Designs For The New U.S. Air Force Bomber Have Been Submitted
People without security clearances aren’t going to learn what the winning design for the Long Range Strike Bomber looks like anytime soon, but the Northrop Grumman B-2 bomber probably bears some resemblance. The lack of a fuselage or tail makes it much harder to track with radar; unfortunately, its stealth coatings and other “low-observable” features are a nightmare to maintain. (Wikipedia) *Bloomberg: **Bidders Submit Designs for New U.S. Air Force Bomber* Bidders for the U.S. Air Force’s new bomber have produced elaborate designs of their competing offerings, according to a congr... more »
Talking about unprofessional behaviour from BBC presenters... For any of you haven't seen the BBC News Channel's usually mild-mannered Simon McCoy go wildly OTT yesterday with UKIP's Douglas Carswell, well, here it is (the main outburst/rant begins around 8:05): *Simon McCoy (interrupting)*: And there should be a limit on that number or not? *Douglas Carswell*: Parliament should decide on that number. There will be some people like Yvette Cooper...she's opened the bidding at 10,000...un.... *Simon McCoy (interrupting)*: Did you really say that? *Douglas Carswell*: Sorry? *S... more »
Ukraine President: The Cease-Fire Has Been Holding For The Past Week
*Radio Free Europe*: *Ukraine's President Says Cease-Fire Observed For Week* Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko says that a cease-fire agreement has been observed for the first time for an entire week in eastern Ukraine, where government forces have been engaged in military conflict with Russian-backed separatists. "Today marks the first week when there is no shooting in the battle zone. The first week when finally the Minsk agreement is being implemented," Poroshenko said in Kyiv on September 5, referring to the cease-fire deal brokered by Germany and France in the Belarusian c... more »
Exporting Oil Won’t Raise Gas Prices, Government Energy Agency Finds
[image: gas prices__1441464947_70.119.142.63] After almost a year of falling oil prices, the public isn’t complaining about what it pays at the pump, and lawmakers want to keep it that way. So it’s understandable why Congress has tiptoed toward ending the 40-year-old oil export... Continue reading *“Exporting Oil Won’t Raise Gas Prices, Government Energy Agency Finds”* at *uschamber.com*.
Over 1 in 10 with Student Loans Don’t Even Know They Have Them
[image: student loan debt__1441463155_70.119.142.63] A postsecondary credential is almost universally viewed as important. As student debt levels continue to rise, however, Americans are losing confidence in the quality and affordability of their higher education. A clear majority of Americans think that the quality of... more »
Quebec to MDs: Thou Shalt Kill!
[image: euthanasia terminally ill__1441461451_70.119.142.63] You went into medicine to be a healer and not a killer? Tough! Thou shalt kill. Those are not the exact words, but they are certainly the gist of what Quebec’s Minister of Health is threatening in the face of... Continue reading *“Quebec to MDs: Thou Shalt Kill!”* at *evolutionnews.org*.
How Many Trees are Cut Down Every Year?
*Rhett Butler* - Just how many trees get cut each year around the world? The post How Many Trees are Cut Down Every Year? appeared first on Waking Times.
Free Yourself from Aka – The Energetic Entanglements That Bind us to Suffering
*Amy L. Lansky* - How to cut the energetic ties that bind you to unhappiness and worry. The post Free Yourself from Aka – The Energetic Entanglements That Bind us to Suffering appeared first on Waking Times.
The Only Way to Create Empathic Connections
*Video - *What is the best way to ease someone's pain and suffering? The post The Only Way to Create Empathic Connections appeared first on Waking Times.
The suffering of BBC reporters
In *The Spectator*, Matthew Parris writes something that pretty much reflects where I am on the migrant crisis - though I strongly suspect I'm somewhat further towards the 'harder-hearted' end of the spectrum than Matthew: Literally millions of people across Britain have, over the past few months, been torn and distressed by the question of what ‘we’ should do about the migrants crossing the Mediterranean. I believe this has quite seriously spoiled peace of mind for many. Going further, I’d say this does not arise from baulking at a duty we know we owe, but from deep and genuine do... more »
Weekend reads: Journal invents time machine; endless author lists; is nuance overrated?
The week at Retraction Watch featured the unmasking of the people behind PubPeer, and an editor doing the right thing following a high-profile retraction. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Jeffrey Beall finds a journal that has invented a time machine. How many scientists does it take to write a paper? Thousands, apparently. Robert Lee Hotz […] The post Weekend reads: Journal invents time machine; endless author lists; is nuance overrated? appeared first on Retraction Watch.
TAO WOW: The most important thing you will read this month on Taiwan
*Betel nut trees removed from a hillside in Taichung* For a long time I've been resistant to concluding that Beijing was inept and ignorant of Taiwan affairs as so many have asserted privately to me. It looks like I was wrong to give Beijing the benefit of the doubt.... Solidarity translated two reports from Storm Media about Beijing's Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO). Apparently the anti-corruption drive has now reached into the TAO and is going after Chen Yun-lin... The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) has stationed itself inside the PRC Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO),... more »
Clinton, Rubio Court Puerto Rico Voters as Crisis Looms
[image: Marco Rubio__1441457746_70.119.142.63] SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- Puerto Rico’s financial crisis loomed over dueling Friday campaign appearances by Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican Marco Rubio, two presidential contenders with sharply different positions on a key issue for Puerto Rican voters... more »
WA First State to Rule Charter Schools Unconstitutional
Taking public money without public oversight has long been a most lucrative corporate welfare scam of the corporate reform school industry. Charter CEOs have always wanted it both ways: they are public when looking to collect from taxpayers to fund their segregated businesses, and they are always private when it comes to demanding total autonomy and zero accountability for the oppressive and abusive conditions that exist in the No Excuses chain gangs. Yesterday the Washington State Supreme Court said No Mas! After nearly a year of deliberation, the state Supreme Court ruled 6-3 late...more »
The Beginning of the End for Trump? The Donald Signs RNC Loyalty Pledge
Hated insurgent Donald Trump has finally bowed to pressure and signed off on the Stalinist loyalty oath concocted by the Republican party establishment. The pledge was delivered to him by RNC boss Reince Priebus who was under mounting pressure by the big money donors to bring the bombastic billionaire outsider to heel. How the pledge will affect the Donald’s lead in the polls and whether it will give the green light for the entire stable of establishment candidates to go for his throat has yet to be seen. However, to those who ardently supported him due to his independent status, ... more »
France Preparing To Expand Air-strikes Against The Islamic State Into Syria
A French Mirage 2000 fighter © Kaisa Siren / Lehtikuva / Reuters *RFI*: *France considers air strikes against IS group in Syria: report* France is considering launching air strikes against the Islamic State armed group in Syria, Le Monde reported Saturday. The French newspaper quoted an unnamed "high level source". The crisis of refugees fleeing civil war in Syria would explain this change in strategy, Le Monde said. "Everybody realises that things can not continue as they are," it quoted the source as saying. Since September 2014, France has been engaged in an international coali... more »
Houthi Rebels Claim Responsibility For The Rocket Attack That Killed 45 U.A.E. Soldiers in Yemen
*WSJ*: *Houthi Rebels Were Behind Attack That Killed 45 U.A.E. Soldiers in Yemen* Deaths constitute largest number of fatalities in a single day for Saudi-led coalition Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels were behind a rocket attack that killed 45 soldiers from the United Arab Emirates, Emirati officials said Saturday, as the country increased airstrikes against the militants in retaliation. The deaths constitute the largest single-day toll absorbed by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition of mostly Sunni Arab states that has been fighting the Shiite group since March. Saturday’s airstri... more »
The Selling of American Inhumanity
How can you tell when the *New York Times* is about to feed you a gigantic dose of bullshit? Whenever they use the passive voice in a headline, that's when the warning bells should start clanging in your brain: "Caution: Propaganda Hazard Ahead." Today's dose, slugged "Many Obstacles *Are Seen* to U.S. Taking in Large Number of Syrian Refugees," seems designed to convince you that it would be a horrible idea for the United States to accept Syrian refugees on our precious shores. A shadowy group of leaders and politicians and defense industry think-tankers, feeling the urge to push ... more »
I Pledge Allegiance to Jeb!: RNC to Introduce Loyalty Oath to Address Trump Problem
The Republican National Committee, under increasing pressure from the big money donors has now apparently decided to confront the Trump problem head on. According to multiple media sources the party power brokers have decided to implement a loyalty oath to be taken by every one of the seventeen candidates to swear to not mount an independent bid and to essentially pledge allegiance to Jeb!. The oath is the most serious effort yet to sink the renegade campaign of billionaire Donald Trump and get on with the business of forcing the Bush restoration down the throats of voters. As re... more »
Trump to Jeb!: If You’re In America Speak English
Responding to jellyfish Jeb! who has gone all negative this week and who blasted him to an adoring Miami audience en español, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump had a simple message: if you are in America you should be speaking English. While the establishment continues to bemoan the sullying of their entitled golden boy who represents the Bush restoration by a vulgarian the likes of Trump, El Jebbo is testing Newton’s law of gravity with his free fall in the polls. Perhaps his castigating of the Donald to a crowd peppered with those who are sympathetic to illegal aliens makes him... more »
"What sense do you have, Nick, of public opinion in Hungary regarding this issue?"
The BBC's Central Europe correspondent Nick Thorpe has been making a lot of appearances on the BBC in recent days and, as we've noted before, he's not exactly been shy of expressing an opinion or two of his own along the way. Here's a transcription of an answer he gave to a question on the News Channel at 14:05 today. The question was. "What sense do you have, Nick, of public opinion in Hungary regarding this issue?". His answer ran as follows: I think they're split, like in other countries in Europe. Hungarians are no harder-hearted I think than anyone else in Europe. Many peop... more »
Bandito Bush Attacks El Diablo Donald Trump En Espanol
Looking to prove that he isn’t a spineless, whishy-washy marshmallow candidate, John Ellis Bush aka “Jeb!” has gone into attack mode against Donald Trump. Following the launching of a new negative advertising campaign, Bush V.3 made an appearance in heavily Hispanic Miami where he tore into the Donald en español. The big donors were getting restive about the inability of Jeb! to be running away with the Republican race despite his famous family brand name and must have put the cattle prod to his ass because he is now in full attack mode. When it comes to pandering to Latinos Bush ... more »
Whining Pays: Rules Changed for Fiorina to Make Debate as Knives are Out for Trump
Former Hewlett Packard CEO turned presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has successfully forced a rule change in order to qualify for the big stage for the upcoming Republican debate. Fiorina’s triumph is the result of her “going to war” with the RNC as well as the need for an establishment hellbent at destroying runaway leader Donald Trump on the stage in two weeks. It’s sad to say but CNN and the RNC have been bullied into using some of that affirmative action that most conservatives are vehemently opposed to and other than her ugly public whining campaign it was ultimately her va... more »
Will Mitt Romney Ride In On a White Horse to Save GOP from Trump?
You just had to know that Mitt Romney wasn’t going to just piss off and go away gracefully. He didn’t just slink off into the sunset to a life of political exile and great material wealth after snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in the 2012 election and when he announced that he wasn’t running this time around it was hard to take him seriously. Now, just like that recurrent case of incurable herpes that can never be vanquished, the Mittster may be getting ready to re-enter the scene as the man on the white horse who will rescue the GOP establishment from the hated Donald Tru... more »
Klaus' petition against immigration
I have always considered ex-president Klaus to be a relatively dovish politician when it comes to wars but also immigration. Obviously, he has always been much more than a champion of the free markets and a classical liberal. His proximity to various conservative movements and even patriotic political parties in Western Europe had to be obvious. But when it came to the resistance towards multiculturalism and perhaps Islam in particular, he may have been more restrained than e.g. his nominally social democratic successor Miloš Zeman who often talks about the Islamic Anticivilization ... more »
His Record Is Abysmal
http://www.pioneerspost.com/ We're officially in a recession. And, next month, we may be officially out of it. But that doesn't mean, Jim Stanford writes, that the Canadian economy is in good shape. In three specific areas, the economy has been limping along for years: *Investment:* For years Canada relied on energy megaprojects to lead business investment. But that engine is now sputtering badly, for the foreseeable future. Expensive corporate tax cuts didn't produce any measurable uptick in investment. We need new strategies to elici...more »
Establishment Jubilant as Ben Carson Ties Trump in Monmouth University Poll
The anti-Trump coalition finally has that one poll that they have been longing for where the Donald is not leading the GOP pack. They were likely exchanging high fives and fist bumping at RNC headquarters over the results of the Monmouth University poll that showed retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson - a favorite of Evangelical Christians - has tied the meddlesome billionaire outsider at 23 percent in the critical state of Iowa. The Monmouth poll will be flogged relentlessly by a mercenary media that is getting their marching orders and preparing to go all in on that post-Labor Day neg... more »
Rand Paul Promises to Shut Down NSA Data Center if Elected President
Desperately trying to remain relevant as he sinks in the polls, the amazing shrinking candidate Rand Paul has vowed to close down that massive NSA data storage center in Utah if he becomes president. Paul has proven to be an enormous disappointment to many who saw in him someone who would take a stand to restore our lost civil liberties and reign in the American Stasi and the surveillance of millions of law-abiding Americans. At this point it is hard to believe anything that comes out of Senator Paul’s mouth because he has spent all of his once bountiful political capital by flip-f... more »
Republicans Caterwaul as Obama Renames Mount McKinley
The political correctness brigades haven’t been able to force the Washington Redskins to change their team nickname yet but now Mount McKinley is no more. To commemorate a visit to Alaska, Emperor Barack Obama has announced that he would be changing the name of America’s highest mountain from the one given to it in honor of the nation’s 25th president back to its traditional native name “Denali”. It marks the culmination of efforts by Alaskans to restore the original name and Obama will be treated like a god my many during his visit to the land of the midnight sun. The Guardian pr... more »
Chris Christie Wants to Hire FEDEX CEO to Devise Immigrant Tracking System
Governor Flounder aka Chris Christie may be doomed as far as having any chance to win the 2016 GOP presidential nomination but that won’t stop him from spouting asinine nonsense. In an attempt to overcome his dismal poll numbers, the boss man from the Sopranos state is taking a whack at putting his own stamp on the illegal alien problem. Christie is proposing that a Federal Express style tracking system be implemented in order to keep tabs on foreign visitors and that a Chris Christie administration would contract devising the system out to FedEx CEO Fred Smith - likely at a steep ... more »
Death and Distraction: Do you GET IT?
Facebook post from this morning: Those of us who are posting this picture (below) are doing so for a purpose: to WAKE people up to the truth of what's actually happening. In my 2 decades as a political advocate and activist, the unfortunate truth I have witnessed over and over is that sometimes you NEED to use SHOCK to shake people out of their comfort zone. This isn't about not honoring the child who has died a needless and horrific death. This is about showing the world that he DID die a needless and horrific death. We are surrounded by people who are blinded by media spin doctori... more »
Scott Walker Advocates Canadian Border Wall
Donald Trump’s takeover of the Republican race has exposed his competition as a gaggle of not ready for prime time players. With the Donald soaring in the polls and on the cusp of gaining a stranglehold on the 2016 GOP nomination, the rest of the pack has been turned into stammering stumblebums who are having a very serious problem when it comes to going off script. The latest victim of Donald Trump derangement syndrome is Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, the union slayer and early winner of the lottery for the Koch Brothers campaign funding, and his self-immolation is getting u... more »
TSA Gestapo Goon Fired After Airport Bathroom Molestation Incident
One of the more disgusting aspects of the transformation of this once great country into a fascist banana republic is the presence of government goons in the nation’s airports as was typically customary for a Soviet bloc satellite. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is another one of the blights on America that grew out of the 9/11 attacks which were exploited by those both within the government seeking more control as well as outsiders who saw their opportunity to cynically cash in big time off of the deaths of over 3,000 people. The TSA is a combination of the two a... more »
Obama Setback: Dem. Senator Ben Cardin Opposes Iran Deal
[image: Sen. Ben Cardin__1441455274_70.119.142.63] WASHINGTON (AP) -- White House hopes for stopping a congressional challenge to the Iran nuclear deal and sparing President Barack Obama from using a veto suffered a blow when a key Senate Democrat announced his opposition. The setback came Friday... more »
Sheriff’s Deputy Who was Shot in the Back Remembered during Funeral at Houston’s Second Baptist Church
[image: Sheriff Deputy Darren Goforth funeral__1441453575_70.119.142.63] HOUSTON (AP) -- Thousands of law enforcement officers stood at attention to form a wall Friday outside one of Houston’s largest churches as a 21-gun salute and flyover by police helicopters were carried out in honor of a slain sheriff’s... more »
Trump And Rubio Don't Know Much About Much... But The Base Of The Know-Nothing Party Could Care Less
"I will be so good at the military, your head will spin" is not the articulation of a foreign policy-- or even a defense policy... unless you're a brain-dead chump and Foxified addict of Hate Talk Radio who got suckered into supporting a wealthy-- and crooked-- TV reality star. And according to the polls of Republican primary voters, that's a big proportion of the GOP's current base. I opened Twitter Friday morning to find Trump carrying on about right-wing radio host Hugh Hewitt-- third-rate and stupid, ambushing him with gotcha questions, all the stuff the Trump bully uses regu... more »
U.S. Raises Concerns On Growing Russian Involement In Syria
Unverified: pics emerge showing Russian Yakovlev Pchela-1T drone & possibly Su-34 & Su-27s in #Idlib v @green_lemonnn pic.twitter.com/zFuPQafiLw — Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) September 2, 2015 Unverified: pics emerge showing Russian Yakovlev Pchela-1T drone & possibly Su-34 & Su-27s in Idlib, Syria *New York Times*: *Russian Moves in Syria Pose Concerns for U.S.* WASHINGTON — Russia has sent a military advance team to Syria and is taking other steps the United States fears may signal that President Vladimir V. Putin is planning to vastly expand his military support for Preside... more »
Latest Chinese Video Shows A Hypothetical Massive Chinese Attack On U.S. Forces
*Popular Mechanics*: *Watch This Absolutely Bonkers Chinese Video of a Simulated Attack on the U.S.* "A Full View of Chinese Military Strength" is an amazing watch China has been puffing out its chest a lot this week to show that it's the tough guy in its region. It unveiled new missiles that could target American bases. It marched its soldiers and weapons in a big parade. Its naval vessels just happened to make a close pass to Alaska while President Obama was visiting there. But if all that was too subtle, now there's this: *WNU Editor:* If the U.S. military produced something l... more »
*Just ONE HOUR of TV or internet use each night can damage a child's High School exam results (?) * *As both a psychologist and a former teacher, the effects reported below seemed implausibly large to me so I looked at the source journal article: "Revising on the run or studying on the sofa: prospective associations between physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and exam results in British adolescents" by Corder et al. It is a carefully done study but has major lacunae. The interesting question is WHY some families allow more TV viewing. Who are those families? I a... more »
The Midddle East Was Not Always A Desert
*John Bell & John Zada, Al Jazeera*: *The lost forests of the Middle East* Environmental problems across the Middle East contrast harshly with a forgotten past. With thousands of tonnes of rubbish piling up on the streets and no place to go, Beirut has become a place for political confrontation. The rubbish created a suffocating stink in the summer heat, resulting in a serious health hazard for millions of residents. When the crisis became insufferable, many Lebanese poured into the streets to demand a better government. The need for improved politics in Lebanon and the Middle Ea... more »
*Why the Earth Is Heating So Fast: On the Dangerous Difference Between Science and Political Science* *Bill McKibben doesn't seem to read his own headline. He presents NO evidence below that "the Earth Is Heating So Fast". Mainly because it isn't. The satellites do not lie.All he mentions is a speculative paper by committed Warmists in a Warmist publication which says (unsurprisingly) that we should stop mining "fossil" fuels. What Jesus said of Satan is true of Bill McKibben: "There is no truth in him" (John 8:44)* President Obama is visiting Alaska this week — a territor... more »
Some charts....
This bottom chart shows Taiwanese businesses in China. The red line represents firms with positive growth. The blue represents firms with negative growth. The study from which this is drawn is, alas, no longer on the internet. _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
Today's 'Dateline'
The discussion about the migrant crisis on today's *Dateline London* featured Polly Toynbee of the *Guardian*, Palestinian writer Abdel Bari Atwan, *Bloomberg*'s Stephanie Baker and ABC News's Jeffrey Kofman (in other words, another *Dateline* panel tilted towards the Left). Polly Toynbee concentrated most of her fire on David Cameron, using the word "cruelty" about his policy and saying that his proposal to take in some refugees directly from the Syrian conflict zone is "a profound error": What he's doing is what dictators do, what communists and fascists do. They say the means w... more »
From the Left...and from the Right
Now, if there's one thing I do think we've shown here at *ITBB *it's that Gavin Esler's *Dateline London *has a strong left-liberal bias, especially in its guest selection. Yes, it may have improved somewhat over the years (i.e. it is nowhere near as bad as it used to be), but the guest selection does still tilt *heavily* in one direction (leftwards). Still, he's a short thread from Gavin Esler's Twitter feed (which I missed at the time). It encapsulates the BBC's favourite response to such criticism: 'We get criticism from both sides, therefore we must be getting it about right.'... more »
And on it goes...
Here's another example of the kind of reporting Jonathan Munro had in mind: BBC reporter Matthew Price has received a fair number of highly complimentary tweets from people on Twitter praising his interview with Hamza, a mother-of-three from Homs, on yesterday's *Today*. Several of them said they found it moving. Hamza and her family had taken four years to reach Hungary and now intend to get to Germany. After leaving Homs for Damascus, they had initially moved to Lebanon and then on to Turkey: We left Lebanon to Turkey. We tried to go something in Turkey but the language is to d... more »
University of Tennessee Reverses Pronoun Policy Calling for Neutral Pronouns Ze, Xe, Etc.
[image: Tennessee_The_Hill__1441452476_70.119.142.63] Administrators at the University of Tennessee decided Friday to remove a controversial Web post about gender-neutral pronouns after it drew headlines across the country and scorn from a slate of state lawmakers. In a letter to the Board of Trustees,... Continue reading *“University of Tennessee Reverses Pronoun Policy Calling for Neutral Pronouns Ze, Xe, Etc.”* at *tennessean.com*.
Oregon Judge Who Refuses to Perform Same-Sex ‘Marriages’ Now Being Investigated by an Oregon Judicial Fitness Commission
[image: Judge Vance Day__1441451478_70.119.142.63] SALEM, Ore. (AP) – Marion County Judge Vance Day is being investigated by a judicial fitness commission in part over his refusal to perform same-sex marriages on religious grounds, a spokesman for the judge said Friday. When a federal court... Continue reading *“Oregon Judge Who Refuses to Perform Same-Sex ‘Marriages’ Now Being Investigated by an Oregon Judicial Fitness Commission”* at *komonews.com*.
Lien Chan keeps the anti-KMT flames going...
*Probably not the best choice for a brand name in Taiwan.* Friday night I went downtown to have dinner with an old student. She's apolitical, she said, but her face took on a fierce look as she mentioned Lien Chan's visit to China "He's... he's... betrayed us!" she cursed. She's hardly the only one. There's a lot of that going around this week, and plenty of it is being expressed by people who ordinarily don't say much about politics. None of my circle of observing friends expected quite this level of anger -- public anger is so great that no one dare speak up in support of Lien. I... more »
Kentucky Judge Does With a Gavel What Bull Connor Did with Dogs and Fire Hoses
[image: Gay Marriage Kentucky] Pastor Rick Warren once told me the fight for religious liberty would become the civil rights issue of our generation. On Thursday Pastor Warren’s prophetic words were fulfilled at the hands of the United States Government. It happened in the... more »
HENGE - a place where you 'safely' communicate - UNDERWORLD
*henge-inspired circle of protection?*Stonehenge, Castlerigg, the Circle of Brodgar and all the other such neolithic/pre-historic stone circles or henges. We assume they're stellar-map locations aligned to the seasons of the farming year. We assume they're churches or palaces to the great kings of the regions or remnants of that tribe/society... But are they? Look at the Satanic illustration that accompanies this post, and you'll see the PROTECTIVE CIRCLE such devotees are said to use to Conjure Demons Within. Do you see 'demon' stood within the circle? Is this our Ancient Mind Dre... more »
Refugee Situation - Special Report ( September 5 , 2015 ) Examining the " Causes and Effects " Of Global Displacement Causing Refugees , Pondering The Selfless Acts From Average Men & Women - And The Selfish Acts Of Various " World Leaders " - Not All World Leaders Though ( Finland PM Sipilia Opens Doors To His Home For Refugees ) ...... Lots for everyone to consider - but one closing thought....... "geese "migrate " , people fleeing poverty and war zones are refugees ......
Morning Tweets....... Please read Hisham , if nothing else ...... *Al Arabiya English* @AlArabiya_Eng 11m 11 minutes ago OPINION: We are the condemned wanderers from the East. Columnist @ *hisham_melhem* writes http://ara.tv/4h864 Open OUR Eyes....... Refugee situation - is there any wonder why though ? People will escape War Zones.... Causes..... *Eddie Du* @Edourdoo 5m 5 minutes ago Why people are fleeing Syria: a brief, simple explanation - Vox http:// goo.gl/gxA3Ra [image: Embedded image permalink] *Chris Marsha... more »
MSPO 2015: TKMS Unveiled a New Variant of MEKO A-100 PL With Energy Saving Hull Design
[image: MEKO A-100 corvette design]At MSPO 2015, the International Defence Industry Exhibition in Poland which took place in Kielce from the 1 to 4 September 2015, German naval vessels designer ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) unveiled a new variant of the MEKO A-100 PL with a unique "Energy Saving Hull Design". Poland has expressed a future need for six Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) in two configurations: a mine warfare configuration and a coastal defence variant (three vessels in each variant) with significant combat capabilities in all four domains (anti-air, anti-surface, anti... more »
DCNS is Showcasing the Scorpene Submarine with Cruise Missile and AIP technology at MSPO 2015
DCNS is featuring the Scorpene diesel-electric submarine (SSK) at MSPO 2015, the International Defence Industry Exhibition in Poland which takes place in Kielce, Poland, from the 1 to 4 September 2015. DCNS proposes to the Polish Navy the sea proven Scorpene class submarine for the Orka program. Featuring a highly performing acoustic discretion, an increased submerged autonomy thanks to the latest-generation air-independent propulsion (AIP) technology, the Scorpene has the capacity to deploy MBDA's Naval Cruise Missile (NCM). The specific conditions of the Baltic Sea are favourabl... more »
Estonia To Receive First Javelin Anti-Tank Missile System This Week
[image: FGM-148 Javelin]Estonia will be receiving its first Javelin anti-tank missile system at the end of this week. “More systems and missiles will arrive in the coming weeks, which can be used for live fire exercises after the training is complete,” Lieutenant Toomas Pärnpuu, who is leading the operation to bring the systems to Estonia was quoted as saying by Estonian Public Broadcasting Thursday. The training set will also begin in the next week. The first weapons will be delivered to the Viru Infantry Battalion in Jõhvi with the Defense Forces set to be fully equipped and train... more »
Navy seeks maritime radar for Northrop MQ-8C Fire Scout
[image: MQ-8C Fire Scout]The US Navy’s beefed-up unmanned surveillance helicopter, the Northrop Grumman MQ-8C Fire Scout, is on the hunt for a new maritime radar and perhaps even miniaturised missiles, rockets and torpedoes further down the road. Naval Air Systems Command expects to post a request for proposals for the maritime radar in the week of September 14, and the programme manager for navy and marine corps multi-mission tactical unmanned air systems, Capt Jeff Dodge, expects a strong response from radar providers judging from an industry day held in July. The radar will enab... more »
"Revolution" in Lebanon: From Piles of Trash to Piles of Rubble
*September 5, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - "Spontaneous." "Genuine." Defiant." The US State Department's marketeers have used these labels in attempts to differentiate its latest wave of global "color revolutions" from the now tired, ineffective, and familiar formulas used everywhere from the US-engineered "Arab Spring," to the Euromaidan in Ukraine, to Bersih 4.0 in Malaysia. The latest target is Lebanon where protests have begun in the streets of the capital, Beirut. Branded the "YouStink!" marches, the alleged provocation was dysfunctional municipal garbage collection service... more »
RAF Spy Plane Set To Join Fight Against IS
[image: RAF Airseeker]The RAF has unveiled its latest weapon in the fight against Islamic State - a spy plane ready to gather intelligence on the extremists in Iraq and Syria. The second of three Airseekers - bought from the US at a cost of £650m - was handed over at RAF Mildenhall in Suffolk and could be deployed within weeks. Converted from a Boeing KC-135 tanker in Texas, the plane can carry out analysis on data gathered in the air and send the results to troops on the ground. Read more
On The Move: Largest Section From HMS Prince Of Wales - Timelapse
The Aircraft Carrier Alliance welcomed the largest section of the second Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carrier to Rosyth Dockyard last week, following its voyage from BAE Systems in Glasgow where it was built. Lower Block 04 is the largest hull section of HMS Prince Of Wales, the second of two new aircraft carriers being constructed by the Aircraft Carrier Alliance, and contains the hangar, machinery space, mission systems compartments and accommodation. The 11,200 tonne section of hull was transported by a sea-going barge and travelled around the north coast to reach the assembly... more »
France Russia Mistral Ships Update: UAE Wants To Buy Aircraft Carrier
[image: Vladivostok LHD]The United Arab Emirates is eyeing a French Mistral warship, a government official told Defense News Friday. At least two other Arab countries have publicly expressed their interest in the aircraft carriers, of which there are two. "Our interest in purchasing the ship is real, it fullfils the capability requirements for our forces," the official from the United Arab Emirates, or UAE, said. "The Mistral ships are in line with our equipment and capabilities." French originally sold the two ships to Russia in 2011, but canceled the deal over Russia's involvemen... more »
China's New Video About Kicking America's Ass Is More Than Meets the Eye
Yesterday, China held a parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of World War II, and swore high and low that it wasn't flexing its military muscles in the process. Zhang Ming, vice minister of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told a press conference last month that "if someone says this is flexing anything, it is a flexing of the spirit of peace by the Chinese people." These sentiments made the recent release of a fairly polished CG video, almost six minutes in length and produced by an unidentified entity, showing how totally and comprehensively they'd kick US ass in a shoo... more »
Lockheed Martin just landed a $428 million deal to keep modernizing US Navy ships
[image: Arleigh Burke class DDG]Lockheed Martin beat out Raytheon to win a contract worth up to $428 million to continue modernizing Aegis combat systems on U.S. Navy ships, the Pentagon announced on Friday. The U.S. Department of Defense said the Navy awarded Lockheed an initial contract worth $26.5 million, which includes options that would bring the total value to $428 million. Lockheed said the 10-year contract expands its 40-year legacy integrating the Aegis combat system on Navy warships. Read more
Raytheon Anschütz Completes Radar Test & Delivery for Canada's Modernized Halifax class Frigates
[image: Halifax class FFG]The German navigation system manufacturer Raytheon Anschütz has completed the factory acceptance tests and the delivery of twelve sets of navigation radars for the Canadian Navy’s Halifax-class frigates. The scope of on-board systems covers X-/ and S-Band radars with high-performance detection capabilities. The radars have been enhanced with advanced features in accordance with the Canadian customer requirements, including: - new radiation control and pulse blanker interfaces - interfaces with the ship’s new command and control system, - the nav... more »
Bernie Is Wrong: Trade Is Awesome for the Poor and for America
I am always astonished when a socialist ideologue consistently gets the same facts wrong as every other socialist ideologue for a century. It really feels like sending a group of rats down a maze multiple times and observing no improvement. The purpose of government regulation is to selectively inhibit trade for a common good. Where it goes wrong is that the common good is interpreted by the king against the general interest of other traders to benefit the king. Socialism wishes to use the same tool in order to make the select few live like kings. True socialism must funct... more »
Dr. Sebi: The Man Who Cures AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes and More
This is very interesting. The starch mucous link i had not come across but had been observing mucous issues over the years which begged explanation. The diet here is close to vegan but also omits some popular vegatables as well. It is ceetainly a beginning and needs to be copnsidered. We have ample evidence and reports that a diverse vegetable diet will resolve just about any health issue. This looks to be the most refined protocol thast i have seen to date. *Dr. Sebi: The Man Who Cures AIDS, Cancer, Diabetes and More* *28th August 2015* *By Carolanne Wright* *Contributin... more »
Homes for the Homeless
[image: Cagle-Aeon-homeless-2-DavidHogue] . Forty years ago, homelessness largely did not exist. Yet slowly and persistenly it grew and intruded itself upon ourselves. What really changed? What has changed is that the steady expansion of credit was absorbed mostly into the housing market and this first drove prices up and then has forced interest rates downward and prices to even higher levels. It made transient housing progressively inconvenient even for those in the informal market. We need transient housing capable of sucking in the slack as a matter of course. That sa... more »
Scientists Could End Animal Cruelty
This particular type of genetic engineering needs to be recognized as no alien DNA is entered into the DNA. Mouse genes quite rightly is another classification and probably very save as well. In this case changing out an undesirable characteristic makes excellent sense and the method needs to be applied wholesale in aminal breeding. We already have plenty of inbred lines particularly among pets that need to be be cleaned up this way and restored to robust health. In fact this is a huge leap in general animal husbandry that was an undetrlying promise of genetic manipulation fr... more »
Russia's Black Sea Fleet in Crimea Receives SU-30SM Fighters
[image: Su-30SM Flanker-C]The Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea has received several 4+ generation SU-30SM (NATO reporting name: Flanker-C) multirole fighters, a spokesman for the fleet said Friday. "The aircraft have arrived at the area of permanent deployment and are being readied for flights under the program for mastering new technology," Capt. 1st Rank Vyacheslav Trukhachev told reporters. The SU-30SM is a two-seat derivative of the earlier Su-27UB (NATO reporting name: Flanker) capable of air-to-air and air-to-ground missions with a wide variety of precision-guided munitions. ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: September 5, 2015
[image: Snow Training-900] U.S. Army soldiers conduct mountaineering training at the Northern Warfare Training Center in Alaska on Aug. 19 , 2015. Thank you to Sgt. Christopher Mundey for taking this photo!
Money money money
No rate hike at Fed meeting. But of course being that the Fed is controlled by bankers why should they raise rates? Cheap money continues to flow to the gamblers on Wall street while the rest of us suffer. But this game of musical chairs can only go on for long. Eventually the band must be paid. Think about it for a sec. Investors took out loans to buy stocks in companies that weren't making much money. Their values were based purely on perception. Customers are slowly drying up and the housing market in China has hit a bubble. Their government has done just about everything it c... more »
How Far Will the Damage from the Ashley Madison Hack Go?
[image: How Far Will the Damage From the Ashley Madison Hack Go?] People all over the world are reeling over the release of private data from millions of users who used an extramarital cheating site, Ashley Madison. A hacker -- or it might have been an inside job -- leaked 37 million accounts as... more »
Harga Mobil Avanza Veloz Terbaru di 2016
Harga Mobil Avanza Veloz - Mobil Toyota Avanza Veloz merupakan sebuah Mobil yg di produksi oleh Perusahaan Toyota dg model yg dikhususkan untuk para keluarga di Indonesia karena memang Mobil Toyota Avanza Veloz sudah sangat dikenal oleh Masyarakat untuk digunakan untuk keluarga Indonesia. Mobil Toyota Avanza Veloz dipasar Indonesia sendiri sudah memiliki nilai jual yg sangat tinggi dan terbukti
Energy 41, On low global oil prices
Global oil prices have slightly recovered in recent days, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for instance went down to as low as $38/barrel in late August, then recovered to $48+, and $46 a barrel as of this writing. Still, these are very low compared to prices 5-6 years ago. My sister's accounting and auditing office, Alas Oplas & Co. CPAs, produced its most recent monthly Economic Update, August 2015 entitled Opportunities for Low Oil Prices. Among the data shown there are the following. Net increase in global oil supply (supply minus demand) has increased from a deficit of 0.2 million b... more »
Armed Battles Between Police And Islamists In Tajikistan Kill 17
*New York Times*: *Clashes in Tajikistan Between Police and Islamists Kill 17* MOSCOW — Long-simmering unrest and infighting in the leadership in Tajikistan flared on Friday when the government accused a deputy defense minister of siding with Islamists in clashes with the police that killed 17 people. Tajikistan has not been fully at peace since a civil war in the 1990s. It borders Afghanistan, and for years, the Afghan war has threatened to spill over into the country as the United States winds down its military presence in the region. The government is wobbly, divided between ... more »
Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Illumination of the Heart”
Deuter, “Illumination of the Heart” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7m4_TnLFYc
"A Look to the Heavens"
"In the center of star-forming region 30 Doradus lies a huge cluster of the largest, hottest, most massive stars known. These stars, known collectively as star cluster R136, were captured below in visible light by the Wide Field Camera peering through the refurbished Hubble Space Telescope. *Click image for larger size.* Gas and dust clouds in 30 Doradus, also known as the Tarantula Nebula, have been sculpted into elongated shapes by powerful winds and ultraviolet radiation from these hot cluster stars. The 30 Doradus Nebula lies within a neighboring galaxy known as the Large Magella... more »
House Democrats Offer Pope Francis 30 Pieces of Silver
[image: pieces of silver] The church of Christ is not of this world, but its members are called to live in it, which means that we are subject to every kind of snare. Indeed, in the end times Revelation warns us th
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