Anthony Valenzuela - Kickflip (Photo credit: Daniel Catbagan) |
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- July 30, 2014

The Sykes-Picot agreement. (Creative Commons)
*In 10 Years’ Time, The World’s Borders Will Look Totally Different --
Frank Jacobs, Washington Post*
Border-watchers are the seismologists of geopolitics. And lately, we’ve
begun to notice a lot of fault lines.
The boundaries that separate states are shifting and dissolving at an
accelerating rate. Take, for example, the establishment of an “Islamic
State” astride the Syrian-Iraqi border, which forebodes a major realignment
in the Middle East. In a slick propaganda piece titled The End of
Sykes-Picot, a triumphant ISIS fighter shows u... more »
Smallpox: A Deadly Shell Game

Janet Phelan
The recent announcement by the WHO that it was postponing a decision on
destroying the remaining smallpox depositories—one allegedly in Russia at
VECTOR and the other in the United States at the CDC—may not have been
prompted by what the press has termed a difference of opinion between
research groups. In fact, the WHO may have no idea how many labs actually
possess the deadly variola virus.
As widely reported, WHO's advisory committee on variola virus research
(ACVVR), felt that the stocks should be maintained, as the live virus was
still needed to develop antivira... more »
Look Again: Who is Behind UK's Initiative to "Help the Bees"?

Anthony Freda Art Heather Callaghan
*With friends like these...*
Recently I wrote about a large Canada-wide surveillance initiative: Look
Who's Behind This Large Study to "Help the Bees". Following the money
trail, one could see that Canada's government was placing "hope" for an
answer unto major international biotech and agricultural companies such as
Monsanto, BASF, Bayer, Syngenta etc... The very same companies whose
chemical products are implicated for diminishing bee populations and have
everything to gain by "finding" an answer that doesn't point back to them.
Does that s... more »
Robot Bees Will Be Better Than The Real Thing Says Greenpeace

Heather Callaghan
*This is an update to the original post on April 17, 2013. *
No, this is not a tabloid - it's real. According to several videos, which
are posted below, robotic insects have made their first controlled flight.
According to the creators of Robobee:
The demonstration of the first controlled flight of an insect-sized robot
is the culmination of more than a decade's work . . . Half the size of a
paperclip, weighing less than a tenth of a gram, the robot was inspired by
the biology of a fly, with submillimeter-scale anatomy and two wafer-thin
wings that flap almost i... more »
Food Forward: New PBS Series Explores 'Food Rebel' Innovation

Heather Callaghan
The food freedom bug has turned heads at PBS. Food Forward TV is an
upcoming series that basically showcases people striving to dramatically
transform the way we eat in the United States. "Food rebels" and outliers,
so to speak.
Across 50 cities, it showcases farmers, chefs, scientists, fishermen and
ranchers with ways that deviate from the "conventional" large agricultural
and food system. Some of their methods emulate traditional farming - which
only seem unique to newer generations - but most are new, innovative
solutions to feed the world.
Will the world pa... more »
Glyphosate Detected in Deformed Piglets

Heather Callaghan
In April, a Danish farmer called for a ban on glyphosate. For three years
he had used non-GMO soy feed for his pig herds, but when he ran out, he
ordered two tons of GM soy feed. His herdsman immediately told the farmer
of diarrhea in the piglets and lack of appetite in the sows. He had not
told the herdsman of the feed switch.
Worse, he began noticing an absurd amount of deformed piglets and
reproductive problems in the sows. Roundup is used on GMO soy shortly
before it is used as pig feed.
But that's not all - he brought 38 malformed piglets to a laboratory. ... more »
Audience Brain Waves Are Being Used to Better Predict YOU

Heather Callaghan
Recently, I wrote about findings showing that the brainwaves of people
viewing the same movie are '*synched*.'Some people thought this was great
news, suggesting that it meant more connection and intimacy. But people who
feel more disengaged or isolated by spending time with people watching
media would probably doubt that suggestion very much.
Building on that discovery, researchers are testing brainwaves to forecast
public response to television programming. Of course, this has questionable
And, now, it only takes a few people to accurately predic... more »

Israel is THE ONLY democracy in the M.E.? A lie.
CBC/Evan Solomon of Power and Politics:
Would it be too much to ask, for you to inject a fact or two
into the CPC's propagandizing of yet another of their world-views??
World News Briefs -- July 30, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Peace Corps Evacuates West Africa Volunteers Due To Ebola Threat -- CNN*
(CNN) -- Humanitarian agencies working in west Africa are stepping up
precautions against the deadly Ebola virus as local and international
health officials struggle to bring the outbreak under control. The Peace
Corps announced Wednesday it was removing hundreds of its volunteers from
the region.
The Peace Corps said 340 workers would temporarily leave Liberia, Sierra
Leone and Guinea, the three countries primarily affected by the outbreak.
Two volunteers on the continent were isolated after coming in conta... more »
Does Israel "Cause" Anti-Semitism?
The great German socialist August Bebel once dubbed anti-semitism "the
socialism of fools". This oft-quoted aphorism referred specifically to the
conspiracy-mongers of his day for whom capitalism was the front for
international jewry. But could it be that anti-semitism is the delusion of
the desperate too? This question was raised in the Lords last night.
Ex-diplomat and crossbencher Lord Wright of Richmond mused whether there
was a link between the rise of anti-semitism in Europe and Israel's brutal
assault on civilians in Gaza. He further suggested that its spread might be
curbed... more »
METRO | Jim Simons : The 50-year lawyer: Defying the systems of power
I knew that what I would write would never be published by the ‘Bar
Journal.’ So I happily write it for ‘The Rag Blog.’ Here I stand, though
the road was not exactly what I expected. By Jim Simons | … finish reading
*METRO* | Jim Simons : The 50-year lawyer: Defying the systems of power
the Chalk Face
Toronto Pollice Chief not renewed
First of all he has been there since 2005. Thinking aboot J Edgar we know
that 14 years is long enough even for Mother Teresa with a badge. IMHO he
has one of the most important public service jobs in Canada. Compared to
his predecessor who now continues to reveal himself as a source
of jaundice., Bill Blair was F5 tornado of fresh air. I could make this
into a blog about how the police play politics and of that Bill Blair was
a master. However he always seemed to play the game for the people he
served. I really believe that Bill Blair believed in serve and protect. We
roll the ... more »
Obama's Message To Republicans: "Stop Just Hatin’ All The Time"...
*did president ribbon cutter really say that today after spending our money
to fly to Kansas and entertain some people with his phony preacher shuck
and jive talk?*
According to Reuters he did just that.
*From Zero Hedge:*
Two weeks ago the head of the *"most transparent administration ever*"
(perhaps to the NSA?), president Obama, told the common American to "not be
cynical" and have hope. Today, speaking appropriately in an ornate theater
in Kansas City, he had a message for republicans: *"Stop being mad all the
time. Stop. Stop. Stop just hatin’ all the time."*
*Reuters has m... more »
Blue America End Of The Month Match For Shenna Bellows
One of Blue America's most dedicated supporters is offering an
end-of-the-month match for Shenna Bellow's, the progressive Democrat
running for the U.S. Senate seat in Maine. As you can see, Blue America
contributors have donated as much to Shenna's campaign as to all the other
Senate candidates we are backing *combined*. But its going to take more
than that to get her message out; she's up against Susan Collin's money
machine. Collins is already swimming in $5,380,803, only 2% of it
($123,536) from small grassroots contributions. The rest is from wealthy
donors and PACs. Our ano... more »
Diplomats Flee Libya As The Violence Escalates Out Of Control
*International Diplomats Evacuate Libya as Violence Escalates -- US News
and World Report*
*French, British and American diplomats are among a growing number
withdrawing from a tumultuous Libya.*
At least 30 people were killed Tuesday when Libyan militants swarmed a
government military base in Benghazi, according to reports. The escalating
violence in the region has driven scores of international diplomats out of
Libyan special forces fled from a Benghazi military station as militants
overwhelmed them with rocketfire, according to Reuters. A special forces
spokesperson to... more »
Head Of Benghazi Probe Says That No Witnesses Will Be 'Off-Limits'
Watch the latest video at
*Head Of Benghazi Probe Says No Witnesses Off Limits, Including Clinton --
FOX News*
The Republican head of the Benghazi Select Committee warned Tuesday that no
witnesses would be off limits in its upcoming probe and that he would
consider going to court, if necessary, to compel testimony.
"I can't skip over a witness that I think we ought to talk to simply
because there is an assertion of either privilege or immunity," Chairman
Trey Gowdy of South Carolina told Fox News in an exclusive interview.
He said that while he has received good c... more »
The Israeli Genocide Of Gaza Continues: Absolutely Spot On Video By Anthony Lawson: The Blood Of Palestine Is On The Hands Of The Bribe-Takers!
The horrific and genocidal assault on Gaza continues... The number of dead
now from that Israeli atrocity exceeds that of "Operation Cast Lead" and we
are indeed witnessing the extermination of an entire people. Even today,
we have new shocking reports of the Israelis targeting and bombing refugee
camps and hospitals that in international law is indeed a war crime...
However we see little action by the United Nations due to the Jewish
control over that very organization itself!
Right now, I want to present a fabulous new video by Anthony Lawson that
tells the truth about this murde... more »
Rabbi Henry Siegman, Leading Voice of U.S. Jewry, on Gaza: "A Slaughter of Innocents"
*Netanyahu looks like a man on a mission. Obama looks asleep. Abbas looks
Rabbi Henry Siegman, Leading Voice of U.S. Jewry, on Gaza: "A Slaughter of
Innocents." Source: Democracy Now. Date Published: July 30, 2014.
The Islamic State Is The World's Newest Petrostate

ISIS has captured large swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq, including
all of oil-rich Deir Ezzor. (File photo: Reuters)
*The Islamic State Is The Newest Petrostate -- Keith Johnson, Stars and
Stripes/Foreign Policy*
WASHINGTON — The Islamic State, like many shady and not-so-shady groups
before it, are apparently getting into the oil business. And it seems to
suit them as they reportedly are making millions of dollars a day off of it.
The militants, who have conquered broad swaths of Iraq and Syria, are
turning to good old-fashioned crime -- oil smuggling, in this case -- to
u... more »
“How You’re Attracting Unwanted Government Attention”
*“How You’re Attracting Unwanted Government Attention”*
by Mike Leahy
“I was talking with one of my colleagues the other day, and he raised a
very interesting question, one that deserves consideration by anyone
worried about their digital privacy. He read an article that championed the
idea that the more steps one took to protect their privacy by using
anonymous Web-browsing tools like Tor, the more likely that individual
would be targeted for “surveillance” by the NSA.
The article went on to say the NSA closely watched user accounts searching
for information on non-Windows operati... more »
The Fight Over Who Owns Iraqi Oil Intensifies Between Baghdad And The Kurdish North

A still image from video taken by a U.S. Coast Guard HC-144 Ocean Sentry
aircraft shows the oil tanker United Kalavyrta (also known as the United
Kalavrvta), which is carrying a cargo of Kurdish crude oil, approaching
Galveston, Texas, July 25, 2014.
*Iraq And Its Kurds Fight Over Oil Tanker Off The Texas Coast -- L.A. Times*
A $100-million bonanza of crude oil sits in a tanker off the coast of
Galveston, Texas, but moving it to shore has become a knotty foreign policy
Late Monday, a federal court ordered U.S. marshals to seize the cargo of
the tanker, the United Kalavrv... more »
Real History Revealed: How The Jews Started The Biggest War Of All

With all of the news focused these days on the criminal Israeli assault and
massacre in Gaza, as well as the American lies and BS being whipped up to
try to start a war against Russia, we sometimes forget that this period
marks the 100th anniversary of what was the beginning of the First World
War. It was this time back in 1914 that nations in Europe were either
already at war, as in the case of Austria-Hungary, or were in rapid
mobilization and ready to escalate the conflict as in the case of Germany,
Russia, France, and the British Empire....
I have always been a student of rea... more »
A BATTY 36 HOURS.Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk
Moscow Fights Back After Sanctions

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (C) chairs a government meeting at the
Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, July 30, 2014. Credit:
REUTERS/Alexei Nikolskyi/RIA Novosti/Kremlin
*Moscow Fights Back After Sanctions; Battle Rages Near Ukraine Crash Site
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Russia fought back on Wednesday over new U.S. and EU sanctions
imposed over Ukraine, where fighting between Moscow-backed rebels and
government troops has intensified since a Malaysian airliner was shot down.
The confrontation between Moscow and the West entered a new phase this
week, with the United ... more »
Bond Air is Go: The Secret History of MH17 - The Flight of the Dead

Bond Air is Go: The Secret History of MH17 - The Flight of the Dead from Spike
EP on Vimeo.
"A top pro-Russia rebel commander in eastern Ukraine has given a bizarre
version of events surrounding the Malaysian jetliner crash — suggesting
many of the victims may have died days before the plane took off.
The pro-rebel website Russkaya Vesna on Friday quoted *Igor Girkin* as
saying he was told by people at the crash site that *“a significant number
of the bodies weren’t fresh,”* adding that he was told they were drained of
blood and reeked of decomposition. "
*Associated Press*
The ... more »
Jewish groups receive 94% of DHS funding for non-profits

*As I've explained*, the entire "Homeland Security" industry is *a Jewish
racket*. We have even more confirmation of this fact today from the *Jewish
Telegraph Agency*:
*The Department of Homeland Security allocated to Jewish institutions $12
million, or 94 percent, of $13 million in funds for securing nonprofits*.
The Jewish Federations of North America’s Washington office director,
William Daroff, said Tuesday that the allocation made sense particularly in
light of an intensification of threats on Jewish community targets in the
United States and overseas.
“In the current environ... more »
Kiev Fires Ballistic Missiles into Eastern Ukraine
*Pentagon intentionally withholds information on Kiev's indiscriminate use
of ballistic missiles in populated areas.*
Tony Cartalucci
CNN has reported that the regime in Kiev launched several short-range
ballistic missiles into eastern Ukraine - each missile containing warheads
of up to 1,000 lbs (450 kg). The missiles fired were OTR-21 Tochka also
known by their NATO reporting name as SS-21 Scarabs and are considered far
from "precision" weapons.
While smaller than the infamous "Scud" missile, SS-21s are similarly
inaccurate and their use in combat against an enemy entrenched in... more »

*Global Network board member Sung-Hee Choi (on left) holds banner with
Catholic Bishop Kang during peace walk*
Once again during this hot summer the folks on Jeju, South Korea are
walking around their island home in the Grand March for Life and Peace.
They continue to protest against construction of a Navy base that will port
US nuclear aircraft carriers, destroyers, and nuclear submarines that will
all be aimed at China and Russia.
Their unwavering determination is remarkable. But even more remarkable to
me is the banner just above that links their effort to the struggles in
Pa... more »
Supplemental: Drum does “they love to cover her hard!”
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 2014*
*We wait for The One Liberal Channel:* Exactly as we predicted, Kevin Drum
has gone on the record concerning the Clinton coverage.
In yesterday’s post, he quotes an interesting observation by Slate’s Dave
Weigel, whose overall work on this subject strikes us as being quite poor.
We’ll discuss that observation tomorrow. For today, this is Drum’s
conclusion about Mark Halperin’s recent statement that Clinton is “destined
to get horrible coverage if she runs for president”—that “the press loves
to cover her hard:”
DRUM (7/29/14): The media's preoccupation w... more »

*In my proven heart centered work with combat veterans with PTSD it is
obvious that the healing power of unconditional love can facilitate
transformative change. Nowhere is that more evident than with Combat
Veterans with their special need dogs ~ for only unconditional love can
penetrate the dark shadow world of PTSD: Allen L Roland, Ph.D *
*“The only way love can last a lifetime is if it's unconditional. The truth
is this: love is not determined by the one being loved but rather by the
one choosing to love.”* ~ Stephen Kendrick, *The Love Dare*
During the past four years, I ... more »
Thanks Jews! (Public Service Announcement)
Absolutely brilliant stuff from Kyle Hunt and *Renegade Broadcasting*.
Share this far and wide!
METRO | Nancy Simons : Finding ‘Democracy Now!’
When ‘Democracy Now!’ disappeared from Austin public access television, we
worked to get it back. By Nancy Simons | The Rag Blog | July 30, 2014
AUSTIN — Years ago, the first time my husband and I watched Democracy
Now!, … finish reading *METRO* | Nancy Simons : Finding
‘Democracy Now!’
Lest we forget: A tally of police shootings and taser deaths of Canadians with severe mental illness

I am haunted by the 2013 police shooting death of Sammy Yatim, and the
words of Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair this month that the
recommendations that came out of the investigation of the 18-year-old's
death won't be "left to gather dust." If only we could believe that.
Blair has said versions of that before, in past years when Toronto
police killed some other person with mental illness. The case of Sammy
Yatim was particularly tragic, what with him being a young man alone on an
empty streetcar when he was first shot nine times by the police and then
tasered as he lay dy... more »
Ukraine's Economy Is Imploding As Fighting In The East Intensifies

Archive © ITAR-TASS/Anton Tushin
*Ukraine’s GDP Fall Quickens By 4.7% -- ITAR-TASS*
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has made a worse Ukrainian GDP
falling forecast from five to 6.5% in 2014
IEV, July 30. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine’s GDP in the second quarter of 2014 has
plummeted 4.7% compared the same period in 2013, Ukrainian State Statistics
Service said on Wednesday.
The second quarter’s GDP rate went down 2.3% compared with the first
quarter with due account of seasonal factor.
The GDP decline has amounted to 1.1% in the first quarter of this year, the
republican service sa... more »
Stop the Media Madness.
Stop the Media Madness..Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the
Chalk Face
Obama Joins The EU in Imposing New Sanctions on Russia

Rachel Blevins
On Tuesday, after accusing the Kremlin of supporting anti-Kiev militias in
eastern Ukraine, and threatening to cripple the Russian economy, the United
States, along with the 28 nations that comprise the European Union,
announced a new series of sanctions against Moscow that could take place as
early as August 1, 2014.
According to *The Washington Post*, the European measures were “*the
strongest against Russia since the Cold War, with the potential to sway
Russian decision-making in a way that previous penalties have not*.”
The EU released a statement sayin... more »
Ukraine Civil War News Updates -- July 30, 2014

*Ukraine Conflict: Army Claims Strategic Town In Donetsk -- BBC*
*The Ukrainian army says it has seized a key town near the rebel stronghold
of Donetsk, as fighting rages in the east.*
Pro-Russia separatists were driven out of Avdiivka on Wednesday, the army
said. The strategic town is near the airport and train station in Donetsk.
Heavy fighting around Donetsk has again prevented international experts
from reaching the crash site of flight MH17.
Meanwhile, Russia said new sanctions were "destructive and short-sighted"
and would lead to higher energy prices.
Almost two weeks afte... more »
MH17 - The VicSims

These are not real people.
Human beings do not look like this.
These are* VicSims.*
Corporatism Stifles Innovation

James Hall
For an economy to grow and create actual wealth, innovation is a bedrock
component in the development of enhanced prosperity. Prosperity is an
intriguing concept. Simply making and accumulating money falls short of
establishing a successful economic model. This recent report illustrates a
prime example. Facebook stock soars, as company briefly passes IBM in
market value.
By most measures, Facebook is dwarfed by IBM: With about 7,000 employees,
ten-year-old Facebook is on track to garner $12 billion in sales this year.
The 103-year-old IBM has more than 400,000 workers... more »
‘Catastrophic’: Hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer warns of EMP

*Imminent: ‘Only a matter of time’ until entire electric grid destroyed by
natural or man-made event…*
Aaron Dykes
Billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer is warning investors – and more
broadly, lawmakers and leaders – about the potential destructive power of
an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, which could be triggered by solar events
or artificially, via blasts in the atmosphere.
According to Singer, research shows that no other incident, including a
nuclear bomb, has the potential for such wide-scale devastation, coupled
with the relative likelihood of occurring.
While a nuk... more »
Australia, ‘better slave than dead’

Pine Gap, Australia Jon Rappoport
Remember the name “Pine Gap.” It lies at the heart of this story.
I’ve always thought Australians were more blunt and forthright than
Americans. I don’t know if that’s true, but the current debate about total
surveillance in the Land Down Under is cutting to the bone.
The government wants to tax the Australian people so it can use giant
telecoms to collect wall to wall “metadata” on them. (Pay us so we can spy
on you.)
The Age newspaper reports on an Australian senate inquiry into the plan:
“ASIO [the national security service of Australia]... more »
Obama Remarks on Situation in Ukraine

President Obama announced that the U.S. would join with the European Union
in additional economic sanctions against Russia for its ongoing conflict
with Ukraine. The sanctions target Russia’s energy, arms, and financial
You can visit our Ukraine article archive here.
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*Why Champ Bailey WON’T Be Cut by the Saints ~Barry Hirstius, Whodat Dish*
Hamas Military Wing Release Video of Covert Tunnel Raid That Killed Five Israeli Guards
*Gaza Crisis: Hamas Military Wing Release Video of Covert Tunnel Raid Which
Killed Five IDF Soldiers -- IBTimes*
Hamas' military wing has released footage claiming to be its militants
entering Israel, via an underground tunnel from the Gaza Strip, and
storming an IDF guard post, in an attack which killed five Israeli soldiers.
The unverified video censors the faces and conversations of the militants
as they emerge from a tunnel believed to originate in Shejaiya, Gaza and
run towards a guard post south of Kibbutz Nahal Oz near Karmi Crossing.
An anti-tank missile and shots are fire... more »
How Steve Israel Killed Red-To-Blue
Red to Blue looks like such a stinker for Steve Israel this cycle that he's
started slipping in candidates in *blue* districts so his batting average
won't look as atrocious on the morning of November 5th as anyone looking at
his inept recruiting will surmise. A good red-to-blue program would have
strong, progressive candidates running against Republicans in blue-leaning
districts. Instead, Israel's personal agenda had him out-right protecting
Republicans in many of these districts. These are all districts Democrats
should be able to win but that Israel has screwed up-- as he chase... more »
Coordinated Sanctions Target Russia's Ability to Tap Oil Reserves including Arctic resources
I have mentioned the control of Arctic resources previously as one of many
reasons for the targeting of Russia by NATO.
So, it is interesting to note that the sanctions are geared towards
prohibiting Russia from accessing it's Arctic resources
Before we get to the sanction we are going to FLASHBACK to December 2011.
Back more then 2 & 1/2 years ago.... Cause sometimes you have to *go back
to the future *- Pun intended
Who controls the Arctic, controls vast resources
*Just a quick post. A little something to think about..*.
If you had doubts that the NATO world army has designs on Rus... more »
Before And After Satellite Images Show The Devastation Of Israel's Bombardment On Gaza

(*Click on Image to Enlarge*)
Devastation: Using images from before the conflict began and comparing them
with ones from July 25, they identified 700 destroyed homes and mosques
*Razing Gaza: Before And After Satellite Images Show The True Devastation
Of Israel's Bombardment As 700 Homes And Mosques Are Turned To Rubble And
400 Craters Blight The War Zone -- Daily Mail*
The obliteration of Gaza from relentless Israeli air strikes and tank
shelling was laid bare today in a series of satellite images charting the
escalating violence across the region.
Analysis from UN satellite expe... more »
Resisting Technocracy and “Smart Grid” Ultimatums
James F. Tracy
This week James is joined on his podcast (posted below) by Josh Hart,
founder and director of the California-based Stop Smart Meters, one of the
foremost organizations raising public awareness on the roll out of wireless
technology and the “smart grid.”
They discuss the ongoing plan to install dangerous microwave-emitting
devices on homes and businesses throughout North America and the world–and
how the citizenry can resist.
Hart is a journalist and researcher, having completed graduate work at the
University of West England at Bristol on the relationship between
... more »
Israel - Hamas War News Updates -- July 30, 2014
*Israeli Military Offers 4-Hour Humanitarian Ceasefire In Gaza -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The Israeli military said on Wednesday it would hold fire
unilaterally in limited areas of the Gaza Strip for four hours from 3 p.m.
(1200 GMT) for humanitarian purposes, an army statement said.
Hamas described the truce as a media stunt because it only applied to some
"IDF (Israel Defence Forces) has authorised a temporary window in the Gaza
Strip. The humanitarian window will not apply to the areas in which IDF
soldiers are currently operating," the Israeli statement said.
*Read more* ... more »
The purpose of the Indian Act and the intention of Parliament.
Tyendinaga Mohawk Council v. Brant, 2014 ONCA 565:
[53] There are two legal principles that underpin the assessment of
the purpose of the *Indian Act *and the intention of Parliament. First,
early Canadian jurisprudence relied on the *Royal Proclamation *(*1763*)*,* R.S.C.,
1985, App. II, No. 1,[2] as the origin of Indian title: see *St.
Catharine's Milling and Lumber Co. v. The Queen*, [1887] 13 S.C.R. 577,
affirmed (1888), 14 App. Cas. 46. It is now clear from more recent
authority that Indian title existed in Canada independently of the *Royal
Proclamation*: see *Calder... more »
“Gaza is a graveyard,” sing joyful Israeli youths

Abu Abunimah
Electronic Intifada
In her latest post, my colleague Rania Khalek makes reference to “a new
racist chant mocking the more than two hundred children slaughtered by
Israel’s merciless bombing campaign in Gaza: ‘Tomorrow there’s no school in
Gaza, they don’t have any children left.’”
This video shows an Israeli mob actually singing in celebration of
children’s deaths in the style of a soccer fans’ song: “In Gaza there’s no
studying, No children are left there, Olé, olé, olé-olé-olé.”
The mob also incites directly against Ahmed Tibi and Haneen Zoabi, two
prominent Pale... more »
Paul Craig Roberts: "The extraordinary propaganda being conducted against Russia by the US and UK governments and Ministries of Propaganda, a.k.a., the “Western media,” have the purpose of driving the world to war that no one can win." "In contrast, Russia has emerged from tyranny and from a government based on lies..."

*War Is Coming — Paul Craig Roberts*
July 28, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
War Is Coming
Paul Craig Roberts
The extraordinary propaganda being conducted against Russia by the US and
UK governments and Ministries of Propaganda, a.k.a., the “Western media,”
have the purpose of driving the world to war that no one can win. European
governments need to rouse themselves from insouciance, because Europe will
be the first to be v... more »
Given his background, what American Jewish leader Rabbi Henry Siegman has
to say about Israel’s founding in 1948 through the current assault on Gaza
may surprise you. From 1978 to 1994, Siegman served as executive director
of the American Jewish Congress, long described as one of the nation’s “big
three” Jewish organizations, along with the American Jewish Committee and
the Anti-Defamation League. Born in Germany three years before the Nazis
came to power in 1933, Siegman’s family eventually moved to the United
States. His father was a leader of the European Zionist movement that
... more »
World News Briefs -- July 30, 2014
*Israel Announces Brief Cease-fire After Shelling UN School -- Voice of
GAZA CITY — Palestinian officials say Israel has announced a four-hour
humanitarian cease-fire in some areas of the Gaza Strip, in the wake of an
Israeli tank attack on a United Nations-run school in the Gaza Strip that
killed at least 19 people.
The cease-fire began at 3:00 p.m. local time (1200) Wednesday. Israel
authorized the pause in fighting against Hamas militants, saying it would
be limited to parts of the densely populated coastal strip.
Hamas continued to fire rockets, saying it would fight... more »
It's good to talk

There are a lot of tired-out old phrases which have become meaningless,
(through being over and mis-used) for example; massacre, siege, ethnic
cleansing, militant and so on.
The one that puts Craig off, he’s obviously very squeamish, is “useful
idiots”. For his sake let’s just call them *U*nwitting *S*impletons *E*xploited
*F*or *U*se, *L*argely *I*n *D*efending *I*slamists *O*penly *T*errorising
*S*ociety, or for short the handy acronym “useful idiots”.
I’m sure someone could come up with a neater alternative version, but I’m
putting that on the back burner for now.
Did you hear ... more »
Pressure Grows On Iraq’s Premier Maliki To Give Up On A Third Term

Iraq’s politicians have taken some important steps towards forming a new
government. A speaker of parliament and a new president were elected in
July 2014. Now President Fuad Masum must pick a candidate for prime
minister from the largest bloc in parliament, which is the National
Alliance (NA) made up of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s State of Law
(SOL), the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq’s Citizen’s Alliance, Moqtada
al-Sadr’s Ahrar bloc, and Ibrahim al-Jaafari’s National Reform Trend.
That’s the last major barrier as Premier Maliki has refused to step aside
despite oppositio... more »
Happy Birthday Heather!

Excuse the left alignment of the video, jibjab seems to want to left align
its videos....
< param name='scaleMode' value='showAll'>
Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
“DESTINED TO GET HORRIBLE COVERAGE:” Robinson and Barnacle baffled!
*WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 2014*
*Part 3—Insiders can’t figure it out:* Last week, on two different Morning
Joe programs, Mark Halperin delivered a stinging indictment of the
mainstream press corps.
For background, see yesterday’s post.
Halperin is a major insider. He understands the insider press. He knows the
other insiders.
But uh-oh! According to Halperin, Hillary Clinton “is destined to get
horrible coverage if she runs for president,” at least as matters stand.
“The press loves to cover her hard,” Halperin memorably said.
As Halperin voiced his full indictment on last Tuesday’s M... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 30, 2014
The view is shown from a turret of a mine-resistant, ambush-protected
vehicle making its way back to Camp Leatherneck after a combat logistics
patrol in Afghanistan's Helmand province, July 14, 2014. U.S. Marine Corps
photo by Cpl. Alex Roberts
*Afghanistan To Cost More Than Marshall Plan, Watchdog Says -- Stars and
KABUL, Afghanistan — By the time its combat troops depart at the end of
2014, the United States will have appropriated more money trying to fix
Afghanistan than it did on the Marshall Plan that helped Europe recover
economically after World War II, according t... more »
For Shame! Canadian MP's "fact find" for Israel's "perspective"
Named below
*The six parliamentarians travelling on the mission, which returns to
Canada on Thursday, are: Liberal MPs Carolyn Bennett and John McCallum,
Conservative MPs Randy Hoback, Ted Opitz and David Sweet and Liberal Sen.
Grant Mitchell.*
*3 Cons and 3 Libs- The two sides of the same coin.*
*Bought and Paid for by an Israeli lobby in Canada- The Centre for Israel
and Jewish Affairs *
* "the parliamentarians won't be going to Gaza"*
Fogel also made no excuses for the fact that the view they'll get of the
conflict will be one-sided, with briefings provided by Israeli gove... more »
Are There Any Competent Climate Scientists?
Steven Goddard has a post claiming "Some climate scientists are actually
competent". My response:
*There have been two basic camps in climate academe, those who spout
"greenhouse effect" and "runaway global warming" with alarm, and those who
beat the drum for "ENSO" (or "multidecadal ocean oscillations") and a
cyclical variation in global temperature, on top of a widely-believed
global warming from the depths of the Little Ice Age (c. 1680) of 0.5
°C/century (but, like Phil Jourdan above, I doubt their global temperature
records either way, since I found the utterly stable Standard ... more »
*The Daily Show*
Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,The Daily Show on Facebook,Daily Show
Video Archive
Could it be considered that the US understands that arming all sides in the
Middle East creates chaos which then heightens arms sales profits and
allows Israel to justify smashing the Palestinian people?
America's job #1 in the world today is 'security export' and is very good
at it. Increasingly we find that the economies of most states and local
communities are dependent on military production.
We've become a killer nation.
Isn't it time we got serious about converting the m... more »
Is Israel Creating A Buffer Zone In Gaza?

*Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent --
Jesse Rosefeld, Daily Beast*
*To protect itself from Hamas rockets and tunnels, Israel is forcing tens
of thousands of people out of their homes, turning their old neighborhoods
into a no-man’s land.*
BEIT HANOUN, Gaza — This narrow strip of land that used to be called “the
Gaza Strip,” already one of the more densely populated places on Earth, is
growing dramatically smaller. The Israeli military, relentlessly and
methodically, is driving people out of the 3-kilometer (1.8 mile) buffer
zone it says it need... more »

Now that you're here;
a question:
do you have any of our bears in captivity- in YOUR zoos?
Is Colombia's Peace Talks With FARC About To Collapse?

Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos speaks after the signing of
agreements at the second day of the 2014 Alianza del Pacifico (Pacific
Alliance) political summit in Punta Mita in the Nayarit region, in the West
Coast of Mexico, June 20, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Jorge Dan Lopez
*Colombia President Says 'Demented' FARC Attacks Could End Peace Talks --
(Reuters) - Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos warned on Tuesday that
continuing attacks perpetrated by leftist FARC guerrillas, many of which
target infrastructure, could bring an end to peace negotiations with the
gove... more »
Today's Democratic Party-- Soul On Ice

If you're from Connecticut, you probably remember Bill Curry as a leader of
the liberal wing of the Democratic Party and a two-time nominee for
governor. Most Americans who know who he is, though, know him for his role
as a domestic policy advisor to Bill Clinton. I know the Clintons are very
touchy about their sometimes tattered brand and I suspect Bill Curry won't
be invited to the Medici Palace when Hillary takes over the world. A look
at the piece he wrote Sunday for Salon-- My party has lost its soul: Bill
Clinton, Barack Obama, and the victory of Wall Street Democrats, makes... more »
The Enemy At The Top
Vladimir Putin's ascension to the Russian presidency for a third term was
greeted with widespread public protest and charges of electoral fraud.
Devon Black writes:
Putin had hoped to re-take the presidency with confidence and a strong
mandate. Instead, the pressure was on him to solidify his tenuous political
Putin did so by stoking nationalist fervor, crafting a narrative of a
Russia beset by enemies, inside and out. Putin told a story of traditional
Russians fighting bac... more »
How the Term ‘Human Shield’ is Used to Justify State Sponsored Massacres

“Hamas is regularly described as 'Iranian-backed Hamas, which is dedicated
to the destruction of Israel.' One will be hard put to find something like
'democratically elected Hamas, which has long been calling for a two-state
settlement in accord with the international consensus'—blocked for over 30
years by the US and Israel. All true, but not a useful contribution to the
Party Line, hence dispensable.”
― Noam Chomsky, *Gaza in Crisis: Reflections on Israel's War Against the
…we cannot address terrorism of the weak against the powerful without also
confronting the u... more »
This is what happened in Iraq, Tikrit in fact, where Sunni Muslim Jihadists killed Shia Muslims
watched that video and it struck me that it was very similar to the
grainy film footage of Nazi soldiers killing Jews during World War 2.
names may change but evil stays evil.
In a sane world this video would be all over the Western media but with
institutionally anti Israel BBC and an even worse Channel 4, nothing
Islamist will be shown when Israel is there to be vilified.
Argentina Hours Away From Default

Graffiti in Buenos Aires says, “No to the payment of the debt.” Hedge funds
have won court victories demanding full payment on the bonds. Credit Marcos
*Argentina Hours Away From Bond Default -- BBC*
Argentina's economy minister is expected to return to the negotiating table
on Wednesday in a last-ditch attempt to prevent the country defaulting on
its bonds.
Axel Kicillof's talks with "hold-out" investors ended late on Tuesday night
in New York without agreement.
They are demanding a full pay-out of $1.3bn (£766m) on the bonds they hold.
A US judge has ruled tha... more »
*More States Abandoning the Sinking Common Core Ship*
“Barbarians at the gate.” That’s what Arizona Superintendent of Public
Instruction John Huppenthal called opponents of Common Core national
standards several weeks ago. His remarks are symptomatic of just how far
elected officials within and outside Arizona have strayed from our
Constitution, which doesn’t even contain the word “education.”
Supporters claim Common Core will provide a consistent, clear understanding
of what students should know to be prepared for college and their future
careers. On the contrary, many experts ser... more »
Hamas Sermon from the Gaza Strip - the war with Israel is quite simply about Jew hatred
Despite what supporters of Hamas in the West tell you, Hamas want to
destroy Israel and kill all Jews. It's about religion, Jew hatred to be
Musical Interlude: Justin Hayward, ”This Is The Moment”
Justin Hayward, ”This Is The Moment”
Images from the Soccer WorldCup 2006 in Germany,
somewhat dated now, but the song, never...
Stumbling Towards Catastrophe
Humans; the sort of humans who either listen to Glenn Beck, or who were
saddened at the fall of Eric Cantor, and the sort of humans who support
Barack Obama and nod sagely when the read the *New York Times* editorial
page, are driving us to disaster.
The moral depravity of supporters of Israeli genocide against the
Palestinians, whether in the comments section of the National Post or the
CBC or the leaders of all of our political parties, is a sign of our
inability to achieve peace. To live in peace. To not kill ourselves.
The crisis in the Ukraine, between the detestable US-America... more »
Kiev Fires Ballistic Missiles into Eastern Ukraine

Pentagon intentionally withholds information on Kiev's indiscriminate use
of ballistic missiles in populated areas.
*July 30, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - CNN has reported that the regime
in Kiev launched several short-range ballistic missiles into eastern
Ukraine - each missile containing warheads of up to 1,000 lbs (450 kg). The
missiles fired were OTR-21 Tochka also known by their NATO reporting name
as SS-21 Scarabs and are considered far from "precision" weapons.
While smaller than the infamous "Scud" missile, SS-21s are similarly
inaccurate and their use in combat against ... more »
*Jail monitor blasts Sheriff Gusman for lack of progress at OPP ~Jim
*Changes considered to allow Uber to operate in New Orleans ~Leigh Isaacson*
*New Orleans' Canal Street ferry to expand weekday hours starting Aug. 1* *Drones
Over NOLA ~It's New Orleans*
*Work underway to battle future flooding along evacuation route in St. John
~WVUE* *Gulf of Mexico rigs-to-reefs program contested in letter to
Interior Secretary and new e-book*
*The Root Progression: Teaching In A Uniquely New Orleans Way At The
Heritage School Of Music ~Michael Patrick Welch *
*Today in NOLA: Wednes... more »
U.S. loosens rules for Lockheed F-35, allows faster flight, tighter curves

[image: F-35 Lightning II]U.S. authorities have loosened some flight
restrictions on Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 fighter jets, allowing pilots
to fly faster and take tighter curves, as military officials investigate a
massive engine failure that grounded the entire fleet of warplanes for over
three weeks.
Pilots can now fly at speeds of up to 1.6 Mach, up from 0.9 Mach, and carry
out turns with a gravitational load of 3.2 Gs, up from 3 Gs, a U.S. defense
official and other sources familiar with the program told Reuters on
The changes will allow F-35 test pilots and trainer... more »
10 Incredible Ways Clove Oil Can Heal by Drew Skylo
10 Incredible Ways Clove Oil Can Heal
by Drew Skylo
Off The Grid News, 29 July 2014
When we think of the common spice known as “cloves,” many of us tend to
quickly associate it with wonderful food dishes. However, like many other
spices and herbs found in our kitchens, there are also several ways to use
them as natural remedies as well as in cooking.
Clove oil is extracted from the clove bud through distillation.While
eugenol is the main ingredient in clove oil, it is also rich in calcium,
iron, sodium, phosphorous, potassium, and Vitamins A and C.
Eugenol is reported to... more »
High-Tech Sleeping sensor breaks through $1m on Kick starter

A 22-year-old British entrepreneur's new sleep-tracking kit has cracked
$1.2m in its first week on Kick starter’s mass funding platform. James
Proud launched his product, Sense, on 23 July through a goal of raising
$100,000 within 30 days. But it accepted the $1m-mark on Sunday, and has
been estimate to raise more than $4m by the period's end.
Sense includes an orb that monitors the bedroom, a clip that attaches to
the pillow, and a cell phone phone app. The equipment produces a
distinctive score for the preceding night's sleep and aims to wake the
owner up at the top point in t... more »
In a new report, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union
warn that "large-scale surveillance is seriously hampering U.S.-based
journalists and lawyers in their work." The report is based on interviews
with dozens of reporters and lawyers. They describe a media climate where
journalists take cumbersome security steps that slows down their reporting.
Sources are afraid of talking, as aggressive prosecutions scare government
officials into staying silent, even about issues that are unclassified.
For lawyers, the threat of surveillance is stoking fears they will be
u... more »
Debunking The Map that Lies about Palestinian 'loss of land'
Read learn and then remember when anti Semitic scum try and lie about the
poor Palestinians loss of land.
Always Go To Albert Camus

*Kidney stone nonsense demolished*
Warmists are chortling over a recent report that associated increased
kidney stones with higher temperatures. A close reading of the press
release that announced the findings is interesting, however. First note
the following excerpt:
*"A painful condition that brings half a million patients a year to U.S.
emergency rooms, kidney stones have increased markedly over the world in
the past three decades. While stones remain more common in adults, the
numbers of children developing kidney stones have climbed at a dramatically
high rate over the ... more »
Identical electrons in a nose you touched
*Impenetrability of matter proves that generic questions about the
intermediate evolution can't have sharp classical answers*
Sabine Hossenfelder wrote a playful text
Can you touch your nose?
that partially answers this would-be deep question by philosophers.
You know, you never really touch your nose because there remains a gap
between your hand and your nose. The atoms and electrons repel. Sabine
correctly says that the Pauli exclusion principle preventing two electrons
from being in "exactly the same state" is actually more important for the
"impenetrability of matter law" than ... more »
Javelin Joint Venture Demonstrates Vehicle-Mounted Missile Launch
The Raytheon Company and Lockheed Martin Javelin Joint Venture recently
fired a Javelin missile from a remote weapon station integrated onto a
wheeled vehicle at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.
The test demonstrated Javelin’s vehicle-launch capability to an
international customer that has expressed interest in purchasing vehicles
integrated with Javelin.
The Javelin missile launched successfully and hit a T-62 tank target from a
range of 1,000 meters. Immediately after missile launch, the remote weapon
station engaged an alternate target with its ballistic weapon,
demons... more »
U.S. Approves More Hellfire Missiles for Iraq

[image: AGM-114R3 Hellfire]The U.S. government has approved plans to send
an additional 5,000 Hellfire missiles to Iraq to help the embattled Baghdad
government tackle the threat posed by Sunni militants, the Pentagon said on
The $700 million deal for the missiles, made by Lockheed Martin Corp.,
comes amid other signs that Washington is tackling a backlog of approvals
for weapons sales to one of the largest defense-export markets for U.S.
Pressure on the Pentagon's procurement budget has pushed U.S. defense
companies to focus more on export markets.
Read more
Pentagon: F-22 whistleblower inquiry to finish in Aug.

[image: F-22 Raptor]More than two years after a Hampton-based F-22 pilot's
career stalled when he and a colleague spoke out about life-threatening
problems with the Air Force's newest fighter jet, Pentagon investigators
say they'll complete their investigation of his treatment in August.
U.S. Sen. Mark Warner met Tuesday with officials of the Department of
Defense inspector general and said he is pleased they're promising to
deliver their findings by Aug. 30 if not sooner.
But Warner said he's angered that the investigation has taken years instead
of months, calling it a message to ... more »
US Launches Satellites To Spy On Other Countries’ Spacecraft
An unmanned Delta 4 rocket blasted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force
Station in Florida on Monday with a pair of U.S. military satellites
designed to keep watch on other countries’ spacecraft.
The 206-foot (63-meter) tall rocket, built by United Launch Alliance, a
partnership of Lockheed Martin and Boeing, lifted off at 7:28 p.m. EDT and
blazed through partly cloudy skies as it headed into orbit, a United Launch
Alliance live webcast showed.
Launch of two satellites for the U.S. Air Force’s recently declassified
Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program, or GSSAP, had been... more »
Australia pushes for Harpoon integration on P-8As

[image: P-8A Poseidon]Negotiations have commenced between Boeing and the US
Department of Defense to secure integration of the AGM-84 Harpoon Block 1G
anti-ship missile with the P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft, on
behalf of the type’s Australian customer.
Canberra announced in February it had approved the acquisition of eight
P-8As for the Royal Australian Air Force, plus four options.
Australia has maintained a co-operative programme with the US Navy on the
development of the P-8A since 2007.
Read more
Coalition hints British company likely to build air warfare destroyers

[image: David Johnston]The Abbott government appears to be laying the
ground for the British defence giant BAE Industries to take the lead on an
$8.5bn contract to build air warfare destroyers.
The defence minister, David Johnston, told the ABC on Wednesday that no
decision had yet been made to sideline the ASC – Australia’s largest
shipbuilding company – from the air warfare destroyers project.
But he gave a significant hint the shift was on the cards.
Read more
Royal Canadian Navy navigating rough seas

[image: HMCS Algonquin]These are difficult times for the Royal Canadian
Earlier this month, Canada's top sailor, Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, ordered
HMCS Whitehorse home to Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt, B.C., from a
mine-sweeping drill near San Diego that is part of the Hawaii-based Rim of
the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise because of a series of incidents involving
misbehaviour by its crew.
The navy lost its West Coast flagship, HMCS Algonquin, when the 40-yearold
destroyer collided with HMCS Protecteur during a towing exercise last year.
Algonquin remains tied up because rust ha... more »
Canada: Chinese hackers infiltrated government org

[image: Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ships (AOPS)]Chinese hackers infiltrated the
computer systems of Canada’s top research and development organization, the
Canadian government said Tuesday.
Canada’s Treasury Board said a “highly sophisticated Chinese
state-sponsored actor” hacked into the National Research Council, which
partners its scientists, engineers and business experts with private
industry to bring new technologies to market.
Adam Hodge, a spokesman for Canadian foreign minister John Baird, said
Baird discussed the matter with his counterpart while in Beijing on Tuesday
and had... more »
Navy takes Romeo for a test run

[image: RAN MH-60R Romeo]A new combat helicopter with the ability to hunt
submarines has given the navy combat power not previously available to
It's nicknamed Romeo but this new navy helicopter is a fighter not a lover.
Australia has spent $3.2 billion on 24 of the submarine-hunting MH-60R
Seahawk "Romeo" combat choppers.
Read more

*"Learn the art of celebrating yourself - for no reason, for no cause. Just
to be is enough, more than enough. To be part of the whole is such a great
metamorphosis that you cannot resist – you have to dance, you have to sing,
you have to express your joy, your blissfulness."* *~Osho*
Smooth transition to women on subs

[image: USS New Hampshire]Inexorably, with careful planning and a pragmatic
eye, the Navy is going about the plan it announced in 2010 to integrate
women into the submarine force. The service will be better for it.
The submarine force trailed far behind the rest of the U.S. Navy when it
came to assimilating women into service. Under a pilot program, women began
serving on surface ships in the early 1970s and by the end of that decade
were an official part of the surface force. In 1980, the first class of
women graduated from the Naval Academy.
Yet submarines remained a male-only dom... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Velvet Morning"
Liquid Mind, "Velvet Morning"
Liquid Mind ® is the name used by Los Angeles composer and producer
Chuck Wild of the best-selling Liquid Mind relaxation music albums.
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 1055 is a dominant member of a small
galaxy group a mere 60 million light-years away toward the intimidating
constellation Cetus. Seen edge-on, the island universe spans about 100,000
light-years, similar in size to our own Milky Way.
* Click image for larger size.*
Colorful, spiky stars in this cosmic portrait of NGC 1055 are in the
foreground, well within the Milky Way. But along with a smattering of more
distant background galaxies, the deep image also reveals a curious
box-shaped inner halo extending far above and below this galaxy's dusty
plane... more »
The Poet: Rolf Jacobsen, "When They Sleep"
"When They Sleep"
"All people are children when they sleep.
There's no war in them then.
They open their hands and breathe
in that quiet rhythm heaven has given them.
They pucker their lips like small children
and open their hands halfway,
soldiers and statesmen, servants and masters.
The stars stand guard
and a haze veils the sky,
a few hours when no one will do anybody harm.
If only we could speak to one another then
when our hearts are half-open flowers.
Words like golden bees
would drift in.
God, teach me the language of sleep."
- Rolf Jacobsen
"The Roads Have Come to an End Now"
walk in the woods - seven wrens - strange old hare

it was about 5 pm yesterday evening that I decided to begin my walk in
Wytham Woods, it was 8pm by the time I sauntered back, so kinda out there
for three hours, trying to be as quiet as possible and see as much woodlife
as possible.
Wrens, seven of them. This happened at the end of the walk, as the sun was
setting. I didn't realise wrens roosted communally until this sighting, I'd
only ever seen a solitary wren proclaiming its territory from within a
hedge or from the branch of a tree. And the song was different, less
shouty, just fast chirping as acknowledgement. I stood real clos... more »
25 Ways To Use Tea Tree Oil
Israel Has Tunnel Vision, Condemns Gaza To Death
* The tunnels in Gaza are a sign of life, not terror.*
You can't cage people in and expect them to die. Life has a way of
springing up against impossible obstacles if the will is there to live. The
tunnels in Gaza are a manifestation of this basic principle.
Israel closed down Gaza's border route in partnership with Egypt and
prohibited it from trading with the world. So out of economic necessity,
and also for military reasons, they painstakingly constructed these tunnels
that we're now seeing on television. They need these tunnels to breathe.
That they serve a dual-purpose is bes... more »
Michael James : Heartland takes root with new workers & friends, arson on my birthday, and a rising, 1976-’79
My partners and I began to learn the ins and outs and challenges of running
our business as we pioneered our community-oriented, left-leaning business
model. By Michael James | The Rag Blog | July 30, 2014 [In this series,
Michael … finish reading Michael James :
Heartland takes root with new workers & friends, arson on my birthday, and
a rising, 1976-’79
When Will Rick Weiland Start Covering Some Stone Temple Pilots Songs? They Were Huge In South Dakota
There is exactly zero chance the Democrats will take back the House in
November. And there is not a single serious, non-senile person who will
tell you that there is a chance. A few days ago we looked at some of the
underlying reasons here, in an open letter to Nancy Pelosi: extraordinarily
bad leadership. The situation in the Senate is not as hopeless, although
the leadership at the DSCC this year is not what it was when Patty Murray
ran the show in 2012 and swept the field. This cycle an abysmally weak and
clueless chairman, Michael Bennet, is beyond worthless and takes orders
... more »
Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Reusable Batteries

Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)!
Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we
challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're
already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop
Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet.
Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World!
If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a
complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far.
This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."
- Blaise Pascal
Chet Raymo, "Soul"
by Chet Raymo
"There is a moment early in Stefan Zweig's The Post Office Girl when the
eponymous heroine has a moment of illumination: "In this instant, shaken to
her very depths, this ecstatic human being has a first inkling that the
soul is made of stuff so mysteriously elastic that a single event can make
it big enough to contain the infinite."
Two interesting thoughts here.
First, that the soul is elastic. This is a rather different notion of the
human soul than the one I was raised with. We were taught that the soul -
the essential self - is created fully formed at the ... more »
This man is a racist [update 2]
[image: image]
ACT leader Jamie Whyte
is calling for a taskforce to identify and repeal laws which he says give
special treatment to Maori, saying that "the principle that the law should
be impartial has never been fully embraced in New Zealand.”
That’s enough for Maori Party leader Te Ururoa Flavell to play the racism
card :
Dr Whyte is vying for the "redneck sector of the voting community,” [says
Flavell] and there is "no doubt that there is an element of racism in those
This from the leader of a race-based party, sitting in a race-based seat,
elected to parliame... more »
Paulo Coelho, "The Dangers Of Words"
"Malba Tahan illustrates the dangers of words: A woman said so often that
her neighbor was a thief that the young man was finally arrested. Some days
later, they discovered that he was innocent and set him free. Then he sued
the woman.
“Comments are not so serious,” she said to the judge. “Granted,” answered
the magistrate. “When you get back home today, write down everything bad
you said about the young man, then tear up the paper and throw the bits
away as you walk along. Come back tomorrow to hear the sentence.”
The woman obeyed and returned the following day. “You are pardoned ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Elizabethton, Tennessee, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: James Kavanaugh, "Searchers"
"Some people do not have to search -
they find their niche early in life and rest there,
seemingly contented and resigned.
They do not seem to ask much of life,
sometimes they do not seem to take it seriously.
At times I envy them,
but usually I do not understand them -
seldom do they understand me.
I am one of the searchers.
There are, I believe, millions of us.
We are not unhappy, but neither are we really content.
We continue to explore life,
hoping to uncover its ultimate secret.
We continue to explore ourselves,
hoping to understand.
We like to walk alon... more »
"We Must Marvel..."
"In our society, confidence leads to knowledge - which leads to power -
which leads to pride - which leads to a fear of seeming ignorant - which
constricts learning like an iron vise. We must understand that confidence
is a blessing, for it is the embodiment of self-love, and through it we
find the fuel for innovation and progress. We must realize that ignorance
is merely the opportunity to learn more. And lastly, we must marvel rather
than groan at the fact that there will always be more to learn... Only then
will we be free of the intellectual prisons we have so readily caged
ours... more »
FBI terrorists among us: 1993 WTC Bombing
*The mind-boggling role of the Bureau*
Jon Rappoport
There seems to be a rule: if a terror attack takes place and the FBI
investigates it, things are never what they seem.
Federal attorney Andrew C McCarthy prosecuted the 1993 World Trade Center
Bombing case. A review of his book, *Willful Blindness*, states:
“For the first time, McCarthy intimately reveals the real story behind the
FBI’s inability to stop the first World Trade Center bombing even though
the bureau had an undercover informant in the operation — the jihadists’
supposed bombmaker.
“In the first sentence of his ha... more »
More Evidence for the Chilling Effects of NSA Surveillance

Cindy Cohn
*Electronic Frontier Foundation*
Human Rights Watch and the ACLU today published a terrific report
documenting the chilling effect on journalists and lawyers from the NSA's
surveillance programs entitled: "With Liberty to Monitor All: How
Large-Scale US Surveillance is Harming Journalism, Law and American
Democracy." The report, which is chock full of evidence about the very real
harms caused by the NSA's surveillance programs, is the result of
interviews of 92 lawyers and journalists, plus several senior government
This report adds to the growing body of ev... more »
ECONOMICS FOR REAL PEOPLE: The Epitome of the Financial Collapse
[image: 276464_137539366339987_1226509_n]
Here’s the note about tomorrow night’s session hosted by our friends at the
Auckland Uni Economics Group:
The most spectacular collapse of the 2008 financial crisis was Iceland’s
financial system. It was wiped out, and it nearly wiped out the country.
How could such a developed and sophisticated economy collapse so
spectacularly? And what has happened since?
Turns out this is one of the most important questions that can be asked
about the ongoing world economic malaise, because the Icelandic experience
mirrors the experience of man... more »
Why are massive numbers of sea creatures dying along the west coast right now?

Michael Snyder
Never before have we seen so much death along the west coast of North
America. Massive numbers of sea stars, bluefin tuna, sardines, anchovies,
herring, oysters, salmon, marine mammals and marine birds are dying, and
experts are puzzled. We are being told that we could even see “local
extinctions” of some of these sea creatures. So are all of these deaths
related? If so, what in the world could be causing this to happen? What
has changed so dramatically that it would cause massive numbers of sea
creatures to die along the west coast?
The following are 15 examp... more »
Could you pass this new, harder high school equivalency test?

*by Ken*
Here in New York State there has been a rolling uproar since January, when
the NYS Education Department began replacing the age-old General
Educational Development (GED) test with what DNAinfo New York's Amy Zimmer
describes as "a more rigorous test that's pegged to the new federal Common
Core standards."
The 7.5-hour Test Assessing Secondary Completion, known as the TASC, covers
far more challenging topics than the GED, requiring students to know
everything from Newton's second law of motion to the reasons particular
amendments were added to the Constitution.
On the wr... more »
Scahill: Leaked Terror Watchlist Rules Reveal "Global Stop and Frisk Program"

*Democracy Now*
The Obama administration has expanded the national terrorist watch list
system by approving broad guidelines over who can be targeted. A leaked
copy of the secret government guidebook reveals that to be a deemed a
"terrorist" target, "irrefutable evidence or concrete facts are not
necessary." Both "known" and "suspected" suspects are tracked, and
terrorism is so broadly defined that it includes people accused of damaging
property belonging to the government or financial institutions. Jeremy
Scahill calls it a global stop and frisk program.
... more »
Newfoundland Man Wants Prime Minister Charged For Advocating Genocide Against Palestinians! Makes One Proud To Be A Canadian!

Yes, the cruel and inhuman attacks by the psychotic Israelis continues
against the innocent people of Gaza. As of this point, the reported number
of innocent people that have been murdered by these monsters now exceeds
the number that were killed in Operation Cast Lead some 4 years ago. Now
with the psychotic and insane Israeli leadership saying they will
"escalate" the brutal assault on Gaza, the number of dead will increase
significantly.... We are indeed watching the possible extermination of some
1.8 million people in what is properly called the largest open air
concentration ... more »
This man is a racist [update]
[image: image]
ACT leader Jamie Whyte
is calling for a taskforce to identify and repeal laws which he says give
special treatment to Maori, saying that "the principle that the law should
be impartial has never been fully embraced in New Zealand.”
That’s enough for Maori Party leader Te Ururoa Flavell to play the racism
card :
Dr Whyte is vying for the "redneck sector of the voting community,” [says
Flavell] and there is "no doubt that there is an element of racism in those
This from the leader of a race-based party, sitting in a race-based seat,
elected to parliame... more »
A Happy Moment: “Three German Students Surprise A Homeless Guy"
*“Three German Students Surprise A Homeless Guy"*
by be japy e.V.
“The video below is of a German student who took note of a homeless man
attempting to get money from those passing by. He noticed that the man’s
techniques were not very successful so he asks the homeless man to borrow
his bucket. I usually don’t share stories like this one, but this time I
just couldn’t help myself! This story not only brought me to tears but
encouraged me to take note of others around me.”
“Explaining Gaza to My Granddaughter”
*A Comment:* Oh, I'm so sorry, does this image offend your delicate
feelings? Don't you *dare* look away, Good American Taxpayer Citizen,
because you and all of us paid for every single bomb and bullet, every
fighter-bomber warplane and tank, every artillery piece and combat
helicopter. We paid for this horror, and own it, and the blood's as much on
our hands as it is the monsters actually doing the killing... And AIPAC and
the rest who support this horror, this vile, unspeakable crime against
humanity, and don't like criticism of it, I don't give a *damn* what you
don't like... - ... more »
I'm Afraid to Return to the Land of the Free

Anthony Freda Art Talon Windwalker
There was a time when America truly was synonymous with the tagline Land of
the Free. However, that statement is becoming less and less truthful.
Snowden revealed the lengths our country is going to monitor all our
communications, and our government insists on continuing this Orwellian
type of surveillance. Despite committee findings showing that not one
single act of terrorism has been thwarted by these unconstitutional
Over the last several years we’ve also witnessed our police force becoming
militarized to the point where they are u... more »
Washington Under Siege Over D.C. Handgun Ruling

*Thomas Massie*
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The Columbine Cause: An Examination of the April 20, 1999 Attack on Columbine High School
The Columbine Cause: An Examination of the April 20, 1999 Attack on
Columbine High School from Evan Long on Vimeo.
Columbine: Unraveling the Sheriff's Official Line from Evan Long on Vimeo.
Unraveling the Sheriff's Official Line
13 December 2009
Columbine Researcher Rolf Zaeschmar
on School Shootings and More
This program consists primarily of audio content and is 31 minutes in
"Rolf Zaeschmar is a longtime Columbine shooting researcher who's been on
the case for over ten years. His many writings on the in... more »
A Question of Guilt: The Massacre at Port Arthur
A Question of Guilt: The Massacre at Port Arthur from Evan Long on Vimeo.
A video questioning the Australian government's official conclusions with
regard to Martin Bryant's involvement in the shooting massacre at the Port
Arthur Historic Site in Tasmania on 26 April 1996 and related events. The
video was produced "in the public interest by survivors of the Port Arthur
massacre and sympathetic investigators".
A Guest Post on Prof. Grant Schofield's Blog

This is just a short post to direct readers to my guest post here:
Which contains all my thoughts about dietary fat recommendations and the
lipid hypothesis, without too many distracting details.
I also want to supply a link to a most enjoyable book, Bertha M. Wood's
"Foods of the Foreign-born in Relation to Health" from 1922.
I think this is the first record of "dietary transitions", adverse changes
to the traditional diets of migrants in a new land. It was written a... more »
Holy Moses Batman! Arne Met with the Badass Teachers!

The BATS Swoop Down on Department of Education
From With a Brooklyn Accent
The party's over but looks like the Badass Teachers, a group of people who
have devoted their lives to educating children, had a meeting with Arne
Duncan. The party at the DoE was a lot of fun and nice to see new faces.
The music was particularly good and the speakers, weather and entertainment
was just what teachers needed this summer.
Ok, waiting for a response.
2 sides of Charlie Christian [updated]
Today is, or would have been, Charlie Christian's birthday.
Guitarist Charlie Christian was one of the pioneers of electric guitar and
jazz guitar. In the early days, he had to make his own amps and pickups,
the volume of the guitar and the skill and inventiveness of his
horn-inspired picking style making it a lead instrument in big bands and
small groups.
Here are two contrasting performances: from 1939, one of his first
recordings with Benny Goodman’s Sextet, soloing on Rose Room (the perfect
accompaniment to a dry martini) …
… and a rare recording of Charlie Christian “after ... more »

Israel’s Iron Dome: a misplaced debate
By Subrata Ghoshroy
Back in 2012, Israel’s Iron Dome rocket defense system was hailed as a
real, working battlefield weapon that could shoot down unguided rockets
before they struck Israel. Iron Dome was lauded as a game changer in the
Israel-Palestine conflict; at the time, Israel claimed that it shot down
441 Hamas rockets in flight, before they could do serious damage.
Admittedly, normal life in Israel was disrupted, as its citizens had to
scamper to bomb shelters when the siren sounded, but that was held to be
acceptable. Israeli casualtie... more »
Costing Climate: It is all Relative
The White House released a report today on "The Costs of Delaying Action to
Stem Climate Change" (here in PDF). The report concludes (based on a
summary by William Nordhaus in his book, The Climate Casino):
Based on a leading aggregate damage estimate in the climate economics
literature, a delay that results in warming of 3° Celsius above
preindustrial levels, instead of 2°, could increase economic damages by
approximately 0.9 percent of global output.
The report seeks to place 0.9% of output into context by presenting it in
terms of the US economy in 2014:
To put this percentage ... more »
Repeal Prohibition, Again!
[image: image]This is big.
The *New York Times* is not the paper it was, but it still regularly sets
the news and political agenda. And the *New York Times* has now come out
four-square for marijuana legalisation, saying the US Government should Repeal
Prohibition, Again.
It took 13 years for the United States to come to its senses and end
Prohibition, 13 years in which people kept drinking, otherwise law-abiding
citizens became criminals and crime syndicates arose and flourished. It has
been more than 40 years since Congress passed the current ban on marijuana,
inflicting great... more »
Hot, Hot, Hot
Now, if it was a dance club I was referring to in my post title or perhaps
even some night-time er, "extra-curriculars" it wouldn't be such a bad
thing. Unfortunately, in this case, the title is in reference to the
weather here. Yes, I know it's summer and I realize the mercury can climb
but it still messes with my head that it can be just as warm here
(sometimes even warmer) than down in Edmonton or Calgary. Having spent
quite a few years in northern Canada, its taken me a bit of time to
readjust to hotter summers. It wasn't until last summer that I began to
feel comfortable ... more »
Was The Malaysian Plane In Ukraine The Same One as In March - Joaquin
Was The Malaysian Plane In Ukraine The Same One as In March - Joaquin.
Source: 108morris108. Date Published: July 29, 2014.
US To Israel: You Want To Perform Child Sacrifice In Gaza? Yeah, Sure, Go Ahead. But Criticize Sec. John Kerry? How Dare You!
*Israhell is waging war on an entire people.*
An excerpt from, *"U.S. to Israel on Kerry criticism: 'Not the way allies
treat each other'"* by Barak Ravid, Haaretz, July 29, 2014:
The U.S. administration on Monday continued its counterattack against the
recent criticism in Israel of Secretary of State John Kerry's attempts to
forge a cease-fire in the fighting with Hamas.
At the daily news briefing for foreign correspondents, State Department
spokeswoman Jen Psaki blasted the criticism of Kerry voiced by senior
Israeli officials.
"This is not the way partners and allies treat ea... more »
"A Delicate Balance..."
“Capitalism tries for a delicate balance:
It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff
to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people’s stuff."
- George Carlin
METRO PODCAST | Thorne Dreyer interviews Eddie Wilson of Armadillo World HQ
& Threadgill’s fame.
Moral equivalence in Gaza
Why is there a prevalent view that Israel and Hamas are, at best, morally
equivalent – and, at worst, that Israel is morally inferior? Take John
Minto and his friends, for example, who want everyone to shun Israel, but
make no mention of shunning the people who take millions in international
aid and turn it into networks full of tunnels, thousands of rockets, and
suicide bombs and bombers.
It’s like judging a rapist and a rape victim the same, and suggesting all
that’s needed is mediation. Or, worse, that all that’s needed is the rape
victim to lie down.
There’s a simple way to s... more »
Journey of the CNN Tunnel Wolf

The nadir for the American state-corporate media have finally been hit with
the now six months running vomit of lies about the nature of exactly what
type of neo-Nazis that the US establishment and the Obama regime are
backing in Ukraine, the 24/7 "two minutes hate" directed at the now
thoroughly demonized Vladimir Putin and most recently the disgusting orgy
of apologies for the criminal murder of women and children in Gaza by the
insane Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu. The latest example
of just how rotten that the star-spangled, Kardashian drenched,
exceptionali... more »
US-Supported "Good Guys" Firing Ballistic Missiles in Ukraine?

*U.S. official indicates Pentagon likely to hold back evidence of use of
powerful weapons because they come from the side cast as the "good guys" in
the ongoing conflict in Ukraine*
Lauren McCauley
Common Dreams
A residential home that was destroyed Tuesday by Ukrainian military
shelling. (Photo: Christopher Allen)
One day after the U.S. government accused Russia of betraying a signature
treaty by test-firing a medium-range ballistic missile, questions are
mounting on Tuesday over whether the Ukrainian Army has actually fired
short-range ballistic missiles at rebel-held are... more »
“Why the Government Views You As Collateral Damage”
*“Why the Government Views You As Collateral Damage”*
by Bill Bonner
“The illusions, mistakes and misconceptions of central planners take their
toll in a great variety of ways — mostly as costly nuisances. Occasionally,
when they are particularly ambitious, they make the history books.
Napoleon’s march on Moscow. Mao’s great famine. The Soviet Union’s 70-year
economic experiment. These fiascos are caused by well-meaning, smart public
officials. They are the Hell to which the road paved with good intentions
The pretension of the central planner is that he knows a better futur... more »
PISSSED OFF..Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
Is the BBC's Gaza reporting biased and naive?

That said - and before I shut up for a while about the subject (and return
to things like pygmy boa constrictors), I would like to recommend a piece
by Jonathan Foreman from Breitbart London, THE BBC'S GAZA REPORTING IS
BIASED AND NAIVE. (No question mark in that title!)
Jonathan's first paragraph reads:
Over the last week BBC news bulletins have, inevitably, led with the Gaza
war. This might seem like an obvious, rational choice, although of course
it was also the worst week of the last three years in the Syrian war, with
at least 1,700 deaths. Still it is fair enough for the BB... more »
Not Cool
Can any Arab or Muslim leader make a speech about resisting the crimes of
Israel that does not include horrific words such as "extermination"? Jesus,
There is nothing attractive about the leaders of Israel and Hamas. They're
not rational. They take warfare to inhuman limits. One side is cheering the
deaths of children, and using propaganda talking points like "they're human
shields" to cover up their naked barbarity, and then the other side comes
out the next day and tops them in stupidity and irrationality.
Corporate Dems Like Schumer Aren't Done Wrecking The Democratic Party

I've never missed an election in my life-- even while living in difficult
to vote places like the mountains of Afghanistan-- and I've never voted for
a Republican, although before I was old enough to vote, I was a volunteer
for John Lindsay, a liberal Republican-- they had them back then-- running
against the conservative machine hack Abe Beame. Lindsay responded to the
GOP's inexorable drift rightward by switching to the Democratic Party while
he was mayor. That said, it has gotten harder and harder for me to vote for
Democrats in recent years. The further Democratic candidates dr... more »
Thorne Dreyer : METRO PODCAST | Austin legend Eddie Wilson of Armadillo World HQ & Threadgill’s fame
Concert promoter and restaurateur Wilson talks Austin cultural history in a
colorful and informative interview on Rag Radio. Interview by Thorne Dreyer
| The Rag Blog | July 29, 2014 Legendary Austin concert promoter and
restaurateur Eddie Wilson was our … finish reading Thorne Dreyer :
*METRO PODCAST* | Austin legend Eddie Wilson of Armadillo World HQ &
Threadgill’s fame
It's been described as the space based version of neighborhood watch. The
US has sent two military satellites into orbit to get a greater insight
into other countries activities in orbit.

The US is itching
for a fight
a war
money is to be made
lands conquered
resources taken
Mr. Big
wants it all
The American people
follow the flag
have regrets
but largely
do what they are told
The 'experts'
make all the *$$$*
claim we protect
you can see
this brand
in action
in Gaza
and China
next on the list
to be taken down
they want
multi-polar world
Mr. Big is offended
and will get
Empire is crumbling
Mr. Big is nervous
and dangerous
as he flails about
at once
July 29: It's noon - and my morning paper is still not here... let me start with a sermonette on two stories that go back several
days, and were quite uncritically reported on.I'm starting it in a
religious context; but don't be alarmed. That's only because religion is
really quite secular.
Christians are told "to love thy neighbour". Good idea. But it gets screwed
up by being tied to the concept that if you don't "love they neighbour",
then you'll be tortured in horrible pain and go down to the burning flames
of hell for ETERNITY, while those who have been saved (which only counts if
it's salvation by believing in Jesus) and have lo... more »
Evan Bayh Loves Christel DeHaan and Hedge Funders: CORPORATE SCHOOL ALERT
*by Doug Martin *
With so many people saying Evan Bayh must come back to Indiana to "save"
public education as governor, it is time to set the record straight and let
Hoosiers know about the real Evan Bayh.
Here is just a glimpse (after only a few hours of research) into Indiana’s
hero, Fox News' on-air contributor*,* and former governor of and senator
for Indiana, and it is not pretty.
Anyone who thinks Evan Bayh is good for public education is either lying or
has not been informed. Let’s inform the unformed now and expose the liars.
Jack A. Smith : Obama is wrong about natural gas
A new scientific study argues that both shale gas and conventional natural
gas have larger greenhouse gas footprints than do coal or oil. By Jack A.
Smith | The Rag Blog | July 29, 2014 Natural gas is falsely promoted …
finish reading Jack A. Smith :
Obama is wrong about natural gas
Medicare report shows Obamacare is bending the cost curve
The 2014 Medicare Trustees Report has just been released, and it shows that
the program is on noticeably sounder financial footing than it was just a
year ago. One of the biggest signs of this is that the projected depletion
date of the Hospital Insurance (Part A) Trust Fund has been pushed back by four
years just since last year's report.
Indeed, Sarah Kliff points out that Part A actually spent $600 million less
in 2013 than in 2012, even though it insured 1.6 million more people. As
she emphasizes, the big news in this is that per capita Medicare Part A
spending has been falling.... more »
The Palestinian death toll in Gaza has surpassed 1,000 and many thousands more are injured, while hospitals and schools are being shelled. In the meanwhile, the Israeli govenment tells its citizens that the war is against Hamas, whereas in reality 80% of the killed and wounded have been civilians ...and President Obama has told Israel to keep on killing. I think this is genocide. What do you think?

Original Here
*Despite Growing International Condemnation, No End to Gaza Violence in
Sight As the death toll in Gaza passes 1,000*
Lia Tarachansky and Phyllis Bennis respond to a poll which found 86% of
Israelis reject a ceasefire, while a growing number of Americans want the
Israeli offensive to stop - * July 28, 2014*
More at The Real News
*Bio *
*Lia Tarachansky*... more »
The Realist Report - Friedrich Paul Berg

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by noted revisionist *Friedrich
Paul Berg*. Friedrich and I will be discussing the fake Jewish "Holocaust"
during WWII and the role this false narrative of history plays in our
everyday lives. You can download the entire program *here*.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- **
- *Holocaust Hoax Museum*
- *Treblinka by David Cole*
- *Response to David Cole Regarding Treblinka by Eric Hunt*
Preface to a study

One of the frustrating things about answering the question 'Is the BBC
biased?' is that, however long you may blog about it, providing anecdotal
evidence by the bucketful over many years and finding that people who agree
with you agree with you, is that huge numbers of people don't agree with
you - or don't even care about the issue.
That's why I always hoped (with hope in my heart) that statistical evidence
(like counting interruptions) would help win over some of the unconverted - the
guiding principle behind my 2009-10 blog. (I think I succeeded there, but
the BBC didn't agree.... more »
"Hail Caesar" Syrian "Defector" appears in Washington
*I cannot believe they are still 'wagging the dog' with this psyop?*
*Seriously. I covered this so long ago. It's baloney. Plain and Simple. And
yet, here it is July 29/14 and Caesar is still making the rounds*
So "hail Caesar" as your lying reigns supreme in Washington DC. With your
'friends' from the Holocaust ™
Memorial Museum.
A Syrian defector *(not)* who smuggled out thousands of photos of mutilated
corpses, showed some of those images in Washington on Monday and said they
depicted prisoners who were tortured and killed by the security services of
Syrian President Bashar al-Ass... more »
Thank you, the journey was never my own
Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Today, between a hospital stay and fight for my life in May, and a
journey to the Zapatista Stronghold in Chiapas in August, I'm especially
thankful for this road I've been on, which was never really my own.
I've never spoken in public about journalism over the past 32 years,
because, for me, it was a matter of following my inner voice, and what
some call the
Democracy in Colonial America, 1984, and 2014
It’s nice to be home.
For the last 10 days I traveled to Boston, MA and Portland Maine with my
In Boston we took our teenage boys down “Freedom Trail.” We walked among
places frequented by those who first institutionalized the grand
Enlightenment experiment of modern democracy at the close of the eighteenth
It is true that only a tiny minority of Americans were counted as citizens
and afforded the rights institutionalized in the US Constitution at the
time of its signing. Habeas corpus, free speech, and privacy were granted
only to a small minority of white m... more »
Supplemental: Millionaire’s Christmas in July!
*TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014*
*Watching the liberal mind crumble:* We humans love to be programmed.
We love to be told that our tribe is the best. We then go rampaging through
the streets in support of this insight.
For an example of what we mean, read the New York Times news report which
bears this remarkable hard-copy headline:
“3 Killed in Facebook Blasphemy Rampage.”
The New York Times did a news report on a “Facebook blasphemy rampage?”
Good lord, what a phrase!
In fairness, this horrible news report comes from Pakistan. To our ear,
that phrase sounds like a description of the w... more »
Man Who Shot at Police When They Were Breaking Into His House Found Innocent
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Worldwide Water Shortage by 2040?

*New study concludes that water shortages may be a bigger problem than we
Kevin Samson
Fresh water supplies are under assault on multiple fronts. We are seeing
the continuing fallout from the droughts in the Western U.S. and Brazil -
both are incredibly important areas to the global food supply.
At the same time, corporate hoarding of fresh water is on the rise.
Nestle's former CEO clearly stated that water supplies should be privatized
and that the right to fresh, clean water is not an essential human right.
Knowing that both the climate and corporate influence are con... more »
The Fisk jumps another shark

Do you know the original of the phrase 'jumping the shark' (when something
reaches such a low point that it becomes utterly absurd and
passed-its-sell-by-date)? It came from an episode of 'Whacky Days' when The
Fisk got off his motorbike, donned jet skies, raised his thumbs, said
'Heyyy!' and, yes, jumped a shark:
The Fisk (real name Robert Fiskerelli) has been jumping sharks every since
and, as CiF Watch points out, jumped a particularly huge great white over
at *The Independent *yesterday in an article called:
It's not just radicalised Islamists – what about foreign fighters who... more »
Jon Donnison and the 'PFLP charity worker'

As you may have noticed today has been 'Jon Donnison Day' across the
BBC-monitoring pro-Israeli blogosphere.
Alan at *Biased BBC* spotlighted a report from Jon Donnison which he (Alan)
says is "a subtle pro-Hamas piece", and that very same report is also the
basis of Hadar's latest post at *BBC Watch*.
Now, we can argue till we're blue in the face about whether that article is
pro-Hamas or not, but one thing does seem certain (if 'seeming certain'
isn't a contradiction in terms): Jon Donnison's piece contains a passage
that appears *at best* naive - and possibly much worse.
This ... more »
Does Paul Ryan Really Want To Help Working Families And The Unemployed?

Paul Ryan's voting record in Congress-- going back to 1999 when he was a
20-something with the consciousness, though not the wisdom, of an angry 80
year old-- shows pretty conclusively he has never cared a whit about
working class families. He has consistently voted against unemployment
insurance for the men and women tossed out of work when conservative
economic agendas have passed and wrecked the economy. So has he changed his
mind? I wouldn't bet on it. Last week most Republicans and a gaggle of
slimy New Dems and Blue Dogs from the Republican wing of the Democratic
Party voted... more »

*A GOP Ultimatum to Vlad*
By Patrick J. Buchanan
July 28, 2014 "ICH" - With the party united, the odds are now at least
even that the GOP will not only hold the House but also capture the Senate
in November.
But before traditional conservatives cheer that prospect, they might take a
closer look at the foreign policy that a Republican Senate would seek to
impose upon the nation.
Specifically, they should spend time reading S. 2277, the “Russian
Aggression Prevention Act of 2014,” introduced by Sen. Bob Corker on May 1,
and endorsed by half of the Senate’s GOP caucus.
As ranking... more »
Newspaper Comment Sections Become Cordoned-Off Hate Crime Scenes
This is a lengthy article I wrote recently for Truthout's Public
Intellectual Page regarding the hate that emanates from media. This article
analyzes the hate, primarily from the comments sections of the Arizona
Republic and the Arizona Daily Star during the height of the SB 1070
(racial profiling) and HB 2281 (anti-ethnic studies) issues..
Please post, share, etc.
Is Ron Paul the New JFK?

*"I want to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the
*Is Ron Paul the new JFK?*
Former congressman Ron Paul (Reuters/Robert Galbraith) Former congressman
Ron Paul advocates for abolishing the United States Central Intelligence
Agency in a new op-ed where he condemns the CIA and its controversial
enhanced interrogation practices.
On Sunday, the retired Texas lawmaker wrote on the website for the Ron
Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity that *“CIA covert actions across
the globe have led to destruction of countries and societies and
unpreceden... more »
Coming Soon: "Digitial Resurrection" of Presidents and Campaign Holograms for 2016

image source Kevin Samson
Also known as "telepresence," the use of holograms is on the rise. Instead
of Princess Leia, the last 5 years have ushered in real-world holograms
that have been used to resurrect dead musicians, to create new musical stars in
Japan, and and to transport political analysts into the studio of their
Yet there are many other uses for holograms that could have a far greater
impact on our everyday world, as the following video chronology suggests.
In 2010, The Guardian announced that holographic communication had
flickered into life in Arizona:
I... more »
Israel's attempted genocide must fail -- Lessons from Canada's genocide
Denis G. Rancourt
The Zionist Project is to eradicate all Palestinians who make claim to a
home in Palestine. The Zionist Project is exactly what Israel has been
doing since its artificial creation.
The Zionist Project is planned incremental dispossession and an on-going
attempted genocide, and this has been repeatedly and explicitly
expressed by its architects and executioners. The
Zionism's Prior Condition: Propaganda
and and discarded belongings are left behind at a U.N. school in Beit
Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip, Thursday, July 24, 2014. Israeli
tank shells hit the compound, killing more than a dozen people and
wounding dozens more who were seeking shelter.
(AP Photo/Adel Hana)
"Propaganda by its very nature is an enterprise for perverting the
significance of events and of insinuating
Why Europe depends on America: WW1 and a single pivot point
I find this Chicago Tribune piece- Odd? Disconcerting? Considering we are
in the 100 year anniversary of WW1 and knowing how history repeats, because
we aren't told any real factual history this editorial reads like a real
call to war! A reason the US simply must act.
"The Great War" and "The war to end all war" proved to be neither. The
conflict that would bleed to death some of Earth's proudest empires - while
killing 16.5 million soldiers and civilians - later would be christened
World War I to distinguish it from the next, even deadlier slaughter. WWI
also created a precedent ... more »
Iraq’s Southern Oil Industry Untouched By Insurgency But Technical Problems Continue
While several small oil fields have fallen under the control of the Islamic
State in northern Iraq the vast majority of the country’s reserves reside
in the south and have been unaffected. In fact, new infrastructure recently
opened that expanded the capacity for southern exports. That doesn’t mean
output can’t continue to fluctuate like it always has. In June 2014 exports
were down from May due to technical issues and an accident.
Problems with docking tankers were the main reason why June exports
decreased. Last month Iraq exported 2.423 million barrels a day compared to
2.582... more »
UHC 25: Some Physician Stories in Hospital ERs, Wards

Below are notes by a physician friend, Doc Erwin Abueva, in his facebook
wall, February-March this year. Real stories from physicians in emergency
room (ER), wards, operating rooms. Some stories are funny, some are sad.
Somehow they provide additional dimensions in the continuing discussions
about universal health care (UHC). Thanks a lot for sharing these stories
Doc. Non-physicians like me find them informative.
11 stories, 2,000+ words, more than 4 pages long. Enjoy. Meanwhile the
photos, I got from the web and just added them here.
*(1) February 6*
2PM, HEMODIALYS... more »
Jon Donnison v Lt Col Peter Lerner
Jon Donnison is really going for Israeli spokesmen at the moment. (Just
listen to the 'Sound Cloud' in one of the tweets below.)
His tweet-sent *editorial judgement* on this is:
There is a clear policy by both Hamas and IDF of disputing events before
facts are known. It muddies water and makes truth harder to stick.
IDF @LTCPeterLerner just told me doesn't believe Israeli fire killed 13
people at UN school in Gaza. Says only 1 mortar hit school. 1/4
— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) July 28, 2014
Idf @LTCPeterLerner says he believes UNWRA boss bob turner was lied to by
his staff re... more »
MH17 / MH370 - One of Our Airplanes is... No Longer Missing...
MH17 / MH370 - One of Our Airplanes is... No Longer Missing... from Spike EP
on Vimeo.
His Name is BOB - The Murder of Peaches H. Geldof
His Name is BOB - The Murder of Peaches H. Geldof from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"Peaches was born, looking perfect and gorgeous, like a little peach.
Peaches was the best baby ever - since Fifi. She was talking at eight
months and loved Vivaldi, although now she likes opera as well and has a
funky streak." - Paula Yates, The Autobiography, 1995
*How Paula was killed:*
The television presenter Paula Yates died of a heroin overdose in a
"foolish and incautious" binge after having apparently overcome her drug
problem, an inquest found yesterday.
The coroner, *Paul Knapman*, said *the a... more »
Is the Catholic Church in bed with the Obama administration?...
*of course they are.*
No, not every priest or bishop, but the ones who cause the most trouble
most certainly are.
This started happening when I was but a wee little one. To be fair, it
really started happening when Eve coerced Adam into eating the forbidden
fruit, but I missed that event.
Any Catholic who doesn't believe this is happening is not paying attention.
I leave you with some wise words from Ann Barnhardt and a link to Judi
McLeod's article in today's Canada Free Press.
*From Ann Barnhardt:*
*As an opening to this repo... more »
Free Planet - Man supports his family - Bringing home the bacon
one of the great lies of State or Private Education, or 'access to the
corporate mind-control system that leads innocent human beings into the
criminal World of Corporate War for Profit' i.e. work, is *Man Supports His
Family* aka 'bringing home the bacon'.
In this invented world of work, man (and woman) spends the majority of
their time working in jobs that may be above/below them in terms of
physical/emotional capability.
Many people hate these jobs they find themselves in. Many people crack
under the pressure, pressures of the job or pressure from colleagues
battling among themse... more »
Ultimate Reason? Why, The influx of young Illegal immigrants arranged by White House - 'Dream Act': "Military Purposes"
I have been researching how all the thousands and thousands of illegal
immigrant children are going to get enrolled in public schools. I have
found many law sites (here is one for New York) saying illegals are allowed
in schools with proof of residency and age. The vaccination proof can be
skipped by saying "Religious objection". How are they going to get into
public schools with no proof
“DESTINED TO GET HORRIBLE COVERAGE:” Halperin’s theory in full!
*TUESDAY, JULY 29, 2014*
*Part 2—Gregory starts to explain:* If Hillary Clinton runs for president,
is she “destined to get horrible coverage?”
We can’t answer that question, although events of the past few months make
it a plausible theory. So do events of the past several decades, as David
Gregory, and other insiders, mumblingly noted last week.
Let’s start at the beginning! Last Tuesday, Mika Brzezinski introduced a
segment on Morning Joe about Clinton’s White House prospects. Needless to
say, she also discussed Clinton’s troubling wealth, then asked a stupid
BRZEZINS... more »

*93L in Eastern Atlantic Growing More Organized ~Dr. Jeff Masters,
*Figure 1.* Analysis of the Saharan Air Layer (SAL) made at 8 am EDT Monday
July 28, 2014 using data from the Meteosat-9 satellite. Dry, dusty air was
present from the coast of Africa westwards across the tropical Atlantic,
but was located well to the north of tropical disturbance 93L. Image
credit: University of Wisconsin CIMSS/NOAA Hurricane Research Division.*~Editilla
Rotellas~ We're gonna keep an Eye on this one, since Dr. Masters has an
uncanny ability for picking winners during Hurricane Season.*
... more »
Everywhere Is War: Gaza Edition
Let's just say that both George Orwell and Hannah Arendt would be having a
field day with the way the Western media are covering both the Forever Wars
and the Forever Propaganda Wars. Luckily for us, the major actors are dumb
enough and clumsy enough to be caught in the act of gross dishonesty on a
regular basis. Every day comes news of some major new atrocity and every
day come revelations of the atrocious ways the media are trying to hide the
truth and twist the facts.
If there's one thing we've learned since the latest assault on Gaza began,
it's that the American government, t... more »
Are There Any Terrorist Groups Who AREN’T Paid Foot Soldiers for the U.S. Military-Intelligence Agenda?

Melissa Melton
*In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the
military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist.* — President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Let me see if I have this right, because it’s getting really hard to keep
things straight these days.
So it is on record that the U.S. government/military-industrial complex has
financially backed the ISIS rebels in Syria to the tune of *tens of
millions of dollars, *and key members were traine... more »
That was from five years ago - even the number of casualties is close to
the same as now.
*This was also from five years ago * - we've gotten acclimatized to the
language spin now but it was greeted with incredulity at the time.
Plus ça change ...
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Is There Any Way To Measure If Cuomo Is More Corrupt Than Christie Or Christie Is More Corrupt Than Cuomo?

*Andrew Cuomo and real estate donors (clockwise from left) Joseph Moinian,
Jerry Speyer, Daniel Tishman, Andrew Farkas*
You shouldn't have been surprised by Bill Rashbaum's stunning revelations
about Andrew Cuomo's ethics problems. Ken and I have been warning readers
for years that Cuomo is nothing like his father, Mario Cuomo, a pawn of the
powerful and wealthy and an avatar of the Republican wing of the Democratic
Party. And his corruption is nothing new to anyone who's been paying
Catherine Austin Fitts is a Wall Street bankster type. She was managing
director of Dill... more »
Russian Aggression Prevention Act Seems Designed to Provoke Russian Aggression

image source Brandon Turbeville
Although there has yet to be any proof of “Russian Aggression” surrounding
the Ukrainian situation in general and the Malaysian flight shoot down more
specifically, the general public of the Western world (at least those that
actually watch TV news) is consumed with paranoia over a new Russian threat
to world democracy. In their minds, that threat is marching westward in the
Stalinesque or Hitlerian model (depending on the mode of propaganda being
pushed that day) with the ultimate goal of world domination.
Of course, this paranoia has been develo... more »
I will be in-studio for an interview on @EmpowerDC radio show today
Here’s the show’s synopsis for my visit: Topic: Malcolm X elementary was
slated to close at the end of the 2012-2013 school year, however, it was
removed as DCPS chancellor Kaya Henderson had other plans for it. These
plans included co-locating Achievement Prep charter school in the same
school building and eventually blending the two […]
*The King of Bryan College*
Mike Adams
In my columns, I often write about the swift moral decline within our
nation's secular universities. That usually involves writing about corrupt
university administrators. But I would be a hypocrite were I to ignore
corruption by administrators at Christian colleges and universities. Right
now, there is a controversy brewing at Bryan College in Dayton, Tennessee
with moral ramifications that are simply too important to ignore.
At the center of the controversy is Bryan's president Dr. Stephen Livesay.
His conduct as Bryan's president has been ... more »
Book Review: The Burning

A serial killer is on the lose. He has already beaten four women beyond
recognition before lighting the bodies on fire, earning him the nickname,
The Burning Man. Detective Maeve Kerrigan is on the task force that is
working to bring him to justice, when a fifth body, Rebecca Haworth, is
discovered. As Kerrigan digs deeper into the fifth victim's life she starts
to realize that The Burning Man might not be responsible after all and a
second killer is on the loose.
I wasn't sure what I was expecting in this detective but I ended up liking
Maeve Kerrigan a lot more than I thought I... more »
Ukraine Crisis: Death and Destruction Continues in Eastern Ukraine
*"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not
a crime."--Ernest Hemingway*
Extensive war crimes in Donbass from July 2 to July 24, 2014. Kiev's
warmongers continue genocide of civilian population and deliberate
destruction of Eastern Ukraine's infrastructure - schools, hospitals,
kindergartens, power plants, train stations, etc. The majority of the
footage and interviews you will see in this documentary film have never
been shown on TV.
Warning - *Ukraine Crisis: Death and destruction continues in Eastern
Ukraine / Хунта убивает людей. [ENG SUB] ... more »
Obama And Netanyahu Are Authors of "Blood, Destruction, Pain, Grief And Sadness”
*Source of photo.*
*It's all smiles amongst the baby killers. *
An excerpt from, *"Netanyahu Presses for Disarming of Gaza, Says War Could
Drag On"* by Saud Abu Ramadan, Jonathan Ferziger and Calev Ben-David,
Bloomberg, July 29, 2014:
Yesterday, streets were almost empty in Gaza City, the territory’s biggest
urban area, as people visited fresh graves, bouquets of flowers in hand,
paid hospital calls on family and friends wounded in the fighting, and
surveyed the damage done by the Israeli strikes. The Eid is usually the
best season for business in Gaza, yet this year, many shops ... more »

*Saints Nick Toon works on receiving skills to score roster spot ~Ramon
Antonio Vargas*
*Shamarr Allen says state police pulled him from vehicle, threatened him
~WWL *
*Sober in New Orleans: Jules Bentley on what it’s like living the dry life
in Alcohol City ~Gambit*
*Report alleges oil and gas industry an important part of St. Tammany
economy~Faimon A. Roberts*
*Word Pumps September *
[image:]~*WEFTEC®, the Water Environment
Federation’s,** 87th Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference*, September
27 - October 1, 2014, New Orleans Morial ... more »
Democrats Continue to Milk Obama "Impeachment" for Donations

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