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The Duran21 hours ago
Lawsuit: Immigrant Kids Are Suicidal, Eating Rotten Food in Secretive Detention Facilities“I feel like I’ve given up,” says a 17-year-old from Guatemala. “I feel like I’ll never get out of here.” FIONA HARRIGAN – Reason “It is a moral failing and a national shame…when children are locked away in overcrowded detention centers,” reads then-candidate Joe Biden’s presidential campaign website. But thousands of children are still receiving that treatment, despite […] read more
Modern Tokyo Times21 hours ago
Unemployment increases in Japan while political elites focus on the OlympicsUnemployment increases in Japan while political elites focus on the Olympics Kanako Mita and Sawako Uchida Modern Tokyo Times The government of Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga is wasting too much energy and time on focusing on preserving the Olympics. Thus, endless State of Emergencies to quasi-measures are never-ending in the worst-hit parts of Japan. Therefore, […] The post Unemployment increases in Japan while political elites focus on the Olympics first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
The Duran21 hours ago
While Russia prays and trains for war, American forces train for gay sex [Video]
We printed a piece a few days ago, entitled “This is what a great military does: they pray to God.” Of course, we highlighted Russia, in her continuing embrace of traditional and Christian values, as reflected in the Divine Liturgy being served in the new and massive cathedral built for the Armed Forces of the […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Whoever is running Imposter Biden is pretty bad at it – [Video]
The present Presidential Administration is probably the most interesting in modern history. By “interesting“, the emphasis is on the tragic nature of the leadership in Washington D.C., and the direction the United States is headed at present. After four great years of American revival under President Donald Trump, the American haters have made up for […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Lessons of Russian History: The last days of the last Tsar (Part II)Submitted by Olivia Kroth Fame and glory seem to be ephemeral phenomena, hard to win, easily lost. The last Tsar of the Russian Empire, Nicholas II, was killed by the Bolsheviks who abolished tsardom, once and for all, in 1917/1918. Yet his fame has lasted until today and seems to be still growing. Films are […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
The conservative case against ThatcherThe late Margaret Thatcher is often held up as a conservative icon. This applies to conservatives across the world and not just in her native United Kingdom. Thatcher was not very conservative with a small ‘c’ even though she led the capital ‘c’ Conservative Party. What do conservatives the world over cherish? The care deeply […] read more
The Duran21 hours ago
Whistleblower and the press break the code of silence in an Australian police statehttps://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/06/26/whistleblower-and-the-press-break-the-code-of-silence-in-an-australian-police-state/ Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator David McBride calculates he faces up to 50 years in prison for being a whistleblower. McBride is an Australian whistleblower and former British Army major and Australian Army lawyer. He served two tours of duty in Afghanistan in 2011 and 2013 and received a combat services medal. But, his troubles began […] read more
The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog21 hours ago
Media Balance Newsletter 28/6/21*Media Balance Newsletter* June 28, 2021 by John Droz, Jr. Welcome to the latest issue of our *Media Balance Newsletter, * which covers a wide range of national interest topics: from* COVID *to * Climate*. (For all 2020* Newsletters*, go here. For all 2021* Newsletters*, go here.) (Our ten *Election Integrity Reports* are now at: *Election-Integrity.info* . Please pass that link onto your social media contacts...) *COVID-19: Therapy* *—* Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19 when used early. Analysis of 60 studies Sen. Johnson says early treatment of ... read more
The Duran21 hours ago
The Rewards Of Race Hustling — White Race Hustlers
A previous article covered black race hustlers, but blacks are far from the only people who have made a comfortable living out of peddling this garbage and at times outright poison. Here are a few white race hustlers. Noel Ignatiev: we begin with him because he is the only person on this list who is no […] read more
Gangsters Out Blog7 hours ago
Justin Trudeau defies order, sues speaker
The Globe and Mail is reporting that "The Liberal government is taking the House of Commons Speaker to court, in an unprecedented move to prevent the release of uncensored documents to members of Parliament that offer insight into the firing of two scientists from Canada’s top infectious-disease laboratory." AYFKM? "The Attorney-General’s office filed an application in Federal Court on Monday requesting that information demanded by Speaker Anthony Rota on behalf of the House of Commons stay secret. The government said in a court filing that the disclosure of this information could... read more
Global Issues News Headlines20 hours ago
The Last Coral Reef Wilderness: the Chagos ArchipelagoMARYLAND, USA, Jun 29 (IPS) - On the Global Reef Expedition—the largest coral reef survey and mapping expedition in history—scientists from the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation traveled to the Chagos Archipelago to study some of the most remote coral reefs on Earth. Read the full story, “The Last Coral Reef Wilderness: the Chagos Archipelago”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines20 hours ago
Myths, Lobbies Block International Tax CooperationSYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR, Jun 29 (IPS) - Too many have swallowed the myth that lowering corporate income tax (CIT) is necessary to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) for growth. Although contradicted by their own research, this lie has long been promoted by influential international economic institutions. Read the full story, “Myths, Lobbies Block International Tax Cooperation”, on globalissues.org → read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Close-Quarters Chaos: The CSW is One Hell of an Innovative Rifle*Charlie Gao* *Firearms, * The standout feature on LMT’s CSW is the handguard. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Anyone who has shot a suppressed weapon knows that suppressors heat up, fast. This is due to what they do: they manage and control the release of hot combustion gases. In doing that, a lot of the temperature in the gas is transferred to the suppressor itself. While Sig Sauer, Inc. won the U.S. SOCOM’s Suppressed Upper Receiver Group (SURG) trials, we are starting to see some of the other weapons that competed against it. One of them is LMT’s Confined Space Weapon (CS... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
America Might Be Headed Toward Another Debt Ceiling Crisis*Trevor Filseth* *National Debt, Americas* The U.S. national debt now exceeds $28 trillion, owing in large part to massive deficit spending by the Trump and Biden administrations. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The U.S. is set to reach its "debt ceiling" on July 31. On June 23, Treasury Secretary and former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen urged Congress to extend what is commonly referred to as the debt ceiling. She warned that, if the deadline remained in place and was not met, the U.S. would default on its debt, and described the result of such a default as “absolutely cat... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
The Harpoon Anti-Ship Missile is Down, But Not Out*Charlie Gao* *Security, * The new Harpoon is likely to remain the powerful “long arm” of the Navy. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The new Harpoon is likely to remain the powerful “long arm” of the Navy. Its proper replacement is likely to come in the form of the AGM-158C LRASM, a big long-range stealth anti-ship missile. The Harpoon has a long and storied history in U.S. service. As the primary anti-ship armament of the U.S. Navy from the 1970s to the present, the Harpoon was involved in some of the only surface-to-surface engagements during the Cold War in Operation Prayi... read more
UnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
'Alice' Saved from the fish market: Longest-tenured whale shark at the Georgia Aquarium passes awayUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
'I stared into its soul': Fisherman relives the terrifying moment he came face-to-face with a four-metre great white shark that ripped his leg apart and left him with gaping woundsThe Duran21 hours ago
Inflation Out of Control! How To Prepare For Inflation. Everything You Need To Know
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The Duran21 hours ago
The Russian Defense Ministry monitors new violations of the de-escalation agreement in northern Syria.The Russian Ministry of Defense has monitored new violations committed by the militants of the “Al-Nusra ” organization, in the “de-escalation” area in northern Syria. The Russian Reconciliation Center in “Hmeimim” stated that “Al-Nusra” terrorists carried out 33 attacks last Saturday, through rocket and artillery shells, most of them in Idlib countryside, which recorded 15 […] read more
Gangsters Out Blog21 hours ago
Two cars were shooting at each other in Surrey
City News is reporitng that "Two young men have been arrested and remain in police custody following a targeted shooting in Surrey Saturday night. The shooting involved two vehicles, with Surrey RCMP confirming shots were fired at the intersection of 73 Avenue and 128 Street at around 8:45 p.m. between people in a silver SUV and a white Jeep. *Police say the incident is tied to drug trafficking and gang activity*." Big surprise. "Both cars sped away, but the Jeep crashed into a telephone pole nearly three blocks away at 76 Avenue and 128 Street, with the occupants running away. Ev... read more
The Duran21 hours ago
A special meeting on the Syrian file of the “Group of Seven”.
The United States of America announced that a meeting of the “Group of Seven” will be held next Monday on the Syrian file in particular. The United States indicated that it will take place on the sidelines of the “Group of Seven” meeting, which will take place in the Italian capital, “Rome”. The “International Coalition […] read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
Tourism up in July vacations; Gramado most popular destination in BrazilRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After enduring a lean 2020, tourism in Brazil is rehearsing the return to a scenario close to pre-pandemic times. A survey conducted by Decolar travel platform shows that the July vacations breathed new life into the sector. The most sought-after destination for the period is Gramado, in the Rio Grande […] The post Tourism up in July vacations; Gramado most popular destination in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times21 hours ago
CoronaVac is safe and induces immune response in adolescents and children – studyRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Chinese Sinovac Biotech's CoronaVac, the Covid-19 vaccine filled in Brazil by the Butantan Institute, is safe and induces immune response in adolescents and children aged 3 to 17, showed a study published on Monday. According to the Butantan, the study's findings published by The Lancet were the result of phase […] The post CoronaVac is safe and induces immune response in adolescents and children – study appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times22 hours ago
Brazil’s health regulator alerts states to CoronaVac adulterationRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA) has sent State Secretariats an alert about the potential adulteration of CoronaVac vaccines, used in the immunization against Covid-19. Since May, ANVISA has been investigating a possible case of falsification that occurred in Maranhão. According to the investigation, an empty vaccine vial was reused […] The post Brazil’s health regulator alerts states to CoronaVac adulteration appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog23 hours ago
Former Intel Chief Calls For “Larger Discussion” On UFOs, Warns They Display Technology US Doesn’t HaveFormer Intel Chief Calls For “Larger Discussion” On UFOs, Warns They Display Technology US Doesn’t Have by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times, https://www.zerohedge.com/ Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said that Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP), also known as UFOs, appear to display technology that the United States does not have and could not defend against. … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog23 hours ago
Thai Central Bank Leads Pack, Buying 90 Tonnes of Gold Over April And May
Thai Central Bank Leads Pack, Buying 90 Tonnes of Gold Over April And May by Ronan Manly, https://www.bullionstar.com/ In early April this year, the Hungarian central bank stunned gold markets with the surprise announcement that it had purchased a massive 63 tonnes of gold during March, and in doing so tripled its gold reserves from … read more
Celebrating Founding Fathers Is ‘Structural Racism,’ National Archives Says – PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
Patriot Humor – It’s Like ThisIt’s Like ThisArchie BunkerManureWokeExpiredThank You!On the BorderCRTPick One, JoeThe Best Case for 2AIn the MoneyRichStomp Stomp StompTake a Hike, KamalaVision Test‘Religious’ContrastNothingCartoons Read more excellent articles at The Patriot Post read more
Just Do It For China! Nike Declares Its Brand ‘Of And For China’
By Jay Maxson ~ Sucking up to China to protect its lucrative cash flow, Nike’s CEO says the American company’s brand is just doing it for China. The Swoosh is now figuratively intertwined with yellow stars on the red Chi-com flag. Nike chief executive John Donahoe not only defended his woke Oregon-based company’s ties to China, but […] read more
Electric Cars Will Eventually Get Us Nowhere
By Dr. Jay Lehr ~ One of the most hyped innovations of our life time is today’s electric vehicle. While our federal government and the state of California think the internal combustion engine will soon end in the dustbin of history, it just ain’t so. It will never happen for many obvious reasons that governments […] read more
UnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
South Africa: Officials plead for the return of juvenile white shark headUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
They're back: First sighting of Yangtze finless porpoise in Hanjiang River in 30 yearsUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Slow news day: Pod of dolphins pop up to delight sailors by taking rare swim from sea into River DartUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Yacht Ambush: British crew of yacht feared for their lives as 30 killer whales attacked themUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Pakistan: Numbers of the endangered Indus River Dolphin have steadily increased thanks to decades of collective effortUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
NOAA designates part of Wisconsin's Lake Michigan as sanctuary for shipwrecksUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Florida: Alligator bites Sarasota County man fishing in retention pondUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
The future is here: Scientist uses a microscope to reveal the shocking microscopic shards of plastic lurking inside fish fingersUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Never give up on a fish! Idaho angler uses his noodle to free stuck catchUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Croatia: Divers pull out 15 tons of waste in underwater clean-up on Vis islandUnderwaterTimes.com News of the Underwater World21 hours ago
Sea lion crashes Chile fisherman's interview... about 'plague of sea lions'Small Dead Animals22 hours ago
Social DiseaseJurist; The Texas Supreme Court ruled Friday that federal law does not grant Facebook immunity against lawsuits for users who use its platform to lure minors into sex trafficking. Three plaintiffs filed separate suits against Facebook alleging that they became victims of sex trafficking after meeting their abusers through Facebook or Instagram, which Facebook owns.… Continue reading → read more
Michael West22 hours ago
Sports rorter Bridget McKenzie back on the front bench courtesy of Barnaby Joyce[image: Bridget McKenzie sports rorts] Bridget McKenzie was forced to resign in February 2020 after the "sports rorts" affair but, as are the ways of the National Party, misdeeds are quickly forgotten if you back the right leader at the right time. So just like her good buddy, recently resurrected National Party Leader Barnaby Joyce, McKenzie is back on the Coalition government front bench as Minister for Regionalisation, Regional education and Regional Communications. read more
The National Interest22 hours ago
Prisoners Are Eligible For Stimulus Checks. Why Aren't They Claiming Them?*Trevor Filseth* *Stimulus Payments, Americas* Inmates face significant challenges in registering for, and receiving, the checks. *Here's What You Need to Know*: It is likely that the pandemic will end before corrective action is taken. The three rounds of stimulus checks that have been sent out since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic have explicitly included all Americans making below a certain upper-income limit in their eligibility. This means that Americans who are currently incarcerated in the criminal justice system, as well as released felons, qualify for (and have in... read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
WHO Says Delta Variant Is Becoming The Dominant Covid Variant Globally
*Web MD:* *India Signals Alarm About New ‘Delta Plus’ Variant* Public health officials in India are sounding the alarm on another coronavirus variant, which they are calling “Delta Plus.” The Delta Plus variant, which is a mutation of the widespread Delta strain first identified in India, could be more infectious and cause more severe COVID-19. Officials in India labeled it a “variant of concern” this week. The variant, also known as B.1.617.2.1, has led to an increase in cases in India. It has also been detected in the U.S., U.K., China, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, and... read more
Charles Frith23 hours ago
Reasons To Be Cheerful (1, 2, 3)I know we're in the cross hairs of a medieval pandemic with bodies piled so high the putrefaction is awkward to avoid but there are plenny-of-things that make rewarding and make me and many... Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced read more
Cairns News23 hours ago
18 million Australians so far smart enough to refuse deadly Covid jabFederal and state governments are in a frenzy as more people refuse to take the deadly, experimental mRNA gene therapy. Millions are being spent right now on newspaper, radio and television advertising and it seems to no avail. All states’ Jewish Premiers have pulled a ‘Delta’ scam campaign at the start of school holidays to […] read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 223 hours ago
"5 Signs That Show That The Depravity In America Has Reached An Entirely New Level"
*"5 Signs That Show That The Depravity In* *America Has Reached An Entirely New Level"* by Michael Snyder "No matter how bad things get in this country, you can rest assured that we will always find a way to sink even lower. From the very lowest levels of society all the way to the very highest levels of society, the level of depravity that we are now witnessing all around us is absolutely stunning. At this point, most Americans do not have any sort of a solid moral foundation, and it shows. Everyone is just basically doing whatever seems right in their own eyes, and that has result... read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
June 29, 2021: Reader TipsThis evening we offer you all a tribute to Pittsburgh sports history. Your sports or political tips of the past day would be most appreciated! read more
Science Matters1 day ago
Why Technocrats Deliver Catastrophes
Mark E. Jeftovic writes insightfully on the ways technology backfires when applied by bureaucrats in his article Why the Technocratic Mindset Produces Only Misery and Failure. H/T Tyler Durden at zerohedge. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. Technocrats have the most fundamental aspect of reality backwards Saw this article come across, come across my news […] read more
The Conservative Socrates22 hours ago
Who Wins the Political and Cultural Battles?From the history of the political and cultural battles in the last 2500 years we learn that when there is a contest between polytheists and monotheists, it is the monotheists who generally prevail. When there is a contest between land based great powers and naval great powers, it is the naval great powers that generally prevail. In the twentieth century, two new kinds of groups have started winning the political and cultural battles—they are the atheists (utopians and nihilists) and the powers which dominate the sky through their missiles, planes, and satellites. In the twenty-first... read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
Australia Under New Lockdowns As The Covid-19 Delta Variant Spreads Through The Population
Around 18 million Australians, 70 per cent of the population, are now under some form of lockdown after cases of the Indian variant exploded out of quarantine hotels in Brisbane, Darwin, Perth and Sydney * Daily Mail: Australia's Covid success crumbles: Country was hailed for closed-borders zero-virus policy that let Aussies live a normal life but now cities are in lockdown as Indian variant spreads through population with just 5% vaccination rate * * With just 5 per cent of the population fully vaccinated and the more infectious strain on the loose, Australia's vaunted 'zero Cov... read more
The National Interest23 hours ago
Russian Civilians Are Beginning to Really Love Guns*Charlie Gao* *Firearms, Russia* A single bullet provides an interesting loophole. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *While not the strictest in the world, Russian gun laws are notorious among Russian gun owners for their five-year waiting period. While a regular gun license is moderately easy to acquire for a law-abiding citizen with a good record of mental health, this license only allows a citizen to own smoothbore firearms—generally shotguns of various types. While shotguns are generally useful outdoors guns for most hunting and animal self-defense tasks, they are less than... read more
The National Interest23 hours ago
Stimulus Check Update: Could You Soon Get $1400 or More?*Stephen Silver* *Stimulus Payments, Americas* Those expecting such a scenario shouldn’t get their hopes up. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Even if the filibuster is changed, there's no guarantee a fourth stimulus check would automatically pass. Since the passage of the American Rescue Plan in March, which contained the third stimulus check of the coronavirus era, there has been little movement in Congress when it comes to a fourth round of checks. Such a round remains very unlikely this year, but one new report lays out a scenario of how such checks could go forward. According... read more
The National Interest23 hours ago
Merciless Raptor: The Improved F-22 is Never Letting Up*Charlie Gao* *F-22 Raptor, Americas* While the F-22 may have been allowed to fall behind the F-35 in a few aspects during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, the military’s refocus on a peer or near-peer engagement has thrust the F-22 back into the spotlight again, with upgrades to match. *Here's What You Need to Know*: If all goes well, the F-22 will remain on the cutting edge of air superiority into the 2060s. While much attention has been focused recently on the F-35 and F-15X, not much has been given to the U.S. Air Force’s premier air superiority fighter, the F-22 Raptor. Whil... read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
The Spread Of The Covid-19 Delta Variant Has Caused The Leveling Off In Covid Infections In The U.S.*RFI/AFP:* *US Covid cases hit new plateau as Delta variant rises* After declining fast for two months, the rate of Covid infections in the United States has leveled off since mid-June thanks to localized spikes in under-vaccinated regions of the country, data showed Monday. It comes as the highly contagious Delta variant continues to gain traction, now accounting for 35.6 percent of sequenced cases in the past two weeks, according to the covSpectrum tracker. Authorities have said it is poised to soon become the country's dominant strain. The seven-day-average of new daily c... read more
War News Updates23 hours ago
Europe Imposes Travel Restrictions As The Covid-19 Delta Variant Continues To Spread*Euractiv:* *Delta variant spread upsets EU plans for return to relative normality* Moscow and Indonesia on Sunday (27 June) recorded their worst daily coronavirus death toll due to the highly contagious coronavirus Delta variant, while various EU countries envisaged new restrictions, likely to upset their plans for a return to relative normality this summer. Indonesia saw more than 21,000 infections in a day, a record, as countries across the Asia-Pacific region extended or reimposed restrictions to tackle fresh waves of cases. Even as vaccination drives have brought down ... read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
June 29th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 161In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post June 29th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 161 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge23 hours ago
Tuesday June 29th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Tuesday June 29th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
After review, judge orders quash of Kruse’s Blue Bell subpoenaFederal Judge Robert Pitman has ended defendant Paul Kruse’s search of his former employer’s files that might have helped in his November criminal trial. The judge has granted Blue Bell Creameries’ motion to quash in its entirety the Kruse Subpoena Duces Tecum to Blue Bell Creameries. In an order dated June 24, the Texas Western... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News23 hours ago
Up to 100 children sick because of Salmonella in FinlandAt least 100 children are sick in Finland because of Salmonella, according to the country’s national public service broadcaster. A food source is likely. YLE reported that mainly young children have been suffering from diarrhea in the country in recent weeks. Early indications point to one of the ingredients of salad and the wholesaler supplying... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
FDA asks public to report seafood-related toxin illnesses, submit and meal remnantsThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration has updated its webpage providing information on commonly occurring seafood-related illnesses and how to report them to the FDA. To help FDA effectively investigate, remove unsafe seafood products from the market, and develop new prevention strategies, the agency relies on illness reporting from public health officials and health care... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
FDA modifies import alerts for honey, fresh produce and more
The Food and Drug Administration uses import alerts to enforce U.S. food safety regulations for food from foreign countries. The agency updates and modifies the alerts as needed. Recent modifications to FDA’s import alerts, as posted by the agency, are listed below. Click here to go to the FDA page with links for specific details... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
WHO mulls ways to track food safety progress in development goals
The World Health Organization (WHO) has discussed plans to include food safety in the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Almost 250 indicators are monitored across a range of areas to assess progress toward the 17 Sustainable Development Goals introduced in 2015, but no food safety indicator is recognized yet despite the links it has with... Continue Reading read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Gringo View: “Bipartisanship crisis”RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - (Opinion) I can’t remember who first voiced this insight: ‘bipartisanship’ is not just about agreement among the political parties in a country’s legislature. It should really be about agreement among the nation’s citizens. They may personally hold hugely different general partisan political views but can join together on specific issues. […] The post Gringo View: “Bipartisanship crisis” appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Manhattan Contrarian1 day ago
Attempting To Silence Your Opponents Is A Sign You Are Losing The Debate* Over the past few months I have had several posts on the subject of audacious big tech deplatformings of mainstream conservative opinions, for example here on February 22 and here on March 4. * But the big tech social media enterprises like Twitter, Facebook and Google are only one front of the progressive program to suppress any speech that does not toe the official orthodox line. * I thought it might be time for a small roundup of recent instances. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Reveals NSA Conducting Surveillance on His Electronic Communication, Texts and EmailsAs disturbing as this statement is, considering the prior admissions of warrantless wiretapping by the FBI using the NSA database, this does not come as a surprise. Remember, for five consecutive years the U.S. intelligence community has admitted to the FISA court they continually conduct illegal searches of U.S. citizen data, using the NSA database, […] The post Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Reveals NSA Conducting Surveillance on His Electronic Communication, Texts and Emails appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
balance101 day ago
there were some very dark ones on staff and we needed to be alert and aware. -ECP to Maydell Goulart, 1999The test is not to be moved by whatever assails, whatever disrupts, whatever abruptly changes the course you are on. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia: *Pearl* 33:37 ………………………………………………………………………… Maydell Goulart in her Feb 2, 2004 email, "A Focus of Light in Peril", stated: In 1999, around the time the Messenger retired, I attended a Baptism celebration in a home near the Heart of the Inner Retreat. Mother was a guest and shortly after she arrived she joined a small group of us sitting in an alcove. We chatted for sometime with Mother and one of the comments she made to us ... read more
Komando.com1 day ago
The new, convincing tactic phone scammers are using to steal your money
Stimulus scam warning! Don't fall for this latest scam making the rounds. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Israel Facing A Covid-19 Delta Variant Spread*Washington Post:* *Israel, counting on herd immunity, declines to reimpose most restrictions as delta variant spreads * JERUSALEM —As the surging delta coronavirus variant forces countries to reinstate restrictions, Israel's new government is standing pat, expressing faith that the nation's high vaccination rate is shielding people from the variant's worst effects. The number of positive cases is rising, but few people are becoming seriously ill. Officials decided Sunday night that a spike in positive cases did not warrant a return to lockdown or significant restrictions ot... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Frost in Brazil threatens corn; may affect Paraná coffee and sugarcane in southern São Paulo and Mato Grosso do SulRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A polar air mass is gaining strength in Brazil and may cause heavy frost in agricultural areas this week, posing high risks for corn in Paraná, Brazil's second largest corn producer, whose crop has suffered severe drought-related losses, according to experts. Meteorologists say frost may even reach coffee areas in […] The post Frost in Brazil threatens corn; may affect Paraná coffee and sugarcane in southern São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Virtual Mirage1 day ago
Wel SeriesWars create “needs” for specialized equipment in the more “modern” sense of the word. Militaries use what works (the Mongols had a winning system of combined arms, with strategies that were exceptionally successful). When I use the word, “modern”, in a military context, the first one of those was the Roman Army system because […] The post Wel Series appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil’s unemployment rate would reach 19.4% in Q1 with labor force recovery – IpeaRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The unemployment rate in Brazil would have reached 19.4% in the first quarter 2021 had the labor force resumed the growth rate recorded in the pre-pandemic period, estimated the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea). However, the health crisis continues to generate a high number of inactive people, that is, […] The post Brazil’s unemployment rate would reach 19.4% in Q1 with labor force recovery – Ipea appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil’s 3tentos agroindustrial shares debut on B3 in July, and IPO may raise US$365,000RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On June 28, the Board of Directors of 3tentos agroindustrial (TTEN3) approved the restricted offering of the company's shares, which may include an additional and supplementary lot of shares, according to a notice to the market. The restricted offering, i.e., directed only to professional investors (a class that holds at […] The post Brazil’s 3tentos agroindustrial shares debut on B3 in July, and IPO may raise US$365,000 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest1 day ago
The Soviets Wanted to Shoot Nukes Out of Tanks*Charlie Gao* *History, Europe* The idea of a "nuke tank" was appalling and appealing to military leaders at the time. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Taran might not have killed the concept of a nuclear tank for the Soviets. One of the key features of the Object 195 tank prototype (considered by some to be the predecessor of the current T-14 Armata) was its ability to fire 152mm artillery rounds out of its main gun. In the 1950s and 1960s when tactical nuclear weapons were expected to rule the battlefield, the Soviet Army developed a variety of short-range tactical nuc... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
The IRS Wants To Stop This Stimulus Check Lawsuit*Stephen Silver* *Stimulus Checks, Americas* The case is being argued in federal court in Maryland. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The IRS is fighting a lawsuit over stimulus checks. Several married couples sued the IRS last year, claiming that they lost out on stimulus checks from the 2020 CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act), due to their immigration status. According to Law 360, the IRS argued in court last week that the suits’ final remaining plaintiff is making “flawed arguments.” The government is arguing that the plaintiff’s ineligibility does n... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
The U.S. and Russia Should Start Worrying About This Chinese Tank*Charlie Gao* *Tanks, China* The ZTZ-99A is probably fairly developmentally immature, currently, but Chinese engineers are making regular improvements. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In the end, the ZTZ-99A is likely a lethal threat for the older tanks in the American tank fleet and the majority of the Russian tank fleet, but both the latest versions of American and Russian tanks are likely to beat it in a fight. The constant flux of basic turret and hull designs being manufactured suggests that China is not really sure what its requirements for a tank are. What's up with ... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Parents, Get Ready: New Monthly ‘Stimulus Checks’ Are Dropping Soon*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Stimulus Checks, Americas* Recurring monthly payments from the expanded child tax credit will be heading into eligible parents’ bank accounts beginning July 15. *Here's What You Need to Know*: This newest government-issued cash windfall will allow parents to net as much as $3,600 per year for a child under the age of six and up to $3,000 for children between ages six and seventeen. There is no question that the past year likely has been the hardest on low-income Americans who were saddled with the responsibility of raising their children. But big-time help ... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Mexico decriminalizes recreational marijuana consumption but not its commercializationRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After the failure of the Mexican Congress to regulate recreational cannabis, the Supreme Court of Justice approved this Monday a historic ruling that lifts the prohibition of recreational marijuana self-consumption in Mexico. However, it does not endorse its commercialization. "Today is a historic day for freedoms. After a long road, […] The post Mexico decriminalizes recreational marijuana consumption but not its commercialization appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Uruguay hopes to rehabilitate slaughterhouse to export meat to ChinaRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Uruguay is confident that the BPU meatpacking plant, located in the department (province) of Durazno (center), may be rehabilitated to resume meat exports to China after the Asian country suspended it last April for non-compliance with labeling. This was emphasized to the press by the Uruguayan Foreign Minister, Francisco Bustillo, […] The post Uruguay hopes to rehabilitate slaughterhouse to export meat to China appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Government expects 2.5 million residents to download bitcoin application in El SalvadorRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Government of El Salvador estimates that some 2.5 million citizens will download the application with the electronic wallet promoted by the Executive for the use of bitcoin as a means of payment, according to the Minister of Finance, Alejandro Zelaya, said Monday. The official said during a television interview […] The post Government expects 2.5 million residents to download bitcoin application in El Salvador appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Controversy in Bolivia over Evo Morales’ “contacts” before electionsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The last declarations of former president Evo Morales stated that he had contact with the Supreme Court of Justice, the Electoral Court, and the Constitutional Court before the presidential elections of 2020 caused controversy in Bolivia on Monday. Morales said over the weekend in a program broadcast by a radio […] The post Controversy in Bolivia over Evo Morales’ “contacts” before elections appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Hondurans march against Employment Zones on anniversary of the coup d’étatRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Liberty and Refoundation Party (Libre, left) commemorated Tuesday the 12th anniversary of the June 28, 2009 coup d’état to the then president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, with a protest against the Employment and Development Zones (Zede) promoted by the ruling party. On a boulevard in Tegucigalpa, the capital of […] The post Hondurans march against Employment Zones on anniversary of the coup d’état appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Life Imitates South ParkVia Instapundit read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
School exclusion, one of the after-effects of Covid-19 in Latin AmericaRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - While America is moving full speed ahead to vaccinate its population, the coronavirus crisis leaves serious aftermath for its children and young people: school exclusion. The lack of internet and the precarious access to technology generated school exclusion in millions of minors during the quarantines decreed in the last 16 […] The post School exclusion, one of the after-effects of Covid-19 in Latin America appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The NZ govt is not providing you with full info on the risks of the CV VX: you will have to find it for yourself
The numbers are of course unofficial. Vetted and compiled carefully by two professional sources on social media. Jenese James cites the info in her article (cited by EWR, both links added below). Your government will never be telling you the true figures. In addition, like all governments world wide the true figures will not ever … Continue reading The NZ govt is not providing you with full info on the risks of the CV VX: you will have to find it for yourself → read more
And on the NZ CV VX front?
I am seeing many reports on social media by folk whose loved ones, friends or work mates/colleagues have fallen ill or died following the CV jab. Inform yourselves folk. There is plenty of evidence now that all is not well for many who trusted the mainstream narrative and were either not offered full info about … Continue reading And on the NZ CV VX front? → read more
Head of Australian Therapeutic Goods Admin (TGA), Brendan Murphy, tells Parliament to keep quiet about vaccine effects (hear it for yourself)
Shocking. If this does not illustrate for you the vast corruption that is afoot with this plandemic & subsequent vax rollout, nothing will. It is about, is there any type of insurance or backup should you be injured by one of the killer jabs. As I’ve figured all along you’d be very fortunate to have … Continue reading Head of Australian Therapeutic Goods Admin (TGA), Brendan Murphy, tells Parliament to keep quiet about vaccine effects (hear it for yourself) → read more
SCOTLAND – Official Data shows more people have died because of the Covid Vaccines in 6 months than people who have died of Covid-19 in 15 months
We can officially confirm that the number of people to have died due to the Covid vaccines has surpassed the number of people who have died of Covid-19. However the numbers are most likely much worse than they appear due to the fact that the data on deaths due to the Covid vaccines has been … Continue reading SCOTLAND – Official Data shows more people have died because of the Covid Vaccines in 6 months than people who have died of Covid-19 in 15 months → read more
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