It turns out that some people think cholesterol is not the silent killer that results in heart disease. An evaluation of the original studies that brought forth the theory that cholesterol is connected to heart disease will show that the an [...]
The key to understanding the 2016 election is American's indignation about what the establishment has done and failed to do. Trump’s indignation is aimed squarely at the Republican establishment; Bernie’s at the Democratic establishment. That’s why both are surging.
But the crucial difference is Trump’s answer is authoritarianism – a strongman who “knows how to deal” and “will deliver” -- while Bernie’s answer is a progressive movement that strengthens democracy and will countervail the moneyed interests.
It is not a new battle. The biggest political contest over the last three centuries of world history has been between authoritarianism and democracy. The central battle over the next 15 months in the United States could be the same.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz continued a years-long effort by Democrats to link Republicans to the idea of “privatizing” Social Security.
For years, Democrats have been twisting Republicans’ positions to claim they want to “privatize” Social Security and risk your retirement on the stock market. The latest distortion: Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman...
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has called out the IRS for supposedly targeting right wing groups looking to gain non-profit status. The IRS has admitted to laying on extra scrutiny where tea party groups were concerned and only stopped wh
These are the results of an independent investigation into GNN by about four former site members, including myself. It was originally posted at GNN itself, but I’m re-posting it here because it needs a new home in light of my decision to delete my..
My primary thesis is this: Guerrilla News Network is an American Intelligence disinfo operation designed to attract young political dissidents, draw them into the community, document their beliefs, and moderate their opinions. This thesis is not merely a hunch of mine, and I will now delve into the primary evidence which suggests collusion between GNN and the American intelligence community.
In a recent survey, American law enforcement officials agreed with what we've been saying for a while now: that domestic extremists like the Sovereign Citizens – not Islamic extremists – pose the greatest threat to US national security.
Officials were presented with a list of radical groups and asked to rate, on a scale of 1 to 4, how much they agreed that this group posed a terrorist threat to the US.

There was a mis-step in the planning of the Boston marathon incident and the memorial page was created before the bombing happened. [...]
Humans no longer “own” their own genes. The more than 40,000 patents on DNA molecules have allowed companies to essentially claim the entire human genome for profit, report two researchers. Their study, published March 25 in the journal Genome M [...]
When the federal government shredded Canada’s environmental legal safety net it left us vulnerable to the escalating impacts of climate change, irresponsible resource development and the erosion of democracy. Canada do better. This
#elxn2015, be part of the solution.
This election, I will vote for the candidate and party most likely to rebuild and strengthen Canada’s environmental laws in order to safeguard our health, climate, nature and democracy. I believe that rebuilding our environmental safety...
They willfully refuse to get it. Our outrage over water pollution by tar sands exploitation to produce uneconomic dirty tar, pipeline degradation and other schemes ( and the overturning of water protection rights ) should know no boundaries ; but the ever present staged excitement over alleged disastrous future climate change overshadows and depreciates any consideration about ongoing disasters we can actually document...while leaving energy taxing 'environmentalists' open to charges of fabricating nonsense about something that has not happened. oldephartte
Monsanto is working on a new pesticide that uses technology called "gene silencing" to kill specific insects and weeds by silencing genes crucial to their survival, while leaving nontarget species unscathed. But can plants that are treated with this selective technology be safe for the environment and human consumption? Learn more:
Theodore Roosevelt, XXVI President of the United States: 1901-1909 is remembered for taking action against monopolies and establishing national parks. He also pushed Congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 which was intended to prevent “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs or medicines, and liquors.”
CANCER IS CURABLE, BUT: 1939 Cancer Act is a piece of legislation which prevents people from writing or speaking about the FACT that it is indeed possible to cure cancer using alternative methods!
Many residents in the UK and across the globe have never heard of the 1939 Cancer Act – or, as it is sometimes known as “The Cancer Act” of 1939. What is...
Young people from destitute and often dangerous regions of the world are on the move toward Europe and America – and both are resisting the tide. But Europe and America are aging quickly, and need a surge in young people in order to afford their aging societies.
Germany's 82 million residents will dwindle to 74.7 million in forty years even with current levels of immigration, according to EU statistics agency Eurostat; some projections put the German population as low as 65 million by 2060. "Serious labor supply constraints" will affect the strongest EU economies - Austria, the Netherlands and Finland as well as Germany - according to a European Commission study.
In the US, the proportion of the population over 65 will increase from 12.7% in 2000 to 20.3% by 2050, according to the Census. And the proportion of the population 85 and older will increase from 1.6% in 2000 to 4.8%. Unless we have a lot of young immigrants, we won’t be able to afford to support all the aging boomers.
Message to Donald Trump and other xenophobes in the U.S. and Europe: Look at the demographics.
A GOP congresswoman claimed 94% of
Planned Parenthood's services are abortion-related. In reality, that number is 3%. This is exactly the type of right-wing misinformation that the media should be calling out.
The vast majority of serviced provided by Planned Parenthood are STD/STI testing and treatment, contraception, cancer screenings and prevention, and more.
Monday a supreme court in the United States upheld the cheek swabbing of arrested or jailed individuals in order to obtain DNA samples. The decision was a complete division for the justices that came to the decision. From Boston.Com: ‘‘Make n [...]
Water fluoridation, the practice of adding fluoride to water as a medical supplement, originated shortly after World War II. During and right after the war there were large amounts of industrial waste left over from processin
‘Anonymous’ Busts Child Porn Ring
Anonymous brought down a major Internet porn ring and publicized the names of its patrons. This was the start of the battle between hactivist organization Anonymous and pederasts/pedophiles. It is ongoing inside the deep web(darkweb, darknet etc...) [...]
Former Afghan secret service chief Amrullah Saleh tells Der Spiegel that the Taliban insurgency is sponsored by Pakistan.
there's this:
US President Barack Obama has proposed over $1 billion in civilian and military aid to "strategically important" Pakistan for fighting terror, economic development, safety of nuclear installations and improving ties with India among other objectives.
The budgetary proposals released by the state department after Obama sent them to the Congress show a more than six- fold increase in the foreign military financing (FMF) to Pakistan from $42.2 million in 2014 to $265 million in 2016.
I'll retire to bedlam.
The Times Of India reports that the Russian government will be aiding the Syrian government in the form of missiles. According to American specialists that are familiar with the weapons they say that the missiles are more advanced than previous versi [...]
The RCMP is reportedly planning mass arrests of members of the indigenous Unist’ot’en First Nation using Canada's new police state law, Bill C-51.
The growing criminalization of #BlackLivesMatter is nothing more but a shameful attempt to undermine the movement. To declare that #AllLivesMatter or #CopsLivesMatter only furthers marginalizes Black people and supports a dangerous culture in America that threatens the safety and freedom of Black people everyday. And the crisis of anti-Black policing is not about a few bad apples, it's about systemic racism embedded in the foundation of policing. Unapologetically, #BlackLivesMatter.
“We’ve heard black lives matter,” Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman said at a news conference Saturday, “Well, cops’ lives matter too."
"Why is the NDP refusal to payback $2.7 million in fraudulent expenses, which they've been ordered to pay, less important than the $90.000 private loan to Mike Duffy?"
Police may yet be called in to investigate dozens of New Democrat MPs who used taxpayers' dollars to pay the salaries of aides working in satellite party offices.
Question to American citizens. How do you feel about the fact that your government had been supporting, funding and arming al-qaeda, that group that supposedly attacked the US on 9/11?
We reported in 2012 that the U.S. supported Al Qaeda in Libya in its effort to topple Gadaffi: The U.S. supported opposition which overthrew Libya's Gadaffi was...
Bernie Sanders doesn’t talk much about foreign policy, and his website has no mention of it, but his open military support for Israel and Saudi Arabia speaks...
ACTION ALERT: Congress has introduced a bill that would list houses of worship as "essential services", diverting much needed funds from real necessities like e
lectricity, water, and infrastructure. This would allow for taxpayer money to literally pay for the brick and mortar to build churches. Please take a moment of your time and tell Congress this is unacceptable:
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