sunova-surfboards-bert-burger-team-rider-paul-bocquet-the-mini-speedster (Photo credit: Sunova Surfboards) |
SGTreport - The Corporate Propaganda Antidote - Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom
Volume-Slump, Gold-Dump And Short-Squeeze Double-Pump Lifts Dow To Intraday
from Zero Hedge : On the heels of Friday’s late melt-up, futures opened quietly on Sunday before16 mins ago -
David Morgan – What’s Next For Gold And Silver Prices?
from : David Morgan of The Morgan Report believes that if a precious metals23 mins ago -
Bug Out Bag – Water, Food, and More
by Ken Jorgustin, Modern Survival Blog : Most in the prepper community know that a bug out bag is a kit42 mins ago
Black Agenda Report
Political Prisoner Imam Jamil Al-Amin in Declining Health, Urgently Needs
da_rap_is_live.jpg By BAR managing editor BruceJuly 9, 2014 -
Freedom Rider: Who Prosecutes the Prosecutors?
prison.jpg by BAR editor and senior columnistJuly 8, 2014 -
4th of July Fireworks, In Marietta GA, and in Gaza
white_phosphorus_gaza.jpg A Black Agenda RadioJuly 8, 2014
Azzaman English
Kurds building moat around areas added to their territory
By Fareed Hassan Azzaman, July 14, 2014 The Kurds are building a new moat around the so-called disputed3 hrs ago -
ISIS and government crack down on former Iraqi army officers
Azzaman, July 12, 2014 The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and the Iraqi government are fierce enemiesJuly 12, 2014 -
Iraq faces drinking water shortages due to drop in river levels
By Dalya Ahmad Azzaman, July 10, 2014 Major Iraqi cities are facing water shortages as rivers Tigris andJuly 10, 2014
Community Press Group
What Would George Orwell Have Said About Airport Security & The War on
Orwell's quotes tell us so much about the future and our own apathy... He is well worth revisiting inJuly 7, 2014 -
Awake Radio with Reality Bytes & The Endgame with Guest Clive de Carle
Clive de Carle makes an impromptu appearance on Awake Radio with regular hosts Neil Foster & Alan TaylorJuly 5, 2014 -
The Dirty Douzaine and the Town Centre S(t)inking Ship
Honeybill appointment opens can of worms as Parish officials use bullying, obfuscation, contradiction andJuly 4, 2014
Jails are Becoming Insane Asylums: Thanks, “Drug War”
Lily Dane Activist Post The United States is notorious for locking up people for committing victimless -
The Head Of ‘The Central Bank Of The World’ Warns That Another Great
Michael Snyder Activist Post Most people have never heard of Jaime Caruana even though he is the head of
The Voice of Russia, News
Blasts on the Gaza - Israel border
Explosions from air bombardments continue over the Gaza strip despite growing international pressure for a25 mins ago -
Russia's rocket Angara not to be used as ICBM - Federal Space Agency
Russia's new Angara launch vehicle will not be used as an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM50 mins ago -
Current Ukrainian crisis is not in Europe's interests – Russian envoy
Europe is not interested in maintaining the current crisis situation in Ukraine. Russia's permanent1 hr ago
Climate Resistance
Monbiotism. Again.
It’s been nearly a year since this blog last took a look at Monbiot’s thinking. He used to be aJune 18, 2014 -
Why Do Environmentalists Hate Liberty?
Warning… This is a VERY long post! You may want to skip straight to the conclusion, labelled in boldJune 6, 2014 -
BBC Science Broadcasters — Bubble, BS, or Cabal?
The previous post here generated a bit of Twitter twitchiness from one of the contributors to Horizon’May 31, 2014
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
Improving the Fed So Many Windy Words
Another article, among thousands every year, explaining how the Fed can be more effective if it would just15 hrs ago -
Atlantic Mag Shock US No Longer Under Rule of Law
Here comes The Atlantic magazine – that bastion of international socialism – with a scathing15 hrs ago -
Whats Missing in the Current Immigration Crisis Debate
Over the past several weeks we have seen a significant increase in illegal immigration, as thousands of15 hrs ago Top Topics
Tory child abuse whistleblower: I supplied underage rent boys for Margaret
In a series of explosive claims about conferences at Blackpool and Brighton in the 1980s, he alleges boys23 hrs ago -
Prehistoric Engineering at Lake Copais (35 flags)
Interesting reports and consideration here on the ancient engineering projects that transformed the KopaisJuly 13, 2014 -
Whats blacker than black? Vantablack! (28 flags)
The headline of the source article at reads: Blackest is the new black: Scientists have developed a22 hrs ago
Accuracy In Academia
The Duke vs. Duke University
It’s a classic clash of symbols: The family of a right-wing icon goes head to head with a left-wing school,23 hrs ago -
American Teenage Financial Literacy is Just…Average
Teens in the United States are only average when it comes to financial literacy; crushed by ChineseJuly 12, 2014 -
Conservative Supreme Court Victories
The Heritage Foundation’s annual Scholar’s and Scribes event held on July 8 th discussed the SupremeJuly 11, 2014
No halt to Gaza raids despite ceasefire calls
Israel continues with its air and naval bombardments of Gaza as hospitals struggle to cope with casualties.1 hr ago -
Israel says it has downed drone from Gaza
Israeli army says it shot down drone near city of Ashdod after Hamas said it sent several drones on "9 hrs ago -
Ukraine forces break rebel airport blockade
At least 30 rebels killed in east as Ukraine officials say they have lost contact with military plane in5 hrs ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
Israel student union sets up “war room” to sell Gaza massacre on Facebook
Students at the IDC Herzliya “war room,” seen here in a screenshot, focus on posting propaganda4 mins ago -
Snowden bevestigt dat Al Baghdadi werd opgeleid door de Mossad
De voormalige medewerker van het Nationaal Agentschap voor de Amerikaanse veiligheid, Edward Snowden, heeft1 hr ago -
South African human rights organisations demand Israeli ambassador be
‘…South Africa should be at the forefront of calling for international sanctions and1 hr ago
Animal Emotions
Who's Afraid of "Big Bad Nature"? Far Too Many Kids
Park rangers have observed that a fear of nature is growing in kids and adults. Surely conservationJuly 11, 2014 -
Swans Just Want to Have Fun, as Do Other Animals
Many animals do things just for fun and it's about time we recognize this and study when, how, and whyJuly 9, 2014 -
Do Elephants Weep as an Emotional Response? They Likely Do
While we are not 100% certain, scientific research and many stories support the view that elephants andJuly 8, 2014
Arms Control Now: The Blog of the Arms Control Association
The P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks Alert, July 14
By the research staff of the Arms Control Association. To get this P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks Alert7 hrs ago -
The Week Ahead, July 14-20: P5+1 talks with Iran; Anniversary of “Trinity”
The following are some of the key arms control dates and developments to watch over the next fortnightJuly 12, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks Alert, July 11
By the research staff of the Arms Control Association. To get this P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks AlertJuly 11, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
Hypocrisy of the BBC
Censorship now rules at the British publicly funded broadcaster, the BBC. On a current affairs programme inJuly 10, 2014 -
Czech president: Political Correctness = Political Cowardice
UPDATE: Watch Brigitte Gabriel comprehensively eviscerate political correctness here. The Czechs haveJuly 3, 2014 -
How to annoy a climate scientist – a guide
The Guardian helpfully provides a handy cut-out-n-keep guide for how to get up your local climate alarmist&June 28, 2014
BBC News - Home
Ukraine plane hit near Russia border
A Ukrainian military aircraft is shot down in the east, according to officials who suggest it may have been2 hrs ago -
UN authorises Syria aid convoys
The UN Security Council unanimously adopts a resolution on Syria allowing aid convoys to go into rebel-held3 hrs ago -
Fifa partner surrenders in Brazil
Ray Whelan, the British boss of a World Cup hospitality firm, surrenders to a Brazilian judge amid a probe1 hr ago
BBC News - England
'Medieval turf war' hit-man jailed
A hired killer who murdered a gang boss and shot his own getaway driver as part of a "Medieval turf4 hrs ago -
Police search for remains in garden
Police search for human remains in a north London garden after receiving a tip-off about 30-year-old9 hrs ago -
'Mystery amnesia man' is Lithuanian
A "mystery man" found in a Peterborough park with a "severe case of amnesia" is named7 hrs ago
In praise of the humble USB
ANYONE lining up at airport security abroad for a direct flight to America while carrying a phone, tablet,22 hrs ago -
Defending the digital frontier
COMPANIES, markets and countries are increasingly under attack from cyber-criminals, hacktivists and spies.July 10, 2014
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014 -
An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013 -
Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion
Some Notes on George Clooney, the Druze, and the Daily Mail
This one has gone global; from USA Today : [George] Clooney, 53, is refuting a Daily Mail story thatJuly 10, 2014 -
Someone Pretends to be a Daily Mail Journalist Pretending to be an Jihadi
Richard Ferrer writes, at the Independent : This week I became the story. I was called a “ slimyJuly 8, 2014 -
Mega-Mosque “Intimidation” Mystery
A few weeks ago, Douglas Murray of the Gatestone Institute repeated a claim that a Muslim campaigner whoJuly 5, 2014
Beyond Meds
Spring/Summer energetic shifts and yoga
Lately I've not been able to go to my yoga classes. I was going to 2 to 4 classes a week in the spring.17 hrs ago -
Have you considered histamine intolerance associated with psych drug use
Discovering this histamine link was a very critical part of my healing journey and it ushered in a time ofJuly 12, 2014 -
4 Ways Parents Teach Kids that Consent Doesn’t Matter
We systematically learn to NOT trust ourselves in our culture right now. We can stop passing this to futureJuly 12, 2014
Biased BBC - Biased BBC
Diversity!! Yes Please!!…ooh er…Maybe Not
The ‘Henry Plan’ is working…sort of…the BBC has breached the4 hrs ago -
Here you go folks, a new Open Thread for your completion! This is where you detail the bias…11 hrs ago -
Did you see this? “Shopping secrets of the Taliban revealed” By Riaz Sohail. Might this be an11 hrs ago
New Snowden Docs: British Spies Seed the Internet with False Information
Including the Ability to Manipulate the Results of Online Polls, Artificially Inflate Pageview Counts On16 hrs ago -
Electronic Health Records Ripe for Theft
America’s medical records systems are flirting with disaster, say the experts who monitor crime in16 hrs ago -
Baroness forced to step down in UK pedophile investigation
Saying she was “not the right person” for the job, Baroness Butler-Sloss has stepped down as head of the UK16 hrs ago
Brave The World
Rare Interview With Spain’s Robin Hood Enric Duran
Enric Duran is currently considered a fugitive in Spain for borrowing 500,000 euros from several banksJuly 8, 2014 -
How The Silk Road Case Affects Us All
Ross Ulbricht's mother, Lyn Ulbricht tells us the dark truth. I met her at PorcFest 2014 and wasJuly 8, 2014 -
Nothing Is Real Until Denied
0:14 The internet has given reporting sovereignty to the people. The monopolistic control of informationJune 16, 2014
Blog: Posts
Survey: U.S. Defense Industry Fears Losing Competitive Edge
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin The export of China’s armed drones illustrates how a country can succeed in the1 hr ago -
Senate Probe Offers New Details on Air Force Acquisition Blunder
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin A Senate panel concluded that the Air Force wasted more than a billion dollars on5 hrs ago -
As Farnborough Airshow Gets Under Way, Big Questions for Defense Industry
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin T-50 on display at the 2012 Farnborough International Airshow Top U.S. defense andJuly 11, 2014
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Wall St. closes higher on Citi earnings, healthcare M&A
By Angela Moon NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks ended higher on Monday, with the Dow Jones industrial average27 mins ago -
Citi profit falls, hurt by $7 billion legal settlement
Citigroup Inc C.N said on Monday that quarterly earnings fell 96 percent, hurt largely by a $7 billion5 hrs ago -
Mylan to buy Abbott generics, cut taxes, in $5.3 billion deal
Generic drugmaker Mylan Inc said on Monday it would buy Abbott Laboratories' branded specialty and4 hrs ago
COTO Report
Fasten your seat belts – Iran saving democracy in Iraq
Iran may rescue Iraq from a major threat posed by a Sunni Muslim extremist group formerly aligned with AlJune 16, 2014 -
Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department
Ask yourself, how would you regard a high level U.S. politician who met regularly at a foreign embassy andJune 16, 2014 -
WTC Building 7′s Controlled Demolition: New release by 9/11 Consensus Panel
World Trade Center Building 7’s Controlled Demolition: 9/11 Consensus Panel Releases New Evidence fromJune 10, 2014
CP Feed
Guardian: Moazzam Begg among four arrested in Birmingham terror raids
Former Guantánamo detainee is held along with two men and a woman on suspicion of Syria-relatedFebruary 25, 2014 -
Andy Worthington: A love letter from Guantánamo
Younus Chekhouri (also identified as Younous Chekkouri), who will be 46 in May, is one of the last twoFebruary 25, 2014 -
Dissenter: More charges of forced drugging at Guantanamo
On February 21, attorneys for six former Guantanamo prisoners took their civil case against DonaldFebruary 25, 2014
Caring for Survivors of Torture
Updates on Recent Posts
Architects/planners call for professionals to resist This week’s horrifying reports on a botchedMay 7, 2014 -
The Rights of Torture Survivors
Video Focuses on Torture Survivors’ Right to Redress and Rehabilitation Some of theApril 30, 2014 -
Insanity is lurking on the other side…
Rock Band Bills Pentagon for Use of Music as Torture Just a couple of hours after uploading my recentFebruary 27, 2014
RSS Feed
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Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
Congress Considering Extending Harmful Ban on State Taxation of Internet
The House is expected to vote next week on a bill that would cost states as much as $7 billion inJuly 10, 2014
Cleantech Blog
CJK: Solving PM2.5
In spite of the political posturing taking place between Japan and Korea and China, the governments areMay 1, 2014 -
Seafloor Carpet Turns Surf’s up to Lights On
At the University of California, Berkeley, a team of engineers is pioneering ocean-source energy technologyMarch 25, 2014 -
Boeing’s SBRC Makes Biofuel from Agricultural Rejects
A decade ago, biofuels were considered the Holy Grail of combustion-engine fuels. Measurably cleaner thanMarch 10, 2014
What to reply to ‘Jewish Voice for Peace’ petition
By MKERone (Co-Founder of CounterPsyOps) Reply to send to all ignorants sending us emails asking to3 hrs ago
Coyote Blog
Yawning Through the Outrage
There are a lot of things out there that generate tons of outrage that do about zero to work me up. A good5 hrs ago -
Computer Modeling as "Evidence"
The BBC has decided not to every talk to climate skeptics again , in part based on the "evidence"July 11, 2014 -
Ready for the World Cup Finals
As a former hater, I have really enjoyed the World Cup this year. I think an unsung part of why so manyJuly 11, 2014
Crikey » COLUMNS
The difference between faith and politics
Crikey readers have their say on the World Cup and other issues of the day.18 hrs ago -
Media briefs: Thorpie comes out … breakfasts with Rupert … Rove rejoins the
What Ten didn't tell us about Rove joining The Project , and other media tidbits of the day...18 hrs ago -
Glenn Dyer’s TV ratings: Seven wins, despite Ten’s star interview
Ten's interview with Ian Thorpe wasn't enough to topple Seven from the top spot.18 hrs ago
Astrobiology Magazine: Daily News Story
Discovery Expands Search for Earthlike Planets
A newly discovered planet in a binary star system 3,000 light-years from Earth is expanding astronomers4 hrs ago -
NASA Mission To Reap Bonanza of Earth-sized Planets
NASA's new planet-cataloging mission is expected to detect more than 200 planets the size of Earths and17 hrs ago
Dandelion Salad
A War Crime In Progress by Jason Farbma
Dandelion Salad by Jason Farbma July 14, 2014 ISRAEL’S RELENTLESS pounding of a2 hrs ago -
Untold Truths About the American Revolution By Howard Zinn (2009; repost)
Repost from July 4, 2009 by Howard Zinn Writer, Dandelion Salad Excerpt from The Progressive July 3, 2009July 4, 2014 -
Put Away The Flags by Howard Zinn (repost; 2006)
Repost from July 3, 2010 by Howard Zinn Writer, Dandelion Salad crossposted at The Progressive (2006) JulyJuly 4, 2014
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 10, 2014 -
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 28, 2014
Hollow Earth Conspiracy Theories: The Hole Truth
Ah, the old Hollow Earth “conspiracy theory” … the Telegraph rolls it out once again1 hr ago -
Border Children and the Obama-Backed Coup that the Media Doesn’t Talk About
Most of the border children are coming from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador Ted Rall writes at2 hrs ago -
Need a Little Afternoon Pick Me Up?
Here’s a compilation of Christopher Walken dancing: The post Need a Little Afternoon Pick Me Up?2 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013 -
How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013 -
Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
Europe condemns civilian casualties in Gaza while procuring Israeli ‘combat
As Israel’s latest assault on Gaza, named ‘Operation Protective Edge’, enters its second week, Palestinian7 hrs ago -
UK doubles armed drone fleet in Afghanistan
The MoD have announced today (3 July 2014) that the additional five armed Reaper drones purchased as anJuly 3, 2014 -
UK Drone FoI appeal set to reach Upper Tribunal
Later this month Drone Wars appeal against the MoD’s refusal to answer two FoI requests about the use of UKJuly 2, 2014
(e) Science News - Biology & Nature
Chimpanzee intelligence determined by genes
A chimpanzee's intelligence is largely determined by its genes, while environmental factors may be lessJuly 10, 2014 -
Potent spider toxin 'electrocutes' German, not American
Using spider toxins to study the proteins that let nerve cells send out electrical signals, Johns HopkinsJuly 11, 2014 -
New research finds ocean's most abundant organisms have clear daily
Imagine the open ocean as a microbial megacity, teeming with life too small to be seen. In every drop ofJuly 11, 2014
Latest News
$30,000 to the First Person Who Can Prove Man-Made Climate Change Isn’t
Physicist Christopher Keating’s challenge to climate skeptics goes viral9 hrs ago -
A Ramble Through the Woods Can Help Beat Stress-Related Health Issues
The Japanese concept of Shinrin-yoku or “forest bathing” is now supported by a growing body ofJuly 11, 2014 -
From Personalized Climate to Trash Trackers, Researchers Explore Radical
MIT's Senseable Cities Lab advocates using social media to build “open source,” sustainable urbanJuly 10, 2014
Fabius Maximus
Frogs and butterfies, important players in the climate wars
Summary: There is a hidden dynamic at work in the debates among climate sciences (not chatter among16 hrs ago -
Comments tell us much about America, its peril and hope
Summary: One of the major projects on the FM website is acting as a mirror in which we can see ourselvesJuly 13, 2014 -
Three stories of America’s decline for your weekend reading
Summary: Here are three stories about the decline of America. They’re too complex and too good toJuly 12, 2014
Whistleblower Protection Blog
NWC joins Amicus Brief in Support of Whistleblower’s Petition for
On June 26 th , 2014, the National Whistleblower Center joined in an amicus brief filed in Kalyanaram vJuly 9, 2014 -
Intelligence Whistleblowers Should Use “Expanded Protections” With Caution
New intelligence community whistleblower protections lacking On July 7, 2014, President Obama signed theJuly 9, 2014 -
We Must Stop Illegal Gag Orders
The post below was co-authored by Stephen M. Kohn , Michael D. Kohn David K. Colapinto, partners of theJune 30, 2014
Friends of Syria
Kerry in Iran for Nuclear Talks Today – WHY??????
Why is he not in Israel having nuclear talks with Benjamin Netanyahu who actually has nuclear weapons andJuly 13, 2014 -
The cold war between Turkey and Saudi
The process of democratization in the Arab world called, the Arab Spring, although it can be estimatedJuly 13, 2014 -
Israel Killers of Children
Thank heavens for Palestinian journalists such as Saed Bannoura and Mohammed Omer, who, unlike US “July 13, 2014
Man Burns to Death After Running Into Fire at Burning Man Knockoff
A man at a Burning Man facsimile festival in Utah died after running into the ceremonial fire at the28 mins ago -
Does Drake Like to Have His Ass Eaten?
Today, MediaTakeOut—the internet's foremost source of beyond absurd celebrity gossip with dadaist43 mins ago -
Woman on "Meth Rampage" Haunts Couple's Apartment, Hides
A Seattle couple returned to their condo Wednesday night to find it completely torn apart. Clothes and1 hr ago
The Green Life
Hiking Guru Shares Perfect Paths
Robert Manning is a hiking guru. At the University of Vermont, he researches and teaches park managment ,&#May 30, 2014 -
Defending The F-Word
The oil and gas industry dislikes the noun fracking , shorthand for hydraulic fracturing . ItMay 28, 2014 -
Not Your Grandparents’ Road Trip: 5 Green Reasons to Visit National Parks
Wailing children, crotchety parents, sand and sunscreen in uncomfortable places… you get the idea. IfMay 28, 2014
Green Prophet » Green Prophet
Greening your real estate purchase in the Middle East
If you are shopping around for a home in Saudi Arabia or the Middle East there areMay 20, 2014 -
Tips to curb the energy consumption of your aquariums
Like any other appliance, the various components of a home aquarium can consumeMay 19, 2014 -
Why the octopus does not get tied in knots
This is one for the kids to answer at dinnertime: An octopus’s arms are coveredMay 15, 2014 - Daily News & Analysis
Community Hospital Corp. Subsidiary Readies 5 LTACHs
ContinueCARE hopes to demonstrate that long-term acute-care hospitals can provide cost-efficient care for10 hrs ago -
MSSP Program May Add New Quality Measures
The proposed 2015 rules for Medicare B payments add a dozen new quality measures and patient outcome-based10 hrs ago -
ACGME Chief Sees 'Huge' Risk of Error in Proposed Assistant
The CEO of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education calls Missouri's move to licenseJuly 11, 2014
Carl Herman's feed
Given US/UK/Israel wars + lust for more, what do two ‘supreme Law’ treaties
The short answer is war is lawful only in self-defense from armed attack by another nation’sJuly 12, 2014 -
Book Review: ‘A people’s history of American Empire’
8-minute video on this book, narrated by Viggo Mortensen Corporate media presents a “Disneyfied&rdquoJuly 10, 2014 -
July 4: Obama drone-strikes George Washington’s grave, declares him '
(Satire): President Obama announced at a White House Rose Garden press conference today that he orderedJuly 7, 2014
The Intercept
Hacking Online Polls and Other Ways British Spies Seek to Control the
The secretive British spy agency GCHQ has developed covert tools to seed the internet with false4 hrs ago -
For the Record: Yes, the Government Really Did Trash-Talk Our FISA Story
The Washington Posts’ s Erik Wemple has cast doubt on two details we reported in Glenn Greenwald andJuly 12, 2014 -
Newly Obtained Emails Contradict Administration Claims on Guardian Laptop
Documents obtained from the Obama administration from an Associated Press FOIA request On July 20, 2013July 11, 2014
RSS Feed
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Indigenous Action Media
NATIONAL SACRED PLACES PRAYER DAYS JUNE 20-22, 2014 From the Morning Star Institute. Washington, DC (6/19June 19, 2014 -
Dine’ Elders and Medicine People Issue Resolution to Stop Navajo Nation
For Immediate Release – June 17, 2014 Media Contact: Leland Grass (928) 429-1504 – sacred4s@June 19, 2014 -
Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex
An Indigenous perspective & provocation. Printable version available here. (PDF | 3.3MB) PrintMay 4, 2014
Inter Press Service
OPINION: The Caribbean: A Clean Energy Revolution on the Front Lines of
Children in Georgetown, Guyana learn about solar energy during an exhibition. Credit: CREDP By Richard2 hrs ago -
From Tigers to Barbers: Tales of Sri Lanka’s Ex-Combatants
Aloysius Patrickeil, once a member of the feared Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), now spends his3 hrs ago -
Proposed Arms Embargo on Syria a Political Mockery
The Security Council votes unanimously earlier this year to maintain arms sanctions on Côte d’Ivoire until3 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
Reflections in a Petri Dish | Weaponized Military Grades of BS
Dog Poet Transmitting……. May your noses always be cold and wet. Alan Parson’s “Eye in5 hrs ago -
Smoking Mirrors | You and I and What Lies in Between
Dog Poet Transmitting……. May your noses always be cold and wet. Sometimes real life can5 hrs ago -
100 pennies, for only $3.49!
100 pennies, for only $3.49! I know some folks just can’t be convinced thatJuly 12, 2014
Latest headlines
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately it -
Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in -
Men and Women: Their Contributions to the World
"Even in the area of warfare, for which men had been paying price in terms of loss of life and limbs
Libya 360°
South Africans Condemn Israeli Aggression Against the Palestinians
ANC, COSATU maintains long held position in opposition to Zionist occupation By Abayomi Azikiwe Libya 360°21 hrs ago -
Fascism in Central America and the USA
By Caleb Maupin The recent controversy regarding the “border children” in the United States21 hrs ago -
Russia Vows Response to Ukraine Shelling Russian City
Download video An artillery shell from Ukraine has hit a private house in the Rostov region of RussiaJuly 12, 2014
Lifeboat News
The Artificial Intelligence Revolution
Louis A. Del Monte, author of "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Will Artificial Intelligence21 hrs ago -
Bitcoin Decentral
Ethan Wilding, Resident Philosopher at Bitcoin Decentral, joins our New Money Systems Board.July 11, 2014
French Revolution @ 225
“The French Revolution began at the top—in the world of fashion, birth, and intellect—and21 hrs ago -
Hustle & Flow on Broadway
They offer free music, usually to trusting tourists, and then do a full court press to get a donation. AJuly 11, 2014 -
Staley-Wise Gallery is showing underwater photographic works by Howard Schatz and Michael Dweck throughJuly 10, 2014
The Mad Jewess
Holder’s Mexican Children Mandate IS Amnesty. Proof Obama Admin Already
Holder’s Mexican Children Mandate IS Amnesty. Proof Obama Admin Already Gave Amnesty. Mexico does6 hrs ago -
#Communism NY State Police Went To Civilian Home, Took All His Guns
#Communism NY State Police Went To Civilian Home, Took All His Guns This. Is. What. Treason. Looks. Like:21 hrs ago
Julian Simon on the ‘Ultimate Resource’ (human ingenuity, the cascading
Julian Simon (1932–98) is the worldview scholar most associated with this blog. MasterResource takes its15 hrs ago -
EPA’s CO2 Power Grab: Economic Consequences (Part 3)
“The climate change adaption program could make EPA a powerful master that could dictate to allJuly 11, 2014 -
Asthma Reduction: The Joker Card of EPA’s CO2 Power Grab (Part 2)
“Slight increases [in CO2] can have no effect on causing asthma or stimulating its attacks…July 10, 2014
Media Matters for America - Research Items
Union Leader Disregards Facts To Attack Hobby Lobby Gender Discrimination
The New Hampshire Union Leader rejected the factually accurate claim that the Supreme Court's Hobby12 hrs ago -
Fox Falsely Blames Administration's Tweaks For Ending CBO's
A Fox News correspondent blamed the Obama administration's tweaks to the implementation of theJuly 11, 2014 -
Five Media Figures Who Endorse Dinesh D'Souza's Racially Charged
Media figures across the board have endorsed right-wing author Dinesh D'Souza's latest filmJuly 9, 2014
New Content on CO2 Science
Predicting the Unpredictable? ... Some Things Just Can't Be Done
Yet climate alarmists claim greater confidence in their model predictions with each passing year.July 9, 2014 -
Growth Response to CO2 with Other Variables (Water Stress: Grassland
An analysis of the post-1994 peer-reviewed scientific literature pertaining to the responses of severalJuly 9, 2014 -
Moving from CMIP3 to CMIP5: How are the Models Progressing?
Inquiring minds want to know.July 9, 2014
Promising scenario for European Union beef production and exports
European Union (EU) meat production is projected to start growing in 2014, according14 hrs ago -
GM to manufacture aluminium engines in Argentina for local and export
General Motors plans to invest 740 million dollars through 2016 in Argentina to15 hrs ago -
US consolidating as world's biggest oil and natural gas producer
The US will remain the world’s biggest oil producer this year after overtaking Saudi15 hrs ago
NME News
Sharon Van Etten unveils 'Our Love' video - watch
The singer-songwriter plays Green Man Festival this August1 hr ago -
Conor Oberst rape accuser officially recants allegations and apologises
Joanie Faircloth has called her claims of sexual assault "100% false"1 hr ago -
BBC Radio 2 launches poll to find greatest ever guitar riff
Nirvana, Bruce Springsteen, The Beatles and Oasis have all made the Top 1002 hrs ago
Nature News Blog - Posts
Mars probe to get rare view of comet
Astronomers will have a virtual front-row seat to study a pristine comet in October, when it squeaks past1 hr ago -
First boron ‘buckyball’ could be used to store hydrogen
Just in time for the World Cup final, researchers have succeeded in building the first ‘buckyballs’ madeJuly 13, 2014 -
Study finds organic produce is more nutritious
Credit: Amanda Mills/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Organic produce certainly costs moreJuly 11, 2014
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
Wind project proposed for Amherst
AMHERST – A six-megawatt wind project originally slated for the marsh near Amherst is going forward in a45 mins ago -
DKRW, Two Elk, Wasatch and a broken DEQ
Many Wyomingites know them on a first name basis: Two Elk. DKRW. Wasatch. Each of these industrial scale45 mins ago -
Barrachois 2-turbine wind farm approved
A Cape Breton wind project has received environmental approval from the province. Environment Minister45 mins ago
Εnergy Europe, renovating the European project
Two months before the European elections the House of Europe organised on the 1st of April a debate betweenJuly 13, 2014 -
Italian PM Matteo Renzi to use EU Council presidency to push for less
Italy took over the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1st JulyJuly 8, 2014 -
Unemployment in the Globalization Age
The 100th anniversary of WWI offers the opportunity to compare the current crisis with those occurredJuly 5, 2014
RSS Feed
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News For You
Mila Kunis Is the Cutest Pregnant Lady Ever
Mila Kunis shows off her pregnancy glow. Mila Kunis continued to show off her adorable baby bump out at brunch with her mother Elvira on Sunday, July 13, 2014 in Los Angeles, where the 30-year-old actress managed to look radiant in a sleeveless blue top, ripped skinny jeans, simple white tennis shoes and her signature Aviator sunglasses. Clearly, Mila has a lot going on these days, including her upcoming wedding to fiancé Ashton Kutcher. Though whatever stress she's currently going through didn't show on Sunday, when she all smiles clutching her baby bump.ET Online -
Ancient Synagogue Mosaic Depicts Bloody Jewish Legend
A gruesome and bloody battle scene once decorated the floors of a 5th century synagogue in a Jewish village in northern Israel. "This is the first time that a non-biblical story has been found decorating an ancient synagogue," Jodi Magness, excavation leader from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, told Live Science in an email. The middle panel of the mosaic depicts a seated old man holding a scroll, surrounded by younger men. The elephants were the first clue that the story depicted in the mosaic was not a biblical one, the researchers -
Singles Go Online to Find Their Next Date
Discover for yourself why more and more singles are going online to meet fun local singles in their area. Let Zoosk introduce you to your next date. -
Lifestyle choices can cut Alzheimer toll, says study
Millions of cases of Alzheimer's could be prevented by altering lifestyle habits which increase risk of the tragic memory-robbing disease, scientists said on Monday. Alzheimer's is an age-related brain condition that experts suspect is influenced by both genes and the environment. The population boom and longer lifespans mean that more than 106 million people will be living with Alzheimer’s by 2050 compared with 30 million in 2010, according to predictions. The study, led by Carol Brayne, a professor of public health at at the University of Cambridge, looked at seven risk factors for which there was strong evidence of an association with the disease.AFP -
Climate change signals the end of Australian shiraz as we know it
By Jane Wardell HOBART Tasmania (Reuters) - Young Australian vintner Nick Glaetzer's winemaking-steeped family thought he was crazy when he abandoned the Barossa Valley - the hot, dry region that is home to the country's world-famous big, brassy shiraz. Trampling over the family's century-old grape-growing roots on the Australian mainland, Glaetzer headed south to the island state of Tasmania to strike out on his own and prove to the naysayers there was a successful future in cooler climate wines. Just five years later, Glaetzer made history when his Glaetzer-Dixon Mon Pere Shiraz won a major national award - the first time judges had handed the coveted trophy to a shiraz made south of the Bass Strait separating Tasmania from the Australian mainland. Glaetzer's gamble embodies a major shift in Australia's wine-growing industry as it responds to climate change.Reuters -
Secret Service 'stressed' by Obama, and more must-reads
Obama stresses the Secret Service, Republicans split with Palin over impeachment, Barra back to the Hill.MarketWatch q -
Bethenny Frankel Raids 4-Year-Old Daughter's Closet
Bethenny Frankel must be a little tired of her wardrobe, because she's turned to the closet of the girl closest to her: her 4-year-old daughter, Bryn.Yahoo Celebrity -
Here's What Putin Wants In Latin America
Argentina's President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner shakes hands with her Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at the Casa Rosada presidential palace in Buenos Aires July 12, 2014. Vladimir Putin's trip to Latin America is aimed to demonstrate several things. One, that Russia is a global, not a regional power, as Barack Obama recently described it.Business Insider from RSS q -
BloomSky wants to put a personal weather station in your backyard
If you want to know the weather, you certainly have a lot of options these days. There are 24-hour cable weather stations. Local TV stations of make their love Doppler radar feeds available online or over a separate broadcast channel. It tracks temperature, barometric pressure, rain, humidity and even ultraviolet light levels.GigaOM from RSS q
Tiny Imaginations, Big Egos
Instead of a tropical rainforest of diverse perspectives, the environmental conversation is an aridJuly 9, 2014 -
‘No Culture of Accountability’ at Greenpeace
Environmental organizations are large, affluent, and secretive. Rather than being underdogs, they are nowJune 23, 2014 -
Countdown to Disaster – Exhibit #11 in the Drama Queen Files
A chief scientist, a statesman, and an heir to a throne all say climate disaster is imminent. But theirJune 16, 2014
Online Cancer Blog
Relation of Brain Cancer and Eye Pain – know the Solution
Brain cancer / tumor, scientifically known as intracranial neoplasm happens when abnormal growth of cellsJuly 10, 2014 -
How to Treat Bladder Cancer Naturally?
Bladder is a muscular organ in your pelvic area, which helps to store urine. Bladder cancer is a nature ofJuly 3, 2014 -
Learn How to Support a Child With Cancer
The news of cancer in any family can leave them shocked and devastated. Moreover when it is the child whoJune 29, 2014
"To re-word a great Dylan Moran gag: While we were talking, Google
“To re-word a great Dylan Moran gag: While we were talking, Google very, very gradually built a futureJuly 10, 2014 -
TSA tells UK airport security: confiscate broken and out-of-battery gadgets
TSA tells UK airport security: confiscate broken and out-of-battery gadgets - Boing BoingJuly 10, 2014 -
"Once, cypherpunks were mainly interested in seizing privacy for
“Once, cypherpunks were mainly interested in seizing privacy for themselves. Now, he says, that’s no longerJuly 8, 2014
The PPJ Gazette
Tuberculosis (TB): Illegal Immigrants Bring Serious New Threats
___________________________________________________________________________ By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D6 hrs ago -
BLM Releases 2014 Roundup Schedule Devastating to Red Desert Wild Horses
By Carol Walker ~ Director of Field Documentation for Wild Horse Freedom Federation as published on Wild16 hrs ago -
TS Radio: Indiana: Probate is handling child custody?
Join us this evening July 13th, 2014 at 7:00 CST! 5:00 pm PST … 6:00 pm MST … 7:00 pm CST22 hrs ago
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
U.S. senators push for tough line in Iran nuclear talks
By Patricia Zengerle WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two influential U.S. senators have asked fellow lawmakers to1 hr ago -
California politicians call for Fox News host to resign over slur
By Jennifer Chaussee BERKELEY Calif. (Reuters) - Two California politicians have called for a host of Fox1 hr ago -
Ex-Minnesota governor says TV career halted by sniper's claims
By David Bailey ST. PAUL Minn. (Reuters) - Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura told a court on Monday59 mins ago
The Pump Handle
EPA’s trichloroethylene (TCE) risk assessment: Will it succeed in
What do these places have in common: Camp Lejeune in North Carolina; Mountain View, California, where9 hrs ago -
U.S. Census: One in four U.S. residents live in communities of concentrated
Last year, the U.S. Census reported that record numbers of people were living in poverty. In fact, the 46.5July 11, 2014 -
Not an “accident”: Chandler Warren suffers fatal work-related injury at
Chandler Warren, 19, suffered fatal traumatic injuries on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 while working at FedEx’sJuly 10, 2014
Jon Rappoport's Blog
“We” isn’t an advanced form of “I”
“We” isn’t an advanced form of “I” by Jon Rappoport July 13, 2014 In a BBCJuly 13, 2014 -
Message to all Americans from the medical cartel
Message to all Americans from the medical cartel by Jon Rappoport July 13, 2014July 13, 2014 -
Merlin and The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix
Merlin and The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix by Jon Rappoport July 12, 2014July 12, 2014
Signs of the Times
The inside scoop on sparkling water
Forget everything you heard about leaching minerals and eroding tooth enamel - it's just water with13 mins ago -
WiFi to kill millions, with its effects being cumulative over generations
WiFi - An invisible but ubiquitous threat to the future of the species "Of the microwave-exposed16 mins ago -
Is this a tornado? No, it's the smoky trail left by a meteor fireball
Translated from Spanish by Last Monday, at around 6 p.m, San Antonians from the region of19 mins ago - Dominion Post
Victim angry that sex abuser's name kept secret
A High Court judge has allowed a child-sex offender to keep his name a secret, against the wishes of the45 mins ago -
City's '8 big ideas' likely to lift rates
Higher rates rises over the next few years could be the price residents have to pay for Wellington City4 hrs ago -
Subdued market more than winter woe
Fewer houses are being sold in the Wellington region as mortgage-lending restrictions and interest-rate4 hrs ago
SYRIA 360°
Russia resolutely condemns crimes of extremists in Syria, Middle East
14/07/2014 Moscow, SANA-Supplying terrorists in Syria with cash, arms, training and havens is unacceptable,21 hrs ago -
“The Goal of the Operation Is to Send Gaza Back to the Middle Ages”
Israeli Interior Minister: “The Goal of the Operation Is to Send Gaza Back to the Middle Ages”, “Destroying21 hrs ago -
UN Security Council authorizes quickening pace of humanitarian aid delivery
14/07/2014 United Nations, SANA-The United Nations Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution21 hrs ago
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Freethought Blogs
Pope Francis Says “1 in 50 are Paedophiles”
In a candid conversation with the 90 year old Eugnio Scalfari, the pope seemingly let this candid piece of7 hrs ago -
John Oliver on income inequality
He delivers a righteous rant on the absurd way that most Americans have this incredibly unrealistic sense22 mins ago -
A poll for Republican Jesus
In the Bible, Jesus spoke clearly on the spiritual mandate that all people of any means must heal the sick,44 mins ago
my yahoo - Yahoo News Search Results
My Childhood Memories Are Locked in a Yahoo Account
I thought about my first Yahoo email account—the one I made before middle school and used during most ofJune 23, 2014 -
Yahoo FPL 2014/15 Launched
Yahoo Fantasy Premier League has launched for the 2014/15 with a new mobile app, so Nik Argiropoulos takes10 hrs ago -
Mayer, Alibaba (and AOL) Keeping Yahoo High Amid Business Worries
On eve of earnings Yahoo keeping investors appetites large.26 mins ago
Top News - MIT Technology Review
Travel App Can Recommend Places by Looking at Them
Software that counts dogs, martini glasses, and mustaches in Instagram photos provides a novel way to rate17 hrs ago -
Israeli Rocket Defense System Is Failing at Crucial Task, Expert Analysts
Although it appears to hit incoming Hamas rockets, Israel’s system could be falling short of detonating theJuly 10, 2014 -
A Laboratory for Rare Cells Sheds Light on Cancer
A way of capturing cancer cells from the bloodstream opens a new front in personal cancer treatment. InJuly 10, 2014
Omnologos» English
Veteran’s Day: Story of Charles (and Anthony and Frank)
Since it’s Veteran’s Day in the USA, I am posting a recap of the story of Charles J MorabitoMay 26, 2014 -
Luttwak on Italy and the Euro
From the LRB‘s “Opportunity Costs” by Edward Luttwak, Vol. 35 No. 22 · 21 November 2013 [February 4, 2014 -
Savant Idiots
There was a commenter at a blog I shall not mention who simply could not get anything I mentioned. AnythingJanuary 30, 2014
Project Censored
Ken Walden of What the World Could Be
The Project Censored Show on Pacifica Radio, this week, Mickey Huff is joined by special guest host KenJuly 12, 2014 -
2014 Fellowship of Reconciliation with Dr. Peter Phillips
Dr. Peter Phillips recently delivered a keynote address at the 2014 Fellowship of Reconciliation’sJuly 7, 2014 -
4th of July Special
For the July 4 Project Censored Show on Pacifica Radio, Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips pre-recorded aJuly 4, 2014
Will a proposed $56B Big Tobacco merger make e-cigarettes as dirty as
Last week, R.J. Reynolds and Lorillard, the second and third largest tobacco companies in the U.S1 hr ago -
I.S.I.S. and the Western media: Groping each other in public like a
The war in Iraq is going pretty much like I predicted it would. The three factions—Kurds, Sunni Arabs, and2 hrs ago -
Secret raises a $25 million round led by Index and Danny Rimer, who will
Secret , one of the many anonymous social networks that’s risen to prominence over the past six2 hrs ago
‘horrors’ hidden away in a museum … new species
I often wonder what’s hidden away in the museum’s collection, but new species of spider wasn18 hrs ago -
Senate threatens Australia’s economic well-being … “a fool’s paradise”
It’s now apparent that Labor, along with minor Parties like PUP, are in a position to cause a seriousJuly 13, 2014 -
it’s rainfall that really matters …
Dr Jennifer Marohasy et al, released their new paper at the 9th International Conference on Climate ChangeJuly 12, 2014
National Review Online - Planet Gore
The Booming Business in Drought-Stricken NoCal: Lawn Painting
I like it. Via NBC Los Angeles :July 11, 2014 -
No Keystone XL Decision Until After Election Day
Good news for at-risk Dems as they can say they’re for it, but the president doesn’t have to act anytimeJuly 9, 2014 -
Do Cyborgs Care about Global Warming?
Because if this guy’s prediction comes true, they better. Via Business Insider : “Today there’s noJuly 8, 2014
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed
From Beethoven to Beijing
Much of the history of the two centuries since the opera "Fidelio" was first performed have12 hrs ago -
The Blatterball Diaries
The World Cup has concluded with its usual flourish, and much of the world, as usual, couldn’t help but get12 hrs ago -
Containing the Resource Crisis
Competition for scarce resources is sorely testing global governance and cooperation. But even in the12 hrs ago
The Raw Story
Better at reading than math? Don’t blame it all on your genes
By Kathryn Asbury, University of York I disliked and feared maths for most of my school career and dropped1 hr ago -
Ex-CO cop gets 30 days work release for years of abusing girl: Zip-tying
A former Colorado police officer who was found guilty of abusing a 15-year-old girl over a period of years1 hr ago -
Oregon wildfire forces 100 people to evacuate as it spreads to 2,900 acres
By Shelby Sebens PORTLAND Ore. (Reuters) – A fast-growing wildfire in south-central Oregon has forced2 hrs ago
The Science of Doom
Models, On – and Off – the Catwalk – Part Four – Tuning & the Magic Behind
In Ensemble Forecasting we had a look at the principles behind “ensembles of initial conditionsJuly 11, 2014 -
Ensemble Forecasting
I’ve had questions about the use of ensembles of climate models for a while. I was helped by workingJuly 8, 2014 -
The “Greenhouse” Effect Explained in Simple Terms
Over the last few years I’ve written lots of articles relating to the inappropriately-named “June 26, 2014
Russia vows response to targeting of its territory and civilians - - by INFOWARS.COM This is a1 hr ago -
Today a 42-year market veteran warned King World News that the financial world is now on fire and we will4 hrs ago -
Boomers just don’t understand what younger people are saying about politics and culture. by Nick20 hrs ago
Monuments to Riches: The Flamboyant Towers of Post-Soviet Architecture
Since the conclusion of the Cold War, architecture in the former Soviet Union has transformed itselfMay 14, 2014 -
13 Funniest Celebrity Movie Set Pranks
There’s nothing like playing a well-executed prank on a co-worker, and as this list proves, if you happenApril 8, 2014 -
Better Than Barbie? Meet the World's First Interactive Smart Doll
While anime-inspired dolls have been around for a while in Japan, TV presenter Danny Choo’s interactiveMarch 12, 2014
Facebook Jihad: The IMU’s Digital Communication Strategy for the Karachi
We’re happy to announce that the Central Asia Digital Islam Project has released our first shortJuly 9, 2014 -
French Scholars Demand Fair Treatment for Alexander Sodiqov
This morning we received a request from a group of leading French Central Asia scholars to help publicizeJuly 5, 2014 -
Gender Equality in Azerbaijan: Interview with an Activist
Before departing from Baku, I met with Sabina, a Project Management Assistant at the Women’sJune 19, 2014
Conor Oberst rape accuser: “I made up lies to get attention”
Allegations against the Bright Eyes performer might've been false -- but it was still right to take14 mins ago -
Why strangers taking off clothes in “Undress Me” is a progressive dream
Getting naked for science was good for social progress. Getting naked for YouTube is a sign of progress14 mins ago -
“Don’t B.S. the public”: Former health secretary slams Pennsylvania’s
"What are you so afraid that we're going to uncover?" the official asked industry leaders30 mins ago
Science Blog
3D printed anatomy to mark a new era for medical training
The creators of a unique kit containing anatomical body parts […]7 hrs ago -
Technology produces clean-burning hydrogen fuel
Rutgers researchers have developed a technology that could overcome a […]7 hrs ago -
How cannabis compound could slow tumour growth
Scientists at the University of East Anglia have shown how […]7 hrs ago
Scoop NZ - Sci-tech
Health benefits of organic food - experts respond
In contrast to earlier research, a new study has found that organic crops have measurable health benefits -16 hrs ago -
Trust offers Kiwis the chance to spend summer in Antarctica
This summer, six intrepid young Kiwis will get the opportunity to take part in a range of life-changing18 hrs ago -
Professor recognised for his work about evolution of life
University of Canterbury’s Professor Mike Steel, who is using mathematics to help biologists discover more19 hrs ago
Seeing the Forest
Immigrants And Disease
Immigrants and disease? Really? Isn’t this KKK / Nazi stuff? This is what the right is pushing. It&21 hrs ago -
TONITE (or later as podcast) Virtually Speaking 6pm PT / 9pm ET Dave
Commentary. Immigration and the right wing media/policy machine. Corporate tax inversions. Plus political21 hrs ago -
This Is THE Must-See Speech
Everybody, everybody absolutely has to see this speech by Rev. William Barber. This is everything I haveJuly 12, 2014
The Slog.
Motor Home Alone. I’m heading towards Switzerland at the moment aboard the
Filed under: Uncategorized12 hrs ago -
At the End of the Day
The damsons here are almost ready: the jam they make is my favourite, although to be honest, I don’tJuly 12, 2014 -
The growing reality of banking collapse and bailin strategies Following the difficulties of BancoJuly 11, 2014
TV Corner: The Leftovers
[Content Note: Spoilers for the latest episode of The Leftovers. Violence; cultism.] This is pretty much38 mins ago -
Now It's a Whole Thing with Jean
Last year, I posted an SNL digital short which was a music video for a song called "(Do It on My) Twin1 hr ago -
Daily Dose of Cute
As always, please feel welcome and encouraged to share pix of the fuzzy, feathered, or scaled members of2 hrs ago
Socio-Economics History Blog
Dead Palestinians Don’t Matter to Mainstream Media!
Published on Jul 12, 2014 Citizens of Planet Earth, shadow forces are using conquer-and-divide tactics to15 hrs ago -
Incest No Longer Taboo Says Australian Judge!
Published on Jul 12, 2014 Across the world it is considered one of the final taboos — but a Sydney15 hrs ago
Sunwarrior News
Sugar’s War on Our Health and Our Waistlines
Sugar is sugar, according to the latest ad campaigns concerning corn sugar. But sugar sources and the3 hrs ago -
Meditation to Connect to Your Intuition
Join this guided meditation to connect to your intuition.5 hrs ago -
Adrenal Glands: Help Them Out By Slowing Down
As much as 80% of the public are affected by adrenal fatigue making the adrenal glands work improperly.8 hrs ago
Technology - Google News
Morgan Stanley analyst: Apple will sell 30 to 60 million iWatches - Morgan Stanley analyst: Apple will sell 30 to 60 million iWatches Strong customer loyalty35 mins ago -
Secret, an app for posting anonymously, lets users tap into Facebook
Computerworld Australia Secret, an app for posting anonymously, lets users tap into Facebook PCWorld Secret11 mins ago -
Reports: Apple's large 'iPhone 6' may hit production problems -
USA TODAY Reports: Apple's large 'iPhone 6' may hit production problems USA TODAY SAN FRANCISCO28 mins ago
Things I grab, motley collection
Where the World’s Young People Live []
Y outh populations, at least as a percentage of total population, are shriveling in the United States and15 hrs ago -
Twitter’s “buy now” button could finally unlock micropayments for the media
plerudulier : Good question : “micropayments have never taken off. Why should we be excited nowJuly 13, 2014 -
Mental illness is our most pressing health problem – []
D epression and anxiety cause more misery than physical illness, poverty or unemployment. They alsoJuly 11, 2014
This Can't Be Happening!
Station Chief Ousted as CIA Spies Found in German Parliament and Spy Agency
What's a little espionage among 'friends'?July 11, 2014 -
What’s Next? A Ruling that Workers’ Insurance Doesn’t Have to Cover Blood
A reactionary court majority of pushy, old Catholic men:July 4, 2014

World Cup hero's girlfriend grabs spotlight
Not long after Mario Goetze scored the winning goal for Germany, he was congratulated by Ann-Kathrin Brömmel.
More photos »
Top Documentary Films
In the Mind of Plants
Plants are a vital source of life, providing sustenance and oxygen to the human and animal inhabitants ofJuly 13, 2014 -
The Death of Corey Stingley
This is the story of Corey Stingley, a 16 year-old black student, whom three white adults forciblyJuly 12, 2014 -
Glorious Triumphs and Great Tragedies
This series of thirteen mini-documentaries, each clocking in at less than ten minutes, presents a plethoraJuly 11, 2014
The Total Collapse
Meanwhile, In Argentina: Riot Police Unleash Tear Gas & Water Cannons
Disturbances have taken place in Buenos Aires after Argentina’s national team lost the World Cup10 hrs ago -
Israel Launches Ground Operation In Gaza
After conducting countless sorties and bombing raids aimed at Hamas operatives in Gaza during the fifth dayJuly 13, 2014 -
Israeli Satellite Downed Over Australia After CIA Nuke Discovered On Plane
The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that Israel’s Ofek 10 spy satellite was “targetedJuly 11, 2014
Buddhist Economics: How to Stop Prioritizing Goods Over People and
What does it really mean to create wealth for people — for humanity — as opposed to money for governments8 hrs ago -
Positive Thoughts on Dark Times
Despite this generally gloomy picture, important positive developments have emerged raising the possibility9 hrs ago -
VICTORY! Anti-BDS Case against Jake Lynch Falls Apart
VICTORY! Israeli radical law centre pursuing Centre for Peace and Conflict studies director Jake Lynch9 hrs ago
The Truth is Where?
Liquid Lies Revisited.
By Craig Murray, July 3rd 2014. Find Article Here:- There never was a liquid bomb plot.July 6, 2014 -
The UK’s Internet Filters Block Almost 1 in 5 Websites.
By Joseph Cox July 3rd 2014. Find Article Here:- Almost one in five websites are blocked by the UK&#July 6, 2014 -
Scientists discover fragment of ‘missing link’ asteroid that led to
By James Vincent 3rd July 2014. Find Article HereJuly 6, 2014
Melanie Shaw, Beechwood Child Abuse Witness, Held in Peterborough Prison
The Beechwood Children’s Home abuse witness is being held in Peterborough prison after unknown police5 hrs ago -
Nottinghamshire Child Abuse Witness Taken By Police, Now Missing
A key whistleblowing witness and victim of child abuse at Nottingham Beechwood Children’s Home isJuly 11, 2014 -
US Court Makes Microsoft An Internet Policeman
On the 19th June, Microsoft went to a US court to ask for an ex-parte injunction to be placed on theJuly 5, 2014
Universe Today
The Search for Alien Life Could Get A Boost From NASA’s Next-Generation
Artist’s conception of NASA’s Space Launch System. Credit: NASA In three years, NASA is1 hr ago -
SpaceX Launches Six Commercial Satellites on Falcon 9; Landing Test Ends in
SpaceX successfully launched six ORBCOMM advanced telecommunications satellites into orbit on Monday1 hr ago -
Your Weekend ‘SuperMoon’ Photos from Around the World
The big proxigean full Moon rises over Daganzo de Arriba, near Madrid, Spain on July 12, 2014. Credit and6 hrs ago
Udacity Blog
Lifelong Learning - Or - How I Learned How to Code
Hi, I'm Cameron! I’m Cameron, a Udacity Course Developer and lifelong learner. I’m inspired every day4 hrs ago -
New Downloadables: Videos & Resources at Your Fingertips
Go to class to download videos & transcripts! The Udacity classroom now has downloadable materials! NowJuly 11, 2014 -
Best of Developing Scalable Apps
Successful developers think big from the start. Is your app safe from its own popularity? In DevelopingJuly 9, 2014
Veterans Today
VA faulted for delays in G.I. Bill student benefits
Nearly 80,000 veterans eligible for the new G.I. Bill saw their college terms disrupted last year because3 hrs ago -
Dear PLO… Take Your Case To The ICC
As I write, the Israelis have slaughtered 160 Palestinians in their latest mad-dog military adventure, the3 hrs ago -
Gaza: Neocons and Israel Constructing a New 9/11
The current set of affairs, the brutal attacks on Gaza using American aircraft and American supplied3 hrs ago
Washington's Blog
Counting the Presidents’ Bodies
“If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged, hr ago -
New Snowden Docs: British Spies Seed the Internet with False Information
More Evidence of Web Manipulation We’ve noted for years that the Pentagon and spy agencies2 hrs ago -
The Kill Team Movie: Show It in Schools
Kill Team is not just a video game anymore, not just the inevitable pairing of two of the most popular3 hrs ago
Viral History
A new Crimean War? Really?
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsMarch 3, 2014 -
Yiddish Theater: Don't Forget Molly Picon
Yiddish is not beautiful. Harsh and gutteral, it makes you twist your face to get the sounds outFebruary 1, 2014 -
Guest Post: David Taylor on Anzia Yezierska, Part II
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsJanuary 23, 2014
Andy Worthington
Andy Worthington: An Archive of Guantánamo Articles and Other Writing
Please support my work! Over eight years ago, in March 2006, I began researching and writing about1 hr ago -
Canadian Appeals Court Rules That Former Guantánamo Prisoner Omar Khadr
Good news about Guantánamo is rare – whether regarding those still held, or those released —July 10, 2014 -
The 9/11 Trial at Guantánamo: The Dark Farce Continues
I wrote the following article for the “ Close Guantánamo ” website, which I established in January 2012July 9, 2014
WASH Research News
A sustainability assessment tool for rural water services
Ryan Schweitzer and James Mihelcic from the University of South Florida have developed a SustainabilityMarch 6, 2013 -
Renewed research call for faecal sludge secondary treatment options in
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre announces a renewed research call for: Faecal sludgeNovember 25, 2012 -
UNESCO-IHE and partners offering twenty PhD positions on pro-poor
Twenty PhD Positions are available in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Funded Project on Pro-poorDecember 2, 2011
World Science
Consciousness research not dead, scientists insist
Why does a relentless stream of experiences normally fill your mind?July 13, 2014 -
Mysterious bursts of radio waves identified far outside galaxy
The mystery is reminiscent of that of gamma-ray bursts, which are now thought to come from stars collapsingJuly 10, 2014 -
Astronomers detect most distant Milky Way stars known
They're being called ghosts of galaxies past.July 9, 2014
Fuel Fix
Houston electricity retailer launches $63 million IPO
Houston-based electricity and gas retailer Spark Energy launched its initial public offering Monday seeking1 hr ago -
Trade lawyer: Feds’ rulings won’t unleash flood of oil exports
The secret government rulings that gave two Texas companies confidence they could export a slightly2 hrs ago -
Exterran to buy compressor units from Chesapeake for $135M
Exterran Partners plans to spend $135 million to buy another round of Chesapeake Energy’s midstream4 hrs ago
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