Contaminated Rain Water Reaches Pacific Ocean
Contaminated rainwater at Fukushima plant repeatedly leaked into sea,” The Manichi (August 29, 2015), date accessed September 2, 2015 http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20150829p2a00m0na019000c.html "Rainwater containing radioactive contaminants flowed from a drainage ditch by the reactor buildings at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant into the sea on five occasions in just over four months, it has been learned… The concentrations of radioactive cesium and other radioactive materials in the contaminated rainwater ranged from around 20 to 670 times the safety ... more »
How Much Welfare Do Immigrants Use?
[image: Facing Budget Crisis, Arizona Sharply Limits Welfare to 12 Months] This study is the first in recent years to examine immigrant (legal and illegal) and native welfare use using the Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). While its complexity makes it difficult to use, the survey is... Continue reading *“How Much Welfare Do Immigrants Use?”* at *cis.org*.
Ben Carson Gaining: Is “Nice” Making a Comeback?
[image: Ben Carson Responds to Report He Used Aborted Fetal Tissue in 1992 Research] Republican primary voters spent the summer applauding the loud, flashy, brash Donald Trump. But slightly below the radar, the calm, mild-mannered retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson was steadily securing ground behind the real estate mogul. Now, Carson has caught up to... Continue reading *“Ben Carson Gaining: Is “Nice” Making a Comeback?”* at *realclearpolitics.com*.
Trump And The Republicans Are Far From The Only Candidates Taking Big Money With Plenty Of Strings Attached-- Let's Look At Raja Krishnamoorthi
Kim Davis and Ro Khanna-- kind of "Democrats" Hopefully Steve Israel won't figure out that Kim Davis, the crackpot religionist fanatic clerk in Kentucky's Rowan County, is a Democrat. No doubt, if he did, he'd want to recruit her to run her against Hal Rogers. Something attracts Israel to Democrats from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. And there are lots of them, although fewer and fewer as unhinged as Davis, who is on her fourth marriage. Most of these Republican-lite Democrats are just economic Republicans, like the New Dems and Blue Dogs-- from Patrick Murphy (FL), Kyr... more »
Thorne Dreyer : METRO | Don Quixote’s Bouldin Creek walkabout
Jim stood blocking the demolition for more than two hours before the police came, cuffed him, and took him to the county jail. By Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | September 3, 2015 AUSTIN — The enemy wasn’t quite … finish reading Thorne Dreyer : *METRO* | Don Quixote’s Bouldin Creek walkabout
Musical Interlude: Constance Demby, "Ocean Without Shores"
Constance Demby, "Ocean Without Shores" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl1Pn-KrvGA&html5=1
Game-theory garbage
Much of so-called microeconomics at major universities these days involves being examined in something called “Game Theory.” Unfortunately for its enthusiasts, nobody in business actually uses the strategies explained by game theory. Also, its major questions, based on the classical prisoner’s dilemma, ignore one very important question: are the prisoners guilty? (Which, by the way, is a more fundamental point than it might appear.) And, with the recent discovery of a winning strategy for the allegedly unwinnable Dilemma, instead of abandoning their theory the “theorists” instead... more »
Kiev Junta predicted to attack Novorossiya in Mid-September
*One more element to add to the "Perfect September Storm"* *Donetsk/Lugansk military forces are predicting a Kiev Junta attack in mid-September* According to this short newsclip video...the Kiev Junta has built up heavy forces and weaponry all along the Minsk II border between Ukraine and Novorossiya. The fear is that it needs to attack before the frost sets in and so will attack will full force in mid September. Now, let me put my thinking cap on...and try to guess what would "provoke" Kiev to attack (that could be justified by the globalist western media). Will it have anything... more »
Fight Brews over Nevada’s School Choice Experiment
A North Carolina mom said her son Keenan was bullied at his public school and his administrators explained they couldn’t do anything about it. Keenan’s teachers seemed more interested in money than actually teaching their students, worrying that if he... Continue reading *“Fight Brews over Nevada’s School Choice Experiment”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Suspicions Rise over the Virginia WDBJ Shooting
*Video -* Do the actions of killed WDBJ reporter Alison Parker's family members seem normal to you? Especially so soon after finding out about their loved one's shooting? The post Suspicions Rise over the Virginia WDBJ Shooting appeared first on Waking Times.
Obama in his element dancing with middle schoolers in Dillingham, AK......
*you may need eye bleach.* The real fun starts at about 1:17, but before that watch him chewing his cud while seated in the audience.
Defendant has obligation to move civil litigation case forward
Carioca's Import & Export Inc. v. Canadian Pacific Railway Limited, 2015 ONCA 592 released today says that a defendant has a duty to move a case along. This is a duty that has been unknown in the past - and the decision is of considerable importance: [53] While this court has stated frequently that the plaintiff bears the primary responsibility for moving a case forward, it has also acknowledged that the conduct of a defendant is a factor, especially where a plaintiff encounters some resistance when trying to move the action along: *1196158 Ontario Inc.*, at para. 29. The sugg... more »
How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worst – Part 2
*Heather Callaghan* - Television is the most dngerous drug there is. The post How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worst – Part 2 appeared first on Waking Times.
More Signs That Russian Forces Are Now Embeded With Syrian Army Units
*Michael Weiss, Daily Beast:* *Russia Puts Boots on the Ground in Syria* The numbers are small, but Moscow may be looking at its own version of mission creep in the treacherous Middle East. The end of summer. It means back-to-school shopping, tearfully ended beach-borne romances, Labor Day barbecues—and, it would seem, the increased likelihood of new Russian adventurism. As if Moscow weren’t satisfied with the game in Ukraine, the last month has seen a flurry of reports about its ever-expanding military involvement in Syria. One report has even alleged that Russian pilots are gear...more »
The Politics of Resettlement: Migrants vs. Refugees
We are witnessing the horror of war. We see it every day, with fresh pictures of refugees risking their lives on the sea, rather than risking death by shrapnel, bombs, assassination or enslavement. For the past four years, over 11 million Syrians have left their homes; 4 million of them have left Syria altogether. Each […]
Getting Your APSA Preconference On: The Politics of Markets
I just got out of a half-day APSA pre-conference short course on the politics of markets, firms, and interest groups organized by the sociologist Edward Walker and political scientist Patty Strach. Having attended Thad Dunning’s short course on natural experiments in the past, I think there is a lot to be said for alternative formats to the […]
As I prepare to go to a Community Board public hearing, let's have the Borowitz Report update us on key national developments
*With post-hearing update -- see below* *by Ken* To the best of my knowledge I have never attended a public hearing of a NYC community board before tonight -- or maybe even a public hearing of *any* governmental agency. (For the uninitiated, as a gesture to local input to government, NYC is divided into 59 community boards, numbered separately for each borough -- 12 for Manhattan, 12 for the Bronx, 18 for Brooklyn, 14 for Queens, and 3 for Staten Island. Their powers are mostly advisory, but lots of things have to go *through* the CBs. The theory is that this has something to do ... more »
*New Orleans: The Week After the Week After ~Harry Shearer, Huffington Post*
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The mysterious blue reflection nebula found in catalogs as VdB 152 or Ced 201 really is very faint. It lies at the tip of the long dark nebula Barnard 175 in a dusty complex that has also been called Wolf's Cave. The cosmic apparitions are nearly 1,400 light-years away along the northern Milky Way in the royal constellation Cepheus. * Click image for larger size.* Near the edge of a large molecular cloud, pockets of interstellar dust in the region block light from background stars or scatter light from the embedded bright star giving the the nebula its characteristic blue color. Ul... more »
The Poet: Joy Harjo, "Remember"
*"Remember"* "Remember the sky that you were born under, know each of the star's stories. Remember the moon, know who she is. I met her in a bar once in Iowa City. Remember the sun's birth at dawn, that is the strongest point of time. Remember sundown and the giving away to night. Remember your birth, how your mother struggled to give you form and breath. You are evidence of her life, and her mother's, and hers. Remember your father. He is your life also. Remember the earth whose skin you are: red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth brown earth, we are earth. Remember the plants... more »
"How To Respond To The Awful Truth"
*"How To Respond To The Awful Truth"* by Zen Gardner "It's a volatile, challenging time to be alive, no doubt. The world is a landscape thoroughly scattered with catastrophic nightmares like flaming lava pits on a giant festering orb. And this huge array of drastic, life-threatening problems we're facing that are burning in the world's collective subconscious are apparently careening towards some mad, apocalyptic finale. The big question we're all faced with is this. Once we're aware of what's going on, what do we do? And more importantly, for those not willing to face the truth, w... more »
The Poet: Langston Hughes, "Dreams"
*"Dreams"* "Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow." - Langston Hughes
"Your True Family..."
"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof." - Richard Bach, “Illusions”
Chet Raymo, "The World Is Beautiful"
*"The World Is Beautiful"* by Chet Raymo *"Gubbinal"* "That strange flower, the sun, Is just what you say. Have it your way. The world is ugly, And the people are sad. That tuft of jungle feathers, That animal eye, Is just what you say. That savage of fire, That seed, Have it your way. The world is ugly, And the people are sad." - Wallace Stevens I'll have it both ways. I'll have that strange flower. I'll have that ball of seething hydrogen, the magnetic storms, the arching flares. I'll have that tuft of jungle feathers. I'll... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Thorndale, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"How to Gain Control of Your Negative Emotions"
*"How to Gain Control of Your Negative Emotions"* by Elisha Goldstein, Ph.D. “Whether it's sadness, fear, shame, guilt or anger, sometimes when these are here, all we want to do is be somewhere else and it seems like it's going to last forever. Here's one practice to consider in regaining control of your mind during the difficult moments in life. Try this as an experiment: When an uncomfortable emotions arises, ask yourself the honest question, "*How long is this going to last?"* See it as a moment of investigation, a chance to really get to know how you operate. No longer are you ... more »
“Faith And Doubt..."
“Faith and doubt belong together; they govern each other like inhaling and exhaling.” - Hermann Hesse, "The Glass Bead Game"
"When We Remember..."
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 3rd September)
90 people a month died after being found fit for work and losing benefits, government figures show Between December 2011 and February 2014 2,380 people died after their Employment and Support Allowance claim was ended. They had received Work Capability Assessments (WCA) to decide if they were eligible to receive ESA, which replaced incapacity benefit, income support and severe disablement
Frontline Footage Shows Syrian Fighters Assaulting A Syrian Army Position
*Washington Post:* *This harrowing frontline footage shows Syrian fighters assaulting a village* A video posted online by the Syrian rebel group Faylaq al-Sham on Sunday shows a harrowing account of the jihadist group assaulting Syrian Army positions in Idlib province, Syria. The group, part of a larger coalition known as Jaysh al Fateh “The Army of Conquest,” has been battling Syrian President Bashir al-Assad’s forces in the region since the beginning of August, according to an article in The Long War Journal. “The Army of Conquest” includes a number of jihadist groups besides F... more »
Creative Destruction: How Uber is Smashing the Taxi Cartel
[image: New_York_taxi_cab] In 1942, economist Joseph Schumpeter described "creative destruction" as a "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one." There probably hasn't been a better example of Schumpeterian... Continue reading *“Creative Destruction: How Uber is Smashing the Taxi Cartel”* at *aei.org*.
Common core: Harder doesn't necessarily mean better
Sent to Education Week, September 2 The fact that classroom assignments are not well aligned with the common core standards is good news ("Classroom Assignments Fail to Meet Common-Core's Higher Bar, Study Says," Sept. 2). The standards have never been shown to be valid and they have never been shown to produce better learning or more enthusiasm for learning. The decrease in test scores associated with the new standards, however, shows that they are harder. Alfie Kohn reminds us that harder does not necessarily mean better. Stephen Krashen Professor Emeritus University of Southe... more »
Faux issue of the day: Should Pictures of Syrian Migrants be Shown on Social Media?
*Victim of US/Israel/NATO proxie war on Syria* *found on beach in Turkey* This is the headline on today's CBC website. A total* inversion of the truth* about the current US/Israel/NATO-caused refugee/migrant Syrian crisis. The Western globalist-controlled M$M doesn't care a whit about the three year old boy portrayed in their "grief porn" photo accompanying the headline. All they care about is sensationalism--pumping up the volume of their *"news sources" of the future..."Social media" and "Twitter"*. So they posted the photo from "Twitter". If they really cared about the Syria... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 2, 2015
Barcroft Media/Landov *John Cassidy, New Yorker: **China’s Economic Slowdown: How Bad Is It?* Tuesday was another nervy day on Wall Street: the Dow closed down almost four hundred and seventy points, or about three per cent. The immediate issue, once again, was China, which by some measures is now the world’s second-largest economy. In Beijing, the government released a set of figures indicating that output from the country’s enormous manufacturing sector is declining. Another new statistic showed that the Chinese services sector, which has been growing pretty strongly, is now exhi... more »
World’s Poor: “We Want Capitalism”
*Guest post by Iain Murray* In the forests of India, something exciting is going on. Villagers are finally regaining property taken from them when the British colonial authorities nationalised their forests. Just as exciting, in urban Kenya and elsewhere, people are doing away with the need for banks by exchanging and saving their money digitally. All over the world, poor people are discovering the blessings of bottom-up capitalism. Sadly, though, developed country governments and anti-poverty activists ignore this fact and insist that developing nations need a paternalistic hand... more »
Books & Films
There’s a sudden rash of quizzes about films and books “they” think you should have enjoyed (or at least endured) by now. As it happens, I have—and clearly too often. How about you? [image: image] [image: image] [image: image] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
If ISIS overthrows Turkey's Government- NATO Will Still Protect Turkey?
Got this video from the Discovery Channel on Youtube I was watching it earlier today and the talking head made TWO very interesting statements. They kind of jumped out at me * 1:19: "Turkey has also been implicated in contributing funds and fighters to ISIS, although no direct connection has been proven"* *2:37: "But should ISIS actually depose the Turkish government from within, as unlikely as that may be, they will still be protected under the NATO mutual defense clause" * * Video below:* It is very obvious Turkey is being destabilized. And NATO is fully aware and particip... more »
The Power of Pro-Life Women
[image: pro-life women - 400] The videos are hard to refute, and much harder to stomach. Conversations recorded and released by the Center for Medical Progress have dealt a hefty blow to Planned Parenthood's public image. While the reversal of Roe v. Wade seems a... Continue reading *“The Power of Pro-Life Women”* at *christianitytoday.com*.
Tebow Gets One More Shot in Final Eagle Preseason Game
[image: football - 400] The final week of the preseason is mostly garbage, as teams rest their starters and give ample playing time to scrubs who are going to get cut the next day. But in Philadelphia, plenty of people will be watching the... Continue reading *“Tebow Gets One More Shot in Final Eagle Preseason Game”* at *profootballtalk.nbcsports.com*.
Florida Police Officer Refused Service at Arby’s Just Because He’s a Cop
[image: Arby's Restaurant Fast Food - 900] A Florida police department is outraged after an Arby's employee refused to serve one of their officers simply because he was a cop. A Pembroke Pines police officer went through the drive-through of a local Arby's around 7 p.m. Tuesday evening, but when the officer pulled up,... more »
VICE 'journalists'- Journalists as Spooks: Same old, same old
*Journalists as Spooks- Nothing new under the sun. Nothing!* *The VICE 'journalists' are spooks*. As sure as so many other spook/journalists I have blogged on here. Marie Colvin comes to mind... There is another fellow whose name escapes me at the moment who was also mentioned here on more then one occasion. Pictures of him posing with the Libyan "rebels" who transferred to Syria.... His name will come to me in due time. Paul something? *THE CIA AND THE MEDIA* *How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committe... more »
World News Briefs -- September 2, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*ABC News/AFP*: *Iran nuclear deal: Barack Obama secures enough congressional support to ensure agreement is not blocked* US president Barack Obama has gained sufficient congressional backing to ensure the Iran nuclear deal does not get blocked. Veteran Senate Democrat Barbara Mikulski announced her support, meaning the deal now has 34 backers in the Senate — the number needed to uphold Mr Obama's veto. Most US politicians are opposed to the deal, which would ease punishing economic sanctions on Tehran while preventing it from advancing its nuclear program. *MIDDLE EAST* Russia... more »
"Bank Privacy Notices Are A Joke: Here's Why"
*"Bank Privacy Notices Are A Joke: Here's Why"* by Peter Dunn "*Dear Pete: What's up with Privacy Notifications? My bank sends them to me every year. The notice first states what they do with "your personal information." Then they list "reasons they can share your personal information." If that makes you see red, then they say you can "limit their sharing" by calling or going online. What's your advice? Can you limit their "sharing," or will that just screw up your relationship with them? Does any of this (sharing or not sharing) impact your credit score? — Bill * Dear Bill: Privac... more »
Graffiti Threatening Violence Against Police Appearing in Texas After Cop’s Execution
[image: Graffiti - 400] HOUSTON, Texas - Following the execution of a sheriff's deputy in Harris County, graffiti images calling for violence against police have appeared on property around Houston, Texas. The emojis show a police officer with a gun pointed to his head.... Continue reading *“Graffiti Threatening Violence Against Police Appearing in Texas After Cop’s Execution”* at *breitbart.com*.
Five Chinese Naval Ships Spotted Operating Off The Coast Of Alaska
A Chinese navy ship leaving port in China. Lamar Salter/Business Insider *Wall Street Journal:* *Five Chinese Navy Ships Are Operating in Bering Sea Off Alaska Coast* Chinese naval presence off Alaskan coast appears to be a first Five Chinese navy ships are currently operating in the Bering Sea, off the coast of Alaska, the first time the U.S. military has seen such activity in the area, Pentagon officials said Wednesday. The officials said they have been aware in recent days that three Chinese combat ships, a replenishment vessel and an amphibious ship were in the vicinity after ... more »
China Gets Ready For Its Big Military Parade Commemorating The End Of The Second World War
*New York Times*: * Beijing Turns Into Ghost Town as It Gears Up for Military Parade* BEIJING — The police and paramilitary units fanned out in streets across central Beijing on Wednesday, shutting down the heart of this world capital in preparation for a parade of some 12,000 Chinese troops called by President Xi Jinping to showcase the nation’s rising might for a global audience. The Communist Party has spent months planning for the parade, which is scheduled to start Thursday morning, and calls it a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. But to many ... more »
"Where Is King Henry Now That We Need Him?"
"In this year, before Christmas, King Henry sent from Normandy to England, and commanded that all the moneyers that were in England should be deprived of their members; that was the right hand of each, and their testicles beneath. That was because the man that had a pound could not buy for a penny at a market. And the bishop Roger of Salisbury sent over all England, and commanded them all that they should come to Winchester at Christmas. When they came thither they were taken one by one, and each deprived of the right hand and the testicles beneath. All this was done within the twel... more »
"The Case for Outlawing Cash"
*"The Case for Outlawing Cash"* by Bill Bonner GUALFIN, Argentina – "September is here. As expected, market volatility is increasing. The Great Zombie War is intensifying. And investors are getting scared. Yesterday, the Dow lost 470 points – a nearly 3% drop. Bloomberg: "U.S. stocks joined a worldwide selloff, after equities’ worst month in more than three years, amid continuing concerns that China’s slowdown will weigh on the global economy. 'The problem is, as much as China is the catalyst for this, it’s also that we’re seeing weakness in fundamentals here,’ said Matt Maley, an ... more »
The ADL, Kissinger, Nixon, Soviet Jews and the Cold War
*Richard Nixon ended the Cold War in 1972, to all intents and purposes.* *The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith became rather vocally upset about this, as Henry Kissinger complained to the Israeli Ambassador the following year :* *Kissinger warned against the Jackson-Vanik amendment to deny Most-Favored Nation trade status to Moscow. Declaring that the "issue for American Jews is whether a major American foreign policy can be wrecked" - the Soviet grain deal."You will really lose the President if the Jewish community continues its behaviour here on the MFN...What if the... more »
Sept. 2: A bad day at the Irving press.
For an opener, this warning. The report that Russia is intervening in the Syria war has been denied by Russia – and has not been supported by any other news source. It appeared on an Israeli site, Ynet News. But Russia has denied it, and there is no sign of any confirmation coming. __________________________________________________________________________ Back in 1867, newsprint was expensive. The price of printing was expensive. And most people didn't have much money. So the only market for newspapers was the relatively well off. That meant the big news had to do with ship arrival... more »
Planned Parenthood Videos to be Screened at U.S. Capitol
[image: planned parenthood11 - 400] A series of undercover videos focusing on Planned Parenthood’s participation in transferring aborted fetal tissue and that have prompted congressional investigations will be screened inside the Capitol on Thursday. The Susan B. Anthony List (SBA), a prominent anti-abortion group that has... Continue reading *“Planned Parenthood Videos to be Screened at U.S. Capitol”* at *thehill.com*.
Washington to pressure eurozone on Greek debt
Finance The United States is expected to put pressure on the eurozone, and particularly Germany, to find a solution to the Greek debt problem during the upcoming meeting of the finance ministers and central bankers of the G20 in Ankara on Thursday and Friday. An American official said on Wednesday that the US will raise the issue of the Greek debt and a new restructuring, provided of course that Greece meets its obligations and implements the agreed reforms. The same official added that the International Monetary Fund should continue to participate in the Greek bailout programs. ... more »
Will Republicans Choke On The Filthy Air And Water They're Forcing On Their Own Constituents?
Late Tuesday afternoon Bernie Sanders sent out the above tweet to his nearly 400,000 Twitter followers. In all likelihood he was looking across the aisle at the crackpot Republicans competing for their party's nomination. Even if some of them actually do recognize the dangers of climate change and understand the urgency of responding to it, none of them would dare admit it going into a primary dominated by a lunatic fringe that gets virtually all its information from the charlatans and sociopaths on Hate Talk Radio and Fox News. Polling has shown that this urgency on climate chang... more »
Could Bombing Have Averted the Syrian Refugee Crisis?
Just a few of points by way of counterfactual theorising in response to James Bloodworth's piece in the *International Business Times* about Syria and the decision not to go to war. James's chief contention is that had the Commons voted to bomb Assad and his regime this time two years ago, the appalling refugee crisis and the tidal wave of suffering it unleashed might well have been averted. It very might well have not, either. As it happens, I think opposing the war was the right thing and adds to Ed Miliband's credentials as one of the most effective opposition leaders never to h... more »
Fear, Fear Everywhere and Never a Stop to Think
Waiting my turn at the barber shop, looking at the magazines: Field and Stream, Coastal Angler and things like that. Hot Rod, American Iron: all manly things that live in barber shops. Like half the customers, I'm wearing shorts and a fishing shirt with my boat's name on it -- Sperry Topsiders that have been around the deck a few times. It's that sort of a town, a small town very close to rural Florida which here is more cattle than citrus -- and fish, of course, whether it's west in Lake Okeechobee, in the middle in the St. Lucie River or East in the Atlantic and the Intra-coas... more »
'Hot' women and children first
The last two posts reflect a feeling which I know some of you share: that the BBC is disproportionately (and emotively) focusing, *visually-speaking*, on the plight of women and children in the present migrant crisis... ...in contradiction to the apparent fact (widely agreed upon as far I can see) that the *vast* bulk of those 'invading' Europe at the moment are *adult males*. I've seen a lot of those protesting comments. And I've also seen lots of BBC News website articles which back them up...in that the photos used in those BBC articles *do* indeed appear to tend heavily towar... more »
Nevada High School Gives In, Allows Girl to Start Pro-Life Club
[image: Angelique Clark - 900] A Nevada high school girl has won the battle to have a pro-life club at her high school. Angelique Clark, a junior at West Career and Technical Academy in Las Vegas, applied in December of 2014 to start a pro-life club... more »
House Judiciary Committee Prepares for First Hearing on Planned Parenthood Investigation
[image: pro-life coexist] The House Judiciary Committee has just announced that it will hold its first hearing on the investigation into Planned Parenthood’s practice of selling fetal organs. The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, September 9, at 10:30 a.m. “The purpose of Wednesday's hearing... more »
The Virginia Shooting Is Fake! 19 Intriguing Coincidencies Surrounding The Virginia Shooting!
I again want to thank those who have tirelessly looked at all the evidence surrounding that "shooting" in Roanoke Virginia back on August 27th, and have come to the same conclusions that I have from the very beginning.. That this shooting was indeed a very elaborate staged event to basically shock the American people into blindly surrendering their weapons to their tyrannical government.... It was another one of these constant "false flags" where nobody died (other than the alleged shooter,supposedly) and has been harped by the liars across the Jew spew media as being real.... To fo... more »
Supplemental: Have urban homicide rates gone up?
*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2015We offer our standard excuse:* Have homicide rates gone up this year in the nation’s big cities? We don’t know, and we offer our favorite excuse. We read the New York Times! If you read yesterday’s Times, you might have thought the paper said that urban homicide rates actually *have* gone up. If you thought the Times said that, you were pretty much wrong. Here’s why: Monica Davey’s news report was the featured report on the paper’s front page. Under a Milwaukee dateline, this is the way it started: DAVEY (9/1/15): *Cities across the nation are seein... more »
Microscopic Image Reveals Fibonacci Pattern in Water
*Image - *This striking picture of drying droplets shows a clear Fibonacci pattern in water. The post Microscopic Image Reveals Fibonacci Pattern in Water appeared first on Waking Times.
Kentucky Clerk Didn’t Follow Christianity Before Converting to it
[image: praying - 466] Lutheran pastor Hans Fiene wrote on Facebook this week: Today one of my college student members told me how one of her profs recently asked the class how many of them knew the parable of the Good Samaritan. Two kids... Continue reading *“Kentucky Clerk Didn’t Follow Christianity Before Converting to it”* at *thefederalist.com*.
The Magical Spit from Seinfeld
Grand Chief warns of confrontation between RCMP and Unist'ot'en
. *Sept. 2, 2015 News Update from APTN:* *Unist'ot'en remain on high alert:* http://aptn.ca/news/2015/09/02/unistoten-camp-remains-on-high-alert/
House Judiciary Panel Sets First Planned Parenthood Hearing
[image: United_States_Capitol_Dome_and_Flag[1] - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House Judiciary Committee will hold Congress’ first hearing on the Planned Parenthood videos next Wednesday. And the title they’re using leaves little doubt about where majority Republicans stand on the issue. The panel said next week’s... more »
Syrians...and Kosovans and Albanians
Amidst all the outpouring of praise for Germany on the BBC at the moment for inviting in vast numbers of refugees and asylum seekers from Syria and Afghanistan, it would be remiss of me *not *to mention a counter-point made by *Newsnight *reporter Secunder Kermani on last night's programme (whilst reporting from a refugee centre in Düsseldorf): Yes, much of his report focused (visually) on images of women and children (as so much of the BBC's coverage seems to be doing at the moment), but along the way we got this startling passage: But as well as those fleeing war zones, there a... more »
The Second World War Ended 70 Years Ago
*CBS*:* 70 years ago: Japan surrendered, bringing an end to WWII* It has been seven decades since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan by the United States killing tens of thousands of people and prompting the end of WWII. And it is exactly 70 years ago Wednesday, on Sept. 2, 1945, that 11 men representing Japan arrived aboard the battleship Missouri to surrender their country. American B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, dropped the first bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The U.S. bomb, "Little Boy," the first nuclear weapon used in war, killed 140,000 peop... more »
Please think of the children
Watching BBC News, it's becoming very hard to resist the feeling that something must be done to help the refugees fleeing from Syria into Europe - and tonight's *BBC News at Six *piled the pressure on us in the UK to do *a lot* more to help. The programme used the following graphic as its backdrop to illustrate the crisis: Given that it spotlighted a young boy and two very young girls, it was very hard *not *to focus on the children. That focus was obviously deliberate, and it continued... The first report from Damian Grammaticas ended with this image: And the second from Jen... more »
White House Not Celebrating Iran Nuclear Deal … Yet
[image: Obama Toast-400] President Barack Obama scored big Wednesday when he snagged the last vote he needs to ensure the Iran nuclear deal survives Congress. But now the White House is more determined than ever to keep the agreement from coming to a... Continue reading *“White House Not Celebrating Iran Nuclear Deal … Yet”* at *politico.com*.
Yes, Wonder Woman Uses Violence to Solve Problems. Bully for Her!
[image: Wonderwoman Justice League Action Figures Super Hero - 900] Ridiculous stories about political correctness float around the Internet like so much ocean garbage. Occasionally, one washes up on Good Morning America with a larger story to tell. A little girl named Laura was sent home with a note because... more »
Poll: U.S. National Security Workers Do Not Believe The Iran Nuclear Deal Is Good For America
*Defense One*: *Survey: 2/3 of Natsec Pros Give Iran Deal Thumbs Down* A Defense One survey finds deep skepticism among U.S. active-duty military and civilian government employees in national-security jobs. Just 26 percent of U.S. national security workers believe that the West’s nuclear agreement with Iran is good for America, and even fewer think it will help Israel or Saudi Arabia, a new Defense One survey shows. Asked to evaluate the statement “The Iran nuclear deal is a good deal for the United States,” some 66 percent of responders disagreed — and two-thirds of that group “s... more »
Islamic State Claims To Have Launched Their First Attack Against A Russian Military Base In The Caucasus
BBC *IBTimes:* *Islamic State Group Attacks Russian Military Base In Dagestan Region Of The Northern Caucasus* Islamic State group fighters operating in the North Caucasus region of Russia attacked a Russian military base in the southern Dagestan region Wednesday, according to a tweet from Michael Horowitz, a geopolitical and security analyst at the risk consultancy firm Levantine Group. The alleged attack in the predominantly Muslim region comes after months of rumors that ISIS was attempting to recruit experienced fighters from the region to fight in Syria and Iraq. The region ... more »
Australia Alarmed By The Growing Tensions In The South China Sea
A ship (top) of Chinese Coast Guard is seen near a ship of Vietnam Marine Guard in the South China Sea, about 210 km (130 miles) off shore of Vietnam in this May 14, 2014 file photo. REUTERS/NGUYEN MINH *Reuters:* *Australia alarmed by strategic rivalry in South China Sea* Australia expressed alarm on Wednesday at escalating strategic rivalry in the South China Sea, saying it puts Asia at the risk of a military blunder with potentially serious consequences. China's recent assertiveness in the South China Sea has increased military and diplomatic tensions between it and rival claima... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Carter: North Korea Has No Chance Of Victory Against South Korea And The U.S.
*The Diplomat*: *US: North Korea Stands ‘No Chance’ in Defeating South* In a televised interview U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter restated the obvious when discussing recent tensions. Talking about the most recent tensions on the Korean Peninsula (See: “North Korea Is Mobilizing for War”), U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter emphasized that South Korea and the United States need to be perpetually ready to deter North Korean aggression. “Korea is one of these places that is a tinder box. It’s probably the single place in the world where war could erupt at the snap of our fing... more »
How to Create the Ultimate Outdoor Entertaining Space for Fall
[image: outdoor entertaining space - 400] We’ll show you how one dusty deck turns into the ultimate outdoor party pad. From intimate gatherings to grand affairs, this well-designed outdoor space is ready for its debut Continue reading *“How to Create the Ultimate Outdoor Entertaining Space for Fall”* at *hgtv.com*.
The MSR Horse Race; Who is in first place?
Yesterday, I looked at the MSR Review. I would like to note one serious weakness. In particular the apprasal of the MSR horse race does not receive proper evaluation. This is most unfortunate, not all participants in the MSR race are equal in funding, organization, and in the process of developing a viable product. The clear leader at this point is Terrestrial energy. This can be discerned because Terrestrial has a considerable corperate structure, identified sources of support For example the Terrestrial Energy Web site, looks more like the web page of an established busines... more »
President Obama Secures Enough Democrat Votes To Prevent Blockage Of His Iran Nuclear Deal
*Washington Post:* *Obama secures votes to protect Iran nuclear deal* President Obama on Wednesday was handed a major foreign policy victory after securing enough votes in the Senate to preserve the nuclear deal with Iran, which has come under intense criticism from Republicans and some Democrats. The agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions struck by international negotiators in Vienna earlier this summer was the subject of an intense lobbying campaign in recent weeks by both the administration and the deal’s opponents in advance of an expected vote this month on a resolution t... more »
Point–Counterpoint on Windows 10
*Police officers monitor CCTV screens in the control room at New Scotland Yard in London. Photograph: Kirsty Wigglesworth/AFP/Getty Kirsty Wigglesworth/AFP (source)* *by Gaius Publius* I got a very small amount of very energetic pushback from one corner of the consumer tech industry — the part that popularizes and teaches the use of consumer technology — regarding this article about whether Windows 10 is spyware. (My opinion is still that it is, but that's a function of your definition of "spyware." I'll offer my definition in a later piece, since I don't want to kitchen-sink this... more »
World News Briefs -- September 2, 2015
*VOA:* *Thousands Stranded at Budapest Train Station* At least 2,000 people are stranded at the main international train station in Budapest, Hungary, after authorities abruptly stopped allowing migrants to travel to Germany and Austria without a visa from the European Union. Hungarian authorities had begun Monday to allow migrants who had been camped outside for weeks to take the trains without being checked for a visa. But they apparently reversed their decision on Tuesday and halted the practice, stranding thousands of would-be travelers. Officials said they are trying to follo... more »
Destruction of Palmyra is worse than several murders
In his text Bel's Temple In Palmyra Is No More, Tommaso Dorigo trivializes the destruction of the Temple of Bel in Palmyra, central Syria, by the Islamic State. He's "ashamed" that the Western media care about the fate of the temple more than about another daily dose of murders. After all, the Islamic warriors are just "vandals" and what they destroyed were just "few rocks piled on top of one another". We clearly couldn't agree on anything. The murders that the ISIS thugs are constantly committing are terrible. They fill me with sorrow. Each of them does so. I am genuinely touc... more »
Fox News Anchor Sues Hasbro for ‘Insulting’ Toy Hamster
[image: Harris Faulkner-900] PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- An anchor for Fox News is suing Hasbro for more than $5 million over a toy hamster that shares her name -- and possibly even her resemblance. Harris Faulkner sued Hasbro this week over its plastic... more »
Last Scene
*..............Last scene of all,That ends this strange eventful history,Is second childishness and mere oblivion,* *Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.* * ~ *William Shakespeare*, As You Like It* A recent storm that battered Seattle and Vancouver caused me to look for photos of the trees that fell, but the story of an earlier storm, last December, popped up with this photograph. As usual, wind is blamed for damage when clearly the problem is a tree that is covered in lethal cankers, and rotted on the inside. The accompanying report indicated the terrible ... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 2, 2015
*CSM*:* US has secret drone campaign in Syria targeting Islamic State leaders – report* The US-led military alliance against Islamic State has carried out multiple airstrikes over the past year. The Washington Post reported Tuesday that a separate drone campaign is under way against leaders of the militant group. The CIA and US special forces are operating a coordinated, targeted assassination drone campaign in Syria against Islamic State militants, in a program that is separate from the US-led military coalition fighting the group in Iraq and Syria, according to a new report. *M... more »
California Assisted Suicide Bill Advances in Special Session
[image: cancer patient - 400] A controversial bill to allow physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients in California passed a key legislative committee on Tuesday, after failing in the legislature earlier this summer amid opposition from the Catholic Church. The measure, which passed 10-2, next... Continue reading *“California Assisted Suicide Bill Advances in Special Session”* at *christiantoday.com*.
Reportback on Albert Woodfox's Sept. 2 Oral Arguments at US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
*IN THE NEWS:* *NOLA Times Picayune* *II* *The Advocate* *II* *Shreveport Times* *II* *ABC / AP* *II* *WRAL / AP* *II* *Toronto Sun / Reuters* *II* *Second Reuters article* *(PHOTO: A3 supporters outside of the US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans this morning at Albert Woodfox's oral arguments. Big Thanks to everyone that made it out!!)* This morning, Amnesty International USA released the following statement, reprinted in full. Please check back here for more updates later in the day. See also our Facebook and Twitter pages. *Amnesty International USA ... more »
Clerk in Gay Marriage Fight: ‘A Heaven or Hell Decision’
[image: Kim Davis - 900] MOREHEAD, Ky. (AP) -- Kim Davis sat in a church pew on a Sunday morning about four years ago, listening as the man in the pulpit preached of forgiveness and God’s grace. Davis until then might have seemed an unlikely... more »
NSF investigation of high-profile plant retractions ends in two debarments
A nearly ten-year-long series of investigations into a pair of plant physiologists who received millions in funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation has resulted in debarments of less than two years for each of the researchers. The NSF Office of Inspector General recently posted its close-out report on its decision and a review of […] The post NSF investigation of high-profile plant retractions ends in two debarments appeared first on Retraction Watch.
BACK TO SCHOOL PREVIEW: Beware the nation’s lofty professors!
*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2015Part 3—Background on worst study yet:* As a general matter, it’s a bad sign when kids get suspended, or even expelled, from their public schools. Sometimes, principals have to do it. But in the overall scheme of things, it suggests that something’s gone wrong. That said, a lot of kids get suspended from school in any particular year. Meanwhile, here’s another fact which has long been known: For whatever reason or reasons, black kids are more likely to get suspended than other kids. Two years ago, a USA Today news report presented the numbers like thi...more »
Obama Secures Enough Votes to Apparently Seal Iran Nuke Deal
[image: Iran to Ban U.S., Canadian Inspectors from Nuclear Sites] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama secured a landmark foreign policy victory Wednesday as Senate Democrats amassed enough votes to ensure the Iran nuclear deal survives in Congress, despite ferocious opposition from Republicans and the government of Israel. Democratic Sen.... more »
Lien Chan goes to China
*Incredibly beautiful and amazing light on the trip back from Lanyu last weekend*. A couple of years ago I wrote some posts on the chickenshit society. KMT heavyweight, former Premier, and twice failed KMT Presidential candidate Lien Chan offered a wonderful example during his trip to China this week... (China Post): Ex-Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman Lien Chan on Tuesday echoed the idea raised recently by Chinese communist party General Secretary Xi Jinping that both sides of the Taiwan Strait should jointly write history to boost mutual understanding and cooperation. "Using the same ... more »
Obama's Grand Alaskan Holiday: Epic Fail in PR
Photo Alaska Rising TideObama's Grand Alaskan Holiday: Epic Fail in PR *Obama’s Grand Alaskan Holiday: Epic Fail in PR* *By Brenda Norrell* President Obama’s holiday public relations spree in Alaska could be broadcast with Chevy Chase’s *Holiday Road* theme song from the National Lampoon Vacation -- if it were not so tragic. Behind all the smiles and jubilee, it is the pristine Arctic that will suffer from Obama’s Shell drilling in the Arctic. The Alaskan holiday public relations extravaganza begins with Obama approving Shell's drilling the Arctic, and continues with Obama presenting... more »
Judge Refuses to Dismiss Charges Against Baltimore Officers in Freddie Gray Case
[image: Baltimore six cops cmprs] BALTIMORE (AP) -- A Baltimore judge on Wednesday refused to dismiss charges against six police officers accused in the death in April of a black man who was in their custody. During a pretrial hearing, Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams...more »
The Economic Cost of Truancy
[image: Education] It doesn't matter how good a school is if students don't show up to class. In 2012, about 7.5 million students were chronically absent from schools nationwide. According to a report from the Center for American Progress, truancy, defined as... Continue reading *“The Economic Cost of Truancy”* at *theatlantic.com*.
Report: More Than Half of Immigrants on Welfare
[image: Welfare-reform - 400] More than half of the nation’s immigrants receive some kind of government welfare, a figure that’s far higher than the native-born population, according to a report to be released Wednesday. About 51% of immigrant-led households receive at least one kind of welfare benefit,... Continue reading *“Report: More Than Half of Immigrants on Welfare”* at *usatoday.com*.
ISIS issues death warrant for Erdogan as PKK readies for war against Erdogan Government
*KurdIShIS Symbiosis- Not coincidence. **Cohesion: forming a united whole: cleaved together* *ISIS issues death warrant against Turkish President Erdogan* *The Islamic State has issued a death warrant against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.IS also accuses Erdogan of “shedding Muslim blood” and acting in unison with apostate Crusaders, Alawites and Jews.“It is imperative to acknowledge that Erdogan and his men have declared apostasy by opening their doors to the coalition which has declared war on Muslims,” the statement said.* *Keep in mind that most “kurds” are Muslim... more »
Airshow Not All Fun & Games
Join us for protest in Brunswick this Saturday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in front of former Navy base on Old Bath Road. Wear ear plugs. Photo above is of napalm burned for "entertainment" at the last Blue Angels air show in Brunswick. Who knew that burning people alive was 'loads of family fun'? This is what the children are being taught at this military recruiting spectacle. It's moral depravity. Thanks to Lisa Savage from CodePink Maine for this image above. Last weekend she and her husband Mark Roman came to Brunswick and handed out a flyer with the image to local residents... more »
GR, QG: horizons, gravitational waves, Hawking radiation etc. are more than beliefs
We haven't visited a black hole – no one will ever return alive from the black hole interior. We haven't directly and/or clearly observed the Hawking radiation, the Unruh radiation, a singularity in general relativity, gravitational waves let alone gravitons, excited strings, additional compactified spatial dimensions, superpartners, quanta of the inflaton field, regions with a different value of the inflaton field, regions with differently compactified extra dimensions than our way, and many other things. Nevertheless, theoretical physicists generally assume that all those things ... more »
MSNBC Bungles Pope’s Abortion Message
[image: Pope Francis-300] Pope Francis’ special note this week on the Catholic Church’s efforts to reach out to those who have either procured or participated in an abortion resulted in what could be the most inaccurate headline of 2015, courtesy of MSNBC. In... Continue reading *“MSNBC Bungles Pope’s Abortion Message”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
Oldest Fragments of Koran May Pre-Date Mohammed
[image: Koran Quran__1441200524_70.119.142.63] JERUSALEM--British scholars examining the oldest fragments of the Koran ever found believe it might be so old as to pre-date the prophet Mohammed, in defiance of Islamic belief. According to tradition, the Koran contains the words of God as revealed... Continue reading *“Oldest Fragments of Koran May Pre-Date Mohammed”* at *freebeacon.com*.
Obama is Ignoring the Science on Climate Change
[image: President Barack Obama Alaska GLACIER conference 2015__1441197027_70.119.142.63] President Obama gave a doom and gloom speech yesterday at the Global Leadership in the Arctic (GLACIER) conference in Alaska to build momentum for the U.N. climate deal in Paris this December. So far less than one third of countries... more »
New Clinton Violations in Use of Thumb Drives for Emails
[image: Hillary Clinton Iowa__1441198268_70.119.142.63] Hillary Clinton violated numerous State Department rules by using privately owned thumb drives to copy 30,000 of her official emails for her lawyer, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation. The former Secretary of State in December 2014 downloaded... more »
Clinton to Staffer Wary of Sending Classified Info: ‘Just Email It’
[image: SALT LAKE CITY - OCTOBER 25: Former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) speaks at a rally for the Utah Democratic party October 25, 2008 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Several Utah Democrats express surprised that Hillary came to Utah to speak ten day before the national elections, since Utah is considered a heavily Republican state. (Photo by George Frey/Getty Images)] Following the release of roughly 7,000 new emails, Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough expressed concern over Hillary Clinton's response to a staffer who told her he couldn't send her class... more »
Donald Trump’s Latest Target: The Club for Growth
[image: Donald Trump pointing finger - 400] Donald Trump unleashed his latest Twitter fire against Club for Growth, an anti-tax conservative 501(c)4 group that Republican candidates usually seek out as allies. In two tweets Tuesday night, the Republican presidential candidate said that the “pathetic” organization had once... Continue reading *“Donald Trump’s Latest Target: The Club for Growth”* at *politico.com*.
Wild Bill: Kill a Cop For Obama...
*"This is an evil straight from the pits of hell."* While I have no doubt that this administration would love to incite a race war, the chances of it happening are not real good. I may be completely wrong. I often am. But sometimes I'm right. We call that being human. First off, in order to have a war, you need two sides. Sometimes there's more than two, but in the interest of keeping it simple (I'm into simple), let's just stick with two sides. Supposedly, we'll have a white side and a black side. Using 2013 figures, the percentage of white people in the U.S. is 77.7. The per... more »
Top Iran Commander: 'We’ll Bolster Our Military Until Israel Has Collapsed'
Brigadier General Mohsen Kazzemeini. Fars News Agency Times Of Israel: Iran official: We’ll bolster our military until Israel is overthrown *2-day security drill said underway in Tehran, day after reports Iran raised defense alert at nuclear facilities for fear of Israeli attack* Escalating Iran’s rhetoric against Israel, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps vowed Wednesday that the regime would boost its military capabilities relentlessly until Israel was destroyed. “The Islamic Revolution will continue enhancing its preparedness until it overthrows Israel... more »
How The Baath Turned Iraq Into A Nation Of Victims, Tale Of A Torturer
In Kanan Makiya’s famous *Republic of Fear, The Politics of Modern Iraq*, he wrote about how torture and horror had become the norm under the Baath Party in Iraq, and how that brutalized the entire society. The whole country was ruled and united by the fear generated by the regime. The government made violence the norm, and implicated hundreds of thousands of people in its use as informers, members of the security forces, etc. This was all part of the system of control that kept Saddam Hussein in power for so long. Makiya said that this made everyone a victim of the oppression, ev... more »
A Great Post From Kirby Cairo ....
"The Sociology of Neo-Liberalism in One Easy Lesson" Give it a read!
OPEC May Start Negotiations To Boost Oil Prices
*USA Today*: *OPEC ready to talk, boosting oil prices* Oil prices surged Monday, capping their biggest three-day gain in 25 years, as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries suggested it may be ready to scale back output and the government cut its estimates of U.S. oil production. OPEC said in an article that it "stands ready to talk to all other producers" to achieve "fair and reasonable prices." In its monthly OPEC Bulletin, the cartel added, "But this has to be a level playing field. OPEC will protect its own interests." *WNU Editor:* One big reason for low oil price... more »
Putin Marks Japan’s World War II Surrender
[image: Putin] MOSCOW (AP) -- President Vladimir Putin joined Russian veterans on Wednesday for an unusual ceremony commemorating the 1945 victory over Japan to end World War II. The surrender of Japan is not usually celebrated in Russia, but this year is...more »
5 Signs That Our Emotions No Longer Control Us
*Phillip J. Watt - *The proof that we are overcoming our programmindg and conditioning. The post 5 Signs That Our Emotions No Longer Control Us appeared first on Waking Times.
U.S. Bitterly Divided On Iran Nuclear Deal
*Washington Post*:* New poll shows how sharply partisan the debate on Iran deal has become* American opinions on the Iran nuclear agreement have grown sharply polarized along party lines, according to a new poll released Tuesday as the White House closes in on support needed in the Senate to block Republican opposition to the deal. A survey by the University of Maryland’s Program for Public Consultation finds that Americans narrowly support the deal, with 52 percent wanting Congress to approve it and 47 percent wanting the pact rejected. Democrats and Republicans are polar oppos... more »
Toronto Olympics: Insult, Injury, and AmuseRage
The successful NoBoston2024 campaign can teach us much about how to stop this madness. Here is a 14-minute video featuring sports economist Andrew Zimbalist that I found rivetting and damning. (I normally can sit still for video for about 2-3 minutes max, but this kept me watching.) He talks about the costs that boosters will talk about, the ones they won't, and how these costs get inevitably overrun. He also blasts with more facts and figures the mythical benefits boosters tout. If you're video-averse, here's an interview of him by Richard Florida that covers much of the sam... more »
Islamic State Show-Off Their American Made M-16 Rifles
Screengrab of a video released by ISIS showing a training camp where fighters use weapons including American-made M16 rifles. Flashpoint *NBC*: *ISIS Shows Off Its American-Made M16 Rifles* ISIS appears to be making use of U.S.-made weapons in Iraq. A video released by ISIS' media arm in northern Iraq purportedly shows more than a dozen of the terror group's fighters undergoing weapons training — on American M16 rifles, according to Flashpoint Intelligence. "It is noteworthy that the use of American rifles by Islamic State fighters is rare and is only seen in Iraq," Flashpoint said... more »
Retraction of grizzly bear-diabetes study follows departure of Amgen scientist for data manipulation
A study that looked to hibernating bears to understand the mechanisms behind diabetes has been retracted because an author based at the biotech company Amgen “manipulated specific experimental data” in two figures. According to the The Wall Street Journal, Amgen discovered the manipulation while reviewing the data following publication of the paper,”Grizzly bears exhibit augmented insulin sensitivity while obese prior to […] The post Retraction of grizzly bear-diabetes study follows departure of Amgen scientist for data manipulation appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Stripping Greece of its National Assets
German parliament approves €86 billion Greek bailout with 454 lawmakers voting ‘yes’, 113 voting ‘no’ and 18 abstaining. According to the bailout terms Greek ports, water suppliers, islands will be sold to satisfy EU privatisation. But economists are not sure the packages can help Greece to overcome the crisis. Ratings agency Fitch which upgraded Greece's ratings by one notch to 'CCC' from 'CC' says that the risks of unsuccessful completion of the Greek bailout are still high.
U.S. Special Forces Have Been At War Against Iran For A Very Long Time
*Sean D. Naylor, Daily Beast:* *Inside U.S. Commandos’ Shadow War Against Iran* The U.S. military’s cadre of elite special operations forces has spent the last 14 years taking on terrorists—and finding Iran’s hand pulling the jihadi strings. It was July 25, 2004. Violence was escalating in Iraq, the Taliban were reasserting themselves in Afghanistan, and Joint Special Operations Command—the U.S. military’s cadre of elite special operations forces—was already deploying operators to the Horn of Africa and Yemen. But for the first day of the three-day JSOC commanders’ conference at F... more »
Funnel out to sea in Hualien
A friend of mine sent me this pic he took of a funnel forming out to sea off Hualien. _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
HHS Official: No Records Found of Planned Parenthood Oversight, and Unaware If Any Exist
[image: Feds Tell The Stream They Have Zero Records of Monitoring Planned Parenthood Under NIHRA] In response to a FOIA request placed by The Stream, Acting Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary for Health Karen DeSalvo has informed The Stream through FOIA staff that she has “no knowledge of these records” related to the... more »
Time To Get Out Of The Box
http://smartstorming.com/ The recession is here. It may be short and it may be shallow. But it underscores a simple message: Stephen Harper's main claim to fame is hogwash. Tom Walkom writes: Politically, the economy under Harper has experienced yet another recession undercuts his carefully crafted image as an economic manager. On Tuesday, both Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and New Democratic Party chief Tom Mulcair were quick to make that point. Both cited the recession as proof that the Conservative approach is not working. Cer...more »
How Much Damage Will Trump And The Also-Rans Do To The GOP's Slim Hopes Of Holding The Senate Majority?
Will Trump's racist approach inadvertently save Michael Bennet's Senate seat? The Republican Party brand is now so damaged among key electoral groups-- you can start with rapidly growing/rapidly registering-to-vote Hispanic-Americans and high-propensity Asian-American voters-- that not only is it likely that whoever emerges as the party's nominee will be unable to cobble together a winning coalition in 2016 but it's likely that more and more Senate seats will fall outside the party's grasp. Sure, the Republican brand will still go over well in backward, overwhelmingly ignorant and ... more »
Turmeric Extract May Prevent, Even Reverse Diabetes – Type 1 and 2
*Sayer Ji* - Turmeric is proving effective at treating diabetes. The post Turmeric Extract May Prevent, Even Reverse Diabetes – Type 1 and 2 appeared first on Waking Times.
Mutually Agreed Peace: Ending The Doctrine of Perpetual War
*Ethan Smith* - It's time to overcome the psychology of war and embrace that of peace. The post Mutually Agreed Peace: Ending The Doctrine of Perpetual War appeared first on Waking Times.
Why and How Your State of Mind Affects Your Gut, and Vice Versa!
*Infographic - *More research continues to discover that the nervous system and the digestive system are closely connected, hence your state of mind affects your gut and vice versa. The post Why and How Your State of Mind Affects Your Gut, and Vice Versa! appeared first on Waking Times.
Hillary Clinton's Private Emails Contained Spy Satellite Data On North Korean Nuclear Weapons
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton checks her PDA upon her departure in a military C-17 plane from Malta bound for Tripoli, Libya October 18, 2011. REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE Washington Times: *Clinton emails contained spy satellite data on North Korean nukes* *Revelation among biggest concerns inside intel community* One of the most serious potential breaches of national security identified so far by the intelligence community inside Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private emails involves the relaying of classified information concerning the movement of North Korean nuclear assets, whi... more »
*This University Has A Course On 9/11 Sympathizing With Terrorists* A University of North Carolina English course on the 9/11 attacks comes with a lengthy reading list of works that critics say portray Americans as the bad guys and radical Islamists as sympathetic, but some of the professor's former students warn those taking the class not to disagree with the professor. According to a posting by a UNC student on higher education blog The College Fix, “Literature of 9/11” offers a syllabus of reading assignments that include poems, memoirs and graphic novels widely perceived as p... more »
Former CIA Director Petraeus Wants To Support Al Qaeda To Defeat The Islamic State
*Shane Harris & Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast:** Petraeus: Use Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS* To take down the so-called Islamic State in Syria, the influential former head of the CIA wants to co-opt jihadists from America’s arch foe. Members of al Qaeda’s branch in Syria have a surprising advocate in the corridors of American power: retired Army general and former CIA Director David Petraeus. The former commander of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan has been quietly urging U.S. officials to consider using so-called moderate members of al Qaeda’s Nusra Front to fight ISIS in Sy... more »
Obama Appears Just One Senate Vote Shy of Locking up his Iran Nuclear Deal
[image: Angry Obama-900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is just one Senate vote shy of being able to declare success on the Iran nuclear deal and cement a foreign policy legacy. Senate support for the deal now stands at 33 votes, thanks... more »
It’s on: Jeb Bush Embraces a Risky Fight with Donald Trump
[image: Donald Trump Jeb Bush (1)__1441197327_70.119.142.63] MIAMI -- Jeb Bush went on the offensive Tuesday against GOP presidential front-runner and frequent antagonist Donald Trump, releasing an attack video portraying the mogul as a closet liberal and signaling that he will attempt to bring Trump down in... Continue reading *“It’s on: Jeb Bush Embraces a Risky Fight with Donald Trump”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
The Truth about Wages in Right-to-Work States
[image: protest against right-to-work policy__1441195205_70.119.142.63] Private sector wages are not reduced in right-to-work states as union advocates have argued, according to a new report released Tuesday by The Heritage Foundation. James Sherk, a research fellow in labor economics at The Heritage Foundation and the author... more »
*Obama’s war on the poor continues* By Rick Manning The past few years have been marked by Obama releasing new regulation after new regulation designed to increase the price of low-cost, readily-available fuel so that higher-cost, less-available alternatives become economically viable. The resulting higher electricity costs represent the most regressive form of regulatory taxation imaginable as the less fortunate have almost no way, short of being cold, of avoiding the costs. The stated objective of lowering carbon emissions might make sense if these very regulations weren’t pr... more »
Where Is The Vision Of The Common Good? - A Discourse by M.N. Hopkins
Where is the vision of the common good? Once there were a few men who were divinely inspired who spoke of mans potential to do good works, to create equitable institutions, to administer justly and with integrity. They gave a gift of a vision of a new tomorrow in which men would be divinely inspired and work as agents of God to create communities where the common good flourishes. A few listened, but over time all their good works were perverted and now a new philosophy of the common greed is professed. These new voices are by those of weakness who use cunning and deception as t... more »
The Health Benefits Of Pine Oil
To learn more, please click on the link below: *Organic Facts*
DIY Lego Head Storage Containers
We love Legos in our house. When I say love, I mean we are obsessed with them and they are all over our house. My husband loved Legos as a kid and every birthday and Christmas he would get Lego sets, he has quite the collection. Since his Legos are precious to him, and he only lets my daughter play with them when she is around, we have slowly been collecting new sets for her. She has Star Wars sets, Lego Friends Sets, regular ole' Legos and Disney Princess sets. It is the thing I love most about Legos, she can be or build anything she wants to be. Our Lego obsession means we have ... more »
Fired Up Evangelicals Could Tilt 2016
[image: news-Ted-Cruz-hammond__1441193154_70.119.142.63] "You ask yourself why we live in a country where life is under assault, where marriage is under assault, where faith is under assault," roared U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz on Aug. 29, addressing a rally of thousands of evangelical Christians... Continue reading *“Fired Up Evangelicals Could Tilt 2016”* at *free-times.com*.
Why Evangelical Films Often Fail
[image: Woodlawn movie set images__1441159113_70.119.142.63] I went to a screening of Woodlawn last Saturday. Directed by Birmingham brothers Jon and Andrew Erwin, the film tells the true story of revival among the players on the football team at Woodlawn High School in Birmingham during a... Continue reading *“Why Evangelical Films Often Fail”* at *firstthings.com*.
Biden to Test Political Waters in Florida as He Mulls 2016
[image: Vice President Joe Biden__1441191884_70.119.142.63] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice President Joe Biden is headed to Florida, where he’s sure to get a glimpse of his presidential prospects as he considers a late entry into the 2016 Democratic primaries. Biden plans to appear at Miami Dade... more »
Man and Officer Wounded, Dog Killed in Police Address Mix-Up
[image: police cruiser lights on siren__1441160324_70.119.142.63] ATLANTA (AP) -- A man shot by police officers who went to the wrong Atlanta house ran bleeding outside where a neighbor heard him asking, “Why did they come in my house? Why did they shoot me? Why did they... more »
Christian Faith Growing in India 7 Years after Hindu Radicals Killed 100 Believers and Looted 1000s of Christian Homes and Churches
[image: school-children-listen-to-a-speech-by-a-christian-leader-during-a-protest-rally-in-the-eastern-indian-city-of-kolkata-august-29-2008__1441159571_70.119.142.63] Christians in India marked the seventh anniversary of the Orissa attacks on Monday, praying for close to 100 Christians who were massacred by Hindu extremists who were pressuring them to convert. An Archbishop has said the faith of Orissa’s Christians... Continue reading *“Christian Faith Growing in India 7 Years after Hindu Radicals Killed 100 Believers and Looted 1000s of Christian Homes and Churches”* at *christianp... more »
Search Area Widens in Manhunt for Illinois Cop Killers
[image: Illinois cop killer manhunt Fox Lake__1441191198_70.119.142.63] FOX LAKE, Ill. (AP) Law enforcement officials broadened the hunt Wednesday for three suspects in the fatal shooting of a popular veteran police officer in a small northern Illinois community after a methodical house-to-house search turned up nothing. Hundreds of... more »
*Acadiana boaters braved danger, arrest to rescue New Orleans residents trapped by federal floods ~Billy Gunn, The Advocate * *Louisiana Seafood Festival this weekend!*
Economic News , Data & Views ( September 2 , 2015 ) - Refugee Situation Updates ( While considering hopefully a comprehensive and unified solution to the growing refugee issue swamping Europe , the connection to chaos in countries in War zones and EU support / contributions to said Wars must be examined by the EU ) ....... Economic Data Updates ( Data today from Spain , Greece , EZ generally , Germany , Italy , IMF World GDP Growth Forecast ) ...... Greece Snap Election Updates ( Political intrigue , domestic and international politics , ) ....... Markets ( Oil , some individual names to watch , odd & ends ! )
Evening wrap..... Asia..... *zerohedge* @zerohedge 6m 6 minutes ago Heresy! China Won't Stick To IMF, World Bank Lending "Religion" With AIIB http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-09-0 2/heresy-china-wont-stick-imf-world-bank-lending-religion-aiib … *George Chen* @george_chen 7h 7 hours ago Wow! Let's celebrate the "113 hours without China" in global markets. Peace for global stocks! Cheers ! [image: Embedded image permalink] *George Chen* @george_chen 4h 4 hours ago China’s crackdown on corruption is killing Macau’s economy http:// qz.com/491724/ch... more »
Confirmed: US to "Use" Al Qaeda to Take Syria
What has been reported on since 2007 is now confirmed by senior US military leadership. The US created and now plans to openly use Al Qaeda to overthrow the nation of Syria. *September 2, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - The Daily Beast's article, "Petraeus: Use Al Qaeda Fighters to Beat ISIS," reveals the final piece to the "safe haven" or "buffer zone" puzzle, providing the world a complete picture of how the United States and its regional allies, including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, and others, plan to finally overthrow the government in Damascus, and eliminate Syria as... more »
Confidence in Gentle Words
[image: Don't shout to get attention] DUDLEY HALL -- “And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and... more »
Iran Upgrades Homegrown Air Defense Missile System
[image: Sayyad II missile]Iranian military specialists manufactured an upgraded version of its air defense missile system named Talash, which uses homegrown Sayyad missiles to hit high-altitude flying targets. The upgraded Talash defense missile system is synced with the Iranian air defense missiles, the Sayyad-2 and 3, and the Russian-made S-200 missile system has been removed from the gear. The Talash-1 is engaged for low and medium altitudes, Talash-2 for medium to high altitudes and the third for the high and very high altitudes. Read more
Parents celebrate end of nightmare as school holidays come to an end
'Bill McKay, who has spent half of the last six weeks pretending to be so bad at football that a five-year-old can beat him, said: "Freedom tastes so sweet. I'm going to the pub at half-four. After that, who knows?"' More here at The Daily Mash and all over the UK.
Boeing introduces a laser cannon to shoot down drones
Boeing's High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD) fires a beam of concentrated light that can disable anything from drones in flight to incoming mortar shells. Lasers are already in use on military trucks and Navy ships, but Boeing premiered a new version that can fit inside a suitcase earlier last week in New Mexico, Wired reports. HEL MD works by shooting a 10 kilowatt beam of focused light at light speed towards airborne targets. Read more
Kim Jong-un watches rocket launch drill in North Korea
North Korea's state televison on Tuesday aired footage of the country's supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, watching a missile launch and inspecting military drills. The footage, which KRT said was filmed in June, appeared to show Kim watching the test-firing of anti-ship missiles and smiling and applauding as monitors suggest the missiles struck their target. State media released stills of the event in June and at the time, South Korean news agency Yonhap quoted Seoul officials as saying the launch took place on 14 June. Read more
DAC clears projects worth over Rs. 13,000 cr.
[image: Mi-17 V5 Hip]The government cleared the purchase of 48 additional Mi-17 V5 helicopters and seven squadrons of Akash short range Surface to Air Missiles for the Air Force. These were part of the projects worth over Rs. 13,000 crore cleared by the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) chaired by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Tuesday. While the four squadrons of 48 Mi-17’s from Russia would cost Rs. 6,966 crore, the Akash missiles will be indigenously built by Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) for Rs. 4,790 crore. Read more
Reserve A-10s first fighters to land in Latvia
Two A-10 Thunderbolt II pilots with the 442nd Fighter Wing, Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., landed at Lielvarde Air Base in Latvia, marking the first time U.S. fighter aircraft landed in this Eastern Eurpoean country. In the past, C-130 Hercules have landed there, and F-16 Falcons have done touch and goes, but this was the first fighter landing. "It is an honor and a privilege to be the first ever fighter pilot to land here and be standing on the deck of this airfield," said Maj. Rick Mitchell, 303rd Fighter Squadron A-10 pilot, and first to land. "There are many qualified pilots to... more »
PLA's J-11D fighter closer to 1980s Su-35 than modern variant
[image: Shenyang J-11]China's new J-11D multirole fighter jet is much closer in capability to the old version of the Russian Su-35 fighter designed in the 1980s than the modern variant of the jet, says the Kanwa Defense Review, a Chinese-language military magazine based in Canada. The J-11D, which conducted its maiden flight in April this year after more than four years in development, is an upgraded variant of the J-11B indigenized multirole fighter. The J-11D adopts the body structure of the J-11B but uses substantially more composite materials, particularly in the vertical tail ... more »
Rafale Fighter Jet Deal Takes Big Step Forward
[image: Dassault Rafale]The Narendra Modi government appears to be going ahead with the off-the shelf purchase of 36 Rafale fighters, which the Indian Air Force needs urgently. In the clearest indication of the government's intention so far, the Defence Acquisition Committee has asked the Defence Ministry negotiating team to proceed with end-stage negotiations, sources told NDTV. Unofficial estimates indicate the deal for 36 jets could cost the exchequer $8 to $9 billion. Read more
WB Electronics and Thales unveil their Unmanned Aircraft System for Polish Gryf programme
[image: Watchkeeper UAS]WB Electronics and Thales unveiled today at Poland’s MSPO exhibition, their exclusive tactical unmanned aircraft system for the Polish Gryf requirement. The WB Electronics/Thales solution offers a capability that fully meets the Gryf requirements for an armed unmanned aircraft system, and delivers the capability through full Polish industrial collaboration. Based on the combat-proven unarmed Watchkeeper system delivered to the British Army, the WB Electronics/Thales solution will integrate its surveillance capability with a strike capability of the Thales Fre... more »
70 Years Ago, WWII Veteran Spread News of War’s End
[image: Japan Surrenders-900] MECHANICVILLE, N.Y. (AP) -- Stephen Dennis enlisted in the Navy soon after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. Less than a year later, the raw 19-year-old recruit was thrust into fighting off the Solomon Islands and survived one of...more »
Military Photo of the Day: 70th Anniversary of World War II’s End
[image: Japanese Surrender-900] U.S. service members on board the USS Missouri gather to witness Japan’s formal surrender to Allied Forces on Sept. 2, 1945. World War II ended 70 years ago today. On this anniversary of one of our nation’s defining moments, we... more »
Nigeria says it will soon deploy unmanned drones to curb oil theft
[image: Nigerian oil spil]The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation will deploy drones across the territorial waters of Africa's largest oil producer as part of a series of new efforts to help curb rampant oil theft, a company official said Tuesday. The corporation is launching an "armada of approaches" aimed at ending theft within eight months, Managing Director Ibe Kachikwu said in a statement. The measures include looking at arming the navy with equipment to help them with their patrols and working with law enforcement to increase its presence in the area to protect pipelines... more »
Huntington Ingalls cites interest in building new U.S. icebreakers
[image: USCGC Healy (WAGB-20)]Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc, which builds aircraft carriers and U.S. Navy warships, on Tuesday said it was keen to bid to build new icebreakers for the U.S. Coast Guard, after President Barack Obama pushed for quicker work on the program. The company's Ingalls shipbuilding unit, based in Pascagoula, Mississippi, built the newest U.S. icebreaker in the U.S. fleet, the USCG Healy, which was delivered in November 1999. Huntington Ingalls spokesman Bill Glenn said his company had responded to a request for information from the Coast Guard on icebreake... more »
Private sector gaining more access to China defense
The Chinese government has decided to give more access to private companies in its huge, lucrative arms sector. The aim is to improve competition and innovation for the defense industry. The new policy will encourage more private non-state owned companies to develop and produce weapons and other military equipment to boost military capabilities. CCTV’s Han Bin found out this and more as he visited one private company in Beijing and filed this report. Read more
MDA Quietly Revises Projected Ballistic Missile Defense Ship Totals Down from FY 2016 Budget Request
[image: SM-3 launch]A recent change in how the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) counts ballistic missile defense (BMD) ships lowers projected future totals from what the agency estimated in its Fiscal Year 2016 budget request to Congress, information on the change learned by USNI News has learned. Instead of 48 “BMD capable ships” the MDA estimated the U.S. would have by FY 2020 the force will be instead 39 “BMD deployable ships” — a difference of nine ships. The change came during a conference between MDA and Navy officials in late June and was made to better align the agency wit... more »
Budding Ties: Australia, India to Conduct First Bilateral Maritime Exercise
[image: Collins class SSK]The Indian Navy and Royal Australian Navy plan to hold their first-ever joint maritime exercise next month. The exercise, called AUSINDEX, will take place in the Indian Navy’s Eastern Fleet exercise area off the coast of Visakhapatnam Port in the Bay of Bengal in mid-September. The exercises are due to be held in order to increase maritime security in the region and boost military and maritime cooperation between the two countries. Read more
Construction starts at Halifax Shipyard on first Arctic patrol ship
[image: CCGS John G. Diefenbaker (Arctic Patrol Ship)]Irving Shipbuilding has started building Canada’s first Arctic offshore patrol ship at the company’s massive shipyard in Halifax. Hundreds of employees gathered Tuesday in the new assembly hall as a huge sheet of cut steel was hoisted into place and a special ceremony was held to mark the occasion. Kevin McCoy, president of Irving Shipbuilding, says welders, pipefitters, marine fabricators and ironworkers are involved in the project, which is on schedule. Read more
Rosoboronexport Completes 50 years in India, Seeks Closer Cooperation in Shipbuilding
[image: INS Vikramaditya]Russia is ready to work with Indian state and private shipyards for executing new projects in shipbuilding. Rosoboronexport marked its 50th anniversary in India today, since the first agreement with India was signed for the delivery of Soviet naval equipment that is four Project I641K diesel-electric submarines, five Project 159E escort ships, and five Project 368P motor boats. Russia has so far built over 70 warships after the first contract was signed in 1965 with the Indian Navy in 1965. Read more
McCain, Reed Push To Replace LCS Mine Drone
[image: An unmanned mine-hunting mini-sub, the Remote Multi-Mission Vehicle (RMMV)]In a letter obtained by Breaking Defense, senators John McCain and Jack Reed slam a key component of the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship as unreliable and urge the Pentagon to explore alternatives to the Remote Mine-Hunting System. In their Aug. 31 letter to the Pentagon’s acquisition chief, Frank Kendall, Navy Secretary Ray Mabus, and outgoing Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert, the Senate Armed Services Committee leaders warn against a “rush to failure” and strongly suggest a “delay,” espe... more »
New Navy submarine will be named USS Iowa
[image: Virginia class SSN]The Navy’s newest Virginia Class attack submarine will be named the USS Iowa, honoring a military custom of having American warships with ties to Iowa, its communities and its military heroes. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus plans to visit Ames Wednesday to make the announcement official at a news briefing at Iowa State University. He will be joined by Gov. Terry Branstad and ISU President Steven Leath. “A ship’s naming is the first milestone in bringing it to life, and here continues the long tradition of strong connection between the people of Iowa and our Nav... more »
'Significant Design Vulnerabilities'
This so much sounds like a bureaucracy who is in no rush to actually solve the problem. It at least appears that they have decided to vitrify the waste end product as well as can be. That happens to be an obvious first step when no other alternative looks good. My problem with this is that they have had decades to establish just such a protocol and it should be in full swing now. This is not the picture of a operation in full swing lining up throughput. I have reservations about vitrovication ass it is but those reservations are well satisfied by producing the blocks and su... more »
Monsanto Employee Admits an Entire Department Exists to “Discredit” Scientists
I want to say that there is nothing more fundamentally dishonest than attacking honest people in order to damage their reputation so that you can protect your own. This is not intellectual discourse over fine points of disagreement. However it is a common tactic used by criminals who have the certainty that their position is actually indefensible. It really takes that certainty before you cross that line. There is a floating accusation that Monsanto is a profoundly unethical organization. This department could easily show criminal intent. I have watched this story build for... more »
Total racket: Drug Companies Redefine Patient 'Qualification' for Statin Drugs to Triple Sales
Quite simply, doctors are becoming less and less sold on statins because the benefits are not truly apparent. So our genius drug company response is to cook the stats in order to sell it to a larger population. Yet i do not think they are placebos as they do cause changes. It is just that none of those changes are actually a benefit except as believed once the decline in cholesterol. Now we are not so sure It is noted as well that if you take statins, you also should take a matching dose of co enzyme as this ameliorates muscle reactions. . . *Total racket: Drug companies r... more »
Mercury Exposure Linked to Homosexuality
Looking at what is used for children, we see that mercury based products are avoided although that may not be true elsewhere. The greater problem is whether we can trust the science and intent of the suppliers. This is a paranoid's dream otherwise and we do not know where to stop. I suspect that it all takes a serious exposure but we do not know even that and it is the first thing to discuss. Just how much was too much for those ibis's. The old time miners used to muck about quite seriously with the stuff for a long while before it caught up to them. Autism and homosexuality... more »
A Message to Mothers via Jeff Hays
A Message to Mothers Posted on May 19, 2015 by Jeff Hays
Why is the Big Apple So Much Less Smelly Than San Francisco?
[image: Graffiti city street people walking - 900] Why is New York so much cleaner than San Francisco? It’s a question you hear all the time, even as some New Yorkers swear that Mayor Bill de Blasio’s lighter approach to law enforcement has undone some of the gains... more »
Will U.S. F-16 Fighters Soon be Facing Russian Manned MiGs Over Syria?
*Defense News: **Putin’s MiGs vs. US F-16s in Syria* After four years of devastating civil war with more than 240,000 dead — some from government use of chemical weapons and some from government-induced starvation — Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad has admitted he has a manpower problem. In fact, he has a bigger problem than that. Assad’s Russian and Iranian sponsors know that his grip on Syria is far from secure. The Islamic State group has expanded its territory in the north, and fighting in the suburbs of Damascus could trigger a collapse of the regime if one major breakthroug... more »
Israel Report: Russia Has Begun Intervening In The Syrian Civil War?
A formation of Russian Mig 31's (Photo: Reuters) *YNet News*: *Russian Jets In Syrian Skies* Russia has begun its military intervention in Syria, deploying an aerial contingent to a permanent Syrian base, in order to launch attacks against ISIS and Islamist rebels; US stays silent. Russian fighter pilots are expected to begin arriving in Syria in the coming days, and will fly their Russian air force fighter jets and attack helicopters against ISIS and rebel-aligned targets within the failing state. According to Western diplomats, a Russian expeditionary force has already arrived i... more »
Islamic State Forces Are Now Pushing Deeper Into The Syrian Capital Of Damascus
*BBC:** Islamic State battles Syrian rebel forces in Damascus* Syrian rebel forces have come under attack from Islamic State (IS) on the southern outskirts of Damascus. Militants from the jihadist group are reportedly battling Jaysh al-Islam fighters in the Qadam district and those of Ajnad al-Sham in nearby Asali. The fighting has brought IS closer than ever to the heart of the capital. Correspondents say it is unclear whether the attacks will be limited to rebel-held areas or will later shift to the government-controlled city centre. IS militants launched the assaults on Qadam a... more »
Let’s See More of Hillary Now, to See Less of Her Later
[image: Hillary Clinton curtain__1428867729_173.57.57.10] Hillary Clinton shows signs of anger and desperation and pops out of her shell with shrill and extreme rhetoric. She should be nervous, with both the feds and rivals breathing down her neck. But she’s no more effective at scaring... more »
Planned Parenthood Video #9 and the Angels that “Just Fell Out”
[image: Fallen angel] We learned from the latest expose of Planned Parenthood and its organ-trafficking partners that some of the pregnancies which they ended were so far along that the children were nearly or fully viable. As one of the profiteers in the ninth... more »
Harga Motor Honda Sonic Terbaru di 2016
Harga Motor Honda Sonic - Motor Honda Sonic merupakan Motor keluaran terbaru dari Perusahaan Motor terbesar dan tersukses yg ada di Indonesia karena Perusahaan AHM atau Astra Honda Motor merupakan salah satu Perusahaan berbasis di tanah air yg memiliki banyak sekali karyawan – karyawan untuk ditugaskan membuat atau merakit produk – produk Motor Honda Terbaru mereka. Lalu untuk Motor Honda Sonic
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