10:36pm MST
One Way ALEC Wants to Bankrupt Your State
As we all know - the sole purpose of ALEC is to benefit and profit of ALEC corporate members. Some of the things that ALEC does are meant to destroy your state - and here is one. A slow easy bleed of the money in your state - until your state can no longer afford to exist anymore - unless of course you go begging to AL:EC corporate interests to fund and run your state - also known as Fascism! Most are not paying attention to the issue highlighted below. This piece of nastiness spreading across the USA gives a whole new meaning to ALEC's espoused "limited government". Bankrupt th... more »
After Announcing Plans To Recapture Mosul In The Spring, The Pentagon Has Decided To Scrap Its Attack Plans
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters stand guard on the outskirts of Mosul (Reuters/Azad Lashkari) *Daily Beast*: *Pentagon Scrubs Major Attack on ISIS* *Just days ago, the generals were trumpeting plans to knock ISIS out of its most important stronghold in Iraq. Now, those plans are on indefinite hold.* *The U.S. military’s goal to retake Iraq’s second largest city from the self-proclaimed Islamic State has been pushed back several months at least, defense officials told The Daily Beast. That’s a major shift for the Pentagon, which recently announced that the first major ground offensive in... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Drifting through the one-horned constellation Monoceros, these dusty streamers and new born stars are part of the active Monoceros R2 star-forming region, embedded in a giant molecular cloud. The cosmic scene was recorded by the VISTA survey telescope in near-infrared light. Visible light images show dusty NGC 2170, seen here just right of center, as a complex of bluish reflection nebulae. *Click image for larger size.* But this penetrating near-infrared view reveals telltale signs of ongoing star formation and massive young stars otherwise hidden by the dust. Energetic winds and r... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Burke, Virginia, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Desperate Courage..."
“Desperate courage makes One a majority.” - Andrew Jackson
Create Table of Content with Link List gadget
I have a previous post on how to Easily make HTML sitemap/table of content using javascript. With this script, the TOC is automatically created and once set up, new posts will be added to the TOC without needing you to update manually. Unfortunately, that script created/hosted by Abu Farhan will cause malware warning and if nothing had change since, your blog may end up locked for hosting malware. A Table of Content (TOC) listing all individual posts can also be MANUALLY created using the Blogger Link List gadget. Go to Layout > Add a gadget > Add a Link List gadget [image: Blogger... more »
Judge questions witnesses - a series of guidelines
Trial judges are entitled to question witnesses. Indeed, sometimes they are duty-bound by the interests of justice to ask questions. They are not required to remain silent, passive observers of trials. There are, however, limits on their ability to intervene in the examination of witnesses. Their interventions must never compromise the overall appearance of fairness in the trial proceedings. The decision in R. v. Lahouri, 2013 ONSC 2085 sets out a series of guidelines applicable to a judge's questions at trial: (1) *Refrain From Usurping the Role of Counsel*: As a general... more »
TV Watch: With all those horrible zombie noises exploding, can anyone tell whether the new "Odd Couple" is funny?
*by Ken* I thought I was more or less keeping track, but I missed it -- I mean, the pilot-premiere of the new TV *Odd Couple*. After all, you can't set your DVR before the week of the show, so if you miss the week of, then you can't set your DVR, right? So anyhow I did watch this week's episode, more or less, and after watching it, or trying to, I still don't know -- was it funny at all? I think maybe it could have been. Thomas Lennon and Matthew Perry and seem plausibly enough cast as sloppy sportswriter Oscar Madison and nutjob-fastidious Felix Unger, who's still a photographer... more »
Inflammatory language in Crown closing argument
R v. A.T., 2015 ONCA 65: [26] The Crown occupies a special position in the prosecution of criminal offences, which "excludes any notion of winning or losing" and "must always be characterized by moderation and impartiality": *R. v. Boucher*, [1955] S.C.R. 16, per Rand J., at p. 24 and Taschereau J. (in translation), at p. 21. Crown counsel "must limit his or her means of persuasion to facts found in the evidence presented to the jury": *R. v. Rose*, [1998] 3 S.C.R. 262, at para. 107. [27] As this court summarized in *R. v. Mallory*, 2007 ONCA 46, 217 C.C.C. (3d) 266,... more »
Chet Raymo, “Strange”
*“Strange”* by Chet Raymo “In a review in the “New York Times” Book Review, Daniel Handler writes: “And strange? Well, let's get this straight: All great books are strange. Every lasting work of literature since the very weird "Beowulf" has been strange, not only because it grapples with the strangeness around us, but also because the effect of originality is startling, making even the oldest books feel like brand new stories.” Strange: Out-of-the-ordinary, unusual, curious. "The strangeness around us," says Handler. There is a paradox here. What could be less strange than the wo... more »
The Long Hiatus and The Dress
In November of 2012, I took what I intended to be a three week hiatus from blogging politics. Then click bait journalism took root and we have major media asking Obama what color he thought The Dress was and runaway llamas being "interviewed" on CNN. So now, almost two and half years later, I'm still on it. After almost 12 years blogging every day, sometimes on as many as four different blogs, felt like I had said everything that mattered ten times over. Captain Fogg kindly kept this place alive for those years but he also decided go on a well deserved hiatus, so the only new content... more »
So this is where Paul Craig Roberts disappeared to last week. Invited to address an important conference of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow! His first day's endeavor was to explain to Russian government officials and the Russian people why Washington has recently destroyed the friendly relations between America and Russia that Ronald Reagan and President Gorbachev succeeded in establishing. His second day was devoted to explaining how America has become a police state catalyzed by 9/11 and the concomitant loss of the Constitution and the civil liberties it protected. So all Americans should also read these lectures.
------------------------------ *The Neoconservative Threat To World Order — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ February 26, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter *The Neoconservative Threat To International Relations* Paul Craig Roberts For the illustrated version go here: http://kingworldnews.com/paul-craig-roberts-trust-now-shattered-russia-u-s-world-annihilation-threatened/ This week I was invited to address an important conference of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. ... more »
MJ-12 and Bill Moore
As I go through files and reports and other documents, I sometimes find a little item that was not very important a decade or two ago but that has taken on added significance. Such is a note about Barry Greenwood and the late Japanese UFO investigator Jun-Ichi Takanashi. Takanashi bought a copy of *The Mystery of the Green Fireballs *from Bill Moore which in and of itself isn’t all that exciting. Some of the documents that Moore had found were poor quality and difficult to read so that Moore, as apparently was his habit, retyped some of them to improve the legibility. Takanashi won... more »
How to Use a Cellphone Without Being Spied On
*Democracy Now* *Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.* Subscribe to GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING by Email
Biking to Laochiajia Slate Village
Deep into the mountain heart of Pingtung we rode on Friday, to visit the Paiwan village of Laochijia (老七佳), a slate house village which, our guide told us, Taiwan was trying to get listed as a world heritage site. Click on READ MORE.... *ROUTE TIPS*: Here is the Google Maps link. Laochijia is in the center, the gray buildings, in Chunerh ("spring sun") Township. *PROTIP*: If you just bash 老七佳 into Google it takes you to the wrong place. To get to Laochiajia, you have to follow the Pingtung 132 east from either the 1 or the 185. We assembled at Lili Elementary on the 132 here. Th... more »
Today was a slow day for me, as I'm still recovering from painting one side of the house and attending to various mowing tasks, so I potted on some lettuce and kale from the seeding flats and did dishes, then poured myself a glass of cider. The cider is mostly apple, with some grape, pear and quince in it, and has been a hit this year, with many requests for seconds. I've been keeping it in a two liter jug and adding quarts of juice from mason jars whenever the level falls. The fermentation has been ongoing since August. There is still a dark area on the kitchen ceiling from a time ... more »
Why the Rise of Fascism is Again the Issue (Nemtsov’s Assassination: A Propaganda Attack On Putin?)
I'm not a conspiracist (although I am studying several at the moment), but this surely took a solid plan. One can almost see the creation of the Pakistani ISI mirroring that of the Koch-funded CATO Institute, if you follow the logical reasoning route. Nation builders! The mujaheddin were the forebears of al-Qaeda and Islamic State. They included Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who received tens of
Watch Out Japan
Time stamp is March 1 9:19 AM A lot of pink and electric blue and green can be seen in the morning emissions
How Radical Is Radical? Meet Deranged Alabama Confederate Mo Brooks
Chad Pergram is one of the more hard-working Beltway reporters. He's Fox's congressional correspondent, he's reliable, dependable and takes his job seriously. And, as far as I know, he's the only national reporter who regularly talks with Confederate sociopath Mo Brooks (R-AL). Sometimes OI think it's worth following Pergram on twitter just to keep from missing any of Brooks' crackpottery. A former Jeff Sessions staffer, there's every reason in the world to assume that Brooks' sympathies are very strongly with the KKK. He's certainly among the top 20 of right right Members of Cong... more »
The Code of Ancient Monuments Across the Globe
*Film - *This film offers insight into the significance and motives behind the construction of the world's greatest ancient sites. The post The Code of Ancient Monuments Across the Globe appeared first on Waking Times.
Don’t tell lies
The full quote, from her journals: I believe and I want to gather all the facts to illustrate this-that the worst curse on mankind is the ability to consider ideals as quite abstract and detached from ones everyday life. The ability to live and think quite differently, thus eliminating thinking from your actual life. This applies not to deliberate and conscious hypocrites, but to those more dangerous and hopeless ones who along with themselves and to themselves, tolerate a complete break between their convictions and their lives, and still believe they have convictions. To them ei... more »
Warbirds Of America
*WNU Editor: *From *Theo Spark* .... *Some remarkable footage. Twelve minutes of WWII aircraft. Pix of beautifully restored aircraft from that era.*
Beware the Ides of March ! Not meant to necessarily occur on or before March 15th , but should be items of concern by Mid March - Focus on Nigeria , Russia , Ukraine and Greece !
Nigeria....... Elections postponed from February set for March 28 , 2015 . Will the Presidential Election go forward or will be postponed once again - due to Boko Haram ? *Zuri Middelton* @ZuriMiddelton 23m 23 minutes ago Goodluck Jonathan to contest *Nigeria* *election* http://dld.bz/d3JtR *U.S. News* [image: View this content on usnews's website] Nigeria Election: Jonathan v. Muhammadu Buhari - US News ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has won ruling party primaries after running unopposed as an opposition coalition selects a challenger for Fe... more »
Is The U.S. Heading Into Another War?
LOADING OSPREYS Marines board MV-22 Ospreys before they take off from the flight deck of the amphibious assault ship USS Makin Island off the coast of Camp Pendleton, Calif., Feb. 23, 2015. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Ronald Gutridge *Paul R. Miller, National Interest*:* Are Americans Sliding Into Another War?* *The current U.S. administration has wrapped up U.S. involvement in a mistaken war in Iraq (albeit on a schedule set by the previous administration, and with subsequent reintroduction of some U.S. military personnel into Iraq), has wound down U.S. involvemen... more »
Nemtsov: Mutiny, Martyr, or Malicious Murder?
Really, this is a continuation of the conversation about ISIS. When the US, and it's subordinate agencies, have a global reputation for over throwing governments through the use of decoy "opposition", staged military coups, paid for riots and political demonstrations, and of course plain ol' buying off the rival political parties, is it any wonder that the first reaction by many upon reading of Russian opposition leader Nemtsov being gunned down last night in front of the Kremlin was "unsurprised"? Yes, there is definitely a chance that Putin may have had him "taken out", but the ... more »
If You Squeeze It, You Get Lemon Juice: A New Report On The POS F35 Lightning II Fighter - Israel "Needs US "Stealth" Fighters To Attack Iran"
I have put up many reports over the last few months about the absolutely atrocious Lougheed Martin F35 Lightning II "stealth" fighter that is an absolute piece of garbage... This aircraft is a flying death trap that cannot fly at night, cannot fly in the rain, is hopelessly underpowered for a "fighter aircraft", has a pathetic weapons load, and even its so called "stealth" capabilities are an absolute joke.... It is a sad fact that in spite of this aircraft's horrible problems, our governments have committed to purchasing these flying albatrosses to replace their present fighter for... more »
The Shooting Of Russian Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov Was A False Flag: Did The US Murder Boris Nemtsov? The Imminent Threat
I have been tied up again the last few days with personal business... It does seem that just when I have to not write at this blog for a few days, everything seems to go to hell and something major does happen around the world! Such is the case with this latest shooting in Russia, which of course was that of Russian opposition leader, Boris Nemtsov.... When I first saw all the reports about this assassination of Boris Nemtsov that was all the rage in both the Jew spew mainstream media and the alternative media, I instantly smelled a rat..... This shooting could not have happened a... more »
Jumping Out Of An Airplane While Saluting
EXIT SALUTE A U.S. soldier salutes his fellow soldiers while jumping from a C-130 Hercules aircraft over a drop zone in Germany, Feb. 24, 2015. The soldier is assigned to 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group. U.S. Army photo by Jason Johnston *WNU Editor*: A definite picture of the day.
Feb. 28: That's quite a headline...
"Dieppe's Lapierre challenges Fredericton mayor over duality". (This won't mean much to the majority of readers of this blog because the majority live in the US, Germany, Russia, France, Ukraine...and they've never heard of Fredericton, and the only Dieppe they know is in France. So - the story is this; the majority of New Brunswickers are English-speaking. But French speakers (Acadians/Acadiennes) have a right to get services in French. And that means civil servants who deal with the public must be bilingual. Sounds reasonable? Not to some English-speaking people - a minority of the... more »
Lab Test Confirm: Child gets measles from vaccine!
The measles hype over the past month or so has just been over the moon. Unbelievable. Of course the medical mafia has had their minions out in full force to hype up the fear. One story that caught my eye was a case of measles in Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada. A child who had received one dose of the vaccine but came down with measles. Medical mafia media was spinning the news along the lines of ‘caught the measles because he had not received 2nd dose” I was participatory on a medical mafia media site and pointed out the very likely, very real possibility that this child got measles f... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
My article on IS mass graves in Iraq was republishedin Iraq's AIN, Shiite News, Iraqi News, and Al Alam, and my piece on a Mosul offensive was printed in Business Insider. I was also mentioned in Michael Weiss' article "The costs of rapprochement" in NOW, and by Zach Bauchamp in "The US plan to kick ISIS out of its most important city in Iraq, explained" in Vox.
"10 Reasons Washington Has War Fever"
*"10 Reasons Washington Has War Fever"* by Ron Holland "War is merely the continuation of policy by other means." – Carl von Clausewitz "The political elites, Federal Reserve and special interests that really run the show hiding behind Congress and the president of either party in America's closed two-party monopoly seem to be running scared in many regards. They rightly have many fears for their political future as well as the profits and survival of the major international corporations and banking interests that support the current political leadership and regime. Never has our ... more »
Read it as a family…
…because reading the Bible together as a family is a good way for a Biblically oriented family to connect with each other. In addition, it is a good antidote to the constant swarm of filth, porn and evil flooding out from our atheistic liberal society. [Hat tip Robert Lindsay] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
The Incredible Story Of A Soldier Who Was Hit With An Unexploded RPG And The Medical Team Who Saved His Life
Pfc. Channing Moss was impaled by a rocket-propelled grenade in Afghanistan on March 16, 2006, while riding in a convoy with the 2nd Battalion, 87th Infantry, 3rd Brigade Combat Team,10th Mountain Division. Explosive disposal team members and the medical staff at FOB Organ E saved Moss, removing the live explosive from his body despite the Army protocol of sandbagging victims with live explosives embedded and considering them "expectant." Here he was photographed near Walter Reed Medical Center last summer. JAMES J. LEE / STAFF *Matt Farwell, Vanity Fair*: *A True Story About R.P.G... more »
"American Sniper vs. Baghdad Sniper"
*"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind."* *- John F. Kennedy* *"American Sniper vs. Baghdad Sniper"* By Pepe Escobar "Chris Kyle's story is now enshrined in celluloid, taking over $300 million at the box office, but the Islamic Army in Iraq also had its legend, "Juba" – the Baghdad Sniper. A Texas jury found former Marine Eddie Ray Routh guilty of capital murder; in 2013 he shot to death former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the man behind 'American Sniper' – the book later turned into a blockbuster movie directed by Hollywood icon Clint Eastwood. Texas Governor ... more »
Sheila and Black Devotion - Spacer
Saturday night so let's fire up the disco. Here's a fantastic ditty that made the top 100 of the 1970s. Turn the volume to loud.
Conservative Does Not Think Conservatives Deserve Majority (Wait til you find out who)
Putting this here for people who do not do the Twitter thing or who may have missed it. Connie Fournier (yes, *that* Connie Fournier) writes: Canadian conservatives don't deserve to have a majority government. There. I said it. I haven't given up on conservatism. Actually, quite the opposite. I have just come to the conclusion that it is not in the interest of conservatism (or liberty or democracy, for that matter) for the Conservative Party to remain in power. She goes on to excoriate -- very capably but from a conservative's point of view -- this government's abuse of privacy, ... more »
History/ The Economy: “How to Learn to Love Disaster”
*“How to Learn to Love Disaster”* By Bill Bonner “I was in Paris when the end of the world came. My company there, Les Belles Lettres, has been publishing the Greek and Latin classics there since 1919. We’ve translated about 900 of the 1,200 texts that still exist. It seemed a shame that the world would end before we completed our work. So, I went into the office, where, amid a thick blue fog, I found Caroline – the CEO – energetically working her way through a carton of Marlboros.She was determined to go out doing the two things she loved most: promoting Aristotle and chain-smoki... more »
Can radon suffocate you?
TL;DR: No. At least, not chemically. In a discussion about residential radon in which I linked this NIH study which found that lung cancer decreases with rising residential radon levels, someone asserted that you could die by radon poisoning. I challenged that, saying that I'd calculate just what would happen if you had even 0.1 vol% radon in air. Then someone else said that people had died
On Dynamic Scoring
Click here to read my column in Sunday's *New York Times*.
Are U.S. Satellites Threatened By China's Space Weapons?
Admiral Cecil Haney speaking at Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska in 2013. Photo: U.S. Stratcom *Washington Free Beacon*: *China’s Space Weapons Threaten U.S. Satellites* *Stratcom worried by antisatellite missiles, satellite weapons, lasers.China is developing significant space warfare capabilities that threaten U.S. strategic satellite systems, the commander of the U.S. Strategic Command told Congress on Thursday.“We’ve seen very disturbing trends in space, particularly from nation states like China, as well as Russia, who have been public about their counterspace endeav... more »
National Security Watch: Congress just manages to eke out an extra week to take another stab at doing its job
*by Ken* Feel free to "Read more" if you like. Myself, I just clicked through to get the link for you, to the piece headlined "Congress averts Homeland Security shutdown with one-week extension." I'd just as soon not dwell on the combination of savagery and imbecility we now have passing itself off as a "government." I just have one small thought to toss in in response to this national disgrace. It seems to me that the people who have made the funding of DHS undoable are part of the chorus of red-blooded patriots who bray and screech at every opportunity about all the limp-wrist... more »
Bringing back memories
As DB notes at *Biased BBC*, the BBC's tweeter-in-chief at the Pegida and anti-Pegida rallies has been Hannah Bayman. You can judge the nature of her tweeting today here (complete with re-tweets of Yvonne Ridley). DB takes us old hands down memory lane to the days of Natalie at *Biased BBC, *and this post featuring Hannah Bayman, which you might be interested to read in full: Happy memories for all concerned! Andrew By Natalie | April 13, 2004 | writes: One story prominently featured over the Easter holiday weekend was the leftie march to Aldermaston, including various puff-pi... more »
Hundreds Of Farmers Block Roads Protesting Monsanto’s GMO Crops
*Christina Sarich* - Poland’s largest farmer uprising ever has occurred as convoys of tractors took to the roads recently in protest of GMO infiltration and land grabs by biotech and Big Ag corporations. The post Hundreds Of Farmers Block Roads Protesting Monsanto’s GMO Crops appeared first on Waking Times.
Friday Pussy - Party like it's 1929
The more I study our current situation the more it's looking like the 1920s just before the market crashed. See if this doesn't sound familiar. Bucket shops which are equivalent of our modern day derivatives sold side bets to the stock market. Trade deficits nearly equal to what we have now. Foreign debt - Germany was made to try and pay for WWI which they couldn't. Inflation for Germany was so bad that it took bundles of marks to buy a loaf of bread. In today's example that would be Greece but they don't have the power to print their own money so they're stuck with the euro that ... more »
How science celebrities often hurt science
Backreaction responded to Lawrence Krauss' essay which argued that celebrity scientists such as Einstein, Feynman, Sagan, and Tyson are generally good for science and the society because they motivate young people, help to fight scientific nonsense, promote scientific literacy, and improve decision making. Sabine Hossenfelder says that the celebrity status is just very weakly correlated with one's being a great scientist, she instinctively avoids fandoms, those celebrities do influence what scientists discuss and study, but she believes that they don't hurt, after all. In her perspe... more »
US State Department Admits Russia had Nothing to Gain from Killing Boris Nemtsov
Which leaves exactly who as a possible suspect? Cui bono? *February 28, 2015 *(Tony Cartalucci - LD) Perhaps believing by virtue of having admitted the murder of Russian opposition member Boris Nemtsov in Russia's capital of Moscow Friday evening in no way served the Russian government's best interests, the US State Department believes it can deflect guilt from being shifted towards its direction. Indeed, the US State Department through its Voice of America media network - chaired by the US Secretary of State himself - would state in an online article titled, "Could Nemtsov Threate... more »
Japan's Surviving Kamikaze Pilots Speak Out On Japan's Shift In Military Policy
Chiran high school girls wave farewell with cherry blossom branches to departing kamikaze pilot in a Ki-43-IIIa Hayabusa. Wikipedia *Bloomberg*: *In the Cockpit With Japan's Kamikaze Pilots* *(Bloomberg) -- Hisashi Tezuka knew his life had been spared when he heard the Emperor’s voice crackling through the wireless.* *As Hirohito announced Japan’s wartime surrender on Aug. 15, 1945, the young kamikaze pilot was on a train to the island of Shikoku to carry out his sacrificial mission. He received his orders just two days earlier at a base about 1,150 kilometers (715 miles) to the n... more »
Supplemental: Who in the world is Emma Brown?
*SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2015Concerning the ongoing promulgation of our many fake facts:* Emma Brown is an education reporter for the Washington Post. It’s hard to believe how *bad* an education reporter she is. And what about her unnamed editors? What role do *they* play in this mess? We refer to Brown’s latest bungled news report. It stretches across the top of page B1 in today’s hard-copy Post—the first page in the paper’s Metro section. This report helps answer an important question: Where do bogus facts come from? Headline included, this is the way Brown starts: BROWN (2/28/1... more »
The Three Dimensions of Time
*Owen K. Waters* - Time is necessary so that experience can be gained from choices taken and changes made at an appropriate pace for learning. The post The Three Dimensions of Time appeared first on Waking Times.
*Darnell Dockett to the New Orleans Saints? ~Jason Calbos, Nola Nation Rising* *Can West Jefferson support $5.5 million tax increase for flood protection? ~Andrea Shaw*
The Big Kahuna in the Sky
*Ida Lawrence* - As a child I believed there was someone all-powerful, watching every deed, who heard every thought, judged me, wanted me to do right, and who cared for me and answered prayers. The post The Big Kahuna in the Sky appeared first on Waking Times.
Drone Footage Gives A Rare Bird's-Eye-View Of One Of Russia's Plane Museums Near Moscow
*WNU Editor:* Quoting from *Sputnik* .... Located near Moscow, the Central Air Force Museum near Moscow is one of the world's largest aviation museums, and certainly the largest one for Russian aircraft. This footage offers you a rare opportunity to take a free tour of it and see some of the most iconic planes of the Soviet air force.
The Limited Hanging-Out of Jihadi John
*Jihadi John* *[Half Pirate, Half Ninja, All Rubblish]* *Bible John* *Bible John* *[Second Suspect]* *So - this is their current position on MI5 recruitment and penetration of Jihadist networks * *(which everyone in both 5 and 6 appear to be trying to infer 5 has no interest in achieving...)* *6 claim that 5 had no file on John, or refusing to say whether or not they do, whilst heavily inferring that they don't, and as a result, 5 never warned 6 he was leaving to presumably join the NATO Arab Legion in the Iraqi desert near Mosel.* *It's the standard MI5/MI6, FBI on 9/11 excuse... more »
update: mississauga library workers vote to form independent cupe local
When people are denied independence and told that they cannot govern themselves, it only makes them more determined to achieve their independence. This simple principle repeats itself in matters large and small, throughout all history and all cultures. The struggles of 430 library workers in the sprawling suburban city of Mississauga, Ontario are not exactly global news. But in the microcosm, we *rocked the world*. Our members voted overwhelmingly - 98.6% - to separate from the larger, merged local and become our own CUPE local. As I mentioned a while back, the composite local was ... more »
The Destruction Of Donetsk Airport (Photo Gallery)
*The Atlantic:* *A Year of War Completely Destroyed the Donetsk Airport* *In Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine, the Sergey Prokofiev International Airport has been reduced from a modern transportation hub to piles of scorched rubble in less than a year of warfare. As recently as last May, the airport was still operating and in good condition, though international flights had slowed due to the growing unrest. On May 26, Russian-backed separatist forces of the Donetsk People's Republic seized the airport, losing it to Ukrainian government forces after a brief fight. For months after, battl... more »
"The revolution was very good for women"
From this morning's *From Our Own Correspondent*: *Kate Adie*: Has the Ayatollah's revolution in 1979 eventually helped Iranian women rather than hindered them? The answer from *FOOC *was 'yes', it *has* helped them. Here's how Kate Adie introduced the report: Now, the West tends to view the Khomenei Revolution in Iran in a negative light. It blames his regime for giving birth to an oppressive and conservative clerical rule which even today tolerates no opposition and not much more in the way of free speech. And yet could it be that history will judge him differently? Quite apart... more »
Odious Press conference
In an ideal world bloggers and Journalists would aim for clarity, brevity and accuracy. Anyone who deftly manages to include context or give adequate, succinct background to a complex topic in a bite-size blog post, whilst neither treating the reader as an ignoramus nor expecting too much of them deserves admiration. I wanted to write about ‘That-News-Conference’, but there was so much background, (Caged prisoners, Amnesty International, Moazzam Begg, Gita Sahgal etc etc.) that I couldn’t decide whether to assume the reader was familiar with it, or to start at the beginning of a... more »
Earth's "Other Moon", and the Great Design
The "Tallbloke's Talkshop" site has a post on "Earth's Other Moon", concerning a so-called "quasi-satellite" of Earth (actually, it's just a very small body orbiting the Sun, in an eccentric orbit that goes from Mercury's orbit out to beyond Mars's orbit, but with the same orbital period as Earth). In the context of the "Great Design of the gods" I found, the following is my response: *The facts, that it orbits the Sun in a smooth ellipse (indicating it feels only the Sun's attraction), that it doesn't get close enough to the Earth to be affected by Earth's gravity, yet it has a sid... more »
Nude man "Escaping" from Buckingham Palace?
Ummmmmmmmm....... Yea, I think we'd like an official comment from Buckingham Palace on this one!!! Let's see them explain their way around this!!
Society, A Perpetual Cycle [Alan Watts]
*Omega Point* *Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.* Subscribe to GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING by Email
'Dateline' achieves consensus again
And talking about *Dateline London*... The closing discussion was on PM Netanyahu's upcoming speech to the U.S. Congress, at the invitation of Congress. Given the strongly left-liberal composition of the panel, the way the discussion went can probably be predicted. Roger Cohen (who's sympathetic attitude towards Iran and regular criticisms of the Israeli government perhaps explain the programme's invitation to him to appear) described it as a "deeply divisive" move and "a huge gamble". He also backed President Obama and said that Mr Netanyahu's proposals over Iran would mean (if ... more »
Speculation Abounds In Russia On Who Murdered Putin Critic Nemtsov
People come to lay flowers at the site where Boris Nemtsov was killed. (Sergei Karpukhin/Reuters) *Washington Post:* *Russian opposition leaders see Kremlin links to Nemtsov slaying* *MOSCOW — Russian opposition leaders on Saturday accused the Kremlin of being behind the death of a towering figure of post-Soviet politics, Boris Nemtsov, as they struggled to come to grips with the highest-profile assassination of President Vladimir Putin’s 15 years in power.* *Nemtsov was gunned down late Friday, steps from the Kremlin and underneath the swirling domes of St. Basil’s Cathedral — t... more »
Staten Island-- Foolin' Around
In 2012, when Michael Grimm was reelected to Congress by beating weak Democratic centrist Mark Murphy-- 94,102 (53%) to 82,401 (46%)-- most of the votes (for each candidate) came from Staten Island, not from the Brooklyn portions of the 11th CD. Of 176,503 total votes cast districtwide, 130,295 came from State Island. Only 46,208 Brooklynites voted, and even though Murphy won in Brooklyn (albeit barely) it was inconsequential. Although the Brooklyn part of the district includes a traditional progressive heartland between Sheepshead Bay, Midwood and Gravesend, the most conservative...more »
MENA Report ( February 28 , 2015 ) - ISIS Watch..... Syria / Iraq Regional War .... Iran Nuclear talks in focus ... Yemen situation in focus...
Links.... *The Power of the ISIS PR Stunt* *White House: No Alternative to Iran Negotiations* *US Intel Chief: Turkish 'Permissiveness' Aiding ISIS* String of Bombings in Baghdad; 47 Killed Across Iraq All It Takes to Cross From Turkey to ISIS-Held Syria Is $25 Nuclear Deal With Iran Gets Closer as Netanyahu Comes to Washington Rebels Accuse Saudis of Fueling Unrest to Divide Yemen Tweets...... *Rudaw English* @RudawEnglish 12m 12 minutes ago The approval of a new security bill in #Turkey, which expands police powers to detain protesters has attracted... http://fb.me/4U... more »
Obama’s Stealth AR-15 Gun Ban Targets Ammo: ''No One Can Import, Sell or Even Produce It''
Mac Slavo If nothing else can be said about President Obama, he has adamantly stuck to one key promise – the one he made to the Brady Center to pursue gun control "under the radar." The AR-15 is America’s most popular sporting rifle, and it has been falsely mischaracterized as an “automatic” firearm and an “assault” weapon. It has been demonized as a monstrosity via the Sandy Hook shootings. Bans on it and other so-called “assault weapons” have been attempted from every possible angle. And now that those measures have failed to accomplish total gun control, the Obama Administrat... more »
Russia: US-Backed Opposition Leader Gunned Down in Moscow
Tony Cartalucci *Martyrdom on demand: if not of use alive, perhaps of use dead? * US-backed opposition groups in Russia have so far failed utterly to produce results. Their transparent subservience to Washington coupled with their distasteful brand of politics has left a rather unpleasant taste in the mouth of most Russians. Each attempt to spread the “virus” of color revolution to Moscow, as US Senator John McCain called it, has failed – and each attempt has fallen progressively flatter. Russian President Vladimir Putin has never been more popular. His ability to weather serial... more »
4 More Victims Come Forward From Chicago Secret Prison, Man Tortured Over Weed
Cassius Methyl Four more victims of incarceration at Chicago’s Guantanamo Bay style secret detention/torture center,known as Homan Square, have come out and spoken to The Guardian about their experience being essentially treated like cattle. They are four black males, Brock Terry, Kory Wright, Deandre Hutcherson and David Smith. Three of them were held in 2006, and one in 2011. They were kicked in the genitals while helpless and bound, put in ‘kennels for humans’, and they heard the bloodcurdling screams of other helpless victims while they thought they would never see the light o... more »
Action Alert: Will We Allow the Chicago Police to Get Away With This?
Nick Bernabe I guess that’s the biggest question so far in 2015: will we allow the Chicago Police Department get away with making people disappear without due process? Will a new standard be set in America where the basic protections (or what’s left of them) promised to us by the Bill Of Rights are completely gone? In case you don’t know what I’m talking about, *The Guardian* reported on Tuesday that Chicago PD is literally snatching people off the streets, torturing and interrogating them, even killing at least one person, in a secret facility that is completely illegal. This ho... more »
GMOs And Green Blob Hallucinations: The Twisted World Of Mr Paterson
RINF, Global Research, Countercurrents Speaking last week in Pretoria, former UK Environment Minister Owen Paterson described critics of GMOs as comprising part of a privileged class that increasingly fetishizes food and seeks to turn their personal preferences into policy proscriptions for the rest of us. He called them backward-looking and regressive. He claimed their policies would condemn billions to hunger, poverty and underdevelopment because of their insistence on mandating primitive, inefficient farming techniques. He called them: “… the ‘Green Blob’ – a reference to a 195... more »
Spot the difference
Talking about Pegida, there are some striking differences in the way their protest in Newcastle is being reported. Here's how the Sky New website starts its report: *Anti-Islamisation Protest In Newcastle* *A group with roots in Germany holds its first UK protest against Muslim immigration amid claims members are "right-wing nutters".* Some 400 demonstrators have taken to the streets of Newcastle to protest "against the Islamisation of Europe" in the first British demonstration organised by the PEGIDA group. The movement was formed in Germany last year and holds regular marches i... more »
Evidence lacking for annual testing
Sent to the Los Angeles Times, Feb. 28, 2015 Paul Peterson (Op-ed, Feb. 23) asserts that yearly testing done under No Child Left Behind (NCLB) resulted in increased test scores ("modest" gains in math), "solid evidence" in support of annual testing. Ron Harris (letters, Feb. 27) argues that the increased test scores are due to better test-taking strategies. Researchers Jaekyung Lee and Todd Reeves analyzed data from all 50 states from 1990 to 2009 and concluded that the NCLB testing policy did not increase reading gains and did not close ethnic/racial and socio-economic achieveme... more »
Financial and Political Wrap ( February 28 , 2015 ) China cuts interest rates ....Ukraine - Russia in Focus ( Nemtsov / Chechetov deaths , weapons for Kiev in focus ) ..... Greece situation in focus ( Negotiations with Institutions aka Troika , Financial travails for March in focus , political program being unveiled by Tsipras ) ......
Tweets....... *zerohedge* @zerohedge · 3m3 minutes ago China Cuts Interest Rates, Takes Number Of Central Banks Easing In 2015 To 21 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-02-2 8/china-cuts-interest-rates-takes-number-central-banks-easing-2015-21 … *zerohedge* [image: View this content on zerohedge's website] China Cuts Interest Rates, Takes Number Of Central Banks Easing In... And then there were 21. Hours ago on Saturday, the country whose currency is largely pegged to the dollar which itself is now anticipating a rate hike in the coming months, surprised the world by... View o... more »
Saving Capitalism From Itself
http://www.qohel.com/ The American economist Richard Wolf maintains that capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction. Unchecked, it produces greater and greater inequality, until it collapses upon itself. Tom Walkom agrees: Experts may tie themselves up in knots over the precise trajectory of inequality, depending in part on what is measured and when. But the general point is beyond dispute: On its own, the free market is providing increasingly less equal rewards. That inequality, in turn, hampers the very forces that favour... more »
Tory former Thatcher minister Sir Malcolm Rifkind...and "another former foreign secretary"
Taking about Steve Richards and BBC bias (as we were)... Today's *Dateline *got off to a weird start. Steve Richards of the *Independent* was playing his usual "lickspittle of the political establishment" role over MPs' pay and expenses and both Roger Cohen of the *New York Times *and Maria Margaronis of *The Nation *then started denouncing undercover journalism. All four guest expressed sympathy for Sir Malcolm Rifkind. 'It's a great shame for him and terrible, dishonest journalism from Channel 4' was the general consensus among the profoundly left-liberal *Dateline *panel. Bes... more »
There Has Been No U.S. Combat Casualties Since December 12, 2014
Army Pfc. Jose Vazquez places an American flag in front of a gravestone at Arlington National Cemetery for Memorial Day weekend in 2012. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Matthew Coffee/ U.S. Army) *Washington Post:* *This is the longest period without a U.S. military combat-zone death since 9/11* *At the end of an hour-long panel discussion in Washington on Wednesday, a middle-aged man raised his hand. Fred J. Boenig, the father of a U.S. airman who died in Afghanistan, had a question for Rep. Adam D. Kinzinger, who called himself “hawkish” on using U.S. military power against the Islamic Sta... more »
How Shannon Healed Stage 4 Breast Cancer With Alternative Therapies
How Shannon healed stage 4 breast cancer with alternative therapies My friend Shannon Knight has been diagnosed with breast cancer twice since 2006. The first time was stage 3. The second time was stage 4 (ruh roh). But she reversed it with hardcore nutrition and integrative therapies! You’re gonna love her story… so powerful. Fun fact: This interview was actually taped in my living room. p.s. No we don’t still have our Christmas tree up, this was shot in December. :) Enjoy! *Selected Links:*-Shannon’s website-Angels for Shannon-Diagnosed.TV-The Truth About Cancer Series-Dr. Nic... more »
Bitterness And Cynicism Is Growing In The Ukraine Army
The retreat continues: Ukrainian servicemen approach Artemivsk after withdrawing from the key town of Debaltseve. Photograph: Gleb Garanich/Reuters *Scott Peterson, CSM:* *Ukraine troops bitterly question their leaders as Kiev pulls back in east (+video)* *Today's withdrawal of heavy weapons in accordance with the Minsk cease-fire marks a major reversal for Kiev. For many soldiers, cynicism about commanders is weighing heavily.Soledar, Ukraine — Haggard Ukrainian Army soldiers withdrew 15 heavy artillery guns Friday, their armored convoy part of a delayed cease-fire agreeme... more »
Who is the naked boy escaping Buckingham Palace?
*The bizarre clip was posted on YouTube and shows a naked boy falling after trying to climb down from a window at Buckingham Palace. Who is the naked boy and is it a hoax or more evidence of child exploitation and pedophilia at the Royal residence?* *Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.* Subscribe to GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING by Email
Jihadi John: Another Known Terrorist Travels To Syria
Anthony Freda Art Brandon Turbeville In what has become an all-too familiar story to those with an attention span that goes back farther than one week, it has once again been revealed that a famed terrorist was known to and in close contact with Western intelligence agencies before and, presumably, during his notorious acts. 27-year-old Mohammed Emwazi has been identified as “Jihadi John,” the masked terrorist who appeared in the numerous staged beheading propaganda films depicting the killing of Western “aid workers,” “journalists,” and others. It was already largely accepte... more »
Blind Optimism
Most people think it's all going to be all right. People who go through life thinking the worst will happen are labeled "pessimists." Life requires optimism. You don't deliberately have children if you're thinking about everything that could go wrong. Also, we stumble through politics thinking it's all going to be all right. Most people, watching the TV news, hope that "something" will fix the mess that "the politicians" have gotten them into. Perhaps they'll "throw the bums out" and their replacements will be better, even though "they're all the same." These, mind you, are Canadi... more »
Berkeley Bans Police Drones, Taking Other Steps to Demilitarize Cops
Josh Paniagua On Tuesday morning, I woke up to news of a Berkeley City Council meeting that would pass or reject a 2-year moratorium on the use of drones by the city happening later in the afternoon. By the evening, I was pleasantly surprised to hear that City Council had indeed passed a one-year ban on police drones and referred recommendations on remodeling community-police relations to the city manager. During the 1-year suspension, City Council has pledged to work toward developing appropriate policies regarding city use of unmanned aircraft. While this may come as good news ... more »
The Federal Reserve Has Unleashed a ''Virus Of Radical Monetary Policy''
Mac Slavo The Fed has no mandate outside the 50 states, but it unofficially determines foreign debt and currency markets across the globe in a big way anyway. Now, chairwoman Janet Yellen has testified before Congress that the Federal Reserve is looking to increase interest rates, on the pretext of low inflation. The rate increase represents an enormous price fixing mechanism that will alter the course of investments for everyone. The ground shakes when the Fed takes a step. Never mind if it should be this way: Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said Wednesday that the central ... more »
Can Revolution Produce Freedom in the Technological Age of Surveillance and Control?
Pawel Art Aaron Dykes The topic of the Unabomber came up again. The favorite passage of transhumanist Ray Kurzweil and Bill Joy, founder of the now acquired Sun Microsystems in which Ted Kaczynski explains the "New Luddite Challenge" – essentially the question of what happens if computers take over, and if not, what happens at the hands of an elite who don't need the masses for labor, or anything else. Will people be simply exterminated? Will the population be gradually but sharply reduced through population control, eugenics, family planning and propaganda (as is actually happ... more »
Sharing Freedom Means Sharing Your Joy
By Adam Kokesh Adam Kokesh was invited to speak at Orange County Liberty on the Rocks and shared his thoughts about activism, the love-olution, doing time, and getting past the negativity in activism. Visit TheFreedomLine.com *Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.* Subscribe to GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING by Email
FCC's Creepy Spectacle at Net Neutrality Vote
By Truthstream Media Did you hear FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler's weird speech after Net Neutrality passed? Did you see this picture of the commission members holding hands? The lobbyist and fervid (yes, fervid) Obama supporter running things over there is acting like he just walked on the moon while single-handedly saving everyone from a giant asteroid and cancer on the same day, all because a "majority" of three out of a panel of five unelected bureaucrats have closed the final frontier of the Internet, thus opening it up to more monopolies, price hikes, and worse, government regulati... more »
How the Government and Media Are Lying About Net Neutrality
By Lionel It doesn't get any more axiomatic as to the necessity of the media to promote free-speech than the horrors that were manifested through the FCC's imposition of net neutrality that the mainstream media in particular have met with not so much as a raised Botoxed eyebrow. In case you missed it, the Internet and World Wide Web are now considered a utility under Title II of the Communication Act. The long-range implications of such are beyond mind boggling. This opens the door to licensure requirements for websites, decency regulation, fairness doctrine applications and worse... more »
7 Super Seeds that Will Change Your Health
*Anna Hunt* - Nutrient-dense seeds are finally starting to get the attention that they deserve. Packed with healthy fats, protein, fiber and lots of minerals and vitamins, these 7 super seeds are an ideal addition to your diet. The post 7 Super Seeds that Will Change Your Health appeared first on Waking Times.
Net Neutrality: The Act to Smother the Flames
While the talking heads of the Main Stream Media are singing "Glory Hallelujah" to the Ode of "Net Neutrality", the people who actually have a brain capable of rational thought are pounding their heads on their desks at the gullibility of the public to actually buy into this schtick. It boggles my mind that there are so many people, even those in some of the alternative media outlets known for outing the usual garbage, that are eating up this crap, licking their plate and asking for more. Let me point out the most important point of ALL of this shit: WHERE IS THE NET NEUTRALIZA... more »
"Well, it seems to be a bit of a contradiction there."
Here's James Naughtie on this morning's *Today *(at 13:50)*, *sounding off about today's Pegida UK protest in Newcastle. He refers back to the comments of a female Pegida supporter featured in the piece's introduction, asking his BBC colleague: Well, two question really. One, why is it being held there? And the other one is...We heard what *she* said there - "We're not not racists. We're not fascists. We're not far-right. It's an awareness campaign to raise people's awareness of the fact that Islam is a big problem." Well, it seems to be a bit of a contradiction there. And they're... more »
"I'm sick of BBC bias on terror"
Here's part of Katie Hopkins's column in *The Sun.* (To read the whole of her column, of course, you'll have to pay *The Sun*). It relates to the topic of BBC bias, and may be of interest to you. (Or it may not. In which case, to each their own). I'm sick of BBC bias on terror * by Katie Hopkins * People keep telling me it's the one thing I am not supposed to write about. And my lawyer says it will be expensive. But to with it all because, frankly, I've had enough. I am outraged my country is changing and Great Britain is looking less great. I am al... more »
*Put ALL pupils in maths and English sets based on their ability to improve performance, says British PM* *"Sets" are the British version of streaming* All schools should put pupils in sets based on ability, David Cameron said last night in an apparent hint at future Tory education policy. His comments go much further than Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, who last year denied reports that the party wants compulsory setting in all secondary schools. Mr Cameron has long been an enthusiast for setting, but his ambition has been thwarted by parts of the educational establishment and... more »
Brazil Arrests ‘Amazon’s Biggest Destroyer’
*Rhett A. Butler* - Authorities in Brazil have arrested a man they claim to be the single biggest deforester in the Amazon... The post Brazil Arrests ‘Amazon’s Biggest Destroyer’ appeared first on Waking Times.
*Meat consumption causes global warming?* *I think I missed this article when it came out 6 years ago but it is amusing. It is actually part of the war on meat that health freaks, vegetarians and others have long been waging -- with very little success -- as the article itself shows. There is a table attached to the article that allows a comparison of consumption betweeen 1961 and 2002. And with the exception of hopelessly misgoverned countries such as Argentina, meat consumption has risen markedly in most countries over that time.So the article is in fact a desperate attempt... more »
Gordon Duff VT 2-27-15… “Obama Blocks GOP Attempt to Throttle Internet Freedom”
*Some good news...from KP's blog and Gordon Duff... -AK* https://kauilapele.wordpress.com/2015/02/27/gordon-duff-vt-2-27-15-obama-blocks-gop-attempt-to-throttle-internet-freedom/#more-36318 Gordon Duff VT 2-27-15… “Obama Blocks GOP Attempt to Throttle Internet Freedom” Posted on 2015/02/27by kauilapele [image: veterans_today_banner_NEW_69][image: veterans_today_gordon_duff_banner_32]Although I read it was “the FCC” that voted this (see this earlier post), apparently Gordon is calling it “Obama”s deal”. Either way, one statement here stood out: “With internet hoax websites citing Ob... more »
Lucid Living – 3 Ways To Become Lucid While You’re Awake
http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/lucid-living-3-ways-to-become-lucid-while-youre-awake/ *Lucid Living – 3 Ways To Become Lucid While You’re Awake* By Steven Bancarz| We have all heard of lucid dreaming before. Lucid dreaming is the act of waking up within your dream, and becoming aware that you are operating within a dream world. Everything around you becomes a little more saturated with colour and life as the realization sits in that the world around you is yours to create. You can fly, manipulate matter, and influence the behaviour of other characters in your dream. Mo... more »
Amazing Garden Transformation with the No-dig Approach
*Video -* Turning an uncultivated plot of land into an abundant garden using the no-dig approach, all within a few months. The post Amazing Garden Transformation with the No-dig Approach appeared first on Waking Times.
South Carolina: Laurens County GOP: If You've Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can't Be A Republican
*Sounds to me like SC politicians will all be moving to NC soon... ;) -AK* http://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/sc-county-gop-if-you-ve-had-pre-marital-sex-you-can-t-be-a-republican *SC County GOP: If You've Had Pre-Marital Sex, You Can't Be A Republican* Newscom ByJillian Rayfield PublishedMarch 5, 2012, 6:04 PM EST Before you can join the Laurens County Republican Party in South Carolina and get on the primary ballot, they ask that you pledge that you've never ever had pre-marital sex -- and that you will never ever look at porn again. Last Tuesday, the LCGOP unanimously adopted... more »
Paralegals not entitled to represent young people under Youth Criminal Justice Act
R. v. K.P.D., 2015 ONCJ 88: *[24] *By-law 4 enacted by the Law Society provides for classes of licences, and delineates the scope of activities authorized under each class of licence, as well as any terms, conditions, limitations or restrictions imposed on each class of licence. Paralegals like Mr. Llorente, hold a Class P 1 licence. This licence restricts the scope of legal services which the paralegal is authorized to provide[10]. A licencee who holds a Class P1 licence is authorized to do any of the following: 1. Give a party advice on his, her or its legal interests,... more »
S-76D™ Helicopter Enters into Service with Japan Coast Guard for Search and Rescue Operations
[image: S-76D™ SAR helicopter]Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. announced today that the S-76D™ helicopter has entered into search and rescue (SAR) operations with the Japan Coast Guard. Sikorsky Aircraft is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. Sikorsky executives recently attended a ceremony with representatives from Mitsubishi Corporation and the Japan Coast Guard in which the aircraft entered into service. The aircraft was delivered to Mitsubishi in July 2014 and became the first S-76D helicopter configured for search and rescue to be delivered as well as the first S-76D aircraft to ... more »
Finmeccanica - Selex ES awarded two new Grifo radar contracts
[image: Grifo radar system]Finmeccanica – Selex ES has been awarded two important new contracts for the company’s Grifo radar system. In each case, the Grifo radar system was selected for its proven high performance and flexible architecture. The radar can be installed in a large range of combat aircraft and integrates easily with modern avionics suites. The Grifo family of airborne fire control radars are multimode and operate in the X-band. They offer a broad suite of field proven air-to-air, air-to-surface and navigation modes, high resolution SAR and ISAR. Grifo represents an im... more »
North Carolina Legalizes Call Girls For Politicians
*I am not sure what is stranger about this article, the distinction between prostitutes and politicians, or the idea that sex doesn't influence opinion, or the rather cold hearted claim that the women have no value... they certainly don't work for free... -AK* http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/02/27/gifts-for-politicians/ *North Carolina Legalizes Call Girls For Politicians* Author: Nathaniel Downes February 27, 2015 4:52 pm North Carolina’s State Ethics Committee has just opened up a major problem for their state — they just made it legal for lobbying firms to purchase prostitut... more »
Is Turkey withdrawing from NATO?
[image: HQ-9/FD2000 missile defence system]Last week, the news fell like a bombshell. Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz declared at the Turkish parliament that Turkey’s new defense missile system, to be purchased most probably from China, would not be integrated with NATO’s system. This kicked off a hot discussion on whether Turkey is changing its strategic affiliation and might ultimately withdraw from NATO. The long-range missiles have been on top of Turkey’s agenda for a long while. In September 2013, Ankara declared that it had awarded its missile defense system tender to a Chinese ... more »
Thales, ASELSAN continue missile system development
[image: A lightweight multirole missile on an unmanned aerial vehicle. Photo by MilborneOne/CC]A new precision strike missile system will continue to be developed under a new cooperative contract between Thales and ASELSAN of Turkey. The missile system under development incorporates Thales's lightweight multi-role missiles, or LMM, and a missile launcher system by ASELSAN. "The cooperation between the two companies was initiated in 2010 and first stage firings of an integrated Missile Launcher System and LMM were demonstrated in 2014," Thales said in an announcement from a defense ... more »
The Endgame - White Genocide
*What is White genocide?* *Renegade Broadcasting*
Saturday Interview: Zaeba Hanif
Zaeba Hanif is a Labour activist from Stoke-on-Trent who stood last year in the contest to replace Joan Walley as the party's parliamentary candidate in the Stoke North constituency, where she made it through to the shortlist. An inveterate crisp muncher, you can peruse her website here and follow her on Twitter here. *Have you ever thought about giving blogging a go?* Yes! For a long, long time. zaeba.co.uk had been in the pipeline for a few years with a view to blogging, but I launched it last year for a completely different purpose. I really need to get onto my tech savvy friend... more »
Lockheed, Sikorsky venture awarded $2.0 billion helicopter support deal
[image: MH-60S Sea Hawk]The U.S. Navy has awarded a joint venture of Lockheed Martin Corp and Sikorsky Helicopter a contract worth $2 billion to service the Navy's H-60 helicopters through Jan. 31, 2020, the Pentagon announced on Friday. The fixed-price contract covers "performance-based logistics" on 1,710 assemblies and components, and covers the repair, modification, overhaul and replacement of hardware for the Navy's fleet of H-60 helicopters. The contact was awarded to Marine Helicopter Support Co, a joint venture of Lockheed and Sikorsky, is a unit of United Technologies Corp.... more »
Pentagon Launches Electronic Warfare Study: Growler Line At Stake
[image: EA-18G Growler]The Pentagon has launched a wide-ranging study of electronic warfare, looking across the services at major platforms such as the EA-18G Growler and the F-35’s three versions. “We are doing right now in the Department of Defense a study that looks at all electronic attack[:] what is the situation in electromagnetic warfare across the spectrum in our maneuver,” Adm. Jonathan Greenert told the House Appropriations defense subcommittee yesterday. That study that goes far beyond any individual weapons system to examine America’s entire capability to control the ele... more »
Construction of new Italian Navy frigate begins
[image: ITS Carlo]The first steel sheeting for a new Italian Navy FREMM frigate has been conducted at a shipyard of Fincantieri near Genoa, the company reports. The cutting marks the build phase of the multi-mission vessel, the eighth being constructed in the multinational FREMM program. A total of 10 FREMM frigates are being built in Italy, with Orizzonte Sistemi Navali as the prime contractor. Read more
Lanka decides to consult China
[image: Type 039 (Song) class SSK]Sri Lanka will not make any decision on Chinese projects it is reviewing until it consults China, Sri Lanka’s foreign minister said on Friday, pledging that his new government would welcome Chinese investors, the Reuters news agency reported. President Maithripala Sirisena has unnerved China with his re-examination of certain projects that China has invested in, including a $1.5 billion “port city” project in Colombo. India, which lost out to China in infrastructure development on the Indian Ocean island, was in particular worried about the security... more »
Navy submarines: first time Canadian fleet is operational
Canada's Navy is marking what it calls a milestone for its controversy-plagued submarine program. For the first time since Canada's four Victoria-class subs were purchased almost two decades ago, the navy says the fleet is now "operational", meaning three of the subs are able to conduct naval operations. Two of the subs, HMCS Victoria and HMCS Chicoutimi will be in the water off Esquimalt, B.C. this week, while HMCS Windsor is currently operating out of Halifax. Read more
The Monarch Massacre
As you may imagine, i am extremely unhappy with both the insect catastrophe rolling through American farm lands, but even more by the level of disinterest. Do we really have to see the human population collapse before we act responsibly? We are seeing the bee collapse. We are seeing the monarch collapse. We are not even measuring the thousands of other insect losses taking place out there. My only comfort is that while this will get worse, organic agriculture is beginning to seriously take off and we have at most another twenty years of this ecocidal crap. The farmers w... more »
The Interview’ Film You Haven’t Heard Of But Should
For those who do not get it, truth and compassion and tolerance is the first serious step that takes you on the spiritual path hinted at by religion and all that. Without that first rather subtle step it is almost impossible to open your mind to interface spiritually. Thus another film highlighting these ideas will hardly resonate among those who adhere to a material interpretation however wrong. They need to impose and intimidate and enforce a form of mental slavery to sustain their vampire life way. In the end all those material dreams of empire must fall away and will. This... more »
Germany Emerges
What is emerging is a profound lack of vision and leadership coming out of Washington. This has tempted the Russians under Putin. And that has forced the Germans under Merkel to reconsider their choices. This is something they do not want and their vision is not brilliant either. All this has badly disturbed the long lasting European dispensation. What is truly lacking is a sensible economic vision that is not seen as beggaring your neighbors. Do that and even Russia will finally make real peace and join the EU as well. Otherwise, what is seriously need is a border commis... more »
Tonal Languages Require Humidity
*[image: IMAGE]* This is an unexpected thought. it may even stand up and work. For myself i find the whole enterprise disconcerting but that is because i have no experience as yet learning how to pronounce Chinese. I do find folks are learning to use both here in Vancouver with ample dexterity so it does not make any of it impossible. I am more concerned about the limitation if it is real on robots as that is becoming necessary. At least wee now understand the issue and what affects it*.* *Tonal languages require humidity * *Posted: 26 Jan 2015 11:10 AM PST* *http://www.eureka... more »
AMS opposes climate witch hunts
Left-wing media activists have been excited about finding out that Willie Soon, a climate skeptic at Harvard-Smithsonian, has earned over $1 million which included grants from the Koch Foundation. They could have asked me years ago – I would tell them. Willie is clearly one of the top earners and the impressive figure makes him a counterpart of James Hansen (and that man's Greenpeace money). On the other hand, it is no way an obscene amount of money for research that Willie has participated in for at least 20 years. If a quick calculation helps you, note that $1,200,000 / 20 = $60... more »
Boris Nemtsov, Prominant Putin Critic, Assassinated Near The Kremlin
*BBC: **Russia opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead* *A leading Russian opposition politician, former Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov, has been shot dead in Moscow, Russian officials say.An unidentified attacker in a car shot Mr Nemtsov four times in the back as he crossed a bridge in view of the Kremlin, police say.He died hours after appealing for support for a march on Sunday in Moscow against the war in Ukraine.* *WNU Editor:* Many in the Western press are calling him the Russian opposition leader .... this is incorrect .... Gennady Zyuganov head of the Commu... more »
Agri Econ 17: Why NFA Marketing Function Should be Removed
Last Tuesday, February 24, a friend and National Food Authority (NFA) Administrator Renan B. Dalisay posted in his fb wall with photos, *Early morning market visit today here in Zamboanga City. Mura ng bigas dito relative to other regions. Bakit kaya? Today we will try to figure it out in our Senate hearing here to be conducted by Sen. Villar.* Then same day, Renan's staff at NFA posted this in his wall, *Bureau of Customs Commiss-ioner Sonny Sevilla and NFA Administrator Renan Dalisay inspect the 152,000 sacks of smuggled rice from Vietnam intercepted by Philippine Navy enroute to ... more »
Russia: US-Backed Opposition Leader Gunned Down in Moscow
Martyrdom on demand: if not of use alive, perhaps of use dead? *February 28, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) US-backed opposition groups in Russia have so far failed utterly to produce results. Their transparent subservience to Washington coupled with their distasteful brand of politics has left a rather unpleasant taste in the mouth of most Russians. Each attempt to spread the "virus" of color revolution to Moscow, as US Senator John McCain called it, has failed - and each attempt has fallen progressively flatter. Russian President Vladimir Putin has never been more popular. His abi... more »
U.S. And Turkey Will Begin Training A New Batch of Jihadist Terrorists On March 1st
*Obama and Erdogan vs. Putin and Assad. Muslim Brotherhood (US-Turkey) vs. Secular nationalism (Russia-Syria).* It is Russia and Syria vs. the U.S and Turkey. Obama and Erdogan vs. Putin and Assad. In the global media Putin and Assad have been demonized non-stop. They've been called evil, monsters, dictators, etc. But it is Obama and Erdogan who are training and arming ISIS terrorists, and it is Putin and Assad who are fighting them. The U.S. and Turkey have supported terrorism not just in Syria but also in Libya. *An excerpt from, "Turkey, US to begin training Syria rebels Sunday... more »
The Unconscious Conditionings of the Mind
*Frank M. Wanderer* - The Ego-dominated mind plays its games in daily life, and creates the characters and scenarios necessary for the games. The post The Unconscious Conditionings of the Mind appeared first on Waking Times.
Paralegals not entitled to represent young people under Youth Criminal Justice Act
R. v. K.P.D., 2015 ONCJ 88: *[24] *By-law 4 enacted by Of the Law Societies of Upper Canada and Nunavut
Evidence of UFO and Extra-Terrestrial Presence on Earth
*Film - *This brilliant documentary about the UFO/Extra-Terrestrial presence on earth shows evidence gathered during the last 60 years in numbers by hundred thousands. The post Evidence of UFO and Extra-Terrestrial Presence on Earth appeared first on Waking Times.
Proposed reductions in testing: the boondoggle remains
LETTER Published in Substance http://www.substancenews.net/articles.php?page=5465§ion=Article February 26,2015 In my e-mail today I received a note from President Obama which included this statement: "We need a better education plan -- one that cuts standardized testing to a bare minimum ...". Of course I agree (see Krashen, 2008), but the proposed reduction in testing that has been submitted to congressional committees appears to be only a modest cutback from the current massive, nonstop testing program. I suspect that the plan of the US Department of Education is to reduce te... more »
This is no time to go soft on those marauding union terrorists Gov. Scott "The Lying Scumbag" Walker beat into submission
*by Ken* Let me say at the outset that I am a singularly poor predictor of those game-changing moments When Right-Wing Scumbag Liars Go Too Far. With alarming frequency one of these hell-clowns says or does something that seems to me so irretrievably blatant that even the stupidest, most blinkered followers can't help but be shaken by, and nothing happens. Contrarily, on occasions when one of them goes A Lie Too Far, it's over something that in my mind should hardly have registered a blip on the Right-Wing Scale of Outrage. Take the Katrinafication of New Orleans. Was I shocked ... more »
Live long and prosper
Leonard Simon Nimoy (March 26, 1931 – February 27, 2015) was an American actor, film director, poet, singer and photographer. Nimoy was known for his role as Spock in the original Star Trek series (1966–69), and in multiple film, television and video game sequels. Nimoy was born to Jewish immigrant parents in Boston, Massachusetts. He began his career in his early twenties, teaching acting classes in Hollywood and making minor film and television appearances through the 1950s, as well as playing the title role in Kid Monk Baroni. Foreshadowing his fame as a semi-alien, he played N... more »
The Murder of Boris Nemtsov. A 'Spring' in the Air? Cui Bono?- UPDATED!
*Cui Bono? Who benefits from this killing?- Hat tip to my hubby, all my personal biases aside, I think he is correct.- Updated list of likely reasons..* *Likely reasons for the killing at this time* **This killing took place to create the conditions needed to promote the dissent necessary, for the usual suspects -NATO nations and their plot to create yet another destabilization project* **This killing took place to sow the seeds of a western backed Russian spring!* Cue the protests. Cue the ‘human rights’ NGO’s making the western media rounds.Hell, even cue the pussy riot skanks!... more »
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”
Kevin Kern, “Another Realm” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a2JtNQublQ
"A Look to the Heavens"
"What powers are being wielded in the Wizard Nebula? Gravitation strong enough to form stars, and stellar winds and radiations powerful enough to create and dissolve towers of gas. Located only 8,000 light years away, the Wizard nebula, pictured below, surrounds developing open star cluster NGC 7380. *Click image for larger size.* Visually, the interplay of stars, gas, and dust has created a shape that appears to some like a fictional medieval sorcerer. The active star forming region spans 100 about light years, making it appear larger than the angular extent of the Moon. The Wizar... more »
"Live A Good Life..."
"Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones. I am not afraid." - Marcus Aurelius
Remembering Leonard Nimoy And Mr. Spock
*WNU Editor:* Like many of my generation .... we grew up on Star Trek. The above video is the pilot for Star Trek and the first appearance of Mr. Spock. The bottom two videos are a reflection on his life.
The Poet: David Whyte, "In the Beginning"
*"In the Beginning"* *․ * "Sometimes simplicity rises like a blossom of fire from the white silk of your own skin. You were there in the beginning you heard the story, you heard the merciless and tender words telling you where you had to go. Exile is never easy and the journey itself leaves a bitter taste. But then, when you heard that voice, you had to go. You couldn't sit by the fire, you couldn't live so close to the live flame of that compassion you had to go out in the world and make it your own so you could come back with that flame in your voice, saying listen... this warmth, this u... more »
"Against All Odds..."
"There's a little animal in all of us and maybe that's something to celebrate. Our animal instinct is what makes us seek comfort, warmth, a pack to run with. We may feel caged, we may feel trapped, but still as humans we can find ways to feel free. We are each other's keepers, we are the guardians of our own humanity and even though there's a beast inside all of us, what sets us apart from the animals is that we can think, feel, dream and love. And against all odds, against all instinct, we evolve." - "Grey's Anatomy"
The Daily "Near You?"
San Bernardino, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, “Then To The Elements Be Free”
*“Then To The Elements Be Free”* by Chet Raymo “Be cheerful, Sir. Our revels are now ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air; And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on: and our little life Is rounded with a sleep.” “Surely one of the most beautiful passages in all of dramatic literature... more »
A3 Newsletter: Bail Hearing for Albert Woodfox on Monday, March 2 --Come to Baton Rouge to Support Albert
*MEDIA:* Judicial system's treatment of two Angola inmates resembles a lottery, by James Gill We've just received word that Albert's bail hearing will proceed on Monday, March 2nd at 9:30am in Courtroom 6 of the US Middle District Court in Baton Rouge (777 Florida St.). Albert will be present; and though we know it is short notice, local supporters are urged to attend if at all possible. If you have not yet done so, please sign the Amnesty International petition calling on Gov. Jindal to not oppose bail for Albert. *Albert Release Arguments Heat Up as Monday's Bail Hearing Approa... more »
"OPSEC for Activists, Because Encryption Isn’t Enough: An Honest Conversation About Evading Spies”
*"OPSEC for Activists, Because Encryption Isn’t Enough:* *An Honest Conversation About Evading Spies”* by Bill Blunden “None of the claims of what comsec works is to be taken saltless: Tor, OTR, ZTRP are lures.” — “Cryptome”, December 30, 2014. “In the aftermath of Ed Snowden’s disclosures the American public has been deluged with talking points that advocate strong encryption as a universal solution for regaining our privacy. Unfortunately the perception of strong encryption as a panacea is flawed. In this report I’ll explain why strong encryption isn’t enough and then present some... more »
Rightwing Nuthouse: “Road-Tripping With Jesus? 6 Batsh*t Crazy Right-Wing GOP State Bills”
*“Road-Tripping With Jesus?* * 6 Batsh*t Crazy Right-Wing GOP State Bills”* By Gary Legum “While the national press focuses on the shenanigans in Washington, DC with the new Republican-controlled Congress, GOP-led state legislatures continue pushing bills that can variously be described as pernicious, contemptible or outright absurd. Here are five recent areas where state legislation has pushed the boundaries of either constitutional permissibility or common sense. *1. We Don’t Need No Education: *Oklahoma made headlines last week when a legislative committee voted 11 to 4 in favor... more »
Chicago-- Historian Rick Perlstein Speaks Up For His City
History is being made in Chicago. Eighteen months ago, I wrote about how a hydra-headed protest movement against Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s agenda of privatization, austerity, and authoritarian governance was changing the face of politics in the Windy City. Now, it’s close to achieving a miracle: ending Rahm Emanuel’s political career once and for all. In the first round of Chicago’s mayoral election on February 24th, Rahm Emanuel came a shocking five points shy of the 50 percent he needed to win reelection outright-- performing three points shy of the final pre-election polls. Chicago... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 27, 2015
*Virginia Postrel, Bloomberg:* *How Spock Became a Sex Symbol* *When "Star Trek" debuted in 1966, showing a beautiful black woman and a dashing Asian man as bridge officers was an idealistic political statement. Turning someone who looked like Leonard Nimoy into a sex symbol, however, was entirely unintentional.Before he played Spock, Nimoy, who died today at 83, played a surprising number of parts as Indians and Mexicans in the Old West. With his long, thin face, prominent nose and deep smile lines, he looked like The Other.* *Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February ...more »
World News Briefs -- February 27, 2015
*Reuters:* *Russian opposition leader Nemtsov shot dead in Moscow* *(Reuters) - Boris Nemtsov, a Russian opposition politician and former deputy prime minister, has been shot dead in central Moscow, the Interior Ministry said early on Saturday.Nemtsov, 55, an outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin, had been due to take part on Sunday in the first big opposition protest in months in the Russian capital.* *MIDDLE EAST* Eight killed in *Baghdad bombs and rocket fire*. U.S. begins vetting Syrian rebels *for military training: Pentagon*. Islamic State statue-smashing in Iraq *... more »
Smiling piles of poop, what passes for art today, and what's up with the trolls?...
*in reverse order (sort of)* As many of my readers know, I'm usually more interested in comments on an article rather than the article itself. I garner many bits of information from commenters. and I like to hear what other people have to say. Every site has it's share of trolls; those people who show up to annoy us and do their best to derail the conversation. Hence the advice to "not feed the trolls." Many of these people are paid by lefty organizations to infiltrate conservative sites and create havoc. However, starting about two weeks ago, I noticed that many big sites like A... more »
Breaking News: Friday False Flag takes place in Moscow - politician assassinated UPDATED
UPDATE: Saturday, February 28, 2015 - Excellent analysis by Joaquin Flores. He looks at whether the US and/or Russia had a reason to want Nemtsov dead. Blogger Stephen Lendman also agreeds that the assassination of Nemtsov was a standard CIA false flag. As I said in an early post..*.time to get rid of all western embassies from vulnerable nations. * There is absolutely no need in this day and age of electronic communication that countries should support criminal hang-outs and insurrection rats nests in their capital cities! *UPDATE: Friday, February 27, 2015* - From Iran's Press... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 27, 2015
Atlantic Council *Business Insider:* *Russia's military exercises are WAY bigger than NATO'* *If military strength and ability was determined solely by the number of soldiers participating in military exercises, Russia would be able to steamroll through NATO without much of a second thought. * *Since 2013, Russia has launched a number of military exercises with troop numbers regularly surpassing the 100,000 personnel mark. In comparison, the largest NATO member exercise during the same time frame took part in Norway in 2014 and had 16,000 personnel. * *The following chart from T... more »
Aisha North: Welcome to the March Gathering around the Pond, Sunday March 1
*Welcome to the March Gathering around the Pond**, Sunday March 1* February 27, 2015 in Gatherings around the Pond Dear family of light! Time seems to pass faster and faster, and this upcoming Sunday it is already March 1, and at 21:00 Oslo time we will once again have our monthly Gathering around the Pond. This is what the CCs want to share about it: “And so it is time for all of you to come together once again to make way through the ethers by way of organising your own energetic fields in such a way, the combined effects of it will once again be sufficient to move mountains o... more »
Transpicuous News: Special Report on the Middle East
Welcome to tonight's Transpicuous News Special Report on the Middle East. http://transpicuousnews.blogspot.com/2015/02/transpicuous-news-feb-26-2015-special.html Saudi Arabia to allow Israel use of its airspace to strike Iran – report http://rt.com/news/235923-saudis-airspace-israel-iran/ Inside Gaza's tunnels, militants get ready for the next war http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-31637592 U.S., Iran Explore Option of 10-Year Nuclear Freeze http://www.wsj.com/articles/iran-nuclear-talks-make-progress-says-u-s-official-1424712004 Israel is galloping to the next war in Gaza...more »
The Roswell Slides and Me
This story actually begins in July 2011 when Tom Carey, Don Schmitt and I were all at the Roswell Festival. Tom suggested that he and I head over to Church’s Fried Chicken for lunch and I’m not one to refuse an invitation for Church’s. At lunch Tom said that he had been thinking about doing a sort of ultimate Roswell book and wondered if I was interested in that. I said that I was, but didn’t mention that I had contacted a publisher about just such a book a couple of months earlier. I hadn’t heard back and thought this might present a problem if the publisher made some sort of offe... more »
Transcend the Ego and the Illusion of the Self
*Video - *Author of *Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion*, describes the properties of consciousness and how mindfulness practices can be used to transcend one's ego. The post Transcend the Ego and the Illusion of the Self appeared first on Waking Times.
Is Your Favorite Soda Carcinogenic?
*Waking Times* - A new study out of Johns Hopkins has revealed that one of the most popular soda ingredients poses a cancer risk to soda drinkers. The post Is Your Favorite Soda Carcinogenic? appeared first on Waking Times.
Spock is dead in this Universe!
RIP Leonard Nimoy Pathfinder, hero logic icon.
Transpicuous News: Special Report on Middle East - in 10 minutes
I will be going Live on CCN in 10 minutes- at 9:30 pm GMT- 4:30 pm EST, ... with a special News Update Report on the Middle East. You can watch the live stream here on RTS, on the CCN video viewer on the right side bar, or watch directly on CCN : http://www.consciousconsumernetwork.tv
'Jihadi John' Does Not Fit The Typical Profile For A Terrorist (Or Does He?)
*Peter Bergen, CNN*: *'Jihadi John': The bourgeois terrorist* *(CNN)This is how top national security reporters Souad Mekhennet and Adam Goldman of the Washington Post, who broke the story that Mohammed Emwazi has been identified as the notorious ISIS terrorist known as "Jihadi John," describe him: "a Briton from a well-to-do family who grew up in West London and graduated from college with a degree in computer programming."They go on to say that Emwazi "was raised in a middle-class neighborhood in London" and attended the University of Westminster, which is a university in Lon... more »
VIDEO: Former NSA Director Heckled for Calling Himself a “Libertarian”
*Ben Swann* Gen. Michael Hayden, former Director of the National Security Agency, was called out on Friday by audience members, after he called himself a “libertarian” at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). *Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.* Subscribe to GLOBAL POLITICAL AWAKENING by Email
Minnesota Commie Muslim Keith Ellison dances in his office to celebrate Net Neutrality...
*all I need to know about Net Neutrality is who supports it and is overjoyed it passed.* via Weasel Zippers: Yet another *reason not to live in Minnesota* - land of two seasons: winter and mosquito.
Bahe: The Big Mountain Dineh Resistance: Still a Cornerstone
The Big Mountain Dineh Resistance: Still A Cornerstone By NaBahe (Bahe) Keediniihii (Katenay) 2015 Shared with permission at Censored News Big Mountain, Dinehtah (Navajo Lands) – In this remote high desert which is mostly covered with juniper and pinon pine forest in northeastern Arizona lays a region known as Black Mesa. The region was once so pristine but in the 1960s, Peabody

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