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PopularResistance.Org11 hours ago
Revealing The Pentagon Papers In Congress: Reading The PapersSome scholars believed that, had FDR lived, there may have been no Vietnam War for either French or American troops. But the Pentagon Papers revealed, through access to State Department, Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Department classified material, that though Roosevelt “vehemently advocated” a trusteeship and ultimate post-war independence for Vietnam, Britain, which occupied Indochina after the war, would not allow it. “Ultimately, U.S. policy was governed neither by the principles of the Atlantic Charter, nor by the President’s anti-colonialism but by the dictates of ... read more
PopularResistance.Org11 hours ago
Scheer Intelligence: What Has Silicon Valley Done To Our Food?Companies such as Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods have started to become household names, producing meat substitutes that taste as close to meat as their scientists have been able to engineer. In the midst of a climate crisis that threatens our very existence, plenty of scientists have been recommending that we all look for ways to cut down on our meat intake because cows produce large amounts of methane that has a significant negative environmental impact. Eating animal products also brings up animal rights questions. One of the main selling points of these Silicon Valley compan... read more
Diverse12 hours ago
*EVE DE ROSA* has been appointed dean of faculty at Cornell University. She is the first woman and first person of color to hold the position. An associate professor of human development in Cornell’s College of Human Ecology, De Rosa holds a bachelor’s degree in biology and psychology from Vassar College and a Ph.D. in experimental psychology from Harvard University. read more
Diverse12 hours ago
*JACK EADDY JR.* has been named director of athletic bands at Western Carolina Univer sity. Previously assistant director of bands at McNeese State University in Louisiana and at the University of South Carolina, he holds a master’s degree in music conduct ing from the University of Georgia and a doctorate from the University of North Texas. read more
Diverse12 hours ago
*ISAAC Y. KIM* has been appointed chair of the Department of Urology at Yale School of Medicine and chief of urology at Yale New Haven Hospital. Kim holds high level positions at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey and Monmouth Medical Center. He holds a Ph.D. from Northwestern University and an M.D. from the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. He holds an MBA in finance from the the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. read more
Diverse12 hours ago
*BARKLEY BARTON II* has been appointed director of the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at the University of Georgia. Barton has 20 years of experience in admissions at various schools, including Clark Atlanta University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Notre Dame, to name a few. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mass communication from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and a master’s degree in higher education from Bay Path University. read more
Diverse12 hours ago
*JULIAN VASQUEZ HEILIG* has been named to the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education Board of Directors. Dean of the College of Education at the University of Kentucky since 2019, he holds a bachelor’s in history and psychology and a master’s in higher education from the University of Michigan. He also holds a master’s in sociology and a Ph.D. in educational administration and policy analysis from Stanford University. read more
Diverse12 hours ago
*JAYATI GHOSH* has been named dean of the Scott L. Carmona College of Business at Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan. Most recently dean of the School of Business Administration at Widener University in Pennsylvania, Ghosh holds master’s degrees from the University of Calcutta in India and Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada. She completed her Ph.D. at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. read more
Diverse12 hours ago
*SOHAIL AGBOATWALA* has been appointed interim senior vice chancellor for student services and administration at Troy University. Vice chancellor for international programs at the university, Agboatwala holds a bachelor’s in economics and an MBA from Troy. He also holds a master’s in higher education administration from the University of Alabama. read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ10 hours ago
U.S. Army History Of Iraq War Vol 1 – Chapter 3 Maneuvering Into Position
The third chapter of the U.S. Army history of the Iraq War was about the final American plans for the invasion, the continued neglect of the postwar situation, and how Saddam Hussein finally took the American threat seriously. The U.S. military was still focused upon overthrowing the Iraqi regime with the strategy for the aftermath an afterthought. By the end of 2002 Iraq finally began preparations for the coming war, but Saddam’s incompetence made them ineffective at best. That meant the war would be over quicker than the U.S. expected and they would have nothing for the next day... read more
The Watchers » Latest articles10 hours ago
Ahead of historic heatwave - 90 percent of U.S. West is in drought for the first time in Drought Monitor's historyMore than 90% of the U.S. West is in drought for the first time in the history of Drought Monitor. The news comes as the region is prepping for an exceptionally dangerous and historic heat wave this weekend. The temperatures are expected to reach unprecedented...... Read more » read more
Science 2.0 blogs10 hours ago
Fitting Lines Through Points With Simple MathOne of the reasons why I love my job as a researcher in experimental physics is that every day brings along a new problem to solve, and through decades of practice I have become quick at solving them, so I typically enjoy doing it. And it does not matter whether the problem at hand is an entirely new, challenging one or a textbook thing that has been solved a million times before. It is *your *problem, and it deserves your attention and dedication. read more read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
University of Alabama Police Car Hit by Golf Ball in TikTok VideoJudging by the reaction of the man who swung the golf club, it appeared to be an accident. read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
Was George Jetson Born in 2022?The birth years of cartoon characters are subject to some speculation, but 2022 is a sound estimate in George Jetson's case. read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
Knife Attack in German City Leaves 3 Dead, Suspect ArrestedIt was unclear how many people were injured in the attack in a central part of Wuerzburg. read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
‘Iron Man’ Racer, NASCAR Champion Jack Ingram Dies at 84Jack Ingram, a hard-hosed, hot-tempered racer who won five NASCAR championships and more than 300 races, has died, the NASCAR Hall of Fame said. He was 84. read more
balance1011 hours ago
The power of the Word to create is the power now to translate fact into a momentum for change
1) All roads lead to the great central hub of your own mighty I AM God Presence....As a child in the lap of its mother...you are forever and forever and forever the fullness of your own mighty I AM God Presence in action. You have the master key that leads to contact with every ascended being and cosmic being, every archangel, every angel, the seven mighty Elohim and our divine complements. You have the key to heaven itself locked right within your own heart’s treasures. You ought to receive peace from God by divine decree, by your own demand and by your own demand you ought ... read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
Was George Floyd Statue in NYC Defaced With White Nationalist Symbol?Reports of the vandalism spread about a day before the sentencing hearing for Derek Chauvin, the ex-cop convicted of murdering Floyd. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 211 hours ago
"You Think..."
"That's why crazy people are so dangerous. You think they're nice until they're chaining you up in the garage." - Michael Buckley read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 211 hours ago
"Narrative Soup"
*"Narrative Soup"* by Jim Kunstler "A major premise of my 2005 book, "The Long Emergency", was that government at the highest level would become increasingly ineffectual and impotent as the melodrama of national collapse plays out. So, there was no small irony that the floundering political elites would settle on the pathetic figure of “Joe Biden” to symbolically head a foundering government. They picked the very embodiment of collapse to usher in collapse, and that is why “Joe Biden” appears to be nothing more than an usher, somebody whose only duty, say, at a funeral, is to show ... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 211 hours ago
"For Nothing Is Fixed..."
"For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 211 hours ago
"Blah… Blah… Quack… Quack"
*"Blah… Blah… Quack… Quack"* by Bill Bonner "To fight this recession, the Fed needs more than a snapback. It needs soaring household spending to offset moribund business investment. And to do that, [Federal Reserve chief] Alan Greenspan needs to create a housing bubble to replace the Nasdaq bubble." – New York Times columnist, Paul Krugman, 2002 YOUGHAL, IRELAND – "Many silly and regrettable things are said every week. It would be exhausting to try to pick out the worst of them. Still… some – like bad visits to the dentist – are naturally memorable. We’ll begin with a comment from ... read more
Lawfare12 hours ago
Time To End India’s War on SeditionThe Supreme Court of India. (Subhashish Panigrahi, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Supreme_Court_of_India_01.jpg; CC BY-SA 4.0; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/?ref=ccsearch&atype=rich) What do a 22-year-old climate activist, a journalist reporting on a gang rape case and a politician supporting a farmers’ protest have in common? They have all recently been charged with sedition as part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government's wider crackdown on free speech targeting journalists, leaders of the opposition, protestors, students and even inconspicuous c... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ12 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Jun 251915 British troops took Nasiriya Ottomans had 200 casualties British 500 1920 Tribe in Rumaitha called for revolt against British (Musings On Iraq review of *Reclaiming Iraq, The 1920 Revolution and the Founding of the Modern State*) (Musings On Iraq review *Enemy On The Euphrates, The Battle For Iraq 1914-1921*) 1933 Iraqi army sent to Dohuk in show of force against armed followers of Assyrian leader Mar Shimun (Musings On Iraq review *The Tragedy of the Assyrian Minority in Iraq*) (Musings On Iraq review *State and Society in Iraq*) 1961 Qasim said Kuwait part of I... read more
Accidental Deliberations12 hours ago
Friday Morning LinksAssorted content to end your week. - ABC News reports on the risk that the Delta COVID-19 variant can be spread through "fleeting" exposure rather than prolonged proximity. Daniel Boffey reports on the push to speed up vaccination rates in Europe in response. And Attila Somfalvi and Alexandra Lukash report that Israel is reinstating its mask mandate after realizing how much more danger the Delta variant poses. - Seth Klein wonders whether Jonathan Wilkinson will ever parallel the role of C.D. Howe in assembling the full force of Canada's economic capacity to serve a vital end in... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 212 hours ago
Mornings LALATE, AM 6/25/21: "Finally! Multiple Fourth Stimulus Check Updates"Mornings LALATE, AM 6/25/21: *"Finally! Multiple Fourth Stimulus Check Updates"* read more
balance1012 hours ago
If you force the issue you may break the slender thread that is leading them on
1) True it is that they do experience temporary satisfactions in fulfilling their physical and mental wants, but these wants often prove to be perpetual like a bottomless pit which is never filled, leaving that one dependent on the social and economic elements for their bubbles of happiness and never bringing the mighty triumph of victory which comes to all who are dependent on the Mighty I AM Presence for their momentary and daily happiness. -God Harmony: *Pearls of Wisdom* 3:9 ……………………………………………………………………....................… 2) The bubbles of human vanities are easily shatte... read more
Lawfare15 hours ago
Progress on Transatlantic Data Transfers? The Picture After the US-EU SummitPresident Joe Biden poses for photos with President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen (Adam Schultz/https://flic.kr/p/2m7mgSo) President Biden’s June 15 summit meeting in Brussels with EU leadership put cooperation on technology and trade at the forefront of the transatlantic relationship, but it did not yield a breakthrough in the ongoing negotiations to restore data transfers from Europe to the United States to a stable and durable footing. The White House reportedly had been pressing EU counterparts for a specif... read more
naked capitalism11 hours ago
2:00PM Water Cooler 6/25/2021By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day * * * #COVID19 At reader request, I’ve added this daily chart from 91-DIVOC. The data is the Johns Hopkins CSSE data. Here is the site. I feel I’m engaging in a macabre form of tape-watching. I’ve been thinking of new charts to monitor to […] read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
Does a Pic Show Gorillas Dismantling a Poacher Trap?The incident occurred in 2012. read more
From the Trenches World Report11 hours ago
TX Lt. Gov. Patrick: Americans ‘Disgusted’ with Democrats Handling of the Border — ‘It’s an Invasion’Breitbart – by Trent Baker Ahead of Vice President Kamala Harris’ upcoming trip to the U.S.-Mexico border, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) on Thursday... The post TX Lt. Gov. Patrick: Americans ‘Disgusted’ with Democrats Handling of the Border — ‘It’s an Invasion’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report11 hours ago
Joe Biden’s BLM Nominee Pushed Population Control, Defined American Children as ‘Environmental Hazard’Breitbart – by Robert Kraychik Tracy Stone-Manning, President Joe Biden’s nominee to be director of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), described American children as... The post Joe Biden’s BLM Nominee Pushed Population Control, Defined American Children as ‘Environmental Hazard’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report11 hours ago
Soros gun-ban group has key role in Biden ‘crime’ planWashington Examiner – by Paul Bedard President Joe Biden is teaming with anti-gun advocate George Soros and several other liberal groups in his bid to... The post Soros gun-ban group has key role in Biden ‘crime’ plan appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
John McAfee’s ‘$WHACKD’ Tattoo Provides Conspiracy FodderThe former tech entrepreneur was found dead in his prison cell hours after Spain approved his extradition to the U.S. to face tax evasion charges. read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Attorney General leaves office after attacks on her management in Costa RicaRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The Attorney General of Costa Rica, Emilia Navas, informed this Friday that she is leaving her position to take her retirement after attacks on her administration for refraining in a corruption case in which her husband is the defender of those involved. Navas indicated in a message sent by the […] The post Attorney General leaves office after attacks on her management in Costa Rica appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
From the Trenches World Report11 hours ago
Gun Sanctuary Movement Erupts, 61% of US Counties Now Protect Second AmendmentZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden One of the most important stories of the year, so far, is the massive surge in Second Amendment sanctuaries... The post Gun Sanctuary Movement Erupts, 61% of US Counties Now Protect Second Amendment appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
Widow Seeks ‘Thorough’ Investigation Into John McAfee DeathThe widow of John McAfee has demanded a “thorough investigation” of his death, saying her husband did not appear suicidal when they last spoke. read more
The Last Refuge11 hours ago
Do Not Miss This – President Donald Trump Full “Wake Up America” Interview with Ric Grenell on NewsmaxPresident Donald Trump joined “Wake Up America” on Friday for a wide-ranging interview with Ric Grenell. The topics included the economy, mid-term endorsements, Big Tech, Kamala Harris and the border crisis, Critical Race Theory, General Mark Milley, the sketchy advice from Anthony Fauci during the COVID outbreak, and President Trump’s future in politics. [Rumble Video […] The post Do Not Miss This – President Donald Trump Full “Wake Up America” Interview with Ric Grenell on Newsmax appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Snopes.com11 hours ago
Justice Department Suing Georgia Over State’s New Voting LawThe Justice Department is suing Georgia over the state's new election law, alleging Republican state lawmakers rushed through a sweeping overhaul with an intent to deny Black voters equal access to the ballot. read more
Children's Health Defense11 hours ago
CDC Advisory Committee Presentation on Risk of Myocarditis From mRNA Vaccines ‘Flawed’
On June 23, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at the CDC met to discuss ongoing reports of myocarditis in young people, particularly young men, after the second dose of mRNA vaccines. However, the purpose of weighing those harms and benefits contained misleading statements and data. The post CDC Advisory Committee Presentation on Risk of Myocarditis From mRNA Vaccines ‘Flawed’ appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Virtual Mirage12 hours ago
Friday Sensibilities (NATO Edition)Cat Worship? It is clearly established that, by 450 BC, the penalty in Egypt for killing a cat was death (though this law is thought to have been observed much earlier). It’s well known that the ancient Egyptians loved their cats and that they were one of the first civilizations to have worshipped […] The post Friday Sensibilities (NATO Edition) appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
Showing their allegiancehttps://twitter.com/IrishVoice1/status/1408380413798670340 The post Showing their allegiance appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
Flashback 2013: Illinois Ag. Department Illegally Seizes Privately Owned Bees Resistant to GMO PoisonNatural Society – by Christina Sarich, May 31, 2013 Terrence Ingram, a world renowned naturalist who once saved the Bald Eagle from being on the... The post Flashback 2013: Illinois Ag. Department Illegally Seizes Privately Owned Bees Resistant to GMO Poison appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Halifax Examiner12 hours ago
IWK study collecting data on period poverty to advocate for free menstrual products in public washroomsA new study to determine the extent of menstrual poverty in Nova Scotia’s adolescents has garnered more than 400 responses in just three weeks, something researchers say underscores the importance of the issue in the province. Menstrual poverty — also called period poverty — is the inability to afford menstrual products, such as pads, tampons, […] read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
Gen. Milley: Military Must Read Critical Race Theory to Understand The ‘White Rage’ That Led to Jan 6Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan Army General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Wednesday that the military needs to... The post Gen. Milley: Military Must Read Critical Race Theory to Understand The ‘White Rage’ That Led to Jan 6 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Children's Health Defense12 hours ago
‘Dog Doc’ Marty Goldstein Tells RFK, Jr. About Holistic Pet Care + Harms of Over VaccinatingDr. Marty Goldstein told RFK, Jr. on the “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” that the adjuvants in pet vaccines, which often contain ingredients like aluminum and mercury, are linked to pet cancers including Feline Injection-Site Sarcoma. The post ‘Dog Doc’ Marty Goldstein Tells RFK, Jr. About Holistic Pet Care + Harms of Over Vaccinating appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
Leaked Airline Documents Reveal HORRIFIC Details About ‘Vaccinated’ PilotsStew Peters Show Published June 21, 2021 Internal documents obtained by Dr. Jane Ruby illustrate catastrophe waiting to happen! Airline pilots are dropping dead at... The post Leaked Airline Documents Reveal HORRIFIC Details About ‘Vaccinated’ Pilots appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
Biden Justice Department Suing Georgia Over New Voting LawZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden The Justice Department is suing Georgia over a sweeping new voting law passed by the state’s Republican-led legislature, marking... The post Biden Justice Department Suing Georgia Over New Voting Law appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles11 hours ago
Roads destroyed and cars swept away as violent flash floods hit Neuchâtel, SwitzerlandViolent flash floods swept through Neuchâtel Canton in Switzerland on June 22, 2021, damaging homes, destroying roads, and sweeping away vehicles. According to figures released by MeteoSwiss, Cressier recorded 55 mm (2.16 inches) of rain on June 22, including...... Read more » read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
Russian Diplomat Says U.S. And The U.K Are 'Trying To Provoke A Conflict' After Black Sea Warship Incident*NBC/Reuters:* *Russia accuses U.S., U.K of 'trying to provoke conflict' after Black Sea warship incident* *"Washington and London are denying reality... they are trying to provoke conflict," said Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. * MOSCOW — Russia accused Britain and the United States on Friday of trying to incite conflict in the Black Sea and said it would defend its borders using all possible means, including military force. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov was speaking a day after Moscow warned Britain it would bomb British naval vessels in the Black Sea if wha... read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Brazil’s Petrobras recovered more than US$1.2 billion diverted by corruptionRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil's state-owned oil company Petrobras has already recovered more than R$6 billion (US$1.224 billion) of the total amount of resources that were diverted by the corruption that took place during more than a decade inside Brazil's largest company, the company informed this Friday. The amount of the recovered resources was […] The post Brazil’s Petrobras recovered more than US$1.2 billion diverted by corruption appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Bayou Renaissance Man12 hours ago
Remember our Glock raffle!Just a quick reminder that our raffle for a Glock pistol and reflex sight (possibly two Glocks, depending on number of entries) has only 26 days left to run. It closes on July 20th. Details are at this blog post. I haven't received many entries as yet, but that's usually the way with these things. People put off entering until closer to the deadline. However, that brings with it another complication. I get entries arriving late, *after* the deadline, and in all honesty I can't enter them into the drawing. Last time I returned four to the senders because of that. I sugges... read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Batch of 3 million doses of Janssen vaccine donated by the U.S. arrives in BrazilRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Three million doses of Covid Janssen vaccine, donated by the U.S. government, landed at Viracopos International Airport in Campinas (SP) on Friday morning, June 25. The lot has a value of R$145 (US$29) million. The Minister of Health, Marcelo Queiroga, accompanied the arrival of the vaccines along with the U.S. […] The post Batch of 3 million doses of Janssen vaccine donated by the U.S. arrives in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Last Refuge12 hours ago
Number of Missing Persons in Surfside Florida Condo Collapse Rises to 159 Persons, Four Bodies RecoveredHeartbreak north of Miami-Dade as the number of missing persons in the Surfside condo collapse rises to 159 people. Search and rescue efforts continued throughout the night and morning as rescue workers enter their 36th hour of operations. The work is dangerous as the remaining elements of the building are very unstable. MIAMI-DADE The arduous […] The post Number of Missing Persons in Surfside Florida Condo Collapse Rises to 159 Persons, Four Bodies Recovered appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
Russia Launches Military Exercies In The Mediterranean*Daily Mail:* *Russia launches military manoeuvres in the Mediterranean after warning UK it will defend its borders using ‘all possible means’ following HMS Defender incident* * Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the country would defend its territorial waters and borders using 'all possible means' * Moscow has warned Britain it would bomb British naval vessels in Black Sea * HMS Defender sailed within the 12-mile zone of Crimea which Russia claims is their waters * West does not accept Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea by military force Russia on... read more
The New Dark Age12 hours ago
Safe Passage: Here’s what Priti Patel should doToday, we - the Young Leaders of Safe Passage, Hummingbird and KRAN - have published our report “Safe Routes from the Perspective of Young Refugees: Our response to the New Plan for Immigration.” read more
The National Interest12 hours ago
What Is the North Korea’s Recently Minted 'General Secretary' up To?*Doug Bandow* *North Korea, Asia* Speculation over Kim Jong-un’s future should prompt discussions among the United States, South Korea, and Japan. Although anointed Supreme Leader, North Korea’s Kim Jong-un recently added a more prosaic title: that of General Secretary of the Worker’s Party of Korea. His father held that post, but it had remained open since Kim pere’s death in December 2011. Some observers assumed that the job would be left forever unfilled to honor his father, rather like his grandfather had been declared “eternal president.” However, noted long-time analyst An... read more
The National Interest12 hours ago
Joe Biden is Sending 'Stimulus Checks' You May Have to Pay Back*Trevor Filseth* *Stimulus, * Don’t be too disappointed – if nothing else is clear, it is certain that you’ll still come out ahead on the deal. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Families that receive their checks must be careful not to spend them all at once, so they have some money left over when it comes time to pay taxes in April. Starting on July 15 and continuing until December, more than 36 million American families – representing just under 90 percent of all children nationwide – will begin to receive monthly payments of $250 to $300 per child. The payments, part of Pr... read more
The New Dark Age12 hours ago
The NED’s New CEO: Atlantic Council Warmonger Damon WilsonThe US government’s regime change funding organization – the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) – headed since its inception in 1983 by Carl Gershman – now has a new president and CEO – Damon Wilson. read more
The New Dark Age12 hours ago
Pentagon Whistleblower Under Investigation For Trying To Prevent War With China Over TaiwanPentagon whistleblower Franz Gayl has been part of the United States Marine Corps for over four decades. He spent the last months trying to warn U.S. government officials and the public of the threat of becoming entangled in a war with China over Taiwan. read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Uruguay to receive donation of 500,000 doses of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine from U.S.RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Uruguay will receive 500,000 doses of the US Pfizer vaccine against covid-19 as a donation from the government of President Joe Biden, as announced this Friday, June 25, by the Secretary of the Presidency of the South American country, Álvaro Delgado. At a press conference held at the Executive Tower […] The post Uruguay to receive donation of 500,000 doses of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine from U.S. appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Halifax Examiner12 hours ago
“We’re Black. We are Black, and they have weapons.”An African Nova Scotian family is speaking out about their “terrifying” experience with guards at the Nova Scotia/New Brunswick border. Due to the family’s concern for the safety of their young children, the Halifax Examiner is changing the names of the family and its members for this story. The Johnson family has roots in Nova […] read more
The New Dark Age12 hours ago
A “Leap” toward Humanity’s DestructionThe world’s richest medical research foundation, the Wellcome Trust, has teamed up with a pair of former DARPA directors who built Silicon Valley’s skunkworks to usher in an age of nightmarish surveillance, including for babies as young as three months old. Their agenda can only advance if we allow it. read more
MJBizDaily12 hours ago
Marijuana MSO PharmaCann completes $85 million debt offeringMultistate marijuana operator PharmaCann has completed a private debt offering of $85 million worth of senior secured notes at a 12% interest rate. Marijuana MSO PharmaCann completes $85 million debt offering is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
CFACT13 hours ago
Pro-freedom groups in Florida warmly greet CFACT messageCFACT president and co-founder Craig Rucker discussed free markets, liberty, and the dangers of Biden's climate agenda with conservative leaders in the Sunshine State. The post Pro-freedom groups in Florida warmly greet CFACT message appeared first on CFACT. read more
The Duran14 hours ago
Greek letter rebranding means restrictions continue indefinitely
Greek letter rebranding means restrictions continue indefinitely ****News Topic 456***** WHO Official Says Mask Mandates & Social Distancing Should Continue Indefinitely WHO Official Says Mask Mandates & Social Distancing Should Continue Indefinitely A scientist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle claims to have located genetic sequences from early coronavirus cases in China and […] read more
Science Matters14 hours ago
Don’t Assume Global Warming Blunts Economic GrowthIn recent years, a strand of economic literature has argued that warming not only negatively affects the level of economic activity, but also the rate of income growth. PHOTO BY BLOOMBERG Ross McKitrick explains in his Financial Post article Why climate change won’t hurt growth. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. There is no robust […] read more
Small Dead Animals14 hours ago
Margin Of FraudThe National Interest12 hours ago
What Is Russia’s Military up to in the Pacific?*Mark Episkopos* *Russia, Indo-Pacific* The content and composition of the Pacific Fleet’s recent drills strongly suggests that they were aimed at NATO in general and the U.S. Navy in particular. Amid heightened tensions with the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO), bombers and warships are holding a new round of combat drills to cap off what has been a busy month for Russian military activity in the Pacific Region. Russia’s Defense Ministry announced on Thursday that Tu-95 and Tu-22M3 bombers conducted exercises in the Pacific Ocean along with surface vessels from the Pacifi... read more
bilaterals.org12 hours ago
East Africa: Kenya moves to implement trade deal with EU as neighbours lag25-Jun-2021 A communique released after the meeting with EU chiefs indicated Kenya will be allowed to move forward with implementing the agreement, even after EAC member states hold reservations. read more
MJBizDaily12 hours ago
UN report: Cannabis markets likely grew because of pandemicA new report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime says the coronavirus pandemic created circumstances that likely caused cannabis markets in some parts of the world to expand faster than they otherwise would have, particularly in high-income countries. That in turn created opportunities for both criminal as well as legal enterprises – […] UN report: Cannabis markets likely grew because of pandemic is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Watchers » Latest articles12 hours ago
Deadly flooding displaces more than 1 300 people in CrimeaAt least one person died and more than 1 300 were evacuated after severe flooding from heavy rains affected the Crimean Peninsula and parts of Ukraine on June 17, 2021. According to authorities, floodwaters reached up to 5.2 feet (1.6 m) in parts of Kerch City as...... Read more » read more
Global Issues News Headlines12 hours ago
Prevention, only ‘sustainable solution’ to conflict, deputy UN chief tells Nigerian law studentsSpeaking in Nigeria, the UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed has emphasized the importance of prevention as “the only real, sustainable solution” to resolving the challenges thrown up by conflict. Read the full story, “Prevention, only ‘sustainable solution’ to conflict, deputy UN chief tells Nigerian law students”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Brazil’s unicorn Ebanx receives US$430 million that might open road to IPO – newspaperBy Mariana Fonseca, Infomoney RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - If you have bought an international product from Amazon or AliExpress, paid a monthly fee for Spotify or taken an Uber ride, you have used Ebanx unbeknownst to you. The Curitiba-based fintech (Paraná) connects international giants to over 100 payment methods throughout Latin America. Thus, 70 […] The post Brazil’s unicorn Ebanx receives US$430 million that might open road to IPO – newspaper appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Brazil’s second phase tax reform bill proposes tax cuts for individuals, taxes on dividendsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Friday, June 25, Brazil's government unveiled the second phase of its wider tax reform bill, in which it aims to reduce income tax for up to 30 million workers, exempt 16 million from paying any tax at all, and increase levies on financial market capital gains. Brazil's tax system […] The post Brazil’s second phase tax reform bill proposes tax cuts for individuals, taxes on dividends appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
From the Trenches World Report13 hours ago
Seizure of regional websites not free speechPress TV Over 30 Iranian and regional websites have been shut down by the US Justice Department for a number of reasons including disinformation. In... The post Seizure of regional websites not free speech appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Centauri Dreams13 hours ago
How Far Can Civilization Go?
Robert H. Gray, author of The Elusive Wow: Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, has searched for radio signals from other worlds using the Very Large Array and other radio telescopes. You’ll find numerous links to his work in the archives here. In today’s essay, Gray takes a look at a classic benchmark for assessing the energy […] read more
From the Trenches World Report13 hours ago
US Government Seizes The Websites Of PressTV, Pro-Palestinian Media Outlets and MoreThe Last American Vagabond – by Robert Inlakesh This Tuesday notices were put in place, for users seeking to access a number of websites critical... The post US Government Seizes The Websites Of PressTV, Pro-Palestinian Media Outlets and More appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Transgender job quota law seen ‘changing lives’ in ArgentinaRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - (Thomson Reuters Foundation) A law reserving 1% of Argentina’s public sector jobs for transgender people will transform everyday life for the country’s trans community, LGBT+ activists said on Friday after Congress gave final approval for the measure. Senators in the South American country, which already has some of the world’s […] The post Transgender job quota law seen ‘changing lives’ in Argentina appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
Did Heinz Launch a New Condiment Called ‘Mayoreo’?Please no. read more
From the Trenches World Report13 hours ago
William Shatner “Sings” ‘Rocket Man’The post William Shatner “Sings” ‘Rocket Man’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
MJBizDaily13 hours ago
Arizona cannabis businesses recall products for salmonella, moldArizona marijuana retailers have issued a voluntary recall for eight products following the discovery on Wednesday by state regulators that some of the merchandise may have been contaminated with salmonella or a type of mold called aspergillus. Arizona cannabis businesses recall products for salmonella, mold is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Climate Realism14 hours ago
California Dreamin’ Meets Reality: Don’t Charge Your Electric Vehicle During Heat Waves
By Anthony Watts California’s “green dream” of going to 100 percent electric vehicles by 2035 is hitting a major reality roadblock. Last week, during a major heat wave, the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), the agency charged with managing the state’s electric grid, sent out a tweet suggesting electric car owners shouldn’t be charging their […] The post California Dreamin’ Meets Reality: Don’t Charge Your Electric Vehicle During Heat Waves appeared first on Climate Realism. read more
MJBizDaily14 hours ago
Canada’s High Tide buying US marijuana accessory retailerHigh Tide, an Alberta-based cannabis retail chain that owns several cannabis accessory and CBD retailers outside of Canada, is acquiring U.S. online marijuana accessories retailer Daily High Club. Daily High Club shareholders will receive $10 million, comprising $6.75 million in High Tide shares and $3.25 million in cash. In a Friday news release, High Tide […] Canada’s High Tide buying US marijuana accessory retailer is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Need To Know14 hours ago
BlackRock Set to Transfer Trillions in Wealth to ‘Woke’ CompaniesBlackRock is involved in the Great Reset and is poised to steer hundreds of billions and soon trillions in investment to their hand-picked “woke” companies, in the name of climate change, and away from the “not woke” such as oil and gas companies or coal. read more
From the Trenches World Report14 hours ago
Collapsed Miami condo had been sinking into Earth as early as the 1990s, researchers sayYahoo News – USA Today A Florida high-rise that collapsed early Thursday was determined to be unstable a year ago, according to a researcher at... The post Collapsed Miami condo had been sinking into Earth as early as the 1990s, researchers say appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report14 hours ago
Largest US Health Care Union Will Fight Mandatory COVID-19 VaccinesThe Epoch Times – by Jack Phillips The president of the largest union of health care workers in the United States says the organization will fight... The post Largest US Health Care Union Will Fight Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Sustainable Pulse16 hours ago
Maine Bans Aerial Spraying of Harmful Herbicides in State’s ForestsThe Maine Legislature last week approved a proposal to ban aerial spraying of some herbicides, including glyphosate, in the state’s forests, Associated Press reported. The proposal, introduced by Democratic Senate President Troy Jackson, bans the the aerial spraying of glyphosate and other synthetic herbicides as a forest management strategy. Jackson said he was concerned the […] The post Maine Bans Aerial Spraying of Harmful Herbicides in State’s Forests appeared on Sustainable Pulse. read more
Diverse13 hours ago
*TERRENCE CHENG* has been named president of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system. He is currently campus director of the University of Connecticut Stamford campus and a faculty member in the English department. Cheng received his bachelor’s in English from Binghamton University and his MFA in fiction from the University of Miami. read more
CENSORED NEWS13 hours ago
Mohawk Nation News 'Canada and USA Taught Hitler Genocide and Tyranny'Read article and listen to audio at Mohawk Nation News.https://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2021/06/24/canada-usa-taught-hitler-genocide-tyranny-audio/ read more
The National Interest13 hours ago
Why Doesn't Japan Have Its Own Aircraft Carriers?*Robert Farley* *Japan, Asia* The only obstacles are political. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Japan is an exceedingly wealthy country with a large, robust, and technologically sophisticated shipbuilding industry. Japan decided to refit its Izumo-class light carriers to operate the F-35B stealth fighter. So modified, the Izumos will carry about a dozen F-35Bs each, giving the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force a small but significant aviation combat capability. The question now is “what comes next?” *Japan and China* In 2006 Japan laid down the first of two fourteen-thousan... read more
Diverse13 hours ago
*NINA E. KING* has been appointed vice president and director of athletics at Duke University. She will be the first woman athletics director at Duke, where she has been on the athletics department staff for 13 years. King received a bachelor’s degree in accountancy from the University of Notre Dame in Indiana and a J.D. from Tulane Law School in New Orleans. read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
EU Leaders Reject France And Germany's Proposal For A Putin Summit*France 24:* *EU leaders reject France, Germany's proposal for Putin summit* European Union leaders failed to agree on a proposal by France and Germany to hold a summit soon with Russian President Vladimir Putin after Poland and Baltic countries said it would send the wrong message as East-West ties deteriorate. After U.S. President Joe Biden met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva on June 16, French President Emmanuel Macron said the first EU summit with Putin since January 2014 would be "a dialogue to defend our interests". He insisted the EU could not only be rea... read more
Diverse13 hours ago
*JORGE SILVA-PURAS* has been appointed to lead CUNY's School of Professional Studies. Silva-Puras is a government administrator and former CUNY distinguished lecturer who is currently the executive vice president for academic affairs and provost at Sagrado Corazón University in Puerto Rico. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Yale University, a law degree from the University of Puerto Rico and an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin and the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark. read more
Diverse13 hours ago
*MELINDA ANDERSON* has been named executive director of NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. She is currently the interim associate vice chancellor for student success at Elizabeth City State University in North Carolina. Anderson holds a bachelor’s in mass communication and a master’s in adult education from Virginia Commonwealth University as well as a doctorate in higher education from the College of William and Mary in Virginia. read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
Mom with Tiny Cabin Dreams Is Testing Off-Grid Life in Tent on TikTokFollow Christine Blue's journey with her son, dog, cat, and even a couple of horses, all on TikTok. read more
Diverse13 hours ago
*JULIA BERNARD* has been named the first ever vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion at Norwich University, the nation’s oldest private military college. Currently interim chair and associate professor in East Tennessee State University’s Department of Counseling and Human Services, Bernard holds a bachelor’s in psychology, a master’s in marriage and family therapy and a Ph.D. in child development and family studies from Purdue University. read more
Diverse14 hours ago
*NORMA V. CANTÚ* has been appointed chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, making her the first Latina to hold the position. Cantú is a professor of education and professor of law at the University of Texas at Austin, where she specializes in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and education law. She previously served as assistant secretary of education for civil rights during the Clinton administration. She holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School. read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
BMW counts on Brazil’s economic rebound to boost salesRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - BMW AG projects to sell significantly more premium cars in Brazil this year as it expects Latin America's largest economy to emerge from the pandemic into a period of sustainable recovery. The German automaker expects its sales in Brazil to increase 10% over 2019 figures as vaccination accelerates and the […] The post BMW counts on Brazil’s economic rebound to boost sales appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Free Thought Project14 hours ago
No Charges Despite Cop Shooting and Killing Unarmed Young Woman on Video[image: vehicle]Despite video showing a police officer senselessly executing a young woman in her vehicle, the DA decided not to criminally charge him. read more
Snopes.com14 hours ago
Is Celine Dion a Las Vegas Knights Fan?Two NHL teams are fighting over the fandom of the "My Heart Will Go On" singer. read more
Science 2.0 blogs14 hours ago
Cheese Is Already GMO, Consumers Now Also Want Real Cheese With No Cows Involved At AllCheese and insulin are two products most people don't realize were GMOs long before they became the target of anti-science groups. GMOs were instead embraced by activists like Rachel Carson, who saw them as a way to produce a lot more of things like insulin - no pigs needed - while using a lot fewer pesticides for plant crops. In western nations it remains controversial - though a weedkiller has been found safe by European science authorities yet again it is "socially dead" - but elsewhere not only is science still acceptable, people want more of it. read more read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
With IPO approaching, partners declare war on Brazil’s Smart Fit owner -newspaperRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - With SmartFit's, Latin America's largest fitness chain, initial public offering approaching, dark clouds are brewing over its founder Edgar Corona. The concerns of Edgar Corona go beyond the supreme court's Fake News investigation. Corona also seems to be fighting a war with his gym network partners, as 'Veja' reports today. […] The post With IPO approaching, partners declare war on Brazil’s Smart Fit owner -newspaper appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Funk dance in Paraisópolis: nine São Paulo State Police officers charged with manslaughterRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Nine State Police officers have been charged by the São Paulo Civil Police with involuntary manslaughter, for the action that resulted in the death of 9 youths at a funk dance in Paraisópolis, a favela in the capital's south zone, in December 2019. The investigation has not yet been completed […] The post Funk dance in Paraisópolis: nine São Paulo State Police officers charged with manslaughter appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Free Thought Project15 hours ago
WATCH: Off-Duty Road Raging Cop Chases Down Teen, Shoots Him — NOT Arrested[image: road rage]An off duty cop chased down a teen in a fit of road rage, shot him on video, and has not been arrested or charged. read more
Children's Health Defense15 hours ago
CDC, FDA Prepare Mass Distribution of a Merck/Sanofi Six-in-One Vaccine for Kids, Turning Blind Eye to Safety SignalsThe FDA approved Vaxelis in late 2018, but only now is the shot being readied for widespread distribution — in Europe, where infants have been given six-in-one vaccines for years (including Vaxelis since 2016), the vaccines have been associated with reports of sudden infant death. The post CDC, FDA Prepare Mass Distribution of a Merck/Sanofi Six-in-One Vaccine for Kids, Turning Blind Eye to Safety Signals appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
No More Mister Nice Blog15 hours ago
MUCH OF THE RIGHT-WING MEDIA BURIES MIKE PENCE'S APOSTASYAs I told you in my last post, Mike Pence gave a speech last night at the Reagan Presidential Library in which he proudly defended the Donald Trump presidency, but also said he made the right decision on January 6 when he didn't step in to try to overturn the results of the presidential election. Pence, without naming Trump, says "there are those in our party who believe that... I possess the authority to reject or return Electoral Votes. But the constitution provides no such authority." "I understand the disappointment many feel... I can relate. I was on the ballot." pic.twitter.co... read more
The Aviationist15 hours ago
HH-60G Pilot Gives Incredibly Detailed Walkaround Tour Of The Pave Hawk[image: HH-60G Pave Hawk] 41st Rescue Squadron’s pilot Captain White shares with us his extensive knowledge of the HH-60G helicopter with the freshly repainted Heritage Pave Hawk. The Sikorsky HH-60G Pave Hawk is the U.S. Air Force’s sole rotary [...] The post HH-60G Pilot Gives Incredibly Detailed Walkaround Tour Of The Pave Hawk appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
The Conservative Socrates13 hours ago
Churchill’s Operation UnthinkableIn May 1945, on the order of Prime Minister Churchill, the British Military created a war plan called Operation Unthinkable which was based on the hypothesis that Hitler’s defeat marked a hiatus in the Second World War and not the end, and that there could soon be a war with the Soviet Union. The operation’s primary goal was stated as "to impose upon Russia the will of the United States and the British Empire. Even though 'the will' of these two countries may be defined as no more than a square deal for Poland, that does not necessarily limit the military commitment” A war with the ... read more
The Watchers » Latest articles14 hours ago
C/2014 UN271 (Bernardinelli-Bernstein) - the largest comet ever discoveredComet Bernardinelli-Bernstein (C/2014 UN271) -- the largest comet ever discovered -- is heading towards our solar system and forecast to make its closest approach in 2031 at 10.1 AU or slightly farther than Saturn. The current estimate suggests its nucleus is...... Read more » read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
F-15EX vs. F-35: Why Stealth Wins Every Single Time*Mark Episkopos* *F-35 vs. F-15EX, * A side-by-side comparison between these two aircraft leaves no room for ambiguity as to which is the better choice for countering the increasingly sophisticated threats posed by America’s great-power competitors. Boeing’s F-15EX is among the U.S. Air Force’s (USAF’s) latest procurements, with the service moving forward with plans to purchase as many as 144 units through the mid-2030s. But how does the F-15EX stack up against USAF’s other major acquisition, the F-35 fifth-generation fighter? *F-15EX, Explained* The F-15EX is an advanced develo... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
No Plane Can Touch America's F-22 Raptor*Robert Farley* *F-22, Americas* The U.S. Air Force probably wishes it ordered more. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The F-22 has enjoyed the unusual distinction of holding an almost universally acknowledged dominance in the core air superiority mission for over a decade, and yet has not participated in a consequential way in any military conflict. The F-22 has been the world’s most formidable air superiority fighter since it first entered service in 2005. Although the Raptor has yet to kill a target in anger, aviation specialists almost unanimously agree that it can outclass an... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Kim Jong-un's Demand for Self-Reliance Risks North Korean Lives*Spencer D. Bakich* *North Korea, Asia* Since his assumption of power in December 2011, Kim Jong-un reinforced the state ideology of juche, which emphasizes the principles of self-sufficiency and independence in a hostile world. The past year and a half have not been kind to North Korea. The country has been buffeted by numerous disasters which, collectively, have taken a toll on the population. While it is impossible to know with certainty the degree to which North Koreans are suffering from Covid-19, the health and economic impacts of the pandemic have been significant. Lacking... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Kamala Is Smiling: Child Tax Credit Stimulus Checks Are Coming*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Child Tax Credit, * Parents should also be on the lookout for two letters that have been mailed out by the IRS. The first letter will head to individuals who may be eligible to receive the credits, and the second, more personalized letter will state the estimated amount of their monthly checks. In only three weeks, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will be saddled with the unenviable task of disbursing millions of expanded child tax credits that were approved under President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan. And in a concerted effort to help eligible families... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Why the West Must Stand With Ukraine*Arseniy Yatsenyuk* *Ukraine, Europe* In order not to lose other Russia forever, the West must do everything possible and more to integrate Ukraine and other countries in Eastern Europe into a United Europe, and therefore into NATO and the EU. This is exactly what Mr. Putin fears. It proves that Russia too can be free and that Putin is not indispensable. Berlin and Paris want to pretend that Russia is a normal country. They suggested inviting Russian President Vladimir Putin to an EU summit for the first time since Russia forcibly annexed Crimea in 2014. Voiced after the summit... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Could Submarines Soon Act as Underwater Drone Motherships?*Robert Farley* *Drones, Americas* Drones are the future of warfare and America is racing to build them. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Washington's latest idea is to have a drone-carrying submarine. Imagine a future in which nuclear attack submarines (SSNs) can deploy undersea drones (UUVs) to hunt, and possibly kill, enemy subs. The U.S. Navy, at least, is taking steps to make this a reality. What impact could this have? On the one hand, UUVs could shake modern antisubmarine warfare (ASW) to its core, making existing platforms vulnerable or obsolete. On the other hand, the de... read more
The Duran14 hours ago
Very smart, El Salvador to give $30 in Bitcoin to every citizen
Very smart, El Salvador to give $30 in Bitcoin to every citizen ****News Topic 455***** El Salvador to airdrop $30 in Bitcoin to every adult citizen Every Salvadoran adult who downloads the government’s Bitcoin wallet app will be eligible for an airdrop of $30 worth of BTC. El Salvador to airdrop $30 in Bitcoin to […] read more
Snopes.com14 hours ago
No-Hitter No. 7: Cubs Blank Dodgers, Tie MLB Season RecordThe Cubs’ fearsome bullpen teamed up with starter Zach Davies for the first combined no-hitter in franchise history. read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Why Some Americans Never Received Their Stimulus Check*Stephen Silver* *Stimulus, * The CARES Act, passed earlier in the pandemic in 2020, had expressly banned garnishment of the stimulus checks, but no secure provision was included in the American Rescue Plan Act earlier this year. *Here's What You Need to Remember: * In 2020, when stimulus checks went out, those were intercepted as well, although, per the Californian report, the state went on to respond with “a good-faith effort to halt garnishments on the second and third rounds of stimulus checks.” The pandemic changed things for city and state governments in many ways, with th... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Five Wars That America Should Have Stayed Out Of*Robert Farley* *Security, World* Avoiding bad wars is perhaps the most important responsibility of leadership. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Not every war is worth the cost. In the debate that preceded the 2003 Iraq War, we became enamored of the distinction between “wars of choice” and “wars of necessity.” Opponents of the Iraq War decried it as a “choice,” while supporters insisted on its “necessity.” Unfortunately, like many aspects of that debate, that framing was entirely wrong; America has faced vanishingly few wars of “necessity,” but some of our wars of “choice” have... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Not Just Stimulus: The IRS Is Sending Extra Money to Americans*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Tax Refund, * For most people still without the refunds, the IRS says the best course of action is to wait patiently—as it has already confirmed that it will automatically adjust tax returns if they qualify for the unemployment refund. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Be aware that the IRS has already sent out more than eight million of the so-called “plus-up” or supplemental checks. These top-off funds, according to the agency, are for taxpayers “who earlier in March received payments based on their 2019 tax returns but are eligible for a new or larger pa... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Fat, Slow, and Monstrous: The Tanks of World War I Terrorized the Battlefield*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* World War I tanks were not particularly useful, but they did inspire fear. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The early tanks were plagued by reliability problems and hellish to be inside. But they *terrified *the Germans. “We heard strange throbbing noises, and lumbering slowly towards us came three huge mechanical monsters such as we had never seen before,” remembered Bert Chaney, a 19-year-old officer in the Signal Corps of the British Army. “My first impression was that they looked ready to topple on their noses, but their tails ... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
It’s Not Just Russia and China Who Flout the Rules-Based Order*Brian Clark* *Russia, China, World* Before the Biden administration reorients American foreign policy to defend some alleged ruled-based order from its rivals, it would be better to first examine America’s own behavior. A principal foreign policy goal of the Biden administration is to defend the rule-based order. Antony Blinken, Biden’s secretary of state, evokes the goal constantly. For example, during his opening remarks when meeting with China’s top diplomats in Alaska, he told his counterparts that the Biden administration “…is committed to leading with diplomacy to advance... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Italy’s Stipa-Caproni Aircraft Is Real, Even Though It Looks like a Toy*Caleb Larson* *Italy, Europe* [image: https://live.staticflickr.com/232/490852661_e7eaea52cd_b.jpg] It actually flew! *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Buoyed by the Italian government funding of his project, and interest in his work from the Italian aeronautics community, Stipa patented his design in Italy, the United States, and Germany. His oddball design was even picked up and studied by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, or NACA, the precursor to NASA. The Stipa-Caproni was an experimental airplane designed by the Italian aeronautical engineer and aircraf... read more
The Duran14 hours ago
EU Splits on Russia As Merkel and Macron Want Talks With Putin
EU Splits on Russia As Merkel and Macron Want Talks With Putin News Topic 200 read more
the daily howler15 hours ago
HIS LATEST COLUMN: Steubenville turned to a phonics-rich program?*FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2021* *Does this explanation make sense?:* In his latest column in the Washington Post, Jay Mathews speaks in praise of Karin Chenoweth's new book. “Districts That Succeed: Breaking the Correlation Between Race, Poverty, and Achievement.” That's the full title of the very short, very expensive book—of the very short and expensive book no one will ever discuss. We know that no one will ever discuss Chenoweth's book because no one ever does. In fact, people don't care about books like this. Just consider Chenoweth's earlier books, listed here along with her current... read more
Organizing Notes15 hours ago
The Totem Pole journeyThe road that leads to death is not an option. At this point in history we are summoning all the forces of life that run through everything to come together in a common, collective fight. From the ancestors to our grandchildren....we draw the line. read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
How? This Russian Nuclear Submarine Sank Twice (TWICE)*Robert Farley* *Submarines, Eurasia* Even though Moscow could build good subs, it still made errors. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Cold War forced the USSR to compete with the United States, a state that enjoyed huge advantages. The Cold War saw numerous submarine accidents, especially on the Soviet side. For much of its existence, the USSR tried to maintain a world-beating military with a second-rate economy. Throughout the era, the Soviets struggled to maintain their magnificent weapons of war. In the effort to close this gap, the crews of Soviet submarines often paid wi... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Why the Supersonic Soviet MiG-25 Interceptor Was a Joke*Robert Farley* *Russia, Eurasia* It was one of the most awesome, yet most misunderstood, fighters of the Cold War. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Foxbat's mission disappeared almost as soon as it entered service. The MiG-25 (NATO reporting name: Foxbat) was one of the most awesome, yet most misunderstood, fighters of the Cold War. Envisioned as an interceptor designed to destroy U.S. supersonic bombers and high-flying spy planes, the Foxbat also put its high speed to good use as a reconnaissance aircraft and, to less good effect, as a fighter-bomber. The Foxbat also became... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
It’s a Big World: The Importance of Diversity in American Foreign Policy*George Beebe* *Foreign Policy, Americas* Diversity in the U.S. foreign policy community helps ensure that our government officials “look like America” and consider a range of views in making policy choices. When it comes to the who in making foreign policy, inclusivity is in. IN JUNE 1963, with memories of the Cuban missile crisis still fresh, President John F. Kennedy delivered a commencement address at American University in which he posited a key goal for U.S. foreign policy: “If [the United States and Soviet Union] cannot end now our differences, at least we can make the wo... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
America and the March Toward Modern Conflict*James Jay Carafano* *National Security, Americas* Truth is, the future ain’t what it used to be and will be. There is no better example of how history is enlisted to fight future wars than the “principles of war.” This laundry list of how to fight, incorporated in American military doctrine, has been around for centuries. The principles are based entirely on past military experience, yet despite their ancient origins, they retain their relevance for contemporary conflicts. As states took on a more comprehensive role in organizing societies for war, teaching their militaries ho... read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil’s current account deficit shrinks to smallest in over 13 yearsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil’s balance of payments position with the world improved again in May, central bank figures showed on Friday, as the second consecutive monthly current account surplus shrank the rolling 12-month deficit to its smallest in more than 13 years. Latin America’s largest economy also attracted a combined US$7.2 billion of […] The post Brazil’s current account deficit shrinks to smallest in over 13 years appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Bayou Renaissance Man15 hours ago
"Have we been under attack from China and didn’t know it?"That's the $64,000 question from American Thinker as it analyzes the recent defection of a senior Chinese official. The article raises several critical issues. Dong Jingwei is a Chinese defector working with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). He served as Vice Minister of State Security in the Chinese Ministry of Defense. Before defecting, he was responsible for the counterintelligence efforts in China. He was in a position to know about all things “espionage” in China and is perhaps the highest-level Chinese defector the U.S. has ever had. Even though the legacy media... read more
PopularResistance.Org15 hours ago
Indian Farmers’ Protest Completes 200 DaysEarly January this year, while responding to a journalist’s query about the perseverance displayed by India’s farmers even after several rounds of failed negotiations with the Government of India, Rakesh Tikait of Bhartiya Kisan Union had evoked the everyday struggle of a peasant in the field. “Resilience is in our blood. Every year after sowing seeds, we wait patiently for months on end to reap the harvest. It is back-breaking work in difficult conditions. Often, a drought or an untimely hailstorm wreaks it all and smashes all our hopes for a better yield and income. Yet, we pers... read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
Habs Win!Congratulations to the Montreal Canadians for moving on to the final round and a chance to play for the Stanley Cup. Question… is the pandemic over in Quebec? In Manitoba we’re not even sure if we’re allowed to get a haircut yet. read more
Need To Know15 hours ago
‘Smart’ Thermostats in Texas Homes Are Being Accessed Remotely and Turned Up Due to an Energy ShortageMany 'smart' thermostats have been enrolled in a program called "Smart Savers Texas." The agreement states that in exchange for an entry into sweepstakes, electric customers allowtheir thermostats to be controlled during periods of high energy demand. This is the peril of having internet accessible devices in the home. read more
PopularResistance.Org15 hours ago
Supreme Court limits California Union Recruiting In Favor Of Property RightsIn a blow to labor, the U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a decades-old California rule inspired by César Chávez that allowed union organizers to meet with farmworkers at their place of work. Commercial growers applauded the conservative court’s ruling to uphold property rights while union representatives vowed not to be deterred. Two agricultural producers filed suit after organizers with the United Farm Workers sought to access their property to speak with farmworkers. The plaintiffs in Cedar Point Nursery v Hassid, Cedar Point Nursery and Fowler Packing Company, argued the Califor... read more
PopularResistance.Org15 hours ago
Honoring The Movement To End Discrimination Against LGBTQ PeopleJune is Pride Month – a time set aside to honor the Stonewall uprising, which launched the movement to end discriminatory laws against LGBTQ people – and to remember the many important cultural and legislative victories since that pivotal summer in 1969. This year, the celebration occurs under the cloud of more than 125 anti-LGBTQ bills that have been introduced in state legislatures, many targeting children who identify as transgender by denying them access to lifesaving medical treatment, banning them from participating in sports or using the restroom. This is up markedly from l... read more
PopularResistance.Org15 hours ago
What Really Happened On JuneteenthIf you saw my column about Juneteenth posted here over the last few days, or a previous version on the website of Be’chol Lashon several years ago, or a video version currently presented by Be’chol Lashon, you would know I had bittersweet feelings about the history of the day. I no longer do. I am outraged by it. My change in emotion comes after learning from historian friends that the oft-repeated tale of Union soldiers arriving in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865 to inform enslaved African Americans that they were free is pure fiction. Not because they weren’t legally freed 2-... read more
Need To Know15 hours ago
NY University Bioethicist Proposes Creating Smaller Humans to Address Global WarmingMatthew Laio pitched the idea of reducing the size of humans by 15 centimeters (six inches) for a mass reduction of 25%. He also proposed creating a meat allergy through human engineering so that people will stop eating meat. read more
PopularResistance.Org15 hours ago
‘War In The woods’: Hundreds Of Anti-Logging Protesters ArrestedPolice in western Canada have arrested more than 270 people as a conflict over old growth logging in British Columbia’s ancient rainforests continues to grow. At the protest blockades in the remote woodland, hundreds of activists have been chaining themselves to giant tripods made from the trunks of felled trees, suspending themselves in trees for days or more at a time, and even securing their arms inside devices called “sleeping dragons” cemented into the roadway. The movement is an attempt to pressure the British Columbia government to halt the cutting of what activists and ex... read more
PopularResistance.Org15 hours ago
Nonviolent Protest Over Voting Rights Ends With Arrests In DCActivists with the national Poor People's Campaign were arrested Wednesday after blocking a street in front of the Hart Senate building in Washington, D.C. to demand passage of the For the People Act, a popular voting rights expansion bill that Republicans successfully filibustered just 24 hours earlier. After rallying in front of the U.S. Supreme Court, hundreds of low-wage workers, faith leaders, and advocates—including residents of West Virginia, Kentucky, and several other states—marched to the nearby Senate building to demand meetings with Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) ... read more
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