Thursday, June 06, 2013

6 June - Blogs I'm Following

A monkey in a cage in Baturaden, IndonesiaA monkey in a cage in Baturaden, Indonesia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
For lack of clean water, slum inhabitants in J...For lack of clean water, slum inhabitants in Jakarta have to resort to wash themselves using water from canals (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
10:08am MDST


Anon at aangirfan - 55 seconds ago
*Indonesian, Kamidia Radisty* * * One of the countries where you can see the largest number of naked women is Indonesia. *Jakarta.* Around half of the Indonesian population use a river, a canal or the sea as their bathroom. Water supply and sanitation in Indonesia *Indonesians* It is unfortunate that *Miss World "is to axe bikinis for Muslim Indonesia*" Contestants in the September 2013 Miss World contest will not wear bikinis, in a bid to avoid causing offence in Moslem-majority Indonesia. The pageant, to be held in Bali and Bogor, has upset the Indonesian Ulema Council, whic... more »

It's Thursday...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 8 minutes ago
*what's going on.* Michelle Malkin: History lesson: The crucial differences between Bush and Obama’s NSA phone surveillance programs Conservative Hideout: Government Now Decides Who Lives and Who Dies Freedom Works: Don't Sweat Health Care, California's Got This Bunkerville: Eric Holder: ‘Things are a little out of whack’ Angry White Dude: QUESTION OF THE DAY: DO YOU HAVE A MESSAGE FOR MARTIN? Sultan Knish: The Apotheosis of Chris Christie Blowing San #1: Thought control in the 21st Century. Woodsterman: THINGS YOU DON'T SEE VERY OFTEN III

PEPFAR and the Presidency

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 18 minutes ago
I have a new column up over at TAP about the presidency, about how the presidency we have isn't particularly Constitution-based. It goes along with last week's column there, which was about why the myth of the magical heroic-king presidency is so persistent; this one is about how our ideas about the presidency gain strength because the Constitutional version is such an empty shell. I used an example at the end about how George W. Bush's program to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa, PEPFAR, was in part a reaction to the "need" for him to have something feel-good to say in his 2003 SOTU speech... more »

Trifecta: Detroit: This is what liberalism does...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 23 minutes ago
*it's not pretty. *

Democracy Decays ... whatev's

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 44 minutes ago
Anti-democratic sleaze-ball Dalton McGuinty presided over the deliberate deletion of government emails that detailed the costs of cancelling the gas plants and what the government knew about it. This deliberate cover-up of public information, this destruction of public information, should have been a criminal offense. But accountability has never been a pressing concern for our capitalist quasi-democracy. The whole Liberal gas plant fiasco stinks to high heavens, but the only people who seem really fired-up about it are the hypocritical shit-heads who support the Ontario PC's and wh... more »

SAGE and the Duck of Minerva

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 51 minutes ago
This is just a short note to explain the appearance of the phrase “temporarily un-gated PDF” in Peter Henne’s guest post about contagion and the Syrian civil war. We’ve been linking to academic articles for quite some time, but usually to the abstracts or random versions available on the web. But after The Monkey Cage announced Continue reading

Is Syria Infecting the Middle East?

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 51 minutes ago
This is a guest post by Peter S. Henne. Peter received his PhD from Georgetown University in May 2013, and was a Fellow at the Miller Center at the University of Virginia during 2012-2013. His research focuses on religion and foreign policy; he has also written on terrorism and religious conflict. A recent article in The New Continue reading

IR Theory Syllabi

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 51 minutes ago
I just completed a significant update of the international-relations theory syllabi collection. Although currently hosted at the Duck of Minerva, this collection is an initiative of the THEORY section of the International Studies Association. Massive props to the former THEORY officers for getting it running. I’m again asking for anyone who is interested in submitting syllabi Continue reading

Dick J. Reavis : Diverse 'Moral Monday' Movement Captures Imagination in North Carolina

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 53 minutes ago
Demonstrator being arrested during a protest at the Legislative Building in Raleigh, N.C., Monday, May 6, 2013. Photo by Gerry Broome / AP. 'Moral Monday': Diverse NAACP-led movement 'achieves mass' in North Carolina “When I got to an A.M.E. [African Methodist-Episcopal] church for a meeting called by the NAACP and saw that 70 percent of my audience was white, I knew that something was

How Do We Go from “the Anti-Education Era” to Meaningful Learning for All?

John Thompson at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 54 minutes ago
James Paul Gee’s The Anti-Education Era is full of analyses of how humans learn that should inform the practice of all types of educators. Previous posts, here and here, describe his powerful indictments of test-driven schooling, as well as his subtle explanations of where “reformers” and other educators have gone wrong. This post will focus […]

Is Pam Wallin the Ultimate Tory Piggy at the Trough?

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 56 minutes ago
Pam Wallin is, by most standards, flush. In addition to the hefty pension benefits she likely racked up from her broadcasting days, she has plenty of other revenue streams - atop her tidy Senate stipend. *Pamela Wallin has a lucrative life outside politics, where she has been entitled to roughly $1 million in fees and stock options for her role on corporate boards since being appointed to the Senate.* *The Star looked through public company profiles, her disclosures to the Senate ethics office and expenses related to her former role as chancellor at the University of Guelph to pai... more »

Fox News national security analyst KT McFarland says Susan Rice will be a disaster...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 hour ago
*Obama is hiding Susan Rice behind "executive privilege" by appointing her national security adviser.* Transparency?

World’s Most Intrusive Database To Go Live In December (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago
Mick Meaney Scotland plans to introduce a new highly intrusive database that will record every citizen’s personal details from “cradle to grave”, it emerged this week. The Data Sharing and Linking Service (DSLS), the world’s most intrusive database, is scheduled to go live in December and will begin logging and monitoring the name, dates of birth, genders and postcodes for everyone in Scotland, including health records, maternity details, mental health, cancer, GP and even dental notes. Education, childhood and parenting profiles will also be stored. Social care, housing and just... more »

ALEC Economic Report - Authors Credentials Skewed

2old2care at Because I Can - 1 hour ago
If you look at the "About the Authors" section of the latest ALEC economic report - you will find bio's that seem to (as always) serve the purposes of ALEC. Biased and Outdated. Today a rebuttal to an recent opinion piece provides some amazing and new information regarding the authors of the red-state lauded economic report distributed by the partisan and biased American Legislative Exchange Council. It takes a village to discredit ALEC. Snips (my emphasis) The Mountain News’ lead editorial in its May 30, 2013,issue lauds ALEC— ... —calling it “an organization headed by economis... more »

1000 Points of Light: Bilderberg 2013's Infinite NWO Connections (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago
Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton Well, it’s that time of the year again — Bilderberg. Endless connections abound at the annual meeting where leading members of industry, banking, politics, finance, technology and the military industrial complex come together behind closed doors in secret to inform policy that affects all of our lives. With the usual suspects pretty well known for those who follow Bilderberg, we’ve decided to highlight a few of the potentially lesser-known attendees, and little known influence over world affairs. Let’s take a closer look at who some of these people a... more »

Susan Rice for National Security Advisor (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago
Stephen Lendman Previous articles discussed her. Calling her controversial stops short of accurately characterizing her. Moral depravity explains best. Vishay Prashad calls her the "queen of interventionist hawks." South African journalist Getahune Bekele said she's a "consummate ally of grubby despots." Ray McGovern says she believes "hawkishness" is "safer" for career advancement than "thoughtful diplomacy." Reuters called her "sharp-tongued." Others condemn her bloody hands. Banality of evil describes her. Death and destruction don't bother her. She was quoted once saying, "The... more »

Dissolving Micro-Chip Will Tell Big Brother Your Every Move (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago
Chris Carrington John Rogers PhD and his team work out of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. They, along with other teams at Tufts are developing transient electronics, tiny micro-thin chips that dissolve when they have served their purpose. On April 8th this year their research paper was presented to the American Chemical Society at their annual National meeting, this year it was held in New Orleans. Rogers spoke eloquently of the technology, explaining its possible use and exactly how the chips work. There was nothing negative at all in the presentation. Nothing w... more »

Obama Wants Whistleblowers Silenced (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago Stephen Lendman Previous articles discussed his war on whistleblowers, free expression and dissent. Sibel Edmonds founded the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). She did so to aid "national security whistleblowers through a variety of methods." The ACLU called her "the most gagged person in the history of the United States." Since 1977, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) calls itself "the nation's leading whistleblower protection and advocacy organization." "What is a Whistleblower," it asks? Anyone "who discloses information that (he... more »

Cable host Bill O’Reilly self-corrects!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 hour ago
*THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2013* *And other imitations of life:* Below, you see the way it looks when Bill O’Reilly “self-corrects.” It happened last night in his opening segment, his famous Talking Points Memo. Bill was discussing Susan Rice and her ongoing misbehavior. Then, he showed us how it looks when he, Mr. O., “self-corrects:” O’REILLY (6/5/13): "Talking Points" doesn't believe Susan Rice lied. I believe she was told what to say and said it she did no investigation herself. But Ms. Rice knows, she knows who gave her the misleading talking points and she will not testify to that. ... more »

Syria Ravaged By Outbreaks Of Disease: Typhoid, Cholera, Measles And Tuberculosis (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago
Chris Carrington The World Health Organization is warning of an increased risk of disease epidemics in Syria and neighboring countries as summer approaches. The WHO says outbreaks of diseases carried in water – specifically hepatitis, typhoid, cholera and dysentery – are inevitable, given the severe disruption to Syria’s health system. Cases of diarrhea and hepatitis-A have more than doubled since January. There have also been outbreaks of measles and typhoid. According to the WHO, at least 35% of the country’s public hospitals are out of service, and in some areas, up to 70% of ... more »

Sound problems on your computer?...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 hour ago
*a word of advice.* Before spending an hour pouring over online advice of how to fix the problem, look down in your little tray, click on the sound icon (I seriously didn't know about it), and make sure your sound is not muted. Thanks, hubby!

We're All Bradley Manning (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago
image source Stephen Lendman On June 3, trial proceedings began. They'll last well into summer. What's ongoing reflects much more than Manning alone. We're all in this together. Freedom in America is on trial. Post-9/11, it's been on the chopping block for elimination. Convicting Manning of anything compromises what is too important to lose. He deserves praise, not prosecution. His fate is ours. That's what's fundamentally at stake. Everyone stands to win or lose with him. In his February plea statement, he said he wanted to "spark a domestic debate on the role of the military ... more »

The covert op to destroy the word “freedom” (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago
Jon Rappoport These days, “freedom” mainly refers to fairy-tale mass movements. We’re supposed to believe it happens this way: A bunch of students sitting in a cafe suddenly go to their cell phones, pop over to Facebook, and say, “Hey, wanna be free?” And a Republic is born. Poof. The evil dictator grabs a suitcase full of gold bars, wires half a billion dollars from the State treasury to his private account, makes a dash for the airport, and flees to Paris. In the other popular version, rugged freedom fighters emerge from the forest with copies of John Locke tucked in their lugg... more »

You Call That an IRS Scandal? (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago
*Youtube* The recent "scandal" involving the IRS is completely trivial compared to injustices that are routinely committed across the country by the federal extortion racket. Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

ELA or Math support classes, fun for everyone!

Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 1 hour ago
If you’re not necessarily enjoying school, guess what? You’re going to love it now when you are enrolled in an ELA/Math support class. Yes, that’s right, all of the low kids, all in one place, at one time, you know, so we can identify you. Enjoy. Tagged: ela, farmingdale, math, support class

Syria Rebels Caught with Sarin Gas in Turkey (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 1 hour ago
*Youtube* Suspected Syrian militants have reportedly been detained in Turkey with a cylinder of highly poisonous sarin gas found in their possession. Those arrested are believed to be members of the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Nusra Front. Earlier this month, UN investigators voiced suspicion the nerve agent was being used by opposition fighters. Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

Violence Disrupting Iraq’s Economy

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 1 hour ago
The dramatic increase in violence in Iraq is now affecting not only the lives of the public, but the economy as well. Some companies have said their sales are down, they are cutting their hours, and transferring some of their business to safer areas, while Anbar announced that it was losing investors. These are all troubling signs, because for the last several years the insurgency has been at such a low level that it did not affect the larger society. Now that is changing, and the disruption of the economy is just the latest sign that Iraq is heading towards an unsettling future. ... more »

Martial Law Has Come to America

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
*Youtube* Undeniable evidence that America is under Martial Law. Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

Dylan Ratigan Quits TV to Become a Hydroponic Farmer

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
*Comedy Central* *The Daily Show with Jon Stewart* Get More: Daily Show Full Episodes,Indecision Political Humor,The Daily Show on Facebook Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

Nestle’s Wet Dream: They Mark Up Water 53 MILLION Percent

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
Daisy Luther The directors of Nestle must be breathing a sigh of relief as the world targets Monsanto with a barrage of negative publicity, global protests, and grassroots campaigns. While we’re all distracted by Monsanto’s GMO corruption of the food supply, Nestle is taking steps to profit off of the natural world with patents on breast milk and medicinal plants, and the privatization of water,and giving the seed company a run for the title of The Most Evil Corporation in the World. Between corporate demons like Nestle and Monsanto, the very right to life itself is becoming a ... more »

Food History in the Making

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
Catherine J. Frompovich One of the more poignant lines former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Tip O’Neill is famous for having uttered, “All politics is local,” certainly applies to what happened in the little, but mighty, State of Connecticut over the weekend of June 1 and 2, 2013. Connecticut House Bill 6527, *An Act Concerning Genetically Engineered Foods *, was passed by both chambers of that state legislative body and becomes the first GMO labeling law in the United States. Congratulations, kudos, hurrah, and all other accolades go to GMO Free Connecticut Coalitio... more »


bob somerby at the daily howler - 2 hours ago
*THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2013* *Part 4—Hayes, Walsh and Maddow speak out:* Yesterday, Obama announced that Susan Rice will become his national security adviser. A few hours later, the children began to offer their “takes” on Obama’s selection. What’s wrong with MSNBC? At 8 PM, Chris Hayes discussed the long-running, savage attacks against Rice. He spoke with Salon’s Joan Walsh. What’s wrong with MSNBC? If not for what was said in the very next hour, the exchange between Hayes and Walsh could have gone to the Guinness folk as the “dumbest discussion ever.” To watch their full segment, ... more »

Americans Searched on a Hunch? DHS Reaffirms Broad Power

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
Daniel Jackson The Department of Homeland Security has reaffirmed their belief that they have the power to conduct unwarranted electronic surveillance on American citizens returning to the country, based on nothing more than a hunch. The data taken from electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops can then be copied and saved by Homeland Security. Despite widespread outrage from civil liberties groups such as the ACLU, Homeland Security's own internal study shows that they plan to continue the practice and are using scary words such as terrorism and child pornography to jus... more »

Kraft Foods Denies GM Wheat but ADMITS GMO in Products

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
*Kraft responds to questions about genetically modified warning flagging wheat on imported boxes of Macaroni & Cheese.* Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton Truthstream Media followed up on a report by Vani Hari at that boxes of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese imported to the U.K. were showing up with a label warning that the product contained genetically modified wheat. As no forms of GMO wheat are legally approved for cultivation or sale anywhere in the world, we investigated further, contacting both Kraft and the distribution company that placed the label to get the bottom of it.... more »

Congressional Members - Argue ALEC - FINALLY

2old2care at Because I Can - 2 hours ago
From The Hill Definitely not the liberal media. Happened in Congress So this is kinda special. The extremist policies of the American Legislative Exchange Council are now being identified at the Congressional level. And some of you folks out there were naive enough to believe that ALEC did not have a foothold in our Nation's Capital. *Democrat sees ‘Koch brothers’ fingerprints’ on regulations bill* By Megan R. Wilson - 06/05/13 04:12 PM ET Democratic Rep. Hank Johnson (Ga.) on Wednesday said a regulatory reform bill moving through Congress has “the Koch brothers' fingerprints all ... more »

Normandy Landings, June 6th, 1944...(videos)

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 2 hours ago
*remember.* On the ships the soldiers listened to Dwight D. Eisenhower’s June 6th Order of the Day: * ** * *Ronald Reagan’s speech from Normandy on the 40th anniversary in 1984.* *Powerful... *

Terrific Use of State Letterhead in New York

Jim Horn at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 2 hours ago
When we think creatively about any nonviolent means to eradicate, disrupt, quell, explode, destroy, demolish, or otherwise confound the high stakes testing scourge that has American education paralyzed, here is a great example, as reported by DNAinfo New York’s Amy Zimmer: BROOKLYN — Rebecca Herz was relieved to receive a letter from the principal of Prospect […]

US Army Veteran Denied Hurricane Sandy Aid by FEMA

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
Daniel Jackson A strict federal law has helped FEMA deny Hurricane Sandy aid to an elderly Korean War veteran suffering from dementia. As the Hurricane ravaged through his Staten Island neighborhood, Vito Colucci Sr. was safe in his son’s New Jersey home, having been staying there for a time due to his deteriorating health problems. Apparently, telling FEMA the truth was where the family’s problems began: Vito Colucci Sr., a Staten Island resident who served in the Korean War, was living with his son’s family in New Jersey when Hurricane Sandy hit at the end of October. Colucci w... more »

Gut Biota Never Recover from Antibiotics: Damages Future Generations

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
Heidi Stevenson The misuse of antibiotics is not only causing new, never-before known diseases like E. coli and MRSA, the flesh-eating bacteria, it's also destroying the gut biome with devastating effects on our ability to deal with infections and destroying our ability to absorb nutrients from food. Emerging research shows that the harmful effects of antibiotics go much further than the development of drug resistant diseases. The beneficial bacteria lost to antibiotics, along with disease-inducing bacteria, do not fully recover. Worse, flora lost by a mother is also lost to her ... more »

Military-Industrial Complex Offers New Biotech Passwords for "Health"

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
image source Brandon Turbeville Although talk of biotechnology-based tattoos and nanotech pills has been circulating in the tech world for quite some time, a recent report in the Daily Mail entitled, “The hi-tech tattoo that could replace ALL your passwords: Motorola reveals plans for ink and even pills to identify us,” serves as an official introduction of the technology to a world of trendy consumers who will no doubt gobble up the devices as if they were a hot meal. Covering the discussions taking place at the D11 conference in California in late May, Victoria Woollaston repo... more »

Mind-Controlled Drones Take Flight

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
Electronics turn a person's thoughts into commands for a robot. Using a brain-computer interface technology pioneered by University of Minnesota biomedical engineering professor Bin He, several young people have learned to use their thoughts to steer a flying robot around a gym, making it turn, rise, dip, and even sail through a ring. Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

HFCS Food for Bees Found to Increase Colony Collapse Disorder

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
Heather Callaghan *Image* A study released on Monday shows that cheaper honey substitutes such as high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and sugar (made from genetically modified sugar beets) are contributing to massive bee death via Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) by depriving bees of crucial nutrients, which weakens their immune systems. Sadly, U.S. bee keepers were devastated by the loss of nearly one-third of their cross-pollinating, food co-creator colonies this past winter alone. That finding is close to the yearly average decline over the past six years, making the cumulative dat... more »

Multiple Scientific Studies Link Pesticides to Cancer

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 2 hours ago
image source Brandon Turbeville In my article, “Pesticide Content In Food Less Regulated By Codex Than Vitamins and Minerals,” I briefly discussed the connection between commonly used pesticides and neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease. In addition, I mentioned the rather contradictory position held regarding the use of such pesticides, which banned their commercial use in some aspects, but continues to tacitly allow their use in food production. However, neurological diseases are not the only negative side effects presented by Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) or... more »

Read Stuff, You Should

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 3 hours ago
Happy Birthday to Amanda Pays, 54. Just a little good stuff: 1. Jeremy Pressman on the anniversary of war in the Middle East. 2. Excellent Josh Barro post about the Affordable Care Act. 3. And Americans talk funny; Walter Hickey has maps from Joshua Katz.

A Memo To Tom Steyer-- And American Landowners

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
As we've mentioned before, San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer, 'til now a dependable contributor to garden variety, Establishment Democrats, is deadly serious about saving the planet from environmental mayhem at the hands of corporate polluters, particularly, right now, the Keystone XL Pipeline. This week he warned Obama that there are no grounds whatsoever to approve the pipeline. Dear Mr. President, With Friday's announcement that the Canadian provincial government of British Columbia opposes the transportation of tar sands oil over their lands, the last of the arguments for... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 3 hours ago
*First named storm of season, TS Andrea, forms in Gulf of Mexico ~Wunderblog * *Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge Probabilities: Chance of Storm Surge >= 2 feet (NGVD-1929) at individual locations Tropical Storm Andrea (2013) Advisory 3 For the 77 hours from 05 AM EDT Thu Jun 06 to 10 AM EDT Sun Jun 09* *A storm surge of 2 - 4 feet is predicted for Tampa Bay northward to Apalachicola, and rip currents will be a risk for swimmers who brave the high surf. Fort Pickens, located in Gulf Islands National Seashore on a barrier island offshore from Pensacola, Florida, has been closed to visitors du... more »

Manning Supervisor Calls Into Question Government's Statements About WikiLeaks Plot (Day 3)

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 3 hours ago
image source *Activist Post* We have spoken to Nathan Fuller at who has given us gracious permission to reprint his daily firsthand reports. Day 3 is posted below. We also will be adding commentary, as well as analyses from other sources to provide a constant update to what is happening in this essential trial for whistleblowers and their mission to reveal the truth. At the heart of Day 3 was the inability of Bradley Manning's supervisor, Captain Casey Fulton, to issue the same statement of authority as the U.S. government that WikiLeaks = Al Qaeda. In fact, she... more »

Rathgeber and Warawa Sitting in a Tree (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 3 hours ago
Interesting development in the House of Commons. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has suffered another blow as a Tory MP quit the Conservative caucus Wednesday night, decrying the Conservatives’ lack of progress on open government. Alberta MP Brent Rathgeber made public his decision on Twitter, saying he had informed the board of directors for his riding association and the Speaker of the Commons that he had resigned from the Conservative caucus. “My decision to resign from the Caucus is because of the Government’s lack of commitment to transparency and open government,” he announced o... more »

Syrian Army takes Golan Crossing: Media obfuscates Israeli role as safe haven

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 3 hours ago
There is something that bothers me about the way this news is being presented via NATO media. The NATO media is lying or obfuscating what really happened. That's how I see it... First of all, don't get me wrong.. this is good news. If Syria can get control of the borders, as much as possible, they can keep NATO's hired killer/mercenary army out. So, it is not that aspect of this news story that perturbs me. And perhaps some of the readers can offer some input here? The crossing in discussion is at *Quneitra.* And *Quneitra* has been the subject of a few previous posts at the blog... more »

Verizon ordered to give NSA information on all U.S. phone calls in its system

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 3 hours ago
image credit: graffitresearchlab Madison Ruppert A top secret court order issued in April, but just now revealed, shows that the National Security Agency (NSA) is currently collecting detailed telephone records of all of the millions of American customers of Verizon wireless on a daily basis. The order, obtained by the Guardian, shows that thesecret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court granted the U.S. government the unlimited authority to obtain the records of all telephone calls in their system within the United States and between the U.S. and other countries. While it was a... more »

Shield Law Sponsor Not Sure Bloggers "Deserve" Free Speech Rights

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 3 hours ago
*"You can sit in your mother’s basement and chat away, I don't care,"* says Lindsey Graham (R-SC) but then asks if *"they [bloggers] deserve First Amendment protection?"* when it comes to classified information. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) J.P. Hicks Who knew the speech of the media and bloggers wasn't already protected? The U.S. senate is working on a media shield law that would protect the media against government retaliation for exposing sensitive information. I thought the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights made it quite clear that all speech was already protected: Congress... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 3 hours ago
*Taking a Page From New Orleans, NYC Begins Rebuilding ~Kristin Meriwether, Epoch Times* *Forbes Magazine says New Orleans is a technology boom town**~The Forbes' article, 'The Cities Winning the Battle for Information Jobs,' ranks Greater New Orleans as #3 in the USA, behind only technology heavyweights Silicon Valley and San Francisco.* *Uhmmm... ok... NOPD: Man pays for pizza, but then robs driver of all her other pizzas* *Colorful benches are labor of love for Magazine Street artist ~Mary Rickard, The Advocate *

The Terrifying Future of The United States

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 3 hours ago
Subscribe to Storm Clouds Gathering Channel Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

Ed Steer's Gold and Silver report - June 6 , 2013 ..... Data from June 5th , news and views.....

fredw at Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago Paul Craig Roberts on Gold Suppression, the Dollar’s Decline, and ‘Gangster Capitalism’ Jun *6* - Yesterday in Gold and Silver - Critical Reads - The Funnies - The Wrap RetweetShare "It was another day of trading either side of the $1,400 spot price mark." ¤ YESTERDAY IN GOLD & SILVER The gold price followed pretty much the same pattern on Wednesday in Far East trading as it did on Tuesday...rallying above the $1,400 spot price mark...and then getting sold... more »

Rebellion On The Right

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 3 hours ago
Stephen Harper's most loyal supporters are deserting him. Tom Walkom writesin *The Toronto Star*: The latest stress point is a damning critique of Harper’s economic policy by the head of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, a right-of-centre organization that is usually friendly to, if not always onside with, the federal Conservative government. Entitled “Judging Harper by his own fiscal standards,” the essay by Gregory Thomas, federal director of the low-tax advocacy group, appeared in this week’s Globe and Mail. It clinically but ruthlessly takes apart Harper’s economic record. ... more »

Harper's Parade of Perps with Perks - Part 5

Alison at Creekside - 3 hours ago
Welcome Con MPs Devinder Shory, James Bezan, and Shelly Glover to the growing family scandal of Steve's Parade of Perps with Perks. Devinder Shory, Calgary Northeast, accused of providing legal work that supported allegedly fraudulent mortgages in at least five straw-buyer cases of more than $3.7 million: Promised a payment of up to $8,000, hundreds of straw buyers, mostly new immigrants, allowed their names to be used to obtain falsely inflated mortgages on over 200 properties. When the straw buyers could not pay up, the bank would foreclose and the "masterminds" would walk awa... more »

Theresa May: Beggars and thieves from across the EU are flocking to the streets of Britain | Mail Online

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 3 hours ago
' Speaking last night, Mrs May said: 'We are already taking tough action in this country to stamp out the abuse of free movement, to protect our benefits system and public services. 'We will not allow this country to be a soft touch but this isn't just a UK problem - it will take the joint efforts of all our EU partners to tackle it.' It comes at a time of heightened tensions between the British government and the EU. Last week, the European Commission announced it was taking Britain to court for insisting migrants pass a 'right to reside' test before they can access some State han... more »

Alex Jones - Bilderberg UK - media mega post

Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET - 3 hours ago
Maniacal megaphoner Alex Jones has arrived from Texas and been allowed across the UK border to bullhorn the 2013 Bilderberg meeting at the Grove Hotel in Watford, UK. *Bilderberg 2013* The Grove Hotel, Hertfordshire, June 6th-9th *Expect the conference agenda to include the North Korea situation, the Cyprus “bailout”, and the ever deepening crisis in the Eurozone.* In fact, I wasn't going to do anything this year, because Joe or Jane Doe don't seem to give a fuck, they're just too busy slaving for the man maybe. But then I thought, "Well, fuck you, slaves," here's this year's assaul... more »

Big Brother Caught Peeping, Again

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 3 hours ago
Actually, my headline is too mild. Big Brother has been caught *ogling*. With his pants down, into every window in America. And the strobe lights are flashing all around the world. The Orwellian security state and the Obama administration may have put the Arctic chill on leaks, but at least one whistleblower hasn't been cowed, handing over to The Guardian's Glenn Greenwald a classified court order authorizing the FBI to seize millions of phone records. No response yet from the government, although I am sure Attorney General Eric Holder was already drawing up the indictment against ... more »

2.6 trillion money market fund industry about to get gutted by the imposition of " liquidity fees and redemption gates during times of financial stress ? Well , that 2.6 trillion can't be used for rehypothecation purposes - so whom do you think wants to see these funds available for use by the bankers ( try our wonderful SEC ! Lol )

fredw at Catharsis Ours - 3 hours ago Slamming The Money Market “Gates” – Capital Controls Coming To $2.6 Trillion Industry [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/05/2013 20:41 -0400 - Institutional Investors - Mary Schapiro - Reality - Reuters - Shadow Banking - Tim Geithner The first time we wrote about the Volcker-led*Group of 30 *recommendation to crush Money Markets in January 2010 by effectively imposing capital control... more »

FBI and Microsoft acquire $500m-theft botnet refuge

* The FBI and Microsoft have broken up an enormous network of hijacked home computers responsible for stealing more than $500m from bank accounts*. The Citadel network had remotely installed a key logging program on about five million machinery to steal data. Regarding 1,000 of the 1,400 or so networks that made up the Citadel botnet are believed to have been shut down. Co-ordinate action in 80 countries by law enforcement forces, tech firms and banking bodies helped to interrupt the scheme. The cybercriminals behind Citadel cashed in by using login and password details for onli... more »

Overnight summary - focus on Asia as Japan hits bear market status for their equity markets... slight bounce for Europe and US Futures as we prepare to tread water before Jobs data on friday ...

fredw at Catharsis Ours - 4 hours ago Markets On Edge Following No Dead Japanese Cat Bounce, Eyeing ECB And Payrolls [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/06/2013 06:54 -0400 - Aussie - Bank of America - Bank of America - Bank of England - Bear Market - Beige Book - BOE - Bond - China - Copper - Crude - Equity Markets - European Central Bank - Eurozone - Germany - headlines - Japan - LIBOR - Mexi... more »

Trade war: Chinese solar panels vs EU wine

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 4 hours ago
Business Week and many other news outlets tell us about another worrisome development in a possibly looming trade war between the EU and China (or EU and the rest of the world). Some EU apparatchiks have decided that China is selling solar panels below cost so they imposed 11.8% tariffs on them – but this fee is meant to grow to 67.9% within two months. Holy cow. China is clearly going to revenge. At this point, they are preparing actions against the European wine. The French who believe that they produce some of the best wines in the world aren't happy but it's their own fault, to ... more »

More sleeps?

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 4 hours ago

North Baffin Island, 1953

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 5 hours ago

Mining 23: On the Proposed 10 Percent Gross Revenue Tax

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 5 hours ago
As the new Congress will officially convene in late July this year, various sectors and government agencies are preparing their respective “legislative agenda”, the things they want Congress to enact for their sector. And among the sectors seeking a new law is the mining sector, about the proposed new mining tax regime. The move now is to replace the (a) corporate income tax, 30 percent of net revenues, (b) excise tax, two percent of minerals value, (c) royalty tax to indigenous people, five percent, plus several others, with a 10 percent gross revenue tax. It is not clear though ... more »

Superfood Promotions

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 5 hours ago
Food promotion does tend to go over the top into silliness. What is correct is that a combination of beans and rice will provide a full protein diet rather easily and everything else in that category of staple adds variety. Then it is a case of adding plenty of different vegetables and fruit. As he mentions, blueberries in particular need to be in our diets. In short is is si mple to do quite cas well without touching the annual fad. Yet after saying all that, each super food has other characteristics that also make it attractive. I found acai seeds acted as a great th... more »

In Defense of (Raw) Milk

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 5 hours ago
Here is a nicely detailed discussion in defense of raw milk. What comes home though is that the original solution needs to be put back in place. Certifying raw milk is completely feasible in the modern world. Such milk can be produced, packaged properly and delivered to outlets inside a twelve hour window allowing customer pick up in the evening or direct delivery of a fully chilled product overnight. Chilled raw milk is certainly good for forty eight hours and much more. It will then go sour and that surely inhibits any plausible pathogens. This needs to be carefully re... more »

The Dechmont Woods UFO Encounter Recalled

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 5 hours ago
This is another old report and worth recalling. A lot of the details are quite different from other reports while the witness appears highly reliable. Again what is observed is another plausible configuration for a Magnetic Field Exclusion Vessel (MFEV). Better, we also observe two drones. These have been seen before in other reports and this is by far the best inasmuch as they actually interacted with the witness. The stems with propellers were plausibly docking devices for the drones. I do not imagine that the 'propellers' were ever rotating. Yet a three leaf petal w... more »

Devastation of the Seas

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 5 hours ago
This is an excellent history of the devastation inflicted on the global fishery over the past two centuries. It shows us exactly what the sea can produce and also what it will produce in the future once we establish sound methods of husbandry. We will not be returning to the wild but we caqn certainly operate a sustainable fishery based on historic values at the least. Any fool can cut a forest down and quickly move on. Yet the simple act at management can easily double productivity. In the fishery, it is many times better than that. We take a natural fishery able ... more »

Major study shines light on Nunavut's suicide crisis: First extensive study about suicide in Nunavut released by McGill University researchers

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 6 hours ago
People who died by suicide in Nunavut were more likely to have experienced childhood physical or sexual abuse, and were more likely to have been diagnosed with depression, according to a new study from McGill University. The study has been years in the making, and is the first extensive study on suicide in Nunavut. The 56-page report is called*Qaujivallianiq Inuusirijauvalauqtunik*, or Learning from Lives that have been Lived. The researchers interviewed almost 500 people in Nunavut with connections to 120 people who died by suicide in the territory between 2003 and 2006. For comp... more »

Now half of sham marriages involve foreign students: Members of bogus colleges who face being kicked out marry Britons and EU citizens to prolong their stay | Mail Online

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 7 hours ago
' In a major new immigration scam, half of all bogus weddings now involve foreign students. The revelation shows the full scale of the past abuse of the student visa system. The non-EU nationals faced removal from Britain after their bogus colleges were shut down in a crackdown by the Government. But, instead of returning home, they are arranging fake weddings with British nationals or EU citizens to prolong their stay, often paying thousands of pounds in fees to 'fixers'. Under a Brussels edict, marrying an EU citizen can grant the same rights to stay as marrying a Briton. Officia... more »

PLO wanting genocide against Jews

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 7 hours ago
PLO chief Ahmed Shukairy's pre-Six-Day War of 1967 boast, "We shall destroy Israel and its inhabitants and as for the survivors – if there are any – the boats are ready to deport them." Partners in Peace?

Donor John Mills’s gift to Labour avoided tax bill of £1.5m - Telegraph

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 7 hours ago
Do as Labour say, not as they do. More on Labour's encouragement of tax avoidance when it suits them here

Jimmy Savile: BBC warned 40 years ago of risk to teenage girls - Telegraph

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 7 hours ago
'The BBC was officially warned more than 40 years ago it was putting girls in the Top of the Pops audience at risk of sexual predators. A leading QC led an investigation into sexual misconduct at the corporation's flagship music programme in 1972 following concerns at the time and uncovered what he described as "immorality". But the inquiry's conclusions were kept secret for four decades and only unearthed after a Freedom of Information request by The Telegraph.' More here more »

69 years ago today

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 7 hours ago
69 years ago today, American, British and Empire soldiers, sailors and airmen launched the invasion of Normandy in Operation Neptune aka D-Day. This day is important in history as it marked a real advance in the battle against Nazi Germany and in freeing Europe from such tyranny.

A New, Progressive Tax That Even Republicans Like

Kenneth Thomas at Middle Class Political Economist - 8 hours ago
No, there are no typos in the headline. A new tax is sweeping the states, having already passed in both Democratic (Washington) and Republican (Virginia) controlled legislatures, and is on the fast track in states like New Jersey (Democratic legislature, Republican governor) and North Carolina (Republican legislature and governor). I know, I know, Republicans are the party of "no new taxes" and the Norquist pledge. So I've got to be pulling your leg. But no: Washington and Virginia have both passed new fees on electric and hybrid vehicles because they pay less in gasoline taxes sinc... more »


Anon at aangirfan - 8 hours ago
*Fethullah Gulen, who runs a large movement.* From the point of view of the CIA, Turkey's real 'boss' is Fethullah Gulen, who lives in the USA. The Gulen schools in Russia were closed down because they were reportedly fronts for the CIA. Reportedly, Gulen has fallen out with Erdogan. * Power Struggle Between Erdogan and Gulenists* *President Abdullah Gul, who is a strong supporter of Gulen.* Gulen reportedly hit at Erdogan in a recent sermon in which he criticised the evils of arrogance. *This arrogance may consist of not always following CIA-Gulen instructions and not giving e... more »

Iain Banks

Batocchio at Vagabond Scholar - 9 hours ago
Prolific and talented Scottish author of sci-fi and "straight" fiction Iain Banks, 59, is dying of terminal gallbladder cancer. The news has been out since April, but with the rash of recent deaths, I've commented elsewhere on this development yet haven't posted on it. Plus, it's rather depressing. Along with Gene Wolfe, Iain Banks is probably my favorite author of speculative fiction

Mark Dice Video: Californians Sign Petition Supporting Holocaust Beach Party

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 10 hours ago
Here is another of Mark Dice's fake petition videos. If you don't know, he asks oblivious people in California, many of them happy-go-lucky tourists, to sign outrageous and offensive petitions. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. It's cheap. It is like a bully going to a playground to rough up some little kids and having a good laugh about it. I generally like and respect Mark Dice's work, but not these videos. In this one he asks people to sign a petition in support of a Holocaust beach party. I don't know how well edited the video is, but a surprising number of people actually ... more »

Your moment of Zen

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 10 hours ago
Village by the sea. Reminds me of Portugal. [Frédéric Pillot] [click to embiggen.]

Free Planet - why Social Media CAN'T BE EQUATED WITH Publishing.

Mike Philbin at FREE PLANET - 10 hours ago
*it's all Caxton's fault, milud*in January of this year, I wrote the post call for global digital data amnesty which aimed to restructure how THE DIGITAL WORLD deals with our online ramblings. Back then I had 'no real answers'. Perhaps now I do. Let's see... What the general public, that's you and I, understand about the commercial term PUBLISHING big p.u.b.l.i.s.h.i.n.g. is: a traditional (mostly print) media where great amounts of Publishing Companies' effort was put into: fact checking copyrighted material correct formatting paid-for articles/books commercial distribution financ... more »

"A Look to the Heavens" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
“Except for the rings of Saturn, the Ring Nebula (M57) is probably the most famous celestial band. Its classic appearance is understood to be due to our own perspective, though. The recent mapping of the expanding nebula's 3-D structure, based in part on this clear Hubble image, indicates that the nebula is a relatively dense, donut-like ring wrapped around the middle of a football-shaped cloud of glowing gas. *Click image for larger size.* The view from planet Earth looks down the long axis of the football, face-on to the ring. Of course, in this well-studied example of a plan... more »

Musical Interlude: Rolling Stones, "If I Was a Dancer (Dance, Part II)" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
Rolling Stones, "If I Was a Dancer (Dance, Part II)" - • Attitude. In Philly, pronounced at-tee-tood... Turn it UP! - CP

Thursday Morning Linkage

Josh Busby at Duck of Minerva - 11 hours ago
Ok, last week, I mentioned with anticipation how much I was looking forward to Game of Thrones. Little did I know it was the Red Wedding episode. I’ve looked for lighter fare stories this week and only sometimes does the world oblige. On the hopeful side of things, here is some good news: A look Continue reading

Edward Abbey, "I Promise You This..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
"One final paragraph of advice: do not burn yourselves out. Be as I am- a reluctant enthusiast... a part-time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it’s still here. So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around with your friends, ramble out yonder and explore the forests, climb the mountains, bag the peaks, run the rivers, breathe deep of that yet sweet and lucid air, sit quietly for a while and contempla... more »

In Louisiana they know conscience when they see it, and LA's John Fleming thinks it's a great weapon for fighting sanity in our military planning

KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
*Right-wing pols who have no conscience in real life like to play-act having one when they pretend to be legislators.* *by Ken* What do you do when you look in the mirror and see staring back at you a toxic pool of sludge beyond any possibility of human worth? One solution is to become a jackbooted Christian warrior for ignorance and savagery. Take Rep. John Fleming (R-LA). Please. As Chris Johnson reports in the *Washington Blade*: A House panel on Wednesday approved as part of major defense legislation an amendment that would make it easier for troops to harass their gay comrade... more »

Free Download: Hermann Hesse, “Siddhartha” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
“Siddhartha learned something new on every step of his path, for the world was transformed, and his heart was enchanted. He saw the sun rising over the mountains with their forests and setting over the distant beach with its palm-trees. At night, he saw the stars in the sky in their fixed positions and the crescent of the moon floating like a boat in the blue. He saw trees, stars, animals, clouds, rainbows, rocks, herbs, flowers, stream and river, the glistening dew in the bushes in the morning, distant hight mountains which were blue and pale, birds sang and bees, wind silverish... more »

Chet Raymo, “Away Above The Chimney Pots” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
* * *“Away Above The Chimney Pots”* by Chet Raymo “So Oz finally became home; the imagined world became the actual world, as it does for us all, because the truth is that once we have left our childhood places and started out to make up our lives, armed only with what we have and are, we understand that the real secret of the ruby slippers is not that "there's no place like home", but rather that there is no longer any such place as home: except, of course, for the home we make, or the homes that are made for us, in Oz: which is anywhere, and everywhere, except the place from whi... more »

The Daily "Near You?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
London, Ontario, Canada. Thanks for stopping by.

Friends of Jihadist Terrorism Aim To Destroy Syria

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 12 hours ago
*Faulty Washington Logic: Assad Must Go, But Saudi And Qatari Dictators Who Fund Jihadist Terrorists Around The World Can Stay As Long As They Want. * Related: *Only 10 Percent of Syrians Support The Jihadist Opposition*. *Global Public Opinion Is Against The Aggressive War On Syria*. *U.S. And Israel Enlist Jihadist Terrorists To Bring Down Syria*. *Syria - A Destruction, Not A Revolution*. *FSA's Terrorist Attacks Against Christians And Kurds In Syria*. *There Is No Civil War In Syria*. *Israel Blesses Jihad*. Jonathan Manthorpe - *"Saudi Funding Fuels Jihadist Terror"... more »

"Climate Tipping Point? Concentration of Carbon Dioxide Tops 400 ppm for First Time in Human History" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
* * *"Climate Tipping Point? Concentration of Carbon Dioxide * *Tops 400 ppm for First Time in **Human History"* By Amy Goodman "AMY GOODMAN: Scientists are warning the planet has now reached a grim climate milestone not seen for two or three million years. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the amount of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has topped 400 parts per million. The 400 ppm threshold has been an important marker in U.N. climate change negotiations, widely recognized as a dangerous level that could drastically worsen human-caused globa... more »

BBC Propagandist Calls Alex Jones "Crazy"

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 13 hours ago
Alex responds, "If I'm crazy, I'm crazy like a fox." On the media's conspiracy of silence about annual Bilderberg meeting: "They cover Davos. They cover G-20. This is basically a secret Davos, G-20 meeting."

Give us your tired, your poor, your befuddled masses @educationweek

Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 13 hours ago
Good friend Gary Valiant today kicked off a rather interesting idea: a boycott of Education Week, the education publication of record, apparently. Even an anonymous education blogger for the publication is frustrated. To wit: I understand the frustration with EdWeek. As I have responded when this has been raised elsewhere, I think it is important to […]

Yes, austerity kills economies

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 13 hours ago
Just when you think there's no hope left for this country, Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) does something spectacular: So it was a little striking to see her using the Senate Budget Committee, which she chairs, to hold a hearing on the negative effects of austerity. This isn’t a flip on policy; her budget does, after all, include some stimulus spending. But instead of the usual routine of emphasizing the importance of medium-run deficit reduction, while paying lip service to the need to prevent premature cuts, Murray used the hearing to focus almost exclusively on the latter concern. ... more »

Conservatives Scrambling Over Pamela Wallin's Campaign Activities For Tory MP Ray Boughen In Palliser (SK)

leftdog at Buckdog - 13 hours ago
(Photo courtesy The Hill Times - photograph by Jake Wright) [image: Progressive Bloggers] *From March 3rd 2011 to May 31st 2011 Senator Pamela Wallin reported $25,870.07 in ‘Other travel’ paid for by Canadians. Coincidentally during that time there was a Federal election. * *During the last federal election, Senator Pamela Wallin helped Conservative incumbent Ray Boughen's campaign in Saskatchewan's Palliser Riding. This was a seat that the Conservatives were very worried about because of the strong campaign led by New Democratic candidate, Noah Evanchuk. * * **The Conservative... more »

RAG RADIO / Thorne Dreyer : Philosophy Scholar Bill Meacham on 'How to Be an Excellent Human'

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 14 hours ago
Bill Meacham, right, with Rag Radio host Thorne Dreyer in the studios of KOOP Radio in Austin, Texas, Friday, May 31, 2013. Photo by Tracey Schulz / Rag Radio. Rag Radio podcast:  Philosophy scholar Bill Meacham, author of 'How to Be an Excellent Human' "By working for the good -- that is, the healthy functioning -- of the world around us, we nourish that which nourishes us, and we thrive."


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago
- The unrest in Turkey has claimed a second life. Police, already facing widespread criticism for using excessive force, are being accused of being behind the killing of a 22-year-old man. Human rights groups have also called out the security forces in Turkey for their brutal response to the protests.You may find some of the images in the video disturbing. - 38 youngsters are taken into custody because they have tweeted. A lawyer from the Izmir Bar Association and the deputy Muharrem İnce (the Republican People’s Party) confirmed the arrests. Muharrem İn... more »

Satire: "Saxby Chambliss Blames Rape Remarks on Nature" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
* * *"Saxby Chambliss Blames Rape Remarks on Nature"* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia) sought today to explain his controversial remarks about sexual assaults in the military, telling reporters that his comments were the result of “declining levels of brain function created by nature.” “There are old men sitting in the United States Senate who are seventy or seventy-five or eighty,” he said. “Gee whiz, the declining levels of brain function created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur.” Whil... more »

Naomi Lakritz: lies galore. (deBeauxOs) at DAMMIT JANET! - 14 hours ago
In a piece titled "An Inconvenient Truth" (stolen from this documentary), anti-choice and anti-feminist Lakritz regurgitates the dog-eared lies that fetus fetishists habitually spew about abortion. Lakritz uses these fabrications to spin her attack on Dr Henry Morgentaler. When the University of Western Ontario in London awarded him an honorary doctorate eight years ago, he said: “Well-loved children grow into adults who do not build concentration camps, do not rape and do not murder.” Interesting, how he only acknowledged the humanity of these unborn babies when he predicted their... more »

Musical Interlude: John Lennon, “Nobody Told Me” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
John Lennon, “Nobody Told Me” -

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago

EFN Asia 23: More Photos at Jeju Forum

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 15 hours ago
Our panel, the EFN Asia and FNF panel, during the recently concluded Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity, May 29-31, 2013, was held in the afternoon of Day 2, May 30. While some panels have mostly if not entirely Korean speakers and facilitator, our panel has speakers and moderator from six countries. Two from Malaysia, Wan Saiful Wan Jan (moderator) of IDEAS and Tricia Yeoh of Institute Rakyat, two from China, Feng Xingyuan and Liu Junning, main speaker from Cambodia, Sam Rainsy. Other discussants were from Vietnam, Pham Chi Lan; from India, Barun Mitra of Liberty Institute, and Ch... more »

Of Flotuses and Hecklers

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 15 hours ago
One more person finally had enough of one too many politicians pontificating about how we're here for the children.... the *Children*.... our *Children*.... We have to do it for the CHILDREN.... when she finally let loose on Michelle Obama and wondered out loud (very loud) why the president has not yet fulfilled his campaign promise to guarantee equal rights for gay employees of federal contractors. It seems that just hours before a Washington DNC fundraiser yesterday featuring the first lady, Spokesman Jay Carney acknowledged that President Obama would renege on his campaign prom... more »

The Economy: “Productivity And Costs: HERE IT COMES” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
* * *“Productivity And Costs: HERE IT COMES”* by Karl Denninger "Now this is just plain bad - for consumers: "Unit labor costs in nonfarm businesses fell 4.3 percent in the first quarter of 2013, the combined effect of a 3.8 percent decrease in hourly compensation and the 0.5 percent increase in productivity. The decline in hourly compensation is the largest in the series, which begins in 1947." There's no good way to spin this one - productivity was up 0.5% during the first quarter, but the cost decrease is bad news as it is nearly all decrease in hourly wages. We saw this duri... more »

Will Boehner Be The Scapegoat For Republican Nihilism?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
Thomas Kean, Sr., the former New Jersey Governor, not the crackpot son ("Jr."), didn't bat an eye last week when he made a point by mentioning that "my party is nuts today." And he was very clear that he was talking about the Republican national party, not the New Jersey state GOP. And it's all about what's happened to the GOP with the back-to-back defeats of mainstream conservatives John McCain and Mitt Romney by [African-American] Barack Hussein Obama. Let's go back-- via Lee Fang's new book, The Machine: A Field Guide to the Resurgent Right-- to the time right after Obama beat... more »

"Stop QE Now!" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
* * *"Stop QE Now!"* by Bill Bonner "Want to know why Bernanke won't stop QE and ZIRP? Because they don't work. From CNNMoney: "Don't worry about rising rates, say legendary bond investors Jeffrey Gundlach and Dan Fuss... Doubleline Capital's Gundlach and Loomis Sayles' Fuss say the recent rally in yields is unlikely to continue, thanks to the Fed. Both say the Federal Reserve will make sure that any rise in rates will be slow and controlled. Gundlach and Fuss said that the consequences for global markets and the economy will be dire if the central bank fails. "People have been ... more »

Evidence and the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 15 hours ago
I am surprised by one of the criticisms offered about the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and that is that no “real” evidence was presented. It was only testimony from those who had participated in the events and in the world today, or rather in the world of the UFO today, testimony from witnesses has been reduced to being of no value. Makes you wonder about all that testimony being taken on Capitol Hill in the IRS scandal (as a single example), or in various other arenas today. Why even talk to those who were there or participated in the events because it isn’t evidence? Well, of cou... more »

Tiananmen Square: When, for one moment, the honour of one billion people rested on the shoulders of one man

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 15 hours ago
I confess, I failed this year to commemorate the Chinese government’s massacre of protestors in Tiananmen Square this week in 1989–-and the one inspiring moment of that day when, for one moment, the honour of one billion people rested on the shoulders of one man: [image: enhanced-buzz-wide-4701-1338497429-4] China today is not the place it was in 1989, and nor is the Chinese Government the same, but the Chinese government still desperately wants to airbrush away the memory of their massacre. But to the frustration of their internet censors, it’s the meme that will not die. Conten... more »

Was US Ambassador to Libya Stevens actually kidnapped as part of a scheme to exchange high level prisoners - then Stevens killed by lethal injection ? Sounds wild , however note the silence from State Department and FBI when this claim voiced by alleged Al Qaeda terrorist Abdallah Dhu al - Bajadin !

fredw at Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago Possible Poisoning Al Qaeda weapons expert says U.S. ambassador to Libya killed by lethal injection [image: Benghazi consulate / AP] Benghazi consulate / AP BY: Bill Gertz June 5, 2013 5:00 am An al Qaeda terrorist stated in a recent online posting that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens was killed by lethal injection after plans to kidnap him during the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack in Benghazi went bad. The veracity of the claim made by Abdallah Dhu-al-Bajadin, who was identified by U.S. officials as a known weapons experts for... more »

Harvey Organ - June 3 , 2013 Gold and Silver Report - Note the curious activity at Comex with JPM pertaining to both their customer ( Eligible ) account , as well as the dealer ( Registered ) account . Does JPM have the gold to settle contracts for May and June from their customer and dealer accounts ? If yes , what is the hold up ? Note the flatine recently for inventories at the GLD ETF as withdrawals have stopped since May 29 , 2013 - is this anything to worry about as it seems to coincide roughly with JPM's non actions for gold contracts ? Any correlation to what may or may not be happening in the gold accounts at JPM and the recent musing of the BIS and their simple plan to handle big bank failures ? ?

Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago Monday, June 3, 2013 Mine interruptions at Lonmin and Grasberg/gold and silver shine/Bleeding at GLD stops/Gold at JPM refuses to leave despite issuance/ Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen: Gold closed up by $20.70 to $1413.70 (comex closing time). Silver rose by 49 cents to $22.72 (comex closing time) In the access market at 5:00 pm, gold and silver finished trading at the following prices : gold: 1412.00 silver: $22.70 I At the Comex, the open interest in silver fell by only 683 contracts to 145,316 ... more »

Turn The Page

Grant G at The Straight Goods - 15 hours ago
*Written by Grant G* Just a simple question to the NDP party brass, when the provincial electors rejected Adrian Dix for the premiership, when the party went from 43% of the vote in 2009 to 39% of the vote in 2013, how on earth can we expect to win ant by-elections? Christy Clark is unpopular, the BC Liberals were/are a scandal riddled Government, Basi/Virk, BC Rail, HST, deficits, debts and deferral accounts, hidden debt everywhere, ethnicgate, Haakstad, John Yap, Brian Bonney, Burnaby hospital scandal, the BC NDP had so much ammunition to attack the BC Liberals with and stil... more »

Chinese dream of buying up overseas assets - dream or nightmare scenario ?

fredw at Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago The “Chinese Dream” Come True: Gobbling Up Assets Overseas [image: testosteronepit's picture] Submitted by testosteronepit on 06/05/2013 12:53 -0400 - Belgium - China - Delphi - Ford - France - General Motors - Germany - Global Economy - Hong Kong - Japan - Mexico - Private Equity - Real estate - Reality - Tender Offer - United Kingdom - Visteon Wolf Richter www.amaz... more »

Tom Hayden : Can Obama 'Rein In' His Presidency?

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 15 hours ago
Obama: Who's making the call? Image from Competing forces at play: Can Obama ‘rein in’ his presidency? Obama often follows a confusing pattern of leaning toward the military’s preference while planning in his private chambers to later change course. By Tom Hayden / The Rag Blog / June 6, 2013 President Barack Obama’s important speech at the National Defense University on

FBI admits that it was aware of ties between Saudi interests and the alleged 9/11 terrorists - but lied to protect national security ? So , why should anyone believe what they say based on their admission they will lie if they feel lying is called for ......How does not outing the Saudis who funded terrorism against the US protect national security anyway ?

fredw at Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago FBI: Knew About Saudi 9/11 Hijacker Ties—But Lied To Protect “National Security” By Russ Baker on Jun 5, 2013 [image: AndyBush]The FBI apparently has known for a decade about links between powerful Saudi interests and the alleged 9/11 hijackers, and has been forced to tacitly admit that it lied about it for all of these years. In case the import is not clear, let us state emphatically: this is a huge development. *** In court filings seeking to stave off a media Freedom of In... more »

Turkey protest - June 5 , 2013 updates....Tear gas still used against protesters .... Is Erdogan right when he referenced foreign interference as a cause of the protests ( And is the US in the mix against alleged Ally Turkey in an attempt to remove Erdogan and install a more controllable PM there ? ) ...... Interesting how Turkey came under hack attack so quickly - may be correlation to foreign interference not so off base ?

fredw at Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago Turkish police fire tear gas at anti-government protesters in Ankara [image: Anti-government protesters including union workers demonstrate in Turkish capital Ankara, on June 5, 2013.] Anti-government protesters including union workers demonstrate in Turkish capital Ankara, on June 5, 2013. Wed Jun 5, 2013 5:31PM GMT 6 13 8 LAST UPDATE Turkish police have fired tear gas to disperse protesters demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the capital Ankara. On Wednesday, th... more »

Obama fights back at last

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 16 hours ago
It's about damn time our President accepted his political opponents are irredeemable crackpots who care only about their own political power and dropped the nice guy routine. You can't meet people halfway when their definition of compromise is they get everything they want and you get to take all the blame for their inhumane agenda. But it is interesting to see how our "liberal" media plays the change. David Graham at The Atlantic lays it out under the headline, Forget the Charm, Keep the Offensive: Obama's Aggressive New Strategy. Get that? Republicans can say any damn offensive t... more »

Fractal Minds and the Sacred Cosmology: Neuroscience & Psychology meets Esoteric Religion

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 16 hours ago
*Fractal Minds and the Sacred Cosmology: Neuroscience & Psychology meets Esoteric Religion*. Source: Wai H. Tsang. Date Published: January 21, 2013. Description: In this presentation Wai H. Tsang examines what it is that we're actually doing in our lives and explains what is the underlying process behind all our behaviour. This talk will build on and complement a previous talk '2012 and the Fractal Brain Theory', but will also be standalone; essential points from the previous presentation will be recapped. Whereas the last talk dealt more with the neural structures of the brain, ... more »

Hey, Kids, it's Poochie the Republican Insult Dog!

jurassicpork at Welcome Back to Pottersville - 16 hours ago
(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.) Lord only knows what makes the nation's Alex Keatons the way they are. Is it nature or nurture or some tragically unbalanced admixture of both? Were they, as Rodney Dangerfield averred, made to breast feed through a straw? Were their mothers scared while pregnant and watching Rush Limbaugh on television? We may never know the answer but there is something deeply disturbing about people so young yet so cynical as to proudly and publicly become Young Republicans. Frankly, it makes me laugh as much as the phrase "Black Rep... more »

‘Patent Trolls’ vs. Legal Trolls

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 16 hours ago
*The problem today is not that so-called “patent trolls” are able to mooch off valid patents; the real problem, writes guest poster **Dale Halling**, is that “legal trolls” are able to mooch off today’s poorly defined, sloppily written, wrongly conceived and inconsistently enforced law. Fix that, and patents can be defended properly once again.* There has been a lot of media attention about so-called patent trolls. I am intimately familiar with these issues, but the characterization is incorrect. There are *Legal Trolls*, some of whom specialize in patents, but they prey upon th... more »

Don't buy from fascists . . .

Edstock at The Galloping Beaver - 17 hours ago
NOW YOU CAN AVOID buying stuff from companies controlled by fascists like Nestlé or the Koch brothers. Once you’ve scanned an item, Buycott will show you its corporate family tree on your phone screen. Scan a box of Splenda sweetener, for instance, and you’ll see its parent, McNeil Nutritionals, is a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson.Even more impressively, you can join user-created campaigns

On ALEC - Giving Up is the Easy Part

2old2care at Because I Can - 17 hours ago
*Yesterday on Daily Kos* - there was diary trying to get people fired up about a protest rally in Chicago. The last comment that was posted to that diary infuriated me. It's all over but the starving (0+ / 0-) ... ALEC could disappear tomorrow and it would make little difference. Essentially, they have already inflicted maximum damage on democracy in most states and set the stage for a hugely expanded underclass, to perform work for the billionaires at starvation wages … or zero wages, in the case of the millions and millions who will soon be in the prisons-for-profit. A carefully ... more »

Egyptian court convicts NGO workers, in a show trial, all in absentia

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 17 hours ago
* * *CAIRO *-- An Egyptian court on Tuesday convicted and sentenced to jail 43 nonprofit workers, including 16 Americans, in a case that has alarmed pro-democracy advocates who fear a shrinking space for civil society more than two years after the country's revolution. The convictions threaten to further strain ties between Egypt's fledgling government and Washington, which has criticized the crackdown on rights workers. *The majority of those convicted Tuesday were given five-year prison terms, but they were tried in absentia, having already left Egypt. They are unlikely to retu... more »

Don't talk to the police...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 18 hours ago
*no, really - DON'T TALK TO THE POLICE.* An law school professor and former criminal defense attorney tells you why you should never agree to be interviewed by the police. This is long (by internet standards), but you really need to see it. Besides, this professor talks so fast (really, *really* fast) the time will just whiz by. I known this for most of my life since in a previous incarnation I was going to be a police officer. I like to watch Dateline and 48 Hours Mystery. In almost all cases someone is convicted due to their own big mouths. One of the biggest mistakes Geor... more »

Trade Unions and Television

Phil at A Very Public Sociologist - 18 hours ago
At my Unite branch meeting tonight, we heard the welcome news numbers had increased by an additional 47 people on last month. That, combined with recently released figures that tentatively suggest a reversal of trade unions' downward spiral is heartening. After all, getting greater numbers into Britain's largest membership civil society organisations is what all labour movement people are, or should be, about. Now, as you might expect, especially over the course of a long decline, there has and continues to be extensive debates on how to get our unions relevant again. Some comrades ... more »

Immigration? Maybe

Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 18 hours ago
I have a post up over at Greg's place about Marco Rubio's (perhaps) flip on immigration, and at PP about the breakdown of the House bipartisan talks. I'm sticking with what I've always said: the big question here is whether mainstream House conservatives want a bill or not. If they do, John Boehner will bring up the Senate bill and let it pass; if not, he won't. End of story. Matt Yglesias has the same logic, but thinks that surely House Republicans will want it to fail, as have a few people I've seen on twitter. I've written a bunch of things that all concluded that it was all up t... more »

Wednesday Addams Linkage

PM at Duck of Minerva - 19 hours ago
Happy Wednesday, everyone! Is Turkey a democracy? Jay Ulfelder is skeptical [Dart-Throwing Chimps] A more optimistic take on Turkey. [Suffragio] Dan Drezner properly criticizes two foreign policy missteps by the Obama administration, including news that Michelle Obama won’t attend the PRC-USA summit. Given PRC First Lady Peng Liyuan’s successes abroad, this seems like another in Continue reading

What Does Your Gut Tell You About Darrell Issa?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 19 hours ago
I'm not as offended as others are that Darrell Issa called the White House Press Secretary a "paid liar." Let's be honest. I'm more offended that someone of Issa's character could have a role in my country's government. The DCCC ignored him last year, even though Obama had won his district in 2008. It wasn't about Issa; it was Steve Israel's policy to not challenge senior Republican policy-makers-- solidarity among thieves or something. Is Steve Israel recruiting someone to run against Issa in 2014? Not that anyone has heard about in San Diego. Today Israel snivels that he perform... more »

Newspapers Routinely Slander Politicians ...

thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 19 hours ago
In Right-Wing-World it is simply a given that a newspaper with a vendetta against a hero of the people will invent scandalous accusations, of, say, the Mayor of Toronto smoking crack cocaine with gangsters, just to pick on him and be mean and try to destroy him to protect their union-buddies and the whole tax and spend agenda. Yes sirreee. Happens all the time. Are you surprised? Nothing those lefties do can surprise me anymore. Oh my god. Is anyone going to be able to stop these absolute cretins???? Would anything ever convince these shit-for-brains that their heroes are all idi... more »

Michael James : Marvelous Marvin Hagler in 1984

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 19 hours ago
Marvelous Marvin Hagler works out in Provincetown, Massachusetts, in the winter of 1984. Photo by Michael James from his forthcoming book, Michael Gaylord James' Pictures from the Long Haul. Pictures from the Long Haul: Marvelous Marvin Hagler in 1984 Hagler is beautiful to watch as he moves around the ring with his cool-looking Latino trainer guy. By Michael James / The Rag Blog / June


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 19 hours ago
*The Annotated Jeff Duncan ~Bradley Warshauer, Black and Gold Review*

Competing Japanese regions shoot videos to win the ILC

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 19 hours ago
*...a poll...* Japan is clearly getting serious about hosting the International Linear Collider, a planned 250+250 GeV (or later 500+500 GeV) electron-positron collider which could measure properties of the Higgs boson and perhaps other new things much more accurately than the LHC. As the Symmetry Magazine informs us, two main candidate places in Japan recently released promotional video to defend their candidacies. It looks like the construction is a hot topic although it's expected to begin between 2015 and 2016 and collisions won't start before 2026. This 4-minute music, chore... more »

Speaking of test scores, Josh Rogin can’t read!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 19 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2013* *Still able to work as a journalist:* The explosion of media have exposed two situations which had largely been hidden. We’re able to see how crazy, true-believing and gullible many of us the people are. Comment threads help us see this. Also, it has become much easier to see how dumb our journalists are. To cite one example, Josh Rogin can’t read. We say that because he writes this passage in today’s Daily Beast: ROGIN (6/5/13): Other GOP senators told The Daily Beast that they wanted to know exactly what [Victoria Nuland’s] involvement was in the craftin... more »

The UK is a Pædophile State; enforced by a nonce's legal system

Rufus News From Atlantis at News From Atlantis. - 20 hours ago
The UK is controlled by pædophiles who despise the people they rule over. For anyone who cares to take notice of the behaviour of the Establishment towards children, this is self evident. The school system is designed to sexualise children; the media - especially the 'pop' music industry - takes every opportunity to promote sex to children at ever younger ages; fashion teaches girls to dress as prostitutes; the legal system then throws a few degenerates into prison, but largely ensures that those who destroy the lives of children are treated with extreme leniency. The Jimmy Savile... more »

Firearm Basics: Basic Parts of a Gun

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 21 hours ago
*info you can use...* *Firearm Basics: Basic Parts of a Gun*

Heckling is not helping - Updated

Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 21 hours ago
Lots of people talking about the heckler who rudely interupted Michelle Obama yesterday during the First Lady's speech at a private fundraiser. The heckler was said to be a 56 year old lesbian activist who demanded our FLOTUS get the President to immeditaely sign an executive order on gay rights in the workplace. I'm seeing Michelle's response being called confrontational, but we can't know for sure since there's no video. I imagine in reality the FLOTUS was polite but firm, though clearly she wasn't going to ignore it. “One of the things that I don’t do well is this,” she said to ... more »

SPORT / Dave Zirin : Decriminalize Baseball!

thorne dreyer at The Rag Blog - 21 hours ago
Ryan Braun isn't Al Capone. Image from Deadspin. Decriminalize the game: A solution to baseball’s drug wars I love baseball and it’s tragic to watch it self-devour. By Dave Zirin / The Rag Blog / June 5, 2013 See Thorne Dreyer's articles about progressive sportswriter Dave Zirin at The Rag Blog, and at Truthout, and listen to our March 22, 2013, Rag Radio interview with Zirin. If you want

A new letter to go viral: Is this parody or not, you decide? #commoncore

Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 21 hours ago
Based on a previous post on the food edition of common core, I happened upon another letter dictating what is best for common core implementation. If only we had well-behaved, clean, happy, stable, plastic children, then CCSS would go off without a hitch. Let’s keep piling on those cosmetic changes, people. We’ll get there. Tagged: […]

'Beggar' who sat outside Natwest bank with a 'hungry and homeless' sign earned £300 A DAY while living in a £300,000 flat

Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 21 hours ago
£200-£300 a day. Even allowing for slight exaggeration, at say £150 a day for an 8 or 9 hour day, that's almost £17 an hour. Puts the minimum wage into context... Story here

Zapatistas Tour continues Yaqui Gathering at CENSORED NEWS - 21 hours ago
Traveling Seminar continues First Encounter of Indigenous Peoples, Yaqui Territory, Vicam, Sonora 2007 Comandante David, Marcos and Juan Chavez at Rancho el Penasco, Sonora Photo 2007 Brenda Norrell TRAVELING SEMINAR “TATA JUAN CHÁVEZ ALONSO" Enlace Zapatista   Spanish translation June 2013. We are the Indians that we are, we are peoples, we are Indians. We want to continue to

Sea temperature trend: 1.35 ± 0.15 °C per century

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 21 hours ago
I made the following easy-to-understand calculation of the warming trend, including an error margin, of the global sea surface temperatures since the late 1970s, as seen by the UAH AMSU satellite dataset. First, I loaded the file of the monthly data, isolated the third temperature-like column, the global ocean temperature anomaly, and calculated the linear regressions. It's straightforward to use one simple Mathematica command to compute the slope of the linear regression but the non-trivial addition I made was an estimate of the error margin of the resulting slope. My logic is... more »

Our test scores are better. Our journalists aren’t!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 22 hours ago
*WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2013* *Our press corps' so dumb that it hurts:* As we mentioned yesterday, it’s hard to fathom how dumb we are as a people. Again, consider the Q-and-A at yesterday’s Washington Post Live discussion concerning the public schools. The Washington Post’s Mary Jordan was conducting a discussion with three governors. She asked a question which seemed to imply that American students are performing more poorly than they did in the past: JORDAN (6/4/13): Can I ask you something? And then—just briefly. How did America get so mediocre? I mean these statistics across the ... more »

What the Catholic Church really teaches about homosexuality...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 22 hours ago
*it may not be what you think.* Allow Terry, at Abbey Roads, to explain. He does it so much better than I ever could... *My kid is not disordered* *My kid is not evil. *Many people, parents and loved ones of same sex attracted persons mistake Catholic Church teaching to be saying that the homosexual person is disordered, that homosexuals or gay people are evil. That isn't true of course, although it can seem at times that religious persons within the Church hate the person as well as the sin. That really just demonstrates that even faithful Catholics can be misled as well. Whi... more »

Lawsuit challenges first drill site inside Alaska Reserve at CENSORED NEWS - 22 hours ago
Lawsuit Challenges First-ever Drill Site Inside Alaska Reserve Expansion Plan Threatens Region's Polar Bears, Birds, Seals, Caribou By Center for Biological Diversity ANCHORAGE, Alaska— The Center for Biological Diversity sued the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers today challenging its approval of an oil-industry proposal to build the first drilling site ever inside the National Petroleum

Comet ISON is closing in - NASA predicts "double whammy"... (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 22 hours ago
Link: I look forward to some pretty spectacular phenomena caused by Comet ISON as from September until February next year. And you...? The movie explains the "double whammy" (जादू-टोना in Hindi) the Earth might get from the comets tail... When it doesn't collide with Mars or fall apart before it grazes the Sun, of course. John

Contentious Politics and Ducks: China Edition

Daniel Nexon at Duck of Minerva - 22 hours ago
In case you don’t know, the PRC has censored searches for “Big Yellow Duck.” The reason? You can see a larger version here.The arrival of Florentijn Hofman’s yellow duck in Hong Kong harbor sparked a great deal of excitement in China, where the duck has become incredibly popular. A number of stories document a Continue reading


Anon at aangirfan - 23 hours ago
The BBC *appears* to reveal the thinking of MI6, the CIA and the Zionists on Turkey: *"Turkey was suggested as a model for a Muslim democracy. * * **"Some Arabs, who took to the streets against their own leaders, are having second thoughts about that as they watch pictures of Turkish riot police attacking demonstrators."* * **Could protests be Erdogan's undoing?* * * This *might* be translated as: *The Zionist model for Moslem countries may not be Turkey.* * * *It is more likely to be Afghanistan.* *Behind you!* MICHAEL RUBIN, in the Wall Street Journal, tells us more about (what ... more »

Agenda 21 - Don't let them steal your property rights...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 23 hours ago
*I even see this going on in North Idaho. *

Is Chris Chrsitie Just Another Warrior In The Republican Party's Endless War Against Women?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 23 hours ago
You know, I always call it "the Republican Party War Against Women" but it would be more accurate to term it a "conservative" war against women, since the fear and hatred of women and the whole sick patriarchal thing is a bedrock of conservatism as we've been seeing in the reports about honor killings and violence against women around the world, always at the hands of conservative males. Joshua Henne at hasn't bought into the media hype that Christie is a "moderate" on any issues, least of all women's issues. "Today," he wrote yesterday, "Chris Christie is keynotin... more »


Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 23 hours ago
- Japanese right-wing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe recently climbed into a military airplane marked with the number 731 and sparked considerable controversy across the Asia-Pacific. The number 731 evokes the name of Imperial Japan's notorious biological and chemical warfare research unit in China between 1932 and 1945. During the Japanese occupation of China Unit 731 held captive and infected thousands of men, women and children with virulent strains of anthrax, plague, cholera, and other epidemic and viral diseases. Soon entire Chinese villagers were being... more »

Grohl, Pearl Jam Rock in Free World

Jay Allbritton at Jay Allbritton - 23 hours ago
If you ever wondered what it would look like to see Dave Grohl play drums with Pearl Jam, this is it. From 1995:

Already, those conventions are a thing of the past!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 day ago
*WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2013* *Kevin Drum, the IRS and Super Safety Dog:* Did the IRS blow a lot of bucks on an Anaheim conference? Kevin Drum says the price of the gathering wasn’t all that bad. We have our own two cents to throw in. But first: The caterwauling has been general about this very bad conduct. In this morning’s New York Times, Jonathan Weisman notes an intriguing fact—these deeply disturbing events are already a thing of the past: WEISMAN (6/5/13): The Internal Revenue Service spent $4.1 million on a single conference in Southern California in 2010, paying top dollar for... more »

Michelle Obama acts in her usual ladylike manner...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*MOTUS captures the entire event perfectly - and we thank her.* *Bi-the way, did you hear what Lady M didn’t say yesterday?*

A Colorado sheriff speaks out about gun rights...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*and how you're being mislead by the Obama administration - and we thank him. * President Obama visited Denver on April 3, 2013 to push his excessive gun legislation. Not one sheriff in the state of Colorado was included in the event. The sheriffs of Colorado representing 62 counties were kept out of the event because their legislative needs were not useful to the president. Obama's purposeful shunning of the state sheriffs could not silence them. Listen as Sheriff Shayne Heap from Elbert County Colorado responds to the president's comments. H/T *Storm'n Norman*

JB Campbell: Anti- American!

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
I have recently been asked for my take on JB Campbell and his writings.... For years now, I have periodically looked at his articles, and I found them to be very informative and absolutely truthful.... Many may not like what he has to say, but he is spot on in calling out the Jewish criminals and their horrible actions against humanity.... For this article ... I want to concentrate on a very important piece that was first brought forward by Darryl Bradford Smith, through his "French Connection" website, at It was written by JB Campbell over 2 years ago,for t... more »

Syria: Syrian Army takes al-Qusayr, Sarin & UN and Condoleeza is back.....

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
Getting back to Syria. A news round up of sorts *Qusay(i)r has been taken back from NATO’s mercs.* *A photo of elated Syrian soldiers and Syrian civilians applauding, raising the flag and bringing in supplies for residents who can return.* [image: Fighters and civilians loyal to the Assad government hold up the Syrian flag after capturing the strategic town of Qusair, June 5, 2013.] Fighters and civilians loyal to -their homes & their families- hold up the Syrian flag after capturing the strategic town of Qusair, June 5, 2013. *It is nice to see the Syrian people happy :) * ... more »

150 Tea Party members arrested in protest against Democrats...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*bet that got your attention.* Actually... 150 People Arrested In NAACP Protest Against NC Republicans Who would of thought?

Dark Money, Dirty Money

2old2care at Because I Can - 1 day ago
There's been a lot written about dark money being funneled into politics lately. On HuffPo today - a lesson in dirty money. I couldn't help thinking about the video of Adelson being protected by his family at the Republican national convention. There to get his a$$ ki$$ed by the politicians that dark, dirty money funds. *The legal headaches besetting billionaire Sheldon Adelson’s Las Vegas SandsCorp.* now include a grand jury in Los Angeles, part of a federal money-laundering probe of his Nevada-based casinos, The Huffington Post has learned. The involvement of a federal grand j... more »

An Open Letter to the Reluctant Prepper

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
Gaye Levy Becoming prepared can be a lonely journey. Family members scoff and friends roll their eyes and shy away, thinking you have joined the tin foil hat society. You want to share and you want to talk, but say too much to the wrong people and you may be setting yourself up for future free-loading, looting, or worse. This is a dilemma faced by almost every prepper I know. Most want to join up with other like-minded people but who do they trust? The issue of trust is one reason why most of us want family members and close friends to come on board the prepping wagon; but, alas,... more »

Rumors Spread Of Militias At Work In Iraq

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 1 day ago
Iraq is facing a worsening security situation, but the country is not yet in a civil war. What could change that is if Shiites decide they can no longer rely upon the government to protect them, and begin taking matters into their own hands as they did during the civil war period from 2005-2008. Rumors play a large role in Iraq, and currently what is spreading amongst Sunnis are stories of fake checkpoints manned by militiamen who kidnap and murder people. Political parties and the protest movement are magnifying these rumors, and have now incorporated them into their weekly discou... more »

You Create Your Own Reality

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
*Youtube* See David Icke's new project here. Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

Be A Victim: When Your Kid Is Being Attacked, Teachers Are Just Minutes Away

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
Mac Slavo Should your child go to school and make a gesture with his hands resembling a gun, under zero-tolerance policies you can be 100% assured that he or she will be promptly suspended or expelled. However, if a student bully or random attacker should throw a desk at your child’s head, leaving a hole in his skull, that sense of urgency turns to apathy and indifference. A mother is outraged after she says no one called 911 when her teenage son suffered a skull fracture at the hands of another student. The alleged incident happened on campus during school hours. (…) Victor... more »

Keeping It In the Family: Senator Feinstein’s Husband Stands to Make Millions from USPS Contract

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
Daniel Jackson Senator Dianne Feinstein has long been accused of corruption and unethical behavior in Congress. From going after the Second Amendment to making tens of millions of dollars through her husband’s companies, Feinstein seems to take unbridled glee in being one of the most corrupt members of Congress today. Recently, a new wave of accusations has been levied at Feinstein, this time focusing on a deal that started in 2011 when the Post Office awarded the CBRE Group Inc. a contract to be the sole marketer of USPS properties. Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum, just so hap... more »

It’s time for Glenn Kessler to fact-check O’Reilly!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 day ago
*WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2013* *O’Reilly keeps pouring it on:* Last night, Bill O’Reilly just kept pouring it on. With the apparent help of Jon Stewart! On a typical evening, roughly 5 million people watch one of O’Reilly’s three broadcasts on Fox. (His program airs at 8 PM, 11 PM and 4 AM Eastern.) Last night, in O’Reilly’s opening monologue, those five million people saw Jon Stewart used to advance a bogus claim about the IRS. O’Reilly just kept pouring it on, helped along by edited tape of Stewart! Here’s how this gong-show came down: On Monday evening’s Daily Show, Stewart opened ... more »

So what exactly is a "free range" chicken...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*and other info you can use.* Since I began working in a grocery store, I've been really reading up on claims made on food packages. My personal favorite is "gluten free." It seems everyone is suddenly unable to tolerate gluten. Makes me wonder what the hell they've been eating for the past 50 or 60 years. While we try to stick to a wheat free diet around here (which naturally eliminates gluten), most "gluten free" packaged food is chock full of crappy alternatives. "All natural" is another one that makes me chuckle. Arsenic is "all natural", but I'm not planning on having a ... more »


Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 1 day ago

Does China Plan To Back The Yuan With Gold And Make It The Primary Global Reserve Currency?

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
Michael Snyder What in the world is China up to? Why are the Chinese hoarding so much gold? Does China plan to back the yuan with gold and turn it into a global reserve currency? Could it be possible that China actually intends for the yuan to eventually replace the U.S. dollar as *the* primary reserve currency of the planet? Most people in the Western world assume that China just wants a "seat at the table" and is content to let the United States run the show. But that isn't the case at all. The truth is that China doesn't just want to compete with the United States. Rather... more »

Monsanto sued by Kansas wheat farmer over release of unapproved GMO wheat in Oregon

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
Wheat field in Coburg, Oregon image credit: elias_daniel/Flickr Madison Ruppert A wheat farmer in Kansas has filed a lawsuit against Monsanto alleging that the infamous agricultural giant is guilty of gross negligence for not containing unapproved genetically modified wheat which was recently discovered in Oregon. The farmer, Ernest Barnes, said that Monsanto’s GMO wheat has put all of the United States’ wheat export sales at risk. Meanwhile, Monsanto claims they have no clue how the “Roundup Ready” strain of wheat ended up in an Oregon field since they say they abandoned their re... more »

FBI pushes for wiretap-friendly Internet

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
*Youtube* A new wiretap bill backed by the FBI has many Internet companies concerned that this new proposed legislation will open the floodgates to all Internet communication. The new motion will expand wiretapping designs significantly and includes the ability for law enforcement to gain access to emails and features like video chats. Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner Be the Change! Share this using the tools below.

Will Colorado Senator Who Backed Strict Gun Control Law Face State's First Ever Recall Election?

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
Daniel Jackson A Colorado lawmaker who championed some of the strictest gun laws in the country is now facing a possible recall after concerned citizens turned in twice the needed petition signatures to initiate the state's first ever recall election. Democratic Senate President John Morse sponsored the new gun laws in Colorado and originally backed an even stricter law that would have made gun owners liable for damage caused by their weapons. Because of this, citizens within the state have risen up and are set to possibly remove him from office. The Washington Post reported: ... more »

An Obituary for the Left

The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 1 day ago
*CounterPunch* recently carried a lament for *The Silent Death of the American Left. *It offers useful insights for the gristled remnant of Canada's once proud political Left that has now fallen happy victim to the black hole of political compression, the flaccid centrism that afflicts us today. The question stands for us as well - is there really a Left movement in Canada any longer? *There is, of course, a Left ideology, a Left of the mind, a Left of theory and critique. But is there a Left movement?* ** *Does the Left exist as an oppositional political, cultural or economic f... more »

New: Blogger contact form gadget

Peter @ Enviroman at the original Blogger Tips and Tricks - 1 day ago
Blogger has recently added a third party CONTACT FORM gadget to its lists of gadgets. The contact form is fluid with width conforming to the width of the section to which it had been added so you don't need to worry over how wide your contact form should be: [image: blogger contact form gadget] There are only 3 fields (boxes) - Name, Email and Message. To add a contact form, sign into Blogger (Dashboard), click the down arrow of the drop down menu on the extreme right side, select LAYOUT as shown in the screenshot below: [image: Blogger dashboard drop down menu to layout] At the p... more »

Trial Continues For Military Whistleblower Bradley Manning (Day 2)

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
*Activist Post* We have spoken to Nathan Fuller at who has given us gracious permission to reprint his daily firsthand reports. Day 2 is posted below. We also will be adding commentary, as well as analyses from other sources to provide a constant update to what is happening in this essential trial for whistleblowers and their mission to reveal the truth. As a part of today's update, we are also including this new trailer released that includes various celebrities and well-respected media such as Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi. "I am Bradley Manning." *Nathan Ful... more »

ACTION ITEM: No More Excuses

2old2care at Because I Can - 1 day ago
This is stunning. My personal opinion is that the destruction is not just limited to mountaintop mining - but probably linked to most every activity that destroys the earth - to expand fossil fuel production. Cause - corporations care about profits, corporation do not care about people. I found it on Crooks and Liars this morning. *One thing leads to another.* It is up to us to stop *each and every* thing. Please sign the petition to Obama to stop mountaintop removal. Remember - someday you may have a petition, that you need signatures for. Help others now - so they will help you i... more »

WotW: Preserve Your Child's Masterpiece and Decrease Clutter with Artkive

Seth R. Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 1 day ago
I have a weird confession to make: I hate paper. I know, I know, that's weird, but I really hate paper. I don't like how paper stacks up around the house. I don't like how it gets crumpled and messy. I don't like the way it feels. So, for my bizarre mind, I love anything electronic that simplifies and removes the paper from my life. Hence my love for email, ebooks and so many useful apps. My daughter, on the other hand, has a pathological love for paper. She loves the stuff. She steals all sorts of paper – receipts, mail, envelopes – so she can draw on it later. I'd like to think ... more »

New U.N. Chemical Weapons Report on Syria Blames Assad

Mark Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 1 day ago
*New UN report contradicts the last UN report.* image source Brandon Turbeville After having some time to regroup, Western-backed propaganda against the Assad government of Syria regarding the alleged (and erroneous) claims of the use of chemical weapons against rebels death squads and civilians has apparently resumed. As Reuters reports, “United Nations human rights investigators said on Tuesday they had “reasonable grounds” to believe that limited amounts of chemical weapons had been used by government forces in Syria.” Reuters also states that “In their latest report, based on... more »
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