10:15 pm MDT
China’s Secrecy Affects US – PA Pundits – International13 minutes ago
China’s Secrecy Affects USBy Fred Lucas ~ The COVID-19 pandemic illustrates why a lack of knowledge about China’s problems can become the world’s problems, says Rep. Steve Chabot, regarding one of the world’s most powerful, yet also most secretive and oppressive regimes. “No one fully understands what is happening in China. On the one hand, China seems to … Continue reading "China’s Secrecy Affects US" read more
War News Updates45 minutes ago
Concerns Are Rising That The Spread Of The Delta Variant Of COVID-19 Will Explode In The Coming Weeks In The U.S.
*Daily Mail:* *'One month to fully vaccinate. Or else': Epidemiologist warns Indian Delta variant will go 'full blown' in the US as Biden falls short of his July 4 vaccine goal and cases rise 60% in the UK* * Concerns are mounting about Delta variant in the US as UK sees cases rise * UK has seen cases rise by 60% in a week despite similar vaccination rate * One Twitter pundit claimed Delta will go 'full blown' without full vaccination * Eric Feigl-Ding is calling for vaccinating kids and re-imposing mask mandates * Biden will not meet his goal of getting 70% of adults one sh... read more
Snopes.com47 minutes ago
Disneyland ‘Ghost’ Captured on Video During Fireworks ShowIn the purportedly "creepy" video, the camera shows a "ghostly" figure atop Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle during a fireworks show. read more
The National Interest55 minutes ago
How Russia Revolutionized Undersea Warfare*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Americas* The November-class submarines may not have been particularly silent hunters, but they still marked a breakthrough in providing the Soviet submarine fleet global reach while operating submerged. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *The United States launched the first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS* Nautilus*, in 1954, revolutionizing undersea warfare. The *Nautilus*’s reactor allowed it to operate underwater for months at a time, compared to the hours or days afforded conventional submarines. The following year, the Soviet Union began bui... read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
Russia Battling Covid-19 Resurgence
Infections have surged in Moscow and the capital accounts for nearly half of all Russia's cases *Daily Mail*: *Moscow gripped by growing Covid catastrophe: Russian capital records 144 deaths in 24 hours with officials blaming Indian variant for sweeping through vaccine-sceptic population* * Moscow is seeing surge in Covid-19 cases that authorities blame on Delta variant * Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said variant represents 90% of new infections * Steep rise in cases has meant officials are urging vaccine-sceptical Russians to get innoculated Moscow on Sunday recorded 144 C... read more
The High-fat Hep C Diet1 hour ago
Probiotic extracts for PTSD - proof of concept for the gut-brain axis?
It is with great pleasure that I can announce results from an experiment I was actually involved with, albeit long ago. It happened like this - having noticed that probiotics were helping with my HCV symptoms, I was theorising about the reasons for this in a Hep C forum; this attracted the notice of Elizabeth McKenna, who was working with Beth Jones, the senior author of the present paper. Dr Jones had invented a process for producing a cell wall lysate from bacteria that, or so it was claimed, preserved the probiotic immune function to a far greater extent than other lysates and he... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Here Is the World's Weirdest-Looking Airplane: The A300 Beluga*Caleb Larson* *Airplane, Global* Due to the decentralized nature of production, parts for Boeing airframes are shipped across Europe—a time-consuming and expensive process that was historically done by road transport, or rail when possible. Rail and road transport are not ideal—they’re slow, and expensive. In the late 1980s and 1990s, Airbus needed something big enough to transport their components by air. *Here's What You Need to Remember: * Airbus is a truly pan-European corporation, and as such has production facilities in Spain, France, Germany, the United Kingdom—not to me... read more
The approval of Pfizer VX for teens “is not responsible medicine & is a reckless approach to children‘s health”, says a group of UK health professionals
This group of professionals is HART (Health Advisory & Recovery Team): “HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts. We came together over shared concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to be concerned about the lack of open scientific debate … Continue reading "The approval of Pfizer VX for teens “is not responsible medicine & is a reckless approach to children‘s health”, says a group of UK health professionals" read more
How KCDC ‘helps people to reduce waste’ by closing a facility and forcing extra costs on ratepayers
Originally posted on Waikanae Watch: Entrance to the Waikanae facility in Park Avenue. by John Robinson The Kapiti Coast District Council’s Long Term Plan reeks of hypocrisy.? They make claims to be green, to be concerned with the environment.? They say, in their expensive, long-winded glossy community PR exercise – the consultation document, “Securing our… read more
Jewish-American warns: Vaccines are the new gas chambers and 150 million Americans are walking right in, spurred by media-hyped Covid-19 fear
Originally posted on Flurry of Thoughts: Jews in Germany before WWII did not think that when their guns were first required to be “registered” that soon those guns would be taken from them. Those same innocent Jewish people, […] Source: Jewish-American warns: Vaccines are the new gas chambers and 150 million Americans are walking right… read more
CDC, FDA prepare mass distribution of a Merck/Sanofi six-in-one vaccine for kids, turning blind eye to safety signals
Originally posted on Flurry of Thoughts: Since the mid-1980s, the number of childhood shots on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccine schedule has more than quadrupled. When parents express reluctance about turning […] Source: CDC, FDA prepare mass distribution of a Merck/Sanofi six-in-one vaccine for kids, turning blind eye to safety signals read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Concorde: What Happened to the World’s Only Supersonic Jetliner?*Caleb Larson* *Supersonic Jets, Europe* The death of the Concorde reads like a soap opera: a fatal accident, terrorism, and a dearth of spare parts. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Despite Concorde’s many achievements, it didn’t live long. The Concorde was many things. Innovative and supersonic, it held numerous commercial airline speed records and was the fastest way to travel internationally. Despite several world records and the fastest service money could buy, the joint French-English developed Concorde flew for less than 30 years. Concorde was done in by a combination of ... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Here's What We Know about North Korea's New Tank*Caleb Larson* *North Korea, East Asia* [image: A tank is seen during the Korean People's Army Tank Crews' Competition 2017 in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang on April 1, 2017. KCNA/via REUTERS.] The few examples seen on parade are likely either still in the prototype stage or low-rate initial production models. *Here's What You Need To Know:* Despite this new platform’s angular and modern-looking hull and turret lines, it is possible that it shares some design features with the much older Soviet-designed T-62. In fact, ... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
The Tall Tale of the Unique Enormous Hughes H-4 Hercules*Sebastien Roblin* *military, Americas* The concept behind the H-4 arose sensibly enough from the strategic bottleneck facing the United States when it entered World War II. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: * For every legendary airplane like the F-16 Viper or Il-2 Shturmovik that sees large-scale production, history is littered with dozens of promising projects that burned through budgets and deadlines only to produce a handful of prototypes. But perhaps no such failed project still looms in the public consciousness quite like the unique enormous Hughes H-4 Hercules, memorably... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Meet The Flying Wing Bomber Nazi Germany Planned to Use to Bomb New York*Sebastien Roblin* *World War II, * Supposedly this new beast stored enough fuel in its wings for twenty-seven-hour round-trip treks to attack New York. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* The decentralized nature of German military research led to money being funneled into numerous competing projects instead of being efficiently prioritized for faster and more concrete results. In 1942, German air force chief Hermann Goering sketched out the requirement for the Amerika bomber—a strategic bomber capable of making 7,200-mile round-trip across the Atlantic. Earlier in 1938, Goerin... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
In 1968, Kim Sent North Korea Assassins to Kill South Korea’s President*Sebastien Roblin* *North Korea, * South Koreans are quite familiar with the stress caused by the threat of “decapitation.” *Here's What You Need to Remember:* Recently the South Korean defense minister caused a stir when he announced the military was forming a “decapitation unit” of airborne special operators to target Kim Jong-un in the event of a conflict. While Seoul has long been exploring such a contingency, its prominent public airing is undoubtedly meant as a pressure tactic to cause Kim to reconsider how he might best ensure his own survival. South Koreans are quite fa... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Why Consumers Are Confused by Different Streaming Services*Stephen Silver* *Streaming, * Among TV content viewers interviewed by Horowitz, 50 percent answered that there are too many streaming services, while 49 percent of those asked believe that “it’s hard to know what shows are on which streaming services.” While the streaming era has led to a ton of content easily available at viewers’ fingertips, it’s been a frequent complaint of many streamers that it can be hard to keep track of which streaming service is which, and which shows are available on which one. That’s in line with the findings of a recent survey from research firm Hor... read more
Thousands of vaccinated people hospitalized or dead due to COVID ‘breakthrough’ cases
Originally posted on Flurry of Thoughts: The latest figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal more than 4,000 people who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 have died or been hospitalized from “breakthrough” infections. Source: Thousands of vaccinated people hospitalized or dead due to COVID ‘breakthrough’ cases read more
Welcome Back to Pottersville1 hour ago
Bill Barr Has Trump Derangement Syndrome?
(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.) "*You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump.*" Trump to Bill Barr last December “*In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.*” -Falsely attributed to George Orwell *I*n light of the GOP's breathtaking mendacity of late, it hardly rises to the level of irony that even when a Republ8ican tells the truth for a change, there's some self interest underpinning it, if not some criminal intent. Take Mitch McConnell's phone calls late last year to Bill Barr. In a bombshell article for the *Atlantic*, Jon... read more
Caitlin Johnstone2 hours ago
US Again Bombs Nations On Other Side Of The World In “Self-Defense”Listen to a reading of this article: The US is again illegally bombing nations on the other side of the planet which it has invaded and occupied and branded this murderous aggression as “defensive”. “At President Biden’s direction, U.S. military forces earlier this evening conducted […] read more
Massive Number Of Anti-Lockdown Protesters March Through London
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Source: The Mail Online A HUGE number of anti-lockdown protesters marched through?central London before descending on Downing Street on Saturday. They called for ‘freedom’ and the end to all Covid lockdown regulations, the vaccine and vaccine passports. They also demanded the arrest of Matt Hancock, who resigned on Saturday after… read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
White House Denies Reports That It Will Reverse U.S. Policy That The Golan Heights Belongs To IsraelU.S. policy regarding the Golan has not changed, and reports to the contrary are false. — U.S. State Dept - Near Eastern Affairs (@StateDept_NEA) June 25, 2021 *Times of Israel:* *Amid uproar, US denies change in policy recognizing Golan Heights as Israeli* *After false story picked up by some Hebrew media, Lapid says people spreading rumors are deliberately trying to undermine new Israeli government and ties to US * The US State Department on Friday denied that the Biden administration planned to rescind recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, after a false r... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Is The U.S. Facing A Grasshopper - Locust Invasion?
*Zero Hedge*:* "They're Everywhere" - Megadrought Sparks Grasshopper Plague In Western US * By now, it's become quite evident that the western half of the U.S. is facing one of the worst megadroughts in decades. We've spoken about fallow land and drying up reservoirs, but the question remains what happens next? Well, it's not great, and it's straight out of the playbook from the 1930s Great Depression when the same parts of the U.S. were transformed into a desert, triggering a grasshopper plague. A.P. News said federal agriculture officials are set to launch one of the largest ... read more
CENSORED NEWS2 hours ago
Annual Run4Salmon Virtual 2021Chief Caleen SiskANNUAL RUN4SALMON 300-MILE PRAYER JOURNEY GOES VIRTUAL AGAIN IN 2021 TO ENSURE COVID SAFETYBy Run4SalmonCensored NewsJune 25, 2021, Mount Shasta, California--On the heels of being internationally recognized this year by the United Nations as a viable indigenous-led solution to the multitude of climate challenges California is facing, the annual Run4Salmon Prayer Journey of 300 read more
From the Trenches World Report2 hours ago
California Lawmakers Seek to Remove ‘He’ From State LawsNBC News When California Gov. Gavin Newsom was searching for a new attorney general earlier this year, state Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahan looked up the job... The post California Lawmakers Seek to Remove ‘He’ From State Laws appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Last Refuge3 hours ago
Predictably Bondo Barr Covers The RotThere has been a lot of discussion today about an Atlantic article [SEE HERE] containing an outline of former AG Bill Barr’s discussion with reporters and the White House in the aftermath of the 2020 election. In essence the nub of the article is Bill Barr stating to a journalist December 1st: ” To date, […] The post Predictably Bondo Barr Covers The Rot appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 23 hours ago
"100 Survival Items You Forgot To Buy Before The Imminent Economic Collapse"*Full screen recommended.* *"100 Survival Items You Forgot To Buy * *Before The Imminent Economic Collapse"* by Epic Economist You can never tell exactly when economic collapse will occur, but you can pay attention to the signs of a looming catastrophe and head out before it's too late. We're in a new era of unexpected emergencies, cyberattacks, supply chain disruptions, and growing social and geopolitical tensions. The economic collapse that started in 2020 was only the initial stage of a much bigger crisis the entire planet is about to face. And it feels like a single black swan e... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 23 hours ago
Must Watch! “Get Out Of The Twilight Zone; Warning Signs Are Flashing Red; Sacrifice To Win; California Outage”Jeremiah Babe, PM 6/27/21: *“Get Out Of The Twilight Zone; Warning Signs Are * *Flashing Red; Sacrifice To Win; California Outage”* read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
Iran Boasts That It Now Has Drones Capable Of Flying 7,000 Kilometers
Illustrative. Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander Gen. Hossein Salami, left, and the Guard’s aerospace division commander Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh talk while unveiling a new drone called “Gaza” in an undisclosed location in Iran, in a photo released on May 22, 2021. (Sepahnews of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, via AP) *Times Of Israel:* *Iran claims it has drones capable of flying 7,000 kilometers* Republican Guard general Hossein Salami says UAVs can ‘fly, return home, and land wherever they are planned to’; if true, distance would put Israel and Europe within range Iran h... read more
War News Updates3 hours ago
U.S. Launches Massive Air Strikes On Iraq-Syria Border Targeting Iran-Backed Militia Groups
President Biden and his wife Jill are pictured returning to the White House from Camp David Sunday evening. He said 'tomorrow' when asked to comment about Sunday's strikes *Daily Mail: **US launches airstrikes on facilities used by Iran-backed militia groups on the Iraq-Syria border in response to drone attacks* * Strikes were launched by US military Sunday night, and targeted two facilities in Syria, as well as one in Iraq * Targeted operations and weapons storage along Iraq-Syria border with US Air Force F-15 and F-16 jets * Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby announced th... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
Musical Interlude: The Moody Blues, “Blue World”*Full screen recommended.* *The Moody Blues, “Blue World”* read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
"A Look to the Heavens"
“A now famous picture from the Hubble Space Telescope featured Pillars of Creation, star forming columns of cold gas and dust light-years long inside M16, the Eagle Nebula. This false-color composite image views the nearby stellar nursery using data from the Herschel Space Observatory's panoramic exploration of interstellar clouds along the plane of our Milky Way galaxy. Herschel's far infrared detectors record the emission from the region's cold dust directly. The famous pillars are included near the center of the scene. While the central group of hot young stars is not apparent at ... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
"Acceptance is a crucial step forward for those who prefer the idea of living this life over simply existing within it. Accept all that you've said and what you've done, because you cannot change your past. Accept the idea of the unknown, because the future is the unknown waiting patiently to reveal itself. Accept the person you have become thus far in your journey, because you are the only person who will be there with you when you finish it. Do all of this so that you may never find yourself having to accept regret that haunts you at two a.m., leaving you sweaty and broken hearted... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
Chet Raymo, “What Not to Believe”
*“What Not to Believe”* by Chet Raymo “In Stacy Schiff's biography of Cleopatra, I came across this epigraph from Euripides: "Man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe." I have no idea which of Euripides' plays the quote is from, but it strikes me as a suitable source for reflection. Credulity is the default state of a human life. Children are born to believe, to accept as true what they are told by adults. An innate credulity has survival value in a dangerous world. If a grown-up says "There are crocodiles in the river," it is probably best to stay o... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
“In The Long Run… We Are All Alive”
*“In The Long Run… We Are All Alive”* by MN Gordon “In 1976, economist Herbert Stein, father of Ben Stein, the economics professor in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, observed that U.S. government debt was on an unsustainable trajectory. He, thus, established Stein’s Law: “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” Stein may have been right in theory. Yet the unsustainable trend of U.S. government debt outlasted his life. Herbert Stein died in 1999, several decades before the crackup. Those reading this may not be so lucky. Sometimes the end of the world comes and goes, while some ... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
The Daily "Near You?"
Wexford, Ireland. Thanks for stopping by! read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
"Not Knowing..."
“Not knowing you can’t do something is sometimes all it takes to do it.” - Ally Carter read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
The Poet: William Stafford, ”Today”
*”Today”* “The ordinary miracles begin. Somewhere a signal arrives: “Now,” and the rays come down. A tomorrow has come. Open your hands, lift them: morning rings all the doorbells; porches are cells for prayer. Religion has touched your throat. Not the same now, you could close your eyes and go on full of light. And it is already begun, the chord that will shiver glass, the song full of time bending above us. Outside, a sign: a bird intervenes; the wings tell the air, “Be warm.” No one is out there, but a giant has passed through town, widening streets, touching the ground, shouldering aw... read more
Health Impact News5 hours ago
National Guard is Preparing for a Major Cyberattack to Shut Down Utilities Across the United States
After the hacking of the Colonial Pipeline shook the country’s fuel supply, the National Guard is preparing for a major cyberattack that shuts down utilities across the United States. In this month’s two-week training exercise, troops across the New England region practiced tackling large-scale simulated violations across critical infrastructure sectors such as electricity, water, and gas. In this exercise, a large-scale cyberattack targeted utilities on the west coast and then moved eastward across the country. As in the actual scenario, the National Guard works with the FBI, De... read more
6 hours ago
What Happens When a Holy and Righteous God Gets Angry? Lessons from History and the Prophet Jeremiah
God's wrath (anger) is apparently not a very popular topic. I have received numerous emails from people over the past couple of weeks complaining about my comments that God is actually the one behind the plans to significantly reduce the world's population. That message is apparently "too negative" for many people, who prefer to read articles about "hope" and how God is going to rescue us all from the eugenic plans of the Globalists. History shows us, however, that God's anger is very real, and it is also an attribute of God that is clearly taught in the pages of Scripture over th... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 11,000 in Ages 12 to 17 Following COVID Vaccines
Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others. People with an amazing ability to accept any amount of BULLSHIT. Last to know/understand what is going on. First to fall. Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 11,000 in Ages 12 to 17 Following COVID Vaccines … read more
Medical Kidnap3 hours ago
What Happens When a Holy and Righteous God Gets Angry? Lessons from History and the Prophet Jeremiah
God's wrath (anger) is apparently not a very popular topic. I have received numerous emails from people over the past couple of weeks complaining about my comments that God is actually the one behind the plans to significantly reduce the world's population. That message is apparently "too negative" for many people, who prefer to read articles about "hope" and how God is going to rescue us all from the eugenic plans of the Globalists. History shows us, however, that God's anger is very real, and it is also an attribute of God that is clearly taught in the pages of Scripture over th... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Stuart Englert: Basel III and Gold — What Does it Mean, Why Does it Matter?Investing News This video was filmed on June 23, 2021. Gold market watchers have become increasingly interested in Basel III this year, but what exactly is it and what does it mean for the yellow metal? Stuart Englert, veteran journalist and author of a number of books, including “Rigged: Exposing the Largest Financial Fraud in … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
‘Shocking Revelations’ on Gain-of-Function Research ‘Raise Questions’ About CSIRO AustraliaSheeple: People in love with the Satanic world system of LIES and LIARS!! Sky News Australia Greg Hunt “is right” to order a review into gain-of-function research in Australia after the “shocking revelations” about CSIRO and Australian universities, according to the IPA’s Evan Mulholland. It comes after it was revealed CSIRO and Australian universities have … read more
The National Interest3 hours ago
Yes, There’s an Air-Conditioning Unit Shortage*Stephen Silver* *Supply Chains, * Like with many other things, supply chains for air conditioning were affected during the pandemic, and have not yet begun to recover now that the pandemic conditions are dissipating. The post-pandemic period has seen a succession of unusual shortages, of everything from coins to lumber to microchips to even fireworks. Now there are reports of another shortage that’s especially scary heading into the summer-air conditioning units. Fox Business reported that shipping delays have affected the supply chain in that industry, leading to delays in the... read more
The National Interest3 hours ago
Why Republicans are Preparing to Embrace a Bad Defense Budget*Kris Osborn* *Defense Spending, United States* Partisan complaints about national security concerns and statistics will not resolve yet another bitter budget battle. As many lawmakers, weapons developers and patriotic observers seek to digest, interpret, analyze and understand the rationale for the 2022 defense budget proposal, some prominent members of Congress are stepping forward to raise questions about why the Biden administration has proposed only 1.6-percent growth in spending for defense, “When you have the experts studying this, they think that given the national secur... read more
The National Interest3 hours ago
Is North Korea’s Byungjin Policy in Crisis?*Grażyna Strnad* *North Korea, Asia* North Korean authorities describe efforts to protect the country from the coronavirus epidemic as a matter of "national existence." In April 2021, during a speech to ten thousand members of the Korean Workers' Party, Kim Jong-un admitted that North Korea is in the most difficult situation in its history and is now on the brink of a precipice. The North Korean leader called on party activists to undertake another "arduous march" full of "work and sacrifice," according to reports in North Korean state media. The term arduous march is a reference... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
The Washington Post Has Been ‘Caught Out’ By Its LiesSky News Australia The Washington Post, and other left-wing media personalities such as MSNBC’s Joy Reid, have to “slander” those who speak out against critical race theory since they don’t “have facts on their side,” says the Manhattan Institute’s Christopher Rufo. In recent days, The Washington Post has had to add in a suite of … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
The Next Reset Could Take Gold to at Least $8’000 and Silver to $500.maneco64 #currencyreset #FederalReserve #QE #gold #silver #technicalanalysis #deficit #debt #monetisation #dollar #economics – Today we will look at the long-term technical picture for gold and why the next price reset by the Central Bankers could take the price to at least $8’000. We will look through the major Central Banks’ balance sheets and how the … read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Brazil reports 33,704 new cases of coronavirus and 739 deaths -health ministry (June 27)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil recorded 33,704 new confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the past 24 hours, along with 739 deaths from Covid-19, the Health Ministry said on Sunday. Brazil has registered more than 18.4 million cases since the pandemic began, while the official death toll has risen to 513,474 according to ministry […] The post Brazil reports 33,704 new cases of coronavirus and 739 deaths -health ministry (June 27) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Mixed Martial Arts and The Danger of Extreme Weight Cutting*Christopher Kirk* *Entertainment, * There are serious health risks associated with this practice. The sight is well known to all fans of mixed martial arts (MMA). A fighter walks onto a stage on a Friday evening, waving to the cheering crowd before stepping onto a scale. The fighter waits nervously for a few moments as an official checks their weight to see if they’ve qualified for their chosen weight division. Weigh-ins happen the day before every MMA fight. They’re designed to ensure both competitors are the same size, theoretically making a fair contest. Importantly, this i... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
The Sad Story of the Stuka Dive Bomber*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Americas* The Stuka’s reputation did not survive the war it helped kick-off as it proved less and less survivable in the face of capable opposition. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Perhaps no weapon was as closely associated with the Nazi German in early in World War II as the Stuka dive bomber, infamous for howling, near-vertical dive attacks on warships, battlefield targets and defenseless civilian communities like merciless birds of prey. However, the Stuka’s reputation did not survive the war it helped kick-off as it proved less and less surv... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Biden Border Crisis Enriches Cartels at the Expense of the American People*Scott G. Erickson* *Border Crisis, * Cartels have been exploiting the border crisis to move vast amounts of deadly drugs into the country, reversing the recent gains made in the fight against drug and opioid abuse. The Biden administration’s border policies, or lack thereof, are fueling a humanitarian and national security crisis at the southwest border. This administration is inflaming this crisis while directly enriching the numerous cartels exploiting the crisis to smuggle tens of thousands of migrants, and thousands of pounds of deadly contraband, into the United States. F... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
The Implications of a Harris Presidency on the Future of the Sino-American Relationship*Bradley A. Thayer, Lianchao Han* *Politics, Americas* A transition from a Biden to Harris administration would be neither the first nor the last in the country’s political history. At the same time, any transition is a time of peril where allies will need assurance of U.S. interests and the U.S. commitment, and foes will have to be deterred. Like Banquo’s ghost at the feast, a harbinger of a certain reckoning, a significant factor that overshadows and could upset and complicate Sino-American relations within the scope of the first term of Biden administration is the possibility ... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
No-Go Negotiations: Iran May Not Be in a Rush to Get Nuclear Weapons*Mayumi Fukushima* *Nuclear Weapons, Middle East* There are reasons why rational nuclear latent states often want to stay non-nuclear. As Iran’s next leader, President-elect Ebrahim Raisi, signals a hardening of Tehran’s foreign policy, negotiations in Vienna over the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), may have an even slimmer chance of an agreement that would strengthen it. After former President Donald Trump removed the United States from the nuclear deal in 2018 and reinstated harsh economic sanctions against Iran, Tehran responded by ... read more
LaRouchePAC.com - All Posts4 hours ago
On the Ground from Wellington, OH Trump RallyLPAC organizer Susan Kokinda reports from on the ground in Wellington, OH at President Trump's first rally since January 6th. Thousands of people waiting for hours to get in (in some cases overnight). People are energized and enthusiastic, but what are the policies which will defeat our common enemy? read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
Israel Tells U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken It Has 'Serious Reservations' About Iran Nuclear Deal*Reuters:* *Israel Tells U.S. It Has Serious Reservations About Iran Nuclear Deal* ROME (Reuters) -Israel has serious reservations about the Iran nuclear deal being put together in Vienna, new foreign minister Yair Lapid told his American counterpart, as he pledged to fix "the mistakes made" in U.S.-Israeli relations in recent years. In their first face-to-face meeting since Israel's new government was sworn in two weeks ago, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Lapid had a very positive and warm discussion, according to U.S. officials. The main topics were the nuclea... read more
Small Dead Animals4 hours ago
Allahu Akbar!It’s the new cry for help. The 24-year-old suspect, a Somali immigrant, grabbed a knife from the kitchen section of a department store, attacking several inside. He then lashed out at people outside. Five women and a child were also injured in the attack. Police say the suspect was possibly psychologically unstable and may have… Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals4 hours ago
Today’s Christopher Columbus AwardFor discovering something that already exists. Goes to… No idea how old this clip might be. read more
Gangsters Out Blog5 hours ago
Whatever May Come - A Motorcycle trip around the worldAmazon Prime Video has a movie about a German guy named Christian Vogel's motorcycle trip around the world called Whatever may come. It is very well done. He has a Facebook group and a YouTube channel. You can buy the DVD on Amazon. This is something positive and worthwhile. read more
CENSORED NEWS2 hours ago
The Shingwauk Files: Search Begins for Documents of Residential School Death CampsThe Shingwauk Files: Search Begins for Documents of Residential School Death Camps Brenda NorrellCensored NewsResidential school survivors and their families in Canada are now identifying those responsible for the abuse, torture and murder of Native children in residential schools, in order to hold them responsible for genocide.Among the files now being examined are those of Shingwauk Residential read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Deterrence Assurance: The True Value of the Nuclear Triad*Peter Huessy* *Nuclear Weapons, Americas* The Russians and the Chinese see nuclear weapons as their ticket to get the United States to stand down in a crisis. In a new analysis published by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists in June, Princeton’s Professor Frank von Hippel proposes to unilaterally eliminate America’s intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) force. The ICBM force consists of some 64 percent of all U.S. strategic nuclear delivery vehicles allowed under New START and roughly 60 percent of U.S. on-alert warheads. What is his rationale? He makes a bogus claim that... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Nation-building Done Right: The Long History of American Developmentalism*Carlos Roa* *History, Americas* If America is to find its way through its current troubles, we must look to our past and draw inspiration from the efforts of our forebears. It contains many salutary lessons which Congress and the Biden administration would do well to draw upon. AMERICAN POLICYMAKERS, foreign policy experts, and business leaders remain attached to a eupeptic view of history that has its origins in the end of the Cold War. The received view is that, since democratic capitalism was what won the Cold War, future policy should focus on the twin goals of reorganizing... read more
Greencrow As The Crow Flies4 hours ago
MULTI-PRONGED PERP ATTACK? Geoengineered "Heat Dome" created by PerpZ? - Graphene Oxide - in vaxx/masks/PCR tests to connect us to 5G - Finally: Cyber Attack coming to Shut Down Utilities - before next Fall's CovID-19 Mass Cull?
What is a heat dome? (noaa.gov) Folks...as I type it is now* 38 degrees Celsius* and climbing. It will reach over 40 degrees Celsius before the end of the day. Record temperatures in the Pacific North West. After the year and a half we've been through...I have absolutely no trust in the governments or indeed, in any authorities. Everything bad that happens to Canadians I interpret as another step in the Globalist Agenda. This heat wave...caused by a "heat dome" is no different. I see it as a feat of diabolical geoengineering by the usual suspects to further push humanity t... read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
Former President Trump Opens An Account On Rumble*WNU Editor:* The former President's new Rumble account is here .... *Donald Trump *(Rumble). After one day he already has 276,000 followers. *Update:* These numbers are impressive .... *Over 2 Million Watch Trump's Ohio Rally Online: "We'll Have To Win A Third Time"* (Zero Hedge). read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
U.S. Threatens Sanctions On Gulf Allies If They Move To Normalize Relations With Syria's AssadSyria: Why Saudi Arabia wants Assad on its side again | Kamal Alam https://t.co/OVEpKW52G0 pic.twitter.com/wxHPgqBXLn — Middle East Eye (@MiddleEastEye) May 7, 2021 *Zero Hedge: **US Threatens Sanctions On Gulf Allies If They Normalize Relations With Assad* For the past couple months there's been persisting reports and rumors that Saudi Arabia is preparing to restore diplomatic ties and normalized relations with the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad, coming off a decade of war in which the Saudis spearheaded efforts alongside the US and other allies to topple him. As we de... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Israel is Using Robots with Machine Guns to Patrol Gaza Border*Sebastien Roblin* *Israel, Middle East* The Jaguar's role in a border patrol and possibly anti-riot capacity will likely continue to receive scrutiny as public security services across the world explore deploying unmanned systems with offensive capabilities. A photo posted last Saturday appears to confirm that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has operationally deployed Jaguar robotic vehicles armed with machine guns to patrol the Gaza border wall. The unmanned system also has a built-in public address system which could be used to warn border infiltrators to cease and desist. I... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Death From Down Below: The Five Best Cold War Submarines*Robert Farley* *Submarines, World* History's greatest submarine campaign fortunately never went "hot." *Here's What You Need to Know*: The long, quiet struggle of the Cold War led to consistent technological innovation across several different countries. History’s three great submarine campaigns include the First Battle of the Atlantic, the Second Battle of the Atlantic, and the US Navy’s (USN) war against Japanese commerce in World War II. The contestants fought these campaigns through asymmetrical means, with submarines doing battle against aircraft and surface escorts. But ... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Debate: Does America Really Need an Air Force?*Robert Farley* *U.S. Air Force, Americas* The country certainly needs air power, but a separate Air Force might be redundant. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The U.S. Air Force remains locked in an uneasy, distant embrace with its parent services. With the Iraq War over and the fighting in Afghanistan winding down, why does the United States need to maintain two large land armies, the Army and Marine Corps? The question seems perfectly reasonable given the apparent absence of large terrestrial threats, but it leads us down the wrong path. The United States military is all about... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
How the Nazis's MG 34 Left a Lasting Impact on Firearm History*Caleb Larson* *World War II, Europe* [image: Reuters] The MG 34 design continued to be manufactured until the end of the war. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Germany’s Bundeswehr still fields the MG3 general-purpose machine gun. Though the design has been modernized somewhat, its not too bad for something that is approaching a century in age. The MG 34 design originated in Germany during the interwar period preceding both world wars. Up until World War II, machine guns had typically been water-cooled—and correspondingly heavy and immobile. Efforts to build an air-cooled machin... read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Brazilians with full immunization represent 16.2% of vaccine-eligible populationRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In Brazil, 71.152 million people were vaccinated with the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine as of Saturday, the Ministry of Health reported. The total number represents 45% of the 158.095 million people over the age of 18 in the country. A total of 25.583 million Brazilians received the first […] The post Brazilians with full immunization represent 16.2% of vaccine-eligible population appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Rio de Janeiro’s City Hall again anticipates vaccination scheduleRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Rio de Janeiro City Hall announced yesterday new anticipation of the vaccination schedule against covid-19 in the city. Starting this Monday, all city residents aged 47 will be vaccinated, women in the morning and men in the afternoon. On Tuesday it will be the turn of those aged 46, […] The post Rio de Janeiro’s City Hall again anticipates vaccination schedule appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
White House Says Afghanistan is ‘Not a Winnable War’*Defense One:** Afghanistan is ‘Not a Winnable War,’ White House Says as Taliban Storms Country* *President Ghani leaves Washington empty handed, as Biden rejects Republican calls to reverse U.S. troop withdrawal*. The conflict in Afghanistan—which the United States is preparing to hand over to the government in Kabul—is “not a winnable war,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Friday, dismissing Republican calls to reverse the withdrawal from the 20 year conflict hours before President Joe Biden met with his Afghan counterpart in Washington. At the White House, Afg... read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
These Are The Most Dangerous Airspaces To Travel Through
*Statista:* *The Most Dangerous Airspace To Fly Through * Ryanair Flight 4978 was subject to a bomb threat in Belarussian airspace on May 23 and it was escorted to Minsk by a MIG-29 fighter jet where opposition activist Roman Protasevich was detained, along with his girlfriend. Condemnation of the episode was swift with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen descrbing "the hijacking of the Ryanair plane by the Belarus regime as an attack on democracy" while U.S. President Joe Biden condemned it "in the strongest possible terms". The event served as a reminder that some sect... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Meet the Montana-Class: America's Monster Battleships That Never Were*Robert Farley* *Battleships, Americas* In appearance the Montanas were very similar to the Iowa class, with the biggest visible differences coming in size and main armament. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Montanas would have outclassed anything the British, French, or Italians had even conceived of building. In the early 1940s, the U.S. Navy still expected to need huge, first rate battleships to fight the best that Japan and Germany had to offer. The North Carolina, South Dakota, and Iowa class battleships all involved design compromises. The Montanas, the last battleships ... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Operation Paperclip: How America Learned From Nazi Weapons*Robert Farley* *Nazi Germany, Europe* Paper and microfilm wasn’t enough. German scientists and engineers themselves held their value in their heads. *Here's What You Need to Know*: America did built some of its weapons based on what it learned from the Nazis, but overall the haul was disappointing. Before the guns fell silent in 1945, the Allies had already drawn up plans for gathering as much German technology as they could take. The German war machine had caused untold destruction across the continent, and German technology was reputed to be cutting age. Weapons like the V-2 m... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Hell on Earth: When Hitler Fought Stalin in World War II*Robert Farley* *World War II, Europe* The war resulted in a staggering loss of human life, and in the final destruction of the Nazi regime. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The scars of the struggle remain to this day. The war between Germany and the Soviet Union officially began in late June 1941, although the threat of conflict had loomed since the early 1930s. Germany and the USSR launched a joint war against Poland in September of 1939, which the Soviets followed up with invasions of Finland, Romania, and the Baltic states across the following year. After Germany crushed Fr... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Here's Why the U.S. Navy’s Kearsarge-Class Battleship Isn't Talked About*Caleb Larson* *History, Global* [image: By Edward H. Hart - This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs divisionunder the digital ID det.4a14303.This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still] Despite some modern features, the ships were immature in design and had serious flaws—some of which were detrimentally carried over to the battleships that followed the Kearsarge-class. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Though the Kearsarge-class was well protected using the latest Har... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Germany and America Team Up to Build a New U.S. Army Armored Vehicle*Kris Osborn* *U.S. Army, * The competition to build Army’s Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle is fierce. As the Army’s Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle competition heats up moving into the next phase, the service is reviewing a number of industry proposals prior to making a decision about which armored combat vehicle builders should be given deals to build prototypes. While the Army does not announce the competitors, the field naturally includes some of the largest and most well known weapons developers. One team is comprised of an interesting industry conglomerate looking to... read more
Penny for your thoughts6 hours ago
Breakthrough Case Disinfo: 4115 Fully Vaccinated Against Covid Were Hospitalized Or Died. How Many Infected After Jab?*I would have expected better numbers then quoted from this claimed miraculous, pandemic ending vaccine. But, of course these numbers don't tell us the whole story, the real story about how ineffective these "vaccines" really are. If we all knew the real number of breakthrough cases we would be aware of what an absolutely ineffective vaccine this is for ending the so called pandemic, supposed benefit. While realizing the risk ( injury, sickness and death) is much greater then the benefit.* *The question that needs to be answered..* * How many in total contracted Covid after ... read more
Gangsters Out Blog5 hours ago
Thousands of Londoners Attend Anti-Lockdown ProtestWe've had enough of the bullsh*t. Take your socialism and cram it up your a*s. Leicester mum-of-three dies after receiving AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine - Leicestershire Live https://t.co/F0bWFd6VqK — Anna Brees (@BreesAnna) June 27, 2021 read more
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