Map of Israel, the Palestinian territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip), the Golan Heights, and portions of neighbouring countries. Also United Nations deployment areas in countries adjoining Israel or Israeli-held territory, as of January 2004. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
"U.S. Complicity Brought Up to Date" in Israel's War Against Gaza
Title: "U.S. Complicity Brought Up to Date" in Israel's War Against Gaza.
Source: The Real News. Date Published: July 19, 2014. Description:
Phyllis Bennis says the calls in Israeli for genocide against Gaza are not
only coming from fringe elements in the political establishment
Special Report: Malaysian Flight False Flag Evidence Revealed.

Less than 24 hours after the devastating attack that downed Malaysian
Airlines Flight MH17, Neocons and their state-run media would have us
believe the case is closed...before an investigation has even been
launched. We break down the repetitive false-flag narrative.
*You can visit our MH17 article archive here. **Poll: Who do you think
shot down Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17?*
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Ghost of Sunday Classics preview: The Witch's Curse

*Dame Hannah (Maya Stroshane) tells the impressionable young village
bridesmaids the story of the Witch's Curse in Brown University Gilbert and
Sullivan's 2010 Ruddigore.*
*by Ken*
We first pondered "The Witch's Curse," though at the time I wasn't able to
enable you to *hear* it, in a June 2007 post called "'Laws? I don't obey no
stinkin' laws!' Are Chimpy the Prez and his partner in crime 'Big Dick'
Cheney blood brothers of the Bad Baronets of Ruddigore?," in response to a *Washington
Post* report, "'Signing Statements' Study Finds Administration Has Ignored
Laws." Right-wing scu... more »
I've Never Seen the Israel / Palestine Conflict Illustrated More Uniquely Than This

Films for Action
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“The Nightmare of Gaza Continues”
*“The Nightmare of Gaza Continues” *
by James Zogby
“I can only imagine the horror in Gaza today as Israel intensifies its
assault of that overcrowded, impoverished strip. It is a continuing
nightmare story of pain and loss, of trauma and devastation. The
heartbreaking numbers by themselves tell part of the story - with hundreds
killed, thousands wounded, tens of thousands without homes, and now 600,000
without water. But the story of Gaza is more than these numbers and this
current assault.
Even in earlier times, Gaza could be a nightmare. In the early 1990's, I
spent time in Ja... more »
David McReynolds : In opposition to Israeli actions, and to anti-Semitism
It is a grave error to attack Jews anywhere based on the actions of the
Israeli government. By David McReynolds | The Rag Blog | July 19, 2014 In
recent days there has been a flurry of anti-Semitic outbursts in …
finish reading David McReynolds :
In opposition to Israeli actions, and to anti-Semitism
Part Five. (A rational idea from Abu Marzouk?)

Over at H/P, something that Mehdi and his supporters ought to consider, and
reflect upon. Something I’ve wondered myself has allegedly been articulated
by one member of Hamas, no less.
Given that the conflict is becoming more intractable than ever, owing to
the incitement instilled from cradle to grave through the Hamas/UNWRA
education system - (I sometimes idly wonder whether Mahmoud Abbas is
*really* a genuine partner for peace after all, and when he assures his
people in Arabic that his peacemaking strategy is for the Western world
only and all part of the ‘slow Jihad’, he’s on... more »
Part four. (Headache)

I saw an episode of Head to Head, Al Jazeera’s answer to .... I don’t know
what, a kind of debate or something. The person in charge is Mehdi Hasan
posing as Islam’s answer to Stephen Sackur. He must think of himself as a
thoughtful interlocutor whose penetrating questions and mental agility will
slay his opponent with one or two crushing blows. He is wrong. He comes
across as a bully, a hypocrite; lazy of thought and shallow.
The production gathers together an anti-Zionist mob - their version of our
very own baying, smirking Question Time audience - well they would,
wouldn’t t... more »
Part three (Incitement)

Further to that horrendous demo outside the BBC against the BBC’s perceived
pro-Israel bias, Douglas Murray has a serious piece on the Gatestone
Institute blog.
Behind their smiles and the increasingly competent public relations that
the pro-Hamas faction is managing in Britain, it is possible for some
people to forget that what brings these people out is one simple thing: a
hatred of the Jewish state and a desire to see it annihilated by the
terrorists of Hamas or anyone else at hand.
There are those who will say this is a not-sufficiently-nuanced
observation, that the motives of... more »
Breaking: Dan Markel, Florida State Law Professor and founder of the PrawfsBlawg, has died from a gunshot wound...w/Upate

*TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL)--* The Florida State University community is
mourning the loss of a law professor who was shot and killed.
According to an email sent out by the school to students, Dan Markel was
taken to the hospital after being shot Friday. He died from his injuries
Saturday morning.
According to the Florida State University Law School website, Markel
primarily taught criminal law. He graduated from Harvard Law School in 2001.
Funeral arrangements will be made by his family in his hometown of Toronto.
A memorial service is planned in Tallahassee for Sunday, July 20 at ... more »
Part two. (The one about Lyse Doucet)
Another bit of footage we’ve been shown repeatedly on the BBC is Lyse
Doucet’s response to the evacuation of families moving out of the way of
potential bombardment or a possible IDF ground invasion. The IDF give out
warnings against a background of heavy criticism from the sages in the
media. Damned if you do damned if you don’t.
The bit of film is on a loop, with Lyse’s voice-over telling us that people
are fleeing, “but where are they supposed to go.... (what about the
designated UNWRA camps?).... taking with them “as much as they can carry.”
“True Too” has commented on it here... more »
Part one (of five short observations)

My BBC personal viewing pattern has dwindled away to practically nil.
Usually small bursts of news and current affairs, and at the weekend, for a
bit of masochistic morbid curiosity, Marr; if an interesting topic is on
the agenda, I might take in the religious-based Sunday morning fiasco (TBQ
or SML) that goes out next, and maybe a bit of Andrew Neil.
During the current Israel/Gaza flare-up there’s Channel 4(!!) ITV., Sky,
BBC4 news, Al Jazeera, and even RT. But this week I have mostly been ---
online, getting nicely radicalised with, e.g., the Brendan O”Neill article,
which has rig... more »
Wild Bill: The War on Babies...

*I saw the following graphic somewhere or another. *
*This is what passes for "thinking" for libtards.*
*Do I need to point out how stunningly illogical it is? *
*I didn't think so... *
* Notice that abortion is referred to as "family planning." Ummm - I think
that's more like lack of planning. *
*Time for my favorite kitteh:*
July 19: Funny how us people think (part 2)
Sorry to be late. I was within a sentence of finishing it when the cat
cleverly stepped on my keyboard, and I got a blank screen.
Firday's banner headline on page 1 bothered me. "Holocaust survivor shares
emotional story". It's really an excellent story about a survivor of the
death camps who gave a talk in Moncton. I knew many death camp survivors in
Montreal. Some were very close friends who I loved dearly, and miss
profoundly. For others, the experience had made them racist, self-centred,
and time bombs of hatr... more »
'Weird Al' Yankovic tackles conspiracy theories in 'Royals' parody 'Foil'

*“Weird Al” Yankovic is back with another parody video — and this one
features a fun twist.*
COLLEGEHUMOR VIA YOUTUBE‘Weird Al’ Yankovic praises aluminum foil for
keeping his ‘sandwich nice and fresh’ in ‘Foil.’
*The funnyman’s latest song “Foil,” a parody of Lorde’s Grammy-winning hit
“Royals,” starts out as an ode to aluminum foil. And then the song takes an
unexpected turn, because Yankovic has another use for foil.*
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Narcs Tried Busting Me In 1968-- One, Now A Chauffeur, Picked Me Up At The Airport This Week
Not my limo driver-- but he might as well have been
When I was in college I was probably best known for 3 things-- all
intimately tied together back in the '60s, if not now: progressive
politics, drugs and rock'n'roll. The first concert I ever booked, as
freshman class president, was the Freshman Dance. The campus squares were
eager to put on a suit and tie, ask their gals on a date, give them a
corsage and do a slow dance. I brought them The Fugs. It was very
polarizing. The next year I was chairman of the student activities board
and started bringing cutting edge bands to the campu... more »
Finally there appears to be an irresistible force bearing down on the immovable objects that we know as the too-big-to-fail, too-big-to-jail criminal banks. May The Force be with us!

Did the Other Shoe Just Drop? Big Banks Hit with Monster $250 Billion
Lawsuit in Housing Crisis
Posted on July 16, 2014 by Ellen Brown
For years, homeowners have been battling Wall Street in an attempt to
recover some portion of their massive losses from the housing Ponzi scheme.
But progress has been slow, as they have been outgunned and out-spent by
the banking titans.
In June, however, the banks may have met their match, as some equally
powerful titans strode onto the stage. Investors led by BlackRock, the
world’s largest asset manager, and PIMCO... more »
You tell those Electronic Intifada types, Shash! (as re-tweeted by the
BBC's Quentin Somerville). As if the BBC *wouldn't* mention "the
Apparently, the occupation is "taboo" on the BBC Yet
mentioned in BBC articles on 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 14, 17, 18 July.
— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) July 19, 2014
MH17: Weathering the Propaganda Firestorm

*Image: A torrent of obscene propaganda hasfollowed the downing of MH17.* *July
20, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - The level of unsubstantiated propaganda
being directed against Russia regarding the downing of Malaysia Airlines
flight MH17 has reached unprecedented lows.
There is tangible desperation across Western media establishments, their
political spheres, and within their corporate-financier funded policy
think-tanks as they attempt to reassert their agenda and narrative not only
upon the crisis in Ukraine, but upon the entire world as their weakening
grip becomes apparent t... more »
Germany: Beyond Its History, Again
Germany won the World Cup in soccer, demonstrating to all that its team
truly is the best in the world. The German players and coaches were
dominant, dispatching a succession of opponents with near masterly strategy
and skill—including a historic drubbing of the overwhelming local favorite
Brazil, expected by many to emerge with a symbolic
Continue reading
Generations of Presidential Voting
As we all know, the social sciences are a messy business. People change
their minds, don’t always follow law-like rules, and often have the guts to
defy our theories by reflecting on their past behavior. For these reasons,
it is always nice to see when our work receives support from other
scholars, especially when these
Continue reading
Malasian Air Flight 17
July 19, 2014 The terrible crash of Malaysian Air Flight 17, last
Thursday, has been made worse by the increasingly obscene behavior of some
in our own government and press – from the President’s almost non-stop
comments that this … Continue reading →
Technical problems for BBC services including iPlayer

Were you wondering...
*Technical problems for BBC services including iPlayer*
BBC services including iPlayer and some online material have been affected
by technical problems pn *{sic} *Saturday.
Some online users have seen error messages when trying to access material
on web pages including SpringWatch and World Cup 2014.
The issues have affected publication of videos on the BBC website.
The BBC press office said it was "aware of an issue which means some people
cannot access certain parts of BBC online".
"We are working hard to fix this as soon as possible," a spokeswoman added.
Nihal down the line
I've rather liked Nihal ever since I saw him on some rather silly but
engaging reality show on BBC Two some years back. He appeared alongside the
likes of Ulrika Jonsson, Keith Allen, Clarissa Dickson Wright, and John
Humphrys...yes, John Humphrys...learning to doing art at a modern art
school. [John H played the part of 'The Grumpy Old Man Who Hates Modern
Art']. He was full of charm, and talent.
That said it's only blogging about the BBC that has ever brought me into
contact with his radio programmes.
An *Is the BBC biased? *post (from last June) featured Nihal and compared
th... more »
Local Police Stockpile Weapons Of War

*Arkansas Police Accountability Project*
All across the country, heavily armed SWAT teams are raiding people’s homes
in the middle of the night, often just to search for drugs. It should
enrage us that people have needlessly died during these raids, that pets
have been shot, and that homes have been ravaged.
Our neighborhoods are not war zones, and police officers should not be
treating us like wartime enemies. And yet, every year, billions of dollars’
worth of military equipment flows from the federal government to state and
local police departments. Departments use these ... more »
Ukraine State News Broadcast of MH17 is Naked Propaganda

*Activist Post*
Ukraine's state sponsored news broadcast of the alleged shoot down of
flight MH17 should win the award for best propaganda of the year.
Watch how the presenter repeatedly refers to the video of the perpetrators
supposedly taking credit for the attack. The problem is that video is
proven to have been produced before the event took place, thus implicating
the creators in foreknowledge of the attack. The creator of that video, by
the way, is the Ukrainian government in Kiev.
Next, as she says "region controlled by terrorists" with a straight face,
there's a y... more »
A joke to make Marcus Brigstocke faint
Here's a joke I heard the other day.
I think I heard it on the *News Quiz, *though I could be wrong. I have a
vague memory of Jeremy Hardy telling it, Marcus Brigstocke fainting, Sandi
Toksvig being carried out on a stretcher and Mark Steel spontaneously
combusting. Poor Jeremy had lost the room (well, it was a BBC studio
audience, and you know what they're like!)
Of course, I could have dreamed all that.
Still here's the joke:
The wife and I decided to take an organised trip to Afghanistan to see for
ourselves what the place was like.
It didn't start well when the train we we... more »
*Victim in Marigny fatal bicycle crash with 18-wheeler identified ~Andrew
Canulette, New Orleans Advocate*
*Sheriff Gusman continues to hand out extra pay to deputies who may not
qualify ~Charles Maldonado, The Lens*
*Questions arise to Sheriff Gusman's response to video of OPP inmates ~WWL *
*The last residential home on upper Bourbon St. likely to go commercial
*Lionel Ferbos, Centennrian Jazz Trumpeter, Passes ~NOLA DEFENDER*
Dark Globe - Break My World
The disco's ringing out with melancholy beats tonight. *Break My World* is
10 years old, but its video has that haunting, contemporary quality that
presents as timeless whenever thousands are perishing under a hail of bombs
and shells.
How Stephen Harper AND The Conservative Party LIE To You Every Day And The MSM Backs Up Their Bullshit ....

*REGINA — So much of what many Canadians consider conventional wisdom is
what Henry Ford used to call 'history': mostly bunk.*
*I’m talking about statements like the Harper Conservatives are the best
party to manage the economy, or that internal trade barriers are costing
the Canadian economy $50 billion a year, or that carbon taxes are killers
of investment, economic activity and jobs.*
*Each of these statements has been widely circulated in the media recently,
so much so that they appear to be self-evident truths. In fact, nothing
could be further from the truth.*
*Let’s look a... more »
The Ukranian (Ukie) Army shells civilian targets near Lugansk in eastern
What crime did these targeted people commit? They speak Russian and
request to have their language honored and they be allowed to elect their
own officials to represent them rather than have them appointed by Kiev and
their US-EU sponsors. Also, because they live so close to Russia and have
traded with them for a long time they wish to continue a positive trade
relationship with their fellow 'Moskols' as the Kiev-based oligarchs and
neo-Nazi's seem to call anyone of Russian origin.
Then a plane... more »
Why Cuomo Will Lose: Her Name is Zephyr Teachout
Hey--another smart, female, progressive professor running to replace the
seedy, corrupt neoliberal good ole boy! Wonder if Warren will come
campaign for her.
In 2008 Microsoft founder Bill Gates, one of the world's richest men,
decided that he should take charge of education policy. He promoted a
single set of standards to measure our children's achievements in school.
Since then Gates has spent more than $200 million to advance this idea,
called the "Common Core." Gov. Andrew Cuomo, since taking office in early
2011, has supported the use of Common Core in New York schools.
The i... more »
BBC Breaking News: Is the BBC biased? (A Study)

If *Is the BBC biased?* has a purpose it's to ask, "Is the BBC biased?"
One way to answer that question is to gather data and present it for public
inspection. Analysis can then be carried out by anyone who wants to carry
it out and conclusions drawn.
As you may have noticed, we have been focusing on the present Gaza
conflict, and I've tried a few ways to monitor the BBC's coverage (so far).
One way I struck on was to record every tweet about the story on the BBC's
widely-followed Breaking News Twitter feed (10.5 million followers).
Here they are, each and every one of them from t... more »
GOP Passes Bill To Make It Easier For Rich Tax Cheats To Get Away With It

Sometimes we forget that right-wing political parties generally are not
really organized around racism, bigotry and societal divisiveness just for
the sake of those values. Racism, bigotry and that kind of purposeful
divisiveness are not really core values for most legitimate right wing
political parties. Greed and selfishness are. The rest is a means to an
end, an appeal to base right-wing populism and a system of stoking
primitive fears for much narrower ends.
The bill the financial services bill the House passed on Wednesday-- by an
almost entirely partyline vote, 228-195-- goe... more »
Why I'm So Intolerant
There's something about me that rubs some people the wrong way. I do NOT
believe that anyone who disagrees with me is stupid. I think it's more the
case that when I write about people I disagree with, I make damn sure that
I'm confident that I'm right on the subject of our disagreement and that
what my adversary thinks is clearly wrong. On top of that, there ARE a lot
of stupid people in the world and you can't blame me for disagreeing with
some of them.
One example of this is my disagreement with the majority of the Supreme
Court of Canada in their asinine (and possibly treasonous)... more »
Has Lord Lawson been banned by the BBC?

For those of you following the story about the 'banning' of Lord Lawson
from the BBC's airwaves, here's a letter you may have missed from this
week's *Spectator*. Make of it what you will:
Sir: You write that the BBC ‘has effectively banned’ Lord Lawson from items
on climate change unless introduced with ‘a statement discrediting his
views’ (Leading article, 12 July). There’s a lot of muddled reporting of
this story. Lord Lawson hasn’t been in any sense ‘banned’, and the
Editorial Complaints Unit finding didn’t suggest that he shouldn’t take
part in future items. It found fault wi... more »
Read Sean Crowley
The following was posted at SM as a comment to the Attacking Diane Ravitch?
. . . post.
It is by teacher, Sean Crowley, who blogs at B-LoEdScene:
*I think to take on St. Diane one must truly be uninvested in the business
of advancing one's career outside of the classroom as a blogger, union
hanger on, teacher book writer or any of the various forms of Celebucators
we now see in this desperate scramble to cash in on the time spent as a
classroom teacher. We have Teachers Speaking, we have Diontes Infernoing,
we have BATS flapping and Schneider Schneidering her own with the best of ... more »
Was Putin’s Presidential Airplane the Real Target of Missile that Brought Down MH17? (VIDEO)

Eric Odom
Liberty News
Most media outlets are refusing to ask tough questions to figure out what
happened in Ukraine that brought MH 17 down. The story is all about whether
Ukraine or Russian brought the plane down, but very little talk exists
about why.
Could it be a ploy for Russia to provoke the world to turn against
Ukraine? Or the other way around, perhaps?
The following YouTube video report is going viral in response to the
Interfax reporter’s statement.
Read More
*You can visit our MH17 article archive here. **Poll: Who do you think
shot down Malaysian ... more »
- MB and I made the hour long drive to Hallowell, Maine today for their
annual parade where we carried this banner. There was a small peace
delegation (about 10) that we joined in the parade that passes through the
heart of the riverside community. Like always there was a huge crowd of
people lining both sides of the parade route and we got a good reception.
Many people took photos of the banner.
- Obama announced yesterday that he wants to privatize more of the
public commons. Due to the fact that Republicans and Democrats can't agree
on how to f... more »
The Bernaysian Manipulation of the Human Psyche

Steven MacMillan
Edward Bernays was the master of influencing and shaping public opinion who
developed upon the ideas of earlier social psychologists and the work of
his uncle, Sigmund Freud, in order to create techniques to manipulate the
subconscious desires of the masses.
Throughout his 103-year lifespan, the “father of public relations” was at
the pinnacle of his field advising US Presidents Coolidge, Eisenhower,
Hoover and Wilson, as well as inventor Thomas Edison, US industrialist
Henry Ford and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. He also reportedly refused
invitations by Hi... more »
Run Liz Run...
*is this song a joke?*
I only made it to 1:19 before my barf meter hit the danger area. I only
watched to be polite to my buddy *Bunkerville* who posted in my combox. I
still love ya, Bunk!
My musician's soul is weeping.
We laugh to keep from crying...
*It sounds a bit like Phoebe...*
I'm Not Taking Sides on Slaughter

*Nicholas Goroff*
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US Sentencing Commission Votes Unanimously to Reduce Drug Sentences Retroactively
Phillip Smith
The US Sentencing Commission Friday voted unanimously to make previously
agreed upon federal drug sentencing reductions retroactive. That means tens
of thousands of federal drug prisoners could see sentence cuts beginning in
November 2015.
The move comes after the Commission's April decision to amend federal
sentencing guidelines by lowering base offense levels in the guidelines'
Drug Quantity Table across all drug types, which should lead to lower
sentences for most federal drug offenders. Today's vote means that
sentencing judges can extend that reduction to ... more »
Russia Asks Kiev 10 Simple Questions About MH17

Anthony Freda Art *Activist Post*
Russia has denied involvement in the downing of flight MH17. Now they're
demanding answers to some very basic questions about Kiev's actions related
to the crash and their immediate, unsubstantiated claims that Russia was to
Russia's Deputy Defense Minister was interviewed by RT who made these
questions public. Yes, RT is clearly biased, but who wouldn't like to know
the answers to these questions?
*1.* Immediately after the tragedy, the Ukrainian authorities, naturally,
blamed it on the self-defense forces. What are these accusatio... more »
Play it down again, Chris

The *Guardian*'s Political Editor, Patrick Wintour, broke the story of the
leaked report from the former Met counterterrorism chief Peter Clarke into
the Birmingham 'Trojan Horse' affair this week:
Trojan horse inquiry: 'A coordinated agenda to impose hardline Sunni Islam'
Investigation finds Islamist plan would have confined pupils in Birmingham
schools to 'intolerant monoculture' if left unchecked.
The report's findings are alarming, and the *Guardian *article goes into
considerable detail about them.
Once you've read Patrick Wintour's piece, you might like to compare it with
... more »
MH17: World Sees Tragedy, US Sees “Game Changer”

Tony Cartalucci
United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power made a series
of baseless, contradictory accusations aimed at politically exploiting the
tragic loss of Malaysia Boeing 777 flight MH17 with nearly 300 civilians on
Power asserted that the most likely culprits behind the downing of MH17
were eastern Ukrainian separatists. Because of the high altitude MH17 was
traveling at – approximately 33,000 feet – Power conceded that the weapons
separatists have been using to down Ukrainian military aircraft would have
been inadequate to down MH17. Af... more »
Beware of Youth Entrepreneurs (YE) Right Wing Indoctrination System
If the Education Writers Association ever gives an award for REAL education
reporting, this piece at Huffington Post by Christie Wilkie and Joy
Resmovits has to be the winner!
Wilkie and Resmovits do a terrific job exposing the Bircher-inspired and
Koch funded Youth Entrepreneurs (YE) indoctrination system that is worming
its way into public school curriculum around the country. This is a *must
read* and a *must share*. Here is a clip:
YE's course materials reflect some of the initial thinking by the Koch
associates charged with designing the course. In late 2009, the Koch group
... more »
Police must facilitate access to counsel promptly on detention
R. *v.* Taylor, 2014 SCC 50:
[24] The duty to inform a detained person of his
or her right to counsel arises "immediately" upon arrest or detention (
*Suberu*, at paras. 41-42), and the duty to facilitate access to a lawyer,
in turn, arises immediately upon the detainee's request to speak to
counsel. The arresting officer is therefore under a constitutional
obligation to facilitate the requested access to a lawyer at the first
reasonably available opportunity. The burden is on the Crown to show that
a given delay was reasonable in the circumstances (*R. v... more »
John Boehner vs Justin Amash-- This Time A Fight To The Death

Back last November we asked if Boehner would be able to defeat
independent-minded Republican Justin Amash in a primary. Despite the tea
party wing brutally taking out Boehner's main henchman, Eric Cantor, the
Chamber of Commerce wing of the GOP is still aiming to assert complete
dominance over the Michigan Republican Party-- and Amash is absolutely
their top target.
The Establishment Republicans recruited multimillionaire self-funders to
bury libertarian and tea Party Republicans across Michigan. Their pathetic
Senante candidate, Terri Lynn Land, has already put $1,700,000 of her ... more »
Depraved Policy
Israeli tanks rolled into Gaza this week -- a move that is loudly supported
by the Harper government. And it illustrates, Linda McQuaig writes, the
moral disconnect at the heart of Harper's policy towards Israel:
Certain minimal standards are expected of a national leader in what is
known as the ‘civilized world’.
One of those standards would seem to be that, when massive numbers of
defenceless civilians are being killed, a national leader should call for
the killing to *stop*... more »
Staten Island Gentle Giant, Eric Garner, Killed by NYPD (Video)

Image Source: The Daily News Arkansas Police Accountability Project
New York City police officers killed a man Thursday after he broke up a
fight between two other men. The cops suspected him of selling untaxed
cigarettes, so they will likely claim that the violent escalation and
killing of this man, who has been described by family and friends as a
"gentle giant' was justified.
The New York Daily News obtained exclusive video of the incident, which
shows Staten Island man Eric Garner, 43, begging officers to let him breathe
as he lies on the ground helpless.
Now, his fami... more »
*What does FFUC stand for?*
Fossil Free UC is a group that wants UC to divest its endowment fund of
fossil fuel investments. Ophir Bruck from the group sent me this article to
explain his group’s thinking. The author explains that fossil fuel
investments aren’t really money makers in the long haul, so there’s no real
sacrifice from staying out of that market.
Nice try, but the real reason that students are pushing UC to divest in
fossil fuels is apparent: UC is an easy target. UC will not fight back. The
worst thing that could happen to these activists is that administrators
will ... more »
Iraq Updates (July 19 , 2014 ) - Iraq Army suffers major defeat at Tikrit ( as per various media accounts ) ...... After victory in parts of Syria and Iraq - ISIS begins the transition to governing its new territories ...... Tweets of the morning to consider .....
IRBIL, Iraq -- Islamic State gunmen overran a former U.S. military base
early Friday and killed or captured hundreds of Iraqi government troops
who’d been trying to retake Saddam Hussein’s hometown of Tikrit, the worst
military reversal Iraqi troops have suffered since the Islamist forces
captured nearly half the country last month.
The defeat brought to an end a three-week campaign by the government in
Baghdad to recapture Tikrit, which fell to the Islamic State on June 11.
Military spokesmen earlier t... more »
US Foreign Policy Overview ( July 14 , 2014 ) - Shambolic foreign policy isn't merely the Regional debacles of the Middle East / MENA , but also consider the damage to German relations as well as those with France by way of various foreign policy and US Intel misadventures ?
Catharsis Ours - 13 hours ago
Zero Hedge ......
US Foreign Policy In Shambles: Global Crises Worst Since 1970 As Obama Golfs
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/14/2014 08:02 -0400
- ABC News
- Afghanistan
- Bob Corker
- Capital Markets
- China
- Iran
- Iraq
- Israel
- Japan
- John McCain
- Middle East
- None
- Obama Administration
- Ukraine
- White House
If one were so inclined, one could imagine that the relentless barrage of
domestic scandals plaguing Obama have been orchestrated with a simple
reason:... more »
Bye, bye 'Newsnight'

Incidentally, if you're a regular *Is the BBC biased? *reader and were
wondering where the weekly *Newsnight* reviews had gone, well, they have
been discontinued.
With over six months of data gathered, that's more than enough data to form
the basis of a study of bias at *Newsnight* - and answer the question that
started the ball rolling at the start of 2014: 'Is Newsnight biased?'.
That analysis will take some time but will be published in due course.
I can now *not* watch *Newsnight* again. Like Jeremy Paxman.
And now for something completely different...

When the BBC iPlayer starts working again (it seems to have been down for a
couple of hours now), you might like to listen to a delightful Radio 4
mini-series that's been running all week called *A Guide to Garden
Wildlife. *It was presented by Brett Westwood and featured naturalist Phil
Gates. (As it's radio we don't know if they kept their clothes on....oh,
sorry, that 'naturalist' not 'naturist'.)
Hedgehogs, song thrushes, pond skaters, etc, all put in an appearance. As
did woodlice.
Fascinating creatures, woodlice - crustaceans, related to crabs, lobsters
and prawns. (Huge F... more »
So, Be At M.N. Hopkins

*So, be at peace and know deep within yourselves that you are in truth
already free.*
There was an amusing exchange on this morning's *Dateline London.*
Guest presenter Maxine Mawhinney made a surprising use of the word "though"
in her question to Janet Daley, suggesting an anti-Eurosceptic bias on her
That didn't pass Janet Daley's notice:
*Maxine Mawhinney*: The big news here, of course, was David Cameron
extensively re-shuffling his cabinet this week. Now, some say he now has
his dream team for next May's general election. Others though say the
line-up is now more Eurosceptic and may herald another step on the road for
Britain to withdraw from the Europe... more »
More debate on 'Dateline'

For the second week running *Dateline London *broke from its left-liberal
consensual stupor and gave us a proper debate, complete with lively
If this continues we'll have to call it 'The Dateline Spring'.
The Russian guest, Voice of Russia's Dmitry Linnik, put the Putin line of
defence in the wake of the horrific shooting down of a Malaysian airliner
over Ukraine. It didn't convince me, and it certainly didn't convince any
of the other guests either. A very lively argument with Janet Daley and
Saul Zadka ensued which opened up a wide range of perspectives on the
g... more »
Doug Martin Guest on the War Report on Public Education Radio Show

By Doug Martin
I will be spending an hour with BATS member Dr. James Avington Miller Jr.
this Sunday, July 20, on his radio show, the War Report on Public
Education, speaking about my book *Hoosier School Heist* which focuses on
the corporate-theocratic school movement in Indiana and across the
The show starts at 2 pm Pacific California Time. If you are listening in
Indiana, the show starts at 5 pm.
(photo by Teresa Wiley: LEFT TO RIGHT--Workers Voice radio show host Randy
Obenchain, AFL-CIO Indiana vice president and Democratic candidate Chuck
Sosbe (hidden behind ... more »
Researcher on downed plane 'special friend, special man'

In this October 2008 photo provided by AMC Amsterdam on
Friday, July 18, 2014, former president of the International AIDS
Society Joep Lange is seen. A large number of world-renowned
AIDS researchers and activists heading to an international AIDS
conference in Australia were on board a Malaysian jetliner that
was shot down over Ukraine, officials said Friday, as news of their
deaths sparked an outpouring of grief across the global scientific
community. Among them was Joep Lange, a well-known researcher
from the Netherlands (AP Photo/Peter Lowie/AMC) more »
Harper's Stand With Israel Fundraiser - Donate Now
Gardasil: Conversion Disorder? I Don’t Think So! by Tamara Toussaint-Brown
[image: Haleigh and Gardasil]
Gardasil: Conversion disorder? I don’t think so!
by Tamara Toussaint-Brown
Loveland Colorado
Haleigh’s story starts out like many others. She was always involved in
some kind of sports: gymnastics, dance, cross country, track/field, flag
football, basketball, softball, plus just doing outdoor activities bike
riding, long boarding, hanging out with friends etc… The family was always
involved and enjoyed watching her at any of her events. She was very
happy, though she was always shy and quiet in her classes (her teachers
always told us how much the... more »
Corporate "Inversions" Shift the Tax Burden to Us
Corporate "inversions" are back in the news again, as multinational
corporations try every "creative" way they can to get out of paying their
fair share of taxes for being located in the United States. With
inversions, the idea is to pretend to be a foreign company even though it
is physically located and the majority of its shareholders are in the U.S.
"What's that?" you say. At its base, what happens with an inversion is that
a U.S. corporation claims that its head office is really in Ireland, the
Cayman Islands, Jersey, etc. Originally, all you had to do was say that
your headqua... more »
NUSQN 725 Successfully launches first Mk 54 torpedo

[image: MH-60R 'Romeo']In only seven months of operating the MH-60R ‘Romeo’
Maritime Combat Helicopter, NUSQN 725 has achieved successful Mk 54 torpedo
firings during the current deployment to the Atlantic Undersea Test and
Evaluation Centre (AUTEC).
In a Royal Australian Navy first, a total of three Mk 54 torpedos were
employed against dynamic targets provided by United States Navy staff at
the AUTEC range.
NUSQN 725 aircrews were required to utilise all available MH-60R sensors to
localise, track, and correctly classify these targets prior to being given
approval for the weapon ... more »
Vietnam debuts 2 locally-made missile warships

[image: Molniya class corvette]The Vietnam People’s Navy on Thursday
conducted a flag raising ceremony for two fast-attack missile ships of
Molniya class, the first of its kind to have been built locally in Vietnam.
The ceremony to debut the new vessels, HQ377 and HQ378, was held at the
military port of Naval Zone 2 in southern Dong Nai Province.
The ships were earlier handed over by the Ministry of Defense to Brigade
167 of Naval Zone 2.
Read more
New RAF Typhoons to carry Storm Shadow missiles

[image: Eurofighter carrying Storm shadow missile]New Typhoon fighters to
be flown by Britain's Royal Air Force will carry Storm Shadow missiles
following an agreement between a NATO agency and Eurofighter.
The Storm Shadow, made by MBDA, is a long-range air-to-surface weapon for
use against targets such as bridges, airfields, harbors.
The missiles were previously been deployed on Eurofighter's Tornado GR4
aircraft during operations over Iraq and Libya.
Read more
Helicopters return to HMS Ocean after refit

[image: Lynx & Sea King line-up]Helicopters have returned to HMS Ocean as
flying operations resumed on the ship for the first time after a
multi-million pound refit in Devonport Dockyard.
The ship landed Sea King and Lynx helicopters on board off the South Coast
for the first time in more than two years. The flying is part of the ship’s
sea trials period in which it proves it is capable of resuming the main
operational role of operating helicopters to deliver Royal Marines to the
heart of the action by air and sea.
This week the ship’s aviation facilities are being put through their... more »
No Pain, No Gain: Pratt & Whitney's F135 Engine Still Looks Like A Winner
The 2014 Farnborough International Airshow probably isn’t going to be
remembered fondly at Pratt & Whitney, the aircraft-engine unit of
industrial powerhouse United Technologies.
America’s newest fighter aircraft, the F-35 Lightning II, was a no-show due
to a last-minute problem with its Pratt & Whitney engine. So was
Bombardier’s flagship CSeries commercial jet, which encountered its own
problems with a new Pratt engine in May.
Published reports during the airshow indicated that both issues were
relatively minor — the kind of setbacks to be expected when cutting-edge
innovation... more »
10 DRDO Projects Delayed

[image: Astra Air-to-air missile]Ten major projects of the Defence Research
and Development Organisation (DRDO), including its combat plane and missile
programmes, are delayed, Union Minister of Defence Arun Jaitley informed
the Lok Sabha on Friday. However, he assured that corrective steps to
address the issue was being taken.
Replying to various questions, Jaitley also mentioned that 19 fighter
aircraft and 11 helicopters of the Armed Forces had crashed in the last
three years claiming the lives of 24 military personnel.
Besides the Air Force’s Light Combat Aircraft, other delayed... more »
U.S. scrambles to determine who fired Russian-made missile at jet

[image: BUK-M1 (SA-11 Gadfly)]Satellite images show a plume of smoke left
by the ground-to-air missile that brought down Malaysia Airlines flight 17.
Infrared sensors recorded the moment when the airliner exploded.
As U.S. analysts sift through fragments of intelligence to try to pin down
who fired the missile and why, and where it came from, they are running
into difficult questions.
The U.S. assessment, outlined by Ambassador Samantha Power at the U.N.
Security Council on Friday, is that the airliner was "likely downed by a
surface-to-air missile, an SA-11, operated from a separat... more »
Saab Outlines New MPA and AEW Developments

[image: Saab+2000+ERIEYE+AEW&C]Saab has been steadily building its airborne
ISR portfolio and hopes to secure its first deal in the maritime
surveillance/patrol market in the near future.
Saab has two offerings in this sector: the Saab 340 MSA (maritime
surveillance aircraft), for which the company has produced a demonstrator
that was on show at Farnborough; and the larger and more capable Swordfish.
Saab has been keeping the UK aware of its developments in this field,
although any formal requirement for a UK maritime patrol aircraft is not
expected until after a strategic defense... more »
Carrier test with extra EA-18G jets went well - U.S. Navy

[image: EA-18G Growler]The U.S. Navy said it was pleased with the results
of a test that put three extra Boeing Co EA-18G electronic attack jets on
the deck of an aircraft carrier in late May and early June, an exercise
that could underpin future orders of the jets.
"The exercise went very well. We gained a deeper understanding of the
incredible value of the EA-18G Growler and how to best employ its
capability, and increased capacity, from the flight deck of our aircraft
carrier," said Commander Jeannie Groeneveld, spokeswoman for the U.S.
Pacific Fleet's naval air force.
Groenevel... more »
Defense bill includes $3.43 billion for destroyer work at Bath Iron Works

[image: USS Zumwalt]The defense subcommittee of the U.S. Senate
Appropriations Committee on Thursday passed the 2015 defense spending bill,
which includes full funding of nearly $3.43 billion for the DDG-51 and
DDG-1000 destroyer construction programs at Bath Iron Works.
The bill, which goes to the full committee, includes $2.67 billion for
procurement and $134 million for advance procurement of the DDG-51 program,
and $622 million for procurement and research and development of the
DDG-1000, according to the office of Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, a member
of the subcommittee.
The ... more »
Iran won't slow down on ballistic missiles

[image: Persian Gulf ballistic missile]Pentagon report shows the Islamic
Republic is still a gathering threat.
With time for nuclear diplomacy between Iran and the P5+1 nations (the
U.S., UK, Russia, China, France and Germany) running out, and with the
White House scrambling to cobble together some sort of deal with Tehran,
it's perhaps not surprising that Pentagon's latest annual assessment of
Iran's military capabilities has so far garnered little attention, either
within the Washington Beltway or outside it.
The study, submitted to the U.S. Congress earlier this year (with an
un... more »
Chinese spy ship off Hawaii keeps track of RIMPAC

[image: Dongdiao class AGI]At the same time China was invited into Pearl
Harbor to participate in Rim of the Pacific exercises for the first time,
it also has had a spy ship parked off Hawaii, U.S. Pacific Fleet confirmed
The People's Liberation Army Navy auxiliary general intelligence ship has
been operating within the United States 200 nautical mile exclusive
economic zone around Hawaii, but not within the 12-nautical-mile
territorial seas, said Capt. Darryn James, spokesman for U.S. Pacific Fleet
at Pearl Harbor.
This year's RIMPAC naval exercise, the 24th in the series ... more »
Germany sells nuclear-capable submarine to Israel

[image: Dolphin class SSK]Germany's security council approved the sale of
Tanin submarines to Israel; they were received by Tel Aviv secretly last
According to the German news agency DPA, the board also approves the sale
of parts for the development of two submarines to Colombia, as well as
spare parts, especially for helicopters, according to letters written sent
by German Deputy Chancellor and Minister for Economy and Energy Sigmar
Gabriel to a parliamentary committee.
The Tanin submarine, the largest submarine built in Germany, can be used to
launch a nuclear attack, cost... more »
Musical Interlude: B Tribe, “Suave Suave”
B Tribe, “Suave Suave”
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust
cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape. Fittingly named the
Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1,500 light-years distant, embedded in the
vast Orion cloud complex.
*Click image for larger size.*
About five light-years "tall", the dark cloud is cataloged as Barnard 33
and is visible only because its obscuring dust is silhouetted against the
glowing red emission nebula IC 434. Stars are forming within the dark
cloud. Contrasting blue reflection nebula NGC 2023, surrounding a hot,
young star, is at the lo... more »
CRESST defects from "dark matter is seen" coalition

A year or two years ago, several experiments were claiming the existence of
rather similar signals of an apparent dark matter particle lighter than
\(10\GeV\). The experimental groups were split almost evenly, to the "Dark
Matter Is Seen" allies and the "Dark Matter Is Not Seen" axis.
LUX in South Dakota has totally changed the game 9 months ago and with its
precise observations of nothing, it obliterated all the competing
experiments that had claimed a signal. Those humiliated "Dark Matter Was
Seen" experiments included DAMA, CDMS-Silicon, CoGeNT, and also... CRESST.
It didn't beco... more »
Elaine Stritch (1925-2014), part 2
*We'll hear Elaine singing "The Ladies Who Lunch" when Stephen Sondheim and
George Furth's **Company** was new, but I thought it would be nice to hear
and see again this September 1998 performance, which we first looked at in
December 2010. (It's from the Carnegie Hall cavalcade-of-stars concert My
Favorite Broadway: The Leading Ladies.)*
*by Ken*
I know it seems like an odd thing to say, but in the first part of my
remembrance of Elaine Stritch, earlier today, I wrote with singular lack of
It was quite a career, Elaine Stritch's. . . . Still, one thing you can say
about t... more »
Chet Raymo, “Cosmic View”
*“Cosmic View”*
by Chet Raymo
“When writing about Philip and Phylis Morrison's “Powers of Ten” the other
day I found I had made the following notation in the flyleaf, perhaps a
dozen or more years ago:
*32 volumes*
*1000 pages per vol*
*1200 words per page*
*5 letters/wd*
*=200 million letters*
So, 200 million letters in the 32 volume set of the Encyclopedia
Britannica. Why was I making that estimate? I can think of several
possibilities. Perhaps…
*1.* I was making a comparison with the number of nucleotide pairs in the
human DNA; that is, the number of steps - ATTGCC... more »
METRO | Melanie Scruggs : Charges of ‘environmental racism’ in Houston
Houston’s Office of Sustainability is squirming over accusations raised by
a recent article in ‘Grist’ and by local environmentalists. By Melanie
Scruggs | The Rag Blog | July 18, 2014 HOUSTON — Brentin Mock’s recent
article for Grist covering the … finish reading *METRO* | Melanie Scruggs :
Charges of ‘environmental racism’ in Houston
Bombshell! Air Traffic Controller who was in Kiev said it was Ukrainian Military who shot down MH17 - Military Jets shadowing it
Bombshell! An air traffic controller who was there yesterday in Kiev said
it was the Ukrainian Military who shot down the plane and they were all
taken off their duties immediately afterwards. Fighter jets had been
shadowing plane. Previous articles: U.S. only country blaming Russia for
MH17 Ukrainian Air Traffic Control routed MH 17 through War Zone and had
them fly lower than they
U.S. is the Only Country Blaming Russia for MH17. Other Countries saying "Unclear Who shot it down" Ukraine Confiscated all Air Traffic Control Conversations with MH17
Besides the fact that the Ukraine Air Traffic Control had MH17 go through
the war zone and fly lower than Malaysia Airlines wanted. It seems, per
Zerohedge, Ukrainian Security Service has confiscated all of the Air
Traffic Control recordings of conversations with MH17. It appears Russia
does not have the black boxes after all either. U.S. is the only one that
has been blaming Russia
Ukraine Air Traffic Control routed MH17 through War Zone - not normal route and had them fly lower than they requested
MH17 7/17/14 route in Red, through War Zone. Different from previous
routes Update - Kiev Air Traffic Controller says it was Ukrainian Military
who shot down the plane. The Ukraine Air Traffic Control was in complete
charge of Malaysia flight MH17. They had them fly a route directly through
the war zone and out of the way than their normal flight and they had them
fly lower than they
"Are We Living In A 'Matrix'-like Superhologram?"
*"Are We Living In A 'Matrix'-like Superhologram?"*
by David Talbot
"In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a
research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to
be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not
hear about it on the evening news. In fact, unless you are in the habit of
reading scientific journals you probably have never even heard Aspect's
name, though there are some who believe his discovery may change the face
of science. Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances
subato... more »
"This Moment..."
"We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand...
and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late."
- Marie Beyon Ray
MH17: World Sees Tragedy, US Sees "Game Changer"

*Image: The US claims sophisticated anti-air missiles like this Buk
systemis responsible for the downing of MH17. No evidence has been
providedto confirm or deny this. Other possibilities are air-launched
missiles firedby a fighter jet, or even sabotage. **July 19, 2014* (Tony
Cartalucci - NEO) - United States Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha
Power made a series of baseless, contradictory accusations aimed at
politically exploiting the tragic loss of Malaysia Boeing 777 flight MH17
with nearly 300 civilians on board.
Power asserted that the most likely culprits behind t... more »
Elizabeth Warren: This woman is dangerous....
*wake up America.*
She is coming and she is evil.
Rebel Leader Says Many of the Dead Bodies in MH17 Weren’t “Fresh”

Melissa Melton
Sorry to be so grotesque, but there aren’t a lot of other ways to say it.
The Associated Press article floating around the mainstream media in source
after source (surely before it gets buried forever) is simply titled, “Rebel
Leader Gives Bizarre Account of Plane Crash”.
How bizarre, exactly?
A top pro-Russia rebel commander in eastern Ukraine has given a bizarre
version of events surrounding the Malaysian jetliner crash — *suggesting
many of the victims may have died days before the plane took off.*
The pro-rebel website Russkaya Vesna on Friday quoted Ig... more »
World of Resistance Report: Financial Institutions Fear Global Revolution
Andrew Gavin Marshall
Originally posted at
[image: o-bankers-underpaid-facebook]
*In Part 1 of the WoR Report, I examined Zbigniew Brzezinski’s warnings to
elites around the world of the “global political awakening” of humanity.
In Part 2, I looked at the relationship between inequality and social
instability, and in Part 3 I examined the World Economic Forum’s warnings
of growing inequality and the “lost generation” of youth who pose the
greatest threat to oligarchic interests around the world. In this fourth
installment in the series, we turn to reports from top banks... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Wasilla, Alaska, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Singing To The Deer"
*"Singing To The Deer"*
by Patricia Monaghan
“At solstice, the woods were bright in a snowy way, the sky pearl gray
above the stately maples and gnarled burr oaks. An Alaskan marooned in the
urban Midwest, it took me years to find this nearby patch of relatively
undisturbed land where I can sense the power of wildness. Now I go there
often, watching the seasons unfold their changeful unchanging patterns in
the increasingly familiar forest. I especially like to walk among the
sleeping trees in the half-lit silence of winter dawns. The trail I follow
winds and twists, new patches of ... more »
Paulo Coelho, “I’d Rather Be In Hell”
*“I’d Rather Be In Hell”*
by Paulo Coelho
"As soon as he died, Juan found himself in a gorgeous place, surrounded by
all the comfort and beauty he had dreamed of. A fellow dressed in white
approached him and said, “You have the right to have whatever you want; any
food, pleasure or amusement.” Charmed, Juan did everything he dreamed of
doing during his life. After many years of pleasures, he sought the fellow
in white and asked, “I have already experienced everything I wanted. Now I
need to work in order to feel useful.”
“I am sorry,” said the fellow in white, “but that is the only... more »
"Have You Also Learned..."
"Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no such
thing as time?" That the river is everywhere at the same time, at the
source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, in
the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere and that the present only exists
for it, not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future."
~ Herman Hesse, "Siddhartha"
"Opening to Understanding: Willingness to Feel"
*"Opening to Understanding: Willingness to Feel"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
When we are resisting something based on a limited understanding, we must
then open ourselves to willingness. There are times when we may find
ourselves struggling or even fighting with our thoughts and emotions. We
may feel that something must be done in a certain way or not at all, or
there may be some other situation that feels absolutely black and white.
But life is not this way—it’s the way we are looking at our experiences
that is causing the turmoil within us. When we become aware that the
strug... more »
Dyatlov Pass incident

Dyatlov Pass Incident
russian yeti: the killer lives
Elaine Stritch (1925-2014), part 1

*by Ken*
In one of the tributes to Elaine Stritch I glanced through, Colleen
Donaghy, the character she and the *30 Rock* team created, was described as
"cantankerous." Um, yes, I suppose. But this is sort of like describing
Genghis Khan as "outgoing." The Entertainment Weekly people who put up the
above too-shredded collage of Colleen moments, got it better: "On the show,
Stritch turned Jack Donaghy's (Alec Baldwin's) mother into a force of
nature, emphasizing her irascible nature and ability to induce a heady
amount of Irish-Catholic guilt."
Here's the start of the NYT obit by ... more »
China financial daisy chain unraveling ( bit by bit ) ? June 18 , 2014 ---- Chinese Commodity Contagion Leads To First Letter Of Credit Settlement Failure , Second Chinese Bond Default On Deck .......
Chinese Commodity Contagion Leads To First Letter Of Credit Settlement
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/18/2014 17:44 -0400
- B+
- Black Swan
- China
- Copper
- Counterparties
- default
- Duration Mismatch
- Fail
- Lehman
- notional value
- Reality
At the heart of the China Commodity Financing Deals (CCFD) is the ability
to leverage a letter of credit on the ba... more »
Israel's brutal Gaza Invasion as all attention is turned to the MH-17 false flag
Info I had saved this morning, but, am just getting around to now.
False flag- for those who do not know?
*False flag* (or *black flag*) describes covert military or paramilitary
operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as
though they are being carried out by entities, groups or nations other than
those who actually planned and executed them
*If you are at all unfamiliar with the MH-17 saga???**Start here:Breaking!
Malaysian Passenger Plane crashed (shotdown) in Eastern Ukraine*
*Next stop: MH-17: An exercise in foregone conclusions?*
The... more »
“20 Signs The Epic Drought In The Western United States Is Starting To Become Apocalyptic”
*“20 Signs The Epic Drought In The Western *
*United States Is Starting To Become Apocalyptic”*
By Michael Snyder
“When scientists start using phrases such as "the worst drought" and "as
bad as you can imagine" to describe what is going on in the western half of
the country, you know that things are bad. Thanks to an epic drought that
never seems to end, we are witnessing the beginning of a water crisis that
most people never even dreamed was possible in this day and age. The state
of California is getting ready to ban people from watering their lawns and
washing their cars, but if ... more »
Jumping from Malaysian Airlines

Malaysian airlines raising a stink in our minds
not really in anyone responsible
but it is not unkind
How one carrier can be so defined
I do not believe in the cosmic possibilities
so mark my religion as declined
Airlines do not just disappear
Airlines do not get shot down
at cruise altitude over a Crimea
there is more than incompetence
and plotting to these stories
events we can not even imagine
are being formed
while we sit on the front porch
and worry
Sure we are all worried today
worry is a bead we live
no need for something on our wrist
with which to play
God knows we have had s... more »
On the "Obsession" with Israel and Palestine
I think James Bloodsworth has been unfair locating the opposition to
Israel's bombing and invasion of Gaza in the matrix of revolutionary
identity politics. Yes, in the fractured universe of British radicalism the
Israel/Palestine conflict is an occasion for position-taking, and, as with
nearly all positions assumed, be it war in the Middle East, the attitude to
Labour, or whether capitalism has been restored in China, they are a locus
for identity work. However, it is a mistake to say this *determines*
opposition to Israel. Their "obsession" derives neither from freaks of
characte... more »
Wide awake
"*If you want to attain just this, immediately practice just this*." --
After a week in the 90s, it's become difficult for me to realize I can once
again work outside all day. But it's nice enough out. I could go. But my
habit now is to hide indoors at midday. Often I take a nap.
When you're over 65, you watch the thermometer more, and also the cloud
cover. If it's over 86F (30C) out, and clear, with a hot wind, rural folks
my age know they may do poorly at work with what's left of their "large
muscle groups" in the direct sunshine. It's why we were, in former times,
so oft... more »
Satire: “Boehner Drops Obama Lawsuit; Says It Would Mean Doing Something”
*“Boehner Drops Obama Lawsuit; *
*Says It Would Mean Doing Something”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio)
dropped his plans to sue President Obama on Friday, explaining to
reporters, “I realized it would mean doing something.” In a brief
appearance before the press, Speaker Boehner talked about his gradual
realization that “filing a lawsuit requires effort and, yes, work. I came
to the conclusion that while suing the President would be the best thing
for the American people, it would also require that I do something,” he
said, st... more »
“Happy Birthday Paper Money: 353 Years Of Wanton Destruction”
*“Happy Birthday Paper Money: 353 Years Of Wanton Destruction”*
by Simon Black
“If you ever find yourself vacationing in the western Pacific, I highly
recommend swinging by Yap Island, home of one of the most bizarre forms of
money in history. Over a thousand years ago, natives would mine enormous
chunks of limestone and carve them into gigantic circular discs. I’m
talking REALLY big… a typical disc would be 5 to 10 feet in diameter, over
a foot thick, and weigh several tons.
They called them ‘Rai Stones’, and they were actually used as currency.
Curiously, an indiviaul rai would b... more »
Who Shot Down MH17?

I have been thinking aboot it. Did the Rebels have the resources to pull
off such a kill? That is a big question. This was a highly technical
co-ordinated effort using some big machines.
Sure its possible the Rebs saw a horse in the sky and just shot. This would
be the most plausible explanation. However doubt is certain that they had
the gun, ammo or expertise to pull of such a shot.
Maybe I am naive and watch to much 24. However we have been told American
spy satellites saw some of this action in real time. I believe the USA
knows exactly what happened. So why do they not just... more »
Supplemental: The sounds of silence!
*FRIDAY, JULY 18, 2014*
*You do not criticize Dowd:* Maureen Dowd wrote a column last Sunday
trashing Chelsea Clinton. As she went on, she trashed Hillary Clinton too.
Dowd’s invective level was high. Her information level was low. In large
part, the column was defined by the information Dowd chose to suppress.
Dowd has been like this forever. In 2008, she even got trashed by the
Times’ public editor for “the relentless nature of her gender-laden assault
on [Candidate] Clinton—in 28 of 44 columns since Jan. 1.”
Maureen Dowd hates All Things Clinton. But when Media Matters pushed ba... more »
Ted Cruz Moves In To Demagogue On A New Crisis: The Children At The Border

If you want to understand why there's a crisis of refugee children at the
southern border, you're probably not a Republican-- and you're surely not
Texas reactionary and would-be-presidente Ted Cruz. But reading about the horrific
U.S. policy agenda in Guatemala is probably a good place to start. You may
even come to the conclusion we actually do owe these people a little
compassion. Yes, *owe*.
Yesterday, Greg Sargent explained to *Washington Post* readers why the
refugee crisis is an argument *for* immigration reform, not an argument
against it, as racist and nativist reactionar... more »
When is Dr. Dawg ever going to fucking learn??? He writes a great post
about Israel's slaughtering of Palestinians, and then, he allows those two
scum-bags, K-Z and Marky Mark to pollute it. I stopped reading so who
knows? Maybe that Old Peter (or whatever the fuck his name is) contributes.
Promulgation of limited energetic structures of all types is now ended
*Promulgation of limited energetic structures of all types is now ended*
by ÉirePort
Promulgation of limited energetic structures of all types is now ended.
Higher Sentience has awakened within hu-manity, which now allows only
Gaia-and-Hue-manity-Heart centereds to propagate.
Fortifications of fragile infant Light energetics in individual hu-beings
and Hue-Beings continues.
Envelopment of shadow promulgators and shadow propagators in cocoons of
Light proceeds, prior to transport across dimensional realms, where soul
classes may resume.
Processing of Hue-Beings continues until co... more »
The Myth of Russian Aggression

Even Zbigniew Brezezinski thinks you're an idiot.
"Break this man with sanctions...?" Russia is a resource economy Germany
imports 60-80% of its natural gas, upon which it's entire energy
infrastructure and productive economy absolutely cannot do without.
And Germany *is *the EU, as well as being the senior European Partner in
The only thing being "broken" by talk of sanctions against Russia is the
British water table and continental shelf since the British Government,
siezed by pure, crass, venal greed, have exploited the crisis as an excuse
to ram through legislation fas... more »
Ronald Reagan and the Occult

*Ronald Reagan sworn in as Governor of California (at Midnight) on January
2nd 1967 by California Supreme Court Associate Justice Marshall F. McComb
and Reverend Wilbur Wong Yan Choy, Chaplain of California State Senate.*
*Ronald Reagan had an interest in lucky numbers and newspaper horoscopes.
Less known is that a certain scholar of occult philosophy had a lifelong
influence on the 40th president of the United States. *
*Mitch Horowitz,*
*editor-in-chief of Tarcher/Penguin and the author of "Occult America: The
Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation," reveals the detail... more »
Israel in Gaza: What’s the Plan?
(Photo by Oliver Weiken—EPA) What’s the Israeli plan with all of this?
According to the Israeli Defense Forces statement, “The IDF’s objective as
defined by the Israeli government (in the ground offensive) is to establish
a reality in which Israeli residents can live in safety and security
without continuous indiscriminate terror, while striking a significant
Continue reading
German firm tries to help stop the car bombs in Iraq | Business Brief
Amidst all the carnage and destruction in Iraq and elsewhere, it's
important not to lose sight of the good that humans are capable of.
Below is a good news story to cap off a week full of bad news.
German firm tries to help stop the car bombs in Iraq | Business Brief.
Source: DW (English). Date Published: July 18. Description:
In country's like Iraq the rule of even the most basic civil law is shaky.
But as the country struggles to rebuild a civil society and fight off an
insurgency, one German company has been given the contract to produce car
license plates there.

*The U.S. condoned war zone of Gaza with omnipresent Israeli watchtower *
*The myth of Israel's right to Palestine as well as their illegal and
brutal U.S. supported Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza has
finally been exposed and shattered by a Zionist Generals' son, Miko Peled ~
who reveals in his book that Israel's rabid Zionists are very similar to
America's rabid neo-conservatives and that the only hope for the region
depends on a bottom up American public outcry for human rights and
democracy to replace the current Israel Garrison state of subjugation an... more »
Just discovered this video from a talk I gave in Cambridge, MA during a
mid-April conference on US 'pivot' to Asia-Pacific. My job was to talk
about creating solidarity with those in the Pacific region who are working
so hard to stop the expansion of US military bases on their lands.
As Bad As Things Are For Mike Duffy ... They Look Even Worse For Stephen Harper
Stephen Harper, without public consultation or election, hand picked and
anointed Mike Duffy to be a Canadian Senator. No matter what Mike Duffy did
.. Stephen Harper committed the undemocratic actions that set this whole
sorry mess in play.
He should bear considerable responsibility.
'Mike Duffy's defence could put Harper on hot seat' - Kady O'Malley, CBC
Eighteen killed Friday before dawn in Israeli ground invasion of Gaza

It is a heart-breaking situation and too many atrocities. It is about time
that rest of the world takes notice and do something to stop this massacre.
Read more here
MH17 - If You Made it Up, Nobody Would Believe You

*KAL-007 : Bond Air*
(Except That You Always Do, and They Do...)
*Value of N.O. firefighters’ pension fund assets fell 41 percent last year
~Andrew Vanacore, New Orleans Advocate*
*Short-Term Rental Stakeholders All Agree On One Thing: Current Law
Inadequate ~WWNO*
*Students, Teachers and Citizens Deserve Better on Common Core Stalemate
*Boeing signs $2.8 billion contract to build rocket at Michoud ~WWL *
*Fishermen and Retailers Go High-Tech For Authentic Gulf Seafood ~Janaya
Williams *
*Several more states to offer duck stamps online ~AP via Bradenton Herald*
*Kermit Ruffins with Jam in the Van ~WWOZ*
On May 20, 2009, four men from the impoverished and largely
African-American city of Newburgh, NY, were apprehended for an alleged
terror plot. They had no history of violence or terrorist ties, but had
been drawn by a Pakistani FBI informant into a carefully orchestrated
scheme to bomb Jewish synagogues in Riverdale, a wealthy neighborhood in
New York City and fire Stinger missiles at U.S. military supply planes.
Their dramatic arrest, complete with armored cars, a SWAT tea... more »
Wild Bill: Using children to violate the laws of America! Obama must be held accountable...
*what side is Obama on?*
"Americans, prepare to protect yourselves."
It's All Over Now - Johnny Winter, NBC Pulls Egyptian Correspondent After Playing with Bombed Children (Pilger On Israel, Ukraine and Truth)
R.I.P. Johnny. I remember him for the 'gutsiest, fluid guitar you ever
heard,' but at its best, there's a beautifully articulated flamboyance to
his music. Faster and flashier than his blues god contemporary Eric
Clapton, Winter's musicianship — a hyperactive, high-octane intensity was
his great blues innovation — had the electric flair of someone who was
determined to take charge of how he
ARISTOTLE’S ERROR: Morning Joe moves the jihad along!
*FRIDAY, JULY 18, 2014*
*Interlude—A look at post-rational practice:* Aristotle is said to have
said that we, the so-called human beings, are the rational animal.
We’d call that a gross overstatement. How “rational” does the work of our
nation’s “press corps” generally seem?
Were we observing the work of the rational animal when we watched the tapes
from yesterday’s Morning Joe? In this early six-minute segment, Mika and
Joe and the rest of the panel gasped about the vast sum Hillary Clinton was
paid for her speech at The University at Buffalo last year. They worked from the banne... more »
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