10:24pm MDST
Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, Sept 12 to Sept 19, 2015"
*"Your Radiation This Week, Sept 12 to Sept 19, 2015"* By Bob Nichols "I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth." - Morpheus (San Francisco) September 19, 2015 – "Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Let’s get right to it. *All Radiation Counts reported are partial Counts. Uncounted types of radiation include Alpha, Beta, **Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. **Uncounted radiation, if added, makes the actual Count **higher and mo... more »
Carly Fiorina’s Prepared to Fight
[image: CLEVELAND, OH - AUGUST 05: Republican Presidential Candidate Carly Fiorina is interviewed by Sirius XM Patriot host David Webb during the Republican National Committee Summer Meeting at the Renaissance Hotel August 5, 2015 in Cleveland, Ohio. Fiorina is in Cleveland ahead of Thursday's GOP presidential debate, the first of the 2016 election cycle. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)] SIMI VALLEY, Calif. -- Who is this Carly Fiorina? In the press filing center at the CNN Republican debate, journalists from around the country were asking reporter Carla Marinucci and me bec... more »
Greece Goes Back To The Polls
*BBC:* *Greece election: Voting due to begin in tight race* Voting is due to begin in Greece's general election with opinion polls indicating a tight race between the left-wing incumbent Syriza party and the conservative New Democracy. The snap election, Greece's fifth in six years, was called after Syriza lost its parliamentary majority in August. Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras's popularity plummeted after he agreed a new bailout deal with European leaders. The bailout involved austerity measures which Syriza had vowed to oppose. *Update #1:* Greeks vote on whether to give leftist... more »
"Fukushima Facts"
*"Fukushima Facts"* by Mike Adams *Fukushima Facts:* To better understand the severity of this situation, read these facts about Fukushima reactor No. 4 which I have assembled from available news sources: • Reactor #4 contains 1,535 spent fuel rods which remain highly radioactive. • These fuel rods currently hold the potential to emit 37 million curies of radiation. • Those fuel rods are stored in a concrete pool located 100 feet above the ground, inside the structurally compromised reactor building, effectively making the pool open to the air. • The pool holding these fuel rods is ... more »
Ukrained Outraged That Putin And Berlusconi Opened A 240 Year-Old Crimean Bottle Of Wine
*BBC:* *Putin and Berlusconi in Crimea wine row* Ukrainian prosecutors say they are preparing charges against the head of a Crimean winery for allegedly opening a 240-year-old bottle for Vladimir Putin and Silvio Berlusconi. The Russian president and former Italian premier spent last weekend in Crimea touring ancient ruins. Prosecutors say they drank at Crimea's renowned Massandra winery. Massandra was Ukrainian government property before Russia's annexation of Crimea in March 2014. Any charges could not currently be pursued in Crimea, where Russia has full control. Russian med... more »
Election PH 17, Questions for Binay, Poe and Roxas
Reposting (with permission) some comments and questions by a friend, *JB Baylon*, posted in his fb wall. Then my additional comments below. The photos I got from the web, added here and not part of JB's original posting. ----------- September 13. *There is something wrong with headlines of news items about the LP.* *This one says Sec Mar's mom stopped a party leader from quitting. Another one says PNoy has chosen Leni Roberedo to be the running mate.* *Excuse me. It is Sec Mar who is the candidate now. It should be he who is making these decisions - or at the very least delegating to... more »
A Return To China's Imperial Past?
*Feng Zhang, The Strategist:* *Is China Ready to Resume Its Imperial Glory?* Since assuming the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership in November 2012, Chinese president Xi Jinping’s great ambitions have become well known. Domestically, he’s advanced the grand goal of what he calls the China Dream: ‘the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people’. He has surprised virtually every observer by the speed and efficiency with which he’s consolidated power in the party and military. Xi is now seen as China’s most powerful leader after Deng Xiaoping, if not Mao Zedong. The two major pil... more »
Al Qaeda Linked Militants Execute 56 Syrian Soldiers
*New York Times:* *Islamic Militants Kill 56 Captive Syrian Soldiers* BEIRUT, Lebanon — Islamic militants led by an affiliate of Al Qaeda gunned down dozens of Syrian government soldiers taken prisoner during the takeover of a military air base this month, antigovernment activists said Saturday. The execution of prisoners by all sides in the complex civil war has grown increasingly common as the conflict stretches into its fifth year. At least 56 soldiers were killed by the Syrian affiliate of Al Qaeda, known as the Nusra Front, and its Islamist allies in recent days, according to... more »
Turkey's War Against The Kurds Escalates
*VOA:* *Turkish Warplanes Kill 55 Kurdish Rebels in Iraq* Turkish security sources say Turkish fighter jets have carried out a new barrage of cross-border airstrikes against Kurdish rebels in northern Iraq, killing at least 55. The sources said the strikes targeted camps and other sites used by the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK. Turkish security forces and the outlawed PKK have been trading fire on a near-daily basis since the collapse of a two-year-old cease-fire and peace process in July. *More News On The Turkey - Kurdish War* Turkish jets hit Kurdish militant camps in Iraq... more »
Peg with Pen: Understanding Teach Like a Champion
Peg with Pen: Understanding Teach Like a Champion: I'm currently in the process of reading Teach Like a Champion 2.0 . I'm reading it because it is one of the "go to" book... more »
“Fukushima Equals 3 TRILLION Lethal Doses”
*“Fukushima Equals 3 TRILLION Lethal Doses”* by Bob Nichols "The world’s second big nuclear disaster occurred at Chernobyl Reactor No. 4 in the Ukraine on Apr 26, 1986. Simply tagged as “Chernobyl,” it is what the next big and well known nuke disaster, after the American Three Mile Island, on March 28, 1979 came to be called. “Chernobyl” ejected 30% of one 192-ton, three-month old reactor core. That’s 57.6 radioactive tons thrown into the air by fire and explosions. The tiny radioactive and burning smoke particles have traveled around the world many times since 1979, killing an es... more »
Somewhere between spooky and romantic: images of Queens in the dark
*We're looking at "the Long Island Expressway’s 106 foot trussed apex over the Dutch Kills tributary of the fabled Newtown Creek," according to Mitch Waxman, who took this picture (click to enlarge), which is included in today's Newtown Pentacle post, "could furnish."* *by Ken* I love this picture -- not least, I think, for the upside-down reflection of the LIE overpass, which is more vivid, I guess being nearer, than the right-side-up original, except for the cool starburst lights adorning the real thing, but their creekly reflection not so much. Then there's the mind-confounding... more »
Remembering Lean Alejandro
Yesterday was the 28th year since the great UP Diliman student leader, Lean Alejandro was killed. He was shot in the head, day time. Suspects were military/AFP people but there was no arrest, no prosecution that happened after the assassination. He was only 27 years old that time. Until 1986, perhaps there was not a single UP student who did not know or hear of Lean. Very articulate and eloquent speaker, intelligent writer, and yet very friendly and humble. He was a famous student leader in UP from around 1982-86. Then he graduated in 1986, became active with BAYAN, a nat-dem organ... more »
and now you can get more for less !
Consumed Documentary
Disney To Recommence Firing American Workers Because They Are Americans
*Disney Admits To Forcing Highly Skilled Americans To Train Their Replacements-- Imported Un-Skilled Foreign Workers-- Then Fired The Americans Because They Are Americans.* *Disney executives told the condemned employees who protested that they would be replaced by imported foreign workers: "Get used to it. You need to learn to wear a sari [Indian dress] because that is the only place you will ever get a job."* *by James Otto* There is fact and then, there is fantasy. There is the truth and then, there are lies. When does "fantasy" become a "lie?" Disney Corporation is the und... more »
Bessie Brazel Schreiber and the Roswell Crash
The skeptics believe they have a slam dunk on the Roswell, coming at us with information that simply is not proven as we look at it. Much of it is single witness that we are accused of not mentioning and often contradicts that given by many others. One of the best examples of this is the testimony provided by Bessie Brazel, who seems to have been a very nice woman but who stood nearly alone in her testimony for many years. In the early 1990s, the Fund for UFO Research, FUFOR, initiated a program to gather testimony and affidavits from Roswell witnesses. Naturally, one of those was ... more »
Some Mood Music?
My Set list for tonight. Not for the "faint of heart" love d 4 non blondes what's up Skunk Anansie weak Cranberries Zombie Muse Uprising Tool Right in two Bjork Army of Me Tool Lateralus
*One of the authors, apparently one of those under a pen name, appears to be the famous late Remote Viewer Ingo Swann. Some of the data on the biomind and Rene Descartes is identical to data Ingo wrote in his book Psychic Sexuality. The Rene Desecartes article of mine is HERE. -AK* *Essay Two* The human body is made to host a biomind. Properly used and cared for, it can last well into 120 earth years, and much more. The internal clock that tells the cell to cascade into death is the telomere that separates the genes one from the other. Every time a cell divides, its telomeres d... more »
The Illegal And Criminal War On Syria: Putin Draws His "Line In The Sand" - Says NO To Regime Change In Syria!
The war against the innocent nation of Syria rages on.... Even while the Jew spew media continues to concentrate on the Syrian "refugee crisis" that is flooding Europe where 4/5 so called 'refugees' are NOT even from Syria (most are again migrants from North Africa), the US/Israeli fraud terrorist group known as "ISIS" continues their assaults on towns and villages across Syria itself..... The facts are becoming very clear to everyone that has examined this "war" in Syria that these criminal proxy groups are absolutely gunning for the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad and the destruction ... more »
"Fukushima Reactor No. 4: Human Civilization On The Brink?"
*"Fukushima Reactor No. 4:* *Human Civilization On The Brink?"* by Mike Adams "The news you are about to read puts everything else in the category of "insignificant" by comparison. Worried about GMOs? Fluoride? Vaccines? Secret prisons? None of that even matters if we don't solve the problem of Fukushima, which is a catastrophic failure that could unleash enough radiation to end human civilization on our planet. (See the numbers below.) The resulting releasing of radiation would turn North America into a "dead zone" for humans, mutated (and failed) crops, radioactive groundwater, s... more »
Elements of a Defamation Case
Frank v. Legate, 2015 ONCA 631: [39] In *Grant v. Torstar Corp**.*, 2009 SCC 61, [2009] 3 S.C.R. 640, at para. 28, the Supreme Court of Canada held that a plaintiff must prove the following three elements in a defamation action: 1) the defendant made a defamatory statement, in the sense that the impugned words would tend to lower the plaintiff's reputation in the eyes of a reasonable person; 2) the words in fact referred to the plaintiff; and 3) the words were communicated to at least one person other than the plaintiff. [40] A reasonable person in this context is one... more »
What is a pretrial
In almost all disputed cases, whether criminal, family, civil or administrative there will be a pretrial. The pretrial always serves the same purposes - to see if a case is ready to be heard and to see if the case can be settled before trial or hearing. Some cases cannot be settled because the issues are too big or the parties are too far apart. But those types of cases are rare. And in truth going to a trial or hearing is expensive and risky. There is no such thing as a sure winner and the vast majority of cases should be settled. At a pretrial there will be a judge or someone a... more »
You Can't Save The Environment Without Democracy
Remember when harper had a minority and he didn't control the Parliamentary committees that examined and critiqued his legislation, so he had a manual printed up for his committee chairs about how to stymie their work? Remember how harper and his minions repeatedly lied to Parliament and obstructed Parliament until they were eventually found in contempt of Parliament, triggering the 2011 Federal Election? Remember how harper employed electoral fraud on a larger and larger scale until he eventually was able to steal a majority government? Notice that now that he has a majority he's ... more »
Lord, I thought. It's that time of year again. These are the big, screaming letters on the sports page. And they will be the headline for every game in the hockey season. (The Moncton team is called the Wildcats.very clever and quite unique in the world of sport, I'm sure. But this is the most childish headline I have ever seen on a sports page. And they run it week after week, year after year.) Section A news is more vapid than usual. A3 has a half-page of useless information on the Oland trial. Obviously, the Irving press plans to milk this one. There's really nothing to say abo... more »
Declaration of Notice
My *Declaration of Notice*, and *Declaration of Non-Consent *is written and spoken with MY Intent. My Intent is the ONLY power/energy/intent/law/declaration that is valid for MY BEING. I Speak and Write from MY Intent and no Interpretations of MY intent are valid nor have any power/energy/counter intent/jurisdiction/legal validity/ability to counter in any way, shape or form, MY INTENT. * DECLARATION of NOTICE* YOU have NO Power over ME. YOU have NO Jurisdiction over ME. YOU have NO Energy to change ME. YOU Can NOT Fuck with ME in any WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM.... NOT "Here" or... more »
Will The EU Migration Crisis Impact The Upcoming European Elections?
*Andy Langenkamp, The Compass:* *Electoral Storms Ahead in Europe?* The Financial Times' Gideon Rachman recently wrote: "At some point, the desperation and hopes of the refugees are likely to collide with the fears and resentments of European voters." The question is whether the outcomes of four upcoming elections will reflect the repercussions of the refugee crisis. The refugee issue is certainly fodder for populists. Some may tend to the left, with a tendency to campaign against the evils of unfettered capitalism and the free markets. Others rail against immigrants and the threa... more »
*Essay One* Few people realize that their conscious mind only processes about 15 bits of information per second of linear time. However, in vertical time, the unconscious mind (i.e., the integrated cortico-enteric nervous system plus the enteromyofascial complex) is processing approximately 70-80 million bits of information. In normal consciousness, humans are aware of only an infinitesimal amount of the information that is constantly being fed to them at the unconscious level. Existing intelligence enhancement technology today is designed to reduce the filtering by the conscious ... more »
Apache invite Europeans for global resistance gathering at Oak Flat March 2016
Apache Wendsler Nosie extended a welcome to European supporters to come to Oak Flat, as the resistance to corporate oppression spreads worldwide. Above, Nosie's granddaughter Naelyn Pike, 16, describes the essence of sacred land at Oak Flat. Oak Flat photo Brenda Norrell By Brenda Norrell Censored News Exclusive Chi'Chil'Bilda'Goteel (Oak Flat) -- Apache Wendsler Nosie invited
Venezuelan Soldiers Have Entered Colombia In Hot Pursuit Of Smugglers
*Reuters:* *Venezuelan soldiers entered Colombia, fired weapons - Colombian army* Members of Venezuela's national guard crossed into Colombia on Friday, firing their weapons and setting a motorcycle on fire, the Colombian army said, amid an on-going diplomatic crisis between the two countries. About 15 Venezuelan soldiers entered Maicao municipality in eastern La Guajira province in apparent pursuit of an individual on a motorcycle who had attempted to cross the border into Venezuela, the Colombian army said in a statement. Relations between the South American neighbors have been... more »
what i'm reading: soul made flesh: the discovery of the brain and how it changed the world
The ancient Egyptians, when preparing a body for mummification, carefully preserved the heart, liver, lungs, and other vital organs in special canisters, now known as canopic jars. The brain was yanked out and throw away as trash. A millennium or two later, human knowledge of the workings of the brain was every bit as erroneous and incomplete. Until the 1600s, no one knew what the brain did or what function it served. Even William Harvey, the pioneering British scientist who discovered the circulatory system, believed the heart was the centre of human thought and consciousness. Les... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Broken McGill Tateri'wakwen'takon'
BROKEN MCGILL TATERI’WAKWEN’TAKON Posted on September 18, 2015 Please post & distritute. Nia:wen. MNN. Sep. 18. 2015. McGill students paying fees to the Board of Governors or Academic Senate may be committing a crime. There is no denial that McGill University is illegally on rotino’sonni:onwe land in the center of tsionni’tiotake, aka Hoceraga, aka Montreal. The money to build it
The Wall Street Journal consults experts on teacher quality
The WSJ discusses improving teacher quality with three experts, one of whom is actually a teacher. It is with great interest that I read the comments of educators on their profession. The educator in this piece, Mr. Vilson, who is a frequent commentator, once again disappoints me. It always seems as if his comments, and those […]
At the Labour Leadership Special Conference
*Jeremy Corbyn crushed all-comers and took Labour's leadership with ease. In short, this is nothing short of historic. 100 years from now academics and labour movement geeks will still be analysing and debating what happened. I already pity our descendants who'll be scouring rusty Twitter servers for contemporary comments on Corbynmania. As someone who appreciates labour saving wherever possible, I reproduce below the report made to Stoke Central CLP by our constituency secretary, Pat Evemy. This was Pat's third leadership conference, having been on hand in 1992 and 2010.* Despite... more »
Miss Tennessee Shares Faith, Responsibility with Students
[image: 635781760953942368-js-0919-MissTennessee-02__1442673437_70.119.142.63] Hannah Robison will speak at hundreds of schools as she spends the next year traveling across the Volunteer State as Miss Tennessee, but her Friday morning visit to Jackson Christian was her first school visit, and it was special. Robison... Continue reading *“Miss Tennessee Shares Faith, Responsibility with Students”* at *jacksonsun.com*.
GMOs-- A Guest Post From Alex Law
*Alex Law is running for Congress in South Jersey, across from Philadelphia, in a seat currently held by the brother of corrupt Democratic Party boss George Norcross. Blue America has endorsed Alex, and we urge you to read his post and get a feel for where he is on issues and what goes into his decision-making. If you like what you read, please consider making a contribution to his grassroots campaign.* *The DARK Act makes absolutely no sense, and here’s whyby Alex LawCandidate for Congress, NJ-01* This summer HR Bill 1599 was introduced to Congress. Dubbed the DARK Act (Denyin... more »
U.S. Still Wants Syrian President Assad Gone, But They Do Not Care When
*Washington Post:* *Kerry says Syria’s Assad has to go, but U.S. is flexible as to when* LONDON – Secretary of State John F. Kerry said Saturday that the United States is willing to negotiate the conditions and timing for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down from power, and urged Russia to convince him to negotiate his exit. Kerry, who is in London before flying to Germany to discuss the refugee crisis engulfing Europe, called for a renewed diplomatic effort to resolve the conflict in Syria, which he said was as urgent a need as fighting Islamic State militants. “We’re ... more »
Houston Chronicle Exemplifies Media Coverage of KIPP
Please do go the *Houston Chronicle* for a clear example of how corporate media covers research on KIPP. Admittedly, the research firm, Mathematica (which collected millions from KIPP sponsors to conduct the study) had its part to play in emphasizing the sunny side for KIPP, Inc., but it remains the journalist's job to tell the whole story, rather than the parts that billionaires want to hear. My comments on the Houston Chronicle story at their site: This article is a great example of how the media treats the billionaire philanthropist school choice for urban children. It is writt... more »
Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock … and Ourselves
[image: clock5] I have something in common with Ahmed Mohamed: as a youngster, I was also an electronics enthusiast. At his age and even earlier, I frequently took apart electronic devices - anything from my own toys, to broken things around the house,... Continue reading *“Reverse Engineering Ahmed Mohamed’s Clock … and Ourselves”* at *blogs.artvoice.com*.
Supplemental: Trump and the lives which were lost in the search!
*SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2015The facts play no role in our discourse:* We marveled at some of the coverage of Wednesday night’s debate. We especially marveled at some of the work in yesterday’s New York Times. For one example, consider the follow-up news report in which Trip Gabriel explained how Republican voters in Iowa had assessed the event. “Voters See Lack of Fire as Problem for Carson,” the headline announced in our hard-copy Times. “Iowa Viewers Praise Fiorina,” the sub-headline added. It sounded like Gabriel knew his stuff! Live and direct from deepest Des Moines, this ...more »
Political Brawl: Rubio Staffer Accused of Punching Paul Aide
[image: Politicians Fighting - 900] A top official for Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is accusing a rival staffer with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) of punching him in the face. John Yob, the national political director for Paul's 2016 presidential campaign, says the incident occurred early Friday morning... Continue reading *“Political Brawl: Rubio Staffer Accused of Punching Paul Aide”* at *thehill.com*.
Islamic State Intelligence Manipulation Dates Back To At Least 2012
*FOX News:* *Lawmaker: Terror intel manipulation dates back to at least 2012* The alleged manipulation of intelligence to downplay the strength of terror groups is far more extensive than previously reported and goes back to at least 2012, according to the Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee. The Defense Department inspector general and congressional investigators are reviewing claims that intelligence on the Islamic State was manipulated to present a more positive picture of the U.S. strategy's effectiveness. Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., said these practices,... more »
Life In The O-Zone
Regular readers know that I always refer to President Obama's weekly addresses as his "dog whistles to Wall Street." Never has this term been more clear than in today's edition. The theme and tone of his spiel to the ostensible public were nearly identical to his congratulatory pep talk to the oligarchs of the Business Roundtable (BRT) earlier in the week. Let's compare and contrast the two speeches. First, here's the sickly-sweet opening salvo of today's address to Regular Joe and Jane, struggling (if they are really lucky) to get by on stagnating wages and precarious employment, ... more »
The Russian Government And Ukraine Separatists Are Not On The Same Page On What To Do Next
A bus rides by a giant poster reading "The fate of the Russian people, to repeat the feats of fathers : defend their native land" in Donetsk, on July 15, 2014. AFP Paul Roderick Gregory, Forbes: *Russia And The Separatists Aren't On The Same Page* Vladimir Putin’s military operations have stretched Moscow’s military to its limits. Russia has mobilized forces from all parts of the Russian Federation for its southeast Ukraine operations. As Putin shifts his attention to shoring up the Assad regime in Syria and ensuring Russia a front seat in any political settlement, he must cut bac... more »
Alabama Supreme Court: We Don’t Have to Recognize Lesbian Adoption
[image: lesbian adoption same-sex adoption homosexual adoption_900] Alabama's Supreme Court refused to recognize a lesbian woman's adoption Friday, drawing criticism from gay rights activists and raising questions about the future of same-sex adoptions. The case centered around a lesbian couple who shared custody of three children but... more »
Weekend reads: Country retraction rankings; social psychology department replication rankings
This week at Retraction Watch featured an ironic case of what doesn’t make a journal great, and the retraction of a paper from JAMA. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Which countries and journals account for the most retractions? An analysis from Helmut Dollfuß (in German). Who’s on top? 100 social psychology departments, ranked by replicability. We […] The post Weekend reads: Country retraction rankings; social psychology department replication rankings appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Updated: SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #96 40 Second Essence Strings Departed the Earsthsphere....
[9/19/15, 2:12:58 PM] AK/Bill/Terran: Of what energy string was the One C.S. and was her encounter with me in 1985 accidental? [9/19/15, 2:14:33 PM] *DEAR ONE/AK/TERRAN THE ONE C.S. WAS CREATED AS A SIGNATURE ESSENCE FROM TWO SECOND STRING UNKNOWN ESSENCES AND WAS A HYBRID ORION AND DRACO FROM THE EARLY COLONIZATION OF THAT ORION REALM. THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTAL ENCOUNTERS. IN LOVEJOY.* [9/19/15, 2:15:10 PM] AK/Bill/Terran: Her father worked on President Reagans Star Wars project. Her brother was a commander in the US Navy and DIA, Her grandfather* [great?] *an admiral in Czar Nich... more »
Blanka: Europe's longest city tunnel opens in Prague
In 2006, Prague's mayor Pavel Bém, the physician and mountain climber who has been to Mt Everest as well, signed the deal to build the new tunnel called Blanka – which is a female first name (which may also mean a "little membrane" or "maidenhead", when combined with the adjective "virgin"). *The tubular tunnel seems to have a decently elegant design, not too dissimilar from the tubular holes in the Prague subway.* As it turned out, the lore says, they gave a female name to the tunnel because the tunnel was getting wet from the bottom – and it was apparently never finished. ;-) I... more »
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #95 Draco and Bloodline Population Proportions in the Old Earth
*AK NOTE: The Draco and Bloodline string energies were recently cleansed of negative predatory frequencies. String Essence energies are no longer an issue of concern or a matter of hierarchy in the future of Earth. * On 9/19/15, at 10:15 AM, AK/Bill/Terran wrote: A historical question. The mix/proportion of Draco and Bloodline strings on Earth, was that in roughly in proportion to the distribution of such beings elsewhere or was it particularly concentrated here? *DEAR ONE/TERRAN. THE PERCENTAGE AND PROPORTION OF DRACO AND BLOODLINE STRINGS ARE HIGH IN PROPORTION TO THE OTHER REAL... more »
Am I A Russian Traitor?
A Russian police officer stands outside the Kremlin. (Oleg Nikishin/Getty) *WNU Editor:* The AP story is here ....* Russians with Western ties increasingly branded 'traitors' *(AP). Each and everyone of these cases is probably unique, but there is a tie-in that is disturbing and the AP has picked up on it .... *.... He said "every single treason case" he has seen recently has a connection to the crisis in Ukraine — where the government is fighting a pro-Russia insurgency — either because the person had traveled there or had some personal ties.* This crackdown has not impacted me .... more »
Transpicuous News Video Sept 13th
Here is the Archive Video of last Sunday nights Transpicuous News update. ...Just in case you are looking for last Monday's One People Roundtable Discussion, the video is still being uploaded.... for the billionth time. Yes, technical issues abound.
Donald Trump's Official Position on the Second Amendment...
*the sound you hear is libtard heads exploding. * *PROTECTING OUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN * *Donald J. Trump on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms* The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period. The Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental right that belongs to all law-abiding Americans. The Constitution doesn’t create that right – it ensures that the government can’t take it away. Our Founding Fathers knew, and our Supreme Court has upheld, that the Second Amendment’... more »
Three Republicans Opposed House Vote to Defund Planned Parenthood
[image: Rep. Steve King Iowa GOP__1442670630_70.119.142.63] The House voted to defund Planned Parenthood Friday with the support of two Democrats and all but three Republicans. The (241-187) vote is an effectively symbolic response to a series of videos released by the Center for Medical Progress in which... more »
Republicans Jockey for Conservative Credibility
[image: Gov. Nikki Haley South Carolina Heritage Action Forum_900] GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) -- Setting aside personality clashes for a night, the Republican Party’s 2016 contest shifted to substance Friday as a slate of White House hopefuls vowed to steer the nation sharply to the right as they courted conservatives... more »
The Latest: PM: Croatia Forced Hungary to Let Migrants in
[image: Croatia migrants Hungary_900] BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- The latest developments as European governments rush to cope with the huge number of people moving across Europe. All times local (CET): 12:50 p.m. Croatia’s prime minister says his government has forced Hungary to let migrants... more »
Will China's Aircraft Carriers Be A Threat To The U.S. Navy?
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) The aircraft carriers USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), USS Enterprise (CVN 65), USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) are in port at Naval Station Norfolk, Va., the world’s largest naval station. Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan J. Courtade, Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ernest R. Scott, and Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Kevin J. Steinberg Dave Majumdar, National Interest: Chinese Aircraft Carriers: A Nightmare for the U.S. Navy? In the decades since the end of the Se... more »
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #94What Energy String Played the Role of the goddess Isis?
*Note: The Draco/Bloodline control complex created the fabricated jihad movement that was originally falsely labled ISIS, to destablize Syria and cause general chaos in the middle east. Outside of the US/British Commonwealth countries it was always called ISIL or Islamic State. It is a faux calliphate movement that horrifies the average Muslim. That movement has NOTHING to do with the Isis of history described below. -AK* AK: What [Essence] string played the role of the goddess Isis? [9/19/15, 1:12:43 PM] *THE ROLE OF ISIS WAS A MISUNDERSTOOD ROLE. IT WAS A ROLE OF BEAUTY AND ... more »
Employee Theft
Employee theft is a big problem in Canada. One in ten small business failures are a result of employee theft and overall Canadian businesses lose over a billion dollars yearly to dishonest employees. The scale of the thefts can be staggering. I am working on a case now where my client, a modest sized business, lost well over two million dollars to a bookkeeper who took the money in small amounts over many years. Because the thefts were small they went unnoticed. Whether my client will survive as a business is very uncertain. Employee theft comes in many different forms. Sometimes i... more »
Know Your History
Still highly recommend watching this series - find it on YouTube. The Untold History of the United States, a 10-part documentary series and a 750-page book, offers Americans an alternate perspective on US history from the Second World War through the Cold War to the present day. Stone says he wants to counter the “educational crime” of misleading American schoolchildren. “American exceptionalism has to be driven out of our curriculums,” he said. “We’re not under threat. We are the threat.” - See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/oliver-stone-tells-his-untold-history-middle-e...more »
Russians with Western Ties Increasingly Branded ‘Traitors’
[image: arrest handcuff 400] MOSCOW (AP) -- When Gennady Kravtsov sent a cover letter to a Swedish company, he reasoned that, even if a job didn’t come of it, he at least would know whether his engineering skills were valued outside Russia. Instead, he... more »
Bigotry At Its Heart
https://www.pinterest.com Many watching Thursday's debate were shocked to hear Stephen Harper make a distinction between refugees and those he called "old stock Canadians." If they had been familiar with Harper's history and his Reform roots, they wouldn't have been shocked at all. Murray Dobbins writes: Not much is written these days about the nature of the Conservative base post-merger of the old Progressive Conservative Party and the Alliance Party (formerly Reform). But the base is largely the same today, and in my book *Pres... more »
Police Arrest Suspect in String of Phoenix Freeway Shootings
[image: Interstate 10 Phoenix-900] PHOENIX (AP) -- Police arrested a man Friday for a string of seemingly random freeway shootings in Phoenix, adding that they had linked the man’s gun to four of the 11 cars hit. Leslie Allen Merritt Jr., 21, was arrested... more »
Officials Seek Motive, Cause of Death in ‘Baby Doe’ Case
[image: Her Name is 'Bella': Authorities ID Boston's 'Baby Doe'] BOSTON (AP) -- After a mother and her boyfriend were charged in the murder of the woman’s 2-year-old daughter, investigators are not ready to speculate on a motive or even a cause of death. The toddler was identified as Bella... more »
Owner, Dog Reunited in Aftermath of California Wildfire
[image: California Fire aftermath_900] MIDDLETOWN, Calif. (AP) -- Lawrence Ross looked beat, his head hanging and his eyes bloodshot five days after fleeing his home in the path of a wall of flames. Ross showed up at a high school in the small Northern... more »
Not Dealing With Climate Change Is Now A Tenet Of The Republican Party Agenda
One of the uglier moments of Wednesday night's GOP debate-- chock full'o'ugly moments-- was when rabid climate-change denier Marco Rubio decided to make his presence known by making a tasteless joke about California's devastating drought. It took about three hours before the CNN moderators brought up climate change as a topic of discussion-- which must've lasted for less than five minutes-- and, predictably, Rubio was the first to jump in... to denigrate it entirely. The only other two who had anything to say on the topic were two reactionary governors, Walker and Christie. All th... more »
Missing links
I am aware that the BBC’s attitude towards Israel is a bit of a niche topic, even amongst ‘BBC bias’ specialists and spotters, many of whom find the subject tedious and irrelevant. Nevertheless, it interests me, and as this is partly my blog I’ll cry if I want to. Most bloggers and keyboard warriors get material from the media, other blogs and elsewhere online, and all we do, in our own sweet way, is add value. Ultimately it’s a matter of trawling, selecting and recycling. We do it for you (so you don’t have to) One of the resources I have discovered, a rich seam of interesting i... more »
*Credentialism and its outcomes* In the 20 years during which I was an active academic researcher, I was repeatedly appalled by the low intellectual standards that I found in papers by colleagues. They repeatedly ignored basic scientific caution and, all too often, concluded what they wanted to conclude, regardless of what their data actually showed. I got a couple of papers a year published in the academic journals pointing that sort of thing out. See here. I have no background in climatology and only the most basic background in physics and chemistry -- but even from that lo... more »
a historic opportunity for residents of peel region: vote ndp on october 19
In the upcoming federal election, Peel residents have an opportunity to make a real difference for ourselves, our neighbours, and all of Canada. We can support a platform aimed at supporting working people, preserving and expanding public healthcare, restoring our democracy, and protecting our environment. We can vote NDP. NDP candidates are running in all Peel ridings. For me, these five candidates stand out as stellar choices to represent our region. Rosemary Keenan, running in Brampton Centre, is a longtime leader of the Peel Poverty Action Group and the Peel Sierra Club. She ha... more »
Is China About To Establish A Number Of Naval Bases In The Indian Ocean?
Song-class submarines of China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). *Andrew Erickson and Kevin Bond, USNI News*: *Essay: China’s Island Building Campaign Could Hint Toward Further Expansions in Indian Ocean* China’s creation of military-relevant facilities on its newly-created islands in the South China Sea is a cause for concern for countries in Southeast Asia, and several of its investments in the Indian Ocean are raising more questions over the possibility of China’s first dedicated naval support facility overseas. As China expands its reach into the Indian Ocean and wraps up... more »
*Massachusetts: Pilgrim nuclear plant says it may shut down* *Another step towards shutting down America's electricity supply. Massachusetts has just lost its coal plants. What's left? Not much. They will be importing more and more power from Canada and elsewhere -- which will force already high electricity bills even higher. But it's only the "little people" of Taxachusetts that will suffer. And what Leftist really cares about them? The grandees of Beacon Hill who cut down the coal plants can easily afford higher electricity bills. Their heating in winter and airconditioni... more »
Hey - we found Ted Cruz...
those milk carton pictures really work. This is excellent!
Japan Parliament Approves Bill That Will Now Permit The Japanese Military To Conduct Combat Missions Abroad
*VOA:* *Japan Passes Bill Lifting Military Restrictions* SEOUL—Japan’s Upper House of Parliament passed security measures early Saturday that ease some restrictions placed upon the military by the country’s post-World War II pacifist constitution. But it has been a more contentious legislative battle than Prime Minister Shinzo Abe likely expected. Pacifist opponents of the changes succeeded in turning public opinion against the measures, in part by organizing mass demonstrations across the country. *WNU Editor:* Everyone I know in Asia who is over 55 is concerned about this chan...more »
Head Investigator: Bergdahl Shouldn’t Go to Prison
[image: Hearings Begin in Bowe Bergdahl Case] SAN ANTONIO (AP) -- The officer who led the investigation of Bowe Bergdahl’s disappearance and capture in Afghanistan six years ago says he doesn’t think the Army sergeant should go to prison. Maj. Gen. Kenneth Dahl testified Friday at Fort... more »
Lyse Doucet: "Where are you from?"
Just following on from Sue's post, here's a transcription of what Lyse Doucet said on this morning's *Today*: *Sarah Montague*: So what is the answer? How should EU countries respond to migrants? Surely that must depend on whether they are refugees needing asylum or economic migrants just looking for a better life. The European Union's official statistics agency says that of the 213,000 people who arrived in the three months to June, only a fifth of them (that's 44,000) were from Syria. Our chief international correspondent Lyse Doucet is only the border between Serbia and Croatia... more »
Cartoon: ‘The Genie Out of the Bottle’
[image: Ramirez - 091815 - 900]
Census Bureau Confirms How Badly Obamacare Is Underperforming
[image: Obamacare] The Census Bureau has finally released definitive statistics on the number of uninsured in 2014 and the news is not good for Obamacare (unless, of course, you have abysmally low expectations for government performance). The population-wide uninsured rate fell from 14.5%... Continue reading *“Census Bureau Confirms How Badly Obamacare Is Underperforming”* at *forbes.com*.
5 Questions Iowa Faith & Freedom Forum Will Answer
[image: Iowa Faith & Freedom Forum_900] DES MOINES, Iowa -- The crowd of Republican presidential candidates gathering in Des Moines on Saturday (Sept. 19) evening needs to address only a narrow band of issues, but they must say the right thing if they want to impress... more »
Popes in These United States
[image: Popes in These United States] The history of popes in these United States is full of surprises. And one of them, to begin at the beginning, includes the little-known fact that Blessed Paul VI was not the first pontiff to set foot on American territory,... Continue reading *“Popes in These United States”* at *denvercatholic.org*.
IPR and Innovation 26, Countries with most patent applications, most innovative universities
I was surprised to see this data from the WEF this week, that China has so many patent applications compared to the US, Japan, S. Korea and Germany. Original data is from WIPO. Anyway, Asia's four biggest economies are in the top 10. source: WEF, Which countries file the most patent applications? September 14, 2015. Meanwhile, Reuters conducted its own study on the world's most innovative universities and the result for 2015 was released also this week. The study used 10 different metrics, criteria "focused on academic papers, which indicate basic research performed at a universit... more »
Be careful about what you don't say...
*this is just ridiculous.* Megyn Kelly goes all out to whack Trump for something he *didn't* say. I really don't like that woman. Never have. Some guy at a Trump rally asked a question. While asking the question, he said he didn't think Odumbo was a citizen and was probably a Muslim. Some people are outraged that Trump didn't school that guy. Really? When did it become Trump's job to defend Odumbo? Now we have the "brilliant" Megyn Kelly grilling Andy Dean, the former head of Trump Productions, on why Trump didn't defend Odumbo. So, there you have it. Forget politically correc... more »
The Arab States and the Refugees
[image: The Arab States and the Refugees] Refugees arrive in some of Europe’s poorest states, mainly Greece, Italy and Hungary, but insist that they have a right to head for more prosperous nations where welfare benefits are higher and healthcare freely available. “Kuwait and the other Gulf... Continue reading *“The Arab States and the Refugees”* at *gatestoneinstitute.org*.
Updated: Amazing Rainbow Clouds Appear over Cost Rica
Images from Russia Today Article *HERE*. I am not going to repost the article here and lend my energy to the speculation on the RT.COM article given its religious themes of "guilt", retribution on impious evolutionists, and divine punishment themes (which is not happening!). Guilt, judgement, punishment and redemption are tools of the controllers to instill a "less then mentality" inbodyments of Source, when they are in reality ALL Source beings of I AM. I have an inquiry to the Sphere Alliance Data Collectors as to what these clouds are. The pillars of light displayed a few we... more »
Saab Announces Continued Development in Vehicle Integration for RBS 70 NG
[image: RBS 70]Defence and security company Saab announces further developments in vehicle integration for the RBS 70 NG system. Further developments of Saab’s RBS 70 NG system are always underway and two future solutions for highly-mobile deployment are now under evaluation by Saab. An RBS 70 NG vehicle stand solution places the weapon system and operator on the flatbed of a vehicle, while an additional integrated remote weapon station option places the operator inside the vehicle. Read more
U.S. War Scenarios In The Baltics Show Them Losing To Russia All The Time
Image from The Economist *Julia Ioffe, Foreign Policy:* *Exclusive: The Pentagon Is Preparing New War Plans for a Baltic Battle Against Russia* But the really troubling thing is that in the war games being played, the United States keeps losing. For the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. Department of Defense is reviewing and updating its contingency plans for armed conflict with Russia. The Pentagon generates contingency plans continuously, planning for every possible scenario — anything from armed confrontation with North Korea to zombie attacks. But th... more »
The Liars of 9/11 : Superhero William Rodriguez
*"I am Vinz, Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer...* *Volguus Zildrohoar, Lord of the Seboullia. * *Are you The Gatekeeper..?"* *William Rodriguez - Last Man Out: Discovered a Fraud!* by; Phil Jayhan & Larry McWilliams *ATTENTION: With an advertising budget of zero dollars we ask everyone who has websites and blogs to copy and paste this important new revelation into 911 in as many places and blogs as possible. Please copy and paste this story in its entirety in as many places as possible! Please spread the truth about William Rodriguez as fast as possible! We are 9 years behind the... more »
Desain Kamar Tidur Kos Terbaru 2016
Desain Kamar Tidur Kost Terbaru 2016 - Apakah kawan kawan semua adalah anak kos yang ingin membuat kamar kosnya menjadi sangat indah dan enak di pandang, apabila iya maka kawan kawan semu harus membaca sedikit ulasan saya yang membahas mengenai desain kamar kos yang cantik di bawah ini, dan kawan kawan juga bisa melihat mengenai contoh gambarnya sehingga kawan kawan semua bisa mendapatkan du
Lesbian Feminist at the Proms
Rod Liddle's latest article in the Spectator is about the BBC. (To think he used to be the editor of the Today Programme.) I’ll précis the intro, then give you the relevant bit ‘as it comes’. An American lesbian feminist who looks a bit like Sandi Toksvig was employed by the BBC to conduct the Last Night of the Proms. “In between ‘Rule Britannia’ and ‘God Save the Queen’, Marin Alsop divested herself of a tirade of leftish internationalist banalities; not-so-veiled references to the migrants flooding here from the third world — let them in, show them love! — and lots of other vac... more »
"How does it work? Off the central timeline we just left. Events of importance often cause divergent “tributaries” to branch off the *main timestream*. But what’s astounding is there’s far more to it than that. On occasion, these tributaries return—sometimes feeding back into the central timeline, other times overlapping it briefly before charting an entirely new course. An old friend is suddenly recalled after years of being forgotten. A scrap of history becomes misremembered, even reinvented in the common wisdom. There are hazards to Hypertime, of course.... Artifacts carried ... more »
Lyse Doucet sees the light (at the end of the tunnel)
The more sophisticated broadcasting technology gets, the more inefficient. Delays on lines routinely disrupt the flow of human interaction on air just as leaves on lines scupper the flow of commuting. Sudden disconnections at the crucial moment, spooky echoes and fuzziness seem far more common than they used to be. So when Lyse Doucet was explaining on the Today Programme this morning that the migrants she was mingling with were not in fact primarily from Syria, but from Eritrea, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia....(Palestine?) and all four corners of the globe, “looking for a better ... more »
Portsmouth destroyer puts the Royal Navy’s newest helicopter through its paces
[image: Wildcat shows its teeth during Gulf heat trials onboard HMS Duncan]Punishing conditions were not a problem for the Royal Navy’s newest helicopter as it was tested for the first time in the searing heat of the Gulf by a naval team from Portsmouth. Wildcat – which will provide the aerial eyes and punch of British destroyers and frigates for a generation – spent a fortnight flying in the Middle East during key trials with the Portsmouth-based destroyer HMS Duncan. It is the first time the new helicopter has experienced such extreme heat, with the mercury rising to 45 degrees C... more »
All go for Sea Ceptor
MBDA has begun delivering hardware for the first Sea Ceptor local anti-air missile system installation after the Royal Navy approved a ‘commit to fitting’ for the Type 23 frigate HMS Argyll. Meanwhile, the company has begun a campaign of final qualification firings at the Vidsel range in Sweden of the Common Anti-air Module Munition (CAMM) effector associated with the system. ‘‘In May this year I made the decision, with the Ministry of Defence, to commit to the fitting of Sea Ceptor on HMS Argyll,’’ Rear Admiral Alex Burton, assistant chief of the Naval Staff (Ships), told the DSEI... more »
Ahead of Modi's visit, India set to buy choppers worth $3bn from US
[image: AH-64E Apache]The finance ministry has finally given a green signal to acquisition of 22 Apache attack and 15 Chinook heavy deployment helicopters worth $3.1 billion from US defence major Boeing after a delay of nearly three years and 13 price extensions. The deal is expected to cleared by the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) next Tuesday, before Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarks on his United Nations General Assembly visit to New York. With Boeing and US Army Security Assistance Command threatening to escalate the price after September 30 by nearly 40% after holding i... more »
Russia Is Speeding Up The Construction Of Its Air Base In Syria
*Stratfor*: *Photos: Russia's forward operating base in Syria is growing at a rapid pace* The Russian military deployment to the Bassel al Assad air base in Latakia, Syria, is continuing at a rapid tempo, Stratfor can confirm. Previous imagery of the airfield, taken Sept. 4, showed significant engineering works underway. New imagery from Sept. 15 reveals the completion of several large concrete aprons that were previously under construction. A large amount of Russian military equipment has also arrived at the airfield. A battalion-sized Russian contingent now appears to be located... more »
DARPA demonstrates prototype Persistent Close Air Support
DARPA's recent demonstration of its prototype Persistent Close Air Support system showed that future airstrikes can be ordered with as few as three clicks on a handheld tablet. The system was tested on an A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft, also known as the Warthog, conducting 50 successful sorties near the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. This marked the system's debut on a U.S. Air Force platform. The system is designed to deliver airborne munitions to support ground forces in combat. DARPA's program aims for the technology to evolve to become more accurate and easier to use, ... more »
Ukraine to help establish aircraft engine production base in China
[image: K-8 Karakorum]The 16th China Aviation Expo kicked off at the China National Convention Center in Beijing on Sept. 16, according to US-based Duowei News. Beijing Skyrizon Aviation Industry Investment Company, Ukrainian aircraft and helicopter engine manufacturer Motor Sich and Ukrainian state aircraft engine design bureau Ivchenko-Progress ZMKB shared a stage at the expo for the first time, according to the website. Ukraine and China are reportedly set to begin comprehensive cooperation on an engine production base in China, in an attempt to work together in the global marke... more »
Four Russian Fighter Aircraft Now in Latakia, Syria
[image: Su-24M2 Fencer]U.S. officials have confirmed that four Russian SU-24 Flanker fighter aircraft have arrived in Latakia, a development that US officials have been anticipating with concern. The aircraft arrived earlier Friday, and it does not appear that they have flown operational missions yet. A U.S. official says there are now eight Russian helicopters at the base, up from four just a few days ago. Officials previously said that the number of personnel at the base is now more than 500, that six Russian howitzers have been placed around the base, and that there are six or se... more »
Pentagon Report Knocks Test Of Embattled Fighter Jet
[image: F-35B Lightning II]A newly released report suggests that a Marine Corps fighter jet previously thought fit for combat remains plagued with problems. A memo from the Defense Department's top weapons tester — released by the watchdog group Project on Government Oversight — found that the Marines' version of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter could present maintenance and reliability issues. Marine Corps officials said that the jet passed a series of tests aboard the USS Wasp amphibious assault ship in May, but the director of the Pentagon’s Operational Test and Evaluation Office s... more »
DSEI: Alenia Aermacchi touts C-27J for UK
[image: C-27J Spartan]Alenia Aermacchi used the DSEI exhibition in London to highlight the potential for its C-27J platform to perform a wide variety of duties for the UK Royal Air Force, potentially include maritime surveillance. Displaying a model of the Spartan on the Finmecannica group stand with a Union Flag tail marking, the company stressed the type’s existing use of almost 38% UK content by value, with this including its Rolls-Royce AE2100 engines. A multi-mission aircraft offer to the UK would include a maritime search radar, mission system, electronic warfare and defensiv... more »
Romania’s Ministry of Defense wants to modernize its two frigates
[image: ROS Regele_Ferdinand (F221)]Romania’s Ministry of Defense has started the procurement procedure for modernizing the Regele Ferdinand and Regina Maria frigates. Most likely, the work will begin next year, as “the tender procedure is quite complicated in the military area,” according to the Romanian Minister of Defense Mircea Dusa, cited by local Agerpres. According to Lieutenant General Nicolae Ciuca, Chief of General Staff, major investment programs are currently ongoing to increase Romania’s operational capabilities. Read more
Harga Mobil Toyota Hilux Terbaru di 2016
Harga Mobil Toyota Hilux - Penjelasan tentang Mobil Toyota Hilux ialah salah satu produk Mobil unggula yg dibuat dan diproduksi oleh perusahaan Mobil Terbesar yg mempunyai pelanggan yg banyak di pasar Indonesia dan Perusahaan Mobil tersebut ialah Perusahaan Toyota Astra Mobil. Mengapa Perusahaan Toyota Mobil dikatakan salah satu perusahaan Mobil Terbesar untuk saat ini dikarenakan perusahaan
French shipbuilder DCNS says its Australian submarine proposal will create 2900 jobs, mostly in Adelaide
[image: Shortfin Barracuda class SSK]French shipbuilder DCNS says its bid for the $50 billion submarine project would create almost 3000 jobs, most of them in Adelaide. The same number would be generated by an onshore build or a hybrid build, but an onshore build would be slower and more expensive, it says. DCNS is pitching to build eight submarines, which is believed to be the number in the soon-to-be released Defence White Paper. Read more
This Is How China Will Destroy America's F-22 And F-35 Fleets In War
*Dave Majumdar. War Is Boring:* *China’s Master Plan to Destroy the F-22 and F-35 in Battle* With huge numbers of J-11 jets China’s Shengyang J-11 unlicensed derivative of the Russian-developed Su-27 Flanker has become the mainstay of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). While the Chinese-built jets are not able to match U.S.-built fighters one-for-one, China is building a lot of them. Down the road, advanced derivatives of the J-11 might become every bit as capable as the most advanced versions of American and allied fourth-generation fighters like the F-15 or F-16. ... more »
Is the BBC biased?
Is the BBC biased is a great blog. Here's an article that is well worth a read - http://isthebbcbiased.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/baling-out.html Here's a brief extract that is right on the money but I feel misses a key player: 'As BBC Watch, UK MediaWatch, Daphne Anson, Harry's Place, Elder of Ziyon and many other pro Israel blogs detail, day in, day out, the BBC determinedly under-reports the malevolence and deviousness of Israel's enemies and gives too many platforms, unchallenged, to their activists and propagandists. ' I'd add this blog to the named ones, but maybe I am biased!
Military Photo of the Day: September 19, 2015
[image: Military Working Dog-900] A U.S. Marine demonstrates the capabilities of his military working dog at the fields behind the University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, on Sept. 11, 2015. Having written extensively about military working dogs, it’s clear that these animals have... more »
Harvard faculty obliged to call selected students "ze, e, they"
Russia Today and The Harvard Crimson, among many other sources, report on the latest development at an organization where I have worked for 6 years. PC-ness run amok? Harvard students get 'ze' gender pronoun The political correctness teaches us that the pronouns "he" and "she" are politically incorrect because they don't allow us to choose our sexual identity, whether we have XX or XY chromosomes. Nature and reality don't allow us to choose those things, either, but the PC jihadists rarely attack Nature and reality. It's much more fun for them to attack the people. *The statue of ... more »
Israel steps up Jerusalem security after Palestinian clashes per BBC News
I am in a slight state of shock, maybe my blog posts, tweets and complaints to the BBC have had an effect. Within this BBC report is this: 'The compound - known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as al-Haram al-Sharif - is the holiest site in Judaism, and contains the al-Aqsa Mosque - the third holiest site in Islam.' Finally the BBC recognise the importance of the Temple Mount to Judaism. Now of only they'd report that the reason both religions have holy sites in the same place is because the Muslims built their mosque on top of the Jewish Temple then we'd really be getti... more »
Harga Kamera DSLR Nikon D5500 Review Terbaru 2016
Harga Kamera DSLR Nikon D5500 Review Terbaru 2016 - nikon merupakan salah satu produsen kamera yang sudah menghasilkan banyak produk kamera, dan salah satu produk kamera dari produsen ini adalah kamera DSLR Nikon D5500. dimana kamera ini telah dilengkapi dengan banyak sekali fitur-fitur canggih yang akan memastikan hasil foto yang anda dapatkan itu terlihat dengan detail yang sangat jelas. selain
If You Are In The U.S. Air Force Be Careful When You Quote Miley Cyrus
*Shane Harris, Daily Beast:* *Air Force Grounds Pilots for Quoting Miley Cyrus* They were all well-regarded officers—until the Air Force found out they were texting lyrics from rappers and pop stars. Now they’re accused of secretly dealing molly and dope. Imagine every off-color text message and ill-considered joke you’ve ever sent a friend was scooped up by authorities and used against you as evidence of a serious crime. That’s what a group of Air Force pilots have accused their commanding officers of doing in an investigation that could wreck the pilots’ careers. And the strang... more »
President Obama Nominates The First Openly Gay Civilian To The Post Of Secretary Of The Army
*Photo:* Eric Fanning has been nominated for Secretary of the Army. USAF *Washington Post:* *Obama to nominate first openly gay service secretary to lead the Army* President Obama, in a historic first for the Pentagon, has chosen to nominate Eric Fanning to lead the Army, a move that would make him the first openly gay civilian secretary of one of the military services. Fanning’s nomination is the latest in a series of actions taken by the administration to advance the rights of gays and lesbians throughout the federal government. The Obama administration has overhauled internal p... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Icarus”
“Daedalus fashioned a pair of wings of wax and feathers for himself and his son. Before they took off from the island, Daedalus warned his son not to fly too close to the sun, nor too close to the sea. Overcome by the giddiness that flying lent him, Icarus soared through the sky curiously, but in the process he came too close to the sun, which melted the wax. Icarus kept flapping his wings but soon realized that he had no feathers left and that he was only flapping his bare arms. And so, Icarus fell into the sea in the area which bears his name, the Icarian Sea near Icaria, an isla... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The first identified compact galaxy group, Stephan's Quintet is featured in this eye-catching image constructed with data drawn from the extensive Hubble Legacy Archive. About 300 million light-years away, only four of these five galaxies are actually locked in a cosmic dance of repeated close encounters. The odd man out is easy to spot, though. The interacting galaxies, NGC 7319, 7318A, 7318B, and 7317 have an overall yellowish cast. They also tend to have distorted loops and tails, grown under the influence of disruptive gravitational tides. But the predominantly bluish galaxy, NG... more »
Worship the State — or Else
[image: Pray for America - 900] An important mark of a free society is the willingness of its citizens to respect those with different religious beliefs, even if they deeply disagree with them. It's a right Americans have protected, albeit imperfectly, since our founding. But now,...more »
Our Side Must Decide to Put the Sideshows Aside
[image: SIMI VALLEY, CA - SEPTEMBER 16: Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump (L) and Jeb Bush argue during the presidential debates at the Reagan Library on September 16, 2015 in Simi Valley, California.] I wish the presidential debates could focus on what’s wrong with the status quo and solutions rather than on what one candidate thinks about another’s silly remarks. I don’t want to hear Jeb Bush cajoling Donald Trump to apologize to... more »
Free Download: Jiddu Krishnamurti, “The Book of Life”
"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems and suffer and understand, for all that is life." - Jiddu Krishnamurti *Freely download “The Book of Life” by Jiddu Krishnamurti here:* - http://www.downloadfreebooks.in/book.php?bid=1340288225
Chet Raymo, “A Credo”
*“A Credo”* by Chet Raymo “John Burroughs - John-o'-the-Birds - America's most beloved nature writer, was just my age when in 1910 he wrote in his journal: "Joy in the universe, and a keen curiosity about it all - that has been my religion. As I grow old, my joy and my interest increase. Less and less does the world of men interest me, more and more do my thoughts turn to things universal and everlasting." Things universal and everlasting. Burroughs did not look to find those things beyond the grave. They were here, now, just outside the window of his study at Riverby - the season... more »
"For This Is What We Do..."
“For this is what we do. Put one foot forward and then the other. Lift our eyes to the snarl and smile of the world once more. Think. Act. Feel. Add our little consequence to the tides of good and evil that flood and drain the world. Drag our shadowed crosses into the hope of another night. Push our brave hearts into the promise of a new day. With love: the passionate search for truth other than our own. With longing: the pure, ineffable yearning to be saved. For so long as fate keeps waiting, we live on. God help us. God forgive us. We live on.” - Gregory David Roberts, “Shantaram”
Human Nature: Andrew Lobaczewski, Ph.D., "The Genesis of Evil"
*"The Genesis of Evil"* by Andrew Lobaczewski, Ph.D. "Ever since ancient times, philosophers and religious thinkers representing various attitudes in different cultures have been searching for the truth as regards moral values, attempting to find criteria for what is right, what constitutes good advice. They described the virtues of human character and suggested these be acquired. They created a heritage, which contains centuries of experience and reflections. In spite of the obvious differences among attitudes, the similarity or complementarity of the conclusions reached by famo... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Fremont, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
RAND Study: A U.S. - China War Will Be The Most Destructive War Since The Second World War
*Defense News:* *Analysis: RAND Says US Facing Tough Fight With China* TAIPEI — A new RAND report challenges the US military to rethink a war with China. The report examines US and Chinese military capabilities in 10 operational areas, producing a “scorecard” for each, from four years: 1996, 2003, 2010, and 2017. Each of the scorecards evaluates capabilities in the context of geography and distance, each of the scorecards evaluates capabilities in the context of two scenarios: a Taiwan invasion and a Spratly Islands campaign. These scenarios center on locations that lie roughly 160... more »
Free Trade 53, TPP "final push" this September + paper by Dr. Clarete
There are rush efforts this month to finally push a Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. Here are some few news reports, September 16-18, 2015. From the Globe and Mail: *An effort to land a massive Pacific Rim free trade agreement within weeks is under way, raising the prospect the wide-ranging Trans-Pacific Partnership could dominate the final stretch of the Canadian election campaign.* *The costs of entry to the Trans-Pacific Partnership could include exposing the Canadian auto parts sector, which employs 80,000 people, to far more foreign competition and eroding the pref... more »
"Of Sound Mind..."
“A man who is "of sound mind" is one who keeps the inner madman under lock and key.” - Paul Valéry, “Mauvaises Pensées et Autres”, 1942
The Poet: John O’Donohue, “For The Time Of Necessary Decision”
*“For The Time Of Necessary Decision”* “The mind of time is hard to read. We can never predict what it will bring, Nor even from all that is already gone Can we say what form it finally takes; For time gathers its moments secretly. Often we only know it’s time to change When a force has built inside the heart That leaves us uneasy as we are. Perhaps the work we do has lost its soul Or the love where we once belonged Calls nothing alive in us anymore. We drift through this gray, increasing nowhere Until we stand before a threshold we know We have to cross to come alive once more. May we ... more »
Jimi Hendrix: Remembrances
I was in college in the mid and late 1960s. College for me was mostly about getting high-- on drugs, liberation politics and music. As chairman of Stony Brook's Student Activities Board, I got to do all three. I invited Timothy Leary to come give a lecture, and he gave me some very pure LSD when I picked him up at the airport. I used it for my first acid trip. Recently I wrote about the experience of having Julian Bond and Strom Thurmond come out to the school as part of the same lecture series. As for music... I've written about it many times here at *DWT* over the years. I was ... more »
"We Deny..."
"We deny that we're tired, we deny that we're scared, we deny how badly we want to succeed. And most importantly, we deny that we're in denial. We only see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe, and it works. We lie to ourselves so much that after a while the lies start to seem like the truth. We deny so much that we can't recognize the truth right in front of our faces." - "Dr. Meredith Grey," "Grey's Anatomy"
“Avoiding Negative Vibrations: Taking on the Energy of Others”
*“Avoiding Negative Vibrations: **Taking on the Energy of Others”* by The DailyOm “In order to protect ourselves from taking on any negative energy from other people or situations we can learn to shield. There are times when you may find that being around certain individuals or groups of people leaves you with feelings of discomfort. It may be that spending time with a particular friend feels draining or that dealing with a specific coworker exhausts you. Being around toxic or angry people is also draining. And you may even find that being surrounded by a crowd of people lowers your... more »
The Syrian War Is About To Escalate Significantly
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Institute For The Study Of War:* *The Syrian war's trajectory could radically shift soon* The trajectory of the Syrian Civil War may fundamentally shift within the 90 day timeframe. Russia escalated its military assistance on behalf of the Syrian regime in early September 2015, deploying armored vehicles and hundreds of personnel to the Syrian Coast in preparation for the establishment of at least one forward air operations base. Rebel factions led by Syrian al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al- Nusra (JN) continue to pressure the regime’s stronghold along t... more »
She Said He Said
she said: U talk like a crossword puzle he said: Why dont you solve me
Stephen Harper, Prime Minister Moosehead
*Written by Grant G* Sweet, seductive and oh so feminine, eyes are the entrance way to one`s soul and as a man I find many female attributes appealing but nothing can compare to inner feelings brought on by a direct gaze into a woman`s eyes.. Stephen Harper`s reference to "*Old stock Canadians*" in itself would be an inert statement but in last night`s debate *it wasn`t, *Stephen Harper uttered those words when the debate moved into the refugee, refugee healthcare and niqab issue, and perhaps Canadians are making too big of a deal over the inappropriate comment *but I don`t thin... more »
For better reading: Libraries, not heavy phonics
Sent to The Australian, September 18 The Chief Executive Officer at the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority wants a concentration on phonics because of its importance in developing reading ability ("Phonics, faith and coding for primary school kids," September 19) This doesn't agree with what the research says. The research says that heavy, intensive phonics instruction does not lead to better performance on tests of reading comprehension, tests in which children have to understand what they read. The research says that those who read better are those who hav... more »
Hungary's Foreign Affairs Minister: 35 Million Migrants Heading To Europe
Migrants stand in front of a barrier at the border with Hungary near the village of Horgos, Serbia, September 16, 2015. REUTERS/MARKO DJURICA *Express*: *35 MILLION migrants heading to Europe, says Hungary as it builds second fence* SHOCK estimates predict up to 35 MILLION refugees could head for Europe due to hugely unstable situations across the world. The huge figure was revealed today by Hungary's minister for foreign affairs and trade Peter Szijjártó. Speaking as the country begins work on its second fence to stop migrants heading across its border he predicted the current cr... more »
Court Rules against ObamaCare Birth Control Mandate
[image: Court Rules Against ObamaCare Birth Control Mandate] A federal appeals court on Thursday ruled against ObamaCare's birth control mandate in a decision that could invite a Supreme Court review. The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that four Christian nonprofits should not have to comply with the... Continue reading *“Court Rules against ObamaCare Birth Control Mandate”* at *thehill.com*.
EU Migration Crisis -- September 18, 2015
*Washington Post:* *Asylum seekers confront rejection as Europe puts up roadblocks* BREGANA, Croatia — On a grim march through countries that do not want them, the tens of thousands of asylum seekers making their way across Europe again faced rejection Friday, as Croatia tried to funnel them into Hungary and Slovenian border guards barred entrance into their country. It was the latest upheaval for the men, women and children fleeing war and poverty after their once-straightforward path to the havens of Germany and Sweden was choked off this week when Hungary closed its borders. Fo... more »
Culture Watch: Have you ever wondered about the history of obituaries? Wonder no more!
*N. Joseph Woodland, inventor of the bar code, is seen here -- according to the NYT caption that accompanied his December 2012 obit -- "explaining his prototype scanner for products with bar codes."* *by Ken* Now and then you stumble across a piece that not only articulates a question you didn't even realize you had but proceeds to answer it, and perhaps even answer it as spectacularly well as Molly Birnbaum's "The Perpetually Dying Art of the Small-Town Obituary," another great find on the Atlas Obscura website. Actually, the head is much too limited. While Molly has fascinating ... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'Jarhead'
From *Wikipedia**:* Jarhead is a 2005 biographical drama military film based on U.S. Marine Anthony Swofford's 2003 memoir of the same name, directed by Sam Mendes, starring Jake Gyllenhaal as Swofford with Jamie Foxx, Peter Sarsgaard and Chris Cooper. The title comes from the slang term used to refer to United States Marines.
Tung Chen-yuan's presentation at SAIS on the upcoming Taiwan election
Here is a data-rich presentation on the upcoming election. 65 slides, posted with permission. Click on... _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 18, 2015
*Andrew Osborn, Reuters:* *Syrian army reversals spook Kremlin into hasty military build-up* MOSCOW (Reuters) - For Vladimir Putin, Russia's military build-up in Syria is a potential diplomatic trump card and a handy way of diverting attention from Ukraine's frozen conflict. But it was a panicky realization that the Syrian government was being turned over on the battlefield that tipped the Kremlin's hand. When it saw several months ago that Syrian government forces were retreating on several fronts at a rate that threatened President Bashar al-Assad, its closest Middle East ally,... more »
A Simple Idea for Better Health and Control of Your Emotions
*Anna Hunt *- Breathing practices may help you improve your health and have better control over your emotions and actions. The post A Simple Idea for Better Health and Control of Your Emotions appeared first on Waking Times.
Macleans Magazine Wakes Up
Thanks for finally noticing, Macleans. Better late than never I suppose but really, it's just too late to matter. The destruction has been completed. http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/vanishing-canada-why-were-all-losers-in-ottawas-war-on-data/
ANALYSIS: Is Economics Amoral?
[image: ANALYSIS: Is Economics Amoral?] Economist and theologian Paul Heyne once asked the question, "Are economists basically immoral?" He asked this because economists have a frustrating tendency to interrupt the high moral aspirations of others with complications about how, in the real world, life is... Continue reading *“ANALYSIS: Is Economics Amoral?”* at *acton.org*.
Eating This Homeade Probiotic Food Prevents Lethal Cancer
*Sayer Ji* - This food is one of your best allies in preventing cancer. The post Eating This Homeade Probiotic Food Prevents Lethal Cancer appeared first on Waking Times.
Her Name is ‘Bella': Authorities ID Boston’s ‘Baby Doe’
[image: Her Name is 'Bella': Authorities ID Boston's 'Baby Doe'] BOSTON (AP) -- A mother and her boyfriend are “blaming each other” for the death of a little girl whose body was found inside a trash bag on a Boston Harbor island this summer, a state official said Friday, after...more »
Pope Francis’ New Accessory is the Cross of a Beheaded Iraqi Priest
[image: Pope Francis with cross - Wikimedia] Pope Francis said Thursday that he wears around his neck a cross that once belonged to an Iraqi priest who was beheaded for his faith. Speaking to a convention of 5,000 young monks and nuns, he began his remarks by... more »
Debate Bounce: Carly Leaps to Lead in One-Day New Hampshire Poll
[image: Carly-Fiorina-CNN-GOP-debate - 400] Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is leading the GOP field in New Hampshire, a new poll finds. A Voter Gravity poll released Friday shows Fiorina with 22 percent support among Granite State GOP primary voters. She has a 4-point edge over her... Continue reading *“Debate Bounce: Carly Leaps to Lead in One-Day New Hampshire Poll”* at *thehill.com*.
Catholic Leaders Denounce White House for Inviting Pro-Abortion, Gay Rights Activists to Pope’s Reception
[image: Pope Francis Looking Down Praying - 400] Prominent Catholic leaders are denouncing the White House for inviting pro-abortion and gay rights activists to a reception honoring Pope Francis during the pontiff’s visit to Washington next week. The Wall Street Journal reported that "the Vatican has taken offense at the... Continue reading *“Catholic Leaders Denounce White House for Inviting Pro-Abortion, Gay Rights Activists to Pope’s Reception”* at *cnsnews.com*.
Obama Nominates First Openly Gay Army Secretary
[image: Eric Fanning - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is nominating longtime Pentagon official Eric Fanning to be the Army’s new secretary. If confirmed, Fanning would be the nation’s first openly gay leader of a military service. Obama says Fanning brings years of experience... more »
World News Briefs -- September 18, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Wall Street Journal:* *Russia Moves Its First Tactical Fighter Jets to Base in Syria* Move raises U.S. concerns Moscow will play direct role in helping Bashar al-Assad WASHINGTON—Russia has moved its first fighter jets to a growing base in Syria, defense officials said Friday, raising new concerns Moscow is preparing to play a direct role in helping embattled President Bashar al-Assad against Islamic State militants. Moscow’s military moves came as U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter spoke to his Russian counterpart about Russia’s deepening role in Syria, ending a long pause in h... more »
AP: Marines Seek to Keep Certain Combat Jobs Closed to Women
[image: U.S. Marines attached to Marine Wing Support Squadron 172, 7th Communication Battalion, III Marine Expeditionary Force Combat Camera and the Provost Marshal's Office conduct combat exercises at the Jungle Warfare Training Center (JWTC) on Camp Gonsalves, Okinawa, Japan, Aug. 21, 2009. JWTC training shows service members how to become effective war fighters in a jungle environment by teaching them land navigation, small unit leadership, patrolling and obstacle maneuvering. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Leon M. Branchaud/Released)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. officials say the c... more »
How dairy fats and coconut protect against type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes, in the etiology laid out by Professor Roy Taylor, is (in its usual form at any rate) a condition of fat accumulation in the pancreas, liver, and muscle cells, which causes insulin resistance, hyperinsulinaemia, hyperglucagonaemia, and a vicious cycle of glucotoxicity and lipotoxicity.[1] It is thus one of a constellation of associated lipid accumulation disorders connected with hyperinsulinaemia, the others including atherosclerosis, NAFLD, obesity. That these conditions are linked in some way was recognised as early as the 1880s by the great German physiologist ... more »
What If The Islamic State Wins?
*Landon Shroder, VICE News:* *What if the Islamic State Won?* More than 50 analysts at US Central Command have recently said that claims of the so-called Islamic State's weakness have been greatly exaggerated. If analysts' allegations are correct, maybe it's time to start asking the question everyone seems intent on avoiding: What happens if IS can't be defeated? Do we then have to acknowledge the possibility of an IS victory? We're not talking about a global "convert or die" type of victory that would see the world consumed by the apocalyptic ambitions of IS's megalomaniacal leade... more »
Was Trumpy Right About Carly Fiorina? Let's Look At That Face From A Planned Parenthood Perspective
Maybe when Trump looked at Fiorina's face and made the infamous and sexist remark, he wasn't talking about her being "ugly" per se, but about the twisted *inner* ugliness that was on display for the whole country during Wednesday night's CNN debate. DO LOOK AT THAT FACE-- it was twisted, contorted and misshapen in the same way Hitler's was when he was trying to manipulate large audiences. Fiorina was forcefully asserting that the blatant lies she was spouting were A Truth worth fighting for. And when sociopaths like Fiorina lie, they get intense as a mechanism for persuading lo-i... more »
Sept. 18: Let's start with China...
...because there isn't a whole lot to talk about in the Irving press. China is the biggest country in the world, and it's (maybe) on track to have the most economic power and, with that, the most political and military power in the world within decades. That being so, it's odd to see it so rarely even mentioned in the Irving press. We've had far more news of a new hockey rink than on something that could shake our earth to its foundations. So, where to start? Let's start with the word communism. Discussion of communism in China goes back well over a century. But it wasn't until the ... more »
Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Book Review
[image: Camosy book cover] Recently, after a too-expensive trip to the Strand bookstore on 12th Street, I was making my way to the subway when I noticed a protest going on two blocks away in Union Square Park. This is standard: Union Square is... Continue reading *“Beyond the Abortion Wars: A Book Review”* at *humanlifereview.com*.
Is The Islamic State 'Falling Apart'
Islamist fighters parading through the streets of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the ISIS empire *Daily Mail:** Is this the end of Isis? British special forces colonel claims devastating loss of land and troops thanks to air strikes and battles with Kurdish forces will lead to 'house of cards' falling down* * One British Colonel reportedly said ISIS are 'fragile' and in a 'poor position' * Brigadier added it was just a 'question of time' before jihadis were defeated * Kurdish fighter did not have 'a clue' before getting training from UK troops * Terrorist numbers said to have falle... more »
Ann Coulter, Do You Have a Problem With the Jews?
[image: Ann Coulter - 900] Dear Ann, You're obviously no stranger to controversy. To the contrary, you seem to thrive on controversy. In fact, you seem to enjoy provoking it. Yet your comments during Wednesday's presidential debate seemed over the top even for you, especially... more »
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