Heat wave breaks records across Southeast Australia – Melbourne endures record seven nights above 20C, after nine days in a row above 30C
[image: Keeping cool in the Australia heatwave of 2013. Photo: Glenn
Campbell / Brisbane Times]
By Jane Holroyd
18 March 2008
(The Age) – Melburnians tossed and turned through the warmest March night
on record with the mercury dipping to a balmy minimum of 26.9 degrees just
before 7.30am today.
Weather bureau senior forecaster Peter Blake said it was the city's warmest
March night, beating the previous record on March 3 1988, when Melbourne
recorded an overnight low of 26.7 degrees.
Melbourne copped the worst of gusty winds that kept the city warm through
the night, with the tem... more »
West Virginia And Mississippi Duke It Out For The Title-- The Most Obese State Of All
Mississippi is no longer the most obese state in the nation. No, nothing
has gotten better there; it's just that as West Virginia sunk deeper and
deeper into a depressing right-wing death spiral, their collective
waistlines have exploded with stress-related compulsive eating disorders
and the dominance of cheap, unhealthy fast food. West Virginia is now the
#1 most obese. Mississippi is #2. But Mississippi isn't going to leave it
at that. Their political leaders are fighting hard to regain the title of America's
Fattest And Most Unhealthy State.
So contrary, secessionist-minded a... more »
Your tax dollars at work killing innocent pets...

if these creepasoids need something to kill, how about helping with my
pocket gopher problem?
[...]"It is an image that will never leave me," Maggie’s owner, Denise
McCurtain, of Gresham, Ore., said of her death. "She was still breathing as
we tried to remove the trap. Her eyes were open and she was looking at me.
All I could say was 'I’m trying so hard. You didn’t do anything wrong.'"
Maggie’s death at a minimum was one of hundreds of accidental killings of
pets over the last decade acknowledged by Wildlife Services, a little-known
branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture tha... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“How fast can a black hole spin? If any object made of regular matter
spins too fast- it breaks apart. But a black hole might not be able to
break apart- and its maximum spin rate is really unknown. Theorists usually
model rapidly rotating black holes with the Kerr solution to Einstein's
General Theory of Relativity, which predicts several amazing and unusual
things. Perhaps its most easily testable prediction, though, is that matter
entering a maximally rotating black hole should be last seen orbiting at
near the speed of light, as seen from far away.
*Click image for larger siz... more »
"The Question of Worthiness: Shifting into Gratitude"
*"The Question of Worthiness: Shifting into Gratitude"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"When we question whether or not we are worthy of something it is
important at that time to shift into gratitude. We all know what it’s like
to finally get something we want, only to find ourselves feeling as if we
don’t deserve it. Whether it’s a car, a new job, or a date with someone
wonderful, we suddenly feel as if we are not up to it. Something in us
wants to reject this gift from the universe, perhaps because it requires
that we think of ourselves in a new way or makes us question why ... more »
Douglas Hewson Christie, Defender Of Free Speech Here In Canada, Dies At Age 66

I have been busy again the last few days taking care of personal business
that I have left on the back burner since my mother had a stroke over a
month ago.... I have now finally been able to clear up the backlog of
personal needs, and finally sat down tonight to catch up on some reading
via the internet on what has been happening in the real world.... It was
to my shock and dismay that I just found out today that a true Canadian
hero and champion of those abused by our sick Canadian thought crime
police, Douglas Hewson Christie, just passed away on Monday, March 11th,
from his lon... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Bacolod City, Bacolod, Philippines. Thanks for stopping by.
Things found surfing....

Stumbled across this. Jet Magazine, June, 1961.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums! Delenda est, baby.
Picture of Pope Emeritus Benedict removed from Catholic church...
*because a bunch of old queens (homosexuals) got their panties in a twist.*
I read about this last week and was astounded. Hurt feelings? Because the
Pope said homosexual sex was forbidden?
From: Digital Hairshirt
Tepid priest feeds gay hypocrisy in San Francisco
Pro-abortion "Catholic" Joe Biden to attend Pope's inaugural Mass...
*really, Joe?*
“Jill and I want to offer our congratulations to His Holiness Pope Francis,
and extend our prayers as he takes on this holy responsibility. I am happy
to have the chance to personally relay my well wishes, and those of the
American people, when I travel to Rome for his Inaugural Mass,” Biden said
in a statement. “The Catholic Church plays an essential role in my life and
the lives of more than a billion people in America and around the world,
not just in matters of our faith, but in pursuit of peace and human dignity
for all faiths. I look forward to our work together... more »
Errh, so doesn't that just make him a follower of Church teaching?
"Bergoglio is no progressive. He opposes same-sex marriage, abortion and
the use of contraceptives. But he is a strong voice for social justice,
calling the unequal distribution of wealth a "social sin that cries out to
the heavens.""
"Huxley vs. Orwell"
*"Huxley vs. Orwell"*
by Neil Postman
“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was
that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who
wanted to read one...
Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared
those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and
Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the
truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance...
Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would... more »
They aren't called cabinet "secretaries" on account of their beautiful penmanship

*You might think these are random doodles*, *but in fact they're the
signatures of two U.S. cabinet secretaries -- can you guess which? (If
you're having trouble, here's a hint: They're the newest.)*
*by Ken*
*Washington Post* Loopmaster Al Kamen wants to know, "Is bad penmanship a
prerequisite for President Obama's second-term Cabinet?" And the
documentary evidence is reproduced above. To make matters more, er,
picturesque, one of the above signatures is presumably going to be
appearing on all our printed currency.
*1. DEFENSE SECRETARY. . . um . . . er . . . CIA is OK?*
Says A... more »
Obama schools the GOP
President Obama took a stroll over to the Hill and addressed the House
GOPers today. How it went depends on who you ask. The interpretations
"according to unnamed sources close to the proceedings" ranged from the
Drudge baiting Tense meeting between President Obama, House GOP (broken
into 3 page clicks for your inconvenience) to ABC's Jon Karl who heard President
Obama got two standing ovations.
Jon Karl had the best report on the questions. This one was the most
Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan, the chairman of the tax-writing Ways and Means
Committee, asked if Obama and Re... more »
THE Bob Barker Bashes ALEC Ag-Gag Bill
Like a lot of Americans – he probably does not know its an ALEC bill.
Like a lot of Americans – he knows it is WRONG
Wish we could get more people to connect the dots between extremist
legislation and the American Legislative Exchange Council.
Snips from:
*Nebraska animal abuse bill gets cool reception*
The issue has caught the attention of prominent animal rights advocates,
including former "The Price is Right" host Bob Barker, who sent a letter to
the Judiciary Committee last week urging its members to kill the proposal.
Barker, 89, grew up on South Dakota's Rosebud Indian Rese... more »
WellPoint "Officially" #DumpsALEC
WellPoint, Inc. is the largest managed health care, for-profit company in
the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.
*APRIL 2012*
From ALEC Exposed
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association: Member of ALEC's Health and Human
Services Task Force[48], "Director" level sponsor of 2011 ALEC Annual
Conference[17] ($10,000 in 2010)[18][15][14] - Announced on April 19th that
it had not renewed its membership in February 2012.[49] See Corporations
Which Have Cut Ties to ALEC for more.
WellPoint, Member of ALEC's Health and Human Services Task Force[13] and
"Director" level sponsor of 2011 A... more »
9 Imágenes de huevos y conejos de pascua entre las flores

Por favor visite nuestra página oficial: www.fotofrontera.com
"Mainstream Media: Why is DHS Stockpiling Ammo, Weapons and Armored Assault Vehicles?"
*"Mainstream Media: *
*Why is DHS Stockpiling Ammo, Weapons and Armored Assault Vehicles?"*
by Off Grid Survival
"After years of not reporting on the Federal Government’s war on the
American Public, someone in the mainstream media is finally asking why the
Department of Homeland Security seems to be arming itself for a war on
American soil. Early this morning, Forbes released an article asking why
the Department of homeland security was buying over 1.6 billion rounds of
ammo, and why they need heavily armored personnel carriers designed for
war. The article points out that DH... more »
Yes, Winning Veepstakes is a Good Idea
With Eddie Haskell back in the news with his new House GOP budget, Steve
Kornacki had a piece this morning about the history of those who were
Veepstakes winners but general election losers. His conclusion: it doesn't
really help them, and may even hurt them.
Ed Kilgore looks at the same examples and interprets it much more favorablyfor the VP losers.
I'm with Kilgore here. Take, for example, Bob Dole. Sure, he received
terrible reviews for his debate performance and his 1980 presidential
campaign was a dud. And, yes, his stints as Finance Chair and then GOP
Senate Leader certainly ... more »
Hezbollah’s new low - m.NYPOST.com
News that you won't find on the BBC. They're too busy looking for things to
blame on Israel or spending three days avoiding apologising for misleading
the public.
Luke Russert, who has a job at NBC only because his father was Tim Russert...
*wastes no time in be-clowning himself when it comes to his Catholic faith.*
Luke, a 27 year old cradle Catholic, who received his Catholic "education"
by attending CCD (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine) classes that were,
no doubt, comprised of the usual happy-clappy drivel which passes for
teaching the faith, proceeds to lecture the new Pope on how he should
conduct his papacy.
What an idiot...
*NBC's Russert Lectures New Pope In Blog Post Just Minutes After Advising
People to Leave Politics Aside for a While*
High-Carbon Fossil Fuel's Achilles' Heel
The Fossil Fuelers' nightmares lie not so much with environmentalists and
regulators as with shareholders and investors. The energy companies are
pretty adept at fending off environmentalists and regulators but
shareholders and investors pose even greater challenges.
Lie to the public, lie to the government and big deal. Wall Street has
been doing that for decades and even the collapse of 2008 wasn't enough to
stop them.
Lie to shareholders and to investors, however, and you can be held
personally liable, even criminally liable.
Two advocacy groups, As You Sow and the Unitarian... more »
Syria: Two Years Later. Settlement or Continued Destabilization
*Syria: Two years later*
*The destruction of Syria, unfortunately, could go on for years.*
It has already been very nearly two years since the armed destabilization
I first caught a whiff of this *destruction *campaign on the weekend of
March 22/23-2011.
* Resulting in a post up on March 24/11: Western backed Social Media
"revolution" coming to Syria *
Almost immediately after post, I covered the fact that two Americans were
arrested in Syria*.*
Both coming from Egypt- one having dual citizenship*. Two Americans
arrested in Syria *
It appeared, at least to me, something was ... more »
“And Pontiff, pretty Pontiff, can anyone shake your hand?”
*“And Pontiff, pretty Pontiff
can anyone shake your hand ?
Or is it just that you like uniforms
and someone kissing your hand…”*
- Lou Reed, “Good Evening, Mr. Waldheim”
From one Pope with a seedy history behind him, to another.
The last, now retired, Pontiff was part of the team covering up his
church’s flagrant child abuse, and he stepped down midst rumours that he
could face arrest for it if he leaves the Holy See.
The new Pontiff, just appointed, was part of the Argentine clergy’s
collaboration with the the Argentinian military regime—in which it “was
complicit in dreadful ... more »
"How It Really Is"
“How many times do you have to get hit over the head before
you figure out who’s hitting you?” - Harry S. Truman
A notice
Just in case anyone cared, all the people associated, in the past and
presently, with this blog are supporters of the International Socialist
Network. There will be developments soon, with ideally more to say about
the necessity of left-realignment. Keep your eye on the IS blog.
"If Corporations Dodge Taxes, Why Shouldn't You?"
*"If Corporations Dodge Taxes, Why Shouldn't You?"*
By Robert Scheer
"Go offshore young man and avoid paying taxes. Plunder at will in those
foreign lands, and if you get in trouble, Uncle Sam will come rushing to
your assistance, diplomatically, financially and militarily, even if you
have managed to avoid paying for those government services. Just pretend
you’re a multinational corporation.
That’s the honest instruction for business success provided by 60 of the
largest U.S. corporations that, according to a Wall Street Journal
analysis, “parked a total of $166 billion off... more »
Christy Clark, Brian Bonney And Pamela Gardner, "Today`s B.C. Liberals"
Boy oh boy are "*Today`s B.C. Liberals*" getting a little testy, 12 years
in power and now just 62 days until the Liberals move their diminished
caucus to the other side of the legislature, the opposition side of the
legislature, I`m sure this is causing much consternation in the Liberal
party..Funny don`t you think, the word party implying, party party party,
as in a festive celebration, well, I liken "*Today`s BC Liberals*" not so
much as a party but a death march...
Last week "Yesterday`s BC Liberal Kevin Kreuger" called John Cummins and
the BC Conservatives *"scum, morons,... more »
Jorge Bergoglio, Argentine cardinal (and Jesuit), elected Pope Francis
*Updated: 3:37PM PST Alfred Lamont just put this link on Facebook:
*New pope 2013: Jorge Bergoglio, Argentine cardinal, elected Pope Francis*
By ASSOCIATED PRESS | 3/13/13 2:25 PM EDT Updated: 3/13/13 4:53 PM EDT
VATICAN CITY — Argentine Jorge Bergoglio was elected pope Wednesday and
chose the papal name Francis, becoming first pontiff from the Americas and
the first from outside Europe in more than a millennium.
New... more »
“4 New Bills From the Political Elite in the Land of the Free”
*“4 New Bills From the Political Elite in the Land of the Free”*
by Simon Black
“It’s a pretty sad state of affairs in the Land of the Free when they have
to pass a law making it illegal for the government to assassinate its own
citizens. Yet that’s exactly what’s happening. Late last week, U.S. Sen.
Ted Cruz introduced Senate bill S.505, “a bill to prohibit the use of
drones to kill citizens of the United States within the United States.”
More than likely, this bill isn’t going to go anywhere. It’ll get shuffled
around to various committees and be largely forgotten. But the fa... more »
Media Propaganda Is Failing Around The World
It has been evident for a while now that the ratings of mainstream channels
in the U.S. are plummeting. This trend is going global. Mainstream media
propaganda is failing around the world.
Read this excerpt from* "Al Jazeera Audience Declines in Egypt and Tunisia"*
Although Al Jazeera has prominently covered the past and ongoing uprisings
in the Arab world, it has recently lost its grip over viewers in two “Arab
Spring” countries: Egypt and Tunisia.
A report by market research company Sigma Conseil shows that the percentage
of Al Jazeera viewers out of the total television audie... more »
"Why You Should Oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline"
*"Why You Should Oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline"*
by Chris Mayer
"There is one reason why you should oppose the proposed $5.3 billion
Keystone XL Pipeline. And it has nothing to do with “green religionists,”
as The Wall Street Journal calls the opposition in today’s paper. Instead,
it has everything to do with a foreign oil company using U.S. government
power to force Americans off their land in the name of “eminent domain.” It
has everything to do with putting a 78-year-old grandmother in jail,
pepper-spraying protesters and using other bullying tactics that would make
the Maf... more »
On my latest public access TV show I interview Regis Tremblay about his
activism and film making. While in Gangjeong village, South Korea, last
September, Regis had the opportunity to interview over 20 villagers and
activists who have been protesting the construction of a massive U.S. naval
base in their tiny village to serve the needs of the U.S. “pivot to Asia”
in order to check China.
Regis is working hard to finish a feature-length documentary, "Jeju: In the
Crosshairs of War." See more *here*
Is Wyoming Congressional Crackpot Cynthia Lummis Out To Destroy Her Own State's Tourist Industry?

Cynthia is the one in the cowboy drag
When Republicans were talking up Sequestration as a wonderful thing that
the country should be celebrating, Wyoming's lone House member, Cynthia
Lummis, a very rich (inherited, of course) right-wing extremist and
proponent of the failed European Austerity agenda, was quoted everywhere as
a hardliner on the cuts. "Sequestration will take place… I am excited," she
crowed. "It will be the first time since I’ve been in Congress that we
really have significant cuts." Excited because she was sold on the idea
that the cuts would only hurt poor working f... more »
Polar Bears are doing well
*Global Warming Policy Foundation*
*1) Polar bears are a conservation success story*
Their numbers have rebounded remarkably since 1973 and we can say for sure
that there are more polar bears now than there were 40 years ago. Although
we cannot state the precise amount that populations have increased (which
is true for many species – counts are usually undertaken only after a major
decline is noticeable), polar bears join a long list of other marine
mammals whose populations rebounded spectacularly after unregulated hunting
stopped: sea otters, all eight species of fur seals, walru... more »
A gentleman's agreement requires actual gentlemen

Who could have known that trusting Mitch McConnell to keep a promise to
stop abusing the filibuster would be a disaster? Besides everyone except
Harry Reid and a few senior Senators who have clearly been holding onto
their seats well into dotage. So now we all pay the price for Harry Reid's
gullibility on filibuster reform.
On the bright side, they're talking about it again:
Senate Democratic leaders have engaged in preliminary discussions about how
to address Republican procedural obstruction, according to a senior
Democratic aide, reflecting an awareness that key administration ... more »
You Too Can Get Away With Murder and Profit From It! (Indemnify Yourself)
Yes, Virginia, it turns out that one of the purposes of really big business
today is indemnifying yourself (and profiting off of the harm you cause)
from your actions (by paying off government officials at the start) and
later profiting off of cleaning up the mess you made. (It's also good
business sense to use lowest-dollar, cut-rate materials, which will really
increase your bottom line!)
What in the world have they done with Glenn Kessler!
*Fact-checker morphs into hit-man:* What in the world has the Washington
Post done with fact-checker Glenn Kessler?
To us, it seems that Kessler has become a weirdly reliable anti-Democratic
hit man. Consider the way he fact-checked an exchange from Sunday morning’s
This Week. (To watch the exchange, click here, move ahead to roughly nine
The exchange was initiated by Ron Johnson, Wisconsin’s Republican senator.
Johnson isn’t the sharpest crayon in the Senate’s Box of 100, but still.
The exchange in question began like this, with a giant missta... more »
Satire: "Vatican Calls White Smoke a False Alarm: “We Were Just Burning Documents”"
*"Vatican Calls White Smoke a False Alarm: *
*'We Were Just Burning Documents'"*
by Andy Borowitz
VATICAN CITY (The Borowitz Report)—”A puff of white smoke over Vatican
City today raised hopes among the faithful who jammed St. Peter’s Square
until an official spokesman explained that the Vatican was “just burning
some documents.” “Wednesday is the day we traditionally burn documents and
other legal evidence, and we totally forgot about the white smoke thing,”
the Vatican spokesman said. “We apologize for any misunderstanding this
might have caused.”
After cheers went up fr... more »
Surprised Bear

I thought I had a shot at being Pope!
Pope Francis I: Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio is new pope

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, is the first
Jesuit ever elected as Supreme Pontiff and the first from the Americas.
*1) Polar bears are a conservation success story*
Their numbers have rebounded remarkably since 1973 and we can say for sure
that there are more polar bears now than there were 40 years ago. Although
we cannot state the precise amount that populations have increased (which
is true for many species – counts are usually undertaken only after a major
decline is noticeable), polar bears join a long list of other marine
mammals whose populations rebounded spectacularly after unregulated hunting
stopped: sea otters, all eight species of fur seals, walrus, both species
of elephant seal... more »
Polar Bears are doing well
* *
CCNet 13/03/13 Ten Good Reasons Not To Worry About Polar Bears Polar
Bears Are A Conservation Success Story
Global Warming Policy Foundation.
*1) Polar bears are a conservation success story*
Their numbers have rebounded remarkably since 1973 and we can say for sure
that there are more polar bears now than there were 40 years ago. Although
we cannot state the precise amount that populations have increased (which
is true for many species – counts are usually undertaken only after a major
decline is noticeable), polar bears join a long list of other marine
mammals w... more »
Pope Francis I...

*Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires*
10 Reasons say Polar Bears are fine
CCNet 13/03/13Ten Good Reasons Not To Worry About Polar Bears*Polar Bears
Are A Conservation Success Story*
*Susan Crockford: Ten Good Reasons Not To Worry About Polar Bears*
The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 13 March 2013
*This year marks the 40th anniversary of the signing of an international
agreement to protect polar bears from commercial and unregulated sport
hunting. The devastating decades of uncontrolled slaughter across the
Arctic, including the Bering Sea, finally came to an end. And so in honour
of the* *International Polar Bear Day* *(27 February) – and because some
... more »
No worries about Polar Bears
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RELEASES VIDEOS CONTACT CCNet 13/03/13Ten Good Reasons Not To Worry About
Polar Bears*Polar Bears Are A Conservation Success Story*
*Susan Crockford: Ten Good Reasons Not To Worry About Polar Bears*
The Global Warming Policy Foundation, 13 March 2013
*This year marks the 40th anniversary of the signing of an international
agreement to protect polar bears from commercial a... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Helter Skelter'
Posted on March 13, 2013
MNN. Mar. 13, 2013. Talk overheard by our Warriors of the 4th Dimension
in the War Room on the 14th floor of Indian Affairs, Ottawa. Several
band council chiefs are sitting with the genocide strategists;
“How do we kill their spirit? What are they going to do to us for the
genocide we committed that is
What Parties Want
Everyone interested in political parties should read recent posts by Hans
Noel and Greg Koger about what parties "really" want. Should we think of
parties as ultimately interested in seeking and winning office? Or in
ultimately controlling public policy?
I have a dog in this fight. I think both sides are (partially) wrong.
It's a mistake, in my view, to think of parties in such a way that they
must ultimately be defined one way or another. It misses part of the
essential nature of political parties, which is that they are open-ended:
parties are creatures of their members, and of th... more »

A new Washington Post poll gives us the latest evidence that the American
people are not stupid. The poll found:
* Americans disapprove of the sequester cuts by 53-39
* 68 percent want Obama and the GOP to work together to avert the cuts,
while only 28 percent want them to continue (the conservative position)
* 71 percent oppose cutting spending on Medicaid to replace the cuts; and
60 percent oppose raising the Medicare eligibility age to replace them.
* By contrast, 58 percent support replacing the cuts *with more targeted
cuts to military spending*.
* 56 percent support replacing ... more »
Providence: Leaked audio recording of Bradley Manning
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The Liberal Party Could Use an Elizabeth Warren or Two

If you want to see the face of progressivism, take a look at Elizabeth
Warren. If you want to understand what progressivism in the 21st century
is about, listen to her. And then ask yourself why we don't have that
sort of leadership.
*Heavens to Betsy. Sen. Elizabeth Warren leapt from the gate of her first
term pummeling Ben Bernanke on too-big-to-fail financial institutions. Then
she demanded to know why American banks were never brought to trial.
Finally, last Thursday, looking for all the world like a school principal
called to sort out teenage hooligans, she queried regulat... more »
Asia's Destabilizing Water Woes
The Asia Pacific region faces enormous freshwater challenges triggered by
overpopulation, industrialization, and climate change.
What's coming is bad enough if only Asia wasn't starting so far in the
hole. A report from the Asia Development Bank finds that two-thirds of
the region's huge population already has no clean, piped water at home.
*Studies for the Asian Water Development Outlook report, prepared by the
ADB and other research institutes, found that 37 out of 49 countries in the
region had low levels of water security.*
*The percentage of Asia's population with access to... more »
Point of no return: Film on Egyptian Jews blocked before its release
' The Egyptian authorities have sunk to new levels of cowardice by
refusing 'Jews of Egypt', Amir Ramses's new film, a licence to go on
general release. The Times of Israel reports...'
Climategate: FOIA – The Man Who Saved The World – Telegraph Blogs
' I hope one day that FOIA's true identity can be revealed so that he can
be properly applauded and rewarded for his signal service to mankind. He is
a true hero, who deserves to go on the same roll of honour as Norman
Borlaug, Julian Simon and Steve McIntyre: people who put truth, integrity
and the human race first and ideology second. Unlike the misanthropic
greenies who do exactly the opposite.'
An Opportunity to Make A Difference (Updated w/correct email)

*An Opportunity to Make A Difference:*
* *(UPDATE: email correction: mr.bonojo@gmail.com)*
We have been following the story of Patrick Cody Morgan for a few weeks
now. Patrick is currently behind bars for crimes he did not commit. The
only thing he is guilty of it is standing up against the system and
fighting for what he believed in.
In the last post we learned about a very unique Soul, Anthony Bonojo, whom
Patrick has been blessed to connect with, since his incarceration. Here is
the link to that post and an excerpt for those of you new to this story:
http://amer... more »
Why Obama's approval is sinking
I truly hate when the internets make me talk about polling but I've seen
this pushed for long enough that it's worth addressing. The usual suspects
are harping on their tired refrain about Obama's failure to reach out to
GOPers. That's not the reason. Nobody outside the Beltway bubble gives a
flying leap about whether Obama makes nice with the crackpots. Rather the
opposite. It's because instead of standing firm on the platform he won the
election on, he's back to trying to cajole concessions by giving into their
Greg Sargent, in an especially good morning round-up, nails ... more »
Rabies shot for the number 3 or so that's why goalkeepers wear gloves
How Many Democrats In Congress Will Vote To Keep Obama And Boehner From A Grand Austerity Bargain?

Even Bernie Sanders couches his criticism of Obama's willingness to sell
out working families and seniors to Republican predators in terms that
almost never acknowledge any fumbling by Obama. It's always, "Let's support
the president's pledge to protect working families" and stuff like that.
That approach is going to get harder in coming weeks as it becomes more and
more transparent that Obama starts bargaining away pieces of the social
safety net to Republicans whose only motivations are to wreck his
presidency and make themselves heroes to the one percent.
Last week a Member of... more »
Wellington has ‘20 days of water left’ in record drought – ‘It’s just unheard of. Guys who have lived in the area all their lives are saying it’s the driest they’ve ever seen.’
[image: Remembrance Lake, Queen Elizabeth Park, Masterton, dries up in New
Zealand's drought of Summer 2013. Photo: APN]
13 March 2013 (Fairfax) – The Wellington region's water supply is at
'crisis' level, while even the typically wet West Coast is experiencing a
big dry as New Zealand's summer drought extends.
Rural communities throughout the North Island are already reeling from
extremely dry conditions. The Government has declared Northland, Auckland,
Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Hawke's Bay as drought zones.
Manawatu-Rangitikei, Wairarapa, and Taranaki are set to follow.
Nigel ... more »
War Without Heroes

The sort of warfare the West has been waging this century is largely
without heroes in the connotation of that word in previous wars.
There have been some to be sure. These are mainly infantry soldiers who
actually do something incredibly brave and gallant in the midst of combat.
We have padded the thin ranks by according the status of hero to everyone
who happened to look when he should have ducked or met up with an IED at
the wrong moment. If you come back in a box, you're a hero.
In previous wars dying merely meant unlucky. Bravery was above and beyond
simple expiry and he... more »
White House Initiative on Education Excellence for African Americans...
*maybe we can get them smart enough to apply for a photo ID.*
And they call *us *racists?
Maggie, proprietor of the very popular Maggie's Notebook (sigh - I only
have a corner), tells us about this latest insult to minorities.
*Paying States to Lower Goals for Blacks Hispanics and Poor, Raise Goals
for Whites Asians*
And...............she earned the spot on quote of the day award!
[...]If schools are not equal, the truth to be faced is that most
well-qualified teachers do not want to teach in dangerous neighborhoods
among poorly-qualified teachers. Fix that problem. We are a nati... more »
*Former jail official, friend of sheriff, pleads guilty to federal bribery
charge ~The Lens*
The three faces of the New York Times!
*What hath Ryan’s plan wrought:* If you read today’s New York Times, you
may not know what to think.
What’s in Paul Ryan’s new budget plan? More specifically, what happens to
the marginal tax rate?
That’s a *very* basic question. If you read the news pages first, this is
what you were told:
PETERS AND WEISMAN (3/13/13): Republicans said their plan would balance the
budget in 10 years, a contention the White House said was impossible given
that *it would cut the top marginal income tax rate, which the wealthiest
Americans pay, to 25 percent from 39.6 pe... more »
A conscious decision not to participate in the proceedings bars consideration of a defence for the merits
Sunlife Assurance Company of Canada v. Premier Financial Group Incorporated
(Premier Financial), 2013 ONCA 151 is a good source for the principle that
someone who chooses to ignore a claim is barred from raising even a valid
substantial defence:
[1] The motion judge found that there was overwhelming evidence
that the appellants were personally served and that they decided to ignore
the process. There is ample evidence, including video recordings, to
support the finding. It is established that a conscious decision not to
participate in the proceedings bars consideration of... more »
Applying for Obamacare a bureaucratic nightmare...
*remember - we have a country full of poor sad disenfranchised people who
are too stupid or lazy to be able to apply for a photo ID in order to vote.
Someone tell me exactly how are they going to apply for "free" health
Want to see the hot mess they've created?
Sure you do...
Here's the link.
I can't wait to hear the screams of outrage when all sorts of people who
used to enjoy private insurance are shuffled off into substandard Medicaid
coverage. Meanwhile, a family of four who earn up to 92K will probably
qualify for financial help.
*Obamacar... more »
BBC News - MP David Lammy apologises for BBC Pope race 'innuendo' claim
'A Labour MP has apologised for claiming the BBC made a "silly innuendo
about the race" of the next Pontiff.
David Lammy was commenting on a BBC Twitter message, which asked "will
smoke be black or white?".
Mr Lammy, tweeting from the Commons chamber, said the BBC message was
"crass and unnecessary".
He later apologised after Twitter users pointed out the role played by
black and white smoke in announcing the election of a new Pope.'
More here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-21764636
Is David Lammy really that ignorant?
Well you could take this into account, David Lammy... more »
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THE ORIGINAL SIN: Prejudgment and imagination!
*Part 3—Imagining Penn getting frisked:* Did Trenton Mays and Ma’lik
Richmond rape a 16-year-old girl in Steubenville, Ohio last summer?
For ourselves, we’d have to say that we don’t know. But many people already
*do* know. They live all over the world.
Mays and Richmond go on trial today, having pled not guilty. In this
morning’s New York Times, Goode and Schweber report the widespread
prejudgment which exists in this high-profile case:
GOODE AND SCHWEBER (3/13/13): The case first came to light through Twitter
posts and a photo on Instagram. And *the ... more »
Economist and white-collar criminologist Bill Black explains Obama's true intentions (not good) regarding the sequester and how MSNBC is loath to spell this out to its Democratic clientele.
* the**REALnews
March 12, 2013
*Austerity and the Death of Logic*
Bill Black: Both the GOP and the White House refuse to support a bill that
ends the sequester, it shows the real intention of the Obama administration
*Watch full multipart The Black Financial and Fraud Report*
More at The Real News
*Blogger's Note:* In this video Bill Black says that "Dean Baker has a
spectacular column that people should read that basically says [MSNBC's
support of Obama even th... more »
Double standards?
Take the *Nakbah* (catastrophe). To Palestinians today, it represents a
real-world catastrophe – the terrible, Holocaust-level tragedy that befell
their people in 1948 during the first Arab-Israeli war (for Israelis, the
“War of Independence”), during which about 3000 Palestinians were killed
and some half a million refugees fled. To others, it represents a
psychological catastrophe the horrifying *global* humiliation of seven Arab
armies defeated by a rag-tag army of the worst of the *dhimmi — *Jews, the
weaklings and cowards of 1400 years of Muslim tradition.
Compare with the cu... more »

*The Sequester Is President Obama’s Fault*
Dean Baker
Truthout, March 4, 2013
*See article on original website*
Now that we are counting up the days of the sequester instead of counting
down, it would be a good time to cast blame. And my candidate is President
I’m not blaming Obama for the reasons that Bob Woodward came up with in his
fantasyland. I am blaming President Obama and his administration for trying
to be cute and clever rather than telling the public the truth about the
economic crisis. The result is that the vast majority of the public, and
virtually all ... more »
USNWR Political Science Rankings
I performed a similar operation to Scatterplot, e.g., estimated the results
of the current poll by assuming equal weighting for both the 2013 and 2009
poll results (explanation). For the Departments that moved from ranked to
unranked in the 2013 rankings I assumed a 1.9–as it looks like 2.0 might be
the cutoff for ranking
Continue reading
Go Aggies!...
*I couldn't help noticing how attractive the students are. *
Since I lived in Houston for over 16 years, I consider myself half Texan.
Students at the Bush School of Government and Public Service surprised
President George H.W. Bush during a recent visit with a Flash Mob. The Bush
School is located at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.
Climategate 2013 is here: FOIA
*Off-topic, Rome:* Argentinian chemist Jorge Bergoglio was elected as the
new Pope, Francis I
Tom Nelson has already leaked the news so I will follow:
Mr. FOIA speaks: "It's time to tie up loose ends and dispel some of the
speculation surrounding the Climategate affair" (full text of the main
e-mail from FOIA to a select group of skeptics)
The page above became the "story of the day" at ClimateDepot.com (I can't
forget Jo Nova, Donna, Bishop Hill, Cheefio, James Delingpole, Jeff [Id]
Condon, WUWT, Climate Audit, JunkScience, ClimateScam.SE, Soylent Sage) so
I don't think it's a s... more »
Bill Whittle: The Virtual President on Voter Fraud...
*you know - the thing that democrats say doesn't exist.*
H/T Conservative Hideout

Where is the beauty in the city?
The rough roads are stained by oil.
Ugly buildings
made of steel and glass
have no heart.
Prisons they are, an artist's
built to save the banks
and insurance companies
$$$ by taking the shape and character
of a box.
Office workers inside cubicles inside a big steel box.
A white collar prison.
The billboards and neon signs
light the dark sky
but bring no joy or mystery
to the night.
Stars are hidden from plain sight
by the nuclear glow of the city.
Imagine, North Korea is mocked
because they can see the stars at night.
Noise is ever presen... more »
Iraq’s Failure To Diversify Its Economy

Iraq’s economy has huge potential, but also faces major pitfalls. The
country is rich in oil for example, but it only provides money. That
revenue needs to be used in a strategic plan to diversify the economy, so
that it can have sustainable growth. Otherwise Iraq can fall victim to the
resource curse where the economy goes up and down with the international
price of oil, while other industries are pushed out. That can also
undermine its developing democracy, because it breaks the social contract
between the public and the government since the latter does not need the
former with ... more »
Preston Manning Tells Conservatives That They MUST NOT Say What They Believe If They Want Canadians To Vote For Them!

Chris Selley considers the portion of Preston Manning’s speech this past
weekend that dealt with “intemperate and ill considered remarks” by fellow
*He mentioned (though not by name) Wildrose candidate and evangelical
pastor Allan Hunsperger, whose “derogatory reference to homosexuals” was
“dredged up during the recent [Alberta] provincial election,” and “a
questionable comment by a prominent libertarian and a good friend of mine,
which seemed to imply that the freedom of an individual to view child
pornography had no serious consequences for others.” That would be ... more »
Two More Notes on Imaginary Numbers
Two more quick notes on the Ryan budget's tax numbers:
1. I said yesterday that what's real about the budget as a whole is that
it's an opening bid for further negotiations. That might be wrong. The
other possibility, as Ed Kilgore says, is that it's simply a gift to the
crazies in exchange for not blocking the debt limit increase last time
around -- and perhaps the next time, too. Could be!
2. The implausibility of the tax numbers is drawing a lot of attention. But
on second thought, I'm not sure that's fair, or at least necessary. This is
a budget, not a tax reform plan. As long ... more »
China plans first commercial trip through Arctic shortcut in 2013
[image: A study in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Science,
led by UCLA geographer Laurence Smith, looks at how the Arctic will change
under even modest levels of global warming. Through computer simulations,
the researchers found that open-water vessels will be able to, in theory,
cross the Northwest Passage and North Sea Route regularly in the summer by
2050 without icebreakers. And icebreaker ships may be able to ram right
through the North Pole. Graphic: Smith and Stephenson, 2013]
By Alister Doyle, Reuters Environment Correspondent, with additional
reporting by B... more »
Should Nonprofits Fear ALEC Legislators?
It might be more appropriate for nonprofits to consider
that there but for the grace of the legislature’s focus on 501(c)(5) labor
go my 501(c)(3) public charity and I
From an article
In the Nonprofit Quarterly
*Why Non profits Should Care about “Paycheck Protection” Bills*
Written by –Rick Cohen
Created on Wednesday, 13 March 2013 13:39
March 12, 2013; Source: St. Louis Business Journal
The decision of the Missouri State Senate to pass “paycheck protection”
legislation should be seen as a little shot across the bow for nonprofits,
not just labor unions... more »
Rains or not, India is falling short on drinkable water
[image: Women bringing back water from a community tap in Cherrapunji, in
northeastern India. Photo: Kuni Takahashi / The New York Times]
12 March 2013
CHERRAPUNJI, India (The New York Times) – Almost no place on Earth gets
more rain than this small hill town. Nearly 40 feet falls every year — more
than 12 times what Seattle gets. Storms often drop more than a foot a day.
The monsoon is epic.
But during the dry season from November through March, many in this corner
of India struggle to find water. Some are forced to walk long distances to
fill jugs in springs... more »
Midweek Linkage
Casy Hogle reports on a World Peace Foundation panel on public-advocacy
campaigns, which featured the Laura Sey and Amanda Taub. Edward Hugh on the
decline of Portugal. The costs of the “eating local” movement: agriculture
in the “global south.” Daniel Martin Varisco: “life without honor.” Adam
Eluks: “a rack city on a hill: unsolicited advice
Continue reading
Koch's - Control the Media, Control the People
If you were to ask yourself why two billionaire fossil-fuel loving brothers
wanted to get into broadcast media
the most immediate answer would be
Unless you know
their name is Koch
and they are the movers and shakers
Republican extremist groups
that evidently need more media time
to spread their pro-corporate, fascist agenda
From Daily Kos
Read it and weep:
*Koch Brothers interested in Tribune Co.'s newspapers and possibly its TV
We'll be just like China
*Control the Media - Control the Message*
*Control the Media - Control the People*
Hurricane Sandy victims agonize over fate of Jersey Shore homes – ‘Who’s going to want to buy a house where the flood insurance is going to be so much more?’
[image: Aerial view of flooding on the New Jersey shore after Hurricane
Sandy. Photo: Tim Larsen / New Jersey Governor's Office]
HACKENSACK, New Jersey, 10 March 2013 (Associated Press) – Thousands of
Jersey Shore owners whose homes were flooded by Superstorm Sandy are now
facing the most crucial decision yet: raise, sell, or raze.
Is it cheaper to elevate or demolish? How long a wait will there be for
insurance and grant money? Can the emotional attachment to homes — some of
which have played host to generations of family members — be broken? Add to
that a need to learn what a “b... more »
WotW: Achieve the Holy Grail of Inbox Zero

As you may have guessed from reading this blog and seeing the amazing
things my wife creates, she is very meticulous and perhaps borderline OCD.
Nowhere is her obsessive personality more prominent than in her email inbox.
She cannot rest until her inbox is completely empty. Everything has to be
read, sorted, filed, deleted, etc. This is all good, as long as you can
stay on top of it, which she's pretty talented at. For the rest of us mere
mortals, we quickly fall behind and getting to inbox zero feels nearly
Enter Mailstrom, a brilliant solution from the genius minds ... more »
TV debate - Egyptian style
That Mahmoud Shaaban is at least honest about his views on women.
I wonder why the Western feminist lobby don't protest about such attitudes
which are so prevalent in the Islamic world, whereas they are happy to do
so about much more minor matters in the West?
Third Graders Face Retention in 13 States for Failing a Test
In 2000, Louisiana became the first state in the Nation to require
elementary school children (4th graders), to pass a test to move on to 5th
grade. Since then hundreds of thousands of poor children have learned
failure at an early age, with many of them now entering the "correctional"
system of Louisiana, which is a major employer in the state.
Research shows that failing a grade is as traumatic to 3rd graders as
losing a parent, but with the help of Jeb Bush's team and the lawyers from
ALEC, we now have this bare-knuckled legislation to mandate 3rd grade
retention in 13 states, ... more »
Grayson on the Ryan Budget Proposal
This is an excellent video - with excellent key points by Alan Grayson on
the Ryan budget proposal.
*From Crook and Liars.*
Amartya Sen
There is little room for the realities of economic life - faced by the
majority of the world’s people - within the scope of widely accepted and
conventional economic theory. There is a particular exception to this
general tendency and that is embodied in the theoretical framework of
Amartya Sen who has clearly brought human compassion into the realm of
Amartya Kumar Sen was born on November 3, 1933 and was the sole recipient
of the 1998 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on
welfare economics. He is currently a Professor of Economics and Philosophy
a... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Will Clark, 49.
Good stuff:
1. Brendan Nyhan on Glenn Kessler's plan vs. talking point column.
2. What we don't know from Paul Ryan's budget, from Ezra Klein.
3. But Ryan does appear to be using honest growth estimates, Dylan Matthews
4. Adam Serwer profiles Thomas Perez, who will be the next Secretary of
Labor if he can survive a filibuster. My guess? I don't have one, other
than a cloture vote is virtually certain and I can't imagine he'll get much
more than 60 at best.
5. Senators who won't talk to reporters. Interesting, although I would have
liked ... more »
ConservaDem Stephen Lynch Poses As Someone Who Fights For Working Families
The ad above is a slick production trying to introduce Massachusetts' most
conservative Democratic congressman to voters statewide. Lynch is running
against longtime progressive Ed Markey-- who actually has a voting record
that shows he *does* fight for working families-- in the race for the
Senate seat that John Kerry gave up when he was appointed Secretary of
State. Kerry has endorsed Markey-- as has Massachusetts' other U.S.
Senator, Elizabeth Warren. (And so have Blue America, MoveOn and DFA.)
Obviously, Lynch's ad doesn't say anything about what a consistent fighter
he's bee... more »
*Large barge fire continues to burn Wednesday *
Aldous Huxley letter to George Orwell
visions? The covers of these editions of Orwell's 1984, left, and Huxley's
Brave New World, use similar imagery ALDOUS HUXLEY'S LETTER IN FULL...
Wrightwood. California.
21 October, 1949
Dear Mr. Orwell,
It was very kind of you to tell your publishers to send me a copy of your
It arrived as I was in the midst of a piece of work that required much
reading and... more »
The AFL-CIO Doesn't Know - - That ALEC Does Know
ALEC boasts that it has
2,000+ state legislators that support ALEC policy
96 members of the US Congress that support ALEC policy
the number of other state federal officials
who support ALEC policy
which could be a major issue for America.
* *
*Have You Heard of the TPP Yet? An Important Trade Agreement You Need to
Know *
* *
*Celeste Drake*
(Lots of Snips from that article)
The U.S. government is currently working with 10 other countries to
negotiate the biggest trade and investment agreement (also known as a “free
trade agree... more »
*Flood insurance rates could rise significantly*
*Lockheed Martin project will create new gas storage tanks, hundreds of jobs
*City issues reminder of parking instructions and traffic restrictions in
advance of 2013 St. Patrick's Day Parade*
*List of local St. Joseph altars* *LSU's 'Rising Water' offers honest
retrospective on a memory that still stings* *Vendy Awards at the French
Market ~Gambit *
IMF as Valuable US Tool
[Excerpted] “The IMF has always been a valuable tool for advancing U.S.
national interests globally,” the committee wrote — perhaps
validating one of the arguments China, Brazil and others have made for
they need a greater say at the fund.”
[Majia here: The committee at issue is the Bretton Woods Committee.]
Cited in Schneider, H. (2013, March 5) White House Seeks New Money for
Majia here: The IMF i... more »
Getting Tired And Tiresome

Lawrence Martin wrote in yesterday's *Globe and Mail* that those who
predicted Justin Trudeau would be this decade's Kim Campbell may yet live
to eat crow:
When the poll numbers first came out last fall showing that Liberals led by
Mr. Trudeau would beat all comers, no one took the numbers seriously. It
was name recognition stuff. Voters weren’t paying attention. No big deal.
In the ensuing months came the same polls and the same understandably
dismissive reactions.
But now there’s been about half a year of it, and Mr. Trudeau has made some
mistakes and he hasn’t put forward inn... more »
PMQs predictions 13 March 2013
Ed Miliband will make:
one 'off the cuff' joke about Teresa May wanting to be the next
Conservative leader
one 'off the cuff' remark about the loyalty of Michael Gove
no apology for increasing debt, immigration and social inequality during
his time in government.
How did I do?
Sorry I forgot to predict Ed Miliband making a stupid joke first, stupid of
Teresa May 'off the cuff' remark - Yes
Michael Gove - I think that was who Ed Miliband meant when he mentioned
'the Childrens Minister'
No apology - Of course
Osgoode Hall, Toronto in 1856

Note there are no "cow catcher" gates on the fence -- it is a myth that the
fence was put up to keep farm animals out
How exciting!
British Telecom have just written to me telling me that they've just rolled
out fibre optic technology and introduced BT Infinity on my home area, so I
can have speeds up to four times faster than the average speed of standard
UK broadband.
This is so exciting, well it would be were it not for the fact that I've
been on fibre broadband at this address for almost a year now.
British Telecom idiots.
Links -n- stuff
*In a pond near my house.*
Taiwan Thinktank, a pan-Green operation, came out with a poll on the
referendum on the fourth nuclear plant.
More than 60 percent of respondents said they would vote in a proposed
national referendum on the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant in New Taipei City’s
(新北市) Gongliao District (貢寮) and almost 70 percent of those polled
supported the suspension of construction and operations at the
controversial power plant, a survey released yesterday showed.
8-10% higher than the other polls. Reading this.....
People’s concerns about nuclear safety were so strong that... more »
The Apartheid State of Israel

Yes I am sick of the lies told about Israel.
Asda / HMV Is It Wise.Com?

Today we read that Asda, the UK arm of Walmart, is ‘considering’ a bid for
UK entertainment retail casualty HMV. Administrators Deloitte have already
almost halved the number of HMV stores leaving it with some 116 outlets and
the deal may be attractive given Walmart’s own position in the same market
in the US.
It is an interesting rumour given that their two biggest UK supermarket
rivals have clearly pinned their money on going after the growing online
media marketplace. It also comes on the back of the news that Argos is
reintroducing CDs and DVDs into selective stores. The CD an... more »
Dr Colin Ross - everything you ever wanted to know about Mind Control - but were too traumatised to ask
Conspiracy Culture presents 'The CIA and Military Mind Control' a two-hour
presentation by psychological clinician Dr. Colin Ross.
Dr. Ross talks about CIA Mind Control Experimentation by Psychiatrists,
declassified programs, disassociative identity disorder, double agent
children, the official mind control timeline and other controversial
material/accusations that literally beg the question, "How has this guy not
had an 'accident' already?"
Ross's Manchurian Candidate Prostitute Thesis at about 01:00:00 is properly
ingenious in the realm of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo where *'tortu... more »
Coconut Oil Can Stop Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

The immediate take home here is that age related cognitive decline is
directly related to the integrity of the brains energy system and that
coconut oil augments and certainly buys time. It also appears that part of
this loss is directly due to nutritional failure. We forget that we live
long lives and any chronic deficiency must be guarded against as a matter
of simple survival.
Our real problem has been their recognition in the first place. Now we
learn here just how unique the coconut happens to be. We need to identify
others obviously.
It turns out that the liver c... more »
German Village Achieves Energy Independence

This tales reminds us of what is possible at the all important community
level. Now imagine organizing society along these lines and internally
capitalizing it at this level with its own self managed banking apparatus.
This success took years to assemble but it was merely a case of leadership
understanding the direction his electors wished to go and actively
supporting them.
What this emphasizes though is that the core objective of effective
sustainability is plausible. And yes it all starts with energy and the
production of a surplus to support internal expansion and wea... more »
Giant Energy Waves Drive Weather Extremes

This is actually an important contribution and it will now be possible to
track these waves on an ongoing basis and link observations to the present
state. It also anchors long term predictive protocols allowing us to know
what can be generally expected weeks ahead. Even better, when it stalls,
preparations can be begun for the onset of extreme weather.
We have surely had an excellent demonstration of this phenomena over the
past several weeks. We not only had a rarity in the form of hurricane
Sandy, we have since been battered by extreme continental weather.
It would ... more »
Curiosity Confirms Hospitable Soils on Mars

I am not convinced yet that it is possible to locate hard evidence of life
here. Carbon based life likes to leave a mess of some sort somewhere and
we see no smoking gun as yet. Yet this is reassuring in one regard.
It is now plausible to cover a patch of Mars with a large greenhouse and
grow things in a controlled environment. A soil is possible.
Otherwise, we have to stay underground and be completely artificial in our
approach. Again we can do this and will have to in most places. Mars can
give us a break.
Our first expedition to Mars should pack a large bubble ... more »
Minuscule Canadian Taxpayers Federation in running for ‘Turfy Award’
Former Canadian Taxpayers Federation Alberta Director Scott Hennig, now the
group’s Communications VP, in a nice AstroTurf-coloured sweater at last
weekend’s Ottawa conference of the Manning Centre for Undermining
Democracy. Below: CTF President Troy Lanigan; CTF member … rrrrrrr …
supporter, Riley Climenhaga; CTF Operations VP Shannon Morrison. When it
comes time to hand out ... more »
Pirate Bay for 3D printing Physibles

*The company that developed 3D printed gun parts has announced plans to
launch a new firm, devoted to copyright-free blueprints for a range of 3D
printable substance. *Defcad, as the firm will be known, has previously
been dubbed the Pirate Bay of 3D printing. According to its founders the
site will become a "search engine for 3D printing. But its breaking of
copyright is likely to face legal challenges.
The firm is the idea of Cody Wilson, law student and self-styled
crypto-anarchist. Last year he set up Defense Distributed, a plan aiming to
print gun parts. The project provok... more »
What up Stephen Harper?
I couldn`t have said it better..
Request to my fellow bloggers and concerned citizens, spread it around, its
got a good beat!
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Time for Weingarten to Go
*Too bad it took Randi Weingarten 10 years to "get arrested" when the
writing was on the blackboard with the obviously insane, destructive and
impossible goals of NCLB calling for 100% proficiency by 2014. The noose
around the teachers' necks has been getting tighter and tighter and now the
ones in the most vulnerable communities are gasping for air and about to
expire. The stories form Philadelphia, Chicago, Seattle and New York about
what's happening to these communities barely made news at all. Does anyone
even care that the head of the AFT was arrested?*
* The public schools, t... more »
March 12, 1973
The president makes a statement:
DURING my press conference Of January 31, 1973, I stated that I would issue
a statement outlining my views on executive privilege.
The doctrine of executive privilege is well established. It was first
invoked by President Washington, and it has been recognized and utilized by
our Presidents for almost 200 years since that time. The doctrine is rooted
in the Constitution, which vests "the Executive Power" solely in the
President, and it is designed to protect communications within the
executive branch in a variety of circumstances in time of both ... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)! If this is your first visit,
please click HERE for information and a complete list of all the challenges
we've taken on so far.
There's a lot of great information in this post and I encourage you to read
through it ... however, if you don't have the time right now, you might
find the following quick links helpful:
- The #CTWW Gang
- The Honor Society
- My Final Thoughts on Our Last Challenge
- This Week's Challenge
Last week we took a look at our trash bin and challenged ourselves to find
alternate uses for the stuff we ty... more »
Tom Wolf-- A Progressive Alternative To Tom Corbett And Allyson Schwartz

No one in their right mind could possibly want to see Tom Corbett reelected
governor of Pennsylvania. And polls indicate that voters are more than
ready for a change. But does "a change" mean replacing a corporate shill
like Tom Corbett with a corporate shill like Allyson Schwartz? As we saw
the other day, many Democrats would prefer a more progressive candidate
than Schwartz, who, until a couple weeks ago, was a vice chairman of the
corrupt, Wall Street-tainted New Dems. Earlier today PPP released a new
poll showing that any of the top Democratic contenders could beat Corbett.
To... more »
Quantitative easing in a nutshell
Just in case you haven’t seen it for a while …
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
The Book of Mormon
I knew nothing about this show going in, except that two people I knew saw
it and loved it.
The Book of Mormon.
FREAKING hilarious. Best production I have seen in ages, pretty much loved
every second.
I saw it at the Fisher Theatre in Detroit with my season tickets, and I
read online that every show has sold out for it's 10 day appearance. I am
sure you can get tickets on Ticketmaster, through the Fisher ticket
exchange, eBay or Stubhub.
If you like musicals and comedy and are not easily offended, SEE THIS SHOW.
The Daily "Near You?"
Cliff, New Mexico, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"The Scariest Climate Change Graph Just Got Scarier"
*"The Scariest Climate Change Graph Just Got Scarier"*
By Tim McDonnell|
"Back in 1999, Penn State University climate scientist Michael Mann
released the climate change movement's most potent symbol: The "hockey
stick," a line graph of global temperature over the last 1,500 years that
shows an unmistakable, massive uptick in the 20th century, when humans
began to dump large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It's
among the most compelling bits of proof out there that human beings are
behind global warming, and as such has become a target on Mann's back for
climat... more »
Montanans Need to say NO!!!! to ALEC

Last week I saw this
*Conservative group fundraiser draws ire of Montana Democrats*
* *
*March 06, 2013 2:15 pm • Associated Press*
HELENA — A conservative think tank is drawing the ire of some Democrats for
using a state building for a membership drive.
The American Legislative Exchange Council has helped draft model
legislation used by Republican lawmakers.
The group was at the state Capitol on Wednesday seeking new members. It
offers a two-year membership for $100.
Republican supporters say the group plays an important role in helping
draft ideas that support "limited governm... more »
John Friend on Rense Radio w/ Jeff Rense

I was a guest on the Jeff Rense Program on *Rense* Radio last night
following my conversation with John Kaminski. Jeff and I discussed my
article *Was Hitler a Zionist Stooge?* and other aspects of WWII and
American history. You can download the program *here*.
Who the hell starts their day at 10:30 am?...

I'm usually up by 5 am.
Via *White House Dossier:*
Obama's schedule.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
*10:30 am ||* Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
*1:30 pm ||* Meets with the House Republican Conference; United States
*3:05 pm ||* Meets with Secretary of State Kerry
*3:40 pm ||* Meets with CEOs to discuss cybersecurity; Situation Room
*4:05 pm ||* Meets with business leaders on immigration reform; Eisenhower
Executive Office Building
*4:30 pm ||* Meets with Treasury Secretary Lew
*6:30 pm ||* Delivers remarks at Organizing for Action dinner
And could someone p... more »
Sushi...now with chopsticks

I was well into my teenage years before I felt comfortable wielding a pair
of chopsticks and a young adult before I required a taste for sushi. Not
so for the boy.
Of course its okay to cheat every now and then when good food is involved.
Bob Woodward and me

I was a new stay at home mom when the Senate Watergate Committee convened.
I watched untold hours of those hearings on the teevee. They were broadcast
live on the networks, pre-empting regular programming. There were reams of
newspaper reports. Actual convictions ensued. Sure there was a lot of
theater, but it felt like a functioning government. And none of it would
have happened without Woodward and Bernstein and a major metro newspaper
willing to support their investigative work. Hard to believe, seeing what
has become of it in the present day, that newspaper was the Washington
Po... more »
Pyongyang be buggered, we’re all going to get wet!
Comforting to know that American military monitoring of threats from North
Korea and China is in the competent hands of General Bran Flake:
America's top military officer in charge of monitoring hostile actions by
North Korea, escalating tensions between China and Japan, and a spike in
computer attacks traced to China provides an unexpected answer when asked
what is the biggest long-term security threat in the Pacific region:
climate change.
“The ice is melting and sea is getting higher…”
Yes, strap on your snorkels and head ye for the hills, for lo, the threat
of seawater ri... more »
The term: 'Political Correctness'
There’s said to be an annual contest at Griffith University, Queensland,
calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term.
The term this year: 'Political Correctness'
The winning student wrote:
Political correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional, illogical
minority and rapidly promoted by mainstream media, holding forth the
proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the
clean end.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)

Here’s the update for this Thursday’s econ session from our friends at the
Auckland Uni Economics Group:
*Hi all,
This week we’ll be talking about the most prevalent fallacy in economics,
which (when committed) leads to the biggest economic errors, and (when
spotted) starts you thinking like a real economist.
We’re talking about what is seen and what is not seen—most popularly known
as The Broken Window Fallacy.
Date: Thursday, March 14
Time: 6pm-7pm
Location: Case Room 3, Level Zero, Auckland University Business
School, Grafton Rd, Auckland
As always, all... more »
ALEC - It Really Sucks to be Finally Exposed
It sucks even more to be their PR firm.
While I was doing my research tonight (very productive, BTW – three new
articles coming up) I kept finding things that made me so, so sad for ALEC
(not so much).
*And this information was only in the last 24 hours.*
*And this information was on only the first ten pages of search results.*
*Just the snips from the Google results. *
ALEC Exposed in Iowa: How Corporate Influence Subverts Our Democratic
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) - known by its critics as
a "corporate bill mill"
As Alberta Premier Alison Redford t... more »
ceases to live up to his callsign. "Not my fault" he says over his
department's inability to find a replacement for DHC Buffalo SAR
aeroplanes. As department head, it is his fault, and the faults of any
other ministers of public works and industry involved.
It really is embarrassing that these people are still in power.
The doctrine of privity of contract is of considerably diminished force in Canada as a continuing principle of contract law
Brown v. Belleville (City), 2013 ONCA 148 holds:
[79] It is important to note at the outset that the doctrine of
privity of contract is of considerably diminished force in Canada as a
continuing principle of contract law. It has been subject to a wealth of
repeated academic and judicial criticism, leading to frequent calls for law
reform in Canada and elsewhere. See for example, *London Drugs*, at pp.
418-26; *Fraser River Pile & Dredge Ltd. v. Can-Dive Services Ltd.*, [1999]
3 S.C.R. 108, at para. 26; McCamus, at pp. 296-301. Indeed, several
Commonwealth jurisdictions have... more »
Paul Ryan's plan for social Darwinism
Everybody is talking about Paul Ryan's new budget which is pretty much like
his old budget, only with more granny starving. I'd sum it up as further
slash the taxes on the wealthy, raise taxes on everyone else and pretty
much destroy any government program that might possibly increase the life
span of the poors, olds and disabled. The man who spent pretty much his
whole life dining on the taxpayers' dollar apparently thinks the government
is spending entirely too much money keeping these "takers" alive. In his
world they don't need so many poors anymore to do the menial work. Hell, w... more »
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