10:41am MDST
Can The Release Of GMO Mosquitos Incease The Dengle Fever Emergency In Brazil?
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 12 minutes ago

Dengue Fever Emergency announced in Brazil, in a region where GM Mosquito
Trials are being conducted. Oxitec, the creator of the GM mosquitos, has
claimed these mosquitos reduce Dengue Fever by reducing mosquito
populations. During the eval...uation of the commercial application for the
release of the GM mosquito, a CTNBio member had presented a report with
information questioning the impact of the GM mosquitoes on the incidence of
Dengue and warning that in some circumstances the releases could make the
disease worse, even if the number of wild Aedes aegypti mosquitoes was
reduce... more »
liberalandlovingit at liberalandlovingit! - 23 minutes ago
Some fine Rock 'n Roll for your week-end?
THE BEST three piece band I know of
and re-discovered after too many wasted years
not lisening to them....
The cello? Now that's a bass-line. What an artist who
plays that. They all really are in a class of their own.
If you see how lean and energetic we were in '81- then
juxtapose with any live Sublime video...well,
the starkness in showing what an opiated; obese; obtuse;
society we're living in;
blows my mind.
Would it be impolite to say "check your *girth*
people!!" Oh well. It's done.... more »
Costs Of Iraq’s Kurds Moving Into The Disputed Territories
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 34 minutes ago
Since the June 2014 fall of Mosul many articles have been written that the
Kurds are the winner of the on-going conflict. For instance on June 15 Time
published “The Only Winners in Iraq’s Chaos; the Kurds,” June 16 the
Financial Times had “Iraq’s Kurds look the biggest winners in militants’
push,” June 19 the Associated Press printed “Kurds win land and oil in
Iraq’s chaos but face new challenges,” and July 16 the Guardian ran “Revisiting
Kurdistan: ‘If there is a success story in Iraq, it’s here,’” They usually
talk about how the Kurds have finally been able to seize the dispute... more »
When " Itbah al Yahud!” (“Death to the Jews!”) is the cry, what should Jews do?
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 52 minutes ago
Malaysian Airline Disaster(s) - The Memes of a Myth
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 hour ago

Malaysian Airline Disaster(s) - The Memes of a Myth from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"There's going to be a bomb on a passenger jet. *
*British and American governments know about it but rather than expose the
source of their information they're going to let it happen. *
*The plane will blow up. Coventry all over again. "*
*"Neat, don't you think? You've been stumbling around the fringes of this
one for ages. *
*Or were you too bored to notice the pattern..?"*
*"You are right in thinking that he under the British government. You would
also be right in a sense if you said that ... more »
Woodpile Report: Ol' Remus Has a Few Words for You: "There's a tsunami arriving"......
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 hour ago
reprinted with permission from *The Woodpile Report* with a H/T to Doug
Ross at *Larwyn's Linx* - and we thank them both.
*Are we there yet? *
Imagine everything familiar collapsing like an accordion in the time
between your morning coffee and your first midday yawn. It may happen just
that way. In fact, it's difficult to see how it can happen any other way.
Back in 2001, the Argentine economy all but collapsed. In a matter of days,
the country went from mild recession to full-blown economic crisis. The
currency went into free-fall. Police were out in the streets shooting
prote... more »
Dear assorted Ukrainian and Russian machomen,
Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 1 hour ago
hope the loss of MH17 and her passengers puts your pathetic and utterly
unjustifiable little war in perspective and causes you to end it.
Commentary. I think it is likely that either the Russians supplied the
rebels with advanced surface to air missile systems (SAM), or the rebels
acquired them from actions against the Ukraine military. I think it is
possible but unlikely that
Friday Nerd Blogging: Force for Change
Steve Saideman at Duck of Minerva - 1 hour ago
A depressing series of news days lately. What can make us feel good? Jon
Stewart? Stephen Colbert? Star Wars? How about all three? Yet another
reason to regret leaving San Diego–where the Force for Change ends at
Comic-Con. May the force ever be in your odds!
12 Summer Cupcakes
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 1 hour ago

Nothing says summer like a fun cupcake. Here are 12 fabulous summer
cupcakes to make this summer!
Crawling Crab Cupcakes by Celebrations.
Bonfire Cupcakes by Crissy's Crafts.
Octopus Cupcakes from Parents.
Teddy at the Beach Cupcakes by Betty Crocker.
Beach Cupcakes from A Pumpkin and A Princess.
Day At The Beach Cupcakes by The Decorated Cookie.
Corn on the Cob Cupcakes by Hostess with the Mostess.
Burgers and Hot Dog Cupcakes by Spoonful.
Lemonade Cupcakes from The Celebration Shoppe.
Raspberry Lemonade Cupcakes from Six Sisters' Stuff.
Shark Cupcakes from Martha Stewart.
Snow Cone ... more »
More questions than answers in Siberian Airlines jet explosion - October 6 2001
Spike EP at News Spike - 2 hours ago

More questions than answers in Siberian Airlines jet explosion - World
Socialist Web Site
The cause of the destruction Thursday of a Siberian Airlines passenger jet
with 78 people aboard remains shrouded in uncertainty, with Russian
investigators conceding at least three possible explanations for the
mid-air explosion: a terrorist attack, a mechanical catastrophe, or the
accidental launch of *a surface-to-air missile from Ukraine.*
*The plane was carrying Israeli passengers, mainly immigrants from Russia,
from Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv to the Siberian city of Novosibirsk,
wh... more »
This is an excellent article on an event of global importance that has probably not been mentioned in the US "mainstream media," having the motto "All the news fit to print ...if permited by Washington." The only problem with this article is a large number of imaginative terminologies, which I translate as follows: Washington consensus = "international financial system"; vengeful Empire of Chaos = US foreign policy; the epitome of financial speculation = American vulture funds; Masters of the Universe = US financial speculation, vulture funds and hegemony; casino capitalism speculation "model" = US capitalism; Panopticon = armor and weapons; neoliberalism = leading to global totalitarianism; hegemonic Masters of the Universe gang = US and its European vassals
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 2 hours ago

*OpEdNews Op Eds 7/15/2014 at 23:27:06*
BRICS against Washington consensus *By Pepe Escobar (about the author)*
Headlined to H3 7/15/14*
Cross-posted from Asia Times
BRICS establish $100 Billion Development Bank
to cut out Western dominance (image by YouTube)The headline news is that
this Tuesday in Fortaleza, northeast Brazil, the BRICS group of emerging
powers (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) fights the (Neoliberal)
Worl... more »
There Goes The Neighborhood
gail zawacki at Wit's End - 2 hours ago

Midsummer, and leaves are wilting...despite plentiful rain, and moderate
temperatures. Some are singed on the edges; others are speckled with
necrotic spots, many are turning limp and yellow and falling off. Stories
of trees toppling are appearing with monotonous regularity in the news,
including the derailment of the "Ninja" ride at Magic Mountain in
California where riders had to be rescued by helicopter due to branches
falling on the track. Wit's End readers know I love the poetic justice in
photos like this one from July 9 in Hersey, PA, that show trees smashing
cars - especi... more »
Harper's Perfect Storm
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 3 hours ago

Now that the RCMP has thrown the book at Mike Duffy, Stephen Harper finds
himself at the centre of a perfect storm. It's a storm entirely of his own
making. And, at last, Andrew Coyne writes, we will get some answers:
The biggest question to be answered remains: why? Not only why did Mr.
Wright make the payment — which, remember, was not to “the taxpayer” but to
Mr. Duffy, in secret and on condition that he remain silent about it — but
why were so many other senior people in and ... more »
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 3 hours ago
Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a2JtNQublQ
So beautiful, it deserves a reprise...
let it continue to play for more delights :-)
- CP
America’s Real Homegrown Extremists
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 3 hours ago

James F. Tracy
Eric Holder wants to convey his all-consuming concern over “lone wolf
homegrown violent extremists” who have “domestic concerns”. On July 13
Holder remarked on ABC’s *This Week* that such bogeys keep him “up late at
night” as he and his cohorts attempt “to monitor them, anticipate what it
is that they are going to do.”[1]
The Attorney General’s hand wringing is compounded by the Southern Poverty
Law Center’s most recent “research” report. The document seeks to inform
“law enforcement about the increasingly hostile anti-government movement”
the SPLC claims “has grow... more »
Florida Democrats Beware: Val Demings Is Your Queen of Hearts
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
Last we ran into Steve Israel-Debbie Wasserman Schultz creation Val
Demings, she had just lost a congressional race against weak Republican
incumbent Daniel Webster in a much touted race. Although the DCCC and its
allies made sure she had far more money than Webster, he beat her 52-48%,
even beating her in Orange County. She spent $1,932,580 to Webster's
$1,498,872 but outside big money groups spent another $4.6 million on her
behalf (against $1.2 million GOP groups spent on Webster). She lost anyway,
a weak, inauthentic, incoherent candidate with no ability to come up with a
c... more »
New Guardian Interview with Edward Snowden
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 3 hours ago
*The Guardian*
Snowden says technologies in Orwell's 1984 are 'quaint'. "Nowadays we
actually buy cell phones that are the equivalant to a network microphone
that we carry around in our pockets voluntarily." Also, Snowden reveals
that NSA workers routinely pass around nude or intimate photos.
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Screw Drones: Garage Hacker Shows You How to Fly for the Same Price
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 3 hours ago
Visit LaserHacker.com for plans
Basic info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powered_paragliding
Safety: http://footflyer.com/Safety/Incidents/incidents_and_analysis.htm
Home built electric unit: http://laserhacker.com/?p=53
USHPA Certified Instructors: http://www.ushpa.aero/instructors_map.asp
My previous FPV rig: http://laserhacker.com/?p=124
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Hi End Car Audio
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 3 hours ago

Compared to a home system all car audio is way overpriced. Of course the
sound envelope of a car is a huge challenge. A great comparison here. Not
to beat up on BOSE, but consistently I read its not the first choice. Haven
grown up with just AM single speaker system I would gladly accept it on any
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 3 hours ago
Tel Rumeida is a small Palestinian neighborhood deep in the West Bank city
of Hebron. Palestinian families live directly next to these Israeli
occupation settlers and are often virtual prisoners in their homes, subject
to the settlers' violent attacks and destruction of property.
These are the people that US taxpayers are supporting with the $3 billion
we give to Israel each year to build their separation wall and arm their
military to push Palestinians off their lands.
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 3 hours ago
Amid scenes of destruction and death caused by Ukrainian airstrike on
residential buildings in the city of Snezhnoe in the breakaway Donetsk
People's Republic, a 7-year-old child has been miraculously saved from
beneath a multi-ton pile of debris.
UK Gov't Reshuffle, Mass Arrests....660 arrested so far...
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 4 hours ago

*Short list of URLs of changes occurring in the UK. Some of this is pretty
seedy so I've kept this in abbreviated form. So far the child abuse
arrest don't seem to include any politicians or royals, perhaps that data
is in the missing 114 files or they get arrested after they resign? More
is undoubtably coming out soon in all this... -AK*
*Cabinet reshuffle: William Hague stands down as Foreign Secretary
following Ken Clarke's departure as minister without porfolio*
*"In what was dubbed the “cull of the men in suits”, several ministers were
sacked or stood down to make way for... more »
MH-17: An exercise in foregone conclusions?
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 4 hours ago
Readers here will notice that I use the term "narrative creation" in
relation to main stream media news items that feel as if they are being
used to point us in a specific direction. Or to get us to accept an
impending finale.
Think of narrative creation in this way. We have characters (players) and
we have events (happenings), that will converge in such a way that the
conclusion we are supposed to draw is the conclusion that we have been
prepped for prior to the final act taking place.
This past week we have been treated to a narrative that has informed us
all that the anti-fasci... more »
What Does It Mean Now That My Employer Has A Religion?
Donna Ballman at Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home - 4 hours ago
Or, Crazy Stuff The Supreme Court Did While I Was On Vacation
So there I am in California, land of actual employee rights, when I see the
Supremes ruled on a case involving Hobby Lobby. As I'm reading the
opinion, I'm thinking maybe I just have vacation brain. I can't be reading
this right. Then I look to see what Justice Ginsberg said in the dissent
and I realized I wasn't misreading the opinion. Here's what she said about
In a decision of startling breadth, the Court holds that commercial
enterprises, including corporations, along with partnerships and sole
proprietorships, ... more »
Malaysia Flight 17 Update July 18 2014 - ( how ironic we see Malaysia Airlines in the midst of another air tragedy ) - Denials and accusations fly but it's much too early to truly understand who is responsible for this tragedy ......
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago

Retweeted by Edward Harrison
*The Independent* @Independent 2h
The same family that lost two members on flight MH370 have lost two more on
MH17 http://ind.pn/1rw0H1b pic.twitter.com/kNR1o8hY5H
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Al Arabiya English* @AlArabiya_Eng 34m
#*Lavrov* says Moscow does not plan to take MH17 "black box" from
pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine http://
2014/07/18/Malaysia-Airlines-changes-route-after-MH17-crash-.html …
Retweeted by ConflictReporter
*The Interpreter* @Interp... more »
Busted! Kiev's Video Implicating Russia Posted to Youtube Before Plane Was Shot Down
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 4 hours ago
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Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 4 hours ago
Gaza has been described as the world's largest open air prison. Israel's
blockade of the Gaza Strip has had catastrophic results for average
Palestinians living there. We look at the the unforgiving realities they
face everyday.
Establishment Begins Building the Case Against Putin
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 5 hours ago

You have to give it to the extremists that run the US government war
machine these days, they are predictable to a fault. The morning after the
apparent shootdown of a Malaysian Airlines passenger jet over Ukraine (once
again, why was a commercial airliner routed over a war zone?) the
warmongers are out with a vengeance in building their ongoing case against
Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Putin's grave offenses have been (1)
presiding over a government that dared to save NSA whistleblower Edward
Snowden from a US torture chamber (2) intervening to stop what would have
been a devas... more »
NBC Pulls Reporter From Gaza For Reporting Truth
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 5 hours ago
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“The Idea of America”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
*“The Idea of America”*
by Bill Bonner
“Our attention today is on neither the Old World nor the New one - but the
ever-changing, never-fully-explored idea of America. “Proud to be an
American” says one bumper sticker. “One nation - indivisible,” says
another. America was, of course, founded on the opposite principle…the idea
that people were free to separate themselves from a parent government
whenever they felt they had come of age. But no fraud, no matter how
stupendous, is so obvious as to be detected by the average American. That
is America’s great strength…or its most serious ... more »
Q & A with the U.S. Navy on Lockheed Martin Hellfire missiles for Littoral Combat Ships
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 7 hours ago

[image: Hellfire Longbow from LCS-1]The United States Navy announced in
April in this year that it had selected Lockheed Martin’s Longbow Hellfire
AGM-114L for the surface-to-surface missile for early increments and
testing for the surface warfare (SuW) mission package for the Littoral
Combat Ship (LCS).
Navy Recognition recently contacted the U.S. Navy to learn more about this
new capability for both types of LCSs.
The Longbow Hellfire AGM-114L is a fire-and-forget missile that locks on
targets before or after launch. It has been used in Operation Enduring
Freedom and Operation I... more »
Mexican Navy takes delivery of first of four Beechcraft King Air 350ER aircraft
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 7 hours ago

[image: SEMAR King Air]Beechcraft Corporation, a subsidiary of Textron
Aviation Inc., a Textron Inc. company, announced today at the Farnborough
International Airshow that it has delivered the first of four Beechcraft
King Air 350ER aircraft ordered by the Mexican Navy Secretaría de Marina
In addition to the aircraft, Beechcraft will support SEMAR with
on-the-ground service, support and training through its Global Mission
Support organization.King Air
Rear Admiral Jose Marie Macedo, Director General of Naval Aviation
Operations, visited company headquarters in Wichita, Ka... more »
Kiev Deploys Battalions of Buk Air Defense Systems Near Donetsk – Russian Defense Ministry
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 7 hours ago

[image: BUK-M1 missile system (SA-11 Gadfly)]Ukrainian battalions of 27
Buk-M1 missile systems able to hit targets across the entire altitude range
have been deployed near the city of Donetsk, the Russian Defense Ministry
said in a statement Friday.
“According to Russia’s Defense Ministry, battalions of the Ukrainian Armed
Forces operating air defense systems such as Buk-M1 are deployed near the
accident site [of the crash of a Malaysian passenger plane].
These systems can detect air targets within the range of up to 160
kilometers and hit them across the entire altitude range with... more »
Very impressive but I hope no pilot takes off that steeply when I am on the plane
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 7 hours ago
Boeing Preps the 787-9 Dreamliner for Farnborough:
So why become a teacher?
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 7 hours ago
Armstrong and Miller have some common reasons...
Think on these as the long summer holidays, for children and teachers,
P.1HH Hammerhead Programme reaches New Milestone: Autonomous Flight Modes Successfully Validated
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 7 hours ago

[image: Piaggio Aero P.1HH HammerHead]Piaggio Aero, together with
Finmeccanica - Selex ES are pleased to announce the latest developments in
the flight campaign of the Remotely Piloted Air System (RPAS) P.1HH
HammerHead DEMO aircraft that has validated and fine tuned its advanced
control laws, including augmented modes, flight envelope protection and
automatic flight, plus the automatic management of the ground run both in
takeoff and landing.
Safety critical phases, such as take-off and landing when using the GCS and
Datalink systems in manual flight, have been explored and brought... more »
KDB Darussalam & KDB Darulaman Fires Her First Exocet MM40 Block II Surface to Surface Missile
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 7 hours ago

[image: Exocet launch]KDB Darussalam & KDB Darulaman has proved her
fighting capability by firing her missile system for the first time.
Darussalam class patrol vessel, KDB Darussalam and KDB Darulaman have
successfully conducted its first exocet mm40 block ii surface to surface
missile firing in the pacific missile range facility (PMRF), 80 nautical
miles north of Kaua’i Island.
Both RBN ships are currently participating in its first multi-national
exercise rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) which is hosted by the United States
third fleet in Hawaii for a month long.
Read more
Peraves - solar powered monotracer - any time soon?
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 7 hours ago
me, I'm a big fan of aerodynamic design, I'm a big fan of using the sun to
power tech, I'm a big fan of the all-electric version of Peraves monotracer
... what I was wondering is, "Will Peraves ever bring out a Solar Powered
version of their e-tracer, covered in these lovely light-weight solar
I realise Peraves could come back with the 'it recharges in less than two
hours' argument, but a solar-powered monotracer is worth bringing up, no?
Pentagon: F-15 pullout from Europe may be on hold
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 8 hours ago

[image: F-15C Eagle]The Pentagon may delay the planned withdrawal of U.S.
Air Force F-15C fighter jets from Europe, and possibly increase aircraft
rotations to the continent, as part of an effort to reassure allies and
boost assistance to the region in the wake of Russia’s recent aggression in
Ukraine, officials told members of Congress Wednesday.
In testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, Pentagon leaders
were pressed to provide more details about the White House’s “Europe
Reassurance Initiative,” a $1 billion funding plan announced by the White
House in June.
The su... more »
Japan approves first weapons transfer after arms ban relaxed
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 8 hours ago

[image: Patriot PAC-2]The Abe Cabinet on July 17 gave the green light for
sales of missile parts to the United States, the first approval since the
government eased Japan’s long-standing ban on weapons exports in April.
Cabinet ministers at a National Security Council meeting approved the
export of a sensor part for use in surface-to-air Patriot Advanced
Capability-2 (PAC-2) missiles.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., which has a contract with PAC-2 missile
producer Raytheon Co., is manufacturing the sensor part.
Read more
Russia Likely to Sell Iskander-E Missiles To China And Belarus
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 8 hours ago

[image: Iskander-E]Russia is ready to export Iskander-E short range
ballistic missile and is likely to sell it to China, during the exhibition
of weapons and military equipment held in Minsk, Belarus. Voice of Russia
reported today.
Vasily Kashin from the Moscow-based Center for Analysis of Strategies and
Technologies told the Voice of Russia that Russia is currently discussing
the sale of S-400 surface to air missile with China and Belarus. Russia is
likely to sell Iskander-E together with S-400 to both nations if the deals
are successful.
Iskander-E is designed to replace SS-21 S... more »
Airbus Revs Up for A400M Production
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 8 hours ago
[image: Airbus A400M Atlas]Airbus Defense and Space is preparing for a
massive increase in production of A400M strategic and tactical military
airlifter. Two A400M’s were delivered to the French military last year and
one was sent to Turkey. This year the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defence
is poised to receive the first of 22 ordered A400Ms in September, Airbus
officials told Military.com.
“This is the most advanced transport aircraft in the world. We will deliver
11 aircraft this year and 20 next year. By the end of 2015, we expect to be
producing new A400Ms at a rate of 2.1 air... more »
BAE’s ‘invisible’ jet makes second successful test flight
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 8 hours ago

[image: Taranis UAS]A ‘INVISIBLE’ unmanned fighter jet has carried out its
second successful test flight, it has been announced.
Taranis, named after the Celtic god of thunder, has been worked on by BAE
staff at it’s Lancashire bases in Samlesbury and Warton.
During the latest tests, it flew in a fully ‘stealthy’ configuration,
making it virtually invisible to radar.
Read more
South Korea military chiefs endorse $8.2 billion development plan for home-built fighters
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 8 hours ago

[image: KFX-E]South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff endorsed a plan on Friday
for the country to design its own mid-level fighter jet, which a state
think tank estimated will cost up to 8.5 trillion won ($8.24 billion) to
Dubbed the KF-X program, the fighter jet is expected to be built by the
country's sole jet builder, Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd (KAI), after
being co-developed with Lockheed Martin Corp, two people with direct
knowledge of the matter said.
The Joint Chiefs said in a statement that they had endorsed a twin-engine
fighter jet to be developed for delivery s... more »
B-2 stealth bomber, at age 25, to get major upgrades from Air Force
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 8 hours ago

[image: B-2 Spirit]The most intimidating aircraft in the world is 25 years
old this week and is about to become even more advanced.
The nation's fleet of B-2 stealth bombers, the pride of Whiteman Air Force
Base in Missouri, is poised to get nearly $10 billion in upgrades over the
next several years to ensure it remains the most fearsome attack platform
in the U.S arsenal.
The bat-winged aircraft first took to the sky on July 17, 1989.
Read more
Senate panel OKs funding for AWACS planes at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 9 hours ago

[image: E-3A Sentry]A Senate committee on Thursday approved funding for all
of the AWACS planes currently at Tinker Air Force Base, virtually assuring
that the current complement of command-and-control aircraft will survive
another year.
Now, both the House and Senate spending bills for the Department of Defense
protect all 27 planes stationed at Tinker and used by active duty and
reserve units.
The Defense Department had proposed saving money by retiring seven of the
planes and eliminating the reserve unit’s role.
Read more
Malaysia Airlines Ukraine Crash: Fateful Errors, Fatal Decisions
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 9 hours ago

[image: BUK-M1 (SA-17 Gadfly)]It’s looking increasingly likely that
Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over rebel-controlled eastern
Ukraine Thursday by a Russian-built Buk missile, killing all 298 people on
board. While that’s yet unconfirmed, U.S. officials, reviewing satellite
data and other intelligence, believe a missile downed the airplane, and
that pro-Russian separatists inside Ukraine are the most likely to have
fired the killer shot.
We have seen this horror movie before.
It began with a Soviet warplane shooting down Korean Air Lines Flight 007
on September 1, 1983... more »
Perhaps Unit 1 is Also a Significant Emissions Source?
Majia's Blog - 9 hours ago
is a pdf of screenshots from the today. See page 14 for the start of a
major emission event stemming from unit 1
The two screenshots below marked the BEGINNING of the unit 1 steam
which only lasted from 2:56 AM to 3:08:
<img alt="" height="259"
src="... more »
UK's Maritime Patrol Aircraft Fall Short
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 9 hours ago

[image: Nimrod]Two high-profile sea searches have exposed a shortfall in
Britain's maritime patrol capabilities, raising hopes at rival planemakers
Airbus and Boeing that they could soon be fighting over a multi-billion
dollar contract.
The search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, missing since March, and the
hunt for four British yachtsmen lost in the Atlantic Ocean in May, has
brought home to the British government the need to invest in maritime
patrol aircraft, sources close to the matter say.
Since scrapping its former program - the delayed and over-budget BAE
Systems Nimrod ... more »
Successful first float for HMS Queen Elizabeth carrier
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 9 hours ago
The largest warship ever built in the UK has been successfully floated out
of the Rosyth dock in which she was assembled for the first time.
The 65,000-tonne Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth was
formally named by the Queen earlier this month in a ceremony at the Fife
yard, where she was assembled and fitted out.
In an operation that started earlier this week, the dry dock was flooded
for the first time to allow the vessel to float.
Read more
Submarine chaser 'Hai'an' decommissioned
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 9 hours ago

[image: Submarine chaser ''Hai'an'']The retirement ceremony for the Chinese
submarine chaser "Hai'an" (hull number 650) was held at a naval port in
Zhoushan, east China's Zhejiang province, on the morning of July 16, 2014,
marking that the "Hai'an" ship, which has been in service for 33 years, is
now officially decommissioned.
The "Hai'an" ship is the last one of its class in a maritime garrison under
the East China Sea Fleet of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy
(PLAN) to retire.
As new-type frigates successively commissioned to the maritime garrison,
the equipment of the ... more »
Putin denies Russia to reopen Soviet-era spy post in Cuba
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 9 hours ago
[image: Vladimir Putin & Raul Castro]Russian President Vladimir Putin on
Thursday denied reports that Russia plans to reopen a Soviet-era base in
Cuba from which it once spied on the United States.
A Russian security source said on Wednesday that Russia had reached a
provisional agreement with Cuba to reopen the Lourdes listening post, which
Putin closed in 2001. The source repeated the contents of a report that
first appeared in the Russian daily Kommersant.
But speaking from Brasilia, the latest stop on a Latin American tour and
site of a summit of BRICS emerging market leaders, P... more »
Philippines Military Goes on Shopping Spree
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 9 hours ago

[image: A Call to Arms Dealers]Dozens of global defense companies showed
off their latest weaponry on Thursday at the first major defense exhibition
in 15 years in the Philippines, which is aiming to revamp its military amid
territorial disputes with China.
The Southeast Asia country has several open tenders for defense equipment,
most of them relatively small. Manila aims to spend $1.8 billion on new
equipment by 2017—a big increase over previous years but still modest by
regional standards. Manufacturers are keen to win those early contracts,
which they see as entry points to more... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.18.14”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 7.18.14”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“Only three stories in the Weekly News Wrap-Up, but they all have something
in common. They all will have cascading effects that will go on for some
time to come. First up, the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 over
Eastern Ukraine. Nearly 300 people are dead; and of that total, nearly two
dozen are reportedly U.S. citizens. Everybody is pointing the finger at
the other side. The Ukrainians say it’s Russia’s fault. The Pro-Russian
separatists say it’s Ukraine’s fault, and so does Russia. No matter whose
fault... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5VzYAPBVJc
"Who Are We? Maybe Not Who You Think"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
"Who Are We? Maybe Not Who You Think"
by Robert Lanza, MD
"Who in the world am I?" asked Alice (in Wonderland). "Ah, that's the great
puzzle!" The question may make you wonder about taking time to ponder such
philosophical babble. The answer is usually defined by what you can
control. A reply might be, "I can wiggle my toes but I can't move the legs
of the table." The dividing line between self and nonself is taken to be
the skin. This is reinforced every day of our lives - every time you fill
out a form: I am ___ (your name here). It's such an integral part of our
lives that the q... more »
Submarine boom in East Asia as China modernizes navy
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 9 hours ago

[image: Type 041 Yuan-class SSK]A submarine arms race has recently been
triggered by China's naval modernization program, according to Michael
Raska, a researcher from the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies of
the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore's Nanyang
Technological University, in his article written for the Tokyo-based
Diplomat on July 14.
"Notwithstanding weaknesses and limitations in capabilities integration,
China's PLA Navy (PLAN) is gradually transforming into a regional [blue
water] defensive–and offensive–type navy with extended so-called... more »
A Homemade Flea Powder Recipe For Your Pets
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 10 hours ago
[image: Foto: Homemade Flea Powder - Kills & Repels Ticks & Fleas
*Homemade Flea Powder Recipe:* Ingredients:
1 cup *Food Grade* Diatomaceous Earth
1/2 cup Neem Powder (find HERE)
1/2 cup Yarrow Powder (find HERE)
20 Drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil *Leave out the essential oil if using
for cats.
*Directions:*Mix all ingredients together and put in a shaker top
container. I used a mason jar with a shaker top lid (I got my mason jar
shaker top lid at Christmas Tree Shop, but you could make your own by
drilling holes in ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
“An asterism is just a recognized pattern of stars that is not one the 88
official constellations. For example, one of the most famous (and largest)
asterisms is the Big Dipper within the constellation Ursa Major. But this
pretty chain of stars, visible with binoculars towards the long-necked
constellation of Camelopardalis, is also a recognized asterism.
*Click image for larger size.*
Known as Kemble's Cascade, it contains about 20 stars nearly in a row,
stretching over five times the width of a full moon. Tumbling from the
upper right to lower left in the picture, Kemble's Cascade ... more »
Paulo Coelho, "A Man Lying On The Ground"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
* "A Man Lying On The Ground"*
by Paulo Coelho
"On 1st July, at 13:05 hrs., there was a man aged about fifty lying on the
promenade in Copacabana. I passed him with a glance and went on my way
towards a stall where I always drink fresh coconut water. Being from Rio,
I’ve passed hundreds (thousands?) of men, women and children lying on the
ground. As someone who travels, I’ve seen the same scene in practically all
the countries I’ve been to – from Sweden to Romania. I’ve seen people lying
in the street in all seasons of the year: in the biting winter of Madrid,
New York or Paris, wh... more »
Albert Einstein, "The World As I See It"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*"The World As I See It"*
by Albert Einstein
"Einstein, at his home in Princeton, New Jersey: "How strange is the lot of
us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he
knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper
reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people -
first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness
is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose
destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I
remind myself that my inner and o... more »
What is wrong with these pictures? Malaysia Airlines MH-17 crash site compared to United 93 crash site in Shanksville. Convenient it was a Malaysian Flight and a 777 too....
Sherrie at Sherrie Questioning All - 10 hours ago
Shanksville site Ukraine site I just want to point out the obvious. I don't
believe in such convenient coincidences when it comes to events that can
lead to war. It sure is convenient that it was a Malaysian 777 that was
shot down over Ukraine today. the U.S. immediately began accusing Russia, I
also found it interesting is that they immediately said it was shot down by
Psychology: "How the Brain Stops Time"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
"How the Brain Stops Time"
by Jeff Wise
"One of the strangest side-effects of intense fear is time dilation, the
apparent slowing-down of time. It's a common trope in movies and TV shows,
like the memorable scene from "The Matrix" in which time slows down so
dramatically that bullets fired at the hero seem to move at a walking pace.
In real life, our perceptions aren't keyed up quite that dramatically, but
survivors of life-and-death situations often report that things seem to
take longer to happen, objects fall more slowly, and they're capable of
complex thoughts in what would nor... more »
"All About The Folly..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
"Archimedes said, "Give me a fulcrum and I will move the Earth"; but there
isn't one. It is like betting on the future of the human race - I might
wish to lay a bet that the human race would destroy itself by the year
3000, but there is nowhere to place the bet. On the contrary, I am involved
in the world and must try to see that it does not blow itself to pieces. I
once had a terrible argument with Margaret Mead. She was holding forth one
evening on the absolute horror of the atomic bomb, and how everybody should
spring into action and abolish it, but she was getting so furious abo... more »
Chet Raymo, “Charybdis”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
by Chet Raymo
"To my mind, there is no more spiritually fulfilling experience than lying
on one's back under a crystal clear late-summer sky unpolluted by
artificial light and seeing the Milky Way arching across the dome of night
from Sagittarius in the south to Cassiopeia in the north. Those of you who
live in the southern hemisphere will have a different perspective,
including a loftier view of the brilliant luminosity near the galactic
center in Sagittarius, but you know what I mean. One has a sense of falling
into infinity, of becoming a born-again child of cosmic ... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 11 hours ago
*Global Warming Reaches New Records*
*If you look up the Japanese records concerned, you find that the exciting
temperature concerned is in fact only three tenths of one degree Celsius
above the 30 year average. Such a tiny rise would excite only a Warmist
and if real, could easily be just a natural fluctuation And since the
temperature concerned is for June only, the rise could well be cancelled
out over the rest of the year. Attaching any weight to just one month is
Scientific evidence about the rising of average global temperatures seems
to be piling up.
Ac... more »
Inequality 19: Notes and Quotes on Globalization and Inequality
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 11 hours ago

Reposting here some notes and quotes on the subject which I posted in the
facebook group, Government and Taxes, Liberty and Responsibility last month.
A good chart from Cato last May 3, 2014. Globalization eradicates poverty,
posted by Daniel Castro.
Actually, the term "globalization eradicates poverty" may be wrong. Poverty
may never be eradicated as there are many factors that contribute to it,
including personal irresponsibility and laziness. A better term would be
"globalization reduces poverty" and inequality among countries. Free trade
can lead to factor price ... more »
House Republicans And Blue Dogs Defeat Minimum Wage Increase
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
Yesterday the House passed the Financial Services and General Government
Appropriations Act 228-295, generally along party lines. All but 4
(completely random) Republicans voted for it and all but 6 Democrats-- Blue
Dogs and New Dems from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- voted
against it. No biggie. More interesting, though, was an amendment Alan
Grayson brought up.
Grayson has been more successful at putting together ad hoc coalitions to
pass legislation than anyone else in Congress. This one, however was a
bridge too far. He couldn't get a single Republican to sign... more »
(No Security Against NSA Spies - Especially Sexually Compromising Pictures and 2nd Malaysia Air Crash) Incinerating Iraq Armageddon (Except for the Oil Region)
Cirze at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 12 hours ago
You've got to feel sorry (or at least some empathy) for anyone who expects
any of the western "democracies" to stick up for . . . oh well, the value
of maintaining even the illusion of democracy, I guess. Not in the
power/money politics world of today anyway. BREAKING: he NSA whistleblower,
Edward Snowden, has urged lawyers, journalists, doctors, accountants,
priests and others with a
On the ground in Gaza: Four children die in Israeli strike on beach [Video]
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 13 hours ago
On the ground in Gaza: Four children die in Israeli strike on beach.
Source: Middle East Eye. Date Published: July 17, 2014. Description:
Four boys, aged between nine and 11, were killed on a Gaza City beach when
the Israeli army struck with artillery fire on 16 July. On the same day, an
attack in Khan Yunis killed a 4 year old girl, a 6 year old boy, a 23 year
old man and a 70 year old woman in the 9th day of Operation Protective Edge.
Reporter: Shams Odeh
Voiceover: Arwa AB Ibrahim
Quotes from grieving female family members of the four children who were
killed on the beach: "We ar... more »
All Governance in Libya Remains Contested
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 13 hours ago
An excerpt from, *"New York Times Report: CIA-Backed Militias Linked to
Benghazi, Libya Attack"* by Patrick Martin, December 30, 2013:
A lengthy front-page report in Sunday’s *New York Times* provides
additional confirmation that the attack on a US facility in Benghazi, Libya
in September 2012 was the outcome of the Obama administration’s use of
Islamic fundamentalist terrorists in its war against the Libyan regime of
Muammar Gaddafi.
The *Times* article, based on dozens of interviews in Benghazi, asserts
that the attack that killed four Americans, including US Ambassador
Christop... more »
Spike EP at News Spike - 14 hours ago

By Anton Chaitkin, Executive Intelligence Review, V21 #40, [30 July 2002]
A behavior control research project was begun in the 1950s, coordinated by
the British psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute, with
the Scottish Rite Masons, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other
British, U.S., Canadian, and United Nations agencies. The project became
famous in the 1970s under a CIA code name, “MK-Ultra.” Its notoriety for
brainwashing by drugs, hypnosis, electroshock, and other tortures caused
many books to b... more »
Gaza: The Hunger Games
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 14 hours ago
*People are shocked and amazed that Israelis are cheering and dancing on
hilltops as their government pounds Gaza with bombs. They seem to be
forgetting, or don't know, that Israeli spies cheered and danced on the day
of 9/11 on the streets of New York City! Cheering and dancing in response
to the killing of innocent civilians is what they do.*
*Excerpts from, "Gaza: The Hunger Games" by Omar Ghraieb, March 31, 2014: *
Little did the millions who watched “The Hunger Games” film series know
that a similar reality actually exists, it's not a fictional realm that the
creator came up w... more »
liberalandlovingit at liberalandlovingit! - 14 hours ago

Dear Jymn;
I was sad and surprised when I came over and saw you'd left.
You were and are my first on-line hero. Since around the time Garth saw the
light and crossed the floor.
You have it all, Jymn. The slicing, dicing, blunt sardonicism that, come to
think of it, most of my heroes have.
Probably why I swear so much, yeah- I'll put that on you guys!
You made me realize that I'm a DirtyFuckingHippy! for which I'll always be
grateful- it's the one group I DO belong to and feel comfortable with...I
raised one, too...
Fuck Ya, Cartman!! I have a picture of him by me- Im' out for the l... more »
Vacation daze....
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 14 hours ago

Off to hit the mountains for a couple of days. No blogging until Monday.
Enjoy a few links to tide you over the weekend.
*Daily Links*:
- Peter Chow at Thinking-Taiwan on Taiwan and the TPP
- The always beautiful Synapticism with traces of Japanese rule.
- US Media coverage of the Sunflowers: A brownout
- KMT's rejected candidate in Keelung vows to continue campaign.
Lessee... KMT rejects Huang, has no replacement, Huang continues, collects
all KMT votes, serves KMT. Is this whole thing a set up to create distance
between Huang and KMT???
- My Sev... more »
Musical Interlude: Seal, “Crazy”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
Seal, “Crazy”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A-hqZf7xQs
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: David Whyte, "Waking"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
"Get up from your bed,
go out from your house,
follow the path you know so well,
so well that you now see nothing
and hear nothing
unless something can cry loudly to you,
and for you it seems
even then
no cry is louder than yours
and in your own darkness
cries have gone unheard
as long as you can remember.
These are hard paths we tread
but they are green and lined with leaf mould
and we must love their contours
as we love the body branching
with its veins and tunnels of dark earth.
I know that sometimes
your body is hard like a stone
on a path that storms break over,
embedded... more »
"The Peculiar Evil..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
"The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is
robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those
who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the
opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error
for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the
clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its
collision with error."
- John Stuart Mill,
"The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth"
"But Then It Was Too Late"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
*"But Then It Was Too Late"*
An Excerpt from "They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-1945"
by Milton Mayer
“What no one seemed to notice,” said a colleague of mine, a philologist,
“was the ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and the
people. Just think how very wide this gap was to begin with, here in
Germany. And it became always wider. You know, it doesn’t make people close
to their government to be told that this is a people’s government, a true
democracy, or to be enrolled in civilian defense, or even to vote. All this
has little, really nothing, to do w... more »
"It Was The Best Of Times..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of
wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was
the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of
Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had
everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to
heaven, we were all going direct the other way - in short, the period was
so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities
insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative
... more »
“Bombshell Study: America's Wealthy Even More Obscenely Rich Than Anybody Thought”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
*“Bombshell Study: *
*America's Wealthy Even More Obscenely Rich Than Anybody Thought”*
By Lynn Stuart Parramore
“Just when you think you've got a handle on how bad wealth inequality is in
America's Second Gilded Age, researchers find it's even worse than you
imagined. The European Central Bank has crunched the numbers and it looks
like wealth inequality in the U.S. is even more astounding than previous
statistics have shown. Of the 10 rich countries the researchers analyzed,
America's wealthy have grabbed the largest portion of the country's wealth.
The most affluent 1 percent i... more »
Attacking Diane Ravitch? Or Questions Too Uncomfortable for the Comfortable?
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 15 hours ago
*"When Horn read Carroll’s post and realized it provided an opening for him
to attack Diane Ravitch, I wonder if he wet himself from glee." *--Mercedes
No, Ms. Schneider, I did not wet myself from glee when I read Kathleen
Carroll's commentary, but I am pretty pissed right now after reading your
uncharacteristically bitter attack on anyone who raises questions about
what Diane Ravitch says in public. First, let me say that I thought Ms.
Scheider was a lot smarter than to put together a rushed pastiche of
wrongheaded attributions and conjectures into a breathless blog pos... more »
Remembering Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan: Does he serve as an inspiration for modern-day right-wingers?
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago

*by Ken*
We've celebrated "Postcard Thursday" -- courtesy of the *Inside the Apple*
blog team of Michelle and James Nevius, authors of *Inside the Apple: A
Streetwise History of New York* and *Footprints in New York: Tracing the
Lives of Four Centuries of New Yorkers* -- before, and today we're, you
know, doing it again. I'll have a little something more to say in a moment,
but first let's just do "Postcard Thursday." (If you're not signed up to
receive it, or other updates from the team, you can take care of that here.)
Today's postcard, as you may have figured out, is posted abo... more »
Malaysian Passenger Flight Shot Down over Ukraine: False Flag to Make 'Cold War' Go Hot?
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 15 hours ago
Truth Stream Media
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Friday Morning Ramble: Edition #2001 [updated]
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 15 hours ago

Did you know: this week, in 1917, the Royal House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
changed its name to the less German sounding "House of Windsor”” Thought
you’d like to know that. (If you like, you can brag about being a co-holder
of the World Cup?)
[image: Embedded image permalink]
Malaysian Airlines plane MH17 is down, but the cause and those responsible
is still unclear. [UPDATE: “US intelligence agencies have confirmed that
the aircraft was shot down by a surface-to-air missile, but it is unknown
who launched it.”]
*Ukrainian Buk Air Defense System Allegedly Deployed Near D... more »
6 Reasons To Question the Official Story of the Malaysian Flight Over Ukraine
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 16 hours ago

Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post
With the recent shooting down of a Malaysian Boeing 777 over Ukraine, the
Western media is aflame with fingerpointing at Russia and Ukrainian
separatists. However, while NATO and its media mouthpieces attempt to
rekindle the Cold War and ignite a confrontation with Russia, there exists
a number of fundamental questions surrounding the events that have taken
place in Eastern Ukraine.
Although not a detailed list, below are six reasons why one should question
the official story of the Malaysian flight shot down over Ukraine.
*1.) The Ukrainian sep... more »
Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 Downed Over Warzone Ukraine. Who Was Behind It? Cui Bono?
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 16 hours ago

*Tony Cartalucci*
*Flying Over War Zone Ukraine, The Probable And Convenient Happens*
*At no juncture during the Ukrainian crisis could the downing of Malaysian
Boeing 777 flight MH17 have been more convenient for NATO and its proxy
regime in Kiev.*
*Kiev’s forces were being picked apart in eastern Ukraine with several
units encircled and destroyed. In the west of the country, dissent was
growing by Ukrainians unwilling to march off to fight in the east. NATO’s
attempts to bait Russia into moving into Ukrainian territory and shift
global opinion against Moscow had repeatedly faile... more »
Was the downing of Malaysia Airline Flight 17 today ( July 17 , 2014 ) an attempted assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin ? Interfax dangles some tantalizing hints that someone may have planned a grand welcome for Putin from the BRICS Conference in Brazil ! And recall the other cryptic hints from Cryptome about releasing documents in July to prevent a War - was this what they were hinting about ?
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 16 hours ago

First we saw the mystery of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - disappeared on
3/8/14 and no evidence of the plane since then......
Today we see Flight 17 ( incorrectly identified by yours truly as Flight
370 in an early draft of this post ) .... today is July 17th ! Flight 17
blown out of the July on the 17th ? Odd coincidence .....
Tweets of note.....
1. *Edward Harrison* @edwardnh 8m
"@BuzzFeedNews: The Latest @MAS Statement On MH17: http://www.
malaysiaairlines.com/my/en/site/mh17.html … pic.twitter.com/RNbyXcITDk"
[image: Embedded image permalink]
Expand... more »
Spike EP at News Spike - 17 hours ago

*Unknown 21-year old man, supposed to be Christopher Marlowe*
*A portrait, supposedly of Christopher Marlowe. There is in fact no
evidence that the anonymous sitter is Marlowe, but the clues do point in
that direction. *
*Marlowe was 21 years old in 1585, when the painting was made. He was also
the only 21-year old student at Corpus Christi, where the painting was
later found.*
*"All they that love not tobacco and boys are fools."*
*Remark attributed to Marlowe from the testimony of Richard Baines, *
*a government informer,*
PBS Frontline - Much Ado About Something from S... more »
Nice Job Obama: US Stands at the Brink of World War III
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 17 hours ago

*"MH-17 is not an incident or catastrophe, it is a terrorist attack"*
* US puppet in Kiev Petro “the Chocolate King” Poroshenko*
When I first heard the news about the latest Malaysian Air jetliner
disaster early this afternoon my first thought was something like "why in
the hell was it flying over a war zone?" but rapidly following that was the
sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that the Obama regime had finally
succeeded in finding a way to launch World War III by blaming it all on
Putin. Did it only seem like the rush to judgment had already begun within
the US government, the ... more »
"Fabricated Compassion: Democrats Abandon U.S. Homeless, Veterans And The Hungry In Rush To Roll Out Red Carpet For Illegals"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*"Fabricated Compassion: Democrats Abandon U.S. Homeless, *
*Veterans And The Hungry In Rush To Roll Out Red Carpet For Illegals"*
by Mike Adams
"We are all connected. We can't just build a wall or a fence and say no
more. This is America. Our doors are open." These are the words of U.S.
House of Representatives John Lewis, one of many democrats who seem to be
stampeding over each other to see who can offer the most enticements to
accelerate the flood of illegal aliens sweeping across America's border.
Those enticements include not just free housing, free health care, free
food and ... more »
The Economy: “Was This Sexist?”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*“Was This Sexist?”*
by Bill Bonner
“Let us begin with some criticism from a reader: “What you said about Janet
Yellen is disrespectful to All Women. You said you meant no disrespect, and
then you go ahead and say most women her age are baking cookies for their
grandchildren and saying she has soft shoulders. You would not make the
same kind of sexist comment about a man holding the position that she does.
You should grow up... your comments are so old fashioned and out of touch.
If you are going to put someone down because you don't agree with what they
are doing, resorting to sex... more »
The trouble with employing arts graduates
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 18 hours ago
Could someone please tell the BBC news that 10,000 metres is not 30,000
feet. It's around 32,800 feet but I'd accept 33,000 feet as an
Bloody arts graduates.
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 19 hours ago

- Yesterday we saw reports that up to 800 of Kiev's military were
surrounded by self-defense forces in the eastern part of the country.
Reports said that up to half of them had already been killed and it
appeared like many had taken off their uniforms and surrendered. I saw
that up to 100 wounded Kiev's forces were being treated inside Russia,
quite good of them under the circumstances.
- In a clear rejection of western IMF and World Bank economic supremacy
the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have
created not only a n... more »
Happy birthday paper money: celebrating 353 years of wanton destruction
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 19 hours ago

*Over the weekend, a new economist friend told me he’d just visited Yap
Island in the South Pacific. Bonus points if you know why a visit to Yap
Island might interest an economist.*
*Hint: It involves what you might call the ultimate hard currency.*
*Here’s a guest post by Simon Black, who might have visited at the same
time …*
*Making a payment on Yap*
If you ever find yourself vacationing in the western Pacific, I highly
recommend swinging by Yap Island, home of one of the most bizarre forms of
money in history.
Over a thousand years ago, natives would mine enormous chunks of ... more »
Kiev Losing, Sanctions Flopped, Airliner Down, War Back On?
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 19 hours ago

*July 18, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - With Kiev's forces being
encircled and decimated in eastern Ukraine, western Ukrainians in Kiev
protesting the war, and US sanctions receiving global ridicule as feckless
- the downing of a Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner with over 280 on board in
eastern Ukraine - allegedly shot down over a conflict zone - will
undoubtedly be exploited by NATO to vilify Kiev's opponents, particularly
fighters in the east and Russia who NATO accuses of "destabilizing eastern
Preceding the downing of Malaysian flight MH17, just hours beforehand,
Ukr... more »
Egyptian TV Host Osama Mounir to Hamas Leaders: Dream on! You Belong in a Mental Asylum
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 19 hours ago
An excerpt from, *"How US and Blair plotted ‘ceasefire’ scam"* by Jonathan
Cook, July 16:
We now have confirmation from the Israeli daily Haaretz of what we should
have suspected: that the idea for the so-called Egyptian “ceasefire
proposal” was actually hatched in Washington, the messenger boy was
arch-war criminal Tony Blair, and the terms were drafted by Israel.
The intention was either to corner Hamas into surrendering – and thereby
keep the savage blockade of Gaza in place – or force Hamas to reject the
proposal and confirm the Israeli narrative that it is a terrorist
organisa... more »
Guardian - Edward Snowden urges professionals to encrypt client communications - video interview
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 19 hours ago

The Guardian's Alan Rusbridger gets another Snowden scoop by interviewing
him in Moscow - man, this is just like The Real Spy Game or some other book
written by Robert Ludlum twenty years before its time.
*The NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden, has urged lawyers, journalists,
doctors, accountants, priests and others with a duty to protect
confidentiality to upgrade security in the wake of the spy surveillance
*Snowden said professionals were failing in their obligations to their
clients, sources, patients and parishioners in what he described as a new
and challenging... more »
Are Americans Losing Faith In The Republican Party As A Legitimate Institution?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 19 hours ago

Tuesday, the *Wall Street Journal* reported that Kansas Republicans, so
sick of far right extremist lunatic Sam Brownback, once their senator and
now their governor, that they're going to help a Democrat beat him! Over
100 prominent Republicans endorsed Paul Davis, including 2 former
lieutenant governors, a former congresswoman and the state insurance
The nonpartisan Cook Political Report in recent days shifted its prediction
of the race from "leaning Republican'' to tossup.
The pushback against Mr. Brownback from some in the GOP is due in part to
his effort two ye... more »
Breaking news...on Twitter
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 19 hours ago
We were quite complimentary recently about one BBC reporter currently in
action in the Middle East, namely Quentin Sommerville.
Here's a sample of his Twitter feed today [embedding doesn't always show
that it's him who's re-tweeting, but rest assured it is Quentin S doing the
re-tweeting here!], quoting all his Israel-Palestinian-related tweets and
re-tweets since the end of the ceasefire this afternoon.
See if you can see any bias here.
Frankly it makes a refreshing change from the likes of Jon Donnison, Jeremy
Bowen and Paul Danahar:
2 rockets fired from Gaza, less than 5 minut... more »
'I love the tongue'
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 19 hours ago
Greg Wallace on Celebrity Masterchef tonight - 'I love the tongue' - I
sense a followup to 'Buttery Biscuit Base/Bass'. Come on Cassette Boy, your
public awaits...
Flight MH17 Down Over Ukraine
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 20 hours ago

Flying over warzone Ukraine, the probable & convenient happens.
*July 18, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - At no juncture during the
Ukrainian crisis could the downing of Malaysian Boeing 777 flight MH17 have
been more convenient for NATO and its proxy regime in Kiev. Kiev's forces
were being picked apart in eastern Ukraine with several units encircled and
destroyed. In the west of the country, dissent was growing by Ukrainians
unwilling to march off to fight in the east. NATO's attempts to bait Russia
into moving into Ukrainian territory and shift global opinion against
Moscow had r... more »
Spike EP at News Spike - 20 hours ago

*Pay dirt. *
*No flight, no dead people. *
*End of.*
*BTS - Bureau of Traffic Statistics showing Flight 11 never departed from
Boston Logan international Airport on 9/11/2001.*
"8. It is possible to create an incident which will demonstrate
convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has attacked and shot down a chartered
civil airliner enroute from the United States to Jamaica, Guatemala, Panama
or Venezuela. The destination would be chosen only to cause the flight plan
route to cross Cuba. The passengers could be a group of college students
off on a holiday or any grouping of persons... more »
Supplemental: How does Dowd connect to the right?
bob somerby at the daily howler - 20 hours ago
*THURSDAY, JULY 17, 2014*
*No one could answer the question:* Is Maureen Dowd really concerned that
Chelsea Clinton is being drawn into “the rapacious, gaping maw of Clinton
If so, *should* she be concerned? Is that a sensible view of the conduct of
Bill and Hillary Clinton?
We don’t know how to answer the first question. Dowd’s loathing of All
Things Clinton has been apparent for some time. It has taken an array of
peculiar forms.
During Campaign 2008, the public editor at the New York Times finally
savaged Dowd for her virulent anti-Clintonism. He said her work could
ea... more »
22 Years Later Corrupt UK Drug Regulator The MHRA Eventually Changes “not recommended” to “must not be used” – but just for the one dangerous drug
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 20 hours ago
[image: Rise:]Rise: Transparency International's Global Corruption
Barometer 2013, released today, revealed that 65 per cent of people believe
that corruption has increased in the past two years
22 Years Later Corrupt UK Drug Regulator The MHRA Eventually Changes “not
recommended” to “must not be used” – but just for the one dangerous drug
Child Health Safety, 16 July 2014
That the UK’s drug regulator the Medicines and Healthcare Products
Regulatory Agency is corrupt is not difficult to demonstrate, as just this
one previous CHS article demonstrates: UK Drug Safety Agency Falsifie... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 21 hours ago
*Coastal Louisiana land loss worth price to fix, study will attempt to show
~Amy Wold, The Advocate*
*Future of coastal loss lawsuit could rest in hands of board’s nominating
committee ~Bob Marshall, The Lens*
*State Representative Concerned For Eroding Wetlands In New Orleans East
~Jesse Hardman*
*New Orleans Transit System Disproportionately Serves Whiter and Wealthier
Neighborhoods ~Ariela Cohen, Next City*
*NOPD gearing up for anti-abortion protest expected to draw hundreds ~WWL*
*Heart of Louisiana: History of Cajun culture ~Dave McNamara*
*The New Thing In Jazz, Revisited ~W... more »
Thursday Linkage: Hey! A Non-World Cup/Brazil post
Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 21 hours ago
I’m ready to move on from Brazil and football/soccer news. Really I am.
Here are some links related to climate change and I’ve thrown in a link to
Will Moore’s post about using satellite rain data rather than rain gauge
data to track rainfall (the latter may be subject to variation due to
conflict. Hard
Continue reading
Five Reasons The Situation in Eastern Ukraine is About to Become Much More Dangerous
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 21 hours ago
*Though this latest phase in the Ukraine crisis might seem like a repeat of
recent events, this round is more dangerous for a number of reasons. Here
are five of them.*
This past week the mainstream coverage of the Ukrainian civil war has
focused on Kiev's move to encircle Donetsk. However there are reports
coming out of the east right now that indicate that the Ukrainian troops
may have just walked into a trap. Specifically the separatists claim to
have encircled western troops and have completely stalled their advance.
Note that this report is coming from those wh... more »
Broadie McIntyre Demotes Top Ranked Principal to Make Room for Corporate Leadership Trainees
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 21 hours ago
With an anonymous gift (is that a Broad smell or Gates?) and RttT money,
UTK and Knox County Schools have been churning out corporate-trained school
administrators since 2011. Jim McIntyre, KCS Broad-trained Superintendent,
needs to place these new and inexperienced administrators in order to
satisfy the oligarch who is funding the "leadership academy." Here is pic
of Tennessee's oil executive governor with McIntyre and one of the
"academy's graduating classes.
What do you do to make room for the newbies funded by the oligarchs? If
you are a professional a-hole like Jim McIntyre... more »
Why Was the Malaysian Airliner Shot Down?
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 21 hours ago
What a barbaric week. The appalling suffering inflicted on the open air
prison that is Gaza, of which more another time. Then there has been a
ratcheting up of the conflict in Ukraine as the government offensive grinds
down and routs its pro-Russian breakaways. Now, it's taken an altogether
darker turn: the shooting down of a Malaysian passenger jet with the deaths
of some 300 people over the skies of the so-called Donetsk People's
Republic. Amid the tragedy is the pinning of blame. The Ukraine government
say they didn't do it, and lack the capability. Russia do have the means,
but ... more »
Obama responds to Malaysian airliner allegedly shot down with 23 Americans aboard...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 21 hours ago

*next up? *
Probably golf.
*No, really.*
*Check out President "Ribbon Cutter" eating with one of the common folk, a
certain Ms Tanei Benjamin, who is struggling as a single mother. Ummm, is
she even old enough to have children?*
*She looks a bit different on her Facebook page. *
White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the White House was aware of
reports of the crash but that he was "not in a position to confirm"
President Barack Obama has been briefed and has directed his national
security team to be "in close touch" with Ukrainian authorities, Earnest
said. (Obama... more »
July 17: ...funny how us people think....
Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 22 hours ago
In Wednesday's paper, on p. 5, Canada's Foreign Minister says Hamas started
this bloodshed, and can end it. He expressed sympathy for the dead and
injured by Israel's attack. But, in effect, the hell with them.
In the whole record of this Conservative government, there is not a single
instance of Israel ever being declared wrong. I don't know whether Mr.
Baird is ignorant or just a bigot. But, of course, we all know he's saying
this to get the Jewish-Canadian vote - a vote that seems to have forgotten
what Judaism is about.. But his statement does raise questions about how we
think.... more »
Thorne Dreyer : PODCAST | Best-selling author Jeff Sharlet and his father, political scientist Robert Sharlet
Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 23 hours ago
Jeff Sharlet, Molly Prize-winning journalist and author of ‘The Family,’
and scholar/author Bob Sharlet, join Thorne Dreyer on Rag Radio. Interview
by Thorne Dreyer | The Rag Blog | July 17, 2014 Award-winning journalist
Jeff Sharlet, author of The Family, … finish reading Thorne Dreyer :
*PODCAST* | Best-selling author Jeff Sharlet and his father, political
scientist Robert Sharlet
upcycling with teens at the library
laura k at wmtc - 23 hours ago

My summer youth programs have been going really well. Attendance has
increased with each program - first 7, then 13, then 15 - and yesterday we
hit the jackpot with 23 teens. We actually had to turn away three kids
without tickets, as our program room was so packed with people and
I wasn't planning on blogging about individual programs, but there seems to
be some interest. Plus, since I regularly Google for ideas for programs and
displays, I'm happy to give back by adding to the ideas out there.
Upcycling was a huge hit! For those not familiar with the term, *upcycling*
... more »
Strange New Humanoid Presence on the Beaches of Necochea, Argentina
Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 23 hours ago

*Strange New Humanoid Presence on the Beaches of Necochea, Argentina*
*By Guillermo D. Giménez, Planeta UFO – INEXPLICATA contributing editor*
Once more we find ourselves with direct information regarding strange
presences during the month of May 2014 on the shores of Necochea, Argentina.
It is here that we have found four (4) witnesses who speak of seeing
strange lights at night on the Necochea’s very shoreline, its beach, as
well as sightings of a strange humanoid-type creature. These events
occurred on Sunday, 18 May and Tuesday, 20 May at night.
In both cases, the sightings too... more »
Can Peter King Be Defeated? Yes, As Soon As Pelosi Fires Steve Israel
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 23 hours ago

Long Island's 2 crooked congressmen
When Peter King's congressional district was last redrawn in 2010, it went
from a north-south district-- from the Atlantic to the Long Island sound,
right across Nassau County-- to an east-west district-- from Lake
Ronkonkomo and Sayville, across Islip, Deer Park and Babylon to Levittown,
mostly in Suffolk County. And, more important, from a D+2 district where
Bush only managed to get 44% of the vote in 2000 to an R+1 district that
gave McCain 48% and Romney 47%. The object was to make it safer for
incumbent Republican Peter King. But that isn't al... more »
MH Flight Shot Down over Ukraine
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 23 hours ago

My deepest sympathies for the family's of the lost. It is likely the
Donesk rebels thought it was a Ukraine troop transport and blasted away.
The big question is what was a commercial plane doing flying over such a
hot spot?
I hope this results in cooler heads prevailing all round.
Now for the tweets from the crazy birds.
"Putin is responsible for giving hand grenades to monkeys"
"Putin's personal jet was on the same route"
"The Ukrainian army is the only army with BUK missiles"
The answer is the question who had the BUK?
Amazon Goes Unlimited
Martyn Daniels at Brave New World - 1 day ago

Today, the market is talking about the Amazon offer, Kindle Unlimited,
which certainly is a smart name as it aims to do exactly what it says on
the tin. It should come as no surprise and it was only a matter of time
until Amazon entered the ‘all you can read’ ebook subscription arena that
services such as Oyster and Scribd have started to open up.
We have long argued that the subscription model is coming and that it
starts to change how we relate to books that now can be effectively
‘borrowed on demand’, without having to worry about collecting them on
virtual shelves, kidding you... more »
ARISTOTLE’S ERROR: The smell of war in this morning’s Post!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 day ago
*THURSDAY, JULY 17, 2014*
*Part 3—Rucker’s return:* In his second inaugural address, Franklin
Roosevelt described what he saw when he looked out at the nation:
ROOSEVELT (1/20/37): I see a great nation, upon a great continent, blessed
with a great wealth of natural resources...
*But here is the challenge to our democracy*: In this nation I see tens of
millions of its citizens—a substantial part of its whole population—who at
this very moment are denied the greater part of what the very lowest
standards of today call the necessities of life.
I see millions lacking the means t... more »
Breaking! Malaysian Passenger Plane crashed (shotdown) in Eastern Ukraine
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
*Holy smokes! If Russia won't take the Ukrainian bait would a false flag be
the next move? *
*This is exactly, I kid you not, exactly something mentioned as a distinct
possibility just yesterday during a real life conversation*
*So, that freaks me out quite a bit!*
*And, a Malaysian passenger plane? Another Malaysian plane?*
What would be the odds? It's certainly memorable. As in the memories are
already embedded in the mass consciousness.- Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
unofficial disappearance theories
My other thought is Malaysian Airlines are not so good and this tragedy is
being sp... more »
It's suicidal to fly over New Russia these days
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 1 day ago
The mysteriously lost MH370 flight of the Malaysian Airlines hasn't been
found and there's another tragedy for the company: MH17 from Amsterdam to
Kuala Lumpur was shot down near Shakhtar in the Donetsk People's Republic,
about 30 miles from the Russian border. The 295 people on board (280
passengers + 15 crew members) died.
I was saddened and shocked at the same moment. People get harassed with all
kinds of security regulations but when it comes to the actual trajectories
of airplanes, they continue to fly right above the de facto warzone as if
nothing were happening over there.
... more »
BBC News - Malaysia airliner crashes in Ukraine - reports
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
The BBC report that:
'Malaysian airliner with 295 people on board has crashed in Ukraine near
the border with Russia, on a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, reports
Two things come to mind: first that I'm not going to ever fly Air Malaysia
again and second how will Jeremy Bowen manage to blame Israel for this
More here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-28354856
Jews most popular religious group in U.S., despite criminality, subversion
John Friend at John Friend's Blog - 1 day ago

Despite their outrageously brazen criminality and subversion of America,
Jews are the most popular religious group in the United States, according
to a recent Pew survey. The *Jewish Telegraph Agency* reports:
*Jews are the most warmly regarded religious group in America*, according
to a new survey by the Pew Research Center.
The *survey* of 3,217 adults conducted in June asked respondents to rate
their feelings toward various religious groups on a scale of 1 to 100, with
1 being coldest, 100 warmest and 50 meaning they have neither positive nor
negative feelings.
Jews rated 63, sl... more »
reality busting devices failing like farabochi Fibonacci dominoes.
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

reality busting devices failing like Farabochi Fibonacci dominoes.
the masters of the universe creating their own black holes
the fall that started so cleverly acceleratingly
sinister as the event horizon looms
muppets stripped in a feeding burlesque
to supply the drones
commanded to Marshall the resources
to feed the flickering reality distortion field
exhausting the participants
until the physics dictates
they all fly into the singularity
When all the gravity defying souls
are sucked away
fall off the end of the flat earth
in an ironic scientific way
it should leave lots of room
for... more »
Meanwhile in Cambodia: The Detention of Mu Sochua
Jon Western at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
Mu Sochua a leading member of the opposition Cambodian National Rescue
Party (CNRP) was arrested on Tuesday along with five others after a
demonstration to gain access to Phnom Penh’s Freedom Park turned violent in
clashes between police and some of the protesters. Sochua was elected to
the Cambodian parliament in 2013 and is a leading human rights
Continue reading
Islamic State Carries Out Intimidation Campaign Destroying Homes And Kidnapping And Murdering People In Northern Iraq
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 1 day ago
Since the Islamic State (IS) swept through northern Iraq in early June 2014
it has started a two-pronged strategy to govern the millions of people that
have come under its control. While carrying out a hearts and mind campaign
in large cities like Mosul it has also set about threatening and
intimidating the population especially in the rural areas. This has led to
the destruction of hundreds of homes, over one hundred kidnappings, and
dozens of reported executions.
The Islamic State (IS) has used violence to maintain and expand its hold
over northern Iraq. In contested areas alon... more »
How Cooking Can Change Your Life by Michael Pollan
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 1 day ago
*4 September 2013*
Renowned activist and author Michael Pollan argues that cooking is one of
the simplest and most important steps people can take to improve their
family's health, build communities, fix our broken food system, and break
our growing dependence on corporations. The event was chaired by Tim Lang,
professor of Food Policy at City University London.
To find out more about this talk, visit the event page on the RSA website:
Listen to the podcast of the full event including audience Q&A:
*http://www.thersa.org/__data/a... more »
Energy Econ 23: Death of Australia's Carbon Tax
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 1 day ago

Today, Australia officially killed the onerous and climate alarmism law,
carbon tax. I am posting below portions of selected news reports on the
From The Australian today,
*The Prime Minister, while claiming victory after a five-year campaign
against carbon pricing, also launched a new campaign against the Labor
Party’s promise to take a replacement emissions trading scheme to the next
And from the WSJ today,
*"He said the carbon price was acting as a A$9 billion a year handbrake on
the economy, which was adjusting to the end of a record mining investment
... more »
David Greene at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
Musings from the Chalk Face
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
South Korea's Defense Minister nominee Han Min-koo says he has no plans to
adopt a U.S.-designed missile defense system. At his confirmation hearing
Sunday, Han said South Korea currently deploys the US Patriot-3 system as a
high-altitude defense shield over the peninsula. The nominee also vowed to
install the country's indigenous missile defense system as soon as possible
to counter any North Korean threats.
He said the defense ministry will push for early establishment of the Korea
Air and Missile Defense system -- or KAMD -- and the so-called 'Kill
Chain', a pre-emptive missile... more »
This is not the first time that Paul Craig Roberts and his colleagues have exposed flagrant rigging of the Comex (paper) gold market downward by market insiders. One possible motive for such manipulation "...is to operate and control Comex trading in a manner that helps the Fed contain the price of gold, thereby preventing its rise from signaling to the markets that problems festering in the U.S. financial system are growing worse by the day. This is an act of financial terrorism supported by federal regulatory authorities. Another motive is to help support the relative trading level of the U.S. dollar..." Blogger's recommendation: Buy real gold metal (not paper) now, because sometime in the not too distant future such rigging will no longer work, whereupon the value of gold metal will double or triple over night...
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago

*Insider Trading and Financial Terrorism on Comex*
July 16, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
*Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler*
July 16, 2014. The first two days this week gold was subjected to a series
of computer HFT-driven “flash crashes” that were aimed at cooling off the
big move higher gold has made since the beginning of June. During this move
higher, the hedge funds, who typically “chase” the momentum of gold up or
... more »
People Are Not Illegal
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 1 day ago
Here's a snippet from Tuesday's regular White House briefing, in which
press flack Josh Earnest was confronted about the gut-churning televised
spectacle of a planeload of mothers and children being deported from the US
and dumped into the most dangerous city on the planet.
MR. EARNEST: Well, Jeff, the flight that you’re referring to was a flight
that was operated by the Department of Homeland Security in their capacity
as a law enforcement agency, that they were enforcing the law. So that is
a decision that was made by that law enforcement agency.
I would point out, though, t... more »
sue at Is the BBC biased? - 1 day ago
The subject of “the BBC’s bias towards Israel” was brought to us on the
Today programme yesterday because it was thought very odd that the BBC
failed to report the noisy protest outside its own building the previous
day. (2:38 mins in.)
In the parallel world that Craig alluded to in his recent post, that
omission could be yet another indication of the BBC’s bias towards Israel.
The real reason is probably because the BBC doesn’t think it has any kind
of bias, so its nonexistent bias is not a subject it would wish to include
in news bulletins.
However, they might mention it if one o... more »
Sen. Ted Cruz: “Mr. President, when did the Democratic Party declare war on the Catholic Church?”...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*and the outcome is?*
Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) criticized Senate Democrats and their
legislation to circumvent the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision by
explaining that their bill would impose “faith fines” on groups like the
Little Sisters of the Poor, who refuse to subsidize abortion-inducing
drugs, and asked, “Mr. President, when did the Democratic Party declare war
on the Catholic Church?”
“The bill that is being voted on this floor, if it were adopted, would fine
the Little Sisters of the Poor millions of dollars unless these Catholic
nuns are willing to pay for abortion-... more »
Is time going slowly near the equator?
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 1 day ago
John Rennie – who is going to jump above me at Physics Stack Exchange in a
few months unless I will find motivation to prevent him from doing so – has
asked a very nice question:
Does time move slower at the equator?
The Earth is spinning so all people living at the equator are apparently
moving at 464 m/s relatively to what seems like a "better inertial frame".
By the special relativistic time dilation, this should slow their time by
one part per trillion. That would be a 100 larger relative effect than the
accuracy you may achieve with state-of-the-art atomic clocks.
Has someone ... more »
Are Self-Entitled Politicians With Too Much Money Endangering The Rest Of Us?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Monday we did two posts about the problem climate deniers pose for normal
people-- the first one here and the other one here. In both posts, we
looked specifically at the Florida congressmembers whose districts are
likely to sink under the waves and who are still denying climate change
science to please the Cheney types and their donors (while betraying their
constituents). Most of them are Republicans, of course-- crooks and idiots
like Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Mario Diaz-Balart, Dennis Ross, Vern Buchanan,
Bill Posey-- but there are two Democrats from the Republican wing of the
Dem... more »
On The Dogmatic Jihad of Radiative Transfer Theory Believers
Harry Dale Huffman at The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage - 1 day ago
Steven Goddard has a post "categorizing idiot clans" and listing them, to
which one commenter added, "I see a missing category, the geran category:
Populated by mean, vicious little SOBs (a technical term, I assure you) who
limit their knowledge of thermal energy transfer to simple concepts of
gaseous convection and the ideal gas law and nothing whatsoever involving
radiative energy transfer …". My response follows:
*That's probably because the only globally effective (i.e., not localized
and transient) radiative energy transfer is from direct solar to atmosphere
and to ground (yes,... more »
UK Foreign Minister William Hague Fired - But Why ? ???? Implication as to why set forth ......
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
July 15, 2014
UK Foreign Minister William Hague Fired - But Why?
Reshuffle Surprise As William Hague Quits As Foreign Secretary , July 15
William Hague surprised Westminster on Monday evening by announcing he
would quit as foreign secretary, as David Cameron culled male ministers of
all ranks as part of a wide-ranging reshuffle expected to see the promotion
of several women to top jobs.
Hmm ...
There is currently another inquiry into pedophile rings in the UK which,
allegedly, included major British politicians since the 1960s and several,
some seemingly still ongoing, cover-ups by t... more »
Kiev authors latest fable concerning Russia while bombing South East Ukraine and trying to provoke Russia .... ( July 17 , 2014 ) -- Kiev Reports Ukraine Warplane Was Shot Down By A Russian Fighter Jet
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Zero Hedge .....
Kiev Reports Ukraine Warplane Was Shot Down By A Russian Fighter Jet
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/17/2014 07:47 -0400
- Germany
- Reuters
- Ukraine
While most news coming out of Ukraine regarding the ongoing civil war are
merely propaganda designed to make Russia look bad, and hence irrelevant
(and vice versa from Russia of course - the only news that matters re:
Ukraine is i) what happens with gas deliveries to Europe via Ukraine and
ii) the fate of the South Stream pipeline; the rest is mostly noise), it ... more »
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 1 day ago
*Schools Dispense With History in Favor of Political Correctness*
Former Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin once said, “Give me four years to teach
the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” Lenin
understood how important education is to a young person’s worldview, and
how intractable ideas can become. Lenin used education to the fullest, as
do his heirs in the West.
The cultural revolution of the 1960s remains very much with us. In the last
50 years it has chipped away at the foundations of our nation, little by
little, relentlessly, with an agenda of fundamentally c... more »
They're Really Not Very Smart
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 1 day ago

After several rebukes from the Supreme Court, the Harperites are feeling
mean. Earlier this week, Conservative MP Larry Miller complained that the
"courts are making laws." Andrew Coyne writes:
People who supposedly stand for limited government get surprisingly antsy,
once in office, about having their own discretion circumscribed. That they
profess to do so in the name of Parliament only compounds the incoherence.
Who do they think passed the Charter?
And, of course, as always for the... more »
7 Tips for a Summer Trip The Kids Will Always Remember
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 1 day ago

It's summer and with the warmer weather, surely the kids will want to get
outdoors and play, right? Wrong. Left to their own devices, kids these days
will waste away and entire summer playing on a mobile device or watching
endless episodes on Netflix.
I don't know about you, but when I think back on my summers growing up,
they're full of adventure and family time. Don't get me wrong, these aren't
necessarily all happy memories (though most are), but they are definitely
memorable and contributed to who I am today.
RVing is one of the best ways to get kids to unplug, because, let's f... more »
20 Facts You’re Not Being Told About Israel and Gaza on TV
Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago

The Pontiac Tribune
1) 4 Palestinian boys playing soccer on a beach were killed yesterday when
an Israeli airstrike suddenly took their lives. Dozens of international
journalists were stationed at the Al-Deira Hotel as they watched in horror while
Israeli airstrikes fired upon the Palestinian civilians for a second time,
chasing the children across the beach as they screamed for someone to help.
Since July 7th the death toll in Gaza has swelled to well over 200
Palestinians. A whopping 80% of the victims have been confirmed as civilians,
including several dozen Palestinian child... more »
Charter Cap in Massachusetts Will Not Be Lifted
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 1 day ago
It is gratifying to know that the legislature of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, where public schools were born, took a significant step this
week to support Horace Mann's notion of quality public schools for all
children. As Mann said some 160 years ago, "agitate, agitate, agitate, but
always for a good cause."
The good cause that MA citizens agitated for most recently was to keep the
charter school cap in place so that citizens might study the effects of a
two-tiered separate and unequal system of schooling in Massachusetts that
has resulted from the birth and expansion of co... more »
Iraq Updates ( July 17 , 2014 ) -- State of play in Sectarian War , Political Front , Kurdistan ......
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Anti War.....
Offensive Fails, Iraqi Military Retreats From ISIS-Held TikritWeeks of
Fighting Ends With Military Defeat
by Jason Ditz, July 16, 2014
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Nearly three solid weeks of reports of Iraq’s Army either defeating the
rebels to reclaim Tikrit or being on the cusp of defeating the rebels and
regaining control over Tikrit, the military has withdrawn outright, leaving
the city in ISIS hands.
Tikrit is one of several “contested” cities in the area due north of
Baghdad, but after weeks of fighting there was a remarkable sense of calm
today, as daily sorties from... more »
Are you Listening, Rex Tillerson? - Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Barbara Ann Levy at WPB/NYC and Anything Else; A Curated Green Rights Collection - 1 day ago
Haughty Obama Hits Russia With More Sanctions
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 1 day ago

Late Wednesday the pathetic Obama administration fired yet another salvo at
the Russian bear showing that they are as determined as ever to provoke a
new cold war or maybe even a hot one with a nuclear armed power. Despite
warnings from American business groups such as the US Chamber of Commerce
and National Association of Manufacturers that the months running
dick-measuring contest between El Presidente and Russian leader Vladimir
Putin would be harmful to American business the sanctions were leveled
anyway. It is obvious that Obama has a huge inferiority complex and his
thin-ski... more »
Guest Post: Kerry Emanuel Clarifies a Recent Quote in the NYT
noreply@blogger.com (Roger Pielke, Jr.) at Roger Pielke Jr.'s Blog - 1 day ago
The comment below is by Kerry Emanuel, at MIT, who is clarifying a recent
quote of his in the *New York Times*.
I would like first to thank Roger for allowing me to post this response to the
article about John Christy by Michael Wines in Tuesday's New York Times.
Although I was quoted accurately, the context in which the quotation was
phrased distorted its intended meaning.
Several weeks ago, I had several phone conversations with Mr. Wines about
the work of John Christy. In those conversations, I emphasized the value of
skepticism in science and also said that I agreed with some e... more »
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a2JtNQublQ
F-15E takes first flight with new radar system
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: F-15E Strike Eagle]The first 389th Fighter Squadron F-15E Strike
Eagle received a Radar Modernization Program upgrade here in June.
The inaugural flight with the new radar system was flown by Capt. Matthew
Riley, 389th Fighter Squadron pilot, and Maj. Jacob Lindaman, 389th FS
weapon systems officer.
"The new radar system does everything faster, is extremely precise and
requires less maintenance," Riley said. "It can designate air-to-air and
air-to-ground simultaneously, allowing us to track enemy aircraft and
identify ground targets at the same time."
Read more
Russia Deliveres Last Batch of Mi-171E Helicopters to China
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: Mi-171 Hip]The Russian Helicopters holding delivered the last batch
of Mi-171E transport helicopters built at the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant to
Chinese company Poly Technologies, a company spokesperson stated Tuesday.
It's the last batch under a contract for 48 helicopters signed in 2012 by
the Chinese company and Russia's arms exporter Rosoboronexport. In total,
with additional contracts, 52 helicopters were delivered, the statement
Mi-171E helicopters are successfully operated in China, in particular in
regions with challenging terrain and severe climate conditions. Hel... more »
Donbas terrorists now have Strela-10 AA missile complex
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: 9K35 Strela 10 SA-13 Gopher Self-Propelled Air Defense System]Donbas
terrorists are now armed with self-propelled Strela-10 AA missile complex,
NDSC spokesman Andry Lysenko said, LigaBiznesInform reports July 16.
“This weapon could have been made available to the terrorists only by the
Russian army,” he stressed.
Meanwhile, the terrorists continue to seize buildings in Donas cities and
place AA missiles and artillery in schools and residential houses.
Read more
Royal Air Force Upgrades Tornado in Shadow of F-35
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: Tornado F3]The British Royal Air Force plans to finish
technological upgrades of as many as 59 Tornado aircraft by 2016 as part of
a modernization plan to keep the plane relevant as the F-35 and Typhoon
come on line, officials said at the Farnborough International Airshow.
The upgrades included outfitting the planes with precision weapons,
improved information exchange and secure communication technology, said
Dave Waddington, Tornado Force Commander, RAF.
Although at least eight upgraded Tornado aircraft have recently served in
Afghanistan, the RAF plans to fully phase out ... more »
MBDA’S Brimstone missile demonstrates its maritime capability
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
MBDA has successfully demonstrated its Dual Mode BRIMSTONE missile against
fast moving and manoeuvring Fast Inshore Attack Craft even in a cluttered
environment with multiple neutral vessels in very close proximity.
Conducted in March and April 2014 at the QinetiQ managed Aberporth range in
west Wales, UK, an RAF Tornado GR4 aircraft fired two Dual Mode BRIMSTONE
missiles (one telemetry and one operational), each fitted with MBDA’s
latest Anti-FIAC software upgrades, at remotely controlled, 40ft ASV C13
Fast Inshore Attack Craft targets powered by twin 350hp engines.
The telemetry ... more »
Norway, Australia collaboration could reduce Joint Strike Missile costs
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: Joint Strike Missile]A potential collaboration between Australia
and Norway could reduce the costs of integrating Kongsberg Gruppen's Joint
Strike Missile into Lockheed Martin's new F-35 fighter jet, the Norwegian
Air Force said on Wednesday.
"Australia has signalled interest in a collaborative effort on the
integration portion (of the missile's development)," Lieutenant Colonel
Sigurd Fongen told reporters at the Farnborough Airshow.
"That would potentially save money, however that remains to be seen. We
have to keep the discussions going with the Australians," he said.
Re... more »
Retirement date for HMS Illustrious
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: HMS Illustrious]The Royal Navy's helicopter carrier HMS Illustrious
is to be retired next month after 32 years of service.
The Portsmouth-based warship is to be replaced by HMS Ocean, which has just
received a £65 million refit.
A decommissioning ceremony will be held later in the year and Illustrious's
final return to base could be as early as next Tuesday.
Read more
Canada to supply decommissioned fighter aircraft to Ukraine
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: CF-18 Hornet]The Ukrainian combat aviation received reinforcements
from Canada. The Canadian government proposes to deliver nearly 20 combat
aircraft CF-18A to the Ukrainian military.
The information appeared on social networks. Russian English-language
television channel Russia Today reported the same.
These 20 aircraft can be delivered to the Ukrainian side for free, as they
had been written off from service at the Air Forces of Canada in connection
with the purchase of new aircraft. In addition, Canada offers to send a
dozen experts to Ukraine to train Ukrainian pilots a... more »
Raytheon to provide torpedo integration on Alenia Aermacchi aircraft for Turkish Navy
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: ATR72-600TMUA]Raytheon Company will serve as weapons integrator for
Italian aircraft manufacturer Alenia Aermacchi, providing 31 months of
engineering services support for integration of MK 54 and MK 46 torpedoes
onto the Alenia Aermacchi ATR-72-600ASW maritime patrol aircraft.
Raytheon received a $5.7 million contract to support Alenia Aermacchi's
test, integration and qualification for the external carriage and tactical
employment of the lightweight torpedoes.
Alenia Aermacchi is the prime contractor on the Meltem III contract under
which it is obligated to provide ATR-7... more »
Navy Selects Ships for Out-Year Retirements
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: USS Ponce]In addition to the 14 ships identified for
decommissioning or removed from active service in fiscal 2015, the Navy has
selected 17 the ships to be removed from service from 2016 through 2019.
In the “Report to Congress on the Annual Long-Range Plan for Construction
for Naval Vessels for FY2015,” prepared and submitted to Congress by the
deputy chief of naval operations for integration of capabilities and
resources, the Navy lists 11 Los Angeles-class attack submarines (SSNs),
one Ticonderoga-class cruiser (CG), two Powhatan-class fleet ocean tugs
(T-ATFs), two Safe... more »
Navy launches second review of HMCS Whitehorse events
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: HMCS Whitehorse]A navy ship ordered home over allegations of
misconduct has prompted a second review – this one focused specifically on
HMCS Whitehorse’s crew and senior officers.
The review will look at everything from the actions of the senior leaders
on board to the overall situation on the vessel, and comes just days after
Whitehorse returned to Canada.
In a rare move, the head of the Royal Canadian Navy ordered the ship to
return home after crew were involved in three separate incidents of
misconduct in San Diego, Calif. HMCS Whitehorse, a maritime coastal defence
vess... more »
Russia Set to Reopen Soviet-Era Spy Post in Cuba
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
Russia has quietly reached a provisional agreement with Cuba on reopening a
big Soviet-era base on the Caribbean island from which it spied on the
U.S., a Russian security source said Wednesday.
The proposed move comes as U.S.-Russian relations have reached a post-Cold
War low in a dispute over policy towards Ukraine.
Confirming a report in the daily Kommersant newspaper which said the deal
was agreed in principle during a visit to Cuba last week by President
Vladimir Putin, the source said: "A framework agreement has been agreed."
Read more
Truong Sa submarine to undergo tests in Rammasun typhoon
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: Truong Sa submarine]In May, Hoa said the submarine was ready for a
test. The Rammasun typhoon is expected to hit northern provinces of Quang
Ninh and Hai Phong on July 19.
“I will go the sea to test the sub when the hurricane rushes in,” Hoa said.
Explaining his decision, Hoa said one of his purposes in designing the sub
was to make it capable of joining rescue activities under extreme weather
Read more
Christy in NYT, little girl, and school bus
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 1 day ago
The New York Times have published a relatively friendly story by Michael
Wines about John Christy, a well-known climate skeptic:
Though Scorned by Colleagues, a Climate-Change Skeptic Is Unbowed
I say that the article is "relatively friendly" because it pictures Christy
as a decent human being and an achieved enough expert while his opponents,
the climate alarmists who have contaminated the community of atmospheric
scientists, were shown as what they are, a cruel, fanatical, inhumane,
Gestapo-like sect that won't even shake Christy's hand.
From an emotional viewpoint, they treat Chr... more »
Jack A. Smith : Israel bombs Gaza civilians. Again.
Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
In 2008-2009, Israel virtually crushed the tiny territory and its 1.7
million inhabitants, killing 1,400 Palestinians, while losing only 10
Israeli soldiers. By Jack A. Smith | The Rag Blog | July 16, 2014 Once
again, Israel has found a … finish reading Jack A. Smith :
Israel bombs Gaza civilians. Again.
The People of Iraq Are Stuck Between Jihadist Madmen And Shia Maniacs
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
* Iraq, who do you want to be ruled by? The madmen on the left or the
maniacs on the right?*
"That is when you start looking to the core of what the Prophet Mohammad
reveals in these revelations, especially during that initial decade in
Mecca. *And the core of that message is as clear as it gets: it is a
message of social justice for the weak, for the poor, for the dispossessed,
the orphans, the widows, and those without protection.* It is a message of
condemnation and judgement for those who accumulated power and wealth." -
Reza Aslan, from, *"The Sociology of Islam"* interview... more »
Tristan and Isolde: Coitus Interruptus
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
*Wagner’s thrilling *Tristan and Isolde* is **being performed in Auckland
on Saturday**, the first time ever in New Zealand! This is the third post
getting ready for the great event! (Part One; Part Two.)*
What happens on stage in opera is mostly not as important as what happens
in the music. The music is telling you the real story.
On stage, characters might only be having a bit of a cuddle, but the music
reveals much more is going on under the covers.
The music of Act II is the emotional core of Tristan and Isolde. It grows
organically from the Tristan chord right at the very st... more »
Thursday, July 16: Another busy day for President "Ribbon Cutter" raising money and talking jive...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*never mind the border, Benghazi, an out of control IRS, and Fast and
Furious - to name a few.*
He's really going to ready for that long vacation in Martha's Vineyard in
that big ol' house with 8 bedrooms and a gazillion bathrooms.
He has to fly to Delaware to deliver remarks on infrastructure?? What the
hell would he know about infrastructure?
*11:20 am ||* Departs White House
*12:15 pm ||* Arrives Delaware
*2:10 pm ||* Delivers remarks on Infrastructure; Port of Wilmington,
Wilmington, Delaware
*3:15 pm ||* Departs Delaware
*4:00 pm ||* Arrives New York City
*5:45 pm ||* At... more »
Hawaii-- A Simple 6-Minute Video Shows The Difference Between Progressives And New Dems On Social Security And Other Issues
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
There may not be a more important Democratic primary this summer than the
August 9th election in Hawaii as incumbent progressive Senator Brian Schatz
faces a challenge from Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, a leader of the Wall
Street-owned New Democrat Coalition, the predominant component of the
Beltway's Republican wing of the Democratic Party.
They differ on a range of important issues, including the environment, war
and peace and LGBT equality.
But it’s on Social Security where their differences-- and the differences
between progressives and New Dems generally-- are perhaps most stark, ... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 1 day ago
Australia has just abolished its carbon tax. It has now passed both houses
and awaits only the formality of Royal Assent
*Australia's conservative Prime Minister, Tony Abbott today*
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"A gorgeous spiral galaxy some 100 million light-years distant, NGC 1309
lies on the banks of the constellation of the River (Eridanus). NGC 1309
spans about 30,000 light-years, making it about one third the size of our
larger Milky Way galaxy. Bluish clusters of young stars and dust lanes are
seen to trace out NGC 1309's spiral arms as they wind around an older
yellowish star population at its core.
*Click image for larger size.*
Not just another pretty face-on spiral galaxy, observations of NGC 1309's
recent supernova and Cepheid variable stars contribute to the calibration
of the... more »
The Poet: Walt Whitman, “Song of the Open Road”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Song of the Open Road” *
by Walt Whitman, “Leaves of Grass”“Afoot and light-hearted, I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me, leading wherever I choose.
Henceforth I ask not good fortune- I myself am good fortune;
Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,
Strong and content, I travel the open road.
The earth- that is sufficient;
I do not want the constellations any nearer;
I know they are very well where they are;
I know they suffice for those who belong to them.
(Still here I carry m... more »
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