U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan have been given orders to ignore the sexual abuse and rape of young boys by Afghan police, a new report says.

Sarah Lazare: The Saudi Arabian government is unleashing a vigorous diplomatic campaign to block a United Nations proposal for a human rights investigation into the country’s six-month-old military assault on Yemen—waged with the backing of international powers including the United States.
( Once upon a day it was considered more important to think God...believed in us. But it looks like being a 'Believer'* isn't safe either. )
360's photo

U.S. Air Force Requires Airmen to Praise Troubled Stealth Fighter
Public affairs guidance demands F-35 plaudits
Robert Reich
Several of you tell me our movie "Inequality for All" is up on YouTube, free of charge (click below). Please share before it's taken down!

Harper has been neglecting veterans for a decade. We have called for our pensions back, Harper has refused.
Veterans asked for their service offices to be re-opened, Harper said he couldn't afford it. Then he blew $4 million on advertisements bragging about his treatment of vets.
When you vote on Monday October 19th remember us. Vote to support our veterans and defeat #Harper.
Is that REALLY what we want?
My students at Berkeley – like students I meet all over the country – tell me they don’t watch television anymore, and few listen to the radio. Instead, they watch YouTube, Facebook, Netflix, and iTunes, and they listen to podcasts and their favorite songs. What does this have to with American politics? Everything. Because most of the big bucks politicians raise goes into television and radio. But as far as young voters go, this is money down a hole.
Other Americans are catching on from their kids and even grandkids – unplugging themselves from cable and getting on to social media. It's having a huge effect on American politics.
It may explain why Bernie Sanders is surging even though he hasn’t raised a huge amount of money. He’s surging on social media. In late August he took the lead on Facebook likes, according to data obtained by Quintly, a social media analytics firm. Apparently the turnaround occurred Saturday August 22, when his campaign began the day with 1,197,290 likes while Hillary Clinton began with 1,199,797. By the end of that day, Bernie had 1,218,879 to Hillary’s 1,205,437. Since then, his lead has increased substantially.
Facebook "likes" is obviously a crude way of measuring social media’s impact, but I continue to be surprised at how many people – not just young people but, increasingly, middle aged and older – tell me they get their political news (and views) from social media. That’s the epicenter of Bernie’s campaign.
What do you think?
"By leveraging his fans’ enthusiasm and engagement, Sanders is able to circumvent one of Clinton’s biggest strengths: her advertisement budget."
The #GOP has become a the #Enemy within. A very #Criminal organization.#WakeUpAmerica #Seriously
( In '93 I practiced 'strategic voting.' The Lie-berals destroyed the Cons as a political party, took the election platform that was completely trashed at the polls...and made it policy. )
Jaeme Lee Grosvenor's photo.

“Every kind of resource extraction is an act of domination and control and is a statement that says the way of life we have created for ourselves—the shiny, fast moving, plastic way of life—is more important than life itself.“
—Sam Leah, Deep Green Resistance
—Sam Leah, Deep Green Resistance
The Alberta Tar Sands nightmare is the size of the state of Florida.
Stephen Harper's Canada voted AGAINST declaring access to water a basic human right. If we consider that without access to water, people die, that's pretty much the same as the Harper government declaring that the ability to stay alive isn't a human right.
Harper's Canada is also opposed to fighting global drought, the first and only country to do so. What a wonderful way to make us stand out on the global stage, by declaring that we don't care whatsoever about a major crisis facing every continent on the entire planet.
Why? What possible benefit is there to gain from doing such monstrous things? Is it simply that if they declared water a right, the Supreme Court might step in about selling Canada's water to foreign corporations as global water scarcity grows and public awareness increases? The way Canada sells Nestle Canadian fresh water at $2.25 for a million litres only to sell back what was ours for more than a million percent profit seems insane.
Canadians expect their government to protect our nation's natural heritage, as well as preserving our most basic needs, like fresh water. What nearly a decade of Harper rule has left us with is responsible government in name only, quite willing to see those crucial resources degraded forever, with only a thin facade of false labels to pretend to the nation that our birthright is being protected. This cannot stand. Canadians cannot drink the words "clean water," we can only drink the real stuff. Ask your Conservative candidate why our government doesn't value that distinction.
25% of Canadian communities experienced water shortages during the latter half of the 1990s.
Canada's baffling and horrific stance on water is one of many urgent foreign affairs issues that should be discussed at the upcoming Munk Debate, but won't.
Opinion: "The self-proclaimed prophets of New Atheism - the loudest Islamophobic ideology of our time, competing with neo-Nazis for attention, would not let go."
Hamid Dabashi, Hagop Kevorkian Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in New York, writes for Al Jazeera.
The UN Releases Plan to Push for Worldwide Internet Censorship
At one point toward the end of the paper, the U.N. panel concludes that “political and governmental bodies need to use their licensing prerogative” to better protect human and women’s rights, only granting licenses to “those Telecoms and search engines” that “supervise content and its dissemination.”
VW Owners Aren’t Going to Like the Fixes for Their Diesels
“We have got groups here in town, members of the House and Senate here in town who whip people into a frenzy* believing they can accomplish things that they know, they know are never going to happen.”
* That sounds familiar. Have you ever seen a plan to 'combat climate change' that was specific about ways and means ? I mean, of course, a detailed analysis of the problem and layout of how actions to be taken will affect the train of events. Didn't think so. So who is it that is making 'prophecy' ? Uh-huh.
I've said it before.If there was a serious drive to act, there would be planning similar in kind to that laid out - as a preliminary sketch - to that which appeared in The Ecosphere Nov. 2006
Sustainability, energy independence and agricultural policy
Is there real momentum building toward the climate talks in Paris later this year -- as The New York Times argues after Brazil makes its ambitious climate pledge -- or just another setup for acrimony and failure?
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