Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, Sept 5 to Sept 12, 2015"
*"Your Radiation This Week, Sept 5 to Sept 12, 2015"* By Bob Nichols "I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth." - Morpheus (San Francisco) September 12, 2015 – "Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Let’s get right to it. *All Radiation Counts reported are partial Counts. Uncounted types of radiation include Alpha, Beta, **Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. **Uncounted radiation, if added, makes the actual Count **higher and mor... more »
Opec Set to Gain Global Market Share in Setback to US Shale Oil
[image: opec] Oil output from non-Opec countries will shrink by its largest margin since the collapse of the Soviet Union next year, marking a victory for the Saudi-led squeeze on US shale oil producers. The International Energy Agency (IEA), the Paris-based energy... Continue reading *“Opec Set to Gain Global Market Share in Setback to US Shale Oil”* at *independent.co.uk*.
Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Jez
The scene some 60 years hence. A doddery and excessively wrinkled version of me gets up in a CLP meeting to drone on, *again*, about the time Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour left won the 2015 leadership election. But just what will that 90-something have to say for himself? Will he recount the triumph of a campaign well fought intersecting with an anti-politics seam that, for once, was successfully mined by the left? And then will the account of subsequent years be a tale of rough 'n' tumble times that led to a historic victory, or a historic defeat? I can't say what twists and turns t... more »
IPR and Innovation 25, Malaysia's IP Monetization strategy
There is a report this week about Malaysia's "IP Monetization" program as articulated by PM Najib Razak. From that news, *"We need to be competitive in our bid to become a high-income nation that is not dependent on traditional and physical resources but is based on new sources of wealth such as intellectual property.* *"To ensure the country's continued momentum in making intellectual property a new source of wealth, we have a responsibility to be more innovative and creative as well as to constantly create value added in order to come up with high-impact products and technologie... more »
STUDY: Researchers Urge Adults to Aim for Much Lower Blood Pressure
[image: blood pressure] Aggressive treatment of high blood pressure can sharply cut the risk of heart attacks, strokes and deaths in people 50 and older, according to a landmark federal study released Friday that urges doctors to bring their patients' blood pressure well... Continue reading *“STUDY: Researchers Urge Adults to Aim for Much Lower Blood Pressure”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Could Jeremy Corbyn's Massive Victory Today Presage A Similar Result For Bernie Sanders?
The long, long campaign for leader of the U.K.'s Labour Party is over, and the results weren't even close. England's Bernie Sanders, Jeremy Corbyn, won a landslide victory today, much to the chagrin of the discredited and failed Blairites and their allies in the media. The *New York Times*, a home of American neoliberal thought, fretted about a hard turn left. Imagine the Labour Party electing a socialist! Isn't that what it's always been intended to do-- or at least was until Tony Blair and New Labour came along from the Conservative wing of the Labour Party? "Corbyn’s success,"... more »
Who Told Walter Haut about the Debris Field?
Since this debate about the press release has gained a little traction here, I thought I’d add a few facts and perspective to see if we can’t reach some sort of a reasonable conclusion. We do have a great deal of information and while some of it is in dispute, there are aspects of it on which we all seem to agree. Given the testimony we have and the articles that appeared in the newspapers of Jesse Marcel, Sr.the time, it seems that Major Jesse Marcel, Sr. and Captain Sheridan Cavitt followed Mack Brazel out to the ranch sometime on Sunday July 6. Marcel, in his interview with Linda... more »
things i heard at the library: an occasional series: #18
As I've mentioned, my current library is located in a community centre. Here's an example of why that's so great. A customer came to the desk, an older man, speaking heavily accented English, clutching a piece of paper. It was difficult to figure out what he wanted. He kept repeating, "They said the library would help me. I have to apply online. They said the library would help." The paper turned out to be a Record of Employment. From my own experience, I know this is the first step in applying for Employment Insurance. Asking questions, I learned that he had worked as a machinist... more »
AK: *WHO WAS RUMI (the Arabic Sufi Poet)?* *DEAR ONE/AK/TERRAN THE ROLE OF RUMI THE ARABIC POET WAS PLAYED BY THE ONE KP. THAT IS A SURPRISE IS IT NOT? IN COMPLETE LOVE AND JOY AND GRATITUDE WE SEND YOU A GREAT WARM GREETING. END. NEPTUNE DATA COLLECTORS.* *And yes... I didn't expect that... but somehow it doesn't surprise me either. KP always has his mind on the higher energies... * *Then....* OMG! THE EYES AND NOSE IS NEARLY THE SAME! LOL!!!! No wonder Heather called us the "squad" that nobody could figure out... *Now....*
Sunday Religious Reflection
[image: Embedded image permalink] [Pic by Godless Utopia] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Ah!….but what of that wave of galactic light?
http://www.newearth.media/sachastone/ *Excerpted from the above eloquent posting by Sasha Stone..... * Ah!….but what of that wave of galactic light? It penetrates every atom, every quark, every lepton in our hologram……absolving the dark-seeds, the shadows and the legacy imprints of our limitless incarnations, provided we are standing in the perfect now, and open to that renewal. Provided we are meek enough to inherit the earth. The pure-truth of ‘human’ cosmogenesis is far more worthy of our attention and our awe than all the illusory horrors of the hour! Consider that in the fi... more »
Ukraine's Poroshenko Is An Idiot For Blaming Russia For The EU's Migrant Crisis
*Erdogan and Poroshenko have relied on genocidal religious terrorists in ISIS in their battles with their enemies.* It is hard not to respect and admire the Ukrainian movement for independence from Russia but its current leader is speaking nonsense and spewing baseless propaganda about the causes of the Syrian refugee crisis. You can't blame Russia for the Syrian refugee crisis without presenting any facts and evidence. NATO, Turkey, the EU, U.S, the Gulf monarchies, and Israel are more responsible for the Syrian refugee crisis than Russia. They are the ones who have been backing ... more »
Meanderings of the brain and no you can't get there from here
Guess I'm getting writer's block because I just can't think of much to write that I haven't beaten to death. The mass exodus from Syria Iraq and Afghanistan continues. It's expected that 1 million more people will flee before year's end. Little we can do about it as world governments poo poo about the issue. Funny how 60 years ago we were more than capable of dealing with things like this. Now it requires a blue ribbon panel to discuss the problem which will take months. And all the while not much more than another report of an air strike campaign. No mention of casualties unl... more »
Mind Control Programs Exposed – Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own
*Vic Bishop* - Neil Sanders and Steven Jacobson expose government sanctioned mind control programs. The post Mind Control Programs Exposed – Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own appeared first on Waking Times.
Ground rules
(h/t the ever-vigilant David Keighley of *News-watch *and *Conservative Woman*)... Parliament held a debate this week on matters European referendum related, and issues relating to BBC bias (naturally) arose. 'Shouldn't the BBC be obliged to be independently monitored during the forthcoming election?' some asked (including Bill Cash and John Redwood). Indeed, they then pushed for legislation to 'make it so' (as Captain Jean-Luc Dehaene of the Starship European Enterprise might have said). You can read the whole thing on Hansard (and it's surprisingly fascinating), but I'd jus... more »
#refugees welcome
BBC senior Newsgathering producer Tony Brown is on Twitter (aren't they all?), clearly marking himself as being 'BBC' on his Twitter feed: Tony has had a day off work today, but he hasn't been relaxing at home. No, he's been busy marching in London in 'solidarity' with 'refugees' - and (inevitably) he's been tweeting about it too: At this point in the story our old friend DB enters the frame, asking Tony a question: Tony responds (sensing some danger, I think): DB then quotes the BBC's own editorial guidelines at him: Tony, doubtless caught up in the heat of the moment,... more »
Do Schumer And AIPAC Want To Make An Example Of Jerry Nadler For His Iran Vote?
Jerry Nadler, hero of peace Although one Republican-- libertarian-leaning Thomas Massie (R-KY)-- abstained, all the rest of the House Republicans voted against the Iran nuclear deal. 86% of House Dems voted for it (162 out of 188)-- as had 91% of Senate Dems (42 of 46). Yesterday the House GOP warmongers were joined by 25 faithless Democrats, these 25 faithless Democrats: Brad Ashford (Blue Dog-NE) Brendan Boyle (PA) Tony Cárdenas (New Dem-CA) Ted Deutch (AIPAC-FL) Eliot Engel (AIPAC-NY) Lois Frankel (AIPAC-FL) Gwen Graham (Blue Dog-FL) Gene Green (TX) Alcee Hastings (FL) Steve Israel... more »
Supplemental: Rachel Maddow’s 6-year-old fan!
*SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2015Who else could sit through this program:* We’d call it a defining moment in the dumbing-down of the increasingly heinous and irresponsible Rachel Maddow Show. The devolution of this horrible show dates to at least the first week in May. Last night, the aggressive dumbing-down produced a defining moment. It came as a staffer announced Rachel’s guest for the Friday Night News Dump, the ridiculous, dumbbell weekly quiz which mainly exists to let the egomaniacal Maddow play videotape of herself from the week’s earlier programs. If you think *Trump* is na... more »
If Joe Biden Runs, Bernie Sanders Wins
[image: Bernie Sanders Joe Biden - 900] If Vice President Joe Biden announces he is running for president, the big winner, by far, will be Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Mr. Biden will take far more votes from Hillary Clinton than he would take from Mr. Sanders, who... Continue reading *“If Joe Biden Runs, Bernie Sanders Wins”* at *observer.com*.
The Path to Higher Frequency is Love and Joy
adapted from: https://goo.gl/e079lm
The Refugees: Distraction and Trojan Horse
With so much focus on the Syrian/Libyan/war torn Middle East Refugee and "Migrant" situation that is being spun by the media, it is vital to dig through the stories, the bullshit and the point out the lies and see the spin doctored agendas and the propaganda that has been designed to distract and deceive. I discussed some of this last week on Transpicuous News, and I've been talking about this on Facebook for the past week or so. The Distractions are blatant: Divide & Separate, using peoples personal, political and religious biases to perpetuate the agendas of those who are trying... more »
Non-tariff barriers in the ASEAN
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last September 10, 2015. *Trade between and among people is beautiful. What one does not need because he has surplus production, he can sell it and get those things he does not have but he needs, via purchase or via the old system of barter.* Countries and economies that trade more are more advanced, more developed compared to countries that are less friendly to more international trade. That is why free trade has become a known policy and advocacy in many countries for centuries now. Import tariff rates have been declining significantly, down ... more »
. http://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2015/09/12/mcgill-university-seized-by-kohtihontiakwenio/
Argentina: Pilgrims Shadowed by UFO?
*Source: La Gaceta (Salta, Argentina)http://www.lagacetasalta.com.ar/nota/30589/sociedad/ovni-acompana-peregrinos.htmlDate: 09.12.2015* *Argentina: Pilgrims Shadowed by UFO?* *The presence of a strange object was detected over the walkers of Mina Martillo.* Believe or bust? The fact is that the presence of an unidentified flying object (UFO) was detected in a photo of a group of pilgrims that was posted to the Facebook social network. The workers of Mina Martillo appear in the surprising image; over their heads can be seen a strange obejct, which was "not apparent" to the per...more »
WNU Editor's Note
I have a hundred and one chores to do right now .... and then some golf later this afternoon. Blogging will return later tonight.
How Many Americans Would Support A Military Coup In The U.S.?
*Millie Dent, Fiscal Times:* *A Military Coup in the U.S.? A Surprising Number of Americans Might Support One* Imagine you’re watching the evening news, kicking back after a long day in the cubicle. Suddenly a breaking news alert flashes across the screen: “Military Coup Overthrows the Government.” What would be your reaction? While most Americans say they can’t imagine supporting a takeover of the government by the armed forces, or least aren’t sure about it, a substantial number of people say they can imagine supporting the military in such a scenario. In a new survey by YouGov... more »
United Nations Inspectors Will Be Present With Iranian Technicians When They Take Parchin Military Site Samples
U.S. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang. REUTERS/JOE KLAMAR/POOL *Reuters:** Exclusive: Iran to take Parchin military site samples with IAEA present - diplomats* United Nations inspectors will be present with Iranian technicians as they take samples from a key military site, two Western diplomats said, undercutting an objection by U.S. Republicans t... more »
Weekend reads: Backstabbing; plagiarism irony; preprints to the rescue
The week at Retraction Watch featured a call for the retraction of a paper in NEJM, and a withdrawal of a paper because authors couldn’t pay the page charges. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Was this, from In Baby Attach Mode, a case of academic backstabbing? DrugMonkey’s not sure, and In Baby Attach Mode reflects […] The post Weekend reads: Backstabbing; plagiarism irony; preprints to the rescue appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Iran Announces It Has Discovered a Plentiful Uranium Reserve, and Will Soon Begin Extraction
[image: Map with Iran] Iran has discovered an unexpectedly high reserve of uranium and will soon begin extracting the radioactive element at a new mine, the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organisation said on Saturday. The comments cast doubt on previous assessments from some... Continue reading *“Iran Announces It Has Discovered a Plentiful Uranium Reserve, and Will Soon Begin Extraction”* at *reuters.com*.
Thinkingaboot Number 3: Peg Hockey Wives Relocation Package
Peg Hockey Wives Winnipeg Highlights Former Peg Hockey wives have gathered some pictures and talking points to welcome the former Thrasher wives and girlfriends, I have copies of both. Before you buy you can stay at our luxury hotel the Peg Oais, as you can see from the Antenna, there is AM in every room! For sure on a daily basis you will meet everyone at the Supercenter! For your intimate wear it does not get better than Victoria's Parkas! Driving at first will seem impossible, but there is a great public transit system! This is a typical luxury home, with two snowmobile garage(Lee... more »
Trump on Tonight Show: Will Apologize ‘If I’m Ever Wrong’
[image: Donald Trump2 - 900] NEW YORK (AP) -- Donald Trump clarified, sort of, a long-standing question about his personality during an appearance on Friday’s “Tonight Show.” Host Jimmy Fallon asked him, playfully, if the billionaire developer and GOP presidential front-runner has ever apologized for... more »
We need the U.S. Commission on International Religious Liberty
[image: A man holding a rosary with the U.S. flag as a backdrop is silhouetted in this photo illustration. The U.S. bishops' document "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship," seeks to provide a blueprint on how Catholic social teaching should affect political participation by Catholics. (CNS illustration/Mike Crupi, Catholic Courier) (Sept. 2, 2008)] Religious liberty is a scarce commodity in most of the world. In its 2015 annual report, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) says, "The horrors of the past year speak volumes about how and why religious... more »
5 Worrisome Back-To-School Numbers, and 1 Encouraging Number
[image: chalkboard questions school classroom education__1442061039_70.119.142.63] It's back to school time again, but before you start helping your kids out with their math homework, let's look at some numbers that may be easier to digest -- but difficult to believe: 53,000: Number of students in Seattle... more »
Britain's Labour Party Has Elected Jeremy Corbyn As Their New Leader
*BBC:* *Jeremy Corbyn wins Labour leadership contest* Veteran left-wing MP Jeremy Corbyn has been elected leader of the Labour Party by a landslide. Mr Corbyn, who began the contest as a rank outsider, saw off a challenge from frontbenchers Andy Burnham, Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall. He gained 251,417 or 59.5% of first preference votes - his nearest rival, Mr Burnham, got 19%. Ms Cooper was third on 17% and Ms Kendall a distant fourth with 4.5% of the vote. *WNU Editor*: Britain's Labour Party has elected as their new leader a candidate who is anti-monarchy, anti-austerity a de...more »
Does She Have Her Own Room?
http://www.cbc.ca/ Chris Alexander is only the latest Harper attack dog to be sent back to his kennel. Rick Salutin writes that there have been many of them: The parade of Tory attack dogs has been long and luminous. It's how John Baird and Jason Kenney got their Ottawa start, fangs ever-bared. You thought it came naturally to them but as they moved up, they grew less vicious and slid out of the role while others arrived: Joe Oliver, implying environmentalists are terrorists, yet never quite at ease in the part; Julian Fantin... more »
How Will The Republican Establishment Get Rid Of Trump When They No Longer Need Him To Get People To Pay Attention To Their Primary Race?
If Trumpy falters, there's worse waiting in the wings The GOP establishment is drooling over Jeb's tax plan to enrich the very rich, and they are horrified by Trump's nod toward economic populism. Derailing Trump's campaign-- rather than waiting for him to self-destruct-- is becoming more and more of an establishment obsession. Third-rate GOP media consultant Liz Mair, recently fired by the flailing Scott Walker campaign, tries telling them how to do it. Her advise to the Deep Bench: *•* Focus on moving an anti-Trump message to where low-information voters actually get their infor... more »
*Lessons for Taxpayers from Record Low SAT Scores* Nearly 1.7 million high school students took the SAT college aptitude exam this year—a record high. But the good news appears to stop there. According to Bloomberg Business: Students in the high school class of 2015 turned in the lowest critical reading score on the SAT college entrance exam in more than 40 years, with all three sections declining from the previous year [math, writing, and science]. The SAT reports on the percentages of students earning College Readiness Benchmark scores, indicators suggesting a strong likelihood... more »
Former Israeli Defense Minister on Iran Nuclear Deal: ‘There Will Be Bloodshed'
*Photo:* Former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Arens. Photo: Wikipedia. *Algemeiner*: Former Israeli Defense Minister on Iran Nuclear Deal: ‘There Will Be Bloodshed, But Israel Is Strong’ (INTERVIEW) “Israel has been, and should be, operating under the assumption that Iran is going for and will probably acquire nuclear weaponry; there’s no doubt in my mind that this is what is happening,” former Israeli defense minister Moshe Arens told The Algemeiner on Wednesday, following the Obama administration’s securing of the support it needed to prevent a veto override in Congress over the... more »
Here Are 7 Pressing Crisis In The Middle East
*Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post:* *7 Middle East crises that are a bigger problem than Iran’s nuclear program* The Obama administration secured vital support for the Iran deal this week, after it emerged that at least 42 senators endorsed the proposed agreement, announced in July in Vienna at a summit between Iran and world powers. The White House likely won't have to veto a congressional bill aimed against it, meaning the pact's smooth passage is now more or less a fait accompli. That, of course, doesn't mean the rancorous debate over the rights and wrongs of the deal will end. T... more »
Musical Interlude: Supertramp, “The Logical Song”
Supertramp, “The Logical Song” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh3Kk5tZSmo
NYC Judge Delivers Massive Victory to Uber
[image: Uber__1442058936_70.119.142.63] Uber and other ride-sharing platforms have been handed a major victory after Queens Supreme Court Justice Allan Weiss threw out a legal challenge to ride-sharing companies' freedom to be hailed from apps. Four credit unions with significant financial interests in... more »
California Will Give Free High School Diplomas to Kids Who Flunked Out
[image: high school exit exam__1442056965_70.119.142.63] The state of California is poised to award thousands of high school degrees to dropouts by passing a new law retroactively removing the requirement to pass a high school exit exam. The California High School Exit Exam (CASHEE) was created in 2004,... more »
The Lessons from Solyndra Still Haven’t Been Learned
[image: solyndra__1442059889_70.119.142.63] In a letter to Department of Energy Secretary Ernie Moniz this week, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology expressed concern over the use of $1 billion in new energy project loan guarantees promised by President Obama at last... more »
That TSA-Approved Lock on Your Suitcase Just Got Hacked
[image: TSA agent - 400] It’s a basic fact of life that once you publish something on the Internet, it’s pretty much impossible to get it back. Now illustrating that point with painful clarity, images of the TSA’s master luggage keys have been published online,... Continue reading *“That TSA-Approved Lock on Your Suitcase Just Got Hacked”* at *pcworld.com*.
*First pick your glacier* *Sarah Palin pointed out that Obama had picked out one of the Alaskan glaciers that seem to be shrinking while ignoring others that are growing. The story below is a reply to that.In the reply, however, they made a crucial and damaging admission: Glacier mass is primarily a function of precipiation (snowfall, mainly) rather than of changes in air temperature. So much so that glaciers can in fact GROW amid a warming climate. That makes their chart below doubly amusing. It shows that glaciers have overall been losing mass right up to the present t... more »
Eyewitnesses Are Declaring That Syrian Toddler Aylan's Father Was Working With Smugglers And It Was He Who Drove The Capsized Boat
Turkish police officer carries the body of Aylan Kurdiwho drowned off the coast of BodrumNilufer Demir/Reuters *Reuters:* *Syrian toddler Aylan's father drove capsized boat, other passengers say* The father of drowned Syrian toddler Aylan Kurdi was working with smugglers and driving the flimsy boat that capsized trying to reach Greece, other passengers on board said, in an account that disputes the version he gave last week. Ahmed Hadi Jawwad and his wife, Iraqis who lost their 11-year-old daughter and 9-year-old son in the crossing, told Reuters that Abdullah Kurdi panicked and ... more »
Man Questioned Concerning Series of Mysterious Phoenix Freeway Shootings
[image: Phoenix Freeway shooting 2015-09-12 at 6.40.07 AM copy] Authorities on Friday questioned 19-year-old Oscar De La Torre Munoz in a string of freeway shootings over the past two weeks that have rattled Phoenix and led to a massive search for suspects. Arizona Department of Public Safety spokesman Bart... Continue reading *“Man Questioned Concerning Series of Mysterious Phoenix Freeway Shootings”* at *fox10phoenix.com*.
Obama Warns Russia against Helping Arm Syrian Government
[image: President Barack Obama Worldwide Troop Talk Military__1442055976_70.119.142.63] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama warned Russia Friday against doubling down on its support for Syrian President Bashar Assad, casting a recent buildup of Russian military equipment and personnel in Syria as an effort to prop up the embattled... more »
Poll: Unionized Workers Less Likely to be Happy with Work
[image: union workers unhappy Gallup poll__1442058033_70.119.142.63] According to a Gallup poll released Friday, nonunion workers are far more likely then unionized workers to be content with safety and recognition at work. "Employed Americans who report being members of labor unions are significantly less likely than nonunion... more »
Crowds of ordinary BBC reporters applauded them, saying 'Welcome to Germany!'
I don't know whether you saw BBC Germany correspondent Jenny's Hill reporting of the applause that greeted migrants as they arrived in Munich. I missed it at the time, but here it is on *YouTube*: The joyous tone of her reporting is one thing, but her - twice - joining the German crowd and shouting "Welcome to Germany!" herself is something else. If you're watching closely you'll notice that the overwhelming majority of them (by the looks of it getting on for 90%) are young men. The BBC crew does zoom in though for a couple of close-ups:
California Lawmakers Approve Right-To-Die Legislation
[image: California Lawmakers Approve Right-to-Die Legislation] SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- California lawmakers gave final approval Friday to a bill that would allow terminally ill patients to legally end their lives. The measure faces an uncertain future with Gov. Jerry Brown, a former Jesuit seminarian who has... more »
National Socialist Golden Dawn Party Exploits Darker Side of Greece’s Discontent
[image: Greece - 400] THERMOPYLAE, Greece (Reuters) – Flaming torches raised, far-right Golden Dawn supporters dressed in black chanted the Greek national anthem as darkness fell on Thermopylae, where King Leonidas and 300 Spartans defied a vast Persian army in 480 BC. Standing before... Continue reading *“National Socialist Golden Dawn Party Exploits Darker Side of Greece’s Discontent”* at *reuters.com*.
Migrants may be the "glue" of the new Europe
*Ex-president Václav Klaus' op-ed in MF DNES, September 11th, 2015, CZ* *Trivialization of the threats of migration by the deluded Europeists* Much like its pan-European counterpart, the Czech debate about the currently increasing mass (i.e. collective, not individual) migration wave – a debate based on the word "refugee", instead of the word "migrant" or, even more precisely, "an economic migrant" – lacks trustworthiness, it's misleading, and its excessive political correctness makes it suicidal. The social sciences are telling us (in a rare consensus with the common sense) that a ... more »
Beyond reporting
BBC reporters appear to be crossing the line between reporting and advocating policy policies with ever more frequency at the moment. Not content with painting a dismal scene of conditions at a migrant site in Hungary on this morning's *Today* programme, the BBC's Anna Holligan ended with a clear personal opinion: At the moment the Hungarian government's response seems to be to increase the law and order as opposed to the humanitarian aid - which, just looking around this site, is just what these people need right now.
YouTube if you want to
Here are a couple of *YouTube *videos that are well worth watching. The first, *Callers challenge BBC presenter over biased coverage of migrant crisis*, is a selection of calls to BBC 5 Live presenter Stephen Nolan over a couple of nights earlier this month. At the start Stephen dishes it out with a vengeance but towards the end the tables are well and truly turned as listeners call him out on his behaviour. He isn't happy, and I think it's fair to say he dishes it out a lot better than he takes it! The second, *INTERVIEW: Ex-EDL Leader Tommy Robinson interviewed by Breitbart Lon... more »
Corbyn scrapes in
FFS, BBC is covering #LabourLeadership result live on @BBCNewsChannel, @BBCTwo, @BBCRadio4 & @bbc5live. — DB (@4d2b) September 12, 2015 And, comrades, the results are as follows: *#crikey!*
Updated: SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #90SaLuSa Is not From Sirius, He's British!
[9/11/15, 7:57:21 PM] DENICE: hmmm. just got an interesting hit when I was reading this: http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/09/11/salusa-via-mike-quinsey-september-11-2015/ [9/11/15, 7:57:43 PM] DENICE: SaLuSa is not from "sirius" it seems. :) [9/11/15, at 8:46 PM] AK/Bill/Terran wrote: Did we ever ask who SALUSA was? [9/11/15, at 8:47 PM] AK/Bill/Terran wrote: "SHELVES"??? Where'd he *[Mike]* get that term? [9/11/15, 8:47:06 PM] DENICE: no never asked about SaLuSa [9/11/15, 8:47:14 PM] AK/Bill/Terran: Ask them. [9/11/15, 8:47:18 PM] AK/Bill/Terran: in a free moment [9/11/15, 8:47... more »
UK progressive 'comedians' and UKIP
I've commented on the left-wing bias of the BBC's 'comedians' before, here Pat Condell nails it... Jeremy Hardy, Mark Steel, Rufus Hound should take note but they're more likely to carry on with their 'progressive bigotry'.
Philly Gets Ready for the Pope
[image: USA, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia cityscape and Delaware River] “He’s accessible.” Lizanne Pando and I are talking about the World Meeting of Families soon to be held in Philadelphia -- Pope Francis’ reason for coming in the United States later this month -- and she can’t help but talk... more »
Labour Leadership Election Results
1st round BURNHAM, Andy 80,462 19.0% COOPER, Yvette 71,928 17.0% CORBYN, Jeremy 251,417 59.5% KENDALL, Liz 18,857 4.5% Jeremy Corbyn wins outright TOTAL CAST 422,664 votes, 207 spoiled ballots
Labour Deputy Leadership Election Results
Results 1st stage BRADSHAW, Ben 39,080 9.6% CREASY, Stella 78,100 19.1% EAGLE, Angela 66,013 16.2% FLINT, Caroline 64,225 15.8% WATSON, Tom 160,852 39.4% Results 2nd stage CREASY, Stella 86,555 21.4% EAGLE, Angela 72,517 17.9% FLINT, Caroline 74,581 18.4% WATSON, Tom 170,589 42.2% Results 3rd stage CREASY, Stella 103,746 26.4% FLINT, Caroline 89,538 22.8% WATSON, Tom 198,962 50.7% Tom Watson elected TOTAL CAST 408,470 votes, 374 spoiled ballots
Morning Alert ( September 12 , 2015 ) - First Look At The Major Items Of The Day ............ Global Refugee Situation ( Discussion , Analysis , Search For Solutions ) ........ Greece ( Recent Polling Ahead Of September 20th Snap Election , Greece Domestic Politics , International Politics Touching Upon Greece , MSCI Relegates Greece From Developed To Advanced Emerging ) ...... Broader Europe ( News and Views Touching Upon Spain , UK Labor Leadership Result , Ukraine )
Morning Tweets...... Refugee Crisis ........ *SPIEGEL English* @SPIEGEL_English 9m 9 minutes ago The Breaking Point? Germany's Asylum System Struggles to Cope http:// spon.de/aezYI via @DerSPIEGEL *Analyze Greece!* @analyzeGreece 8m 8 minutes ago Today is the day everyone! #RefugeesWelcome European Day of Action http:// fb.me/2nWMPp49S @EuropeSaysOxi [image: Embedded image permalink] *Gesine Heller* @dh_a_heller 6m 6 minutes ago There's still no solution to the real cause of the *refugee* *crisis* http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/55f044ace4b03784e... more »
Don’t Let a Pit Become a Grave
[image: Despair and the pits] JAMES ROBISON -- In her bestselling book Get Out of the Pit, Beth Moore says, "You can fall into a pit, you can be thrown in a pit, or you can jump into the pit!" Have your foolish choices or actions... more »
Free Planet - Cowspiracy - the film that environmental organizations don't want you to see!
*is cattle farming the real villain of planetary devastation?* *"The film that environmental organizations don't want you to see!!"* that's the hyper-controversial splashline on the official website of Kip Anderson and Keegan Kuhn's new documentary about GM2 or the Global Meat Mafia COWSPIRACY. 660 gallons of fresh water per beef burger patty. Go back and read that statistic again, SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY GALLONS of fresh water to make the meat in one hamburger patty. And that's just the starting point of this amazing documentary about the GM2 or Global Meat Mafia, and it's lovely wa... more »
Going ballistic: Russia sends missiles to Syria, report claims
[image: Dmitri Donskoy (TK-208)]The world's largest submarine, the Dmitri Donskoy (TK-208), equipped with 20 Bulava (NATO-code SS-N-30) intercontinental ballistic missiles with an estimated up to 200 nuclear warheads, is expected to reach Syrian shores during the week of Sept. 14, Israel-based DEBKAfile reported on Monday. The submarine, carrying missiles with a range of 10,000 kilometers is being escorted by two anti-sub warfare ships. According to the report, introducing nuclear weapons in Syria would bolster the Assad regime's military capabilities during an air and sea confront... more »
Russia will start delivering Yak-130 aircraft to Bangladesh in a week
[image: Yak-130 Mitten]Russia will deliver the first batch of Yakovlev Yak-130 combat trainer aircraft (NATO reporting name Mitten) to Bangladesh on September 17, Rostec Director General Sergei Chemezov said on Friday. "The shipping of the first Yak-130 consignment to Bangladesh will start on September 17, with six aircraft out of the 16 ordered planes to be delivered," Chemezov said. Bangladesh is the second foreign country beyond former Soviet states to order the Yak-130 combat trainer. Algeria had received 16 of the type before it. At first, Bangladesh wanted 24 Yak-130s, but had... more »
Russia in talks with India to supply new T-90MS battle tanks
[image: T-90 MBT]Russia is in talks with India about the possibility of concluding a contract to supply the latest Russian T-90MS battle tanks, a representative of Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) machine building company said Friday. “Negotiations are underway on the possibility of signing a new contract with new conditions, to supply India with T-90MS,” the representative told Russian agency RIA Novosti. India is a top importer of Russian weapons. There is currently a contract in place between Moscow and New Delhi for the licensed production of T-90S tanks in India. Russia’s military partnersh... more »
Italy, Kuwait Agree Eurofighter Typhoon Combat Jet Sale
[image: Eurofighter Typhoon]The Italian and Kuwaiti governments have struck an agreement over the sale of 28 Eurofighter Typhoon combat jets, as the Middle East country seeks to follow neighbors in modernizing its air force, the plane maker said Friday. “We are delighted to welcome Kuwait as the newest member of our Eurofighter Typhoon family,” said Alberto Gutierrez, chief executive of the Eurofighter consortium. The deal, involving the newest version of the Typhoon jet, would comprise 22 single-side jets and six dual-seat planes, a Eurofighter official said. Read more
RAF intercept Russian planes off coast again
[image: RAF Eurofighter Typhoon and Tu-95 Bear]RAF fighters intercepted Russian planes off the UK coast, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed. RAF Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) fighter aircraft scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland yesterday to meet two Russian aircraft. The Typhoon pilots visually identified the two Russian aircraft over the North Sea and escorted them out of UK air space. Read more
Russia to build largest and super powerful destroyer since 1989
[image: Leader class DDG]In the near future, the Russian Navy may receive a large and powerful destroyer. The main objective of such a vessel will be to create an "umbrella" above the sea. The project of the Russian destroyer is known as the "Leader" (Project 23560). According to experts' estimates, it will be the largest, most expensive and state-of-the-art Russian vessel since 1989. During the times of WWI and WWII, destroyers were not used to attack enemy fleet. Destroyers proved to be universal vessels instead. Read more
Russia agrees to beef up notices to Norway about nuclear incidents
[image: K-159 November class SSN]Amid escalating tensions between East as West, Norway and Russia will next week sign a long desired agreement to jointly notify one another of nuclear accidents, Norway’s Foreign Minister Børge Brende said. Norway and Russia are expected to sign off on the notification procedures on September 15 at sideline meetings at a General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna. The agreement will also accommodate observation of large-scale nuclear naval exercises, Brende said. Read more
$70bn defence boost builds sea defences
[image: RAAF F-35 Lightning II]Australia’s new defence blueprint will commit more than $70 billion to create the most powerful navy in Australia’s history — including eight new submarines and 12 new warships — but will come at a cost to the army, which will have fewer armoured vehicles for future operations. The heavy emphasis on maritime power ahead of land forces in the forthcoming defence white paper reflects ongoing concern about the pace and scale of China’s growing naval capabilities, although the document is not expected to concede publicly that there is a connection. The d... more »
Goldman Sachs Is Projecting Oil At A Price Of $20 Per Barrel
*CNN*: *Goldman Sachs: Oil could hit $20* London (CNNMoney) — Forget $40 a barrel oil. Prices could plummet to $20 as a massive supply glut persists until the end of next year. That's the view of Goldman Sachs, which published an oil report Friday headlined "Lower for even longer." The bank's commodities team slashed its forecast for average prices in 2016 to $45 per barrel from $57, but said the risks of a collapse to $20 were growing. Here's why. *WNU Editor*: If true .... the impact on every oil producing country will be devastating. *More News On Goldman Sachs Projecting O... more »
Confirmed: Brazilian Navy Have Purchased Former French Navy Foudre class LPD Siroco
[image: FS Siroco (L9012)]The Brazilian Navy confirmed on September 9 2015 the purchase of former French Navy Foudre class LPD Siroco. The amphibious vessel will be renamed Bahia with hull number G40 and classified as “Navio Doca Multipropósito” or multipurpose amphibious vessel. The Siroco is the second Foudre class LPD. Head of class Foudre was sold to Chile in late 2011. The Siroco was decommissioned from French Navy service in July 2015. Launched in 1996, the vessel is still relatively recent and modern. Read more
President Obama Warns Russia To Not Arm The Syrian Government. Blames Putin For The Crisis
U.S. President Barack Obama departs to travel to a town hall meeting with service members at Fort Meade, from the White House in Washington Sept. 11, 2015. (Reuters) *Washington Times*: *Obama: Putin largely to blame for Syrian crisis, says Russian strategy is ‘doomed to failure’* President Obama said Friday that he warned his Russian counterpart years ago that continuing to back Bashar Assad’s Syrian regime would destabilize the region and lead to the kind of chaos and humanitarian crises now unfolding. At a town-hall meeting at Fort Meade in Maryland, Mr. Obama recalled a conve... more »
Military Photo of the Day: September 12, 2015
[image: Soldiers in Germany-900] U.S. Army soldiers line up in Grafenwoehr, Germany, on Sept. 3, 2015. Thank you to every American who is spending this weekend serving our nation overseas. We are eternally grateful to you and your families!
The Islamic State Is More Popular Among Americans Than Al Qaeda
*Katie Zavadski, Daily Beast: **The United States of ISIS: More Popular Than Al Qaeda Ever Was* Fourteen years after the war on terror began, the Islamic State has drawn more Americans to its cause than its predecessor. In April, a 16-year-old in South Carolina was charged with illegal weapons possession in family court, but this was no routine gun case. Prosecutors claimed the Syrian-American teen planned to shoot up a U.S. Army base for ISIS. He and an older man allegedly planned to move to Syria and continue fighting for ISIS there. Police said they found an ISIS flag in the te... more »
"Usual disclaimers"
More shenanigans on Twitter, I'm afraid.... Former Tory MP Louise Mensch tweeted the following a few hours ago: As she somewhat clipped the top of the 'disgusting' tweet, here it is again showing when it was posted: Esra Doğramacı (who I think Louise Mensch misdescribed as a 'BBC America journalist') appears to have now deleted it and, shortly after, 'protected' her tweets. This is the sort of thing the world *had *been able to see until a few minutes ago (just after I screengrabbed them): And can you guess which country this one related to?:
Leonard Peltier on His 71st Birthday
Leonard counts on supporters like you! Make a Donation Online / Pledge to Donate Monthly Mail donations to ILPDC, PO Box 24, Hillsboro, OR 971 September 12, 2015 Greetings everyone, Well, today is another b-day for me — my 71st. I had hoped I would not be here at this age, but that's not to be. So, I have to take a
Expect More Tyranny and Thus More Kim Davises
[image: Kim Davis Mugshot Tyranny More - 900] Why do so many who castigate Kim Davis for flouting the law routinely cheer on President Obama for actions far more lawless and consequential? Why are those demonizing the Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk so indifferent to the Supreme Court’s rank... more »
U.S. Worries About Terrorism And Islamic Fundamentalism Are Increasing
Fifty-five percent of Americans say fundamentalist Islam is a critical threat. That's the highest percentage since after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. (Chicago Council on Global Affairs) *Al.com*: *Americans' worries over Islamic fundamentalism reaches highest point since 9/11* Worries over fundamentalist Islam has reached its highest point since shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, according to a survey released Tuesday by the Chicago Council on Public Affairs. The rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, is fueling the concern, the poll found. More than half – 55... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, "Starwalkers"
2002, "Starwalkers" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SovcBYRFIxw
Senate Candidates Who Can Save The Democratic Party From Schumerization
As "journalists" go, Josh Kraushaar is certainly well-known as a major Beltway asshole, but his headline writer at *National Journal* did a piss-poor job on a relatively (for him) decent article, despite a few ridiculous assertions on his part that his readers have come to expect. The head is Democrats' Identity Crisis." The subhead is better, though: "In a normal year, Democrats would clear the field for their favored candidates. But this year, some unconventional candidates are taking on their party establishment." When Schumer isn't trying to recruit a state legislator in New Y... more »
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