10:28pm MDST
Meet & Greet Monday (#MtaGt) - Jen and Joey Go Green
Small Footprints at Reduce Footprints - 28 minutes ago

to Meet & Greet Monday, a regular series designed to grow our
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People For The American Way Makes The Case For Defeating Conservatives
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 29 minutes ago

Yesterday we tried our hand at explaining how the Supreme Court's narrowly
partisan decision to void the Voting Rights Act is a catastrophe that is
not ameliorated by the nice pat on the head they have the LGBT community
the following day. Few organizations have fought harder and as effectively
as People For the American Way when it comes to LGBT equality. This week,
the organization's president, Michael Keegan, warned about the consequences
of the Voting Rights Act decision, warning that we MUST remember what they
did in 2016.
It's been a week of mixed emotions for those of us w... more »
Google Reader Alternatives For Housewife Eclectic
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 1 hour ago
Google Reader is officially going away tomorrow. I am a little sad to lose
my reader of choice, but I have signed up with some Google Reader
alternatives and I am excited to try them all out.
Feedly and Bloglovin' are both Google Reader alternatives. You can follow
Housewife Eclectic on either one with the buttons below.
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Not using a reader? You can follow Housewife Eclectic by e-mail by adding
your e-mail address to the subscription blog below.
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Gold manipulation - one aspect or tool of the Empire of Fraud and Deception - used by the United States of Banksters ...... Stephen Lendman and Gordo Gecko tie things together - control frauds , the War machine , government surveillance and controls of citizens , reverse robin hood activities .... the whole nine yards ! !
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 hour ago

Friday, June 28, 2013
The Great Comex Paper Gold Dump: Online Real-Time Physical Gold Price
So, Gold is apparently “falling” again? But is it? *Really?*
Before we can answer that question, first we must ask - What is “Gold
Price”? Even more significantly, why the hell is Gold and its price so
important anyways?
So lets’ begin.
*An Empire of Fraud and Deception*
The US Government – operating today under the control of an international
banking cartel/mafia – is running a global empire whose... more »
Pozo de los deseos en Camlica, Istanbul.
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 2 hours ago

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Erupción del Volcán ubicado en el Monte Ararat
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 2 hours ago

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Recámara Burg Al Arab en los Emiratos Árabes
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 2 hours ago

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Nissan Versa Note (Autos compactos del año)
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 2 hours ago

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Diseño modernista y adorable de una sala alfombrada
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FotoFrontera - 2 hours ago

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DOWN TO THE DOCTOR’S: Parekura Horomia's seat should be left unfilled
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 2 hours ago
[image: _richardmcgrath]*Libertarianz leader Dr Richard McGrath wasn’t the
only one who didn’t vote in the weekend’s poorly attended Maori-only
The by-election result in Ikaroa-Rawhiti was an embarrassment for everyone
involved, which the final count confirms was very few indeed. Voter turnout
in this race-based seat was abysmal, suggesting very firmly that Parekura
Horomia's seat in Parliament should be left empty rather then filling it
with another bum.
Overall, 67% of eligible voters boycotted this by-election, despite massive
taxpayer-funded publicity. The Labo... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 2 hours ago
*Park for Sale! ~Neighborland Is Not A Neighbor*
Kevin Wood at The Galloping Beaver - 2 hours ago
at any newspaper, watch any newscast, and compare the amount of space
and time given to actual hard news (breaking events, politics, court,
natural disaster, policy, war, events of community and/or global
significance, local crime) opinion (arts reviews, political punditry,
letters to the editor, columnists), useful practical information
(recipes, DIY tips, travel stories about places
The Egyptian Second Revolution of June 30, 2013
Hani Fakhouri at Middle East Today - 2 hours ago
The massive protest movement of June 30, 2013 has been taking place in more
than 19 public squares in cities all over Egypt, where people in the
millions are calling on President Morsi to resign.
All these massive protests reflect the second stage of the stalled
revolution of January 25, 2011. The Muslim Brotherhood were not the ones
who started the revolution, but they ended up stealing it and ignoring its
objectives, which were “Aish, freedom and social justice”.
From the beginning, the Muslim Brotherhood through their political arm “The
Justice and Freedom Party” began to imple... more »
Zapatistas Marcos 'Classmates v. The Students'
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 hours ago
Inicio / Comunicado traduccion
Classmates V. The Students
Classmates V.
The Students.
June 2013.
To the adherents of the Sexta in Mexico and in the world:
To the Little Zapatista School invitees:
Compañeros, compañeroas, compañeras:
Here we are posting some data to give you an idea of the type of plebes…err, that is, people, who will be your
The 1st Amendment Isn't What it Use to Be
2old2care at Because I Can - 3 hours ago
Today I watched a documentary on Free Speech TV
Denver in 5 Days
It is a documentary that details the planning and the actual demonstrations
at the 2008 DNC convention in Denver.
I came away dismayed.
Police infiltration of the protest planning.
Phone tapping of the protest planners.
Labeling ordinary citizens using their first amendment rights as terrorists.
Intentional illegal detention by the Denver police.
Uncalled for violence by the Denver police
Denver PD doing everything to make the situation more confrontational than
it needed to be.
My uncle was the town cop in the town ... more »
More Pre-Arnold UFO Sightings
KRandle at A Different Perspective - 3 hours ago

I have been chasing sightings that predate Arnold, but just those made in
the months prior to that rather than in the years earlier. I’ve been
looking for documentation that proves a sighting was pre-Arnold, meaning
that it was published in some form before June 24, 1947. My luck has been
sporadic. I’ve found some but there are more out there. The trick was to
figure out where to look.
There are many cases that were reported after Arnold but that were made
prior to him. For example, there is a report from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
dated May 17, 1947, made by Byron Savage who said tha... more »
The ZAP Report 6-30-2013
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 3 hours ago

Greetings and Salutations,
Many of you have have asked us to pass along your questions for ZAP to
respond. Below are a few questions and answers that you may be extremely
interested in.
From ZAP..........HI ALL
Every week we hear "this is the week" for us to get deliveries, after a
while we become immune to the propaganda. We see nothing week after week
yet are asked to believe that all is going well and we will be greatly
rewarded for our patience without any logic or reasoning behind the
statements. You may see progress at higher levels moving funds all around
the world... more »
The Supreme Court sends a message to would-be job discriminators: Discriminate away, baby!
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago

*The new president signs the Lilly Ledbetter Act in January 2009, with
Lilly Ledbetter visible seen behind him and members of Congress looking on.*
*by Ken*
Howie has already called attention to the Roberts Court's extremist coup
with its Voting Rights Act slapdown. I suppose it's possible that the five
thug-justices really don't understand what they did, but the signs all over
the country are that the message has been received by the country's vote
suppressors, indeed all the felons who have been toiling so prodigiously to
disenfranchise people they don't like. Last week he wrote:... more »
Edward Snowden is screwed
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 3 hours ago
For guy who's smart enough to hack into the NSA's database, Ed Snowden was
shockingly unprepared for the aftermath of publicly admitting his crime.
For one thing, he clearly didn't think through his route to asylum
thoroughly. It's like he believed he could just cleverly sneak aroung the
globe until he found a comfortable home in self-imposed exile where he
would live out his days as a folk hero or something. It's as if, in his
head, he was living out a spy novel but Snowden's immediate reality is grimin ways that suggest an unhappy ending to his story.
Ecuadorian President Rafael C... more »
Don’t tolerate Islam, condemn it.
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 3 hours ago
Don’t tolerate Islam, says Craig Biddle, condemn it.
How do you square this with the right to freedom of religion?
In answering, Biddle discusses the difference between respecting rights and
being tolerant, the fallacy of package-dealing, the nature of Islam, and
the fundamental reason so few Westerners are able to categorically condemn
a religion that calls for their death.
Exhibit One for Biddle’s argument, from many thousands: *Singing in the
Rain (the Islamic Version*):
"Smiling sisters shot dead for dancing in the rain: Pakistani girls, 15 and
16, killed along with their mo... more »
ALEC- Screwing You - 1 Paycheck at a Time
2old2care at Because I Can - 3 hours ago
ALEC and ALEC Corporations make me so damn mad some days I CRY - because of
the damage that ALEC, ALEC legislators, and their ALEC corporations are
doing to the American people.
Today I cried.
I HATE ALEC and everything it stands for.
In March I introduced my readers to the ALEC Electronic Pay Choice Act.
I can't even begin to imagine how many decades ALEC and their Corporate
buddies have been sitting around talking about this piece of malicious
A piece of pro-corporate ALEC legislation that takes money out of the
pockets of
Americans and puts it into the pockets of t... more »
ALEC - Taking Away Your Rights - One Paycheck at a Time
2old2care at Because I Can - 4 hours ago
In March I introduced my readers to the ALEC Electronic Pay Choice Act.
A piece of pro-corporate ALEC legislation that takes money out of the
pockets of Americans and puts it into the pockets of the corporations - for
no other reason than - becausetheycan and becausetheywantitall.
Another piece of pro-corporate ALEC legislation that takes away the rights
of citizens to bank as they choose.
As I noted in that blog entry:
I bet executives wouldn't put up with this kind of payroll crap
from their employer - I'd like to see
them get their paycheck on a debit card
I... more »
Apparently, ANYONE can open a charter school now #NCSC13
Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 4 hours ago
I’m sure you heard about the wonderful slate of speakers available at the
2013 National Charter Schools Conference, which includes hit hip hop artist
Pitbull. Yeah! Well, I have a couple of alternatives. Or, yes, the Kimye
National Achievement Academy of the Arts and Media!! Tagged: arne duncan,
charter schools, kanye west, kardashian, kimye, lindsay […]
2old2care at Because I Can - 4 hours ago
I bet executives wouldn't put up with this kind of payroll crap
from their employer - I'd like to see
them get their paycheck on a debit card
I bet a legislator wouldn't put up this kind of payroll crap
from the state government- I'd like to see
them get their paycheck on a debit card
*However, an employer that elects not to pay wages or salaries in
accordance with clause (i) or (ii)*
(Meaning hard cash or hard check)
*shall be permitted to pay wages or salaries by credit to a prepaid debit
card or card account in acco... more »
Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr Key
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 4 hours ago

[image: Petrol_Taxes[3]]
Wasn’t it exciting to discover this morning that from this day forth you
and I will pay 3 cents a litre more* to the government to fill up our cars,
to partially pay for just a few of the many monuments the Prime Minister
announced last week. That’s the *multi-billion dollars worth of monuments—*roads,
bridges, tunnels, stadia—that Mr Key and Mr Joyce will open, and you and I
and our grandchildren will have to pay for.
Understand that this will not be the *only* imposition to pay for the many
grand schemes the Prime Minister announced. “Motorists are bein... more »
Quote of the Day: How to kill the author
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 5 hours ago
“The [U.S.] Constitution’s framers had it right. Soviet-style repression
is not necessary to diminish authors’ output and influence. Just
devalue their copyrights.”
- Scott Turow, writing in the *New York Times*
on “The Slow Death of the American Author”
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
ACTION: Restore the Voting Rights Act
2old2care at Because I Can - 5 hours ago
Within hours of SCOTUS gutting the Voting Rights Amendment – Republican
states were implementing laws and reinstating gerrymandering of districts –
to make sure everybody can’t vote.
*Please support the ACLU today to tell*
*Congress: Restore the Voting Rights Act*
27,733 people support this campaign. Help us get to 30,000!
A county in Texas recently submitted a request to change its polling place
to a historically segregated private country club, presenting a huge
discouragement to people of color seeking to vote. If not for key
provisions of the Voting Rights Act, that change mi... more »
The Economy: "Sympathy for the Luddites"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
* *
*"Sympathy for the Luddites"*
by Paul Krugman
"In 1786, the cloth workers of Leeds, a wool-industry center in northern
England, issued a protest against the growing use of “scribbling” machines,
which were taking over a task formerly performed by skilled labor. “How are
those men, thus thrown out of employ to provide for their families?” asked
the petitioners. “And what are they to put their children apprentice to?”
Those weren’t foolish questions. Mechanization eventually — that is, after
a couple of generations — led to a broad rise in British living standards.
But it’s f... more »
Fast Food, the Non-GMO Style, and Awesome
noreply@blogger.com (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 5 hours ago
Bruce and Marsha Weinstein
*Awesome Foods* Catherine J. Frompovich
In today’s extremely busy lifestyles, food choices often wind up being
something fast, on the run, or munchies out of cellophane bags, which
usually are nothing more than ‘Frankenfood’ gussied up to appeal to
deadened taste buds.
If you’re like me, you don’t have a taste for, nor want to buy, any of
those quick fixes whose ingredient labels take a degree in food chemistry
to understand. Furthermore, the sinister part of an ingredient label
anymore—especially in the USA—is what’s not listed, i.e., genetically
modif... more »
Foreign Boots on American Soil: Russia To Share Military “Security Experts” With U.S. During Emergencies
noreply@blogger.com (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 5 hours ago
Mac Slavo
Rumors have circulated for years about the possibility of foreign troops
being deployed on U.S. soil in the event of a widespread declaration of a
national emergency. For quite some time there have been anecdotal reports
to support the claim that the U.N., Russia and other nations would be used
in a policing capacity should some critical event befall our nation.
The fear should such a scenario take place has been that these soldiers
would act under the banner of their own flags, ignoring the fundamental
protections afforded to our citizens, leaving Americans under the
j... more »
EMP Attack and Solar Storms, Part II: Cascading Failures and Nuclear Meltdown
noreply@blogger.com (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 5 hours ago
image source Kevin Hayden (TruthIsTreason.net)
Some time ago, we discussed the broad implications of an electromagnetic
pulse (EMP) attack, such as that from an aerial detonation of a nuclear
device, and the similar effects of a large solar storm or coronal mass
ejection from the sun. In that discussion, we looked at the overall aspects
of the crisis, including interruptions to our trucking industry, which in
turn would represent a massive failure in our food, health, and fuel
delivery systems. Other topics included traffic gridlock, potential vehicle
failure, and briefly, what to... more »
The Hidden World Found in Symbols
noreply@blogger.com (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 5 hours ago
Eric Draven
In order to fully grasp and understand society, control, agendas, it helps
to understand symbols and why they are prevalent.
Symbols are a part of our daily lives but for most people they often go
unseen. During our lives, at some point or another, every human being
experiences an “a-ha” moment. That millisecond of conscious thought, in
time and space, when someone realizes that the world is nothing like they
thought it was. From that moment on, they start seeing the world in a whole
new way. It is almost as if the proverbial rose-colored glasses simply fell
to the gr... more »
Government report reveals encryption actually thwarted wiretaps for the first time on record
noreply@blogger.com (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 5 hours ago
image credit:
ideonexus/Flickr Madison Ruppert
According to an official U.S. government report, four wiretaps have been
thwarted by encryption, something which has never happened since such
records have been collected.
This comes after as it was revealed that the National Security Agency’s massive
surveillance program even spied on European diplomats. Meanwhile, the Army
has blocked the Guardian over security concerns related to the information being
put out about the surveillance program.
This latest revelation came in a report from the U.S. Administrative Office
of the Courts, ... more »
An Open Letter to New Teach for America Recruits
Katie Osgood at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 5 hours ago
Dear New TFA Recruits, It is summertime, which for those of you newly
accepted into Teach for America, means you are enduring the long hard days
of Institute. I congratulate you on being accepted into this prestigious
program. You clearly have demonstrated intelligence, passion, and
leadership in order to make it this far. And now […]
America: Government by Terror, Torture and Tyranny
noreply@blogger.com (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 6 hours ago
Stephen Lendman
America governs lawlessly. Out-of-control rogues run things. Conditions go
from bad to worse. Tyranny threatens everyone. So does possible global war.
Fear-mongering, saber rattling, hot wars, proxy ones, drone ones,
geopolitical ones, financial ones, anti-populist ones, mass incarceration,
censorship, lawless sanctions, subversion, sabotage, targeted
assassinations, mass murder, cyberwar, and horrific draconian harshness
reflect out-of control governance gone mad.
Lying is official policy. So is state terror. Independent governments
aren't tolerated. They're targ... more »
Getting Started: Prepping For a Two-Week Power Outage
noreply@blogger.com (Mark Daniels) at Global Political Awakening - 6 hours ago
Daisy Luther
If you’re new to preparedness, you may be reading some of the excellent and
informative websites out there and feeling quite quite overwhelmed. While
many sites recommend a one-year supply of food, manual tools, and a bug out
lodge in the forest, it’s vital to realize that is a long-term goal, not a
starting point.
A great starting point for someone who is just getting started on a
preparedness journey is prepping specifically for a two-week power outage.
If you can comfortably survive for two weeks without electricity, you will
be in a far better position than most ... more »
“Washington Is Driving The World Towards The Final War”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
* *
*“Washington Is Driving The World Towards The Final War” *
By Paul Craig Roberts
“V For Vendetta,” a film that portrays evil in a futuristic England as a
proxy for the evil that exists today in America, ends with the defeat of
evil. But this is a movie in which the hero has super powers. If you have
not seen this film, you should watch it. It might wake you up and give you
courage. This shows that, at least among some filmmakers, the desire for
liberty still exists.
Whether the desire for liberty exists in America remains to be seen. If
Americans can overcome their gullibilit... more »
Your moment of Zen
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 6 hours ago

Lotus blossom waterfall, Bali. [photo via]
Egypt's Re-Revolution in full gear as millions protest Morsi Government !
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 6 hours ago
4 dead, scores injured as millions take to the streets in Egypt to demand
Morsi resignation
Get short URL
Published time: June 30, 2013 18:00
Huge crowds have gathered across Egypt to demand the resignation of
President Mohammed Morsi on the first anniversary of his inauguration. But
Morsi loyalists are staging counter-demonstrations, saying they will defend
the leader with all means available.
Four people have been killed and over 200 injured on Sunday as millions
took to the streets. All four dead were shot in Nile Valley t... more »
The Police State in action: Men arrested for walking in England.
Rufus News From Atlantis at News From Atlantis. - 7 hours ago

The UK is a basket case. Our sad and troubled land is ruled by Talmudic
tyrants who impose their will with their well-paid thugs in uniform, the
police. Those who disagree with the ruling political orthodoxy can expect
to be taken against their will by armed criminals, to be held in a place
from which they cannot leave, and then after enduring this ordeal, be
forced into a corrupt legal system which will be used to either
rubber-stamp their kidnapping, or force them to pay money to a system which
has long passed beyond having any credibility.
In London, two men were arrested for t... more »
Sunday Classics: In "The Flying Dutchman" Wagner shows there's more than one way to get from Act I to Act II and from Act II to Act III
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago

*by Ken*
In our earlier post about Wagner's *Flying Dutchman* we heard the Norwegian
sea captain Daland return home from a perilous voyage bringing a guest,
none other than the Flying Dutchman to meet (and hopefully entrance) his
daughter, Senta. Then we left the two potential lovers alone for their long
scene, and I would have liked to return for the end of Act II, as Daland
returns. Here is that little fragment.
*DALAND*: Forgive me! My people will stay outside no longer;
each time we return home you know there is a feast.
I would enhance it. Therefore I come to ask
if it can be ... more »
El Nino - Global Warming Link Found
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 8 hours ago

The *El Nino - Southern Oscillation* (ENSO) has, for the first time, been
linked to global warming.
A team of researchers examining tree ring evidence from the past seven
hundred years finds that ENSO events have increased in frequency since the
onset of global warming.
*Spawning droughts, floods, and other weather disturbances world-wide, the
El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) impacts the daily life of millions of
people. During El Niño, Atlantic hurricane activity wanes and rainfall in
Hawaii decreases while Pacific winter storms shift southward, elevating the
risk of floo... more »
California chalk protester hit with gag order for protesting Bank of America!
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 9 hours ago

Jeff Olson, Chalk Activist Facing 13 years in jail for protesting Bank of
America *
* http://rt.com/usa/chalk-olson-diego-san-404/
*California chalk protester hit with gag order*
Published time: June 28, 2013 20:56
Edited time: June 29, 2013 08:19
Reuters / Darryl Webb
A California man facing more than a decade in prison for writing with chalk
on public sidewalks has been told he’s barred from discussing the details
of his controversial case outside of court.
*Judge Howard Shore* issued a gag-order in a San Diego, California
courtroom this week against Jeff Olson, *a 40-year-old a... more »
Rick Perry - This is god - Take Your Meds
2old2care at Because I Can - 9 hours ago

Couln't help it.
Great Sunday humor
*Stolen from BlueStreet Journal*
Gov Perry
God Here
The voice in your head is not me
Take your meds.
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, June 30th, 2013
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 9 hours ago
It is now Sunday, June 30th, 2013, and it is time for my weekly rant of
what I see is wrong and sometimes right in this world...
First things first... I want to wish all of my fellow Canadians a Happy
Canada Day tomorrow, July 1st, 2013. It is supposed to be a day to
celebrate being Canadian... But considering what I have seen from the
criminal Harper regime in Ottawa over the last while, there is little here
to be truly happy about...
Yes, the province of Alberta has just endured one of the worse floods in
their history, with much of Calgary and surrounding communities inundated ... more »
'PM' With a Vengeance
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 9 hours ago

Time for another trawl through a week's worth of Radio 4's *PM*.
Maybe the apocalyptic imagery used in last week's post was nearer the mark
than might have been expected given that Eddie Mair seems to have vanished
off the face of the earth, Rapture-like, and that we poor sinners were
'left behind' with Carolyn Quinn and Jane Garvey (the 'two beasts'?) Or
maybe Eddie was just on holiday. Occam's Razor suggests that the Rapture is
the likelier explanation. Anyhow, the programme seemed duller without him.
Oh, and Ritula Shah turned up on Saturday. You can always tell it's her by
the ... more »
Thank you!
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 9 hours ago

This is late, and I apologize for that. I think I thanked everyone in
person by email, but if there's anyone I missed in email, please accept my
apologies. Thank you to everyone who donated! The need has been met. And
thank you to those who couldn't donate, I know your heart is with me too as
so many of you expressed. These are tough times, but better times are
coming soon! I love you all!
Girls shot in honour killing 'were murdered for making video of themselves dancing in the rain' - Independent.ie
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 10 hours ago
: Two teenage sisters and their mother were murdered in a Pakistan honour
killing after a video emerged of them dancing in the rain.
According to reports the two girls, aged just 15 and 16, were shot dead
last Sunday alongside their mother after the girls' step-brother and
accomplices carried out the attack to "restore the family's honour".
The alleged killer, named as Khutore, reportedly carried out the attack
after local men had seen the grainy video footage of the girls, named as
Noor Basra and Noor Sheza, dancing during a downpour outside their home in
Chilas, in the northern... more »
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 10 hours ago
Anne Braden: Southern Patriot provides an in-depth portrait of the
legendary Southern organizer and journalist whose life long activism
exemplified what progressive white people can do to fight racism. She was
labeled a "race traitor" by white supremacists and praised by Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.
BBC News - Can we make ourselves happier?
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 10 hours ago
One interesting line:
'Having children lowers your happiness levels, but your happiness increases
when they grow up and leave home.'
So overall overall who's happier, those who had children or those that
The language of Shakespeare, Milton and Joyce...
Roobin at THROUGH THE SCARY DOOR - 11 hours ago

Put to such noble use here... I'm being sarcastic, just in case you
couldn't tell.
This was sent to Owen Jones on the occasion of his writing an article about
the English Defence League. A wise man noted Stephen Yaxley-Lennon doesn't
say these sorts of things when he goes on TV. "It's almost as though
fascists consciously misrepresent their views for opportunistic gain or
Was investigative journalist Michael Hasting's death last week in a high-speed single-car automobile crash a bizare accident? Or was he assassinated by someone hacking into his car's controls?
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 11 hours ago

Bush advisor: Hastings crash ‘consistent with a car cyberattack’
Published time: June 25, 2013 16:19
Edited time: June 26, 2013
Original here
A former cybersecurity advisor to President George W. Bush says a
sophisticated computer hack could have been the cause of the automobile
accident that claimed the life of journalist Michael Hastings last week in
Los Angeles.
Richard Clarke, a State Department official-turned-special advisor to
several United ... more »
It's Now Admitted That Anti-War Activists Were and Are Targeted as Terrorists and Who Gets Money From Halliburton? (No Secrets Anymore - Just Ennui?) Ask Alan Anything!
Suzan at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 11 hours ago
Again, it's not really "news" that anti-war activists have been targeted as
domestic terrorists. We were told this years ago when they were arrested
and imprisoned (along with all the other legal protesters) during both the
Democratic and Republican Conventions. The news then (pretty much totally
ignored by the distracted populace) was why and who was benefitting from
it? What is new is that
Why won’t the Times report Beastie Boy’s age!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 11 hours ago
*SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2013*
*Overworked editor backslides:* In late May, we swung into action. As
always, we got you results!
At the New York Times, public editor Margaret Sullivan was turning into a
cheerleader. When we noted this obvious fact, she authored two consecutive
columns about substantive topics.
Sullivan’s hard-copy column only appears twice a month. But on June 2 and
June 16, she tackled actual topics.
This morning, Sullivan backslides. Exhausted by two weeks of work, she
seems to be saying, “No mas!”
Last Sunday, Sullivan offered no column. This week, she says she’s on a... more »
Digital Dementia-- Is It For Real?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago

Roland's my closest friend. I call his cell phone at least once a day. But
I have no idea what his number is. I press a button on my cell and his
phone is automatically "dialed." If I lost my phone, I wouldn't be able to
contact him. Oh, wait, I could. All I would have to do is go to my computer
and type in the first 3 or 4 letters of his screen name and his e-mail
address would come up. If I was at another computer, though, I wouldn't be
able to e-mail him either. I only know the first 3 or 4 letters of his
rather complicated screen name. Everything comes up kind of automatically ... more »
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 11 hours ago

Remember all the talk about western forces being out of Afghanistan in
2014? Well, that deal is off now. NATO has quietly decided it will keep
advisers in Afghanistan until 2020 or until we totally take leave of our
The problem is the Afghan army - the one we've had a dozen years to create
which works out to twice as long as we took to launch, fight and win WWII.
It seems in the land of the most warlike peoples on the planet, twelve
years isn't nearly long enough to establish a viable army capable of
defending its central government. Twelve's not enough, maybe eighte... more »
Happy Pride
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 11 hours ago
Here's an article from the Globe & Mail about it.
I have no idea what I'm doing. I just googled these things.
And the first tune on the radio that I knew was explicitly gay:
O Canada, you'll always be my girl
Jody Paterson at A Closer Look: Jody Paterson - 12 hours ago
Dear Canada:
It’s been a year and a half since we parted, and I know I said some mean
things in those emotional days toward the end. But I’ve been thinking about
you a lot today. I saw a photo of you on Facebook, with that bright blue
sky and sharp sunlight that I remember so well from the days when
everything was going right. And suddenly I was lost in a thousand memories
of the good times we had together.
Putting some distance between us has been good for me. There were times
when I loved your temperate spirit and tidy habits, but I hated that
1000-yard stare you’d get in your... more »
MN GreenTree - Screwing Homeowners - Shame On You!
2old2care at Because I Can - 12 hours ago
*Green Tree Servicing LLC*
345 St. Peter Street
St. Paul, MN 55102
800 643 0202
From Salon.com
All of this has come to a head in a class-action lawsuit filed by Leonard
Law Office in Massachusetts against Green Tree Servicing, a non-bank
servicer based in St. Paul, Minn.
Of course, servicers like Green Tree, Nationstar and Ocwen have terrible
reputations as among the worst servicers in the country (worse than Bank of
America, if you can imagine that). Among the charges Leonard Law Office
made against Green Tree were claims that the servicer imposed illegal fees
to process any ki... more »
PRISM's Conduit Into Your Life
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 12 hours ago

The *Washington Post* has published a series of U.S. National Security
Agency slides showing the conduits through which data flows into the
American government's computer banks.
The first column, PRISM Providers, identifies companies actively in the
PRISM loop - Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, YouTube, even Apple.
Fortunately none of us ever have anything to do with any of those outfits,
EU slams Gaza over executions | Maan News Agency
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 12 hours ago
' Describing the death penalty as cruel and inhuman, the EU said the
sentences were "failing to provide deterrence to criminal behavior, and
representing an unacceptable denial of human dignity and integrity.":
Drapes this verdict coming from their beloved EU, don't expect much
coverage of this from the BBC. The BBC's hatred of Israel outranks almost
every other factor in determining news coverage.
More here http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=609674
BBC News - Mid-East talks 'within reach' - US secretary of state
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 12 hours ago
The BBC. piece on the prospects of peace talks does concentrated
on what Israel is being asked to do in order for talks to take place, yes
it's 'settlements' again; Michael White will be happy.
I found this extract interesting:
' Among other issues, Mr Abbas is said to be pushing Israel to release the
longest-serving Palestinian prisoners.'
No BBC interest in what these prisoners were convicted for? Of course not.
More here http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23118403
Do you boycott Israeli products so as to support the Palestinians?
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 12 hours ago
Why, Mahmoud Abbas eats Israeli grapes. Mind you who can blame him, after
all they're very good grapes.
Anon at aangirfan - 12 hours ago

*Morsi supporters fly the al Qaeda flag in Cairo, June 2013*
The CIA's al Qaeda is ready to fight for the Moslem Brotherhood in Egypt.
*Morsi supporters, Egypt, June 2013. ** *#June30 : Apocalypse Now "Live
"A Christian exodus is being planned for the Middle East by Washington, Tel
Aviv, and Brussels..."
End Of Times: Yinon Plan and the "Clash of Civilizations"
*Armed Morsi supporters in Cairo, June 2013. *#June30 : Apocalypse Now
"Live Updated"
*According to Oded Yinon, in February 1982:*
*"Breaking Egypt down territorially into distinct geographical regions is
the po... more »
ALECer Fronts SCOTUS Prop 8 Case
2old2care at Because I Can - 12 hours ago
You read the news every single day - you see the names:
Hollingsworth v Perry
After a California law defining marriage as solely between a man and a
woman was struck down by the state supreme court as contrary to the state
constitution, California voters adopted Proposition 8, which amended the
state constitution to overrule the state supreme court’s decision.
Represented by prominent attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies, two same-sex
couples filed a federal legal challenge to Proposition 8 in U.S. District
Court for the Northern District of California on May 27, 2009. In August of ... more »
Sunday Question for Liberals
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 13 hours ago
Same question as the one for conservatives, also leaning on the 4th of July
week and my Salon column yesterday about the importance of elections:
What politicians are you most proud of having supported?
You don't have to be religious to help - but the people who do mostly seem to be
paul at Paying attention - 13 hours ago

I’d certainly argue that you don’t have to believe in God to help others.
It seems a natural thing to to do for any thinking, feeling creature.
But it’s striking that the people who actually show up to help in Honduras
are driven by their faiths.
A posse from a Louisianan church was here this month to help an
orphanage/care home in Copan Ruinas. They built beds for the kids, with
cupboards for personal stuff. They worked hard, dealt with the inevitable
problems and left the home much better off. The kids were big fans of the
guys. The new units replaced wrecked beds with stinking mat... more »
Why PA sets preconditions - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 13 hours ago
'The time has come to reveal the Palestinians' true colors. While world
leaders attempt to cajole and nudge the two sides into negotiations, only
one side consistently says it is ready to sit face to face without
preconditions - Israel
. The Palestinians, on the other hand, refuse to meet unless Israel agrees
in advance to several demands. This should be a red flag indicator of their
disingenuous intentions.'
More here http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4398456,00.html
Get a TNTP Math Teacher and Neutralize Poverty Today!
Jim Horn at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 13 hours ago
Every time I think I’ve discovered the bottom of the corporate education
(Corped) sewer, I find out that there is more down there where that came
from. The New Teacher Network, which was managed for awhile by the Queen of
Real Pain and Fake Gain, Michelle Rhee, keeps piling it up. With a
combination of […]
Gaiman’s Mythical Folding of Childhood into Adulthood | the becoming radical
plthomasedd at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 13 hours ago
Gaiman’s Mythical Folding of Childhood into Adulthood | the becoming
New Orleans vulnerable to storm surge on the Mississippi - even after all of the storm / flooding defense upgrades ?
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 14 hours ago
As we approach Hurricane Season , is New Orleans still vulnerable even
after the upgrades to its flood defenses after Katrina ?
Dr. Jeff Masters' WunderBlog
New Orleans' Achilles Heel: a Storm Surge on the Mississippi River?
Posted by: Dr. Jeff Masters, 7:23 PM GMT on June 27, 2013+60
In the wake of the unthinkable devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina in
New Orleans in 2005, Congress approved a $14.5 billion upgrade to the
city's flood defenses--the Hurricane and Storm Damage Risk Reduction System
(HSDRRS), a 139-mile system o... more »
Durbin Calls out ALEC - Again!
2old2care at Because I Can - 14 hours ago

Yesterday while I was lurking around tweet rolls I saw these three tweets.
*Sen Durbin from IL asks NALEO to ask their sponsors if they continue to
fund right wing ALEC*
*Thank you Senator Durbin for speaking truth to power at NALEO event
today. Investigate ALEC and their financial supporters.*
And Durbin - was right on!
A bunch of the sponsors were ALEC corporate members - a huge bunch!
The NALEO Annual Conference provides direct access to our nation's top
executive and legislative leaders. This is an unparalleled opportunity for
Welcome to the National Assoc... more »
Sunday Question for Conservatives
Jonathan Bernstein at A plain blog about politics - 14 hours ago
Here's one for the week leading up to July 4th. Long-time readers will
recall that I'm an advocate of particularly celebrating politics and
politicians on the 4th; I also have a new column at Salon this week on the
importance of elections (warning, conservatives: you won't like my
examples, but the piece should work with examples of your own).
At any rate, this gets to the question: what politician are you proudest to
have supported?
Common Core Seuss Standards? Perhaps. #commoncore
Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 14 hours ago
From an educator: We do not like the Common Core.It tells us not of what’s
in storeUnless the kids don’t pass their testsOur futures will be put to
rest. The kids will cry, struggle and fretAnd not learn to THINK, (the
worst thing yet)The only thing that will occupy mindsIs finding the RIGHT
answer every […]
Where’s @NCTQ on this one? Lazy. Pathetic. Ideology.
Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 14 hours ago
What the hell are you paying for then? Tagged: arizona, azteacherprep,
teacher preparation
United Opt Out to release a national Declaration of Independence this Thursday, VIDEO
Chalk Face, PhD at @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER - 15 hours ago
The group United Opt Out is about to take, what I think to be, a major and
much more aggressive stance towards the current regime of Arne Duncan and
his sycophants. Please watch the following teaser for the release of UOO’s
Declaration of Independence this coming July 4th. Also look ahead to
state-by-state refusal guides. […]
Harvey Organ's Gold and Silver Report - June 27 , 2013 ...Data , news and views
Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago
Two great articles from Jessie's blogspot below.....
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - End of Quarter, Stealth Confiscation
There is intraday commentary *here*. I think it is important.
One remarkable thing about today's market action was the rebound in the
miners even as gold underwent another waterfall bear raid of selling down
to the 1200 level.
While one can assign any motives they wish to the speculation about if and
why there is a *stealth confiscation* happening, I do believe that the
trigger for this was the request from Germany to have their sovereign gold
returned... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 15 hours ago
*RSD’s Watered-down Incremental Miracle and Continued Fiscal Embarrassment ~
Mercedes Schneider*
*Gill: ‘Enforceable obligation’ no tax*
*Stephanie Grace: Jindal will serve as foil for next governor*
* What about us brain dead slobs? ~Library Chronicles*
*Child shooting solutions elusive ~Clair Galofaro, Advocate N.O. * *SeafoodSource.com:
Gulf Shrimp Prices Soar on Disease Scare, CVDs*
FEC Quarter Ends Today; Should You Care?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago

Today's the end of the FEC fundraising quarter and I want to refer you to a
post yesterday you may have missed about real bipartisanship,
bipartisanship based on compromising that genuinely works for both sides,
not compromise based on a combination of opportunism, bribery and one side
betraying core values.
Some Members of Congress-- virtually all the Republicans, all the New Dems
and every single Blue Dog for example-- finance their political careers by
taking legalistic bribes from special interests like Wall Street banks,
armaments makers and/or Big Oil. Blue America has been ... more »
16 Dairy Free Recipes and Creative Showcase Link-up
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 15 hours ago

A little while ago, my sister found out that one of her little boys is
allergic to all things dairy. They tried just changing his diet, but he
still go his hands on the dairy-laden food. In an effort to help her little
boy, my sister decided to take her entire family completely dairy free, so
this post today is dedicated to her and her efforts. I hope she will be
able to find some great foods from this list. Make sure to visit each
individual site for the recipe.
Dairy, Egg and Nut Free Soy Nut Butter Cookies by Food Allergy Mama
The Best Fruit Salad with Dairy Free Option ... more »
The Fevered Dreams Of Blue-Eyed Sheiks
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 16 hours ago

Not seeing the forest for the trees. It's the classic characterization of
tunnel vision. An updated version of the old saw might be not seeing the
shale for the pipeline. That, writes Jeffrey Simpson, is the disease which
afflicts our present political masters:
Recently, the U.S. Energy Information Agency produced an estimate that the
U.S. has almost 60 billion barrels of “technically recoverable” shale oil.
Now, “technically recoverable” does not mean that all this supply will be
used. Nor does it mean, however, that supplies the agency knows about today
will not increase, perhap... more »
Why Britain didn't put a man on the moon
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 17 hours ago
"There's nothing to be gained in the way of hot spicy food or Olympic
Al Muray makes total sense as always!
Some of the best cricket catches ever
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 17 hours ago
Just like me in my prime...
Who Is Really Besieging Gaza? :: Gatestone Institute
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 18 hours ago
An absolutely fascinating article.
' It is Hamas, not Israel, which is besieging Gaza. Those who claim to be
concerned about the Palestinians in Gaza would actually do more good for
these fine people if they stopped attacking Israel and instead switched
their focus to addressing the true source of the Gazans' poverty, suffering
and oppression: Hamas.'
I await the BBC's coverage of this story... Yeah right!
More here http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/3453/besieging-gaza
Solar System Mysteries: how the Wind blows...
address-withheld@my.opera.com.invalid (Dr. John v. Kampen) at - 19 hours ago
http://youtu.be/4Taz18Ss1vU - use link when embedded video doesn't
More on this very intriguing (and controversial, but well-researched)
subject you may find at: http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/
PS. My-Opera isn't picking up video-links I discovered. Sorry for this
The "trick-link I used now looks like this:
name here]/blog/Venus%20winds.jpg][/URL]...
The health tourist 'hit and runners' who rip you off... with £24million in unpaid NHS bills as abuse of free care by non-EU patients doubles in just one year | Mail Online
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 19 hours ago
Here's the headlines from the article:
' Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt promises crack down after Mail On Sunday
For every £100 spent by the NHS on health tourists only £23 has been
paid back
One individual cost the NHS £217,000 but not a penny has been repaid'
This is a story that has been reported over and over again over the last 15
years. I have absolutely no faith in the latest crackdown for two reasons:
first because there are too many people in the NHS who feel that it is a
good thing to spend money on health care for non British people, it's a
similar mi... more »
Anon at aangirfan - 20 hours ago
*Boy raised by global pedophile ring*
In 2005, a Russian mother sold her little boy, Adam, for $8,000.
Adam was sold to an American - a member of *Boy Lovers* - a global
pedophile ring.
Aged 22 months, Adam began to appear in hardcore porn - of the sort which
makes lots of money on the internet.
*36% of the internet is pornography. One third of all down loads are porn.
Online porn makes $3,000 per second. (Sunday Times)*
Adam was filmed being sexually abused by his 'adoptive parents' and at
least eight other child abusers in Australia, France, Germany and the
United States.
Ada... more »
They Sell It But They Supposedly Have Nothing to Do With It.
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 21 hours ago

When you buy Athabasca DilBit you're buying two fuels - a form of synthetic
oil and a type of coal. Alberta bitumen contains heavy oil and it
contains petroleum coke also known as petcoke.
When buyers refine the bitumen into synthetic oil, they're left with a lot
of petcoke, anywhere from 15 to 30% by volume. As the mountain of the
stuff building up on the Detroit waterfront from a small volume bitumen
refining operation illustrates, you have to do something with it.
Petcoke is sold, at rock bottom prices, to customers willing to burn the
dirt cheap, high carbon and high sulp... more »
Anon at aangirfan - 22 hours ago

*STELLA*: *Boy A* came to see Michael Jackson…
The parents were in the room smoking pot with a five-month-old baby.
At the time, Michael was crazy about *Boy A* and his little brother.
*PHILIP*: Michael likes them young.
*Boy A* was getting too old.
The first time when Michael saw *Boy A* in the movie, XXXX XXXX, he told *Boy
A* he wanted to meet him.
Philip and Stella worked at Neverland in California, for nine months and
were the only live-in staff.
They were interviewed by a private detective working for Hollywood sleuth
Anthony Pellicano.
The... more »
Old playhouse
risa bear at A Way to Live - 23 hours ago
Retreated to a cabin built so long time
gone, so many childhood tears expended
on my shoulder, bruised fingers, knees whacked,
sorrows, yours and mine. I have improved these walls,
found some carpeting, tacked up that between
studs for winter, covered all with rough-sawn
one-by, loving other folk's dead fences
as I do. The desk was my mother's. These
books belong to that other person's life
that held this body five decades and more,
but I like them still. Spenser, Sidney, Plath,
Carruth, Millay, Thoreau of course, and Abbey.
Eclectic. There is no water in our creek,
it being very late ... more »
my journey to palestinian solidarity and the myth of the self-hating jew, part 3 and final
laura k at wmtc - 1 day ago
Part 1 here.
Part 2 here.
By now it should be clear that my abandonment of my ties to Israel, and my
support for the liberation of Palestine, are not based on denial of my
Jewish heritage or on anti-Semitism. This is a political issue, and a moral
one. Jewish people cannot be - and should not be - expected to adhere to
some kind of party line of political views. I am heartened that increasing
numbers of Jewish people are making their own journeys away from
unconditional support for Israel - away from nationalism and towards
justice - and I'm frustrated and saddened that so many oth... more »
Does Steve Israel Understand How To Make GOP Racism Work Against Them-- Or Is That Not Reptilian Enough For Him?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Like we saw Thursday, now that the Senate has passed comprehensive
immigration reform, what's next? The Senate Democrats have already given
away every conceivable bargaining chip available before the bill becomes
worthless and insupportable. Nothing will ever change the minds of the
racists in control in the House. There are two camps of Republicans in the
House on this issue-- the majority camp of racists and bigots and then a
more mainstream camp that knows it should be done for various reasons but
is afraid of the racists and bigots. Until Boehner has a majority of *
Republican... more »
Timbre - The Wind May Be Beautiful - Audiotree Live
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
From *Timbre's official website*:
"Nashville based harpist/songwriter Timbre has been enchanting audiences
across the world with her unique harp-based folk rock. Though featured
playing harp with bands/artists such as Jack White, Ricky Skaggs,
mewithoutYou, and the Chariot, her solo music is even more breathtaking.
Her ensemble of musicians bring complete stillness to crowded bars and
festivals, silencing audiences of thousands."
Timbre - The Wind May Be Beautiful - Audiotree Live. Source: YouTube
Channel Audiotreetv. Date Published: May 29, 2013. Description:
Timbre and the Tr... more »
ALEC Nastiness Goes to Iraq
2old2care at Because I Can - 1 day ago
Today when I was researching something else I found this (again).
It's important to remember that we were still at war in Iraq in 2009.
In 2009, there were still soldiers and civilians dying in Iraq.
International Relations Task Force Meeting
Federal Relations Working Group Meeting
States and Nation Policy Summit, Washington, DC
Friday, December 4, 2009
In his presentation on Good Governance Promotion in Iraq, Senator Curt
Bramble (UT) explained various reasons why and how the U.S. ought to be
instrumental in educating newly elected Iraqi state legislators by training
them in prin... more »
The Society of Individuals
Patrick Thaddeus Jackson at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
Although I have made many of the points I am about to make in comments
posted on Phil’s and Eric’s posts about rational choice theory over the
past week, what I want to do at this point is to pull the whole thing
together and make clear just why I still maintain that rational choice
Continue reading
Great Article By Kevin Barrett Via Lasha Darkmoon: Snowden's Revelations Are Just Tip Of NSA Spy Scandal Iceberg!
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
I have indeed been following the continuing story of Edward Snowden, who
supposedly has fled America for his very life... And has very valuable
information that could blow the entire criminal NSA organization in America
to heck..... We have seen reports of his whereabouts in Russia, with
revelations that Ecuador is willing to grant him asylum.... We also see the
threats from the criminal Soetoro regime in Washington towards any nation
willing to "harbor this fugitive"....There has even been speculation that
the US has indeed been working hard on getting hit squads out to have
Snowde... more »
I Hate ALEC and Everything It Stands For
2old2care at Because I Can - 1 day ago
I hate the American Legislative Exchange Council and everything it stands
ALEC is the only organization in the history of our nation that has
intentionally brought corporations into the legislative process.
ALEC is the only organization in the history of our nation that has
intentionally taken away the representative government of, for and by the
people and and surreptitiously handed it over to the corporations..
ALEC legislators are the buffoons of our government. They suck up to ALEC
corporate members that pay ALEC to ship them from their state to ALEC
meetings. Then thes... more »
Getting Back To My Roots: Exposing The Fraud Of Project Apollo
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
I have been tackling political and science issues for such a long time that
I have not touched on the one subject that started me on the road to the
truth... And that of course was finding out over 3 decades ago that Project
Apollo and the United States putting a man on the moon was a fraud.
It is a fact that once you do realize that NASA LIED their asses off and
fooled the entire world with the fraud of Project Apollo, that you begin to
see other aspects of our so called "history" in a completely different
light... If they can lie about Project Apollo, then they can lie about
E... more »
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago

We showed the film at Global Network conference today in Sweden...... It
was a smashing hit....people were crying and they were clapping to the
music at the end.....I handed out the DVD's strategically to key leaders in
various Swedish cities, and from Finland, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Germany,
Japan and Mexico.....people passed the hat to send money to the village but
I insisted they keep the money towards sending someone to the village
ASAP......they loved the music, the story, and the resistance.....many
people sent congrats to Regis Tremblay....it's was a European opening night... more »
TV Watch: I'm going to try again, but I still won't be able to communicate the brilliance of Aaron Sorkin's "Sports Night"
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*JEREMY [Joshua Molina]*: Not fitting in is how qualified people lose jobs.
*ISAAC [Robert Guillaume]*: Yeah, but a lot of the time it's how they end
up working here. . . . It's taken me a lot of years, but I've come around
to this: If you're dumb, surround yourself with smart people; and if you're
smart, surround yourself with smart people who disagree with you. . . . You
fit in on your own time. When you come to work for me, you show up to play.
*-- from "The Hungry and the Hunted,"
Season 1, Episode 3, of Sports Night*
*by Ken*
As I wrote a few weeks ago, one of the things I star... more »
Predatory capitalists
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 1 day ago
There's no real news this weekend so here's your long read. ProPublica
posts an eye-opening piece, "The Expendables: How the temps who power
corporate giants are getting crushed."
In cities all across the country, workers stand on street corners, line up
in alleys or wait in a neon-lit beauty salon for rickety vans to whisk them
off to warehouses miles away. Some vans are so packed that to get to work,
people must squat on milk crates, sit on the laps of passengers they do not
know or sometimes lie on the floor, the other workers’ feet on top of them.
This is not Mexico. It is not... more »
Talking 'bout our immigration
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 1 day ago
Still pretty much offline for the last few days so I'm late to the
immigration bill. Was mildly surprised to see the Senate pull it off with a
68-32 vote. Obama is urging the House to pass it by the August recess.
Good luck with that. The new dynamic on Capitol Hill is Senate passes bills
and they now go to Boehner's House of Dysfunction to die. The crackpot
caucus isn't going to agree to do pass anything that doesn't piss off
liberals and Boehner vows to uphold the Hastert rule for the bill. Last I
heard they're going to try to write a new bill that can get the crackpots
on board,... more »
A Conversation with Dr. Paul Tillich
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*Wikipedia*: "Paul Johannes Tillich (August 20, 1886 – October 22, 1965)
was a German-American Christian existentialist philosopher and theologian.
Tillich is widely regarded as one of the most influential theologians of
the 20th century."
"There was a tremendous amount of disappointment that the First World War
didn't make the world happy or mature for democracy, as the slogan was.
Then the years before the Second World War were full of anxiety about the
Hitler situation, the Communist situation. Then the American younger
generation went into the Second World War and came out ... more »
St Louis Police Chief wants Drones to patrol high crime areas - coming within a year ? Snowden got the drop on NSA / CIA - is that why he has been " dispatched " so far ? APD officially become Revenue Agents - tickets to fund their own pay raises moving forward ? CIA embedded with NYP - and how many other PDs overall ?
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
St. Louis Police Chief Wants Drones to Patrol High Crime Areas
- [image: The Alex Jones Channel][image: Alex Jones Show podcast][image:
Prison Planet TV][image: Infowars.com Twitter][image: Alex Jones'
Facebook][image: Infowars store]
UAVs would also track suspicious vehicles
*Paul Joseph Watson*
June 27, 2013
St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson has called for the city’s high crime
areas to be patrolled by unmanned surveillance drones within a year, in
addition to using the te... more »
Weekend Fun 45: Life is Like a Bikini, It is Brief
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 1 day ago

I posted this joke in my fb wall last Friday...
*Life is like a bikini, it is brief.
Statistics are like bikini. What they reveal is interesting but what they
conceal is vital. *
Lots of likes and funny remarks from many friends, except for one feminist
who insisted that the underwear should refer always to both men and women.
Maybe a case of gender militance or whatever.
Many friends liking it, I simply added other jokes that I can remember.
Below, nice and cool watermelon art.
Bahasa Malaysia is the official language of Malaysia.
Bahasa Pilipinas is what happens after heavy rains... more »
Rasp 13
risa bear at A Way to Live - 1 day ago
Raspberries, I find, come on more suddenly than blackberries, and it pays
to pick twice a day.
I like to have both hands available for this sort of thing, so a nail apron
full of repurposed yogurt containers fills the bill.
For awhile there, I was just filling the containers, lidding them, labeling
them with a Sharpie, "Rasp 13," and popping them in the freezer. But ran
into a space problem, so started dumping loads into the slow cooker.
There's a high of 91F or so all this week, so the cooker and the water-bath
canner were carried out of doors, where they would not burden the ... more »
Some Random Thoughts About Doom
theozarker at The Conflicted Doomer - 1 day ago
June 29, 2013 Living things die. Non-living things erode or dissipate or
quit working. It’s a fact of life, we say, that nothing lasts forever. I
won’t. We won’t. The Empire we live in won’t. The earth we live on … Continue
reading →
Time for some summer relaxation ...
leftdog at Buckdog - 1 day ago
*Will see you all on Canada Day ... time for some Saskatchewan summer R &
R ... *
Your moment of Zen
Libby Spencer at The Impolitic - 1 day ago

Guerrilla knitting on Walton Street, Oxford. [photo via]
Court And Spark
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

When I was 16 I hitchhiked from Brooklyn to Los Angeles so I could stow
away on a ship to Tonga. In Brooklyn there had never been anything like the
billboard campaigns along Route 66 in state after state in the middle of
the country to impeach Earl Warren. Warren was a moderate Republican Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court, appointed by President Eisenhower, and Fred
Koch, the money behind the virulently anti-American John Birch Society and
the father of today's vile Koch brothers, made it his life's work to
impeach Earl Warren (as well as Eisenhower and Kennedy). Fred Koch is the ... more »
Ed Steer's Gold and Silver Report for June 27 , 2013 - Data from June 26 , 2013 , news and views ...
Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Gold Premiums Double In India As Demand Outstrips Supply
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/27/2013 09:17 -0400
- India
- Reuters
*Submitted by Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,*
From *Reuters*:
*MUMBAI (Reuters) – Gold premiums doubled in India on Wednesday as
suppliers struggled to meet surging demand after a ban on consignment
imports, but futures prices fell to their lowest in more than a month as
international gold prices fell due to a strong dollar.*
*India, the world’s b... more »
The New CEA Chair
Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 1 day ago
Click here to read my column in Sunday's *NY Times*.
Peter Attia: Is the obesity crisis hiding a bigger problem?
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 day ago

Peter Attia has dedicated his medical career to investigating the
relationship between nutrition, obesity and diabetes. A surgeon who
developed metabolic syndrome himself despite the fact that he ate well and
exercised often, Attia realized that our understanding of these important
health issues may not actually be correct. He devoted himself to using
vigorous scientific inquiry to test both our assumptions and new hypotheses
through the Nutrition Science Initiative, the nonprofit he co-founded in
2012. Attia also writes the blog Eating Academy, which charts his own
adventures in... more »
NSA bugged EU Diplomats in DC , NY and Brussels .. UN bugged , internal computer networks in EU offices in DC and NY surveilled - documents and emails obtained from European officials as well ! European Union labeled as " Target " , which should really burn their britches ... Meanwhile fog around Snowden gets denser.....
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
As we wait to see what happens with Edward Snowden , more NSA revelation
come forth.....
GLENN GREENWALD: The NSA Can Store 'One Billion Cell Phone Calls Every
Single Day'
**DAVE URBANSKI, THE BLAZE JUN. 29, 2013, 4:25 PM 359 1
- inShare5
- ** EMAIL
- ** MORE
[image: greenwald]
Flickr/Gage Skidmore
Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald hasn’t published the story yet, but he
gave the Socialism Conference in Chicago a big taste of his next reveal:
The National Security Agency can store one billion phone calls each day.
Speaking to a raucous audience via Skype... more »
Snubbing Thugs and Banning Bloggers
sue at Is the BBC biased? - 1 day ago
Even though what I am about to say is only indirectly related to the BBC,
the presupposition is that the BBC is largely responsible for the
politically correct constraints that stunt our thinking. Are you sitting
comfortably? Then I’ll begin.
Melanie Phillips has written about Theresa May’s ill-advised decision to
ban Geller and Spencer. It seems the government has caved in to pressure
from the likes of Tony Lloyd and Nick Lowles, two of the most disreputable
individuals ever to have influenced a Home Secretary.
'making your world secure'
Melanie Phillips explains what a bad move ... more »
The Enbridge Tantrum, Oliver's Deceit
The Mound of Sound at The Disaffected Lib - 1 day ago

When it comes to the merits of the Northern Gateway pipeline, lawyers for
the bitumen traffickers almost go apoplectic complaining about the lack of
existing pipeline capacity. They come across like little children throwing
Question: if it's capacity they're worried about, why are they squandering
50% or more of what they already have?
30% of what they're transporting is condensate, light hydrocarbon (oil)
that has to be mixed with bitumen so that, with enough heat and pressure,
it will move through pipelines. They need condensate because bitumen is
tarry sludge, he... more »