in these posts; I'll do what I can, but the
White House is now obsessed with Watergate -- and there's also the
prosecutors and... more »
Universal internet slows after main attack in history

*The internet around the world has been slowed down in what security
experts are describing as the biggest cyber-attack of its type in
history.*A row between a spam-fighting set and hosting firm has sparked
attacks affecting the wider internet. It is having an impact on popular
services like Netflix - and experts worry it could rise to affect
and email systems. Five national cyber-police-forces are investigating
Spamhaus, a group based in both London and Geneva, is a non-profit
association which aims to assist email providers filter out spam and
oth... more »
Delayed Spring: Egypt's Morsi Is Not A Very Popular Leader
Assad is more popular in his country than Morsi is in his, and yet the
latter is the beneficiary of a youth-led revolution. In the context of the
Arab Spring this doesn't make any sense, but there is a good reason why
Assad is more popular than Morsi.
What is going on in Syria cannot be attributed to the Arab Spring. Syria is
under attack from the outside, and most of the so-called "rebels" are
foreign-born Jihadists (Libyans, Tunisians, etc). Basically, the scum of
the Islamic world have descended on Syria and are tearing Syrian society
apart with the help of U.S. money and weapons... more »
Happy Easter
Yes, folks, it’s Easter—that time of year in which we celebrate the advent
of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, with all that suggests: fertility,
new life, rebirth, the end of the darkness of Winter. No wonder then that
this celebration, named after Ishtar (pronounced “Easter”)—the Babylonian
goddess of fertility, war, love, and sex—involves eating, drinking, eggs,
buns and rabbits.
Oh, and a dead figure from Christian mythology: the Christian festival
having been grafted onto (and borrowed from) the pagan.
Ishtar’s Sunday commemorated the resurrection of her consort, a god cal... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Are the nearest galaxies distributed randomly? A plot of over one million
of the brightest "extended sources" detected by the Two Micron All Sky
Survey (2MASS) shows that they are not. The vast majority of these infrared
extended sources are galaxies.
*Click image for larger size.*
Visible above is an incredible tapestry of structure that provides limits
on how the universe formed and evolved. Many galaxies are gravitationally
bound together to form clusters, which themselves are loosely bound into
superclusters, which in turn are sometimes seen to align over even larger
scale... more »
WTF?!, No Seriously, WTF! - Bank Of America Holds Patent On 'Changing Your Emotions' During Customer Service Call

Reblogged from:
*WTF?!, No Seriously, WTF! - Bank Of America Holds Patent On 'Changing Your
Emotions' During Customer Service Call*
*Systems For Inducing Change In A Human Physiological Characteristic*
Patent Abstract
Systems and methods for inducing a change in a human physiological
characteristic. The physiological characteristic may correspond to an
emotional state of a dialogue participant. The dialogue participant may be
an individual participating in a conversation. The outcome of ... more »
Thursday Morning Linkage
Here is your Thursday Morning Linkage with some categories for helpful
reading… Global Economy Cyprus and EU avert financial catastrophe but EU
looks like “gang that can’t shoot straight” Krugman recommends Cyprus exit
from the Euro Energy and the Environment Wildlife returns to Guyana CFR
hosts joint event with Conservation International on the mainstreaming of
Continue reading
Chet Raymo, “The Nagel Ado”
*“The Nagel Ado”*
by Chet Raymo
“I've now read Thomas Nagel's “Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist
Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature Is Almost Certainly False,” and,
frankly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. Nagel's argument goes
something like this: Consciousness cannot be explained within the current
evolutionary physio-chemical paradigm- that is, consciousness is
irreducible within the context of contemporary science. Therefore, a new
paradigm is required, one admitting an irreducible cosmic consciousness, a
natural teleological principle that guides and informs na... more »
Vettin' The Candidates

What a rotten hand to be dealt!
*DWT* readers always ask me to check out whichever Democrat washes up on
the beach of their district and see if they're any good. I mean, chances
are they'll always be better than whatever godforsaken Republican already
holds the seat, but my job is to see if they're better enough to warrant
really getting behind them. The vetting process usually takes a couple
months. But I just got off the phone with a woman running for Congress, her
first bid at any kind of electoral office. And, without prejudicing the
process, I couldn't help myself from sharing s... more »
Google Street View sends cameras into Namie, an abandoned town in Fukushima where once 21,000 people lived
[image: Google Streetview image showing the abandoned city of Namie in
Fukushima Prefecture, March 2013. Photo: Google]
By David McNeill
27 March 2013
TOKYO (Independent) – Google’s Streetview cars have been in to the area
around the Fukushima nuclear plant for the first time. Their maps reveal
the destruction wrought by Japan’s huge earthquake – and give the 21,000
residents forced to flee the chance to see what they left behind.
It is a nuclear-era *Mary Celeste*, a town left virtually untouched since
its 21,000 residents fled two years ago.
Rubble and roof tiles still litter ... more »
Video Havasupai Elder Rex Tilousi Speaks at Hickory Ground Rally Phoenix
Elder Rex Tilousi speaks in defense of sacred lands, outside the
National Indian Gaming Association annual gathering in Phoenix, as
Native Americans rally to defend Hickory Ground ceremonial grounds from
casino development.
VIDEO Klee Benally at Hickory Ground Rally Phoenix
Benally, Dine', speaks at Sacred Lands Rally, outside National Indian
Gaming Conference in Phoenix, defending San Francisco Peaks, and
supporting the movement to protect Hickory Ground ceremonial grounds
from casino development.
The Daily "Near You?"
Kailua, Hawaii, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Ecuador auctions off three million hectares of Amazon rainforest to China oil firms
[image: Oil exploration blocks to be auctioned off by Ecuador. Ecuador
plans to auction off more than three million hectares of pristine Amazonian
rainforest to Chinese oil companies, angering indigenous groups and
underlining the global environmental toll of China's insatiable thirst for
energy. Graphic: Amazon Watch]
By Jonathan Kaiman
26 March 2013
BEIJING (guardian.co.uk) – Ecuador plans to auction off more than three
million hectares of pristine Amazonian rainforest to Chinese oil companies,
angering indigenous groups and underlining the global environmental toll of
China's ... more »
An appeal in the Kachkar case would likely fail
The Crown can appeal a finding of Not Criminally Responsible but only in
very limited circumstances. The Crown has to show the trial judge made a
material legal error in charging the jury, the jury's verdict was perverse
or somehow the decision was a miscarriage of justice. It is not enough that
the decision was wrong - the jury are entitled to be wrong just so long as
they are not perverse.
And that means an appeal in the Kachkar case would likely fail. The trial
judge appears to have given a perfectly acceptable charge. Kachkar's
behaviour, screaming about Chinese technology and... more »
Morning Brew Round Table Discussion on Manifestation Thur Mar 28th at noon EST

Join Gwen Caldwell, who will be hosting a roundtable discussion on Morning
Brew tomorrow with Bob Wright, Seraph G: El (and perhaps other guests)
about energy, frequencies and how to manifest all things in your life which
you desire. Please join us at noon ET morningbrew.webs.com
Mohawk Nation News 'Cyprus'
Posted on March 27, 2013
MNN. Mar. 27, 2013. The theft of the savings
accounts of the people has begun, starting in Cyprus. The bankers “royal
economists” created the current fractional reserve system based on
debt. They are squeezing the people “so tight against their chest that
the people can hardly breathe”. [Dekanawida].
So who are these bankers that presume
Jim Carrey's "Cold Dead Hand"
Cold Dead Hand with Jim Carrey from Jim Carrey
Quote of the Day, 3: Post-Cyprus
“You cannot dick around with money on this scale unless you know what
you’re doing. To suggest that the bail-in legislation is a problem [only]
for the periphery and uninsured depositors is to say that the fire is
downstairs… [We have rank amateurs playing a high-stakes game without
understanding either the rules or what’s at stake. Maybe our masters have
plans for a controlled detonation of a massively complex and unstable
system. But I see damn all evidence of that. Instead we appear to have a
group of under-qualified provincial politicians who, having been badly
mauled by a hou... more »
If Supreme Court justices are really concerned about standing, make Paul Clement give back the BLAG-pilfered millions or make "Sunny John" Boehner pay it all back
*The New York Times's Marcus Mabry talks to reporter John Schwartz about
the Supreme Court's consecutive days of hearings on marriage-equality
issues -- California's Prop 8 yesterday, DOMA today.*
*by Ken*
Court-watchers stress that we mustn't make assumptions about Supreme Court
justices' ultimate decisions from the questions they ask during oral
arguments. But nobody seems to question that:
(1) Yesterday the justices showed reluctance to take bold action in the
appeal to save California's homo-hating Prop 8. What some of of those
court-watchers conveniently forget is that the Ro... more »
Dr. Jon Saphier and the Lie That Keeps on Paying Off for His Company
Massachusetts is just one state that has approved Jon Saphier as a licensed
vendor to peddle his "Research for Better Teaching" (RBT) to teachers and
school leaders across the state. Saphier's consultants, in fact, are in
action tomorrow in at the RBT Conference Center in Acton, MA. Big bucks.
At the tap root of Saphier's expensive advice is a very old and withered
lie that Saphier keeps alive, told so often by Saphier, himself, that it is
impossible to know if he has come to actually believe it. From the preface
of The Skillful Teacher . . . (2008):
Of all the things that matter... more »
Quote of the Day, 2: “…the puritans are after the drinkers and eaters…”
“Everybody needs somebody to hate, after all. The smokers are sufficiently
marginalised, so now the puritans are after the drinkers and eaters. Can
you spot the epicurean persecution yet?”
- Will de Cleene, “Fat Fucks Burn Better on a Righteous Pyre”
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Quote of the Day, 1: "Opposition to same-sex marriage is..."
"Opposition to same-sex marriage is a continuation of a long-term cognitive
dissonance that has infected my political party, the Republican Party. In
my view, we can't be the party of self-determination—and then tell people
who they can, and can't, legally spend their lives with."
- Reed Galen, “Gay Marriage: Freedom Should Be Central Issue”
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
American Nationalist Association on Christianity, Religion, and Spirituality
*As an Association concerned primarily with developing and advancing the
interests of White European-derived Americans, honoring and defending the
dignity and integrity of our ancestors, and otherwise championing our
people, culture, heritage, and history, the American Nationalist
Association views an individual's religious and spiritual perspectives, or
lack thereof, as a private matter that need not be interjected into the
official business of the Association.*
**The ANA has a healthy respect for the Christian faith, and recognizes its
central role in the development and advancem... more »
Haslam and Insurance Execs Hold 150,000 Poor Tennesseans Hostage
At stake for the greedy bastards who made and control Bill Haslam? A
billion dollars in Medicaid that these corporate socialists want to turn
into private insurance premiums, rather than offering the poorest
Tennesseeans healthcare under the state TennCare program. From the *
NASHVILLE — Gov. Bill Haslam told the General Assembly today that he is
rejecting an expansion of Medicaid for now because the federal government
has not agreed to some aspects of a “Tennessee plan” that involves using
federal money to buy private insurance.
“A pure expansion of medicaid, expan... more »
Muslim staff escape NHS hygiene rule - Telegraph
'Muslim doctors and nurses are to be allowed to opt out of strict hygiene
rules introduced by the NHS to restrict the spread of hospital superbugs.
Female staff who follow the Islamic faith will be allowed to cover their
arms to preserve their modesty despite earlier guidance that all staff
should be "bare below the elbow".:
More here in The Telegraph.
What's more important to the patient hygiene or the religious requirements
of the Muslim health workers?
Are we sufficiently dhimmified yet?
Evidencia de FBI, Gov tiene Ovnis,

The subject:
"An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying
saucers had been recovered in New Mexico," Hottel writes. "They were
described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50
feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but
only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each
body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed
fliers and test pilots.”
Lo que sigue es una trducion de la carta arriva....
Ofic... more »
Is the right to life right?
*Guest post by Terry Verhoeven*
Just a fortnight after making an historic fourteen hour
filibuster-for-liberty speech, Jekyll-and-Hyde Senator and 2016
Presidential Contender Randal Paul last week showed his other side when he
introduced to the US Senate his Life At Conception Act (hereafter the 'Life
Con Act''), an abominable rights-infringing piece of legislation that aims
to "define life at conception in law, as a scientific statement" (according
to Paul's website).
If passed, the Life Con Act would have the effect of transforming, by
decree, hundreds of tho... more »
Sirena en medio del oceano

[image: Sirena en medio del oceano]
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Santuario de mariposas monarca

[image: Santuario de mariposas monarcas]
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Perrito descansando entre las flores del campo

[image: Perrito descansando entre las flores del campo]
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Orilla de la playa rocosa

[image: Orilla de la playa rocosa]
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Imágenes bonitas de árboles

[image: Imágenes bonitas de árboles]
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Hermoso amanecer en el mar
[image: Hermoso amanecer en el mar]
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Bello arreglo floral con tulipanes de colores

[image: Bello arreglo floral con tulipanes de colores]
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Two state solution still the pretend aim?

I saw this poster on Twitter, thanks to @kamelhawwash.
Note the map on the poster...Two state solution the aim or one Muslim state?
Here’s the note from our friends at the Auckland University Economics Group
about their meeting tonight:
Hi everyone,
This week, due to Easter, we will be watching and discussing a documentary
about some of the most prominent economic ideas in the past decade, and
their significance.
Date: Thursday, 28th March
Time: 6pm
* Location: Room 215, Level Two, Business School*
As always, all are welcome to attend.
Look forward to seeing you there.
Check us out on the web at our Facebook Group.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
... more »
Clearer Evidence of Smoke?
How to build a big gun with a 3D printer
Should probably have titled this one, "Smart kid kills the world" because
this kid seems a little crazy to me. But that aside I've been trying to
visualize how this 3D printer thing works. I've seen dozens of stories
about how they're using this technology to build everything from spare body
parts to automatic weaponry. Now thanks to Roger Ebert at least I
understand, "How to print out a firearm in the comfort of your own home."
Calling it printing is somewhat deceiving. It's more like you design it in
3D and then build the model from the specs with a fairly simple machine.
They... more »
Chellis Glendinning : Confessions of an Obituary 'Aficionada'
Astaire: Bidding adieu.
Witness to notable crossings:
Confessions of an obituary aficionada
Brimming with Mississippi gentility and rousing political arguments, he
drew me into the swirl of mad farmers, musicians, historians, sheep
herders, and political philosophers who were demanding that the state of
Vermont secede from the United States of America.
By Chellis Glendinning / Wild
Satire: “Scalia Furious He Has To Hear About Gay Couples All Week”
*“Scalia Furious He Has To Hear About Gay Couples All Week”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “In an outburst that shocked many
onlookers at the Supreme Court today, Justice Antonin Scalia said that it
made him “angry beyond belief” that he had to listen to people talking
about gay couples all week. As Justice Anthony Kennedy questioned whether
it was appropriate for the Court to hear a case about same-sex marriage at
this time, Mr. Scalia stunned observers with an emotional outburst. “O.K.,
could we just stop talking about this stuff right now?” Justice Scali... more »
Such short memories...

The reason is that Israel is not the problem, Jews are the problem.
The Steersman, or Ars 0 1
(Audio Link, 2:45)
*Ars* 0 1
by Doug Storm
In fact it's possible to interpret
information carried by a message
as essentially the negation of
its entropy and the negation log
of its probability; more probable
less illuminating.
Governing by
recent amps out of context I embraced
ordering whole fields while straining after
complexities; constrained inventiveness,
steering others toward incidental
accidents: definition's qualities
positively derivative.
are given: you are sent for by command
proc... more »
What Happened To The Class Of Rahm? Will The Class of Israel Follow Them Down The Toilet?

The Democrat voting most consistently with Boehner & Cantor-- Ann, again!
Rahm Emanuel took over the DCCC in 2006 and ran it that year and in 2008,
the two cycles when voters were repulsed by right-wing extremism and
overreach compliments of George W. Bush, Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff and their
cronies. Emanuel and his sidekick Steny Hoyer went out and recruited a pack
of conservative corporate whores and drove as many progressives out of
races as they could. But they picked up 31 seats in 2006 and a net of 21
more in 2008. So where are they now? We'll start with the 2006 batch:
*•* Ha... more »
Or Could You Do That On Television?

On today's episode of *The Pretty Good Podcast* the gang looks back at the
TV shows and toys that were staples of their childhood. One of the shows
mentioned was a significant staple of my childhood, the Canadian made
Nickelodeon show *You Can't Do That on Television*.
This crudely edited montage shows the abuse that Christine "Moose" McGlade,
who hosted for seven years and wasn't fat even though they pretended that
she was, took on the show.
It occurs to me that this show was pretty much the same handful of jokes over
and over, which I can kind of get behind. This 2008 mini-docum... more »
Dying Veteran Writes On Behalf Of Thousands As He Tears Into Bush And Cheney In An Open Letter

This is honest. This is important. This is going viral.
Via truthdig.
"A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran
To: George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
From: Tomas Young
I write this letter on the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War on behalf of my
fellow Iraq War veterans. I write this letter on behalf of the 4,488
soldiers and Marines who died in Iraq. I write this letter on behalf of the
hundreds of thousands of veterans who have been wounded and on behalf of
those whose wounds, physical and psychological, have destroyed their lives.
I am one of those gravely... more »
The Times reports a remarkable life!
*Rabbi Schacter at Buchenwald:* We’ve been thinking all day about the
front-page obituary in today’s New York Times.
Margalit Fox recalls the life of Rabbi Herschel Schacter, who died last
week at 95. Rabbi Schacter led a long, distinguished, productive life.
Fox begins her report in 1945, when Schacter entered Buchenwald, the first
Jewish chaplain to enter the camp on the day of its liberation:
FOX (3/27/13): *In Buchenwald that April day, Rabbi Schacter said
afterward, it seemed as though there was no one left alive.* In the camp,
he encountered a you... more »
Tim Johnson
Earlier this week, Tim Johnson announced he won't be running for re-election.
That makes seven announced retirements (five Democrats), along with the two
resignations from John Kerry and Jim DeMint.
Johnson will be 68 by January 2015, so his retirement is another stop
towards a somewhat less aged Senate.
In fact, we already have the three most likely replacements already in
place. Former Governor Mike Rounds (b. 1954) is already running and is the
probable Republican nominee, although we've learned not to count on such
things always working out for the GOP. On the Democratic side,... more »
US At War With Syria? Truth About Cyprus and Why No One Speaks Out About America’s Oligarchs
Our Syrian War William Boardman, Reader Supported News "There were no
official war bulletins about Syria from the White House last week, but the
news is just as official as if there were: the United States is now in war
in Syria." READ MORE Why Does No One Speak of America’s Oligarchs? One of
the striking elements of the demonization of Cyprus was how it was depicted
as a willing
Depositors in the Bank of Cyprus, the biggest bank on the island, will
reportedly lose from 30 to 40 per cent on their holdings above 100,000 euro
as result of a bailout agreement which Cyprus and the troika of
international backers signed on Monday.
RubinReports: What Obama Didn't Say: Peace Requires More than Israeli Willpower
Desperate Christy Clark Liberals Play The Moe Sihota Card
* Wow, breaking news, controversy, shocking explosive news revealed,
travesty of justice, Democracy crushed, the scandal of the year..*
**Breaking news on cknw, number 3 story on their 12:00 noon newscast..*
**Deathblow to the NDP, game-over for Adrian Dix...*
**Alright, *have I got your attention yet, yesterday the Straight Goods
exposed cknw for engaging in blatant yellow journalism, today cknw is at it
again, here`s the startling statement from cknw`s newsroom......"*CKNW has
learned that ex NDP president Moe Sihota is embroiled in controversy down
in Palm Springs....*
T... more »

*David Miliband, whose brother Ed is expected to be the next prime minister
of the UK.*
David Miliband was the UK government minister responsible for the UK spy
service MI6.
Now he is to head the International Rescue Committee (IRC), a charity based
in the USA, with operations in over 40 countries.
The IRC provides "emergency relief, post-conflict development and
resettlement services."
*The IRC is reported to be a CIA front organisation.*
The IRC is "one link in the CIA’s covert network.”
http://www.questia.com/library/84052038/covert-network-progressives-the-international-re... more »
All the dope on DOMA

Day two of marriage equality at SCOTUS. Today my Senator Kay Hagan came out
in support for equality. I appreciate her courage. Even given my
longstanding belief that red state Dems should act like real Democrats and
forget the Blue Dog GOP lite positions, it was just less than a year ago an
anti-equality measure passed in this state. Don't blame her for
Other than that, I don't have much to say about today's arguments. For one
thing I'm superstitious about predictions and as I said before, think it's
pointless to even try. SCOTUS has surprised me more often than not. B... more »
Are your children in government schools?...
*it may be a good idea to listen to this man.*
I shamelessly filched this from The republican Mother who has compiled some
of the best information on home schooling you can find. On her sidebar she
has links to "Books that Make Life Make Sense." Many of these are links
to full books in pdf form like The Underground History of American
In this video, Voddie Baucham, Jr. does about the best job of explaining
why your children should be home schooled. Don't like what the public
schools are teaching - or *not* teaching your children? Then take them
out. Imagine if tom... more »
A new powerful institution, the BRICS joint development bank, is set to
emerge on the international financial arena - that's as the 5th annual
summit of the world's fastest emerging economies has kicked off in South
The leaders of Brazil, Russia, China, India and the host nation this year
are joined by Egypt's president Morsi - who's hoping to book a place in the
club. RT's Alexey Yaroshevsky has more.
"How It Really Is"
The highly educated and literate American public, being fully and
truthfully informed
by their beloved and totally honest and trustworthy main stream media and
consider solutions to the many problems facing the country...
- CP
"It'll Do..."
Deputy Wendell: “It's a mess, ain't it, Sheriff?”
Sheriff Bell: “If it ain't, it'll do till the mess gets here.”
- “No Country For Old Men”
And you'd better believe, the mess is coming...
- CP
Exposing The Race Mixing Agenda
Another great video put together by Kyle Hunt and *Renegade Broadcasting*.
Must watch guys.
“Cyprus Ripe For Revolution, Youth Have No Hope: "They Just Got Rid Of All Our Dreams"
*“Cyprus Ripe For Revolution, Youth Have No Hope:*
*"They Just Got Rid Of All Our Dreams"*
by Tyler Durden
"There is a reason we think of youth unemployment as the 'scariest' thing
in Europe as we have discussed here and here. After a few months of
relative calm, it appears the youth are once again finding their hopes
dashed and are protesting. As Reuters reports, thousands of students and
bank workers protested in the Cypriot capital Nicosia today. "They've just
gotten rid of all our dreams, everything we've worked for, everything we've
achieved up until now, what our parents h... more »
Greg Hunter, Peter Schiff, “Why Leave Extra Money in a Bank?”
*“Why Leave Extra Money in a Bank?”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
"Money manager Peter Schiff says, “Cyprus is a wake-up call for everybody
who has a bank deposit. When you are depositor, you are in fact lending
your money to the bank.” Schiff predicts, “There’s no question banks will
fail. The question is will government do the right thing and allow
depositors to lose money. Or, do the wrong thing and bailout depositors by
printing a bunch of money which, in the long run, means deposits will lose
even more value.” The FDIC has just $33 billion to insure more than $10.8
tr... more »
Karl Denninger, "Cyprus: Once Again, For Those Who Are Sleeping"
*"Cyprus: Once Again, For Those Who Are Sleeping"*
by Karl Denninger
"I know it's considered impolite to repeat yourself but you need to at
times like this because the commentary on the Cyprus situation continues to
miss the mark to the point that it appears to be intentional.
The controls may include a ban on cashing checks and carrying more than
3,000 euros ($3,830) in cash across borders, Phileleftheros reported today,
citing a draft Finance Ministry decree. The measures will last for seven
days from when the decree is published and apply to all accounts and
payments rega... more »
Pay to Play, Peasants!
Stung by recent criticism from public interest groups and editorial
boards that it was operating a bribery-intensive astroturf slush
fund, Organizing for Action has now switched gears in an effort to stay
viable. No more acceptance of anonymous, unlimited corporate money --
officially, that is. In a transparent ploy to deflect attacks of corruption
and elitism, OFA is mounting a brand-new PR offensive to spread the
delusion that regular people are just as important to President Obama as
his millionaire donors. And to prove it, he'll make you a very special
Founding Member of his leg... more »
In case you were wondering why BBC and The Guardian were so keen to attack Boris Johnson
'YouGov said: "New research shows that influential Britons view Boris
Johnson far more positively than the leaders of the three main political
parties. These findings come from YouGov's monthly survey of UK opinion
formers, who are drawn from politics, business, media, academia, NGOs and
the public sector.
The Mayor of London is the only leading politician to gain a strong net
score (+53) when influential Britons were asked how well they believe UK
political leaders are doing in their current roles. Two-thirds (67%) say
Boris Johnson is doing a good job, and only 14% think he is d... more »
Capture from WideAwake
The Real News: Obama Makes Nice Speeches but One Sided Support for Israel Continues
*Photo Source: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa*.
Obama Makes Nice Speeches but One Sided Support for Israel Continues.
Source: The Real News [March 25, 2013]:
Phyllis Bennis: President Obama recognizes injustice and need for two
states but does nothing to pressure Netanyahu to make concessions to
“Privilege generates the communication that the privilege protects. Eliminate the privilege, and the communication disappears”
*1654776 Ontario Limited v.Stewart*, 2013 ONCA 184
The Blue Army Chorus Revolts
The kerfuffle over Warawa's Wank is becoming even more FUN!
Another CON backbencher has been designated attack dog on this and calls
the malcontents 'rogues'.
The Conservatives admit they have “rogues” within their party as one MP
said his colleagues “must suffer the consequences” for their anti-abortion
stance amid the most open show of rebellion under Prime Minister Stephen
Harper to date.
He does have a point. All CON candidates campaigned knowing Harper's
frequently repeated vow 'not to reopen the abortion debate'.
Yet they happily campaigned under the CON banner.
The NatPo... more »
EU Proposes Tighter Rules on Investment Incentives
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Competition is the EU
equivalent of the U.S. Department of Justice Anti-trust Division plus units
for controlling domestic subsidies to industry. According to a new policy
briefing from the European Policies Research Centre at the University of
Strathclyde, DG-Competition has released a draft of new regulations on
"regional aid" (subsidies to firms in poorer regions of the EU) that, among
other things, includes tighter rules on investment incentives.
EU rules on subsidies to business have long fascinated me because they
present a sta... more »
Another green world - some ideas
There will of course be lots more refined ideas out there, but these are
some suggestions that can act as both demands and an means to get people
There should be an urgent house building programme, linked firstly to
available brownfield sites and secondly to a plan for redistributing work
around the country. All building materials to be locally sourced where
possible. Priority should be given to key workers, then to workers in
nearby industries, thus reducing the need and length of communing, reducing
emissions and costs. New houses to be owned by an elected local g... more »
Manufacturing New ACA Myths
Here's how myths get started.
Over the weekend, Alyene Senger at Heritage ran an item called "Obamacare
at Three Years: Increasing Cost Estimates." Her claim:
Over the last three years, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has
revised its cost estimates for Obamacare’s new entitlements—the Medicaid
expansion and exchange subsidies—many times, and they have more than
doubled since 2010.
And she has a chart showing estimated new costs rising from $898 billion in
March 2010 to $1.6 trillion in February 2013. The chart is titled
"Obamacare's New Spending Estimates Keep Rising," and in... more »
Is Tim Johnson's Retirement A Disaster For The Democrats' Chance To Hold The Majority In The Senate?

Last cycle at this time, no one really thought the retirement of Kent
Conrad from the Democratic Senate seat in North Dakota-- a state McCain won
with 53% and Romney won with 58%-- would lead to a new Democratic freshman,
Heidi Heitkamp. But while Obama's 124,966 votes yielded him 38%, Heitkamp
squeaked past Rick Berg 160,752 to 157,758. It was one of the cycle's most
stunning results.
In 2008 South Dakota had the same results as North Dakota-- McCain 53%,
Obama 45%. In 2012, Obama did marginally better in South Dakota than North
Dakota-- 40% as opposed to 38%. But Tim Johnson's a... more »
No Fear

(Re-post from February 29th, 2012)
In order for your dreams to occur – your dreams must become a singular
focus. This life has existed within polarity for so very long, the
navigation of thought out of that focus will require some decided effort. Consistency
is the call. Belief and intent are the process. As a people we are moving
out of polarity and into unity.
This process seemingly divides our thinking, yet what is occurring is a
“culling”. Unity does not mean we will all look, dress and act the same. Unity
is a realization of our Godhood; an acceptance and utilizati... more »
This is why Israel needs secure borders and to search Palestinians
'It's a tiny story; insignificant really, except for those of us with some
imagination... andpersonal experience.
It very likely was not reported at all in the news channels which reach
most of our readers. But it happened, and it has implications.
A Palestinian Arab male (at this stage, no further details) was stopped at
the IDF security checkpoint at Bekaot, south-east of Sh'chem (Nablus) in
the northern Jordan Valley yesterday (Tuesday), the first day of Passover.
The personnel manning the checkpoint found four improvised explosive
devices (IEDs) on him [Times of Israel].
Arm... more »
Joan Walsh goes around the bend!
*The state of the big tribal dumb:* Maureen Dowd saved the best for last.
Dowd’s new column concerns same-sex marriage. Obama came out in favor of
same-sex marriage last year.
Hillary Clinton came out in favor last week.
That said, the modern pseudo-liberal knows only one way to reason. With
that in mind, Dowd saved the best for last.
In an otherwise pedestrian column (at best), she unloaded her bomb at the
DOWD (3/27/13): The fusty legal discussion inside [the Court] was a vivid
contrast with the lusty rally outside. There were some offensive ... more »
Iraq’s Human Rights Committee, An Example of Parliament’s Inability To Oversee The Government

Iraq’s constitution gives wide-ranging powers to the parliament to oversee
the government. It can investigate public offices, question ministers, and
remove them through no confidence votes. The problem is the executive
branch has largely refused to cooperate. A perfect example of that is the
relationship between the human rights committee and the Justice Ministry.
The committee wants to question the Justice Minister, but he refuses. The
committee wants to inspect prisons, but has recently been barred by the
ministry. This shows the difference between what Iraqi law says and how it... more »
The one hundred and eighty second weekly "No shit Sherlock" award
Late in Europe #forex trading: For what it's worth, every trader I have
spoken to says #ECB fighting inevitable #euro collapse @ForexLive -- Robin
Shepherd (@RobinShepherd1)
Euro collapse is inevitable - No shit, Sherlock
Palestinians don’t 'deserve' a State
'Palestinians don't deserve a State because they are not interested in
peace. The use of death and the exaltation of martyrdom remain an axiom
underlying their society. The extent to which terrorists, killers and
criminals are glorified in Gaza, Judea and Samaria is not only the
indicator of a perverted vision of life but it is also a key element in
understanding the pathological way with which Palestinians consider their
relations with Israel. From Hamas' genocidal and destructive claims to the
weekly stone throwing protests, little is done to show that the
Palestinians are willi... more »
United Nations and Palestinians / Israel
That the United Nations has a Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable
Rights of the Palestinian People does suggest that they may not be entirely
unbiased with regard to the Israel / Palestinian conflict.
Source - http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2013/gapal1260.doc.htm
Resistance to High Stakes Testing Blossoming
Compilation by Bob Schaeffer at FairTest:
Parents Agree: Standardized Tests Should Not Have This Much Power
High-Stakes Testing is the new "March Madness"
Arizona House Votes to End Grad Test; Governor Likely to Sign Bill
Texas House Votes to Reduce High-Stakes Testing
http://www.statesman.... more »
Midweek Linkage
Dan Trombly worries about the effectiveness of proxy warfare in Syria.
Drone reconnaissance aids archeology. Chinese missile porn. US policy
toward Bahrain. Did the US once save Hugo Chávez’s life? Colin Dueck thinks
that the US is strategically overextended. Andrew Yeo looks at the NRA and
right-wing social movements. David Kaib riffs on the Portman gay-marriage
Continue reading
Robert H. King responds to Louisiana Attorney General James Caldwell's recent email statement about Albert Woodfox

Many thanks to all of you who have aided our cause and added your voices to
our quest to free Albert from an obviously unjust imprisonment of more than
40 years. Please continue to make your voices heard and your dissent known,
especially in light of the recent email response by Louisiana’s Attorney
General, James “Buddy” Caldwell. One wonders: Why in the face of so many
mitigating facts and circumstances would the Attorney General persist in
his unethical efforts to pursue the persecution of Albert Woodfox and
Herman Wallace? Is it really justice he seeks, or is there something el... more »
Video Examines Citizens' Trust of Government Radiation Data in Japan
The video is embedded in this New York Times article:
‘In Japan, a Portrait of Mistrust’ By ITAI KESHETPublished: March 26,
Two years after a huge earthquake, giant tsunami and nuclear meltdown
ravaged parts of Japan, life has only seemingly returned to normal.
Authorities say that outside the evacuation zone in Fukushima, there is
most a very low amount of radioactive contamination — that everything is
safe. But after the tragedy, many citizen... more »
Gulf War Syndrome, Long Denied, Shown to Have Neurological Basis
War veterans show abnormalities in scans of their brains by Sara
Reardon, New York Times, Tuesday, March 26
Now an imaging study has found that these veterans have what appear to
unique structural changes in the wiring of their brains. This fits with
the scientific
consensus that Gulf War Syndrome, or GWS, is a physical condition rather
than a psychosomatic one and should b... more »
Philippe Cousteau: ‘The ocean can and should be a source of hope and solutions for a brighter future’
[image: Philippe Cousteau and a team of marine conservationists dive off
the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, featured in CNN’s portfolio of
environmental programming, 'Going Green: Oceans'. Photo: CNN]
By Philippe Cousteau, Special to CNN
27 March 2013
(CNN) – My grandfather Jacques Cousteau and my father Philippe dedicated
their lives to revealing the ocean's wonders and helping us understand our
connection to this vast expanse of water. Their work inspired generations
and filled people with awe.
Times have changed and so have circumstances and perceptions about the
ocean. In rec... more »
China Grabs Ecuadorean Amazon for Oil

A team of Ecuadorean politicians is in Beijing. They bring gifts - more
than three million hectares of pristine Amazon rainforest that is to be
auctioned off to Chinese oil companies.
*On Monday morning a group of Ecuadorean politicians pitched bidding
contracts to representatives of Chinese oil companies at a Hilton hotel in
central Beijing, on the fourth leg of a roadshow to publicise the bidding
process. Previous meetings in Ecuador's capital, Quito, and in Houston and
Paris were each confronted with protests by indigenous groups.*
*Attending the roadshow were black-suited repr... more »

I am so happy to see the Idle No More indigenous movement spreading
throughout Canada and the US (and around the world). The native people
understand how to live on Mother Earth - they know the rhythms of the
planet, they don't have to be told how important it is to protect the water
and the air. They deeply acknowledge our (human) connection in the web of
The arrogance of the white civilization has tried to drown the wisdom of
the native people. The white culture, so self-assured and violent, long
ago lost its spiritual connection to the Earth. So-called modern societ... more »
Will Climate Change Drive Britain Back Into Recession?

Britain's Tory government is hoping desperately to avoid a "triple dip"
recession on its watch. The Cameron government eked out a 0.1% growth for
the three months ending March 1st, about as slender a margin as they come.
Recently, however, the British Isles have been plunged into a deep freeze
that researchers are now attributing to atmospheric changes triggered by the
loss of Arctic sea ice. Now it seems the cold snap could plunge Britain
into yet another recession, the "triple dip."
*...amid reports of empty shopping malls, closed schools and factory
shutdowns, analysts said... more »
EPA: More than half of U.S. rivers unsuitable for aquatic life
[image: EPA Index of Watershed Indicators (IWI), percent of imparied waters
in the U.S., 1999. Graphic: EPA]By Ian Simpson
26 March 2013
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Fifty-five percent of U.S. river and stream lengths
were in poor condition for aquatic life, largely under threat from runoff
contaminated by fertilizers, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said
on Tuesday.
High levels of phosphorus and nitrogen, runoff from urban areas, shrinking
ground cover, and pollution from mercury and bacteria were putting the 1.2
million miles of streams and rivers surveyed under stress, the ... more »
U.S. Congress environment committee chair denies climate science
[image: Utah Rep. Chris Stewart, among the skeptics of climate change
science and President Barack Obama’s attempts to use federal regulations to
curb carbon emissions, is the new chairman of the House environmental
subcommittee charged with overseeing the politically charged debate. Photo:
Scott Sommerdorf / Salt Lake Tribune]
By Matt Canham
19 March 2013
WASHINGTON (The Salt Lake Tribune) – Count Utah Rep. Chris Stewart among
the skeptics of climate change science and President Barack Obama’s
attempts to use federal regulations to curb carbon emissions.
That position puts fres... more »
Texas drought: Don’t tread on our green grass – ‘They grow the grass with free Colorado River water and sell it to us, and then tell us not to water it’
[image: A dry riverbed in Texas with stranded docks, 17 August 2011. Photo:
23 March 2013
(The New York Times) – In big Texas cities, the state’s water shortage can
seem like someone else’s problem.
Drought has been in the news a long time, but rates haven’t gone up. Water
still comes out when you turn on the tap. The golf courses are still green,
and so are the lawns.
Some places do have restrictions; the state keeps a long list of them. El
Paso residents pay fines if the sprinklers in their front yards
accidentally water the streets. Austin ... more »
Aaron Cheng - Leap Motion holographic desktop design
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 1 day ago
Link: http://youtu.be/XbVNUImVq-g
"Give me a platform, I will amaze the world" says top-designer Aaron Cheng.
Is Windows Blue, Linux Ubuntu or Apple's OSX too familiar and much of the
same, this is different. Yet, there are a lot of technical issues to
resolve. It's a design concept, but with quite interesting aspects.
However, nothing for mobiles I suppose...
The one hundred and eighty first weekly "No shit Sherlock" award
The Human Rights Act has become an umbrella protecting foreign terrorists
and criminal suspects from facing justice in their own countries -- Nigel
Farage (@Nigel_Farage)
The Human Rights Act protects foreign terrorists and criminal suspects - No
shit, Sherlock
Archbishop Wenski and Pope Francis
Archbishop Wenski has always been a strong supporter of Haiti. Here are his
words on our new pope.
THE ROAD TO IRAQ: Christopher Matthews, begging for war!
*Part 3—A hot yellow river ran down it*: Was Chris Matthews “a lonely
voice” opposing the onrushing war in Iraq?
That’s the story you’re now being sold on The One True Liberal Channel.
That said, many false or bogus tales have been peddled concerning the war
in Iraq.
Is *this* story accurate?
Let’s start with an interview Joan Walsh published on February 14, 2003—on
Valentine’s Day, no less.
Walsh had interviewed Matthews that week for the long piece in Salon. She
wasn’t yet a Hardball star. Years of ass-kissing lay ahead, producing that
happy outcome... more »
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