8:10am MST
Hegemonic Warfare Watch: China's ADIZ roundup
*Took the Motao out to Shihlin Night Market the other day.*
So much commentary -- apparently China's new ADIZ woke the world up. We've
arrived at one of those historical moments when even the densest
dunderheads can see, a *Panay *moment, or a remilitarization of the
Rhineland moment, when onlookers are beginning to realize the coming course
of events....
Lots of good stuff out there. Corey Wallace over at China Policy Institute
The Chinese government is increasingly perceived in Japan to be
implementing a calculated and “staged” approach to undermining Japan’s
claims ... more »
*Saints still wary of reworked Seattle secondary ~Ramon Antonio Vargas, New
Orleans Advocate*
*Northeast relying less on Gulf natural gas supply ~WDSU*
*Holiday tradition opens season at Fairgrounds Racetrack ~Travis M. Andrews*
War Watch November 29 , 2013 - Afghanistan President Karzai threatens not to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement with the US after the latest Drone strike kills two women and a toddler - just gave Karzai ammo to not sign the BSA after that screw up ..... Syria war watch - Syria Rebels ( FSA ) claim to have killed 250 Hezbollah fighters north of Damascus , however the Syria Army continue to retake key towns from the Rebels .... Iran nuclear talks - Iran continues to show good faith in the implementation of the Interim deal with P 5 + 1 , Does the IAEA have the manpower to fulfill the Interim deal let alone any final Deal ....
Karzai condemns US strike that killed toddler, threatens not to sign
security deal
Published time: November 29, 2013 00:21
Edited time: November 29, 2013 12:02
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[image: Afghan President Hamid Karzai (Reuters / Omar Sobhani)]
Afghan President Hamid Karzai (Reuters / Omar Sobhani)
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Afghanistan, Air Force, Crime, Drones,Military, USA
President Hamid Karzai has blamed the US for a drone strike on a home in
southern Afghanistan that killed a 2-year-old child and wounded two women,
vowing that he wil... more »
Affordable Metal Roofing

I follow home construction trends and innovations. Two staples of home
construction IMHO should be banned, asphalt shingles and vinyl siding.
Affordable replacements now exist. Metal roofs are warranted 55 years and
should last indefinitely. The cost of a 50 year fiberglass backed shingle
may still be lower but I expect in a hundred years three actual
Fiberglass faux stone on the other hand would be my choice of siding.
Saudi Arabia wants to buy $20 billion worth of war ships from the US and
Bath Iron Works in Maine is at the top of the list to build some or all of
Are we getting so desperate in the US that we now build ships for
totalitarian monarchies whose idea of justice is to chop off heads and
hands of the accused? Can you see the firestorm of protest and controversy
that will ensue if this deal goes through?
Right Wing Automaton Mike Huckabee And Benghazi!
When I was growing up, I looked forward to watching *60 Minutes* every
Sunday. Not so much after I grew up. For me it had lost its relevance some
time in the 1980s. I haven't watched it since. So when the whole Lara Logan
kerfuffle exploded, we didn't cover it here at *DWT* and I only followed it
second and third-hand in news reports about how CBS-TV had allowed one of
their reporters to twist a Benghazi story into deceitful right-wing
propaganda that fit her own political agenda and then gave her a paid
vacation to shut the critics up. Unpleasant but not something that
surprised... more »
French Scientist Seralini Refuses to Retract GM Maize Tumor Study

Seralini Refuses to Retract GM Maize Tumor Study
Sustainable Pulse, 28 November 2013
The journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) wants to withdraw the
article by Professor Seralini on rats fed GM maize NK603, which was
published in September 2012. The researcher counters: why not retract the
article by Monsanto in 2004 on the same subject?
The Associate Editor of the FCT is now Richard E. Goodman, a former
Monsanto scientist and an affiliate of the GMO industry-funded group, the
International Life Sciences Institute.
ARM WRESTLING. He has mustered his scientific and p... more »
Bruce Lee 75th Anniversary Action Figure

Wow, quite a change from my old GI Joes. More plastic at Art Asylum
A Matter Of Self Respect

The Senate scandal has shredded Stephen Harper's credibility. You would
think that would cause a caucus revolt. But, Michael Den Tandt writes, it
isn't happening:
I caught nary a whisper of this turning into open revolt or even a
long-term subterranean assault along the lines of former prime minister
Paul Martin’s multi-year campaign to supplant Jean Chretien in the late
1990s. The reason is simply that Harper’s hold on his party is too
powerful. For many Conservative MPs, he is the only leader they’ve known.
“There’s no talk of leadership revolt,” said one. “People are nervous a... more »

To the left, we see a trail of red blood or red paint.
To the right we see a trail of black oil.
This photo was taken some time after the alleged murder of soldier Lee
Rigby, in Woolwich in London.
In the above photo, there is strange absence of blood on the ground.
And the traffic sign appears to be undamaged.
*The trial has begun of Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, the two
men accused of killing soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich in London. *
Two men allegedly knocking Lee Rigby down with their car.
They then allegedly dragged Lee Rigby out of the car and then mutilatin... more »
Some Health Benefits Of Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom Salt Baths Improve Health by KristinFood Renegade, 21 January 2013
How do Epsom salt baths improve health?
*According to the Epsom Salt Industry Council, correcting magnesium
deficiency leads to:*
- Improved heart and circulatory health, reducing irregular heartbeats,
preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing blood clots and lowering
blood pressure.
- Improved ability for the body to use insulin, reducing the incidence
or severity of diabetes.
- Flushed toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and
helping the body to eliminate ... more »
Tjeerd Andringa on Geopolitics and Cognition
Tjeerd Andringa- What can I say? I find the information presented so dam
*So, here he is yet again.* *( I will relink the previous interview from
Red Ice Radio at the bottom)*
This time being interviewed by James Corbett
"Today on The Corbett Report we are joined by Tjeerd Andringa, Associate
Professor in Auditory Cognition at the University of Groningen. Today we
discuss his work at GeopoliticsAndCognition.com where he discusses the
intersection of geopolitics and cognitive science. Join us for this
in-depth conversation on perception, cognition, politics, authoritari... more »
Social Critique after Austerity
Interesting workshop coming up at Keele Uni. I'll be putting something in.
Social and Political Critique in the Age of Austerity
A one day workshop at Keele University
10.30am-6pm, Wednesday 12th February, 2014
This one day workshop is devoted to the discussion of critical politics in
the contemporary age of austerity. Following the 2007 global economic
crash, which led to a raft of government bank bail outs and
nationalisations across America and Europe, a cunning ideological reversal
took place – the crash was no longer the result of the hubris of the
neoliberal financial sector, ... more »
Finance Capital vs. Public Banking - An Ellen Brown Interview With James Corbett

*1 October 2011*
SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST: http://ur1.ca/50ptm
This week GRTV talks to Ellen Brown, an attorney, author, and president of
the Public Banking Institute. We begin our discussion with an examination
of Brown's recent article on naked shorting and the supppression of the
gold price, and we turn our attention to solutions that the people can use
to take back power from the finance capitalists. We finish on a discussion
of the state banking solution proposed by the Public Banking Institute.
Longest Walk 4 walking from Yomba Shoshone land to Paiute land
Friday dawn, Nov. 29, 2013
Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz walking from Yomba Shoshone, Western
Shoshone, land toward Paiute land in Nevada on Thursday, Nov. 29, 2013.
The walkers were camped out on Thursday night. Thanks to Western
Shoshone long walker Carl 'Bad Bear' Sampson for the photos from his
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Rampant Islamophobia?
The real threat to good community relations in the West is Islamophobia, or
so we keep being told. The trouble is that the facts are at variance to the
claims. The FBI's 2012 Hate Crime Statistics show
By bias
An analysis of data for victims of single-bias hate crime incidents showed
- 48.5 percent of the victims were targeted because of the offender’s
bias against a race.
- 19.2 percent were targeted because of a bias against a particular
sexual orientation.
- 18.7 percent were victimiz... more »
Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor: The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
A BBC special film revolving around the Fifth Doctor/Peter Davison, the
Sixth Doctor/Colin Baker, the Seventh Doctor/Sylvester McCoy (Who's also in
The Hobbit) and the Eighth Doctor/Paul McGann and their alleged attempts to
be in the 50th anniversary special.
It's quite amusing but no more than that, although the Peter Jackson and
Ian McKellen scene is nicely done, incidentally does anyone see the point
of adding Radagast the Brown to the original story and John Barrowman's
secret family is a nice touch but not as realistic as his obsessive
self-promotion and incessant singing. F... more »
Steve - the Accountability Firewall Guy
*2006 Conservative Party Campaign Ad on Accountability*
*Interviewer *: How is it that hundreds of millions of dollars go missing
and no one's in jail?
*Harper *: Well,* look who's in charge*. I mean these *guys can't even tell
the difference between Wright and wrong. *
*Interviewer* : Ok, we've got a question ... "It's like you get to Ottawa
and no one can touch you. How will you change that?"
*Harper* : You change the people in charge but you also have to change the
system. The first thing I'll do is pass the Federal Accountability Act.
It's a real plan to clean up government.
*N... more »
4 Quick Hypotheses on Why China Suddenly Declared this New Air Defense Zone
If you haven’t yet seen the zone’s geography, here it is to the left,
complete with its overlap with the Korean and Japanese zones. The most
important conflict of course is over Senkaku, but Korea watchers will also
note that the Ieodo submerged reef, which Korea claims, is also in the
zone. Gotta wonder what
Continue reading

Britain is becoming more feudal as the elite grab more of the wealth.
VIDEO: Supporters of President Assad in Aleppo in Syria. (via brian)
Comet ISON destroyed by global warming
*Nashville, Tennessee* (Ceuters) – It was supposed to be the "Comet of the
Century". Instead, it became yet another victim of the global warming.
On Thursday, Comet ISON was approaching the perihelion, the closest point
to the Sun on its trajectory. Centuries ago, before the climate began to
change, such a moment in the life of a comet would be an important event
for the religious societies (for example, Virgin Mary gave a birth when she
saw the Comet of Bethlehem – and virgins rarely give a birth while looking
at the sky) but it would be an unremarkable event from the comet's
viewp... more »
Belated Thanksgiving Linkage – Iran Nuclear Deal Edition
This was a momentous week with the announcement of an interim deal on
Iran’s nuclear program. There were some critics to be sure of this effort,
but I for one am hopeful that the six month effort to halt or at least
pause some aspects of Iran’s nuclear program will eventually lead to a
Continue reading
Austerity Agenda In Latvia Leads To A Tragic Supermarket Collapse, Followed By The Collapse Of The Right-Wing Government Of Krugman Nemesis Valdis Dombrovskis

I doubt most Americans could locate Latvia on a map, even if someone told
them it is in Europe. And even the most geographically-astute Americans
would have a one-in-three shot of pointing out *which* Baltic country was
Latvia, which was Lithuania and which was Estonia. As for the country's
longest serving Prime Minister, Valdis Dombrovskis, the only people who
ever heard of him outside of the State Department only heard of him because
of his big public spat with Paul Krugman-- until yesterday. Yesterday
Dombrovskis resigned and his right-wing government collapsed. That happened
... more »
Left and Right can make common cause
By Ralph Nader
Common Dreams
One of the most profitable corporations in America is having a holiday food
drive. Sounds good - it's the least Corporate America can do for those
struggling to make ends meet while big companies rake in record profits and
give so little back. But wait… there's a catch. The food drive is for the
company's own underpaid, poverty-stricken workers. You really can't make
this stuff up.
Earlier this week, it was reported that a Walmart store in Canton, Ohio is
asking for food donations for its own employees. Photos of the food
donation bins circulat... more »
Navajo Chapters oppose liabilities waiver for BHP dirty coal
BHP ash ponds
“Navajo Nation waiving all BHP Billiton’s liabilities and its
associated costs NOT endorsed by the Navajo shareholders”
By Dine' CARE
Censored News
Farmington – On November 24, 2013, the Shiprock Chapter passed a
resolution to oppose the waiver of BHP Billiton’s liabilities with a
vote of 57-0.
On this same day, a Farmington Daily Times article stated, “

Image courtsey of Amber @BGfan4life
Leonard Peltier 'Day of Mourning Statement'
of Mourning Statement from Leonard Peltier
November 2013
Censored NewsGreetings my relatives friends and supporters,
It is yet another year. It seems like a thousand years ago but only a
year in time in reality from the last time I dictated one of these
statement for the day of mourning so, again, I want to say as last time,
that I am honored that you would want to hear my words.Sometimes
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em?
is it when drugs are involved, people suddenly get stupid?
"A veteran RCMP officer was stripped of his uniform and chastised by the
federal justice minister Thursday after he was filmed smoking medical
marijuana in what he said was a bid to to raise awareness about Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the RCMP."
And doubling down we have Justice Minister Peter MacKay:
An RCMP officer
TV Watch (among other things): It's been a quiet Thanksgiving Day here in the Big Apple

*With all three DVD players loaded for action, one of today's TV Watch
objects was Michael Palin's most recent travel series, New Europe, his look
at the eastern part of the continent, previously so little known to him,
and the location of the largest amount of change on the continent in recent
*by Ken*
It's been a quiet week in Lake Wobegon . . . no, wait, that's that other
guy's franchise. What I meant to say was, it's been a quiet Thanksgiving
Day here in the Big Apple, or anyways in my little corner of it. I haven't
been out of my apartment, and haven't even done the... more »
British Columbia`s Private Liquor Store Owners, Welcome To The Club(An LNG Story)
*Written by Grant G *
What a bunch of white noise, John Yap, our minister of booze and previous
participant in the ethnicgate scandal has a blog,...and on his blog he
asked for feedback on a proposal to allow beer and wine to be sold at
grocery stores, and those who responded(800 respondents) voted 75% in
favour of booze at grocery stores..
I also heard John Yap on radio saying...*75% of British Columbia want to be
able to purchase liquor at grocery stores, it is top of mind for British
First things first, ...The Christy Clark BC Liberal jobs plan is an utter
fa... more »
Friday Morning Ramble: Thanksgiving Edition
No, New Zealand hasn’t succumbed to yet another American holiday. But the
real story of Thanksgiving is such a fantastic story, even the pope
couldn’t help but learn something from it.
*How Private Property Saved the Pilgrims* – Tom Bethell, HOOVER DIGEST
*Some thoughts on Thanksgiving, from Ayn Rand* – Tom Bowden, VOICES FOR
*Pope Francis shouldn't bite the hand that feeds the Catholic Church* –
“It happens every Thanksgiving: leftists crawl out from under their rocks
and tell us that the holiday is a shameful celebration of ‘genocide.’... more »
Metformin's unusual mechanisms - Lower Carb and Pro-Prebiotic
Metformin is generally considered to be a drug with few vices, so I was
intrigued to read some tweets a while back that mentioned GI upsets in
patients. Wikipedia lists these:
"The most common adverse effect of metformin is gastrointestinal
irritation, including diarrhea, cramps, nausea, vomiting and increased
flatulence; metformin is more commonly associated with gastrointestinal
side effects than most other antidiabetic drugs. Gastrointestinal upset is
most common when metformin is first administered, or when the dose is
increased. The discomfort can often be avoided by beginni... more »
Welfarism 27: On Support for Single Mothers and HIV Patients

Two stories here illustrates why state welfarism causes adverse selection
problems. This problem shows when the things that are supposed to be
avoided come out as a result of the government intervention.
Case one is giving long term child and family support for single mothers,
USA. So more young women turn up getting pregnant with no husbands. Case
two is giving monetary support plus other healthcare benefits for HIV
patients, so some people injected HIV virus in their body to be entitled to
these benefits.
(1) From Capitalism facebook page:
An emergency room physicia... more »
That man
fate is being written these days. Creekside records as does this blog,
and others. It's a bit strange looking across the Atlantic at events in
Canada and the crude, juvenile nature of our politicians. Granted, all
politicians are crude and juvenile, it's just that to me ours seem to be
so...colonial. There's a naivety to their skulduggery that is missing
in the more sophisticated crimes
Unlike An Israel-Sensitive Congress, Normal Americans Overwhelming Favor A Negotiated Peace With Iran

Polling shows that most Americans are backing Obama's deal with Iran-- and
by a wide margin.
Americans back a newly brokered nuclear deal with Iran by a 2-to-1 margin
and are very wary of the United States resorting to military action against
Tehran even if the historic diplomatic effort falls through, a
Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Tuesday.
…According to the Reuters/Ipsos survey, 44 percent of Americans support the
interim deal reached between Iran and six world powers in Geneva last
weekend, and 22 percent oppose it.
While indicating little trust among Americans toward Irania... more »
Boris Dissected
If only. Last night de Pfeffel Johnson delivered the annual Margaret
Thatcher lecture in defence of inequality. Funny how you always get people
who benefit from this state of affairs singing its praises. But anyway,
there's was a five minute brouhaha that will last until another leading
Tory says something outrageous in a day or two. Perched as I am in front of
the computer 24 hours after, chances are I might have the last word. So
here goes.
1. de Pfeffel Johnson isn't like other politicians. He doesn't hide behind
spin. He tells it as he sees it. It doesn't matter if his praise f... more »
Updates On Syria [11.28]: Obama Admin Proposes To Dispose Syria's CW At Sea, Al-Qaeda Executes Western-Backed Fighters, Turkey Is Still Using Ambulances To Deliver Weapons To Al-Qaeda In Syria
"Turkish ambulances are being used for the purposes of transporting weapons
to terrorist groups in Syria, according to Russian news reports." -
Examiner.com, *"Turkey violating Geneva Conventions using ambulances for
weapons transport"* August 15, 2012.
*1. An excerpt from, "US offering to destroy Syrian chemicals at sea" by
Lolita C. Baldor and Pauline Jelinek, AP, November 27:*
The Obama administration is offering to destroy some of Syria’s deadliest
chemical weapons in international waters aboard a nearly 700-foot
(213-meter), U.S. government-owned ship, U.S. officials told The... more »
(Not In Your Lifetime) Anthony Summers Has Revised His JFK Findings Based On Newly Released Govt Documents (No House Is Safe) Especially Wal-Mart!
"Not in your lifetime" was what Earl Warren, Chairman of the Warren
Commission, responded with when asked when would all the details of JFK's
assassination be made known. "I only kill professionals." No house is safe.
Terrible bad reviews/reviewers. Will be so pleased when they start
employing knowledgeable adults again. Pretty good "black-listed" script by
a relative unknown.
What the heck is Boris Johnson about?
Boris Johnson has made a speech extolling greed and personal accumulation
“as a motivator for economic progress”, but also suggesting that aiming for
equality is a futile aim because 16% of the population has an IQ of less
than 85. Boris Johnson is a successful man, successful enough it seems to
describe £250k for a weekly column as chicken feed. He should be
intelligent enough to notice the contradiction between these two
statements. Then again, perhaps he meant them as a dialectical proposition
(he read the Classics at Oxford University after all).
We can unpick these assertions e... more »
@slekar dabbles in #commoncore and #edreform memes: Any questions?
Follow Tim Slekar on Twitter: @slekar
My hometown of Pgh puts carpetbaggers and amateurs on notice. Stay away, TFA!
Behold, from the Pittsburgh City Paper. Thirty dirty corps members may not
seem like much, but it’s a toehold, an opening on the beach that will stage
future invasions. It would be just a beginning. Tagged: teach for america,

Above, we see Ian Watkins.
Ian Watkins was raised in a Baptist manse in Wales by Church minister John
Davies and his wife Elaine.
*Ian Watkins, famous singer.*
Ian Watkins reportedly likes sex with very young children.
Peaches Geldof has tweeted the names of the mothers who allowed the*
Lostprophets* singer Ian Watkins to try to abuse their babies
In April 2012, Watkins attempted to rape an 11-month-old baby boy.
The boy's mother pleaded guilty to aiding the attempted attack.
Another mother allowed Watkins to plot the rape of her daughter.
On 26 November 2013, Watkins plead... more »
Happy Thanksgiving From Northerntruthseeker To All Of My American Readers....
Right now, I would like to wish every one of my readers in the United
States a happy and warm Thanksgiving... This is indeed the time to spend
with loved ones and friends....I sincerely hope that with all the serious
crises that I see coming all over the world over the next while, that we
all will all be able to enjoy these important holidays in the future.....
I have been extremely busy the last few days doing some projects and not
having the time to post up much material at this blog.... I have long said
that this blog has become basically a side issue the last while, while I
conc... more »
Pass on the Popcorn

The whole Presidential pardoning of the turkey tradition usually generates
some comical photos. This one feels more cosmic. Reminds me of when they
were calling Obama the Light Giver back in 2008. [White House photo]
[video here]
A Lesson In Caution & Discernment To All Junior High School Students On The Net

Lets see if you find this one.
Be good and listen to your teacher.
Happy Christmas Break.
Black Friday Protests at Walmart: What You Can Do To Help
Are you fed up with the ongoing immoral, unethical behavior from Dick
Cheney's favorite corporation, Walmart?
As one of our favorite progressive sites, ColorOfChange.org, points out:
*"Walmart reported a profit of $15.7 billion last year, yet Walmart workers
must rely on food stamps, Medicaid and other anti-poverty programs to put
food on the table and keep the lights on."*
Do you think this doesn't affect you personally? Think again. As
ColorOfChange.org notes:
*"Taxpayers subsidize this worker exploitation to the tune of
$900,000-$1,750,000 per store, and ther... more »
Thanksgiving Holiday Day 1
(placeholder) In which Southern Man will slowly geocache his way down to
Marshall, TX, to join the clan for Thanksgiving Day afternoon, and then
spend the night in his pre-booked hotel room.
Financial news of note November 28 , 2013 .....Detroit Bankruptcy Decision due December 3 , 2013 - a look at the behind the scenes players in the largest municipal bankruptcy ( so far ) ......... Neverquest - latest threat for online banking customers - seems set to be rolled out at whim..... Crimeware kis on the market - BitCoin , LiteCoin miner module- note the ability to steal BitCoins being peddled .....
November 28 , 2013
Two weeks of testimony in the Detroit bankruptcy case have exposed the
premeditated character of the July 18 decision by Emergency Manager
Orr to initiate the largest municipal bankruptcy proceeding in US
The bankruptcy, which is being backed by the Obama administration, was
necessitated... more »
Morocco Diary Chapter 1: A Rainy Day in Morocco

Bill/AK is chronicling his adventures in Morocco. Here is chapter one- or
some of chapter one if you will..... I think many people will find some of
the information Bill lays out in this chapter very interesting as he
discusses who the "Divines" are, the "old man", and a few other bits and
pieces that we haven't really discussed before on our sites. Enjoy!!
I've posted below the last section of Chapter one, as I think you readers
will find it very interesting! Read the entire article HERE
Morocco Diary Chapter 1: A Rainy Day in Morocco
Morocco Diary Chapter 1By American Kabuki
... more »
Charlatan Steve Perry exposed for the world to see!
Charlatan @drStevePerry exposed for the world to see! http://t.co/iDjFd9GXH8
— Robert D. Skeels (@rdsathene) November 28, 2013
Ebony Murphy-Root's courageous exposure of one of the most pernicious
corporate neoliberal education reformers is a must read: 'Did You Grow Up
Around Black People?' My year working for "America's Most Trusted Educator"
The comments under this reprint of the piece are worth visiting as well: A
powerful and haunting report from a former Capital Prep teacher
China re-escalates as Japan , US , Taiwan and South Korea ignores the initial move by China to require any overflights over territory declared by China as part of its Air Defense Identification Zone .... Re-escalation by China has come by way of China deploying its Aircraft Carrier The Liaoning to the South China Sea.....The Aircraft Carrier , apart from its battle group of two missile destroyers and two missile frigates .... And in case the message that China is not bluffing was missed , note China is now deploying aircraft over the Air Defense Zone ! So , does anyone pull on the Dragon's tail ?
China Declares "Willing To Engage In A Protracted Confrontation" With Japan
As "Prime Target"
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/28/2013 23:01 -0500
- China
- Japan
- Liberal Democratic Party
- Newspaper
Following the to-ing and fro-ing of the last 2 days with US and Japan
"testing" China's new Air Defense Zone (ADIZ), China has not only escalated
(as we noted earlier) but as the day begins in Asia is stepping... more »
Shades of grey

It’s complicated. I find myself using that phrase a lot these days, pretty
much every time a friend from back home asks me my opinion on any of the
big issues at play in Honduras.
Were the elections clean? It’s complicated. Which party would best
serve Honduras? Complicated. Is it true *narco-traficantes*are calling all
the shots? Well, that’s…complicated. Is the country being ruined by drug
trafficking? Sorry, that one’s complicated, too.
You get the picture. I thought I saw the world in shades of grey
already, but it took Honduras to introduce me to just how many shad... more »
Thanksgiving is not complete without kittehs and recipes...

*and a heaping helping of thanks for everything we have.*
Let's start with the recipe, shall we?
*Disclaimer:* I will be making this weird sounding broccoli casserole for
the first time today. A report will follow. My first inclination is to
replace the yogurt with sour cream, but for my first time I will follow the
directions "somewhat" religiously. I plan on cutting back on the pepper
just a wee bit as per many of the commenters. It received a 4 star out of
5 and the people who liked it *really* loved it.
*From Alton Brown:*
(you can see a video of the preparation *HERE *whic... more »
What Will Hurt Democratic Chances More In 2014, A GOP Wave Or Steve Israel's Incompetence?
Yesterday Reid Wilson made the point at the *Washington Post* that there
appears to be a Republican wave building that could increase the GOP
majority in the House and win them control of the Senate. Obama's
popularity is sinking, the Obamacare website is making the entire
healthcare reform agenda look like a mess, and the huge Democratic
advantage in the generic congressional polling numbers of last month have
turned into a bizarre preference for the GOP. I'm more sanguine than Reid
appears to be that most of this is as likely to turn around as it is to
turn into an actual wave ... more »
Lewis Collins R.I.P.
Lewis Collins has died at the age of 67, William Andrew Phillip Bodie is
dead... Another part of my childhood lies in tatters.
I wonder if this might herald a re-run of all 57 episodes.
In the meantime, here's some Bodie moments...
Tavistock, Hillary Clinton & Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)
Download Video as MP4
Surgery and chemotheraphy quicken the cancer deaths, leading to more money
making for the medical mafia ruining the lives of people. The US has turned
Communist and its leaders are communists as Mullins points out!

Before we go any further, this concerns the Telegraph rather than the BBC.
Peter Oborne *hates* the Jewish Lobby. He’s made *programmes* about it, so
convinced is he that it’s evil. I’ve no idea why he has got this unkind
notion into his head, but his obsessional ravings actually sully what’s
left of Daily Telegraph. His latest effort concerns the Historic Deal. At
the time of writing his article has generated 1113 comments, some of which
are truly frightening.
Oborne begins by giving an account of the address William Hague gave - on
his return from Geneva - to the ‘pro-Israel Lobb... more »
Peter MacKay either lied or is too lazy to read his own bill
in his usual "Airshow" bluster told the House of Commons that even if
internet service providers were voluntarily cooperating with law
enforcement by retaining and sharing YOUR personal information that a
warrant would still be required.
Just like Vic Toews before him, it appears MacKay has not read and does
not understand the clear wording of the proposed legislation he tabled.
wmtc movie and series season is open, please post your suggestions here
What with the Red Sox winning the World Series (!!!) and Allan's book being
completed (available for pre-order on Amazon!!!), I forgot to announce the
official opening of Movie Season.
Since changing to streaming-only, and since I'm out one or two nights a
week, we really don't binge on movies anymore - no more three movies a week
for months on end - but we still need a go-to list.
Movies: well-made documentaries, quirky indies, suspenseful noir, crime
thrillers or capers, mind-benders, smart comedies - post them here.
Series: We are psyched for the long-awaited Sherlock S3! We're ... more »
thoughts on "the central park five": new york city, the central park jogger, and me

We've just seen "The Central Park Five," the Ken Burns film about five
young men of colour who were wrongfully arrested, indicted, and convicted
of rape and attempted murder, and who served seven, and in one case,
thirteen years, in prison for a crime they didn't commit.
There was virtually no evidence linking the five teenagers to the crime,
and enormous amounts of evidence showing they could not possibly have
committed it. They were convicted on the strength of illegally obtained,
coerced, false confessions.
In one sense, this story is one of the oldest in the United States. As ... more »
Healthy Ageing 5: RHC Forum on Ageing Market and Geriatric Care

I am half a century old already and will soon become a “dual citizen” in a
few years. That is, a Filipino citizen and senior citizen J. This plus the
politics of government interventionism in the name of “helping” the senior
citizens slowly get my interest on the literature of ageing.
Last October 29, 2013, I attended a forum by the Retirement and Healthcare
Coalition (RHC) on the Ageing Market at Diamond Hotel, Manila.
The speakers and their topics were the following:
“Overview of the Philippine Ageing Market”
Dr. Miguel Ramos, Director, National Center for Geriatric Health (NCGH)... more »
Banks warn Federal Reserve that if the Fed lowers Interest On Excess Reserves , the Banks may have to charge depositors - which sets off a potential nasty chain of events ....
Catharsis Ours - 22 hours ago
Banks Warn Fed They May Have To Start Charging Depositors
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/24/2013 15:24 -0500
- Bitcoin
- Excess Reserves
- Glass Steagall
- Lehman
- Prop Trading
- Shadow Banking
The Fed's Catch 22 just got catchier. While most attention in the recently
released FOMC minutes fell on the return of the taper as a possibility even
as soon as December (making the November payrolls report the most importa... more »
The Pilgrims and Property Rights
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Thanksgiving in the retail Earth
By Capt. Fogg
Stopped for gas yesterday, the kind of magnificent, glorious day that makes
your heart sing and your body forget its age. 74 degrees, with a few
little clouds, the bright sun shining off the newly waxed red convertible,
air as fresh as it is anywhere wafting like the smell of jasmine off the
blue Atlantic.
The advertising sign on the gas pump has a picture of bundled up people on
a toboggan and snow. My neighbors have begun to put up fake icicles, fake
frost, chrome caribou and sleds festooned with lights and other reminders
that Christmas, a month away, is really ... more »
Happy holiday

Thankful for all of you who have stuck with me at this little blog for all
these years. Wishing your day is filled with good food, warm company and
much laughter. [graphic via Danbury News Times]

*Daniel and Frances Keller, in Austin Texas, 1992.*
In 1992, in Austin Texas, *Frances and Daniel Keller* were each sentenced
to 48 years in prison for involvement in child abuse at their Oak Hill
daycare centre for preschool children.
Evidence was produced in court that the Kellers had engaged in satanic
ritual abuse.
*Believing the Children: Fran and Danny Keller*
Around the same time, there were convictions in similar cases in
California, Massachusetts and Florida.
The convictions in many of those cases have since been overturned.
Frances Keller has now been freed, after spen... more »
Person of the year

Thinking Aboot the possibility that Miley Cyrus could be Time Magazines
person of the year. Time magazine and their ilk are like some kind of
phantom appendage that we can feel but no longer have any use. I consider
myself extraordinarily informed, and have not read a hard copy of Time in
ten years and might have looked at it on line once in the past five years,
and that was only related to an entertainment story. But I remember when
Life and Time where the last word on critical thought. Unfortunately for
both companies and society in general critical thought no longer wins most
p... more »
Much To Hide

This morning the CBC reports that, during the G8 and G20 summits three
years ago, the Harper government was a "partner" with the National Security
Agency. Together, they spied on our allies. The American whistle blower
Edward Snowden has released another batch of documents:
The briefing notes, stamped "Top Secret," show the U.S. turned its Ottawa
embassy into a security command post during a six-day spying operation by
the National Security Agency while U.S. President Barack Obama and 25 other
foreign heads of government were on Canadian soil in June of 2010.
The covert U.S. oper... more »
Thanksgiving Misgivings

Unfortunately, Squanto wasn't psychic. If he was, think of all the
misery he could've saved his people.
But he wasn't. The Indians around Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts took
pity on the settlers from the Mayflower and essentially kept them alive.
Over the next four centuries, we repaid them with venereal disease and
small pox, massive land grabs, raids, fascist resident schools and shunting
them to reservations.
Because that's the way of the White Man and his Manifest Destiny.
And we're still seeing the same spirit today in mostly white corporate
executives who have... more »
Kids are preconditioned to draw hand turkeys. Hands down.
I wanted to keep the discussion of Thanksgiving in my classroom to a
minimum. What I did do, unsuccessfully, was lead a discussion, after
reading through a Peanuts Thanksgiving on the iPad, about the many things
they have to be thankful for this holiday. Besides a few initial responses
about food, kids’ responses went to […]
Morocco Diary Chapter 1: A Rainy Day in Morocco

Morocco Diary Chapter 1By American Kabuki
November 28, 2013
Love to all you readers from a very windy and wet Thanksgiving Day in
Morocco at Casa Caleb! Winter seems to have arrived here on the Northern
coast of Morocco in full force We've had some sunny days this week but the
blowing wind has been a pretty constant roar. Winter has arrived and
mediterranean sea is roiling. This part of Morocco (when the sun shines)
is very beautiful. Even in the rain its a beautiful place, but I think D.
say better weather here than I am seeing. Winter will pass soon enough.
I left Califor... more »
What if Thanksgiving Exposes the Government?
[image: Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...]
What if at every Thanksgiving liberty is weakened and the government is
Andrew Napolitano
What if another Thanksgiving Day is upon us and because of the government
we have less to be thankful for than we did at the last one? What if at
every Thanksgiving liberty is weakened and the government is strengthened?
What if Thanksgiving's warm and breezy seduction of gratitude is just the
government's way of inducing us to think we should be grateful for it?
What if we don't owe the government any thanks for anythin... more »
*Ya can’t win, Rock! ~moosedenied*
*Start-up incubator enters competing bid for failed ArtWorks building off
Lee Circle ~Tyler Bridges, The Lens*
*A REGION REDEFINED PART V: The 'sliver by the river' ~Andrew Vanacor, N.O.
*Coming clash of the green armies ~John Maginnis, Greater B.R. Business
*Louisiana's Oil and Gass lawsuits may portend shifting political tide,
~Kevin McGill, Sun Herald*
Read more here:
*New indicators helpful in predicting surge levels ~Amy Wold, Adv... more »
Happy Thanksgiving, America
And you thought all the turkeys were on the table!
One turkey not on the table is James Lankford, a far right extremist
representing a relatively mainstream Oklahoma City. We hope that next year
Tom Guild will defeat his reelection efforts and replace him in Congress.
Tom is eager to join the Congressional Progressive Caucus and his
Thanksgiving message fit in pretty well with theirs, even if it was of a
more personal nature.
As a small child growing up in a 700 square foot rental house in Wichita, I
remember surviving on government commodities. Five of us lived in the
house, u... more »
Brian Dillard Is Asking For Your Help - This Is A David vs. Goliath Story

*I would appreciate any media coverage in regards to my complaint below. If
you know of anyone that can provide media coverage for my issue, please let
me know.* Despite it being the “holidays” or *“holy days”* for some, for
others, it is a time of grief; especially when your home is being
threatened by your bank for *NO LEGITIMATE REASON!* If you reshare, please
ask people to comment on this main post. My head is spinning with all of
the responses.
I am currently having a problem with my bank +Bank of America in regards to
my mortgage. Despite *NEVER missing a payment,* and NEVE... more »
I’m thankful for…
On this Thanksgiving Day, here are a few reasons why I’m thankful for being
a professional educator. I’m truly thankful for… 1. I’m thankful for my
colleagues who show up, everyday, to influence students. My school is
definitely not a “walk in the park,” so I’m grateful for all of my
colleagues who show up, everyday, […]
Bitcoin Black Friday

Mark your calendars -- this holiday season is the first ever Bitcoin Black
Friday, an online shopping and charitable giving extravaganza just for
Bitcoin users. On November 29th, hundreds of merchants selling everything
from airline tickets to unlocked smartphones to coffee to VPNs to underwear
will offer special deals to anyone paying in Bitcoin. Visitors will also
have the opportunity to donate bitcoins to a variety of worthy charities
and nonprofits.
Bitcoin is an amazing new technology, but because it challenges established
industries, it will face serious political ... more »
Canada cooperated with U.S. spying during G8 and G20
The Toronto Star headline does not accurately reflect the content of the
"Canada knew US was spying" just doesn't do it for me. However, the news
contained within is not a surprise! Considering the melding/harmonization
of Canada and the US under numerous despicable ‘trade’ agreements moving
towards the unyielding centralized power structure that will be the essence
of the NAU.
*The federal government let an American spy agency conduct surveillance in
Canada during the G8 and G20 summits in 2010, the CBC reports.*
Citing secret documents released by former intelligence cont... more »
The Jolla - Ex-Nokia employees Smartphone

*A team of ex-Nokia workers has released the first handset running on a new
smart phone stage.* The Jolla phone - marked Yol-la - is powered by
open-source operating system Sailfish, but can run most apps intended for
Google's Android platform. The corporation has paired with a major Finnish
network, and hopes to set up a similar deal with a UK operator.
Industry analysts said Jolla faced a challenge in taking on a marketplace
dominated by Google and Apple. Just 450 Jolla phones will be obtainable at
launch on Wednesday evening, with the majority leaving to customers who
have pre... more »
Happy Thanksgiving 2013

*‘¡Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias!’*
*‘Jour de l’Action de grâce’*
*‘Feliz (dia de) acção de graças’*
*‘Wszystkiego najlepszego z ozkazji Święta Dziękczynienia’*
*‘God Helgdag’*
‘*Fröhliche Danksagung’*
*‘Vrolijke gedenkdagen’*
*‘Glædelig Helligdag’*
感恩節快樂 [感恩节快乐]

Reblogged from: http://goo.gl/oedX7R
The leaked TPP draft, pried loose from the "open and transparent" grip of
the USTR, is generating plenty of commentary all over the web. After
getting a good look inside, it's little wonder the USTR felt more
comfortable trying to push this through under the cover of darkness.
As the criticism of the push for IP maximalism mounts, the treaty's
defenders have leapt into the fray, hoping to assure everyone who wasn't
previously aware of the treaty's contents (which is pretty much everyone)
that there's nothing to see here and please move along.
... more »
Legal aid and admissibility of evidence
R. v. Carrol and Denny, 2013 ONSC 7072 (CanLII),
[29] It is not the role of Legal Aid to determine what evidence
is, or is not admissible, at a criminal trial. Where the Crown seeks the
admission of evidence at trial, it is incumbent on the defence to not only
prepare for the motion, but to prepare for the trial as if that evidence
may be admitted. I cannot countenance refusing to admit relevant evidence
on the basis that Legal Aid has determined it would not be admissible and
therefore would not provide appropriate funding to defend against it.
Bitcoin will probably keep on skyrocketing

*Bitcoins' deflationary problem*
*Disclaimer:* I own no bitcoins while I am writing this blog post.
Bitcoins, a virtual currency, were proposed in late 2008 and started in
early 2009. Those who have been in it for a year or more have seen
remarkable returns – something like 8,000-percent returns in a year. Most
of us have missed this opportunity but it's completely plausible that the
rise will continue. I want to discuss these issues.
The bitcoin is a unit of wealth stored in the solution to a difficult
mathematical problem that needs the brute force of computers to be found.
So ... more »
oDe To My Favorite 'SHILL'

This is a guest post from my absolutely wonderful and lovely friend Ed. I
love you Ed. You totally rock.... as we all do!! The Roles ARE all DONE!
The final performance was a masterpiece, never to be repeated again.
NOW..... time for the after party!!!
Love D
On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 4:09 PM, edspageusa eprospnet <> wrote:
so yes...a voice represents the representative.....in all aspects.....and
of course in word, as well.......
myers snl bit....this w... more »
Climate Science is settled, 98% of climate scientists accept that.
I keep being told that 'Climate Science is settled because 98% of climate
scientists accept that.' this is (I believe) a way of shutting down debate
on man made climate change, the latest attempt being made by
@lynnejones_exMP on Twitter, that's former MP Lynne Jones (whose views on
climate change are as fixed and wrong as they are on Israel and the
genocidal Islamist terrorists that want Israel destroyed and Jews killed)
but I digress.
In January 2012, the American Meteorological Society surveyed its
professional members and found that 52% believe global warming is happening
and ... more »
My Thanksgiving Post
On October 3, 1789, at the urging of both the House and Senate, President
George Washington officially declared Thursday, November 26, 1789, to be “a
day of publick thanksgiving and prayer”: WHEREAS it is the duty of all
nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to
be grateful for His […]
Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics: amazingly different biological sisters

Enrico Fermi died exactly 59 years ago. (Click.)
This greatest Italian physicist after Galileo Galilei was also the ultimate
example of a physicist who was both a great theorist and a great
*Fermi speaking in 1954*
Fermi has done some amazing work on the nuclear bomb, nuclear energy. More
theoretically, he's famous for the first theory of the beta-decay and for
the Fermi-Dirac statistics as well as numerous other things.
His theory of the \(\beta\)-decay from the 1930s is rather simple to
summarize. All the \(\beta\)-decays of the nuclei may ultimately be
descri... more »
No, It's Not Likely Jack Kingston (R-GA) Will Switch Parties

Rep. Kingston (R-GA) is the one on the right
It would be a very alternative universe, indeed, if Georgia Republican
Congressman Jack Kingston were ever looked at as anything other than a
hard-right conservative-- except of course if you compare him to other
Georgia Republicans. I'm not sure how fine-tuned ProgressivePunch is in
measuring how conservative right-wing voting records are but there are the
records of the 14 Georgia Congressmen based on their lifetime votes on
crucial roll calls. It goes from most liberal to most conservative:
*•* John Lewis- 94.92
*•* Hank Johnson- 84.74... more »
Putting the “Public” Back into Public Education
I made my very first video! Yes, it’s catered specifically to New Mexico,
but that’s the fight in which I’m embroiled at this point in time. But I
think that it can be shared with all parents of all states, just to get
people exposed. And, hey–it’s set to “Uprising” by Muse. The best modern
JFK50: 1963
1963 - Final Trailer from Spike EP on Vimeo.
The Party of God

"*We are the sons of the ummah (Muslim community) – the party of God (Hizb
Allah) the vanguard of which was made victorious by God in Iran. There the
vanguard succeeded to lay down the bases of a Muslim state which plays a
central role in the world. *
*We obey the orders of one leader, wise and just, that of our tutor and
faqih (jurist) who fulfills all the necessary conditions: Ruhollah Musawi
Khomeini. …*
*We are an umma linked to the Muslims of the whole world by the solid
doctrinal and religious connection of Islam, whose message God wanted to be
fulfilled by the Seal of the ... more »
Un-Thanksgiving Dinner AIM West San Francisco 2013 Photos
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The Un-Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by AIM West featured speakers, Aztec
dancers, a raffle, and yes even the turkey bird with all the
un-Thanksgiving trimmings. The event was held at the Baha'i Center in
San Francisco on Wed., Nov. 27, 2013, following two days of the AIM West
sixth annual conference.
Wounded Knee De Campo (photo
Americans And Iranians Say No To A Catastrophic War; Israel Is An Obstacle To Regional Peace
*In a historic embrace between America and Iran the power of evil has been
diminished, but do not discount its influence just yet since the vicious
rulers in Israel and Saudi Arabia still loom in the background with the
intention to make war. Source: Patrick Chappatte.*
The American-Iranian peace deal signals the emergence of positive trends in
US-Iranian relations.
This change was initiated by the American and Iranian peoples, at least on
some level. Americans re-elected President Obama partly on the promise that
he would end US wars in the Middle East, and so far he has kept this... more »
This is the kind of place where your *$$$* is going as it is pissed down
the endless war rat hole. This Boeing promo video gives a good idea how
space technology is driving the profit making world of the military
industrial complex.
Can you just begin to comprehend the kind of *$$$* it takes to put this
whole global space warfare system into place?
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