Popular in blogger-following
Joseph Gordon-Levitt sings ragtime version of 'Bitch Better Have My Money'
Jimmy Fallon's recurring ragtime cover band, The Ragtime Gals, welcomed
special guest Joseph Gordon-Levitt to the stage to bop along to a
pared-down elevator version of Rihanna's "Bitch Better Have My Money."
The group does a nice job of taming down the intense song to the white
bread version you see before you, and JGL is a pretty decent ragtime
Is it too late to throw th
Finally, your dog will sit and pose for the perfect selfie
You want your dog to stay still for that gram-worthy photo. Your dog
wants you to put down your dumb phone and play with him. Now there's an
invention that suits both needs.
The Pooch Selfie is a smartphone attachment that enables users to attach
your dog's favorite tennis ball to the top of your phone.
See also: Dogs photographed after their baths know how you feel on a bad
hair day
In theory, th
NASA teases major announcement about Mars
The space agency is set to reveal "a major science finding from its
ongoing exploration of Mars." According to a press release posted to its
website, ...
New Science 4: Error 1: Partial Derivatives
… And so begins the list of errors. The climate models, it turns out,
have 95% certainty but are based on partial derivatives of dependent
variables with 0% certitude, and that’s a No No. Let me explain:
effectively climate models model a hypothetical world where all things
freeze in a constant state while one factor doubles. But in the real
world, many variables are changing simultaneously and th
The Corbett Report
The Well-Read Anarchist #009 – “What is Property?” by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (complete audiobook)
is the complete audiobook of "What is Property?" by Pierre-Joseph
Proudhon, first published in 1840. This is a reading of the e-text
published to the web on November 1, 1995 by Project Gutenberg. For
higher quality audio, please see Episodes 003-008 of this podcast.
Interview 1093 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
week on the New World Next Week: an ex-Nobel committee exec admits to
Obama regrets; Volkswagen crashes after emissions scam revealed; and
Happy Birthday is public domain.
Interview 1091 – Finance and Liberty: The Bankster-Created Collapse and the NWO
joins Elijah Johnson of Finance and Liberty once again to discuss
matters economic and political. This time they talk about the Fed
non-rate hike, the dead cat bounce and pending collapse of the QE asset
bubble, the BIS, the IMF and order from chaos.
The EnvironmentaList
There Can Be No Meaningful Action on Climate Change Without Women
Community resilience is much stronger when women are part of the decision-making process
World Biodiversity Hotspot Worth Much More than a Nickel
Trio of mining proposals threatens Klamath-Siskiyou region
Follow the Money
The fossil fuels divestment movement is making big strides But individual investors have little way of knowing what they own.
Pope’s Climate Change Appeal Boosts Hope for Bipartisan Action in Congress
Climate campaigners applaud pope’s bridging of environmental issues
with moral obligation as way to force Republican party leaders to
reconsider position
Is the BBC biased?
Leftie Hell
Will we see more articles called ‘My Leftie Hell” after last night’s
Question Time? Probably no-one will bother. They’re resigned to it.Like
the ‘Any Questions’ that caused Allison Pearson such grief, Q.T. came
from the Cambridge area, and the audience was as surreally leftie as
they come. On the panel were: Yanis Varoufakis, Ken Clarke MP, Chris
Bryant MP, Suzanne Evans and Julia Hartley-Brewer.
Sorry for the undeserved grilling
The Today Programme has issued a grovelling apology to Ms Hadid, having
belatedly found out that the figure of 1200 migrant workers killed
during the construction of the Qatar stadium applied to the whole of
Qatar and not Ms. Hadid’s ‘vagina stadium’."The ITUC’s figure of 1200
construction deaths which was quoted on this morning’s programme refers
to the whole of Qatar, and not specifically
The Thoughts of Nick Thorpe, BBC
The main face of the BBC's coverage of the migrant crisis in Hungary
has been Nick Thorpe. Here's a collection of some of his views on the
situation, garnered from various places during the last month. Please
see if you consider them to be free from bias:This has been a pyrrhic
victory for the Hungarian government. The economic costs are high. Its
good name is in tatters. BBC News at One,
"England, of course"
There was a very odd moment on this morning's Broadcasting House.
During the paper review, former BBC chief political correspondent John
Sergeant said the following:I think one of the long-term problems I see
is when the refugees are interviewed they seem to answer all the time in
English. And somebody says, "Where would you like to go to?" And they
say, "Germany". Correct answ
@ the chalk face
On teacher diversity from the Washington Post, and my take #sunchat
I wrote my doctoral dissertation on the lack of diversity in the
teacher workforce, paying close attention to the root causes and
potential solutions. It’s complicated because, of the roughly 50
teachers I interviewed and the hundreds of articles and books I read on
the topic, teachers want to be good teachers. They don’t want […]
Just out of curiosity… RTI
When folks in your school use the phrase “Response to Intervention,” do
they actually know what they’re talking about? I feel like this
expression is the latest fashion right now, kind of like STEM was a
couple of years ago. It seems to have evolved into something totally
without meaning.
The Wall Street Journal consults experts on teacher quality
The WSJ discusses improving teacher quality with three experts, one of
whom is actually a teacher. It is with great interest that I read the
comments of educators on their profession. The educator in this piece,
Mr. Vilson, who is a frequent commentator, once again disappoints me. It
always seems as if his comments, and those […]
The clock heard ’round the world
I’m sure readers have heard about the teen who made a clock and ended
up arrested. It’s stupid, right? Yeah, it’s stupid. I won’t twist myself
into knots trying to make some larger educational point about STEM or
what have you. I also think the racial implications are pretty obvious.
This, however, does not bode […]
The Rules of Exposition
The Pause Between Words
The TV advertisement shows big bold print:NEXIUMLEVELPROTECTIONI'm
thinking it's an ad for Nexium, so they want me to think of "nexium
level" as "high level" or "strongest" or "best" or something like that.
That's fine, that's what an advertisement is supposed to do.But -- words
still on-screen -- the announcer's voice comes over, repeating those
words. &quo
At Seeking Alpha:However, the company is actually currently undervalued
and that makes now the right time to buy the stock at a bargain price.
The British company, who boasts an impressive US$4.003 billion profit
...The company, which boasts an impressive profit. Despite what you may
have heard, a corporation is not a person. It is an organization. The
word "who" does not apply. A corpor
A Closer Look: Jody Paterson
Poor, or just unequal?
It’s a typical Saturday afternoon at the flashy Metro Centro mall in
Managua, Nicaragua, and the joint is jumping. As I watch a young barista
crank out $4 iced cappuccinos at the Casa de Café kiosk, I find myself
reflecting yet again on the mysterious phrase “developing country.” To
those who don’t know this part of the world, the phrase suggests poverty
and deprivation - chicken buses spilling
The life of an urban nomad
This new "homeless" life of ours is marked by many moves during
our times back in Canada, when we shuffle like urban nomads from one
housesit to another. We've moved 10 times since returning to Vancouver
Island five months ago. It stressed me out when we first started
doing it last spring after returning from two years in Honduras. But do
anything for long enough and a routine
A Different Perspective
New UFO Documentary including Commentary on the Roswell Slides
This last summer I participated in a UFO documentary via Skype that
dealt with some of the latest issues in the field, including what had
happened with the Roswell Slides. We discussed the fallout from that and
how it will affect UFO research in the future. The film will premiere
at London’s West End on September 24 and I mention this in case some of
our colleagues in England wish to see it. For
Bessie Brazel Schreiber and the Roswell Crash
The skeptics believe they have a slam dunk on the Roswell, coming at us
with information that simply is not proven as we look at it. Much of it
is single witness that we are accused of not mentioning and often
contradicts that given by many others. One of the best examples of this
is the testimony provided by Bessie Brazel, who seems to have been a
very nice woman but who stood nearly alone in her
Ask a Question
For those interested, tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 16, I will be
available to answer all questions
at:https://wiselike.com/kevin-randlewhich is not to say that I'll have
an answer for everything. Just thought I would mention it.
Who Told Walter Haut about the Debris Field?
Since this debate about the press release has gained a little traction
here, I thought I’d add a few facts and perspective to see if we can’t
reach some sort of a reasonable conclusion. We do have a great deal of
information and while some of it is in dispute, there are aspects of it
on which we all seem to agree.Given the testimony we have and the
articles that appeared in the newspapers of Jesse
A Very Public Sociologist
Sociology Meets Piggate
I remember well my first night at university. Being one of the first to
arrive at my halls of residence, yours truly took it upon himself to
knock on everyone's door to do the introductions and ask if they fancied
going for a drink later. Ten of us duly hit the union and got pretty
sozzled, and I ended up finishing in a room shared by twin sisters
talking shite over several spliffs with a couple o
A Note on Jeremy Corbyn and the Media
And you thought Ed Miliband had it bad. Driven by the press and then
echoed by the broadcasters, the media assault on Jeremy Corbyn this week
has perhaps been the most scurrilous, smeary, and desperate I have ever
seen. In rough chronological order, we've seen denunciations of
Jeremy's refusal to sing God Save the Queen, attacks on his dress, and
the rubbishing of the "new PMQs". If anyt
The Liberal Democrats Are Totally Stuffed
A Tory and a LibDem standing on the edge of a cliff. Who do you push
off first? The Tory, obvs: business always comes before pleasure. So
goes the favourite gag of a former shadcab member. A number of
longer-serving Labour activists might appreciate that, but the joke's in
danger of being a touch dated. For most of the 00s the Liberal
Democrats were almost fashionable. They did very well out of th
The Scale of Labour's Challenge
This is what Labour is facing:In the sociology of social movements,
many a printer cartridge has run dry discussing the problems of what we
call 'frame alignment'. That is the problem by which a movement or, as
is more usually the case, a social movement organisation of some kind
has to gain wide currency for its world view. What this table from
YouGov for the New Statesman shows is just how big t
A Way to Live
Another batch of apple butter
Normally I have done these annual videos in November or even January;
this year the garden grew old in August and is dying of old age on the
first day of fall.Things are not as they should be, and if we are honest
with ourselves we know this. 2015 will clearly be the hottest year in
the record (meaning since 1880) for Stony Run, for Oregon, for the
Northwest, and for the world.More about that here
A job which it does very well
Our hops vines grow along the west side of the house, with the intent
that they add shade during the hot summer. The west side is the creek
side, so the foundation is at its tallest here, adding sufficient height
to lean fourteen foot poles and train the vines on them.When it's time
to harvest the blossoms, I cut off the vines about thigh high, pull the
poles away from the house, harvest the flowe
September in the kitchen
This is about apple rings. First, I must apologize for the little
camera; it is much the same model as others I have had, but cannot
handle ambient indoor lighting as well. But I think you will get the
idea.I use a Victorio corer-peeler. Left to myself I would leave the
peels on, but others have expressed interest in doing without them.
These are fairly large Honeycrisp apples, from our next to la
And a weather eye
We are somewhat underwhelmed by the predicted and overdue "storm" so
far. There have been only traces of rain.What we are getting is plenty
of wind, as we can see from various upturned leaves and trees leaning
eastward.Still hoping. It now smells like full-blown Fall.Today, I
chopped the last of the cornstalks, and selected an ear to keep for
seed, but it is backup. We'll be looking for
Certified Christian Counselors and Post Modernism - Toads included
From The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Membership
CovenantGod’s goodness allows that secular psychology may provide
accurate research and make observations that are helpful in
understanding counseling issues. Because unbelievers suppress the truth
of God in unrighteousness the efforts of secular psychology at
interpreting these observations lead to misunderstanding. Because their
Z Gauge
One day, when the continuing crises have passed, we'll be able to
indulge in our shared hobby - Z gauge model railways. Yes, this is
Z.Posted by NMRA on Friday, 28 August 2015
Activist Teacher
Predicting the next juvenile revolution
By Denis G. Rancourt
The establishment, not so very long ago, had a healthy fear of
juveniles. In the 1950s:
A thousand conferences, agencies, committees, and newspapers alerted the
country [USA] to the danger. Juvenile delinquency was the only
rebellion around, and it had to be stopped.
Articles on teenage delinquency gushed forth. Experts labelled it a
"national epidemic," projectin
More stories
Mark as read
Adrienne's Corner
Hillary: "I am a real person"...
this is disturbing on so many levels.Jail colored jump suitFlapping
handsBobbing shouldersSteroid bloated face Cackling "laughter"Hillary on
Face the Nation, Sept. 20, 2015It's only 39 seconds. You can handle
it. It's not often we get to witness a train wreck.
Boehner Resigns: Watch Live...
posted at 7:18 PDT
Donald Trump's Official Position on the Second Amendment...
the sound you hear is libtard heads exploding. PROTECTING OUR SECOND
Right to Keep and Bear Arms The Second Amendment to our Constitution is
clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be
infringed upon. Period. The Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental
right that belongs to all law-abiding Americans. The
Hey - we found Ted Cruz...
those milk carton pictures really work.
Adventures with Kurt and Lori
SUP, Surfing, Spanish Classes and a Visit from Lisa!
OK, I admit, my blog updates have been pathetically few and far
between. Going to try and do better with them. It truly makes no sense
that when I worked 80 hours a week I kept up better with this blog than
I do now not working at all. Pura Vida!Sooooo, my friend, Lisa, came
to visit over Labor Day for the second year in a row, this time without
her hubby as he did not have the vacation time.
US-trained Syria fighters gave equipment to Nusra Front
Pentagon says group handed ammunition and equipment to al-Qaeda affiliate, purportedly in exchange for safe passage.
Finland far-right groups attack refugees
Dozens of protesters hurl rocks and fireworks at a bus carrying refugees arriving at a reception centre in Lahti.
Germany: Refugees are falsely claiming to be Syrian
Up to a third of asylum-seekers in Germany who claim to be Syrian are actually from elsewhere, German official says.
Pope takes aim at global economic order in UN speech
Pontiff tells world leaders gathered at UN that greed is destroying the Earth's resources and aggravating poverty.
Allen L Roland's Weblog
Rip / Yogi Berra, 1925-2015
Since I grew up in Boston, in the 1940's and 1950's as a firm
Yankee hater and a rabid Red Sox fan ~ Yogi Berra was always the enemy
along with Joe DiMaggio, Whitey Ford and countless other Yankee greats
that broke my young heart every baseball season ~ but Yogi was in a
class by himself. In some strange way, I felt Yogi did not belong in
lofty Yankee pin stripes and his gentle soul and h
Quotes For Those Who Dare To Live Their Dreams
Living my dream as a high altitude interceptorHaving the
courage to live my dreams started with becoming a Navy supersonic
carrier pilot and then eventually surrendering to love, facing my
deepest fears and falling through a black hole of despair and
unworthiness to a place of timeless love, joy, intention, purpose as
well as the growing awareness of a great truth, the Unified Field
Dust Has Not Settled On 9/11
Marcy Borders buried in toxic dust on Sept. 11, 2001
/ Credit Stan Honda/Agence France-Presse ~ Getty Images It's been 14
years since 9/11 but the dust has not yet settled on this auspicious
event nor has it left the pages of the infamous and discredited official
9/11 Report. The 9/11 Dust Lady Marcy Borders just died from stomach
cancer and complications which could be traced
Einstein's famous equation E=mc2 means the Energy within
matter equals its mass multiplied by the speed of light squared ~ but
Einstein was just scratching the surface of our limited consciousness
for we immediately used this equation to create nuclear bombs and the
means to completely destroy humankind. But now let us apply this same
equation to a formula which will release the energy
Creation & Manifestation: Life Physics Group The Internal
Psychophysiologic Algorithm For The Manifest Production Observership Of
The Light-Encoding Of A Reality Matrix Essay 3
Essay ThreeAnd then there is the “formula” that leads our single degree
of freedom overunity sink biomind, using a hologramic process, to
produce a “thing” (or 4-spacetime quantum object) out of no-thing (or
its quantum potential templaic conformation). This formula is an
algorithm or, as we described in a previous essay, “a certain sort of
formal process that can be counted on logically to yield
GAIA PORTAL: “Hostilities” have ceased
“Hostilities” have ceasedby ÉirePort"Hostilities" have ceased.Openings
for Higher Galactics are cleared.Effective "landings" now
approved.Sentience is recognized for "observations".Hominids and
Galactics, in Unison, uplift humanity.Stars of Silence flash.ÉirePort |
September 23, 2015 at 08:18 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Dog Poet: The Cleansing Love in the Crucible of Transformation.
Its been an interesting 48 hours. There is a wave of love sweeping the
planet and the dark corners of everyones inner attic. We tend to think
of love as bliss and ecstasy, but sometimes its mom doing the
spring cleaning in the kids messy rooms... the old pizza slice left
under the bed, smelly socks from the inner reaches of places seldom
traveled... yet its all good... the energies will be releas
Angola 3 News
Albert Woodfox's Hearing Today in Louisiana State Court: Amnesty Intl. USA Statement and more
Featured below, reprinted in full is a statement released by Amnesty
International USA following Albert Woodfox's hearing this morning in
Louisiana State Court.September 21, 2015: Amnesty International USA
Statement on Latest Albert Woodfox DevelopmentsToday, Judge William G.
Carmichael of Louisiana's 20th Judicial District Court held a hearing to
lay the groundwork for a possible third trial of
A3 Newsletter: Albert Takes First Steps Towards Retrial in State Court on 9/21 in St. Francisville
A3 Newsletter: A Third Chance for Justice in State Court - The Critical
Importance of Setting the Right Evidentiary and Procedural Scene for a
Fair RetrialThough it is an incredibly unusual, and often confusing
situation, the legal reality is that Albert is fighting for permanent,
unconditional release concurrently on two separate legal tracks - one in
federal and the other in state court. As we
Albert Woodfox's Sept. 2 Oral Arguments
IN THE NEWS: NOLA Times Picayune II Shreveport Times This morning,
Amnesty International USA released the following statement, reprinted in
full.Please check back here for more updates later in the day. See also
our Facebook and Twitter pages.Amnesty International USA Statement on
Ongoing Incarceration of Albert WoodfoxToday, the U.S. Court of Appeals
for the Fifth Circuit in New Orleans heard
More stories
Mark as read
The Jinkouhe Gaseous Diffusion Plant is hot!
Much to my dismay, I find that I’m still catching up on reading from
the summer. In August, Hui Zhang published a new report on China’s
uranium enrichment capacity, and he makes a wonderful identification of a
new civilian centrifuge facility associated with Plant 814 in Sichuan
province. While on the subject of Plant 814, this report’s publication
gives me the perfect opportunity to say a few wo
Stanislav Petrov
Stanislav Petrov’s story is about to be featured in a new movie, The Man
Who Saved the World. This title suggests more than the usual artistic
license, but if license weren’t granted when dealing with the
Apocalypse, then where would the film industry be? My own choice for the
hero’s mantle would be Vasili Arkhipov, whose veto prevented the launch
of a nuclear weapon on board a Soviet sub being d
C3: Nuclear Command, Control, Cooperation
Earlier this year Bruce Blair kindly loaned us a copy of an important
body of work in the field, C3: Nuclear Command, Control, Cooperation, by
Valery E. Yarynich. We digitized it (thanks to two graduate research
assistants) and have put the book in its entirety up on Scribd. It’s
even OCR’ed!
The book is available here. [Updated] For a bit of background on Valery
Yarynich, start with this article
The New Isolationism
The Washington-based Republican Party has reverted to isolationist
tendencies that are harmful to U.S. national security. This variant of
isolationism is very different than the kind the Grand Old Party
practiced during the years between the First and Second World War, but
it has the same practical effect of distancing the United States from
its international partners. Back in the 1920s and 1930s
Progressive Movie Theater: Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11"
..By MARC McDONALDAfter a haitus, we're back in action. And today,
we're unveiling a new regular series on this blog.Welcome to the first
edition of Progressive Movie Theater, a series in which we take a look
at notable progressive/left-leaning cinema.Our film today is Michael
Moore's 2004 documentary film Fahrenheit 9/11. After more than a decade,
the film still is an effective indictment of the
Big Dan's Big Blog
Goverment and Media Terrorists Strike Again With A Staged False Flag Hoax: The "Live" Shooting Of Virginia Reporter
Here we go again with another staged government/media terrorist false
flag hoax:If you keep buying believing this BULLSHIT, then you DESERVE
to have your GUNS and LIBERTIES taken away from you by these TERRORISTS.
They are TERRORISTS by the very definition of TERRORISM. They are
SHOOTINGS.And this is noteworthy: I consider myself, if cate
Blood & Treasure
some of the People, some of the time
When the Discipline Inspectors came for Yang Dongliang, head of the
State Administration of Work Safety in the wake of the Tianjin
explosion, People's Daily online was on the case.
When the Discipline Inspectors had former Jiangsu provincial level
official Zhao Shaolin expelled from the Communist Party of China
preparatory to trial and imprisonment for graft, People's Daily Online
was once more on
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