Thursday, September 10, 2015

10 Sept - Blogs I'm Following

A book scanner at the Internet Archive headqua...A book scanner at the Internet Archive headquarters in San Francisco, California. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In this Rosh Hashana greeting card from the ea...In this Rosh Hashana greeting card from the early 1900s, Russian Jews, packs in hand, gaze at the American relatives beckoning them to the United States. Over two million Jews fled the pogroms of the Russian Empire to the safety of the U.S. from 1881-1924. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: The Internet Archive in the Bibliothe...English: The Internet Archive in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, mirror of the Internet Archive in San Francisco (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

11:23pm MDST

Are Annulments Just “Catholic Divorce”? In Practice, Sometimes, Yes.

John Zmirak at The Stream - 22 minutes ago
[image: celebrity marriage hollywood divorce__1439643129_70.119.142.63] One of the "hardest sayings" of Jesus in the Gospel remains His teaching on divorce, in which He revokes the license that Moses had given the Jews to dispose of wives (not husbands) at will. (See Matt. 19: 3-12.) Christ... more »

The Migration of Terrorists Into Syria, Not Refugees Out of Syria, Is The Real Problem

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 41 minutes ago
Some points about the Syrian refugee crisis: - A few thousand psychotic ISIS terrorists being smuggled into Syria via Europe, Libya, Jordan, and Turkey by the leaders of the U.S., Turkey, Israel, and the Gulf countries is more destabilizing than the migration of millions of refugees out of Syria. - If properly assimilated and educated, refugees and migrants do not present social and economic problems. States that ghettoize refugees fare worse long-term than states that welcome refugees with a spirit of geneouristy and understanding. Germany's welcoming ges... more »

Remembering 9/11 -- List Of Links, Tributes, Videos, Pictures And Resources

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
COMPLETE LIST OF 9/11 RESOURCES, TRIBUTES, VIDEOS AND LINKS 9/11 TIMELINE Day of 9/11 Timeline – An excellent illustrated and detailed Timeline by Paul Thomas NYT Accounts From Different Floors In WTC MEMORIALS – REMEMBERING THE FALLEN C N N Memorial – Victims of 911 CNN’s Memorial List of 9/11 Victims Cantor Fitzgerald Families Memorial Arlington Cemetary Department of Defense Memorial Page USA Today: Flight 93 Victims USA Today: Names of Victims on the Airplanes WEB SITES DEDICATED TO 9/11 911 Commission – Official Website 911 Digital Archive 911 Internet Archive 911 Photos And ... more »

Is America Bored with Winning?

Heather Wilhelm at The Stream - 1 hour ago
[image: Donal Trump Charlie Sheen Winning - 900] If you enjoy mawkish, politician-sponsored spectacles, boy, was this your week. We'll start with the first to grace our nation's weary eyes: On Tuesday, embattled Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis was freed from jail for refusing to authorize gay marriage... more »

The Republican Civil War-- As Seen Through Two Very Different Sets Of Eyes

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago
And then there will be this to contend with... Many Republicans are distraught that Trump has dragged their party back into the mud and slime of racism, bigotry and ugly communal hatred. This is what Reince Priebus' autopsy after the Romney debacle was supposed to prevent. Primitive hatemongers like Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee could never have done it by themselves, but the celebrity and marketing power of Trump isn't something the Republican Establishment was banking on. He's redefining the Republican brand-- or sharpening the definition that the party elites have tried to gloss over... more »

Desain Taman Rumah Sederhana Terbaru 2016

cadangan at Yaya Blog's - 2 hours ago
Desain Taman Rumah Sederhana Terbaru 2016 - Rumah adalah tempat kita melepaskan segala kelelahan setelah seharian beraktifitas di luar untuk bekerja. Sebelum membangun biasanya pemilik akan memikirkan dengan matang tetang berbagai aspek yang berkaitan dengan rumah yang nantinya menjadi tempat tinggal untuk waktu yang lama bahkan seumur hidup. Pemilihan lokasi biasanya menjadi salah satu

Study: All-Male Marine Infantry Units Outperformed Teams with Women

USA Today at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: marine infantry] WASHINGTON -- A Marine Corps study that found all-male ground combat units more effective than teams that included women has raised new concerns about the Pentagon’s push to open all jobs to women next year. A summary of results released Thursday from the unprecedented study... Continue reading *“Study: All-Male Marine Infantry Units Outperformed Teams with Women”* at **.

Iraq Has No Money To Wage War Against The Islamic State

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
Ako Rasheed/Reuters *Hannah Allam, McClatchy News:** Is Iraq too broke to fight ISIS?* WASHINGTON: Iraq’s ability to fight Islamic State extremists who control roughly a third of the country is hampered by a financial crisis that’s left the Baghdad government operating “hand to mouth,” Iraqi Ambassador Lukman Faily warned this week. The inability to pay salaries on time to the soldiers and militiamen fighting the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, has hurt morale and hindered progress in operations to retake key hubs that were captured by the jihadists, Faily said in an in... more »

San Francisco Jails Will House Transgender Inmates Based on Gender Preference

Los Angeles Times at The Stream - 2 hours ago
[image: transgender] By the end of the year, San Francisco’s county jails will be among the first in the nation to house transgender inmates by their gender preference, Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi said Thursday. Currently, San Francisco County puts transgender inmates in an... Continue reading *“San Francisco Jails Will House Transgender Inmates Based on Gender Preference”* at **.

U.S. Scrambling For A Strategy To Counter Russia's New Moves In Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
*Josh Rogin, Bloomberg*: *Russia's Syrian Air Base Has U.S. Scrambling for a Plan* The Barack Obama administration and the U.S. intelligence community have concluded that Russia is set to start flying combat missions from a new air base inside Syria, but there’s disagreement inside the U.S. government on what to do about it. Thursday at the White House, top officials were scheduled to meet at the National Security Council Deputies Committee level to discuss how to respond to the growing buildup of Russian military equipment and personnel in Latakia, a city on the Syrian coast con... more »

The ‘Tribute of Light’ Shines Above NYC on Eve of 9/11 Anniversary

Fox News at The Stream - 4 hours ago
[image: Tribute in Light] Thanks to Fox News for tweeting out this beautiful image of the ‘Tribute of Light,’ rising from the new Freedom Tower on the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The 'Tribute in Light' shines above New York... Continue reading *“The ‘Tribute of Light’ Shines Above NYC on Eve of 9/11 Anniversary”* at **.

Northern Ireland Power Sharing Agreement Has Collapsed

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*New York Times:* *Northern Ireland Faces Crisis as Unionist First Minister Resigns* DUBLIN — The fractious power-sharing government in Northern Ireland effectively collapsed on Thursday as Peter Robinson, leader of the majority party, followed through on his threat to resign as the province’s chief executive. It was the latest chapter in a political crisis prompted by claims from the police that Irish Republican Army operatives were involved in the murder of a former member last month. Mr. Robinson, who heads the pro-British Democratic Unionist Party, said all but one of his par... more »

Nothing to read here -- go on to whatever else you had in mind

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
*I know you won't want have any interest in what follows, which is just for me. I feel bad, so I thought you might enjoy this Roz Chast cartoon from the same issue of The New Yorker referenced below. (Click to enlarge.) Oh, and also the Dan Roe one below.* *by Ken* I know there are important things happening in the world which demand comment from me, but they'll just have to wait another day (or possibly more). Because today is 9/10. I should explain that on the subject of this momentous date I wrote approximately two versions of a post in my head and then decided to omit them, u... more »

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Liquid Mind VII: Reflection” (Full Album) (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
Liquid Mind, “Liquid Mind VII: Reflection” (Full Album) -

Foreign Affairs Iran Deal Poll – Congrats You Have Nearly an All Male Panel

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 5 hours ago
It looks like the Obama administration has secured 42 votes for the Iran deal in the Senate, enough to filibuster even a vote, and despite today’s machinations in the House, the Iran Deal will likely go through. Indeed, when Republicans agreed back in May to a review process that would require a super-majority in both […]

Play it Cool

Jarrod Hayes at Duck of Minerva - 5 hours ago
Yesterday I had the great fortune to sit on a faculty panel discussing the Iran nuclear deal put on by my colleagues at Georgia Tech [I will link to the video when it is available]. A logic of thought that came up, in different formulations, related to the idea that the nuclear deal might transform […]

New Study Finds Cannabis May be Effective in Treating Depression

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 5 hours ago
*Jan Smithers - *New research found that the cannabinoid compounds derived from cannabis may help stabilize mood and be used in treating depression. The post New Study Finds Cannabis May be Effective in Treating Depression appeared first on Waking Times.

Photos of Beach Tourists Prove We’re Becoming Disconnected From Nature

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 5 hours ago
*Vic Bishop* - Tourists at this sea turtle nesting beach disturb and destroy new nests for fun. The post Photos of Beach Tourists Prove We’re Becoming Disconnected From Nature appeared first on Waking Times.

The Iran Charade on Capitol Hill

Charles Krauthammer at The Stream - 5 hours ago
[image: Congress Building - 900] WASHINGTON -- Congress is finally having its say on the Iran deal. It will be an elaborate charade, however, because, having first gone to the U.N., President Obama has largely drained congressional action of relevance. At the Security Council, he... more »

Yemen War News Updates -- September 10, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
*The Economist:* S*audi Arabia escalates its military campaign* *Yemen is descending into prolonged, uncontrollable war.* THE start of this month could well come to be seen as the moment Yemen descended into a prolonged, uncontrollable war. The conflict in the desperately poor nation was already going horribly badly. But the Saudi-led coalition fighting the country’s Houthi rebels has now intensified its campaign, after 60 of its soldiers were killed in a single attack in Marib on September 4th. Immediately afterwards the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which lost 45 men, vowed to be ... more »

Hillary Clinton Comes Clean, Sort of

Rich Lowry at The Stream - 5 hours ago
[image: SALT LAKE CITY - OCTOBER 25: Former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) speaks at a rally for the Utah Democratic party October 25, 2008 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Several Utah Democrats express surprised that Hillary came to Utah to speak ten day before the national elections, since Utah is considered a heavily Republican state. (Photo by George Frey/Getty Images)] In an ABC News interview, Hillary Clinton apologized for using a private email while secretary of state, a notable departure after months of not letting the slightest crack show in her stea... more »

Work at Fukushima Reactor One

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 6 hours ago
Ongoing work in Reactor 1 Do the cranes match up?

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
“The delightful Dark Doodad Nebula drifts through southern skies, a tantalizing target for binoculars in the constellation Musca, The Fly. The dusty cosmic cloud is seen against rich starfields just south of the prominent Coalsack Nebula and the Southern Cross. Stretching for about 3 degrees across this scene the Dark Doodad is punctuated at its southern tip (lower left) by globular star cluster NGC 4372. *Click image for larger size.* Of course NGC 4372 roams the halo of our Milky Way Galaxy, a background object some 20,000 light-years away and only by chance along our line-of-si... more »

Webster Tarpley On The Origins of ISIS And The Cynical Manipulation of The Syrian Humanitarian Crisis

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 6 hours ago
Tyrannical religious ideologues Sultan Erdogan and King Salman are American and Western allies. These barbaric rulers are wined and dined in American and Western capitals instead of being sanctioned for their atrocities and war crimes. But secular Assad and PKK are not considered morally worthy enough to be allies. They're demonized and delegitimized by the West as terrorists and monsters despite their military successes against the genocidal-minded ISIS. It is clear to anyone paying any attention that ISIS terrorists have been the chief beneficiaries of U.S.-NATO policies in Syri... more »

Musical Interlude: Elton John,"60 Years On" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
Elton John,"60 Years On"; Sydney, Australia, December 1986 -

The Poet: Stanley Kunitz, “The Layers” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*“The Layers”* by Stanley Kunitz “I have walked through many lives, some of them my own, and I am not who I was, though some principle of being abides, from which I struggle not to stray. When I look behind, as I am compelled to look before I can gather strength to proceed on my journey, I see the milestones dwindling toward the horizon and the slow fires trailing from the abandoned camp-sites, over which scavenger angels wheel on heavy wings. Oh, I have made myself a tribe out of my true affections, and my tribe is scattered! How shall the heart be reconciled to its feast of losses? In a... more »

"The Importance of Sleep: Healthful Slumber" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*"The Importance of Sleep: Healthful Slumber"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Regular periods of sleep are key to a healthy body and a clear mind as it is during sleep that your body renews itself. When life gets busy, sleep is often the first activity that we sacrifice. Considered a luxury by many busy people, sleep is actually as vital to sustaining a balanced life as are breathing, eating, and drinking. Getting sufficient sleep can be a potent energizer, just as not getting enough sleep can leave you feeling drained and sluggish. While eight hours is the average amount of sleep ... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 10, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*Roger Cohen, New York Times:* *Obama's Syrian Nightmare* Syria will be the biggest blot on the Obama presidency, a debacle of staggering proportions. For more than four years now, the war has festered. A country has been destroyed, four million Syrians are refugees, Islamic State has moved into the vacuum and President Bashar al-Assad still drops barrel bombs whose shrapnel and chlorine rip women and children to shreds. For a long time, those who fled waited in the neighborhood. They wanted to go home. They filled camps in Turkey and Jordan and Lebanon. When it became clear even ... more »

Iran Nuke Deal Survives as Democrats Block Disapproval Vote

AP/Erica Werner & Deb Reichmann at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: WASHINGTON - FEBRUARY 10: U.S. Senate Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) speaks to the media on Capitol Hill February 10, 2009 in Washington, DC. The Senate has passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 with the vote 61-37. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senate Democrats voted to uphold the hard-fought nuclear accord with Iran on Thursday, overcoming ferocious GOP opposition and delivering President Barack Obama a legacy-making victory on his top foreign policy priority. A disapproval resolution for the agreement... more »

How Ted Cruz is Running the Republican Table

The Washington Times/Monica Crowley at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: Ted Cruz - 400] In the spring of 2011, I heard about a dazzling young conservative, the former solicitor general of Texas, who was running for a soon-to-be-open U.S. Senate seat. Brilliant and charismatic, he was a Princeton and Harvard Law graduate who seemed... Continue reading *“How Ted Cruz is Running the Republican Table”* at **.

Feds Spend $345,019 to Make Computers with ‘Gender Sensitive Designs’

The Washington Free Beacon at The Stream - 6 hours ago
[image: girls at computer - 400] The National Science Foundation (NSF) is spending over $300,000 to create "feminist theory" for human interaction with computers, and aims to make computer systems more "gender sensitive." A project led by a researcher at Drexel University theorizes that there are... Continue reading *“Feds Spend $345,019 to Make Computers with ‘Gender Sensitive Designs’”* at **.

Lessons of the Labour Leadership Campaigns

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 6 hours ago
At last, the curtain falls on the Labour leadership contest. Amid claims of infiltration and ballots not turning up, the most tumultuous leadership election in the party's history ends with the rank outsider the likely winner, and a membership in equal parts enthused, stunned, and resigned to a most unexpected fate. The result is due on Saturday, but now seems about the right time to cast an eye over the campaigns. Liz Kendall was the first out of the gate. On the Sunday following the election, she appeared on the *Sunday Politics* and told Brillo of her intention to run. She made ... more »

World News Briefs -- September 10, 2015 (Evening Edition)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*The Guardian:* *Refugees heading west and north convulse Europe* European countries inside and outside the EU are bitterly divided as they wrestle with their responses to the tens of thousands sweeping the continent Braving cancelled trains, police truncheons and torrential rain, record numbers of refugees continued to struggle through Europe as the continent remained bitterly divided over how to respond to its biggest migration crisis since the second world war. Rushing to cross the border before harsh new anti-refugee laws and the completion next month of a four-metre high razo... more »

US Hostage Kayla Mueller Killed by ISIS, Say Ex-Slaves

BBC at The Stream - 7 hours ago
[image: In this May 30, 2013, photo, Kayla Mueller is shown after speaking to a group in Prescott, Ariz. The parents of the late American hostage Kayla Mueller say they were told by American officials that their daughter was repeatedly forced to have sex with Abu Bakr Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State group. (AP Photo/The Daily Courier, Jo. L. Keener ) MANDATORY CREDIT] The American hostage Kayla Mueller was murdered by so-called Islamic State after being raped repeatedly by its leader. That is the testimony of two Yazidi girls and a woman who escaped from IS captivity. The... more »

Is the NFL Turning Into FIFA?

Acculturated/RJ Moeller at The Stream - 7 hours ago
[image: NFL] Concussion, starring Will Smith, and set to drop in U.S. theaters on Christmas Day, is the "based on a true story" account of Dr. Bennet Omalu, the first doctor to identify the dangerous effects of head trauma among former NFL... Continue reading *“Is the NFL Turning Into FIFA?”* at **.

On the Ten Commandments and the United States

Acton Institute/Gabriel Zanotti at The Stream - 7 hours ago
[image: ten commandments] The Supreme Court of the state of Oklahoma has approved to bring down the Ten Commandment monument. Such decision entails an opportunity for us to ponder once again on the relation between Christianity and classical Liberalism. We have repeatedly claimed... Continue reading *“On the Ten Commandments and the United States”* at **.

After One Year Of Military Operations The U.S. War Against The Islamic State Is Not Showing The Results That Were Promised

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*RT*: *1yr, 6,700 airstrikes & $4bn after Obama vowed to ‘destroy’ ISIS, jihadists still on offensive* The US and its allies have carried out 6700 airstrikes at an expense of nearly $4 billion in the year since President Barack Obama ordered a campaign against Islamic State. Yet the terror group shows no sign of defeat and has even expanded its reach. On September 10, 2014, Obama announced a “comprehensive and sustained counterterrorism strategy” to “degrade, and ultimately destroy” Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS/ISIL), referring to it by the preferred US government ac... more »

Obama Justice Department Says Hillary Clinton Followed Law in Deleting Emails

The Washington Times at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Hillary Clinton15 - 400] The Obama administration told a federal court Wednesday that former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was within her legal rights to use of her own email account, to take the messages with her when she left office and to... Continue reading *“Obama Justice Department Says Hillary Clinton Followed Law in Deleting Emails”* at **.

Brian Williams Returning to Air on Sept. 22 to Cover the Pope

AP at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Brian Williams Returning to Air on Sept. 22 to Cover the Pope] NEW YORK (AP) -- Former NBC News anchor Brian Williams will return to the air on Sept. 22 as part of MSNBC’s coverage of Pope Francis’ visit to the United States. The network pinpointed the date on Thursday. It had... more »

Chris Christie is Still Gridlocked by Bridgegate Scandal Two Years Later

The Guardian at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Chris Christie-400] It's been exactly two years since the closure of access lanes to the George Washington Bridge in New Jersey caused a traffic apocalypse - and Governor Chris Christie still seems stuck in the jam it created. After costing the jobs... Continue reading *“Chris Christie is Still Gridlocked by Bridgegate Scandal Two Years Later”* at **.

Kentucky and the Confusion over ‘Rights’ and ‘Beliefs’

The Catholic World Report at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Kentucky and the Confusion over 'Rights' and 'Beliefs'] The September 2nd edition of The Wall Street Journal discussed the case of Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who will not issue a marriage license to two gays who armed with newly-found "constitutional rights" (Davis has since been jailed.) At the... Continue reading *“Kentucky and the Confusion over ‘Rights’ and ‘Beliefs’”* at **.

Pope Francis Stars in New Lineup of Emoji

Aleteia at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Pope Francis Stars in New Lineup of Emoji] Pope Francis won't be coming to the US for another 10 days, but already he's all over the news. And pretty soon, he will be all over digital messaging. Thanks to an initiative spearheaded by Aleteia, a keyboard full of... Continue reading *“Pope Francis Stars in New Lineup of Emoji”* at **.

Bobby Jindal: Donald Trump is a ‘Madman’

AP/MELINDA DESLATTE at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, April 2010 in New Orleans.] BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) -- Republican presidential contender Bobby Jindal threw the book of insults at Donald Trump on Thursday, even calling him a “madman.” More specifically, he called the GOP front-runner an “egomaniacal madman who has no principles” and... more »

Trump Still a Long-Shot, But GOP Flummoxed on How to Stop Him

The New York Times/Nate Cohn at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: Donald Trump Pouting Fairness Campaign - 400] When Donald Trump reached the top of the polls in July, his candidacy seemed very familiar, at least to me. His coalition was ideologically incoherent, and he had no support from party elites. His surge looked like a media-driven phenomenon... Continue reading *“Trump Still a Long-Shot, But GOP Flummoxed on How to Stop Him”* at **.

Research Shows that Nutrition, Not Medication, Improves Mental Health

WTStaff at Waking Times - 8 hours ago
*Video - *Clinical psychologist Julia Rucklidge explores a range of scientific research about the significant role played by nutrition in mental health. The post Research Shows that Nutrition, Not Medication, Improves Mental Health appeared first on Waking Times.

50 Spies Say U.S. Intelligence On The Islamic State Was 'Cooked'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
View More: World News|Live News|More News Videos *Shane Harris & Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast:* *Exclusive: 50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked* It’s being called a ‘revolt’ by intelligence pros who are paid to give their honest assessment of the ISIS war—but are instead seeing their reports turned into happy talk. More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military's Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned. The comp... more »

Serial Loser And Fence-Jumper Artur Davis Is Looking For Another Political Comeback

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago
Yesterday we pointed out how unabashed progressive Democrat Cyndi Munson beat a right-wing Republican kook, who had the full backing of the Oklahoma state GOP establishment, for a state legislative seat. Cyndi isn't the kind of GOP-lite Democrat-- neither a Blue Dog nor a New Dem-- that old-school conservative Democratic insiders like Chuck Schumer, Steve Israel and Debbie Wasserman Schultz insist is the only kind of Democrat who can win in red states and districts. That said, a favorite of Schumer/Israel/Wasserman Schultz Democratic insiders, Artur Davis, is back in the Democratic... more »

How Arctic ice has made fools of all those poor warmists

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 8 hours ago
How Arctic ice has made fools of all those poor warmists Read here but not on the warmist propaganda spreading BBC

the others

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 8 hours ago

Chet Raymo, “Thinking Like A Hobbit” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*“Thinking Like A Hobbit”* by Chet Raymo “I first read J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" in the early 1960s. The maps of Middle-earth attracted my interest. I had not previously heard of Tolkien, and his books were only beginning to become cult favorites of the college crowd. I was a graduate student at the time. As I read the books, I retold the tale in a much condensed version to a recurring gathering of children in the housing complex for married students in which I lived. They hung on every word of hobbits, elves, orcs and ents, and, of course, wise Gandalf and dashing... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
Abernathy, Texas, USA. Thanks for stopping by!

the black widow

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 8 hours ago

I Met The Walrus

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 8 hours ago

The new tests are harder. But are they better?

skrashen at Schools Matter - 8 hours ago
*Sent to the Los Angeles Times, September 10, 2015We are told that most of our students "are not on track to succeed in college" because of the results of recent testing ("New California tests present sobering picture of student achievement," September 10).There is no evidence that the new tests predict college success, nor is there any evidence that they are better than previous tests or having no standardized yearly tests at all. * *The decrease in test scores shows us only that the new tests are harder. Alfie Kohn reminds us that harder does not necessarily mean better.... more »

Franklin Graham Writes Open Letter to Obama on Syria, Refugees

The Blaze at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: graham] Evangelist Franklin Graham penned an open letter to President Barack Obama on Thursday, imploring the commander in chief to establish "safe zones" inside of Syria, as civil war continues to displace and endanger millions of citizens. Graham, who is the... Continue reading *“Franklin Graham Writes Open Letter to Obama on Syria, Refugees”* at **.

"I Have A Great Suspicion..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
“There are myths and pseudo-science all over the place. I might be quite wrong, maybe they do know all this… but I don’t think I’m wrong, you see I have the advantage of having found out how difficult it is to really know something. How careful you have to be about checking the experiments, how easy it is to make mistakes and fool yourself. I know what it means to know something. And therefore, I see how they get their information and I can’t believe that they know it. They haven’t done the work necessary. I have a great suspicion that they don’t know and that they’re intimidating p... more »

World’s Largest Solar Farm Installed in Pakistan

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 8 hours ago
*Cole Mellino* - This solar farm generates enough electricity for 320,000 homes. The post World’s Largest Solar Farm Installed in Pakistan appeared first on Waking Times.

Attract Prosperity and Abundance Using These Crystals

WTStaff at Waking Times - 8 hours ago
*Meme - *Since ancient times, crystals such as Citrine, Topaz, Ruby, and Carnelian, have been used to help achieve prosperity and abundance. The post Attract Prosperity and Abundance Using These Crystals appeared first on Waking Times.

The Pentagon's Plan To Raise A Syrian Rebel Army Is A Complete Disaster

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
The Arab Source *Philip Ewing and Austin Wright, Politico:* *The Pentagon's Syria debacle* Top brass debate how to rescue costly effort to raise rebel army to fight Islamic State With all the U.S.-trained fighters dead, captured or missing and their leader in the hands of Al Qaeda, top U.S. commanders are scrambling this week to determine how to revive the half-billion dollar program to create a moderate Syrian army to fight the Islamic State. The outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, who viewed the force as a critical element of the military stra... more »

Sept. 10: the big news that didn't make the irvng press.

Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 9 hours ago
Yesterday evening, as I went through world, national and local news, I was astonished at the implications of much of what I was reading. I was looking forward to reading, perhaps, fuller versions and, perhaps, commentary on these stunning events. Only one made it into the Irving press. It's on B5 - “Iran allows Russian overflights to Syria.” It's a version of events that seems to be several days old – and doesn't tell us much. As well, all the stories I read last night need explanation - but none of them brought a single word of commentary. In fact, the only commentary that was int... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 9 hours ago
*David Vitter: Dog Whistling Dixie ~CenLamar*

Transpicuous News Vid Archive- Sept 6th

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 9 hours ago

Working on the Peace Walk

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 9 hours ago
- The more I learn about climate change the more I can't help but look at the dramatic impact the Pentagon's endless war machine makes on our Mother Earth. The connection is inescapable. - The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty, which extends the 1992 UN Convention on Climate Change that commits State Parties to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, based on the premise that (a) global warming exists and (b) man-made CO2 emissions have caused it. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on December 11, 1997 and entered into force on February 1... more »

Is ISIS Still Using Chemical Weapons in Syria?

BBC News at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Syria Map-400] The video is painfully difficult to watch. The pale, wet, listless bodies of young children are carried into a hospital as doctors frantically try to save lives. Men choke and vomit and cry out and a grandmother lies peacefully on... Continue reading *“Is ISIS Still Using Chemical Weapons in Syria?”* at **.

Report: Dept. of Justice Says it Can Demand Emails from Any U.S.-Based Provider

The Guardian at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Magnifying Glass Email] The United States government has the right to demand the emails of anyone in the world from any email provider headquartered within US borders, Department of Justice (DoJ) lawyers told a federal appeals court on Wednesday. The case being heard... Continue reading *“Report: Dept. of Justice Says it Can Demand Emails from Any U.S.-Based Provider”* at **.

“Don’t Forget How Strange This All Is” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*“Don’t Forget How Strange This All Is” * by David Cain “Jerry Seinfeld joked that if aliens came to earth and saw people walking dogs, they would assume the dogs are the leaders. The dog walks out front, and a gangly creature trailing behind him picks up his feces and carries it for him. Throughout my life I’ve had moments where I felt like one of these visiting aliens, where something I knew to be normal suddenly seemed bizarre. I remember walking home from somewhere, struck by how strange streets are: flat strips of artificial rock embedded in the earth so that our traveling ma... more »

The Roundtable Discussion Sept 7: Timelines, the Matrix and the Mandela Effect

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 9 hours ago
On Last Monday night's One People Roundtable Discussion, Lisa and I continued our previous discussion about crashing timelines, and the Mandela effect, and we discussed the findings of Jesse Reich's Exploring the Mandela Effect- Expectations of Reality versus Reality A Preliminary Report (pdf embedded below the video). We also looked through a few pieces of new.... thoughts, theories and ideas that have been triggering us lately through the amazing emails, skype and facebook messages we've both received. Below is the archive video of Monday Sept 7th 2015 Roundtable Discussion. ... more »

Who are Donald Trump’s Supporters?

Real Clear Politics at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Donald Trump-400] When Donald Trump announced he was running for president on June 16, the idea seemed faintly ridiculous. The Washington Post said that he faced "an uphill battle to be taken seriously by his rivals, political watchers and the media." The... Continue reading *“Who are Donald Trump’s Supporters?”* at **.

Divorce study felled by a coding error gets a second chance

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 10 hours ago
A journal has published a corrected version of a widely reported study linking severe illness and divorce rates after it was retracted in July due to a small coding error. The original, headline-spawning conclusion was that the risk of divorce in a heterosexual marriage increases when the wife falls ill, but not the husband. The revised results — published […] The post Divorce study felled by a coding error gets a second chance appeared first on Retraction Watch.

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar." - Julius ... more »

Parents Deserve To Know More Than School Vaccination Rates

Barbara Loe Fisher at Vaccine Awakening - 10 hours ago
Posted 9/10/2015 *by Barbara Loe Fisher * *To activate and view hyperlinked references, please click here once and then click any superscripted number below to access a hyperlinked reference, or scroll down to the bottom of the article to view all hyperlinked references.* NVIC recently reported that the federal government has directed all public and private schools to publish vaccination and personal belief vaccine exemption rates, even though less than 1.7 percent of kindergarten children have any vaccine exemptions and less than one percent of children under 36 months old are ... more »

Commentaries And Analysis On Russia's Involvement In The Syrian Conflict

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*Alexey Eremenko and Sarah Burke, NBC:* *Analysis: Why Is Russia So Interested in Syria?* MOSCOW — Vladimir Putin's alleged murky moves to shore up Syria's embattled government militarily appears to be Russia trying to gain leverage amid isolation from the West, according to analysts. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters Thursday that planes have delivered military goods and humanitarian assistance to Syria in recent days, but insisted this was in line with current arms contracts. "We have always been frank regarding the presence of our military experts in Syria ... more »

The Economy: “Three Reasons the Fed Cannot Let Rates Normalize” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*“Three Reasons the Fed Cannot Let Rates Normalize”* by Phoenix Capital Research "Analysts and commentators remain hung up on whether or not the Fed will raise rates next week. Certain Fed officials have been stating that the Fed should commence tightening. However, with China’s bubble collapsing, dragging down the Emerging Markets, there are plenty of excuses for the Fed to postpone yet again. Ultimately, I remain convinced that whenever the Fed does hike rates, it will largely be a symbolic rate hike, say to 0.35% or 0.5%. That will be *it* for some time. I say this because the ... more »

Isil fighter hiding in Calais migrant camp with 'aim of committing terror attacks in Britain', say local reports per Telegraph

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 10 hours ago
'French police under orders to find and arrest Isil fighter on an Islamist watchlist who returned from Syria in August and is hiding among migrants in Calais, La Voix du Nord reports. An Isil fighter from Syria is hiding in a migrant camp in Calais with the aim of illegally entering Britain to commit "terror attacks", according to local French media. French police have been told to locate and arrest the man who left Syria in August and is on a French terror suspect watch list known as "fiche S", according to La Voix du Nord, the regional French newspaper. "His intention is to rea... more »

Supplemental: New York Times clowns about Bush's tax plan!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 10 hours ago
*THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2015Just as it ever was:* What does it mean to have no press corps at all? To have a press corps which operates on narrative all the way down? The Washington Post’s recent report about SAT scores provides one strong example. For a second example, consider the New York Times’ attempt to report on Candidate Bush’s new tax plan, a report which appeared above the fold on this morning’s front page. First, the inevitable point of uncertainty: The reporters in question were Alan Rappeport and Matt Flegenheimer. Were they really *trying* to report the Bush plan,... more »

The Economy: "This Is EXACTLY What The Early Phases Of A Market Meltdown Look Like" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*"This Is EXACTLY What The Early Phases * *Of A Market Meltdown Look Like"* By Michael Snyder "There is so much confusion out there. On the days when the Dow goes down by several hundred points, lots of people pat me on the back and tell me that I “nailed” my call for the second half of this year. But on the days when the Dow goes up by several hundred points, I get lots of people contacting me and telling me that they are confused because they thought the stock market was supposed to go down. Well, the truth is that if there is going to be a full-blown market meltdown, we would exp... more »

The Economy: “This Is Another “Subprime” Waiting to Blow” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*“This Is Another “Subprime” Waiting to Blow”* by Bill Bonner GUALFIN, Argentina – “Dow down 239 points yesterday – or 1.5% – after Japan posted its biggest one-day gain in seven years. This is getting interesting again. If it is just “volatility,” as Wall Street’s shills in the press maintain, it will probably pass soon. Everything will be okay. Back to routine imbecility before the end of the month. But if these whipsaw movements are heralding a bear market, U.S. stock prices could be cut in half... or more. And they may not recover for 10 to 20 years. *Bull or Bear? *Which is i... more »

Stop Harper - pass it on.

Alison at Creekside - 10 hours ago
via .

Israeli Report: Russia And Iran Are Cooperating In The Syrian War

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
Soleimani (left) and Putin (right) have both put boots on the ground in Syria. (Photo: AP, Fars, EPA) *YNet News*: *Iranian troops join Russians in Syria fighting* Israeli security sources claim Quds Force sending hundreds of elite troops in unprecedented cooperation with Russia to save embattled Syrian regime. Qasem Soleimani, commander of Iran's elite Quds Force, has sent hundreds of ground soldiers into Syria in the past few days apparently in cooperation with Russia's President Vladimir Putin, said a senior Israeli security official Thursday. Russia has also recently deployed ... more »

Obama to Admit 10,000 Syrian Refugees into the U.S. in 2016

AP at The Stream - 10 hours ago
[image: A Syrian refugee boy plays outside his family's tent at a Syrian refugee camp in the town of Deir Zanoun, Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015. The UNHCR has said there are about 1,150,000 Syrian refugees registered in Lebanon, equal to a quarter of Lebanon's own population of 4.5 million. Beirut estimates there are another 500,000 unregistered Syrians in the country. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House says President Barack Obama has told advisers he wants to let 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. in the coming budget year. The U.S. has ... more »

49 Percent of Legal Immigrant Households are on Welfare

Center for Immigration Studies at The Stream - 11 hours ago
[image: Money] This report is a companion to a recent report published by the Center for Immigration Studies looking at welfare use by all immigrant households, based on Census Bureau data. This report separates legal and illegal immigrant households and estimates welfare... Continue reading *“49 Percent of Legal Immigrant Households are on Welfare”* at **.

I am a free Wifi spot

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 11 hours ago
Mostly no connections

Are Russian Military Forces Fighting In Syria?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*Reuters/VICE:* *Russia Won't Comment on Whether its Troops Are Fighting in Syria* The Kremlin declined to comment on Thursday on whether Russian troops are in combat in Syria, after sources in Lebanon told Reuters that Russian forces had begun participating in military operations there. Bashar al-Assad's opponents in the West and among Gulf Arab states fear a considerable Russian military buildup is taking place in Syria to support the country's president. Moscow says all its military assistance to the Syrian army is in line with international law. "The threat coming from Islami... more »

Salt Lake Comic Con Giveaway!

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 11 hours ago
Salt Lake Comic Con is almost here. It is the time of year that my feeds are over taken by geeky photos and my favorite actors. It is the time I truly let my nerd shine through and now hopefully one of you can come too! Over the years Utah has proven to have one of the largest pop culture fan bases in the country. In just a few short years Salt Lake Comic Con has grown into a large event bringing in celebrities and people from all over the country. That is why this year you do not want to miss it! September 24th - September 26th is when you can visit vendors showcasing everything ... more »

harper on his last legs

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 11 hours ago
For as long as it's available, I ask people to check out the video of stephen harper listening to journalists' questions about Syrian refugees during his campaign stop in Welland. Clearly, this is a guy who is not having a good time. And let's face it: stephen harper is insane. he practices a lunk-headed version of Christianity that believes in Armageddon while at the same time he worships wealth. he is a twisted person. A shallow person. Given to fits of rage and pique at the slightest thing. He's a thorough bully and a complete coward. And his bid for re-election is going even m... more »

Desperate Iraqis Join Tide of Europe-Bound Migrants

AP/SINAN SALAHEDDIN at The Stream - 11 hours ago
[image: IRAQ-CONFLICT] BAGHDAD (AP) -- As the sun sets over Baghdad, Mustafa Jassim Mohammed wades into the Tigris River, lifts his feet off the muddy bottom and paddles with an arm maimed by shrapnel, practicing ahead of a journey on which his... more »

Atheists Threaten to Sue Principal for Praying to Jesus During Graduation

Casey Harper at The Stream - 11 hours ago
[image: Jesus sign2 - 900] A Georgia principal who gave Christian prayers at two graduation ceremonies could face fines now that an atheist group is targeting the school. The American Humanist Association says Primary School Principal Lisa Patterson gave two prayers which ended with "In... more »

Russia Defends Its Assistance To Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*New York Times*:* Russia Defends the Presence of Its Military Advisers in Syria* MOSCOW — The Foreign Ministry confirmed on Wednesday that Russian military advisers were in Syria, but it said that their presence was part of a longstanding agreement to provide military aid to the country. Russian military aid to Syria has become a new source of tension between Washington and Moscow over the past few days, with the United States accusing Russia of escalating the conflict. “Russian military specialists help Syrians master Russian hardware, and we can’t understand the anti-Russian h...more »

A Nation of Sociopaths?

Gaius Publius at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
*What would America see if it looked in a mirror? (source)* *by Gaius Publius* While many of us have been enjoying the Trump Show, live on a news clip near you, a small stream of writers has considered what this all means — not only what it means for our electoral and political future, but what it means for us as a nation, that we're as captured as we are by the Donald Trump candidacy. Even his opponents are fascinated. Is it the showmanship? The racism? The economic populism? All of that? Something else? Or is it something in us — in many of us, at least — that draws so many li... more »

Louisiana Deputy Delivers Prayer Instead of a Ticket

KCTV5 at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: Deputy Loveless - 400] A typical traffic stop, at times, can be anything but typical. But one thing is constant, it requires at least two things -- a violator and a law enforcer. “So I really wasn’t paying attention to my speed going down the... Continue reading *“Louisiana Deputy Delivers Prayer Instead of a Ticket”* at **.

NFL Season Kicks Off Tonight, and League Can’t be Happier

The New York Times at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: football fans - 400] There is a line of thinking among sports business executives that whatever troubles the N.F.L. endures during the off-season melt away once the regular season begins. Scandals linger and even explode, like the spate of domestic violence cases last year... Continue reading *“NFL Season Kicks Off Tonight, and League Can’t be Happier”* at **.

US backs those who want to use terrorists against Assad – Lavrov

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 12 hours ago
*RT* I will highlight the direct quotes from Lavrov below the video: On Wednesday, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke on the phone with his US counterpart, Secretary of State John Kerry, who expressed concern over Russian support to the Syrian leader. “*Kerry was also pushing the very strange idea that supporting Bashar Assad in his anti-terror fight only strengthens the positions of ISIS, because the sponsors of ISIS would pump even more arms and money into it,”* Lavrov said. *What is Kerry implying when making this statement?* *I will repeat that: “**Kerry was also pushing th... more »

travel for real people

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 12 hours ago
no destinatin if you do not have prequists

Killing History By Teaching Ignorance

Ricochet at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: Patrick Henry - 400] Subversion is one way to fight a culture war. Another, arguably more effective way over the long run is ignorance. . . . Here's a story from the American Heartland: North Dakota students may or may not learn about the first 100... Continue reading *“Killing History By Teaching Ignorance”* at ** .

Ukrainian, Slovak PMs Condemn Russian Plans To Bypass Their Countries In Gas Exports To The West

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
Business Insider *Reuters:* *Ukraine gas bypass deal a "betrayal"-Slovak PM* * Ukraine could lose billions, Slovakia hundreds of millions euros (Adds quotes, background, details) BRATISLAVA, Sept 10 (Reuters) - Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico on Thursday called a deal between Russia's Gazprom and its European partners to expand the Nordstream gas pipeline a "betrayal" that would cost Ukraine and Slovakia a combined billions of euros in transit fees. Last week, Gazprom and its European partners signed a shareholders' agreement on the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline project that will b... more »

PARCC Sets Common Core Cut Scores But Won't Tell Anyone What They Are

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 12 hours ago
Here's just one more reason why the fetid Common Core is doomed to the dustbin of bad ideas and implementation. The shroud of secrecy, manipulation, and arrogant imposition continues, even though David Coleman has left with his collection of Armani suits for a throne at the College Board: From Ed Week: ....PARCC spokesman David Connerty-Marin would say only that states are still finalizing their data, so it's too early to disclose how students performed on the test, which was given for the first time this past spring. He didn't say why PARCC wouldn't release the actual cut scores,... more »

I am full up with realatomsjo[

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 12 hours ago
Bexause I got one its called real love and its human but it last longer than any caulkig you find in a department store its real life and she touches me more and more descripint my fantasy of life this is the key to long term sacrfice because nothing means nothing if you do not see love in your spouse or or your wife

What do I feel and can that feeling save the human race from the big 6th extinctin. I hope so

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 12 hours ago
Look you fucking humans you no matter how stupid know your fucked up and not ready for the big show cause no one would watch you do your bathroom thing to be ready for the Camey cause your real face is a horrorshow of imperfections and like the Chinese Oprah that ruled the planet for 6000 years we respond to beautiful; eunuchs confident in the knowledge we will never be fucked The ship is sinking your gonna die if you do not get out right now and the idiots grab baggier cause they want to die they are so divorced from reality Life mean Life and flesh and blood but if you got somehow... more »

Reaction To The Growing Russian Involvement In The Syrian Civil War

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Voice Of America*: *US, NATO Express Concern About Russian Military in Syria* The United States and NATO have reacted with concern to reports of increased Russian military presence in Syria. A senior U.S. defense official told VOA that Russia has been airlifting military supplies to Syria, calling such activities “unhelpful.” State Department spokesman John Kirby told reporters he did not have confirmation of a Russian buildup, but that Russia's "intent here is unclear." He said Secretary of State John Kerry discussed the issue by telephone with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei ... more »

Judge Won’t Move Officer Trials in Freddie Gray Case from Baltimore

AP/Juliet Linderman & David Dishneau at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: Suspect Dies Baltimore] BALTIMORE (AP) -- The trials for six police officers charged in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray will be held in Baltimore, a judge ruled Thursday, saying publicity from the case was worldwide and potential jurors will be asked whether...more »

Gov’t Turns Over Fewer Clinton-Related Emails Than Cited

AP/Stephen Braun at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: Hillary Clinton14 - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The State Department has delivered only seven of nearly 70 pages of documents that a federal judge identified as potentially responsive to an Associated Press request for documents relating to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s hiring of longtime aide... more »

Police: Phoenix Freeway Shootings are ‘Domestic Terrorism’

AP/PAUL DAVENPORT & JACQUES BILLEAUD at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: Interstate 10 Phoenix-900] PHOENIX (AP) -- Arizona authorities confirmed Thursday that 11 vehicles have been shot with bullets or other projectiles in the last two weeks, nearly all of them on freeways in the Phoenix area. The latest confirmed shooting involved a commercial truck... more »

Violence Across Iraq Remains Unchanged For Four Weeks

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 13 hours ago
For the last four weeks violence across Iraq has remained relatively stable. There has been roughly the same number of attacks and casualties over that time span. The main battlefields also remained Anbar and Baiji in Salahaddin with fighting continuing to go back and forth between the two sides. Musings On Iraq counted 139 security incidents from September 1-7, 2015. That was almost the same as the previous weeks when there were 136 August 22-28, 135 August 15-21, and 132 August 8-14. That all averaged out to 19.3 attacks per day. The real numbers are always higher. There were ... more »

October Summit On Ukraine Will Be Held With Hollande, Merkel, Putin, And Poroshenko Attending

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
President of Russia Vladimir Putin, President of France Francois Hollande, Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko at the talks in the Normandy format in Minsk, on 12 February 2015 [PPIO] *AFP:* *Hollande, Merkel, Putin, Poroshenko to hold summit on Ukraine* Paris (AFP) - The leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine on Wednesday agreed to hold an October summit on ending the conflict in Ukraine, as they welcomed reports that a truce in the east had been "generally respected since September 1", the French presidency said. In a phone ... more »

NATO Raises Concerns On Russian Plans To Build A Major Military Base Near The Ukraine Border

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
Business Insider *Reuters:* *Exclusive: Russia building major military base near Ukrainian border* *According to documents on the Russian government’s website, nine barracks for 3,500 soldiers are being built near the village of Soloti* Russia has started to build a huge military base housing ammunition depots and barracks for several thousand soldiers near the Ukrainian border, a project that suggests the Kremlin is digging in for a prolonged stand-off with Kiev. The base, when completed, will even have its own swimming pool, skating rink and barber shop, according to public doc... more »

“Obviously stolen” figure squashes mosquito paper in author’s second retraction

Shannon Palus at Retraction Watch - 13 hours ago
The Journal of Mosquito Research has retracted a paper because it contains a figure that “was obviously stolen” from another paper. The retracted paper’s first author Emtithal M. Abd El-Samiee is now up to two retractions, by our count. Last month, we reported on her fruit fly paper, felled by a faulty gene sequence. On the paper, she is listed as […] The post “Obviously stolen” figure squashes mosquito paper in author’s second retraction appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Want to Help the Refugees? Teach Migration as Part of IR

Charli Carpenter at Duck of Minerva - 13 hours ago
The following is a guest post by Margaret Peters, who teaches political economy and migration at Yale University. She is currently finishing her book project When Business Abandoned Immigration: Firms and the Remaking of Globalization.” Recent pictures of Syrian refugee crisis from 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi lying dead on a beach in Turkey to migrants sitting […]

About 140 Dissidents Arrested in Cuba on Way to Feast Day Mass

FOX News at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: Head of UNPACU - 400] About 140 Cuban dissidents were arrested Tuesday as they were going to attend a Mass at the Lady of Caridad del Cobre Church to celebrate the feast day of the island’s patron saint, sources within the dissident movement told EFE.... Continue reading *“About 140 Dissidents Arrested in Cuba on Way to Feast Day Mass”* at **.

"Container with aid for "refugees" was full of weapons and ammunition" on YouTube

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 13 hours ago
If this video is kosher then something very worrying is happening and yet the media including the BBC just aren't interested

Transatomic Power, How Good the Science?

Charles Barton at The Nuclear Green Revolution - 13 hours ago
This all began when I attempted to write profiles of Mark Massie and Lesslie Dewan of Transatomic power. My quest for information led me to call Ondrej Chvala, at UT, and he indirectly pointed me to a discussion of a Transatomic White paper on the Energy from Thorium Discussion Forum. This post is an accunt of some of what I learned at the discussion. i will not offered a detailed account of what was said, but I do offer a link to the discussion, that I hope will help curious readers. In 2014 the Transatomic team pubished a White Paper on their nuclear trash devouring MSR dessign... more »

NOT Conspiracy- Facts of 9/11.

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 13 hours ago
Tomorrow is yet again the anniversary of the lies and deceptions of 9/11 that shook the planet and changed this world into one of War, False Flag lies and deceptions, and the ending of anything even pretending to look like "Peace" or "Freedom". TUG: The Fall of The Empire: For many people, September 11, 2001 sounded a death knell across the planet, as the beginning of the end of the "Land of the Free". Much like the Reichstag Fire of 1933 that Hitler used to catapult the Third Reich into ultimate power over the German people, so too the false flag attack of 9/11 was used by the... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 13 hours ago
*Here come the Climate Police: Carbon Footprints must be monitored by Big Brother on every building & street* *Fascism, Communism, Environmentalism: Three peas in a pod* Cities are taking steps to combat climate change, given the scant progress made by international treaty negotiations. Los Angeles, California, home to around 4 million people, has one of the most ambitious targets: to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 35% below 1990 levels by 2030. The city has calculated its carbon 'footprint' and found that road vehicles constitute 47% of total carbon dioxide emissions, and th... more »

Toronto Mayor Aubut: "Just Trust Me" (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 14 hours ago
John Barber wrote a couple of weeks ago: Suddenly there's a new mayor in town. You don't know him and you didn't vote for him. But if his threatened coup comes off, he will be the one giving orders in Toronto for the next decade. And after handing this new civic potentate supreme power, no pipsqueak council or elected mayor will dare complain as he burdens local taxpayers with grandiose monuments of crippling expense and little use. All hail Marcel Aubut, chairman of the Canadian Olympic Committee! Desperately seeking attention in a perpetual fit of adolescent insecurity, we salute... more »

Hillary’s Sources, Method and Lies

XX Committee/John Schindler at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Hillary Clinton2 - 400] I've been doing my best to explain the complex intelligence realities behind Hillary Clinton's on-going #EmailGate scandal for months now, and we're still far from the end of this messy saga. Hillary's take on what happened with her State Department... Continue reading *“Hillary’s Sources, Method and Lies”* at ** .

Three Illegal Immigrants Charged in High School Slaying

Breitbart at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: teen shot - 400] Three illegal immigrants are facing charges after the shooting death of a 17-year old on his way to school in Loudoun County, Virginia last week. According to The Washington Post, Danny Centeno-Miranda, a teen from El Salvador living with relatives... Continue reading *“Three Illegal Immigrants Charged in High School Slaying”* at **.

FLUNKING THE SATs: Please repeat after us!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 14 hours ago
*THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2015Part 3—Your important new mantra:* Are 17-year-old American students doing less well in math? Having asked that, let’s also ask this: Are 17-year-old Americans doing less well in math? As some readers will already know, those are different questions. That said, let’s make a basic point: The SAT is *not* designed to answer either question! The SATs are *not* designed for that purpose! We’re going to offer that today as an important new mantra—a mantra you should repeat, in slavish fashion, if you want to understand one of the most ubiquitous cons in w... more »

The Truth About The Syrian Refugee Crisis: The United States And Israel Are Fully Responsible For Creating The Crisis, And Some Straight Talk From Syrian Girl

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 14 hours ago
I am truly sick by what I am watching come out of the Jew spew media outlets concerning the Syrian refugee crisis that has swamped Europe.... It is sickening that all we see are lies, lies, and even more lies, and especially the constant lies being pumped into gullible peoples' minds that Bashar al-Assad is somehow responsible for the crisis! It is again therefore time for me to give people the truth..... I have already presented so much evidence in previous articles that show clearly that the present refugee crisis is absolutely the creation of the criminal nations of the United S... more »

Raven is not an X-Men

Steve at GlobaLove Think Tank - 14 hours ago
Raven's not an Xmen but to the trained eye her abilities lean that way especially because she exudes power and influcne with so much energy to spare your still gonna get a shock from her chair an hour after she has chairparted Storm Berry got nothing on the Raven cause even Xmen have to die weary from the years of conflict renewals need new generation pigswailing the hot bridge to the future saving all men by turning their heads in the right dircection never misleading humanity in one selection Raven's special power seems to be breaking hearts and she is not even trying to connect i... more »

Top U.S. Intelligence Chief: NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Killed 'Important' Intelligence Gathering Program In Afghanistan

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Nominee for Director of National Intelligence retired Gen. James Clapper speaks alongside President Barack Obama in the White House Rose Garden Saturday June 5. Newscom *The Hill:* *Spy chief: Snowden killed 'important' spy program in Afghanistan* Edward Snowden’s disclosures about American spy powers directly led to the end of a critical program in Afghanistan, the nation’s top spy said on Wednesday. By forcing the end of the program that recorded practically every cellphone call in the country — as well as scuttling other efforts — Snowden “has done untold damage” to U.S. intell... more »

World News Briefs -- September 10, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Stand off: Macedonian soldiers try to keep migrants and refugees under control before they cross the border line from Greece into Macedonia *Daily Mail:* *And then came the rains: Thousands of migrants battle with riot police in Macedonian quagmire after storms batter eastern Europe* * At least 7,000 people, including parents with young children, braved downpours to cross Greece's northern border * Macedonia now considering building Hungarian-style border fence to stem rising influx of refugees from the south * Hundreds of migrants also poured into Hungary, slipping through its fli... more »

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 10, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Al Jazeera:* *Russian aid flights to Syria carry military equipment* Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov confirms arms on flights, but spokesman declines to say whether troops have been sent. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has confirmed that the country's "humanitarian" flights to Syria carry military equipment as well as humanitarian aid - after the US and NATO warned Moscow over its involvement in the Syrian conflict. "Russian planes are sending to Syria both military equipment in accordance with current contracts and humanitarian aid," Lavrov told reporters on Thursday. *... more »

Canadian Election Update: Why I will not be voting on October 19, 2015

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 14 hours ago
*NOTE:* I have updated my *Greencrow Creative Resources* arts and crafts page with two new posts. You can access this page by clicking on the above link. *Stephen Harper, Thomas Mulcair, Justin Trudeau* *Cast of Characters in the Canadian Political Theatre * *Under which "shell" (as in shell game) will we find the pea????* *"I am not a US citizen, so I don't get to vote anyway. If I did, I still would not vote. The choice of a lesser evil is still a choice for evil. It is also a de-facto endorsement of the legitimacy of the system*." The Saker (Vineyard of the Saker) Wayne Madse... more »

From Homeless to Happy: How Steve Harvey Found Love and God

The Blaze at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Steve Harvey - 400] Comedian and TV host Steve Harvey was once a college dropout who was homeless and living in a car for three years. He was, by his own admission, an unhappy person. But Harvey said that finding love and forming a... Continue reading *“From Homeless to Happy: How Steve Harvey Found Love and God”* at **.

Bernie Sanders Overtakes Hillary Clinton in Iowa

Politico at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Bernie Sanders2 - 400] Hillary Clinton’s Iowa edge is gone. Bernie Sanders leads the former secretary of state for the first time among Iowa Democrats likely to caucus in February, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll unveiled Thursday morning -- the latest in... Continue reading *“Bernie Sanders Overtakes Hillary Clinton in Iowa”* at **.

Al Qaeda Magazine Urges Attack on Koch Brothers, Buffett, Bloomberg, Bill Gates

NBC News at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Warren Buffett - 400] A notorious al Qaeda magazine is encouraging lone-wolf terrorist attacks on U.S. economic leaders, including Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and Warren Buffett. The list in Inspire magazine also included industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch, internet entrepreneur Larry Ellison, and... Continue reading *“Al Qaeda Magazine Urges Attack on Koch Brothers, Buffett, Bloomberg, Bill Gates”* at **.

Europe Stocks Fall with Emerging Markets as Brazil’s Real Slides

Bloomberg at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Europe stock market Bloomberg__1441888945_70.119.142.63] European stocks fell with emerging markets amid concern higher U.S. interest rates and China's slowdown pose threats to the global economy. A two-day rally in Chinese shares faltered and a downgrade of Brazil's debt to junk underscored weakness in developing... Continue reading *“Europe Stocks Fall with Emerging Markets as Brazil’s Real Slides”* at **.

50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

The Daily Beast at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: ISIS2-400] It's being called a 'revolt' by intelligence pros who are paid to give their honest assessment of the ISIS war -- but are instead seeing their reports turned into happy talk. More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the... Continue reading *“50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked”* at **.

Cartoon: ‘What Apology?’

Michael Ramirez at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Michael Ramirez - apology]

Years after papers were withdrawn, JBC issues notices

Ross Keith at Retraction Watch - 15 hours ago
The Journal of Biological Chemistry has posted withdrawal notices for six papers that had already been withdrawn, some more than a decade ago, in an effort to resolve “PubMed indexing problems.” Each paper had been pulled by the author before it appeared in print, but still appeared online on the the journal’s website and in PubMed. […] The post Years after papers were withdrawn, JBC issues notices appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Russia Says Its Planes Are Carrying Military Goods to Syria

AP at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Sergei Lavrov Syria Russia__1441891687_70.119.142.63] MOSCOW (AP) -- Russian aircraft flying into Syria are delivering military supplies and humanitarian aid, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Thursday, but he shed no light on what the U.S. and NATO worry is a Russian military buildup at... more »

You Are Not a Christian Without Christ — Jesus Christ

LaToya Rosario at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Jesus stones Christianity__1441833598_70.119.142.63] The recent Buzzfeed video, "I Am A Christian, But I Am Not ..." has been viewed three-quarters of a million times on YouTube, and has received ample response from the likers, sharers, cheerers and jeerers of social media. It's viral popularity... more »

Donald Trump Insults Fiorina’s Appearance in Magazine Profile

Fox News at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Carly Fiorina Kelly File__1441887963_70.119.142.63] Donald Trump is under fire yet again after insulting the physical appearance of fellow GOP presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine. “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the... Continue reading *“Donald Trump Insults Fiorina’s Appearance in Magazine Profile”* at **.

For Biden, Calendar Makes His 2016 Decision Tough to Delay

AP/JOSH LEDERMAN at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Vice President Joe Biden] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice President Joe Biden says he’s not in a hurry to decide about the presidential race, but the calendar presents him with a simple reality: the longer he waits, the harder it gets to win. The 2016... more »

Denmark Places Anti-Refugee Ads in Lebanese Newspapers

Newsweek at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Denmark Places Anti-Refugee Ads in Lebanese Newspapers] Denmark's Ministry of Immigration, Integration and Housing began an advertising campaign Monday aimed at deterring refugees from arriving in the country. "Denmark has decided to tighten the regulations concerning refugees in a number of areas," read the ads, which ran in... Continue reading *“Denmark Places Anti-Refugee Ads in Lebanese Newspapers”* at **.

Fresh Loaded Steak Nachos

Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 16 hours ago
When it comes to quintessential finger foods, nachos are hard to beat. They are tasty, bite sized and smothered in cheese. Yum! But they're so basic. And unhealthy. Now, when you slather something in a mountain of cheese, it's not going to be healthy. But there are ways to make nachos more grown up, and yes, a little healthier. Enter steak nachos. You can make these fast at home and they are so good you'll be craving them from now on. The key to it all is quality ingredients. And it all starts with the steak, the king of meats. Besides being the perfect meat for nachos, the real ... more »

Grayson-- Always For Peace-- Backs The Iran Deal

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
Grayson was in a relatively foul mood when I spoke with him late yesterday. He had spent a good part of it in a dark, dreadful little room where congressmembers who want to read classified information have to go-- without any electrical devices or even a pen and paper. Nothing can be copied. And almost no Members ever bother. But Grayson always bothers. He goes down into the cave whenever he has to vote on anything pertaining to national security and finds the relevant documents and tapes. I've never known him to make a final decision on any matter this pertains to without spendi... more »

Report: 196 US Troops Were Killed By Iranian IEDs In Iraq

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Defense One*: *How Many US Troops Were Killed By Iranian IEDs in Iraq?* Far fewer than Congress thinks, according to newly declassified documents from U.S. Central Command Explosively formed penetrators — a particularly deadly form of roadside bomb — killed 196 American soldiers in Iraq over a five-and-a-half-year period, according to recently declassified Pentagon documents. That’s about half as many deaths as lawmakers have attributed to the bombs, which U.S. officials say were largely supplied by Iran’s elite Quds Force. The carnage wrought by EFP... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 16 hours ago
*UK: Summer-born children MUST be allowed to delay starting school, says minister in attack on councils' treatment of parents* Summer-born children must be allowed to delay starting school for a year without having to catch up later, the government has announced. In a victory for campaigners who accused councils of over-riding the wishes of parents, schools minister Nick Gibb vowed to rewrite the rules to make clear that youngsters must be allowed to join reception classes even after they turn five. He also insisted that headteachers cannot force a child to miss a year of school ... more »

King of Queens Star Leah Remini Discusses Her Escape from Scientology at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: Leah-Remini-Its-All-Relative-CV__1441846759_70.119.142.63] A few months ago, I was at a taping of the NBC game show "I Can Do That!", which included dancer/choreographer Cheryl Burke ("Dancing With the Stars") as a contestant. I was sitting in the green room with Burke's then-beau,... Continue reading *“King of Queens Star Leah Remini Discusses Her Escape from Scientology”* at **.

Fear, Hunger, Rain: Migrants Battle the Elements in Greece

AP/COSTAS KANTOURIS at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: Greece migrants Europe refugees__1441886425_70.119.142.63] IDOMENI, Greece (AP) -- As if fear, hunger, thirst, worry and exhaustion were not enough to endure, a new trial emerged Thursday for those on the 1,000 mile-plus trek into Europe: torrential rain. Thousands of people, including many families with... more »

Connecting ALL the Dots

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 17 hours ago
London MP Jeremy Corbyn is running to become the leader of the Labour Party. Here he briefly talks about expanding NATO and the danger of creating war with Russia. This is the kind of connecting ALL the dots that we in the US had hoped presidential candidate Bernie Sanders might do - but such political leadership and courage are not coming from his campaign. Corbyn has really turned things upside down in the UK and we wish him well in his efforts to return the Labour Party to it roots as a defender of working people and the poor as well as a party with a real message of anti-imp... more »

Is atheist jerk Krauss worse than religious fanatics?

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 17 hours ago
I don't believe that prayers work; that Jesus' mother was a virgin during His birth; He was walking on water; the world was created in 7 days 6,000 years ago, and so on. It seems clear to me that science has made many insights that would have been considered wrong or immoral or blasphemous by our Christian ancestors – but science is right on these points, anyway. As an undergrad, I was squarely on the atheist side of many heated discussions and I still think that many of the religious prejudices are as silly as the paranormal ones. Yes, I have noticed that religion is a significant... more »

Police: Deliberate Hit-and-Run Killed Michigan Firefighter

AP at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: A firefighter puts his head in his hands as he and other firefighters sit on the curb on Cedar Street just north of Jolly Road Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015 in Lansing, Mich. Dennis Rodeman, a 35-year-old Lansing firefighter has died after being struck by a hit-and-run driver as he collected money for charity. (Dave Wasinger/Lansing State Journal via AP)] LANSING, Mich. (AP) -- Police in Michigan have arrested the driver of a pickup truck who they believe intentionally struck a firefighter standing in a roadway collecting money for charity, killing him. Dennis Rodeman, a seven-ye... more »

Phoenix Drivers Rattled by Spate of Highway Shootings from Unknown Source

AP/JACQUES BILLEAUD & PAUL DAVENPORT at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: Phoenix I-10 freeway__1441884353_70.119.142.63] PHOENIX (AP) -- Electronic billboards flash a “shooting tips” hotline to freeway drivers. Other residents just take city streets, fearing a spate of shootings that have unnerved residents across the nation’s sixth-largest city. There have been at least nine confirmed... more »

Is the Postal Service Making War on Religion?

Richard Pollock at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: postal service no Christmas stamps__1441882978_70.119.142.63] Don't expect new Christmas stamps this year because for the first time in decades the U.S. Postal Service won't issue a new stamp depicting any Christian religious figure or symbol. No baby Jesus. No Mary. And none of the three wise... more »

Judge to Hear Arguments on Moving Freddie Gray Trials out of Baltimore

AP/JULIET LINDERMAN at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: Baltimore six cops cmprs] BALTIMORE (AP) -- A judge was to hear arguments Thursday on whether the trials for six police officers charged in the Freddie Gray case should be held in Baltimore or be moved out of town. The hearing comes just a... more »

Indigenous Roots - Earth Guardians Music Video - Taking Care Of Our Earth Mama

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 17 hours ago
*Published on September 5, 2015* Produced by Black Sun Cinema at the Unity Concert in the Black Hills of South Dakota - *Produced by: * Jamdragon and Xiuhtezcatl Martinez Back Ground Vocals: Isa Roske Xiuhtezcatl Martinez Itzcuauhtli Roske-Martinez Jasi Sikora *Special Thanks To:* Nahko Bear Peter Yarrow Shailene Woodley Bibi McGill Luke Nephew Black Hills Unity Concert Native Lives Matter The Lakota Youth Lyla June Bethany Yarrow

Thinking About Number 5 the Military Industrial Complex Massive Fail

Steve at GlobaLove Think Tank - 17 hours ago
This was my first post on an ongoing horror story for NATO taxpayers everywhere. This post is a compilation of many. The Military Industrial Complex massive fail Floating F35 massive fail. But its only $36 Billion. Fat slow plane gets fatter and slower. Canada pushes the reset button. But there is still a lot of unanswered questions. The DND insists the price per plane is only $87 million, but the US DND has now pegged it at $135 million. Thats if every plane everyone on the planet every dreamed about getting is purchased. That is highly unlikely the US at best will take 1000 instead... more »

SYRIA: War Of Deception

urupiper at Yesterday 's Lies - 17 hours ago
*From 2013: Ken O'Keefe NAILS these neo-cons to the wall here, with no mercy . . the first video is from 2013, and is only O'Keefe's side of the debate . . but this makes it a very powerful statement of the Truth about the US, Great Britain and the allies' role in the world being the TRUE TERRORISTS. . below the first video is a a video of the full debate, with the pathetic loser (who seems to hold his head down in shame while O'Keefe is speaking) also trying to defend the absolute defenseless position, once the truth is declared . . . share this . . Syria is still in the cross hai... more »

When your fears consume you: Stephen Harper edition

Steve at GlobaLove Think Tank - 18 hours ago
Canada used to have a sterling reputation for stepping up. Harper likes to back away. Politically its suicide to maintain the wall of bullshit preventing Syrian refugees from flooding Canada Vietnam boat people style. The only explanation is that Harper really believes a crazy world view where groups like Al Queda and ISIS are real threats to Canada. Paralyzed by his own fear like a rabbit in fern, he will be destroyed by the real world. *BTW* *FUCK YOU STEVE HARPER*

Queen Elizabeth II, 63 Years In 63 Pictures

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 18 hours ago
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Coronation portrait, June 1953, London, England. Wikipedia *BBC:* *Queen Elizabeth II, 63 years in 63 pictures* Queen Elizabeth II becomes the longest-reigning monarch in British history on the evening of 9 September 2015. To mark the event we present an image from the archives of the Press Association from every year of her reign. *WNU Editor:* My mother was born exactly one day before Queen Elizabeth II was born. Through the years .... I have seen both of them age at the same rate.

When your fears consume you: Stephen Harper edition

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 18 hours ago
Canada used to have a sterling reputation for stepping up. Harper likes to back away. Politically its suicide to maintain the wall of bullshit preventing Syrian refugees from flooding Canada Vietnam boat people style. The only explanation is that Harper really believes a crazy world view where groups like Al Queda and ISIS are real threats to Canada. Paralysed by his own fear like a rabbit in fern, he will be destroyed by the real world.

Watch: Stunning Chapel in Paris Restored as Saint Louis Would Have Seen It

Aleteia at The Stream - 18 hours ago
[image: Sainte-Chappelle__1441847530_70.119.142.63] After eight years of restoration, the Sainte-Chapelle (translated as "Holy Chapel" in English) is finally free of scaffolding. Nestled in the Conciergerie, the Paris Courthouse located on the island of the City, the chapel one could easily miss this architectural gem,... Continue reading *“Watch: Stunning Chapel in Paris Restored as Saint Louis Would Have Seen It”* at **.

House Won’t Vote on Iran Pact until Obama Reveals ‘Secret Side Deals’

Josh Siegel at The Stream - 18 hours ago
[image: President Obama Iran Nuclear Deal__1441882027_70.119.142.63] In a last-ditch strategy to show its authority, House conservatives have pushed party leaders to delay a vote on the Iran nuclear deal because they believe President Obama has deceived Congress on components of the agreement. Though Obama has secured... more »

Drones Expose Environmental Degradation & Abuse in Factory Farms

WTStaff at Waking Times - 19 hours ago
*Video - *Spy drones capture shocking aerial footage of several massive facilities that supply pigs for Smithfield Foods. The post Drones Expose Environmental Degradation & Abuse in Factory Farms appeared first on Waking Times.

Theoretical Physicist Finds “Computer Code” in the Fabric of Space

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 19 hours ago
*Pao L. Chang* - The universe appears to be written in code. The post Theoretical Physicist Finds “Computer Code” in the Fabric of Space appeared first on Waking Times.

11 Reasons Dehydration Is Making You Sick And Fat

Kristen at Waking Times - 19 hours ago
*Waking Times* - This is one of the most important things you need to know about health. The post 11 Reasons Dehydration Is Making You Sick And Fat appeared first on Waking Times.

Followers not Fans

Sheila Walsh at The Stream - 19 hours ago
[image: TV Fans] SHEILA WALSH -- Thousands and thousands of men, women and children being forced to abandon their homes and countries, many losing their lives, praying that they will find welcoming arms somewhere on this earth. The body of a little boy... more »

The U.S. Government Wants To Access Microsoft's Email Overseas

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 19 hours ago
*The Guardian*: *Microsoft case: DoJ says it can demand every email from any US-based provider* Microsoft counsel addresses question of US search warrant for Hotmail emails stored in Ireland: ‘We would go crazy if China did this to us’. The United States government has the right to demand the emails of anyone in the world from any email provider headquartered within US borders, Department of Justice (DoJ) lawyers told a federal appeals court on Wednesday. The case being heard in the second circuit court of appeals is between the US and Microsoft and concerns a search warrant that... more »

Economic News , Early Morning Data And Views ( September 10 , 2015 ) - Around The Horn With Countries in the News Today -- UK ( B.O.E INT Rate Decision / Minutes , Election politics ) , Greece ( Leaders Debate , Economic Data , Day to day life ) , Spain ( Catalonia Independence Item , Castellon "empty " airport scandal ) , Denmark ( The Hungary of Scandinavia ) , Germany ( Still the powerhouse of Europe ) , Hungary ( more of the same ) , Russia ( oil & ruble continue to move hand & hand ) .... Asia Updates - As always , look to China and Japan for direction / Asia equity movement leadership / economic impacts across the Region .... Items of interest touching on Asia !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 19 hours ago
Evening Wrap...... *WordLink #VIDEO* ‏@WordLinkVIDEO 13m 13 minutes ago Refugees struck by baton-wielding police at *Greece*-Macedonia border – video #video [image: Embedded image permalink] *Los Angeles Times* ‏@latimes 7h 7 hours ago Europe's refugee trail: Path to Sweden and *Greece* opens up, but Hungary's army looms mid-way [image: Embedded image permalink] *Holger Zschaepitz* ‏@Schuldensuehner 8h 8 hours ago Senior debt of #Greece’s lenders is trading around half face value as restruc means losse... more »

Rapid Progress Towards Real Reporting at the "New York Times?"  (Everything You Know About 'Sex Work' is Wrong)

Good news is reported from our friend at the Angry Bear. If only it were a trend. Rapid Progress Towards Real Reporting at the New York TimesRobert Waldmann September 9, 2015At 12:07 Eastern standard time 9/10/2015 Alan Rappaport wrote an article on Jeb Bush’s tax proposal whose headline seemed to me to be the title of a Bush campaign press release — it stressed the proposal to close

French Navy Creates a Seventh "Commando Marine" / Special Forces Unit Named "Ponchardier"

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: French Navy Commandos]The French Ministry of Defence announced that defence minister Le Drian will lead the inauguration ceremony for the creation of a new "Commando Marine" (Navy Commando) unit on September 11 2015. According to the French Navy, this new special forces unit will be specialized in special operations support. In other words it will be some kind of "logistics" commando. This new elite unit was created on September 1st this year and is named after Vice Admiral Pierre Ponchardier (1909-1961) , commanding officer of aircraft carrier La Fayette and vice Chief of... more »

A Chinese Spy In NASA?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago
Professor Rongxing Li (pictured) was being investigated amid suspicions he may have shared defence secrets with China *Daily Mail*: *Was NASA scientist spying for China? FBI investigate after professor who worked on Mars project mysteriously resigns and leaves the U.S. amid concerns he leaked defense secrets* * Professor Rongxing Li, 56, received acclaim for his space mapping work * He was a participating scientist on NASA missions to Mars and the Moon * But early last year he abruptly resigned from his Ohio State University job * The FBI was investigating to determine if he had shar... more »

Raytheon, US Navy demonstrate new electronic attack architecture using MALD-J aerial jammer

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: ADM-160C MALD-J]The U.S. Naval Research Lab and Raytheon Company have demonstrated successful captive flights of a modular, rapid replacement architecture for electronic warfare (EW) payloads on the Miniature Air Launched Decoy-Jammer (MALD-J). The testing occurred during the biannual Northern Edge exercise in Alaska. Called CERBERUS, four separately developed EW payloads were used in 12 operationally relevant missions. The interchangeable payloads, each customized for a specific mission and threat, were swapped onto the captive carry vehicle in less than one minute. The pay... more »

Gripen NG Contract With Brazil Becomes Effective

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Saab Gripen NG]On 27 October 2014 Saab announced the conclusion of a contract with the Brazilian Federal Government for the development and production of 36 Gripen NG aircraft. The contract has now come into effect as all required conditions have been fulfilled. Today, the order value of approximately SEK39.3 billion is booked by Saab as order intake. Gripen NG deliveries to the Brazilian Air Force will be undertaken from 2019 to 2024. The associated industrial co-operation contract (including technology transfer to Brazilian industries), which was signed in October 2014, a... more »

Team Edwards prepares for F-16 AESA radar upgrade testing

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: AN/APG-83 SABR AESA radar]As part of the F-16 Radar Modernization Program, a team from the 416th Flight Test Squadron are preparing to conduct flight testing of the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar on two 412th Test Wing aircraft from Sept. 2015 through Aug. 2016. "Current F-16 mechanically-scan radars have limited target handling capacity because existing mechanical scanning methods are inherently slow and require large amounts of power in order to respond rapidly enough to deal with large numbers of high-speed maneuvering targets," said Jon Haser, 416th Fli... more »

Russia Revives Its Soviet-Era Ekranoplan Project

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Orion 20 Ekranoplan]When the Soviet Union started developing their massive ekranoplan or "flying ship" dubbed 'KM' in the mid-1960s, the CIA was so scared that it developed a drone specifically to spy on the KM. Bewildered Western military experts dubbed it the "Caspian Sea Monster." It was followed by the Lun-class ekranoplan outfitted with six Moskit anti-ship missiles. The Lun was deployed in 1987, and remained in service until the 1990s. And now Russia has revived the once-shelved project. Ekranoplans or ground effect vehicles (GEVs) are vehicles that can be elevated ab... more »

Russia, Iran to Sign S-300 Contract Soon, Says Deputy Foreign Minister

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Russian S-300 anti-missile rocket system]Russia and Iran will sign an agreement for the delivery of advanced Russian-built S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems “soon,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Wednesday, the TASS news agency reported. Ryabkov said that all political questions involved in the Iran S-300 deal, which would see Tehran equipped with some of the most cutting-edge air defense systems on the market, have been solved, and he believes “the contract will soon be signed,” TASS quoted him as saying at the Russian Arms Expo 2015, which opened Wed... more »

Russian Ships Fire Missiles in Caspian Sea as Part of Snap Drills

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Slava class CG]About 40 ships from the Russian Navy will perform missile firing in the Caspian Sea as part of snap combat readiness drills of the Central Military District, the Russian Defense Ministry informs. "A total of about 3,000 military servicemen and over 120 units of military equipment are involved in the Caspian snap drills," the ministry said on Thursday. Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the snap combat readiness drills of the Russian Central Military District on Monday. Read more

China Unveils New Light Attack Helicopter At Tianjin Expo

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: Z-19E Light Attack Helicopter]China has revealed its new light attack helicopter Z-19E for the first time at the Tianjin international helicopter exposition that starts today. The export version Z-19E, developed by Harbin Aircraft Industrial Corporation is Harbin Z-19 or WZ-19 is a Chinese reconnaissance/attack helicopter. The twin seat tandem helicopter is a modified version of Harbin Z-9W and has similar mechanical layout to the Eurocopter AS465 Dauphin series, Huanqui military website reported Tuesday. Read more

Alenia Aermacchi sets dual-role path for M-346

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago
[image: M-346 advanced jet trainer]Alenia Aermacchi is close to finalising the design of an enhanced, dual-role version of its M-346 advanced jet trainer, as the first batch of Italian student pilots enters training with its current model. “There is a very important need in the market for a dual-role capability,” a company official says of the planned armed version. “We are talking to several potential customers about this version – not in Europe.” To highlight the twin-engined type’s potential in such a role, the company late last month displayed the trainer at the Radom air show i... more »

MENA Report - ( September 10 -11th , 2015 ( - Iraq / Syria Regional War ( State Of Play From Battlefields , ISIS / Al Qaeda interplays / Governmental Issues / Transitions ) .... Libya In Focus ..........Yemen items of note ........Refugee Crisis In focus ....

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 20 hours ago
Links...... *GOP Revolt Delays Iran Deal House Vote* *Report: Taliban Commander Defects to ISIS* *Al-Qaeda Seizes Syria Airbase, 100 Troops Killed* *Egypt Denies Reports of Sending Ground Troops to Yemen* *Al-Qaeda Chief Calls ISIS Illegitimate, But Suggests Cooperation* *Wild Guesses About ISIS Fuel US Official Hysteria* *Russia: No Secret We Have Military Advisers in Syria* *Airstrike Takes Out Militant Base in Anbar; 139 Killed Across Iraq* Coalition Destroys ISIS Hub in Massive Blast Iraq's Abadi Dismisses 123 Senior Officials as Part of Reforms: Stateme... more »

Russian Spies Able To Intercept Satellite Data From Western Diplomatic And Military Agencies (And To Also Hide Their Tracks)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Washington Post: **Russian hacker group exploits satellites to steal data, hide tracks* A group of sophisticated Russian-speaking hackers is exploiting commercial satellites to siphon sensitive data from diplomatic and military agencies in the United States and in Europe as well as to mask their location, a security firm said in a new report. The group, which some researchers refer to as Turla, after the name of the malicious software it uses, also has targeted government organizations, embassies and companies in Russia, China and dozens of other cou... more »

Just how stupid are our leaders and media?

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 21 hours ago
'Flashing the peace sign for the camera, this is the suspected Islamic State militant arrested over the Tunisian museum massacre arriving in Italy just a month before the killings. Abdel Majid Touil, 22, was pictured smirking at a Sicilian port in February after smuggling himself into Europe on a boat full of migrants while allegedly planning the attack. Weeks later, gunmen carried stormed the Bardo Museum in Tunis, killing 21 tourists including British mother-of-two Sally Adey.' More here but not on the BBC where every 'refugee' is a poor sw... more »

Orbital ATK Awarded Up to $260 Million For The Fourth and Fifth Full-Rate Lots of Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM)]Orbital ATK, a global leader in aerospace and defense technologies, announced today that it has been awarded a $119 million contract by the U.S. Navy for the fourth full-rate production lot of the Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM) and a fifth lot for up to $141 million. The contract covers All-Up Round missiles and captive air training missiles for the U.S. Navy and Italian Air Force as well as the second Foreign Military Sales order for the Royal Australian Air Force. The contract award reinforces the customers ne... more »

Pentagon official says accelerated F-35 fighter production could stress suppliers

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: F-35C Lightning II]The program to develop the F-35 stealth supersonic fighter jet is accelerating fast, but the steep ramp-up in production could stress suppliers and the jet's automated logistics system still faces problems, the Pentagon's F-35 manager said on Wednesday. The F-35, manufactured by Lockheed Martin Corp, is the Pentagon's biggest weapons program: it expects to pay $391 billion to develop the fighters and buy 2,457 jets in coming decades. The program first kicked off in 2001. Air Force Lieutenant General Christopher Bogdan told a defense conference in Washingto... more »

Boeing Delivers Seven Australian Chinooks on Budget, Ahead of Schedule

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: CH-47F in a C-5 Galaxy]Boeing delivered the seventh CH-47F Chinook to the Australian Army on budget August 10th, three weeks ahead of schedule, supporting modernization of Australia’s cargo helicopter fleet and eventually replacing the Commonwealth’s six older CH-47D Chinooks. The seven advanced Chinooks were ordered as part of a U.S. Government Foreign Military Sales agreement with Australia in 2012. “Boeing is committed to meeting our customers’ needs anywhere in the world with the right capability, delivered on time and cost,” said Steve Parker, vice president, Cargo Heli... more »

DSEI 2015: Northrop pushes for UK Triton

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: MQ-4C Triton]Northrop Grumman is making one last push at DSEI for Triton UAS to fulfil UK maritime surveillance capability gap before the release of the pending UK defence review. The company is hoping that the UK will select the MQ-4C Triton to accompany a manned maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) to fulfil the capability gap left by the retirement of the MRA4 Nimrod. ‘We believe that there’s an opportunity for the UK to look at the potential uses for a manned and unmanned aircraft fleet for conducting maritime patrol,’ Drew Flood, Triton executive for Europe told Shephard. ... more »

Admirals: Fleet Readiness Plan Could Leave Carrier Gaps, Overwhelm Shipyards

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70)]The Navy is nine months into its new deployment model – the Optimized Fleet Response Plan (OFRP) – designed to keep carrier strike groups from unexpectedly long deployments and allow time for needed ship upkeep. The plan promises to make life more predictable for sailors and maintainers, but service officials are already running into roadblocks that, if not addressed by Navy leadership and Congress, could exacerbate gaps in overseas carrier presence and further burden the maintenance community. Under OFRP, an aircraft carrier is tied to the guide mi... more »

Russia’s flagship nuclear battle cruiser – the world’s largest – puts in for repairs

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: Kirov class CGN]The Russian Northern Fleet’s flagship nuclear battle cruiser, the Pyotr Veliky has put into dry dock near Murmansk for planned repairs, naval officials told Russian news agencies. The vessel is one of four Kirov Class battle cruisers built by Russia – referred to in Russian as “heavy missile cruisers”– and which comprise the four largest military ships in the world. The Pyotr Veliky is powered by two nuclear reactors. The giant Kirov Class vessels began taking to the seas in the late 1980s and mid 1990s and are capable of engaging large surface ships and prov... more »

Russia to Launch Bulava Missiles From Subs in Series of Tests

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: Bulava test launch]Russia will carry out a series of new test launches of sea-based Bulava ballistic missile in October-November 2015, a source in Navy Main Headquarters said on Wednesday. The first single-missile launch will be carried out from the Vladimir Monomakh strategic submarine, while the second will be a two-missile salvo from the Alexander Nevsky and the Vladimir Monomakh subs, the source told RIA Novosti on condition of anonymity. Both vessels are the Borei-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines in service with the Russian navy. Read more

Lockheed Martin wins Japanese, U.S. Navy contract worth up to $71 million

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: SURTASS TL-29A]The U.S. Navy and Japan have selected Lockheed Martin's plant in suburban Syracuse to supply towed-array sonar systems in a contract worth up to $71 million, according to Pentagon officials. The initial order for $25.1 million represents the first foreign military sale of the towed arrays for Lockheed's plant at Electronics Park in Salina, a company spokesman said. Lockheed will supply Japan with two SURTASS TL-29A twin-line systems, underwater passive acoustic sensors towed side-by-side behind a ship to detect submarines. Read more

On India's West Coast, INS Vajrakosh, the Largest Naval Base East of the Suez Canal

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago
[image: INS Vajrakosh]Away from public glare and pomp, Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Wednesday commissioned INS Vajrakosh, a naval station near Karwar in Karnataka. Together with INS Kadamba, 20 km, away, it is now the world's largest naval base east of the Suez Canal. Spread out over 1000 acres, the new naval base would be the home base for a bulk of the Indian Navy's strength on the western coast. Indian Naval Station Vajrakosh - which loosely translates to 'Thunder Chest' - was constructed as the second phase of Project Seabird, which was initiated by the Centre in 1985.... more »

Mexico's Drug Cartels Are Now Waging An 'Instagram War'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
Ivan Guzman’s Culiacan mansion in the heart of Sinaloa state has been paid for by his father’s cartel, which makes more than $3 billion annually from the narcotics trade in the United States alone *Daily Mail:* *Narcos at (Instagram) war! From guns and girls to big cats and big piles of cash, El Chapo's sons spark social media battles between Mexican cartel members showing off their sickening wealth* * Mexico's top cartel members are showing off their lavish lifestyles on social media in a bid to outdo each other * Pictures of gold-plated guns, bikini-clad women, fast cars and big c... more »

Larry Summers vs rate hike

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 22 hours ago
Harvard's President Emeritus Larry Summers has had a blog since April 2015 – the Financial Times and the Washington Post where he writes columns aren't sufficiently intellectually stimulating. In his newest text Why the Fed must stand still on rates, he argues that the U.S. central bank should keep the rates at the technical zero during their FOMC meeting on September 17th i.e. next Thursday. The only other possibility that is quoted as likely (current probability is 34% as measured by some prices in the markets) is the rate hike by 0.25%. I think that the difference between them is... more »

Russia developing underwater drone submarine to deliver megaton nuclear weapon

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
[image: Kanyon UUV]The developmental unmanned underwater vehicle, or UUV, when deployed, will be equipped with megaton-class warheads capable of blowing up key ports used by U.S. nuclear missile submarines, such as Kings Bay, Ga., and Puget Sound in Washington state. Details of the secret Russian nuclear UUV program remain closely held within the U.S. government. The Pentagon, however, has code-named the drone “Kanyon,” an indication that the weapon is a structured Russian arms program. Officials familiar with details of the Kanyon program said the weapon is envisioned as an autono... more »

Indra supplying communications systems for German submarines

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
[image: Type 212 class SSK]Indra, the Spanish electronics company, is supplying satellite communications systems for submarines to ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems. The equipment to be supplied are KU-band systems based on a three-axis stabilized platform, which were developed by Indra for previous export contracts with the German company. Indra said its satellite communcations terminal amplifies transmission bandwidth, increasing data transmission capacity. Read more

Military Photo of the Day: September 10, 2015

Tom Sileo at The Stream - 22 hours ago
[image: Basic Training-900] A U.S. Army drill sergeant inspects new recruits beginning basic combat training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., on Sept. 5, 2015. All of these brave men and women in uniform selflessly volunteered to defend our nation. We wish them the best of...more »

10 Sioux Indian Chief Quotes That Shatter Our Idea of ‘Modern’ Culture

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 22 hours ago
What this expresses so well is the natural civilization of a community. We can add more from other American native cultures as well and i suspect from native culltures world wide. All this needs to be digested and also absorbed into mainstream thinking as well. Our present weakness is that we no longer create proper physical communities and live instead in virtual communities without the network of implied respect. At the same time these natural communities failed to end inter community conflict at all. They fixed what they could see but accepted the eternal raiding as a wa... more »

Can’t Make Illegals Leave the Country? Eisenhower Did…3 Million of Them

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 22 hours ago
This is a sharp reminder that solving the problem of illegals has always been completely possible. You must tackle demand. So long as one single farmer can use deeply discounted labor to operate profitably, he alone forces every other farmer to follow suit at the same price. The same holds for every industry and for the application of minimum wage. So long as we refuse to attack the customers we will have illegals happy to work at those wages. A mandatory one year in jail may well be the only answer as well.The problem is not getting better so long as we allow the labor to be u... more »

EU Food Safety Authority can't hide 'experts' who Change Pesticide risk Assessment rules, Court decides

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 22 hours ago
.The battle to curb fraud in the pesticide industry continues and must continue. The delusion that you can trust the opinion of a paid scientist must be ended. They more that any are armed with the tools needed to lie and cheat. Then they have massive incentives along with prestige and promotion by their clients. It is impossible to resist. Europe is clearly getting it act together and i expect to see major curbs there.. *EU Food Safety Authority can't hide the names of 'experts' who change pesticide risk assessment rules, court decides* *Sunday, August 30, 2015 by: J. D. H... more »

Out Of This World: Triton Oxygen Respirator Extracts Air Underwater

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 22 hours ago
This looks like a serious winner that will make it possible and even safe for huge numbers to enjoy diving as a sport. That it can be used for firefighters as well is a bonus. It is not hard to imagine a modified helmet sporting one of these that makes it almost impossible to have an accident. We have dreamed of reaching this point for decades and now we are here. Underwater habitats suddenly become easily accessible and highly usable. It is not a biological fix but it is certainly close enough. *Out Of This World: Triton Oxygen Respirator Extracts Air Underwater* * August 25, ... more »

Hull Vane saves 12.5% on Holland Class OPVs

Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
What would retrofitting a Hull Vane to the 108-meter Holland Class OPVs of the Royal Netherlands Navy do? This was the question asked by the DMO (Defence Materiel Organisation) of the Royal Netherlands Navy. A CFD study was done to find the answer. Based on the operational speed profile and the power curve of the ship, it was determined that the most fuel is consumed per year at speeds between 15 and 20 knots, in spite of the fact that the ship sails 86% of the time at speeds below 15 knots. Read more

Some Trump Humour

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
This is so insulting! Sincere apologies to all tribbles! — Robert Picardo (@RobertPicardo) July 24, 2015 *WNU Editor*: I confess .... I am jealous/envious .... Donald Trump has better hair than what is on my head. Or should I say .... what is not on my head.

Cannot Argue With This

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
Even the most ardent Trump opponents must concede a Trump presidency would drive feminists crazy. H/t @CarlaChamorros — David Limbaugh (@DavidLimbaugh) September 9, 2015

How Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Became Leader Of The Islamic State

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*William McCants, Brookings*: *How Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Became Leader Of The Islamic State* IBRAHIM AWWAD IBRAHIM AL-BADRI was born in 1971 in Samarra, an ancient Iraqi city on the eastern edge of the Sunni Triangle north of Baghdad. The son of a pious man who taught Quranic recitation in a local mosque, Ibrahim himself was withdrawn, taciturn, and, when he spoke, barely audible. Neighbors who knew him as a teenager remember him as shy and retiring. Even when people crashed into him during friendly soccer matches, his favorite sport, he remained stoic. But photos of him from those...more »

Claws Out: One Pro-Israel Think Tanker's Feeble Fury

Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 23 hours ago
WINEP's Patrick Clawson (left), and his doppelgänger "Johnny Cab" from Total Recall (1990) Something unexpected and hilarious happened yesterday during Dick Cheney's predictably bellicose and apocalyptic speech against the Iran deal at the American Enterprise Institute. When a Code Pink protester named Michaela Anang interrupted the speech, raising a banner reading, "Cheney / Wrong on Iraq /

Keeping the Human in Humanity

Jim Tonkowich at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: In this Monday Sept. 7, 2015 photo, a sand sculpture pays tribute to three year-old Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi, whose haunting image hammered home the Syrian migrant crisis to the world. He died along with 5-year-old brother and their mother when their small rubber boat capsized as it headed for Greece. (AP Photo)] The above-the-fold photo on the front page of the Washington Post my first day back from vacation was of the police officer recovering the body of three-year-old Aylan Kurdi dead the surf on a Turkish beach. According to the Wall...more »

Sins of The Synod: Behind The Scenes at The Synod on The Family

William M Briggs at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Synod Pope Francis 2014__1441801691_70.119.142.63] "Earthquake in the Catholic Church!" That was a typical headline in the Western press after the mid-way point in last year's Extraordinary Synod on the Family held at the Vatican. The press, in their calm and sensible way, were reacting to the... more »

SERVERGATE: A Ticking Time Bomb for Hillary

Rachel Alexander at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: SERVERGATE: A Ticking Time Bomb for Hillary] The Servergate saga continues, with no end in sight during a crucial time in Hillary Clinton’s run for president. A Google News search on Hillary Clinton’s name reveals mostly Servergate stories in a cluster at the top of the first... more »

Al Qaeda's Magazine Calls For Terror Attacks Against America's Top Business Leaders

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Photo: *Reuters *NBC:* *Al Qaeda Mag Urges Attack on Koch Brothers, Buffett, Bloomberg* A notorious Al Qaeda magazine is encouraging lone-wolf terrorist attacks on U.S. economic leaders, including Sam Walton, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and Warren Buffett. The list in Inspire magazine also included industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch, internet entrepreneur Larry Ellison, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, economist Robert Shiller, and former Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke. Not mentioned is Janet Yellen, who succeeded Bernanke as Fed chairman. Also pictured was Ji... more »

Al Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahri Says The Islamic State Is Illegitimate. Responsible For Civil War Among Muslims

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Long War Journal*:* Zawahiri argues Islamic State’s caliphate is illegitimate in newly released message* Al Qaeda has released a message from Ayman al Zawahiri, who rebukes Abu Bakr al Baghdadi and the Islamic State, arguing the so-called “caliphate” is illegitimate. Ever since the rivalry between the two jihadist poles boiled over in early 2014, Zawahiri has allowed others to take the lead in al Qaeda’s attempt to undermine the Islamic State’s credentials. Zawahiri has criticized the Islamic State, but he has not unleashed a full broadside. In the message released today, however... more »

Is Kris Krispy, the Big Rat Bastard Gummer of NJ, feeling the flames of doom licking at his smelly feet?

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*by Ken* This is a big day: the second anniversary of Bridgegate, that magical day in 2013 when, it's alleged, intimate aides of Kris Kristie, the Big Rat Bastard Gummer of NJ, unleashed a massive traffic snarl on the approach to the George Washington Bridge from Fort Lee, NJ, to punish Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for having the temerity to decline to endorse the Big Rat Bastard Gummer for reelection. Now, at least judging by his public appearances, the Krispyman isn't in close contact with reality. Researchers are still looking for a documented instance when he has told the tr... more »

Sailor’s swansong

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
Just been to help farewell Graham Brazier; appropriately on a day when the sky is crying and, for a man of music & poetry, buried today with both . . . *from L'Albatros (The Albatross) by Charles Baudelaire Describing Graham* “The Poet is a kinsman in the clouds Who scoffs at archers, loves a stormy day; But on the ground, among the hooting crowds, He cannot walk, his wings are in the way.” [image: Embedded image permalink] *I leave thy praises unexpressed, by Alfred Lord Tennyson* I leave thy praises unexpressed In verse that brings myself relief, And by the measure of my ... more »


Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
Pic by the Center for Industrial Progress Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at

Cochabamba Oct 2015 Peoples World Conference on Climate and Defense of Life Change at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Bolivia: Threat of capitalism and need to live well, by way of harmony with nature. Twelve working groups. Espanol and English Photo by Michelle Cook, Dine' De nuestra mayor consideración: Atendiendo su importante participación en la "Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos sobre los Derechos de la Madre Tierra y el Cambio Climático" que se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Tiquipaya – Cochabamba,

The NYT Reported 2 Hillary Emails Contained Highly Classified Info, But It Missed Something Big

RealClear Politics/Charles Lipson at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Hillary Clinton email smartphone - GettyImages-134272681_Medium] There's a bigger story hidden inside the New York Times report that "a special intelligence review of two emails that Hillary Rodham Clinton received as secretary of state on her personal account -- including one about North Korea's nuclear weapons... Continue reading *“The NYT Reported 2 Hillary Emails Contained Highly Classified Info, But It Missed Something Big”* at **.

Hamas May be Eclipsed By More Radical Groups In The Next War With Israel

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Maj. Gen. Sami Turgeman, commander of IDF Southern Command, speaks at the ICT conference in Herzliya, September 7, 2015 (Tomer Neuberg) *Times of Israel*: *Hamas could be removed in next conflict with Israel, general says* *Islamic terror group is hemorrhaging members to more radical groups in the Gaza Strip, says outgoing chief of Southern Command* Hamas could be toppled in a future confrontation with Israel, a senior Israeli officer said on Monday, attempting to counter the impression that Israel would maintain Hamas in power at all costs. Speaking at an international conference... more »

6 Corporations that Manipulate Mainstream Media

WTStaff at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Video - *Abby Martin goes over the 6 corporations that control nearly everything in the mainstream media. The post 6 Corporations that Manipulate Mainstream Media appeared first on Waking Times.

Ben Carson Stops Playing Nice with Donald Trump

Politico at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: 150909-ben-carson-ap-1160__1441848267_70.119.142.63] Ben Carson is taking off the gloves -- and taking on Donald Trump. The retired neurosurgeon and Republican 2016 presidential candidate has finally begun hitting Trump following a spate of recent polls showing him gaining ground on the brash real... Continue reading *“Ben Carson Stops Playing Nice with Donald Trump”* at **.

Agents: Just 40% of Mexican Border under Control, 20% of Illegal Immigrants Caught There Have Criminal Records

The Washington Times at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: border jumping] Less than half of the U.S.-Mexico border is under “operational control,” and one out of every five illegal immigrants caught there has a criminal record, the chief of Border Patrol agents’ labor union told Congress Wednesday when detailing violence that... Continue reading *“Agents: Just 40% of Mexican Border under Control, 20% of Illegal Immigrants Caught There Have Criminal Records”* at **.

Who are Trump’s Supporters?

Real Clear Politics at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: 317777_5___1441848639_70.119.142.63] When Donald Trump announced he was running for president on June 16, the idea seemed faintly ridiculous. The Washington Post said that he faced "an uphill battle to be taken seriously by his rivals, political watchers and the media." The... Continue reading *“Who are Trump’s Supporters?”* at **.

Debra Keefer Ramage : Here and there: Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn

Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
The British press laughed off Labour’s Corbin, just as pundits here have deemed Sanders ‘unelectable.’ By Debra Keefer Ramage | The Rag Blog | September 10, 2015 MINNEAPOLIS — Over here, we have the Bernie Sanders phenomenon. Sanders, a “self-avowed” … finish reading Debra Keefer Ramage : Here and there: Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn

A Reminder Of What President Obama And The White House Were Saying About Iraq During Their First Term

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
FACT: President Obama kept his promise to end the war in Iraq. Romney called the decision to bring our troops home “tragic.” — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) October 22, 2012 *WNU Editor*: Instapundit has a post that reminds us on President Obama and the White House were taking credit for when they made the decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Iraq .... that* link is here*. What's my take .... there is a lot of blame to go around .... and we should not forget that the American public wanted out of Iraq .... but in reflection this is not one of President Obama's finer moments.

Mosquito problem in Japanese era, in one photo

Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 1 day ago
It was that bad before the Japanese cleaned up things. And now we have like 7000 cases of Dengue in Tainan. That's the first wave of the new return of these diseases as humans boil the earth to death... _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!

8 Health Foods That are Harmful if You Eat Too Much

WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Adda Bjarnadottir* - Too much of a good thing can be harmful. The post 8 Health Foods That are Harmful if You Eat Too Much appeared first on Waking Times.

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Liquid Mind VIII: Sleep” (Full Album) (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Liquid Mind, “Liquid Mind VIII: Sleep” (Full Album) -

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Often imaged but rarely mentioned, Messier 43 is a large star forming region in its own right. It's just part of the star forming complex of gas and dust that includes the larger, more famous neighboring Messier 42, the Great Orion Nebula. In fact, the Great Orion Nebula itself lies off the lower edge of this scene. *Click image for larger size.* The close-up of Messier 43 was made while testing the capabilities of a near-infrared instrument with one of the twin 6.5 meter Magellan telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory in the Chilean Andes. The composite image shifts the otherwise ... more »

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