TV Watch: Is there anything "Shameless"'s Frank Gallagher won't do if he's paid? (Not that we know of)
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 21 minutes ago

*"Apparently, I've caused a ruckus because I said that gay folks deserve
certain . . . civil rights. Rights that the breeders don't want to bestow
upon me. [Chortles]" Watch this great clip from last week's episode of
Shameless -- Frank Gallagher as impassioned gay-rights crusader -- here. (I
had it successfully embedded but discovered that then I couldn't have any
line breaks in the post. Sigh. I thnk someone should be shot, but then,
nobody asked my opinion.)*
*by Ken*
What? Is Frank Gallagher gay? This drunken galoot with six children (that
we know about), who'll nail any wom... more »
Frithjof Schuon On Dogmatic Exoterism
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 35 minutes ago
Below is an excerpt from Frithjof Schuon's 1989 book, *"In the Face of the
Absolute."* World Wisdom Books: Bloomington, Indiana. Pg. 21-22.
Dogmatic exoterism, as we have mentioned more than once, exhibits
providential limitations determined by its mission and thus by its reason
for being. To begin with, it excludes the idea of universal relativity ---
of *Maya* --- and therefore is unaware of the diverse and at times
antinomic aspects of things, as well as of the points of view which take
them into account; this amounts to saying that it identifies itself with a
particular point... more »
19 Imágenes bonitas de figuras abstractas
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 41 minutes ago

Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
ALEC-er Inhofe - PROUD to Be Climate Denier
2old2care at Because I Can - 44 minutes ago

From HuffPo
Sen. James Inhofe is taking criticism of his climate change denial as a
The Oklahoma Republican is one of the central targets in the newly released
climate change documentary "Greedy Lying Bastards," which examines attempts
by the fossil fuel industry to thwart emissions standards and mispresent
the facts in the face of changing global climate conditions. The film airs
Friday at a special screening in Tulsa, Okla.
"I was not surprised to see myself front and center on the promotional
material for this climate change movie," he told the Tulsa World, "and
... more »
ALEC-er - "Good to oppose the black guy in the White House"
2old2care at Because I Can - 1 hour ago
*The politics are going to overwhelm the policy.*
*It is good politics *
*to oppose the black guy in the White House right now, *
*especially for the Republican Party*.
South Carolina
Representative Kris Crawford
From the South Carolina Campaign Finance Webpage
Individual Reports
Candidate Campaign Disclosure
2012, October 10th, Pre-Election Report
Candidate: *Crawford, Kristopher R*
Position Sought: State House Representative
District/Locale: 63
Election Type: General
Election Date... more »
The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
Spofford, New Hampshire, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Now You Know Why Cyprus Has No 2nd Amendment" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
*"Now You Know Why Cyprus Has No 2nd Amendment"*
by Karl Denninger
"Because if they did... With banks confiscating up to *80* *percent* of
uninsured deposits over 100,000 euros ($130,000) and the country facing a
deep economic crisis, Cyprus has forgiven loans to politicians and
companies while others are generally being required to pay in full, media
reports said, setting off fury on the island country. The Greek newspaper
Ethnos and the website said that loans to Members of Parliament
from the three major political parties and other officials in the public
adminis... more »
The Terrorists In Our Government, Banks, & Mainstream Media Are At It Again, On Several Fronts
Big Dan at Big Dan's Big Blog - 1 hour ago

*By the very definition of "TERRORISM", our government, banksters, &
mainstream media are "TERRORISTS" based on their consistent non-stop
terrorist actions against the American people and undermining of the
*CYPRUS and how it affects US:*
*Think Your Money is Safe? Think Again: The Confiscation Scheme Planned for
US and UK Depositors. Confiscating the customer deposits in Cyprus banks
was not a one-off. It could happen here.*
*Customer Deposits Are Property of the Bank: Close Your Account NOW*
*When You Weren’t Looking, Democrat Bank Stooges Launch Bills to Permit ... more »
March 30, 1973
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 1 hour ago
It's a travel day: Nixon, Haldeman, and Ehrlichman are off to the Pacific
White House. Which means, alas, no more tapes during the following week.
Before they leave, however, we do get Nixon and Haldeman talking. And
elsewhere, it's a very busy day.
Jeb Magruder spends the day chasing after his former assistant, Robert
Reisner, who he now learns from the Washington Post has been subpoenaed by
the Ervin Committee. Alas for him and them all, to no effect. Reisner, by
the way, checks in during the day with Fred Fielding, who works under Dean
at the White House -- and Fielding, accordin... more »
google, what have you got against choice?
laura k at wmtc - 1 hour ago
Google is losing a lot of friends lately. Their recent decisions to discontinue
iGoogle and Reader are making many people unhappy. Today, to the great
dismay of many Gmail users, Gmail's new compose interface - a small box in
the corner of your screen - became the default. Google says the previous
compose style - the more typical large box in the centre of your screen -
will be discontinued.
Why not give us options? If some people like to compose an email in a small
box in the corner of their screen, that's grand. They can. And if other
people prefer to compose an email in as ... more »
Everything I know, I learned from Mayberry
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 2 hours ago

Don't often pass on facebook memes and I'm reasonably sure that is not Opie
in the photoshop but this is, as the cool kidz say, well played.
Sulfur Is For Republicans Rotting In Hell, Not For Normal People Breathing Here On Earth
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago

Friday morning we were wondering who would be picking up the tab for damage
from earthquakes caused by fracking if Big Oil & Gas won't. Well, the same
people who pick up the tab for all pollution caused in the pursuit of
private profits-- the tax payers. So that same morning when I heard some
GOP shill on the radio whining how forcing Big Oil to reduce sulfur
emissions from their gasoline would increase the companies' costs, I
couldn't help but think about the billions of dollars in healthcare costs
from gasoline pollution and who pays those costs. The reason he was on the
radio m... more »
The UK's future in Europe
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 3 hours ago
[image: Image for 2]
As a fairly regular listener (for over a quarter of a century) to Radio 4's
*The World Tonight* I often find myself viewing its homepage. For several
weeks now, prominently positioned just beneath its 'Latest episode' link,
the homepage has been showcasing one particular edition of the programme,
from last December:
The UK's future in Europe
Can the UK prosper outside Europe and can Europe prosper without the UK?
I presume the reason for featuring this special edition so prominently and
for so long must be because they are especially proud of it and think it
re... more »
Delmarva Peninsula residents must come to terms with sea level rise
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 3 hours ago
[image: This house, which is now completely underwater, was once inhabited
and on dry land. Rising sea level is a reality that many who live in
coastal areas will have to come to terms with in the near future. Photo:
Delmarva Now]
29 March 2013 (DelmarvaNow) – Last October’s Hurricane Sandy was a costly
affair for Somerset County, hitting Crisfield residents especially hard,
with flood waters up to 5 feet deep that destroyed property and in the
aftermath, shook the town’s economic and physical foundations.
There was little time to escape rapidly rising waters as the storm swept
a... more »
Holy Saturday Night in Haiti
John Carroll at Dying in Haiti - 3 hours ago
Sleeping with Mitral Stenosis in Port-au-Prince
(Photo by John Carroll, March 30, 2013)This is how Marie has been trying to
sleep for months. She cannot lie down because she cannot breathe.
Her exam today revealed a very tight mitral valve. The tissue is scarred
down and does not let blood normally drain into her left ventricle which is
her main pumping chamber. And fluid ends up in her lungs which has caused
her right ventricle to become overloaded. And this causes fluid to engorge
her liver and causes her abdomen to be painful.
And untreated strep throat caused all of this when Mar... more »
Warburg, Benjamin and the Archives of Outsider Art
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 3 hours ago
*Wikipedia: *
Abraham Moritz Warburg, known as Aby Warburg (June 13, 1866 – October 26,
1929), was a German art historian and cultural theorist who founded a
private Library for Cultural Studies, the Kulturwissenschaftliche
Bibliothek Warburg, later Warburg Institute. At the heart of his research
was the legacy of the Classical World, and the transmission of classical
representation, in the most varied areas of western culture through to the
He suffered from depression and symptoms of schizophrenia, and was
hospitalized in Ludwig Binswanger's neurological clinic in ... more »
5 Creative Ways to Decorate an Easter Egg and Creative Linkup
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 4 hours ago

This year I promised my 4-year-old some awesome dyed eggs, but in the wake
of my 4-year-old's recent illness, I almost completely forgot about Easter.
To make up for me not being on top of my game, I told her we could try out
lots of different ways to decorate eggs. These are the ones we want to try.
Chalkboard Eggs from Mom.Me. Seriously what kid wouldn't love these?
Glittered Eggs from Martha Stewart. Hello glitter!
Rubber Cement Dyed Eggs from Crap I've Made. These are the eggs my
4-year-old is most excited about. They look awesome.
DIY Marbleized Eggs from Camille Styles... more »
"Eternal Enemies..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
"Liberty and democracy are eternal enemies, and every one knows it who has
ever given any sober reflection to the matter. A democratic state may
profess to venerate the name, and even pass laws making it officially
sacred, but it simply cannot tolerate the thing. In order to keep any
coherence in the governmental process, to prevent the wildest anarchy in
thought and act, the government must put limits upon the free play of
opinion. In part, it can reach that end by mere propaganda, by the bald
force of its authority — that is, by making certain doctrines officially
infamous. But i... more »
World Must Unite Against US-Saudi-Israeli Proxy War in Syria
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 5 hours ago

- US, Saudi Arabia, and Israel have conspired to destroy Syria by way of
arming sectarian extremists since 2007.
- The West now admits it, along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have
provided thousands of tons of weapons to militants in Syria - while also
conceding that Al Qaeda's Syrian franchise, Jabhat al-Nusra is the best
armed, most well equipped militant front in the conflict.
- US, Saudi, Israeli-backed terrorists are now committing a myriad of
horrific atrocities against all of Syria's population, including Sunni
Muslims - meaning neither "democrac... more »
“Agency of Fear: The FBI's Bomb Factory” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*“Agency of Fear: The FBI's Bomb Factory”*
by Jeffrey St. Clair
“It’s nearing dusk on November 26, 2010. More than 25,000 people have
gathered in a light rain at Pioneer Square in downtown Portland, Oregon to
watch the annual lighting of the holiday tree, a 100-foot-tall Douglas-fir
logged from the Willamette National Forest. Three men in a nearby hotel
room have just finished eating a take-out pizza. The TV turned to a local
news channel, which is covering holiday celebration. The men spread towels
on the floor and say an Islamic prayer, asking that Allah bless their
operatio... more »
The Long-run Budget Path
Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 5 hours ago

Click here to ready my column in Sunday's *NY Times*.
Clean up begins for Mayflower, Arkansas Oil Spill
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 6 hours ago
Amy Hancock
It was a rough start to the Easter holiday weekend after an oil spill
struck in Mayflower. Authorities said as many as 40 homes had to be
evacuated Friday afternoon.
Mayflower Police Chief Robert Satkowski said that the evacuations will
remain in effect over-night. The chief also stated that it's too early to
say how much oil spilled, but crews have prevented it from getting into
Lake Conway. That was a big concern all day; the work ahead will focus on
clean-up around the affected areas in town.
"So that is a pipeline that has busted and has flooded the neighbor... more »
The Leveretts Use Logic And Reason To Combat Irrational Foes of An American-Iranian Peace Deal
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 6 hours ago
Read, *"Up For Debate: Do Insiders or Outsiders Have the Clearer View of
Iran?"* by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett.
The article is a response to a review of their highly praised book, *"Going
to Tehran: Why the United States Must Come to Terms with the Islamic
Republic of Iran,"* by historian and author Abbas Milani called, *"The
American Voices of the Islamist Regime in Iran: Two Former U.S. Officials
Make the Case for Accommodation."* Milani is a research fellow and
co-director of the Iran Democracy Project at Stanford University's Hoover
The Leveretts are ... more »
“You Have the Right to Remain Silent, But…” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*“You Have the Right to Remain Silent, But…”*
by Dave Lindorff
“Willie James Sauls is unlikely to see the outside of a prison. Last fall
a court in the state of Texas sentenced this 37-year-old man to 45 years in
jail. His crime: he snatched the purse from an old woman.
In Norway, meanwhile, a court sentenced Anders Behring Breivik, a
right-wing racist who slaughtered 77 people, mostly teenagers, and injured
several hundred, to 21 years in prison, with an option for that detention
to be extended by five-year increments if he is determined to be still
dangerous. Otherwise, th... more »
Busted! Proof of HAARP! Satellite Imaging Shows Coil Wave over Prince Edward Islands [Indian Ocean not Canada]..
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 6 hours ago
Reblogged from:
*Busted! Proof of HAARP! Satellite Imaging Shows Coil Wave over Prince
Edward Islands..*
Posted By: Jordon
Date: Saturday, 30-Mar-2013 15:00:17
The images from march 26th 2013 show a Huge Coil , Spiral Wave like Feature
coming from the Prince Edward Islands ! Amazing Proof of Weather
Modification ! NASA Pictures showing the effects of TTA'S and HAARP !
Weird Cloud ‘Coils’ Captured by Earth-Observing Satellite
These are some of the strang... more »
Bowie Keeps Swinging
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago

Early in the 70s I washed up in Amsterdam, after a couple years of
wandering down the Hippie Trail across Asia and back. I didn't have a dime
to my name and no reason to go back to America, which was still
systematically destroying Vietnam under Richard Nixon. Necessity created an
ascetic and I got a job at the Kosmos, Amsterdam's meditation center. I ate
brown rice and vegetables for 4 years and lived... modestly. It was also
the time I was slowly coming to realize I was gay. I had another set of
friends besides the meditation center crowd. They were some American and
British ex... more »
Freedom of speech in Palestinian Territories
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 7 hours ago
'A Palestinian man who clicked "Like" on a Facebook status criticizing a
Palestinian Authority official has been sentenced to six months in prison.
Anas Ismail, 29, of Salfit, near Nablus, was found guilty of "libel and
More here
Sweet charity
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 7 hours ago

I didn't find this at all surprising. Anybody who has ever worked in the
restaurant/hospitality industry knows the rich are tightwads. Indeed the
richer the are, the stingier they are with tips. So it goes with charitable
One of the most surprising, and perhaps confounding, facts of charity in
America is that the people who can least afford to give are the ones who
donate the greatest percentage of their income. In 2011, the wealthiest
Americans—those with earnings in the top 20 percent—contributed on average
1.3 percent of their income to charity. By comparison, Americans ... more »
Washington Post: Texas wants its gold back! Wait, what?
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 7 hours ago

Gold at the New York Fed. (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
*Thanks Deva for posting this. First thought that popped in my head was is
this a move by the "Texas Camp" to keep themselves going? Gold increases
in value as the dollar decreases, other wise its just a commodity... -AK*
* *Texas wants its gold back! Wait, what?*
Posted by Neil Irwin on March 26, 2013 at 10:58 am
Texas has generally been at the front of the pack of a certain variety of
uber-hawkish, vaguely paranoid monetary... more »
New Site Announcement -- Understanding the OPPT
Brian Kelly at AMERICAN KABUKI - 7 hours ago

*Understanding The One People's Public Trust -- A Beginner's Guide to the
Link to the site:
There are still many out there who have not yet been exposed to the OPPT.
While I do believe we are approaching a time where ALL the actions that
have taken place will be brought into the light for all BE'ings to see and
know, I still think it's important to have dedicated sites such as this
one, available as a resource for those who are looking for answers to
questions which have and will continue to surface. A BIG thank you to Tom ... more »
There are 70 conflicts worldwide, so why do we focus on just one? | Irish Examiner
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 8 hours ago
' The same could be said about Chechnya. The Russians have just announced
the end of their "counter-terrorism" operation. There are no solid figures
for the number of civilians killed since the second war began there in late
1999, but estimates range anywhere between 25,000 and 200,000.
Put that in context. Israel might be geographically small – smaller than
Munster – but in population terms Chechnya is absolutely tiny. A region
with a little more than one million inhabitants has seen anything up to
one-fifth of its civilian population killed in two decades of war. And one
school... more »
Tom Flanagan's Too Brief Exile
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 8 hours ago
Consider Tom Flanagan rehabilitated. All it took was a dead premier to
get him back in the public eye. That and the Globe & Mail.
On the occasion of the passing of Ralph Klein, the G&M is running a testimonial
from Tom Flanagan:
*All politicians say they went into public life “to make a difference.”
Ralph Klein actually did make a difference. He showed Alberta – and Canada
– how to deal with runaway deficits and public debt.*
*The Klein model was a steroidal version of short-term pain for long-term
gain. Rather than just level off the growth in spending, he made deep
actual red... more »
The World Should Consider North Korea As Dangerous And Deranged, Now Threatening Others In The Global Community ...
leftdog at Buckdog - 8 hours ago

*I don't think it's wise to ignore the political lunacy spewing from North
Korea this week. They are isolated and paranoid. Their rigid
ideology leaves them reacting to everything with confrontation and threats
of violence. *
*Like an armed crazy person making threats in a public place, North Korea
should be considered as potentially dangerous to the world community.
Personally, I think that North Korea could go over the edge with this
nonsense. They would probably consider it courageous and glorious! *
*It's time for the People's Republic of China to instruct North Korea to
to... more »
NC GOP attacks voting rights
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 8 hours ago
Suppressing the (Democratic) vote has been an ongoing effort since the
idiot GOPers took over our statehouse and they're not letting up for a
minute. Not content to trust their extreme gerrymandering of the districts,
which went as far as to split a college campus down the middle, the GOP's
latest assault on voting rights is going for the ALEC approved attack on
voting access. They're double teaming this one:
Senate Bill 428, filed by Sen. Jerry Tillman, R-Randolph, would cut the
early voting period from two weeks to one and would eliminate same-day
voter registration.
House Bill... more »
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 8 hours ago

Reblogged from:
March 30th, 2013
Killing Joke - European Super State from Digital Beast on Vimeo.
Via: Reuters:
Big depositors in Cyprus’s largest bank stand to lose far more than
initially feared under a European Union rescue package to save the island
from bankruptcy, a source with direct knowledge of the terms said on Friday.
Under conditions expected to be announced on Saturday, depositors in... more »
Yale Journal of Economics
Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 9 hours ago

Students at Yale have started a new journal, called the Yale Journal of
Economics, which aims to publish the best undergraduate papers, not just
from Yale, but from any school. Click on the link to read the first issue
or to find out how to submit. The editors hope professors will encourage
their students who write noteworthy papers to send them in.
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being the featured speaker at the event
where the inaugural issue was released. Below is a picture of me with the
new journal's editorial board after a dinner at Mory's, the classic Yale
eating establis... more »
Sea Lion Deaths
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 9 hours ago
*Enenews ‘Federal gov’t declares rare Unusual Mortality Event in So.
California — 70% of all newborn sea lions may be dying — Testing for
toxins, infectious agents (VIDEO)’ (2013, March 28), *
here: I'm so saddened by the sea-lion deaths. I love sea-lions. I
grew up mostly on the north California coast and then went to college at
San Diego State. I love the pelicans, sea-gulls, and sea-lions. I also
the hermit crabs.
Last summer ... more »
What Mattered This Week?
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 10 hours ago
It was sort of this week, sort of not, but I'll make a mention here of all
of the implementation fights on the Affordable Care Act: they certainly
I'll go with North Korea again in the "doesn't matter" category.
I'm not sure what to do with the SCOTUS hearings on marriage, so I'll leave
it to you.
And beyond that, I've probably missed stuff...what do you think? What do
you think mattered this week?
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 10 hours ago

*Solidarity action with Guantanamo hunger strikers at Times Sq. in NYC last
- On Sunday, March 24 human rights activists throughout the US
(including NYC, Chicago, Ohio) began a seven day fast and series of actions
in solidarity with the men currently on hunger strike at the US prison in
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The US Navy now reports that three hunger strikers
have been hospitalized and that ten are being force fed — a practice
condemned by human rights organizations and used in efforts to “break”
prior hunger strikes at Guantanamo. Some hunger striker... more »
Never Quit Living Life
Mark Daniels at GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING - 10 hours ago
Never Quit Living Life
5 months after his stroke and brain bleed, our father Captain Gerard
Petroni could not eat, speak or walk. Placing a piece of paper before him,
our family asked, if he could write us anything, what would he write. With
a struggling hard pressed hand Gerard wrote the words: NEVER QUIT.
Inspired by Capt. Gerard Petroni's passion for Living Life, NEVER QUIT is a
powerful and spirited story about Love, Health, Determination and the NEVER
QUIT attitude that lives in all of us. Through healthy life choices and a
NEVER QUIT attitude, we can overcome all obstacles a... more »
Your moment of Zen
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 10 hours ago

Moon hovers near Chrysler Building at sunrise. Inga Sarda-Sorenson photo:
[Click to embiggen]
Climate change is here, ready or not. So what now?
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 10 hours ago
[image: A parking lot full of yellow cabs is flooded as a result of
Hurricane Sandy in Hoboken, New Jersey. Photo: Charles Sykes / AP]
By Eugene Linden
30 March 2013
(US NEWS) – Welcome to a warmer, wilder world! We need to stop debating and
start accepting that climate change is happening. Eugene Linden on how
adaptation and market forces (hint: insurance companies) might temper the
coming catastrophe.
To paraphrase Hemingway, climate change first comes gradually and then all
at once. Now that the negative impacts of changing climate have become
undeniable, there is also a da... more »
Colony collapse disorder expanded drastically in 2012 – Bee death rate ‘much higher than it’s ever been’
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 10 hours ago
[image: Beekeepers with Big Sky Honey worked with hives used to pollinate
almond groves in Bakersfield, California. A mysterious malady that has been
killing honeybees en masse for several years appears to have expanded
drastically in 2012, commercial beekeepers say, wiping out 40 percent or
even 50 percent of the hives needed to pollinate many of the nation’s
fruits and vegetables. Photo: Jim Wilson / The New York Times]
28 March 2013
BAKERSFIELD, California (The New York Times) – A mysterious malady that has
been killing honeybees en masse for several years app... more »
Putting America's "Wars of Choice" in Perspective
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 11 hours ago

America, land of the formerly free and home of the lamentably broke.
A recent Harvard study estimated the costs of America's wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq at at least $4-trillion and likely closer to $6-trillion.
That's six trillion taxpayer dollars, a mountain of money that has been
essentially borrowed which makes it an ever-growing mountain of debt.
In an era in which politicians find it advantageous to insulate the voting
public from the true costs of their leaders' adventures, amounts like this
are almost impossible to grasp. It's understandable that *America's pols
prefer th... more »
Attitude Toward Teaching
Douglas Storm at Schools Matter - 11 hours ago
Put a check mark (✓) if you agree with the statement.
Put a cross (X) if you disagree with the statement.
Form A
1. To strive to teach well is to pattern after Christ, who was the Master
Teacher. There can be no higher calling.
3. Teachers are the nation's leaders.
5. Teaching develops the mind.
8. Dealing with youth tends to keep a teacher young, alert, and active.
12. Teaching requires more intelligence than most professions.
15. Teachers are the molders of society.
16. Teachers do very well considering the small amount of co-operation
they get from school boards.
19. Teachers are f... more »
Will South Carolina Republicans Vote Strategically Tuesday?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago

Sanford's not even good enough for these two charlatans
Ole Man-on-Dog Santorum was down in South Carolina's first congressional
district all last week, campaigning for little known former Charleston city
councilman Curtis Bostic, who came in a distant second (with 13%) in the
Republican primary and will face off against former Governor/former
Congressman Mark Sanford (37%). More accurately, of course, is that
Santorum was down in South Carolina campaigning against Sanford. I doubt
Santorum gives a damn that Sanford was caught cheating on his wife-- in a
spectacular, scandalous way--... more »
Cyprus Middle Class Targeted in EU Bank Heist
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 11 hours ago
Cyprus Middle Class Targeted in EU Bank Heist. YouTube Video Description -
[Channel: TheAlexJonesChannel. Uploaded on March 30, 2013]:
While savings accounts containing under €100,000 will remain untouched,
those who have scrimped and saved all their lives to amass a relatively
modest sum of anything over that amount face a "haircut" amounting to
almost half of their wealth.
While the initial plan to take 9.9% of savings over €100,000 was met with
protests and widespread fury, the media is characterizing the new deal as a
huge victory worthy of celebration, without asking the key q... more »
Moccasins on the Ground: Protecting Lakota generations from TransCanada tarsands pipeline at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
Debra White PlumeOwe Aku, Bring Back the Way
Moccasins on the Ground: Protect Sacred Water by the Lakota Media Project
Aku, a grassroots organization on the Pine Ridge, SD Indian
Reservation, along with many allies, held a three-day training at the
Wounded Knee School, titled Moccasins on the Ground Tour of Resistance.
“Over 300 people registered, some came and left, others
Property Sales Heat Up Post-Hurricane Sandy
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 11 hours ago

A new generation of home buyers, lured by low, post-hurricane prices, are
moving in to coastal neighbourhoods devastated by Hurricane Sandy.
They may be on the losing end of a false bargain. Another storm, even
less devastating than Sandy, could send real estate prices in these areas
straight to the seabed. And a recent study found that, while Americans
are alive to the sea level rise and storm surge threat, they're not
interested in sharing the bill for costly sea walls and other adaptation
It reminds me of a fellow I knew who fell onto hard times after a hurri... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'COINTELPRO 2' at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
Posted on March 30, 2013
MNN. Mar. 30, 2013. Paranoia should not paralyze us.
To protect ourselves, watch for visitors who want information,
plainclothes who take pictures before and during demonstrations; those
who seem out of place and interested in members rather than issues; who
suddenly disappear and put out false stories, sometimes about us being
What? And They Took His Stereo Too?
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 12 hours ago

Clark Aposhian heads his state's biggest gun lobby, the Utah Shooting
Sports Council.
Aposhian is a true believer in the right to bear arms, including the AR-15
assault rifle. He even believes in the right of a gunowner to leave an
AR-15 unattended in his car overnight.
And that's how dumbass Aposhian woke up Thursday morning to find his
personal arsenal shy one assault rifle, the one that had been left in his
car. In his defence, Aposhian noted the weapon was unloaded and stored in
a secure box which, presumably, his visitors also took. Yeah and the
buggers also snagged his c... more »
New Jersey Educators' WORST FEARS Come True
Judy Rabin at Schools Matter - 12 hours ago
Tested to Despair in New Jersey
Proposed Regulations for Tenure Evaluations Confirm NJEA's Worst Fears
Did you really think No Child Left Behind was to improve
education? Well, that's what happens when you don't read the fine print or
pretend it just isn't there.
01 result from AMS-02 on 03/04 at 05 pm
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 12 hours ago

*Do you know which number would be the next one?*
Six weeks ago, Sam Ting claimed that not too uninteresting results from the
Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer would arrive in two or three weeks.
It didn't quite work; it's plausible that they were waiting for reviewers
to say OK, something they may have expected to be just a painless or
painful formality back in February. Now we're told that it's at least 6.5
weeks but this timing should work. Why?
As tweeted by various antimatter tweeters and Twitters, there will be a
talk at CERN on Wednesday, April 3rd.
The speaker is Samuel T... more »
Think your savings are safe? Well, think again. "Grand theft, bank account" is becoming a forgivable crime in Europe AND the U.S. long as the criminals are too-big-to-jail banksters. BEWARE! Experts like Ellen Brown have been tracking the evidence for months and find that no other conclusion is possible.
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 12 hours ago

It Can Happen Here: The Confiscation Scheme Planned for US and UK Depositors
Posted on March 28, 2013 by Ellen Brown
Confiscating the customer deposits in Cyprus banks, it seems, was not a
one-off, desperate idea of a few Eurozone “troika” officials scrambling to
salvage their balance sheets. A joint paper by the US Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England dated December 10, 2012,
shows that these plans have been long ... more »
Most in U.S. concerned about sea level rise, poll finds – ‘The question is, how does public support for preparation translate to action?’
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 12 hours ago
[image: Waves pound a wall in Pacifica, California, during a January 2010
storm. A recent survey found that most Americans were no longer willing to
accept a hands-off approach to continued coastal development that will get
battered repeatedly by rising seas as the climate changes. Photo: Paul
Sakuma / Associated Press]
By Neela Banerjee,
28 March 2013
WASHINGTON (Los Angeles Times) – An overwhelming majority of Americans is
convinced that sea level rise resulting from climate change poses a
significant threat to the United States and coastal communities... more »
Baltimoreans keep saying the darnedest things!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 2013*
*Ben Carson talks of the animals:* Ben Carson did it again this week. In
this morning’s Washington Post, his apology is reported by the Baltimore
Sun's David Zurawik:
ZURAWIK (3/30/13): *Hopkins surgeon Ben Carson apologizes for ‘choice of
words’ on gay marriage*
Benjamin Carson, the famed Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon, apologized Friday
for his “choice of words” and use of examples in discussing gay marriage on
Fox News earlier in the week.
During Sean Hannity’s show Tuesday, when asked about the matter before the
Supreme Court, Carson said: *“Marriage is ... more »
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 12 hours ago

After last week's highly unusual edition, *Dateline London* reverted to
type again today.
The panel consisted of a British left-winger (Owen Jones of *The Independent
*), a Syrian-born left-winger (the freelance journalist Mustapha Karkouti),
an American liberal (Michael Goldfarb of *GlobalPost*) and a left-leaning
Catholic commentator (inevitably, Catherine Pepinster of *The Tablet*,
above). The much-used term "left-liberal" sums up that panel to perfection!
Where were the right-of-centre voices? They were where they so often are
with *Dateline *- absolutely nowhere to be seen.
... more »
Caturday Blogging/Open Thread
jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 13 hours ago

The little beast does have his moments.
Mrs. JP and I are just now gearing up for our annual Easter dinner
(Thanks, again, to Uncle Sam and SNAP, without whom we'd be fighting the
stray cats in the neighborhood over the field mice).
Meanwhile, underperforming idiots like Vernon Wells and Tony Romo get
multi-year zillion dollar contracts and contract extensions while Mrs. JP
and I can't even get minimum wage jobs cleaning up dog shit in Buddy Dog
kennels (No joke. We actually tried and failed in 2009).
I published another book this week, *The Misanthrope's Manual*, ... more »
THE ROAD TO IRAQ: Chris Matthews and The Donahue Rules!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 13 hours ago
*SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 2013*
*Epilogue—Rules of the road:* Was Chris Matthews a lonely voice against the
war in the months before Iraq?
Well actually no, he actually wasn’t, despite the bullshit you may have
heard on MSNBC.
In the past week, Matthews and David Corn got busy spreading the latest
false claims about the road to Iraq. It’s amazing how often we liberals get
conned when we watch The One True Liberal Channel.
What was happening at MSNBC as the war with Iraq drew near? Consider the
things Jeff Cohen said in his 2006 book, Cable News Confidential.
Today, Cohen is one of th... more »
Anon at aangirfan - 14 hours ago

*Miley Cyrus, who played the part of Hannah Montana*
Billy Ray Cyrus is the father of Miley Cyrus.
Billy Ray Cyrus was once asked if he thinks his family is under attack by
Billy Ray Cyrus says, "no doubt. There's no doubt about it."
Hannah Montana is a victim of Satanic Mind Control
Reportedly, Miley Cyrus is a victim of CIA mind control.
CIA mind-control programmes make use of Satanism.
LIST OF SATANIC HAND SIGNS. *Occultism, used for mind control, can be found
in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.*
Billy Ray refers to a You Tube video showing Miley using the the drug
Salv... more »
Saturday Night Short Shorts
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 14 hours ago
*Fourth Nuke*: Premier Jiang met with the mayors of Taipei, New Taipei
City, and Keelung to discuss their opposition to the Fourth Nuclear Plant.
Interestingly, Hau of Taipei has been saying that no referendum is needed,
opinion polls are enough. Clearly the idea of a referendum is scary for
some politicians. The fact that there is no place to put the waste
continues to be a problem. And the quake we had this week... lots of minds
are probably thinking about how if we had one under the nuke plant.....
yes, it was like a reminder from the gods how stupid it is to build nuke
plants on... more »
Four-day weekend - part 1
Roobin at THROUGH THE SCARY DOOR - 14 hours ago
Lo Fidelity Allstars - Disco Machine Gun
Primal Scream - Burning Wheel
Death in Vegas - Dirt
Black Grape - Kelly's Heroes
With "LiveSchool," Total Surveillance and Compliance Are Just a Swipe and Click Away
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 14 hours ago
*"The best practice is to record data in the moment. Why? Because it will
be immediately available to your colleagues, and it ensures that no
behaviors-good or bad-go unrecognized." --LiveSchool promotional material*
**How does a KIPP or other corporate reform school teacher, with a 60-80
hour work week, keep track of every word spoken, every snort or snicker,
every fake fart, every trip to the bathroom and how long it took for every
student, every failure to "track" the teacher, sit like a robot, or
mindlessly nod yes like a Jim Jones acolyte in the jungles of Guyana?*
**Well, it... more »
The Greenhouse Effect: Incompetent to the Point of Insanity
Harry Dale Huffman at The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage - 14 hours ago
Global warming "skeptic" Anthony Watts, on his wattsupwiththat site, has
once again shown his intense antipathy towards those who disbelieve in the
"greenhouse effect" (although, as a "lukewarmer", he limits his own belief
in it, and disavows the "catastrophic" global warming of consensus climate
scientists). I simply pointed him and his readers to the main points of my
definitive posts:
No part of the "global energy budget" can be greater than the incident
There is NO increase in atmospheric temperature with an increase in
atmospheric carbon dioxide, at any given pressure i... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 15 hours ago
*All the FRILLS upon it: New Orleans Easter parades ~Angela Carll, The
*A day in the life of Trout Point Lodgers Chuck and Vaughn ~Slabbed*
*Lobbyists push Congress for Morganza-to-the-Gulf project ~Daily Comet*
*History Behind the Walls on Chartres Street ~Go NOLA*
*Fair Grounds' Black Gold~Infield Festival: Seventeen Food Trucks, Pop-Ups
Confirmed; Offisite Parking at Former JFK School*~*The first post of
Saturday’s 13-race card* is at 1 p.m. with the Louisiana Derby scheduled to
go off at 5:45 p.m. Both the Louisiana Derby and Florida Derby will be
televised on the NBC... more »
The Emperor Of The North
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 15 hours ago

There is only one way for Stephen Harper -- his way. It's been that way
from the beginning. His treatment of the dissident members of his caucus
underscores that point yet again. But, Andrew Coyne writes, he can only get
his way when the mob rules:
This isn’t a team. It’s a mob: mindless, frightened, without purpose or
direction except what the leader decides, and unquestioning in its
acceptance of whatever the leader decrees. What we have been watching these
past few days is an exercise in raw power politics, designed as much to
humiliate the individual in question as anything e... more »
Defining The Battleground And The Nature Of Conservatism
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago

The other day we mentioned how Indiana reactionary Todd Young just wants
all these right-wing social issues-- like marriage equality-- to go away
Republicans can concentrate on all their elites have ever cared about:
screwing over working families for the benefit of the Big Business
interests that finance Republican politicians' careers. Yeah,
*that*simple. That conservatives have been on the wrong side of history
on every
single important issue facing America starting with the Declaration of
Independence-- conservatives, of course, fought on the British side
the Revoluti... more »
Really Cheating Our Children (The Owners (Right Wingers) Switch Confusing Arguments Again To Continue The International Financial Theft Game)
Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 15 hours ago
Cheating Our Children By Paul Krugman March 28, 2013 Comments So, about
that fiscal crisis — the one that would, any day now, turn us into Greece.
Greece, I tell you: Never mind. Over the past few weeks, there has been a
remarkable change of position among the deficit scolds who have dominated
economic policy debate for more than three years. It’s as if someone sent
out a memo saying
Parents, sons die together in East Gwillimbury house fire
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 15 hours ago
A great loss and tragedy.
I knew Kevin forever. He was a decent, straightforward and competent
professional. Someone you could talk to by phone and who always focused on
substance not the nonsense litigation tends to attract.
His death is a great loss.
Oddly, I realize now, I knew nothing at all about his personal life. For
all I knew he was single, divorced, no kids whatever. It turns out he had a
family and had suffered personal struggles without it affecting his
practice in any outward way. He was brave as well as professional - I
suspect the Fire Marshall will find evidence... more »
Alibi Antisemitism
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 17 hours ago
'These themes pitch those who sponsor them out of a genuine, and into a
spurious, type of universalism: one where the Jews are special amongst
other groups in being obliged to settle for forms of political freedom in
which their identity may not be asserted collectively; Jews must be
satisfied, instead, merely with the rights available to them as
individuals. I call this a spurious universalism because people's rights to
live as they will (subject to the usual constraint of not harming others)
is an incomplete right – a truncated and impaired right – if it does not
include the fre... more »
Excellent Article Explaining How the EPA Allows Untested Pesticides on the Market Through 'Conditional Registration'
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 17 hours ago
L. Fraser 'EPA Lets Pesticides on the Market Untested' OnEarth,
[Excerpted] Most of us think of pesticides as the chemicals that get
sprayed on weeds or used to kill rodents and bugs, but they’re actually
found in everything from cosmetics to food containers, as well as
antimicrobial textiles (such as the exercise shirt you might have worn to
the gym this morning). By killing bacteria and other microorganisms,
pesticides can help clothes resist stains or help containers keep food
fresh longer. But some have als... more »
North Korea declares war on USA or does it?
Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET - 18 hours ago
the global threat from North Korea has been drummed up by the western
mainstream media for decades, it seems like the financial and tactical
failure that was the sordid Vietnam War will never be allowed to be laid to
rest by the USA.
Did we forget that India, Pakistan and Israel have more nuclear ordnance
than NK'll ever be able to threaten the world with. But still the concerted
media campaign goes on:
I really can't understand why the USA is trying to convince its consumerist
kids that there's a nasty yellow bogeyman out there ... more »
OPPT’s CN really DO work?
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 18 hours ago
Posted at: *
* *OPPT’s CN really DO work?*
Posted on March 29, 2013 by sojournerbe
Folks who are getting smart are unplugging from a broken system before
getting electrocuted from the shock current. More than prepping, they are
just plain refusing to participate. WE have the right to say “No!”
The Courtesy Notice is pulling the plug out of the socket. The UCC filings
turns the current off at the circuit breaker.
Just got off this site (below) on how Courtesy Notices will work. More
http://tradewit... more »
Encouragement for the Awakening
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 18 hours ago

Posted at:
*Encouragement for the Awakening*
Aug 2011
I was shown that I would write a book about my decades of gradual induction
into Universal Consciousness. Call it Kundalini if you like. Physically it
felt like too much love to take into my little heart and brain – over and
over again. As a result I am able
tocommune with cosmic intelligence. In this sharing below, and for most
of my book, it is a dialogue from the limited and fearful state of local
consciousness to the nonlocal, grand love of cosmic i... more »
Abortion and the robot revolt
Alison at Creekside - 19 hours ago

How heartwarming it was to watch five brave Con backbenchers rise up to
defend Langley Con MP Mark Warawa's right to independent Steve-free
abortion speech in the House of Commons. After years of having to recite
member statements on whatever idiotic repetitive talking points the
30-somethings in the PMO assigned to them every day, this week the robots
are revolting.
Con MP Brent Rathgeber : *I would submit that if the House does not
jealously protect the rights of members to bring forward matters of concern
to their constituents and if it does not strictly enforce those rules, the ... more »
March 29, 1973
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 19 hours ago
The Ervin Committee moves quickly, subpoenaing Magruder's assistant Robert
Reisner, who the FBI and the prosecutors had totally overlooked.
Today is supposed to be a big presidency day; Nixon has a nationwide
address scheduled in the evening, which he will devote to a warning to
North Vietnam (about cease-fire violations) and new price controls.
Haldeman notes that Nixon's calendar was cleared to work on the speech, but
Watergate did intrude a little, nevertheless.
The first plan of the day was to get out a statement about Dean
volunteering to go to the grand jury and waive executi... more »
DMT, Ayahuasca, The Pineal Gland – A Professor Talks Neurotheology
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 19 hours ago

Quite smartly, science is catching up to the whole spiritual experience. It
can now be safely replicated in the lab without much effort, unlike
meditation and its like.
The conforming and repetitive nature of such observations suggests that
the sensitized brain is accessing a source that is common to all.
As I have postulated a human manufactured GOD machine that applies the
SOUL through the pineal gland on the 49th day after conception, this
information conforms nicely. We are discovering the organic method. For
new readers, GOD was produced as much as 40,000 ... more »
2500 Yr Old City in Central India
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 19 hours ago

The Indus valley civilization went into decline around the same time as
the global Atlantean palace based trade factory system went into eclipse.
This formerly dominant example triggered successor civilization of which we
have the Mayan and other successor civilizations. This discovery promises
to be one such. It easily takes a few centuries of local development before
real building begins.
In addition most evidence is concentrated around the apex of a
civilization. Imagine having archeological evidence of Alexander's empire.
Then imagine knowing nothing about Greek histor... more »
Probiotics Improve Bone Density
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 19 hours ago

I have already shared the arclein diet as an excellent technique to timed
dormancy of the small intestine. This allows us to now think in terms of
establishing a regime for what we eat that is not too random or misguided.
The item strongly indicates the chronic use of a quality yogurt with the
main meal.
An excellent diet is also indicted, but I do not wish to attempt an
arbitrary design. They all need to be somewhat personalized. However,
yogurt will clearly cover a number of omissions. That is something to take
full advantage of.
*Probiotics are not only powerful gu... more »
Graphene Desalination
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 19 hours ago

This looks to be a good try although I am not terribly optimistic. Free
salt ions will coagulate and easily block up the filter. The trick we were
attempting to commercialize in 2000 was to induce that effect in a tank and
use gravity to induce full separation. It means putting a small amount of
energy back into the system and was proven possible in a tube.
It may actually work to have two closely spaced filters oppositely charged
so that the salt is pushed away. Water will still find its way through to
the oppositely charged filter.
Of way more importance is that it i... more »
“The 13th Warrior: Prayers Before Final Battle” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 hours ago
*“The 13th Warrior: Prayers Before Final Battle”*
Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan: “Merciful Father, I have squandered my days with plans
of many things. This was not among them. But at this moment, I beg only to
live the next few minutes well. For all we ought to have thought, and have
not thought; all we ought to have said, and have not said; all we ought to
have done, and have not done; I pray thee God for forgiveness.”
“Lo, there do I see my father.
Lo, there do I see my mother and my sisters, and my brothers.
Lo, there do ... more »
Tren viajando a toda velocidad sobre el largo puente
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 22 hours ago

[image: Trén viajando a toda velocidad por un largo puente]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de trenes*
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Mujeres hermosas y elegantes
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 22 hours ago

[image: Mujeres hermosas y elegantes]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de mujeres*
Por favor visite nuestra página oficial:
Fantástica imagen de duendes con largas orejas
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 22 hours ago

[image: Fantástica imagen de duendes con largas orejas]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de duendes*
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Gatita en la canasta de flores
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 22 hours ago

[image: Gatita en la canasta de flores]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de gatitos*
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Figuras bonitas de colores - Imágenes abstractas
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 22 hours ago

[image: Figuras bonitas de colores]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de figuras*
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Casa con bellos jardines y un molino de viento
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 22 hours ago

[image: Casa con bellos jardines y un molino de viento]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de casas*
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Campo de flores rojas iluminadas por el gran sol
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 22 hours ago

[image: Campo de flores rojas iluminadas por el gran sol]
*Nota:* Click aquí para ver más *imágenes de campo de flores*
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Pietro Pomponazzi - On the Immortality of the Soul
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 23 hours ago
*The Philosophy and Psychology of Pietro Pomponazzi* by Andrew Halliday
Douglas (2011).
Pietro Pomponazzi (16 September 1462 – 18 May 1525) was an Italian
Pomponazzi is profoundly interesting as the herald of the Renaissance. He
was born in the period of transition when scholastic formalism was losing
its hold over men both in the Church and outside. Hitherto the dogma of the
Church had been based on Aristotle as interpreted by Thomas Aquinas. So
close was this identification that any attack on Aristotle, or even an
attempt to reopen the old discussion... more »
What American Consumers Want in Their Food
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 23 hours ago
Consumers are looking for high-fructose-free, gluten-free, hormone-free,
genetically modified ingredient free food.
“Nassuaer, S. (2013, March 27) The Wall Street Journal D1 , When the Box
Says ‘Protein,’ Shoppers Say ‘I’ll take it’
Sunday Classics preview: Two of our "J" and "K" conductors shine in Mozart
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*As a native Salzburger, not to mention a man with ambitions to be master
of all the musical heights, Herbert von Karajan tried, tried, and tried
again to make his mark in Mozart. This Don Giovanni Overture is better than
many of his efforts -- far from great, but not bad.*
*by Ken*
In the "modern era" of Sunday Classics we've had occasion to take note --
largely but entirely coincidentally -- of four conductors from roughly the
same era who to me epitomize "musicality," something I'd rather have you
listen to and glean for yourselves than attempt to define. So far we've
heard our... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Beautiful Planet Earth” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Vangelis, “Beautiful Planet Earth”
"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Far beyond the local group of galaxies lies NGC 3621, some 22 million
light-years away. Found in the multi-headed southern constellation Hydra,
the winding spiral arms of this gorgeous island universe are loaded with
luminous young star clusters and dark dust lanes. Still, for earthbound
astronomers NGC 3621 is not just another pretty face-on spiral galaxy. Some
of its brighter stars have been used as standard candles to establish
important estimates of extragalactic distances and the scale of the
*Click image for larger size.*
This beautiful image of NGC 3621 traces ... more »
Chet Raymo,“The Maintenance of Self” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“The Maintenance of Self”*
by Chet Raymo
"Ah, yes, the pitcher plant. Those devouring goblets. Those caldrons of
digestive juices. And now naturalists have found the biggest one yet, as
big as a chalice, on a mountaintop in the Philippines, its punch bowl
filled with beetles, flies and wasps.
*Come hither, ye who flitter. Admire my colors. Sip my nectar. Yes, yes,
just like that, *
*touch my milky pool. I'll be your Tar Baby. Your flypaper paramour.
That's it. *
*Sniff my irresistible scent. My buffet waits. Sip. Lap. Gorge yourself. *
Countless plants use ins... more »
It Can Happen Here: The Confiscation Scheme Planned for US and UK Depositors
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 day ago

*Some interesting data. I have to disagree on nationalization of banks, its
really no cure, as these nations are in reality corporations owned by
banks. Nationalization simply consolidates the banking empire into more
centralized control. -AK*
Posted on March 28, 2013 by Ellen Brown
Confiscating the customer deposits in Cyprus banks, it seems, was not a
one-off, desperate idea of a few Eurozone “troika” officials scrambling to
salvage their balance sheets. A jo... more »
Small Modular Reactors and US Military Bases
Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
Bear with me, because this post has a long backstory. As many of you know,
I’m a former policy debater. Indeed, so are a number of guest and permanent
bloggers at the Duck of Minerva. And not a
few other international-relations scholars. Well, this weekend is the
National Debate Tournament (NDT), which is like the NCAA basketball
Continue reading
Paulo Coelho, “Solitude Is Not The Absence of Love” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Solitude Is Not The Absence of Love”*
by Paulo Coelho
“Without solitude, Love will not stay long by your side, because Love
needs to rest as well, so that it can journey through the heavens and
reveal itself in other forms.
Without solitude, no plant or animal can survive, no soil can remain
productive for any length of time, no child can learn about life, no artist
can create, no work can grow and be transformed.
Solitude is not the absence of Love, but its complement.
Solitude is not the absence of company, but the moment when our soul is
free to speak to us and hel... more »
HuffPostLive: Glenn Greenwald Talks Racism and Drones | HPL
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*Video Title: Glenn Greenwald Talks Racism and Drones | HPL YouTube Video
Description - [Channel: HuffPostLive. Uploaded on March 27, 2013]:*
Subscribe to HuffPost Live Today:
Watch More HuffPost Live Videos Here:
Glenn Greenwald says that racism is at play with drone strike sentiments.
HuffPost Live is a live-streaming network that puts you, the community,
front and center. HuffPost Live streams 12 hours of original programming 5
days a week with highlights showing overnight and on weekends. We operate
out of state-of-the-art studios in New ... more »
Why We are Occupying the Department of Ed AGAIN!
Judy Rabin at Schools Matter - 1 day ago

From the Answer Sheet
Valerie Strauss
Key education activists protesting in D.C. next week
Education activists opposed to corporate-based school reform are converging
on Washington D.C. next week for the second annual United Opt Out National
event on the grounds of the U.S. Education Department. Among those who will
be speaking at the event are education historian Diane Ravitch, Chicago
Teachers Union President Karen Lewis, veteran educator Deborah Meier, and
early childhood expert Nancy Carlsson-Paige.
The four-day event — to be attended by teachers, students, parents and
others — ... more »
Removing the Shackles Blog has a need....
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 day ago
I am going to do something here she'd never do herself. D. from the
Removing the Shackles blog has a laptop that is barely working. She needs
a new PC or Mac laptop.
D. and I started working together when we began publishing the Daniel
papers. She's a fearless, ferociously courageous blogger seeking only the
truth. I've come to really trust her, frankly she feels like my long lost
sister. We post each others articles and found ourselves contacted by the
OPPT nearly at the same time.
You guys were fantastically generous when I needed new hardware and what
you helped me with e... more »
WARNING: "Final" Psy-Op Vs. Syria Begins
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 1 day ago

*March 29, 2013* (LD) - Out of time, out of legitimacy, and out of
options, the West is attempting once again to prop up its faltering
terrorist proxies with another psychological operation aimed at breaking
the will of the Syrian people, despite the West's multiplying tactical and
political shortcomings. It began with a suspicious CBS News/AP report
titled, "AP: "Master plan" underway to help Syria rebels take Damascus with
U.S.-approved airlifts of heavy weapons," which claims to divulge a
"covert" plan by the West to flood Syria's northern and southern borders
with increased we... more »
Can the GOP learn that pretending to be inclusive isn't the same thing as being inclusive?
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*The result of this deception is very strange to tell,*
*for when I fool the people I fear, I fool myself as well. . . .*
*Make believe you're brave, and the trick will take you far.*
*You may be as brave as you make believe you are.*
-- "I Whistle a Happy Tune," from *The King and I*
*"The spectacle of the Republicans, like teenagers longing to be invited to
the prom, floundering about in search of more popularity with American
voters, would be comical if it didn’t present the sad picture of a once
great and proud party—the party of Lincoln and Eisenhower—working its way
into near i... more »
The Economist Backs Off Climate Alarmism | Via Meadia
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
'The mismatch between rising greenhouse-gas emissions and not-rising
temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in climate science just now. It
does not mean global warming is a delusion. Flat though they are,
temperatures in the first decade of the 21st century remain almost 1°C
above their level in the first decade of the 20th. But the puzzle does need
The mismatch might mean that—for some unexplained reason—there has been a
temporary lag between more carbon dioxide and higher temperatures in
2000-10. Or it might be that the 1990s, when temperatures were rising fast, ... more »
Canada quietly pulls out of UN convention to combat drought, desertification – ‘We’re increasing our isolation by doing this’
Jim at Desdemona Despair - 1 day ago
[image: Percent of average precipitation in the Prairie Region of Canada, 1
September 2011 to 15 February 2012. Graphic: Agriculture and Agri-Food
By Steve Mertl
28 March 2013
(Daily Brew) – Whether you like it or not, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's
Conservative government is reshaping Canada's relationship with the rest of
the world.
From last year's withdrawal from the admittedly ineffectual Kyoto Protocol
on climate change — which as *CBC News* noted will save the government $14
billion in penalties for missing its targets — to the disappearance of the Canadian
Inter... more »
Life Skills: "Alive in Joy: Dispelling Drama" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Alive in Joy: Dispelling Drama"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Some people are so used to creating drama that a peaceful existence seems
uncomfortable for them. There are scores of people in the world who seem to
be magnets for calamity. They live their lives jumping from one difficult
to the next, surrounded by unstable individuals. Some believe themselves
victims of fate and decry a universe they regard as malevolent. Others view
their chaotic circumstances as just punishments for some failing within.
Yet, in truth, neither group has been fated or consigned to suffer. The... more »
The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Dundee, Dundee City, United Kingdom. Thanks for stopping by.
"Here's To The Crazy Ones..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
The American Nationalist Association - On the Necessity of Nationalism and Revisionism
John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 1 day ago
*The American Nationalist Association views positive racial nationalism and
objective historical revisionism as central tenets in its overall purpose.
In the past, nationalist-minded individuals and organizations largely
refrained from engaging in or championing historical revisionism, to the
detriment of the European-derived peoples of America and around the world.
We would like to succinctly clarify our position on these two fundamental
principals of our Association.*
**First of all, nationalism is healthy, righteous, and absolutely necessary
for our peoples' revival, and ultimat... more »
"We Few, We Happy Few, We Band Of Brothers..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Eve of St. Crispin’s Day Speech”*
William Shakespeare, “Henry V” (1599)
“WESTMORELAND: O that we now had here
But one ten thousand of those men in England
That do no work to-day!
KING: What’s he that wishes so?
My cousin Westmoreland? No, my fair cousin;
If we are mark’d to die, we are enow
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not ... more »
Kierkegaard On Passion
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
Related: * *
*Kierkegaard On Socratic Ignorance*.
*Kierkegaard On "Man."** *
*Kierkegaard On Socrates And The Immortality of The Soul.*
*Kierkegaard On God's Love.*
Below is an excerpt from, "The Soul of Kierkegaard: Selections from His
Journals." Edited by Alexander Dru. Dover Publications, Inc: Mineola, New
York. 2003. Pg. 104.
It is really curious how men, whom I otherwise look upon as honest, and who
in other respects are not my enemies, lie monstrously, and are hardly
conscious of it themselves, when they really get into a passion. Passion
has an extraordinary power. H... more »
Friday Baseball Post
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 1 day ago
Hey, the season is (almost) here!
A couple of things...
Okay, a month ago I said that the main thing (beyond health) that I would
pay attention to for clues about the future was...Brandon Belt's extra base
hits. I guess I'm happy now! Of course, who knows whether it means
anything, but I'll choose to interpret it as a (very mild -- I'm not nuts)
And Jay Jaffe has a fun column of "20 ways to improve baseball right now."
I'll tell you the ones I disagree with:
* Designated hitter in both leagues? No way; I'd like to see more
differences (bring back the split umps!).
* E... more »
AT list of remarkable professional persons
Denis Rancourt at Activist Teacher - 1 day ago
want to start a list of outstanding persons who have used their
professional status to fight injustice, who have thus disturbed power
and suffered significant consequences.
Here is my first attempt at a short list, based on living professionals
that I know about. These folks stand for what they believe, in the face
of powerful and organized opposition.
Bradley Manning
Cynthia McKinney
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 1 day ago
*Louisiana sinkhole now as large as the Louisiana Superdome ~Stuart Smith*
"Think Your Money is Safe? Think Again" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Think Your Money is Safe? Think Again: *
*The Confiscation Scheme Planned for US and UK Depositors"*
By Ellen Brown
“Confiscating the customer deposits in Cyprus banks, it seems, was not a
one-off, desperate idea of a few Eurozone “troika” officials scrambling to
salvage their balance sheets. A joint paper by the US Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England dated December 10, 2012,
shows that these plans have been long in the making; that they originated
with the G20 Financial Stability Board in Basel, Switzerland (discussed
earlier here); and that the r... more »
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