oH . . rHızoma drεam . . (Photo credit: jef safi) |
Independence Day 2014
Independence Day! I tend to rerun a mix of videos every year, and
these remain two of my favorites:
Meanwhile, The New York Times has an intriguing piece about the
possibility that a period was mistakenly added to the official
transcript of the Declaration of Independence, significantly shaping its
JP Morgan skates again ! ( July 4 , 2014 ) A tale of two banks ( one US that pays 88 million fine and one French that pays 8.9 billion fine ) , US banks not violating any french laws , none at all ? The US Bank That Made BNP's Epic Money-Laundering Possible Is...
The US Bank That Made BNP's Epic Money-Laundering Possible Is...
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/04/2014 12:55 -0400
- Cleary Gottlieb
- Department of Justice
- France
- Iran
- New Normal
- None
- Treasury Department
Today's undisputed winner of the prestigious award for best use of the word
*"unwittingly" *in the headline of an article about money-laundering goes
to Bloomberg, for their brilliant...
Because when you help a foreign bank violate U.S. sanctions as French bank
BNP did when it hid billions of dolla... more »
Erste Group woes surface ( July 4 , 2013 ) -- Largest Austrian Bank Crashes After "Revealing" 40% Surge In Bad Debt Provisions, Record Loss ...... And if this has happened to the third largest bank in Eastern Europe , why won't the two largest banks ( UniCredit and Raifeisen ) suffer the same fate ?
Largest Austrian Bank Crashes After "Revealing" 40% Surge In Bad Debt
Provisions, Record Loss
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durdenon 07/04/2014 11:04 -0400
- Central Banks
- Eastern Europe
- Erste
- Hungary
- Meltdown
- Moral Hazard
- Raiffeisen
- Romania
- Sovereigns
- Stress Test
*Update: *just as expected, the confidence-preservation brigade is quick on
the scene:
- *HUNGARY LO... more »
Has Israel Blown Palestine
to smithereens, yet?
(I only turn it on at night,
so the NEWS doesn't mess with my days.)
Should only be about 50 hundred
more dead civillians,
to equal three-
in Israeli math.
The F35 Fiasco Continues.... Some Of The Best Damning Proof That It Is Indeed A Lemon And A Detriment To EVERY Air Force Buying This POS
I have received some very interesting comments from known trolls and of
course misfits in the Hasbara/JIDF community about my stance on the POS
aircraft that the US Government and other governments around the world have
been suckered in by Lougheed Martin into purchasing... I mean of course the
horrible and outrageously expensive "Joint Strike Fighter" (JSF) known as
the F35 "Lightning II".... These comments have been absolutely laughable
and shows that I have touched a nerve in my previous articles exposing this
aircraft as possibly the WORSE aircraft ever designed and built....
As... more »
Return of the Day of the Flag Suckers

*“The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is naïve and
usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes his country more than
the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees
it debauched. He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good
citizen driven to despair.”*
*-H.L. Mencken*
There is perhaps no national holiday that has been more debauched and
bastardized in the era of the flag-sucker that began on September 12, 2001
than The Fourth of July. Independence Day used to be a celebration of
rebellion from tyranny when the Declarat... more »
Rhianna Supports Isis (And vice-versa)

*It's all done in the best passable taste...!*
*Mother Isis, *
*Goddess of K'met.*
*Grant Morrison's Isis,*
*Bride of Black Adam.*
*The Origin of Teth-Adam,*
*Husband to fair and mighty Isis*
*According to Shazam! #28, Black Adam gets his powers from:Shu
(stamina), Hershef (strength), Amon (power), Zehuti (Thoth) (wisdom), Anpu
(speed), and Menthu (courage). !*
Mighty mother, daughter of the Nile,
we rejoice as you join us with the rays of the sun.
Sacred sister, mother of magic,
we honor you, Lover of Osiris,
she who is mother of the universe itself.
Isis, who was and... more »
Independence Day...

or as Karl Denninger calls it:
Happy Dependence Day
Sad to say, but he's correct.
I know there's little we can do about most of the craziness we see going on.
None of us are likely to line up at the border with shotguns to keep
illegals out of our country.
There is not much you can say to people who think the Hobby Lobby decision
is a "war on women." They are the manifestation of years and years of the
dumbing down of the "citizens" of this country.
*Here's what you can do.*
Take personal responsibilty for yourselves.
Pay off your debts.
Store some water and food.
And, ... more »
Feminism: This Is How It's Done Now
We old farts remember the Abortion Caravan, Canada's first national
feminist protest in 19fucking70.
It seems we haven't come a whole helluva long way since. In New Brunswick,
women *still* need the permission of TWO doctors to obtain a medicare-paid
For years, the Morgentaler Clinic provided a pressure release valve,
enabling at least those women who could pay to get the same medical care
that most Canadians (except in poor PEI too) had fully funded.
After running at a loss since its opening, the clinic is closing this
The Government of New Brunswick -- which, ... more »
Steve Israel-- The Schmaltz Of The Democratic Party

Because I travel a lot-- and not just to Paris and London-- I've eaten in
some pretty dicey restaurants over the years. But few that I remember being
as revolting as one my dear departed friend Susan schlepped me to several
decades ago: Sammy's Roumanian on Chrystie Street in Manhattan's Lower East
Side. You know how a normal restaurant might have ketchup and mustard on
the table as condiments? Sammy's has schmaltz. Lard is what Jews carefully
avoid in Mexican food, right? Schmaltz is Jewish lard-- specifically,
rendered chicken (or goose) fat. It stinks. Someone once told me that ... more »
Don't let Exxon Cover Up Fair Criticism of Their Practice's
Our ad taking aim at Exxon was scheduled to air - but some of the largest
media companies in America changed their minds, and decided to muzzle us
That's right: Our groundbreaking PSA was kept off the air this July 4th
because Exxon, the richest company in the history of the world, couldn't be
subjected to 30 seconds of on-air criticism.
This is a mirror of the ad on Youtube...from youtube user...other98
Other98 Action started the campaign
[image: Other98 Action]
Our new ad, Exxon Hates America, is a satirical ad ... more »
Friday beaver - patriotic edition it is the 4th

(The beaver raises its' tale to slap the water warning others of danger.)
So the DOW is up over 17,000. There's no reason in the world it should be
that high because it's supposed to be based on the perceived value of a
company's worth or at the very least an expectation of what it will do in
the near future, normally 6 months. However mathematicians and ultra-fast
computers have taken away any sense of perception or even realistic
forecasts. Tiny glitches present a golden opportunity to pounce and scrape
fractions of a percentage in profits and on the grand scale that's a lot of
c... more »
Mike's Story Part 69- Follow the Leader
By Jenna Orkin
*The following email was sent by Mike to an accomplished Peak Oilist,
cc'ing me. The ellipses are placed to erase any trace of the recipient's
*Reread Matt Simmons's email again. McCain is "brain dead" on the issue [of
Peak Oil] and Obama's camp is jumping into it. McCain ain't brain dead.
He's the devil. And what do you want to bet Obama's answers are going to be
half (or more) wrong? Who in the Peak Oil movement will even be prepared to
comment, let alone offer something real? It doesn't have to be perfect,
just honest and devoid of fantasy. (Fanatasie... more »
Fukushima Updates - July 4 , 2014 ----- Between Fukushima Diary and Energy News , you get the full picture of the horrors unfolding in Japan ( E. N gives a good " Macro " 30, 000 foot view / overview . Fukushima Diary provides more of an observation of " A Day In The Death Of Japan " perspective.
Fukushima Diary.....
Decontamination soil bags are already starting to be torn in Fukushima[image:
Decontamination soil bags are already starting to be torn in Fukushima]
28 17 0 3
July 4, 2014
*↑ From a Twitter post of a Fukushima citizen. He said, “The authorities
came to check the radiation levels every few days for 3 times in total, but
the readings went up every time they measured. They removed the soil again
from where the radiation level significantly rose up. Some people are
complaining because some of the soil bags are torn in residential district.
Decontamination is j... more »
We like life / you like death

Mohammed Abu Khdair
Most of the world, the media, and in particular the Telegraph have decided
that the murder of Mohammed Abu Khdair was a ‘revenge killing’. The
remaining uncertainty over the motive and perpetrators of this murder is
represented by a pair of scare quotes.
I must say Robert Tait looks tired and unkempt by the way. “Video obtained
by the Telegraph” says the Telegraph. “Dramatic new footage” it says.
Slight exaggeration there all round. Not a scoop, not dramatic, not
revealing, not conclusive, not convincing.
The Guardian is a little more cautious. Their article stat... more »
Is the Tea Party a new Know Nothing Party?
Is the Tea Party a new Know Nothing Party?.Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD:
Musings from the Chalk Face
Twilight Zone's Last Gleaming

Welcome to our annual day of forced patriotic revelry, mattress sales, and
Founding Fathers in bad makeup peddling crappy cars on TV.
And, of course, the roar of the flag-waving crowds:
That was the scene this week in Murrieta, California. It once was a nice,
quiet, All-American little farming town, founded a scant hundred or so
years ago by a (ahem) Spanish immigrant who later turned his land over to a
sheep-herding brother.
And like most victims of the Wall Street Greed Machine-fueled housing
bubble, Murrieta experienced a radical population surge of more than 200%
in the ... more »
Compromised Vaccine Study Reveals Crux of Real Vaccine Debate

*July 4, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LocalOrg) - In the report, "Big-Pharma
Vaccines Deemed "Safe" by Big-Pharma Funded "Study,"" the compromised
nature of a recent "Pediatrics" journal study regarding the alleged safety
of vaccines was exposed showing the immense and obvious conflicts of
interest involved. Though the report was funded by the US government, the
authors of the report were drawn from the RAND Corporation - which is
funded by and regularly produces reports and studies for the very
manufacturers of the vaccines covered in the study.
In particular, RAND is funded by and wo... more »
Habeas Corpus
Boone v. Ontario (Community Safety andCorrectional Services), 2014 ONCA 515:
[42] To be successful, an applicant for habeas corpus must show (a) a
deprivation of liberty and (b) that the deprivation of liberty was
unlawful: May v. Ferndale Institution, [2005] 3 S.C.R. 809, at para. 74;
and Mission Institute v. Khela, 2014 SCC 24, at para. 30. Between these
points, there are other considerations in play, however.
[43] First, once a deprivation of liberty has been shown, and the
applicant has raised a legitimate ground on which to question its validity,
the onus shifts ... more »
Ancient Egyptians discovered and covered Up in America?

This is the kind of story I would just love to personally investigate.
What can not be denied is that it was a front page story April 5, 1909
My Independence Day Post Featuring Kate Smith and God Bless America
For my July Fourth post, I would like to feature what is now a well-known
American anthem as performed by the iconic Kate Smith, God Bless
America. Written by Irvin Berlin and made famous by Smith, the song
premiered in 1938. As noted in Parade magazine in August 2013: …When Irving
Berlin rediscovered his old song[originally written in 1918 yet unused] […]
Clean Your Whole House With Only 6 Inexpensive Items and NO Nasty Chemicals by Christina Sarich
[image: cleaning natural crops 263x162 Clean Your Whole House With Only 6
Inexpensive Items and NO Nasty Chemicals]
Clean Your Whole House With Only 6 Inexpensive Items and NO Nasty Chemicals
by Christina Sarich
Natural Society, 3 July 2014
With all the talk of eating organic lately, you’d still be missing an
important step to good health if you continued to use toxic chemicals to
clean your house. Chemicals used to clean our windows, floors, furniture,
carpets, and clothing are tampering with our bodies. Even our babies’
bottles can be full of chemicals that are known carcinoge... more »
Save the Bees Knees

Sign the petition. The time for study is over. Europe banned the chemicals
two years ago.
H/T Stranger is a Strange Land
BRICS Summit in Brazil may be a ground breaking Meeting ! ( July 4 , 2014 ) - BRICS planning to sign documents on development bank, currency reserve pool - Kremlin ......... The BRICs Are Morphing Into An Anti-Dollar Alliance
Itar Tass......
BRICS planning to sign documents on development bank, currency reserve
pool, Kremlin
July 04, 16:42 UTC+4
The BRICS summit will be held in Brazilian cities of Fortaleza and Brasilia
on July 15-16
© ITAR-TASS/Mikhail Metzel
Russia notes progress in cooperation within BRICS — official
MOSCOW, July 04./ITAR-TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin will have
talks with leaders of China, India, the Republic of South Africa and
several Latin American countries during his visit in Brazil for a summit of
the BRICS developing-nation assembly of Brazil, Russia, India, ... more »
I hate the BBC's One Show but love the works of CassetteBoy
"We have some bad news, I'm afraid to report, we're here every day..."
Quite true.
Ukraine situation Updates ( July 4 , 2014 ) - Different voices -- Ukraine, the country no one cared about ....... In Banderastan insanity, denial and lies are the norm, not the exception .....
Russia Today .....
Ukraine, the country no one cared about
Bryan MacDonald is a journalist, writer, broadcaster and teacher. He wrote
for Irish Independent and Daily Mail. He has also frequently appeared on
RTE and Newstalk in Ireland as well as RT.
Get short URL
Published time: July 04, 2014 11:37
[image: Aftermath of an artillery attack by the Ukrainian army on the
Artyom district in Slavyansk. (RIA Novosti/Andrey Stenin)]
Aftermath of an artillery attack by the Ukrainian army on the Artyom
district in Slavyansk. (RIA Novosti/Andrey Stenin)
Ukraine turmoil
Culture, Educa... more »
Orio Palmer

*The name of Orio Palmer is seen among those of other first responders
inscribed on bronze panel S-17 of the South Pool of the National September
11 Memorial in Manhattan, on December 6, 2001.*
1. *a chocolate biscuit with a white cream filling.*
- informalderogatory
*a black American who is seen, especially by other black people, as
wishing to be part of the white establishment.*
gerund or present participle: *palming*
1. *1*.
conceal (a small object) in the hand, especially as part of... more »
Expect a regular series on saving a school
As some of you may know, I walked away from a position in higher education
to return to the elementary classroom. With roughly 13 years of experience
in education, and two advanced degrees, even rather late in the hiring
cycle, I had my pick of teaching positions in Washington, DC. I immediately
chose, without hesitation, […]
Before It Stops

The ground is shifting. Jeffrey Simpson writes that the Conservatives
still have "yellow dog" ridings -- where they could run a yellow dog on the
Conservative ticket and it would win. But across the country, momentum is
shifting to the Liberals:
Apart from these kind of yellow dog seats, predominantly rural ridings,
things are bordering on precarious for the Conservatives, to judge by
recent by-elections. Yes, by-elections are uncertain weather vanes, since
winds do change. R... more »
The Velocitarian Church
Some may see the Hobby Lobby decision as a mortal wound to separation of
Church and State -- and rightly so in my opinion. Others see it as an
opportunity. I notice that this morning's newspaper contains a full page
spread by the Hobby guys insisting that Christianity is the only true
teacher of morality and provider of law and that the founding fathers
But an opportunity for would be religious tyrants is an opportunity for all
and I think it's time for me to assert my own religious freedom by filing
suit with the country so that I don't have to pay that part of my taxes
... more »
Paul Craig Roberts: "Will Washington Go Down In History As the Worst Mass Murderer In History?" "Turn your backs and walk away from the militarist poison that will be spewed in July 4th speeches. Do you really want to support the Washington Nazis in their campaign to become known as the worst mass murderers in world history?"

*Washington Murders Countries, the US Constitution, and the Presstitute
Media Makes Americans Complicit — Paul Craig Roberts*
July 3, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
*Washington Murders Countries, the US Constitution, and the Presstitute
Media Makes Americans Complicit*
Paul Craig Roberts
Having Murdered Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and the US Constitution,
Washington is now Murdering Ukraine.
Thanks to Op-Ed News contrib... more »
This #TFA village is hilariously, sadly NOT a joke
Holy hell, I could have sworn this was a joke. It isn’t. A mixed
residential/commercial real estate venture in Philly called “Oxford Mills”
just opened that caters to the “education community.” Read this article to
believe it. Paul Kihn, deputy superintendent of the School District of
Philadelphia, told the guests, “Oxford will be a great […]
IVISON of CBC's Power & Politics
...while I'm here,
and before I take my leave....
Could you study some, I don't know-
Weston? Patriquin?
JIM TRAVERS??- reportage.
'cause the last thing this world needs,
is another spin-job,
by the Wiggle-Room Con-Crew,
who, (as you never miss a chance to)
ALWAYS (are paid to) come up with some POS 'explanation'
for your conservative party's 'foilbles'.
You win, John.
You're #1.
I'm Celebrating Independence Day by Watching INDEPENDENCE DAY
(By Cyril Blubberpuss, Esq.)
Just today I was telling one of my junior vice presidents as we opened
the office (Oh, quit your liberal bellyaching- we only work eight hours on
July 4th) that this is one great country.
Now, granted, I'll admit my patriotism usually peaks on July 4th by
watching *Independence Day* with Will Smith and wishing that Bill Pullman
was our president before stuffing pieces of roasted animal carcasses in my
mouth. Because, let's face it, that and killing irreplaceable brain cells
by swilling alcohol perfectly defines what it means to be an American.
... more »
The NSA War on Privacy Rages On as Tor Project Users Targeted

With Glenn Greenwald's spectacular fireworks show having been quashed by
the US government mere hours prior to publication on the increasingly
suspect website *The Intercept*, we have been deprived - at least for now -
of really big and shocking revelations but that doesn't mean that stories
of the rampage of the NSA aren't getting out through other forums. In the
most recent non-shocking disclosure of the war on privacy by the American
Stasi anyone who attempts to use encryption and privacy tools in order to
circumvent their prying eyes is on the ever-growing list of suspects. In ... more »

*Rolf Harris, MBE, OBE, CBE.*
Peter Suttcliffe (Not the Yorkshire Ripper), Sir Jimmy Savile OBE, Frank
Bruno MBE
"I meet Mark Regev, chief spokesman for Benjamin Netanyahu, at a little
restaurant in Tel Aviv.
We discuss Leon Brittan and the alleged pedophile rings that are accused of
being used by Israel and its friends to control much of the world.
Mark says: "It is all being taken care of...." "
*Michael Jackson, David Blaine, Paul Boateng and Yuri Geller.*
The leaders of the UK, USA and Europe appear to be controlled, in
part,through child... more »
Oklahoma Republicans Penalize Solar Energy As Fracking Mania Causes Earthquake Swarms To Rock The State
Last February we asked a simple question: Would Republicans String Up The
Koch Brothers If Oklahoma Disappears Into A Giant Sink Hole? We never got a
clear answer and the Koch brothers still roam the world creating havoc and
misery for ordinary humans and Oklahomans. It is, however-- being
Independence Day and all-- a good time for an update, particularly if you
live in Oklahoma or have friends or family who do. Before I get a bunch of
wisecracks, let me point out that although Oklahoma voters have been, for
various reasons, been less than interested in Democratic candidates of
... more »
Social media updates ( July 4 , 2014 - ironic items for Independence Day ) -- Facebook's contempt for its customers revealed -- Facebook’s Experiment and its CIA Roots......Google Has Received 250,000 Article Removal Requests as Internet Censorship Takes Off in Europe.....
Facebook’s Experiment and its CIA Roots
*By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: July 3, 2014*
Let us see if we have this straight: Facebook is a company that has been
publicly traded for just slightly more than two years. It pays no dividend
so its key attraction for its shareholders is that it knows how to run and
grow its business. Its initial public offering launch was one of the
biggest fiascos in modern finance. Its core asset from which its revenues
flow is based on the loyalty and growth of its ... more »
Happy 4th Of July To My American Friends And Readers... And A Reminder That America Is NO LONGER The Greatest Nation On Earth!
Yes today is the 4th of July in the once great United States of America....
It is called "Independence Day" but the truth be known is that the USA has
never truly been independent or free... The Declaration Of Independence is
to me still one of the greatest documents ever written, and Thomas
Jefferson truly did want his new nation to be free of all tyranny and to be
the true beacon of freedom for the entire planet... But we all know by now
that the US has since that time in 1776 fallen under tyranny and is
presently no longer a free nation at all......It is a truly sad statement
to ... more »
Despite President Poroshenko's promises to financially support the army,
Ukrainian forces are still fed with empty promises and raise alarm over
lack of basic supplies, food, and weaponry. RT's Maria Finoshina reports.
Syria Update ( July 4 , 2014 ) ...... Islamic State 'seizes main Syria oil fields' . overview of state of play on the ground in syria conflict , recent tweets to consider .....
Al Jazeera.....
Islamic State 'seizes main Syria oil fields'
Al-Omar and Tanak oil fields on Iraq border falls to the Islamic State
after rival fighters withdraw, activists say.
Last updated: 04 Jul 2014 12:01
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Video shows armed men outside what they said was the entrance to al-Omar
oil field [YouTube]
Fighters from the Islamic State group have seized all of Syria's main oil
and gas fields, which are located in Deir Az Zor province next to Ir... more »

Here's a fun, Friday, WTF, thing to do...
Juxtapose PMACK's-
Mother/Father's Day
public messages...
and mine, here,
at liberalandlovingit!
Fun-ny, eh?
So revealing, as well.
THANKS go, once again, to the one and only-
C.C. of twitter, formerly of blog-fame!!
Undocumented Migrants are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, aka Criminal Invaders
The mainstream media is a distorter of reality, which uses the manipulation
of language to push
propaganda lies.
The UK Daily Mail has reported an encouraging story about US citizens
blockading buses carrying criminal invaders of all ages, demanding that
these parasites are not allowed to cross into the USA. The Daily Mail has
twisted the facts, to reclassify the illegal immigrant vermin as
'undocumented migrants', which implies that they are merely people
migrating to another country, who simply don't yet have the necessary
paperwork! This is a lie: the reason that they don't hav... more »
Argentina: Cattle Mutilations in Rocamora, Entre Rios

*Source: Planeta UFODate: July 3, 2014*
*Argentina: Cattle Mutilations in Rocamora, Entre Rios*
*By Daniel Ubaldo Padilla*
A new avenue of research in the mutilation field opened in 2013, beyond
what could have been predicted, and in regard to the information emerging
from my research. The fact that an attack of such striking characteristics
should have been made public – on account of the number, and on a single
property in February 2013 – represents an exclamation mark in our line of
investigation. This is the first time it has happened beyond the time
period evinced since I emba... more »
F-35 fire
Seriously, it's like the plane is begging people not to buy it.
The U.S. military said it had grounded the entire fleet of 97 Lockheed
Martin Corp F-35 fighter jets until completion of additional inspections
of the warplane's single engine built by Pratt & Whitney, a unit of
United Technologies Corp.
I wonder if the Royal Navy has a Plan B? Might say as much about the Monarchy as the
South African Airways pilot arrested after stripping in protest over airport security | Mail Online
' A South African Airways pilot stripped to his underwear in front of
and passengers in protest over rigorous airport searches.
Captain W Van Ginkel, who was about to board the airline's Flight SA 025
jet to fly to Johannesburg, reportedly removed all his clothes except
pants at Harare International Airport, Zimbabwe '
I know how he feels...
More here, with some poor spelling here
Brazilian Navy Signs Contract for Lynx Mk21A Upgrade

[image: Lynx Mk21A]AgustaWestland is pleased to announce that the Brazilian
Navy’s Naval Aviation has signed a contract for a major midlife upgrade of
eight Lynx Mk21A helicopters.
The contract, valued in excess of US$160 million (€117 million), includes
replacement of the aircraft’s engines with the CTS800-4N product from
LHTEC, navigation, displays suite and mission avionics.
A comprehensive support and training package that includes a Flight
Training Device is also included in the contract.
Read more
Raytheon awarded $163 million AMRAAM contract

[image: AIM-120 AMRAAM]Raytheon Company was awarded a $163,223,113
fixed-price/fixed-price-incentive/cost-plus-incentive contract for Advanced
Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) Program Support and Sustainment
The PSAS contract provides sustaining engineering, program management,
contractor logistics support and accomplishes the diminishing manufacturing
sources and material shortage tasks of extending the life of the AMRAAM
Central Processing Unit, improving the AMRAAM guidance section within the
current performance envelope and developing applicable test equipment.
... more »
Still no word on CF-18 replacement

[image: CF-18 Hornet]Defence Minister Rob Nicholson continues to refuse to
say when the government will announce which fighter jet will replace the
aging fleet of CF-18s.
Despite a delay of almost two years, Nicholson on Thursday remained as
evasive as ever during a ceremony at CFB Petawawa.
"There has been a process put in place as you know, that has a lot of
criteria," he said. "And those criteria have been looked at and they'll
continue to be looked at but the government has made no decision as of yet."
Read more
New RAF Reaper drones armed with laser-guided bombs and Hellfire missiles start operations in Afghanistan

[image: RAF MQ-9 Reaper]Fitted with laser-guided bombs and Hellfire
missiles, these are the RAF's newest Reaper Drones which are being used in
Their main role is to gather intelligence and carry out surveillance for
forces on the ground, but they can also be armed with deadly weapons.
Pictures released today show the unmanned aircraft being assembled and
flying from Kandahar airfield on missions which will help Afghan, UK and
ISAF forces.
Read more
Scorpion Jet Makes International Debut

[image: Scorpion tactical jet]Textron AirLand's new military jet prototype,
the twin-engine Scorpion, is breezing through the development phase and is
now ready to make its international debut.
With more than 105 hours of flight-testing on its prototype, the Wichita,
Kansas-based company plans to send the Scorpion on its way on a multi-day,
4,700-nm flight from Wichita to RAF Fairford-Gloucestershire today.
The prototype will be shown off to potential customers attending the
Farnborough International Airshow and The Royal International Air Tattoo,
both set to take place in the Uni... more »
Saab opens maritime systems center in Australia

[image: HMAS Perth]Saab's Australian subsidiary has opened an Advanced
Maritime Systems Center as part of the parent company's naval systems
integration program.
The center opened this week is located in Adelaide in a ceremony officiated
by Australian Defense Minister David Johnston.
"I am very pleased to officially open the Advanced Maritime Systems
Center," he said.
Read more
*The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Hoax*
A new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
could mean bad news for environmental doomsayers. Forget all those warnings
about the million tons of plastic debris floating in the ocean. Ignore the
photos that you think show the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Andres Cozar of the University of Cadiz in Spain is the man who once
extrapolated the 1 million-ton estimate. Since then, however, he has led
research that collected samples at 141 ocean sites. Cozar's new estimate:
Between 7,000 and 35,000 tons of plastic are floa... more »
Canada's 12 frigates to get new radar systems from Saab Microwave

[image: HMCS Toronto]The federal government is spending $18.5 million to
upgrade the radar systems used aboard the Royal Canadian Navy's 12 frigates.
Federal Justice Minister Peter MacKay, the regional minister for Nova
Scotia, made the announcement today at Canadian Forces Base Halifax, where
some of the warships are based.
The contract has been awarded to Saab Microwave Canada Ltd., which will
overhaul the weapons-control radars.
Read more
Mitsubishi Electric eyes F-35 missile deal with Europe's MBDA-sources
[image: F-35 AMRAAM Launch]Japan's Mitsubishi Electric has agreed to take
the first step towards a partnership with European missile maker MBDA to
develop a medium-range air-to-air missile for the F-35 stealth fighter, two
people with knowledge of the matter said.
The preliminary deal marks an extension of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's bid
to launch Japan's military suppliers into the global arms market through
international tie-ups, and thereby bring down costs for Japan's defence
If successful, it would represent the first time Japanese-built components
had been used o... more »
This Underwater Drone Is The Future Of Navy Surveillance

[image: Robo-Tuna UUV]The Navy is testing a stealthy, 4 foot-long
fish-shaped autonomous underwater vehicle designed to blend in with
undersea life and perform combat sensor functions, service officials
The so-called “bio-memetic” undersea vehicle is currently being developed
as part of the Chief of Naval Operations Rapid Innovation Cell, or CRIC – a
special unit set up by CNO Adm. Jonathan Greenert in 2012 to explore the
feasibility of rapidly turning around commercially available technologies
for Naval military use.
“It mimics a fish. It looks like a fish. We call it r... more »
Ocean Plastic Pollution on Decline
[image: Global concentration of plastic pollutuion] This is
actually very good news. the material is not permanently impacting the
surface waters which we rely on much more than obvious. I suspect that it
is slowly working its may down through the water column to the sea bed were
it can the steadily blended into the the mud. This returns it to
geological process which will eventually handle all of it. We still need to
solve our dumping problem but at least there is a process in place that is
handling it. Of course we still have a poor understanding of the exact
sources ... more »
Russia's Popigai Meteor Crash Linked to Eocene Mass Extinction
[image: illustration of asteroid slamming into earth]
We should no longer be too surprised. In fact, it is way more reasonable
to start with a major impact as causation. It provides the immediate
energy and after effects that any other process simply cannot. Life itself
is amazingly capable of working around even a real disaster.
After all, the Pleistocene Nonconformity ended the Ice Age over twelve
thousand years ago. We have plenty of evidence that the menagerie itself
though clearly decimated did manage to hang out in spots all over for
thousands of years. We have Ma... more »
Recent Wormhole Work

I also suspect that we will produce worm holes spontaneously and develop
them from there. Theoretical work is helpful in establishing validity but
there is way too much here to count on a simple theory to fall out.
I have posted a lot on wormholes and it is worth while googling this blog
for comment.
I also think that the time aspect can be managed sufficiently to produce
useful systems capable of continuous transport. This would massivelycut the
costs built into our civilization while making interstellar trtansport
*Could wormholes allow TIME TRAVEL? Collapsing ... more »
Cleansing Industrial Waste Water

This represents an incremental development that has now achieved critical
mass able to tackle the whole problem of cleansing industrial water. Since
the alternative has not been there in far too many cases beyond the sewage
system, this is a welcome development. Unto now, companies have wanted to
repair these problems and there was no solution. This can now change.
There are plenty of additional problems but this one may be most
accessible. The knowledge and will are typically both there. Polished
effluent is worth something as well.
As indicated, it is not a simple solution bu... more »
ASC has fixed Collins submarine problems, says Minister

[image: Collins class SSK]Shipbuilder ASC has fixed the problems associated
with its Collins submarine maintenance program, according to Defence
Minister David Johnston.
The Adelaide Advertiser reports that Mr Johnston praised the efforts of ASC
to improve productivity levels following the Coles Review into the progam.
“(John Coles) said to me that the transformation he has observed over the
past two and a half years has been remarkable,” Senator Johnston told the
Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce.
Read more
DRT News - Jesus Christ says - All the physical real estate of Faith must come down.
*the light of Free Planet shining upon the Awakened**The physical real
estate of faith*, meaning all the temples to worship God at. Faith is not a
Game of Football with a Stadium and Rival fans to combat. Faith is a state
of mind, based on Education by one's nearest and dearest, or the State, or
conglomerate Industry. Those who cause us the most joy and the most pain
with their adherence to DRT or Dogma Regurgitation Therapy.
I'll quote substantially from fellow Oxford writer Philip Pullman's IT'S A
STORY i.e. The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, which I'm close to
finishing... more »
Another of Christy Clark's sparkle ponies dies
see ... how should we word this?
You may not like fucking BC Ferries, but BC Ferries likes fucking you!
OF BRITISH COLUMBIA which is wholly funded by the taxpayers of British
Columbia, which makes it a citizen owned entity, has announced that it
is building its next three ships in Poland.
Isn't that just about the
Sheldon Cooper roots for a non-Czech Wimbledon finalist

This isn't supposed to be a serious blog post so readers insisting on deep
science and ideas are recommended to ignore it.
*Quantum computing news:* a paper in Science argues that the D-Wave
would-be quantum computer doesn't seem to speed up even several of the
tasks where it could have had a chance.
In April, the writers of the otherwise excellent The Big Bang Theory sitcom
turned Sheldon into a retarded guy when they made him claim that he only
began to study string theory because some bullies used to beat him with a
string theory textbook. It isn't really possible to learn string... more »
Sean McMeekin | July 1914: Countdown to War
*"July 1914: Countdown to War" by Sean McMeekin. *
Video Title: Sean McMeekin | July 1914: Countdown to War - January 29,
2014. Source: The Kansas City Public Library. Date Published: January 29,
2014. Description:
In a discussion of his new book, historian Sean McMeekin reveals how a
small cabal of European statesmen used the assassination of Archduke Franz
Ferdinand to initiate a long-awaited showdown among the Continent's powers,
ultimately leading to the start of World War I.
Why Boycott Organic Food Distributor Eden Foods?

Michigan right-wing crackpot Michael Potter (left)
Do you automatically assume organic and health food companies are hippies?
Liberal? Progressive? You shouldn't. Hitler was a vegetarian, remember? And
Mormon anti-gay fanatics, the Lassens are still running their health
grocery chain in Los Feliz and threatening to open another one in Echo
Park. Then there's Eden Foods… as bad as Hobby Lobby.
Lisa Hymas, writing for *Grist*, spilled the beans. "Like Hobby Lobby," she
wrote, "Eden Foods sued the Obama administration to try to get out of
providing contraceptive coverage for its employe... more »
This One Shows That There Is Still Some Good In Humanity: Algerian Soccer Team To Donate Their World Cup Prize Money To Gaza!
Many have criticized me for constantly putting up articles at this blog
that points to the doom and gloom in our world... But the facts are that we
are indeed in a war for all humanity against a very evil force that seeks
world domination and wants the eventual enslavement of us all.... I will
not sway from my own efforts in getting the message and the truth out about
that very criminal and most evil tribe of misfits and scoundrels......
But periodically something does happen that shows that mankind is deep
inside very good and that we all do care about the injustices committed
agai... more »
Thomas Jefferson vs. Ron Paul's First Episcopal Marital Rape Ministry

*Religious Freedom ≠ Religious Dictatorship*
In actual fact, ≠ DOES NOT* mean "Does Not Equal", or "Is Not The Same As"
- *it specifically denotes* "Inequality";*
Meaning that Uncle Ron is actually saying " *"Wants" are either inferior or
superior to "Rights"* ".
By the notation "*Wants ≠ Rights*", what he is actually expressing is that "
*Wants*" *he *agrees with, and thinks are virtuous and admirable (such as
black people not breeding, being forced to quit work due to medical bills
and time off due to unwanted pregnancies, and yet him *still *not having to
pay for it) are someti... more »
The Big Question That Everyone Should Be Asking: What Was The Israeli Connection To The 3 Settler Kidnappings? (I Would Say PLENTY!)
It does seem that I am always apologizing these days for my absence.. I
have had a lot of family and business issues to attend to the last while,
and sadly I have had to neglect this blog... I am doing my best in catching
up on what has been happening around the world when I can, and will
continue to post articles WHEN I do have the time... Patience everyone...
Yes, I have been watching what has been happening in Israel since the
"bodies" of the three Israeli teens has been found.... We have already seen
the criminal Israelis viciously attacking the Palestinians, blaming them
for t... more »
The Movie Transcendence
The best part was this song. Otherwise Meh!
Ethiopian Famine Relief

*His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, *
*Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah, *
*King of Kings of Ethiopia, *
*Elect of God".*
*Tafari Makonnen Woldemikael*
*(23 July 1892 – 27 August 1975)*
The Emperor sent aid to the British government in 1947 when Britain was
affected by heavy flooding.
His letter to *Lord Meork, National Distress Fund, London* said, *"even
though We are busy of helping our people who didn't recover from the crises
of the war, We heard that your fertile and beautiful country is devastated
by the unusually heavy rain, and your request for aid. "Therefore, We ... more »
summer, teens, the library, and me
Yesterday was my first summer program at the library. Attendance was low,
but very keen. An artist and activist (who happens to be a friend of mine
from the war resisters movement) led a workshop I called "Comix that Save
the World". We explored the use of the comics form to express larger social
concerns. It was so much fun, the teens were so into it, that I'm thinking
of expanding it to an ongoing series, where kids could really develop
The summer at Mississauga Central Library will be packed with programs for
teens - sometimes as many as three a week - and all are free... more »
Picket, Boycott, Shut Down Weingarten's Common Core Convention
From Inside AFT:
The *AFT convention*, set for July 11-14 at the Los Angeles Convention
Center, will focus on fighting back and fighting forward on key domestic
issues to reclaim the promise of America, including the Common Core State
Standards . . .
Book Watch: This cool New York summer reading list might work just as well for non-New Yorkers

*by Ken*
Especially with a holiday weekend coming up, some of us may have turned our
thoughts to getting some reading done.
Summer reading lists have become a publishing tradition, based on the
apparent assumption that people who don't read many books the rest of the
year suddenly turn bookworm in summer, or perhaps that summer readers are
looking for a different *kind* of reading. Depending on who's doing the
listing, I sometimes give a quick glance. (I always feel like I'm way
behind on my reading, so this is likely to make me feel worse, and you
can't put a price on that.) Gen... more »
The region is boiling
I was staggered to hear the Today programme dealing with the Islam-related
stories this morning. No connection was made between any of them by the
BBC, yet the main headlines concerned two major back-to-back Islam-related
Thursday 3rd July 2014.
*1.) “Good morning here are the headlines: Extra security measures are
being put in place in British Airports after the US authorities warned of a
potential new threat from Islamist extremists.*
*2.)Israeli military planes have targeted the Gaza Strip with tensions
running high over the murder of Palestinian and Israeli teenagers. W... more »
UK planned to "Extract, Equip, Train" 100,000 Syrians for "shock & awe"
*By BBC 'Investigations Correspondant" - Wow! That is impressive! Right?*
*Problem? I am not getting any sense of investigation?*
"The plan was called Extract, Equip, Train... a shock and awe attack that
would allow the Syrians themselves to defeat Assad", reports Nick Hopkins
The UK drew up plans to train and equip a 100,000-strong Syrian rebel army
to defeat President Bashar al-Assad, BBC Newsnight can reveal.
The secret initiative, put forward two years ago, was the brainchild of the
then most senior UK military officer, General Sir David Richards.
It was considered by the PM an... more »
Connecting dots ( July 3 , 2014 ) -- With the clamoring for a new great war making the rounds , is the game already afoot ? War in July ??? Some items to consider ....
War in July....... FWIW
Cryptome claims all Snowden files will be published in July to avert a war
Published time: July 01, 2014 17:13
Edited time: July 03, 2014 18:16
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[image: Screenshot from cryptome.org]
Screenshot from cryptome.org
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NSA leaks
Internet, Snowden, USA, WikiLeaks
All of the National Security Agency files accessed by former contractor
Edward Snowden could be published in the month of July if vaguely worded
predictions tweeted this week from the digital library site Cryptome prove
to be correct.
A series of micro-messages publishe... more »
Not Hamas- Sinai based 'terror group' claims resposibility for student deaths
Jerusalem Post
The al-Qaida affiliated* Sinai-based* Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis, which
reportedly recently pledged allegiance to The Islamic State, formerly known
as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has claimed responsibility
for the murder of the three yeshiva students in Judea.
The Egyptian-based group claimed responsibility for the kidnapping and
murder of the three boys on its website, stating that “the kidnapping and
killing was a victory for the Islamic Caliphate.”
The statement threatened future operations against targets of the Israeli
*The claim to ha... more »
Some More *Clarity* on BESE’s “Special Counsel,” Contract Limitations, and PARCC
July 03, 2014, has been quite the day for uplifting information in
the Roemer/White vs. Jindal battle over Louisiana public education. In this
post, I elaborate on three topics: 1) Roemer’s, White’s, and the BESE
majority’s attempts to “retain special counsel” in order to sue the
governor; 2) further limits placed upon LDOE and BESE regarding contracts,
NSA Spygate ( July 3 , 2014 ) - If you have a phone / TV / Laptop / Desktop / Xbox ... assume you are under surveillance ----- Are You Targeted By The NSA?
Are You Targeted By The NSA?
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/03/2014 16:01 -0400
- Apple
- Erste
- Germany
- Google
- Newspaper
- The Onion
*Meet XKeyscore - "a computer network exploitation system", as described in
an NSA presentation, devoted to gathering "nearly everything a user does on
the internet."* TheGerman site Das Erste has exposed the shocking truth
about the rules used by the NSA to decide who is a "targe... more »
Gold news of note ( July 3 , 2014 ) ..... Funny how just as Deutsche Bank and Barclays have quit / been forced out of the gold manipulation business , along comes the Indian Central Bank -- India’s Central Bank To Sell Gold On The Market In Exchange For Gold At The Bank Of England ........ addditional items touching on gold and gold manipulations to consider ( h/t GATA )
Caught Rigging Gold And Dark Pools, Barclays Begs To At Least Keep FX
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/03/2014 15:31 -0400
- Barclays
- Dark Pools
- dark pools
- Goldbugs
- Hank Paulson
- Hank Paulson
- Market Manipulation
- Predatory Algos
- The Onion
2014 has not been kind to Barclays: first, the UK bank proved countless
goldbugs right when i... more »
July 3: The exceptionalism of Exceptionalism.
Obama has recently and publicly stated that he believes in American
Exceptionalism with "every fibre of his being". In fact, that can be said
of almost everyone in the American government - and the Canadian
government. It such a strong belief that it's rather remarkable that few in
the news media know have explained what it means.
In fact, without knowing what it means, a very high proportion of Canadians
seem to believe in American Exceptionalism.
In brief, it means that the US has the right to do anything it likes to
other countries. Laws, whether domestic or international, do not... more »
How Will Pope Francis Handle Bigoted Hypocritical Gay Archbishop John Nienstedt?

I'm a huge Pope Francis fan. I've never been into religion but I've had a
great feeling about this guy as soon as he became Pope. I've always said I
wished there would be one truly great president-- instead of all the
mediocre crap-- before I die. That's why I pray that Elizabeth Warren
actually goes for it at some time. The office seeks the man (or woman),
not-- ideally-- the other way round. It worked out well enough in Rome this
last time.
But now Pope Francis is going to have to confront what too many of his
predecessors have hidden behind institutional hypocrisy to avoid: Chu... more »
Mike's Story Part 68 - A Presidential Energy Policy
Jenna Orkin
* Mike declined the political offer for sensible reasons boiling down to
the likelihood that it would not be worth the risk. He ended his email to
the friend who'd made the offer with, "I have a wonderful dog that I'm not
willing to abandon to friends or a kennel. I am doing work that I like and
I think my novel may well turn out to be the most important contribution of
what feels like a very long life."*
*June 14, 2008*
*I am sending this to the two most powerful and wonderful women I have
known in my life. I just wrote this as a note to go in the novel, which
... more »
The New Blitzkrieg
A new version of maneuver warfare is being utilized mainly by Islamic
fundamentalist forces to seize territory from government forces trained,
equipped and organized along the Western model. This “new blitzkrieg”
relies on lightly armed fighters mounted on “technicals” – 4×4 trucks with
heavy machine-guns, light cannons, or automatic grenade launchers mounted
on the vehicle.
Continue reading
Inequality and British Capitalism
As we saw the other day, inequality has become so pathological that
capitalism could seize up. When lucrative markets are locked down, when
governments bow and scrape to big business, when social mobility is choked
off, and the unobtainable opulence of the vanishingly few is crassly
paraded in front of the many, capitalism is going out of its way to court
an existential crisis. Though, of course, there is no one as such to blame
for this state of affairs. And that's the most terrifying thing about the
system. Capitalism is blind. Market-driven production for profit means our
econom... more »
Supplemental: Did Matthews claim to be one of “us?”
*THURSDAY, JULY 3, 2014*
*The press corps’ marketing scam:* Let’s give credit where credit is due!
On Monday, June 23, the Post’s Philip Rucker authored a lengthy front-page
report about Hillary Clinton’s troubling gaffes. Her troubling gaffes
concerned her wealth, which is also troubling.
The 1800-word poison pen piece ran beneath this headline: “Clinton's
rarefied life could be a liability in campaign.” Since then, the cub
reporter has been pouring it on, delivering Ole Massa’s narrative.
Let’s give credit where credit is due! That very night, Chris Matthews was
able to see, and... more »
Experts Challenge Israeli attempt to derail P5+1 Deal
So, if I am reading this correctly, Israel looks to be lobbying hard to
derail any agreement being made with Iran?* Link*
“A handful of non-proliferation experts are taking issue with the Israeli
position on a final agreement with Iran over its nuclear program,
specifically, Israeli demands that the deal model the plan that ridded
Syria of its chemical weapons (CW) stockpile and that intrusive inspections
won’t prevent Iran from building a nuclear weapon.
Top Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have
argued that the entirety of Iran’s nuclear program — inc... more »
Value-Added Scores Finally Explained by NM Education Department
This summer, an ongoing action by New Mexico teachers is to send in
Inspection of Public Records requests (IPRAs, for short), asking the Public
Education Department (PED) to send evidence that backs up teacher
evaluation reports received this year, and the means used to calculate the
scores. We’ve waited. We’ve waited some more. Finally, some of those […]
*Jimmy Graham ruled a tight end by arbitrator ~WWLTV *
*Plaquemines argues for state court jurisdiction of suit against oil
companies ~Mark Schleifstein*
*Jaw-Dropping What Brad Pitt Is Doing To Native American Reservations*
*Arthur upgraded to hurricane, expected to soak Myrtle Beach today*
*Officials: Coralville Lake could top spillway next week~Josh O'Leary, Iowa
City Press-Citizen *
Chile: Aeronautical Agency Confirms UFO Sighting and Disseminates Image

*Source: Planeta UFODate: July 1, 2014*
*Chile: Aeronautical Agency Confirms UFO Sighting and Disseminates Image*
*Workers at the Collahuasi Mine in the northern region of Tarapacá saw and
photographed a silver disk that remained visible for some 2 hours at an
altitude of 600 meters.*
SANTIAGO DE CHILE (EFE) - Scientists from the Centro de Estudios de
Fenomenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), a branch of the General Office of Civil
Aeronautics, concluded that a sighting from April 2013 corresponds to an
unidentified flying object (UFO) whose image was disseminated on Tuesday.
After a y... more »
The Facebook Laboratory: Social Control in the Twenty-First Century
The Wall Street Journal today has an article titled “Facebook Lab Had
Limits.” (July 3, 2014 p. A1).
See also Washington Post’s “Cornell’s Ethic Board did Not Approve
Facebook’s Emotional Manipulation Study.” Apparently a Cornell faculty
member involved in the study failed to get Institutional Review Board
approval for the study before it was conducted, a human subjects
requirement in all universities:
the study, researchers at Facebook tweak... more »
Court Case - there is no justice - when it's treated like a Game
*like a lovely pointless Chess set.*
first of all, *CRIMINAL scum*, right... oh, let me temper my tone for the
purposes of this missive... these *'innocents until proven guilty'* are
often-times *LYING ON THE HOLY BIBLE*. So, what's the point in forcing an
Accused to 'swear on it'? I'll caveat this by saying, "If there really was
a God, and he really did know everything about you, you'd know whether you
were lying under Oath or not."
And isn't it just TIME to drag The Lord or God or Any Holy Book out of the
court system? I mean, what is the place of a(n ancient) FAITH DEVICE in a
s... more »
If We're Not Losers, Why Do Our Own Parties Ignore or Defy Us
Why am I not "training my guns" on the real enemies? Because, say I were to
write some brilliant condemnation of the capitalist-imperialists, what
would happen? The left would go "You tell 'em thwap!" and that'd be it.
There's no movement to galvanize. There's no organization. There's no hope
of tactics. There's nothing.
Better, methinks, that I shame the smug, self-satisfied denizens of the
left out of their brain-dead allegiance to failure. Or not. It's what I
want to talk about anyhow, so tuff shit to you all.
It's pretty simple really. We're so useless and powerless that even ou... more »
Celestial Mechanics
the worlds finest obit
was around our SUN
I do not think we know
the politicians who
decided this was the final one
So much green energy
being expelled
so much hydrogen
that would blow
up conservative cells
Yeah we gotta Sun
]Yeah it gives to everyone
and if you think your
going to rape this earth
look the sunrise
because it will give
you and yours
a horrible sunscreen
vision of dearth
Mariann G. Wizard : SPECIAL REPORT | The Drug War: ‘Against the Wind,’ Part 1
Marijuana prohibition is a house of straw. During the past month, the winds
of change have started to rip that house apart and now the DEA may be
reevaluating cannabis’ status as a ‘dangerous drug.’ By Mariann G. Wizard
| … finish reading Mariann G. Wizard :
*SPECIAL REPORT* | The Drug War: ‘Against the Wind,’ Part 1
9th ICCC, Las Vegas

The 9th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC) will be held next
week in Las Vegas, USA. It is an annual, sometimes twice a year (2009, NYC
and Wash DC; 2010, Chicago and Sydney) conference sponsored by the
Chicago-based free market think tank, the Heartland Institute.
I was able to attend the 2nd ICCC in March 2009 in NYC, and the 4th ICCC in
Chicago in May 2010. In both instances I was given a travel grant by
Heartland because MG Thinkers was among the minor NGO co-sponsors of the
event, courtesy of our membership at the IPN-initiatied Civil Society
Coalition on Climat... more »
Did Steve Israel Send Lox With The Bagels And Cream Cheese To Sean Eldridge's Campaign?

Yesterday there was all kinds of commotion on the right from a hum drum
post about Sean Eldridge firing his campaign manager and the quality of
assistance his campaign gets from Steve Israel. One person in the campaign
seems angry that I mentioned Israel sent widely unappreciated bagels and
cream cheese every week and another told me the story lacked credibility
because I didn't mention the lox (while another refused to even confirm
that there ever even *was* lox).
On the other hand, my suspicions about why Eldridge dumped campaign manager
Mike Reid were partially confirmed. Ever... more »
Wallace Springs Farm Sausage and Ground Pork

Wallace Springs Farm's freezer has just been restocked with fresh frozen
sausage and ground pork in time for your summer BBQs. Six varieties of
sausage to choose from or buy ground pork and make your own. Buy 20 lbs or
more and receive a free 1 litre of Wallace Springs pure old fashioned Maple
Sausage $5.49/lb. and the ground pork $4.99/lb.
Post by AntiMaidan l Say NO to fascism.
This short video shows just how the US-NATO corrupt regime in Kiev lies to
their own people and the rest of the world. You'd think that by now folks
would learn not to trust these cats but put some bars and stars on a
uniformed soldier and they can get away with just about anything.
The first part has the Ukrainian military spokesman saying they take great
care not to harm civilians and then the rest of the video shows the truth.

More peace activists in Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, South Korea take
a brave stand in non-violently resisting the building of the naval base on
the 'island of peace'! We salute your powerful witness against militarism
and pray for peace in the Asia Pacific region!
Two more peace activists went to jail today for refusing to pay fines
related to protests opposing the construction of a naval base on Jeju
Island. Lee Jong-Hwa and Park Seung-Ho took a conscientious stand against
militarism and injustice. They said, "We will resolutely resist till the
day when the Jeju naval base c... more »

Carving up the spoils..... the US-NATO program was always about breaking
Iraq into pieces just like was done to Yugoslavia and Libya.....Russia and
China are also on the list for carving up.
I am trying to watch it but it transends my abiltiy or hardware or
something, it marketing trickery if you ask me. Like humans cataloging big
Ape behavior, big data is going to make you want to buy a sex toy for your
mother in law.
We are stupid humans there should be a twelve step process for that. Native
Americans fled ancient China because they did not want to be the next
eunech who was intelligent enough to see
Now right now we all have to believe. We got to believe in far more
constructed senarios than anyone who ever invented a religion could
possibly believe.
Mankind to it... more »
Dear visitor to my blog, As you may know, most of my recent posts are quasi-replicated re-postings of the work of others. Accordingly, I was getting set to repost the June 30, 2014 lead post of Democracy Now, when I discovered that the embed code would not function ...even though it appeared to be no different in construction from the many Democracy Now embed codes I've used in the past. After many tries with no luck, I finally decided that it must have been censored. Why do I think that? Well, upon watching the video corresponding to the frozen copy below, I've concluded that it is because Edward Snowden comes across in this testimony before the German Parliament as such a sincere individual with true concern for human rights so deep that he regards his having to hide in Russia indefinitely is a small price to pay to get out the story of NSA's spying. Indeed, it is my sense that anyone who has been previously been lied into believing that Snowden is a traitor will immediatly see him as a HERO! So go to the link below the photo, which should take you to the original, and watch at least long enough to take in this close-up segment (about 4 minutes in), and then decide whether or not you agree with my assessment.

Snowden Asylum in Germany? Support Grows for NSA Whistleblower After Merkel
Cancels Verizon Contract
Cherchez la Verite
Of C. David Heymann, lies and truths
wrote this a while back for the CTKA.net site, but given that a new
book from the author has been published, it's worth a reprint here.
- - - - - -
As a researcher into a controversial subject – the assassinations of the
sixties – people often ask me this question: How do you know which
sources to believe and which to disbelieve?
My answer is this: When you read an author for the first time
I can not complain
I can not complain
though if I could a wood
I would grow a tree
in my honor
and collect all its benefits
as a royalty
But that's not my fate
I was born in a bad way
and raised myself
with my parents help
I can not complain
I see the world
and I am free of pain
Like 80% of the planet
I am not a coal fanatic
So I feel the pain
I know all the simptions
and even the cause
But the solution
its pollution
Yeah the world
we got can handle
an infite amout of
pollution or unatrural compounds
that in nature would not exist
we are taunting God
every day
with the way
we work the earth
to what I e... more »
In search of a truly portable cellphone

I wouldn't say I rail against all of life’s constraints, but the lack of
control for customers of cellphone service in Canada has always made me
This, then, is the story of one woman with minimal knowledge of
cellphone technology on an all-consuming mission: To find an affordable
phone that could be taken almost anywhere in the world with just the change
of a SIM card.
The term for this magical thing is an “unlocked world phone,” a phrase
I’d never heard when the search got underway in May, but one which I’d
become very familiar with in the research-filled weeks... more »
Agri Econ 14: NO to Further Extension of Agrarian Reform

Three weeks ago, there was a report that after President Noynoy Aquino met
with several farmer leaders, he was persuaded to have another extension of
agrarian reform (AR) in the Philippines, from end-June 2014 (last weekend)
to another two years, mid-2016.
This is wrong. Endless extension of forced land redistribution is wrong.
Agrarian reform in Japan, S. Korea and Taiwan took only three years or
less, zero extension. Here, it is 42 years now, plus two more years? Then
extend again when the next administration comes to power?
If one has 10 hectares or more of inherited land from h... more »
Another tough schedule for the president...

H/T White House Dossier
*Obama Schedule || Thursday, July 3, 2014*
*10:00 ||* Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing
*12:30 pm ||* Lunch with Biden
Attack on “Balanced Literacy” Is Attack on Professional Teachers, Research
Attack on “Balanced Literacy” Is Attack on Professional Teachers, Research.
via Attack on “Balanced Literacy” Is Attack on Professional Teachers,
Research.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Said it before and we’ll say it again: #edreform is cheap @rocketshiped
Rocketship Education sputters. I guess they didn’t build that play too well
as they flew it. An editorial from the WI Journal Sentinel pretty much sums
it up. Rocketship relies on inexperienced teachers, almost one-third of
whom quit last year. It saves money by having students as young as
kindergarten spend one-quarter of their day […]
Significant protests against the war being waged in eastern Ukraine by the
governing regime in Kyiv are taking place by the conscript soldiers of the
Ukraine army and their families, friends and supporters. The protests are
entirely unreported in mainstream, western media. They take on a renewed
urgency as a result of Kyiv's July 1 announcement that it is ending a ten
day ceasefire and resuming its military assaults against the towns and
cities in the east.
*(Click here for many more stories and links about growing resistance to
the US-NATO Kiev regime by citizens of Ukraine)*
*A... more »
ANTHROPOLOGISTS WITHIN: Despising the Clintons in block-long estates!
*THURSDAY, JULY 3, 2014*
*Part 4—Anthropologist Leibovich speaks:* In this morning’s Washington
Post, the famous newspaper’s jihadic obsession burns on.
It’s true that Philip Rucker, the cub reporter, has been exiled to page A3
today. But on that page, he is given 1358 words, and a photograph, to
extend his “Ahab watch” concerning those grotesque and obscene speaking
fees, the sign of a sick society.
Today, Rucker considers the unseemly amounts Hillary Clinton has received,
or will receive, for speeches at eight universities. He highlights
“outrage” from student leaders about these... more »
Fight Salt and Sugar in our Foods
RATS will eat themselves to death if salt and sugar are at unnatural levels
in their food, and so will horses. Admit you can not control your lizard
brain and be part of a better future.
Reasonable apprehension of bias
Langstaff v. Marson, 2014 ONCA 510:
[24] There is a strong presumption of judicial impartiality and a
heavy burden on a party who seeks to rebut this presumption.
[25] Judicial impartiality has been called "the key to our judicial
process": see*Wewaykum Indian Band v. Canada, **[2003] 2 S.C.R. 259*, at p.
288. Chief Justice Lamer referred to "public confidence in the impartiality
of the judiciary" as "essential to the effectiveness of the court system":
see *R. v. Campbell,* [1997] 3 S.C.R. 3, at para 10. The presumption of
impartiality anchors public confidence in the... more »
Fight GMO foods
I just know in my heart they are wrong, wrong like Nuclear power, wrong
like Oxycontin, wrong, wrong, wrong as the future.
When I see wrong repeated over and over I thinkaboot it must be a Klingon
word we have adapted.
Paul Bernardo Getting Married
I want to throw up. I want to lock up the women in question because she is
obviously a danger to the state. I just wonder because the source is the
SUN is this all a Harper black ops?
I am proud of Canada for not having capital punishment. Its wrong on every
level. Bernardo is getting punishment, but this headline is gravy for
the Conservatives.
No serious journalists should have published this story. Its bullshit news.
Party Poly-ticks
it's the nature of party politics that eventually causes parties to
abdicate themselves of their founding principles. Political parties come
into existence with ideological agendas and a set of corresponding
positions and policies. It's what makes them political parties.
Eventually though, parties lose themselves in politics. The
Conservatives, whether Reform or a proper Tory variety,
O Yeah Links

Too tired to blog. Enjoy some links.
Yeah!!! Taipei Times says obstacle to foreign nationals taking out local
citizenship may be removed.
- Epoch Times: CCP Using thugs to undermine Occupy movement?
- Was the Sunflower movement successful?
- Ma meets Kerry in Panama
- Tsai Ing-wen presser in English (video)
- D Engbarth: Rights experts urge Action on gender equality
- FPIF: China's South China Sea move gives it strategic access to the
Indian Ocean
- China's Dangerous Taiwan Gambit
- WantWant: using aboriginal culture to expand Chinese tourism
_______________... more »
Who Is Grubbier-- France's Ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy Or L.A.'s Ex-Sheriff Lee Baca? How About Mississippi Nutcase Chris McDaniel?

What's wrong with voters who allow themselves to be suckered by
conservative politicians?
I was listening to an amazing broadcast on KCRW the other night. It was a
discussion between an anchor who didn't know it was amazing and a beat
reporter who was just as clueless. The reporter was babbling to the anchor
about how 6 officials of the L.A. County Sheriff's Department were
convicted of obstructing a federal probe into violence against inmates in
county jails. She reported that they could get long prison sentences-- like
15 years or more-- but that no one thought they would because, ... more »
It Takes Imagination

When it comes to climate change, Murray Dobbin writes, knowledge isn't the
problem. We have plenty of it. And it's growing everyday:
We have seen especially alarming predictions in the past few months. Two
studies released almost simultaneously claim with a high degree of
certainty that the glaciers in the western Antarctic are irreversibly
melting. The first, by NASA and the University of California-Irvine,
examined a group of large glaciers that collectively contain the eq... more »
*“Diversity”: The Idol of Academia*
“Diversity” is not just a good in the academic world. It is the supreme
good, the one good before which all other considerations must yield.
Recently, a colleague expressed a preference for a certain Northeastern
city university over a certain Midwestern Christian college because, he
said, the former has more “diversity” than the latter.
All that this means, though, is that because this big city university in
the Northeast is a racial, ethnic, and socio-economic polyglot and its
Midwestern Christian counterpart is just too white, the former is
p... more »
Can we exchange seats for something else?
It has started to rub me the wrong way when media outlets refer to
increasing school enrollment as “seats.” From the NY Daily News: The city
will offer 53,000 pre-K seats in the fall, up from about 20,000 this year.
Many of the new seats will be in public schools, but the majority will be
Big-Pharma Vaccines Deemed "Safe" by Big-Pharma Funded "Study"

*July 3, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - RT's article, "Vaccines don’t
cause autism, complications extremely rare – study," states that:
*There is no evidence that immunizing vaccinations cause autism while any
complications arising from their administration to children are extremely
rare, new analysis comprised of 67 research studies has discovered.*
*“There is strong evidence that MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) vaccine
is not associated with autism,”the study’s results said.*
RT cites a "Pediatrics: Official Journal of the American Academy of
Pediatrics" study titled, "Safety... more »
Nuclear Green all time hits
United States
United Kingdom
sometimes knowing your rights is all it takes: in which we win our landlord battle
We won! And we won so easily, we're left scratching our heads and asking,
"What just happened?"
As you'll recall, our landlord asked for an illegal rent increase - 10.5%
when the legal allowable is 0.8%! - and implied that he would resort to
dirty tricks if we didn't pay.
We did our homework, checked and double-checked that this home does not
fall through a serious loophole in Ontario rent laws. We crafted an email
with just the right tone - straightforward and firm, but with nothing that
could be considered belligerent.
When he received our email, he asked when he could come over ... more »
Glenn Greenwald's Big NSA Story Gets Squashed

On Monday, Pulitzer prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald let the news
slip via Twitterthat his long-awaited NSA story was to be published on The
Intercept at midnight. By Tuesday morning, much to the dismay of myself and
many others it appeared that the site - which since its rollout has been
disappointly devoid of new material - has caved to government pressure
tactics did not post the story. According to a rather cryptic Tweet by
Greenwald later on Monday, *"After 3 months working on our story, USG today
suddenly began making new last-minute claims which we intend to investig... more »
Iraq Sectarian Civil War and Jihadist Battles Updates ( July 3 , 2014 ) ..... As if battling the Kurds and Sunnis wasn't enough on his plate , PM Maliki opens a third front by battling a Shi'a rival in southern Iraq - and somehow Maliki sees a new Iraqi Government by next week ( with Maliki still at the helm ? ) ..... Ever notice Maliki listens to no one but wants everyone to help him ( Maliki Urges Neighbors to Join in Iraq’s War Against ISIS Says Caliphate Is a Problem for the Whole Region ) ? Biggest problem for any Unity government is neither of the three major factions and combatants ( Shi'a / Sunni or Kurd trust each other and no one trusts Maliki )
Anti War......
Maliki Cracks Down on Shi’ite Rival: 45 Killed In Karbala ClashTroops Tried
to Arrest Cleric Critical of 'Call to Arms'
by Jason Ditz, July 02, 2014
Print This | Share This
After a bloody crackdown on Sunni Arabs, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri
al-Maliki saw violence soar for months, and most of the Sunni portion of
the nation now taken over by ISIS. Kurdistan, likewise, is one foot out the
door to secession.
The lesson apparently unlearned, Maliki’s forces attacked the offices of a
popular cleric in the Shi’ite holy city of Karbala today, aiming to arrest
him for public ... more »
The Middle East conflict summed up - 'One side wants the other side dead'
'The Middle East conflict is framed as one of the most complex problems in
the world. But, in reality, it's very simple. Israelis want to live in
peace and are willing to accept a neighboring Palestinian state. And most
Palestinians do not want Israel to exist. As Dennis Prager explains, this
is really all you need to know. In 5 minutes, understand how Israel was
founded, and how, since that auspicious day in 1948, its neighbors have
tried to destroy it, again and again. '
U.S. plans sale of 4,000 more Hellfire missiles to Iraq

[image: AGM-114 Hellfire]The State Department has told lawmakers informally
that the Obama administration wants to sell Iraq more than 4,000 additional
Hellfire missiles made by Lockheed Martin for the government’s fight
against Islamic insurgents, according to people familiar with the plan.
Sale of the laser-guided missiles would be in addition to 500 previously
purchased, of which about 400 have been delivered.
The U.S. has pledged military aid to Iraq in its fight against the
militants, an extremist Sunni group that’s seized a swath of territory
north and west of Baghdad. Iraq’s ... more »
D's Update: Computers, Communications and Cats
*Edited July 3 at 9:54 am: Well folks.... it's taken me 6 DAYS to get this
article to post! I was literally about to go over to Bill's place and
retype it all out on his computer and get him to post it on American Kabuki
instead!! Well.... I'm about to press publish- everyone cross your
June 27th, 2014,
Good morning everyone!
I'm back..... again. lol.
Since my last post, I've run into a litany of communications issues. It's
almost as if someone is telling me to stay off the computer- which really
doesn't work well with my schedule, lol.
This is just a short upd... more »
the Paddington bear film - the REAL CONSPIRACY - who is this imposter?
*Creepy Paddington image c/o Irish Times*
I realise you're going, "Free Planet blog generally deals with serious
*satanic* anti-Illuminati or *conglomerate* anti-Profit issues that are
ruining modern life and making us wage-slaves, oh, and sometimes some art.
But this rough and scruffy cunning and 'attitude crippled' life-like naked
brown bear cub with flesh-ripping canines is NOT Paddington bear...
...because Paddington bear is a *talking toy* in a planar world. Not a real
i.e. voiceless, bear cub in a 3D world. This is the real Paddington bear,
notice his plump proportions and... more »
No wonder Gordon Brown, Ed Miliband and Ed Balls made such a mess of the UK economy, they can't do simple maths
Guido Fawkes has the details
Xi Arrival in South Korea Marked by N. Korea Missiles
Chinese President Xi Jinping will hold talks with South Korean President
Park Geun Hye today with a series of North Korean missile launches lending
urgency to their pledge to rein in Kim Jong Un’s nuclear ambitions.
North Korea has conducted three rounds of missile firings in the past week,
including two overseen by Kim, that heightened tensions on the peninsula
before Xi’s arrival.
As one of Kim’s few allies and his country’s biggest trading partner, China
has leverage over North Korea, which has detonated three nuclear devices
and threatened to turn Seoul into a sea of fire.
Re... more »
Boeing signs contract to produce Super Hornets and Growlers

[image: EA-18G Growler]Boeing has been awarded a contract by the F/A-18 and
EA-18G Programme Office (PMA-265) to produce and deliver 44 F/A-18 Super
Hornet and EA-18G Growler aircraft over the next two years.
The latest contract will allow the US Navy to acquire the remaining
aircraft included in the programme of record by the end of the fiscal year
2016, as well as 12 EA-18Gs for the Royal Australian Air Force, which were
requested in July 2013.
PMA-265 programme manager captain Frank Morley said that F/A-18 and EA-18G
jets are the predominant tactical force for both the US Navy an... more »
The Mogambo Guru, “A Massive Tax Hike That Will Doom Us All”
*“A Massive Tax Hike That Will Doom Us All”*
by The Mogambo Guru
“I can hear the family gathered outside, banging on the walls of the
Mogambo Bunker Of Paranoid Hysteria (MBOPH), demanding that I unlock the
door, come outside immediately, stop acting like a crazy person, and at
least pick up the empty pizza boxes that I threw out into the yard, because
the neighbors are complaining, and it looks so tacky, and blah blah blah.Well, the neighbors may be complaining to each other about a few colorful
cardboard boxes festively strewn randomly about, decorating the yard, but
it is never... more »
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