Legislation for Disabled : History
11:13pm MDST
Musical Interlude: Adiemus, “Adiemus”
Adiemus, “Adiemus” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL8kZ-iVk90
An Arsenal of Smoking Guns in Clinton Email Scandal
[image: A gritty images of a smoking hand gun laying on the floor with narrow focus on the tip if the barrel] Every time the State Department pulls out a new fistful of Hillary Clinton emails like Richard Dreyfuss yanking a license plate out of a shark’s belly in “Jaws,” someone declares that there’s “no smoking gun!” I’ve written before about how... more »
Unchecked Immigration, or Exchanging One Country for Another
[image: Immigration_Customs_900] Back when I was in school, I performed a scientific experiment in which I poured a liquid of one color into a beaker that contained liquid of a different color. At first the liquid in the beaker was diluted, but... more »
Report: 307,000 U.S. Veterans Died Awaiting Veterans Affairs Health Care
*CNN*: *307,000 veterans may have died awaiting Veterans Affairs health care, report says* (CNN)Hundreds of thousands of veterans listed in the Department of Veterans Affairs enrollment system died before their applications for care were processed, according to a report issued Wednesday. The VA's inspector general found that out of about 800,000 records stalled in the agency's system for managing health care enrollment, there were more than 307,000 records that belonged to veterans who had died months or years in the past. The inspector general said due to limitations in the syste... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"What caused this outburst of V838 Mon? For reasons unknown, star V838 Mon's outer surface suddenly greatly expanded with the result that it became the brightest star in the entire Milky Way Galaxy in January 2002. Then, just as suddenly, it faded. A stellar flash like this had never been seen before- supernovas and novas expel matter out into space. Click image for larger size. Although the V838 Mon flash appears to expel material into space, what is seen in the above image from the Hubble Space Telescope is actually an outwardly moving light echo of the bright flash. In a light ech... more »
Robot Lays Brick Three Times Faster than Construction Workers Do
[image: SAM - 400] Construction workers on some sites are getting new, non-union help. SAM - short for semi-automated mason - is a robotic bricklayer being used to increase productivity as it works with human masons. In this human-robot team, the robot is responsible... Continue reading *“Robot Lays Brick Three Times Faster than Construction Workers Do”* at *technologyreview.com*.
Iranian Military Plane Takes A 'Close-up' Of A U.S. Aircraft Carrier In The Strait Of Hormuz
*Times of Israel: **Iran military plane takes close-up film of US aircraft carrier* *WATCH: Revolutionary Guards operation uses navy plane to film and identify American vessel in the Strait of Hormuz* Iranian plane took close-up video and photographs of a US aircraft carrier in the Strait of Hormuz, and the material was published by an Iranian government-affiliated news agency. The clip shows an operation by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and was said to be filmed from a Harbin Y-2 plane. Accompanied by menacing music, the published video also shows the American ve... more »
How One Man Destroyed A City In Five Minutes
*Michael J. Totten, World Affairs:* *How to Destroy a City in Five Minutes* *You don’t need a weapon of mass destruction to ruin a city.* Well, maybe sometimes you do. You’re not getting rid of New York City without one. But some of the world’s cities are so vulnerable, so precariously perched above an abyss, that a single bloodthirsty nutjob with a rifle can bring it to its knees in a matter of minutes. Look at Tunisia’s resort city of Sousse on the Mediterranean. Two months ago, an ISIS-inspired nutcase named Seifeddine Rezgui strolled up the beach with a Kalashnikov in his hand... more »
Food Watch: 18 grilled-cheese sandwiches made all at once? That sounds like sorcery!
*by Ken* Let's say you saw a tease like the one above. No, let's say you saw *the tease above*. Are you going to tell me you wouldn't click through? Come on, *18 grilled cheese sandwiches made all at once!* That's not worth a click? Heck, you don't even have to like grilled-cheese sandwiches to want to see this trick performed. *18 at once?* Once you've seen that, is there really anything left to see? Plus, say you have 17 people coming over in half an hour for lunch -- or a nice snack. You've got a couple of loaves of Wonder Bread and a jumbo pack of "American slices," but the... more »
Why Touching Receipts Can Harm Your Health
*Sayer Ji - *Exposure to thermal printer receipts is one of the primary routes through which our bodies become contaminated with the toxic synthetic chemical known as bisphenol A (BPA). The post Why Touching Receipts Can Harm Your Health appeared first on Waking Times.
“I Have Learned”
*“I Have Learned”* Posted by Paulo Coelho (This text, which I found on the Internet, is attributed to me. I did not write it, but I think worth reproducing here. - PC) • "I’ve learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them; • I’ve learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back; • I’ve learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. • I’ve learned that you can get by on charm, for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something; • I’ve learned ... more »
Chet Raymo, "Ancient Mother Of The World"
*"Ancient Mother Of The World"* by Chet Raymo "'Nature Unveiling Herself To Science,' created by Louis Barrias in 1899, stands on a pedestal in the Musee d'Orsay in Paris. The sculpture gives expression to one of the oldest themes in philosophy - and one of the most enduring. Sometime in the early 5th century B.C., Heraclitus famously said "Nature loves to hide." Forget for the moment that this three-word fragment of Greek text (phusis kruptesthai philei) lends itself to various translations. "Nature loves to hide" is how it has come down to us. From the time of the Socratics "natu... more »
THe Daily "Near You?"
Olympia, Washington, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Simon Cowell Moved To Tears After 'X-Factor' Contestant's Emotional Performance”; And You Might Be, Too...
*“Simon Cowell Moved To Tears After 'X-Factor' Contestant's Emotional Performance”* And You Might Be, Too... by Julia Brucculieri "Even Simon Cowell has a softer side. "The X Factor" judge, who's known to be pretty harsh at times, was brought to tears after contestant Josh Daniels' emotional audition performance. Daniels, 21, sang "Jealous," by Labrinth, a choice he explained was inspired by the loss of his best friend who died in 2013. The touching lyrics of the track, along with Daniels' beautiful execution, seemed to strike a chord with Cowell, who appeared to be choking back tea... more »
"Acknowledging Your Growth: Foundations of Evolution"
*"Acknowledging Your Growth: Foundations of Evolution"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Evolution of your soul is a natural fact of life and becomes a potent motivational force when celebrated. Since personal evolution is most often a slow and gradual process, it can be difficult to recognize the scope of the changes taking place in our lives. Yet it is important that we regularly acknowledge our ongoing growth and reward ourselves for the many wonderful feats of self-improvement we have accomplished. When we intentionally contemplate our progress, we need never feel that we are la... more »
"Forever Ineligible..."
"It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office." - H. L. Mencken
Satire: “Party That Mocked President’s Lack of Experience Favors One with No Experience Whatsoever”
*“Party That Mocked President’s Lack of Experience* * Favors One with No Experience Whatsoever”* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Republicans, who mercilessly mocked Barack Obama’s lack of government experience before he became President, now favor Presidential candidates with no experience whatsoever, the head of the Republican National Committee has confirmed. The R.N.C. chief, Reince Priebus, said that he sees “no contradiction at all” between Republicans’ contempt for Obama’s pre-White House résumé, which included eleven years spent in public office, and their... more »
The U.S. Sends A Message To Russia From The North Pole
Lucas Jackson/Reuters *David Axe, Daily Beast:** U.S. Sub Takes On Russia in Santa’s Backyard* *USS Seawolf just finished a daring mission underneath the North Pole—and designed to send a signal to Moscow.* President Barack Obama was recently in Alaska for three days to highlight the dangers of global climate change. The presidential tour included a stopover in an Inuit town north of the Arctic Circle that’s slowly succumbing to the rising sea. But another high-profile American visitor preceded Obama to the Arctic region… on a mission of military might. In a rare feat of high-tech... more »
When I wish I wish for everthing but tonite its Dylan for when there is no thought he is democracy
We wish for many things good health and other flings with mortality as we prove we are alive to tell you the truth right now in my very sage well connected world I am horrified at the death of a child So many kids have died before but this one is on the front page of the world and he could have had a Canadian passport months before if the fascist was not in control that guy is killing Canada and I dont care if we got economics which by the way he out to lunch I just want my Canada back We got nothing more than a rucksack and a smile in my day and the world walked with us in kilometers a... more »
Hello Sailor front-man Graham Brazier dies, age 63 [updating]
[image: image] Oh shit. *Hello Sailor front-man Graham Brazier dies, age 63* UPDATE: I fear the *Herald* had prepared their obituary for poor Graham ahead of time … *"First, foremost and always I am a songwriter.”* *“As Dave McArtney once said of their respective roles: ‘I was the melody, Graham was the balls’."* Metro: *Again, there’s a tear in the singer’s eye. **“And he’ll never sing that live again because he’s brown bread.”* Martin Edmond: *”In later years he was like a ruined king of a ruined kingdom on a ruined throne; but the splendour was real.”* BBC: *“He was a s... more »
More Indications That Russia Is Now Directly Involved In The Syrian Civil War (Updated)
Russian President Vladimir Putin (right), Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (left) and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem (back to camera) attend a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, June 29. Russia’s involvement in Syria is growing very fast, the author writes, and Putin appears to be doubling down on his support for the Assad regime. ALEXEI NIKOLSKY/RIA NOVOSTI/KREMLIN/REUTERS *Washington Post*: *Russia’s involvement in Syria might be ramping up* Recent open source reports and unverified images of Russian equipment in Syria indicate that the Kremlin may slowly be rampin... more »
A Point Of Contention Between A Progressive And A DINO In IL-10: The Iran Deal
Brad Schneider and Nancy Rotering (IL-10) When tepid New Dem Brad Schneider lost his House seat in 2014, it became the bluest district anywhere in the country with a Republican representative. The PVI is a daunting D+8. Obama beat McCain there 63-36% and beat Romney 58-41%. But with a Republican-lite voting record that discouraged Democratic base voters (in a midterm), Schneider was beaten by Republican Robert Dold 93,984 to 88,010, 51.6-48.4%. When Dold first won in 2012, 130,941 voters had pulled the lever for him. Almost 43,000 of his original voters just stayed home, many because... more »
The GOP Continues To Distinguish Itself By Picking REAL Winners (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Speaks) Glenn Beck Terrifying? (Bill Clinton Not Really Black) Gaslighting Blacks? (Hacked Hypocrisy)
The title says it all. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. (photo: Andrew D. Bernstein/NBAE/Getty Images) Here's How Donald Trump Responded to My Essay About HimBy Kareem Abdul-Jabbar The Washington Post 03 September 15 his morning, an essay of mine was published titled, “This is the Difference Between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders.” Trump’s response to my piece is the best, though inelegant,
Whats ridiiculous
so many things my friends and today is a time to be angry about everthing but you know what it will past but under the surface the horror lasts so what we knew that everyday we were alive and we cant let it consume us because the ones that make us think that way a dead child can play anyway with enough press okay for today I am sick enough I wanted to talk about violins and fiddels and flutes and making music the celtic way of which I am one although I am Ungarn Hungary for the uneducated So what is crazy and what is sane I have been blooging about this for at least four years and no one... more »
On doing ‘something’ … as academics
Yesterday the picture of little Alan (previously identified as Aylan), lying dead in the sand on the shores of the Mediterranean, circled the world. It provoked strong reactions from those who ‘witnessed’ his death in this manner and, not unlike the debates following some of the images shared after 9/11 (I wrote about that then), […]
Friday Morning Ramble–04.09.15
“The human flood to Europe hit bloody depths over the last week.” *They're all human beings* – Toby Manhire & Toby Morris, RADIO NZ *Talking refugee “quotas”* – NOT PC *The drowned Syrian boy photo is viral social media at its most hollow and hypocritical* – VOX *Sharing a photo of a dead Syrian child isn’t compassionate, it’s narcissistic* – Brendan O’Neill, SPECTATOR *Take Action* – AMNESTY NZ “Many of Europe's young worry about xenophobia more than they do about their own future.” *What Europe means to the young* – ECONOMIST “The country's government is only obliged to take ... more »
New World Citizen on Trial
*Jon Rappoport* - The future trial of the last individual. The post New World Citizen on Trial appeared first on Waking Times.
Were Massive Stones Inside Pyramids Vibrational Energy Generators?
*Video - *Brien Foerester takes you down dark tunnels, beneath the Red pyramid in Egypt, to shows how massive stones were used as vibrational energy generators. The post Were Massive Stones Inside Pyramids Vibrational Energy Generators? appeared first on Waking Times.
The Economy: “Wall Street and the Military are Draining Americans High and Dry”
*“Wall Street and the Military are Draining Americans High and Dry”* by William Edstrom "The United States (US) government often cites $18 trillion as the amount of money that they owe, but their actual debts are higher. Much higher. The government in the USA owes $13.2 trillion in US Treasury Bonds, $5 trillion in money borrowed by the US Federal government from Federal government trust funds like the Social Security trust fund, $0.7 trillion for state bonds issued by the 50 states, $3.7 trillion for the municipal bond market (US towns, cities and counties), $1.97 trillion still ow... more »
“Peak Obedience”
*“Peak Obedience”* by Paul Rosenberg "Warnings about Peak Oil have circulated widely in recent years, and if accurate, they are important. Peak oil, however, pales in comparison to something that’s happening right in front of us… and something that is a good deal more dangerous: Peak Obedience. If that concept strikes you as odd, I can understand why: *We’ve all been living inside of an obedience cult.* (And I choose these words carefully.) In our typical “scary cult” stories, we find people who have given up their own functions of choice and who then do crazy things because they ... more »
Why Clinton Remains Inevitable … Unless
[image: Hillary Clinton - 900] WASHINGTON -- Unless she’s indicted, Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination. That kind of sentence is rarely written about a major presidential candidate. But I don’t see a realistic third alternative (except for one long-shot, below). Clinton is now... more »
President Obama To Reassure Saudi King On Iran
*New York Times:* *Iran Deal Will Top Agenda When Saudi King Visits White House* WASHINGTON — In a sign of just how much the world has changed in recent years, King Salman of Saudi Arabia will visit President Obama at the White House on Friday, and the kingdom’s oil production will barely get a mention. “I wouldn’t suggest that it was going to be foremost on the agenda,” Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser, said in a conference call on Wednesday to discuss the king’s visit. He added that oil would be discussed as “a routine matter, as it frequently is in these meetings....more »
One More Ancient Civilization Found in Lake Issyk-Kul: Could This Be Where St. Matthew is Buried?
[image: civilization - 400] Siberian scientists make discovery of 2,500 year old Saka settlement in up to 23 meters of water in Kyrgyzstan. The new find at the lake is separate from the discovery in 2007 of the ruins of an ancient civilization of... Continue reading *“One More Ancient Civilization Found in Lake Issyk-Kul: Could This Be Where St. Matthew is Buried?”* at *siberiantimes.com*.
The Purpose of Life it came to me cooking spagatti
Its have fun
Only the overiding authority can stop me: or Oswald
singing of now peoeles sine sube suib] resibe tgg' gabe abiytt Sube sweethearts abd=== abd abd abd abd== and Sine Gawker fleeing a bad bbad numbers station 42249494949 I keyed that in so inoccent but still they killed me when it tured out a code Neal Stephenson could not invent went bad so i think i am dead due to a bad keystroke
Explainer: The Kentucky Clerk Marriage License Controversy
[image: kentucky clerk] What is the story about? When the Supreme Court handed down the <Obergefell v. Hodges ruling, it made same-sex marriage legal throughout the U.S. and required every state to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Kim Davis, the county clerk... Continue reading *“Explainer: The Kentucky Clerk Marriage License Controversy”* at *blog.acton.org*.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 3, 2015
*The Atlantic:* *The Global Refugee Crisis* Tens of thousands of people are fleeing civil war and unrest to find new homes in Europe—sometimes with tragic consequences. The U.N. estimates that more people have been displaced than at any time since World War II. Scroll down to see the stories on this topic. *Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- September 3, 2015* Father of drowned Syrian toddlers prepares to take bodies home -- Ece Toksabay, Reuters Crisis a threat to EU’s existence -- Bill Jamieson, The Scotsman How much for a spot on a rubber raft and a slim chance at a bet... more »
Understand Me
I totally feel that life owes me a living cause I was raised that way for the other six billon we need to put all our resources into educating them that they and I are one
World News Briefs -- September 3, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*CBS:* *Europe faces worst migration crisis "since World War II"* European leaders are arguing over how to respond to the hundreds of thousands of people streaming across its borders. Austria claims people are being put on trains without any process to check if they are refugees or criminals. CBS foreign affairs analyst Pamela Falk calls it the most serious refugee crisis since World War II. *MIDDLE EAST* U.S., allies conduct 23 air strikes *against Islamic State: U.S. military.* IS retakes part of *Iraqi town of Baiji: Pentagon.* Pentagon confirms Islamic State *use of chemical ... more »
Tennessee Judge Denies Straight Couple Divorce, Citing Gay Marriage Ruling
[image: marriage - 400] A Tennessee judge has denied a divorce petition because of the US supreme court decision allowing gay marriage, leaving a couple married against their wishes. Hamilton County chancellor Jeffrey Atherton denied the couple's divorce petition last week, claiming the national... Continue reading *“Tennessee Judge Denies Straight Couple Divorce, Citing Gay Marriage Ruling”* at *theguardian.com*.
Never thougt aboot it al that life is a fish stuggle
I used to deal with the tides and after knowing that science I was not satisfied I knew pretty well I could surf every oaken upright and with no lifeboat Now the tides which have for a billion year brOgtht marketable sea shell are now giving us from the sea dead children and I want to be everyday mother of Pearl Dead kids search the data base there are hundreds of thousands every day in a planet with a billion citizens of record and we live in a lifeboat with way more than the specificness can displace Our Titanic is sinking and the ice berg is humanity So never despair humanity 9... more »
A Grandmother’s Life, Death and Resurrection
[image: Elder Grandma Grandmother Child Baby - 900] Ruth Johnston Perkins died between Ascension and Pentecost. A week and a half later--just after Trinity Sunday--her great-granddaughter, Ruth Chapman Perkins, was born. Grandma Ruth exited the world with great physical suffering, and eleven days later my wife brought our... Continue reading *“A Grandmother’s Life, Death and Resurrection”* at *theimaginativeconservative.org*.
Why Women’s Health Care Will Thrive When Planned Parenthood is Defunded
[image: Planned Parenthood6 - 900] Planned Parenthood does not offer any women's health services that are not offered by other health care centers. None. The same services it provides are abundantly available, especially serving low-income individuals in urban and rural locations, while at the same... Continue reading *“Why Women’s Health Care Will Thrive When Planned Parenthood is Defunded”* at *dailysignal.com*.
Ted Cruz statement on the arrest of Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis...
“Today, judicial lawlessness crossed into judicial tyranny. Today, for the first time ever, the government arrested a Christian woman for living according to her faith. This is wrong. This is not America. “I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to chose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion. “In dissent, Chief Justice Roberts rightly observed that the Court’s marriage opinion has nothing to do with the Constitution. Justice Scalia observed that the Court’s opinion was... more »
Surrender, allow the song
We are moving inevitably towards a moment of what some would call surrender. Do you know how this word is defined? “To cease resistance and submit”. This is not a giving up or a giving in to anyone. This is an allowing. Love is here. It has always been. It is our own hearts that have locked it away and controlled its movement. We will have to “cease resistance” if we are going to allow it in. We will have to submit to its truth. Its power is in collaboration not control, unity not hierarchy, natural consequences not abuse, responding not reacting, encircling not isolating,... more »
Future differant differant MUSE
No longer looking at desirable women we are networking in strange ways I expect to be incredible successful that's for sure but I did not grow up in 2021 I grew up when that idea was real and it meant Kanye West not something So you got a lot of degrees for that reason or just because your an education masturbatter with oven hands something Seinfeld never discovered while he took down humankind to the last monocle So good news and bad news for the future of humanity your my muse
Friday morning physics joke
Heisenberg and Schrödinger get pulled over for speeding. The cop asks Heisenberg "Do you know how fast you were going?" Heisenberg replies, "No, but we know exactly where we are!" The officer looks at him confused and says "you were going 108 miles per hour!" Heisenberg throws his arms up and cries, "Great! Now we're lost!" The officer looks over the car and asks Schrödinger if the two men have anything in the trunk. "A cat," Schrödinger replies. The cop opens the trunk and yells "Hey! This cat is dead." Schrödinger angrily replies, "Well he is now." [Hat tip Falafulu Fisi] Con... more »
What Happened When 2,000 Democratic Staffers Were Invited to Watch Planned Parenthood Videos
[image: What Happened When 2,000 Democratic Staffers Were Invited to Watch Planned Parenthood Videos] Pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List invited more than 2,000 Democratic congressional staffers to a screening Thursday of the Center for Medical Progress' undercover Planned Parenthood videos, which have triggered multiple investigations and calls to defund the organization of its... more »
Kim Davis Jailed for Refusing to Deny Her Faith: Is This the Twilight of Religious Liberty?
[image: Kim Davis Federal Courthouse Arrest Protesters Peaceful - 900] Kim Davis never thought that any court would pretend to be able to change the truth concerning the nature of marriage. Today, the Clerk of Court for Rowan County, Kentucky, was found in contempt of court by U.S. District Judge... more »
Sept. 3: I can't even pretend to understand why....
....but the Irving press seems to get worse each day. I'll just go over it briefly for today, then move onto something worth talking about. In section A, "riggers,stage crew assemble giant AC/DC stage". Please. This isn't news They're doing what they are supposed to do. It's no surprise, and it in no will affect the course of our lives. (If they weren't assembling the stage, that might be news - but not page 1.) "Nova Scotia orders review of fuel system" So? "Province's stone quarry industry a shadow of what it once was". A well-known rapper (well-known in ... more »
The Illegal And Unjust War Against Syria: In Syria, Putin Calls Obama's Bluff, Russia Joins War Against The (CIA/Mossad Run) "Islamic State" (ISIS)
While our attention has been (purposely) kept on the fraud Virginia shooting, there has indeed been some major issues happening across the planet... One of course is the continuing push by the criminals in the US and Israel to have the peaceful and innocent nation of Syria brutally destroyed.... The CIA/Mossad operated and run fraud called "ISIS" has launched major attacks across Syria over the last week, with reports coming out that "ISIS" is now attacking the Syrian capital of Damascus.... It appears that the US/Israel cabal are now definitely going for broke to have Bashar al-As... more »
More Threats And Warnings From Iran
Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami *Fars News Agency*: *Iran Warns to Set Fire to Enemy's Economic, Political Interests in Case of War* TEHRAN (FNA)- Lieutenant Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Brigadier General Hossein Salami in threatening remarks on Thursday warned Israel and the US that the Iranian Armed Forces will annihilate all their interests in case they take the slightest military move against Iran. "We monitor their acts day and night and will take every opportunity to set fire to al... more »
An Analysis On China's Growing Military Presence In The Pacific
The Chinese warships sail through the Tsushima Strait on August 17. Seven Chinese warships, on their way to participate in the China-Russian naval exercise codenamed Joint Sea-2015 (II) to be held in the Peter the Great Gulf, waters off the Clerk Cape, and the Sea of Japan from August 20 to 28, successively sailed through the Tsushima Strait connecting the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea on August 17, 2015. (Photo: Chinamil.com.cn/Ren Xu) *Deutsche Welle*: *After parade of power, attention turns to China's military presence in the Pacific* Chinese President Xi Jinping has asser... more »
Five Chinese Navy Ships Spotted Off Alaska During President Obama's Visit (Updated)
*Washington Post:* *China sends warships into Bering Sea as Obama concludes Alaska visit* On the last day of President’s Obama’s visit to Alaska, the U.S. military observed five Chinese warships plying the waters of the Bering Sea for the first time, but Pentagon officials said Thursday the foray was no cause for alarm. “This is the first time we have observed [Chinese navy] ships in the Bering Sea,” said Cmdr. Bill Urban, a Pentagon spokesman. “We respect the freedom of all nations to operate military vessels in international waters in accordance with international law.” The Ch... more »
10 Weapons Unveiled At China's Military Parade
*South China Morning Post:* *From tanks to carrier killers: 10 weapons unveiled at China's military parade* Fuelled by booming defence spending, the People’s Liberation Army is expected to today showcase breakthroughs in missile technology and military aircraft that reflect its increasing focus on projecting force beyond its borders, especially adjacent seas where it competes with neighbours for territory and resources. Here are 10 military hardware pieces that analysts and other nation’s defence experts will likely be watching out for. *WNU Editor:* A good summary. Check it out.
U.S. Navy Put On Notice After Today's Chinese Military Parade
*Defense News:* *China’s Parade Puts US Navy on Notice* TAIPEI — China showcased its growing capability to deny the US Navy access to the maritime domain of both the East China Sea and South China Sea during a celebratory parade Thursday commemorating the 70th anniversary of its victory over imperialist Japan. Parade officials commented that 80 percent of the weapons on display had never been exhibited to the public before, and all the equipment was Chinese-made and operational. Though this is a fair statement, three fighter aircraft that took part in the parade are actually pirat... more »
Starbucks Is So Passé! The Marketing of Coffee Takes a Turn
"Translated" by Bing: "*The café with care given the exposure the white-collar workers on LinkedIn.* #walterscoffee*" (Hmm, seems to lose something in "translation.")* *by Noah* Inspired by *Breaking Bad*, aka the greatest TV show ever, an astute Turkish food and beverage industry veteran named Deniz Kosan has created what looks to be the "world's first Coffee Super Lab," as reported by TODAY.com, and it's not even disguised as a laundromat, chicken restaurant, ordinary RV, or anything else. Walter's Coffee Roastery brazenly operates, as Gus Fring would say, "hidden in plain si... more »
Police: Millis Officer’s Story of Gunman was ‘Fabricated’
[image: Millis officer - 400] MILLIS, Mass. (MyFoxBoston.com) — An officer’s story of a gunman shooting at him, causing him to crash before his cruiser caught fire was “fabricated,” according to police. Mass. State Police responded to Millis after shots were reportedly fired at a... Continue reading *“Police: Millis Officer’s Story of Gunman was ‘Fabricated’”* at *myfoxboston.com*.
House Democrats Fight Planned Parenthood Probes
[image: WASHINGTON - OCTOBER 07: U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) listens during a hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on Capitol Hill October 7, 2008 in Washington, DC. The hearing was to examine the causes and effects of the AIG bailout. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)] Two high-ranking House Democrats are calling on their Republican counterparts to end their congressional investigations of Planned Parenthood -- or at least expand them to encompass alleged misdeed by antiabortion activists who put the group’s fetal tissue practices in the spotlight... more »
Hiking the Minimum Wage: New Evidence on the Impact
[image: minimum wage2 - 400] Recently, minimum-wage increases to $15 an hour have been approved for workers in Seattle, hotel workers in Los Angeles, and fast-food workers in New York; and there are demands to increase the national minimum wage from its current $7.25 to... Continue reading *“Hiking the Minimum Wage: New Evidence on the Impact”* at *realclearpolicy.com*.
Stephen Harper Fiddles While Canada and Canadian Values Burn
*Written by Grant G * I wrote an article when the federal election writ was dropped.... http://powellriverpersuader.blogspot.ca/2015/08/stephen-harper-like-zebra-striped-for.html The gist of that posting was thus... Canada`s economy was in recession, Canada was in deficit, massive record breaking trade deficits every month, price of oil had crashed, Alberta`s economy being hammered, Alberta farmers were/are reeling with crop losses in the $billions, British Columbia and other provinces had/have wildfires raging, British Columbia in the midst of the worst drought ever recorded..... more »
Ontario College of Slut-Shaming and Reproductive Misinformation
We know how scared the fetus freaks are by how loudly they SHRIIIEEEK in idiotically inflated language. So, congratulations to the latest study of crisis pregnancy centres (CPCs), aka fake clinics, in Ontario. You've scared them witless. Again. Here's the most recent in a long, long series of efforts to document the lies, manipulation, and shaming these evil outfits mete out. (In this oldish blogpost are links to a few of the countless other studies and investigations.) To absolutely no one's surprise, this is what researchers found: Crisis pregnancy centres, which most people kn... more »
27 Iraqi civilians killed by Canadian Airstrikes- Where is the hysteria?
Exploitation by the media, of the masses, is rampant and commonplace- But today & yesterday the media manipulation is in high gear. Pretty sure everyone who reads here is more then aware of the story of the young child, washed up on a beach in Turkey. *That story is being used for maximum manipulative effect. Here in Canada, it's being overplayed. Used in an unscrupulous fashion to push agendas. Point Fingers. And obfuscate reality.* *I'm not here today to talk about that incident! * Today, we are going to discuss the fact that* 27 Iraqi civilians were killed in the name of Canada...more »
Poverty Increases, SAT Scores Decrease, and Testing Accountability Fails Again
by Jim Horn Many in the neoliberal Ravitch Club look at the latest SAT test crater and cluck about the failure of corporate education reform to raise test scores. The continuing drop in SAT scores, however, is more complicated than just a failure of standardized testing as an educational remedy. We have now had more than a decade of NCLB high stakes testing accountability, resegegration via charter schools, and outright refusal among the arrogant billionaire fixers to acknowledge the obvious racism and classism of continuing the same reforms while doing *nothing* about the chief... more »
Look what political pressure and opting out does:
[image: cuomomadness]Governor Andrew Cuomo says Common Core is not working and now he’s promising a review of its implementation. In a statement, Gov. Cuomo recognized the growing disapproval from parents, teachers and even education experts on how the standard was implemented. While Gov. Cuomo says there are problems with the standard, he says he still believes in the concept. He says standards for students are important, but people, especially parents, have faith in them. “The fact is that the current Common Core program in New York is not working, and must be fixed,” said Gov. Cuomo... more »
Aylan Kurdi, Chris Alexander, refugee futures
Normally, I think I'd have a certain amount of satisfaction in watching a journalist like Rosemary Barton disassemble a Harper-weasel like Chris Alexander. But I can't today. Aylan Kurdi, 3, was found dead on a beach, drowned along with his brother Galip, and mother Rehan. Their father and husband, Abdullah, returning to Syria with their bodies after he was desperately unable to save them.
Water Fluoridation Should Be Stopped for Good…Here’s Why
*Infographic - *Water fluoridation, which puts hazardous waste products of the fertilizer industry into public water systems, is the only forced mass medication with no control of dosing. The post Water Fluoridation Should Be Stopped for Good…Here’s Why appeared first on Waking Times.
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses...w/Update
*and that's exactly where she belongs.* There is a vast difference between a privately owned company and working for the government. Demanding that a cake decorator or photographer be forced to participate in a same-sex "marriage" ceremony is wrong. I believe that any privately owned business should be able to serve whom they please. Let the free market sort it out. But this woman, who makes claims to Christian values, accepts 80K in remuneration to do her job. She's not being asked to murder, rape, or pillage. She's being asked to issue marriage licenses to anyone who is legal... more »
Monmouth Poll: Trump, Carson Reach New Heights
[image: Donald Trump - 400] Donald Trump has reached a new high in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. According to a Monmouth University survey released on Thursday, Trump takes 30 percent support nationally, a four-point gain over the same survey from before the first... Continue reading *“Monmouth Poll: Trump, Carson Reach New Heights”* at *thehill.com*.
Donald Trump’s Orwellian ‘Fairness’ Crusade
[image: Donald Trump Pouting Fairness Campaign - 900] “All I ask is fairness,” Donald Trump has told the media. He was the only GOP presidential hopeful to raise his hand and refuse to pledge not to run as a third-party candidate at the Fox News debate. Now he... more »
Workers Don’t Do Better in Unions
[image: Union - 400] Just in time for Labor Day, Labor Secretary Thomas Perez is resurrecting the old canard that workers do better in unions. His latest blog post uses misleading data to suggest that if workers were unionized, they would receive $200 more... Continue reading *“Workers Don’t Do Better in Unions”* at *marketwatch.com*.
Court Rules March for Life Qualifies for Abortifacient Mandate Exemption
[image: Supreme Court-900] Imagine if the government were to tell an organization dedicated to veganism that, because of a new mandate, they must purchase a meat platter to serve at their monthly meetings and that the chair cushions in their conference room must... Continue reading *“Court Rules March for Life Qualifies for Abortifacient Mandate Exemption”* at *blog.acton.org*.
*Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 means the Energy within matter equals its mass multiplied by the speed of light squared ~ but Einstein was just scratching the surface of our limited consciousness for we immediately used this equation to create nuclear bombs and the means to completely destroy humankind. But now let us apply this same equation to a formula which will release the energy of a universal love, deepest within ourselves, which will lead us instead to our ultimate fulfillment and destiny as human beings as well as become a working formula for world peac... more »
Paper on chemtrails, a favorite subject of conspiracy theorists, retracted
A paper claiming to expose the “tightly held secret” that long clouds trailing from jets are toxic coal fly ash — and not, as the U.S. government says, primarily composed of harmless ice crystals — has been retracted. The paper is called “Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health,” […] The post Paper on chemtrails, a favorite subject of conspiracy theorists, retracted appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Trump Signs Pledge to Back GOP’s 2016 Presidential Nominee
[image: FILE - In this Aug. 27, 2015 file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump greets supporters after speaking at a rally at the TD Convention Center in Greenville, S.C. NBC announced Tuesday, Sept. 1, that Trump will sit down with host Jimmy Fallon to discuss his campaign and other issues on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon," on Sept. 11. (AP Photo/Richard Shiro, File)] NEW YORK (AP) -- Caving to intense Republican lobbying, presidential candidate Donald Trump ruled out the prospect of a third-party White House bid on Thursday and vowed to support whoever wi... more »
The Mandela Effect Poll..... what dimension am I In?
Apparently the question of "what freakin' dimension am I in?" has captured a lot of people's attention. After the article I wrote last week: "What TIME is it Mr. Wolf" and The Roundtable Discussion from Monday Aug 31, the questions brought up by Jim Stone and myself have been circulating through social media. A friend of mind on facebook has put together a poll to keep track of peoples answers- and to ask a few new questions that I hadn't heard of yet. And WOW!!!! Seriously?! Someone screwed up the time lines so that the #1 Darth Vader quote is now CHANGED?!?! Now I'm offende... more »
Kauilapele's Blog: How ‘Bout This UNICEF Ad with an ET Child… A Part of Disclosure?
https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2015/09/03/how-bout-this-unicef-ad-with-an-et-child-a-part-of-disclosure/ *How ‘Bout This UNICEF Ad with an ET Child… A Part of Disclosure?* Posted on 2015/09/03by kauilapele https://youtu.be/O5e85kuqwQ0 Thanks to Stephen and Anthony for this one. There is a related article (although they call it “propaganda”). http://www.truefreethinker.com/articles/unicef%E2%80%99s-extraterrestrial-alien-diversity-propaganda I say, this is part of the disclosure process.
President XI: China To Cut 300,000 Troops And To Continue Modernizing And Reforming Its Military
*CBS:* *China to cut 300,000 troops from massive army* Against the backdrop of the largest military parade in modern China, President Xi Jinping announced a troop reduction of 300,000 and pledged peace, reports CBS News correspondent Seth Doane. "The experience of war makes people value peace even more," Xi said. China hosted a spectacular display of its armed forces Thursday at the parade, which celebrated the 70th anniversary of Japan's surrender in World War II, a war that cost tens of millions of Chinese lives. *WNU Editor: *The announcement was made at the 0:40 second mark i... more »
Commentaries And Analysis On China's 70th Anniversary Military Parade
*Wall Street Journal:* *5 Takeaways from China’s Military Parade* China staged a grand military parade for the 70th anniversary of the allied victory over Japan in World War II. While the event’s primary audience was domestic, the projection of national strength the meticulously managed imagery conveyed also says a lot about the Chinese military — and how China’s leaders plan to use it. Here are five takeaways from the parade. *Commentaries And Analysis On China's 70th Anniversary Military Parade* Military Parade in China Gives Xi Jinping a Platform to Show Grip on Power -- Chris ... more »
China's Military Parade: A News Roundup
*New York Times*: *China Announces Cuts of 300,000 Troops at Military Parade Showing Its Might* BEIJING — President Xi Jinping of China announced on Thursday that he would reduce the country’s military personnel by 300,000, using a parade marking 70 years since the end of World War II to present the People’s Liberation Army as a force for peace and regional stability. The Chinese military has more than two million members, and Mr. Xi has embarked on an accelerated modernization of the armed forces, which would shift spending from the traditional land forces to more advanced sea an...more »
World News Briefs -- September 3, 2015
*Reuters*: *Hungary police prise migrants from train tracks; dead boy's image shocks Europe* Migrants forced from a train threw themselves onto railway lines and scuffled with helmeted riot police in Hungary on Thursday as politicians across Europe struggled to respond to public opinion appalled by images of a drowned 3-year-old boy. France said European countries must be required to accept their share of refugees, proposing what would potentially be the biggest change to the continent's asylum rules since World War Two. Europe's worst refugee crisis since the Yugoslav wars of th... more »
Writing your own stories, everyone is a storyteller
*Writing your own stories, everyone is a storyteller* *By Brenda Norrell* *Journal of Frida Kahlo**Censored News* When it comes to writing down your own stories, there are many good ways, even for people who don't consider themselves writers. Some people work best at dawn or sunrise, and write "morning pages," just letting the thoughts flow without correcting, that comes later. It can be words and drawings, on any type of paper. Other people work best recording their stories into a tape recorder, especially while driving or walking, and just letting the thoughts flow. (You or someon... more »
Judge Jails Kentucky Clerk for Refusing Marriage Licenses
[image: ASHLAND, KY - SEPTEMBER 3: Protestors opposing same-sex marriage hold signs in front of the federal courthouse September 3, 2015 in Ashland, Kentucky. Kim Davis, the Rowan County Clerk of Courts, is expected to appear at a contempt of court hearing at the courthouse today. Citing a sincere religious objection, Davis, who is an Apostolic Christian, has refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples in defiance of a Supreme Court ruling. (Photo by Ty Wright/Getty Images)] ASHLAND, Ky. (AP) -- A defiant county clerk refused a judge’s compromise offer on gay marriage that... more »
Why are Black and Hispanic Evangelicals More Favorable Toward the Prosperity Gospel?
[image: Bible_money_Christian_giving] A new survey finds that black and Hispanic evangelicals are more likely than white evangelicals to say they have a favorable view of prosperity gospel preachers, believe wealth is a sign of God's favor, and believe that prayer can improve... Continue reading *“Why are Black and Hispanic Evangelicals More Favorable Toward the Prosperity Gospel?”* at *thegospelcoalition.org*.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 3, 2015
Chinese President Xi Jinping stands in a car on his way to review the army as military band members play next to him, at the beginning of the military parade marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War Two, in Beijing, China, September 3, 2015. REUTERS/DAMIR SAGOLJ *Reuters*:* China holds massive military parade, to cut troop levels by 300,000* President Xi Jinping announced on Thursday he would cut troop levels by 300,000 as China held its biggest display of military might in a parade to commemorate victory over Japan in World War Two, an event shunned by most Western le... more »
Now That It's Been Established That Trump's Appeal Is Fascist, Is It Also Xenophobic?
I had a very high draft lottery number. There was no way I would be drafted after college. However, it made me sick to see what my country was doing to Vietnam, and it made me sick to imagine that my tax dollars were somehow paying for that. So l wound up living overseas for the duration of the war. I learned a lot-- and I recommend the experience to anyone contemplating any such thing, for myriad reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with this post. What inspired me to think back about my years living abroad was an interview Trump did with an extreme right-wing site. In rea... more »
A close encounter of the worst kind
On Monday, August 31, I was riding my bicycle southbound on Old Davis Road when a speeding car came at me in a very unsafe manner. What I gather was taking place was a stunt for a photograph. A young man, maybe 20 years old, was squatted on the road's center line, aiming his camera south. Two brand new muscle cars of some sort were racing at him. One of the northbound cars was in the northbound lane. The other was (illegally) driving north in the southbound lane. They were skilled enough to not hit the photographer, as they raced by him at high speed--maybe 90 miles per hour. How... more »
Interviews with Iconic Women
I was five years old when I conducted my first interview. It was unpaid. Instead of going to recess and playing in the yard like other normal first graders, I would sit with my teachers and probe. For me, these conversations were play! The teachers saw it differently. Apparently tired of these “sessions,” they sent a note asking to see my mother. They would tell her that my line of questioning was highly inappropriate for a child my age. I don’t remember exactly what I asked or what may have made these small minded instructors so uncomfortable, but I do know what I wanted to know f... more »
Top ten Thinkingaboot # 10 from May 2011 presented in its orginal high fidelity, no cuts or edits, echo chamber friendly
Malthus was an optimist The world economy rests on three legs, Asia, America, and Europe. The wheels are out of balance in China, in Japan they are close to falling off. America has been on life support since 2008, the oxygen keeping the patient alive has been Quantitative easing, a fancy word for printing money. This money has gone to make banks somewhat solvent, and funneled to the stock market. Its a game of musical chairs, and the band has not been paid and will stop playing at any moment. Europe is crippled by unimaginable debt. Greece is sure to default starting a cascade th... more »
The Moral Dimension of Work
[image: Business Man Work Field Nature - 400] "The moral foundation of political economy," to use Lord Acton's phrase, rests on the connection of liberty with right, of right with duty, of duty with leisure and delight, and of all with transcendence. Our most unsettling economic problems are... Continue reading *“The Moral Dimension of Work”* at *acton.org*.
EXCLUSIVE: Kentucky Clerk: I Am Prepared to Go to Jail
[image: MOREHEAD, KY - SEPTEMBER 2: Kim Davis, the Rowan County Clerk of Courts, listens to Robbie Blankenship and Jesse Cruz as they speak with her about getting a marriage license at the County Clerks Office on September 2, 2015 in Morehead, Kentucky. Citing a sincere religious objection, Davis, an Apostolic Christian, has refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples in defiance of a Supreme Court ruling. (Photo by Ty Wright/Getty Images)] Kim Davis could become the first Christian in America jailed as a result of the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage. "I've ... more »
Hungary's Prime Minister: Germany To Blame for Current Refugee Crisis
Portfolio: Germany is to blame for current migrant crisis in Hungary - Lázár Germany is to blame for the migrant crisis in Budapest and German officials should inform refugees stranded at the Keleti railway station and in reception centres of the rules they must comply with if they want to travel from Hungary to Germany, the minister heading the Prime Minister's Office told journalists on Thursday. *Lázár blames the Germans * Lázár said it is not about Hungary not looking after the refugees, it is only about Hungary telling them where they will be taken care of. Lázár said Germ... more »
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #82The Lucifer Project Part 2Were Archons Real?
*Views and data below in BLACK ALL CAPS from the Sphere Alliance. Use your heart discernment in all data, even when reading my own views -AK* Eduardo from Prepare For Change reminded me that the question as to whether Archons are real was left unanswered in the prior post. Are Archons Real? [9/3/15, 2:48:25 PM] DENICE: I have asked first that they share who is transmitting. [9/3/15, 2:50:38 PM] *DEAR ONE/TERRAN. WE SEE A LARGE DIALOGUE FORMING. WE ARE THE DATA COLLECTORS OF NEPTUNE/RELIANCE/ALLIANCE/ORIAN II/HORIZON/MEL-A-LOA/AN-TI-GUA-TA-TAR-TARIA/LOW-ENT-RA-NA and BOWSPRIITE ... more »
Everything is Fine
Everything is fine payday comes on Friday car payment due but its all fine Don't need to worry about a thing weather unusually hot but not bothered sitting in idling car talking on Samsung phone everything is fine What's to complain about? we are on top tip-top of the *$$$$ *mountain our global military power will be safe even if Bernie wins heard him say so we'll stay #1 you got the Bern? Everything is fine ships under production just down the street paychecks coming in spending big at local coffee shop everybody making *$$$$* Just take a walk see it all right before your eyes ca... more »
Criminal Assault
The concept of criminal assault is a fairly simple one. It is a criminal offence to hit other people. Unfortunately as with many legal concepts the simplicity of a basic assault gets complicated because life is complicated. First, as a technical matter an assault takes place whenever you touch someone without their consent. So even putting your hand on someone's shoulder and telling them off is an assault. Such an assault may be trivial - but it is an assault. Second, consent is not always straightforward. Consent means an agreement to the touching. Agreement requires knowing ... more »
Three retractions for geriatric medicine researcher
A trio of papers on health issues in elderly patients, all sharing an author, have been retracted from Geriatrics & Gerontology International. The reasons for the retractions range from expired kits, an “unattributed overlap” with another paper, “authorship issues,” and issues over sample sizes. Tomader Taha Abdel Rahman, a researcher at Ain Shams University in Cairo, […] The post Three retractions for geriatric medicine researcher appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Refugee crisis, dead babies, and Kindertransport
There is an unfortunate trend towards citing Kindertransport to justify this country taking in more refugees. It goes without saying that there are so many differences in circumstances between parents trying desperately to save their children from Hitler’s final solution and families fleeing from Islamic-fueled turmoil or ‘looking for better lives’, but if we simply see them all as people in dire need of rescue or sanctuary we should also be able to discuss what is actually meant by ‘taking in”. Does it mean housing, feeding families and perhaps employing them? For how long? Does ... more »
Harvard Now Lets Students Choose Whichever Pronoun They Want
[image: Harvard University Chairs Student Life - 900] Harvard University has become the latest and certainly the most notable American university to hop on the bandwagon of letting students choose personalized pronouns for themselves. As reported by The Harvard Crimson, the online registration tool for the Faculty of... more »
Quebec Ships Euthanasia Kits to Doctors
[image: Euthanasia-400] Quebec legalized euthanasia last year, euphemistically called "aid in dying," which is NOT restricted to the terminally ill (why would it be?), with mandated complicity that no Quebec MD can avoid due to the referral requirement. The state-which pays to kill its... Continue reading *“Quebec Ships Euthanasia Kits to Doctors”* at *lifenews.com*.
Ex-Advisor: Trump Likely Will Sign GOP Pledge Not to Run as Independent
[image: Donald Trump - 400] A former top adviser to Donald Trump's campaign says he expects Trump will sign a pledge not to run as an independent should he fail to secure the Republican presidential nomination. Roger Stone, a former top adviser to Trump's campaign,... Continue reading *“Ex-Advisor: Trump Likely Will Sign GOP Pledge Not to Run as Independent”* at *thehill.com*.
Average US Rate on 30-Year Mortgage Rises to 3.89 Percent
[image: Mortgage Rates Calculator House - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Average long-term U.S. mortgage rates rose this week after a sharp drop the previous week, as global markets continued to whipsaw amid economic disruption in China and uncertainty over Federal Reserve interest-rate policy. Mortgage giant Freddie Mac... more »
All that CCSS “material” and TEST prep and then this?
*[image: Unknown]All that CCSS “material” and TEST prep and then this?* *SAT “COLLEGE READINESS” SCORES DECLINE AGAIN **DEMONSTRATING FAILURE OF TEST-DRIVEN K-12 SCHOOLING* *FROM** FairTest.* *SAT scores for high school seniors dropped again this year continuing a ten-year trend, according to data released today.* SAT averages declined by 28 points since 2006 when the “No Child Left Behind” public school testing mandate went into effect. Again, INCOME is the biggest contributor to success. For example, can you say, hire tutors? 2015 COLLEGE-BOUND SENIORS SAT SCORES BY FAMILY INCOME READ... more »
Stirring Images of Syrian Boy's Body Now Symbol of Europe's Crisis-NBC
*Today, a photo from Turkey showing the body of a lifeless Syrian boy washed upon a beach became a symbolic image of the refugee plight.*
The Unravelling
*Zen Gardner* - The imposed system is coming apart at the seams, front and center. The post The Unravelling appeared first on Waking Times.
Contoh Modifikasi Honda Vario Terbaru 2016
Contoh Modifikasi Honda Vario Terbaru 2016 - Untuk anda yang saat ini sedang ingin mempercantik tampilan motor honda vario namun anda bingung dengan konsep modifikasi yang anda aplikasikan dimotor kesayangan anda. Tenang anda tidak perlu cemas dan galau, karena kesemapatan ini kami akan membahas ulasan informasi seputar modifikasi honda vario terbaru 2016. Jadi untuk anda yang ingin mendapatkan
Black Lives Matter Supporter Arrested for ‘Kill All White People’ Tweet
[image: threatening tweet - 400] La Plata, Maryland police issued a statement Wednesday night announcing a twenty-year old Black man was arrested for making a threat on Twitter earlier in the day to kill all the white people in the small southern Maryland town. The... Continue reading *“Black Lives Matter Supporter Arrested for ‘Kill All White People’ Tweet”* at *thegatewaypundit.com*.
Judge Overturns Tom Brady’s ‘Deflategate’ Suspension
[image: AFC Championship - Indianapolis Colts v New England Patriots] NEW YORK (AP) -- New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady can suit up for his team’s season opener after a judge erased his four-game suspension for “Deflategate.” The surprise ruling by U.S. District Judge Richard Berman came Thursday after more... more »
False Report Jolts Investigation into Illinois Officer Death
[image: police_line_crime_scene] FOX LAKE, Ill. (AP) -- A false report sent dozens of officers scrambling through a cornfield at night in hopes of finding the suspects wanted in the fatal shooting of a northern Illinois police officer, officials said Thursday, as the... more »
Hundreds of Thousands of Veterans Awaiting Health Care
[image: Soldier Salutes-900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nearly 900,000 military veterans have officially pending applications for health care from the Department of Veterans Affairs, the department’s inspector general said Wednesday, but “serious” problems with enrollment data make it impossible to determine how many veterans were... more »
What Do the Presidential Candidates Think about Poverty?
[image: Debate-400] In September of each year, the U.S. Census Bureau releases data from the Annual Social and Economic Supplement of the Current Population Survey (CPS ASEC). The CPS ASEC is a nationally representative survey of more than 60,000 American households, and... Continue reading *“What Do the Presidential Candidates Think about Poverty?”* at *aei.org*.
ANALYSIS: Why is ISIS So Irrational?
[image: ISIS-Fighter-e1436363945230__1440849639_70.119.142.63] Why does the Islamic State (ISIS) behave in the strange ways it does? What inspires it to rampage through the libraries and museums of Mosul, Iraq, destroying priceless manuscripts and artifacts? Why does it take jackhammers to priceless archaeological relics... Continue reading *“ANALYSIS: Why is ISIS So Irrational?”* at *intercollegiatereview.com*.
Could World War II Have Ended Sooner?
[image: IWO JIMA FLAG RAISING] Seventy-one years ago, the British, Canadians, and Americans landed on the Normandy beaches to open a second ground front against Nazi Germany. Operation Overlord -- the Allied invasion of Western Europe -- proved the largest amphibious operation in military history,... Continue reading *“Could World War II Have Ended Sooner?”* at *nationalreview.com*.
9th Planned Parenthood Video: Two Fetal Purchasing Companies Pile on, Exposing Legal Violations
[image: Planned Parenthood 9th video] The ninth undercover video exposing Planned Parenthood and its fetal body parts buyers has just been released, and it contains extensive evidence that Planned Parenthood and those companies are breaking multiple laws, including felony violations. One company even attempted to throw... more »
Russia Sends Troops to Help Fight ISIS
[image: Syria and the Middle East on a map seen through a magnifying glass] One active U.S. intelligence official told The Daily Beast that while no one is "surprised to see reports of new Russian military equipment in the region--which would also suggest Russian forces training on that equipment--the line between training and taking... Continue reading *“Russia Sends Troops to Help Fight ISIS”* at *hotair.com*.
U.S. Marine Killed Eleven Injured At Camp Lejeune After A Helicopter Hard Landing
*Washington Post:* *One service member dead after Marine CH-53 helicopter makes hard landing* A service member has died after the CH-53E they were aboard made a hard landing during a training exercise at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina Wednesday, according to local news affiliate WITN. Marine Capt. Ryan Elizabeth Alvis told WITN that a “CH-53E helicopter belonging to Heavy Helicopter Squadron-464, Marine Aircraft group-29, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing” experienced a “hard landing” during training at Camp Lejeune around 9 P.M. Wednesday. The CH-53E “Super Stallion” is the Marine Corps’...more »
Baked Lasagna Egg Roll
One of my favorite things about being married to my husband, his is willingness to try fun and crazy concoctions in the kitchen with me. We have made a lot of egg rolls in our house over the last couple years. Egg Egg rolls and Pizza Egg rolls have been some of our favorites! Lasagna egg rolls have been on our mind for awhile and we finally decided to give them a try. These fun egg rolls are baked instead of fried and covered with delicious Tomato Basil pasta sauce. *INGREDIENTS* - 6-8 egg roll wrappers - ½ lb. pork sausage - Italian seasoning - Garlic salt - Red p... more »
Piling On Chris Alexander
Chris Alexander rejected his claimI've always despised Chris Alexander. He is, as Montreal Simon so eloquently describes it, a shameless servant of stephen harper. Alexander will do anything to please harper and thereby win power and perks. In his constant abuse of anything that might be considered human values and ideals to pursue his shallow gratification, Chris Alexander is a textbook example of a psychopath. Some psychopaths go on to become CEO's or inventors or entrepreneurs or some other occupation that requires ruthless ambition. Less intelligent psychopaths do things like k... more »
The World’s Least Friendly Cities
[image: Boston-300] A new survey by Travel+Leisure magazine has uncovered what it claims to be the 15 least friendly cities in the world, and six U.S. destinations have made the top ten. Continue reading *“The World’s Least Friendly Cities”* at *telegraph.co.uk*.
Jeb Bush: Donald Trump is ‘Trying to Insult His Way into the Presidency’
[image: Jeb Bush2 - 400] GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush hit fellow Republican Donald Trump today, saying on Good Morning America that he thinks "Trump is trying to insult his way into the presidency." "It's not going to work, people want an uplifting hopeful message,... Continue reading *“Jeb Bush: Donald Trump is ‘Trying to Insult His Way into the Presidency’”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
SAT Scores at the Lowest Point in a Decade
[image: SAT - 400] The average SAT score for students is at its lowest point since the test was redesigned ten years ago. The average score for the class of 2015 was 1490 out of 2400, the Washington Post reports. That total is down... Continue reading *“SAT Scores at the Lowest Point in a Decade”* at *time.com*.
CMS: a \(2.9\TeV\) electron-positron pair resonance
*A model with exactly this prediction was published in June* Two days ago, I discussed four LHC collisions suggesting a particle of mass \(5.2\TeV\). Today, just two days later, Tommaso Dorigo described a spectacular dielectron event seen by CMS on August 22nd. On that Tuesday, the world stock markets were just recovering from the two previous cataclysmic days while the CMS detector enjoyed a more pleasing day with one of the \(13\TeV\) collisions that have turned the LHC into a rather new kind of a toy. This is how the outcome of the collision looked from the direction of the be... more »
Secret Prisons Alive And Well In Iraq
The United Nations’ Committee Against Torture was the latest organization to comment on Iraq’s continued use of torture and secret prisons. The committee made up of several experts reviewed Iraq’s history of abuse and called for the government to stop the practice. They specifically mentioned one secret facility at the Muthanna air base in Baghdad that was originally exposed in 2010, which the government said it would close down, but is still up and running to this day. The United Nations’ committee calledon Baghdad to close down its secret detention centers. The U.N. said that t... more »
Stem cell researcher Jacob Hanna’s correction count updated to 10
Thanks to some eagle-eyed readers, we’ve been alerted to some corrections for high profile stem cell scientist Jacob Hanna that we had missed, bringing our count to one retraction and 13 errata on 10 papers. The problems in the work range from duplications of images, to inadvertent deletions in figures, to failures by his co-authors to disclose […] The post Stem cell researcher Jacob Hanna’s correction count updated to 10 appeared first on Retraction Watch.
To Gay Journalist Michelangelo Signorile: Let’s Have a Civil Debate
[image: gay marriage headlines newspaper__1441286489_70.119.142.63] Dear Mike, In your recent Huffington Post column, you referred to Americans who refuse to redefine marriage as "religious extremists," stating that, "We," meaning the LGBT community, "cannot be held hostage to the theatrics of religious extremists, nor should we... more »
Is Capitalism Doomed?
*Malcolm Harris, New Republic:* *What If Stalin Had Computers?* *A new book contemplates the end of capitalism (again)—it's a nice story, but a terrible plan* When will capitalism end? It’s not a new idea, and even the capitalists suspect it will happen. After all, every other mode of production has fallen, and capitalism isn’t a steady-state system. It simply isn’t built to stay the same. As firms incorporate new technologies, capacity increases per-capita, and jobs change, so too does the nature of commodities and consumption. It happened with the assembly line, and it’s happeni... more »
Former Clinton Aide Who Helped Set Up Server Will Plead the Fifth to Avoid Subpoena
[image: HillaryClinton_s878x585__1439894473_70.119.142.63] A former aide to Hillary Clinton who helped set up her private email server has told at least three congressional committees that he will invoke the Fifth Amendment to avoid testifying against his former boss, Fox News has confirmed. Bryan... Continue reading *“Former Clinton Aide Who Helped Set Up Server Will Plead the Fifth to Avoid Subpoena”* at *foxnews.com*.
Russian Spy Ships Operating Off The U.S. Coast
The Russian research ship Yantar *Washington Free Beacon*:* U.S. Shadowing Russian Ship in Atlantic Near Nuclear Submarine Areas* *High-tech spy vessel carries cable-cutting gear, mini-subs.* U.S. intelligence ships, aircraft, and satellites are closely watching a Russian military vessel in the Atlantic that has been sailing near a U.S. nuclear missile submarine base and underwater transit routes, according to Pentagon officials. The Russian research ship Yantar has been tracked from the northern Atlantic near Canada since late August as it makes its way south toward Cuba. Defen... more »
Islamic State Terrorists Caught Crossing Into Europe Posing As Refugees
I'm shocked and surprised, no not really... 'Five men have been arrested as they attempted to cross the Bulgarian-Macedonian border with decapitation videos and Islamic State propaganda on their phones. The terrorist suspects had been posing as refugees. Bulgarian authorities near the Gyueshevo border checkpoint detained the five men, aged between 20 and 24, late on Wednesday, Bulgarian broadcaster NOVA TV reported. The men were stopped by a border guard, who they attempted to bribe with a "wad of dollars." However, they were searched and Islamic State propaganda, specific Jihadi...more »
Guatemalan President Pérez Molina Has Resigned Amid Corruption Charges
*CNN*: *Embattled Guatemalan President Pérez Molina resigns, arrest warrant issued* (CNN)Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina resigned late Wednesday amid a corruption scandal, his spokesman said. The resignation came within hours of the Attorney General's Office issuing a warrant for his arrest. Earlier this week, the nation's congress voted to strip Pérez Molina of his immunity. The move paved the way for his possible prosecution as part of a corruption investigation that has shaken his government and sparked protests calling for his resignation. *More News On The Resignati... more »
Hamas Rebuilds Their Tunnels Into Israel
Hamas militants in an attack tunnel in 2014. *Times of Israel:* *Hamas has 'hundreds of men' working constantly to rebuild its attack tunnels into Israel* Israeli officials accused Hamas on Tuesday of confiscating building materials sent into the Gaza Strip and using them to rebuild its attack tunnel infrastructure. Yoav Mordechai, the coordinator of Israeli government activities in the territories, accused the group of misappropriating supplies — particularly wood — for its terror activities. “Members of Hamas took over warehouses of construction materials and confiscated (them)... more »
We’re off on a mission of no known importance!
*THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2015Back-to-school questions on hold:* Are black kids disciplined more harshly in Southern schools than in the rest of the country? Also, what kind of progress has been recorded in the New Orleans schools? The mainstream press corps hasn’t produced much back-to-school journalism this year. In all honesty, nobody gives a flying fig about these tedious topics, except to the extent that they can be used to advance preferred elite narratives about our ratty public school teachers with their infernal unions. How strange! NAEP scores by our black and Hispanic ki... more »
Asia: Choosing Between East and West
*September 3, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Political and business circles across Asia face a shifting geopolitical environment driven by the inevitable rise of China. Several fundamental factors are driving this shift that if fully understood should help established political orders, business interests, and ruling elite across Asia position themselves for a peaceful, stable, prosperous future. Failure to position oneself carefully as this shift takes place, can see a political dynasty or business empire swallowed whole in the fissures of geopolitical tectonic change. *What Asia ... more »
GOP Front-Runner Donald Trump Defines The Republican Party's "Deep Bench": "Bunch Of Clowns, Bunch Of Real Clowns"
Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment was, at least superficially, sacrosanct among Republicans... until Trump took over the party. Reagan, from his 1990 book *An American Life*: The personal attacks against me during the primary finally became so heavy that the state Republican chairman, Gaylord Parkinson, postulated what he called the Eleventh Commandment: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican. It's a rule I followed during that campaign and have ever since. In the video compilation above, Trump is shown doing the kind of takedown of his party's presidential field that H... more »
Obamacare hasn't killed full-time jobs, either
When we last looked at Obamacare as an alleged "job-killer," Matt Yglesias had just pointed out that 2014, the first full year of insurance on the exchanges, was also the best year for job creation since 1999. But recently a non-blogging friend reminded me of a related anti-Obamacare meme, the idea that employers have been cutting their workers below 32 hours per week so they would not have to provide them with health insurance. His argument was, logically enough, that this would mean a loss of full-time jobs. As with so many other anecdotal Obamacare horror stories, this one does no... more »
Taylor Swift Attacked for New African Music Video
[image: TSwift_WildestDreams] The director of Taylor Swift’s new music video set in Africa struck back on Wednesday at mounting criticism of the scarcity of black people in the mini-film and its romanticized portrayal of the continent. “Wildest Dreams,” a love story filmed... Continue reading *“Taylor Swift Attacked for New African Music Video”* at *ca.news.yahoo.com*.
1 Marine Killed, 9 Hurt in Helicopter Hard Landing
[image: Marine helicopter__1441282753_70.119.142.63] CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (AP) -- One Marine has been killed and 9 others were hurt when a helicopter made a hard landing at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. The CH-53E Super Stallion helicopter came down hard during a training exercise... more »
Clinton Tapped Foundation Donors to Fund State Department Project Despite Conflict-of-Interest Regs
[image: hillary clinton] Hillary Clinton tapped into the vast network of donors cultivated by her family’s foundation to fund one of her first major initiatives as secretary of state: constructing the U.S. pavilion at the 2010 World’s Fair in Shanghai. Emails included in... Continue reading *“Clinton Tapped Foundation Donors to Fund State Department Project Despite Conflict-of-Interest Regs”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
Israel Unveils 1,800-Year-Old Sarcophagus
[image: Israel sarcophagus __1441283156_70.119.142.63] JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel has unveiled an 1,800-year-old sarcophagus that workers found at a building site and initially tried to conceal. The Antiquities Authority called the sarcophagus, which was shown to media Thursday, “one of the most important and beautiful”... more »
Cate Blanchett to Play Lucille Ball in Biopic
[image: Cate-Blanchett-Lucille-Ball] Cate Blanchett is attached to star in an authorized biopic of Hollywood legend Lucille Ball that Aaron Sorkin is set to write for Escape Artists, TheWrap has learned. The film will chronicle Ball's 20-year marriage to Desi Arnaz, with whom... Continue reading *“Cate Blanchett to Play Lucille Ball in Biopic”* at *thewrap.com*.
What Happens After October 19th?
http://askgeorgie.com/ The outcome of this election is uncertain. But regardless of who wins, Andrew Coyne writes, what happens after October 19th is also uncertain: So it’s an unusually unpredictable election. But that doesn’t begin to describe how uncertain the outcome is. Because it isn’t just the results on election night that are impossible to predict: it’s what happens after. Even if the polls as they now stand turn out to be an exact reflection of each party’s share of the vote on Oct. 19, that still doesn’t give us the fir... more »
Media Bias On Reporting The Progress In President Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal
U.S. President Barack Obama delivers remarks on a nuclear deal with Iran at American University in Washington August 5, 2015. Reuters/Jonathan Ernst *Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post:* *Sustaining a veto is not ‘winning approval’ on Iran deal* Disingenuous members of the media and other defenders of the president will say with liberal Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s (D-Md.) decision to support the Iran deal that the president has “won approval” for the deal. Nothing could be further from the truth. In an appearance on Fox News, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) had it right: Getting votes to susta... more »
*Is School Choice Working in DC?* It is the second week of June and classes at Thurgood Marshall Academy (TMA) have already been dismissed for the academic year. However, these high school students are still in the charter school’s library preparing to present their academic portfolios for evaluation before a panel of teachers. This once-a-year routine is an example of the academic rigor of an inner-city public charter school like TMA. So why are charter schools so popular? D.C. Public Charter School Board Chairman Darren Woodruff told the Washington Examiner, "Parents like the ... more »
What A Real War In Space Might Be Like In 2015
*Matthew Gault, Reuters:* *Here’s what a real war in space might be like in 2015* From Star Wars to Battlestar Galactica, few battlefields are as fought over in pop-culture as space. Which makes sense. Since the end of World War Two, people have looked to the stars as the next great frontier of both exploration and warfare. For the United States, the Space Race was about both prestige and gaining an advantage over its Cold War enemies. And since the Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957, peopled have looked to the skies above and wondered if the next great war might take place in ... more »
Hung Takes a Breather
*A spider with breakfast. This was shot with my Sony DSC RX-100 Mk II.* Late last night the news flew around the intertubes... The KMT news organ has the interesting news that Hung Hsiu-chu, KMT candidate extraordinaire, is "temporarily suspending" her campaign for second place President. Hung stated on her Facebook page, “To my dear friends: Thank you all for the support and encouragement you have given me over the past months. You have given me strength and made me fearless. This election is about how to find the correct path for Taiwan, and many serious issues must be tackled co... more »
*Scientific Reaction to Velikovsky - Symptomatic of Climate Science Debacle* *The immediate reaction of the Green/Left to the article below will be an "ad hominem" one. They will say that Tim Ball has now proven himself a loony. "He believes in that crazy Velikovsky guy", they will say. That is of course NOT the point of the article below at all. Ball does NOT say that he accepts the Velikovsky theories. He does however note that some of Velikovsky's predictions have been borne out, which is more than you can say about Warmist predictions.The point of the article below i... more »
Lebanon Protest Leaders Reveal Connections To Western Color Revolution Apparatus
*September 3, 2015* (Brandon Turbeville - Activist Post) - Over the past few weeks, Lebanon has found itself embroiled in protests and social unrest the likes of which it has not experienced since 2005. The original issue, legitimate as it may be, surrounded the issue of lack of garbage disposal, yet the protests were soon infiltrated and morphed into an exercise of public rage over shadowy issues like “government corruption.” These protests have gone from peaceful demonstrations to violent clashes between demonstrators and police, with “infiltrators” largely responsible for provoca... more »
China Shows Off Rising Power in Marking WWII Defeat of Japan
[image: China Parade] BEIJING (AP) -- With fighter jets roaring overhead, China’s leader presided Thursday over a massive parade of tanks, missiles and troops that displayed growing military might, but also pledged to reduce the army by 300,000 troops in a bid to...more »
Hungary Blasts European Union on Migration; Chaos at Budapest Station
[image: Hungary train station migrants refugees__1441279681_70.119.142.63] BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- Hungary’s leader railed Thursday at Germany and EU leaders for a lacking urgency in dealing with Europe’s migrant crisis as chaos reigned back home, where migrants by the hundreds dashed into Budapest’s main train station after... more »
NATO Opens Military Center in Lithuania Amid Growing Concerns over Russia
[image: Lithuania NATO military center__1441281989_70.119.142.63] VILNIUS, Lithuania (AP) -- With fighter jets roaring overhead, NATO on Thursday inaugurated a military center in the Lithuanian capital amid growing concerns in the Baltic countries over Russia’s military presence, sparked by the fighting in Ukraine. NATO Secretary-General Jens... more »
How Troubled Disney Star Dean Jones, Who Just Died at 84, Found ‘The Peace of Christ’
[image: Dean Jones Disney__1441280580_70.119.142.63] For Disney magic to effectively unfold, there has to be a character -- usually a crank or a bumbler -- who tries to play it cool as the madness happens. You know: grumpy dad Mr. Banks in "Mary Poppins," or "The... Continue reading *“How Troubled Disney Star Dean Jones, Who Just Died at 84, Found ‘The Peace of Christ’”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Students Walk out of School to Protest Transgender Teen Using Girls’ Locker Room
[image: Trangender bathroom walkout] Over 150 Missouri high school students voiced their displeasure about a transgender teen using the girls' locker room by walking out of class. Students at Hillsboro High School staged a two-hour walkout Monday over 17-year-old Lila Perry, a student who... Continue reading *“Students Walk out of School to Protest Transgender Teen Using Girls’ Locker Room”* at *stlouis.cbslocal.com*.
Susan B. Anthony List to Screen Planned Parenthood Videos for Democratic Staffers
[image: Capitol Hill Building__1441278044_70.119.142.63] The Susan B. Anthony List has organized a screening of the Center for Medical Progress's undercover videos for Democratic Capitol Hill staffers. The Susan B. Anthony List, an organization that works to elect pro-life lawmakers, will screen each video on Thursday... more »
Healthcare Flexible Spending Accounts Threatened by Obamacare Cadillac Tax
[image: Obamacare tax affordable care act__1441279191_70.119.142.63] Flexible Spending Accounts could soon be a thing of the past due to the Affordable Care Act's high-cost plan tax (HCPT), also known as the Cadillac tax. Employers across the country are reassessing their current benefit plans due to a 40 percent nondeductible excise... more »
Rand Corporation Report Views the NRC as a block to Advanced Nuclear Technology
Former pro-nuclear blogger Edward Geist, aka The Sovietologist, has graduated from blogging to a position with the Rand Corporation. In this brief study, he reviews some of the same issues about Generation IV nuclear echnologies that MSR Review looked at, and came to very similar conclusions about the effects of imposing the present the NRC system of regulation on any advanced nuclear technology. Geist quotes Leslie Dewan on the NRC system; 'the current system incentivizes reactor designers to develop their first products outside of the US. In fact, this has already happened: som...more »
Boy, 13, doused in gasoline and set alight in racially-motivated attack in Kansas City
This news would be all over the BBC but for one detail, it was a white boy set on fire by two black youths and that doesn't fit in with the BBC narrative at all. 'Police are investigating a possible race hate attack after a 13-year-old boy was doused in gasoline and set on fire. The teenager, who suffered first degree burns to his face and hands, is white and his two attackers black. His mother Melissa Coon said the attackers told her son 'This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy'.' More here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2110078/Boy-13-doused-gasol... more »
Pondering Campaign, Biden Sticks Close to Obama
[image: Vice President Joe Biden Democrat nominee__1441277219_70.119.142.63] MIAMI (AP) -- Exploring a presidential campaign, Vice President Joe Biden is presenting himself as a natural heir to President Barack Obama’s policies, previewing his potential pitch to voters during a trip to the crucial swing state of Florida. Biden... more »
US East Coast Military Drills, Chinese Navy in Arctic....... Well that escalated quickly
I woke up this morning to a message that the US Military have called snap drills on the East Coast of America, that MAY interfer with air traffic...... yea....... no, nothing to see here. Move along. Last night, reports of Chinese Navy off the Shore of Alaska, exactly when Obama is making the first Presidential visit to the Arctic ever...... Putin is in Beijing, for the WWII Parade, and meeting with various world leaders at the same time... Chinese and Russian Navy's and Military's are working together in extensive exercises and drills.... in the Sea of Japan, AND the Arctic...... ... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( September 3 , 2015 ) Unfolding Refugee Debacle Engulfing Europe - interesting articles touching upon refugee situation to consider ..... Economic Data Of The Day ( Including but not limited to Services , PMI Data , ECB on deck ) .... Greece Snap Election Items of note ........Curious things Going on With Comex Gold
Evening wrap...... *zerohedge* @zerohedge 8m 8 minutes ago MONETARY TIGHTENING LIKELY IN SOME ADVANCED COUNTRIES: G20 *Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 9m 9 minutes agoBerlin, Germany G20 reaffirms previous FX commitments, to resist protectionism. To implement fiscal pol flexibility, BBG reports citing G20 draft statement. *Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 14m 14 minutes agoBerlin, Germany After ECB has cut inflation projections, Fed’s 2016 forecast likely shift lower. US Inflation expectations collapsed [image: Embedded image permalink] *V... more »
DCNS Floats Sixth FREMM Frigate
[image: FREMM multi-mission frigate floating]DCNS has floated the French Navy’s FREMM multi-mission frigate Auvergne in Lorient. The achievement took place on 2 September and marks an important step in the construction of the most modern front-line ship of the 21st century. The FREMM Auvergne is the sixth frigate in the programme and fourth of the series ordered by OCCAr on behalf of the DGA (the French defence procurement agency) for the French Navy. With three FREMMs currently under construction in DCNS’ Lorient site, DCNS is accelerating the production speed in order to deliver s... more »
Roundtable Discussion- Shifting Timelines- Archive video
It would seem that the article I published last week: "What Time is it Mr. Wolf?" opened the floodgates to a WHOLE lotta questions, and answered one major one for a whole lotta people: .... No. You're not going insane. Weird shit really is happening right now, lol. The two questions I asked in the article about How many US moon landings do you remember? and What is the Universal Donor Bloodtype? seem to have taken on a life of their own, at least on Facebook anyway! In the past two weeks I have probably spent at least 50 hours in conversations and discussion with several peopl... more »
Blessed Are Those Who Know Their Way - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
*Blessed are those who know their way* *For* *They are the ones that others will follow* *Not following as cattle or sheep* *Rather following their instruction and example* *Living a life of kindness express outward* *Unconcerned about consequences of their actions* *Fearless* *Led by Love* *Leading through Love* *Toward a future yet created* *A future of reason* *A future that will be built upon the ruins of the few* *No longer mislead* *No longer confused* *No longer afraid* *For the ones of darkness* *Have been exposed* *And* *None will follow their empty path* *No... more »
Raytheon's Excalibur Ib Compatible with M198 howitzer
[image: Excalibur Ib]The U.S. Army's Excalibur Program Office has determined that Raytheon Company's Excalibur Ib precision guided artillery round is fully compatible with the M198 howitzer when used with the Modular Artillery Charge System. The compatibility allows allied military forces to use the world's only 155 mm precision munition when firing the M198 howitzer. Excalibur extends the M198's reach to 25 miles (40 kilometers) and provides an all-weather strike within 6 1/2 feet (2 meters) of the target. "Many of our international partners have an urgent need to address vital s... more »
MENA Report ( September 3, 2014 ) - Endless Wars in Iraq , Syria , Libya , Yemen , Afghanistan - just add to those fleeing persecution and poverty . Note the Independent article reflecting Kosovo is by far leading country for desperate migrants / refugees fleeing the hand dealt to civilians there , observe Ukrainians also fleeing their homeland for safety elsewhere in Europe , consider far more escape into Europe via Balkans than the deadly sea trips that dominate images and then understand that the flood has just begun !
Links..... *How the Saudi-Led Coalition Is Killing Civilians**ISIS Retakes Parts of Key Iraqi Town of Baiji* *ISIS Claims Credit as Yemen Mosque Bombing Kills 28* *Red Cross Halts Movement in Yemen After Two Aid Workers Killed**ISIS Militants Execute Their Own; 321 Killed Across Iraq* *18 Turks Kidnapped in Baghdad's Sadr City* *New ISIS Video Highlights Group's US-Made Weapons* Car Bomb Kills 10 in Coastal Stronghold of Syria's Assad The Man Paving the Way for the Return of Yemen's Government UN: Deal Reached on Increasing Flow of Supplies to Yemen Mullah Omar's Death D... more »
HAL completes hot & high altitude trials of LCH at Leh; first attack helicopter to land at Forward Base
[image: Light Combat Helicopter (LCH)]In yet another boost for the indigenisation drive, HAL has successfully carried out hot and high-altitude trials of indigenously designed, developed attack chopper Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) at Leh. The trials were carried out on the third prototype of LCH (TD3) at Leh at temperatures ranging from 13 to 27 degree centigrade with the participation of user pilots from Air Force, Army and representatives from CEMILAC and DGAQA, said HAL. "These seasonal trials - including cold weather trials carried out at Leh during February this year - have... more »
First operational F-35As arrive at Hill AFB
The Air Force ushered in a new era of combat air power today as Hill Air Force Base received the service's first two operational F-35As. Hill's active duty 388th Fighter Wing and Reserve 419th Fighter Wing will be the first combat-coded units to fly and maintain the Air Force's newest fifth-generation fighter aircraft. "Make no mistake, we're built for this. We will deliver the combat capability that our nation so desperately needs to meet tomorrow's threats," 388th Fighter Wing commander, Col. David B. Lyons, told the crowd of Airmen and community members. Read more
B-3: The Inside Story of America's Next Bomber
[image: Northrop Grumman concept for Long Range Strike Bomber, aka the B-3]Sometime in the next several weeks, the U.S. Air Force will award a contract for the first long-range bomber America has developed since the Cold War ended a quarter-century ago. The service plans to buy 80-100 bombers at a production cost of $550 million in 2010 dollars, with initial operational capability achieved in 2025. The plane will probably be designated B-3, because the last two heavy bombers the Air Force bought were designated B-1 and B-2. It’s a secret program, so the Air Force hasn’t said much e... more »
Sea Breeze Exercise Begins in Black Sea
[image: USS Donald Cook (DDG-75)]The U.S. Navy joined Ukraine and nine other allied or partner nations in an annual exercise in the contentious Black Sea, but got an unusually friendly greeting from a Russian warship, VADM James G. Foggo III said Sept. 2. Sea Breeze 2015 is the latest iteration in the annual multinational exercise co-hosted by the United States and Ukraine. “Our goal is to promote regional security and to foster trust among the participating nations,” Foggo, U.S. Sixth Fleet commander, said in a telephone conference call from his Naples, Italy, headquarters. Read more
Five Chinese Navy Ships Are Operating in Bering Sea off Alaska
[image: Type 054A (Jiangkai II) class FFG]Five Chinese navy ships are currently operating in the Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska, Pentagon officials said Wednesday, marking the first time the U.S. military has seen them in the area. The officials have been tracking the movements in recent days of three Chinese combat ships, a replenishment vessel and an amphibious landing ship after observing them moving toward the Aleutian Islands, which are split between U.S. and Russian control. “This would be a first in the vicinity of the Aleutian Islands,” one defense official said of the ... more »
Yantar Shipyard launches Navy's frigate Admiral Makarov
[image: RFS Admiral Makarov]Baltic Shipbuilding Plant “Yantar” (United Shipbuilding Corporation, Kaliningrad) has launched the Admiral Makarov, third ship of Project 11356 being built for RF Navy, today, September 2, 2015, says the shipyard’s press center. The ship has been launched according to the schedule approved by the customer. The ceremony was attended by the representatives of RF Navy command, regional authorities and other officials. Read more
Saudi Arabia, U.S. near deal for two Lockheed warships -sources
[image: UH-60M Blackhawk]Saudi Arabia is in advanced discussions with the U.S. government about buying two frigates based on a coastal warship that Lockheed Martin Corp is building for the U.S. Navy, and could reach agreement by the end of the year, according to sources familiar with the talks. The frigate sale, valued at well over $1 billion, will be the cornerstone of a long-delayed multibillion dollar modernization of the Royal Saudi Navy's Gulf-patroling eastern fleet of aging U.S. warships and would include smaller patrol boats. It underscores the strong business and military ... more »
The ‘Gay’ Crucible and the Catholic Church, Part One
[image: Crucible] A wise man recently reminded me that 1973 was a momentous year in the life of the Catholic church. Readers may be thinking Roe v. Wade, but he was thinking "APA" -- for 1973 was also the year that the... more »
Northrop Grumman Selected to Provide Navigation Suite Upgrade to the Royal New Zealand Navy
[image: HMNZ Te Kaha (F77)]Northrop Grumman Corporation has been selected by the New Zealand Ministry of Defence to provide navigation suite upgrades to the two Royal New Zealand Navy's ANZAC Class Frigates. The navigation suites will replace existing MK49 inertial navigation units with fourth-generation MK39s. These new inertial navigational units are next-generation and feature an embedded data distribution system. In addition to a significant reduction in weight and size, the newer MK39 has autoselect features that ensure the highest quality data is made available to the ship. T... more »
Huntington Ingalls (HII) Wins $109.4M U.S. Navy Contract
[image: Los Angeles class SSN]Newport News, VA-based Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc. has won a modification contract worth $109.4 million from the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command of the District of Columbia to provide support services for nuclear submarines. Per the contract, Huntington Ingalls will exercise options for engineering, technical, design, configuration management, integrated logistics support, database management, research and development, modernization, and industrial support for the nuclear submarines. Support services will be provided for Los Angeles, Seawolf, Virg... more »
China military parade commemorates WW2 victory
China has held a lavish parade in Beijing to mark the defeat of Japan in World War Two, showcasing its military might on an unprecedented scale. President Xi Jinping in his opening speech paid tribute to "the Chinese people who unwaveringly fought hard and defeated aggression" from Japan. He also said the People's Liberation Army would be reduced by 300,000 personnel, but gave no timeframe. Read more
Raytheon awarded $33 million sonar system contract
[image: MH-60R ''Romeo'']The U.S. Navy has awarded Raytheon Company a $33 million contract for the production, integration, testing and delivery of AN/AQS-22 Airborne Low Frequency Sonar (ALFS) systems. The contract includes an option for additional systems for U.S. inventory and potential Foreign Military Sale. The option, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to more than $98 million. "Access and safe passage on the world's oceans are critical to our global interests, economy and security," said Raytheon's Kevin Peppe, vice president of Integrated Defens... more »
Worried About Capital Flight, Chinese Regime Is Cracking Down on ‘Underground Money Shops’
The real flight happens at much more austere heights. Yet it is also a measure of waning confidence in the Chinese economy by folks on the ground. Regardless capital curbs merely make capital flight inconvenient. I recall India having draconian laws against taking money out. Needless to say, in Vancouver's two block little India we have almost a dozen goldsmiths. Much of their product is manufactured and lacking in artistic quality. It is not hard to wear your money out of country. We see the same thing happening here. Add in real risk of some form of bank failure in china ... more »
Navy says new attack submarine to be named USS Montana
[image: Virginia class SSN]One of the U.S. Navy's new attack submarines will be named the USS Montana. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus announced the designation for one of 10 planned Virginia-class submarines to be built over the next decade during a Wednesday ceremony in Billings. Montana U.S. Sen. Jon Tester, Gov. Steve Bullock and Billings Mayor Tom Hanel also attended. The 377-foot-long USS Montana will cost an estimated $2 billion. Read more
How Many People Can Planet Earth Sustain?
We studied this problem rather deeply and went at it quite differently I asked what the planet can comfortably sustain. I eventually came to the conclusion that 100 billion is not unreasonable. This at least makes present concerns premature. By the way that is fully optimizing the Earth's land surface with scant effort to expand onto the continental shelves which happen to be both practical and plausibly attractive. These would supply a market for land based production as well and eliminate land based cities. Since land diversion ends, population stacking becomes possi... more »
Running Out of Financial Bullets, China Tries Strongman Tactics to Save Market
[image: A Chinese man counts his money in Beijing on August 25, 2015. (Fred Dufour/AFP/Getty Images)] I am the veteran of many market crashes encompassing many markets and scales. The reaction of folks who thought that they were in control remains the same. nothing they can do will work at all until it has run its course. Then cautious buying will provide a maximum effect in instilling fresh confidence. That day often has to be long after it has left the newsstands and all the costs are tallied and resolved. The bad news is that this is the real thing and all margins wil... more »
6 Astonishing Irregularities That Are Evidence of a Hollow Moon Space Station
We have posted recently and extensively on this issue, as well as copied a manuscript deliberately made difficult by a third party. We have come to understand that the Moon was the active instrument used to terra form Terra. No other explanation is acceptable. I have added in the nuance that the Moon itself is a hollow world and it likely arrived of Terra perhaps 500,000 years ago to commence terraforming Earth which likely looked much like Venus as anything else. The first key step was to step back in time to four billion years ago and use gravity management to extract a large... more »
Goodbye Mama. I love you.
My father Bienvenido Sr., mother Consuelo, and my eldest daughter Elle Marie. Taken at our house in Cadiz City, Negros Occidental, April 2010. Our house is not far from sugarcane farms, like most rural houses in the province. My wife was pregnant with our second child then and stayed home in Manila. Mama is 81 years old. She has been weak in recent years, mostly bed ridden since about four years ago. She was battling a kidney problem and Alzheimer's disease. A year after, April 2011, also in our house in Cadiz, we visited my folks again. Here, Mama was watching Bien Mary, then six... more »
Why Game-Changing Should Be A Part Of U.S. Military Strategy.
*Image: Flickr/AereiMilitari.org* James Jay Carafano, National Interest: *'Game-Changing' Weapons: What the U.S. Military Needs to Know* *Game-changers are clearly not a substitute for fielding conventional and strategic capabilities. But game-changing ought to be part of U.S. military strategy.* Who isn’t fascinated by the prospect of "game-changers"—unprecedented technological breakthroughs that provide military advantages that leave competitors scratching their heads over how to keep up? Game-changers can increase leverage, so pursuing them makes sense—but only if the game-cha... more »
Why The Announcement That The F-35 Will Be Tested Against The A-10 Will Not Make A Difference In The End
The Pentagon plans to test the A-10, left, against the F-35 in 2018. USAF *Mark Thompson, Time:* *The Pentagon’s Dubious Dogfight* Test pitting new F-35 against venerable A-10 comes too late to matter. The good news is the Pentagon is finally pitting its tried-and-true A-10 Warthog against its brand-new F-35 Lightning II to see which one is better when it comes to helping out troops on the ground. The bad news is such testing won’t start for another three years, when the military will be too invested in the F-35 to do much about it. In other words, the test will come too late to ma... more »
U.S. Tanks Need To Be Repainted 'Woodland Green' To Blend In With The Forests Of Eastern Europe
The fleet of desert vehicles will be repainted to replace the sand-coloured camouflage that adorned tanks during fighting in the Middle East. Pictured: A military tank at the Coleman Barracks in Mennheim, Germany *Daily Mail**: Sand-coloured US tanks stationed in Europe will be repainted green because of growing threat from Russia* * Fleet of desert tanks will be repainted to replace sand-coloured camouflage * Move marks strategic shift after a decade of operations in the Middle East * U.S. Army Europe commander said conversion was about unity in NATO * U.S. and NATO have expanded mi... more »
A Technology Gap In The Ukraine War
A Ukrainian soldier speaks with a fellow soldier on a portable radio transmitter in their military camp near Luhansk on Wednesday. ROMAN PILIPEY EPA/LANDOV *Washington Post:* *On the frontlines in Ukraine, a technological gap* He had been fighting in eastern Ukraine since March, and it was the first time he was able to get real-time imagery of the Russian-backed separatists and their trenches a little more than a half-mile away. The aircraft? A small quadcopter more common in toy stores than combat zones, with a GoPro camera strapped to its underside. The drone flew one mission be... more »
Migrants crisis: Unease as Czech police ink numbers on skin per BBC News
The BBC report on the migrant crisis in Europe but twist the story to further their narrative. This report makes much of the Czechs writing a number on the migrants arms so as to keep track of non Czech speaking people, apparently this has resonances of the Nazis tattooing numbers onto Jews. The BBC's obsession with vilifying anyone who doesn't support unlimited immigration into Europe is getting out of control. However at the end of this BBC report comes this: 'A new poll released on Wednesday suggested that 94% of Czechs believed the EU should return refugees to where they came... more »
Global Warming Update: Obama Seeks to Still the Glaciers of Alaska
[image: President Barack Obama power plant emissions__1438862196_70.119.142.63] Have you heard the story of King Canute? Lord and Master of the Northmen a thousand years ago, a wise and humble ruler, a man who had that rarest of qualities in a leader: he did not let the adulation... more »
Contaminated Rain Water Reaches Pacific Ocean
Contaminated rainwater at Fukushima plant repeatedly leaked into sea,” The Manichi (August 29, 2015), date accessed September 2, 2015 http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20150829p2a00m0na019000c.html "Rainwater containing radioactive contaminants flowed from a drainage ditch by the reactor buildings at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant into the sea on five occasions in just over four months, it has been learned… The concentrations of radioactive cesium and other radioactive materials in the contaminated rainwater ranged from around 20 to 670 times the safety ... more »
How Much Welfare Do Immigrants Use?
[image: Facing Budget Crisis, Arizona Sharply Limits Welfare to 12 Months] This study is the first in recent years to examine immigrant (legal and illegal) and native welfare use using the Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP). While its complexity makes it difficult to use, the survey is... Continue reading *“How Much Welfare Do Immigrants Use?”* at *cis.org*.
Ben Carson Gaining: Is “Nice” Making a Comeback?
[image: Ben Carson Responds to Report He Used Aborted Fetal Tissue in 1992 Research] Republican primary voters spent the summer applauding the loud, flashy, brash Donald Trump. But slightly below the radar, the calm, mild-mannered retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson was steadily securing ground behind the real estate mogul. Now, Carson has caught up to... Continue reading *“Ben Carson Gaining: Is “Nice” Making a Comeback?”* at *realclearpolitics.com*.
Trump And The Republicans Are Far From The Only Candidates Taking Big Money With Plenty Of Strings Attached-- Let's Look At Raja Krishnamoorthi
Kim Davis and Ro Khanna-- kind of "Democrats" Hopefully Steve Israel won't figure out that Kim Davis, the crackpot religionist fanatic clerk in Kentucky's Rowan County, is a Democrat. No doubt, if he did, he'd want to recruit her to run her against Hal Rogers. Something attracts Israel to Democrats from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. And there are lots of them, although fewer and fewer as unhinged as Davis, who is on her fourth marriage. Most of these Republican-lite Democrats are just economic Republicans, like the New Dems and Blue Dogs-- from Patrick Murphy (FL), Kyr... more »
Thorne Dreyer : METRO | Don Quixote’s Bouldin Creek walkabout
Jim stood blocking the demolition for more than two hours before the police came, cuffed him, and took him to the county jail. By Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | September 3, 2015 AUSTIN — The enemy wasn’t quite … finish reading Thorne Dreyer : *METRO* | Don Quixote’s Bouldin Creek walkabout
Musical Interlude: Constance Demby, "Ocean Without Shores"
Constance Demby, "Ocean Without Shores" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl1Pn-KrvGA&html5=1
Game-theory garbage [updated]
Much of so-called microeconomics at major universities these days involves being examined in something called “Game Theory,” which [as Wikipedia succinctly explains] “attempts to mathematically capture behaviour in *strategic situations*, in which an individual's success in making choices depends on the choices of others." Unfortunately for its enthusiasts, nobody in business actually uses the strategies explained by game theory—sorry all you folk with MBAs who’ve had to learn that stuff--and the actions of actual purposeful economic agents (i.e., entrepreneurs, who are really *ga... more »
UPDATED: Kiev Junta predicted to attack Novorossiya in Mid-September
*UPDATE: September 3, 2015:* The saker has posted an excellent analysis of the situation (and options) in Ukraine. This is a "must read" for those interested in the issue. *NOTE:* Looking at the map in the video below...I had to smile. With all the Junta ("Western") forces massed on the south western border of the Donbass....*don't you think the situation is overripe and it's kind of tempting for the Novorossiyans to form another "cauldron"? *Even the greencrow...with the most infinitesimal of strategic military skills...can figure that one out. *One more element to add to th... more »
Fight Brews over Nevada’s School Choice Experiment
[image: school choice savings account program__1441276689_70.119.142.63] A North Carolina mom said her son Keenan was bullied at his public school and his administrators explained they couldn't do anything about it. Keenan's teachers seemed more interested in money than actually teaching their students, worrying that if he... Continue reading *“Fight Brews over Nevada’s School Choice Experiment”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Suspicions Rise over the Virginia WDBJ Shooting
*Video -* Do the actions of killed WDBJ reporter Alison Parker's family members seem normal to you? Especially so soon after finding out about their loved one's shooting? The post Suspicions Rise over the Virginia WDBJ Shooting appeared first on Waking Times.
Obama in his element dancing with middle schoolers in Dillingham, AK......
*you may need eye bleach.* The real fun starts at about 1:17, but before that watch him chewing his cud while seated in the audience.
Defendant has obligation to move civil litigation case forward
Carioca's Import & Export Inc. v. Canadian Pacific Railway Limited, 2015 ONCA 592 released today says that a defendant has a duty to move a case along. This is a duty that has been unknown in the past - and the decision is of considerable importance: [53] While this court has stated frequently that the plaintiff bears the primary responsibility for moving a case forward, it has also acknowledged that the conduct of a defendant is a factor, especially where a plaintiff encounters some resistance when trying to move the action along: *1196158 Ontario Inc.*, at para. 29. The sugg... more »
How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worst – Part 2
*Heather Callaghan* - Television is the most dngerous drug there is. The post How TV Affects Your Brain Chemistry For The Worst – Part 2 appeared first on Waking Times.
More Signs That Russian Forces Are Now Embeded With Syrian Army Units
*Michael Weiss, Daily Beast:* *Russia Puts Boots on the Ground in Syria* The numbers are small, but Moscow may be looking at its own version of mission creep in the treacherous Middle East. The end of summer. It means back-to-school shopping, tearfully ended beach-borne romances, Labor Day barbecues—and, it would seem, the increased likelihood of new Russian adventurism. As if Moscow weren’t satisfied with the game in Ukraine, the last month has seen a flurry of reports about its ever-expanding military involvement in Syria. One report has even alleged that Russian pilots are gear...more »
The Politics of Resettlement: Migrants vs. Refugees
We are witnessing the horror of war. We see it every day, with fresh pictures of refugees risking their lives on the sea, rather than risking death by shrapnel, bombs, assassination or enslavement. For the past four years, over 11 million Syrians have left their homes; 4 million of them have left Syria altogether. Each […]
Getting Your APSA Preconference On: The Politics of Markets
I just got out of a half-day APSA pre-conference short course on the politics of markets, firms, and interest groups organized by the sociologist Edward Walker and political scientist Patty Strach. Having attended Thad Dunning’s short course on natural experiments in the past, I think there is a lot to be said for alternative formats to the […]
As I prepare to go to a Community Board public hearing, let's have the Borowitz Report update us on key national developments
*With post-hearing update -- see below* *by Ken* To the best of my knowledge I have never attended a public hearing of a NYC community board before tonight -- or maybe even a public hearing of *any* governmental agency. (For the uninitiated, as a gesture to local input to government, NYC is divided into 59 community boards, numbered separately for each borough -- 12 for Manhattan, 12 for the Bronx, 18 for Brooklyn, 14 for Queens, and 3 for Staten Island. Their powers are mostly advisory, but lots of things have to go *through* the CBs. The theory is that this has something to do ... more »
*New Orleans: The Week After the Week After ~Harry Shearer, Huffington Post*
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The mysterious blue reflection nebula found in catalogs as VdB 152 or Ced 201 really is very faint. It lies at the tip of the long dark nebula Barnard 175 in a dusty complex that has also been called Wolf's Cave. The cosmic apparitions are nearly 1,400 light-years away along the northern Milky Way in the royal constellation Cepheus. * Click image for larger size.* Near the edge of a large molecular cloud, pockets of interstellar dust in the region block light from background stars or scatter light from the embedded bright star giving the the nebula its characteristic blue color. Ul... more »
The Poet: Joy Harjo, "Remember"
*"Remember"* "Remember the sky that you were born under, know each of the star's stories. Remember the moon, know who she is. I met her in a bar once in Iowa City. Remember the sun's birth at dawn, that is the strongest point of time. Remember sundown and the giving away to night. Remember your birth, how your mother struggled to give you form and breath. You are evidence of her life, and her mother's, and hers. Remember your father. He is your life also. Remember the earth whose skin you are: red earth, black earth, yellow earth, white earth brown earth, we are earth. Remember the plants... more »
"How To Respond To The Awful Truth"
*"How To Respond To The Awful Truth"* by Zen Gardner "It's a volatile, challenging time to be alive, no doubt. The world is a landscape thoroughly scattered with catastrophic nightmares like flaming lava pits on a giant festering orb. And this huge array of drastic, life-threatening problems we're facing that are burning in the world's collective subconscious are apparently careening towards some mad, apocalyptic finale. The big question we're all faced with is this. Once we're aware of what's going on, what do we do? And more importantly, for those not willing to face the truth, w... more »
The Poet: Langston Hughes, "Dreams"
*"Dreams"* "Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow." - Langston Hughes
"Your True Family..."
"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof." - Richard Bach, “Illusions”
Chet Raymo, "The World Is Beautiful"
*"The World Is Beautiful"* by Chet Raymo *"Gubbinal"* "That strange flower, the sun, Is just what you say. Have it your way. The world is ugly, And the people are sad. That tuft of jungle feathers, That animal eye, Is just what you say. That savage of fire, That seed, Have it your way. The world is ugly, And the people are sad." - Wallace Stevens I'll have it both ways. I'll have that strange flower. I'll have that ball of seething hydrogen, the magnetic storms, the arching flares. I'll have that tuft of jungle feathers. I'll... more »
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