Friday, April 12, 2013

12 April - The View

When It's About Us
 "What Kind of a Church Can Prevent a Holocaust?" 

( Presumably a church aware when a holocaust happens e.g. the true nature and extent of deaths in Iraq. Even the numbers from Just Foreign Policy approaching 1.5 million ignore .5 million from sanctions, those in the war against Iran sponsored by the US, and the effects of exploiting sectarianism to promote conflict. aina will give you information on how Kurds killed pacifist Iraqi Christians, something that presumably would have been curtailed in a state which was not split in the fashion of India, Korea, or Vietnam. And were deaths in their severance not holocausts as well ? Or those in Korea and Vietnam from the U.S. bombing their hapless self chosen 'enemy' ?)

As last standing superpower, it's always about us. Making deals with murderous tyrants so we can consume foreign resources; propping up and later deposing dictators to control oil or bolster our arms industry; manipulating international human rights instruments to invade other states under the guise of humanitarian intervention--it's always about us. The hypocrisy of U.S. policy, foreign and domestic, includes not a small amount of Christian dominion philosophy. It comes up every day in administrative policy and court rulings against the indigenous self-determination of American Indians, Palestinians and West Papuans. Even the Obama Administration condones genocide by arming Uganda, Rwanda, Israel and Indonesia. While it is comforting to suggest we need to speak out against other people's atrocities, it is more important to put our own house in order.

by Jay Taber on Sat Apr 06, 2013 at 01:34:28 PM EST

mixture of vagueness and sheer incompetence is the most marked characteristic of modern English prose, and especially of any kind of political writing.  

As The Right Turns
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Sat Mar 23, 2013 at 10:38:38 PM EST

This week's featured item on As The Right Turns is a tale of influential Christian Nationalist writer David Barton, whose distorted and politically opportunistic versions of history have become increasingly controversial. The Texas Freedom Network flags (with a hat tip to Right Wing Watch) Barton's explanation of why white settlers had to wipe out Native American tribes and why the plains buffalo needed to be exterminated.

We Have A Better Story To Tell
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Sun Mar 31, 2013 at 08:56:18 PM EST

Author Nathan Lean has an important essay at about the vulgar anti-Muslim words and views of  "New Atheist" figures Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris.  These prominent figures have, Lean reports, drifted off into views that are variously indistinguishable from those of the Christian Right, and even of contemporary neo-Nazis.

Senators Demand DOJ Release Secret Spy Court Rulings

At issue, the lawmakers said, is section 215 of the Patriot Act. The sweeping power, one of the most controversial in the law, allows the secret FISA court to authorize broad warrants for most any type of record, including those held by banks, internet companies, libraries and doctors. The government does not have to show a connection between the items sought under a section 215 warrant and a suspected terrorist or spy: the authorities must assert the documents would be relevant to an investigation. Those who receive such an order are not allowed to tell anyone, ever, that such records were requested.

Surveillance Court’s Opinions Must Remain Secret

The statement came in response to a lawsuit demanding the administration disclose a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court opinion issued as early as last year. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) was briefed on the opinion as a member of the Intelligence Committee and was authorized last year to reveal that the surveillance had “circumvented the spirit of the law” and was “unreasonable under the Fourth Amendment.” .... the government said that disclosure of the secret opinion should be barred because it implicates classified intelligence sources and methods.” (.pdf)

(  Isn't that equivalent to a 'guilty' plea ? )

The WV Host Farms Program
Please share this video clip. It's a typical Marcellus well site, where flaring is now taking place, post fracking. Please "share" the post to move it forward so that the public becomes knowledgeable about the large scale operation of these well sites going in all over our rural communities.
Video of flaring a gas well, post fracking.
Video clip shows how large these Marcellus well pads are. Video shows flaring the gas well, after fracking has been completed. Note the two black structures known as "reserve pits" in the background that hold for water/fluid used during the fracking process. The flaring can sometimes take weeks depending on the composition of the gas when the well is being made ready for production.
Length: 0:12
Real Coastal Warriors shared Marcellus Outreach Butler's photo.
MOB Photo of the Day #102 (04/12/2013)
Randy Moyer hasn’t been able to work in 14 months.

He’s seen more than 40 doctors, has 10 prescriptions to his name and no less than eight inhalers stationed around his apartment.

Moyer said he began transporting brine, the wastewater from gas wells that have been hydraulically fractured, for a small hauling company in August 2011. He trucked brine from wells to treatment plants and back to wells, and sometimes cleaned out the storage tanks used to hold wastewater on drilling sites. By November 2011, the 49-year-old trucker was too ill to work. He suffered from dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, difficulty breathing, swollen lips and appendages, and a fiery red rash that covered about 50 percent of his body.  Read more: 

His story was recently included in the short film Fracking Our Future.  Watch the video here: 

Photo provided by: Randy Moyer
MOB Photo of the Day #102 (04/12/2013)
Randy Moyer hasn’t been able to work in 14 months.

He’s seen more than 40 doctors, has 10 prescriptions to his name and no less than eight inhalers stationed around his apartment.

Moyer said he began transporting brine, the wastewater from gas wells that have been hydraulically fractured, for a small hauling company in August 2011. He trucked brine from wells to treatment plants and back to wells, and sometimes cleaned out the storage tanks used to hold wastewater on drilling sites. By November 2011, the 49-year-old trucker was too ill to work. He suffered from dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, difficulty breathing, swollen lips and appendages, and a fiery red rash that covered about 50 percent of his body. Read more:

His story was recently included in the short film Fracking Our Future. Watch the video here:

Solve Your Most Annoying Skin Problems with These Household Concoctions

Telus is reportedly trying to take over indie cell phone provider Mobilicity! This is illegal under Industry Canada rules, but so far Industry Minister Paradis has refused to do anything about it.

It’s baffling that the government will not stand up for Canadians and enforce its own rules. As the government continues to coddle Big Telecom, indie providers are being sent a message that it's time to give up. See OpenMedia's press release:

Save independent cell phone options by sending Minister Paradis a message at: ***Please also share it on Facebook now at this link:
Telus is reportedly trying to take over indie cell phone provider Mobilicity! This is illegal under Industry Canada rules, but so far Industry Minister Paradis has refused to do anything about it.

It’s baffling that the government will not stand up for Canadians and enforce its own rules. As the government continues to coddle Big Telecom, indie providers are being sent a message that it's time to give up. See OpenMedia's press release:

Save independent cell phone options by sending Minister Paradis a message at:  ***Please also share it on Facebook now at this link:

why our governments want internet censorship!
Like, duh.
Glastonbury news
Chemtrails in the news, nice, spreading awareness

Courtesy of
More proof that the Greens are just a tool of the power elite.

Chris Dobney

Another attack has been launched on the Australian Vaccination Network, this time from a most unexpected quarter.

NSW Greens MP Dr John Kaye has said that the state government must take aim against the ‘voodoo claims and conspiracy theories’ that he accuses the network, amongst others, of spreading.

He was speaking after new statistics released yesterday showed that together with some of Sydney’s most exclusive suburbs, Byron and Ballina shires have among the lowest vaccination rates in the state.

Less than 85 per cent of children in our region have been vaccinated, leading Dr Kaye to state that ‘educated people’ were ‘falling prey to misinformation’.

Dr Kaye recognised that in taking the stand he would fall foul of some Greens voters but told Echonetdaily this morning, ‘I welcome the diversity of the debate that comes from the north coast but where the health and safety of children is concerned there is an overriding public health responsibility to ensure all children are vaccinated.

‘This goes beyond politics. This goes to the agony of watching a child struggling to breathe with whooping cough and it goes to the risk of an outbreak of a terrible disease like polio.

‘People have done their own research. I don’t blame people who come to the wrong conclusion based on what they see on the internet. The trouble is there are too many sources on the internet that grotesquely mislead parents seeking answers to the complex questions around vaccination.

Dr Kaye said the government must do more to increase the uptake of vaccination on the north coast and throughout the state and recommended a social media campaign to get honest answers out to people who were concerned.

‘I think the O’Farrell government has an obligation to run a campaign in the electronic media certainly, but even more so on the internet, Facebook, Twitter, etcetera, to ensure that every parent knows the risk to their own children, and others’, of not vaccinating,’ he told Echonetdaily.

The founding head of the Australian Vaccination Network (which opposes all forms of vaccination), Meryl Dorey, lives in Bangalow.

Dr Kaye described the organisation as ‘disgraceful’.

‘The Australian Vaccination Network insists it is telling both sides of the story. However the individual and community benefits of vaccination are a matter of fact, not opinion. Spreading misinformation about childhood immunisation could be deadly,’ he said.

He said that ultimately the responsibility must lie with the health department to combat the ‘conspiracy theories’ and urged the premier to boost budgets to stretched regional local health districts.

‘Cuts to the state’s health budget will make matters much worse. The already over-stretched [health] department struggles to service rural and remote NSW and get the message out to all parents that they should ignore the conspiracy theory idiocy of the anti-vaccine campaigners.

‘Together with more resources for rural and remote areas to ensure that every child has access to an immunisation program, health minister Jillian Skinner must put more effort into a counter-offensive that shows parents the consequences of whooping cough, measles and polio.

‘It must be made clear to parents that waiting until a child gets sick is unfair on their own offspring and on others around them.’
Nurse Rise ~ Nurses for Safe Water shared The Other 98%'s photo.
This is really happening in Arkansas. Exxon is really doing this.

We're relying on you to spread the word - please click LIKE & SHARE:

(shout-out to the awesome folks at Oil Change International and Environmental Action who sponsored the PSA with us - hover over their name and like them up)
Get the latest TNRA podcast!

In today's show we re-visit the thorny issue of full body scanners and what they signal for your rights, your privacy and human freedom generally.

Full body scanners (millimitre wave) are now in operation at all international airports in Australia. The devices deployed in Australia include what is called "privacy protection" in that the images displayed to operators show a stylised "stick figure" version of the human body. Despite this welcome enhancement, it is still nonetheless true that going through these devices is equivalent to a "strip search" - something that is not normally expected by law abiding citizens going about their daily business.

We propose on the show that a national movement of opposition and lawful rebellion against the degrading practice of strip searching air travellers needs to be a top priorty for all who value freedom.
( Odd they missed the parts where a) they don't work as advertised, not as well as handheld sniffer tech costing 10% as much b) they provide doses of radiation which are especially dangerous in that they are repeated without medical consideration for accumulated dose )

Get the latest TNRA podcast!

In tonight's show we take a look at the travesty of justice known as the Apprehended Violence Order (AVO).

An AVO is a restraining order which compels an 'alleged' violent person to stay away from an 'alleged' victim. In a strange exception of the norms of criminal justice , when an AVO is issued the concept of 'burden of proof ' changes it's meaning:

The burden of proof is lower for an application for an AVO than for other criminal matters. Instead of the complainant having to prove their fear beyond reasonable doubt, they need to prove it on the balance of probabilities. - source

In practice this often results in the accused being forced to 'prove innocence' in order to have the AVO dropped, since all that is required for the AVO to be upheld is for the court to be convinced that the 'protected person' is fearful that the 'defendant’ will commit an act of personal violence, intimidate, or stalk the 'protected person'.

More information about the consequences of an AVO can be found here.

My guest in the first hour, Neill, brings us his personal experience of an AVO. His story will surely rouse you into outrage over the way in which the legal system in Australia is geared to facilitating lies, corruption and perjury - allegedly in the cause of protecting the weak, but in reality facilitating a regime of oppression of men.

My 2nd hour guest David Zwolski brings us some inside information on the machinations of the Zeitgeist movement. David was formerly the lead coordinator of the Zeitgeist movement in Australia, but has since distanced himself from the movement.

Our discussion covers David's experience with the movement as well as his views on issues such as sustainability, population growth and the future of civilisation.

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